英语口语教学大纲 (2)
《Oral English 2 Syllabus (英语口语2 Gosia) 》课程教学大纲

DONGGUAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYYuetai DepartmentCourse SyllabusSpring 2019Instructor InformationCourse InformationAssessment and GradingCourse DescriptionThis course is designed for under graduate students who are non-native speakers of English in order to develop their listening and speaking skills in the target language. Activities will include practicing vocabulary and core grammar structures, speaking on given topics and analysing the presented data. Student will be expected to do their homework in a spoken form, participate actively in the classroom activities and fulfil all the other given assignments. The overall grade from the course will be established on the basis of the progress the Ss make throughout the duration of the course. Actual content of the course will depend on the preliminary needs and level analysis, and is a subject to change as the course proceeds. Those are only sample modules. Course ObjectivesBy the end of this course, learners should be able to:(a) communicate with others in the target language in practical situations;(b) express their thoughts with greater fluency and accuracy;(c) handle themselves in the target language in a variety of written contexts, from short to long forms;(d) produce grammatically correct sentences;Course Policies(1) Attendance and participationAttendance is required. You are expected to actively participate in class activities. (2) AssignmentsAt few separate times during the semester, you will be responsible for finishing a spoken assignment from either the things that were covered in the classroom before or the material of your choice. The instructor will provide individual feedback. Itwill be stored and will provide further feedback for Ss on their progress throughout the course.Course ExpectationsAttendance and ParticipationSince this course is an oral communication course, attendance and active participation is mandatory. Full attendance means arriving on time, remaining present, actively participating in class discussions, and completing assignments and readings before theclass meets. You may be absent for one class without penalty to your attendance grade; any additional absences will affect your grade. If an absence is unavoidable, please speak with the instructor prior to your absence where possible.Technology in the ClassroomPlease do NOT bring your laptops to class (unless we are using them for a specific class activity). Cell phones should be silenced and put away (i.e., not on desktops or laps) for the duration of class.Late AssignmentsIf, for some reason, you are unable to turn in an assignment on time, please discuss the issue with the instructor as early as possible. Late assignments with no explanation may lose points.Academic Integrity & PlagiarismPlagiarism is using someone else’s words, ideas, and/or data in your work and treating it as your own by either not citing it or by citing it inappropriately. Plagiarism is a very serious issue in any university system.Dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated in this course. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. Students who are found to be dishonest will receive academic sanctions and will be reported to the University’s Management office for possible further disciplinary sanction.Course Schedule。

---英语口语教学大纲一、课程基本信息1. 课程名称:英语口语2. 英文名称:Oral English3. 课程代码:XXX4. 学分:25. 学时:32(理论学时:24,实验学时:8)6. 课程类别:专业基础必修课7. 适用专业:对外汉语、英语、国际贸易等8. 适用对象:本科生9. 先修课程:英语精读、英语听说、英语语音二、课程目标1. 培养学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。
2. 提高学生的英语口语流利度、准确性和得体性。
3. 帮助学生掌握基本的英语口语表达技巧和策略。
4. 增强学生的跨文化交际意识和能力。
三、教学内容1. 基本口语表达技巧2. 日常交际用语3. 专业领域口语表达4. 口语听力训练5. 口语交际策略6. 跨文化交际四、教学方法1. 案例分析法2. 角色扮演法3. 小组讨论法4. 情景模拟法5. 任务型教学法6. 观看视频、音频资料等五、教材与参考书目1. 教材:- 《英语口语教程》,姚保慧主编,高教出版社- 《剑桥流利英语口语》4册,祁尧珊编译,外语教学与研究出版社2. 参考书目:- 《英语中级口语》,吴祯福主编,外语教学与研究出版社- 《英语口语大全》,梁成锦编著,外语教学与研究出版社- 《通俗美语会话》,杨芳林、杨学义编译,外语教学与研究出版社 - 《美国口语思维》,朱红梅、高山编著,中山大学出版社- 《英语口语句型》,陈昆才编著,广州市科学技术大学出版社六、考核方式1. 课堂表现(30%)2. 口语测试(40%)3. 作业完成情况(20%)4. 期末考试(10%)七、教学进度安排(根据具体教学计划填写)八、课程特色1. 注重实践,强调学生口语实际运用能力的培养。
2. 结合实际情境,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。
3. 采用多种教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。

英语口语中级课程教学大纲课程英文名称:Oral English (2)课程编号:0400342 学时:2.0 学分:32一、课程教学对象《英语口语(中级)》教学对象是非英语专业(四年制)公共英语类基础阶段二年级上学期的学生,是必修课程之一。
通过外教的课堂教学,为学生提供较好的真实语言环境,养成良好的口头交际习惯: 清晰、流畅、达意,培养学生用简单而基本正确的英语表达思想的能力;同时训练学生思维清楚,表达具有一定的逻辑性,为以后深入学习复杂抽象话题的口语表达打下基础。
四、课程的主要内容、基本要求和学时分配建议(总学时数: 32)建议使用教材及参考书1、教材:吴祯福主编《英语中级口语》[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20032、参考书:[1] 留海燕英语口语教程(二)[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2005[2] 李华东新世纪英语口语教程[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002[3] 李丹红《《英语口语教程——21世纪高校英语专业基础课系列教材下》[M]. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2001[4] 崔琳琳,林立大学英语演讲教程(附光盘)[M]. 北京: 外文出版社,2004[5] 王斌公共英语演讲教程[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005六、课程考核方式该课程考核以口试为主,以百分制计,期末考试占总成绩的70%;将教学环节中学生平时表现(出勤率、课堂发言和讨论等)纳入评定成绩,占总成绩的30%。

《英语口语》教学大纲一、课程说明1.课程代码: 1070112.课程中文名称: 英语口语3.课程英文名称: English Speaking4.课程总学时数: 685.课程学分数: 26.授课对象:英语专业一年级学生7.本课程的性质、地位和作用本课程是英语专业的专业基础课。
三、学时分配学时数章节内容(序号) 理论实践、实验总学时Book IUnit 1 Introductions and greetings 2 0 2How to start a conversation;Unit 2 2 0 2How to ask for informationHow to ask for directions;Unit 3 2 0 2How to give directionsHow to Make a DateUnit 4 2 0 2How to Ask for PermissionLikes and dislikes; Show Unit 5 agreements and 2 0 2disagreementsHow to ask for help and howUnit 6 2 0 2to offer helpHow to make a suggestion Unit 7 2 0 2and how to give adviceHow to complain and how to Unit 8 2 0 2 persuadeUnit 9 Oral Practice 2 0 2How to ApologizeUnit 10 2 0 2How to ForgiveUnit 11 How to talk about future and 2 0 2 how to talk aboutpossibilitiesHow to Talk about PastUnit 12 2 0 2EventsHow to Describe ThingsUnit 13 2 0 2How to Describe PlacesHow to Talk about the FutureUnit 14 2 0 2Talk about the possibilitiesHow to Describe PeopleUnit 15 2 0 2How to Make ClarificationsHow to Ask Personal Unit 16 2 0 2QuestionsBook IIUnit 1 Meeting New Friends 2 0 2 Unit 2 Schedules and Appointments 2 0 2Unit 3 Interview 2 0 2 Unit 4 Seeing a Doctor 2 0 2 Unit 5 Meals and Restaurant 2 0 2Unit 6 Shopping 2 0 2 Unit 7 Housing 2 0 2 Unit 8 Telephone 2 0 2 Unit 9 Oral Practice 2 0 2 Unit 10 Sports 2 0 2 Unit 11 Personal Relationship 2 0 2 Unit 12 Gift-giving 2 0 2 Unit 13 Family 2 0 2 Unit 14 Entertainment 2 0 2 Unit 15 Fashion 2 0 2 Unit 16 Independence 2 0 2Unit 17 Holidays 2 0 2 Unit 18 Oral Practice 2 0 268 0 68 合计四、大纲内容新编英语口语教程 Book I Unit 1 Introductions and greetings【本章教学目的、要求】:通过本单元的学习,掌握中西方文化在介绍方面的差异,学会英语介绍自己和别人的基本句式。

大学英语口语课程教课纲领一、层次与学制:本科,四年制二、教课时数: 134 学时,第一、二、三、四学期开设;周学时2三、合用专业:非外语专业四、课程性质与任务本课程为一门重要的必修的基础技术课程,主要经过讲堂口语实践,充足唤起学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生经过汲取丰富的料想,迅速提升听闻能力,深入认识各国文化和社会知识,训练学生用英语进行思虑,有效培育他们的英语社交能力。
六、教材与教课参照书教材:《流利英语口语教程》《 Inside Out》第一、二、三、四册, Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones, Jon Hird,上国外语教育第一版社(2007 年 4 月)(特点教材)教课参照书:每册包含学生用书、教师用书、拓展练习册、video CD 录像、 CD-ROM 多媒体光盘、测试光盘。

《英语口语》课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程代码:1101219001课程名称(中/英文):英语口语/Oral English课程类别:外语类通识拓展选修课程学分:2总学时:32理论学时:32实验/实践学时:0适用专业:四年制本科非英语专业(艺术、音乐专业除外)适用对象:四年制本科生先修课程:大学英语(1)、大学英语(2)教学环境:多媒体、网络开课学院:外国语学院二、课程简介1.课程任务与目的英语口语属于外语类通识拓展选修课程。

第一学期教授第一册第1 – 9课,第二学期教授第10 – 18课;第三学期教授第二册第1 –9课,第四学期教授第10 – 18课。
4.Family Album, U.S.A. 学习版,新版,湖北教育出版社,阶梯股份有限公司。

第一册Unit 1 Introduction and Greetings教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to introduce and greet/ Making New Friends教学难点:how to make new friendsUnit 2 Invitations and Announcements教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to invite and announce/ An Invitation to Dinner教学难点:how to invite peopleUnit 3 Requests and Offers教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to Request and Offer/ Higher Education in America教学难点:how to make requests and offers and how to respondUnit 4 Apologies and Thanks教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to apology and thank/ Time and Appointments教学难点:how to apology and thankUnit 5 Suggestions and Advice教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to suggest and advise/ Libraries教学难点:how to apology and thankUnit 6 Warnings and Commands教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to warn and command/ Halloween教学难点:how to apology and thankUnit 7 Congratulations, Compliments and Holiday Greetings教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to congratulate / A Christmas away from Home教学难点:how to make Congratulations, Compliments and Holiday Greetings Unit 8 Likes, Dislikes and Preferences教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to speak/ Eating Habits教学难点:how to talk about likes , dislikes and preferencesUnit 9 Worry, Concerns and Sympathy教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to worry and concern/ A Contrast in Life Styles教学难点:how to express worry, concern and sympathyUnit 10 Approval and Disapproval教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to Approve and Disapprove/ Money教学难点:how to express approval and disapprovalUnit 11 Disappointment and Regret教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to speak about Disappointment and Regret/ Where Are Your Manners 教学难点:how to express disappointment and regretUnit 12 Encouragement and Surprise教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to Encourage and Surprise/ Family教学难点:how to express Encouragement and SurpriseUnit 13 Directions and Instructions教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to give Directions and Instructions / Children教学难点:how to talk about directions and instructionsUnit 14 Blame and Complaints教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to Blame and Complain / Woman’s Role Today教学难点:how to express Blame and ComplaintsUnit15 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to Satisfyand Dissatisfy/ Exams教学难点:how to express Satisfaction and DissatisfactionUnit 16 Certainty and Doubt教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to be Certainty and Doubt/ E-mail教学难点:how to express Encouragement and SurpriseUnit 17 Views and Opinions教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to express Views and Opinions/ talk about hobbies教学难点:how to express express Views and OpinionsUnit 18 Plan and intention教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to speak about Plan and intention/summer holidays教学难点:how to express Plan and intention第二册Unit 1 Possibility and Impossibility教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to speak about Possibility and Impossibility / Ways of Travelling教学难点:how to express Possibility and ImpossibilityUnit 2 Concentration and Interruption教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to speak about Concentration and Interruption / Customs Inspection, Customs Declaration 教学难点:how to express Concentration and InterruptionUnit 3 Interest and Boredom教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about Interest and Boredom / Sightseeing in the UK教学难点:how to express Interest and BoredomUnit 4 Insisting and Urging教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about Insisting and Urging / Sightseeing in the US教学难点:how to express Insisting and UrgingUnit5 Reassuring and Persuading教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about Reassuring and Persuading / Hotel Reservations教学难点:how to express Reassuring and PersuadingUnit6 condition and concession教学时数:理论和实践共4节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about condition and concession/Business Nigotiations教学难点:how to express condition and concessionUnit 7 Deducing and Concluding教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about Deducing and Concluding / Body Language教学难点:how to express Deducing and ConcludingUnit 8 Obligation and Necessity教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about Obligation and Necessity / Environmental Protection教学难点:how to express Obligation and NecessityUnit 9 Defining and exemplifying教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about Defining and exemplifying / British English and American English 教学难点:how to express Defining and exemplifyingUnit 10 Curiosity and ignorance教学时数:理论和实践共6节教学内容:Part A: way to speakPart B: challenge to speakPart C: topic to discussPart D: fun to speak教学重点:way to talk about Curiosity and ignorance / Superstition教学难点:how to express Curiosity and ignorance实训教学教学时数:每期机动安排2-4课时教学内容:1、观摩英语口语大赛或英语演讲比赛录像;2、观看英文录像。

《英语口语》课程教学大纲English Speaking课程编码:课程类别:必修课程总学分: 2总学时: 32周学时: 16适用专业:非语言类所有专业开课单位:授课教师:一、课程性质大学英语视听说教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语视听说课程是大学生的必修基础课之一。
2.口头表达能力:能用英语就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话; 能较好地表达个人意见、情感、观点等;能陈述事实、理由和描述事件或物品等;能就熟悉的观点、概念、理论等进行阐述、解释、比较、总结等。
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三、教学时数:周学时数 2 ,总学时数68
(1)《英语初级口语》1993,《英语中级口语》1992,《英语高级口语》1993 吴祯福主编外语教学与研究出版社
(3)《大学英语口语教程》梅德明主编上海译文出版社 2001
(4)《英语口语》Jody Marshall、祁文慧、潘飞南编著清华大学出版社2005
(5)《适用英语交际口语》何高大、曹丽英著中南大学出版社 2003