
2019年6月大学英语六级考试仔细阅读真题解析(卷二)SectionCDirections:Thereare2passagesinthissection.Eachpassageisfollowedbys omequestionsorunfinishedstatements.Foreachofthemtherearefourchoicesma rkedA),B),C)andD).Youshoulddecideonthebestchoiceandmarkthecorrespondi ngletteronAnswerSheet2withasinglelinethroughthecentre.PassageOneQuestions46to50arebasedonthefollowingpassage.Economicallyspeaking,arewebetteroffthanweweretenyearsago?Twentyyea rsago?Intheirthirstforevidenceonthisissue,commentatorsseizedontherecentr eportbytheCensusBureau,whichfoundthataveragehouseholdincomeroseby5.2% in2019.Unfortunately,thatconclusionputstoomuchweightonauseful,butflaw edandincomplete,statistic.AmongthemoresignificantproblemswiththeCensu s’smeasurearethat:1)itexcludestaxes,transfers,andcompensationlikeempl oyer-providedhealthinsurance;and2)itisbasedonsurveysratherthandata.Ev enifpreciselymeasured,incomedataexcludeimportantdeterminantsofeconomi cwell-being,suchasthehoursofworkneededtoearnthatincome.Whilethinkingaboutthequestion,wecameacrossarecentlypublishedarticl ebyCharlesJonesandPeterKlenow,whichproposesaninterestingnewmeasureofe conomicwelfare.Whilebynomeansperfect,itisconsiderablymorecomprehensiv ethanaverageincome,takingintoaccountnotonlygrowthinconsumptionperpers onbutalsochangesinworkingtime,lifeexpectancy,andinequality.Moreover,i tcanbeusedtoassesseconomicperformancebothacrosscountriesandovertime.TheJones-Klenowmethodcanbeillustratedbyacross-countryexample.Suppo sewewanttocomparetheeconomicwelfareofcitizensoftheU.S.andFrancein2019 .In2019,astheauthorsobserve,realconsumptionperpersoninFrancewasonly 60%ashighastheU.S.,makingitappearthatAmericanswereeconomicallymuchbet teroffthantheFrenchonaverage.However,thatcomparisonomitsotherrelevant factors:leisuretime,lifeexpectancy,andeconomicinequality.TheFrenchtak elongervacationsandretireearlier,sotypicallyworkfewerhours;theyenjoya higherlifeexpectancy,presumablyreflectingadvantageswithrespecttohealt hcare,diet,lifestyle,andthelike;andincomeandconsumptionaresomewhatmor eequallydistributedtherethanintheU.S.Becauseofthesedifferences,compar ingFrance’sconsumptionwiththeU.S.’soverstatesthegapineconomicwelfare.SimilarcalculationscanbeusedtocomparetheU.S.andothercountries.Fore xample,thiscalculationputseconomicwelfareintheUnitedKingdomat97%ofU.S .levels,butestimatesMexicanwell-beingat22%.TheJones-Klenowmeasurecanalsoassessaneconomy’sperformanceovertime. Accordingtothismeasure,asoftheearly-to-mid-2019s,theU.S.hadthehighest economicwelfareofanylargecountry.Since2019,economicwelfareintheU.S.ha scontinuedtoimprove.However,thepaceofimprovementhasslowedmarkedly.Methodologically,thelessonfromtheJones-Klenowresearchisthateconomicwelfareismulti-dimensional.Theirapproachisflexibleenoughthatinprinci pleotherimportantquality-oflifechangescouldbeincorporated—forexample ,decreasesintotalemissionsofpollutantsanddeclinesincrimerates.全文翻译及命题分析从经济上讲,我们的生活比十年前或二十年前更好吗?评论员从美国人口普查局最新的一份报告着手,渴望在这个问题上找到证据。


2018年12月份大学英语六级仔细阅读译文及详细解析(卷二)Section CPassage One全文翻译及命题分析也许是时候让农场主们歇歇脚了,因为机器人正被用来监测庄稼生长、拔除杂草,甚至放牧。
澳大利亚最偏远的苏坡杰克·唐斯(Suplejack Downs)牛场就是一个典型的例子。
它位于北部地区,绵延4000平方公里,距离最近的主要城市艾丽丝泉(Alice Springs)逾13个小时车程。
悉尼大学的萨拉·苏卡黎(Salah Sukarieh)将在新南威尔士州中部的几个农场进行试验,他说:“你还可以用颜色、质地和形状传感器检测地面上的牧草质量。

2021 年6 月大学英语六级考试真题〔第二套〕特别说明:2021 年 6 月大学英语六级试卷的三套试题有重叠局部,本试卷〔第二套〕只列出与第一、第三套不重复的试题。
Part I Writing (30 minutes)For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more people study online instead of attending school. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Directions:Part III Reading comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear—man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally 26 : Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot.Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The 27 of computational power and engineering advances will 28 enable lower-cost in- home care for the disabled, 29 use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk- and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses for robots, from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are 30 to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone ( 遥控飞行器 ) operator will 31 someone’s privacy. A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor’s cat. Juries sympathetic to the 32 of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing 33 and damages. What should governments do to protect people while 34 space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built, 35 and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer’s driving record, not the passenger’s.注意:此局部试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

2021英语六级仔细阅读真题及答案(卷二)Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage下水道污水to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres of cropland, according toa new report-and it may not be a bed thing.While the practice carries serious health risks for many, those dangersare outweighed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food."There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help andhurt great numbers of urban consumers," said Liqa Raschid-Sally, who led the study.The report focused on poor urban areas, where farms in or near cities supply relatively inexpensive food. Most of these operations draw irrigation water from local rivers or lakes. Unlikedeveloped cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers.下水道When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers riskabsorbing disease-causing XX, as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed. Nearly 2.2 million people die a yearbecause of diarrhea-related与腹泻相关的diseases, according to WHO statistics. XXX than 80% of those cases can be attributed to contant with contaminated water and a lack of XXX anitation. But PayDrechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education, he said, while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escapepoverty.Agriculture is a water-intensive business, accounting for nearly 70% of global fresh water consumption.In poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business. In some cases, water is so scarce thatfarmers break open sewage pipestransporting waste to local rivers.Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world. But frequently untreated human waste is used on grain crops, which are eventually cooked, minimizing therisk of transmitting water-borne diseases. With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50% per metric ton over the last year in some places, human waste is an attractive, and often necessary,alternative.In cases where sewage mud is used, expensive chemical fertilizer us can be avoided. The mud contains the same critical nutrients."Overly strict standards often fail," James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said. "We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be usedin agriculture for good reason."47.【题干】What does the author say about the use of raw sewage for farming?【选项】A.Its risks cannot be overestimated.B.It should be forbidden altogether.C.Its benefits outweigh the hazards involved.D.It is polluting millions of acres of cropland.【答案】D【解析】48.【题干】What is the main problem caused by the use of wastewater for irrigation?【选项】A.Rivers and lakes nearby will gradually become contaminated.B.It will drive producers of chemical fertilizers out of business.C.Farmers and consumers may be affected by harmful bacteria.D.It will make the farm produce less competitive on the market.【答案】C【解析】49.【题干】What is environmental scientist Pay Drechsel's attitude towards the use of untreated human waste in agriculture?【选项】A.Favorable.B.Indifferent.C.Skeptical.D.Responsible.【答案】A【解析】50.【题干】What does Pay Dreschsel think of the risks involved in using untreated human waste for farming?【选项】A.They have been somewhat exaggerated.B.They can be dealt with through education.C.They will be minimized with new technology.D.They can be addressed by improved sanitation.【答案】B【解析】Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education, he said,51.【题干】What do we learn about James Bartram's position on the use of human waste for farming?【选项】A.He echoes Pay Drechsel's opinion on the issue.B.He chaltenges Liqa Raschid-Sally's conclusionC.He thinks it the only way out of the current food erisis.D.He deems it indispensable for combating global poverty.【答案】A【解析】"Overly strict standards often fail," James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said. "We need to accept that fact across much of the planet,so waste with little or no treatment will beused in agriculture for good reason."These days, nobody needs to cook. Families graze on high-cholesterol take-aways and microwaved ready-meals. Cooking is an occasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs. Which makes itodd that the kitchen has become the heart of the modern house, what the great hall was to the medieval castle, the kitchen is to the 21st-century home.The money spent on kitchens has risen with their status. In America the kitchen market is now worth $170 billion, five times the country's film industry. In the year to August 2021, IKEA, aSwedish furniture chain, sold over one million kitchens worldwide. The average budget for a "major" kitchen overhaul in 2021, calculates Remodeling magazing, was a staggering $54,000, even a"minor" improvement cost on average $18,000.Exclusivity, more familiar in the world of high fashion, has reached the kitchen: Robinson&Cornish, a British manufacturer of custom-made kitchens, offers a Georgian-style one which wouldcost £145,000-155,000—excluding building, plumbing and electrical work. Its big selling point is that nobody else will have it :"You won't see this kitchen anywhere else in the word."The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants for the modem family tells the story of a century of social change. Right into theearly 20th century, kitchens were smoky,noisy places, generally located underground, or to the back of the house, as far from living space as possible. That was as it should be: kitchens were for servants, and the aspiring middleclasses wanted nothing to do with them.But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in, housekeeping became a natter of interest to the educated classes. One of the pioneers of a radical new way of thinkingabout the kitchen was Catharine Esther Beecher, sister of Harriet Beecher Stowe. In American human's Home、published in 1869, the Beechersisters recommended a scientific approach to use holdmanagement, designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman's work and promote order. Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American, Chris Frederick, who setabout enhancing the efficiency of the housewife. Her 1919 work, House-Engineering: Scientific Management in the Home, was based on detailed observation of a wife's daily routine. She borrowedthe Principle of efficiency on the factory floor and appliedmestic tasks on the kitchen floor.Frederick's central idea, that "stove,sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relation that useless steps are avoided entirely". Inspired the first fully fitted kitchen, designed inthe 1920s by Mangarete Schutter. Libotsky. It was a modernist triumph, and many elements remain central features of today's kitchen.52.【题干】What does the author say about the kitchen of today?【选项】A.It is where housewives display their cooking skills.B.It is where the family entertains important guests.C.It has become something odd in a modern house.D.It is regarded as the center of a modern home.【答案】D【解析】Which makes it odd that the kitchen has become the heart of the modern house, what the great hall was to the medieval castle, the kitchen is to the 21st-century home.53.【题干】Why does the Georgian-style kitchen sell at a very high price?【选项】A.It is believed to have tremendous artistic value.B.No duplicate is to be found in any other place.C.It is manufactured by a famous British company.D.No other manufacturer can produce anything like it.【答案】B【解析】Its big selling point is that nobody else will have it :"You won't see this kitchen anywhere else in the word."54.【题干】What does the change in the status of the kitchen reflect?【选项】A.Improved living conditions.B.Technological progress.C.Women's elevated status.D.Social change.【答案】D【解析】55.【题干】What was the Beecher sisters' idea of a kichen?【选项】A.A place where women could work more efficiently.B.A place where high technology could be applied.C.A place of interest to the educated people.D.A place to experiment with new ideas.【答案】A【解析】the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach to use hold management, designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman's work and promote order.56.【题干】What do we learn about today's kitchen?【选项】A. It represents the rapid technological advance in people's daily life.B.Many of its central features are no different from those of the 1920s.C.It has been transformed beyond recognition.D.Many of its functions have changed greatly.【答案】B【解析】Inspired the first fully fitted kitchen, designed in the 1920s by Mangarete Schutter. Libotsky. It was a modernist triumph, and many elements remain central features of today's kitchen.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

2019年6月大学英语六级仔细阅读真题及详细解析(卷二)Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Effective Friday, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went into production after Feb. 17, 2015. The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry, like Electronic Arts Productions, Insomniac Games, Activision and Disney.The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months of negotiations after the existing labor contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014. Overall, the strike is an effort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns, such as transparency upon hiring talent and on-set (制作中) safety precautions.The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent years. The Los Angeles Times reports that the industry is in the midst of an intense increase in cash flow. In 2015, gaming produced $ billion in domestic revenue.But SAG-AFTRA s ays voice actors don’t receive residuals(追加酬金)for their gaming work. Instead, they receive a fixed rate, which is typically about $825 for a standard four-hour vocal session. So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation —a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads, or reaches 2 million subscribers, with a cap at 8 million.“It’s a very small number of games that would trigger this secondary compensation issue,” said voice actor Crispin Freeman,who’s a member of the union’s negotiating committee. “This is an important aspect of what it means to be a (从事自由职业的)performer, who isn’t regularly employed every single day working on projects.”Another major complaint from the actors is the secrecy of the industry. “I can’t imagine if there’s any other acting job in the world where you don’t know what show you’re in, when you’re hired,’’ says voice actor Keythe Farley, who chairs the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee.“And yet that happens every day in the video game world,” Farley told reporters during a press conference Friday. “I was a main character in Fallout 4, a character by the name of Kellogg, and I never knew that I was doing vocal recording for that game throughout the year and a half.”Scott Witlin, the lawyer representing the video game companies, says voice actors “represent less than one tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game.” So “even though they’re the top craftsmen in their field,” Witlin says, “if we pay them under a vastlydifferent system than the people who do the percent of the work, that’s going to create far more problems for the video game companies.”全文翻译及命题分析美国电视和广播艺术家联合会(saga-aftra)周五宣布,就2015年2月17日之后投产的游戏将对11家电子游戏发行公司举行罢工。

2022 年 12 月份大学英语六级认真阅读译文及具体解析〔卷二〕Section CPassage One全文翻译及命题分析或许是时候让农场主们歇歇脚了,由于机器人正被用来监测庄稼生长、拔除杂草,甚至放牧。
澳大利亚最偏远的苏坡杰克·唐斯〔Suplejack Downs〕牛场就是一个典型的例子。
它位于北部地区,绵延 4000 平方公里,距离最近的主要城市艾丽丝泉〔Alice Springs〕逾13 个小时车程。
悉尼大学的萨拉·苏卡黎(Salah Sukarieh)将在南威尔士州中部的几个农场进展试验,他说:“你还可以用颜色、质地和外形传感器检测地面上的牧草质量。

年月六级仔细阅读真题及解析(卷二)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.You may have heard that Coca-Cola once contained an ingredient capable of sparking particular devotion in consumers: cocaine. The“coca” in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drinks originator, chemist John Pemberton, mixed with his sugary syrup(姜汁). At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic(滋补品), and Pemberton’s sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol. But the other half of the name represents another ingredient,less infamous(名声不好的), perhaps, but also strangely potent: the kola nut.In West Africa, people have long chewed kola nuts as stimulants, because they contain caffeine that also occurs naturally in tea, coffee, and chocolate. They also have heart stimulants.Historian Paul Lovejoy relates that the cultivation of kola nuts in West Africa is hundreds of years old. The leafy, spreading trees were planted on graves and as part of traditional rituals. Even though the nuts, which need to stay moist, can be somewhat delicate to transport, traders carried them hundreds of miles throughout the forests and grasslands.Europeans did not know of them until the 1500s, when Portuguese ships arrived on the coast of what is now Sierra Leone. And while the Portuguese took part in the trade, ferrying nuts down the coast along with other goods, by 1620, when English explorer Richard Jobson made his way up the Gambia, the nuts were still peculiar to his eyes.By the late 19th century, kola nuts were being shipped by the tonne to Europe and the US. Many made their way into medicines, intended as a kind of energy boost. One such popular medicinal drink was Vin Mariani, a French product consisting of coca extract mixed with red wine. It was created by a French chemist, Angelo Mariani, in 1863. So when Pemberton created his drink,it represented an ongoing trend. When cocaine eventually fell from grace as a beverage ingredient, kola-extract colas became popular.The first year it was available, Coca-Cola averaged nine servings a day across all the Atlanta soda fountains where it was sold. As it grew more popular, the company sold rights to bottle the soda, so it could travel easily. Today about 1.9 billion Cokesare purchased daily. It’s become so iconic that attempts to change its taste in 1985 —sweetening it in a move projected to boost sales —proved disastrous, with w idespread anger from consumers. “Coca-Cola Classic”,returned to store shelves just three months after the “New Coke” was released.These days, the Coca-Cola recipe is a closely guarded secret. But it’s said to no longer contain kola nut extract, relying instead on artificial imitations to achieve the flavour.你可能听说可口可乐曾经含有一种能够使消费者“死忠”的成分:可卡因。

2019 年 6月英语六级真题试卷(第二套)Part IWriting(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance ofmutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You should write atleast 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part ⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) why Roman Holiday was more famous than Breakfast at Tiffany’ s.B) why Audrey Hepburn had more female fans than male ones. C) Why the woman wanted to be like Audrey Hepburn.D) why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn.2. A) Her unique personality.B) Her physical condition.3. A) She was not an outgoing person.B) She was modest and hardworkingD) She was usually not very optimistic.4. A) She was influenced by the roles she played in the films. B) Her parents taught her to symbolize with the needy.C) She learned to volunteer when she was a child.D) Her family benifited from other people ’ s help.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the recording you have just heard. 5. A) Give a presentation.C) Start a new company.B) Rise some questions. D) Ateed a board meeting. 6. A) It will cut production costs.C) No staff willl be dismissed.B) It will raise productivities. D) No new staff will be hired. 7. A) The timeline of restructuring.C) The communication channels.B) The reasons for restructuring.D) The company ’ s new missions.8. A) By consulting their own department managers. B) By emailing questions to the man or the woman.C) By exploring various channels of communication. D) By visiting the company ’ s own computer network.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear threeor four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) ,B) , C) and D).C) Her shift of interest to performing arts.D) Her family’ s suspension of financial aid. C) She was easy-going on the whole.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A) It helps passengers to take care of their pet animals.B)It has animals to help passengers carry their language.C)It uses therapy animals to soothe nervous passengers.D)It allows passengers to have animal travel with them.10.A ) Avoiding possible dangers.B)Finding their way around.C)Identifying drug smugglers.D)Looking after sick passengers.11.A ) Schedule their flights around the animal visits.B)Photograph the therapy animals at the airport.C)Keep some animals for therapeutic purposes.D)Bring their animals on board their plane.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A ) Beside a beautifully painted wall in Arles.B)Beside the gate of an ancient Roman city.C)At the site of an ancient Roman mansion.D)At the entrance to a reception hall in Rome.13. A) A number of different images.C)Various musical instruments.B) A number of mythological heroes.D) Paintings by famous French artists.14.A) The originality and expertise shown.C)The stunning images vividly depicted.B) The worldly sophistication displayed.D) The impressive skills and costly dyes.15.A) His artistic taste is superb.C)He was a collector of antiques.B) His identity remains unclear.D) He was a rich Italian merchant.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16.A) They encourage international cooperation.B)They lay stress on basic scientific research.C)They place great emphasis on empirical studies.D)They favour scientists from its member countries.17.A) Many of them wish to win international recognition.B)They believe that more hands will make light work.C)They want to follow closely the international trend.D)Many of their projects have become complicated.18.A) It requires mathematicians to work independently.B)It is faced with many unprecedented challenges.C)It lags behind other disciplines in collaboration.D)It calls for more research funding to catch up.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard. 19.A) Scientists tried to send a balloon to Venus.B) Scientists discovered water on Venus. C) Scientists found Venus had atmosphere.D) Scientists observed Venus from a space vehicle. 20.A) It resembles Earth in many aspects.B) It is the same as fiction has portrayed. C) It is a paradise of romance for alien life.D) It undergoes geological changes like Earth. 21.A) It might have been hotter than it is today.B) It might have been a cozy habitat for life. C) It used to have more water than Earth.D) It used to be covered with rainforests.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard. 22.A) Causes of sleeplessness.B) Cross-cultural communication.23.A) They attach great importance to sleep.B) They often have trouble falling asleep. C) They pay more attention to sleep efficiency.D) They generally sleep longer than East Asians. 24.A) By asking people to report their sleep habits.B) By observing people’ spattsle e rnsp in labs.C) By having people wear motion-detecting watches.D) By videotaping people ’ s daily sleeping processes. 25.A) It has made remarkable progress in the past few decades.B) It has not yet explored the cross-cultural aspect of sleep.C) It has not yet produced anything conclusive.D) It has attached attention all over the world.Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The dream of personalised flight is still vivid in the minds of many inventors, somedeveloping cycle-powered craft, others 26 money into jetpacks ( 喷气飞翔背包 ). However, the flying car has always remained the27 symbol of personal transport freedom.Several companies around the world have produced 28 that can drive on roads and fly. Airbus has a futuristic modular ( 组件式的 ) concept involving a passenger capsule that can be 29 from the road-going chassis ( 底盘 ) and picked up by a helicopter-type machine.D) Motivation and positive feelings.C) Cultural psychology.But all these concepts are massively expensive, require safety certification standards for roadand air, need 30 controls, involve complex folding wings and propellers, and have to be flownfrom air- strips. So they are likely to remain rich people’ s playthings ra t ransportherthan practicalsolutions for the masses.“ A car that takes off from some London street and lands in another 31 street is unlikely tohappen, ” says Prof. Gray, a leading aeronautical engineer.“ Sky taxis are much more likely.that won’ t stop inventors fromdreaming up new ways to fly and trying to persuade investors toback their sometimes 32 schemes.Civilian aviation is being disrupted, not by the age-old desires for speed, romanticism and 33 ,but by the pressing need to respond to a changing climate. New electric engines coupled withartificial intelligence and 34 systems will contribute to a more efficient, integrated transport systemthat is less polluting and less noisy. That may sound simple, but as Prof. Gray says,“ W somewhere I like this notion that when I finish my journey I feel better thanwhen I started it. That’ s completely35withat how I feel today.” Now that would be progress.A) autonomous I) pouringB) detached J) prototypesC) dual K) randomD) glamour L) repressingE) imminent M) segmentedF) odds N) spectrumG) opposites O) ultimateH) outrageousSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which theinformation is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph ison Answermarked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letterSheet 2.Companies Are Working with Consumers to Reduce WasteA)As consumers, we are very wasteful. Annually, the world generates 1.3 billion tons of solidwaste. This is expected to go up to 2.2 billion by 2025. The developed countries are responsible for44% of waste, and in the U.S. alone, the average person throws away their body weight in rubbishevery month.B)Conventional wisdom would seem to suggest that companies have no incentive tolengthen the life cycle of their products and reduce the revenue they would get from selling newgoods. Yet, more and more businesses are thinking about how to reduce consumer waste. This ispartly driven by the rising price of raw materials and metals. It is also partly due to both consumersand companies becoming more aware of the need to protect our environment.C)When choosing what products to buy and which brands to buy from, more and moreconsumers are looking into sustainability. This is opposed to just price and performance they wereconcerned about in the past. In a survey of 54 of the world’ s leading brands, almost all of themreported that consumers are showing increasing care about sustainable lifestyles. At the same time,surveys on consumers in the U.S. and the U.K. show that they also care about minimizing energyuse and reducing waste.D)For the most part, consumers control what happens to a product. But some companies arerealizing that placing the burden of recycling entirely on the consumer is not an effective strategy,especially when tossing something away seems like the easiest and most convenient option.E)Some retailers and manufacturers in the clothing, footwear, and electronics industries havelaunched environmental programs. They want to make their customers interested in preserving theirproducts and preventing things that still have value from going to the garbage dump. By offeringservices to help expand the longevity of their products, they ’ promisingre quality anddurability to consumers, and receiving the reputational gains for being environmentally friendly.F)For example, the Swedish jeans company Nudie Jeans offers free repair at twenty of theirshops. Instead of discarding their old worn-out jeans, customers bring them in to be renewed. Thecompany even provides mail-order repair kits and online videos, so that customers can learn how tofix a pair of jeans at home. Their philosophy is that extending the life of a pair of jeans is not onlygreat for the environment, but allows the consumer to get more value out of their product.When customers do want to toss their pair, they can give them back to the store, which willrepurpose and resell them. Another clothing company, Patagonia, a high-end outdoor clothingstore, follows the same principle. It has partnered with DIY website iFixit to teach consumers how torepair their clothing, such as waterproof outerwear, at home. The company also offers a repairprogram for their customers for a modest fee. Currently, Patagonia repairs about 40,000 garmentsa year in their Reno, Nevada, service center. According to the company’ s CEO, Rose Marcario, this is about building a company that cares about the environment. At the same time, offeringrepair supports the perceived quality of its products.G) In Brazil, the multinational corporation Adidas has been running a shoe-recyclingprogram called“ Sustainable Footprint” since 2012. Customers can bring shoes of any brand intoan Adidas store to be shredded and turned into alternative fuels for energy creation instead of beingburned as trash. They are used to fuel cement ovens. To motivate visitors to bring in moreold shoes, Adidas Brazil promotes the program in stores by showing videos to educate customers,and it even offers a discount each time a customer brings in an old pair of shoes. This boosts thereputation and image of Adidas by making people more aware of the company’ s values.H)Enormous opportunities also lie with e-waste. It is estimated that in 2014 the worldproduced some 42 million metric tons of e-waste (discarded electrical and electronic equipment andits parts) with North America and Europe accounting for 8 and 12 million metric tons respectively.The materials from e-waste include iron, copper, gold, silver, and aluminum materials that could bereused, resold, salvaged, or recycled. Together, the value of these metals is estimated to be about$52 billion. Electronics giants like Best Buy and Samsung have provided e-waste take-back programs over the past few years, which aim to refurbish ( 翻新 ) old electroniccomponents and parts into new products.I)For other companies interested in reducing waste, helping the environment, and providingthe sustainable lifestyles that consumers seek, here are some first steps for building arelationship with customers that focuses on recycling and restoring value to products:J)Find partners. If you are a manufacturer who relies on outside distributors, then retailersare the ideal partner for collecting old products. Power tool maker DeWalt partners withcompanies, such as Lowes and Napa Auto Parts, to collect old tools at their stores for recycling. The partnership benefits both sides by allowing unconventional partners (for example, two companiesfrom two different industries) to work together on a specific aspect of the value chain, like, in this example, an engine firm with an accessory one.K)Create incentives. Environmental conscientiousness isn ’alwayst enough to makecustomers recycle old goods. For instance, DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holdingon to their old tools, even if they no longer worked, because they were expensive purchases and itwas hard to justify bringing them in to recycle. By offering instant discounts worth as much as $100, DeWalt launched a trade-in program to encourage people to bring back tools. As a result,DeWalt now reuses those materials to create new products.L)Start with a trial program, and expect to change the details as you go. Any take-backprogram will likely change over time, depending on what works for your customers and companygoals. Maybe you see low customer participation at first, or conversely, so much success that thecost of recycling becomes too high. Best Buy, for instance, has been bearing the lion ’ s share of- e waste volume since two of its largest competitors, Amazon and Wal-mart, do not have their ownrecycling programs. Since the launch of its program, Best Buy changed its policy to add a $25 feefor recycling old televisions in order to keep the program going.M)Build a culture of collective values with customers. A stronger relationship between theretailer/producer and the consumer isn ’just about financial incentives. By creating more awareness around your efforts to reduce waste, and by developing a culture of responsibility, repair, and reuse,you can build customer loyalty based on shared values and responsibilities.N)These examples are just the tip of the iceberg, but they demonstrate how helping customersget more use of their materials can transform value chains and operations. Reducing waste by incorporating used materials into production can cut costs and decrease the price of procurement( 采买 ): less to be procured from the outside and more to be re-utilized from the inside.O)Companies play a big role in creating a circular economy, in which value is generatingless from extracting new resources and more from getting better use out of the resources we alreadyhave--but they must also get customers engaged in the process.36. Some companies believe that products’ prolonged lifespan benefits both the environment and customers.37.A survey shows shoppers today are getting more concerned about energyconservation and environmental protection when deciding what to buy.panies can build customer loyalty by creating a positive culture of environmental awareness.39.When companies launch environmental programs, they will have their brand reputation enhanced.40.One multinational company offers discounts to customers who bring in old footwear tobe used as fuel.41.Recycling used products can help manufacturers reduce production costs.42.Electronic products contain valuable metals that could be recovered.43.It seems commonly believed that companies are not motivated to prolong their products lifespan.44.It is advisable for companies to partner with each other in product recycling.45.Some businesses have begun to realize it may not be effective to let consumers take fullresponsibility for recycling.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Youshould decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with asingle line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Effective Friday, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists(SAG-AFTRA) has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went intoproduction after Feb. 17, 2015. The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry,like Electronic Arts Productions, Insomniac Games, Activision and Disney.The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months of negotiations after the existing laborcontract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014. overall, the strike is aneffort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns, such as transparencyupon hiring talent and on-set ( 制作中 ) safety precautions.The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent years. The Los Angeles Times reportsthat the industry is in the midst of an intense increase in cash flow. In 2015, gaming produced$23.5 billion in domestic revenue.But SAG- AFTRA says voice actors don ’ t receive residuals追加酬劳( ) for their gaming work.Instead, they receive a fixed rate, which is typically about $825 for a standard four-hour vocal session.So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation — a performance bonusevery time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads, or reaches 2 million subscribers, with a cap at8 million.“ It ’ s a very small number of games that would trigger this secondary compensation issue,said voice actor Crispin Freeman, who’ s a member of the union’ s negotiating committee.an important aspect of what it means to be a freelance (从事自由职业的) performer, who isn’ tregularly employed every single day working on projects.”Another major complaint from the actors is the secrecy of the industry.“ I can’ t imag there ’ s any other acting job in the world where you don’ t know what show you’ re in, when y hired, ” says voice actor Keythe Farley, who chairs the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee.“ Andyet that happens every day in the video game world, ”Farley told reporters during apress conference Friday.“ I was a main character in Fallout 4, a character by the name of Kellogg,and I never knew that I was doing vocal recording for that game throughout the year and a half.Scott Witlin, the lawyer representing the video game companie s, says voice actors“ representless than one tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game.” So“ ev they ’ there top craftsmen in their field, Witlin”says, “ ifwe pay them under a vastly differentsystem than the people who do the 99.9 percent of the work, that ’goings to create far moreproblems for the video game companies.”46.Why did SAG-AFTRA declare a strike against some video game publishers?A)The labor contract between them had been violated.B)Its appeal to renegotiate the contract had been rejected.C)It had been cheated repeatedly in the 19 months of talks.D)The negotiations between them had broken down.47.What do we learn from the passage about the video gaming industry?A)It has reaped huge profits in recent years.B)It has become more open and transparent.C)It has attracted many famous voice actors.D)It has invested a lot in its domestic market.48.What are the voice actors demanding?A)More regular employment.B)A non-discriminatory contract.C)Extra pay based on sales revenues.D)A limit on the maximum work hours.49.What does Keythe Farley say about voice actors?A)They are kept in the dark about many details of their job.B)They are discriminated against in the gaming industry.C)They are not paid on a regular basis.D)They are not employed full-time.50.What is the argument of lawyer Scott Witlin?A)Voice actors should have a pay raise if they prove to be top craftsmen.B)Changing the pay system would cause the industry more problems.C)Voice actors are mere craftsmen, not professional performers.D)Paying voice actors on an hourly basis is in line with the law.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Officials at the White House announced a new space policy focused on managing the increasing number of satellites that companies and governments are launching into space. Space Policy Directive-3 lays out general guidelines for the United States to mitigate (缓解) the effects of space debris and track and manage traffic in space.This policy sets the stage for the Department of Commerce to take over the management of traffic in space. The department will make sure that newly launched satellites don ’uset radio frequencies that would interfere with existing satellites, and schedule when such new satellites can be launched. This only applies to American space activities, but the hope is that it will help standardize a set of norms in the dawning commercial spaceflight industry throughout the world.Space, especially the space directly around our planet, is getting more crowded as more governments and companies launch satellites. One impetus for the policy is that companies are already starting to build massive constellations ( 星座 ), comprising hundreds or thousands of satellites with many moving parts among them. With so much stuff in space, and a limited area around our planet, the government wants to reduce the chances of a collision. Two or more satellites slamming into each other could create many more out-of-control bits that would pose even more hazards to the growing collection of satellites in space.And it’ s not like this hasn’ t happened before. In 2009 an old Russian craft slammed into a communications satellite, creating a cloud of hundreds of pieces of debris and putting otherhardware at risk. Journalist Sarah Scoles reports that NASA currently tracks about 24,000 objectsin space, and in 2016 the Air Force had to issue 3,995,874 warnings to satellite owners alertingthem to a potential nearby threat from another satellite or bit of debris.That ’ s why this new policy also includes directions to update the current U.S. GovernmentOrbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices, which already require any entity that launches a satelliteor spacecraft to vigorously analyze the likelihood that any of their actions, from an unexpected failureor normal operations, will create more space debris. It includes accounting for any piece of debristhey plan to release over 5mm that might stay in orbit for 25 years or more. It might seem surprisingto think about an item staying in space for that long, but the oldest satellite still in orbit-Vanguard 1-turned 60 in 2018.Agencies and companies throughout the world are working on developing technology thatwould dispose of or capture space debris before it causes serious damage. But for now, the U.S. government is more focused on preventing new debris from forming than taking the trash out of orbit.51.What is the purpose of the new U.S. space policy?A)To lay out general guidelines for space exploration.B)To encourage companies to join in space programs.C)To make the best use of satellites in space.D)To improve traffic conditions in space.52.What is the Department of Commerce expected to do under the new policy?A)Reduce debris in space.B)Monitor satellite operations.C)Regulate the launching of new satellites.D)Update satellite communications technology.53.What does the U.S. government hope to do with the new space policy?A)Set international standards for the space flight industry.B)Monopolize space industry by developing a set of norms.C)Facilitate commercial space flights throughout the world.D)Promote international collaboration in space exploration.54.What is a space vehicle launching entity required to do according to the current U.S.Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices?A)Give an estimate of how long its debris will stay in space.B)Account for the debris it has released into space at any time.C)Provide a detailed plan for managing the space debris it creates.D)Make a thorough analysis of any possible addition to space debris.55.What are space agencies and companies aiming to do at present?A)Recycle used space vehicles before they turn into debris.B)Develop technology to address the space debris problem.C)Limit the amount of debris entering space.D)Cooperate closely to retrieve space debris.Part ⅣTranslation(30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chineseinto English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.中国幅员辽阔,人口众多,好多地方人们都说自己的方言。

大学英语六级真题译文及详细解析仔细阅读卷二6月大学英语六级考试仔细阅读真题解析(卷二)Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Economically speaking, are we better off than we were ten years ago? Twenty years ago?In their thirst for evidence on this issue, commentators seized on the recent report by the Census Bureau, which found that average household income rose by 5.2% in . Unfortunately, that conclusion puts too much weight on a useful, but flawed and incomplete, statistic. Among the more significant problems with the Census’s measure are that: 1) it excludes taxes, transfers, and compensation like employer-provided health insurance; and 2) it is based on surveys rather than data. Even if precisely measured, income data exclude important determinants of economic well-being, such as the hours of work needed to earn that income.While thinking about the question, we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow, which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare. While by no means perfect, it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time, life expectancy, and inequality. Moreover, it can be used to assess economic performance both across countries and over time.The Jones-Klenow method can be illustrated by a cross-country example. Suppose we want to compare the economic welfare of citizens of the U.S. and France in .In , as the authors observe, real consumption per person in France was only 60% as high as the U.S., making it appear that Americans were economically much better off than the French on average. However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality. The French take longer vacations and retire earlier, so typically work fewer hours; they enjoy a higher life expectancy, presumably reflecting advantages with respect to health care, diet, lifestyle, and the like; and income and consumption are somewhat more equally distributed there than in the U.S. Because of these differences, comparing France’s consumption with the U.S.’s overstates the gap in economic welfare.Similar calculations can be used to compare the U.S. and other countries. For example, this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97% of U.S. levels, but estimates Mexican well-being at 22%.The Jones-Klenow measure can also assess an economy’s performance over time. According to this measure, as of the early-to-mid- s, the U.S. had the highest economic welfare of any large country. Since , economic welfare in the U.S. has continued to improve. However, the pace of improvement has slowed markedly.Methodologically, the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional. Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of life changes could be incorporated—for example, decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates.全文翻译及命题分析从经济上讲,我们的生活比十年前或二十年前更好吗?评论员从美国人口普查局最新的一份报告着手,渴望在这个问题上找到证据。

The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared. Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category. Only three states, with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that we're mainly suffering from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular? Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment—in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious. I've been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression; it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now. Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly, declared one 1935 analysis, because the workforce is "unadaptable and untrained. It cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may offer." A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those "unadaptable and untrained" workers. But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling out economy and our society. So what you need to know is that there's no evidence whatsoever to back these claims. We aren't suffering from a shortage of needed skills; we're suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isn't a real problem, it's an excuse—a reason not to act on America's problems at a time when action is desperately needed. 51. What does the author think is the root cause of mass unemployment in America? A. Corporate mismanagement. B. Insufficient demand. C. Technological advances. D. Workers' slow adaptation. 52. What does the author think of the experts' claim concerning unemployment? A. Self-evident. B. Thought-provoking. C. Irrational. D. Groundless. 53. What does the author say helped bring down unemployment during the Great Depression? A. The booming defense industry. B. The wise heads' benefit package. C. Nationwide training of workers. D. Thorough restructuring of industries. 54. What has caused claims of huge structural problems to multiply? A. Powerful opposition to government's stimulus efforts. B. Very Serious People's attempt to cripple the economy. C. Evidence gathered from many sectors of the industries. D. Economists, failure to detect the problems in time. 55. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage? A. To testify to the experts' analysis of America's problems. B. To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment C. To show the urgent need for the government to take action. D. To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation. 参考答案 26 [O]空格所在句⼦为 when 引导的时间状语从句,从句中缺少谓语动词,且根据主句中谓语动词 becomes 可进⼀步确定此处应填⼊动词的第三⼈称单数。

2020年大学英语六级考试真题及解析(第二套)一、PartⅠWriting(30minutes)1.Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an essay on the saying Wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.You should write at least150words but no more than200words.输入答案内容...【答案】【参考范文】In this rapidly developing society,what we pursue has never been more abundant than ever before.Among all the elements of wealth that modern people attach importance to,I reckon that(1)wealth of the mind is the only true wealth,which indicated in the remark that the importance of spiritual richness can never be underestimated.Instead of having money or power,(2)spiritual richness is more meaningful and can make people more cultivated,which will indirectly promote the development of our society.As I see it,if everyone has the awareness of enriching their mind,they may put more effort on doing meaningful things instead of bothering other people,or even doing harmful things to the society.Therefore,with rich spirit in our mind,we will live happily in this society and make our life more peaceful and meaningful.(3)To conclude,spiritual richness is crucial for every individual. Only in this way can we finally achieve our goal and make further improvement in our life and future career.【审题构思】题目考查的是“精神的财富是唯一真正的财富”的主题,拥有精神财富不仅可以提升个人,还可以间接促进社会发展,所以从个人和社会两方面说明此观点最为合适。

2018年6月大学英语六级真题仔细阅读译文及详细解析(卷二)It'XXX with no simple answer。
On the one hand。
global poverty rates have XXX decades。
and many countries have XXX economic growth。
On the other hand。
e inequality has increasedin many places。
and there are still ns of people living in poverty.One way to measure overall economic well-being is to look at GDP per capita。
which is the total value of goods and services XXX measure。
many countries have XXX over the past decade。
For example。
China's GDP per capita has more than tripled since 2008.and India's has more than XXX。
XXX is better off。
In fact。
e inequality has increased in both China and India。
meaning that the benefits of economic growth have been XXX.Another way to measure economic well-being is to look at median household e。
which is the e of the household right in the middle of the e n。

大学英语六级仔细阅读专项强化真题试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.Human memory is notoriously unreliable. Even people with the sharpest facial-recognition skills can only remember so much. It’ s tough to quantify how good a person is at remembering. No one really knows how many different faces someone can recall, for example, but various estimates tend to hover in the thousands —based on the number of acquaintances a person might have. Machines aren’t limited this way. Give the right computer a massive database of faces, and it can process what it sees—then recognize a face it’ s told to find—with remarkable speed and precision. This skill is what supports the enormous promise of facial-recognition software in the 21st century. It’ s also what makes contemporary surveillance systems so scary. The thing is, machines still have limitations when it comes to facial recognition. And scientists are only just beginning to understand what those constraints are. To begin to figure out how computers are struggling, researchers at the University of Washington created a massive database of faces—they call it MegaFace —and tested a variety of facial-recognition algorithms (算法) as they scaled up in complexity. The idea was to test the machines on a database that included up to 1 million different images of nearly 700,000 different people—and not just a large database featuring a relatively small number of different faces, more consistent with what’s been used in other research. As the databases grew, machine accuracy dipped across the board. Algorithms that were right 95% of the time when they were dealing with a 13,000-image database, for example, were accurate about 70% of the time when confronted with 1 million images. That’ s still pretty good, says one of the researchers, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman. “ Much better than we expected,” she said. Machines also had difficulty adjusting for people who look a lot alike—either doppelgangers (长相极相似的人) , whom the machine would have trouble identifying as two separate people, or the same person who appeared in different photos at different ages or in different lighting, whom the machine would incorrectly view as separate people. “Once we scale up, algorithms must be sensitive to tiny changes in identities and at the same time invariant to lighting, pose, age,”Kemelmacher-Shlizerman said. The trouble is, for many of the researchers who ‘ d like to design systems to address these challenges, massive datasets for experimentation just don’t exist—at least, not in formats that are accessible to academic researchers. Training sets like the ones Google and Facebook have are private. There are no public databases that contain millions of faces. MegaFace’s creators say it’s the largest publicly available facial-recognition dataset out there. “ An ultimate face recognition algorithm should perform with billions of people in a dataset,” the researchers wrote.1.Compared with human memory, machines can______.A.identify human faces more efficientlyB.tell a friend from a mere acquaintanceC.store an unlimited number of human facesD.perceive images invisible to the human eye正确答案:C解析:细节题。

xx年6月大学英语六级真题答案解析「卷二」下面是的xx年6月六级第二套试卷的参考答案,包括了写作、听力、阅读理解和翻译,希望能帮到大家!People nowadays use social working sites very frequently, such as Weibo and Wechat, whichhave made us more connected than ever. Yet for all this close contact, we are being moresocially awkward. The harm of replacing real-life contact with virtual conversation, in myopinion, involves two aspects: it made us put on masks and hold up shields.In a virtual world, we tend to create an image that rarely looks like us. We post messages orpictures to show we are humorous, with a good taste, and living a fabulous life. As a result, wefail to present our real self and dare not to be ourselves. Another unpleasant thing aboutvirtual conversation is that it encourages unimaginable violence of language. The Inter hasbee a shield in many ways,exempting us from the consequence we should takeresponsibility for even though we make dreadful and malicious ments sometimes. Thisundoubtedly mins the quality of social interaction that we need as human beings.All in all, if we spend too much time interacting virtually, we will dedicate little effort to real-world bonding. Consequently, our interpersonal relationshipweakens gradually, and we will endup with unprecedented alienation.【解析】此题讨论的是“虚拟社交越来越频繁.真实社交却越来越贫乏”这一社会现象,考生需要阐述这一问题将导致的结果。
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2018年6月大学英语六级考试仔细阅读真题解析(卷二)Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Economically speaking, are we better off than we were ten years ago? Twenty years ago?In their thirst for evidence on this issue, commentators seized on the recent report by the Census Bureau, which found that average household income rose by 5.2% in 2015. Unfortunately, that conclusion puts too much weight on a useful, but flawed and incomplete, statistic. Among the more significant problems with the Census’s measure are that: 1) it excludes taxes, transfers, and compensation like employer-provided health insurance; and 2) it is based on surveys rather than data. Even if precisely measured, income data exclude important determinants of economic well-being, such as the hours of work needed to earn that income.While thinking about the question, we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow, which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare. While by no means perfect, it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time, life expectancy, and inequality. Moreover, it can be used to assess economic performance both across countries and over time.The Jones-Klenow method can be illustrated by a cross-country example. Suppose we want to compare the economic welfare of citizens of the U.S. and France in 2005.In 2005, as the authors observe, real consumption per person in France was only 60% as high as the U.S., making it appear that Americans were economically much better off than the French on average. However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality. The French take longer vacations and retire earlier, so typically work fewer hours; they enjoy a higher life expectancy, presumably reflecting advantages with respect to health care, diet, lifestyle, and the like; and income and consumption are somewhat more equally distributed there than in the U.S. Because of these differences, comparing France’s consumption with the U.S.’s overstates the gap in economic welfare.Similar calculations can be used to compare the U.S. and other countries. For example, this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97% of U.S. levels, but estimates Mexican well-being at 22%.The Jones-Klen ow measure can also assess an economy’s performance over time. According to this measure, as of the early-to-mid-2000s, the U.S. had the highesteconomic welfare of any large country. Since 2007, economic welfare in the U.S. has continued to improve. However, the pace of improvement has slowed markedly.Methodologically, the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional. Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of life changes could be incorporated—for example, decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates.全文翻译及命题分析从经济上讲,我们的生活比十年前或二十年前更好吗?评论员从美国人口普查局最新的一份报告着手,渴望在这个问题上找到证据。
【内容概要】本篇阅读理解介绍了一种衡量经济福祉的新方法——Jones-Klenow method。