



社会心理学(social psychology):社会心理学是从社会互动的观点出发,对人的社会心理和社会行为规律进行系统研究的科学。



利己性自杀(Egoistics suicide):整合性强的社会群体通过共同的规范和强有力的权威控制着成员的思想行为,使成员完全归属于群体。


利他性自杀(Altruistics suicides):社会整合过于强烈之时。


失范性自杀,或译“异常性自杀”(Anomic suicide):在过去惯于某种生活规范与习惯时,突然因丧失规范与认同下,造成认知错乱造成的自杀状况,诸如突然经济恐慌的自杀者。

宿命性自杀(Fatalistic suicide):常发生在过度压迫的社会,并且导致人们会有想要死亡的欲念。






同辈群体(peer group):是一个有地位、年龄、兴趣、爱好、价值观等大体相同或相近的人组成的关系亲密的非正式群体。

大众传媒(mass media):指的是传达广大人群之中并对他们产生影响的传播方式自我概念(Self-concept): Self-concept refers to people’s characteristic ideas about who they are and what they are like.主我:指的是我们对于我们正在思考或我们正在知觉的意识,而不是身体或心理过程。


Department of Sociology
Social 社会行为的影响因素
Department of Sociology
Psychology 二、社会心理学的研究方法—如何研究1 、实验法2、观察法3、调查研究法4、跨文化研究法
Department of Sociology
Social Psychology• 7 、《说‘面子’ 》,鲁迅• 8、 《围城》,钱钟书• 9、 《中国人行动的逻辑》,翟学伟• 10、 《乡土中国》,费孝通• 11、 《中国文化要义》,梁漱溟
Department of Sociology
. 专题六 中国人的社会认知. 专题七 中国人的人情大于王法
Department of Sociology
Social Psychology 推荐书目• 1 、《现代社会心理学》,周晓虹• 2 、《社会心理学》,沙莲香• 3 、《社会心理学》,章志光• 4 、《社会心理学》,时蓉华• 5 、《中国人新论》,李庆善• 6 、《中国人》 (或《吾国吾民》),林
Department of Sociology
Social Psychology 五、社会心理学的本土化争论:科学无国界;人类有共性事实:我们在很多关于中国人与中国 社会的研究中,看到的社会是一个没有 历史与文化的社会;看到的人是一个没 有背景与情境的人实质:在现有的学科下,寻求一种本土
案例二: 违规用警车 违章口出狂言
Department of Sociology







归因理论(attribution theory):描述人们解释自己和他人行为原因的理论。

归因模糊(attributional ambiguity):被污蔑群体的成员在解释他们自身的工作或行为的反馈方面表现出困难的现象。


易得性便捷判断(availability heuristic):人们在认知判断时所形成的一种心理体验规则,指的是基于我们很容易想到具体例子的判断。

善意的性别歧视(benevolent sexism):对女性看上去有利的一种态度,但实际上是一种应对之策;表面上对女性持积极的刻板印象,但却隐含着女性是较弱和不称职的假定。

偏见盲点(bias blind spot):认为我们比大多数人更客观、更少偏见的信念。

归咎于受害者(blaming the victim):责怪受害者的倾向,将他们的困境归因于他们自己的性格、残疾或行为。

旁观者效应(bystander effect):当另一个旁观者或其他旁观者倾向于抑制有益的行为时发生的情况。



说服的中心路径(central route to persuasion):包括权衡论点、考虑相关事实和数字、系统地思考问题并作出决策的路径。

认知失调(cognitive dissonance):当一个人同时持有两种不一致的认知(思想、态度、信仰、观点)时,便会出现的一种紧张状态。

Social Psychology 社会心理学简述导论

Social Psychology 社会心理学简述导论
Social Psychology
Today’s topics
• • • • Attribution Theory Attitudes Conformity and Obedience Altruism & Bystander Intervention
Chapter 16: Social Psychology
Actor-Observer Effect
Actor-Observer Effect - tendency for the actor (the person performing a behavior) to attribute the behavior to the situation and for the observer (the person watching the actor behave) to attribute the same behavior to the actor’s disposition.
Social Psychology
Social psychology
- the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another - How does the presence of other people influence our thoughts, feelings, and bal Psychology
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance - an unpleasant state of tension created when we become aware that our attitudes and actions aren’t consistent with each other - we relieve this tension by bringing our attitudes into line with our actions




















Social psychology 社会心理学

Social psychology 社会心理学

Social psychology 社会心理学:用科学的方法研究人们的思维、情感和行为是以怎样的方式受到真实或想象中的他人影响的。

Social influence 社会影响:指他人的言辞、行为或仅仅是其在场对我们思想、情感、态度或行为所产生的影响或效果。

Construal 解读:是指人们认知、理解、解释社会世界的方式。

Fundamental Attribution Error 基本归因错误:是指高估内在性情境因素对行为的影响,而低估外在性情境因素的作用的倾向。

Self-esteem 自尊:指一个人对自我价值的评估,换言之,就是一个人认为自己有多好、多能干以及多高尚Social cognition 社会认知:指人们是如何看待自己和社会世界,更明确地说,就是人们如何选择、诠释、记忆和使用社会信息来做出判断和决定的。

Automatic thinking 自动化思维:是指无意识的、不带意图目的、自然而然的并且不需要努力地思维。

Schemas 图式:是指人们用来组织他们关于某个主题的知识、关于周围的社会性世界的心理结构,这种心理结构会影响人们所注意、思考和识记的信息。

Accessibility 可提取性:是指图式和概念在人们的头脑中所占据的优势范围,从而使我们对社会性世界作出判断的时候予以提取使用。

Priming 启动:是指最近的经历提高了某个图式、特征或概念的可提取性的过程。

Self-fulfilling prophecy 自证预言:是指在这种情况中,人们对他人产生一个预期,这会影响他们如何对待他人,而这种对待方式又会导致那个人的行为与人们最初的预期相一致,使得这一预期成为现实。

心理策略与心理捷径1、判断法则(judgmental heuristics):是指人们为了迅速而有效地作出判断所使用的心理捷径。

2、便利法则(availability heuristic):是指根据一件事进入脑海的容易程度来做出判断的心理经验法则。



《社会心理学导论》第一章概论本章内容一、社会心理学定义二、社会心理学的研究内容三、社会心理学研究方法与研究原则四、社会心理学主要相关理论社会心理学Social Psychology一、社会心理学定义&美国社会心理学家E . Aronson(1980)说:“社会心理学的定义之多,几乎如同社会心理学家的人数之多一样。


所谓心理学的社会心理学,是采用心理学方法,研究“人的思想、情感和行为怎样受到真实的、想象的和隐含的他人存在影响”(G. W. Allport, 1985)。


”(Kotsmin, 1979)。

(一)国外流行的定义—— G.W.Allport, 1968社会心理学是试图理解与解释个体的思想、情感(内隐的心理)、行为(外显的)是如何受到他人实际的、想象的或隐含的存在所影响的一门科学。






社会心理学(social psychology)

社会心理学(social psychology)

社会心理学(social psychology)Psychological counselor notesHe JingThe second chapter, social psychology knowledgeSection 1 OverviewThe second section socialization and selfThird social perception and attributionThe fourth section: social motivation and social emotion Fifth attitudesSixth section communication and interpersonal relationship Seventh section social influenceThe eighth section of love, marriage and familyPsychological counselors (basic knowledge) note includes basic psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology and abnormal psychology part.Section 1 OverviewUnit 1 research objects and scopeThe definition of social psychology focusing on PsychologyF.H. Allport (F.H. Allport): the study of individual social behavior and social consciousness.G.W. Allport (G.W. Allport): social psychology attempts to understand and explain how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by other people's reality, imagination and implicit existence.Social behavior:It is a reaction system caused by social factors and influences the society.Include:Individual acquisition behaviorProsocial behavior and antisocial behaviorInterpersonal cooperation and competitionGroup decision making behaviorLewin (K.Lewin) put forward a famous formula in 1936:B = f (P, E)The behavior function relates to the situation where the individual is situatedSocial psychology:It is the intermediary process between social stimulation and social behaviorIt's caused by social factorsAnd the psychological activity that has guiding function to social behaviorA brief history of second unit social psychologyThe development of social psychology can be planned for:Speculative stage of PhilosophyEmpirical description phaseEmpirical analysis stageSpeculative stage of philosophy:The philosophical debate around "human nature"It can be regarded as the earliest social psychology research.SocratesPlatoAristotleIt can not be proved by empirical method, but not by scientific formBut it has enlightening effect on the later social psychology.The research method of third unit social psychologyThe main principles to be followed in social psychology research:The principle of value neutralityResearchers should adopt a scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, and can not distort and conjecture the objective facts.For some anti social values and some values that cause psychological disorders, consultants should actively intervene and guide.Systematic principleSocial behavior and social psychological phenomenon exist in a system, and its causes and changes have reasons.Many principles in system theory, such as dynamic principle, holistic principle, ordered principle and feedback principle, provide a theoretical perspective and analytical means for social psychology research.Ethical principlesThe study of social psychology often adopts some means to control the situation or the subjects. In view of this, the ethical code that researchers should follow is that:1. researchers should evaluate their moral acceptability in the development of research projects2. before the study, the researcher should explain the main part of the research plan and ask the subjects to agree. In the special case of deception shall be approved by the strict procedures, and afterwards to the subjects that seek to understand.3. in specific research, researchers must take measures to protect subjects.4. subjects had the freedom to quit research.5. the information provided by the subjects should be kept confidential, such as publication, subject to the consent of the subjects.6. no other relationship outside the study should be established with the subjects.Fourth units: the main theoretical schools of social psychology(no test). Slightly)The second section socialization and selfSocialization of the first unitSocialization: the process of individual growth and development from natural person to social man. It is the process of individual interaction with others, accepting social influence, learning and mastering the social role, forming the process of adapting to the social environment of personality, social psychology, behavior style and life skills.Socialization involves two aspects: Society and individual.Socialization of children and adolescents is early socialization.Socialization of adulthood is continuing socialization.Because of the rapid social change, the process of re socialization of individuals is called re socialization. Re socialization also includes the re education of individuals who failed to acquire qualified social members in the process of early socialization and continuing socialization.For example, the "reeducation through labor" and "labor reform" system in China is a kind of re socialization mechanism.The basic conditions of socialization:1. human beings have a longer life attachment period2. the genetic quality of human beings provides the possibility of socialization.The carrier of individual socialization:FamilySchoolmass mediaReference groupSocialization of language:Individual socialization begins with the mastery of language, and all socialization is based on the socialization of language.Socialization of gender roles:Sex (physiological concept)Gender (psychological concept)Gender roles (sociological concepts)Second unit social role and its theoryClassification of social roles:1., pre assigned roles and achievement roles (parents and teachers)2. define roles and open roles (civil servants and friends)3. utilitarian roles and expressive roles (workers, peasants and civil servants)4. conscious roles and unconscious roles (actors and soccer hooligans)Role maladjustmentIn the process of role-playing, people often have contradictions, obstacles, and even encounter failure, which is the role imbalance.Role failureIt's the most serious role disorder. The role undertaker has to quit the stage and give up the original role.Third unit, self, identity and self-esteemSelf is an ancient subject of psychology.The ego, also known as self consciousness or self-concept, is the individual's cognition of the state of being. It includes cognition of physiological self state, psychological state, interpersonal relationship and social role.Lord me and guest me, this is James's concept of self.The former is the subject of cognition, and the latter is the object of cognition.Mirror me is the self concept reflected by the judgment of others.Meade believes that the whole society we belong to is a mirror that we see ourselves.Rodgers (humanism) holds that self concept plays a more important role than real self in individual behavior and personality, because it is the system of individual self perception and the way to know oneself. It doesn't matter who you are. What matters is who you think you areThe function of self concept:Keep the internal consistency of the individualInterpretation experienceDeciding expectationsThe formation and development of self concept:Physiological self (8 months -3 years old)Social self (3 years old, -13, 14 years old)Psychological self (10 years or so)Self esteem is the result of self evaluation of individual's social role.The level of self-esteem is the sum of individual evaluations of each individual role.There are two aspects of self-esteem need:1. desire for achievements, strengths, and confidence2. desire for fame, dominance, admirationJames's formula: self-esteem = success / ambitionSome factors that affect self-esteem:Parent child relationship in 1. families2. feedback of behavior3., choose to participate and avoid weaknesses4. according to the principle of similarity to correct social comparisonThird social perception and attributionUnit 1 social perception(no test). Slightly)Second unit impression formation and impression management The effect of impression formation1. primacy effect and recency effect.Primacy effect is the mechanism of first impression effect.Recency effect (recently acquired information) (relatives, friends)Primacy effect (initial information) (stranger)2. halo effectIs a kind of Overgeneralization phenomenon is occurred in the role of people are not aware of the situation.3. stereotypePeople form a fixed view of a certain thing through their own experience.Positive nature: simplifying the process of social perception The nature of negativity: prejudice, even discrimination Third unit attributionAttribution: refers to the individual according to the relevant information, clues to their own and other people's behavior reasons for the process of speculation and judgment.Covariation principle: when people look for reasons, as scientists seek laws in scientific research, they try to find out the regular covariation of various conditions in which an effect occurs.Kelly believes that the principle of covariation is the most comprehensive attribution principle.Kelly's attribution theory (three dimensional theory), individual need to consider three kinds of information in attribution:Specific informationCommon informationConsistency informationAttribution of specific common consistencyHigh and high stimulus objectsLow and high behavioral subjectHigh-low backgroundFactors influencing attribution:1. social perspective. Actors and observers have different opinions about the causes of actors' behavior.2. self value protection3. observation position4. time factor. As time goes on, attribution will become more and more situational. People will interpret the past events as the causes of the background rather than the causes of the subject and the object of the stimulus.The fourth section: social motivation and social emotionUnit 1 social motivation overview(no test). Slightly)The main social motivation of the second unitAffinity motivation:Affinity is a psychological tendency for individuals to be afraid of loneliness, to hope to be with others, to establish collaborative and friendly ties.It's the lowest level of interpersonal attraction.Origin of affinity:Affinity originates from attachment.0-3 year old mother belt, to make children rely on, or can not make friends.The role of affinity:Meeting certain social needs of the individualGetting informationRelieve psychological pressureAvoid embarrassmentFactors affecting the affinity: situational factors, emotional factors, birth orderAmbition level:The subjective estimation of the possible achievement goal of an individual before he or she does some practical work.A subjective desire to represent an individual.The level of ambition depends on the strength of achievement motivation.Ambition level is related to individual's past success or failure experience.Factors affecting achievement motivation:The attraction of 1. goals2. the subjective probability of risk and success or failure3. the chance for individuals to display their talentsAggressive motive:Aggression is the act of an individual intentionally injuring others.Aggression is caused by aggressive motives.Aggression is constituted by injury behavior, aggression motive and social evaluationInfluencing factors of aggression:Emotional arousal levelLevel of moral developmentSelf control abilitySocial roles and groupsThe influence of mass mediaInfluential factors of altruistic behavior1. external factors:natural environmentSocial situation (bystander effect)Time pressureThe characteristics of altruistic objects2. the psychological characteristics of the altruistic:moodguiltpersonality3. altruistic skills: knowing how to help and altruism is also important.Third unit social emotionsJealousy: a complex emotional state of shame, anger, resentment, etc. that is found in others' ability, reputation, status, or circumstances rather than others.The characteristics of jealousy:TargetedPersistenceConfrontationalUniversalityShame: (shame)It is a painful emotional experience of an individual because of his own shortcomings in personality, ability, appearance, etc., or inconsistent with the social norm in thought and behavior.A healthy sense of shame is the natural result of individual psychological development, and is an important way for people to adapt themselves to social life and improve themselves;Too much or too little shame is unhealthy, both of which are detrimental to individual development.Guilt: (guilt)A strong uneasiness, shame, and guilt emotional experience that individuals consider themselves responsible for actual or imagined crimes or faults.Guilty people often have conscience and moral self blame, and try to make efforts to make up for their mistakes.A healthy sense of guilt is the "alarm" of the mind, the core of emotion of human conscience. It will remind us to take care of the interests and feelings of others, and adjust the interpersonal relationship, which is conducive to individual adaptation to social life.Too little or too much guilt is unhealthy.Fifth attitudesUnit 1 attitude formationAttitude is the tendency of individuals to respond to the general evaluation and stability of specific objects.Characteristics of attitude:InternalityObjectivitystabilityComponents of attitude:Cognitive component (cognition)Emotional component (affection)Behavioral propensity component (behavior)The three component of attitude is called the ABC model of attitude.Generally speaking, the three components of attitude are consistent. When they are uncoordinated, emotional components often occupy the dominant position and determine the basic orientation and behavior tendency of attitude.Second unit attitude changeThe theory of attitude change F. Heider's equilibrium theoryThe relationship between P-O is most important (interpersonal relationship)Sure: balance is strong balance, imbalance is strong imbalanceNegative: balance is weak equilibrium, imbalance is weak imbalanceThird unit attitude measurementAttitude:It's a psychological tendency in the body,It can not be measured directly at present,So attitude measurement generally uses indirect methods.Commonly used attitude measurement methods:Scale methodProjection methodBehavioral response measurementProjective test:The Thematic Apperception Test (Morgan)Ink mark test (Luo Xia)Behavioral response measurement is the working principle of lie detector. The theoretical basis is that the individual's psychological state and psychological process reflect the external physiological signs and external behaviors to a certain extent.Sixth section communication and interpersonal relationshipThe structure and function of the first unit communicationCommunicate:Refers to the process of information transmission and communication.interpersonal communicationMass communicationThe function of communication:1. is the means of getting information2. is the tool of ideological communication and emotional sharing3. is an important factor to meet the needs and maintain psychological balance4. is an important way to reduce conflicts and improve interpersonal relationships5. can coordinate the action within the group, promote the improvement of efficiency and the realization of the organization goal.Reality communication:The identity and role of the two parties are clearFace to face communication and telephone communication.Virtual communication:The two sides are not clear about the identity and role of the other party.Process is mainly guided by subjective feelings and imagination.The second unit of language communicationEyes and facial expressionsEye:Eyes are the windows of the mind.It is difficult for people to control their eyes freely.It is the most effective way to reveal the inner world of the individual.Individual emotional changes are first reflected in the pupil changes.Eye contact is the most important way of language communication.Facial expression:A complete fine communication language formAfter training, people can control more freely.Controllable, variable, the effect is obvious.Is one of the more people use body language form.Body movement and contact:Physical exercise is a kind of language the most easy to find.Touch is a powerful way of interpersonal communication.The emotional experience is most profound when people touch and touch the body.Posture and decoration:Is the individual use of body or gesture of action to express the emotions and attitudes of body language.Interpersonal distance:It is the spatial distance between individuals when communicating and communicating.1. public distance (12-25 feet, 3.6-7.6 meters)2. social distance (4-12 feet, 1.2-3.6 meters)3. person distance (1.5- 4 feet, 0.46-1.2 meters)4. close distance (0-18 inches, 0-0.46 meters)The principle and theory of third unit interpersonal relationshipInterpersonal relationship is the direct psychological connection between people and people in communication andcommunication.The characteristics of interpersonal relationship: individuality, directness and emotionality.Fourth unit family(no test). Slightly)。



社会心理学英语词汇大全解读社会心理现象的专业术语Social Psychology Glossary: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Terminology and Concepts in Social PsychologyIntroduction:Social psychology is the scientific study of how individuals think, feel, and behave in social situations. It explores various psychological phenomena that occur within the context of interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and societal influences. As with any specialized field of study, social psychology has its own unique vocabulary and terminology. This comprehensive glossary aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the key concepts and terms used in social psychology, while offering insights into the underlying social psychological phenomena they represent.1. Attribution:Attribution refers to the process of assigning causes to behavior, events, or outcomes. It involves explaining and interpreting the actions of others or oneself. Attributional theories help us understand how people make sense of the social world by identifying explanations for behavior, such as internal (dispositional) or external (situational) attributions.2. Conformity:Conformity is the act of adjusting one's thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors to match those of others in response to real or perceived social pressure. Thisphenomenon highlights the powerful influence that group norms and social influence can have on individual behavior.3. Cognitive Dissonance:Cognitive dissonance refers to the psychological discomfort that arises when individuals hold conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or values or when their behavior contradicts their beliefs. This theory explains how people strive for consistency and the mechanisms they employ to reduce feelings of dissonance.4. Cultural Relativism:Cultural relativism is the belief that the practices, values, and behaviors of a particular culture should be understood within the context of that culture, rather than being judged by external standards. It emphasizes the importance of considering cultural diversity when studying and interpreting social behaviors.5. Deindividuation:Deindividuation occurs when individuals lose their sense of personal identity and responsibility in group settings, leading to uncharacteristic or impulsive behavior. This phenomenon can be observed in situations where individuals feel anonymous or perceive a reduction in their self-awareness.6. Groupthink:Groupthink refers to the phenomena that occur when a group prioritizes harmony and consensus over critical thinking and decision-making.Groupthink can lead to poor decision-making and the suppression of dissenting opinions within a group, often resulting in flawed outcomes.7. Norms:Norms are the unwritten rules or expectations that govern behavior within a particular social group or culture. They dictate acceptable behavior and influence individuals' thoughts, attitudes, and actions within a given social context.8. Obedience:Obedience refers to the act of complying with the orders or instructions of an authority figure. This phenomenon gained significant attention through Stanley Milgram's famous obedience experiments, which highlighted the willingness of individuals to follow orders, even if they conflicted with their personal moral beliefs.9. Self-fulfilling Prophecy:Self-fulfilling prophecy is a phenomenon where a person's beliefs or expectations influence their behavior in a way that confirms these beliefs or expectations. It occurs when individuals unknowingly create conditions that lead to the fulfillment of their initial predictions.10. Stereotypes:Stereotypes are cognitive shortcuts or generalizations about groups of people. They are often based on social categorizations, such as race, gender, or occupation. Stereotypes can lead to biases, prejudice, and discrimination,as individuals rely on simplified and often inaccurate assumptions about others.Conclusion:This comprehensive glossary provides an overview of some of the key terms and concepts in social psychology. From attribution and conformity to stereotypes and obedience, these terms represent the diverse range of topics and phenomena studied within the field. By understanding and utilizing these terms, one can gain deeper insights into the complexities of human behavior in social contexts. As social psychology continues to evolve, so too will the vocabulary used to describe and dissect the intricacies of our social interactions.。


一旦人们为错误的信息建立了理论基础,那么 就很难再让他们否定这条错误的信息。
信念可以独立存在,并且当支持其的证据被否 定时仍会存在下来。
人们往往对自己的记忆力非常自信,尽管有些 时候记忆并不总是那样准确。
我们将信息存储在大脑的同时也就构建了记忆, 因此记忆会引入许多事后的推理。
控制点(locus of control)
有些人似乎一直感觉发生在自己身上的 事是“被外部力量支配的”。
还有一些人则感觉发生的事在很大程度 上是“受自己的努力和技巧所支配的”。
习得性无助:因为自己的努力没有任何 作用而变得被动。
研究证明,促进个人控制系统确实可以 真正地增强个体的健康和幸福。
低自尊的人在抑郁、滥用毒品和各种形式的 行为过失方面面临更多的风险。
高自尊有利于培养主动、乐观和愉快的感觉。 当自己高傲的自尊受到威胁时,人们常常会
鲍迈斯特说:“自尊的影响时微小的,有限 的,而且并不都是好的。高自尊的人常常是 令人讨厌的,喜欢插嘴打断别人,喜欢对人 品头论足,而不是与人交谈。自制远远比自 尊更有价值。”
根据映入头脑中的现成例证做出判断,称 为易得性直觉。
对可能发生事情的心理模拟会影响我们 对负罪、遗憾、挫败和宽慰的体验。
绝大部分人对已做的事情的悔恨比对没 有做的事情的悔恨要小。
错觉相关(illusory correlation)
当我们期待发现某种重要的联系时,我 们很容易会将随机事件联系起来。
我们的社会态度、理解和信念是否合理? 我们给予自己和他人的评价总是正确的吗? 我们的社会思维是如何形成的? 人们为什么会出现偏见和错误,而我们如



社会心理学(social psychology):社会心理学是从社会互动的观点出发,对人的社会心理和社会行为规律进行系统研究的科学。



利己性自杀(Egoistics suicide):整合性强的社会群体通过共同的规范和强有力的权威控制着成员的思想行为,使成员完全归属于群体。


利他性自杀(Altruistics suicides):社会整合过于强烈之时。


失范性自杀,或译“异常性自杀”(Anomic suicide):在过去惯于某种生活规范与习惯时,突然因丧失规范与认同下,造成认知错乱造成的自杀状况,诸如突然经济恐慌的自杀者。

宿命性自杀(Fatalistic suicide):常发生在过度压迫的社会,并且导致人们会有想要死亡的欲念。






同辈群体(peer group):是一个有地位、年龄、兴趣、爱好、价值观等大体相同或相近的人组成的关系亲密的非正式群体。

大众传媒(mass media):指的是传达广大人群之中并对他们产生影响的传播方式自我概念(Self-concept): Self-concept refers to people’s characteristic ideas about who they are and what they are like.主我:指的是我们对于我们正在思考或我们正在知觉的意识,而不是身体或心理过程。




心理学家们遵循实证研究证伪的原则, 不断排除各种可能的假设。
采用大量科学研究方法,对思维、归因、 决策、成见、从众、团体动力、友谊等 基本心理过程进行研究。




当个人在群体中时,群体情境会降低个体 的评价顾忌,发生社会懈怠。
个人的责任被群体分散了,那么就容易导 致个体成员搭群体便车的现象。


高水平的社会唤起与责任扩散的结合有可能 使人们放弃自己的道德约束或者丧失自己的 个性。 其结果就是自我觉察和自我约束减弱,而对 积极或消极的直接情境因素的反应性增强。

我们认为自己的行为是正当的,并以此来 减少我们内部的不适。
我们观察自己的行为并对自己的态度做出 合理的推断,就如同我们观察他人一样。



思维、记忆和态度都是同时在两个水平上运 行的:一个是有意识和有意图的;另一个是 无意识和自动的,可以称为“双重加工”。 社会直觉不仅拥有难以言喻的影响力,也具 有棘手的危险性。


我们是社会的动物,我们所说所想均学自 他人。
我们渴望彼此之间建立关联,渴望归属感, 渴望获得他人良好的评价。



先赋角色:与生俱来的、自然获得的角色(遗传) 父子 职业、婚姻


角色期望(role expectation):社会或个人对于 某种角色应表现出哪些特定行为的期望。 儒家 五伦

1、双趋式:两个目标对个体都有吸引力 (鱼、熊掌 段王爷) 2、双避式:两个目标都想回避,但必须选一个 (工作) 3、双重趋避式:两个目标各有利弊 (男友) 冲突——斗争——更替
(一)按动机性质分 自然动机:以生理需要为基础的动机 饮食、睡 眠、性(天生的)
(美)罗斯----------------------(英)麦独孤 《社会心理学》 《社会心理学导论》 人的行为模仿他人 本能

3、迅速发展阶段 (二战后)

种族歧视的研究. 领导方式 态度说服

美国社会动荡:黑人、妇女、反越战、全球大造 反的青年运动

五、社会化的目的与结果—— 社会角色

合格社会成员--分工--角色(技能/规范) (一)、定义:社会角色(social role):是个人在社会关 系体系中所处的位置,及社会规定了的该位置应具有的一 套行为模式。 主席--总理--部长--局长--司长--科长--职员/ 子女 自致角色:经个人努力与活动获得的 祖父母--父母--
社会认知取向——信息加工 应用研究的加强 国际合作研究的开展(文化差异)





奥尔波特社会心理学(Social Psychology)是研究特定社会情境中个体与他人、群体和社会的相互作用,及其心理活动发生、发展和变化规律的一门学科。


被试者的偏向:主要来自两个方面,一是“要求的特征”,二是“对评价的担心”社会心理学的研究过程与研究步骤A. 选择研究主题、B. 查阅有关的文献、C. 形成假设、D. 选择研究方法E. 收集数据、F. 分析数据、G. 报告结果焦点效应:人类往往会把自己看做一切的中心,并且直觉地高估别人对我们的注意度。





自我参照效应: 当信息与我们的自我概念有关时,我们会对它进行快速加工和很好的回忆。


社会心理学 social psychology

社会心理学 social psychology

社会心理学social psychology Chapter 1♐社会心理学是一门就人们如何看待他人,如何影响他人,又如何互相关联的种种问题进行科学研究的学科♐我们的社会行为取决于客观情境、主观建构。

























♐社会表征(social representation)——的共同信念-我们理所当然地认为的那些东西。




























社会心理学一、什么是社会心理学1.Social psychology的意义“social”来源于拉丁文“socius”,源意义为“结交”,引申为“社交”“psychology”在词源上由两个词“Psyche”和“logy”组成“Psyche”心灵或精神的意思“logy”词源意是“逻辑”Social psychology的词源意义是:对人类社会交往过程中心灵(心理)逻辑(规律)的研究2.学术界定义西方学者的经典定义:社会心理学是一门研究我们周围情景力量(社会影响)的科学,尤其关注个人的思想、情感和行为如何受他人实际的、想象的和隐含的存在的影响。







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Social psychology 社会心理学:用科学的方法研究人们的思维、情感和行为是以怎样的方式受到真实或想象中的他人影响的。

Social influence 社会影响:指他人的言辞、行为或仅仅是其在场对我们思想、情感、态度或行为所产生的影响或效果。

Construal 解读:是指人们认知、理解、解释社会世界的方式。

Fundamental Attribution Error 基本归因错误:是指高估内在性情境因素对行为的影响,而低估外在性情境因素的作用的倾向。

Self-esteem 自尊:指一个人对自我价值的评估,换言之,就是一个人认为自己有多好、多能干以及多高尚Social cognition 社会认知:指人们是如何看待自己和社会世界,更明确地说,就是人们如何选择、诠释、记忆和使用社会信息来做出判断和决定的。

Automatic thinking 自动化思维:是指无意识的、不带意图目的、自然而然的并且不需要努力地思维。

Schemas 图式:是指人们用来组织他们关于某个主题的知识、关于周围的社会性世界的心理结构,这种心理结构会影响人们所注意、思考和识记的信息。

Accessibility 可提取性:是指图式和概念在人们的头脑中所占据的优势范围,从而使我们对社会性世界作出判断的时候予以提取使用。

Priming 启动:是指最近的经历提高了某个图式、特征或概念的可提取性的过程。

Self-fulfilling prophecy 自证预言:是指在这种情况中,人们对他人产生一个预期,这会影响他们如何对待他人,而这种对待方式又会导致那个人的行为与人们最初的预期相一致,使得这一预期成为现实。

心理策略与心理捷径1、判断法则(judgmental heuristics):是指人们为了迅速而有效地作出判断所使用的心理捷径。

2、便利法则(availability heuristic):是指根据一件事进入脑海的容易程度来做出判断的心理经验法则。

3、代表性法则(representativeness heuristic):是指人们根据一事物与某典型事物的相似程度来加以归类的一类心理捷径。

4、基础比例信息(base rate information ):是指关于总体中不同类别的成员所占的相对比例中的信息。

5、锚定与调整法则(anchoring and adjustment heuristics):是指人们是以一个数字或数值作为起始点,并依据这个起始点进行调整,但这种调整往往是不充分地。

Controlled thinking 控制性思维:是指有意识、有目的、主动的并且需要努力的思维。

Counterfactual thinking 反事实推理:是指在心理上改变过去的某些环节以便想象事情可能有所不同。

Thought suppression 思考抑制:是指试图避免想起一些我们宁愿忘记的事物。

Overconfidence barrier 过度自信障碍:是指人们对于自己判断的正确性往往自信过度。

social perception 社会知觉:是指关于我们如何形成对他人的印象及如何对他们做出推论的研究。

nonverbal communication 非言语交流:是指人们在不使用语言的情况下进行有意或无意的交流的方式。


Encode 编码:是指表达或作出非言语行为。

Decode 解码:是指解释别人所表达的非言语行为的意义。

display rules 表达规则:是指由文化所决定的关于何种非语言行为适合表达的规则。

Emblems 标志:是指在某一特定文化中具有清楚易懂的定义的非言语姿势,这些姿势通常转译为直接的语言表达。

attribution theory 归因理论:是指对人们解释自己及他人行为起因的方式的描述。

internal attribution 内部归因:指的是一个人之所以出现这样的行为,其原因与自己有关,例如他的人格、态度或个性。

external attribution 外部归因:指的是一个人之所以出现这样的行为,其原因与他所处的情境有关,并假设大多数人在同样的情境下会作出同样的反应。

consensus information 共识性信息:指的是这类信息是对于相同的刺激,其他人作出与行为者相同行为的程度。

distinctiveness information 特殊性信息:指的是这类信息时某个行为者对于不同刺激作出相同反应的程度。

consistency information 一致性信息:指的是这类信息是在不同的时间和环境下,某项行为出现于同一行为者和同一刺激之间的频率。

correspondence bias 一致性偏见:指的是推论人们的行为与他们的性格(人格)相一致的倾向。

perceptual salience 知觉显著性:指的是成为人们注意焦点的信息貌似更具有重要性的观点。

Actor /observer difference 当事人与旁观者差异:指的是在观察别人的行为时偏好做性格归因,在解释自己的行为时更加重于情境因素的倾向。

self-serving attributions 自利归因:是指将成功归因于内部,即性格因素;而将失败归因于外部,即情境因素。

self-concept 自我概念:自我的内容,换言之,就是我们对于“自己是谁”这个问题的了解。

self-awareness 自我觉知:是指以自我为思考对象的行为。

independent view of the self 个人主义:是指以自己内在的想法、感受和行动来定义自我,而不是以别人的想法、感受和行动来定义自我的方式。

interdependent view of the self 集体主义:是指以自己和他人的关系来定义自我,并认识到自己的行为经常受到别人的想法、感受及行动的左右的方式。

Introspection 内省:往内心深处探索,并审视自己的想法、感受及动机的过程。

self-awareness theory 自我觉知理论:该理论主张,当我们将注意力集中在自己身上时,我们会根据自己内在的标准与价值观来评价和比较自己的行为。

self-perception theory 自我知觉理论:是指当我们的态度和感受处于不确定或模棱两可的状态时,我们会通过观察自己的行为和该行为发生时的情境,来推论自己的态度和感受。

intrinsic motivation 内在动机:是指因为喜欢某项活动或觉得该活动有趣(而不是因为外在的奖赏或压力)而想从事该项活动的欲望。

extrinstic motivation 外在动机:是指因为外在的奖赏或压力(而不是因为喜欢该活动或觉得该活动有趣)而想从事某项活动的欲望overjustification effect 过分充足理由效应:是指人们的某种倾向,即认为自己的行为是由难以抗拒的外在原因所引起的,而使他们低估了内在原因引发该行为的可能性。

two-factor theory of emotion沙赫特的情绪的二因素理论:是指情绪体验是一种两阶段的自我知觉过程的结果:首先,我们必须经历生理的唤起;接着再为这个唤起状态寻找适当的解释。

Misattribution of arousal 唤起的错误归因:是指对于自己的感受的起因作出错误推论的过程。

appraisal theories of emotion 情绪评估理论:指的是即使没有任何的生理唤起,人们对事件的解读或诠释也可能造成情绪的产生。

attitude 态度:指的是对他人、事物和观点的评价。

classical conditioning 经典条件作用:指的是某种能引起情绪反应的刺激不断与一种不会引起情绪反应的中性刺激相联结,直到中性刺激本身也能引发该情绪反应。

operant conditioning 操作条件作用:指的是个体自由选择的行为,根据行为结果是得到奖励还是惩罚,相应地在频率上增加或减少。

explicit attitudes 外显态度:是指我们意识到的并易于报告的。

implicit attitudes 内隐态度:是指自然而然的、不受控制的,而且往往是无意识的评价。

internal justification 内部合理化:是指通过让自己相信自己所说的内容来减轻社会认知失调。

persuasive communication 说服性沟通:是指在某一问题上支持特定观点的沟通,如演讲Yale Attitude Change Approach 耶鲁态度改变研究法:1谁:沟通的来源:a、可信的演说家比缺乏可信度的人更具有说服力。





elaboration likelihood model 精细可能性模型:指的是主张说服性沟通方式有两种可以引起态度改变,一是中心路径,人们有动机、有能力专注于沟通中的逻辑论证;二是外周路径,人们不去注意逻辑论证而受到表面特征(如演讲者是谁)的影响。

central route to persuasion 说服的中心路径:是指当人们具备专注于信息的动机和能力时,人们对说服性沟通进行了精细化,专心聆听并思考论据内容的情况。

peripheral route to persuasion 说服的外周路径:是指人们不仔细思考说服性沟通中的论据,而受周边线索影响的情况。

Need for cognition 认知需求:反映一个人从事和喜欢费劲的认知活动的程度的人格变量fear-arousing communication 引发恐惧的沟通:是指通过引发人们恐惧感的方式来改变人们态度的说服性信息。

heuristic-systematic model of persuasion 启发式系统性说服模型:是指说服性沟通改变态度有两种途径:一种是系统性地处理论证的优点,另一种是运用心理捷径(启发式)的方法,attitude accessibility 态度的可接近性:某一事物与你对该事物的评价之间的联系强度,通常可以通过人们报告对该问题或事物的看法的速度来衡量。



theory of planned behavior 有计划行为理论:指的是认为对一个人的有计划性、有意的行为最好的预测方法是考察人们指向行为的态度、主观规范和知觉到的控制感这三个因素。
