四川成都七中万达学校高一上册 物理12月月月考考试总结整理( Word版含答案)
四川成都七中万达学校高一上册物理12月月月考考试总结整理( Word版含答案)一、选择题1.如图所示,一电梯在缆绳的拉动下向下做减速运动,则()A.电梯中的人处于失重状态B.缆绳对电梯的弹力和电梯与人的总重力是一对平衡力C.缆绳对电梯的弹力和电梯对缆绳的弹力是一对作用力与反作用力D.电梯对缆绳的弹力是由于缆绳发生弹性形变而产生的2.如图所示,AB和CD是彼此平行的河岸,若河水以恒定的速度沿平行河岸方向向右流动,现使小船船头垂直河岸,由A点匀速出发,则小船实际运动的轨迹可能是图中的A.直线P B.曲线Q C.直线R D.曲线S3.一小船在静水中的速度为3m/s,它在一条河宽300m,水流速度为4m/s的河流中渡河,则该小船()A.能到达正对岸B.渡河的时间可能少于100sC.以最短时间渡河时,它沿水流方向的位移大小为400mD.以最短位移渡河时,位移大小为300m4.竖直升空的火箭,其v-t图像如图所示,由图可知以下说法中正确的是( )A.火箭上升的最大高度为16000mB .火箭上升的最大高度为48000mC .火箭经过120s 落回地面D .火箭上升过程中的加速度始终是20m/s 25.单位制是由基本单位和导出单位所组成的一系列完整的单位体制。
在以下所给出的力学单位中,属于国际单位制中的基本单位是( )A .mB ./m sC .2/m sD .N6.关于速度、速度的变化、加速度的关系,下列说法中正确的是( )A .速度变化越大,加速度就一定越大B .速度为零,加速度一定为零C .速度很小,加速度可能很大D .速度变化越慢,加速度可能越大7.关于伽利略对自由落体运动的研究,下列说法中不正确的是A .在同一地点,重的物体和轻的物体下落一样快B .伽利略猜想运动速度与下落时间成正比,并直接用实验进行了验证C .伽利略通过数学推演并用小球在斜面上运动的实验验证了位移与时间的平方成正比D .伽利略思想方法的核心是把实验和逻辑推理(包括数学推演)和谐地结合起来8.如图所示,两块相互垂直的光滑挡板OP 、OQ ,OP 竖直放置,小球A 、B 固定在轻杆的两端。
2023年12月英语四级真题及答案第二套(网络整理版)As an AI language model, I am unable to provide you with an exact English version of the "2023年12月英语四级真题及答案第二套(网络整理版)" as mentioned in the prompt. However, I can provide you with a sample article as an example. Please note that the following article is fictional and unrelated to the actual test:2023年12月英语四级真题及答案第二套(网络整理版)Introduction:The 2023 December edition of the English four-level test aims to assess students' language proficiency. This article provides a summary of the test questions and their corresponding answers. Please note that this article is a fictional representation and not an actual representation of the test.Reading Comprehension:The reading comprehension section of the test consists of five passages. Each passage is followed by several questions.Passage 1: "The Importance of Education"The passage emphasizes the vital role of education in shaping individuals and societies. It discusses the benefits of education, ranging from personal growth to economic development. The questions test students' understanding of the main idea, supporting details, and vocabulary usage.Passage 2: "Climate Change and Its Effects"This passage explores the impact of climate change on the environment and human life. It discusses the causes, consequences, and possible solutions. The questions assess students' ability to infer information, understand complex scientific terms, and analyze data.Passage 3: "The Benefits of Exercise"Focusing on physical health, this passage highlights the positive effects of regular exercise on individuals' well-being. It discusses the benefits of exercise, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving mental health. The questions challenge students' comprehension, vocabulary, and ability to identify cause-effect relationships.Passage 4: "The Influence of Social Media"Addressing the rise of social media platforms, this passage explores their impact on society, relationships, and personal privacy. It presents both positive and negative aspects of social media usage. The questions evaluate students' ability to distinguish between fact and opinion, understand figurative language, and draw conclusions.Passage 5: "The Power of Artificial Intelligence"This passage discusses the growth and influence of artificial intelligence in various fields, such as healthcare, transportation, and entertainment. It debates the ethical concerns and potential consequences of AI advancement. The questions test students' comprehension, critical thinking, and ability to interpret information.Listening Comprehension:The listening comprehension section consists of multiple audio recordings, including conversations, lectures, and interviews. Students are required to answer questions based on the content of the recordings.Listening Section 1: Conversation between two friends planning a trip.Listening Section 2: Lecture on the history of cinema.Listening Section 3: Interview with a renowned scientist.Listening Section 4: Academic discussion on the impact of technology on society.Writing Section:The writing section of the test requires students to compose an essay on a given topic within a specified time frame. The prompt and essay topic are not provided in this article.Conclusion:This article provides an overview of the 2023 December English four-level test. It includes a summary of the reading comprehension passages, listening comprehension recordings, and mentions the writing section. Please note that the content presented here is entirely fictional and bears no resemblance to the actual test.Please remember to consult official sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the 2023 December English four-level test. Good luck with your preparation!。
鹤山一中2024-2025学年度第一学期第二阶段考试高二物理选考试卷 2024.12一、单选题(本题7小题,每小题4分,共28分)1.两个半径均为r 的相同金属球,两球相距r ,分别带有电荷量2Q 和,它们之间库仑力的大小为F ,现将两球接触后再放回原处,则( )A .两球均带正电B .两球电荷量均为C.两小球间库仑力为D .两小球间库仑力小于2.如图所示,虚线表示电场中的三个等势面,电势分别为、、,实线是一带电粒子在该区域内的运动轨迹,a 、b 、c 是轨迹上的三个点,粒子重力不计,下列说法正确的是( )A .粒子带负电B .粒子必先过a ,再到b ,然后到cC .粒子在三点所受的电场力大小关系为D .粒子在三点所具有的动能大小关系为3.如图所示,匀强电场中有一个半径为4cm 的圆,电场方向与圆面平行,A 、B 、C 是圆上的三个等分点,已知,,则该电场的电场强度大小为( )A .100V/mB.150V/m C.D .4.如图所示,一平行板电容器,两极板水平放置,b 板接地,P 点在两板之间,与两板距离相等。
开关S 闭合后,一带电油滴在P 点处于静止状态,现在断开开关,而后将b 板缓慢向上平移一小段距离,下列说法中正确的是( )A .滴将将向下运动B .油滴将向上运动C .P 点电势降低D .P 点电势升高5.某品牌推出了手机快充技术,其中66W 快充的参数如图,当充电器与手机连接时,手机将启动66W 快充模式充电,即充电器输出电压为11V ,输出电流为6A 。
若用该充电模式对容量为4500mAh 的电池充电(初始电量为零),要把电池充满,理论上充电的时间约为( )A .15分钟B .30分钟C .45分钟D .60分钟6.下列关于的磁场相关知识说法正确的是( )4Q -Q18F 18F 10V 20V 30V c b aF F F >>k k k c b aE E E >>6V AB U =6V BC U =-A .甲图中,通电螺线管内部小磁针静止时N 极水平向左B .乙图中,小磁针正上方的直导线中通有电流时,小磁针的N 极会垂直纸面向外转动C .丙图中,面积为S 的矩形线框置于磁感应强度为B 的匀强磁场中,线框平面与磁场方向平行,此时通过线框的磁通量为BSD .丁图中,同向通电直导线之间的相互作用是通过磁场发生的7.带电粒子在磁场中运动的实例如图所示,下列判断正确的有( )A .甲图中,只有速度为的带电粒子从P 射入,才能做匀速直线运动从Q 射出B .乙图中,同种带电粒子在磁场中运动的半径越大,周期也越大C .丙图中,直线加速器使用直流电,且电压越大,粒子获得的能量越高D .丁图中,磁感应强度增大时,a 、b 两表面间的电压U 减小二、多选题(本题3小题,每小题6分,共18分;全选正确得6分,,少选但正确得3分,错选或不选得0分)8.下列有关静电现象的说法,正确的是( )A .摩擦起电创造了电荷B .避雷针是利用尖端放电避免雷击的一种设施C .某些小汽车顶上有一根露在外面的小天线是用来避免雷击的D .超高压带电作业的工人穿戴的工作服是用包含金属丝的织物制成的9.如图所示,细线栓一带负电的小球,球处在竖直向下的匀强电场中,使小球在竖直平面内做圆周运动,则( )A .小球不可能做匀速圆周运动B .当小球运动到最高点时绳的张力可能最小C .小球运动到最低点时,球的线速度一定最大D .小球运动到最低点时,电势能一定最大10.如图所示电路,电源内阻不可忽略。
【网络综合版】听力News report 1(1) A poisonous fish which has a sting strong enough to kill a human is invading the Mediterranean, warn the scientist.The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has raised concerns after the poisonous fish was spotted in the waters around Turkey, Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean.Native to the South Pacific and Indian Ocean, the potentially deadly fish has poisonous barbs and an painful sting capable of killing people.Although fatalities are rare, the stings can cause extreme pain, and stop people breathing.The fish, also known as the Devil Firefish, is a highly invasive a species, (2) and environmentalists fear its arrival could endanger other types of marine life.After being spotted in the Med, a marine scientist says: "The fish is spreading, and that's a cause for concern.”Q1: What is reported in the news?D. A deadly fish has been spotted in the Mediterranean waters.Q2: What is the environmentalist concern about the spread of devil fire fish in the Mediterranean?B. It could pose a threat to other marine species.News Report 2(3)Almost half the center of Paris will be accessible only by foot or bicycle this Sunday to mark World-Car-Free Day. (4) This is in response to rising air pollution that made Paris the most polluted city in the world for a brief time. Mayor Ann Ethogo promoted the first World-Car-Free Day last year. Ethogo also has supporteda Pairs-briefs-Day on the first Sunday of every month. Paris clears traffic from eight lanes of the main road. About 400 miles of streets will be closed to cars. It is expected to bring significant reduction in pollution levels. (4) Last year's Car-Free Day showed a 40% drop in pollution levels in some parts of the city. According to an independent air pollution monitor, reports the guardian and sound levels dropped by 50% in the city center.Q3: What will happen on World-Car-Free-Day in Paris?C. About half of its city center will be closed to cars.Q4: What motivated the mayor of Paris to promote the first World-Car-Free Day in her city?D. The rising air pollution in Paris.News Report 3(5) A Philippine fisherman was feeling down on his luck when a house fire forced him to clear out his possessions and change locations. Then, a good luck charm that he kept under his bed changed his life. The unidentified man fished out a giant pearl from the ocean when his anchor got stuck on the rock while sailing off a coastal island in the Philippines 10 years ago. (6) When he was forced to sell it, (7) the shocked tourist agent at Puerto Francesca told him that the £77 giant pearl that he had kept hidden in his run-down wooden house was the biggest pile in the world, which was valued at £76 million. The pearl of Allah, which is currently on display in a New York Museum, only weighs 14 pounds. That is 5 times smaller than the pearl that the fisherman just handed in. The monstrous pearl, measured at 1 foot wide and 2.2 feet long, is going to be verified by local experts and international authorities before hopefully going on display to attract more tourists in the little town.Question 5. What happened to the Philippine fisherman one day?A.His house was burnt down in a fire.Question 6. What was the fisherman forced to do?C. Sell the pearl he had kept for years.Question 7. What did the fisherman learn from the tourist agent?B. His monstrous pearl was extremely valuable.Conversation 1W: Mr. Smith, it's a pleasure meeting you.M: Nice to meet you,too. What can I do for you?W: Well, I'm here to show you what our firm can do for you. Astro Consultant has branches in over 50 countries, offering different business services. (8) We area global company with 75 years of history and our clients include some of theworld's largest companies.M: Thank you, Mrs. Houston. I know Astro Consultant is a famous company, but you said you would show me what you could do for me. Well, what exactly can your firm do for my company?W: We advise businesses on all matters—from market analysis to legal issues.Anything of business like yours could need, our firm offers expert advice. CouldI ask you, Mr. Smith, to tell me a little about your company and the challengesyou face? That way, I could better respond as to how we can help you.M: OK, sure. (9) This is a family business started by my grandfather in 1950. We employed just over 100 people. We manufacture an export stone for buildings and other constructions. Our clients usually want a special kind of stone cut in a special design. That's what we do in our factory. (10) Our main challenge is that our national currency is rising and we're losing competitive advantage to stone producers in India.W: I see. that's very interesting. (11) I would suggest that you let us first conducta financial analysis of your company, together with an analysis of yourcompetitors in India. That way we could offer the best advice on different ways forward for you.Q8. What do we learn about the woman's company?A. It boasts a fairly long history.Q9. What does the man say about his own company?D. It is a family business.Q10. What is the main problem with the man's company?B. Losing the competitive edge.Q11. What does the woman suggest doing to help the man’s company?D. Conducting a financial analysis for it.Conversation 2W: (12) Wow, Congratulations, Simon. The place looks absolutely amazing.M: Really? You think so?W: Of course, I love it! It looks like you had a professional interior designer.But you didn't, did you?M: No. I did it all by myself—with a little help from my brother Greg. He's actually in the construction business, which was really helpful.W: Well, honestly, I'm impressed. I knew I could probably repaint the walls in my house over a weekend or something, but not a full renovation. Where did you get your ideas? I wouldn't know where to start.M: (13) Well, for a while now, I've been regularly buying home design magazines every now and then, and say the picture I liked. Believe it or not, I had a full notebook of magazine pages. Since my overall style was quite minimal, I thought and hoped the whole renovation wouldn't be too difficult. And sure enough, with Greg's help,it was very achievable.W: Was it very expensive? I imagine a project like this could be.M: (14) Actually, it was surprisingly affordable. I managed to sell a lot of my old furniture, and put that extra money towards the new material. Greg was also able to get some discount of materials from a recent project he was working on as well. W: Great. If you don't mind, I'd like to pick your brain a bit more. Jonathan andI are thinking of renovating our sitting room, not the whole house—not yet anyway.(15) And we'd love to get some inspiration from your experience. Are you freeto come over for a coffee early next week?Question 12. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?B. She is really impressed by the man’s house.Question 13. Where did the man get his ideas for the project?C. From home design magazines.Question 14. What did the man say about the project he recently completed?A. The cost was affordable.Question 15. Why does the woman invite the man to her house next week?D. She wants him to share his renovation experience with her.Passage 1(16) Removing foreign objects from ears and noses costs England almost£3 million a year, a study suggests. Children were responsible for the vast majority of cases. 95% of objects removed from noses, and 85% from ears. Every year, an average of 1,218 nose,and 2,479 ear removals took place between 2010 and 2016. (17) According to England's hospital episodes statistics, children aged 1 to 4 were the most likely to need help from doctors for a foreign object in their nose. 5 to 9 -year-olds come to the hospital with something in their ears the most.Jewelry items accounted for up to 40% of cases in both the ears and noses of children. Paper and plastic toys for the items removed next most from noses. Cotton buds, and pencils were also found in years.(18) According to the study, the occurrence of foreign objects in children is generally attributed to curiosity. Children have an impulse to explore their noses and ears. This results in the accidental entry of foreign objects. Any ear, nose and throat surgeon has many weird stories about wonderful objects found in the noses and ears of children and adults. Batteries can pose a particular danger. In all cases, prevention is better than cure. This is why many toys contain warnings about small parts. Recognizing problems early and seeking medical attention is important.Question16 What does England spend an annual£3 million on?C. Removing objects from patients’ noses and ears.Question17 What do we learn from England's hospital episodes statistics?B. Five-to nine-year-olds are the most likely to put things in their ears. Question18 What is generally believed to account for children putting things in their ears or noses?D. They are curious about these body parts.Passage 2(21) Good morning. Today, I would like to talk to you about my charity Re-bicycle.But before that, let me introduce someone. This is Layla Rahimi. She was so scared when she first moved to new Zealand. Does she struggled to leave the house? I would spend days working up the courage to walk to the supermarket for basic supplies.(19) After a few months of being quite down and unhappy, she was invited to joina local bike club. At this time, Re-bicycle got involved and gave Layla a second-hand bicycle. Within weeks, her depression had begun to ease as she cycled. The bicycle totally changed her life, giving her hope and a true feeling of freedom. (20) To date, Re-bicycle has donated more than 200 bikes to those in need and is now expanding bike-riding lessons as a demand source. With a bike, new comers here can travel farther but for almost no cost. The 3 hours a day they used to spend walking to and from English language lessons has been reduced to just 1hour.(21) Our bike riding lessons are so successful that we are urgently looking for more volunteers, learning to ride a bike is almost always more difficult for an adult. And this can take days and weeks rather than hours. So if any of you have some free time during the weekend, please come join us at Re-bicycle and make a difference in someone’s life.Question 19. What did Re-bicycle do to help Layla Rahimi?A. It gave her a used bicycle.Question 20. What is Re-bicycle doing to help those in need?A. Expanding bike-riding lessons.Question 21. What do we learn from the passage about Re-bicycle?D. It is a charity organization.Passage 3Thanks to the international space station, (22) we know quite a bit about the effects of low gravity on the human body, but NASA scientists want to learn more.To that end, they have been studying how other species deal with low gravity, specifically focusing on mice. The results are both interesting and humorous. The scientists first sent some mice and especially designed cage to the international space station.The cage allowed them to study the behavior of the mice remotely from earth, via video.As you’ll notice in the video, (23) the mice definitely seem uncomfortable at the beginning of the experiment.They move around clumsily, drifting within the small confines of the cage and do their best to figure out which way is up, but without success. However, it’s not long before the mice begin to catch on.They adapt remarkably well to their new environment, and even use the lack of gravity to their advantage as they push themselves around the cage. That’s when things really get wild. (24) The 11th day of the experiment shows the mice are not just dealing with the gravity change, but actually seem to be enjoying it. Several of the mice are observed running around the cage walls. The scientists wanted to see whether the mice would continue doing the same kinds of activities they were observed doing on earth.(25) The study showed that the mice kept much of the routines intact, including cleaning themselves and eating when hungry.Question 22 : What do NASA scientists want to learn about?A. How animals deal with lack of gravity.Question 23: What does the passage say about the mice at the beginning of the experiment?C. They were not used to the low-gravity environment.Question 24: What was observed about the mice on the 11th day of the experiment?B. They already felt at home in the new environment.Question 25: What did the scientists find about the mice from the experiment? B.They behaved as if they were on Earth.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1. A) A deadly fish has been spotted in the Mediterranean waters.B) Invasive species are driving away certain native species.C) The Mediterranean is a natural habitat of Devil Firefish.D) Many people have been attacked by Devil Firefish.2. A) It could add to greenhouse emissions.B) It could disrupt the food chains there.C) It could pose a threat to other marine species.D) It could badly pollute the surrounding waters.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3. A) Cars will not be allowed to enter the city.B) About half of its city center will be closed to cars.C) Buses will be the only vehicles allowed on its streets.D) Pedestrians will have free access to the city.4. A) The rising air pollution in Paris.B) The worsening global warming.C) The ever-growing cost of petrol.D) The unbearable traffic noise.Questions 5 and 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5. A) Many of his possessions were stolen.B) His house was burnt down in a fire.C) His fishing boat got wrecked on a rock.D) His good luck charm sank into the sea.6. A) Change his fishing locations.B) Find a job in a travel agency.C) Spend a few nights on a small island.D) Sell the pearl he had kept for years.7. A) A New York museum...B) The largest pearl in the world...C) His monstrous pearl was extremely valuable.D) His pearl could be displayed in a museum.Questions 8 and 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. A) It boast a fairly long history.B) It produces construction materials.C) It has 75 offices around the world.D) It has over 50 business partners.9. A) It has about 50 employees.B) It was started by his father.C) It has a family business.D) It is over 100 years old.10. A) Shortage of raw material supply.B) Legal disputes in many countries.C) Outdated product design.D) Loss of competitive edge.11. A) Conducting a financial analysis for it.B) Providing training for its staff members.C) Seeking new ways to increase its exports.D) Introducing innovative marketing strategies.Questions 12 and 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) She is a real expert at house decorations.B) She is well informed about the design business.C) She is attracted by the color of the sitting room.D) She is really impressed by the man’s house.13. A) From his younger brother Greg.B) From home design magazines.C) From a construction businessman.D) From a professional interior designer.14. A) The effort was worthwhile.B) The style was fashionable.C) The cost was affordable.D) The effect was unexpected.15. A) She’d like him to talk with Jonathan about a new project.B) She wants him to share his renovation experience with her.C) She wants to discuss the house decoration budget with him.D) She’d l ike to show him around her newly-renovated house.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) Providing routine care for small childrenB) Paying hospital bills for emergency cases.C) Doing research on ear, nose and throat diseases.D) Removing objects from patients’noses and ears.17. A) Many children like to smell things they find or play with.B) Many children like to put foreign objects in their mouth.C) Five-to nine-year-olds are the most likely to put things in their ears.D) Children aged one to four are often more curious than older children.18. A) They tend to act out of impulse.B) They want to attract attentions.C) They are unaware of the potential risks.D) They are curious about these body parts.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) It paid for her English lessons.B) It gave her a used bicycle.C) It delivered her daily necessities.D) It provided her with physical therapy.20. A) Expanding bike-riding lessons.B) Asking local people for donations.C) Providing free public transport.D) Offering walking tours to visitors.21. A) It is a language school.B) It is a charity organization.C) It is a counseling center.D) It is a sports club.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A) How mice imitate human behavior in space.B) How low gravity affects the human body.C) How mice interact in a new environment.D) How animals deal with lack of gravity.23. A) They were not used to the low-gravity environment.B) They found it difficult to figure out where they were.C)They found the space in the cage too small to stay in.D) They were not sensitive to the changed environment.24.A) They tried everything possible to escape from the cage.B) They continued to behave as they did in the beginning.C) They already felt at home in the new environment.D) They had found a lot more activities to engage in.25.A) They repeated their activities every day.B) They behaved as if they were on Earth.C) They begin to eat less after some time.D) They changed their routines in space.听力第一套1. D. A deadly fish has been spotted in the Mediterranean waters.2. B. It could pose a threat to other marine species.3. C. About half of its city center will be closed to cars.4. D. The rising air pollution in Paris.5. A. His house was burnt down in a fire.6. C. Sell the pearl he had kept for years.7. B. His monstrous pearl was extremely valuable.8. A. It boasts a fairly long history.9. D. It is a family business.10. B. Loss the competitive edge.11. D. Conducting a financial analysis for it.12. B. She is really impressed by the man’s house.13. C. From home design magazines.14. A. The cost was affordable.15. D. She wants him to share his renovation experience with her.16. C. Removing objects from patients’noses and ears.17. B. Five-to nine-year-olds are the most likely to put things in their ears.18. D. They are curious about these body parts.19. A. It gave her a used bicycle.20. A. Expanding bike-riding lessons.21. D. It is a charity organization.22. A. How animals deal with lack of gravity.23. C. They were not used to the low-gravity environment.24. B. They already felt at home in the new environment.25. C. They behaved as if they were on Earth.听力第二套1. D) He did an unusual good deed.2. C) Give some money to the waiter.3. A) Whether or not to move to the state’s mainland.4. B) It costs too much money.5. A) To investigate whether people are grateful for help.6. C) They held doors open for people at various places.7. B) Most people express gratitude for help.8. C) To enquire about solar panel installations.9. D) He has a large family.10. B) The cost of a solar panel installation.11. D) About five year.12. A) At a travel agency.13. D) She wanted to spend more time with her family.14. D) Two weeks.15. A) Choosing some activities herself.16. D) Pay a green tax upon arrival.17. A) It has not been doing a good job in recycling.18. B) To ban single-use plastic bags and straws on Bali island.19. D) Its population is now showing signs of increase.20. C) Commercial hunting.21. D) To seek breeding grounds.22. C) They consume less milk these days.23. A) It is not as healthy as once thought.24. C) They lack the necessary proteins to digest it.25. B) It provides some necessary nutrients.翻译【翻译第一套】鱼是春节前夕餐桌上不可或缺的一道菜,因为汉语中“鱼”字的发音与“余”字的发音相同。
12月骨科护理实习生出科理论考试[整理]1. 一青年腰痛半年,低烧、盗汗、血沉30毫米/小时。
X线片:腰1~2椎破坏,椎间隙狭窄,腰大肌阴影增宽,最有可能的诊断:() [单选题] *A.腰椎转移性肿瘤。
2. 胸腰段脊柱骨折的临床表现包括() [单选题] *A.畸形,后突,生理弧度消失。
3. 成人股骨颈血液供应的主要来源于() [单选题] *A.股骨头圆韧带的小凹动脉B.旋股内、外侧动脉的分支(正确答案)C.旋髂深动脉支D.股骨干的滋养动脉E.旋股外侧动脉4. 诊断成人腰椎结核最可靠的依据是() [单选题] *A.结核中毒症状B.贫血、血沉增快C.X线示椎间隙狭窄、椎体邻缘模糊(正确答案)D.结核菌素试验阳性E.腰痛、棘突扣痛、拾物试验阳性5. 患者,24岁,桡骨colles骨折,应采取:() [单选题] *A.皮肤牵引B.骨骼牵引C.石膏外固定(正确答案)D.外固定支架固定E.内固定6. 颈椎骨折脱位,合并颈髓横断伤,早期可能出现:() [单选题] *A.呼吸衰竭(正确答案)B.心动过速C.瘫痪的肢体萎缩D.下肢关节畸形E.脂肪栓塞7. 急性骨髓炎:() [单选题] *A.骨质破坏B.骨质增生C.两者均有(正确答案)D.两者均无8. 开放性骨折:() [单选题] *A.耻骨骨折合并尿道破裂B.尾骨骨折合并直肠破裂C.两者均是。
9. 急性血源性骨髓炎多见于:() [单选题] *A.成年人B.儿童(正确答案)C.老年人D.孕妇E.青年10. 关于滑膜结核下面哪项不正确() [单选题] *A.多见于滑囊的滑膜组织B.早期关节表现为红肿、充血(正确答案)C.滑膜表面有乳头增生D.关节内有浆液性渗出血液E.滑膜深面有化脓性表现11. 髋关节后脱位下列临床表现不正确的是() [单选题] *A.患肢延长(正确答案)B.髋关节屈曲C.髋关节内收D.髋关节内旋E.大粗隆上移12. 脊柱结核正确的X线特征为() [单选题] *A.一般只影响单个椎体,椎体骨质疏松、破坏或压缩B.脊柱呈竹节样,骨质疏松,C.患病椎体之间椎间隙变窄或骨性融合D.一般影响相邻椎体,椎体压缩,椎间隙变窄(正确答案)E.一般先影响关节边缘,引起破坏,关节间隙狭窄,然后死骨形成,椎旁有肿块阴影13. 一般上肢骨牵引的重量为体重的() [单选题] *A.1/7B.1/10C.1/12(正确答案)D.1/914. 急性骨髓炎:() [单选题] *A.发烧、局部疼痛严重,有深压痛(正确答案)B.局部皮温增高,静脉怒张,针状骨膜反应C.两者均有D.两者均无15. 骨折现场抢救,错误的是:() [单选题] *A.重点检查有无内脏损伤B.开放性骨折应现场复位(正确答案)C.取清洁布类包扎伤口D.就地取材,固定伤肢E.平托法搬移脊柱骨折病人16. 损伤性骨化的特点下面哪一项不正确() [单选题] *A.最常发生在肘部B.多见于关节扭伤、脱位及关节部骨折C.发生原因是形成骨膜下血肿D.不影响关节活动(正确答案)E.关节附近的软组织广泛骨化17. 脊髓侧索硬化症可引起:() [单选题] *A.受压节段相应平面以下的感觉障碍伴不同的肌力改变B.对称性感觉障碍C.感觉与运动障碍分离(正确答案)D.以四肢肌肉萎缩、无力,尤其是上肢为主E.对称性运动障碍18. 急性化脓性关节炎的治疗:() [单选题] *A.关节内置入抗生素B.局部固定C.两者均可(正确答案)D.两者均不可19. Colles骨折局部典型移位侧面观是:() [单选题] *A.“餐叉”畸形(正确答案)B.“枪刺刀”畸形C.掌曲型畸形D.短缩畸形E.内收畸形20. 椎管骨性狭窄的疾病是:() [单选题] *A.颈椎间盘突出症B.发育性颈椎管狭窄症脊髓空洞症(正确答案)C.脊髓空洞症D.胸椎黄韧带骨化引起的椎管狭窄E.脊髓侧索硬化症21. 女性,7岁,不慎跌倒时以手掌撑地,倒地后自觉右肘上部剧烈疼痛,大哭,被立即送往医院。
【网络综合版】听力Conversation 1M: Good morning, safe house insurance. My name is Paul. How can I help you today? W: Morning. I wouldn’t say that it’s good from where I am standing. This is Miss Wilson, and this is the third time I’ve called this week since receiving your letter about our insurance claim. (1) I’m getting a little fed up with my calls about my claim being completely disregarded.M: Miss Wilson, thank you for calling back. Can I take some details to help me look at your claim?W: It’s Miss May Wilson, a 15 south sea road in Cornwall.And the details are that our village was extensively flooded 2 months ago. (2) The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water. And five of us have been living in a caravan ever since. You people are still withholding the money we are entitled to overa bizarre, technical detail. And it’s not acceptable, Paul.M: Miss Wilson, according to the notes on your account, (3) the bizarre, technical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact that you hadn’t paid house insurance the month before the incident.W: That money left our account and wow that you should be paying out. You are suddenly saying that you di dn’t receive it on time. I’m really skeptical about this claim.M: The contract does say that any miss payment in a year will affect the terms and conditions of the insurance contract and may affect claims. Of course, I can pass you on to my manager to talk to you more about this.W: I’ve already spoken to him and you can tell him I’m furious now. And that your company has a lawsuit on its hands.(4) You will be hearing from my lawyer, good bye.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Question 1: What is the woman complaining about?1. B) Her claim has been completely disregarded.Question 2: What is the problem the woman’s family encountered?2. B) The ground floor of their cottage was flooded.Question 3: What has caused the so called bizarre, technical detail according to the man?3. A) The woman’s failure to pay her house insurance in time.Question 4: What does the woman say she will do at the end of the conversation?4. D) File a lawsuit against the insurance company.Conversation 2W: (5) How do you feel about the future of artificial intelligence? Personally, I feel quite optimistic about it.M: (5) AI? I’m not so optimistic actually. In fact it's, something we should be concerned about.W: Well, it will help us humans understand ourselves better and when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we can improve the world.M: Well, one thing is for sure, technology is evolving faster than our ability to understand it, and in the future AI will make jobs kind of pointless.W: (6) I think artificial intelligence will actually help create new kinds of jobs, which would require less of our time and allow us to be centered on creative tasks. M: I doubt that very much. Probably the last job that will be writing AI software and then eventually AI will just write his own software.W: At that time, we are going to have a lot of jobs which nobody will want to do.So we won’t need artificial intelligence for the robots to take care of the old guys like us.M: I don't know. (7) There's a risk that human civilization could be replaced bya superior type of digital life. AI will be able to completely simulate a personin every way possible. In fact, some people think we're in a simulation right now.W: That's impossible. Humans can't even make a mosquito. Computers only have chips, people have brains, and that's where the wisdom comes from.M: (8) Once it's fully developed, AI will become tired of trying to communicate withhumans as we would be much slower thinkers in comparison.W: I'm not so sure. A computer is a computer and a computer is just a toy.M: Computers can easily communicate incredibly fast, so the computer will just get impatient talking to humans. It'll be barely getting any information out. W: Well, I believe there's a benevolent future with AI. I also think you watch too many science fiction films.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Q5 What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?5. C) They disagree about the future of AI technology.Q6 What will new kinds of jobs be like according to the woman?6. D) Less time-consuming and focusing on creation.Q7 What is the risk the man anticipates?7. C) Digital life could replace human civilization.Q8 What is the man's concern about AI technology?8. A) It will be smarter than human beings.Passage OneTo achieve financial security. How much you save is always more important. Then the amount you earn or how shrewdly you invest.(9) If you're under 30 years old, your goal should be to save 20% of your monthly income after tax deductions. This is irrespective of how much you earn. Approximately 50% should be reserved foressentials, like food and accommodation. The remaining 30% is for recreation and entertainment. But for many young people, it'll be difficult to designate such a large proportion of their income for savings. (10) If you find it hard to save any money at all start by cutting all unnecessary spending, allocate a tiny amount of 1 or 2% for savings, and gradually increase that amount. (11)Always keep that 20% goal in mind, prevent yourself from becoming complacent. It can be challenging to stick to such a strict plan. But if you adopt the right mindset, you should be able to make it work for you. So what should you be doing with the money that you are saving? Some must be kept easily accessible. In case you need some cash in an emergency, the largest proportion should be invested in retirement plans, either for your employer, all privately, you can keep some money for high risk, but potentially lucrative investments. Dividends can be reinvested or used to purchase something you like. By following this plan, you should hopefully be able to enjoy your life now, and still be financially secure in the future.Questions, 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.Q 9. What are people under 30 advised to do to achieve financial security?9. C) Save one-fifth of their net monthly income.Q10. What should people do if they find it difficult to follow the speaker's advice on their financial plan?10. D) Start by doing something small.Q 11. What does the speaker think is important for achieving financial security?11. A) A proper mindset.Passage TwoI work in advertising and I like to keep up with current trends, mainly because I'm aware that we live in an image obsessed world.(12)However, when I first started my job, occasionally I’d catch a glimpse of myself in the lifts and find myself thinking that I looked a total mess. Was I being held back by my choice of clothing? The short answer is “Yes”, especially when clients are quick to judge you on your style rather than your work.(13) But no one can be unique with her outfit every day. I mean that's why uniforms were invented. So here's what I did. I created my own uniform. To do this, I chose an appropriate outfit. Then I bought multiple items of the same style in different shades.Now, I never worry about what I'm wearing in the morning. Even if I do get a bit tired of just wearing the same classic pieces. (14)Overall, when it comes to work, you have to ask yourself with looking smarter can enhance my ability to do my job.For some, this question may not be an issue at all, especially if you work remotely and rarely see your colleagues or clients face to face. But if your job involves interacting with other people, the answer to this is often “yes”. (15) So rather than fighting the system, I think we should just do whatever helps us toachieve our goals at work. If that means playing it safe with your image, then let's face it. It's probably worth it.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.Q 12. What do we learn about the speaker when she first started her job?12. A) She found her outfit inappropriate.Q 13. Why were uniforms invented according to the speaker?13. D) To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day.Q 14. What does the speakers say about looking smarter?14. B) It matters a lot in jobs involving interactions with others.Q 15. What does the speaker advise people to do in an image obsessed world? 15. C) Do whatever is possible to look smart.Recording OneDid you know that Americans have approximately 3 times the amount of space we had 50 years ago? Therefore, you'd think would have sufficient room for all of our possessions. On the contrary, the personal storage business is now a growing industry. We've got triple the space, but we've become such enthusiastic consumers that we require even more. (16) This phenomenon has resulted in significant credit card debt, enormous environmental footprints, and perhaps not coincidentally our happiness levels have failed to increase over the same half century.I'm here to suggest an alternative. They’re having less might actually be a preferable decision. Many of us have experienced at some stage, the pleasure of possessing less. (17) I propose that less stuff and less space can not only help you economize, but also simplify your life. I recently started an innovative project to discover some creative solutions that offered me everything I required. By purchasing an apartment. There was 40 square meters instead of 60. I immediately saved $200,000. Smaller space leads to reduced utility bills and also a smaller carbon footprint, because it's designed around an edited collection of possessions, limited to my favorite stuff. I'm really excited to live there.How can we live more basically? Firstly, we must briefly cut the unnecessary objects out of our lives to stem consumption. We should think before we buy and ask ourselves: Will it truly make me happier? Obviously, we should possess some great stuff but we want belongings that we’re going to love for years. Secondly, we require space efficiency. We want appliances that are designed for use most of the time, not for occasional use. Why own a six burner when you really use even three burners?Finally, we need multifunctional spaces and housewares. I combined a movable wall with transforming furniture to get more out of my limited space. Consider my coffee table. It increases in size to accommodate ten. My office is tucked away, easily hidden. My bed simply pops out of the wall. For gas, I can relocate the movable wall and utilize the foldable guest beds I installed. I’m not saying we should all live in tiny apartments, but consider the benefits of an edited life. When you returnhome and walk through your front door, take a moment to ask yourselves. Could I do with a little life editing? Would that give me more freedom and more time? Question 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.Question 16. What has prevented American's happiness levels from increasing? 16. B) Their obsession with consumption.Question 17. What things should we possess according to the speaker?17. A) Things that we cherish most.Question 18. What do we learn about the items in the speaker’s home?18. C) They serve multiple purposes.Recording TwoNow, believe it or not, (19) people sometimes lie in order to maintain a good, honest reputation, even if it hurts them to do so. At least, this is what a team of scientists is suggesting with evidence to prove it.Picture this scenario—you often drive for work and can be compensated for up to 400 miles per month. Most people at your company drive about 300 miles each month. But th is month you drove 400 miles. How many miles do you think you’d claim in your expense report? The scientists asked this exact question as part of the study we’re discussing today. With surprising results, they found that 12% of respondents reported the distance they drove as less than the actual figure, giving an average answer of 384 miles. In other words, they lied about the number of miles, even though they would forfeit money they were owed. The researchers believe this was to seemhonest with the assumption being that others would be suspicious of a high expense claim.But why would people fabricate numbers to their own detriment? (20) The researchers explained that many people care a great deal about their reputation and how they’ll be judged by other s. If they care enough, they’re concerned about appearing honest and not losing the respect of others—maybe greater than their desire to actually be honest. The researchers assert that the findings suggest that when people obtain very favorable outcomes, t hey anticipate other people’s suspicious reactions and prefer lying and appearing honest to telling the truth and appearing as selfish liars.So why is this research important? Well, experts generally agree there are two main types of lie—selfish lies and lies that are meant to benefit others. The first, as you may predict, is for selfish gain, such as submitting a fraudulent claim to an insurance company, while the second involves lying to help others or not offend others. For example, telling a friend wh ose outfit you don’t like that they look great. But the researchers are suggesting a third type of lying: lying to maintain a good reputation.Now this hypothesis is new, and some skeptics argue that this isn’t a whole new category of lie. (21) But the findings seem intuitive to me. After all, one of the main motivations for lying is to increase our worth in the eyes of others. So it seems highly likely that people will lie to seem honest.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.Question 19: What did a team of scientists find in their study?19. D) Over 10% of the respondents lied about the distance they drove.Question 20: why would people fabricate numbers to their own detriment according to the researchers?20. B) They want to protect their reputation.Question 21: What does the speaker think of the researchers findings?21. C) They seem intuitive.Recording Three(22) Why do old people dislike new music? As I’ve grown older, I often hear people my age say things like, “T hey just don’t make good music like they used to.” (22) Why does this happen? Luckily, psychology can give us some insights into this puzzle. Musical taste begins crystallized as early as age 13 or 14. By the time we’re in our early 20s, these tastes get l ocked into place pretty firmly.(23) In fact, studies have found that by the time we turn 33, most of us have stopped listening to new music. Meanwhile, popular songs released when you in the early teens are likely to remain quite popular among your age group for the rest of your life. There could be a biological explanation for this. As there’s evidence that the brain’s ability to make subtle distinctions between different chords,rhythms, and melodies deteriorate rates with age, so to older people, newer, less familiar songs might all sound the same.But there may be some simpler reasons for older people’s aversion to new music.(24) One of the most researched laws of social psychology is something called the “mere exposure effect”, which, in essence, means that the more we’re exposed to something, the more we tend to like it. This happens with people we know, the advertisements we see, and the songs we listen to.When you’re in your early teens, you probably spend a fair amount of time listening to music or watching music videos. Your favorite songs and artists become familiar, comforting parts of your routine. For many people over 30, job and family obligations increase. So there’s less time to spend discovering new music. Instead, many will simply listen to old familiar favorites from that period of their lives when they had more free time.Of course, those teen years weren’t necessarily care f ree. They’re famously confusing, which is why so many TV shows and movies revolve around high school turmoil. Psychology research has shown that (25) the emotions that we experience as teens seem more intense than those that come later. And we also know that intense emotions are associated with stronger memories and preferences. Both of these might explain why the songs we listen to during this period become so memorable and beloved. So t here’s nothing wrong with your parents because t hey don’t like your music. Rather, it’s all part of the natural order of things.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.Question 22. What does the speaker mainly discuss in this talk?22. A) Older people’ s aversion to new music.Question 23. What have studies found about most people by the time they turn 33?23. C) They find all music sounds the same.Question 24. What do we learn from one of the most researched laws of social psychology?24. A) The more you experience something, the better you’ll appreciate it. Question 25. What might explain the fact that songs people listen to in their teen years are memorable and beloved?25. D) Teenagers’ emotions are more intense.听力参考答案:1.B)Her claim has been completely disregarded2.B) The groundfloor of their cottage was flooded3.A)Thewoman's failure to pay her house insurance intime4.D)Filea lawsuit against the insurance company .5.C) They disagree about the future of Al technology .6.D)Lesstime- consuming and focusing on creation7.C) Digitallife could replace human civilization8.A)It will be smarter than human beings9.C)Saveone-ffth of their net monthly income10.D) Start by doing something small11.A)A proper mindset12.A)She found her outfit inappropriate13.D) To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfit everyday14.B)It matters alot in jobs involving interactions withothers15.C)Do whatever is possible to looksmart .16.B) Their obession with consumption17.A) Things that we cherish most18.C) They serve multiple purposes19.D) Over 10%of the respondents lied about the distancethe drove20.B) They want to protect their reputation21.C)Theyseemintuitive.22.A)Olderpeople'sa version to new music .23.C) They find all music sounds the same .24.A) The more you experience something , the better youllappreciate it.25.D)Teenagers' emotions are more intense .翻译第一套港珠澳大桥(Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macau Bridge)全长55公里,是我国一项不同寻常的工程壮举。
比如完整的长选项,考生可直接使用视听一致原则;针对动作选项,例如A.to observe the wildlife in the two national park.则要多注意动作或直接听取‘to’信号词; 针对by选项,例如:A. by taking pictures for passers-by则要注意听取原文中的‘方式’等。
New report 11. 答案: B) Her little brother.Q: Who did Edison raise money for?解析: 新闻首句原则,了解大致内容是Edison卖柠檬水和画画为生病需要做心脏手术(surgery)的弟弟筹资。
第一道题给考生来了个下马威,难度系数比较高, 需要考生自己分类信息再听取问题作答,这种题型称为模棱两可型题目,考察学生听力和反应能力。
A. Her friend Erika. 根据顺序原则,A选项在新闻最后才出现且与问题不符,先不作考虑。
C/D选项是Edison祖母猜测Edison 偷听到祖父的对话,从而得知弟弟生病,与问题无关,故排除。
2. 答案: C) By selling lemonade and pictures.Q: How did Edison raise money?原文:She decided to go outside and have a lemonade stand, make some jewelries and pictures and sell them.这道题难度中等,根据选项形式都是by, 可得知问题一定是问how,因此,可预先考虑应该紧抓文章中的“方式”,再根据视听一致原则即可得出答案。
(黄色答案项为正确答案/参考答案)单选题A、服务器集群B、服务目录C、管理系统和部署工具D、监控端2.公有云计算和私有云计算基础架构的基石分别是() A、虚拟化和分布式B、分布式和虚拟化C、并行和分布式D、集中式和虚拟化3.项目面临的风险如下:有20%的可能无法获得某个部件,导致额外的30000美元的费用;有10%的可能团队需要更多的培训,其成本是12000美元;有25%的可能根本没必要进行该部件的质量测试,而质量测试会花费8000美元。
那么,针对该风险的EMV是: A、$50,000B、$5,200C、$42,000D、$7,200解析:(0.2 x $30,000) + (0.1 x $12,000) - (0.25 x $8,000) = $5200 注意题干的说法,对于质量测试25%的可能是不需要的,因此,这部分费用和前面两个部分的费用符号是相反的4.以下关于对IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service ,基础设施即服务)的解释,正确的是:A、将IT基础设施能力(如服务器、存储、计算能力等)通过互联网提供给用户使用,并根据用户对资源的实际使用量或占用量进行计费的一种服务。
C、提供给用户真正的物理服务器D、无法通过浏览器访问5.VMware支持最多()个虚拟CPU(vCPU):取决于主机上获得许可的CPU数量和客户操作系统支持的处理器数量A、15B. 32C、24D、486.某项目经理受聘于A公司参与一个竞争性投标,在授标之前,项目经理从A公司辞职并受聘于B公司。
B公司也是一个投标公司,B公司的销售经理要求项目经理加入销售战略会议,项目经理应该如何反应: A、拒绝邀请B、参加会议但是不提供任何可能危及部标过程结果的信息C、参加会议并且提出建议帮助B公司部标成功D、探讨A公司的某些销售战略,简短的提供可以让B公司受益很小的答案7.一个项目的进度储备是28天。
【作文】innovation创新Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourageinnovation/creation/invention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文:In today's highly competitive world, innovationmatters enormously to an organization or a country. It is the driving force behind increased competitiveness.Take growing a successful business as an example. In this day and age, social media are gaining popularity among the general public. A company that only relieson traditional media doing its marketing is morelikely to get eliminated in the digital era. Put in another way, a company with its focus on social media to boost its brand recognition stands a better chance of standing out from the crowd. Clearly, innovation is a vital contributing factor to business success.What can be done to encourage innovation? To name only a few: Above all, a business or a country shouldstrive to build a corporate culture or a socialclimate that values innovation. Second, anyone who participates in the innovation process should be rewarded. Third, we are in urgent need of an education system that stresses innovation over mechanical learning.Simply put, innovation is an important force that pushes our society forward.creation创造Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on creation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation/creation/invention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文:It is universally acknowledged that innovation refers to being creative, unique and different. In fact, today it is impossibly difficult for us to image a21st century without innovation.We should place a high value on innovation firstly because innovative spirit can enable an individual to ameliorate himself, so he can be equipped with capacity to see what others cannot see, be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meetingthe forthcoming challenges. What’s more, we ought to attach importance to the role played by innovation in economic advancement. Put it another way, in thisever-changing world, innovation to economic growth is what water is to fish. To sum up, if innovation misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.In order to encourage innovation, it is wise for us to take some feasible measures. For example, mass media should greatly publicize the significance of creative spirit and encourage the public to cultivate awareness of innovation. Besides, those who manage to innovate should be awarded generous prize. Though there is a long way ahead to go, I am firmly certain that the shared efforts will be paid off.【参考译文】众所周知创新意味着有创造力,独一无二和不同。
网络综合版听力:【N e w s r e p o r t1】(1)A22-year-old Chinese woman who suffered from a persistent cough was shocked to learn that she had a piece of chicken bone launched in her lung.The unnamed woman from the province of Shandong started to have coughing problems when she was7or8years old.For14years,she made numerous hospital visits.However,no doctor could identify any problem.Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery.Finally,the woman got a full body scan in a hospital in the city of Qingdao.This special medical procedure revealed she had a chicken bone stuck in her lung.Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone.(2)The simple procedure went smoothly and the woman has recovered fully with the bone finally removed from her lung.The woman is very happy that she no longer suffers from that annoying cough.Questions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard. Question 1.What was the woman's problem?Question 2.How was the woman's problem eventually solved?【N e w s r e p o r t2】(3)A white sheep named Prickles that ran away from an Australian farm.During the2013,bush fires recently returned home.According to farmer,Alice,gray Prickles was only a lab.When she ran away,the bush fires that hit the area back then destroyed a large part of her family's massive property.They thought trickles had died in the fire.But instead,the young sheep escaped into a200acre forest near the farm.(4)Once the fires were over,the family had to fix the damage done to the farm.As it was such a large property,this included rebuilding about 50kilometers of fancy.It was this huge fencing that prevented prickles from finding her way back.Over the years,the family spotted her a few times.They even recorded her with cameras installed to monitor dear activity.But while they knew prickles was alive,they couldn't fight her,never expected her to return by herself.7years later,they were proven wrong.Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard. Question 3.What does the news report say about white sheep Pickles? Question 4.What does family do after the bush fires?【N e w s r e p o r t3】(5)Tons of gold have fallen out of the sky in Russia after a cargo plane malfunctioned in mid air this morning.The aircraft was carrying£265million worth of gold and diamonds when the door flew open,sending the precious metal back to earth.According to the official news agency,Russian authorities have recovered more than170gold bars weighing20kilograms each.The plane was traveling from your Kurds airport in a major diamond producing region to the city across the year ask in Siberia.(6)However,the aircraft made an emergency landing in Margaret after it began losing some of its valuable cargo.Reports suggest,some bars of gold was scattered up to15miles away from the airport.9tons of gold on plane,an12belonged to a gold mine company. Police have sealed off the runway and say it is unclear if it was an accident, one attempted robbery.(7)Technical engineers who works on the plane prior to take off are reportedly going to be questioned by the police.Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard. Question 5.What is the news report mainly about?Question 6.What did the aircraft do when the incident happened?Question7.What does the news report say about the technical engineers who worked on the plane before take off?【C o n v e r s a t i o n1】M:Hello,you're through to customer service.This is Michael speaking.(8)Before we continue,I just want to make you aware that this callis being recorded and may be used in the few.Huge for training purposes.What can I help you with today?W:(9)Hi,my name is Jane Semen.I recently bought an office chair from your company.I returned it about a week ago.I'm just calling to inquire when I would be able to get my money back.It says on your website that your company will pay back the money within three working days of view,receiving the return to item.But it's been five working days and I haven't received anything. M:I'm sorry to hear that.Mister Semen,what's your customer reference number?Please?W:It's389460,M:OK,389460.I'm just looking on the system here,according to our records that share you returned was received by our warehouse on Friday.The payment was made on Wednesday,but this seems to be a problem with your car number. W:My card number,maybe it has something to do with my new card.It was sent to be on Tuesday.(10)Maybe the bake cancelled my old one.Before you made the payment.M:(11)Well,You'll need to update your card details directly on our website, just make sure you knocked in.Then under the description of your personal information,you should see an option front payment methods.W:I am launched in.and I'll give that a go.M:I'll make a note here on the system for you so that the payment will be made tomorrow morning.W:Thank you very much.Questions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question8.Why does the man have his conversation with the woman recorded? Question9.What is the woman's purpose of calling the furniture company? Question10.What does the woman say about her bank card?Question11.What does the man advise the woman to do?【C o n v e r s a t i o n2】M:I'm getting a bit hungry.W:Yes,me,too.I'm starving.Are you going to prepare a meal for us?M:(12)No,sorry.I'm actually pretty worn out.Let's just go out somewhere close to eat.W:Well,I think we should stay in and save some cash.Can we get a meal delivered?M:Yeah,great.(13)I'll use that food delivery,apple,my phone.What do you want?Fried chicken,hamburgers,or fish and chips?W:Oh.Can we stay away from the junk food?How about something healthy? M:Okay.Well,there's a place that does salads.W:Let me have a look at that.Yeah,that looks delicious,but to be honest, I prefer something hot,not cold.M:How about Indian food?W:(14)That's not the kind of hot I mean.I’m just not a fan of sauces that make me sweat and cry.I need something mild.M:Okay.So would you consider Mexican?Oh no,sorry,there's also very hot pepper in that.Would you like some Italian food,perhaps?It's a bit heavy,but it's great food for a cold night like this.W:Pizza,spaghetti with creamy sauce?I know it’s really tasty and great comfortfood.But it's too fattening for me.I'm trying to keep a slim figure you know?M:(15)Oh.You're really difficult to please.Well,there's anice Chinese restaurant that delivers.W:Yes.I love Chinese food.Let me see.Oh it's50kilometers away. M:That's a bit too far away.Do you feel like Vietnamese food then? W:Yeah.Awesome.It's healthy,and we can afford it.M:Great.Let's order Vietnamese right away.Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question12:Why isn't the man going to cook?Question13:What does the man say he'll do on his phone?Question14:What does the woman think of Indian food?Question15:What does the man think of the woman?【P a s s a g e1】(16)A new study carried out by the university of Lincoln has found a link between the personalities of cat owners and the behavior and well being of their cats.The finding suggest that just as a parent's personality can affect the personality of a child,the same is true for a cat and its owner. Owners to find as individuals with high levels of anxiety,fear,anger, depression,and loneliness were more likely to have anxious,behavioral issues. Such cats displayed more aggressive and anxious behavioral styles as well as more stress related sickness.They were also more likely to have an ongoing medical condition and be overweight.The research also found that mentally well adjusted voters had calmer, happier,and healthier cats.The researchers explained that many owners regard their pets as a family member and form close social bonds with them.(17)The majority of owners want to provide the best care for their pets and is therefore possible that pets could be affected by the way their owners interactwith and manage them.The study highlights an important relationship between our personalities and the well being of our pets.(18)Further research is needed to investigate the cause or nature of this relationship,and to look at how owners’personalities are directly influencing their pets behavior and well being.It is possible that the well being a pet is driven by theunderlying nature of the owner,not simply by their conscious decisions and behaviors.Questions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.Question16.What do we learn from the new study by the university of Lincoln? Question17.What does the passage say most pet owners want to do? Question18.What does the passage say is still needed to understand the effects of owners personalities on their pets?【P a s s a g e2】(19)160minute run can add7hours to your life.This was a claim made by the times last week.The claim was based on a new review of studies about the effects of running.The review concluded that on average,runners live 3years longer than not runners,and that running does more to extend life than any other form of exercise.But there's more to running than its health benefits.(20)Research published in recent years has shown that running changes your brain and mind in some fascinating ways from increasing your brain function to regulating your emotions.However,the precise effects vary according to whether you engage in short, fast running or long distance running.For example,in one study,researchers compared participants ability to learn new words after several minutes of intense running and after40minutes of gentle running,participants were able to learn20%faster after the intense running.They showed a superior memorywhen tested again a week later.(21)In another study,researchers asked volunteers to jog for30minutes and then show them clips from a sad movie. Participants who usually struggled to handle negative emotions were more intensely affected by the sad clips,just as you expect,but crucially,this was less.So it happened.Questions19to21are based on the passage you just heard.Question19.What does the new review of studies claim?Question20.What is one effect that running has on people according to recent research?Question21.What did another study find about the participants after they had a30minute jog?【P a s s a g e3】Welcome to the tour of the Hill House.This house,built in1904,is one of the most well known works of Charles Hill,the famous architect.It was designed and built for a local entrepreneur at his family.(22)Before starting the tour,let me give you a brief introduction about the design of this amazing building.(23)Prior to beginning his design, the architect spent some time in the client's old home,observing their life and studying their habits.This meant that he could design the house accordingto the needs of the family.(24)The client's main desire was to have a home with a unique design.So the architect was given complete freedom.The building style is radically different from what was the fashion of the period.At the time,most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one,however,is made of concrete,a novel construction material in those days.The interior of the house,including fittings and furniture,was also designed by the same person.Most of the furniture you will see is original and in good condition.(25)However,those pieces in the children's bedrooms are copies,built to the designs of the architect.Fortunately,all the blueprints for both the building and its contents have been preserved.So we've been able to replace badly damaged furniture.Let's begin our tour starting from the rooms.Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.Question22:What do we learn about the speaker?Question23:What did the architect do before beginning his design? Question24:What did the architect’s client mainly want?Question25:What do we learn about the pieces of furniture in the children's bedrooms?四级听力参考答案第一套1.C)It sent two dogs to the wrong destinations.2.A)Correct their mistake as soon as possible.3.B)She has had babies before.4.C)It was smooth.5.D)It was built above the sea-water.6.B)Replace the restaurant's wooden deck.7.C)She posted its picture on Facebooks.8.D)Duck hunting remains legal in many parts of the world.9.A)Droughts.10.B)Their neat is not that popular.11.D)They poisoned wild ducks inlarge numbers.12.A)Have her house repainted.13.B)How much the work will cost.14.C)Stay somewhere else.15.B)Painting a house involves more trouble than she thought.16.A)To cultivate good habits.17.B)Create an ideal study environment for them.18.C)Start with something they enjoy.19.A)Workers who meet its body weight standards.20.D)Unfair.21.C)Encourage healthy behaviors.22.A)It has not done enough to help left-handed children.23.D)They tend to have more difficulties in learning.24.D)Keep track of left-handed children's school performance.25.B)Why their numbers are so high.第二套1.B)She was coughing all the time.2.c)Through a surgical operation.3.D)It ran away into a nearby forest.4.A)They rebuilt the fencing around their farm.5.D)The loss of gold from an airplane.6.A)lt made an emergency landing.7.C)They will be questioned by the police.8.B)For future training purposes.9.C)To get her money back for the returned chair.10.D)She was issued a new card.11.C)Update her bank card details on the company's website.12.A)He is feeling exhausted.13.B)Order a delivery.14.D)lt is too spicy.15.C)She is too picky about food16.A)Owner's personalities affect their cats'behavior and wellbeing.17.B)Provide their pets with the best care.18.D)Further investigation.19.B)Running is the best exercise for extending one's life.20.A)Improving their brain function.21.D)They were less affected by sad movies.22.A)He is a tour guide.23.C)He observed his client's life and habits.24.D)A house of a unique design.25.B)They are copies built to the architect's designs.写作第一套【D i r e c t i o n s】Suppose your school is organizing an orientation program(新生训练;新生练习)to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies.You are now to write a proposal,which may include its aim,duration,participants and activities.【参考范文】Dear Student Union,Learning that our school will hold an orientation program to help freshmen become accustomed to the new environment and academicstudies,I am writing to introduce my proposal concerningthis program.Firstly I suppose all of freshmen are welcome to join in this activity on September9th.From10:00 a.m.to12:00 a.m.,a senior student would teach freshmen how to be independent,such as making decisions on how to allocate time and how to spend money,and doing somecleaning on their own.Besides,freshmen could be taught howto develop a good habit of self-teaching and how to arrange their schedule.In the afternoon,freshmen might take active partin a collective activity,where they could makemore communication with their classmates so asto help them smoothly adapt to the new environment.I hope you will find my proposal useful,and I would be ready to discuss further details with you.Yours,Zhang Wei 第二套【D i r e c t i o n s】Suppose your university student union is planning to hold a speech contest. You are now to write a proposal for organizing the contest.The proposal may include the topic,aim,procedure and selection of contestants.You will have 30minutes to write the proposal.【参考范文】Dear Student Union,I am so glad to hear that a speech contest with the purpose of enriching college students’life would be held in our school next month.As a memberof Student Union,I would like to give some advice to make the activity go more smoothly.Firstly,if we could choose a suitable speech subject,such as the employment prospect,the management of free time or some related with students’life,it would contribute to the attraction of more students.Secondly,the contest could last for about2-3hours and we could invite Professor Zhang as the judge to give comments to each stly,as the selectionof contestants,I suppose every student in our school could submit application but we should have an interview of first around and define the final10 competitors.I hope the suggestions above would be useful and practical for you.For any question on the proposal,please feel free to write to me.Yours,Li Hua第三套【Directions】Suppose you have just participated in a school project of collecting used books on campus.You are now to write a report about the project,which may include its aim,organizers,participants and activities.You will have30minutes to write the report.You should write at least120words but no more than180 words.【参考范文】Last week,a project of collecting used books was held in our school and it was a huge success.The project was launched by the Student Union last Monday and it lasted for a whole week,aiming to gain students’attention to second-hand books and inspire them to make the best of used things.It was started from registering basic personal information online,including name,department and the number of books one would like to give away.Then students could brought their books to the Students Activity Center every day at any time during8:00am to17:00 pm,after which they could get a gift such as pens and notebooks.There were more than500students participating in the activity and more than 1000books were collected.The books were displayed at the Students Activity Center for all students in need.阅读【快速阅读1】There's a stress gap between men and women36.H]Like Ms,Li,many women try to manage the added stress to reach what Dr Joyce said was an unattainable ideal."Some professional women aim to do it all They want to reach the top of the corporate ladder and fly like super-mom,"she said.…….37.[E]ference,however,is in the nature and scope of these responsibilities in the home ent in particular,"Dr Joyce said.For example,the United Nations reported that nearly three times as much unpaid domestic work as men.……38.[C]It's a common story-one we frequently ridicule and readily dismiss,for example,by claiming that women tend to complain more than men,despite the growing sum of re-search that underlines the problem.·…39.[K]Disconnecting from work and home responsibilities is also obviously important.But it's much casier said than done.It is important to understand what causes your stress in the first place.40.[F]it's not just inside he home,though.Research from Nova Southeastern University found that female managers were more likely than male managers to.display<surface.acting>or forcing emotions that are not wholly felt.41.[I]The stress problem extends beyond mental health when you consider the link between stress a anxiety and heart health.Worse,most of what we know about heart dis-ease comes from studies involving men.……42.[B]Ms.Li said her stress led to sleeplessness.When she did sleep,she experienced"problem-solving dreams,"which left her feeling unrested when she woke up.After I became a first-time mother,I quickly realized i was so busy caring for other people and work that I felt like I'd lost myself,…43.[G]Surface acting is a prime example of"e emotional labor"a concept that the writer Jess Zimmerman made familiar in a2015essay.The essay sparked a massive thread,on the Internet community blog Meta Filter.……44.[J]The good news is,women are more likely than men to take charge of their stress and manage it,the American Psy-chological Association reports.The concept of self-care,at its core,is quite simple."…45.[D]e difference is not really news to me,as a clinical psy-chologist said Erin Joyce,….【快读阅读2】Why it matters that teens are reading less?36.[E]That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…37.[B]Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since1976reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored,in favor of screens.…38.[G]Indeed,the number of senior high school students who said they had not read any books for pleasure in the last year was one out of three by 2016.That is triple the number from two decades ago.……39.[D]If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices,does that mean they have to give activities?Maybe not.Over the years,many scholars have insisted that time online does not necessarily take away time spent engaging with traditional media or on other activities.……40.[A]Most of us spend much more time with digital media than we did a decade ago.But today's teens have grown up with pared with teens a couple of de-cades ago,the way they interact with traditional media like books and movies is fundamentally different.…41.[H]This might present problems for young people later on.When high school students go on to college,their past and current reading habits will influence their academic per-formance.·.42.[C]Teens did not always spend that much time with digi-tal media.Online time has doubled since2006,and social media use has moved from a periodicactivity to a daily one in the same period.By2016,nearly nine out of ten young women in the12th grade said they visited social media sites 43.[F]But the treads related to movies are less disturbing compared with the change in how teens spend their time.Research has revealed an enormous decline in reading.In1980,about60percent of senior high school students said they read a book,newspaper or magazine every day that was not assigned for school. By2016,only16percent did.·····44.[B]Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since1976reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored,in favor of screens.…45.[E]That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…【快读阅读3】Why it matters that teens are reading less?36[E]That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…37[B]Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since1976reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored,in favor of screens.…38[G]Indeed,the number of senior high school students who said they had not read any books for pleasure in the last year was one out of three by 2016.That is triple the number from two decades ago.……39[D]If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices,does that mean they have to give activities?Maybe not.Over the years,many scholars have insisted that time online does not necessarily take away time spent engaging with traditional media or on other activities.……40[A]Most of us spend much more time with digital media than we did a decade ago.But today's teens have grown up with pared with teens acouple of de-cades ago,the way they interact with traditional media like books and movies is fundamentally different.…41[H]This might present problems for young people later on.When high school students go on to college,their past and current reading habits will influence their academic per-formance.·42[C]Teens did not always spend that much time with digi-tal media.Online time has doubled since2006,and social media use has moved from a periodicactivity to a daily one in the same period.By2016,nearly nine out of ten young women in the12th grade said they visited social media sites 43[F]But the treads related to movies are less disturbing compared with the change in how teens spend their time.Research has revealed an enormous decline in reading.In1980,about60percent of senior high school students said they read a book,newspaper or magazine every day that was not assigned for school. By2016,only16percent did.44[B]Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since1976reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored,in favor of screens.…45[E]That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…【仔细阅读1】With obesity now affecting29%of the population in England,and expected to rise to35%by2030,should we now recognise it as disease?46.C)It should be regarded as a genetic disease47.D)It results from a lack of self-control48.A)Obese people would not feel responsible to take any action49.B)It is too inclusive and thus lacks clarity50.D)It may do little good to patients.Nationwide,only about three percent of early childhood teach-ers are male in the U.s51.C)It is negatively impacted by a lack of male teachers52.A)The importance of broadening children's horizons53.D)Many of them feel prejudiced against socially and culturally54.A)Higher pay.55.B)Taking measures to attract prospective male teachers to work in the field【仔细阅读2】As many office workers adapt to remote work,cities may undergo fundamental change if offices remain under-utilized.46.C)It benefits employers at the expense of employees.47.D)It negatively impacts productivity.48.A)To provide convincing data for serious discussion.49.c)Employers'gain from remote working should go to employees as compensation.50.A)It should be avoided if possible.The human thirst for knowledge is the driving force behindour successful development as a species.51.B)It is the force that pushes human society forward.52.A)It motivates people to seek information.53.D)They work in conjunction with the environment.54.B)They prefer to go after all that is novel.55.A)The cost of humans'curiosity to explore.【仔细阅读3】Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touch someone?46.C)Its absence might suggest a lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships.47.D)How close the communicators'relationships are.48.B)They take touching as a cultural norm in social interactions.49.A)Men can show friendship in public through physical affection.50.D)Take other people's preference into consideration.From climate change to the ongoing pandemic(大流行病)and beyond,the issues facing today's world are increasingly com-plex and dynamic.Pm51.A)lt faces problems that are getting more varied and compli-Cated.52.C)People are divided about the nature of interest.53.D)How a growth mindset of interest can contribute to cro ss-disciplinary thinking.54.C)Making innovative products needs multidisciplinary prod-ucts.55.B)Broadening their interests.【选词填空1】The sheets are damp with sweat.You're cold,but your heart is..26.G)fear。
一、语文知识积累(1~6题,每题2分,第7题6分,共18分)1.下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是 ( )A.挚友(zhì) 哀悼(diào) 忏悔(chàn) 妇孺皆知(rú)B.迭起(dié) 震悚(sǒng) 矜持(jīn) 大庭广众(tíng)C.惩罚(fǎ) 累赘(zhuì) 瞬息(shùn) 诲人不倦(huǐ)D.缠绕(rào) 晶莹(yín) 猥琐(wěi) 仙露琼浆(qín)2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是 ( )A.深宵妥贴锋芒毕露血气方钢B.字帖失意历尽心血颠沛流离C.愧作怀恋言外之意以生作则D.烦躁执着轰轰烈烈苛捐杂税3.依次填入下面横线上的词语,最恰当的一项是 ( )我们在一起的时候,谈到写文章,他一次地说:“写成文章,在这间房里念,要让那间房里的人听着,是说话,不是念稿,才算及了格。
A.经常不止反映不以为然B.常常不止反应付之一笑C.常常不只反应付之一笑D.经常不只反映不以为然4.下列属于句式杂糅语病的一项是 ( )A.通过这次培训,大家懂得了责任重于泰山的道理,受益匪浅。
2020年12月英语六级答案(三套)2020年12月六级考试已经正式结束,也就是说今年下半年四六级考试落下了帷幕,眼下六级真题以及答案已经陆续公布,今天给大家整理了2020年12月英语六级答案大全供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧!2020年12月英语六级答案听力答案第一套1. B]Her claim has been completely disregarded2. B)The ground floor of their cottage was flooded3. A)The womans failure to pay her house insurance in time4.D)5.C)6. D)Less time-consuming and focusing on creation7. C)Digital life could replace human civilization8. A)lt will be smarter than human beings9. C)Save one-ffth of their net monthly income10. D)Start by doing something small11.A)A proper mindset12. A)She found her outfit inappropriate13. D)To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day14. B)it matters a lot in jobs involving interactions with other15.C)16.B)17. A)Things that we cherish most18. C)They serve multiple purposes19. D)Over 10% of the respondents lied about the distance the drove20. B)They want to protect their reputation21 Cthey seem intuitive22. A)Older peoples aversion to new music.23. C)They find all music sounds the same.24. A)The more you experience something, the better youll appreciate it.25. D)Teenagersemotions are more intense第一第二套听力答案暂无第一套阅读理解答案:选词填空:This idea of taxing things that are…26.A. discouraging27.E. impaired28.J. instrumental29.N.pump30.G. incentives31.M. probably32.B. dividend33.L.predict34.H. inherently35.0.swelling信息匹配:Slow Hope36.[E] Some of today s narratives aboutthe future seem tosuggest that wetoo,likePrometheus,will be saved by a newHercules ,a divineengineer someone who will master-mind,manoeuvre andmanipulate our planet .37.DWeneedan acknowledgement of ourpresent ecologi-cal plight but also a language of pasitivechange,visions ofabetterfuture .38.[C] Today we can no longer ignore theecological cursesthat we have released in our search for warmth and com-fort.39.[K] The unscrupulous (无所忌的)commodificationoffood and the destruction of foodstuffs wilcontinue to dev-a states oils,livelihoods andecologies .40.[D] Acceleration is the signature ofour time .41.[G] This much is clear we need to findways that help usflatten the hockey-stick curves that reflect ourever-fasterpace of ecological destruction and social acceleration .42.[A] Our world is full of-mostlyuntold-star ies of slowhope,driven by the idea thatchange is possible .43.[F] Yet,ifweenvisage our salvation to come from a deusexmachina(解围之种),from a divine engineer or a techsolutionist who wll miraculously conjure up a new source ofenergy or another cure-allwith revolutionary patency ,wemight be looking in thewrong place .44[L] We need an acknowledgement of ourpresent eco lagi-cal plight but also a language of positive change ,visions ofabetter future .45.[B] At the beginning of time-so goesthemyth-humanssuffered ,shivering in the cold anddark until the titan(巨人) Prometheus stole fire from thegods.仔细阅读:46.B) The near impossibility ofappreciating art in an age of mass tourism.47.B) It is quite common to misinterpretartistic works.48.C) Good management is key to handlinglarge crowds ofvisitors.49.BItis possible to combineentertainment with apprecia-tion of serious art.50.C Helpustosee the world from adifferent perspective.51.D) It takes no notice of the potentialimpact on theenvi-@ronment.52.A It has the capacity and thefinancial resources to do so.53.D) Farming consumes most of ournatural resources.54.D) Its alleged failure to regulate theindustries.55.B) Endeavor to ensure the sustainabledevelopment ofagriculture.第二套阅读理解答案:选词填空:Virtually every activity that entails orfacilitates…26.C.cumulative27.1.scale28.F. foreseeable29.J.strangle30.G.predictions31.D. disruptions32.B. credited33.A. credential34.M.survive35.E.Federal信息匹配:Why lifelong leaming is the inte mationalpassport to suc-cess36.[H] Those projects are then interwovenwithfast-pacedtechnical modules (模块)learnedon-the-flyandatwilr depending on the nature of the project .37.[E] The Bachelars degree could beyour passport to lifo-long learning .38.[B] Why?Because universities andcurricula are designedalong the three unities of French classical tragedy :time,ac-tion,andplace.39.[K] Sound like sciencefiction?40.D] In addition to technicalcapabilities ,the very nature ofprojects develops socialand entrepreneurial skills ,suc hasdesign thinking ,initiative taking ,teamleading,activity re-porting or resource planning .41.[C] The university model needs toevolve .42.[J] After the MSc diploma is earned ,there would be manymore stamps of lifelong learning over the years.43.[N] Even if time were not an issue ,who will pay forlife-long learning?44[F] Recent advances in computationalmethods and datascience push us into rethinking science and engineering ,45.[M] This could fix the main organisational challenges fortheuniversity ,butnotforthelearners,due to lack of time-family obligations or funds .仔细阅读:46. B) Peoples reluctance to becompelled to eat plantbased food.47. A) Radically change their dietaryhabits.48. B) Many people simply do not haveaccess to foods they prefer49. D) It may worsen the nourishmentproblem in lowincome countries.50. A) It accepts them at the expense ofthe long-term interests of its people.51. C) They constantly dismissothersproposals while taking no responsibility for tacklingthe problem.52. D A distinction should be drawnbetween responsibility and fault53. A Stop them from going further byagreeing with them.54. B) They are prompted to come up withideas for making possible changes.55. C Assuming responsibility to freeoneself第三套六级阅读理解答案:选词填空:Socialdistancing is putting people out of work ,……26.C.driven27.O.vulnerable28.H.random29.N.unque30.L.thriftier31.K.temptations32.A.amazing33.D.engaged34.J.spiritually35.B.closer信息匹配:暂无仔细阅读:46.C) It may make us feel isolated andincompetent .47.A) They do not find all their onlinefriends trustworthy .48.C) Paint a rosy picture of a the rpeapleslives.49.A They should record the memorablemoments inpeo-ples lives50.D Strengthen ties with real - lifefriends instead of caringabout their online imageS1.A) Ruining their culture .52.D) Different chimp groups differ intheirwayofcommu-nication .53.B) Chimp behavior becomes less varied withthe increaseof human activity .54C) Study the unique characteristics ofeach generation ofchimps,55.C] Conserve animal species in a noveland all -roundway.2020年12月英语六级作文真题及范文第一套WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to de-velop effective communication skills. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.范文:Living in an age when competition is becoming increasingly severe, students are generally encouraged to develop effec-tive communication skills. These skills include both the man- agement of body language and facial expressions whilestu-dents are talking and the pace and emphasis of the speech flow.The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop effective communication skills mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, as a student, effective communi-cation skills make our thoughts and ideas more easily under-stood by those around us and our talent would be morelikely to been seen by others. Moreover, effectivecommuni-cation skills give us the ability to fulfill tasks more efficient-ly and solve problems more effectively. Last but not least,knowing the secrets of effectively delivering what we would like to express helps us make more friends.To conclude, developing effective communication skills can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success undoubtedly. With these skills, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.第二套WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.范文:Living in a world where challenges exist everywhere, stu-dents are generally encouraged to develop the ability to meet diverse challenges. Cultivating this ability is no easy task, but once you own it, you will be more likely to achieve success.The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, as a student, the ability to meet challenges can give them a stronger inner mind, which is very indispensable for the growth of contemporary young-sters. Moreover, the ability, to meet challenges can make students better prepared for their future career. Last but not least, this ability can undoubtedly enhance studentsefficiency to solve problems in their real lives.To conclude, developing the ability to meet challenges can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to successeventually. With this ability, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.第三套Writing directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to an essay on why students should be encouraged to develop creativity. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words范文:Living in a time when science and technology has already been highly developed, students are gradually used to ac cepting large numbers of structured and experience-based knowledge. By contrast, creativity seems relatively more precious because it is a quality so rare that most people would ignore its existence.The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop creativity mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, the ability to be creative can give them a more splendi inner mind, which is very indispensable for the growth of contemporary youngsters. Moreover, creativity can stimu late students imagination, which people attach great im- portance to in theprocess of invention. Last but not least, this ability can undoubtedly enhance students efficiency to solve problems in their real lives.In my point of view, developing creativity can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success eventually. With this ability, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.2020年12月英语六级翻译真题答案第一套2020年12月六级翻译真题答案:港珠澳大桥(Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macau Bridge)全长55公里,是我国一项不同寻常的工程壮举。
12月英语四级阅读真题及参考答案推荐文章2022年6月英语四级试题答案一览(第三套)热度: 2022年6月英语四级试题答案一览(第三套)热度:2022年6月英语四级真题完整答案一览(第一套)热度:2022年6月英语四级第二套真题答案一览热度: 2022年6月英语四级阅读题答案一览热度:四级阅读的难度貌似每年都会有所提升,所以考试备考时一定不能缺少真题复习,掌握考点大致方向,下面是小编整理的关于12月英语四级阅读真题及参考答案的内容,仅供参考,欢迎阅读借鉴!2019年12月英语四级阅读真题Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on thefollowing passage.The fifth largest city in US passed a significantsoda tax proposal that will levy (征税)1.5 centsper liquid ounce on distributors.Philadelphil's new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote. It sets a newbar for similar initiatives across the country. It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks canwin substantial support outside super-liberal areas. Until now, the only city tosuccessfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014.The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with adder sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. It's expected to raise $410 million over the next fiveyears, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program forthe city.While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents tothe measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise tochallenge thetax in court."The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages —including low —and no-caloriechoices," said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. "Butmost importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people ofPhiladelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it."An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax".Public health groups applauded the approved tax as step toward fixing certain lastinghealth issues that plague Americans. "The move to recapture a small part of the profitsfrom an industry that pushed a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heartdisease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure beinspirational to many other places," said Jim Krieger, executive director of HealthyFood America. "indeed, we are already hearing from some of them. It's not 'justBerkeley' anymore."Similar measures in California's Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado's Boulderare becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even moremight be coming.46. What does the passage say about the newly-approved soda tax in Philadelphia?A) It will change the lifestyle of many consumers.B) It may encourage other US cities to fllow suit.C) It will cut soda consumption among low-income communities.D) It may influence the marketing strategies of the sodabusiness.47. What will the opponents probably do to respond to the soda tax proposal?A) Bargain with the city council.B) Refuse to pay additional tax.C) Take legal action against it.D) Try to win public support.48. What did the industry-backed anti-tax campaign do about the soda tax proposal?A) It tried to arouse hostile felings among consumers.B) It tried to win grocers' support against the measure.C) It kept sending ltters of protest to the media.D) It criticized the measure through advertising.49. What did public health groups think the soda tax would do?A) Alert people to the risk of sugar-induced diseases.B) Help people to fix certain long-time health issues.C) Add to the fund for their rescarch on discases.D) Benefit low-income people across the country.50. What do we lear about similar measures concening the soda tax in some other citics?A) They are becoming rather sensitive issues.B) They are spreading panic in the soda industry.C) They are reducing the incidence of sugar-induced diseases.D) They are taking away a lot of proft from the soda industry.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on thefollowing passage.Popping food into the microwave for a couple ofminutes may seem utterly harmless, andEurope's stock of these quick-cooking ovens emit as much carbon as nearly 7millioncars, a newstudy has found, and the problem is growing. With costs falling and kitchenappliances becoming "status" users, owners are throwing many microwave after anaverage of eight years. This is pushing sales of new microwave which are expected toreach 135 million annually in the EU by the end of the decade.A study by the University of Manchester worked out the emissions of carbon dioxide -- the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change -- at every stage ofmicrowaves, from manufacture to waste disposal. "It is electricity consumption bymicrowaves that has the biggest impact on the environment," say the authors, whoalso calculate that the emissions from using 19 microwaves over a year are the same asthose from a car. According to the same study, efforts to reduce consumption shouldfocus on improving consumer awareness and behaviour to use appliances moreefficiently. For example, electricity consumption by microwaves can be reduced byadjusting the time of cooking to the type of food."However, David Reay, professor of carbon management argues that, althoughmicrowaves use a great deal of enery, their emissions are minor compared to those fromcars. In the UK alone and these emit way more than all the emissions from microwavesin the EU. Backing this up, recent data show that passenger cars in the UK emitted 69mtonnes of CO2 in 2015. This is 10 times the amount this new microwave oven studyestimates for annual emissions for all the microwave ovens in the whole of the EU." further, the energy used by microwaves is lower than any other form of cooking. Amongcommon kitchen appliances used for cooking, microwaves are the most energyefficient, followed by a stove and finally a standard oven. Thus, rising microwave salescould be seen as a positive thing.51. What is the finding of the new study?A) Quick-cooking microwave ovens have become more popular.B) The frequent use of microwaves may do harm to our health.C) CO2 emissions constitute a major threat to the environment.D) The use of microwaves emits more CO2 than people think.52. Why are the sales of microwaves expected to rise?A) They are becoming more afrdabla.B) They have a shorter life cycle than other appliances.C) They are gtting much easier to operate.D) They take less tine to cook than other ppliaces.53. What recommendation does the study by the University of Manchester make?A) Cooking food of dfferent varieties.B) Improving microwave users' habits.C) Eating less to cut energy consumption.D) Using microwave ovens less frequently.54. What does Professor David Reay try to argue?A) There are far more emissions from cars than from microwaves.B) People should be persuaded into using passenger cars less often.C) The UK produces less CO2 than many other countries in the EU.D) More data are needed to show whether microwaves are harmful.55. What does Professor David Reay think of the use of microwaves?A) It will become less popular in the coming decades.B) It makes everyday cooking much more convenient.C) It plays a positive role in envronmental protection.D) It consumes more power than conventional cooking.2019年12月英语四级阅读真题答案Passage one46.B47.C48.D49.B50.APassage two51.D52.A53.B54.A55.C大学英语四级考试语法指示代词概说表示"这个"、"那个"、"这些"、"那些"等指示概念的代词叫做指示代词。
2013年12月英语六级真题及答案Part I WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese Yo u should write at Chinese. least 120 words following the outline given belo w:1.近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象;2.出现这种现象的原因和后果;3我认为…Given Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of ChinesePart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minute s)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage qu ickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choo se the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For qu estions 8-10, complete the sen-tences with the information given in the pas sage. Welcome,Freshmen. Have an iPod.Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive, so me colleges and universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-cap able iPods to their students.The always-on Internet devices raise some novel possibilities, like tracking where students gather together. With far less controversy, colleges could s end messages about canceled classes, delayed buses, campus crises or just the cafeteria menu.While schools emphasize its usefulness —online research in class and inst ant polling of students, for example — a big part of the attraction is, undou btedly, that the iPhone is cool and a hit with students. Being equipped with one of the most recent cutting-edge IT products could just help a college o r university foster a cutting-edge reputation.Apple stands to win as well, hooking more young consumers with decades of technology pur-chases ahead of them. The lone losers, some fear, could be professors.Students already have laptops and cell phones, of course, but the newest de vices can take class distractions to a new level. They practically beg a user to ignore the long-suffering professor strug-gling to pass on accumulated wisdom from the front of the room — a prospect that teachers find most irr itating and students view as, well, inevitable.“When it gets a little boring, I might pull it out,‖ acknowledged Naomi P ugh, a first-year student at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Ter m., referring to her new iPod Touch, which can connect to the Internet ove r a campus wireless network. She speculated that professors might try even harder to make classes interesting if they were to compete with the devices. Experts see a movement toward the use of mobile technology in educati on, though they say it is in its infancy as professors try to come up with us eful applications. Providing powerful hand-held devices is sure to fuel deb ates over the role of technology in higher education.“We think this is the way the future is going to work,‖ said Kyle Dickson, co-director of re-search and the mobile learning initiative at Abilene Chris tian University in Texas, which has bought more than 600 iPhones and 300 iPods for students entering this fall.Although plenty of students take their laptops to class, they don’t take the m everywhere and would prefer something lighter. Abilene Christian settle d on the devices after surveying students and finding that they did not like hauling around their laptops, but that most of them always carried a cell ph one, Dr. Dickson said.It is not clear how many colleges and universities plan to give out iPhones and iPods this fall; officials at Apple were unwilling to talk about the subje ct and said that they would not leak any institution’s plans.“We can’t announce other people’s news,‖said Greg Joswiak, vice presid ent of iPod and iPhone marketing at Apple. He also said that he could not d iscuss discounts to universities for bulk purchases.At least four institutions — the University of Maryland, Oklahoma Christi an University, Abilene Christian and Freed-Hardeman — have announced t hat they will give the devices to some or all of their students this fall.Other universities are exploring their options. Stanford University has hire d a student-run com-pany to design applications like a campus map and dir ectory for the iPhone. It is considering whether to issue iPhones but not sur e it, snecessary, noting that more than 700 iPhones were registered on the u niversity’s network last year.At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, iPhones might already have been everywhere, if AT&T, the wireless carrier offering the iPhone in the United States,had a more reliable network, said Andrew Yu, mobile devices platform pro ject manager at M.I.T.“We would have probably gone ahead with this, maybe just getting a thou sand iPhones and giving them out,‖ Mr. Yusaid.The University of Maryland at College Park is proceeding cautiously, givi ng the iPhone or iPod Touch to 150 students, said Jeffrey Huskamp, vice p resident and chief information officer at the university. ―We don’t think tha t we have all the answers,‖ Mr. Huskamp said. By observing how students use the gadgets, he said, ―We’re trying to get answers from the students.‖At each college, the students who choose to get an iPhone must pay for mo bile phone service. Those service contracts include unlimited data use. Bot h the iPhones and the iPod Touch devices can connect to the Internet throu gh campus wireless networks. With the iPhone, those networks may provid e faster connections and longer battery life than AT&T’s data network. Many cell phones allow users to surf the Web, but only some newer ones are c apable of wireless connection to the local area computer network. University officials say that they have no plans to track their students (and Apple said it would not be possible unless students give their permission). They say that they are drawn to the prospect of learning applications outsid e the classroom, though such lesson plans have yet to surface.“My colleagues and I are studying something called augmented reality (a field of computer research dealing with the combination of real-world and virtual reality),‖ said Christopher Dede, professor in learning technologies at Harvard University. ―Alien Contact,‖ for example, is an exer-cise develo ped for middle-school students who use hand-held devices that can determi ne their location. As they walk around a playground or other area, text, vid eo or audio pops up at various points to help them try to figure out why ali ens were in the schoolyard.“You can imagine similar kinds of interactive activities along historical li nes,‖ like following the Freedom Trail in Boston, Professor Dede said. ―It’s important that we do research, so that we know how well something like this works.‖The rush to distribute the devices worries some professors, who say that st udents are less likely to participate in class if they are multi-tasking. ―I’m n ot someone who’s anti-technology, but I,m always worried that technology becomes an end in and of itself, and it replaces teaching or it replaces analysis,,’ said Ellen Millender, associate professor of classics at Reed College in Portland, Ore. (She added that she hoped to buy an iPhone for herself on ce prices fall.)Robert Summers, who has taught at Cornell Law School for about 40 years , announced this week — in a detailed, footnoted memorandum —that he would ban laptop computers from his class on contract law.“I would ban that too if I knew the students were using it in class,‖ Profes sor Summers said of the iPhone, after the device and its capabilities were e xplained to him. ―What we want to encour-age in these students is an activ e intellectual experience, in which they develop the wide range of complex reasoning abilities required of good lawyers.‖The experience at Duke University may ease some concerns. A few years a go, Duke began giving iPods to students with the idea that they might use t hem to record lectures (these older models could not access the Internet). “We had assumed that the biggest focus of these devices would be consu ming the content,‖ said Tracy Futhey, vice president for information techn ology and chief information officer at Duke.But that is not all that the students did. They began using the iPods to creat e their own ―content,‖ making audio recordings of themselves and presenti ng them. The students turned what could have been a passive interaction in to an active one, Ms. Futhey said. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】2008年12月大学英语六级考试真题Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How To Improve Student's Mental Health?.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1.大学生的心理健康十分重要2.因此,学校可以……3.我们自己应当……How To Improve Student's Mental Health?________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D].For questions 8 -10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Supersize SurpriseAsk anyone why there is an obesity epidemic and they will tell you that it’s al down to eating too much and burning too few calories. That explanation appeals to common sense and has dominated efforts to get to the root of the obesity epidemic and reverse it. Yet obesity researchers are increasingly dissatisfied with it. Many now believe that something else must have changed in our environment to precipitate(促成) such dramatic rises in obesity over the past 40 years or so. Nobody is saying that the “big two” – reduced physical activity and increased availability of food –are not important contributors to the epidemic, but they cannot explain it all.Earlier this year a review paper by 20obesity experts set out the 7 most plausible alternative explanations for the epidemic. Here they are.1.Not enough sleepIt is widely believed that sleep is for the brain, not the body. Could a shortage of shut-eye also be helping to make us fat?Several large-scale studies suggest there may be a link. People who sleep less than 7 hours a night tend to have a higher body mass index than people who sleep more, according to data gathered by the US National Health and Nutrition Ex amination Survey. Similarly, the US Nurses’Health Study, which tracked 68,000 women for 16 years, found that those who slept an average of 5 hours a night gained more weight during the study period than women who slept 6 hours, who in turn gained more than whose who slept 7.It’s well known that obesity impairs sleep, so perhaps people get fat first and sleep less afterwards. But the nurses’ study suggests that it can work in the other direction too: sleep loss may precipitate weight gain.Although getting figures is difficult, it appears that we really are sleeping less. In 1960 people in the US slept an average of 8.5 hours per night. A 2002 poll by the National Sleep Foundation suggests that the average has fallen to under 7 hours, and the decline is mirrored by the increase in obesity.2.Climate controlWe humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardless of what’s going on in the world around us. We do this by altering our metabolic(新陈代谢的) rate, shivering or sweating. Keeping warm and staying cool take energy unless we are in the “thermo-neutral zone”, which is increasingly where we choose to live and work.There is no denying that ambient temperatures(环境温度) have changed in the past few decades. Between 1970 and 2000, the average British home warmed from a chilly 13C to 18C. In the US, the changes have been at the other end of the thermometer as the proportion of homes with air conditioning rose from 23% to 47% between 1978 and 1997. In the southern states – where obesity rates tend to be highest –the number of houses with air conditioning has shot up to 71% from 37% in 1978.Could air conditioning in summer and heating in winter really make a difference to our weight?Sadly,there is some evidence that it does-at least with regard to heating.Studies show that in comfortable temperatures we use less energy.3.Less smokingBad news: smokers really do tend to be thinner than the rest of us, and quitting really does pack on the pounds, though no one is sure why. It probably has something to do with the fact that nicotine is an appetite suppressant and appears to up your metabolic rate.Katherine Flegal and colleagues at the US National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland, have calculated that people kicking the habit have been responsible for a small but significant portion of the US epidemic of fatness. From data collected around 1991 by the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, they worked out that people who had quit in the previous decade were much more likely to be overweight than smokers and people who had never smoked .Among men, for example, nearly half of quitters were overweight compared with 37% of non-smokers and only 28%of smokers.4.Genetic effectsYours chances of becoming fat may be set, at least in part, before you were even born. Children of obese mothers are much more likely to become obese themselves later in life. Offspring of mice fed a high-fat diet during pregnancy are much more likely to become fat than the offspring of identical mice fed a normal diet. Intriguingly, the effect persists for two or three generations. Grandchildren of mice fed a high-fat diet grow up fat even if their own mother is fed normally-so you fate may have been sealed even before you were conceived.5.A little older…Some groups of people just happen to be fatter than others. Surveys carried out by the US national center for health statistics found that adults aged 40 to 79 were around three times as likely to be obese as younger people. Non-white females also tend to fall at the fatter end of the spectrum: Mexican-American women are 30% more likely than white women to be obsess, and black women have twice the risk.In the US, these groups account for an increasing percentage of the population. Between 1970 and 2000 the US population aged 35 to 44 grew by43%.the proportion of Hispanic-Americans also grew, from under 5% to 12.5% of the population, while the proportion of black Americans increased from 11%to12.3%.these changes may account in part for the increased prevalence of obesity.6.Mature mumsMothers around the world are getting older. in the UK, the mean age for having a first child is 27.3,compared with 23.7 in 1970 .mean age at first birth in the US has also increased, rising from 21.4 in 1970 to 24.9 in 2000.This would be neither here nor there if it weren’t for the observation that having an older mother seems to be an independent risk factor for obesity. Results from the US national heart, lung and blood institute’s study found that the odds of a child being obese increase 14% for every five extra years of their mother’s age, though why this should be so is not entirely clear.Michael Symonds at the University of Nottingham, UK, found that first-born children have more fat than younger ones. As family size decreases, firstborns account for a greater share of the population. In 1964, British women gave birth to an average of 2.95 children; by 2005 that figure had fallen to 1.79. In the US in1976, 9.6% of woman in their 40s had only one child; in 2004 it was 17.4%. this combination of older mothers and more single children could be contributing to the obesity epidemic.7.Like marrying likeJust as people pair off according to looks, so they do for size. Lean people are more likely to marry lean and fat more likely to marry fat. On its own, like marrying like cannot account for any increase in obesity. But combined with others—particularly the fact that obesity is partly genetic, and that heavier people have more children—it amplifies the increase form other causes.1. What is the passage mainly about?A) E ffects of obesity on people’s healthB) The link between lifestyle and obesityC) New explanations for the obesity epidemicD) Possible ways to combat the obesity epidemic2. In the US N urse’ Health Study, women who slept an average of 7 hours a night_______.A) gained the least weightB) were inclined to eat lessC) found their vigor enhancedD) were less susceptible to illness3. The popular belief about obesity is that___________.A) it makes us sleepyB) it causes sleep lossC) it increases our appetiteD) it results from lack of sleep4. How does indoor heating affect our life?A) it makes us stay indoors moreB) it accelerates our metabolic rateC) it makes us feel more energeticD) it contributes to our weight gain5. What does the author say about the effect of nicotine on smokers?A) it threatens their healthB) it heightens their spiritsC) it suppresses their appetiteD) it slows down their metabolism6. Who are most likely to be overweight according to Katherine Fergal’s study?A) heavy smokersB) passive smokersC) those who never smokeD) those who quit smoking7. According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, the increased obesity in the US is a result of_______.A) the growing number of smokers among young peopleB) the rising proportion of minorities in its populationC) the increasing consumption of high-calorie foodsD) the improving living standards of the poor people8. According to the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the reason why older mothers’ children tend to be obese remains __________.9. According to Michael Symonds, one factor contributing to the obesity epidemic is decrease of ___________.10. When two heavy people get married, chances of their children getting fat increase, because obesity is _____________.Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11. A) He is quite easy to recognizeB) He is an outstanding speakerC) He looks like a movie starD) He looks young for his age12. A) consult her dancing teacherB) take a more interesting classC) continue her dancing classD) improve her dancing skills13. A) the man did not believe what the woman saidB) the man accompanied the woman to the hospitalC) the woman may be suffering from repetitive strain injuryD) the woman may not followed the doctor’s instructions14. A) they are not in style any moreB) they have cost him far too muchC) they no longer suit his eyesightD) they should be cleaned regularly15. A) he spilled his drink onto the floorB) he has just finished wiping the floorC) he was caught in a shower on his way homeD) he rushed out of the bath to answer the phone16. A) fixing some furnitureB) repairing the toy trainC) reading the instructionsD) assembling the bookcase17. A) urge Jenny to spend more time on studyB) help Jenny to prepare for the coming examsC) act towards Jenny in a more sensible wayD) send Jenny to a volleyball training center18. A) The building of the dam needs a large budgetB) The proposed site is near the residential areaC) The local people feel insecure about the damD) The dam poses a threat to the local environmentQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A. It saw the end of its booming years worldwideB. Its production and sales reached record levels.C. It became popular in some foreign countriesD. Its domestic market started to shrink rapidly.20. A. They cost less. C. They were in fashion.B. They tasted better. D. They were widely advertised.21. A. It is sure to fluctuate. C. It will remain basically stable.B. It is bound to revive. D. It will see no more monopoly Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. A. Organising protests C. Acting as its spokesman.B. Recruiting members D. Saving endangered animals.23. A. Anti-animal-abuse demonstrations B. Anti-nuclear campaignsC. Surveying the Atlantic Ocean floorD. Removing industrial waste.24. A. By harassing them. C. By taking legal action.B. By appealing to the public D. By resorting to force.25. A. Doubtful C. Indifferent.B. Reserved D. SupportiveSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A. The air becomes still. C. The clouds block the sun.B. The air pressure is low. D. The sky appears brighter.27. A. Ancient people were better at foretelling the weather.B. Sailors’ saying about the weather are unreliable.C. People knew long ago how to predict the weather.D. It was easier to forecast the weather in the old days.28. A. Weather forecast is getting more accurate today.B. People can predict the weather by their sensesC. Who are the real experts in weather forecast.D. Weather changes affect people’s life remarkablyPassage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. A. They often feel insecure about their jobs.B. They are unable to decide what to do first.C. They feel burdened with numerous tasks every day.D they feel burdened with numerous tasks every day30. A. Analyze them rationally. C. Turn to others for help.B. Draw a detailed to-do list. D. Handle them one by one.31. A. They have accomplished little. C. They have worked out a way to relax.B. They feel utterly exhausted. D. They no longer feel any sense of guilt. Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. A. Their performance may improve.B. Their immune system may be reinforcedC. Their blood pressure may rise all of a sudden.D. Their physical development may be enhanced.33. A. Improved mental functioning C. Speeding up of blood circulationB. Increased susceptibility to disease D. Reduction of stress-related hormones34. A. Pretend to be in better shape. C. Turn more often to friends for helpB. Have more physical exercise. D. Pay more attention to bodily sensations.35. A. Different approaches to coping with stress.B. Various causes for serious health problems.C. The relationship between stress and illness.D. New finding of medical research on stress.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.One of the most common images of an advanced, Western-style culture is that of a busy, traffic-filled city. Since their first (36) ______ on American roadways, automobiles have become a (37) ______ of progress, a source of thousands of jobs and an almost inalienable right for citizens’ personal freedom of movement. In recent (38) _______, our “love affair” with the car is being (39) ________ directly to the developing world, and it is increasingly (40) _______ that this transfer is leading to disaster.American’s almost complete dependence on automobiles has been a terrible mistake. As late as the 1950s, a large (41) ________ of the American public used mass transit. A (42) ________ of public policy decisions and corporate scheming saw to it that countless (43) ________ and efficient urban streetcar and intra-city rail systems were dismantled. (44) ___________________________________________________. Our lives have been planned along a road grid—homes far from work, shopping far from everything, with ugly stretches of concrete and blacktop in between.Developing countries are copying Western-style transportation systems down to the last detail. (45) _________________________________________________________.Pollution control measures are either not strict or nonexistent, leading to choking clouds of smog. Gasoline still contains lead, which is extremely poisonous to humans. (46) ________________________________________________________________ _____.In addition to pollution and traffic jams, auto safety is a critical issue in developing nations.Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Please write your answers on Answer sheet 2.Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.One of the major producers of athletic footwear, with 2002 sales of over $10 billion, is a company called Nike, with corporate headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. Forbes magazine identified Nike’s president, Philip Knight, as the 53rd-richestman in the world in 2004. But Nike has not always been a large multimillion-dollar organization. In fact, Knight started the company by selling shoes from the back of his car at track meets.In the late1950s Philip Knight was a middle-distance runner on the University of Oregon track team, coached by Bill Bowerman. One of the top track coaches in the U.S., Bowerman was also known for experimenting with the design of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock-absorbent. After attending Oregon, Knight moved on to do graduate work at Stanford University; his MBA thesis was on marketing athletic shoes. Once he received his degree, Knight traveled to Japan to contact the Onitsuka Tiger Company, a manufacturer of athletic shoes. Knight convinced the company’s officials of the potential for its product in the U.S. In 1963 he received his first shipment of Tiger shoes, 200 pairs in total.In 1964, Knight and Bowerman contributed $500 each to from Blue Ribbon Sports, the predecessor of Nike. In the first few years, Knight distributed shoes out of his car at local track meets. The first employees hired by Knight wereformer college athle tes. The company did not have the money to hire “experts”, and there was no established athletic footwear industry in North America from which to recruit those knowledgeable in the field. In its early years the organization operated in an unconventional manner that characterized its innovative and entrepreneurial approach to the industry. Communication was informal; people discussed ideas and issues in the hallways, on a run, or over a beer. There was little task differentiation. There were no job descriptions, rigid reporting systems, or detailed rules and regulations. The team spirit and shared values of the athletes on Bowerman’s teams carried over and provided the basis for the collegial style of management that characterized the early years of Nikes.47. While serving as a track coach, Bowerman tried to design running shoes that were _____________________.48. During his visit to Japan, Knight convinced the officials of the Onitsuka Tiger Company that its product would have____________________________________.49. Blue Ribbon Sports as unable to hire experts due to the absence of____________________ in North America.50. In the early years of Nike, communication within the company was usually carried out____________.51. What qualities of Bowerman’s tea ms formed the basis of Nike’s early management style?_______________________________________________________________. Section BDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put touse. This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives.To start with, it is important to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed markedly throughout history, and will continue to do so .medieval agriculture in northern Europe fed, clothed and sheltered a predominantly rural society with a much lower population density than it is today. It had minimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was typically localized. In terms of energy use and the nutrients(营养成分)captured in the product it was relatively inefficient.Contrast this with farming since the start of the industrial revolution. Competition from overseas led farmers to specialize and increase yields. Throughout this period food became cheaper, safe and more reliable. However, these changes have also led to habitat(栖息地)loss and to diminishing biodiversity.What’s more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050.yet the growth of cities and industry is reducing the amount of water available for agriculture in many regions.All this means that agriculture in the 21stcentury will have to be very different from how it was in the 20th.thiswill require radical thinking. For example, we need to move away from the idea that traditional practices are inevitably more sustainable than new ones. We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be “zero impact”. The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage.Instead we need a more dynamic interpretation, one that looks at the pros and cons(正反两方面)of all the various way land is used. There are many different ways to measure agricultural performance besides food yield: energy use, environmental costs, water purity, carbon footprint and biodiversity. It is clear, for example, that the carbon of transporting tomatoes from Spain to the UK is less than that of producing them in the UK with additional heating and lighting. But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better forbiodiversity.What is crucial is recognizing that sustainable agriculture is not just about sustainable food production.52. How do people often measure progress in agriculture?A) By its productivity C) By its impact on the environmentB) By its sustainability D) By its contribution to economic growth53. Specialisation and the effort to increase yields have resulted in________.A) Localised pollution C) competition from overseasB) the shrinking of farmland D) the decrease of biodiversity54. What does the author think of traditional farming practices?A) They have remained the same over the centuriesB) They have not kept pace with population growthC) They are not necessarily sustainableD) They are environmentally friendly55. What will agriculture be like in the 21st centuryA) It will go through radical changesB) It will supply more animal productsC) It will abandon traditional farming practicesD) It will cause zero damage to the environment56 What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A) To remind people of the need of sustainable developmentB) To suggest ways of ensuring sustainable food productionC) To advance new criteria for measuring farming progressD) To urge people to rethink what sustainable agriculture isPassage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.The percentage of immigrants (including those unlawfully present) in the United states has been creeping upward for years. At 12.6 percent, it is now higher than at any point since the mid1920s.We are not about to go back to the days when Congress openly worried about inferior races polluting America’s bloodstream. But once again we are wondering whether we have too many of the wrong sort newcomers. Their loudest critics argue that the new wave of immigrants cannot, and indeed do not want to,fit in as previous generations did.We now know that these racist views were wrong. In time, Italians, Romanians and members of other so-called inferior races became exemplary Americans and contributed greatly, in ways too numerous to detail, to the building of this magnificent nation. There is no reason why these new immigrants should not have the same success.Although children of Mexican immigrants do better, in terms of educational and professional attainment, than their parents UCLA sociologist Edward Telles has found that the gains don’t continue. Indeed, the fouth generation is marginally worse off than the third James Jackson, of the University of Michigan, has found a similar trend among black Caribbean immigrants, Tells fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps of American blacks-that large parts of the community may become mired(陷入)in a seemingly permanent state of poverty and Underachievement. Like African-Americans, Mexican-Americans are increasingly relegated to (降入)segregated, substandard schools, and their dropout rate is the highest for any ethnic group in the country.We have learned much about the foolish idea of excluding people on the presumption of the ethnic/racial inferiority. But what we have not yet learned is how to make the process of Americanization work for all. I am not talking about requiring people to learn English or to adopt American ways; those things happen pretty much on their own, but as arguments about immigration hear up the campaign trail, we also ought to ask some broader question about assimilation, about how to ensure that people , once outsider s , don’t fo rever remain marginalized within these shores.That is a much larger question than what should happen with undocumented workers, or how best to secure the border, and it is one that affects not only newcomers but groups that have been here for generations. It will have more impact on our future than where we decide to set the admissions bar for the latest ware of would-be Americans. And it would be nice if we finally got the answer right.57. How were immigrants viewed by U.S. Congress in early days?A) They were of inferior races.B) They were a Source of political corruption.C) They were a threat to the nation’s security.D) They were part of the nation’s bloodstream.58. What does the author think of the new immigrants?A) They will be a dynamic work force in the U.S.B) They can do just as well as their predecessors.C) They will be very disappointed on the new land.D) They may find it hard to fit into the mainstream.59. What does Edward Telles’ research say about Mexican-Americans?A) They may slowly improve from generation to generation.B) They will do better in terms of educational attainment.C) They will melt into the African-American community.D) They may forever remain poor and underachieving.60. What should be done to help the new immigrants?A) Rid them of their inferiority complex.B) Urge them to adopt American customs.C) Prevent them from being marginalized.D) Teach them standard American English.61. According to the author, the burning issue concerning immigration is_______.A) How to deal with people entering the U.S. without documentsB) How to help immigrants to better fit into American societyC) How to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the borderD) How to limit the number of immigrants to enter the U.S.Part V Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Individuals and businesses have legal protection for intellectual property they create and own. Intellectual proper__62__from creative thinking62. [A]retrieves[B]deviates[C]results[D]departs。
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《道路工程制图》题库一、选择题(每题1 分)第一章制图基础1、丁字尺是用来与图板配合画水平线的,下面使用方法错误的是:()(C)A保持尺头与图板左边贴紧B水平线应由上向下逐条画出C 可用丁字尺的下边画水平线D 应防止受潮、曝晒、烘烤或弯曲2、据铅芯硬度不同用H或B标明,其中H表示()。
(A)A 硬而淡B软而浓C软硬适中D硬而浓3、A1 图幅的图纸外形尺寸是()。
(C)A 841×1189B 840×1189C 594×841D 594×8404、对图中比例下面表述正确的是()。
(D)A 1:100<1:200B 1:50<1:200C1:100>1:50D1:100>1:2005、图上所有尺寸数字是物体的()大小数值,与图形选用比例()。
(D)A 缩小无关B扩大有关C实际有关D实际无关6、图纸幅面的()可以加长,加长时图幅A0、A2、A4应为()的整倍数,图幅A1、A3应为()的整倍数。
(A)A长边150mm 210mm B短边150mm 210mmC长边210mm 150mm D短边210mm 150mm7、工程图一般采用三种线宽,即粗、中、细的比例规定为()。
(B)A b:0.5b:0.35bB b:0.5b:0.25bC b:0.6b:0.25bD b:0.5b:0.30b8、标高、坡长和曲线要素均以()为单位。
(C)A kmB cmC mD mm9、标高的符号采用()绘制的()三角形表示。
(D)A 中实线等边B细实线等边C中实线等腰直角D细实线等腰直角10、在画底稿时,应选用()铅笔轻轻画出。
(B)A B 或H B H 或2H C B 或2B D 2B 或2H第二章投影的基本知识11、为了能在一张图纸上同时反映出三个投影图,即将三投影面体系展开,展开时规定()不动。
(D)A 投影面B H面C W面D V面12、将三投影面体系展开后,Y轴分成两部分,其中随W面旋转的用()表示。
(B)A YHB YWC WYD HY13、标高投影是一种带有数字标记的()面()。
(A)A 单正投影B 多正投影C 多斜投影D 单斜投影14、投影图的三等关系是()。
(C)A高对正、长平齐、宽相等 B 宽对正、高平齐、长相等C 长对正、高平齐、宽相等D 长对正、宽平齐、高相等15、下面不是正投影特性的是()。
(D)A 实形性B 从属性C 平行性D 相等性16、下面不是正投影法的优点的是()。
(B)A度量性好 B 立体感强 C 作图简单 D 工程中应用广第三章点、直线和平面17、空间点A、B为重影点,A点在B点正上方5个单位,则其H面投影可表示为()。
(A)A ab a(b)B ba b(a)C ba a(b)D ab b(a)18、A点的坐标为(4,6,0),则A点在()。
(B)A 空间B H面上C W面上D V面上19、一个点在坐标轴上,则其坐标()。
(D)A 有一个为0B 没有0C 三个都为0D 有两个为020、已知空间两点为重影点,则其有()同名坐标值相等。
(B)A 一个B 两个C 三个D 没有21、已知A(3,10,8)、B(9,6,12)两点坐标,则两点相对位置关系为()。
(A)A A点在B点的下、前、右B A点在B点的上、前、右C A点在B点的下、后、右D A点在B点的下、前、左22、如果一条直线的三面投影都倾斜于投影轴,则空间直线为()。
(A)A 一般位置直线B 投影面平行线C 投影面垂直线23、投影面平行线的投影平行投影轴时,其投影的长度()实长。
(C)A 等于B 大于C 小于D 小于或等于24、一条空间直线,其H面投影积聚为一点,则其必是()。
(D)A 水平线B 正平线C 正垂线D 铅垂线25、一条直线上所有点仅有一个同名坐标值相等,则空间直线为()。
(B) A 一般位置直线 B投影面平行线 C 投影面垂直线26、投影面平行面在它所平行的投影面上的投影()。
(B)A大于实形 B 反映实形 C 小于实形 D 成一条直线27、投影面垂直面在它所垂直的投影面上的投影积聚成一条直线,且与相应的投影轴()。
(C)A 平行B垂直 C 夹角反映真实倾角D交叉28、某平面的三面投影图中,均不积聚成直线,则一定为()。
(A)A 一般位置面B 投影面平行面C 投影面垂直面30、轴测投影图能在单面投影图中同时反映出形体的()方向。
(B)(中)A 4个B 3个C 2个D 1个32、三个轴向变化率有两个相等的轴测投影图称为()。
(C)(易)A 正三测B 斜三测C 正(或斜)二测D 正(或斜)等测33、p表示沿()方向的轴向变化率。
(A)(中)A O1X1轴B O1Y1轴C O1Z1轴34、在正等测投影中,三个轴测轴之间的夹角均为()。
(D)(易)A 60ºB 90ºC 150ºD 120º35、在斜二测轴测投影中,一般选O1Y1轴与水平方向的夹角为()。
(C)(中)A 60º、90º、120ºB 30º、90º、120ºC 30º、45º、60ºD 30º、45º、90º36、在斜二测轴测投影中,一般选轴向变化率为()。
(B)(易)A p=q=1 和r=0.5B p=r=1 和q=0.5C r=q=1 和p=0.5D p=r=1 和q=1第六章曲面立体39、曲面立体的曲面是由()的(),绕着()的(),做旋转运动形成的。
(A)A 运动母线固定导线B 固定母线运动导线C 运动导线固定母线D 固定导线运动母线第七章组合体的投影及尺寸标注41、在标注尺寸时,应先标注()尺寸。
(B)A 定位B 定形C 总体D 组合体42、标注尺寸时,其顺序为()。
(B)A 先定位尺寸,再定形尺寸,最后总体尺寸B 先定形尺寸,再定位尺寸,最后总体尺寸C 先定形尺寸,再总体尺寸,最后定位尺寸D 没有先后顺序第八章剖面图和断面图45、剖面线是平行等距()的()。
(B)A 60º细实线B 45º细实线C 45º中粗实线D 45º粗实线46、剖面线不可以采用的角度是()。
(C)A 60ºB 45ºC 35ºD 30º47、剖切位置线为(),长度宜为()mm。
(D)A短粗虚线 4-6 B 短粗实线 4-6 C 短粗虚线 6-10 D 短粗实线 5-1048、投影方向线为(),长度宜为()mm,用单边箭头表示剖切后的投影方向。
(B)A短粗虚线 4-6 B 细实线 4-6 C 短粗虚线 6-10 D 短粗实线 6-1049、全剖面图适用于形体不对称或外形比较()、内部结构比较()的形体。
(C)A复杂复杂 B 复杂简单 C 简单复杂D简单简单50、当形体上下对称时,将投影图绘在水平中心线的(),剖面图绘在水平心线的()。
(A)A上方下方 B 下方上方 C 前方后方D左方右方51、局部剖面与投影图的分界线选用()。
(C)A 点划线B 折断线或波浪线C 波浪线D 折断线52、中断断面图是把断面图画在投影图的断开处,用()断开。
(D)(易)A 点划线B 波浪线C 细实线D 折断线第九章标高投影56、标高投影法是在()投影图上加注某些特殊点、线、面的高程,以高程数字代替立面图的作用。
(C)A 侧立面B 正立面C 水平D 轴测57、最大坡度线的投影和平面上的等高线的投影互相()。
(A)A 垂直B相交(不成90º) C 平行D无关59、已知一直线的坡度为1:3,水平距离为27.6m,求其H()。
(C)A 9.1 mB 9.1 cmC 9.2 mD 9.2cm60、已知一直线AB的坡度为1:2,水平距离为10m,A点低且高程为3,B点高程为()。
(B)A 7B 8C 6D 961、作地形断面图时,是在剖切地形处作一()。
(D)A 平行面B 正垂面C 侧垂面D 铅锤面62、在地形图中,有加粗的等高线和不加粗的等高线,不加粗的等高线称为()。
(A)A 首曲线B 计曲线C 等高线D 地形线第十章道路路线工程图63、在路线平面图中,公里桩标在路线前进方向的()。
(B)A 右侧B 左侧C 前方D 后方64、在路线平面图中,百米桩标在路线前进方向的()。
(A)A 右侧B 左侧C 前方D 后方66、路线纵面图中,“○”表示()。
(D)(易)A 桥梁B 排水沟C 渗井D 桥涵构造物67、5%/80表示()。
(B)A 顺路线前进方向是下坡,坡度为5%,坡长80m。
B 顺路线前进方向是上坡,坡度为5%,坡长80m。
C 顺路线前进方向是上坡,坡与水平面间夹角为5º,坡长80m。
D 顺路线前进方向是下坡,坡与水平面间夹角为5º,坡长80m。
(A)A 切线长B 曲线长C 外距D 缓和曲线长70、在平曲线中,E表示()。
(C)A 切线长B 曲线长C 外距D 缓和曲线长72、在公路路线纵断面图的资料表中,凸折线表示()。
(B)A 向左转B 向右转C 上坡D 下坡73、在公路路线纵断面图中,规定竖向比例比水平比例()。
(D)(中)A 缩小100倍B 缩小10倍C 放大100倍D 放大10倍74、路线工程图的设计线用()来表示。
(A)(易)A 粗实线B 细实线C 点划线D 粗点划线75、4-20预应力混凝土连续T梁中的4-20表示()。
(C)(中)A 编号B 第4个桥梁,共20跨C 此桥共4跨,每跨20米D 第20个桥梁,共4跨76、竖曲线分为()和()两种。
(A)(中)A 凹曲线凸曲线B 圆曲线缓和曲线C 上曲线下曲线D 左曲线右曲线77、平曲线分为()和()两种。
(B)(中)A 凹曲线凸曲线B 圆曲线缓和曲线C 上曲线下曲线D 左曲线右曲线78、路基横断面图的水平和铅锤方向采用()比例,通常用()。
(D)(中)A 不同1:50至1:150B 同一1:30C 同一1:150D 同一1:20079、在路基横断面图中,不用粗实线表示的是()。
(C)(易)A 路面线B 路肩线C 原地面线D 边坡线80、接图线与道路中心线()。
(D)(易)A 倾斜B 成60度角C 成30度角D 垂直81、路线平面图从()向()绘制。
(A)(易)A 左右B 右左C 上下D 下上83、联结层是在()之间设置的一个层次。
(B)(中)A 垫层和基层之间B 面层和基层之间C 面层和垫层之间D 垫层之下84、公路路线工程图中的设计线用()画出。
(B)(易)A 实线B 粗实线C 细实线D 点划线第十一章涵洞与通道工程图85、涵洞同桥梁的区别在于()的大小。