形合与意合 PPT
She said, with perfect truth, that “it must be delightful to have a brother,” and easily got the pity of tender-hearted Amelia, for being alone in the world, an orphan without friends or kindred.
她说道,“有个哥哥该多好啊,”这话说得入 情入理。她没爹没娘,又没有亲友,真是孤苦 伶仃。软心肠的阿米莉亚听了,立刻觉得她可 怜。
This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in the chair.
意合指“句子内部的连接或句子间的连接 采用语义手段(semantic connection)”
The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.--- World Book Dictionary
最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心思或费用来 招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的 丈夫谈政治、谈生意,却没注意到香喷喷的咖啡, 松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些却可 能是她感到兴趣并引以自豪的主要所在。
1. 语序。
人不犯我,我不犯人。 We will not attack unless we are attacked. (因为)他不老实,我不能信任他。 Because he’s not honest, I can’t trust him. I can’t trust him, because he’s not honest. 我不能信任他,因为他不老实。
1. 形合与意合
原文:No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
译文:不,不,我们没有满足,我们也不会 满足,直到公平如大水滚滚,公义如江河 滔滔 。
形合和意合是英汉语言之间的重要区别特征. 汉语以意驭形,而英语则以形制意。 西方形式逻辑的思维模式要求语言倚赖于各种连接手 段承上启下。而汉民族重内省和体悟,不重逻辑,因 而语言简约、意义模糊。 一般来说,在译英为中时应以表“意”为核心进行遣 词造句;译中为英时应先确定适当的“主谓”主线, 再梳理脉络。
1. 形合和意合的概念
形合指句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采用句法手 段(syntactic devices)或词汇手段(lexical devices)。 意合指“句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采用语义 手段(semantic connection)” (方梦之,2004)。
英语造句常用各种形式手段连接词、语、分句或从 句,注重显性接应(overt cohesion),注重句子 形式,注重结构完整,注重以形显义。 英语句中的连接手段和形式(cohesive ties) :关 系词和连接词、介词、其他连接手段,如形态变化 形式,及其保持前后一致的关系,广泛使用代词, 以及替补词it和there等等。
译文:It is a supreme comfort to me when I am informed that you are as healthy as ever.
英语造句常用各式种形手段连接词、语、分句或 从句,注重显性接应(overt cohesion),注重结 构完整,注重以形显义。 英语句中的连接手段和形式(cohesive ties)不 仅数量大,种类大,而且用得十分频繁: 1. 关系词和连接词。关系词包括关系代词、关系 副词、连接代词和连接副词,如who, whom, whose, that, which, what, when, where, why, how 等,用 来连接主句和定语从句、主语从句、宾语从句或表 语从句。
并列连词 如and, or, but, yet, so, however, as well as 从属连词 如when, while, since, until, so…that, unless, lest 等,用来连接词、词组、分句或状语从 句。英语造句几乎离不开这些关系词和连接词,汉 语则少用甚至不用这类词。 2. 介词。(如with, to, in, of, about, between, through、inside, into, within, without, throughout , according to, along with, on behalf of, with regard to)。
他吹嘘说,任何奴隶一踏上英国的土地就获得自 由,而他却出卖穷人家六岁的孩子到工厂干活,每 天十六小时,受尽鞭打责骂。 点评:英语运用连接词、介词和代词形式手段, 注重句子形式和完整,注重显性连接(overt coherence),汉语译文注重意义和逻辑顺序,注 重隐性连贯(covert coherence)。
其次,还可以采用形合法翻译英语中一些带有意 合特征的句子或汉语与之“形似”的句子。 (1)the sight of the girl always reminds me of her parents. 我一见到这个女孩,就想起他的父 母。 (3) His youth got him off. 由于他年轻,他 得到了宽恕
基础笔译 Chapter 13 形合与意合
知己知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼 不知己,每战必殆。 You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself. You will win one battle and lose one battle if you know yourself but leave yourself in the dark about the enemy. You will lose every battle if you leave both the enemy and yourself in the dark.
Eg: I shall despair if you don’t com.
意合指“句子内部的连接或句子间的连接 采用语义手段(semantic connection)”
The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.--- World Book Dictionary
形合的语言模式反映了西方重形式逻辑、 重实证的思维模式,
意合的语言模式反映了汉民族重内省和体 悟、表达简约、不重逻辑、意义模糊的思 维模式。
And with this and a proud bow to his patrons, the manager retires, and the curtain rises. 领班的说到这里向各位主顾深鞠一躬退到后台,现在开幕 了。 An Englishman who cold not speak Chineses was once
went for a walk after I had my dinner.) •意合:我吃过晚饭后出去散了散步.
•21. Dr. Smith (1) resumed重新开始the activities of anti-cancer experiment (2) begun in 1945 and
1.Because she is not honest, I can’t trust her. 2. We will not attack unless we are attacked. 3. If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall胆汁, how can you know the sweetness of honey? 4. A Wolf remains a wolf even though it is in sheep’s clothing. 5. Whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.
3. 统计分析表明这些吻合不可能偶然发生的。 (by chance; correspondence)
4. 我们应尽可能多地收集数据,以便找出它长期 发展的趋势。(data, identify)
5. 从图中可以看出,10年间食品价格有了大幅度 的提高。
1. 土地的价格占了整个房价的30%。(account for) Land prices account for 30% of the house prices. 2. 科学证据表明人类的一些行为导致了气候的变 化。(contribute to;human activities) Scientific evidence suggests that human activities are contributing to climate change. 3. 统计分析表明这些吻合不可能偶然发生的。(by chance; correspondence) Statistical analyses have shown that these correspondences are highly unlikely to have occurred by chance.
2.为什么如此众多的美国人不如想象中那样幸福呢?我认为原因有 二,而两者之间又有深浅之分。
Why so many Americans are not happy as we expect? I think there are two reasons and both of them have deep distinction
跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。 1. Even if the monk can run away, his temple cannot run with him. 打死我也不说。 2. Even if I were to be beaten to death, I will not tell. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 3. Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 4. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 人不犯我,我不犯人。 5. We will not attack unless we Even if the monk can run away, his temple cannot run with him. 打死我也不说。 2. Even if I were to be beaten to death, I will not tell. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 3. Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 4. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 人不犯我,我不犯人。 5. We will not attack unless we are attacked.
2) It had been a fine, golden autumn, a
lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth, and some of them their lives, before the leaves turned again in peacetime fall. 那是个天气晴朗、金黄可爱的秋天,美好的 秋色为那些青年们送别。待到战后和平时期, 黄叶纷飞的秋天再度来临时,当日的青年已 经失去了青春,有的丧失了生命。
资收入不断增长.凯恩斯有一套理论,认为 资本主义制度有能力通过名曰“内在稳定因 素”的“国家调节经济”永远解决繁荣与危 机交替出现的问题.而劳工运动则宣传反映 凯恩斯理论影响的观点.这种种因素结合在 一起,就使工人阶级觉悟的提高受到阻碍.
There is no more difference, but there is just
The growth of class consciousness among
the workers was inhibited by continued high levels of employment and rising earnings for almost 15 years, combined with the propaganda of views in the labor movement reflecting the influence of Keynesian theories about the ability of capitalism to solve permanently the problem of “boom and bust” through a managed economy of built-in stabilizers.
形合与意合的差异不仅体现在句子层面,还体现在词汇层面, 如英语中的冠词、连词、介词等在汉语中可能没有对应的表达
03 英汉翻译中的形合与意合
英语句子结构严谨,注重形式上的完整和逻辑 上的严密,通常使用显性的连接词来表达句子 之间的关系。
中文表达中常用隐性的逻辑关系来表达意义,语言结构相对灵活。在翻译时, 需要将这些隐性逻辑转换为英文的隐性表达。
中文句子“他走了,再也不回来了。” 在英文中应翻译为“He left, never to return.” 这里的“never to return”隐含了“再也不回来了”的意思。
意合是指句子结构灵活,词语之间的 连接主要依赖于意义和语境,没有显 性的形态标记。
在汉语中,意合的表现形式包括流水 句、无主句、省略句等,通过语义和 语境来表达意义。
英语重形合,强调句子结构和语法规则的严谨性;汉语重 意合,强调意义和语境的传达。
在英汉翻译中,译者需要充分理解原句的意义和语境,同时考 虑到目标语言的表达习惯和语法规则,以准确传达原文的含义
在翻译过程中,尽量保留原文的 语法结构和表达方式,力求形式 上的对应。
强调语言形式的重要性,关注句 子结构、词汇搭配和语序等方面 的对应。
在翻译过程中,注重揭示原文中 的逻辑关系,通过显性连接词等 手段来体现。
在翻译过程中,以意义传达为核心,不拘泥于原文的 形式。
• She spends much less time studying than before, this is quite typical of senior students. • She spends much less time studying than before, which is quite typical of senior students.
• 3. 许多河流被严重污染了,河中没有鱼,没有清水。
• Many rivers are so seriously polluted that no fish nor clean water can be found.
• Movies on TV are frequently interrupted by commercials, this makes me dislike them. • Movies on TV are frequently interrupted by commercials, much to my dislike.
• Students don’t know how to form their own opinions. Teachers should develop their ability to think independently. • As/Since students don’t know how to form their own opinions, teachers should develop their ability to think independently.
• We can have our own money. Using the money we can go traveling, we can buy things we like. We don’t need to take money from our parents. • We can have our own money when we want to go traveling or buy things we like, instead of taking money from our parents.
形合(hypotaxis)与意合(parataxis)是英汉语篇中的常用策略。 所谓形合指的是句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手段(如关联 词)连接起来,表达语法意义和逻辑关系。 所谓意合,指的是词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段连接,句中的 语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语或分句的含义表达。
D 译成带定式复合结构的英语句子 酒不醉人人自醉。 It is not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk..
以上几种操作方式是针对英语的句内形合讨论的。句子之间的形 合多使用连接词。在对一个句子或句子以上单位做汉英翻译时, 往往是不止一种,而是多种操作方式同时并用。 那时坐在舅舅的腿上,他哄着我,我觉得很温暖。 Sitting on my uncle’s leg, being humored all the way, I was feeling very good. 使用两个与同一主语呼应的分词结构,不但使汉语原文中的重要 信息落在译文的主谓结构上,而且也体现了英语的形合特点。
英语语言讲究客观明晰、语篇衔接紧密、诉诸于理性逻辑, 通过比较,我们不难发现原诗的句子之间的衔接不靠一个连词,便 能构成连贯的语篇;对诗句的理解,仅靠词语和句子内含意义的逻 辑关系。语篇连贯呈隐性。 而译文中的诗句间的衔接则往往少不了词汇语法的显性衔接。译 者从语言形式上把词语句子结合成语篇整体。
从表面上看,《天净沙· 秋思》这首诗展现的是“枯藤、老树、昏 鸦、小桥、流水、人家、古道、西风、瘦马、夕阳、断肠人”等 景物,看上去比较杂乱。然而,细细品之,会发现,“文章本天成,妙手 偶得之。”(陆游) 小令《天净沙.秋思》言简意丰,诉诸于意向,表达自由。
第三章形合与意合;(Hypotacticvs.Paratactic;所谓形合,指的是句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手;所谓意合,指的是词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段连;一、英语的形合法;英语造句常用各种形式手段连接词、语、分句或从句,;1.关系词和连接词;1)Allwasclearedupsometim;过了一些时候,从远方传来了消息:在小钢球坠落的当;2)第三章形合与意合(Hypotactic vs.Paratactic)所谓形合,指的是句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手段(如关联词)连接起来,表达语法意义和逻辑关系。
The American Heritage Dictionary给形合定义为,“The dependent or subordinate or relationship of clauses with connectives, f or example, I shall despair if you don?t come.”英语造句主要采取形合(Hypotac tic)。
The World Book Dictionary给意合定义为:“The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing t he relation between them.Example:The rain fell;the river flooded; the hous e washed away.”汉语造句主要采用意合法(Parataxis)。
一、英语的形合法英语造句常用各种形式手段连接词、语、分句或从句,注重显性接应(overt cohesion),注重句子形式,注重结构完整,注重以形显义。
英语句中的连接手段和形式(cohesive ties)不仅数量大,种类多,而且用得十分频繁:1.关系词和连接词。
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那是个天气晴朗、金黄可爱的秋天,美好的秋色为那些青 年们送别。待到战后和平时期,黄叶纷飞的秋天再度来临 时,当日的青年已经失去了青春,有的丧失了生命。
4) It is flattering to believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read, and very
英语句子结构特点:主谓搭架,枝叶上挂, 叠床架屋,都有语法。 这说明英语是形合 的语言,结构严谨。
汉语句子结构特点:话题说明,叙述分层, 可断可续,意尽为界。 这说明汉语是意合 的语言,结构松散,形散而神聚,用词简 洁。
英译汉技巧:形合变意合,显性变隐性, 去掉关联词语。
汉译英技巧:意合变形合,隐性变显性, 增加关联词语。
认为自己的思想深奥,不可能表达得很清楚,让任何人都 能理解,这是一种虚荣的念头。这样的作家当然不会想到, 问题还是出在自己脑子缺乏精确思考的能力。
5) It was what sentimentalists, who deal in very big words, call a yearning after the ideal, and simply means that women are not satisfied until they have husbands and children on whom they may centre affections, which are
much deeper than the other. 为什么如此众多的美国人不能如想象中那样幸福呢?我认
为原因有二,而两者之间又有深浅之分。 3) It had been a fine, golden autumn, a lovely farewell to
those who would lose their youth, and some of them their lives, before the leaves turned again in a peacetime fall.
spent elsewhere, as it were, in small change. (W.
Thackeray: Vanity Fair)
一般情感主义者喜欢用大字眼,称之为对于理想爱情的渴 望。换言之,它们认为女人的情感平时只能零星发泄,必 须有了丈夫和孩子,情感收聚起来有了归宿,自己才能满 足。
英语形合法 英语造句常用各种形式手段连接词、语、分句或从句,
注重显性接应(overt cohesion) ,注重句子形式,注重 结构完整,注重以形显义。英语句中的连接手段和形 式(cohesive ties) 不仅数量大,种类多,而且用得十分 频繁: 1.关系词和连接词。 关系词包括关系代词、关系副词、连接代词和连接副 词,如who, whom, whose, that, which, what, when, where, why, how 等,用来连接主句和定语从句、主语从句、 宾语从句或表语从句。连接词包括并列连词和从属Байду номын сангаас 词,如and, or, but, yet, so, however, as well as, (n)either …(n)or…, 及when, while, as, since, until, so…that, unless, lest 等,用来连接词、词组、分句或状语从句。 英语造句几乎离不开这些关系词和连接词,汉语则少 用甚至不用这些词。
2) When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems that there are two causes, of which one goes
所谓形合,指的是句中的词语或分句之间用语言 形式手段(如关联词)连接起来,表达语法意义 和逻辑关系。 The American Heritage Dictionary 给形合 定义为:“The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with
1) All was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very
day the little copper ball fell. 过了一些时候,从远方传来了消息:在小铜球坠落的当天,
naturally it does not occur to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise
reflection. (W. S. Maugham: Lucidity, Simplicity, Euphony)
connectives, for example, I shall despair if you don’t
come.” 所谓意合,指的是词语与分句之间不用语言形式
手段连接,句中的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语 或分句的含义表达。The World Book Dictionary 给意 合定义为:“The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them. Example: The rain fell; the river flooded; the house washed away”