Kinder sport
帮助孩子成长是一项艰难却令人兴奋的工作,因为是我们的未来。 这是Kinder+Sport背后的理念。Kinder+Sport是费列罗开发的一个项目, 旨在推广和宣传体育活动是人们健康生活的一部分,尤其针对儿童。之所 以产生这个想法,是因为费列罗认识到,健康来源于均衡饮食和适度锻炼。 体育活动是我们成长过程中的重要环节,因为体育能够帮助我们了解自己 的身体和极限,并通过测试尝试突破这些极限,最终达到我们的目标。 体育鼓励我们尊重他人:必须理解和遵守规则,礼待对手,帮助队友,有 时,我们也会需要他们的帮助。体育教导我们如何行为得体,诚实面对问 题,并从容接受成败。 正因如此,多年来,Kinder一直与意大利和欧洲各大体育联合会和机构合 作,为他们提供大力支持,以期推动体育发展,让我们的下一代能够茁壮 成长,真正达到“在运动中”的状态。
费列罗白色椰 蓉球
费列罗黑珍珠系列 Ferrero rondnoir
象征着豪华 奢侈的爱情 如果有人送你代 表他想给你,你想要的一切
费列罗经典广告词 “意大利经典”
榛果威 化广告 语
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ列罗巧克力屡现活蛆虫
费列罗始终努力改进对经营活动的能耗和环境影响为此: -建立定期监控环保指标的制度,确保各项工业活动均受控制; - 我们通过能源、材料和自然资源的有效利用来管理我们的工厂,以降低 它们对环境的影响,减少废物和垃圾,并在可能情况下,使用可再生能源; - 我们明白一个事实,即对水数量和质量的保护不仅仅是一个环境问题, 而是一项整个农业、经济和社会体系都面临的挑战。因此,我们致力于对 水资源进行负责任的管理; -确定环境保护方面的指标,以确保能够落实对环境保护的控制;-组织有 关增进环保意识的员工活动和培训,以便使每个员工获悉这些行动,提升 员工的能力和职业精神。 得益于该系统,集团的每一个经营场所都提倡一个全球性的方法,使企业 活动和经济增长符合当地的情况,从而达到保护环境的 目的。
巧克力英文知识点总结History of ChocolateThe history of chocolate dates back to ancient Mesoamerica, where the cacao tree is indigenous. The Olmec, Maya, and Aztec civilizations used cacao beans to make a bitter, frothy beverage that was believed to have mystical and aphrodisiac properties. The cacao beans were so valuable that they were often used as currency.When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Americas in the 16th century, they were introduced to chocolate and brought it back to Europe. At first, it was mainly consumed by the aristocracy, who added sugar and spices to make it more palatable. Eventually, chocolate spread across Europe and became a popular drink among the general population.In the 19th century, solid chocolate was invented by adding cocoa butter to the cacao mass, creating a smooth and moldable product. This paved the way for the creation of chocolate bars, truffles, and other confections that are still popular today.Health Benefits of ChocolateWhile chocolate is often considered a guilty pleasure, it actually has several health benefits when consumed in moderation. Dark chocolate, in particular, is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body from aging and disease. It also contains flavonoids, which have been shown to improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow. Chocolate also contains several minerals, such as iron, magnesium, and zinc, which are essential for the body's overall health. Additionally, it has been found to have mood-boosting properties, thanks to the release of endorphins and the presence of serotonin and phenylethylamine, also known as the "love chemical."Different Types of ChocolateThere are several different types of chocolate, each with its own unique flavor and characteristics. The most common types include:- Dark chocolate: Made with a high percentage of cacao solids and little to no added sugar, dark chocolate has a rich, intense flavor and is often prized for its health benefits.- Milk chocolate: This type of chocolate contains added milk powder or condensed milk, giving it a creamy and sweet flavor. It is the most popular type of chocolate and is often used in candy bars and confections.- White chocolate: White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids, and does not contain any cacao solids. While it is not technically chocolate, it is still widely enjoyed for its sweet and creamy taste.- Unsweetened chocolate: Also known as baking chocolate, this type of chocolate contains 100% cacao solids and no added sugar. It is often used in baking and cooking to add a rich and intense chocolate flavor to recipes.Making ChocolateThe process of making chocolate starts with the cacao tree, which produces large pods containing cacao beans. The beans are then fermented, dried, and roasted to develop their flavor. After roasting, the beans are cracked open to reveal the nibs, which are ground into a paste known as chocolate liquor.The next step is to separate the chocolate liquor into cocoa solids and cocoa butter. The cocoa solids are ground into a fine powder, which can be used to make cocoa powder or added to sugar and cocoa butter to make chocolate. The mixture is then refined, conched, and tempered to create a smooth and glossy chocolate product.ConclusionChocolate has a rich history and is enjoyed by people of all ages and cultures around the world. It has a wide range of health benefits and comes in many different forms, from dark and milk chocolate to unsweetened and white chocolate. Understanding the history, health benefits, and different types of chocolate can help us appreciate this beloved treat even more. Whether enjoyed on its own or used in baking and cooking, chocolate will continue to be a staple in the culinary world for years to come.。
Chocolate 巧克力的英文
Liqueur chocolate A very nice tasting of many kinds of wine in the chocolae.
• • • • • • • Provide you energy Focus your attention Good for circulatory system Help prevent cardiovascular disease Lower blood presure Enhance immunity Help delay senility Attention: the principle is eating in moderation
Merlin Leslie
• origin • types • the nutritional of chocolate • the famous brand chocolate • the tale of chocolate
Chocolate has been used as a drink for nearly all of its history. The earliest record of using chocolate dates back before the Olmec. The Maya civilization grew cacao trees in their backyard, and used the cacao seeds to make a frothy bitter drink. The Mayas believed that chocolate had mystrical properties, but cocoa also had commercial value. In fact, cocoa beans were uesd as a form of currency that was worth its weight in gold! Chocolate in its solid form was invented in 1847. Joseph Fry discovered a way to mix some of the cocoa butter back into the dutched chocolate, and added sugar, creating a paste that could be moulded. The result was the first modern chocolate bar.
巧克力资料来历作文英语Chocolate: A Brief History。
Chocolate is a beloved treat enjoyed by millions of people around the world. From chocolate bars to hot chocolate, this sweet and delicious treat has become a staple in many cultures. But where did chocolate come from, and how did it become so popular?The history of chocolate dates back to ancient civilizations in Central and South America. The Mayans and Aztecs believed that chocolate was a gift from their gods and used it in religious ceremonies. They also believedthat chocolate had medicinal properties and used it totreat a variety of ailments.When the Spanish arrived in Central America in the 16th century, they were introduced to chocolate and brought it back to Europe. At first, chocolate was only enjoyed by the wealthy and was consumed as a drink. It wasn't until the18th century that chocolate became more widely availableand affordable.In the 19th century, the invention of the cocoa press made it possible to produce chocolate in large quantities. This led to the creation of the first chocolate bars, which quickly became popular around the world.Today, chocolate is enjoyed in many forms, from milk chocolate to dark chocolate, and is used in a variety of desserts and baked goods. It is also used in cosmetics and skincare products due to its antioxidant properties.Despite its popularity, chocolate is not without controversy. The production of chocolate has been linked to child labor and deforestation in some parts of the world, leading to calls for more sustainable and ethical practices.In conclusion, chocolate has a rich and fascinating history that spans centuries and continents. From itsorigins as a sacred gift to its current status as a belovedtreat, chocolate has captured the hearts and taste buds of people around the world.。
在今年圣诞节,分别在大学校园、超市搞一些促销活动,以推广费列罗巧 克力,吸引潜在消费者,巩固现有消费者。在举办活动前夕,做好广告宣 传,让更多的人知道有这个活动。
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻装一样精致,每一 颗都用锡纸穿衣完美 贴身,每一处无不精 美绝伦,每一处尽显 高雅奢华,每一处充 斥个性时尚,层层滋 味完美地交替变化, 还有什么诱惑能够与 之相匹敌呢? 每个人都向往着完 美的理想境界,幸福 的家庭,甜美的爱情, 永久的友谊……
费列罗(FERRERO ROCHER)是意大利费 列罗集团是全球第四大巧克力制造商, 拥有一 系列优质创新的产品, 费列罗巧克力 (FERRERO ROCHER)更是享誉全球的著 名品牌。公司于1946年,由Pietro Ferrero 先生始创于意大利北部,全力家族式经营,至 今第三代,已发展到享誉盛名的跨国集团,并 拥有一系列自创的名牌优质产品。
劣势:对中国市场了解太少,国内消费者对产 品了解甚少,其性价比也太高。
机会:中国大多数人不理解巧克力问题,已 为巧克力是一种糖。近几年越来越多的高品质 巧克力进入中国,更多的人懂得品位巧克力。 威胁:中国国内外巧克力价格更能让消费者 接受、其经典形象是其他厂商竞相模仿
1.财务目标:未来三到五年企业销售收入预算(单 位:万元)
‘2’—他们比较有自知之明,执行是不太会计较个人得失, 做一些杂七杂八的琐碎小事。 ‘1’—不一定是业绩最差的或是因对企业制度不满的而制 造消极情绪的管理者可以借助这个人进行铁腕管理。
2)激励机制:培训还可以创造一个环境,让个人在这里释放出最高潜能,实现 更高价值。实行高收入、高要求、高风险的考核原则。
Each chocolate choose gold foil independent packing, displayed within the transparent (透明的)gift box. The lid with a sign, must be clearly printed on FERRERO ROCHER.
The first modern chocolate bar:
in 1847 chocolate in its solid form
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
瑞士Broc-Gruyère的Maison Cailler
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
The earliest record:
about 1100 to 1400 BC a beverage a source of fermentable sugars
The earliest chocolate:
a bitter, spicy drink with vanilla, chili pepper, and achiote
All about 西班牙帕斯卡布丁巧克力(Pascualchocolatepudding)。奥地利莫扎 特(m CHOCOLATE ozart)巧克力:纯手工制造,放在室温下极易溶化,滋味甜美,浓香 馥郁。
日本的明治雪吻巧克力:日本巧克力中品质很不错的一款,口感很不错 ,松软
篇二:精典的巧克力广告语大全精典的巧克力广告语大全!时间:20XX-07-2210:17来源:互联网发布:巧克力之家点击:124次01、伴着心爱的人,还有金帝——金帝巧克力02、至浓至醇,至爱金帝——金帝巧克力03、送给最爱的人——金帝巧克力04、牛奶香浓浓,丝般感受——德芙巧克力05、心随心动,愉悦丝滑,愉悦随时随地,享受心随带来的随时随地的愉悦——德芙巧克力06、发现新德芙更多丝滑感受更多愉悦惊喜——德芙巧克力07、得到你是我一生的幸福——德芙巧克力08、费列罗金莎巧克力满心满足——费列罗金莎巧克力09、凡人不可抗拒——金莎巧克力10、片片醇香可口,时时健康陪伴——上海爱美思巧克力11、心意的传递,尽在爱美思——上海爱美思巧克力12、只深于口,不溶于手——m&m's巧克力13、好设备好材料,产品自然好——徐福记巧克力14、珍爱自己,从吉利莲开始——吉利莲巧克力15、怡浓情更浓——怡浓巧克力16、此刻意乱情迷,刹那水乳交融——慕纱巧克力17、爱上与众不同的你——吉百利巧克力18、在世界范围内的交流,只有音乐和巧克力不受语言的限制——日本乐口巧克力店19、味觉的先端,赞美青春的广播员——日本明治巧克力20、像雪一样融化——日本明治巧克力21、聪明人款待朋友之上品——瑞士巧克力公司22、与阿尔卑斯山齐名的巧克力——瑞士巧克力公司23、信手拈来,其味无穷——英国皇家糖果公司24、它里边有一颗奇妙的心——英国皇家糖果公司25、你的确具有最好的鉴定力——英国皇家糖果公司26、每一盒都充满幸福——拯救者巧克力27、如果她依然冷冷冰冰,不妨送上一盒拯救者巧克力试试——拯救者巧克力28、下一个发薪日还要吗?——Pay-day果仁巧克力29、并不仅仅是甜蜜——雀巢巧克力30、让生活更有滋味——雀巢巧克力31、“雀巢”常驻你心——雀巢巧克力(:费列罗,广告词)32、给你一把申丰巧克力,给大家尝一尝,让我们甜甜蜜蜜,生活变得更快乐——申丰巧克力33、最美丽的英国老实巧克力——英国坎德伯雷食品公司34、友好的使者,心意的传递——巧克力35、爱是巧克力,爱是溶化的心——巧克力本文来源:巧克力之家/qiaokeligg/0722821.html 篇三:费列罗巧克力广告文案费列罗巧克力广告文案标题(标语):费列罗式女人,越欣赏越懂欣赏!——费列罗巧克力广告之女士篇正文:。
巧克力英语知识点归纳总结1. History of ChocolateThe history of chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs. It is believed that these early civilizations were the first to cultivate the cacao tree and produce a bitter beverage made from cacao beans. The Mayans, in particular, revered chocolate and believed it to have divine properties. They used cacao beans as a form of currency and enjoyed chocolate as a ceremonial drink. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Americas in the 16th century, they were introduced to chocolate by the Aztecs. They brought cacao beans back to Spain, where the bitter beverage was sweetened with sugar and flavored with spices such as cinnamon and vanilla. From there, chocolate spread throughout Europe and gained popularity among the elite.2. Types of ChocolateThere are several different types of chocolate, each with its own unique taste and texture. The main types of chocolate include:- Dark Chocolate: Made from cacao beans, sugar, and sometimes cocoa butter, dark chocolate has a high concentration of cacao and a rich, bittersweet flavor. It is often used in baking and cooking, as well as enjoyed on its own.- Milk Chocolate: With the addition of milk powder or condensed milk, milk chocolate has a creamier and sweeter taste compared to dark chocolate. It is popular in confectionery and candy bars.- White Chocolate: Despite not containing any cacao solids, white chocolate is made from cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids. It has a smooth and creamy texture and is often used in desserts and baked goods.- Ruby Chocolate: A relatively new addition to the chocolate family, ruby chocolate is made from specially selected cacao beans that have a natural pink hue. It has a unique fruity and slightly sour flavor and is growing in popularity among chocolate enthusiasts.3. Health Benefits of ChocolateIn addition to its delicious taste, chocolate also offers a range of health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here are some of the potential health benefits of chocolate:- Antioxidants: Dark chocolate, in particular, is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, which can help protect the body from free radical damage and reduce the risk of certain diseases.- Heart Health: Some studies have suggested that the flavonoids in dark chocolate may have a positive effect on heart health by improving blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and lowering the risk of heart disease.- Mood Enhancement: Chocolate contains compounds that can stimulate the production of endorphins and serotonin in the brain, leading to an improved mood and feelings of happiness and relaxation.4. Production of ChocolateThe production of chocolate involves several key steps, from the harvesting of cacao beans to the final chocolate products. The process can vary depending on the type of chocolate being produced, but the basic steps include:- Harvesting: Cacao beans are harvested from the cacao tree, which grows in tropical regions around the world. The pods containing the beans are carefully cut from the tree and opened to remove the beans inside.- Fermentation: The cacao beans are then fermented in large wooden crates or baskets, allowing them to develop their characteristic flavor and aroma. This process can take several days and requires careful monitoring to ensure the beans are properly fermented.- Drying: After fermentation, the cacao beans are spread out and dried in the sun to reduce their moisture content. This helps to preserve the beans and prepare them for the next stages of processing.- Roasting: Once dried, the cacao beans are roasted to develop their flavor and remove any remaining moisture. The beans are heated at a high temperature, which also helps to loosen the outer shell from the inner nib.- Grinding: The roasted cacao beans are then ground into a thick paste called chocolate liquor, which is the basis for all chocolate products. This paste can be further processed to create cocoa powder and cocoa butter.- Conching and Tempering: The chocolate liquor is mixed with additional ingredients such as sugar, milk solids, and flavorings, then refined through a process called conching. This step helps to smooth out the texture and enhance the flavor of the chocolate. The chocolate is then tempered to ensure it has a glossy appearance and a smooth mouthfeel.- Molding and Packaging: The tempered chocolate is poured into molds to create various shapes and forms, such as bars, truffles, and bonbons. Once set, the chocolate is packaged and ready for distribution and consumption.5. Cultural Significance of ChocolateChocolate holds a special place in many cultures around the world, where it is often associated with celebrations, rituals, and traditions. Here are some examples of the cultural significance of chocolate:- Mesoamerican Rituals: In ancient Mesoamerica, chocolate was consumed as part of religious and ceremonial rituals. It was believed to have sacred and mystical properties, and was often offered to gods and used in rituals related to birth, marriage, and death.- European Tradition: In Europe, chocolate became associated with luxury and indulgence, enjoyed by the aristocracy and upper classes. It was also used in various rituals and ceremonies, such as weddings and religious festivals.- Modern Celebrations: In many modern cultures, chocolate is a key ingredient in celebrations such as Valentine's Day, Easter, and Christmas. It is exchanged as a gift between loved ones, used in festive decorations, and enjoyed as a special treat during holidays.6. ConclusionChocolate is a truly remarkable and versatile treat that has captivated people for centuries. Its rich history, diverse types, potential health benefits, intricate production methods, and cultural significance all contribute to its enduring popularity. Whether it's a classic dark chocolate bar, a creamy milk chocolate truffle, or a decadent white chocolate dessert, chocolate has a way of bringing joy and pleasure to people of all ages and backgrounds. As we continue to explore and enjoy the world of chocolate, let us appreciate the craftsmanship, artistry, and tradition that goes into creating this beloved confection.。
费列罗FERRERO费列罗FERRERO巧克力,源自意大利的经典工艺和卓越品质, 金箔纸独立包装, 柔滑的巧克力,轻巧的威化,包裹着精选榛果,为你带来独特的口感享受,让您的每一个重要场合都成为金色时刻!金帝Leconte1990年,金帝为国人带来了第一块真正的欧派巧克力。
费列罗巧克力费列罗〔FERRERO ROCHER〕是意大利费列罗集团是全球第四大巧克力制造商,拥有一系列优质创新的产品,费列罗巧克力〔FERRERO ROCHER〕更是享誉全球的著名品牌。
公司于1946年,由Pietro Ferrero先生始创于意大利北部,全力家族式经营,至今第三代,已开展到享誉盛名的跨国集团,并拥有一系列自创的名牌优质产品。
公司名称:意大利费列罗集团成立时间:1946外文名称:FERRERO ROCHER 经营范围:巧克力生产企业总部地点:意大利创始人:Pietro Ferrero企业背景公司于1946年,由Pietro Ferrero先生始创于意大利北部,全力家族式经营,至今第三代,已开展到享誉盛名的跨国集团,并拥有一系列自创的名牌优质产品。
关于巧克力的英语作文介绍Title: The Sweet Journey of Chocolate。
Chocolate, a delectable treat cherished worldwide,holds a rich history and a complex journey from bean to bar. In this essay, we embark on a flavorful exploration of chocolate's origins, production process, cultural significance, and its irresistible allure.Origins:The story of chocolate begins in the ancientcivilizations of Mesoamerica, where the Mayans and Aztecs revered cocoa beans as a divine gift. These civilizations concocted a bitter beverage from crushed cocoa beans, often flavored with spices or chili peppers. It was not until the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th centurythat chocolate made its introduction to Europe. Initially consumed as a luxury drink among the elite, chocolate gradually gained popularity and underwent transformationsthat led to the creation of the solid, sweet confection we know today.Production Process:The journey of chocolate from bean to bar is a meticulous process that involves several stages. It all begins with the cultivation of cacao trees in tropical regions, primarily in West Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. The cacao pods, which contain the precious beans, are harvested and cracked open to extract the seeds. These seeds undergo fermentation, drying, and roasting to develop their characteristic flavor profile. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed to remove the outer shell, leaving behind the cocoa nibs. These nibs are ground into a thick, chocolatey paste called chocolate liquor, which forms the basis for all chocolate products. Depending on the desired end product, the chocolate liquor is further processed to create cocoa solids, cocoa butter, or a combination of both. These components are then blended with sugar, milk solids (for milk chocolate), and other flavorings before being refined, conched, tempered, andmolded into the familiar bars and shapes we recognize.Cultural Significance:Throughout history, chocolate has held various cultural and symbolic meanings. In ancient Mesoamerica, it was associated with fertility, vitality, and divine wisdom. Among the European nobility, chocolate became a symbol of luxury and indulgence, often served in ornate vessels during lavish banquets. Today, chocolate remains deeply embedded in cultural traditions and celebrations around the world. Whether it's the exchange of chocolate gifts during Valentine's Day, the joyous indulgence in chocolate eggs during Easter, or the comforting warmth of a cup of hot cocoa during the winter months, chocolate continues to play a central role in social rituals and festivities.Irresistible Allure:What makes chocolate so irresistible? Beyond its heavenly taste, chocolate contains compounds such as theobromine and phenylethylamine, which have beenassociated with feelings of pleasure and euphoria. Additionally, the smooth, velvety texture of melted chocolate can evoke a sense of comfort and contentment. From its ability to uplift our spirits during moments of sadness to its role as a token of affection and appreciation, chocolate has a remarkable power to evoke emotions and create lasting memories.In conclusion, chocolate is much more than just a sweet treat—it is a symbol of heritage, craftsmanship, and shared experiences. Its journey from humble cocoa beans to luxurious confections is a testament to human ingenuity and our enduring love affair with all things sweet. So the next time you indulge in a piece of chocolate, take a moment to savor not just its flavor, but also the rich history and cultural significance that make it truly extraordinary.。
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巧克力资料来历作文英语Chocolate, a sweet treat loved by people all over the world, has a long and fascinating history dating back thousands of years. Its origins can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica, where the cacao tree, from which chocolate is derived, was first cultivated.The Mayans and Aztecs were among the first to discover the delights of chocolate. They believed that cacao beans were a gift from the gods and used them to create a bitter, spicy drink called xocolatl. This drink was often mixedwith chili peppers, vanilla, and other spices to enhanceits flavor. It was considered a luxury reserved for theelite and was used in religious ceremonies and royal feasts.When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Americasin the 16th century, they were introduced to chocolate bythe Aztecs. They brought cacao beans back to Europe, where chocolate quickly became popular among the nobility. The bitter drink was sweetened with sugar and flavored withcinnamon, vanilla, and other ingredients to create a more palatable treat.In the 19th century, the invention of the cocoa press revolutionized the chocolate-making process, making it easier and more affordable to produce. This led to the creation of solid chocolate bars, which were first made by the Swiss company Nestle in 1875. These bars were a huge success and paved the way for the mass production of chocolate that we know today.Today, chocolate is enjoyed in many forms, from bars and truffles to hot cocoa and chocolate cakes. It is a popular gift for holidays and special occasions, and is often associated with love and indulgence. Chocolate is also used in cooking and baking, adding richness and depth to a variety of dishes.In recent years, there has been a growing interest in dark chocolate, which is known for its health benefits. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and flavonoids that have been linked to lower blood pressure, improved hearthealth, and even a reduced risk of certain diseases. This has led to a surge in the popularity of dark chocolate and an increase in demand for high-quality, artisanal chocolates.In conclusion, chocolate has a rich and storied history that spans centuries and continents. From its humble beginnings as a bitter drink enjoyed by ancientcivilizations to its current status as a beloved treat enjoyed by people of all ages, chocolate has truly stood the test of time. So the next time you indulge in a piece of chocolate, take a moment to savor its rich history and enjoy the sweet taste of this timeless treat.。