



人称代词:代替人名或其它事物名称的词。如:I , you , she , it 等;




I me my mine

You you your yours

he him his his

she her her hers

It it its its

We us our ours

They them their theirs



1. That is not _______ kite. That kite is very small, but ________ is very big. (I)

2. The dress is _________. Give it to _________. (she)

3. Is this _________ wat ch? (you) No, it’s not ________. (I)

4. ______ is my brother. ______ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _____. ( he )

5._________( My / Mine ) coat is red. __________( her / hers ) is green.

6. I have a cat,________( their / its ) eyes are big.

7. The teacher is __________.(their / theirs)

8. ________( Our / Ours ) book is bigger than _________. ( your / yours )

9. This is______( his / him ) new teacher.

10. Where are________(his / hers ) books?

11. I put _______( you / your ) book on _________( he / his ) desk.

12. Is __________( she / her ) dress blue? No,__________ (my / mine ) dress is blue.

13. This is my friend,_________( her / hers ) name is Jessica.

14. That wa llet isn’t __________. ( your / yours )


1. Hello, ________ name is Kelly. ________ am from USA. _________like reading books. I have a friend. _________ name is Bob. _________ is very cute._________ often go to school together. __________teacher is funny.

2. This is a photo of _________family. There are three people in it. Look, the man is ________ grandpa, and the woman is ________ grandma. __________ love each other.





指示代词this/these指空间上较近的事物;that/those指空间上较远的事物。_______ is my house. ________are apples.(近处)

_______ is my toy.________ are bananas. (远处)


疑问代词在句子中用来构成特殊疑问句,主要用于询问“何人”、“何物”、“什么”。疑问代词有who(谁,主格),whom(谁,宾格),whose(谁的), which(哪一个)和what(什么)等。







填空: ( ) is this man? ( )are you waiting for?

( )book is this? ( ) is your name?


如:Is there any milk in the glass?

1. some和any都有“一些”的意思,some通常用于肯定句中,any用于否定句或是疑问句中。


1. There is ( ) milk in the glass.

2. Would you like ( )bread?

3. Do you have ( ) crayons? —— Yes, I have ( ).


1. He doesn’t keep any pets.

2. Is there any tea in the cup?


Would you like any bread? ()

Would you like some bread? ()

有一类词,它们都具有some-,any-的词头,因此它们的用法和这两个词是相同。如:someone 某人,somebody 某人,something某事anyone 任何人,anybody任何人,anything 任何事

2. both和all的用法: both和all都有“都”的意思。



All of the milk _____ there.

All of the students _____ studying hard.

Both of her parents _____ teachers.

3. many,much,a little,little的用法

many和much都有“大量,许多”的含义。many接可数名词的复数形式,much 接不可数名词。

Many people like sports. 很多人喜欢运动。

There is much juice in the bottle. 瓶子里有很多果汁。

a little和little都接不可数名词。a little表示“很少,少量”的意思,little表示“几乎没有”的


用来替代前面已经提到的人或事的单词。如one, ones;one 替代表示单数的人或事;ones替代表示复数的人或事。


______(她的) cousin is going to give______(她) a present.

______(我们)are working with______(我们的) teacher.

______(他们的)classroom is more beautiful than______(我们的).

_____(你的)trousers are shorter than______(我的).

_____(谁的)clothes are these ? Are _____(他们) _____(你们的)?

Is this computer _____(你的) or _____(她的)?

Let_____(我们) go and see_____(我们的) teacher.

Could you show _____(我)_____(你的) new doll?

These dictionaries aren’t_____(我的). They’re_____(你的).

_____(她) does_____(她的) homework in the evening.


1、Give _____ some tomatoes, please.

A.Li lei and I B. I and Li lei C.li lei and me D. me and Li lei

2、---Do you have a pen like this? ---No, But I’m going to buy_____.

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that

3、We bought Granny a present, _____she didn’t like

A.and, it B. but, it C. so, one D. in, mine

4、The boy _____ blue is a friend of _____.

A.of ,my B. in, my C. of , mine D. in, mine

5、Is this _____ kite? No, it’s _____.

A. her, his

B. him, hers

C. mine his

6、---Would you like _____juice?---Yes, please.

A.any B. some C. a D. an

7、All of _____ (we) like new clothes

8、改错题:Is it yours? No, it isn’t mine book. It’s his. ________



()1. There are some shoes over the re .The new ________ are Mike’s.

A. one

B. ones

C. them

D. /

()2. This cake is bigger than that ______.

A. one

B. ones

C. two

D. too

()3. The girls are watering the flowers._______ teacher is helping them.

A .They B. Their C. Them D. Theirs

()4. Look at the picture. The boy in yellow is ______.

A. I

B. me

C. my

D. mine

()5. Let _______ tell you a story about UFO.

A. I

B. me

C. my

D. mine

()6. Let _______ clean the house together, OK?

A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ours

()7. His school is bigger than ________.

A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ours

()8. Jenny’s p et dog is smaller than ________.

A. me

B. my

C. I

D. mine

()9. Look at the hippo.______ mouth is very big.

A. It

B. Its

C. They

D. Their

()10. I like the red car better than the white ______.

A .one B. ones C. a D. the

()11.Let me give _______ my pen.

A. he

B. him

C. his

D. she

()12.That skirt is _____.______ very beautiful .I like _____very much.

A. mine, It’s, it

B. mine ,Is ,it

C. mine, It ,its

D. My, It’s, it

()13.Is this chair _________?

A. she

B. her

C. hers

D. she’s

()14.Jimmy has two balls._______ is a football ,the other one is a basketball .

A. It

B. One

C. Ones

D. Its

()15.Which dress do you want,the blue one or the grey______?

A. one

B. ones

C. dress

