business strategy企业战略管理英文版(上海财经大学 董静)

LO 8-4 Identify and evaluate benefits and risks of vertical integration. LO 8-5 Describe and examine alternatives to vertical integration. LO 8-6 Describe and evaluate different types of corporate diversification. LO 8-7 Apply the core competence – market matrix to derive different
• Economies of scope
➢ Savings that come from producing more outputs or providing different services at less cost
❖ Ex: Amazon range of products & services
➢ Explains and predicts the scope of the firm ➢ "Market vs. firms" have differential costs
• Transaction costs
➢ Costs associated with economic exchanges
➢ Competitive bidding process ➢ Less than one-year term ➢ Lower prices cost advantages

50% ;
• : 设备、原材料、地理位置( . ) • :, • ()
Entering barriers
Exiting barrier
high high risk, high profit high risk, low profit
low Low risk, high profit low risk, low profit
公司战略 CorporateStrategy
BusinessStrategy BusinessStrategy BusinessStrategy BusinessStrategy
事业部/战略经营单位#1 事业部/战略经营单位#2 事业部/战略经营单位#3 事业部/战略经营单位#4
制药 饮料 电信 化妆品 科学、照相、控制设备 出版、印刷 烟草 批发 综合百货店 保险 商业银行
12.3 5.1 4.9 4.8 3.7 3.4 3.0 2.0 1.7 0.5 0.2
• “ ”, “ ” •: • 20% •
• a,
• 1980-1985:, 胃溃疡, 44% • 1997, , ; •, • •3 • •
• • (学习曲线)() • (有形/无形) • (电信网络) • (外资与中国的合作) • (地下钱庄) • • 业务具有协同性的企业(上下游企业)(雷允上-国大

3. 第二次世界大战之后 ~ 1980年代
国际分工以工业部门水平分工为主,突出以 产品内部(过程、要素、资源)分工为主 贸易自由化和全球经济一体化趋势 科技和生产国际化带动资本、商品的国际化 a . 生产要素的国际移动和重新配置 —— 跨国公司的大规模活动 b.大规模、全方位的多元化、多层次国际 合作 c.多极化合作
经营目标 经营目标
竞争环境 竞争环境
经营战略 经营战略
经营方法 经营方法
(二)当今促进国际商务(全球化)发展 的因素
1. 科学技术的迅猛发展与扩散 2. 商品和资源国际流动的自由化 3. 支持国际商务的服务业的发展 4. 消费者影响力的扩大 5. 全球竞争的加剧 6. 世界政治局势的改变 7. 跨国合作的增强
外部影响 经济(物质)和社会 经济(物质)和社会 影响因素 影响因素 竞争环境 竞争环境
企业经营 经营目标 经营目标
经营战略 经营战略
经营方式 经营方式
Operational 商品进出口贸易(Importing and exporting) 服务贸易或无形贸易 • Tourism and Transportation • Licensing and franchising • Turnkey Operations • Management Contracts 投资(Direct and portfolio investment)

名词解释:1、Strategy: An integrated and coordinated set of commitments & actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage.2、Strategic Management: Strategic Management is the process through which organizations analyze and learn from their internal and external environments, establish strategic direction, create strategies that are intended to help achieve established goals, and execute those strategies, all in an effort to satisfy key organizational stakeholders.3、Strategic Management consists of the analysis, decisions and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.4、The strategic management process includes the activities of internal and external analysis, establishment of strategic direction, development of strategies for the corporate and business levels of the organization, development and execution of an implementation plan, and the establishment of strategic controls.5、Vertical integration: The term is used to describe the extent to which a firm is involved in several stages of the industry supply chain.6、Horizontal integration: The process of acquiring or merging with industry competitors to achieve the competitive advantages that arise from a large size and scope of operations.7、Diversification strategy describes the scope of the firm in terms of the industries and markets in which it competes.8、Related diversification implies organizational involvement in activities that are somehow related to the dominant or “core” business of the organization, often through common markets or similar technologies.9、Unrelated diversification does not depend on any pattern of relatedness. Unrelated diversification has lower profitability and higher risks than those pursuing other corporate-level strategies such as concentration or related diversification.10、Organizational fit: When two organizations or business units are merged or acquisition happened, and the organizational management processes, cultures, system, and structures are matching(similar), this is organizational fit.11、Marketing strategy: Marketing strategy is the plan for investing marketing efforts and resources (advertising, branding, distribution, etc.)to achieve business goals.To support growth strategiesTo support a stability or retrenchment strategy12、Economies of scale: Economies of scale refers to the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains due to expansion. There are factors that cause a producer’s average cost per unit to fall as the scale of output is increased. "Economies of scale" is a long run concept and refers to reductions in unit cost as the size of a facility and the usage levels of other inputs increase.(1)Economies of scale. Unit cost reductions associated with a large scale of output •Larger production runs•Larger facilities•Allocating fixed costs(2)Diseconomies of scale. Unit cost increases associated with a large scale of output•Increased bureaucracy associated with large-scale enterprises•Resulting managerial inefficiencies13、True economies of scale are cost advantages associated with large-sized facilities rather than with increased volume through an existing facility.14、Life cycle of an industry: Refers to the stages of Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline, portrays how salesvolume for a product or an entire industry changes over its lifetime and helps to understand the dynamic nature of strategy.15、So-called product life cycle: Refers to the product from entering the market ,the market cycle, until final out of the market experience.简答论述:一、潜在竞争者出现面临的障碍都有哪些障碍并举例(Potential competitors∕Entry Barriers P31)Potential competitors∕Entry Barriers: Forces that keep new entrants out, providing a level of protection for existing competitors, are called entry barriers.Examples of entry barriers commonly found in many industries include the following:1、Economies of scale, which occur when it is more efficient to produce a product in a large facility at higher volume.2、Large capital requirements,also known as start-up costs ,can prevent a small competitor from entering an industry.3、High levels of products differentiation ,which means that some firms enjoy a loyal customer base, making it harder for a new firm to draw away customers.4、High switching costs ,applying not only to suppliers, can be used to preserve established firms in an industry.5、Limited access to distribution channels,which may prevent new companies from getting their products to market.6、Government policies and regulations that limit entry into industry,effectively preventing new competition.7、Existing firm procession of resources that are difficult to duplicate in the short term. Such as patents, favorable locations, proprietary product technology, government subsidies, or access to scarce raw materials.(Cost disadvantages independent of scale)8、A past history of aggressive retaliation by industry competitors toward new entrants.(Threat of new entries)二、什么样资源、能力能使企业形成持续核心竞争力?(Sustainable competitive advantage P46 )Internal resources and capabilities fall into five: human, physical, financial, knowledge, and organizational.In general, capabilities and resource become strengths with the potential to create a competitive advantage if two conditions are met.1.The resource or capabilities are value.2.The resource or capabilities are unique.In addition, a unique and valuable resources or capability actually becomes a competitive advantage if the following additional conditions are met:1.The organization is suited to exploitation of the resourceor capability.2.T he firm’s managers are aware of the potential of theresource or capability to lead to a competitive advantageand have taken steps to realize the advantage.Finally, a resource or capability can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage if two additional conditions are met:1.The resource or capabilities are difficult or expensive to imitate.2.No readily available substitutes exist.三、企业的社会责任感的概念以及包含哪些重点内容?(Social responsibility P15上课补充的)Social responsibility:the expectation that businesses or individuals will strive to improve the overall welfare of society.1、Economic responsibility. Such as the obligation to beproductive and profitable and meet the consumer needs of society.2、Legal responsibility.To achieve economic goals withinthe confines of established laws.3、Moral obligations. To abide by unwritten codes, norms,and values implicitly derived from society.4、Discretionary responsibility. Volitional or philanthropicin nature.四、怎么实现低成本战略?How to Realize the Low-costStrategy (Cost leadership P95)Low-cost leadership allows a firm to compete by lowering prices when needed without becoming unprofitable.Firms pursuing a low-cost strategy will typically employ one or more of the following factors to create their low-cost position:1.High capacity utilization.When customer demand is highand the firm’s capacity is full utilized, fixed costs are spread over more units, lowering unit cost.2.Economic of scale. True economies of scale are costadvantages associated with large-sized facilities rather than with increased volume through an existing facility.3.Technological panies making investments incost-saving technologies are often trading an increase in fixed costs for a reduction in variable costs.4.Learning/experience effects.The learning curve effect saysthat the time required to complete a task will decrease as a predictable function of the number of times the task is repeated.Experience effects are the same thing as learning effects but relate to indirect labor as well as direct production labor.五、功能性(职能)战略的概念,发展比较好应具备什么特点?(Functional strategies P137)Functional strategies: Functional strategies are the plans for matching those skills, resources, and capabilities to the business and corporate strategies of the organization.The well-developed Functional strategies should have the following Characters:1.Decisions made within each function will be consistent with each other.2.Decisions made within one function will be consistent with those in other functions.3.Decisions made within functions will be consistent with the strategies of the business.六、改善组织学习质量、提高组织学习数量,控制系统应该具备什么特征?(To enhance the quality of organizational learning ,these control systems should have the following characters )a) Information generated by the control system should be an important and recurring item to be addressed by the highest levels of management.b) The control process should also be given frequent and regular attention from operating managers at all levels of the organization.c) Data from the system should be interpreted and discussed inface-to-face meeting among superiors and subordinates.d) The success of the control process relies on the continual challenge and debate of underlying data, assumptions, and strategies.小论文:多元化战略,结合实际认识,优缺点,对企业发展的影响。

❖ With $45 million severance package
HP’s CEO Mark Hurd Resigns amid Ethics Scandal
• What are the key issues in the opening case? • Was the board of directors decision right or
➢ Accounting scandals: Enron, WorldCom, Tyco… ➢ Global financial crisis: real estate bubble burst
• Lessons
➢ Managerial actions affect economy
❖ Ethical business produces wealth but unethical practices destroy it
and ethics.
LO 12-6 Describe the different roles that strategic leaders play and
Corporate Social Responsibility
• Milton Friedman circa 1962:
➢ “the only social responsibility of business is … to increase profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game”
Stakeholder Strategy
• Stakeholder theory
企业战略管理Chapter 1(中英)

反 馈
反 馈 反馈
Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Overview: Eight content areas
Nature of Competition The 21st Century Competitive Landscape I/O Model of Above-Average Returns (AAR) Resource-Based Model of AAR Strategic Vision and Mission Stakeholders Strategic Leaders The Strategic Management Process
Strategy Integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage
一种统一的、综合的、一体化的计划,为获得企业的核心竞争 力及竞争优势
一项投资的利润超过投资者预期能从其他相同风险的投资项目获得 的利润 9
Nature of Competition: Basic concepts
Risk Investor’s uncertainty about economic gains/losses resulting from a particular investment
Hypercompetition – extremely intense rivalry among

企业战略管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)企业战略管理与战略管理会计探析中英文翻译Strategic management and strategic management accounting literature translation in both Chinese and English[论文关键词]战略管理会计企业战略内容方法[key words] strategic management accounting strategy content method [论文摘要]战略管理会计是当今企业经营环境更加复杂多变、全球性市场竞争空前广泛激烈的情况下,为满足现代企业实施战略管理的特定信息需要而建立的新的管理会计信息系统。
/ paper pick to strategic management accounting is the enterprise management environment is more complex, an unprecedented high competitive global market, to meet the modern enterprise to implement strategic management specific information need and establish a new management accounting information system. This article from connotation, goals and characteristics of strategic management accounting to the main content of strategic management accounting and methods of strategic management accounting in this paper.一、从企业战略的高度来看战略管理会计One, from the perspective of the height of business strategy, strategic management accounting1981年,英国学者西蒙斯最早将管理会计与战略管理相结合,提出战略管理会计之说。

指根据产品为用户提供的价值来定价。当企业以某 一先进技术解决了产品生产、使用中的某关键问题,或 是取代了用户的某些成本时,就可以采用此战略来获得 最大的利润。
价值定价战略一般在尚不存在竞争对手,或是当产 品是以价值为差别化基础时,则在市场初期效果较好。 一旦对手进入后,其效果便迅速降低并消失。
指根据企业对经验曲线作用的预计,在产品推出 的较早期就将价格很快降低到低于其成本的水平。经 验曲线定价战略的目的是迫使竞争对手退出市场,同 时阻止新进入者。
指将差别化效果与价格竞争相结合,使产品每单 位使用效果的成本最低。价格—效果战略的成功需要 有成本上的优势。特别是当成本优势来自于核心技术 时,价格—效果战略能在提供最高使用效果的同时, 实现成本的最低。
基础产品战略 企业基础产品战略的重要内容就是要决定基础产品,
选择恰当的技术 寻找形成明显差别化特性的方面,以区别于其他的产品
产品线战略 产品线战略是要决定同一产品基础上产品线中各产品的
类型及发展顺序。产品线战略实际上是按时间决定产品线上 各产品开发顺序的计划。包括以下主要内容:
顾客中心性 差异性 服务体系化
顾客分析 识别服务能力 服务战略定位 服务模式选择 服务工作开展与测评
高成本—高质量的服务战略 低质量—低成本的服务战略 差异化的服务战略
战略合作伙伴型服务模式 核心企业管理型服务模式 松散合作型服务模式 企业自营服务模式
4、树立生产运营目标 典型的生产目标(表12-3) 5、形成生产策略 重要的生产策略(表12-4)

战略管理双语资料(共71页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Chapter 1 Strateg ic Ma n a gem e nt a nd Str a tegic Com pe titiven e ss ................... 错误!未定义书签。
Management Process .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
The Rational Model ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
The critique of the rational model .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
The New Competitive Landscape ........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Globalized Competition ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
Changes .......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
I/O model of Above-average Returns ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第二部分 战略管理的演进
环境适应学派与逻辑改良主义 产业组织学派与波特的战略思想 资源基础学派与核心能力理论
文化、环境、结构(Design, Planning, Positioning, Entrepreneurial, Cognitive, Learning, Power, Cultural, Environmental, Configuration)。
80年代是“热带丛林”,81年威廉· 大内的《Z理论》, 在美国掀起了“向日本学习”的狂潮。把“战略”“制 度”“组织”等都作为“硬性”因素,把其他因素称作 “软性”因素。认为传统的管理强调“硬性”,应提倡 软化成分 各种战略分析方法的应用使企业走向以财务分析预测为 主导的盲区 往往只关注自我可见的财务指标,而不是从环境与企业 的相互作用中去发掘新的战略机会,拾一漏万。如GE 为了财务指标的健全性,根据PPM分析,从计算机和 半导体事业中撤退,虽然保证了财务利润,但丧失了技 术领域中的机会。 实际应用战略管理不当,使声誉日衰 例如采用不恰当的多角化经营战略
2. 自然选择与适应进化论
※ 林德布罗姆:“摸着石头过河”(Muddling Through) ※ 沃特斯(J.Waters):应急战略(Emergent Strategy) ※ 明茨伯格:战略是意外的产物,是企业应对环境 变化所采取应急对策的总结。管理不确定性成了企业的核心 能力。 ※ 伊丹敬之:战略成功的本质在于战略的适应性。 ※ 钱德勒:“组织结构随战略而改变” Structure follows Strategy),钱德勒认为企业战略应当适应环境,即 满足市场需要,而组织结构则应适应企业战略的改变。
企业战略管理 商务英语

Legal Department
Vice President C
a Manager
Lecture 12
b Manager
c Manager
d Manager
e Manager
f Manager
Lecture 12
Span & levels of management
Span of control vs. Hierarchical Levels
2 Structuring a Company
A Building blocks B Decision making hierarchy C Organizational structure
Lecture 12
Strategic Management Process
1. Mission Mission statement 2. Goals
Lecture 12
• Two forms of authority
• Line authority • Staff authority
HR Department
Line-staff organization
President & CEO
Vice President A
Vice President B
Lecture 12
Managing & Structuring Business Enterprises
Chapter 13
1 Managing a Company
A Strategic Management B Management functions C Management levels & skills