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选择一个你喜欢的角色 和同桌扮演,注意你的 语音语调,人物语气表 情哦。
要和动物们交朋友,我们应该了解它的特征和生活 习性哦!
1. Read and act ‘ Cartoon time ’ .
2. Introduce your animal friend to your parents.
I can try to talk about my day in English.

I’m a superstar , I can do it !
有意义的一天 1、Early to bed, early to rise(早睡早起);
2、Do some sports(运动);
பைடு நூலகம்
6:15 7:00 9:00
在本节课中能顺利达到以下目标的 同学将有机会成为英语之星!让我 们一起来努力吧!
I can retell the story.

I’m a superstar , I can do it !
Miss Wang ’s Day
6:15 7:20 12:00 5:30 get up go to school have lunch go home
I can say some phrases about daily activities 我能说些有关日常活动的短语。
I can understand, read and retell the story.

I can try to talk about my day in English.
foot 的复数
Do you know me?
I can lift with _______. arms
Magic eyes
What animals are they ?
_____ has two fish.
_____ has a dog.
_____ has a rabbit.
_____ has a parrot.
I can read the story . 我会朗读故事部分。

I’m a superstar , I can do it !
小组活动(三人一组):如果你是迈克,选择自己喜欢的时间段, 说说迈克的活动。 Hello, I’m Mike. I … at …
In the morning
A: I have … What does he/she have? B: He/ She has …
A: We have … What do they have? B: They have …
在本节课中能顺利达到以下目标的 同学将有机会成为英语之星!让我 们一起来努力吧!
7:00 7:40
get up go to school
have lunch play football
In the afternoon
go home do my homework
4:00 4:40 5:30
In the evening
have dinner watch TV go to bed
have, has的用法
have, has通常以人为主语,表示“拥有” 在一般现在时里 (1)当主语是第一人称(I)
第二人称单复数(you) 第三人称复数(they, my parents, your brothers…) (2)当主语是第三人称单数(it, he, she, my mother, your sister, her brother, the dog, the mask…)
Find differences 找不同点 你可以观察两种动物的 身体部位,找出它们的 不同点
The dog has …
The cat has …
Test your memory
Find the same 找相同点 你可以观察两种动物的 身体部位,找出它们的 dog and the cat have 相同点
go to bed play football When?(Mike什么 have dinner 时候做这些呢?) go home 读课文第三段,找出相应的时间短 语,划一划,读一读,回答问题。
Unit 3 My day
I get up at seven.
I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning.
have lunch
go to bed
小组活动:设计自己的合理时间表,对照自己的时 间表,小组内交流自己一天的活动,赶紧行动吧! 。
Hi, I’m … (I’m a ... ) I get up at ... I usually go to school at … I have … lessons in the morning.
Watch and answer
apple animal
It has two big arms. Its arms ____________ are big.
It has eight long legs.
____________ Its legs are long.
It has a big and hard body. Its body is big and hard.
Test your memory
I have … … has …
1.说的同学你可以说你拥有 的外貌特征,动物,水果, 玩具,衣物或食物等。 2.其他同学静心听并记住每个人 所拥有的东西,并 用…have/has…陈述出来。加油 哦!
Test your obersavation
(√ )have lunch (√ )play football
(√ )go home (√ )do my homework (√ )have dinner
(√ )watch TV (×)read books
(√ )go to bed
Tips:听录音,在Mike所做的活动前打 勾。
What does Mike do in the morning?
Read and find
Is the crab delibrate?
Imagine and talk
I’m sorry./ Nice to meet you.
Not at all. Here’s … for you.
Thank you.
Listen and imitate
Read and act
Watch and choose
has a
day .
A.happy (高兴的) B. sad C. free (难过的) (空闲的)
Listen and tick
(√ )get up (√)go to school (√ )have lessons ( ×)play basketball
3、Read some books ;

Enjoy the song
听录音,连一连 at twelve at seven
at seven forty
Read and write
Tips:读课文第二段,假设你是 Mike,说说下午的活动。
I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go homeat four forty. I do my homework at five thirty .
Grammer time
I You We
什么时候用have, has?
doll. doll. doll. sweets.
have a have a have a
They have some She
has two pineapples.
a big body.
learning tips:
I have lunch at twelve.
I have two lessons in the afternoon.
I play football at four and go home at four forty.
I do my homework at five thirty.
I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day.
Reading time Read in paragraphs. (分段朗读)
三人一组,以小组为 单位,选择一种喜欢的方 式读一读课文。
Read together. Read after one. (请一位学生 领读,其他人 跟读)
在本节课中能顺利达到以下目标的 同学将有机会成为英语之星!让我 们一起来努力吧!
What does Mike do inat the ? I usually have dinner sixevening fifteen.
and watch TV at seven watch . have dinner TV
I go to bed at nine every day .
(Grammar time and Cartoon time)
Enjoy a song
Do you know me?
wings I can fly with _______.
Do you know me?
a tail I can swim with ________.
Do you know me? legs and______. I can run with _____ feet
I have lunch at
I go home at … in the afternoon. In the evening, I go to bed at .... This is my day. How about you?
在本节课中能顺利达到以下目标的 同学将有机会成为英语之星!让我 们一起来努力吧!
What else do they have ?
She Nancy has __________________. two pineapples
a Robert Liu Tao has __________________. He
some sweets Mike and Su Hai have_____________. They
get up
have lessons
go to school
have lunch
play football
When?(Mike什么 go home 时候做这些呢?) have dinner
do my homework
watch TV go to bed
Listen and match
Read and underline
Hello , I,m Sam. Nice to meet you. Sam gives the crab a cake.
A. Crab eats the cake. B. Crab hurts Sam’s finger. C. Crab don’t like Sam.

Test your memory
Su Yang has …
Su Hai has …
Su Yang and Su Hai have …
Test your memory
Bobby has …
Sam has …
Bobby and Sam have …
A new friend?
Watch and answer
√ √
Maggic eyes
get up I
6 : 15
go to school
7 : 20 5 : 30
go to bed
9 : 40
Tips:在时间之前用at ,同学们一定 要记住哦!
Watch and choose
Mike’s day
What do you think of Mike’s day? Why?