红楼梦 英译本 对比分析 英汉互译

霍译:只用”years“泛化的译了”春秋',采用了规划的翻译策略, 使原文的文化色彩在译文中变得浅淡,这样更利于西方读者的理解 和接受。 观点: 杨译保留了中国的文化信息,霍译在文化信息的传达上有所亏损, 但英语语言的表达更地道。各有千秋,难分伯仲。
《红楼梦》Y:Hsueh Pan(Wen-chi) H: Xue pan
杨译:Hsueh在英语中就是薛姓,并且还将薛蟠 的字加入译文之中。 霍译:将汉语 拼音直接作为翻译。 观点:杨的版本努力将中国文化表达给外国人, 并且将中国特有的字也加入译文之中,霍的版本 则直接将字略去。
《红楼梦》两英译本比较之 ——文化
原句 薛蟠心中暗喜道:“……可知天从人愿。”
Y: It shows Heaven is kind . H:Fortune is on my side.
杨译:用Heaven表示天。 霍译:直接将这句话用理解的意思表达。
观点:明显这句话是霍的版本比较好。 杨的版本着重于对中国文化的表示,选择了 直译,因此语言的弹性受到了限制,用 Heaven表现天,为了让外国人理解天对中 国古代人民的重要性。 而霍的版本则更注重语言的功能对等。天从 人愿的意思就是自己想的能够实现,就是幸 运,所以他的版本在读起来的时候更为通顺 易懂。
杨译:翻译简单直观。 霍译:用present sovereign和widespread recruitment等词语使译文更加贴合原文。
观点:霍的版本更好一点。杨的版本简单直 观,直接用普通的语言将句子的意思表达出 来。霍的版本则语言精美,几乎做到了逐字 逐句的翻译,保持了原文的风格,用较为高 级的词语将原文中表现出来古时候语言的华 贵感觉表示出来。
红楼梦 英译本 对比翻译

H:…for his father’s and grandfather’s sake, he was allowed to register at the Ministry and receive regular payments of grain and money,… Y: …but prevailed on his grandfather’s old connections to find him a well-paid sinecure in the board of revenue… 分析:户部,中国古代官署名,为掌管户籍财经的机关,六部之一, 长官为户部尚书,曾称地官、大司徒、计相、大司农等。 这个官职比较大,在清代是从二品。相当于现在的财政部副部长。 So its payment should be well-paid, which is much appropriate.
H:The family was immensely wealthy. As one of the official Court Purveyors they received money from the Privy Purse with which to make purchases for the Imperial Household. Y: For they were millionaires, in receipt of an income from the State Treasury as Purveyors for the Imperial Household
原文:各省中所有的卖买承局、总管、伙计人等,见薛蟠年轻不 谙世事,便趁时拐骗起来,京都中几处生意,渐亦消耗。

红楼梦回目第一回甄士隐梦幻识通灵贾雨村风尘怀闺秀Zhen Ombrage de Clerc fait connaissance,en rêve,Du jade des communications transcendantes;Jia Village sous Pluie,au vent de ce bas monde,S’éprend d’amour pour une fleur de gynécée.第二回贾夫人仙逝扬州城冷子兴演说荣国府Dame Lin née Jia fait ,par trépas,departVers le séjour des immortels;Leng dit le Florissant décrit,en long discours,L’état d’une maison ducale.第三回贾雨村夤缘复旧职林黛玉抛父进京都yín~缘〕攀缘上升,喻拉拢关系,向上巴结。
Lin Tel que Mer charge un puissant beau-frèreDe partonner son hôte précepteur;L’Aïeule Jia prend chez elle la filleD’une de ses trios filles trépassées.第四回薄命女偏逢薄命郎葫芦僧乱判葫芦案Un jeune infortunéfait, par malheur,rencontreD’une fille de piètre et maigre destine;Un échappédu Moutier de la CalebasseFait liquider,sous boisseau,un cas criminel.第五回游幻境指迷十二钗饮仙醪曲演红楼梦láo 酒的总称L’esprit du frérot Jade,en rêve,fait passageAu Domaine de la Supréme Vanité,Tandis que l’Immortelle veillant aux MiragesFait chanter les chansons du Songe au gynécée2.第六回贾宝玉初试云雨情刘姥姥一进荣国府Un frérot s’essaie aux jeuxDu nuage et de la pluie;La mémés’ouvre une entréeAu palais des ducs de Gloire.第七回送宫花贾琏戏熙凤宴宁府宝玉会秦钟La Jeune Dame You donne un festinPour honorer Wang Phénix triomphal;Cloche d’Or fait pour la Première foisRencontre avec Jia le Jade magique a.第八回比通灵金莺微露意探宝钗黛玉半含酸Le frérot Jade,par coup du destin,Fait connaissance du cadenas d’or;Par méméchance,àGrande Soeur Joyau,Est révéléle Jade transcendant.第九回恋风流情友入家塾起嫌疑顽童闹学堂À l’école privée un des deux garçonnetsS’éprend d’un camarade au coeur riche d’amour; Suscitant des soupçons les uns contre les autres, Des gamins turbulents mettent la classe en trouble a . 第十回金寡妇贪利权受辱张太医论病细穷源La veuve Jin,convoitant des profits,Endure humblement une honte;Le docteur Zhang,dissertant sur un cas,En fait l’analyse clinique.第十一回庆寿辰宁府排家宴见熙凤贾瑞起淫心Festin familial d’anniversaireAu Palais ducal de la Paix;Jia le Prodigieux voit Grande Soeur PhénixEt conçoit un dessein lubrique.第十二回王熙凤毒设相思局贾天祥正照风月鉴Grande Soeur Phénix tend,avec malice,Un piège funeste àson soupirant;Jia le Prodigieux est pris au miroirDes amours de brise et de clair de lune.第十三回秦可卿死封龙禁尉王熙凤协理宁国府À la Jeune Dame Qin est acquisUn titre posthume d’honneur;Grande Soeur Phénix administreUn deuil au Palais de la Paix.第十四回林如海捐官扬州城贾宝玉路谒北静王Les mânes de Lin Tel que MerFont retour au terroir natal;Au prince du Calme du Nord,Est présentéle frérot Jade.第十五回王凤姐弄权铁槛寺秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵kǎn Grande Soeur Phénix fait jeux de pouvoir,Au sein du Moutier dit du Seuil de Fer;Cloche d’Or,séduit,prend de l’agrémentDans le Couvent dit des Boules de Pain.第十六回贾元春才选凤藻宫秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路L’Impériale Compagne Jia est,grace à son talent,promue Au Cabinet des Belles-Lettres;Le petit monsieur Cloche d’Or fait prématurément descente Aux bords des Sources infernales.第十七回大观园试才题对额贾宝玉机敏动诸宾Pour les noms à donner aux sites d’un grand parcLe talent d’un fils est par son père éprouvé;Une fille est près de rentrer chez ses parentsFêter la nuit de la première pansélène.第十八回林黛玉误剪香囊袋贾元春归省庆元宵L’Honorable Compagne impériale JiaRend,par grande faveur,visite à ses parents;Au cours du grand festin d’accueil familial,Le frérot Jade épand son talent littéraire.第十九回情切切良宵花解语意绵绵静日玉生香En belle nuit,d’amour sincère émue,Une fleur sachant user du langage;Jour calme;mû par le désir sans fin,Un jade en pouvoir d’émettre un parfum.第二十回王熙凤正言弹妒意林黛玉俏语谑娇音xuè开玩笑Grande Soeur Phénix,en termes congrus,Calme des tansports d’aigre jalousie;La soeurette Lin,par fin jeu de mots,Raille un vocatif à l’accent trop tendre.第二十一回贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉俏平儿软语救贾琏zhēn劝告;劝诫Par ses tendres courroux,la sage caméristePense amender son jeune maître;Grâce à de doux propos,une adroite soubretteSauve,d’une scène,un Monsieur.第二十二回听曲文宝玉悟禅机制灯谜贾政悲谶语chèn 迷信人指将来会应验的话.Pour un jeune frérot,de couplets de théâtre,Résulte éveil au dyana;Des énigmes en vers,pour un Monsieur sagace,Présagent de mauvais destins.第二十三回西厢记妙词通戏语牡丹亭艳曲警芳心Grâce aux beaux vers du Dut du pavillon de l’ouest,S’exprime un jeu de propos tendres;Des séduisant couplets du Kiosque aux pivoines,S’émeut un coeur d’amour en fleur.第二十四回醉金刚轻财尚义侠痴女儿遗帕惹相思Un «Vajra soûl1»,faisant fi d’un vil gain’S’émeut d’amitiégénéreuse;Un mouchoir perdu de fille encor niceSuscite un double mal d’amour.第二十五回魇魔法姊弟逢五鬼红楼梦通灵遇双真zǐ本义:姐姐Par sortilège envoûtés,le frérotJade et PhénixÀ cinq demons sont en proie;Terni,l’abraxas de jade,à deux immortalisésDoit un réveil efficace.第二十六回蜂腰桥设言传心事潇湘馆春困发幽情Au Chalet des Deux Rivières,germe en secret un amour, Dans les langueurs du printemps;Au Pont en Taille de Guêpe,s’amorce subtil message Pour une affaire de coeur.第二十七回滴翠亭杨妃戏彩蝶埋香冢飞燕泣残红Auprés du Kiosque dit des Larmes d’Émeraude,Une beautésemblable à Yang la Favorite¹poursuit Des papillons;Devant le Tombeau dit des Arômes défunts,Une belle égale à la belle Aronde en Vol²,pleureDes fleurs flétries.第二十八回蒋玉菡情赠茜香罗薛宝钗羞笼红麝串Un jeune et bel acteur, épris d’amour,fait donD’un crêpe àparfum de garance;La belle au joyau d’or cache modestementUn chapelet de grains de musc.第二十九回享福人福深还祷福痴情女情重愈斟情D’heureuse fortune comblés,Des heureux font prière aux dieux de fortuneEncor plus heureuse;Le belle au coeur d’amour épris,À tant d’amour sent s’ajouter un anxieux surcroîtD’amour.第三十回宝钗借扇机带双敲龄官划蔷痴及局外Un éventail aidant,la belle au joyau d’or,Pour railler un railleur,use de l’ équivoque;En dessinant un nom de fleur et de jeune home,Une amoureuse affole un coeur non concerné.第三十一回撕扇子作千金一笑因麒麟伏白首双星Éventails déchirés,en rappel de l’histoireDu millier d’onces d’or n’achetant qu’un seul rire; Licornes d’or,en paire,annonçant longue vie,En cheveux blanchissants,d’un couple conjugal.第三十二回诉肺腑心迷活宝玉含耻辱情烈死金钏[D’avoir,àpleins poumos,calméle tourment qui lui tient au coeur,Un frérot demeure égaré;Supportant mal un déshonneur,une soubrette humiliéeSe donne,de rage,la mort.第三十三回手足耽耽小动唇舌不肖种种大承笞挞dān耳朵大而且下垂。

(28回388页)I never expected you to grow so proud that now you have no use for me while you’re so fond of outsiders like Baochai and Xifeng.You ignore me or cut me for three of four days at a time.②只因他身上捐着个通判,前儿选了云南不知那一处,连家眷一齐去,把这香铺也不在这里开了。
(24回337页)...has bought the rank of an assistant sub-prefect and was recently appointed to a post somewhere in Yunnan.Since he is taking the whole family with him,he’s decided to close the shop.③袭人见把莺儿不理,恐竟儿没好意思的。
(35回480页) This made Xiren afraid that Yinger might feel slighted…④因此自己只装作不耐烦,把诗社便不起。
(70回993页) So he pretended to have lost interest in re-starting the poetry society,in order not to distract him.这些把字句的否定式可归结为如下结构:“把+名+(状语)+否定副词+动词+(补语)”结构可翻译成英文的动词+宾语+(状语),汉语里的否定副词不必刻意翻译,因为英文可以找到与之对应的词,而且由于句中的谓语动词直接受到否定副词的修饰,所以它前面的状语和后面的补语或时态助词就成了可有可无的成分.在翻译成英语时可用英语结构:动词+宾语+(状语)来翻译这种类型的把字句。

Y:Yang Xianyi H:David Hawkes 37、世事洞明皆学问,⼈情练达即⽂章. Y: A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge; Understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning. H: True learning implies a clear insight into human activities; Genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relations. 38、嫩寒锁梦因春冷,芳⽓笼⼈是酒⾹。
Y: Coolness wraps her dream, for spring is chill; A fragrance assails men, the aroma of wine. H: The coldness of spring has imprisoned the soft buds in a wintry dream; The fragrance of wine has intoxicated the beholder with imagined flower-scents. 39、春梦随云散,飞花逐⽔流;寄⾔众⼉⼥,何必觅闲愁。
Y: Gone with clouds spring's dream, Flowers drift away on the stream. Young lovers all, be warned by me, Cease courting needless misery. H: Spring's dream-time will like drifting clouds disperse, Its flowers snatched by a flood none can reverse. Then tell each nymph and swain, 'Tis folly to invite love's pain! 40、厚地⾼天,堪叹古今情不尽;痴男怨⼥,可怜风⽉债难偿。

红楼梦金陵十二钗判词英译版(2011-04-07 14:37:09)转载分类:文学留声机标签:娱乐如果曹雪芹先生健在,那么《红楼梦》能不能获诺贝尔奖?这是很多人都疑问的一个问题。
Alas for her wifely virtue, Her wit to sing of willow-down, poor maid! Buried in snow the broken golden hairpin, and hanging in the wood the belt of jade。
For twenty years she arbitrates, where pomegranates blaze by palace gates;How can the late spring equal the spring’s start?When Hare and Tiger meet, from this great dream of life she must depart。
So talented and high-minded, she is born too late for luck to come her way;Through tears she watched the stream on the Clear and Bright Day;A thousand li the east wind blows, but her home in her dreams is far away。

《红楼梦》中的习语英译比较一、成语例1、黛玉纳罕道:“这些人个个皆敛声屏气,恭肃严整如此,这来者系谁,这样放诞无礼?”霍译:“Everyone else around here seems to go about with bated breath”, thought Dai-yu. “Who can this new arrival be who is so brash and unmannerly?”杨译:Daiyu thought with surprise, “ The people here are so respectful and solemn, they all seem to be holding their breath. Who can this be, so boisterous and pert?”解析:“敛声屏气”原意是抑制呼吸和声音,文中指贾府的人在贾母面前谨慎小心的样子。
霍译用“with bated breath”,杨译用“hold one’s peace”,虽然二者使用了不同的英语习语,但其意义和用法与“敛声屏气”十分吻合。
霍译:The scriptures tell us that the revelation of the Buddha - truth comes “ like ghee poured upon the head”. Bao-yu must have had some such feeling as he listened to.杨译: Baoyu felt as if Buddha had suddenly shown him the light.解析:“醍醐灌顶”是一个具有宗教色彩的成语,比喻听了高明的意见使人受到很大启发。

《红楼梦》,英译:Yang Xianyi、David Hawkes37、世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章.Y: A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge; Understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning.H: True learning implies a clear insight into human activities; Genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relations.38、嫩寒锁梦因春冷,芳气笼人是酒香。
Y: Coolness wraps her dream, for spring is chill; A fragrance assails men, the aroma of wine.H: The coldness of spring has imprisoned the soft buds in a wintry dream; The fragrance of wine has intoxicated the beholder with imagined flower-scents.39、春梦随云散,飞花逐水流;寄言众儿女,何必觅闲愁。
Y: Gone with clouds spring’s dream, Flowers drift away on the stream. Young lovers all, be warned by me, Cease courting needless misery.H: Spring’s dream-time will like drifting clouds disperse, Its flowers snatched by a flood none can reverse. Then tell each nymph and swain, ’Tis folly to invite love’s pain!40、厚地高天,堪叹古今情不尽;痴男怨女,可怜风月债难偿。

红楼梦经典段落英汉对译凤姐听了,眼圈儿红了一会子,方说道:'天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,这点年纪,倘或因这病上有个长短,人生在世,还有什么趣儿呢!”教授David Hawks 运用灵心妙手,妥贴译成合乎惯用法的地道英文:"Xi feng's eyes became moist and for a moment she was too overcome to speak. ' I know "the weather and human life are both unpredictable,"' she said at last,'but she's only a child still. If anything should happen to her as a result of this illness, I think all the fun would go out of life!'"再来欣赏霍克思翻译的贾宝玉与袭人的一段对话:“宝玉听了这话,见她脸上气色非往日可比,便笑道:‘怎么又动了气呢?’袭人冷笑道:‘我那里敢动气呢?只是你从今别进这屋子了。
’”"The expression on her face as she uttered these words was angrier than he had ever seen her look before. “He laughed. "'Oh dear! Are you in a rage again?" "Aroma laughed mirthlessly. "'It's not for the likes of me to get into rages, But I wish that from now on you would stop coming into this room, After all, you have got people to wait on you elsewhere . You don't really need my services. I shall back to serving Her Old Ladyship, like I used before.'"。

英文翻译:“Well, it may not be a bad thing that the second matter hasn't happened yet. It remains to be seen whether there will be
any advantage or not,” Feng replied, smiling.
英文翻译:“Baoyu, are you feeling unwell? If there's anything on your mind, you can tell me,” Daiyu said.

《红楼梦》熟语英译三十例1. 至午后,金桂故意出去,让个空与他二人,薛蟠便拉拉扯扯起来。
译文:After lunch, Chin-kuei deliberately went out to clear the coast for them both, and Hsueh Pan started making advances to Pao-chan. Well aware of that he wanted, she only made a show of resisting.2. 咱们家没人,俗话说的“夯雀儿先飞”,省的临时丢三落四的不齐全,令人晓华(六十七回)译文:Our family’s short-handed and, as the proverb says, “A slow sparrow should make an early start.”We don’t want to find, when the time comes, that we’ve forgotten this, that and the other, so that people laugh at us.3. 今日林妹妹这五首诗,亦可谓命义新奇,别开生面了。
(六十四回)译文:And these five Cousin Lin has written today can also be considered as fresh and original, but goes as slowly as unraveling a concoon?”4. 俗话说:病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。
译文:Haven’t you heard the saying:“Illness comes as fast as a wall falling down, but goes as slowly as unraveling a concoon?”5. 姐姐博古通今,色色都知道,怎么连这一出戏的名儿也不知道,就说了这一套。

人物:旁白、鸳鸯、史湘云、薛宝钗、林黛玉、贾宝玉、王熙凤、刘姥姥、夫人、薛姨妈、丫鬟、贾母鸳鸯: Here's another set. On the left 'two aces' combine史: The sun and moon on earth and heaven shine.鸳鸯:On the right 'double aces' are found.史: The idle flowers fall, noiseless, to the ground.鸳鸯: In the middle, a 'four and a one.史: Red apricot leans on clouds beside the sun.鸳鸯: Together: The cherries ripen nine times in all.史: Birds in the Palace orchard make them fall.钗: Bravo史:Thanks, I can make it myself鸳鸯: it’s your turn, Miss Lin.The sign of 'heaven' on the left.林:A fair season, a season bereft.鸳鸯:In the middle a 'screen' finely wrought.林:No maid a message to the gauze window has brought.旁:For fear of a penalty ,Daiyu has been careless to quote lines from The Peony Pavilion and The Western Chamber. Bai Chai is the only one who knows it.林: On her fairy wand she carries peonies宝玉:Bravo, it’s fantastic! What do you think, Sister Bao?鸳鸯: it comes to your turn, Granny凤:yeah, it’s granny’s turn, right?众人:finally, it’s granny’s turn. Let’s listen to her.刘:We country folk sometimes get together and play this when we've nothing better to do.夫人:really?that’s great.Please just go ahead, granny薛姨妈:that’s right.please go ahead.众人:please go ahead quickly, granny刘:only the way we do it, it doesn’t sound so pretty as this众人:it’s ok丫鬟:It's easy, Just go ahead, it doesn't matter.薛姨妈:that’s right, please just go ahead.刘:well,then , I suppose I must try.鸳鸯:well, let’ begin then. 1、2、3、4、5、6、7.Here’s a set.On the left, 'four and four' make a man.刘: A man?Is it a farmer?众人:A farmer?贾母:Good, That's the style.薛姨妈:That’s right. Even madam is praising you.众人:yeah, go ahead刘:We country people can only talk about the things we know,You mustn't make fun of me."众人:no laughing薛姨妈:nobody makes fun of you.鸳鸯: 'Three and four,'green and red, in the centre.刘:green and red,green and red ……A big fire burns the hairy caterpillar.贾母:That right. Go on in your own way.夫人:go on, go on.鸳鸯: On the right a really fine 'double ace. '刘:A turnip and head of garlic in one place.鸳鸯: They make up 'flowers' in all.刘:flower? A huge pumpkin forms when the flower fall.薛姨妈:it's good,really good. It's in rhyme.凤:well said, granny. Let me help you to the wine.。

杨译:Even a pair thought well-matchedMay find disappointment.霍译:Even a wife so courteous and so kind.No fort brings to my afflicted mind.解析:1)这句道出宝玉被骗与宝钗成婚的极大痛苦和始终不屈的对抗的心声。
杨译为“ a pair thought well-matched”,是a pair thought to be well-matched的省略,这句话表达的是宝玉与宝钗的结合在他人眼中是金玉良缘,而非他们二人之间的感情写照,虽然未能很好表达相敬如宾的感觉,但也侧面表现了宝黛爱情悲剧的主因主要源自外界,那个封建礼教的社会。
而霍译那么选择从女方切入,将齐眉举案译成“a wife so courteo us and so kind”,没有表达夫妻双方的互动,却表达古代女性在婚姻中的生存状态,一个恭敬和顺的妻子就够了,只不过对于心有所属的宝玉而言仍然无法承受。
我说的话儿你全不信,只叫你去背地里细打听,才知道我疼你不疼你!杨译:You can bill and you can coo,Be an imp of mischief too,But a fairy? No, not you,As my word you doubt.Ask around and you’ll find outI love you. yes, I do!霍译:You’re so exciting,And so inviting;You’re my Mary Contrary;You’re a crazy, mad thing.You’re my goddess, but oh! You’re deaf to my praying: Why won’t you listen to what I am saying?If you don’t believe me, make a small investigation:You will soon find out the true depth of my admiration.解析:1)对于这段唱曲,两位译者的译文不管是风格还是遣词造句上差异较大。

红楼梦A Dream of Red Mansions(杨,戴夫妇译本)Dream of the Red Chamber (美国人霍斯译本)个人认为后者比较恰当。
地名:大荒山 Great Waste Mountain无稽崖Baseless Cliff 即无根据的,无稽的悬崖青埂峰 Blue Ridge Peak 若从意思上看倒没什么问题,只是失去了“情根”的谐音,甚是可惜。
仁清巷(甑士隐住处) the Lane of Humanity and Purity 即人道与纯净的小巷葫芦庙 Gourd Temple 这个易解,只是字面直译。
灵河岸(绛珠草所在) the bank of Sacred River 神圣之河,勉强。
三生石畔 beside the Stone of Three Incarnations 这里有些晦涩。
赤瑕宫 Palace of Red Jade 将“瑕”理解为“玉”?似乎有些联系。
太虚幻境 the Land of Illusion 因“太虚”原有“虚幻”的意思,因而此处只取“幻境”而略去“太虚”,个人认为极当。
智通寺 Temple of Perspicacity敕造宁国府 Ningguo Mansion Built at Imperial Command 奉皇旨建造的宁国府邸荣国府 Rong Mansion 这里只翻译了“荣”字,而之前宁国府却翻了“宁国”二字,不知什么原因。
荣禧堂 Hall of Glorious Felicity 荣耀,幸福之殿碧纱橱(黛玉初入荣国府住处) Green Gauze Lodge 绿色薄纱小屋。

英文回答:1. "酒肉和尚",This phrase literally translates to "the wine and meat monk." It is used to describe someone who indulges in a life of luxury and pleasure, often at the expense of their spiritual or religious obligations. The phrase implies that the person is hypocritical, as monks are traditionally expected to live a simple and ascetic lifestyle.2. "寿星郎",This phrase translates to "the birthday star." It refers to a person who is celebrating their birthday. In Chinese culture, birthdays are considered important milestones, and it is common for people to throw birthday parties or gatherings to celebrate.3. "糊涂虫",This phrase translates to "the muddled insect." It is used to describe someone who is confused, indecisive, or lacking in clarity of thought. It impliesthat the person is not thinking clearly or making logical decisions.4. "宝玉把酒劝贾母",This sentence translates to "Baoyu persuades Jiamu to drink." In this context, Baoyu is the main character of the novel, and Jiamu is his grandmother. Baoyu is trying to convince his grandmother to drink alcohol. This scene highlights Baoyu's playful and mischievous nature, as he often engages in unconventional behavior.中文回答:1. "酒肉和尚",这个词语字面上的意思是“喝酒吃肉的和尚”。

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(28回388页)I never expected you to grow so proud that now you have no use for me while you’re so fond of outsiders like Baochai and Xifeng.You ignore me or cut me for three of four days at a time.②只因他身上捐着个通判,前儿选了云南不知那一处,连家眷一齐去,把这香铺也不在这里开了。
(24回337页)...has bought the rank of an assistant sub-prefect and was recently appointed to a post somewhere in Yunnan.Since he is taking the whole family with him,he’s decided to close the shop.③袭人见把莺儿不理,恐竟儿没好意思的。
(35回480页) This made Xiren afraid that Yinger might feel slighted…④因此自己只装作不耐烦,把诗社便不起。
(70回993页) So he pretended to have lost interest in re-starting the poetry society,in order not to distract him.这些把字句的否定式可归结为如下结构:“把+名+(状语)+否定副词+动词+(补语)”结构可翻译成英文的动词+宾语+(状语),汉语里的否定副词不必刻意翻译,因为英文可以找到与之对应的词,而且由于句中的谓语动词直接受到否定副词的修饰,所以它前面的状语和后面的补语或时态助词就成了可有可无的成分.在翻译成英语时可用英语结构:动词+宾语+(状语)来翻译这种类型的把字句。
(70回989页)Didn’t you notice how lonely Miss Baochai’s place seemed after Xiangling went home,leaving Miss Xiangyun all on her own?②偏又把凤丫头病了,有他一人来说说笑笑,还抵得十个人的空儿。
(76回1081页)And on top of that,Xifeng’s unwell. If she were here joking and laughing,she’d make up for ten other people.这种把字句去掉把字后基本意义不变,因此翻译成英语时当作没有把的普通句子处理.2.2第二类施事“把”字句,谓语是形容词用作动词或不及物动词,表示事物本身的变化和状态.如:①这如今得了这个病,把我那要强的心一分也没了。
(11回159页)But now that I’ve fallen ill,all my will power’s gone.②贾政…把素日嫌恶处分宝玉之心不觉减了八九分.(23回320页)Bearing all in mind,he forgot his usual aversion to Baoyu.③此时林黛玉只是禁不住把脸红胀了起来挣着要走。
(25回354页)She could not help lushing and tried to break away.④湘云说到那里,却把脸红了。
(108回1489页)She broke off at this point blushing.⑤想到此处,倒把一片酸热之心令一时冰冷了。
(113回l559页)This reflection eased her,chilling her fevered passions.这种句子在翻译中可利用英语“动词+宾语+补语/介词短语”这一句型来处理.2.3第三类施事“把”字句,谓语是形容词或不及物动词,后面带有表示程度的补语,施事一般表人,这类把字句中,宾语之后常接“忙”,“累”,“性”,“急”等词,加上补语,整个句子含有“致使”的意思,如:①晴雯冷笑道:“不知说了一句半句话,名儿姓儿知道了不曾呢,就把他兴的这样!…”(27回377页)Our lady may have thrown her a word or two,with out even knowing her name,and she’s already eaten up with pride.②我烦你做过什么,把你懒的横针不拈,竖线不动。
(62回881页)When I ask you to do anything,you’ve too lazy to thread a needle.③黛玉…一丝微气不断,把个李纨和紫鹃哭的死去活来。
(98回1383页)Her life hanging by a thread,while Liwan and Zijuan went as if their hearts would break.④把个宝钗直臊的满脸飞红。
(101回1419页)Baochai blushed all over her face.这类“把”字句英译时常常利用英语中有“致使”意义的动词,如make,blush,等。
(33回455页)Before he had finished Jiazheng was livid with fury.②“偕谁隐”、“为底迟”,真个把个菊花问的无言可对。
(38回529页)Questions like“with what hermit are you taking refuge?”And“what makes you bloom so late?”are bound to stump the flower.③把个宝琴唬的再不敢见他。
(100回1404页)But Baoqin was so terrified that she kept out her way.这种句子翻译时同第一类施事“把”字句一样,当作无把的普通句子处理。
①黛玉听了,翻身爬起来,按着宝玉笑道:“我把你烂了嘴的!”(19回276页)Daiyu scrambled over and pinned Baoyu down,“You scoundrel!”②香菱…笑骂道:“我把你这个烂了嘴的小蹄子!…”(62回881-882页)“You foul-mouthed bitch!”she swore,laughing.这种句子在翻译时也要只需用短语表示即可,没有固定句式可参用。
”(35回477页)“You monkey!”exclaimed the Lady Dowager:“Treating people at public expense.”②又叫他与王夫人叩头,且不必去见贾母,倒把袭人不好意思的。
(36回492页)There she was indeed informed of her promotion and told to go and kowtow to Lady Wang,but not to trouble the Lady Dowager.Xiren was quite overwhelmed.这种“把”字句翻译时主要选择与之相当的动词,即在意义上有“致使”含义的词。
(26回362页)He cast a sidelong glance at Xiaohong,Who stole a glance at him too under cover of talking to Zhuier.②宝蟾便哭看来揪香菱,说他把药药死了奶奶了。
(103回1438页)Then Baochan tearfully seized hold of Xiangling,accusing her of poisoning her mistress.③还亏得探春能言,见解亦高,把话来慢慢儿的劝解了好些时。
(119回1628页)Fortunately,with her persuasiveness and good sense,she succeeded little by little in consoling Lady Wang to some extent.④一进角门,宝钗便命婆子将门锁上,把钥匙要了自己拿着。
(62回869页)When they entered the side gate,Baochai ordered the women in change there to lock it,and took the key herself.⑤枚又将他姑舅哥哥收买进来,把家里一个女孩子配了他。
(77回117页)i bought him two and gave him one of the bondmaids as his wife.⑥空空道人便将贾雨村言了,方把这《石头记》示看。