Pseudocapacitive Contributions to Electrochemical Energy Storage in TiO 2 (Anatase) Nanoparticles


Electric Power Systems Research

Electric Power Systems Research

1. Introduction Trying to cut down the budget spent on maintenance every year, utilities need to come up with optimized maintenance schedules with limited budget. This task involves quantifying maintenance impact, which is a bit challenging task. Existing system level maintenance strategies such as RCM approach, Risk-Based approach etc. reported in Refs. [1–6] require considering the effect of component maintenance quantitatively through models such as probabilistic maintenance models [7–10] and/or failure rate estimation models. These models depend on condition-based data and history of operation of power system equipment such as transmission lines, transformers or circuit breakers (CBs). This paper proposes a probabilistic methodology to quantify the effect of device maintenance for circuit breakers. The proposed methodology utilizes the control circuit data of CB to define several performance indices. Fig. 1 shows the electrical representation of CB control circuit and the data consists of several voltage and current wave forms measured across trip coil, close coil and auxiliary contacts captured when the CB operates (either open or close operation). A sample representation of these signal waveforms

High-rate electrochemical energy storage through Li+ intercalation pseudocapacitance

High-rate electrochemical energy storage through Li+ intercalation pseudocapacitance

High-rate electrochemical energy storage through Li +intercalation pseudocapacitanceVeronica Augustyn 1,Jérémy Come 2,3,Michael A.Lowe 4,Jong Woung Kim 1,Pierre-Louis Taberna 2,3,Sarah H.T olbert 5,Héctor D.Abruña 4,Patrice Simon 2,3and Bruce Dunn 1*Pseudocapacitance is commonly associated with surface or near-surface reversible redox reactions,as observed with RuO 2·x H 2O in an acidic electrolyte.However,we recently demonstrated that a pseudocapacitive mechanism occurs when lithium ions are inserted into mesoporous and nanocrystal films of orthorhombic Nb 2O 5(T -Nb 2O 5;refs 1,2).Here,we quantify the kinetics of charge storage in T -Nb 2O 5:currents that vary inversely with time,charge-storage capacity that is mostly independent of rate,and redox peaks that exhibit small voltage offsets even at high rates.We also define the structural characteristics necessary for this process,termed intercalation pseudocapacitance,which are a crystalline network that offers two-dimensional transport pathways and little structural change on intercalation.The principal benefit realized from intercalation pseudocapacitance is that high levels of charge storage are achieved within short periods of time because there are no limitations from solid-state diffusion.Thick electrodes (up to 40µm thick)prepared with T -Nb 2O 5offer the promise of exploiting intercalation pseudocapacitance to obtain high-rate charge-storage devices.Pseudocapacitance occurs whenever the charge (Q )depends on the change in potential (d E ),yielding a capacitance (d Q /d E )(ref.3).The capacity can be due to monolayer adsorption of ions at an electrode surface,as in the underpotential deposition of metals 4;surface redox reactions as in RuO 2;or ion intercalation that does not result in a phase change.Although these redox processes are Faradaic in nature,their phenomenological behaviour,and response to experimental variables such as sweep rate,are those typical of capacitors.All of these scenarios produce a relationship between the fractional extent of charge storage,X ,and the potential of the form 3,5:E ∼RT nF ln X (1−X )(1)where R is the ideal gas constant (J mol −1K −1),T is the temperature (K),F is Faraday’s constant (96,485As mol −1)and n is the number of electrons involved in the reaction.In all of these cases,a constant-current experiment yields a potential E that changes with the extent of charge Q according to:Q =C Ewhere Q is the charge passed (Coulombs), E is the potential change (V)and C is the pseudocapacitance (F).This behaviour1Departmentof Materials Science and Engineering,University of California,Los Angeles,California 90095,USA,2Department of Materials Science,UniversitéPaul Sabatier,CIRIMAT UMR CNRS 5085,T oulouse 31062,France,3Réseau sur le Stockage Electrochimique de l’Energie (RS2E),FR CNRS 3459,France,4Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology,Cornell University,Ithaca,New York 14853,USA,5Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,University of California,Los Angeles,California 90095,USA.*e-mail:bdunn@ .is typical of capacitive charge/discharge,thus leading to theterm pseudocapacitance 3.Of the three pseudocapacitive mechanisms mentioned above,underpotential deposition and surface redox reaction pseudoca-pacitance exhibit kinetics indicative of surface-controlled electro-chemical processes 6:i =Cvwhere i is the current (A)and v is the sweep rate (mV s −1)of a cyclic voltammetry experiment.However,in intercalation pseudocapacitance,as described herein,charge storage does not occur on the surface but in the bulk material.The kinetics are not diffusion-limited and instead are limited by surface processes so that the overall behaviour seems capacitive.Intercalation pseudocapacitance is rarely observed because in most intercalation materials charge storage (even in thin films,as in anatase TiO 2;refs 7,8)is limited by solid-state diffusion and therefore the peak currents scale with v 1/2.Here we investigate the phenomenon of intercalation pseudo-capacitance and the high-rate behaviour of T -Nb 2O 5using two different electrode techniques that provide a wide variation in sweep rates.For timescales between ∼3h and 60s (sweep rates of 0.1–20mV s −1within a voltage window of 1.2V),we used a thin-film electrode.For shorter timescales where ohmic polariza-tion is significant (60–500mV s −1),we used a cavity microelectrode where the active material was mixed with a conductive carbon black to alleviate the loss of electrical transport (ohmic losses)9.To confirm the small ohmic drop of this electrode,we performed cyclic voltammetry from 100–500mV s −1in a bulky-ion electrolyte (Sup-plementary Fig.S1).In addition,we prepared thick films (∼40µm)of T -Nb 2O 5to determine whether the high-rate capability was limited to thin films.Charge storage from the intercalation of lithium ions into Nb 2O 5can be expressed as:Nb 2O 5+x Li ++x e −↔Li x Nb 2O 5where the maximum capacity is x =2(ref.10).Figure 1a shows cyclic voltammograms from 100to 500mV s −1in a cavity microelectrode where it is evident that both anodic and cathodic peaks are broad,about 600mV.There is also a noticeable peak shift (and increase in peak separation E p )as the sweep rate increases,but the capacity remains reversible.Figure 1b presents a plot of log(i )versus log(ν)from 0.1to 500mV s −1for both cathodic and anodic peaks.Assuming that the current obeys a power-law1 × 10aC u r r e n t (m A )N o r m a l i z e d c a p a c i t ySweep rate ¬1/2 (s 1/2 mV ¬1/2)¬1 × 10log(sweep rate, mV s ¬1)cFigure 1|Kinetic analysis of the electrochemical behaviour of T -Nb 2O 5.a ,Cyclic voltammograms from 100to 500mV s −1demonstrate the high-rate capability of the material.b ,b -value determination of the peak anodic and cathodic currents shows that this value is approximately 1up to 50mV s −1.This indicates that even at the peak currents,charge storage is capacitive.c ,Capacity versus v −1/2allows for the separation of diffusion-controlled capacity from capacitive-controlled capacity;two distinct kinetic regions emerge when the sweep rate is varied from 1to 500mV s −1.The dashed diagonal line corresponds to the extrapolation of the infinite sweep rate capacitance using the capacity between 2and 20mV s −1.d ,The variation of the cathodic peak voltage with the sweep rate exhibits a region of small peak separation followed by increased separation at 20mV s −1,and represents another method of identifying systems with facile intercalation kinetics.relationship with the sweep rate leads to 8:i =av bnumerous sources including an increase of the ohmic contribution (active material resistance,solid–electrolyte interphase resistance)and/or diffusion constraints/limitations 11.In the limit of slow diffusion,b would approach a value of 0.5as described above.The relationship between capacity and sweep rate can also establish the rate-limiting step of a charge-storage mechanism 12.In a plot of Q versus v −1/2,regions that are linear represent capacity limited by semi-infinite linear diffusion whereas capacitive contributions are independent of the sweep rate.At sweep rates below 20mV s −1,the extrapolated y -intercept yields the infinite sweep rate capacitance 13.Figure 1c shows the plot of normalized capacity versus v −1/2for T -Nb 2O 5from 1to 500mV s −1(the gravimetric capacity for the thin-film electrode is shown in Supplementary Fig.S2).Analogous to the behaviour of the peak current in Fig.1b,there are two distinct regions in Fig.1c.In region 1,at sweep rates <20mV s −1,the capacity is mostly independent of sweep rate.The magnitude of the capacity is ∼130mAh g −1or ∼65%of the theoretical value based on a two-electron redox reaction with Nb 2O 5.In this range,solid-state lithium-ion diffusion is not the rate-limiting step for charge storage.In region 2,from 50to 500mV s −1,the capacity decreases linearly with v −1/2.This indicates that charge storage is mainly diffusion-controlled at high sweep rates.That is,for charging timesabC rateP o t e n t i a l (V v e r s u s L i /L i +)Capacity (mAh g ¬1)x in Li x Nb 2O 2|Electrochemical cycling of a 40-µm-thick T-Nb 2O 5electrode.a ,Galvanostatic cycling of a thick Nb 2O 5electrode at a 10C rate.b ,Comparisonof the rate capability of T -Nb 2O 5with a high-rate lithium-ion anode,Li 4Ti 5O 12,at various C-rates (Li 4Ti 5O 12data reproduced from ref.16).of <20s,diffusion is rate-limiting,similar to most traditional battery electrodes.However,for charging times of 1min (60C)or longer,there is no indication of diffusion limitations and this intercalation-based system behaves in a fully capacitive manner.Another feature of T -Nb 2O 5at sweep rates <20mV s −1is that the peak voltage shifts with sweep rate are small (Fig.1d).The cathodic peak shift is <0.1V at sweep rates below 10mV s −1.As a result,the anodic and cathodic peaks overlap at 0.1mV s −1(Supplementary Fig.S3)and it is in this behaviour that the similarity to surface redox reactions is most apparent 14.In many lithium-ion intercalation materials,the peak separation is significant even in thin films and at slow sweep rates (for example, E p =0.13V for LiCoO 2at 0.1mV s −1;ref.15).This type of behaviour is often associated with crystallographic phase changes during the Faradaic process,and contrasts with intercalation materials that form a solid solution,such as T -Nb 2O 5.Besides identifying facile intercalation,the peak voltage separation is related to the high-power capability of a material.As the charging time decreases,that is,at higher current densities,the peak separation in a battery material increases owing to polarization (reflecting the higher overpotentials necessary to deliver the higher currents),so that at higher rates the energy required to fully charge the material is significantly larger than the energy available on discharge.The high-rate behaviour of T -Nb 2O 5is not limited to thin films or to experiments with small amounts of active material.The constant-current charge/discharge of a 40-µm-thick T -Nb 2O 5(1mg cm −2)electrode at a 10C rate is shown in Fig.2a.At this rate,the capacity is 130mAh g −1and E varies linearly with Q as expected for a pseudocapacitive process from equation (1).This represents capacities typical of battery materials but at rates closer to those of supercapacitors.The rate capability of T -Nb 2O 5from 1to 1,000C is shown in Fig.2b and compared with that of Li 4Ti 5O 12(of comparable electrode dimensions)16.Li 4Ti 5O 12is chosen as an example of a high-rate lithium-ion anode material.The rate capability for T -Nb 2O 5is significantly better than Li 4Ti 5O 12above 30C and even at a 1,000C rate the capacity of the thick T -Nb 2O 5electrode is ∼40mAh g −1.The thick electrode results verify that the intercalation pseudocapacitance mechanism is not due to thin-film or surface effects,such as vacancies or contributions of the first few atoms from the surface.Indeed,even for the thick electrode,the b -values for the anodic and cathodic peak currents are 1from 1to 10mV s −1(Supplementary Fig.S4).The high-rate capability of T -Nb 2O 5implies that the crystal structure permits exceptionally rapid ionic transport.As shown in Fig.3a,the unit cell has sheets of edge-or corner-sharing distorted polyhedra lying parallel to the (001)plane,with each Nb 5+surrounded by either 6or 7O 2−.The polyhedra are exclusively corner-sharing along the [001]direction with 5%of the Nb 5+ions randomly located in 9-coordinate sites between the (001)poly-hedral planes 17.The mostly empty octahedral sites between (001)planes provide natural tunnels for lithium-ion transport through-out the a –b plane.Calculations indicate that the (001)plane allows degenerate pathways with low energy barriers for ion transport 18.A previous in situ X-ray diffraction study showed that the insertion of lithium into T -Nb 2O 5results in a solid solution with no apparent phase changes 19,and negligible changes to lattice constants 2and unit-cell volume 20up to ∼1.25Li +/Nb 2O 5.In situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)demonstrated that lithiation reduces Nb 5+to Nb 4+(ref.19).The in situ XAS studies carried out here confirm that lithiation results in a continuous change in oxidation state (Fig.3b)and the Fourier-transform of the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)indicates that the insertion reaction proceeds through two stages (Fig.3c).From 2.5to 1.75V,the EXAFS signal from the various Nb–O bond lengths in Nb 2O 5(1.40–1.85Å)merges to a single peak at an intermediate bond length (1.75Å),indicating that lithiation increases the Nb-centred symmetry.The lithiation is probably faster at low Li +levels 20owing to greater availability of sites and less interaction between cations.At lower potentials,the new EXAFS peak shifts to longer bond distances (1.85Å)as a consequence of increased Li–O interactions at higher Li +content.These structural studies emphasize the value of an open,layered structure to enable rapid ion transport within the active material.The results presented in this study establish that T -Nb 2O 5exhibits electrochemical features of a pseudocapacitive material despite charge storage occurring in the bulk.Such behaviour is consistent with intercalation pseudocapacitance.The electrochem-ical features indicative of this mechanism are currents that are linearly proportional to the sweep rate,capacity that does not vary significantly with charging time,and peak potentials that do not shift significantly with sweep rate.A key design rule for intercalation pseudocapacitance at the atomic scale is a structure that does not undergo phase transformations on intercalation.In addition,facile two-dimensional (2D)lithium-ion diffusion pathways are18,98019,00019,02019,0401234D e r i v a t i v e , n o r m a l i z e d a b s o r p t i o nIncident energy (eV)ak 2|(R )| (A n g ¬3)χR (Å)b c2.50 V 1.80 V 1.65 V 1.50 V 1.35 V0. 3|Structural features of lithium intercalation in T -Nb 2O 5.a ,The structure of T -Nb 2O 5stacked along the c axis demonstrates the layeredarrangement of oxygen (red)and niobium (inside polyhedra)atoms along the a –b plane.b ,Derivative of Nb K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge spectra at selected cell voltages,showing a systematic shift to lower energiesas Nb 5+is reduced to Nb 4+.c ,k 2-weighted Fourier-transformed Nb K-edge EXAFS at selected cell voltages.important.Charge storage that behaves as a quasi-2D process ex-hibits similar behaviour to 2D surface adsorption reactions 14.These features contrast with those of pseudocapacitive RuO 2·x H 2O where charge storage occurs mainly on the surface or near-surface 21–24as summarized in Table 1.The results here are exciting because they demonstrate that for charging times as fast as 1min (60C rate),there are no diffusion limitations in T -Nb 2O 5.As the high-rate capability isdue to fast ion diffusion in the bulk,this mechanism may be very good for thick electrodes because surface exposure to the electrolyte is not critical.To achieve devices with high energy density,further engineering at the nanoscale and beyond will be necessary to preserve the atomic-scale behaviour observed in thin films and microelectrodes.In particular,maintaining proper electronic conduction pathways will be critical.MethodsSynthesis.The synthesis of T -Nb 2O 5nanocrystals was reported previously 2.Briefly,2.56mmol of NbCl 5(Sigma-Aldrich)was dissolved in 2ml of ethanol (Fisher Scientific).In a separate vial,0.23ml of deionized water was mixed with 2ml of ethanol.Both vials were then chilled for 2h.The two solutions were then mixed together while 1ml of propylene oxide (Sigma-Aldrich)was slowly added,forming a transparent gel.This gel was aged for 1day and then soaked in acetone (Fisher Scientific)for 5days.After supercritical drying with CO 2,the gel was transformed into an amorphous Nb 2O 5aerogel.Crystallization to the T -phase occurred by heat treatment at 600◦C for 2h in air.Characterization.Thin-film electrodes were fabricated by drop-casting a well-sonicated solution of T -Nb 2O 5in ethanol onto an oxygen plasma etched stainless-steel foil (Alfa Aesar).For thin-film measurements,lithium foils(Sigma-Aldrich)served as the reference and counter electrodes,and the electrolyte was 1M LiClO 4(Sigma-Aldrich)in propylene carbonate (Sigma-Aldrich).The microelectrode preparation was described elsewhere 9.Briefly,T -Nb 2O 5active material and carbon black (Timcal Super C65)powders were mixed in a 1:1weight ratio to ensure good electrical contact.The mixture was packed into the microcavity (30µm depth,30µm width),and subsequently immersed in the electrolyte.A 1cm 2platinum foil (Alfa Aesar)was used as the counter electrodeand lithium foil served as the reference.Thick Nb2O5electrodes were prepared by mixing the active material,carbon black(Timcal Super C65)and PVdF(Kynar) binder in a80:10:10weight ratio.The slurry was drop-cast onto12-mm-diameter aluminium-disc current collectors and dried at80◦C for12h.The electrode loading was between1and1.5mg cm−2with a thickness of40±5µm.Measurements of the thick Nb2O5electrodes were performed in three-electrode Swagelok cells with the Nb2O5electrode as the working electrode,activated carbon as the counter electrode,a glass fibre separator(Whatman,GF/A)saturated with1M LiClO4in propylene carbonate,and a lithium foil reference.All measurements were carried out in argon-filled glove boxes between1.2and3V(versus Li/Li+)with oxygen and moisture levels of<1ppm and using PAR EG&G273and Bio-Logic VMP3potentiostats.In situ X-ray absorption was performed using thin films of T-Nb2O5cast from a well-sonicated ethanol solution onto carbon-coated aluminium.2032-type coin cells were modified to include an X-ray window by drilling∼3-mm-diameter holes through the cathode casing and epoxying a125-µm-thick Kapton window on the outside of the casing.Both sides of the window were then coated with 100-nm-thick aluminium layers using a vacuum evaporator.Cells were assembled with a lithium anode,a1M LiClO4in propylene carbonate electrolyte,and a Whatman glassy fibre separator.Received17August2012;accepted19February2013; published online14April2013References1.Brezesinski, al.Pseudocapacitive contributions to charge storage in highlyordered mesoporous Group V transition metal oxides with iso-oriented layered nanocrystalline domains.J.Am.Chem.Soc.132,6982–6990(2010).2.Kim,J.W.,Augustyn,V.&Dunn,B.The effect of crystallinity on the rapidpseudocapacitive response of Nb2O5.Adv.Energy Mater.2,141–148(2012). 3.Conway,B.E.Electrochemical Supercapacitors:Scientific Fundamentals andTechnological Applications(Kluwer-Academic,1999).4.Herrero,E.,Buller,L.J.&Abruña,H.D.Underpotential deposition atsingle crystal surfaces of Au,Pt,Ag and other materials.Chem.Rev.101,1897–1930(2001).5.Huggins,R.A.Supercapacitors and electrochemical pulse sources.Solid 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XAS was performed at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source,supported bythe NSF and NIH/NIGMS(DMR-0936384).M.A.L.acknowledges support from the US DOD National Defense Science and Engineering Fellowship.J.C.was supportedby Delegation Generale pour l’Armement(DGA).P.S.and P-L.T.acknowledge the support from the European Research Council(ERC,Advanced Grant,ERC-2011-AdG, Project291543—IONACES)and the Chair of Excellence‘Embedded multi-functional nanomaterials’from the EADS Foundation.Author contributionsV.A.,J.C.,M.A.L.and J.W.K.:experimental work,data analysis.P-L.T.,S.H.T.,H.D.A., P.S.,B.D.:project planning,data analysis.Additional informationSupplementary information is available in the online version of the paper.Reprints and permissions information is available online at /reprints.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.D.Competingfinancial interestsThe authors declare no competing financial interests.。



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grantee被异议人 person challanged本国商标 national mark本国申请项目 domestic filing data本国注册 home registration引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第2页index of inventor and patentee 发明人与专利人索引index of patent specification 专利说明书索引indication of manufacture under license 特许制造标记applicant 申请人individual request for patent family 同族专利单项服务individual survey for family 同族(专利)单项调查industrial applicability of invention 发明的工业实用性industrial design 工业品外观设计industrial development patents 工业发展专利权industrial monopoly 工业独占工业专利informal application 非正式的申请infringing use 侵权使用initial down payment 入门费abandonment of a patent application 放弃专利申请application awaiting examination 待审查的申请innocent infringement 非有意侵权INPADOC Data Base 国际专利文献中心数据库INPADOC Patent Gazette 国际专利文献中心的专利公报inspection of the patent register 专利登记簿的查阅institute of patent agents 专利代理人协会institute of patentees and inventors 专利权人和发明人协会institute of trademark agents 商标代理人协会insufficient disclosure 不充分公开intellectual property 知识产权intention of clause 条款的意旨application document 申请案文件inter-dependence of patent 专利的互相依赖性interdependent patents 相互依存的专利interfering application 抵触的申请interfering patent 抵触的专利interfering patentee 抵触的专利权人international application 国际申请International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks 商标注册用的商品和服务国际分类法International Convention on Patents 国际专利权公约International Patent Classification 国际专利分类international registration of marks 商标的国际注册申请文件invention and creation 发明创造invention of employee 雇员发明引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第3页共同发明 joint invention共同发明人 co-inventorjoint inventor共同申请 joint application共同申请人 co-applicant共同使用权 right of joint use共同使用人 co-userbrand name 商标名称joint user共同市场欧洲专利公约 Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market 共同所有人 co-proprietorjoint owner共同体专利 community patent共享专利协定 patent pool agreement共有专利 joint patent构思日期 conception date雇员发明 employee inventioninvention of employeebrief description of invention 发明的简要说明国别专利目录 national catalog of patents国际代理人 world wide agent国际申请 international application国际专利分类 International Patent Classification国际专利权公约 International Convention on Patents国际专利文献中心的专利公报 INPADOC Patent Gazette国际专利文献中心数据库 INPADOC Data Base国家申请 national application国家收费 national fee国家注册 national registrationBritish patent 英国专利国家专利 national patent国家专利馆藏 state patent collection国内申请 domestic application合同生效 entry into force of the contract後来的申请 subsequent application互惠许可证 reciprocal license恢复申请 application for restoration机械专利 mechanical patent基本申请编号 basic requisition number基本专利 basic patent引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第4页母专利 parent patent欧洲专利公约 European Patent Convention欧洲专利通报 European Patent Report批准程序 granting procedure批准专利的障碍 bar to patent grantCanadian Patent 加拿大专利批准专利国 patent country欺骗性仿制 fraudulent imitation企业中的专利管理 patent management in enterprises企业专利工作 patent work in enterprises前景发明 foreground invention潜在技术 potential technology潜在申请人 potential applicant强行规定 cogent provision侵犯商标(权)的诉讼 action for infringement of a mark侵犯外观设计的诉讼 action for infringement of an industrial design cancellation of trade mark 商标取消侵犯专利(权)的诉讼 action for infringement of a patent侵权的损害赔偿金 damages for infringement侵权的通知 notice of infringement侵权使用 infringing use侵权诉讼案的被告 defendant in an infringement请求复审 reqest for re-examination请求国际(申请)初步审查 demand for international preliminary examination 请求审查 petition for examinationrequest for examination请求书 petitioncancellation of utility models 实用新型的取消请求书格式 form of request全文专利文档 full text patent documents权利辩护 defense of right权利的剥夺 deprivation of a right权利的前所有人 former proprietor of a right权利的适当保护 appropriate protection of a right权利丧失 loss of a right权项 claim缺乏发明单一性 lack unity of invention缺乏新颖性 lack of noveltycarry out an invention 实施发明确定发明人的身份 determining the identity of the inventor确立要求保护的范围 define the limite of the protection claimed引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第5页delay in issue 延迟颁发delay payment of the official 延期支付法定费用delayed examination 推迟的审查delayed filing 延迟申请admissibility of trade mark 准许商标注册的条件demand for international preliminary examination 请求国际(申请)初步审查demand for renewal 要求续展demand the assignment of a right 要求转让权利department of patent administration 专利管理部dependent invention 从属发明dependent patent 从属专利depreciation on franchises 专利折旧deprivation of a right 权利的剥夺description of invention 发明说明书description of trademark 商标说明advanced patent course 高级专利进修班descriptive trademark 图形商标design act 外观设计法design application 外观设计申请design law 外观设计法design patent 设计专利外观设计专利design register 外观设计注册簿designated office 指定局指定国designation of agent 代理人的指派affixation of a mark on goods 在商品上缀附商标detailed description of invention 发明的详细说明determination of patentability 专利性的确定determining the identity of the inventor 确定发明人的身份dicision of a patent application 专利申请的分类案diminish the protection granted to the trademark 缩短对商标的保护direct license 直接许可证disclosure of invention 发明的公开discretionary clause 自由处理条款discretionary power 自由处理权力discretionary provision 自由处理规定aggregate value of invention 发明的总价值discriminating conduct 辨别方法dispense with royalties 免除使用费引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第6页distinctive feature 显着特点distinctive mark 显着的商标division of applications 申请的分案document code 文件代码domestic application 国内申请domestic filing data 本国申请项目dominant patent 主专利double patent 重复授予专利alienate a right 转让权利复本duty of secrecy 保密义务earlier application 较早的申请earlier publication of a patent application 专利申请的早期公开economic patent 经济专利economic usefulness 经济实用性effect of grant of patent 授予专利权的效力effect of invalidation 宣告无效的效力effect of patent 专利的效力effect of trademark 商标效力allegation of a patent 专利的主张effective date 生效日期effective filing date 实际申请日期emblem in trade mark 商标中的标志emblem of sovereignty 主权标志employee invention 雇员发明endorsement of patent 专利特许enforce a rule 施行规则entry into force of the contract 合同生效entry year 登记年essence of invention 发明的实质alleged new invention 宣称的新发明essential part of mark 商标主要部分establishment procedure of the patent agencies 专利代理机构的审批权限European Patent Convention 欧洲专利公约European Patent Report 欧洲专利通报eventual utility model application 最终的实用新型申请ex rights 无权利examination as to novelty 新颖性审查examination as to substance 实质审查examination board 审查委员会引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第7页patent of introduction 进口专利引进专利patent of invention 发明专利patent of revalidation 再效专利patent of utility model 实用新型专利patent office 专利局patent owner 专利所有人patent pending 专利未决application refused 已被拒绝的申请patent policy 专利政策patent pool agreement 共享专利协定patent pool 专利共享patent pooling system 专利共享制度patent property 专利产权patent protection 专利保护patent register 专利登记簿patent regulation 专利实施细则patent renewed 续展专利patent report 专利报告application regulation 申请规则patent royalty 专利权使用费patent rules 专利实施细则patent search 专利调查patent specification 专利说明书patent system 专利制patent watching search 专利的监视性检索patent work in enterprises 企业专利工作patent work system 专利工作体系patent work 专利工作patent working 专利实施appointed date 指定日专利(权,证,品,件,证书,发明)patentability 专利性patented article 专利物品patented invention 专利发明patented inventor 自称的发明人patented method 专利方法patented product 专利产品patented technology 专利技术patentee code 专利权人代码引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第8页false marking 虚假标志field of application 申请的领域figurative element of mark 商标的图形要素figurative mark 图形商标file wrapper 文档夹files of the case in court 在审案的文档an application filing 提出申请filing date of application 申请提出日filing office 受理处filing patent applications in foreign countries 向外国申请专利final date 最终日final fee 最後年费final registration 最後登记final term 最终期限find anticipation 发现占先first application 第一次申请first foreign application 第一次国外申请announcement of invalidation of patent right 宣告专利权无效first inventor 第一个发明人first period of protection 第一个保护期first to file system 先申请制first to file 先申请first to invent principle 先发明原则first to invent system 先发明制first to invent 先发明first using right 先用权foreground invention 前景发明foreign application 外国申请annual maintenance for a patent application 专利申请的每年维持费foreign filing authorization 授权向国外申请foreign patent 外国专利foreign protection 外国保护foreign protective right 外国的保护权forfeited application 已丧失的申请form of application 申请表form of request 请求书格式formal examination 形式审查former proprietor of a right 权利的前所有人former states 在先的状态anticipate an invention 占先的发明引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第10页correspending report 相应的报告转让申明 declaration of assignment转让申请 assign an application转让手续费 transfer fee转让专利 assign a patent转送费 transmittal fee准许商标注册的条件 admissibility of trade mark准许申请 allowing an application资料交换协议 date exchange agreement自称的发明人 patented inventor自留本本国副本nhome copyadditional application 增补申请corresponding patent search 相应的专利检索自然专利 natural monopoly自由处理规定 discretionary provision自由处理权力 discretionary power自由处理条款 discretionary clause自愿许可(证) voluntary license自愿转让 voluntary conveyance综合专利索引 general patent index总公约巴黎公约ngeneral convertion组合商标 combined trademark最初的审查员 prime examinercorroboration of invention 发明人的确证最後登记 final registration最後年费 final fee最後位置规则 last place rule最惠条款 most-favo(u)red provision最早日期 at the earliest date最终的实用新型申请 eventual utility model application 最终期限 final term最终日 final date作者证书 author's certificatecountry of priority 优先权国家co-user 共同使用人criterion of patentability 专利性的标准damages for infringement 侵权的损害赔偿金data of printing 印刷日date exchange agreement 资料交换协议date of application 申请日date of commencement of the main patent 主专利的开始日引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第11页本国专利馆藏 national patent collectionauxiliary utility model 辅助性实用新型辨别方法 discriminating conduct伯尔尼公约 Berne Convention不充分公开 insufficient disclosure不道德的发明 immoral invention不能转让的权利 non-transferable right不完全公开 incomplete disclosure不完整的申请 incomplete application部分所有人 part owner部分专利 partial monopoly参与侵权 contributory infringementbackground of invention 发明的背景产品专利 product patent撤回权 right of withdrawalright to recall撤回声明 declaration of withdrawal撤回通知 notice of withdrawal撤回指定 withdrawal of designation陈列日 date of display持有人 bearerholder出版公布年 year of publicationbankruptcy of patentee 专利权人的破产出版数据的管理查询 administering of publication data retrievaling初步驳回 preliminary rejection初步可行性研究 pre-feasibility study初步审查 preliminary examination初步审查费 preliminary examination fee次要专利 minor patent从属发明 dependent invention从属专利 dependent patent答复时间 time for replying代理权 power representbar of patentability 专利性的障碍代理人的指定 appointment of representative代理人的指派 designation of agent代理人姓名 name of agent待审查的申请 application awaiting examination待审批的申请 pending application引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第12页license 许可证专利申请书licensed technology 许可转让的技术许可方list of prior art documents separating from descriptive text 说明书以外的先有技术文件目录Locarno Agreement 洛加诺协定lodging of application 提出异议loss of a right 权利丧失loss of right 优先权丧失Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks 商标国际注册马德里协定main application 主申请main patent 主专利application for petty patent 小专利申请main title 主要名称maintenance in force of the patent 维持专利权有效manual for the handing of patent application 专利申请处理手册制造厂商标master patent 主专利mechanical patent 机械专利minor patent 次要专利mission of patent agency 专利代理的任务mode of execution 实施方式model utility 实用新型application for registration 申请注册monopoly power 独占权most-favo(u)red provision 最惠条款multiple applicant 多个申请人multiple deposit 多重保存multiple priorities 多项优先权name of agent 代理人姓名name of applicant 申请人姓名name of grantee 被授予专利权人姓名name of inventor 发明人姓名national application 国家申请注册申请national catalog of patents 国别专利目录national fee 国家收费national mark 本国商标national patent collection 本国专利馆藏national patent 国家专利引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第13页发明的工业实用性 industrial applicability of invention 发明的公开 disclosure of invention发明的简要说明 brief description of invention发明的利益 benefit of invention发明的利用 exploitation of invention发明的实质 essence of invention发明的特点 characteristic feature of invention发明的详细说明 detailed description of invention发明的新颖性 novely of inventionabuse of monopoly 独占权的滥用持有人发明的性质 nature of invention发明的总价值 aggregate value of invention发明构思 inventive concept发明人 auther of inventioninventor发明人的确证 corroboration of invention发明人的声明 declaration of inventorship发明人姓名 name of inventor发明人与专利人索引 index of inventor and patentee发明人证书 inventor certificatebelated opposition 延误的异议发明说明书 description of invention发明物 invention发明项目 object of invention发明摘要 abstract of invention发明者 inventororiginator发明专利 patent of invention发明专利权 patent for invention发现占先 find anticipation发行年 year of issuebenefit of invention 发明的利益发证费 issuance fee发证日 date of issue法定权限 official competence方法专利 process patent防卫性公布程序 defensive publication program放弃申请 abandend application放弃专利权 abandonment of a patent引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第14页植物专利 plant patent纸面专利 paper patent指定国 designated state指定局 designated office指定日 appointed date指定日期 appointed daycomptroller general of patent 专利局长制造厂商标 manufacturer's brand中国专利权 Chinese patent right终止和期满的专利 patent ceased and expired终止专利 lapsed patent重复授予专利 double patent主权标志 emblem of sovereignty主任审查员 examiner in chief主申请 main applicationparent application主要名称 main titleconception date 构思日期主专利 dominant patentmain patentmaster patentprinciple patent主专利的开始日 date of commencement of the main patent 注册簿 register注册登记 registerregistration注册登记号 number of registration注册期间 period of registrationconcurrent application 同时(提出的)申请注册日 date of registration注册申请 application for registration注册所有人 owner of registration专利(权,证,品,件,证书,发明) patent专利案件 patent case专利保护 patent protection专利保护范围 scope of patent protection专利保护类别 categories of patent专利报告 patent report专利标记 patent markingconditions of patentability 专利性的条件专利表格 patents sheet引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第15页在本国申请 application in home country在後的申请 later applicationcomplete application 完整的申请在後的选定 later election在商品上缀附商标 affixation of a mark on goods在审案的文档 files of the case in court在先的发明人 prior inventor在先的专利 prior patent在先的状态 former states在先申请人 prior applicant在先要求 prior claiming在专利局听证 hearing before the patent office在专利中要求保护 claimed in a patentcomplete description 完整的说明暂时保护 temporary protection增补申请 additional application增补实用证书 utility certificate of addition增补专利 additional patent诈取发明人的奖金 defraud the inventor of his award 展览优先权 exibition priority占先的发明 anticipate an invention占先的专利 anticipatory patent障碍的消除 vanishing of impediment真正的所有人 true ownercomplete patent specification 完整的专利说明书真正的最先发明人 true and first inventor正商标 original trademark证明商标 certification mark证明条款 attestation clause证实的译文 attested translation政府发明 government invention政府所有的发明 government-owned inventions政府所有的申请 government-owned application政府专利 public monopoly支付款项的放弃 waiver of paymentaction for infringement of a patent 侵犯专利(权)的诉讼complete spesification 完整的说明书支付申请人的费用 defray the applicant's fees支配专利 basic patent知识产权 intellectual property直接许可证 direct license引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第16页patent class 专利类目patent commissioner 专利局长patent cooperation treaty 专利合作条约申请表patent country 批准专利国patent description 专利说明书patent disputes 专利争议patent document 专利文件patent duties 专利义务patent examiner 专利审查员patent examining procedure 专利审查程序patent expired 专利有效期满patent families 同族专利patent family 专利族application in home country 在本国申请patent fee 专利费patent file 专利文档patent for invention 发明专利权Patent Gazette for Utility Models 《实用新型专利公报》patent gazette 专利公报patent holder 专利持有者专利权人专有权持有人patent implementing regulations 专利实施法规patent implementing rules 专利实施规章application number 申请号patent in force 生效的专利patent licence 专利许可证patent licence-agreement 专利特许协议patent license-agreement 专利许可合同patent list 专利目录patent management in enterprises 企业中的专利管理patent marking 专利标记patent matters 专利事务patent number index 专利号索引patent number 专利号abandonment of patent privileges 专利特权的放弃application paper 申请文件patent of importation 输入专利patent of improvement 改进(的)专利引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第17页许可证接受人 grantee of license许可转让的技术 licensed technology续展费 renewal fee续展期间 period of renewal续展期限 renewal term续展申请 renewal applicationaction for infringement of a mark 侵犯商标(权)的诉讼co-inventor 共同发明人续展专利 patent renewed宣称的新发明 alleged new invention宣告无效的理由 ground for invalidation宣告无效的声明 declaration of nullity宣告无效的效力 effect of invalidation宣告专利权无效 announcement of invalidation of patent right 宣示性判决 declaration judgement选择发明 selection invention选择申请人(检索)服务 selected applicant service延长保护期 extension of pretection色码制延长时间 period of extension延迟颁发 delay in issue延迟期间 period of delay延迟申请 delayed filing延迟审查 deferred examination延付金额 deferred sum延期支付法定费用 delay payment of the official延误的异议 belated opposition要求保护的发明 claimed invention要求承认(对发明的)所有权 claiming ownershipcombined trademark 组合商标要求承认优先权 claim the right of priority要求的放弃 waiver of requirement要求续展 demand for renewal要求转让权利 demand the assignment of a right一般法 general law已被拒绝的申请 application refused已丧失的申请 forfeited application已申请专利 patent applied for已终止专利 lapsed patent已转让的申请 assigned applicationcommittee of experts on patents 专利事务专家委员会引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第18页patentee 专利登记人appointed day 指定日期专利取得人专利权人patentor 授与专利的人授予专利的机关专利权授与者patents ceased through nonpayment of renewal fees 因未付续展费而终止的专利patents registration 专利登记patents sheet 专利表格payment of fee 费用缴纳pending application 待审批的申请appointment of patent agent 专利代理人的指定未决申请period of delay 延迟期间period of extension 延长时间period of priority 优先(权)期间period of registration 注册期间period of renewal 续展期间person challanged 被异议人petition for examination 请求审查petition 请求书petty patent 小专利appointment of representative 代理人的指定pioneer invention 开创性发明pioneer patent 开创性专利plant patent 植物专利plea of nullity 无效抗辩potential applicant 潜在申请人potential technology 潜在技术power represent 代理权pre-feasibility study 初步可行性研究preliminary examination fee 初步审查费preliminary examination 初步审查appropriate protection of a right 权利的适当保护预先审查preliminary rejection 初步驳回presumed inventor 推定发明人previous application 以前的申请previous right 先前的权利引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第19页确认专利 confirmation patent日本专利分类法 Japan Patent Classification入藏登记 accession入藏登记号索引《Accession Number Index》入门费 initial down payment瑞士专利 Swiss Patent 色码制 colo(u)r coding 善意使用 bona fide use categories of patent 专利保护类别商标(注册)申请 application for trademarktrademark application商标保护 trademark protection商标代理人协会 institute of trademark agents商标的国际注册 international registration of marks商标的图形要素 figurative element of mark商标公报 trademark gazette商标国际注册马德里协定 Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks商标名称 brand name商标侵权 trademark infringe mentcertificate of correction 更正证明书商标取消 cancellation of trade mark商标权 trademark right商标申请权的获得 acquisition of the right to a mark商标说明 description of trademark商标诉讼 trademark litigation商标所有权 ownership of trademark商标所有人 owner of trademark商标图形要素国际分类表维也纳协定nInternational Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks商标效力 effect of trademark商标异议 trademark appositionaccomplishment of a search 完成检索certificate of patent 专利证商标中的标志 emblem in trade mark商标主要部分 essential part of mark商标注册 registration of trademark商标注册簿 trademark register商标注册人 trademark registrant商标注册日 date of the registration of a mark商标注册条约 Trademark Registration Treaty商标注册用的商品和服务国际分类法International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks商标注册用的商品及服务国际分类尼斯协定Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks专利产权英语词汇第20页已转让的专利 assigned patent以前的申请 previous application以说明书为依据的权利要求 claim supported by the description以未付款为理由 by reason of non-payment异议程序 opposition procedure异议费 opposition fee异议期间 opposition period异议人 opponent异议通知 notice of opposition异议文件 opposition documentcommunity patent 共同体专利异议一方 party in opposition意图使用商标的声明 declaration of intent to use a mark因分类而增加收费 increase in fees due to classification因未付续展费而终止的专利 patents ceased through nonpayment of renewal fees音响商标 sound mark引进专利 patent of introduction印刷日 data of printing英国专利 British patent优先(权)的利益 benefit of priority优先(权)期间 period of prioritycompetence of the patent division 专利处的权限priority interval优先权国家 country of priority优先权丧失 loss of right优先权声明 prioity claim有关的分案申请 related by division(s)有关的继续申请 related by continuation(s)有关的再公告专利 related by reissue(s)有关的增补申请 related by addition(s)有效期满专利 expired patentlapsed patentcompeting technology 竞争性技术有优先权申请的号码 numbers assigned to priority application(s)有优先权申请的申请日 dates of filing priority application(s)与国际条约有关的识别项目 identification of data related international conventions 与文件有关的当事人事项 identification of parties concerned with the document预先审查 preliminary examination再公告 reissue再公告专利 reissue patent再效专利 patent of revalidation引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第21页national registration 国家注册自然专利nature of invention 发明的性质negate novelty 否定新颖性network of patents 专利权网abandonment of a patent 放弃专利权application for restoration 恢复申请new invention 新发明new products monopoly 新产品专利Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks 商标注册用的商品及服务国际分类尼斯协定non-contest clause 无争议条款non-convention application 非(巴黎)公约(国家)的申请non-distinctive trademark 无显着性的商标non-exclusive licence 非独占许可(证)non-fulfilment 未履行non-patent ability 无专利性non-published technology 未公布技术application for the grant of a patent 申请授予专利权non-service invention 非职务发明non-transferable right 不能转让的权利non-voluntary licence 非自愿许可(证)受理的通知notice of delivery 送达通知notice of infringement 侵权的通知notice of opposition 异议通知notice of withdrawal 撤回通知notification on formal insufficiencies 形式不合格的通知novel invention 新发明application for the protection of an invention 申请保护发明novelty report 新颖性报告novely of invention 发明的新颖性number of application 申请号number of registration 注册登记号number of the document 文件号numbers assigned to priority application(s) 有优先权申请的号码object of invention 发明项目obligation of patent agent 专利代理人责任obvious invention 显而易见的发明office action 专利局审查决定书application for the reissure of a patent 申请重新颁发专利专利产权英语词汇第22页prime examiner 最初的审查员principle patent 主专利prioity claim 优先权声明prior applicant 在先申请人prior claiming 在先要求assign a mark 转让商标prior inventor 在先的发明人prior patent 在先的专利priority interval 优先(权)期间process patent 方法专利processing of application 申请案的处理product patent 产品专利proprietary article 专利品proprietary technology 专有技术政府专利publication fee 公布费assign a patent 转让专利reciprocal license 互惠许可证recording of patent license contract 专利许可合同备案regional centre for technology transfer 技术转让地区中心regional patent 地区专利register of patent 专利登记注册簿注册登记registration certificate 登记证registration number 登记号registration of patent 专利登记abridgement of patents 专利说明书摘要assign a trade name 转让厂商名称registration of trademark 商标注册登记证注册登记reissue patent 再公告专利reissue 再公告related by addition(s) 有关的增补申请related by continuation(s) 有关的继续申请related by division(s) 有关的分案申请related by reissue(s) 有关的再公告专利renewal application 续展申请assign an application 转让申请引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第23页renewal fee 续展费renewal term 续展期限reqest for re-examination 请求复审request for examination 请求审查right of joint use 共同使用权right of personal possession 个人占有权right of preemption 先买权right of withdrawal 撤回权right to recall 撤回权提成费assign the registration of a mark 转让商标注册scope of invention 发明的范围scope of patent protection 专利保护范围secret patent 保密专利selected applicant service 选择申请人(检索)服务selected classification service 专利选类服务selection invention 选择发明serial number of patent 专利证书序号sole license 独家许可证sound mark 音响商标special medicine patent 特种医药专利assigned application 已转让的申请special power of attorney 特别授权书specification of patent 专利说明书state patent collection 国家专利馆藏sub-application 分申请sub-filling 分申请sub-license 分许可(证)subsequent application 後来的申请subsidiary patent 附属专利substance patent 物质专利substance protection 物质保护assigned patent 已转让的专利substantive examination 实质审查substitute application 替换申请substitute attorney 副代理人sunstsantive patent law 专利实体法surrender of patent 专有权的放弃Swiss Patent 瑞士专利system for checking on patent agents 专利代理人的考核引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第24页单一专利 unitary patent当然许可证 license of right登记号 registration number登记年 entry year登记日 date of entrybar to patent grant 批准专利的障碍登记证 registrationregistration certificate抵触的申请 conflicing applicationinterfering application抵触的专利 conflicting patentinterfering patent抵触的专利权人 interfering patentee地区专利 regional patent第一次国外申请 first foreign application第一次申请 first applicationbasic patent 基本专利第一个保护期 first period of protection第一个发明人 first inventor电子文件申请 patent application by electronic carrier 独家许可证 sole license独立发明 independent invention独立发明人 independent inventor独立申请 independent application独立专利 independent patent独占权 exclusive rightmonopoly power支配专利独占权的滥用 abuse of monopoly独占专利 exclusive patent多个申请人 multiple applicant多项优先权 multiple priorities多重保存 multiple deposit发明 invention发明创造 invention and creation发明的 inventive发明的背景 background of invention发明的单一性 unity of inventionbasic requisition number 基本申请编号发明的范围 scope of invention引用网址:专利产权英语词汇第25页《Accession Number Index》入藏登记号索引入藏登记broadening of the scope protection 扩大保护范围技术持有人 holder of technology技术公开 technical disclosure技术接受人 technology recipient。




国内的锆矿产地主要在海南,由于可持续发展和环保问题,从2007 年起已经禁止开采,但随着中国建材市场的蓬勃发展,需求却是越来越强烈,价格更是不断上涨,因此在海外市场去寻找价廉物美的锆矿就成为当务之急。

本论文以贝塔拉亚公司(简称 PSR)到印度尼西亚的加里曼丹开采锆英砂项目为研究对象。


储量和质量研究表明,开采区域锆英砂总储量为 3,176,552.5 吨,锆英砂中锆的含量介于 19.3%和33.2%之间,品质为中上级,按公司的开采计划可开采 32 年。


经济可行性分析显示,两种选择下该投资项目的的净现值分别为Rp106,169,044,278和Rp109,523,564,542;内含报酬率分别高达 449%和 461%;投资回收期都是 4个月。


关键词:锆英砂可行性分析环境监控财务分析AbstractWith the rapid development of China’s economy, d emands for mineralresources arbecoming strong, zirconium is a rare non-metallic mineral which is being used widely iceramics, refractories and electronic industries. The major origin of domestic zircon sanis Hainan Island. Due to sustainable development and environmental protection, Mininactivity is prohibited since 2007. With China's building material market booming, thprice of zircon sand is soaring, so going abroad to search for cheap and good zircon san has become imperative.This thesis studies the zircon sand project of PSR in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bottechnology and economic benefits are analyzed in detail. We make the feasibility study othe investment environment, including social environment, which is political situation and related industrial policies, and natural environment that will be affected by the minin activities. The reserves of zircon sand in the planned mining field are 3,176,552.5 ton with the purity between 19.3% and 33.2%. The mining period can last 32 years as per thcompany's mining plan. The analysis of specific operation indicates that open pit methocan be adopted and spiral separators can be used to process raw mineral. Transportatiotools are trucks. Economic feasibility analysis shows that the net present value of the twoptions of the project is Rp106,169,044,278 and Rp109,523,564,542 respectively, internarates of return are as high as 449 percent and 461 percent, the payback periods are foumonths.The project is feasible, if the project can be successful, it could bring a lot of business to the company.Key words:Zircon sand Feasibility study Environmental monitoringFinancial analysis1 绪论1.1 研究背景锆及其化合物在很多行业是具有特殊作用的物质,主要是从锆英砂矿中提取。

Critical factors, food quality management and organizational performance

Critical factors, food quality management and organizational performance

Critical factors,food quality management and organizational performanceDimitrios P.Kafetzopoulos a,*,Katerina D.Gotzamani b,1a Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises,University of Patras,2George Seferis Str.,GR-30100Agrinio,Greeceb Department of Business Administration,University of Macedonia,P.O.Box1591,54006Thessaloniki,Greecea r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received23June2013 Received in revised form10November2013Accepted16November2013Keywords:HACCPISO9001Critical factorsProduct qualityFinancial performance Operational performance a b s t r a c tThis paper proposes a model for measuring the effectiveness of quality(ISO9001)and food safety (HACCP)systems,based on their stated objectives,when these systems are jointly implemented in a food company.In addition,it investigates the critical factors for effective implementation(CFEI)of the ISO 9001and HACCP systems;and examines the degree to which the combined implementation of ISO9001 and HACCP influences the overall performance of the certifiedfirms.To achieve these objectives,primary field data was collected through an empirical survey that was conducted among347food companies in Greece,which were certified to ISO9001,HACCP and/or ISO22000systems.Initially,Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA)and then Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA)were applied.The connections among the non observed model factors were verified through Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)inspection.The findings suggest that“employee attributes”,“organizations’attributes”and“internal business motives”make a significant contribution to the effective implementation of the ISO9001and HACCP systems.In addition,the effective implementation of the ISO9001and HACCP systems contribute to the business performance of companies in the Greek food industry.The evidence provided in this study helps managers to realize the importance of CFEI and the effective combined implementation of these systems in order to provide the necessary resources and support and develop the necessary policies,practices and procedures.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAn increasing number of food companies all over the world have been implementing quality and Food Safety Systems(FSS)in order to improve the quality and safety of their products and to witness the related benefits.Nowadays,the main Quality Management Systems(QMS)that are implemented by food companies are those in the International Organization for Standardization(ISO)9000 series,such as ISO9001:2008.The ISO9000series of quality management standards provides the framework for organizations to install a QMS following certain guidelines and leads to contin-ually improved processes that satisfy customers’requirements. However,the effectiveness of the ISO9001standard in enhancing a firm’s competitive performance is highly controversial(Yeung,Lee, &Chan,2003)and studies evaluating the impact of ISO9001implementation on an organization’s performance show mixed results(Heras,2011;Singh,2008).In practice,the performance of the ISO9001QMS is often unsatisfactory due to its ineffective implementation.Indeed,the benefits and advantages of ISO9001 are subject to a company’s conformance to a number of critical success factors(Augustyn&Pheby,2000).Although there are many cases of successful adoption of the revised versions of the standard, there are still many problems regarding the achievement of sus-tainable implementation,indicating that the critical success factors require ongoing identification and exploration(Magd,2008; Sampaio,Saraiva,&Rodrigues,2009;Zeng,Tian,&Tam,2007).Similarly,Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points(HACCP)is a system which was specifically developed in the foodfield to assist organizations throughout the food-chain to identify and properly prevent health risk sources in food manufacturing.HACCP is widespread within the food industry,since food product manufacturing is extremely sensitive to hygiene and safety issues at all stages.However,HACCP per se does not make food safe, although its correct and effective application can make a difference (Kafetzopoulos,Psomas,&Kafetzopoulos,2013).The success and effectiveness of HACCP in preventing food borne diseases and*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ302641074123;fax:þ302641074168.E-mail, (K.D.Gotzamani).1Tel.:þ302310891568;fax:þ302310891565.Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Food Controljournal ho me m/locate/foodcont0956-7135/$e see front matterÓ2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.11.029Food Control40(2014)1e11reducing food safety risks to an acceptable level,depends on its correct implementation and application(Kafetzopoulos,Psomas, et al.,2013;Kök,2009).When a food company adopts the HACCP, it has to assure its performance and assess whether the system is being implemented effectively(Domenech,Escriche,&Martorell, 2008).In order for this to be achieved,the barriers to implement-ing HACCP should be assessed and their impact evaluated.Taylor and Kane(2005)noted that there is a need to identify the spe-cific hurdles that companies face at each step of the HACCP process and to develop successful intervention strategies.Until these bar-riers are resolved,the HACCP system will not be effectively implemented and it will not reach its full potential for the inter-national trade of foodstuffs(Eves&Dervisi,2005).In2005,the international standard ISO22000was published in order tofill the managerial gap in the HACCP FSS.According to the standard’s requirements,an organization has to design and develop all necessary processes for safe food production,assuring the effectiveness of all prerequisite programs and HACCP implementa-tion(ISO22000,2005).ISO22000(2005)provides a framework for a structured Food Safety Management System(FSMS)and in-corporates this system into an organization’s overall management activities.Also,ISO22000(2005)enables an organization to align its food safety system with other management systems such as QMSs or environmental management systems(Surak,2007).The contribution of the above mentioned systems has been thoroughly investigated in literature with both positive and nega-tive reviews.Many researchers conclude that the systems’added value does not depend on the systems alone,but rather on the degree of their effective implementation(Kafetzopoulos,Psomas, et al.,2013;Psomas,Kafetzopoulos,&Fotopoulos,2013).So far, the effectiveness of the QMS has been measured against the results achieved in an organization’s performance(Feng,Terziovski,& Samson,2008;Koc,2007;Magd,2008).However,much more conceptual and empirical work will be needed to examine the CFEI (Magd,2008;Sampaio et al.,2009;Zeng et al.,2007).Furthermore, there is a gap in the literature concerning the assessment of the effectiveness of the quality and FSS as against their own goals and objectives(Kafetzopoulos,Psomas,et al.,2013;Psomas, Kafetzopoulos,et al.,2013)and the degree to which their effec-tive implementationfinally has an impact on the organization’s performance(Psomas,Pantouvakis,&Kafetzopoulos,2013;To,Lee, &Yu,2011).Thus,many authors(Bas,Yoksel,&Havuooflu,2007; Kafetzopoulos,Psomas,et al.,2013;Lin&Jang,2008;Magd, 2008;Psomas,Kafetzopoulos,et al.,2013;Psomas,Pantouvakis, et al.,2013;Sampaio et al.,2009;Wallace,Holyoak,Powel,& Dykes,2011)suggest future research that would evaluate the relationship between CFEI,ISO9001and HACCP effectiveness and a food company’s overall performance.Based on the above,the purpose and main contribution of this paper is;first,to measure the ISO9001and HACCP systems effec-tiveness,based on their stated objectives,when these systems are jointly implemented in a food company.Second,to investigate the CFEI of the ISO9001and HACCP systems;and third to examine the degree to which the combined effective implementation of ISO 9001and HACCP influences the overall performance of the certified food companies.Therefore,we present a model that has been especially designed and tested in food industry enterprises.This empiricalfinding will help managers to provide the necessary re-sources and support and develop the necessary policies,practices and procedures.In the next paragraph a relative literature review is presented followed by a presentation of the proposed model and the research methodology.Empirical results are discussed in the following section and the main conclusions of the study are summarized in thefinal section.2.Theoretical backgroundFood companies implement quality and FSSs to avoid product failures,safety and health problems,customer complaints and failure costs(Van der Spiegel,Luning,Ziggers,&Jongen,2005).An effective QMS enhances the competitiveness of a company and provides strategic advantages in the marketplace(Anderson, Rungtusanatham,&Schroeder,1994).In order to assure,control and improve its operations and food quality,a food company has to select an appropriate QMS or a combination of systems that should be applied effectively(Oliver,2009).That is why more and more food companies are implementing QMSs in order to assure the quality of their operations and thus the quality of their products. The most popular and widespread QMS is the ISO9001standard, which has gained widespread attention in both research and practice over the past two decades(Benner&Veloso,2008). However,companies that establish a QMS according to the ISO 9001standard should test its effectiveness(Al Nakeeb,Williams, Hibberd,&Gronow,1998).On the other hand,an FSMS is responsible not only for pro-ducing safe foods but also for demonstrating with transparency how food safety has been planned and implemented.HACCP is part of an FSMS(Al-Kandari&Jukes,2011),which is widely acknowl-edged as the best method of assuring product safety while becoming internationally recognized as a tool for controlling food borne safety hazards(Khandke&Mayes,1998;Wallace,Powell,& Holyoak,2005).When a food company adopts an HACCP system, it has to assure its performance and assess whether the system is implemented effectively(Cormier,Mallet,Chiasson,Magnusson,& Valdimarsson,2007;Domenech et al.,2008).In particular,Wallace et al.(2005)claim that it is necessary to establish ways of measuring HACCP effectiveness,that are not based solely on retrospective analysis of outbreak data.Furthermore, Kafetzopoulos,Psomas,et al.(2013)developed a measurement instrument for HACCP effectiveness based on the indicators of the HACCP objectives,in order to facilitate understanding of how the system operates.So,there is a need to establish criteria and assessment methods to identify the effectiveness of the HACCP FSS.The implementation of quality and safety practises can help food companies to remain competitive in the market.With this aim,food companies have been implementing the ISO9001:2008 and the HACCP FSS combined.The requirements of a QMS like ISO 9001,coupled with the development of an FSS like HACCP, contribute considerably to the effective implementation of food business processes(Kafetzopoulos,Gotzamani,&Fotopoulos, 2013).Cao,Maurer,Scrimgeour,and Drake(2004)point out that by adopting a food quality and an FSS and then being able to signal it to the consumers,a company gains marketing advantages and consequently competitive advantages.An FSS can easily be inte-grated within a QMS.A quick and effective method for achieving this is by treating food safety specifications as an additional element of product and process quality(Chountalas,Tsarouchas,& Lagodimos,2009).2.1.CFEI of quality management and food safety systemsIt is strongly and extensively supported in literature that despite their anticipated benefits,the implementation of quality and FSSs is not always successful.In fact,many authors have described a number of factors(implementation barriers,constraints,and mo-tives)that may have a direct effect on their successful imple-mentation.In this paper,these factors are called Critical Factors for Effective Implementation(CFEI).In order to detect the CFEI of quality and FSSs,one should identify:a)the usual barriers/diffi-culties/limitations faced in their implementation,as well as b)theD.P.Kafetzopoulos,K.D.Gotzamani/Food Control40(2014)1e11 2true motives for their implementation,since it has widely been supported in literature that these motives are critical to their overall success and contribution to performance improvement (Fotopoulos,Kafetzopoulos,&Gotzamani,2011;Psomas, Fotopoulos,&Kafetzopoulos,2010).The CFEI of HACCP can be viewed as those factors that should effectively be managed in order to ensure the system’s successful implementation and consequently food safety(Fotopoulos, Kafetzopoulos,&Psomas,2009).Fotopoulos et al.(2009)have assessed and analyzed the CFEI of HACCP and revealed four latent constructs.Attributes such as those of the company,human re-sources,external environment and the food safety system were considered as the latent constructs of the CFEI of HACCP.Similarly to HACCP implementation,motives and barriers are described in literature as critical factors for ISO9001effectiveness,with a great influence on its successful implementation.For example,Psomas et al.(2010)have also investigated the CFEI of the ISO9001stan-dard in Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs)operating in the services sector.They concluded by definingfive latent constructs named“internal motivation of the company”;“attributes of the company”;“employee attributes”;“requirements of the quality system”;and“attributes of the external environment”.In the pre-sent study we adopt the abovefive latent factors as CFEI for the ISO 9001and the HACCP systems and we used as measured variables the elements from the extensive list of possible CFEI of HACCP and ISO9001given by Fotopoulos et al.(2009)and Psomas et al.(2010) accordingly(indicators are presented in the Appendix).2.2.Assessment of quality and FSSs effective implementationIt is commonly asserted in literature that effectiveness refers to the degree to which a system’s objectives and action plans are achieved(Al Nakeeb et al.,1998;Cormier et al.,2007;Oztas, Guzelsoy,&Tekinkus,2007).Similarly,the ISO9001standard de-fines“effectiveness”as the extent to which the anticipated results/ objectives are achieved(ISO9001,2000).Thus,in order for a measurement instrument of ISO9001and HACCP effectiveness to be developed,the objectives of the standards,as well as their in-dicators,should be clearly identified.According to ISO,the ISO9001 standard aims at:a)focusing on customer satisfaction by moni-toring and meeting customer requirements,b)improving the QMS continuously,and c)preventing nonconformities in products and services.Many other authors(Goetsch&Davis,2005;Gotzamani, Tsiotras,Nicolaou,Nicolaides,&Hadjiadamou,2007;Heras, Landín,&Fa,2006;Luning&Marcelis,2006;Psomas, Kafetzopoulos,et al.,2013;Psomas,Pantouvakis,et al.,2013)also regard“continuous improvement”,“prevention of non-conformities”and“customer satisfaction focus”,as the main ob-jectives of the ISO9001standard.These objectives are measured in the present study through indicators that have been drawn from the studies of Singh(2008),Sadikoglu and Zehir(2010),Kumar, Choisne,and Grosbois(2009),Marın and Ruiz-Olalla(2011),Pso-mas,Fotopoulos,and Kafetzopoulos(2011),Kim,Kumar,and Kumar (2011),Psomas,Kafetzopoulos,et al.(2013)and Psomas, Pantouvakis,et al.(2013).In the same way,in order to determine the effectiveness of the HACCP system,its key objectives should be clearly identified. Fotopoulos et al.(2009)point out that there is a general consensus among authors regarding the aims of the HACCP system.Based on the system’s own objectives and a review of the relevant literature, many authors(Domenech et al.,2008;Eves&Dervisi,2005; Kafetzopoulos,Psomas,et al.,2013;Manning&Baines,2004; Trienekens&Zuurbier,2008;Van der Spiegel,Luning,Ziggers,& Jongen,2004)claim that the“identification”,“assessment”and “control”of food borne safety hazards are the three main objectives of the HACCP system that affect its effectiveness.The choice of the observed variables of the identification,assessment and control of food borne safety hazards comes from an extensive literature re-view.More specifically,indicators are drawn from the guidance of the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO,2007)and they have also been widely used in previous studies by Ababouch(2000), Mortimore(2000),Wallace et al.(2005),Luning,Bango,Kussaga, Rovira,and Marcelis(2008)and Kafetzopoulos,Psomas,et al. (2013).Summarizing the above,for the purposes of this study, the effective implementation of the standards is defined as the degree to which their respective goals,as described above,are achieved(indicators are presented in the Appendix).2.3.Business performance assessmentThe ultimate goal of the effective combined implementation of the ISO9001and HACCP systems is to improve overall business performance.Thus,the ultimate goal of our study is to investigate the degree to which the effective combined implementation of these systems has a positive effect on and makes a contribution to the business performance of certified food companies.Firm perfor-mance is considered to be a multidimensional construct that is defined in relation to the quality of the organization’s results (Lakhal,Pasin,&Limam,2006).Several researchers in literature have proposed ways and tools to measure business performance using sub-dimensions such asfinancial performance,non-financial performance,innovation performance and quality performance (Samson&Terziovski,1999).Brah,Tee,and Rao(2002)and Koh, Demirbag,Bayraktar,Tatoglu,and Zaim(2007)measured total business performance in two dimensions:operational andfinancial performance.Garvin(1987)and Sousa and Voss(2002)examined the extent to which quality management practices have an impact onfirm performance meaning quality,operational andfinancial khal et al.(2006)and Psomas,Pantouvakis,et al. (2013)also assessed organizational performance in terms offinan-cial performance,operational performance and product/service quality.For the present study,consistent with prior research (Garvin,1987;Kumar et al.,2009;Lakhal et al.,2006;Lee,Yang,&Yu, 2001;Psomas,Pantouvakis,et al.,2013;Sousa&Voss,2002),three performance related dimensions have been chosen,namely:a)“product quality”e the attributes that make food acceptable to the consumers,b)“operational performance”e reflecting the perfor-mance of internal operations of an organization on an on-going basis such as cost,flexibility and productivity of facilities(Clegg,Gholami, &Omurgonulsen,2012)and c)“financial performance”e the achievement offinancial and market-related objectives.Thefive items of Garvin’s product quality dimensions(perfor-mance,reliability,durability,perceived quality,and conformance to specifications)are used for measuring product quality because these measured variables have been previously used by many au-thors(Kafetzopoulos,Gotzamani,&Psomas,in press;Prajogo, 2007;Psomas,Pantouvakis,et al.,2013).As Garvin has been acknowledged as one of the authorities in the area of quality management,content validity of these items is ensured (Kafetzopoulos,Psomas,et al.,2013).Operational performance is usually measured as a composite of several performance di-mensions.In this study,the measurement items used for opera-tional performance are drawn from previous studies such as those of Lakhal et al.(2006),Van der Spiegel,Boer,Luningy,Ziggers,and Jongen(2007),Feng et al.(2008),Lin and Jang(2008),Su,Li,Zhang, Liu,and Dang(2008)and Uyar(2009).The indicators offinancial performance are drawn from the studies of Lee(2001),Conca, Llopis,and Tari(2004),Lakhal et al.(2006),Feng et al.(2008), Singh(2008)and Han Trienekens and Omta(2009)(indicators are presented in the Appendix).D.P.Kafetzopoulos,K.D.Gotzamani/Food Control40(2014)1e1133.The proposed model e research hypothesesThe improvement of the effectiveness of ISO9001and HACCP quality and FSS requires the adoption of the right approaches during the systems’development and maintenance.So,the effectiveness of the quality and FSSs should be examined taking into consideration the company’s approach towards critical success factors(Augustyn &Pheby,2000).Five critical factors arefinally selected from the studies of Psomas et al.(2010)and Fotopoulos et al.(2011)as having an actual impact on the effective implementation of both quality and food safety management systems.Authors such as Bayati and Taghavi(2007),Jang and Lin(2008), Magd(2008)and Psomas et al.(2010)consider internal motivation as a significant parameter influencing the successful implementa-tion of the ISO9001QMS.However,many companies still imple-ment the ISO9001for external reasons;meaning that their motivation for obtaining the certification is primarily pressure from customers and competitors or their use of the certificate as a marketing tool(Martínez-Costa,Martínez-Lorente,&Choi,2008). Bayati and Taghavi(2007),Jang and Lin(2008),Magd(2008), Trigueros et al.(2008),and Psomas et al.(2010)also point out the impact of the external environment pressure on the desired ben-efits from ISO9001QMS implementation.In the same way,the original barriers,related to HACCP system implementation,may be internal,such as limited knowledge or other sources within the company,or external,such as inadequate help from the state.These barriers should be recognized and controlled from the initial stages of the system’s development.Small businesses,in particular,suffer from a cluster of obstacles and restrictions that prevent the effec-tive implementation of HACCP(Fotopoulos et al.,2011).On the other hand,business motives for HACCP implementation may be legal requirements,the improvement of afirm’s reputation,its improved relationship with its customers and the reduction of costs (Khatri&Collins,2007).Employee attributes are also regarded as determinant factors of quality and FSSs effectiveness.The systems-based approach con-centrates on employees being aware of and empowered to act on quality and safety e related issues and being suitably trained for the jobs they do(Singh&Smith,2006).Authors such as Magd(2008), Feng et al.(2008),Cheng,Andrew,and Moore(2007),Bhuiyan and Alam(2005)and Psomas et al.(2010)consider that employee at-tributes influence the ISO9001QMS’s effectiveness.Firm characteristics such as company size,industry type or process type are often considered as important contextual factors that may affect whether and how quality and safety management practices are applied in organizations(Zu,Zhou,Zhu,&Yao,2011). Trienekens and Zuurbier(2008)state that an important factor for developing country producers to take part in international chains and implement standards required in Western markets,is the enabling business environment(institutional and infrastructure facilities).Authors such as Luning and Marcelis(2006),Van der Spiegel et al.(2005),Van der Spiegel et al.(2007),Sroufe and Curkovic(2008),Luning et al.(2008),Feng et al.(2008)and Psomas et al.(2010)also consider that the basic operating charac-teristics of companies are contextual factors that may affect effec-tive quality and FSSs implementation.A quality or an FSS may be too complex and inefficient and yet still be certified.Implementation of the ISO9001standard or HACCP system may result in the development of a statistics quality and safety system,which increases bureaucracy and reducesflex-ibility and innovation.In case of bad implementation,the company is more likely to move one step backwards,instead of forwards, because of the general disappointment and resentment that may be caused to employees,as a result of excessive bureaucracy and workload(Gotzamani&Tsiotras,2002).The attributes of a quality and FSS are also considered by Bhuiyan and Alam(2005),Sroufe and Curkovic(2008),Magd(2008),Feng et al.(2008)and Psomas et al.(2010)as critical factors that influence the effective imple-mentation of the ISO9001QMS.Based on the above,the following research hypotheses are formulated:H1a Internal business motives have a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems.H1b Employees’attributes have a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems.H1c Organizations’attributes have a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems.H1d The external environment has a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems.H1e Systems’requirements have a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems.Numerous studies have demonstrated that ISO9001certifica-tion has a positive and significant effect on product quality improvement(Aggelogiannopoulos,Drossinos,&Athanasopoulos, 2007;Liao,Enke,&Wiebe,2004).In the same line,HACCP imple-mentation improves the food product quality(Khatri&Collins, 2007;Loc,2006;Scott,Wilcock,&Kanetkar,2009;Semos& Kontogeorgos,2007;Trienekens&Zuurbier,2008).Furthermore, some studies demonstrate that companies that effectively imple-ment ISO9001and HACCP systems improve their quality and also have a positive and significant effect on operational performance (Feng et al.,2008;Jang&Lin,2008;Koc,2007;Magd,2006).Many researches have empirically investigated the relationship between ISO9001certification and HACCP implementation and business performance.For example,in their study Naser,Karbhari,and Mokhta(2004)found a positive relationship between ISO9001 certification andfinancial performance.The results of the study of Sampaio,Saraiva,and Rodrigues(2011)show that companies with higherfinancial performance do present a greater propensity to implement and certify their QMS.Cao et al.(2004)point out that by adopting a food quality and safety management system and being able to signal it to the consumers,a company can gain marketing advantages and consequentlyfinancial advantages.There is also evidence that the companies that implement the HACCP and ISO 9001systems improve their business performance and gain a competitive advantage(Feng et al.,2008;Jang&Lin,2008; Kafetzopoulos et al.,in press;Singh&Smith,2006).Based on the above,this study develops the following three hypotheses to investigate how the effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems influences the performance of foodfirms based on three facets,namely,product quality,operational andfinancial performance angles.H2The effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems has a significant positive impact on product quality.H3The effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems has a significant positive impact on operational performance.H4The effectiveness of the ISO9001and HACCP systems has a significant positive impact onfinancial performance.Many authors support the view that operational performance is positively related tofinancial performance(Deming,1986;Flynn, Schroeder,&Sakakibara,1995;Jang&Lin,2008;Ou,Liu,Hung,& Yen,2010).Furthermore,empirical research studies of Heskett, Jones,Loveman,Sasser,and Schlesinger(1997),Forza and Filippini(1998),Ahire and Dreyfus(2000),Fotopoulos et al. (2009)and Psomas et al.(2011)found that operational process management practices have a strong and direct effect on product quality improvement.In addition,Garvin(1987),Du Brin(1995)D.P.Kafetzopoulos,K.D.Gotzamani/Food Control40(2014)1e11 4and Heras,Casadesus,and Dick(2002)report that product quality improvement makes companies increase their market share, product value and price and consequently thefinancial benefits. Thus,this study develops the following3hypotheses: H5Operational performance has a significant positive impact on financial performance.H6Operational performance has a significant positive impact on product quality.H7Product quality has a significant positive impact onfinancial performance.Based on the above theory,a model of relations was formed (Fig.1)consisting of three main parts:a)the CFEI of quality and FSSs,b)the systems’effective combined implementation and c) three business performance dimensions.The relations and in-teractions among these parts are determined and the research hypotheses are developed.4.Research methodology4.1.Research population and sampleIn order to answer the above formulated research questions,a research project was carried out within the Greek food industry, using a structured questionnaire as the data collection method.The questionnaire was sent to840Greek companies in the food in-dustry sector that implemented both a QMS(ISO9001)and an FSS (HACCP or ISO22000)constituting the population size.Question-naires were sent both through e-mail and fax,while some personal interviews were also conducted.Data was collected in three pha-ses:in thefirst phase110valid questionnaires were received,in the second phase150valid questionnaires were received,and in the third phase87valid questionnaires were received.Finally,a total of 347food companies responded,giving a response rate equal to 42.3%.Responding companies belong to the nutrition(59%),agri-cultural(23%)and beverages(18%)sub-sectors,while91%of them are SMEs(companies with less than250employees).4.2.Research instrumentAll questionnaire measuring variables,based upon the above theoretical model,were defined and narrowed down to the most representative indicators,both through literature review and through reliability and validity testing.The7-point Likert scale questionnaire was thoroughly examined and improved by:a)a team of experts e consisting of5academics,3business executives with experience in quality and food manufacturing,2consultants and2auditors e and b)two pilot studies,thefirst through personal interviews with9top management executives and the second through a pilot postal survey of50food enterprises.The results of the pilot survey showed the same trends as the results of thefinal sample.The survey questionnaire consisted offive parts:1)General information about the companies’profile,2)Critical Factors of Effective Implementation(26variables),3)ISO9001quality system objectives(19variables),4)HACCP food safety system objectives (16variables)and5)Business Performance(23variables).The measurement items used in the survey and remaining after data analysis are listed in the Appendix.4.3.Response biasTo detect non-response bias,the Kruskal Wallis test is used to determine if there are differences between the early,middle and late respondents in terms of their responses to the questionnaire variables.However,no statistically significant differences were found for any of the variables used in the study at a¼0.05,indi-cating that non-response bias is not a problem in this study.To ensure that the respondent sample is not biased towards the sample representatives of the total population of manufacturing food organizations,industry sub division comparisons were made (Mann e Whitney test).Similarly,no statistically significant differ-ences were found between these industries’sub division groups indicating that there is no such bias.Furthermore,the common method bias is checked in order to ensure that the data have no major problems.For this reason,the single-factor test was applied, as in many other empirical studies(Prajogo,2011;Psomas, Kafetzopoulos,et al.,2013)and the results indicated absence of common method variance in this study.4.4.Data preparationAll respondents completed the survey instrument individually and independently.Examining each of the variables individually for unique or extreme observations,12observations were deleted from the analysis because they were defined as cases with athreshold Fig.1.Measurement dimensions of the proposed model.D.P.Kafetzopoulos,K.D.Gotzamani/Food Control40(2014)1e115。



PART I. PATENTS1)amorphous character 美[əˈmɔ:rfəs]无形性2)abstract concept of property 抽象的财产概念3)real property 不动产4)tort law 侵权法5)the metaphysics of the law 法律玄学6)statutory 法定的7)the statute 成文法8)patented items,processes,combinations 专利产品、方法、组合9)justification 正当理由10)anti-trust and government regulation 反垄断和政府法规11)the foundations of patent protection 专利保护的基础12)the Statute of Monopolies 《垄断法》,也称《专卖条例》13)guilds 行会,互助会14)exclusive rights 独占权,专有权15)royal privilege 皇家特权16)important patent 引进型专利17)patentee 专利权人18)royal prerogative 王权,君主特权19)halt 抑制20)an incentive theory of patents 专利的激励理论21)inventive and important patents 发明专利和引进型专利22)meritorious 有价值的23)Revolution 独立战争24)Articles of Confederation 《联邦条例》美国1781-1789的第一部宪法25)Constitutional Convention 制宪会议26) a constitutional patent power 保障专利的宪法性权力27)more rigid constitutional constraints 更加刚性的宪法性约束28)the trademark statute 商标法29)pre-empt 优先于30)pre-emption 优先适用31)has no effect at all 无任何效力32)revisions 修订33)validity of patents 专利的合法性34)the Patent Office has been vested with 专利局被授予35) a patent application satisfies 专利申请符合36)codified 成文法化37)United States Code 《美国法典》38)design and plant patents 外观设计专利及植物专利39)application 申请40)grant 授予41)use 使用42)challenge 异议43) a new ,useful,and nonobvious process or product 一种具有新颖性、实用性及非显而易见性的方法或产品44)the patent application 专利申请45)specification 说明书46)claims 权利要求47)asserted 主张的48)prior state of the art 现有技术49)patentable 可授予专利的50)disclosure 公开,披露51)accrue 产生52)issued 授予53)trade secrets 商业秘密54)unfair competition 不正当竞争55)search 检索56)ascertain 确定57)examiner 审查员58)be in agreement 达成一致(合意)59)similar or identical 类似的或者相同的60)interference proceeding 抵触审查程序61)priority 优先权62)the Patent Office Board of Interference Proceedings 专利局抵触审查委员会63)amended 修正64)patent items 专利权期限65)exempt 使免除(责任)66)infringement 侵权67)be renewed 专利续展68)public domain 公有领域69)make,use or sell 生产、使用、销售70)be exploited (专利被)利用、实施71)working the patent 实施专利72)compulsory 强制许可73)be sold outright 卖断74)non-exclusively 非排他性许可75)on a geographic basis 以地域为界76)implication 暗指77)violation 违反78)authorization 授权79)charge of infringement 侵权诉讼80)unwarranted 不当,无正当理由81)novelty,utility,and nonobviousness 新颖性、实用性和非显而易见性82)litigated 诉争的83)re-examine 复审、84)invalid 无效的85)declaratory judgment 确权判决86)controversy 争论87)“pro”and “anti”赞成、反对88)the “bargain”or contract theory “交易”或契约论89)the “natural rights”theory 自然权利论90)bargain theory 交易理论91)premise 前提92)enumerate 逐条陈述93)all title to 全部产权94)obligation 义务95)utility 实益96) a taking of the inventor’s property 剥夺发明人的财产97)the standard of patentability 专利性标准98)optimum 最好的、适宜的、有利的99)the subject matter of patents 专利权客体100)ideas v. applications 发明构思与专利申请101)improvements 技术改进102)patentable 可取得专利的,可授予专利的103)laypersons 世俗人,外行人104)the application of an idea 构思的应用105)law of nature 自然法则106)the statutory scheme 法律的保护机制107)manufactures 制品108)a composition of matter 物质的组合109)intangible 无形的110)new and useful improvement 新颖、实用的改进111)naturally-substance 自然产生的物质112)printed-matter 印刷品113)bar限制114)business methods 商业方法115)mere chemical formulas 纯粹的化学公式116)systems of bookkeeping 记账系统117)fundamental truths,original causes,motives,methods of calculation 基本事实,起因,动机,计算方法118)mental steps 思维步骤119)the application of an abstract principle 抽象原理的运用120)apportion these interests 利益分配121)products of nature 自然产品122)concentrated or purified products of nature 人工浓缩或提纯的自然产品123)an ingenious way 独创方法124)chemical process化学方法125)derivative 衍生物126)mathematical method 数学方法127)abstract principle 抽象的原理128)new life forms 新的生命形式129)eligible 符合条件的130)compositions of matter 物质的组合131)she may patent the resulting chemical 申请专利132)manufacture 制品133)structure,rather than its content,that is inventive 是结构具有创造性,而不是其内容134)inventive characteristics 创造性135)machines 机器136)capture 采用137)mathematical manifestations 数学证明138)mathematical formulas (or “algorithms”)数学公式(或算法)139)test for patentability of a process 方法的专利性检验标准140)physical phenomena 物理现象141)jeopardize 危及142)the program 计算机程序143)Semiconductor Chip Protection Act 半导体芯片保护法144)FDA美国食品及药物管理局145)a working requirement 实施发明的要求146)utility patents 实用专利147)plant patents 植物专利148)design patents 外观设计专利149)utility 实用150)distinctiveness 独特性151)nonobviousness 非显而易见性152)asexually reproducing plant 无性繁殖植物153)statutory bars/bar 法定限制154)anticipation 在先公开155)a grace period of 12 months 12个月的宽限期156)application priority 申请优先权157)printed publication,public use,sale 印刷出版,公开使用,销售158)the principle of substantial identity 实质等同原理159)a senior inventor 在先发明人160)junior inventor 在后发明人161)the availability of a documentary description by prior patent or publication 在现有专利或出版物中可查阅到对该专利的文字性描述162)at issue 争议中的(the invention ~)163)publicly disseminated or accessible 公开传播或广为知悉164)interference proceedings 抵触审查程序165)conflicting claims 相互抵触的权利要求166)concealment 隐藏167)diligence 勤勉168)foreign anticipation 国外在先公开169)oral publication 口头公开170)those knowledgeable in the particular art 具备特定行业专业知识人员171)prior use 在先使用172)a prior invention 在先发明173)judicial construction 司法解释174)active or continuous 积极或持续的175)publicly available 公开获得176)atomic energy information 原子能信息177)reference to prior publication 现有出版物中的参考文献178)an “enabling disclosure”可实施的公开性文件179)enable a person having ordinary skill in the appropriate art to duplicate the invention 使所属领域的普通技术人员能够重现发明180)a specification 说明书181)the total combination of prior art and references 现有技术和参考文献的完整结合182)describe 描述,阐明183)substantial and realized anticipation 实质性的和有意识的在先公开184)substantially identical to 实质相同185)rough similarity 大致相似186)that which infringes,if later,anticipates,if earlier在后为侵权,在先为在先公开187)substantiality test of infringement 侵权的实质性检验标准188)unconscious or accidental 无意识的或者偶然的189)a count 事项,特征190)be so intentional or noticed 可意识到的或者被注意的191)(除了)inventor prior to invention is disabling 使(在法律上)无资格的,这里指丧失专利性192)the double patenting bar 重复授权专利限制193)the patent policy favoring speedy disclosure 鼓励尽快公布发明的专利政策194)without divulging the secrets of the invention 未透露发明的秘密195)the policies of statutory bar 法定限制的立法目的196)pirate 剽窃197)file 有时候可以作“申请专利”之意198)the patent monopoly 专利垄断权199)application priority 申请优先权200)publicity and limited disclosures 公开性和有限公布201)the effective life of a patent 专利的有效期202)public use 公开使用203)patent prosecution process 专利申请程序204)“limited”or “restricted” use 限于一定范围内或秘密使用205)be pledged to confidentiality 保证保守秘密206)experimental use 试验性使用207)a balancing process 衡平方法208)the experimentation exception 实验性例外209)the principle of substantial identity 实质等同原则210)jeopardy 危险211)Priority depends upon three factors:the time of conception,the time of reduction to practice,and the use of due diligence in pursuing both patent protection and perfection of the discovery.优先权取决于三个因素:构思时间、付诸实践的实践、在寻求专利保护和发明物的有效性过程中的应有注意212)the first conceive generally has priority to patent protection 先构思者常享有专利保护的优先权213)A junior inventor can never challenge a senior inventor unless the junior inventor reduces to practice first.除非后发明人首先将构思付诸实践,否则不能对在先发明人提出异议214)“priority paradox”优先权悖论215)only more diligent than one other person who conceives later 比后构思着更勤勉即可216)qualitative utility 决定专利的实用性217)curiosity 奇异性218)an impermissible fraudulent quality 不被允许的欺诈性219)presumed utility 推定的实用性220)hold otherwise would be to grant a patent on an unknown range of applications 不能授予未知适用领域的专利221)speculative utility 推测的实用性222)a specific utility 特定实用性223)a “monopoly of knowledge”对知识的垄断224)substantial utility 实际的实用性225)those skilled in the art 该技术领域内的技术人员226)synergism 协合作用227)combination patent 组合专利228)secondary considerations 间接证据229)commercial success 商业上的成功230)the long-felt-but-unfulfilled-need doctrine 早已产生但未获满足的需求理论231)“flash of creative genius”requirement “创造性的灵光一现”条件232)Subjective standard 主观标准233)Objective standard 客观标准】234)Subjective ingenuity 主观创造力articulation and implementation 理解和实施235)Negative rules of invention 否定发明规则236)ad hoc rules 特殊规则237)journeyman mechanic 普通技术工匠238)overbreadth 过于宽泛239)uncertainty 不确定性240)“equivalent substitution”等同替代241)indicia 标记象征,表明事实可能存在的情况242)in such a black-letter way 以这么被普遍接受的方法243)“unusual or surprising result”异常的或奇异的效果244)the statutory test 法定检验标准245)the duty of candor 真实陈述义务246)pertinent 相关的247)analogous 类似于248)reconstructing the prior art 重现现有技术249)functional 功能性的250)“by reference to the purpose sought”参照其所述追求的目标251)a well-established field 公认的技术领域252)secondary evidence 间接证据253)unexpected results 意想不到的效果254)subtests 次级标准255)objective tests 客观标准256)nexus 联系257)long felt 感知已久的258)history of the art 特定技术的历史259)a competitive edge 竞争优势260)ideas per se 构思本身261)prior patents 现有专利262)reject 驳回263)a doctrine of constructive prior art 推断现有技术理论264)judicial fiat 司法判断、裁量265)double-patenting 重复授予专利权266)the statutory period 法定期限267)best-mode 最佳实施方式268)the double-patenting bar 禁止重复授权269)running afoul of 与…发生冲突270)terminal disclaimer 最终放弃271)the patenting process 专利审批程序272)the claims 权利要求273)a complaint,answer 起诉书,答辩状274)ex parte nature 单方性质275)the patentee 专利权人276)prohibit the “stealing”of another’s patent 禁止“窃取”他人的专利277)delegate 侵权,转让278)assignees 受让人279)joint invention 共同发明280)good-faith 善意281)deceptive intent 欺诈动机282)aggregate effort 共同努力283)prosecuting a patent application 进行,推进284)initial examination 初步审查285)rejection 驳回286)reexamination 复审287)Patent Office’s Board of Appeals 专利局申诉委员会288)the primary examiner 主审员289)the deference 尊重290)privy 利害关系人291)allowance 允许292)remand a dubious allowance 将一项有争议的准许发回293)the specification and claims 说明书和权利要求书294)in its best mode 以最佳方式295)an enabling disclosure 是能够公开的296)trial and error 反复试验、试错297)the “how-to-use”doctrine “如何使用”原则298)exploitation 实施299)trespassing 侵犯300)the rule prohibiting patents on newly discovered properties of old elements 禁止对事物的新功能授予专利原则301)the limits of agency discretion 专利局裁量权限范围302)the judicial arena 司法管辖范围303)equitable estoppel or laches 衡平法上的禁止翻供或者疏忽懈怠304)the economic well-being 经济利益305)inter alia 特别是306)precedential strength 先例效力307)claims drafting 撰写权利要求308)“in a patent claim,more means less”在专利权利要求书中,多意味着少309)preamble 序言310)transition 过渡311)the body 正文312)comprising 包括313)“reading on”照搬抄袭314)the duty of candor 真实陈述义务315)presumption of patent validity 专利的有效性推定316)ex parte 仅有双方当事人317)the striking of an application 驳回专利申请318)an interference proceeding 专利抵触审查程序319)attorney’s fees 律师费320)negligence 过失321)material information 重要信息322)materiality 重要性323)scienter 明知,故意324)culpability 有罪行为,可归咎之行为325)guilty of patent fraud 专利欺诈罪326)an arm’s length adversary 地位平等的对当事人327)reissue and re-examination 换发专利证书与复审328)intentionally deceptive conduct 故意欺骗行为329)the exhaustion of remedies doctrine of administrative law 行政法上的用尽救济原则330)stay 中止331)the Patent and Trademark Office 美国专利与商标局332)judicial review 司法审查333)Federal Circuit 联邦巡回法院334)the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 关税及专利上诉法院335)district court 地区法院336)de novo 重新审理337)true appeals 正式的上诉338)file wrapper estoppel 禁止反悔339)the proper course 正当方法340)claim interpretation – differentiation,literality,and equivalence 对权利要求的解释-不同、字面相同和等同341)the doctrine of claim differentiation 权利要求不同原则342)literal overlap 文字上重叠343)equivalents 等同344)absolute identity 绝对等同345)a substantial equivalent 实质等同346)practical interchangeability 实质上的互换性347)a pioneer patent 首创性专利348)the exclusive right to make,use,or sell the invention 制造、使用、销售其发明的独占权349)a compulsory license 强制许可350)non-renewable 不能续展的351)patent pending 专利待批352)direct,indirect,and contributory infringement 直接侵权、间接侵权、共同侵权353)good faith or ignorance 善意或不知情354)notice of the patent 专利权声明355)staple 主要的,重要的356)evidentiary device 取证方法357)innocent infringer 无过错侵权人358)license agreement 许可协议359)innocent infringement 无过错侵权360)duplicate 仿造361)hornbook law 法律常识362)extraterritorial effect 域外效力363)repair and reconstruction 修复与再造364)first sale “exhausts”the patent rights 首次销售穷竭365)repair-reconstruction dichotomy 修复与再造两分法366)“essentialness”,“keyness”or“spentness”本质性、关键性或费用367)Infringement defenses ——misuse 侵权抗辩——滥用专利权368)relief 法律补救方法369)nonstaple 非主要产品370)remedies 救济措施371)injunctive relief 禁令救济372)damages 损害赔偿373)attorneys’ fee 律师费374)costs 诉讼费用375)profits 侵权所获利润376)preliminary relief 临时禁令377)the standard of “likelihood of success on the merits”“胜诉可能性”标准378)“beyond question that the patent is valid and infringed”专利有效且侵权均无疑问379)a reasonable royalty for the use 合理的使用费380)liquidation 清偿381)exceptional case 特殊情况382)knowing infringement by a defendant 被告明知侵权383)the doctrine of federal pre-emption 联邦优先原则384)undesirable conduct 不良行为385)trade secret law 商业秘密法PART II. TRADEMARKS1)guild 行会2)confusion 混淆3) a mechanism for proving identification as well as a technique for providing a marketingadvantage 商品识别机制以及市场优势手段4)the Anglo-American common law of trademark 英美普通商标法5)“palming off”假冒6)good well 商誉7)unconstitutional 违宪8)the interstate commerce clause 州际贸易条款9)in gross 大量的,大批的10)appurtenant 附属于11)adoption 选择,选定12)priority of use 在先使用13)gross/appurtenant dichotomy 总体功能和从属功能两分法14)within the same geographical area or between the same or similar products 在相同地域之内,或在相同或相近的商品之间15)in a line of products 商品的种类16)federal registration 联邦注册17)the Principal Register 商标主簿注册18)constructive notice 推定通知19)federal jurisdiction 联邦管辖权20)forum 法庭21)incontestability 不容争议性(指注册商标人从注册之日起已连续5年在商业上使用该商标于商品或服务上,并在继续使用,他对该商标使用权即属不容争议)22)anti-dilution 反淡化23)“intent-to-use ”provision “使用意向”条款24)“deadwood”provision 条款25)distinctiveness 显著性26)novelty 新颖性27)originality 独创性28)coined or fanciful 杜撰的或者奇异的29)priority of appropriation 优先使用30)equity 公平、正义31)on an equal footing 处于同等地位32)the doctrine of constructive notice 推定通知原则33)prior use 在先使用34)likelihood 可能性35)confusion,mistake,or deceit 混淆、讹传或欺骗36)abandon 放弃37)two consecutive years 连续两年38)non-use 不使用39)concurrent use 共同使用40)approximate similarity 大概相似41)“mark”标记42)Secondary meaning and descriptiveness 第二含义及描述43)descriptive marks 描述性商标44) a challenged mark 争议商标45)synonymous 同义46) a prima facie presumption 初步推定47)supplemental register 辅簿注册48)the primary register 主簿注册49)well-defined factors 明确的因素50)generic 产品的通用名称51)suggestive 暗示性的52)arbitrary or fanciful 独特的,奇异的53)“deceptively misdescriptive”禁止虚伪欺骗的描述54)trade 行业55)in the descriptive/distinctive continuum 具备描述性/显著性的商标56)“recapture”再次获得57)immortal or scandalous marks ,national symbols,or names of living figures 不道德的或诽谤性标志、国家象征或在世人的姓名58)geographic marks 地理标志59)to be examined in their entirety,and not dissected 从整体上进行检验,而不是分割的60)principles of equity as well as of statutory law 公平原则和法律规定61)fashion a remedy tailored to the individual case 根据个案采取补救措施62)disparage 毁谤63)institutions 组织64)contempt 侮辱65)offensive 冒犯性66)standing 身份、资格67)immediate 直接68)arbitrary 随意的69)majority vote 多数票决70)the supplemental register 辅簿注册71)the principal register 主簿注册72)capable of 有可能73)diversity 联邦法院管辖权74)dilution 商标淡化75)expansion of trademark doctrine 商标权扩展理论76)consumer loyalty 消费者的信任77)goodwell 商誉78)legitimate complaint 合法诉因79) a property right 财产权80)anti-dilution 反商标淡化81)enjoin 禁止82)likeness 肖像83)prophylactic theory 预防理论84) a theory of misappropriation 禁止权利滥用理论85)likelihood of expansion 商标权扩展的可能性86)is tantamount to 相当于87)consumer expectations 消费者期望88)market reality 市场现状89)the similarity of consumers 消费者的相似性90)foreign…to 与…不相关91)relatedness 相关性92)the interests protected 受法律保护的利益93)the right of the prior user to enter a related field,the right to protect its reputation fromassociation with inferior goods,and the right of the public in being free from confusion and mistake.在先使用者进入相关市场的权利,保护商标所有者的商誉不受劣质商品损害的权利,公众免除混淆和讹误的权利94)vend 出卖95)prove a negatives 这里指证明不可能发生混淆的情况96) a recognizable number of consumers 确有部分消费者97)strength of 影响力98) a property interest 财产利益99)relief 救济措施100)state anti-dilution statutes 州反淡化法101)loss of trademark protection and partial protection 商标保护及部分保护的丧失102)partial rights 部分权利103)the doctrine of regional priority 区域优先使用理论104)publication 公布注册105)concurrent use 共同使用106)inter parties 在当事人之间107)senior registrant 先注册人108)a pre-registration user 注册前的使用人109)good faith junior users 善意的后使用人110)infringement action 侵权诉讼111)unauthorized user 未经授权的使用人112)junior registrant 后注册人113)“to the best of his knowledge and belief”尽其所知和所能114)concurrent registration 同时注册115)pragmatics of trademark litigation 商标诉讼实用主义116)factual inquiry 事实调查117)allocation 权利分配118)opposition proceedings,interference proceedings,cancellation proceedings,de novo concurrent registration proceedings 异议程序,抵触申请程序,撤销程序及再同时注册程序119)judicial decree 司法裁决120)the Commissioner 局长121)abandonment 放弃122)actual abandonment 事实放弃123)constructive or legal abandonment 推定放弃或法定放弃124)actual commercial use 真正的商业使用125)token use 象征性使用126)“bona fide use”善意使用127)nonuse 不使用128)interstate州际的129)intrastate 州内的130)police 管制131)“naked licensing”无保证许可132)licensees 被许可人133)incontestability 不可争议性134)the substantive law 实体法135)“the cancellation provisions”撤销条款136)the incontestability defenses 不可争议性抗辩137)federal publication 联邦公告138)circuits 巡回法院139)defensive/offensive 抗辩/指控140)dictum 法官的附带意见141)interpose the defense 提出抗辩142)“fair use”合理使用143)trademark practice 商标的使用144)Trademark Law Revision Act of 1988“TLRA”1988年商标法修正条例145)“use in trade”在商业中使用146)intent-to-use 使用意向147)contingent registration 备用注册148)“constructive use”推定使用149)Trademark Office 商标局150)notice of allowance 批准通知151)standing 身份、资格152)the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board “TTAB”商标审理与申诉委员会153)Commissioner 局长154)de novo judicial trial 重新审查155)the prevailing party 胜诉方156)original proceeding 初审程序157)a thorough conviction 足以确信158)the Official Gazette of the Office 商标局公报159)first use in commerce 商业中的首次使用160)collusive or contrived 串通的或者图谋的161)token transactions 象征性交易162)the screening process 审查程序163)the use in trade requirement 在商业中使用的要求164)in a similar fashion 以类似的方式165)“registration use”注册使用166)euphemism 委婉的说法167) a search of existing registrations 对已有注册商标的检索168)axiomatic 不言自明的169)“in connection with”有关170)standing 启动异议程序的资格171)contravene 违反172)sects 教派、学派173)subject matter 商标的客体174)certification marks 证明商标175)labor union 工会176)cancellation 撤销177)registrability 注册资格178)“seal of approval”认证179)“related companies”相关公司180)franchising arrangement 特许经营权协议181)collective marks 集体商标182)collective trade (or service) marks and collective membership marks 集体贸易(或服务)商标和集体成员资格商标183)vest 归属于184)service marks 服务商标185)a correlative holding 一相关裁决186)business name 厂商名称187)primary purpose 主要目的188)trade dress 包装189)design patent 外观设计专利190)ornamental 装饰的191)the functional bar 功能上的限制192)generic drugs 通用药品193)a Hobson’s choice 无选择余地194)a utility patent 实用专利195)complexity 复杂性196)minimal complexity 最低限度的复杂性197)dispense with 无需198)equitable remedies 衡平法上的救济措施199)federal subject matter jurisdiction 按照标的物确定联邦法院管辖权200)“palming off”假冒201)“commercial parties”从事商业经营之人202)injunctive relief 禁令救济203)a windfall 横财204)cause of action 诉因205)standing of sue 起诉资格206)pecuniary 经济利益207)marketplace evils 市场弊端208)business ethics 商业道德209)touchstone 标准210)likelihood of confusion 混淆的可能性211)strength of the mark 商标的影响力212)per se 本身213)equitable 衡平法上有效的214)similarity of goods or services 商品或服务的相似性215)the average consumer 普通消费者216)character and similarity of markets 市场特征及其相似性217)“impulse”buying 冲动性购买218)“discriminating purchaser”区别购买者理论219)channels of trade 销售渠道220)wholesale 批发221)retail 零售222)doctrine of expanded rights 商标权扩展理论223)“related goods”doctrine 相关商品原则224)monopolization 垄断225)subsidiary evidence 补充证据226)inference 推论227)proving a negative 反面证明228)equitable relief 衡平法上的救济229)judicial skepticism 司法怀疑理论230)fair and collateral use 合理使用与平行使用231)statutory license 法定许可232)the equitable doctrines of laches,estoppel,and unclean hands 衡平法上的迟误原则、禁反言原则和不清白之手原则233)fair comment 合理评论234)consumer fraud 欺骗消费者235)gray market goods 灰色商品236)“black market”goods 黑市商品237)“parallel imports”平行进口238)lobby 游说议员者239)Customs Service 海关服务局240)common control 共同控制241)cumulative 累计性的242)items of cost 费用项目243)gross 全部销售额244)vindicate 维护245)private attorney general 私人出庭检察官246)exemplary or punitive damages 惩戒性或惩罚性损害赔偿PART III. COPYRIGHT1)foundations of copyright protection 版权之保护基础2)mercantile interests 商业利益集团3)dissemination 发行4)Statute of Anne 《安娜法》5)monopolistic copyright protection 独占性版权保护6)publication rights 出版权7)“common law”普通法8)Copyright Act of 1976 1976年版权法9)fixation of the work into tangible form 以固有形式固定作品10)circumscribe 限制11)writings 作品12)examination 审查13)forms of expression 表达形式14)prints 印刷品15)musical compositions 音乐作品16)paintings,statues 绘画、雕刻17)deposit 交存样本18)registration 版权注册19)the Secretary of State 国务卿20)Register of Copyright 版权登记册21)Berne Convention 伯尔尼公约22)copyright notice 版权标记23)sound recordings 录音24)“performance rights”表演权25)exploitation 利用26)common law copyright 普通法上的版权27)artistic creation 艺术作品28)statutory copyright 成文法上的版权29)copyright basics 版权的基本原则30)fixation in a tangible medium 固定在有形介质上31)“work for hire”雇佣作品32)derivative works 演绎作品33)plays,motion pictures 喜剧,电影34)other adaptations of the basic work 原作品的改编35)substantially similar 实质相似36)original expression 具有原创性的表达37)Gone With The Wind 《飘》38)originality 原创性39)work of40)work of independent creation 独立创作的作品41)literary works,musical works,dramatic works,choreographic works,graphic works,audiovisual works,and sound recordings 文学作品、音乐作品、戏剧作品、舞蹈作品、图形作品、音像作品、录音作品42)“original works of authorship”原创作品43)The subject matter of copyright 版权的客体44)works of fine arts 美术作品45) a restrictive interpretation 限制解释46)lithograph 石版画47)reproduction 复制品48)“modicum”少量,一点点49)directories,compilations 名录,汇编物50)repositories 数据库51)factual information 事实信息52)“forms”or“style”“形式”或“风格”53)copyrightable works 可享有版权的作品54)utilitarian objects 实用物品55)utilitarian works 实用作品56)accounting system 记账方法57)business methods 商业方法58)insurance forms and instruments 保险表格及契据59)the idea-expression dichotomy 思想-表达二分法60)duplicated the plans 按图施工61)The Berne Convention Implementation Act 伯尔尼公约实施法62)“architectural plans”建筑设计图63)utilitarian-nonutilitarian dichotomy实用-非实用二分法64)noncopyrightable works 不可享有版权的作品65)choreography 舞蹈66)choreographic notation 舞谱67)oral presentations 口头表达形式68)typefaces 字体69)“works of authorship”创作作品70)“original works of authorship”原创作品71)computer programs,phonorecords,and dramatic personalities 计算机程序,唱片和戏剧人物72)dramatic character 戏剧人物73)tortuous conduct 侵权行为74)direct perception test 直接感知测试75)the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU)美国版权作品新技术应用委员会76)the resulting protection 最终保护77)the code of a program 程序代码78)source code 源代码79)the object code 目标代码80)Semiconductor Chip Protection Act 半导体芯片保护法81)hybrid 混合法82)mask works 掩膜作品83)commercial exploitation 商业上利用84)“reverse engineer”反向工程85)sound recordings 录音作品86)composer 作曲者87)performer 表演者88)producer 录音作品制作者89)compulsory license 强制许可90)remedies 补偿91)infringement actions 侵权诉讼92)the compulsory fee 强制许可使用费93)copyright formalities ——registration and notice 版权手续——登记和标记94)fair users 合理使用者95)innocent infringement 无辜侵权96)exclusive rights 专有权97)the reproduction right,the derivative work right,the distribution right,the performanceright,and the display right 复制权,演绎作品权,发行权,表演权,展览权98)“transmitting organizations”传播组织99)translations,arrangements,dramatizations,fictionalizations, films,recordings,abridgments,condensations 译文,编排,改编成戏剧,小说,电影,录音制品,删节本,缩写本100)adaptations 改编101)derivations 演绎102)transfer of ownership 所有权转移103)rental,lease,or leading 出租、租借、出借104)the “first sale”doctrine 初卖原则105)part with 放弃106)statutory exception 法定例外107)possession 占有108)alienation 转让109)scienter 明知、故意110)mass medium 大众传媒111)pantomime 哑剧112)public performance 公开表演113)for profit 营利目的114)establishments 机构115)charitable 慈善目的116)display 展览117)lawful owner of 合法所有者118)unconscious infringement 无意识侵权119)plagiarism 剽窃120)vicarious or related infringement 转承侵权或相关侵权121)circumstantial evidence 旁证,间接证据122)contact 接触123)access and substantial similarity 查看版权作品的机会和实质相似124)expert testimony 专家证言125)circumstantial evidence rule 间接证据规则126)illicit copying or unlawful appropriation 非法复制或非法盗用127)lay observer 非专业的观察者128)coincidence 巧合129)paradigmatic act of infringement 典型的侵权行为130)fair game 准许捕猎的猎物,意指可自由使用的素材131)characters and sequence 人物和顺序132)stock figures 陈旧的形象133)prototypes ,or stereotypical figures 原型或模式化形象134)a privilege 免责135)the dynamics of fair use 合理使用的作用136)“taken”引用137)“public figure”公众人物138)“contributory infringement”共同侵权139)home-typing 家庭录制行为140)purpose and character of the use 使用的目的和性质141)“private” fair use doctrine 私人合理使用理论142)commercial nature 营利目的143)an educational purpose 教学目的144)public policy 公共政策145)nature of the work 作品的性质146)form book 表格账簿147)the economic impact 经济影响148)implied consent theory 默示同意理论149)preliminary injunction 临时禁令150)the proporitional amount and substance of the use 使用的数量比例及其实质内容151)“the more the taking,the more the infringement ”引用的越多,侵权的可能性越大152)“reverse proportionality”反比例153)Committee on the Judiciary,House Rep 众议院司法委员会154)paraphrase 意译,释义155)The effect on the original author’s economic market 对原创作者经济市场的影响156)parody,burlesque,and satire 滑稽模仿,滑稽剧和讽刺作品157)fair use and fair speech 合理使用与言论自由158)Bills of Rights 权利法案159)carte blanche 无限制授160)a rule of reason 合理性原则161)photocopying 复印162)“Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-For-Profit Educational Institutions”关于非营利性教学机构为课堂教学复制的指南的协议163)out-of-print works 绝版作品164)the functional-equivalents test 功能性等同测试165)interfere with,detract from 妨碍、毁损166)deplete 降低。

A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth

A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth

A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic GrowthN.Gregory Mankiw;David Romer;David N.WeilThe Quarterly Journal of Economics,Vol.107,No.2.(May,1992),pp.407-437.Stable URL:/sici?sici=0033-5533%28199205%29107%3A2%3C407%3AACTTEO%3E2.0.CO%3B2-5The Quarterly Journal of Economics is currently published by The MIT Press.Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use,available at/about/terms.html.JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides,in part,that unless you have obtained prior permission,you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles,and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal,non-commercial use.Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work.Publisher contact information may be obtained at/journals/mitpress.html.Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission.The 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URL:/sici?sici=0022-0507%28198103%2941%3A1%3C1%3AWITWWD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Y Domestic Saving and International Capital FlowsMartin Feldstein;Charles HoriokaThe Economic Journal ,Vol.90,No.358.(Jun.,1980),pp.314-329.Stable URL:/sici?sici=0013-0133%28198006%2990%3A358%3C314%3ADSAICF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-4LINKED CITATIONS -Page 2of 3-Factor Endowments and Per Capita Income Differences among CountriesAnne O.KruegerThe Economic Journal ,Vol.78,No.311.(Sep.,1968),pp.641-659.Stable URL:/sici?sici=0013-0133%28196809%2978%3A311%3C641%3AFEAPCI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-S Returns to Education:A Further International Update and ImplicationsGeorge PsacharopoulosThe Journal of Human Resources ,Vol.20,No.4.(Autumn,1985),pp.583-604.Stable URL:/sici?sici=0022-166X%28198523%2920%3A4%3C583%3ARTEAFI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-0Wages,Profits,and Macroeconomic Adjustment:A Comparative StudyJeffrey D.Sachs;William H.Branson;Robert J.GordonBrookings Papers on Economic Activity ,Vol.1979,No.2.(1979),pp.269-332.Stable URL:/sici?sici=0007-2303%281979%291979%3A2%3C269%3AWPAMAA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-8A Contribution to the Theory of Economic GrowthRobert M.SolowThe Quarterly Journal of Economics ,Vol.70,No.1.(Feb.,1956),pp.65-94.Stable URL:/sici?sici=0033-5533%28195602%2970%3A1%3C65%3AACTTTO%3E2.0.CO%3B2-M The Extent and Significance of the Nationalization of Foreign-Owned Assets in Developing Countries,1956-1972M.L.WilliamsOxford Economic Papers ,New Series,Vol.27,No.2.(Jul.,1975),pp.260-273.Stable URL:/sici?sici=0030-7653%28197507%292%3A27%3A2%3C260%3ATEASOT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-1LINKED CITATIONS -Page 3of 3-。




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专业外语 英文文献分析critical review

专业外语 英文文献分析critical review
The article wants to put forward some important policy implications. But in the end, article only points out that smaller/less important ports (with less handling capacities) actually face more uncertainty/risk and the strategic maneuver of the shipping lines may diminish the benefits of the ports to publish its schedule of expected containership calls. There is no corresponding policy.
To empirically investigate whether the delays of containerships at terminals are strategic or random, we develop two types of choice models, i.e. Logistic and Probit regression models.
Two streams of literature are reviewed, one is that shipping companies reduce delays through slow steaming, the other is that ports reduce delays by improving their operational capacity or congestion charges. These are not relevant to assumptions.


† ‡
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, People’s Republic of China Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, People’s Republic of China
Received: April 8, 2014 Accepted: June 1, 2014 Published: June 2, 2014
/10.1021/am502035g | ACS Appl. M9−9697
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces functional carbonaceous materials.35−37 Until now, many synthetic methods have been established to prepare carbon materials, while most of them require harsh and rather expensive processing conditions.38,39 A hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process is a promising route to produce functional carbonaceous materials, considering its relatively mild temperatures and high carbon efficiency.19,34,40−43 Besides, the obtained biomass-derived carbonaceous materials not only have hierarchical porous nanoarchitecture, but also contain abundant functional groups that can greatly improve their hydrophilicity and chemical reactivity.37 Herein, we apply a simple and facile hydrothermal approach to synthesize MnO2@CA composites as electrode materials for supercapacitors. The experimental sketch of our idea has been illustrated in Scheme 1. In this work, we choose watermelon as Scheme 1. Illustration of the Synthetic Strategy and Further Application for the Functional Carbonaceous Materials That Come from Watermelon

20世纪最有影响力的100位心理学家 the 100 most eminent psychologist of the 20th century

20世纪最有影响力的100位心理学家 the 100 most eminent psychologist of the 20th century

The 100Most Eminent Psychologists of the 20th CenturySteven J.HaggbloomWestern Kentucky UniversityRenee Warnick,Jason E.Warnick,Vinessa K.Jones,Gary L.Yarbrough,Tenea M.Russell,Chris M.Borecky,Reagan McGahhey,John L.Powell III,Jamie Beavers,and Emmanuelle MonteArkansas State UniversityA rank-ordered list was constructed that reports the first 99of the 100most eminent psychologists of the 20th century.Eminence was measured by scores on 3quantitative variables and 3qualitative variables.The quantitative variables were journal citation frequency,introductory psychology textbook citation frequency,and survey response frequency.The qualitative variables were National Academy of Sciences membership,election as American Psychological Association (APA)president or receipt of the APA Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award,and surname used as an eponym.The qualitative variables were quantified and combined with the other 3quantitative variables to produce a composite score that was then used to construct a rank-ordered list of the most eminent psychologists of the 20th century.The discipline of psychology underwent a remarkable transformation during the 20th cen-tury,a transformation that included a shift away from the European-influenced philosophical psychology of the late 19th century to the empirical,research-based,American-dominated psychology of today (Simonton,1992).On theeve of the 21st century,the APA Monitor (“A Century of Psychology,”1999)published brief biographical sketches of some of the more em-inent contributors to that e-stones such as a new year,a new decade,or,in this case,a new century seem inevitably to prompt such retrospective appraisals of the most notable events or people of an era.With-out question,the psychologists mentioned in the APA Monitor retrospective qualify as eminent.Nevertheless,they represent a very small subset of the substantial number of 20th-century psy-chologists who might be so regarded.More-over,such retrospectives tend to omit highly eminent,and still very productive,contempo-rary psychologists.The purpose of the present study was to pro-duce a more inclusive,rank-ordered list of the 100most eminent psychologists of the 20th century.To produce any such list is a daunting task fraught with a variety of difficulties,not the least of which is to operationalize “eminence.”Moreover,any procedure for creating such a list will invite methodological criticism.Because these difficulties will probably not be addressed to everyone’s satisfaction,and because our list is certain to have omitted the names of many great psychologists for whom one could make a compelling case for inclusion,we took a cue from Eugene Garfield (1977)and report only 99names.Hence,the reader’s best case for a psy-Steven J.Haggbloom,Department of Psychology,West-ern Kentucky University;Renee Warnick,Jason E.War-nick,Vinessa K.Jones,Gary L.Yarbrough,Tenea M.Russell,Chris M.Borecky,Reagan McGahhey,John L.Powell III,Jamie Beavers,and Emmanuelle Monte,De-partment of Psychology and Counseling,Arkansas State University.Renee Warnick is now at the Department of Neuro-science,University of Western Ontario,London,Ontario,Canada;Gary L.Yarbrough is now at the Department of Psychology,University of Louisville;Tenea M.Russell is now at the Forrest School of Professional Psychology;Chris M.Borecky is now at the Department of Psychology,Uni-versity of Illinois—Chicago.We thank the following individuals for their assistance with this project:Amanda L.Bulger,Robyn P.Burch,Jane C.Cullins,Kyla Emerson,Jason L.Houston,Lindsey K.Scarborough,Casey C.Schultz,Mariah J.Seydel,and Mat-thew N.Yount.We also appreciate the insightful comments on a manuscript draft provided by David Saarnio,Lynn Howerton,and Dan Perlman.Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-dressed to Steven J.Haggbloom,Department of Psychol-ogy,276Tate Page Hall,Western Kentucky University,1Big Red Way,Bowling Green,Kentucky 42101.E-mail:steven.haggbloom@Review of General Psychology Copyright 2002by the Educational Publishing Foundation 2002,Vol.6,No.2,139–1521089-2680/02/$5.00DOI:10.1037//1089-2680.6.2.139139chologist who should have made the list just might be that last,100th name that we have not reported.We think the most eminent list reported here will be inherently interesting to many psychol-ogists.Beyond that,knowing who is eminent in a discipline can serve a number of useful pur-poses.James McKeen Cattell recognized nearly a century ago that the understanding of both science and creativity would be advanced by the study of who is eminent in science and why (e.g.,Cattell,1910).Exploring the contribution of psychological variables to scientific behav-ior,especially exemplary and eminent cases,is now the province of the psychology of science, an emerging companion discipline to the more familiar and well-established disciplines that study science,such as history of science and philosophy of science(see Feist&Gorman, 1998,for a detailed overview of the psychology of science).For example,Simonton(1992), working from a list of69eminent American psychologists,created a profile of the“typical”eminent American psychologist.Simonton(2000) investigated the contribution of54eminent psy-chologists’methodological and theoretical ori-entations to the durability of their influence.It is our hope that the most eminent list reported here will be a useful starting point for similar studies in the psychology of science.Our list also has potential uses for research in the history of psychology and in the psychology classroom. Some of those applications are discussed at the end of this article.Our procedures,and the resulting most emi-nent list,differed from those of other studies of eminence in psychology in some important re-spects.Foremost among these differences is the fact that no other study has attempted to com-pile a rank-ordered list of the most eminent psychologists that spans the entire20th century. Another important difference is that most emi-nence studies have employed a single measure of eminence.Eminence,however,is a complex, multidimensional concept not likely to be well reflected in any one measure.Therefore,we used a combination of three quantitative and three qualitative variables.The use of multiple criteria to measure emi-nence should accomplish the equivalent of what statistician–magician Persi Diaconis(1978) called the“bundle of sticks”phenomenon in magic.A magician may perform several varia-tions on the same trick,each having,like a single stick,a weak point.The entire perfor-mance,however,like a bundle of sticks,is much stronger than the individual tricks it com-prises.To adapt an aphorism from psychology, the whole is stronger than its parts.The use of multiple criteria yields a better measure of em-inence to the extent that the strength of the “bundle”of measures compensates for the weaknesses of its components.The variables that have been used to measure eminence in psychology include frequency of citation in the professional journal literature (e.g.,Endler,Rushton,&Roediger,1978;Gar-field,1978,1992;Myers,1970),frequency of citation in introduction to psychology textbooks (e.g.,Gorenflo&McConnell,1991;Kaess& Bousfield,1954;Knapp,1985;Perlman,1980; Roeckelein,1995),and surveys of professional opinion(e.g.,Annin,Boring,&Watson,1968; Coan&Zagona,1962;Korn,Davis,&Davis, 1991).These measures yield quantitative or or-dinal-level data that have been used to construct rank-ordered lists.Studies of eminence in psychology have also employed qualitative measures such as whether a psychologist’s surname has come to be used as an eponym(i.e.,a psychological term such as Pavlovian conditioning or Skinner box)to rep-resent,for example,a theory,procedure,test,or apparatus(Roeckelein,1972,1996),1and re-ceipt of awards or other forms of honorary recognition.The latter include election to mem-bership in the National Academy of Sciences (NAS),receipt of the American Psychological Association(APA)Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award,and election to the APA presidency(e.g.,Over,1981;Simonton,1992). In the present study,we used all six of the quantitative and qualitative variables just men-tioned.Our operational definition of eminence was a composite score on these variables.What follows is a description of how each variable was measured and how scores were combined to yield a composite index that was then used to construct a rank-ordered list of the100most eminent psychologists of the20th century.We then describe some of the characteristics of our 1One can also count frequency of eponym usage to obtain quantitative data from this measure(Roeckelein, 1996).140HAGGBLOOM ET AL.list and how it relates to other measures of eminence in psychology.The terms psychologist and20th century also require definition.For present purposes,psy-chologist was not defined according to aca-demic degree(e.g.,the PhD in psychology, PsyD,or a comparable degree).Rather,it was defined in terms of an individual’s contributions to the discipline of psychology,as indicated by his or her score on the various measures of eminence we used.This approach permitted consideration of individuals who,without ques-tion(e.g.,Freud and Pavlov),have made very significant contributions to psychology but who might be excluded from consideration if an ac-ademic degree criterion were used.By20th-century psychologist,we simply meant that at least one of the individual’s published contri-butions to psychology occurred in the20th century.Journal Citation FrequencyWe constructed a list of the100psychologists most frequently cited in the professional psy-chological journal literature,the journal citation list(JCL).The JCL was constructed by adding citation frequencies across four previously pub-lished lists.The lists we used(along with time periods covered and number of names reported) were published by Myers(1970;1962to 1967,62names),Endler et al.(1978;1975,100 names),Garfield(1978;1969to1977,100 names),and Garfield(1992;1986to1990,50 names).The JCL sampled four(mostly)non-overlapping time periods and combined lists produced by different methodologies.The meth-odologies included manual searches(Endler et al.,1978;Myers,1970),computerized database searches(Garfield,1978,1992),searches of se-lected journals deemed“prestigious”(Myers, 1970),searches of all Social Science Citation Index(SSCI)–indexed psychology journals (Endler et al.,1978;Garfield,1978),and a search of SSCI-indexed psychology journals that included only those authors who had pub-lished at least10articles in SSCI-indexed jour-nals during the period covered by the search (Garfield,1992).The Garfield(1992)list gives considerable weight to currently active,contem-porary psychologists,whereas the other three lists give more weight to historically older psy-chologists without necessarily excluding more contemporary psychologists.It is our view that the JCL represents a rea-sonable approach to achieving a degree of bal-ance between an emphasis on historically estab-lished authorities and contemporarily active psychologists.Moreover,the JCL sampled four somewhat disparate time periods and thus pre-sents a more comprehensive picture of journal citation frequencies than the individual lists it comprises.Table1presents thefirst25names on the JCL.2In this and all of the other tables, we attempted to identify psychologists the way they identified themselves in the professional literature.Introductory Psychology TextbookCitation FrequencyWe constructed a list of the102psychologists most frequently cited in introductory psychol-ogy textbooks,the textbook citation list(TCL). (The list contained102rather than100names as a result of tied ranks at the end of the list.)The TCL was constructed by adding citation fre-quencies together for two previously published lists and a list that we created.The published lists that we used were those of Perlman(1980) and Gorenflo and McConnell(1991).Perlman (1980)listed the50psychologists most fre-quently cited in10textbooks with copyright dates of1975to1978.Gorenflo and McConnell (1991)listed the64psychologists most fre-quently cited in a sample of24textbooks with copyright dates from1985to1989.We con-structed a list of the100psychologists most frequently cited infive textbooks with copyright dates of1998to2000.3Our procedure was essentially that used by Perlman,except that we did not adjust for self-citations and bibliography pages.Working from the author indexes,we determined the number of textbook pages on which each psychologist was cited.Individuals not cited in at least four of thefive textbooks were not considered.For the remaining eligi-2The JCL can be seen in its entirety(both rank-ordered and alphabetical versions)at /ϳshaggblo/jcl.htm.3A list of thefive textbooks used is available from Steven J.Haggbloom and on the World Wide Web at http:// /ϳshaggblo/tcl.htm.141THE100MOST EMINENT PSYCHOLOGISTSble names,citation frequencies were summed across the textbooks in which they were cited.The TCL was constructed by summing cita-tion frequencies across our newly created list and the lists published by Perlman (1980)and Goren flo and McConnell (1991).As was the case with the JCL,the TCL sampled different time periods and methodologies and represents a more comprehensive list than the lists it com-prises.Table 2presents the first 25names on the TCL.4SurveyWe surveyed,by e-mail,approximately 1,725members of the American Psychological Soci-ety (APS).Working from the APS membership directory,each of 20individuals who assisted on this research project sent the survey to ap-proximately 80APS members.The appropriate pages of the directory were divided into 20equal segments.The survey was then sent to every 10th name,or the next available name,for which an e-mail address was listed.In cases in which a return message indicated that the e-mail was not successfully delivered,additional names were sampled.Respondents were asked three questions:(a)“What is your specialization in psychology (e.g.,developmental,social,cognitive,learn-ing)?”(b)“In your opinion,who are the three greatest psychologists of the 20th century in your specialization ?”and (c)“In your opinion,who are the greatest psychologists of the 20th century in the overall field of psychology ?(List as many names as you like in order of im-portance).”Respondents were informed that4The TCL can be seen in its entirety (both rank-ordered and alphabetical versions)at /ϳshaggblo/tcl.htm.Table 1The 25Psychologists Most Frequently Cited in the Professional Psychological Journal LiteratureRank NameCitation frequency1Freud,Sigmund 13,8902Piaget,Jean 8,8213Eysenck,H.J.6,2124Winer,B.J.6,2065Bandura,Albert 5,8316Siegel,S.4,8617Cattell,Raymond B.4,8288Skinner,B.F.4,3399Osgood,Charles E.4,06110Guilford,J.P.4,00611Campbell,Donald T.3,96912Festinger,Leon 3,53613Miller,George A.3,39414Bruner,Jerome S.3,27915Cronbach,Lee J.3,25316Erikson,Erik H.3,06017Edwards,A.L.3,00718Rotter,Julian B.3,00119Byrne,Donn 2,90420Kagan,Jerome 2,90121Wolpe,Joseph 2,87922Rosenthal,Robert 2,73923Underwood,Benton J.2,68624Paivio,Allan 2,67825Rokeach,Milton2,676Note.The entire list of the 100psychologists most fre-quently cited in the professional journal literature can be accessed on the World Wide Web at /ϳshaggblo/jcl.htm.Table 2The 25Psychologists Most Frequently Cited in Introductory Psychology TextbooksRank NameCitation frequency1Freud,Sigmund 5602Skinner,B.F.3103Bandura,Albert 3034Piaget,Jean 2405Rogers,Carl2026Schachter,Stanley 2007Harlow,Harry F.1758Brown,Roger 1629Miller,Neal E.15410McClelland,D.C.15311Erikson,Erik H.15112Milgram,Stanley14613Seligman,Martin E.P.14314Maslow,Abraham 14215Bower,Gordon H.13816Kohlberg,Lawrence 12817Watson,John B.12718Allport,Gordon W.12419Festinger,Leon 12120Loftus,Elizabeth F.12021Zajonc,R.B.11822Pavlov,Ivan P.11723Kagan,Jerome11624.5Sternberg,Robert J.11424.5Mischel,Walter114Note.The entire list of 100psychologists most frequently cited in introductory psychology textbooks can be accessed on the World Wide Web at /ϳshaggblo/tcl.htm.142HAGGBLOOM ET AL.“greatest”was intentionally unexplicated to al-low for their individual interpretation.The survey response rate was a disappointing and inexplicably low5.6%.Using only the re-sponses to the third question,we constructed a rank-ordered list of the117psychologists most frequently mentioned,the survey list(SL).(The list contained117rather than100names as a result of tied ranks at the end of the list.)The ordinal information contained in those re-sponses was not used because not all respon-dents presented an ordered list,and we doubted the validity of the ordinal information for espe-cially long lists.Given the low response rate,is the SL a valid measure of eminence?We saw no reason to discount the survey results despite the low re-sponse rate.In thefirst place,the SL has con-siderable face validity;we think most of the names on the SL will be quite familiar to most psychologists,and many of those named will probably be recognized as eminent.More im-portant,43(37%)of the names on the SL are also on the JCL,and47(40%)of the names on the SL are also on the TCL.The commonality of names between the SL and the two citation frequency lists is essentially the same as the40 (40%)names shared by the JCL and TCL. Moreover,there was a tendency for the names on the SL that were also on the JCL and TCL to be in the same rank order.The43names common to the SL and JCL were assigned ranks of1to43based on their ordinal position within their respective lists.The47names common to the SL and TCL were similarly assigned ranks from1to47.Spearman rank-order correlation coefficients revealed significant(pϽ.05)pos-itive correlations between both sets of ranks, r s(41)ϭ.34and r s(45)ϭ.47,for names on the SL that were also on the JCL and TCL,respec-tively.These correlations were comparable to the rank-order correlation for the40names common to the JCL and TCL,r s(38)ϭ.40,pϽ.05.Thus,the SL not only identified many of the same psychologists identified by the JCL and TCL but tended to identify them in the same order as well.We also think it is noteworthy that20of the psychologists who made the most eminent list reported here would have been ex-cluded from consideration under our procedures had we not used the survey data.As shown subsequently,18of those20had scores on either two or all three of the qualitative variables.We do not expect the foregoing analyses to obviate all concerns about the validity of the SL.We would emphasize,however,that the SL is not presented as a stand-alone measure of eminence;rather,it is one of six measures con-tributing to a composite index.Legitimate con-cerns about validity could just as well be raised about the other measures we used,but,as shown subsequently,the resulting composite index is quite robust.Table3presents thefirst26names on the SL.5Comparisons Among the JCL,TCL,and SLA master list of219psychologists comprised all of the different names on the JCL,TCL,and SL.Of these names,only28(13%)were com-mon to all three lists.The numbers of names unique to each list were as follows:JCL,47 (47%of100);TCL,44(43%of102);and SL,56(48%of117).Thus,these three variables each made substantial,but comparable,contri-butions to the measurement of eminence.We found some selected comparisons among the three lists to be both interesting and instructive about the differences among the three measures. Consider the cases of Pavlov,Watson,and Milgram.All three appear in the top one third of the TCL(with ranks of22,17,and12,respec-tively),and all three also appear on the SL(with ranks of6.5,4,and67,respectively),but none of them appear on the JCL.Thus,textbook citation frequency and survey measures of em-inence clearly place Pavlov,Watson,and Mil-gram among the most eminent of20th-century psychologists,but they are not among the top 100psychologists in journal citation frequency and so,by that measure,are not among the most eminent.Pavlov and Watson appear on the TCL but fail to appear on the JCL for essentially the same reason.Both men made contributions to psychology that are of unarguably great histor-ical significance.The study of learning inaugu-rated by Pavlov,and for which his name is used 5The SL can be seen in its entirety(both rank-ordered and alphabetical versions)at /ϳshaggblo/sl.htm.143THE100MOST EMINENT PSYCHOLOGISTSas an eponym,remains a very dynamic and important part of empirical and theoretical re-search in contemporary psychology.However, the terminology and general methodology of Pavlovian conditioning are so integral to the nomenclature of the discipline that contempo-rary researchers would often have little cause to cite Pavlov in a journal article.Essentially the same can be said of Watson.One can hardly overstate the magnitude of the historical signif-icance and continuing pervasive influence of Watson’s classic1913paper expounding the behaviorist viewpoint.On the other hand,ex-cept for historical,philosophical,or method-ological articles about behaviorism,most psy-chologists would probably have little occasion to cite Watson in a journal article.Because of their historical significance and continuing in-fluence,however,authors of introductory psy-chology textbooks can hardly not cite Pavlov and gram,although not among the 100most cited in the journal literature,is prob-ably so extensively cited in introductory psy-chology textbooks primarily because his work on obedience to authority makes such good copy(i.e.,studentsfind it highly interesting) and because it had such important implications for protection of human research participants.In these and similar cases,the JCL and TCL are disparate measures of eminence,but used in conjunction they provide a more balanced picture.There are also psychologists identified as highly eminent by the JCL but not by the TCL. In some cases,the high frequency of journal citations is due to authors referencing statistical procedures,instrumentation,or methodology. Thus,for example,Winer,Siegel(both statisti-cians),and Rotter(locus of control instrument) have ranks of4,6,and18,respectively,on the JCL but,not surprisingly,do not appear on the TCL or SL.On the other hand,consider Herb Simon.Simon’s contributions to psychology are held in such high regard that he is among the most frequently cited in the professional journal literature(a rank of32.5on the JCL),and he was also judged to be among the most eminent psychologists by respondents to our survey(a rank of24on the SL),yet he is not cited frequently enough in introduction to psychol-ogy textbooks to have made the TCL and is thus not eminent by that measure.Why would a Nobel Prize–winning psychol-ogist not be extensively cited in introduction to psychology textbooks when his work is among the most highly regarded and cited in the pro-fessional literature?Should not introductory psychology textbooks,for many people the principal and only exposition of psychology, present the most highly regarded work the dis-cipline has to offer?That this is largely the case has been an explicit assumption of previous analyses of who is cited in introductory psy-chology textbooks(e.g.,Kaess&Bousfield, 1954;Knapp,1985;Perlman,1980).However, as noted by Perlman(1980),introductory psy-chology textbooks likely often eschew presen-tation of highly technical and complicated re-search.Simon’s research on human decision making very likely falls into that too-technical category.One might suspect that a survey would tend to identify as eminent the same psychologists whose work is most often cited in journalsTable3The26Psychologists Most Frequently Namedin the SurveyRank Name Frequency1Skinner,B.F.582Piaget,Jean333Freud,Sigmund284Watson,John B.245Bandura,Albert236.5James,William216.5Pavlov,Ivan P.218Lewin,Kurt179.5Rogers,Carl149.5Thorndike,Edward1411.5Festinger,Leon1311.5Hebb,D.O.1314.5Allport,Gordon1114.5Hull,Clark1114.5Miller,Neal E.1114.5Tolman,Edward C.1117Erikson,Erik H.1019Ko¨hler,Wolfgang919Maslow,Abraham919Vygotsky,Lev Semenovich921Ainsworth,Mary D.824Eysenck,H.J.724Luria,Alexander R.724Schachter,Stanley724Simon,Herbert724Sperry,Roger W.7Note.The entire list of100psychologists most frequentlynamed in the survey can be accessed on the World WideWeb at /ϳshaggblo/sl.htm.144HAGGBLOOM ET AL.and introduction to psychology textbooks and whose names are therefore relatively familiar. Although this may indeed be true to some ex-tent,it is perhaps noteworthy that the SL also uniquely identified many individuals as emi-nent;48%of the names on the SL are unique to that list.As examples,Tolman,Vygotsky,and Ko¨hler had ranks on the SL of14.5,19,and19, respectively,but none of them appeared on ei-ther the JCL or the TCL.Thus,these three psychologists are among the most eminent as measured by our survey,but not as measured by journal citations or introductory textbook cita-tions.Their presence in the top20%of the SL strongly indicates they merit some consider-ation for the most eminent list,consideration that,as stated earlier,would not be forthcoming without use of the survey measure.The foregoing,albeit selected,comparisons among the JCL,TCL,and SL illustrate some of the limitations inherent in any single-criterion measure of eminence.Also,they strengthen the rationale for our multiple-criterion approach.Qualitative Measures of Eminence The JCL,TCL,and SL,as described earlier, are quantitative measures.We also used three qualitative measures of eminence that were ap-plied to the219different names that appear on the JCL,TCL,and SL.The qualitative variables we used were whether or not a given psychol-ogist(a)was elected to the NAS;(b)was a recipient of the APA Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award or elected APA president (as of1999),or both;and(c)has his or her surname in use as an eponym.We refer to these qualitative variables as,respectively,NAS, APA,and EP.We combined APA award and APA presidency into a single APA variable on the assumption that,in many cases,the very scientific contributions that led to receipt of the award were also instrumental in an individual’s election as APA president.(In fact,roughly one quarter[24%]of the psychologists in this study who received credit on the APA variable served as APA president and received the Outstanding Scientific Contributions Award.)Our source for eponyms was an unpublished list referenced by Roeckelein(1995)that included eponyms iden-tified by Zusne(1987).Calculation of Composite Scores Because frequency scores on the JCL,TCL, and SL were positively skewed,they were transformed to logarithms.For each list,the log-transformed scores were then converted to z scores.The three qualitative variables were con-verted to a single quantitative variable by as-signing each of the219names on the master list a score of0,1,2,or3corresponding to the number of qualitative variables for which an individual received credit.These scores were converted to z scores without being subjected to a logarithmic transformation.For each name, we then calculated a composite score represent-ing the mean z score across all four variables (JCL,TCL,SL,and the quantified qualitative variables).For names that do not have a score on one or more of the four variables,calculating a com-posite score as the mean z score across all four variables is problematic.These names must be assigned some score in place of the missing value(s);otherwise,the composite score will be inflated rather than reflecting the adverse con-sequences of not being on a list.The solution that we used for names not on the JCL or TCL represents a sort of compromise.In thefirst place,we think it is highly unlikely that for names on the master list that do not appear on the JCL or TCL,the actual number of citations is zero.Because the actual number of citations is somewhere between zero and one less than the smallest frequency required to make the list, we replaced missing values with the z score of the logarithm of the frequency score midway between those two values.The situation is more straightforward for names that were not on the SL or did not receive credit for any of the qualitative variables.In these cases,the real frequency was zero.For names not on the SL, we replaced missing values with the z score for a logarithmic score of zero,and for names with no qualitative variable credit,we used the z score for a frequency score of zero.The results of these calculations are presented in Table4as a rank-ordered list of the100(99 actually presented)most eminent psychologists of the20th century.For each name,Table4also shows the rank on each quantitative variable and the qualitative variables for which credit was given by indicating the relevant date and eponym.In cases of multiple eponyms associ-145THE100MOST EMINENT PSYCHOLOGISTS。

氧化镍 二氧化钛 复合结构纳米管

氧化镍 二氧化钛 复合结构纳米管

Microstructure and Pseudocapacitive Properties of Electrodes Constructed of Oriented NiO-TiO 2Nanotube ArraysJae-Hun Kim,Kai Zhu,*Yanfa Yan,Craig L.Perkins,and Arthur J.Frank*National Renewable Energy Laboratory,Golden,Colorado 80401-3393,United StatesABSTRACT We report on the synthesis and electrochemical properties of oriented NiO-TiO 2nanotube (NT)arrays as electrodes for supercapacitors.The morphology of the films prepared by electrochemically anodizing Ni -Ti alloy foils was characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopies,X-ray diffraction,and photoelectron spectroscopies.The morphology,crystal structure,and composition of the NT films were found to depend on the preparation conditions (anodization voltage and postgrowth annealing temperature).Annealing the as-grown NT arrays to a temperature of 600°C transformed them from an amorphous phase to a mixture of crystalline rock salt NiO and rutile TiO 2.Changes in the morphology and crystal structure strongly influenced the electrochemical properties of the NT electrodes.Electrodes composed of NT films annealed at 600°C displayed pseudocapacitor (redox-capacitor)behavior,including rapid charge/discharge kinetics and stable long-term cycling performance.At similar film thicknesses and surface areas,the NT-based electrodes showed a higher rate capability than the randomly packed nanoparticle-based electrodes.Even at the highest scan rate (500mV/s),the capacitance of the NT electrodes was not much smaller (within 12%)than the capacitance measured at the slowest scan rate (5mV/s).The faster charge/discharge kinetics of NT electrodes at high scan rates is attributed to the more ordered NT film architecture,which is expected to facilitate electron and ion transport during the charge -discharge reactions.KEYWORDS Supercapacitor,nickel oxide,nanotube,anodizationOne-dimensional (1D)nanostructured materials (e.g.,nanotube (NT)and nanowire arrays)have attracted recent attention for various applications,such as solar energy conversion,1-9electrochromic de-vices,10,11and electrochemical energy storage.12-16Elec-trochemical capacitors (also called supercapacitors or ultra-capacitors)represent an emerging energy storage technol-ogy that offers high power density,long cycle life,short charging time,good safety,and so forth.17-22Supercapaci-tors can be used either alone as a primary power source or as an auxiliary power source with rechargeable batteries for high power applications,such as load cranes and hybrid/electric vehicles.Electrodes constructed from oriented NT arrays,aligned perpendicular to the current collectors,can readily be prepared with large surface areas,high packing densities,and ordered pore networks.These morphological properties are expected to facilitate rapid charge/discharge kinetics (high power density).12-16Moreover,because the NTs are in direct contact with the current collector,it may not be necessary to use conducting additives and binders,which would reduce both the weight and volume of the electrodes.Supercapacitors can be classified by their reaction mech-anisms into two categories.The first category is electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs),which are based on non-faradic charge separation at the electrode/electrolyte inter-face.Carbon materials with high specific surface areas are usually used in EDLC electrodes.17,18,21The second one is pseudocapacitors (or redox-capacitors),which are based on the fast and reversible redox reactions at/near the surface of active materials (e.g.,conducting polymers and metal oxides).17,18,21Pseudocapacitors generally show relatively less cycling stability than EDLCs because of the faradic reaction mechanism.However,pseudocapacitor electrodes show promise in asymmetric and/or hybrid configurations owing to their high specific capacitances (F/g)and high volumetric capacitances (F/cm 3)as a result of the densely packed active materials.Among various pseudocapacitor electrode materials,hydrous RuO 2exhibits the most promis-ing performance to date.23-25However,the high cost of RuO 2has limited its commercial attractiveness for superca-pacitor applications.Therefore,there has been extensive interest in developing alternative pseudocapacitor electrode materials,such as manganese oxide,26-28cobalt oxide,29,30and nickel oxide.31-41In this paper,we examine the morphological and elec-trochemical properties of oriented NiO-TiO 2NT arrays as pseudocapacitor electrodes.The arrays were fabricated by electrochemically anodizing Ni -Ti alloy foils followed by thermal annealing.The preparation of TiO 2NT arrays by the electrochemical anodization of Ti was reported sometime ago.42,43However,unlike the anodization of Ti films in the commonly used fluoride-containing electrolytes to form NT arrays,44,45anodizing Ni films in similar electrolytes do not*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:(K.Z.)Kai.Zhu@;(A.J.F.)AFrank@.Received for review:06/22/2010Published on Web:09/28/2010lead to the formation of NTs.Consequently,we investigated whether the Ti component in the Ni-Ti alloy foils could be used as a supporting material to form the NT structure.46-48 The morphology,crystal structure,and composition of the NiO-TiO2arrays were found to depend on the anodization voltage and postgrowth annealing temperature.These struc-tural changes were shown to have a strong influence on the electrochemical properties of the NiO-TiO2NT electrodes. Significantly,the NiO-TiO2electrodes exhibited rapid charge/ discharge kinetics and long-term cycling stability,which are important properties for supercapacitors.NiO-TiO2NT arrays were prepared by electrochemically anodizing Ni-Ti binary alloy foils(56wt%of Ni,Alfa Aesar) in ethylene glycol solution,which contained0.25wt%NH4F and1.5wt%H2O;the counter electrode was a Pt mesh. The Ni-Ti foils were biased at20,40,60,and80V for5-10 min at room temperature.Anodizing Ni-Ti foils for longer periods did not produce thickerfilms,presumably because of equilibration between oxide forming and dissolving pro-cesses.Such phenomenon has been observed when Ti foilsare anodized to form TiO2NT arrays.49,50The resulting Ni-Tifilms were annealed for1h in air at temperatures ranging from400to700°C(ramp rate5°C/min).NiO nanoparticles were purchased from Aldrich(99.8%,<50 nm,specific surface area of>50m2/g by BET).Films of the NiO nanoparticles were prepared by a similar procedure described for preparing TiO2nanoparticlefilms.51Briefly,a single-layered NiOfilm was applied from an organic paste (18.2wt%NiO,9.1wt%ethyl cellulose,72.7wt% terpineol)via the doctor blade technique,and then it was annealed at a temperature of600°C.The average thickness of the NiO nanoparticlefilms was about400nm as mea-sured with a surface profiler(KLA Tencor Alpha-Step500). The crystal structures of the NTfilms were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD,SCINTAG DMS-2000diffractometer with Cu K R radiation,glancing angle mode).The morphology and microstructure of thefilms were examined byfield emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM,JEOL JSM-7000F)and high-resolution transmission electron micros-copy(HR-TEM,FEI Tecnai F-20UT,operating at200kV)with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS).X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy(XPS,Physical Electronics PHI5600 with monochromatic Al K R radiation)was used for determin-ing the composition of NTs and the chemical/oxidation state of Ni in the NTfilms.The binding energy scale of the spectrometer was calibrated using the well-known binding energies of the Cu2p3/2,Cu L3MM,and Cu3p3/2transitions found for clean polycrystalline foil.Low-energy resolution experiments were conducted with a185eV pass energy; higher resolution data were acquired with a29.35eV pass energy.All electrochemical measurements were performed with a three-electrode glass cell setup,which consisted of a NT working electrode,a platinum mesh counter electrode, and a Ag/AgCl reference electrode.Galvanostatic charge/ discharge cycling and cyclic voltammetry(CV)of the elec-trodes in1M KOH solution were performed at room temperature with a potentiostat/galvanostat(VMC-4,Princ-eton Applied Research)at potentials between0.0and0.5 V.The capacitances of the electrodes were calculated using the expression I×∆t/∆V,where I is the constant discharging current,∆t is the discharging time,and∆V is the voltage window(0.5V)for the galvanostatic measurement.For CV curves,the capacitance was obtained from the integrated voltammetric charges divided by the same voltage window.Materials Characterization.Figure1shows the SEM images of the as-grownfilms that were prepared by anod-izing Ni-Ti foils at potentials of20(Figure1a),40(Figure 1b),60(Figure1c),and80V(Figure1d).When the Ni-Ti foil is anodized at20V,the resultingfilm(Figure1a)displays a nanoporous structure with irregular shaped pores.When the Ni-Ti foil is anodized at40V(Figure1b),the pores of the resultingfilm become more regular;however,there are no distinct NT structures(Figure1b inset).When the anod-ization voltage is increased to60V,the resultingfilm(Figure 1c)exhibits the expected NT array structure in which individual NTs are packed in approximately hexagonal sym-metry.Analysis of the SEM images in Figure1c shows that the average NT pore diameter,wall thickness,and intertube spacing are38,13,and5nm,respectively.From these parameters,we estimate1that the respectivefilm porosity and roughness factor are49%and77µm-1.Cross-sectional SEM images(inset)indicate that the NT lengths range from 200to500nm.When the anodization voltage is further increased to80V,the top surface of the NTfilm appears partially damaged owing to a rapid chemical dissolution reaction.However,the NT architecture is retained.Because of their well-defined architecture,the foils anodized at60V (Figure1c)were used for the subsequent studies described in thispaper.FIGURE1.Surface and cross-sectional SEM images of as-deposited films that were prepared by anodizing Ni-Ti alloy foils at(a)20,(b) 40,(c)60,and(d)80V.Figure 2shows the XRD patterns of the as-grown NT films before and after they were annealed at 600°C.The XRD pattern of the Ni -Ti foil annealed at 600°C is shown as a reference.It is worth noting that of the NT films annealed at temperatures between 400and 700°C,only those annealed at 600°C displayed significant pseudocapacitive behavior (Figure 4).The characteristic peaks of rock salt NiO (e.g.,2θ)37.3°)and rutile TiO 2(e.g.,2θ)27.5°)can be observed in the XRD patterns of the annealed NT film.In contrast,the as-grown NT film shows no diffraction peaks for the rock salt NiO and rutile TiO 2phases.A comparison of XRD patterns of the NT arrays annealed at 400-700°C is given in the Supporting Information (Figure S6).XPS measurements (see Figure S1in the Supporting Information)indicate that a NiTiO 3-like phase might be present at the surface.However,this phase is not observed in either the XRD pattern or the selected area electron diffraction (SAED)pattern (see Figure S2in the Supporting Information).These results suggest that annealing transforms the as-grown NT films from an amorphous phase to primarily a mixture of crystalline NiO and TiO 2.The SEM image (Figure 3a)shows that the NT film architecture is preserved when a film was annealed at a temperature of 600°C.The TEM image (Figure 3b)indicates that the structure integrity of the annealed NT walls is also maintained.The HR-TEM image (Figure 3c)shows that the NTs are polycrystalline with domains of different crystallite or grain sizes.For instance,regions R1and R2in Figure 3c show that the grain size of domain R1is much larger than that of R2.Figure 3d,e shows the EDS spectra of R1and R2,respectively.The circles in Figure 3c indicate roughly the size of the electron beam used for the EDS spectra.The EDS spectra reveal that the R1and R2crystalline domains correspond primarily to TiO 2and NiO,respectively.The relatively strong Ti peaks observed in Figure 3e is consistentwith a small NiO grain (R2)that likely overlaps with a TiO 2grain.The carbon peak (C)in Figure 3e is due to surface contamination caused by the fine electron beam.Taken together,the results of Figures 2and 3c -e suggest that the annealed NTs mainly consist of a mixture of crystalline domains of rutile TiO 2and rock salt NiO phases.Electrochemical Characterization.Figure 4displays the cyclic voltammograms (CV)of as-grown and annealed NT films measured at a scan rate of 20mV/s.The CV curves of the as-grown and 400°C annealed NT films have ap-proximately rectangular shapes,which are characteristics of electric double-layer capacitors.The inset of Figure 4shows a pair of anodic and cathodic peaks at 0.43and 0.36V (vs Ag/AgCl),respectively,for a film annealed at 500°C.This feature is not present in the cyclic voltammograms of the pure TiO 2NT films measured under the same conditions;the cyclic voltammograms of TiO 2NT electrodes display just a rectangular shape (data not shown).On the basis of the XRD results,we attribute the two peaks to the nickel oxide component in the NT films.Studies 34-37of NiO electrodes indicate that the CV peaks are associated with the pseudoca-pacitive behavior resulting from the faradic oxidation and reduction reactions.32-40For electrodes with films annealed at 600°C,the peak current intensities,corresponding to the redox reactions,increase by a factor of 30,from about 0.01mA/cm 2at 500°C to 0.3mA/cm 2at 600°C.The sharp increase of the peak current density suggests that an annealing temperature of 600°C is required to obtain a suitable NiO phase in the Ni -Ti -O NT arrays for the redox reactions to occur.In comparison to the NiO-TiO 2NT electrodes,the Ni -Ti sub-strates annealed at 600°C exhibit negligible charging/discharging current densities (see Figure S3in the Supporting Information),indicating that the observed CV response is from the NiO-TiO 2NTs.However,for electrodes with films annealed at 700°C,the peak current intensities for both the anodic and cathodic reactions are reduced by 6-fold.The smaller peak current intensities are attributed to the collapse of the NT pore structure at 700°C (see Figure S4in the Supporting Information).Figure 5a shows the cyclic voltammograms of a 600°C annealed NiO-TiO 2NT electrode at scan rates between 5and 500mV/s.Over the entire range of scan rates,the pair of cathodic and anodic peak curves are symmetrical,implying good reversibility of the redox reactions at/near the NT surfaces.The peak current intensity increases linearly with the scan rate (see Figure S5in the Supporting Information),confirming the pseudocapacitive behavior of the NiO-TiO 2NT electrode associated with NiO component.The linear increase of the current density response with the scan rate also indicates that the kinetics of interfacial faradicredoxFIGURE 2.XRD patterns of the (a)as-grown NT film,(b)Ni -Ti foil annealed at 600°C,and (c)NT film annealed at 600°C.The peaks indicated by asterisks and crosses correspond to the NiTi and Ni 3Ti phases from the Ni -Ti foil,respectively.NiO +OH -T NiOOH +e -(1)reactions and the rates of electronic and ionic transport are even rapid enough at scan rates as high as 500mV/s.Figure5b shows the rate dependence of the capacitance of the NT electrode used in Figure 5a.The rate capability of a NiO nanoparticle film with a similar film thickness and surface area as the NT electrode is also plotted in Figure 5b for comparison.The NT electrode exhibits a higher rate capabil-ity than the nanoparticle electrode.Moreover,at the highest scan rate (500mV/s),the capacitance of the NT electrode is maintained up to 88%of that measured at the scan rate of 5mV/s.The faster charge/discharge kinetics of NT electrodes at high scan rates is attributed to the ordered NT film architecture.Presumably,the direct conducting pathways for electrons in the NT walls and for ions through the pore system facilitate the electronic and ionic transport during the charge -discharge reactions.Figure 6a shows several cycles of representative voltage profiles of the NiO-TiO 2NT electrodes from galvanostatic charge/discharge measurements performed at a constant current density (0.4mA/cm 2).Figure 6b shows the cycling performance of the NiO-TiO 2NT electrode for the first500FIGURE 3.(a)SEM,(b)TEM,(c)HR-TEM images,and EDS spectra of (d)Region 1(R1)and (e)Region 2(R2)of the NT films annealed at 600°C.FIGURE 4.Cyclic voltammograms of the as-grown and annealed NT arrays.The annealing temperature ranges from 400to 700°C.The potential was scanned at a rate of 20mV/s.cycles.The NT electrodes display stable long-term cycling performance,which is a requirement for supercapacitors.The weight of the NT films was estimated from the structural parameters of the films.From the film thicknesses (200-500nm)and porosities (49%),we estimate that the specific capacitance of the NiO-TiO 2NT electrodes were in the range of 40-100F/g.Taking into account the Ni -Ti ratio of 1:2determined from the EDS data (not shown),the specific capacitance of the NiO component of the NiO-TiO 2NT films ranged from 120-300F/g.It is expected that further in-crease in the specific capacitance can be obtained by optimizing the NiO-TiO 2NT morphology (e.g.,pore size,wall thickness,composition,and crystallinity).In summary,it was demonstrated that the electrochemi-cal anodization of Ni -Ti alloy foils at specific voltages followed by thermal annealing produces NiO-TiO 2nanotube (NT)arrays.Variations in the preparation conditions (e.g.,anodization voltage and thermal annealing temperature)change the morphology and crystal structure of the films,which,in turn,have a strong influence on the electrochemi-cal properties of the electrodes.The electrodes composed of NiO-TiO 2NT films annealed at 600°C exhibit rapid charge/discharge kinetics and high stability during long-term cycling,which would be important for use as pseudocapaci-tors (redox-capacitors).The NT-based electrode displays a higher rate capability than the randomly packed nanopar-ticle-based electrode,which is attributed to the more ordered NT film architecture.Optimizing NT morphology (e.g.,com-position,crystallinity,surface area,and film thickness)is likely to further enhance the electrochemical properties of NiO-TiO 2NT arrays as electrodes for supercapacitors.The knowledge gained from this study should be valuable in the development of other oriented metal-oxide NT electrodes for supercapacitor and other electrochemical applications.Acknowledgment.This work was supported by the DOE/NREL Laboratory Directed Research andDevelopmentFIGURE 5.(a)Cyclic voltammograms of a 600°C annealed NT electrode measured at scan rates from 5-500mV/s.(b)Capacitance of the NT and nanoparticle electrodes plotted as a function of the scanrate.FIGURE 6.(a)Typical voltage profiles and (b)cycle performance of an electrode with a NT film annealed at 600°C.The current density was held constant at 0.4mA/cm 2.(LDRD)program under DOE Contract No.DE-AC36-08GO28308.Supporting Information Available.XPS spectra of the Ti 2p and Ni2p regions of the as-grown NTfilm and the Ni-Ti foil and NTfilm annealed at600°C,SAED pattern of the NTfilms annealed at600°C,cyclic voltammograms of the as-grown NTfilm and the Ni-Ti foil and NTfilm annealed at600°C,SEM images of the surface view of the NTfilms annealed at700°C,the scan rate dependence of the peak current density for NTfilms annealed at600°C,and the XRD patterns of NTfilms annealed from400to700°C.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// .REFERENCES AND NOTES(1)Zhu,K.;Neale,N.R.;Miedaner,A.;Frank,A.J.Nano Lett.2007,7,69.(2)Kuang,D.;Brillet,J.;Chen,P.;Takata,M.;Uchida,S.;Miura,H.;Sumioka,K.;Zakeeruddin,S.M.;Gratzel,M.ACS Nano2008,2, 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Company Law of the People

Company Law of the People

Company Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised in 2013)(Adopted at the 5th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress on December 29, 1993. Revised for the first time on December 25, 1999 in accordance with the Decision of the 13th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the second time on August 28, 2004 in accordance with the Decision of the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised at the 18th Session of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005. Revised for the third time on December 28, 2012 in accordance with the Decision on Amending Seven Laws Including the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress. It is now promulgated and shall come into effect as of March 1, 2014.)Standing Committee of the National People's CongressDecember 28, 2013ContentsChapter I: General ProvisionsChapter II: Establishment and Organizational Structure of Limited Liability CompaniesSection 1: EstablishmentSection 2: Organizational StructureSection 3: Special Provisions on One-person Limited Liability CompaniesSection 4: Special Provisions on Wholly State-owned CompaniesChapter III: Transfer of Equity Interests in Limited Liability CompaniesChapter IV: Establishment and Organizational Structure of Companies Limited By SharesSection 1: EstablishmentSection 2: General MeetingSection 3: Board of Directors and ManagerSection 4: Board of SupervisorsSection 5: Special Provisions on the Organizational Structure of Listed CompaniesChapter V: Issuance and Transfer of Shares in Companies Limited by SharesSection 1: Issuance of SharesSection 2: Transfer of SharesChapter VI: Qualifications and Obligations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Officers of CompaniesChapter VII: Corporate BondsChapter VIII: Financial Affairs and Accounting of CompaniesChapter Ix: Merger and Division, Increase and Reduction of Capital of CompaniesChapter X: Dissolution and Liquidation of CompaniesChapter XI: Branches of Foreign CompaniesChapter XII: Legal LiabilityChapter XIII: Supplementary ProvisionsChapter I: General ProvisionsArticle 1: The Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Law") has been enacted in order to standardize the organization and activities of companies, protect the lawful rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, safeguard the social and economic order and promote the development of the socialist market economy.Article 2: For the purposes of the Law, the term "companies" refers to limited liability companies and companies limited by shares established within the territory of China pursuant to the Law.Article 3: A company is an enterprise legal person, which has independent corporate property and enjoys corporate property rights. A company shall be liable for its debts to the extent of all of its property.A shareholder of a limited liability company shall be liable for the company to the extent of the capital contribution it subscribes. A shareholder of a company limited by shares shall be liable for the company to the extent of the shares it subscribes.Article 4: The shareholders of a company shall enjoy such rights as return on assets, participation in major decision-making and selection of managers according to the law.Article 5: When engaging in business activities, a company shall abide by laws and administrative regulations, observe social morality and business ethics, act in good faith, accept supervision by the government and the public, and bear social responsibilities.The lawful rights and interests of companies shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.Article 6: To establish a company, an application for registration of establishment shall be filed with the company registration authority according to the law. If the conditions of establishment specified herein are met, the applicant shall be registered by the company registration authority as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares. If the conditions for establishment specified herein are not met, it may not be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares.If laws or administrative regulations provide that the establishment of a company is subject to approval, approval procedures shall be carried out according to the law prior to the company’s registration.The public may apply to the company registration authority for inquiring the registered particulars of a company, and the company registration authority shall make such inquiry available.Article 7: A company established according to the law shall be issued a company business license by the company registration authority. The date of issue of the company business license shall be that of establishment of the company.The company business license shall contain the name, address, registered capital, scope ofbusiness and the name of the legal representative of the company.In the event of any change to any item recorded in the company business license, the company shall carry out change registration formalities and a new business license shall be renewed by the company registration authority.Article 8: The name of a limited liability company established in accordance with the Law shall contain the words "limited liability company" or “company limited”.The name of a company limited by shares established in accordance with the Law shall contain the words "company limited by shares" or “joint stock company”.Article 9: If a limited liability company intends to be converted into a company limited by shares, the conditions with respect to companies limited by shares set forth herein shall be satisfied. If a company limited by shares intends to be converted into a limited liability company, the conditions with respect to limited liability companies set forth herein shall be met.If a limited liability company is converted into a company limited by shares, or if a company limited by shares is converted into a limited liability company, the claims and debts of the company that have arisen prior to the conversion shall be succeeded to by the company after the conversion.Article 10: The domicile of a company shall be the place where its principal office is located.Article 11: To establish a company, the articles of association shall be formulated according to the law. A company's articles of association shall be binding upon the company, shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior officers.Article 12: The scope of business of a company shall be specified in the articles of association of the company and shall be registered according to the law. A company may amend its articles of association and change the scope of business, provided that it shall carry out change registration.If any item in the scope of business of a company is subject to approval as required by laws or administrative regulations, such item shall be approved according to the law.Article 13: The chairman of the board, the executive director or the manager of the company shall act as the legal representative of a company pursuant to the articles of association of the company and the same shall be registered according to the law. In the event of any change in the legal representative of the company, formalities shall be carried out for registration change.Article 14: A company may establish branches. To establish a branch, application shall be made to the company registration authority for registration and a business license shall be obtained. A branch does not have the status of a legal person and its civil liability shall be borne by the company.A company may establish subsidiaries. A subsidiary has the status of a legal person and independently bears civil liability according to the law.Article 15: A company may invest in other enterprises, provided that it may not become an investor that bears joint and several liability for the debts of the enterprise in which it invests, unless otherwise provided by law.Article 16: If a company invests in another enterprise or provides security for another party, a resolution shall be adopted by the board of directors or by the board of shareholders or general meeting according to the provisions of the articles of association of the company. If the articles of association of the company have specified a limit on the total amount of investment or security and the amount of a single investment or security, the specified limit may not be exceeded.If a company provides security for a shareholder or the de facto controller of the company, a resolution of the board of shareholders or general meeting shall be passed.Any shareholder set forth in the preceding paragraph or controlled by a de facto controllerpreceding paragraph. Such resolution shall be adopted by the other shareholders that are present at the meeting and represent more than half of the voting rights.Article 17: A company shall protect the lawful rights and interests of its employees, and enter into labor contracts with its employees, contribute social insurance premiums, strengthen labor protection and ensure production safety according to the law.A company shall use various methods to strengthen the vocational education andon-the-job training of its employees in order to improve their capabilities.Article 18: The employees of a company shall organize a labor union and conduct labor union activities in accordance with the Labor Union Law of the People's Republic of China to protect the lawful rights and interests of the employees. The company shall provide its labor union with conditions necessary for conducting its activities. The labor union of the company shall enter into collective contracts on behalf of the employees with the company with respect to such matters as labor remuneration, working hours, welfare, insurance and labor safety and health of the employees according to the law.A company shall implement democratic management through the employees' representative congress or other channels in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and relevant laws.When a company discusses and decides on restructuring and major issues concerning its business operation or formulates major rules, regulations and policies, it shall solicit opinions from the labor union of the company, as well as opinions and suggestions from its employees through the employees' representative congress or other channels.Article 19: In a company, an organization of the Communist Party of China shall be established to carry out the activities of the party in accordance with the charter of the Communist Party of China. The company shall provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the party organization.Article 20: The shareholders of a company shall abide by laws, administrative regulations and the articles of association of the company and exercis e shareholder’s rights according to the law, and may not abuse shareholder’s rights to harm the interests of the company or other shareholders, or abuse the independent status of the company legal person and the limited liability of shareholders to harm the interests of the creditors of the company.If a shareholder of the company abuses its shareholder’s rights, thereby causing losses to the company or other shareholders, the shareholder shall be liable for compensation according to the law.If a shareholder of the company abuses the independent status of the company legal person and the limited liability of shareholders to evade debts and seriously harms the interests of the creditors of the company, it shall bear joint and several liability for the debts of the company.Article 21: The controlling shareholder, de facto controller, directors, supervisors and senior officers of a company may not use their affiliation to harm the interests of the company.Anyone that violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph and causes losses to the company shall be liable for compensation.Article 22: A resolution of the board of shareholders or general meeting or the board of directors of a company shall be void if its contents are in violation of laws or administrative regulations.If the procedure for convening the board of shareholders or general meeting or the meeting of the board of directors, or the method of voting violates laws, administrative regulations or the articles of association of the company, or if the contents of a resolution violate the articles of association of the company, a shareholder may, within 60 days of the adoption of the resolution,petition to a people’s court for cancellation of resolution.If the shareholder institutes proceedings pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the people’s court may, at the request of the company, require the shareholder to provide a corresponding security.If the company has carried out change registration in accordance with the resolution of the board of shareholders or general meeting or the board of directors, the company shall apply to the company registration authority for cancellation of the change registration after the people’s court declares the resolution invalid or cancels the resolution.Chapter II: Establishment and Organizational Structure of Limited Liability CompaniesSection 1: EstablishmentArticle 23: The following conditions shall be fulfilled for the establishment of a limited liability company:(I) the number of shareholders conforms to the statutory number;(II) the capital contribution subscribed by subscribed by all shareholders is consistent with that prescribed in the articles of association;(III) the shareholders have jointly formulated the company's articles of association;(IV)the company has a name and an organizational structure established in conformity with the requirements for limited liability companies; and(V)the company has a domicile.Article 24: A limited liability company shall be invested in and established by no more than 50 shareholders.Article 25: The articles of association of limited liability companies shall specify the following particulars:(I) the name and domicile of the company;(II) the business scope of the company;(III) the registered capital of the company;(IV) the names and domiciles of the shareholders;(V) the method, amount and time of capital contribution by the shareholders;(VI) the organization of the company and its methods of establishment, functions and powers, and rules of procedure;(VII) the legal representative of the company; and(VIII) other matters that the shareholders deem necessary to be specified.Shareholders shall sign an d affix their seals on the company’s articles of association.Article 26: The registered capital of a limited liability company shall be the capital contributions subscribed by all shareholders as registered with the company registration authority.Where laws, administrative regulations and the decisions of the State Council stipulate the actual paid registered capital and another amount on the minimum registered capital of a limited liability company, such stipulations shall prevail.Article 27: Shareholders may make capital contribution in currency or in non-currency property that may be valued in currency and transferable according to the law such as physicalcontribution according to the laws or administrative regulations.Non-currency property contributed as capital shall be valued and verified, and shall not be over-valued or under-valued. Where laws or administrative regulations have provisions on valuation, such provisions shall prevail.Article 28: Each shareholder shall make the capital contribution it subscribes as specified in the articles of association of the company on time and in full. If a shareholder makes its capital contribution in currency, it shall deposit the full amount of capital contribution in currency in a bank account opened by the limited liability company with a bank. If capital contribution is made innon-currency property, the transfer procedures for the property rights therein shall be handled according to the law.If a shareholder fails to make capital contribution in accordance with the preceding paragraph, it shall, in addition to making capital contribution in full to the company, be liable for breach of contract to the shareholders that have made their capital contributions on time and in full.Article 29: After the shareholders subscribed the capital contribution in full as prescribed in the articles of association, a representative designated by all shareholders or an agent jointly appointed by them shall submit a company registration application and documents such as the company’s articles of association to the company registration authority to apply for registration of establishment.Article 30: If, after establishment of a limited liability company, the actual value of thenon-currency property contributed as capital for the establishment of the company is found markedly lower than the value as set forth in the articles of association of the company, the shareholder making such contribution shall make up for the difference. The other shareholders as at the time of the company's establishment shall bear joint and several liability for such difference.Article 31: A limited liability company shall issue capital contribution certificates to its shareholders after it is established.The capital contribution certificate shall specify the following particulars:(I) the name of the company;(II) the date of establishment of the company;(III) the registered capital of the company;(IV) the name of the shareholder, the amount of its capital contribution made and the date of capital contribution; and(V) the serial number and date of issuance of the capital contribution certificate.The capital contribution certificate shall be affixed with the seal of the company.Article 32: A limited liability company shall establish a register of shareholders to record the following items:(I) the names and domiciles of the shareholders;(II) the amounts of capital contribution of the shareholders; and(III) the serial numbers of the capital verification certificates.The shareholders on the register of shareholders may claim and exercise shareholder’s rights on the basis of the register of shareholders.The company shall register the names of its shareholders with the company registration authority. If there is a change in the registered items, change registration shall be carried out. Anyone that fails to complete registration or change registration may not resist the claims of a third person.Article 33: Shareholders shall have the right to examine and reproduce the articles of association of the company, the minutes of the board of shareholders, the resolutions of the meetings of the board of directors, the resolutions of the meetings of the board of supervisors and the financial and accounting reports.Shareholders may request to examine the account books of the company. If a shareholder requests to examine the account books of the company, it shall make a written request to the company stating the purpose thereof. If the company has reasonable basis to believe that the purpose of the examination of the account books by the shareholder is improper and that such examination may harm the lawful rights and interests of the company, the company may refuse to make the books for examination available, and shall reply to the shareholder in writing and state the reason for the refusal within 15 days of the written request of the shareholder. If the company refuses to provide the account books for examination, the shareholder may petition to the people’s court for provision of the account books by the company.Article 34: A shareholder shall receive dividends in proportion to its paid-up capital contribution. When the company increases its capital, the shareholder shall have the priority right to subscribe for capital contribution in proportion to its paid-up capital contribution, except where all shareholders agree not to receive dividends in proportion to the paid-up capital contribution or not to exercise priority right to subscribe for capital contribution in proportion to the paid-up capital contribution.Article 35: After a company is established, its shareholders may not withdraw their capital contribution.Section 2: Organizational StructureArticle 36: The board of shareholders of a limited liability company shall be composed of all the shareholders. The board of shareholders shall be the organ of authority of the company and shall exercise its functions and powers pursuant to the Law.Article 37: The board of shareholders shall exercise the following functions and powers:(I) to decide on the business policies and investment plans of the company;(Ii) to elect and replace directors and supervisors that are not appointed from representatives of staff and workers, and to decide on matters concerning the remuneration of directors and supervisors;(Iii) to consider and approve reports of the board of directors;(IV) to consider and approve reports of the board of supervisors or supervisors;(V) to consider and approve the company's proposed annual financial budgets and final accounts;(VI) to consider and approve the company's profit distribution plans and plans for making up losses;(VII) to pass resolutions on the increase or reduction of the company's registered capital;(VIII) to pass resolutions on the issuance of corporate bonds;(IX) to pass resolutions on matters such as the merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or change of the corporate form of the company;(X) to amend the articles of association of the company; and(XI) other functions and powers specified in the articles of association of the company.If the shareholders unanimously express consent to the matters set out in the precedingparagraph in writing, the decision may be made, without convening of the board of shareholders, directly with a document of the decision bearing the signatures and seals of all shareholders.Article 38: The first general meeting shall be convened and presided over by the shareholder that made the largest capital contribution, and shall exercise its functions and powers pursuant to the provisions hereof.Article 39: General meetings shall be divided into regular meetings and extraordinary meetings.Regular meetings shall be convened on time in accordance with the articles of association of the company. An extraordinary meeting shall be convened if it is proposed by shareholders representing one tenth or more of the voting rights, or by one third or more of the directors or the board of supervisors or, in the case of a company without a board of supervisors, the supervisor(s).Article 40: If a limited liability company has established a board of directors, the general meeting shall be convened by the board of directors and presided over by the chairman of the board. If the chairman of the board is unable to or does not perform his duty, the meeting shall be presided over by the vice-chairman of the board. If the vice-chairman of the board is unable to or does not perform his duty, the meeting shall be presided over by a director jointly designated by more than half of the directors.If a limited liability company has no board of directors, the general meeting shall be convened and presided over by the executive director(s).If the board of directors or the executive director(s) cannot or do not perform the duty of convening the general meeting, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by the board of supervisors or, in the case of a company without a board of supervisors, the supervisor(s). If the board of supervisors or the supervisors do not convene and preside over the meeting, the meeting may be convened and presided by the shareholders representing one-tenth or more of the voting rights.Article 41: If a general meeting is to be convened, all shareholders shall be notified 15 days before the meeting is held, unless otherwise stipulated in the articles of association of the company or agreed by all shareholders.The board of shareholders shall keep minutes of the decisions on the matters under its consideration. The shareholders present at the meeting shall sign the minutes of the meeting.Article 42: Shareholders shall exercise voting rights at general meetings in proportion to their capital contribution, unless otherwise stipulated in the articles of association of the company.Article 43: The method of deliberation and voting procedures of the board of shareholders shall be specified in the articles of association of the company, except where stipulated herein.Resolutions of the general meeting on the amendment of the articles of association of the company, increase or reduction of the registered capital, and merger, division, dissolution or change of corporate form shall be adopted by shareholders representing two thirds or more of the voting rights.Article 44: A limited liability company shall have a board of directors of three to 13 members, unless otherwise stipulated in Article 51 hereof.In a limited liability company invested in and established by two or more State-owned enterprises or two or more other State-owned investment entities, the members of the board of directors shall include representatives of the staff and workers of the company. In other limited liability companies, the members of the board of directors may include representatives of the staff and workers of the company. Representatives of staff and workers on the board of directors shall be democratically elected by the staff and workers of the company through the staff and workers’ congress, the staff and workers’ general meeting or other ways.A board of directors shall have one chairman of the board and may have vice-chairmen of the board. The method of appointment of the chairman and vice-chairman (or vice-chairmen) of the board shall be specified in the articles of association of the company.Article 45: The term of office of directors shall be specified in the articles of association of the company but each term may not exceed three years. If re-elected upon expiration of his term of office, a director may serve consecutive terms.If no new director is elected in time upon expiration of the term of office of a director, or if a director resigns during his term of office, resulting in the number of members of the board of directors falling below the statutory number, the original director shall perform his duties as director according to the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and the articles of association of the company before a newly elected director takes office.Article 46: The board of directors shall be accountable to the board of shareholders, and shall exercise the following functions and powers:(I) to convene the general meeting and to report on its work to the board of shareholders;(II) to implement the resolutions of the general meeting;(III) to decide on the business plans and investment plans of the company;(IV) to formulate the company's proposed annual financial budgets and final accounts;(V) to formulate the company’s profit distribution plans and plans for making up losses;(VI) to formulate plans for the company’s increase or reductio n of the registered capital or for the issuance of corporate;(VII) to formulate plans for the merger, division, dissolution or change of corporate form of the company;(VIII) to decide on the establishment of the company's internal management organization;(IX) to decide on the employment or dismissal of the manager of the company and his remuneration, and to decide on the employment or dismissal of the deputy manager(s) and person(s) in charge of financial affairs of the company according to the recommendations of the manager and on their remuneration;(X) to formulate the basic management system of the company; and(XI) other functions and powers specified in the articles of association of the company.Article 47: Meetings of the board of directors shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the board. If the chairman of the board is unable to or does not perform his duty, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by the vice-chairman of the board. If the vice-chairman of the board is unable to or does not perform his duty, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by a director jointly designated by more than half of the directors.Article 48: The method of deliberation and voting procedures of the board of directors shall be specified in the articles of association of the company, except where stipulated herein.The board of directors shall keep minutes of its decisions on the matters under its consideration. The directors present at the meeting shall sign the minutes of the meeting.When voting on a resolution of the board of directors, each director present at the meeting shall have one vote.。

Corporate Social Responsibility Three Key Approaches

Corporate Social Responsibility Three Key Approaches
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ , UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.
D. Windsor
some unknown subset of ethical principles also yielding corporate competitive advantage. A new corporate citizenship conception employs a political metaphor (Moon et al., 2003). This metaphor is not a true intermediate position. Either of two conflicting interpretations pragmatically abandons responsibility language without adopting restrictive economic responsibility theory. Neither an instrumental interpretation emphasizing managerial discretion to manipulate philanthropy strategically nor an idealized interpretation substituting voluntarism arguments for ethical CSR duties provides a theoretical synthesis of economics and ethics. The intuition motivating this paper is that the still embryonic and contestable condition of CSR conceptualization reflects the vital circumstance, affecting management and scholarship, that the concept confronts difficult balances between private conduct and public policy, and between economics and ethics. Prescribing solutions for any specific issue collides, as in the 1995 Brent Spar incident in the North Sea, directly both with competing moral frameworks and political philosophies and with conflicting, powerful stakeholder interests. Since a theoretical synthesis is not readily discernible and no compelling case yet favours any one approach, this paper also aims at three other, limited goals for its contribution. Goal one is descriptive accuracy for comparative assessment. Economic CSR restricts purely fiduciary agents to computing net market gains on jointly utilitarian and investor property rights rationales (Sternberg, 1996). Instrumental citizenship is mostly atheoretical pragmatism, if not ‘realpolitik’ (Machiavelli, The Prince, 1513), retaining the managerial discretion explicitly criticized in economic CSR. Ethical CSR advocates impartial moral reflection tolerating strong corporate self-restraint and altruism duties and expansive public policy strengthening stakeholder rights. Idealized citizenship is this ethical CSR in alternative voluntarism language advocating focus of managerial discretion on forwarding universal human rights domestically and globally. Goal two is a proposed criterion for theory building. A satisfactory theoretical synthesis must place profitable business in a moral framework acceptable to utilitarianism-based economics and broader ethical notions of duties, rights, and just consequences. Goal three is normative. In the absence of satisfactory theoretical synthesis or compelling demonstration of superiority, the long-established ethical approach is less risky than economic or citizenship approaches. The latter approaches respectively may improve material wealth or even lead to globally higher standards of business, but bear respectively risk of moral insensitivity or abuse of discretion. The remainder of the paper develops as follows. The second section proposes strictly non-hierarchical conceptual relationships among the three approaches. The third section compares ethical and economic viewpoints. Direct extension of economic CSR introduces minimalist public policy and moral reflection into an unregulated market economy. Ethical CSR pushes public policy and moral reflection much further, perhaps with only vague limits. The fourth section argues the

Estimating the contribution from different ionospheric regions to the TEC response to the s

Estimating the contribution from different ionospheric regions to the TEC response to the s

a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0202072v 1 [p h y s i c s .g e o -p h ] 28 F eb 2002Estimating the contribution from different ionospheric regions to the TEC response to the solar flares using datafrom the international GPS networkL.A.Leonovich,E.L.Afraimovich,E.B.Romanova and A.V.TaschilinInstitute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SD RAS,Irkutsk,RussiaAbstractThis paper proposes a new method for estimating the contribution from different ionospheric regions to the response of total electron content variations to the solar flare,based on data from the international network of two-frequency multichannel receivers of the navigation GPS system.The method uses the effect of partial shadowing of the atmosphere by the terrestrial globe.The study of the solar flare influence on the atmosphere uses GPS stations located near the boundary of the shadow on the ground in the nightside hemisphere.The beams between the satellite-borne transmitter and the receiver on the ground for these stations pass partially through the atmosphere lying in the region of total shadow and partially through the illuminated atmosphere.The analysis of the ionospheric effect of a powerful solar flare of class X5.7/3B that was recorded on July 14,2000(10:24UT,N22W07)in quiet geomagnetic conditions (Dst =-10nT)has shown that about 20%of the TEC increase correspond to the ionospheric region lying below 100km,about 5%refer to the ionospheric E-region (100-140km),about 30%correspond to the ionospheric F1-region (140-200km),and about 30%to regions lying above 300km.KeywordsSolar Flare,GPS,ionosphere1IntroductionThe enhancement of X-ray and ultraviolet (UV)emission that is observed during chromospheric flares on the Sun immediately causes an increase in electron density in the ionosphere.These density variations are different for different altitudes and are called Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances,SID (Davies,1990;Donnelly,1969).SIDs are generally recorded as the short wave fadeout,SWF (Stonehocker,1970),sudden phase anomaly,SPA (Ohshio,1971),sudden frequency deviation,SFD (Donnelly,1971;Liu et al.,1996),sudden cosmic noise absorption,SCNA (Deshpande and Mitra,1972),sudden enhancement/decrease of atmospher-ics,SES (Sao et al.,1970).Much research is devoted to SID studies,among them a number of thorough reviews (Mitra,1974;Davies,1990).Highly informative technique is the method of Incoherent Scatter (IS).The Millstone Hill IS facility recorded a powerful flare on August 7,1972(Mendillo and Evans,1974a).The measurements were made in the height range from 125to 1200km.The increase of local electron density N e made up 100%at 125km altitude and 60%at 200km.Using the IS method Thome and Wagner (1971)obtained important evidence of the height distribution of the increase in N e at the time of the May 21and 23,1967flares.A significant increase of N e was recorded in the E-region,up to 200%,which gradually decreases in the F-region with the increasing height,down to 10-30%,and remains distinguishable up to 300km.The earliest increase of N e begins in the E-region,and at higher altitudes it is observed with a delay which is particularly pronounced at F-region heights.A sudden increase in total electron content (TEC)can be measured using continuously operating radio beacons installed on geostationary satellites.On August 7,1972,Mendillo et al.(1974b)were the first to make an attempt to carry out global observations of the solar flare using 17stations in North America,Europe,and Africa.The observations covered an area,the boundaries of which were separated by 70◦in latitude and by 10hours in local time.For different stations,the absolute value of the TEC increase ∆Ivaries from1.8·1016to8.6·1016el·m−2,which corresponds to15-30%of the TEC.Investigations revealed a latitudinal dependence of the TEC increase value.At low latitudes,it was higher compared with high latitudes.Besides,the authors point out the absence of a connection between the TEC increase value and the solar zenith angle.The advent and evolution of a Global Positioning System(GPS)and also the creation on its basis of widely branched networks of GPS stations(at least900sites at the August of2001,the data from which are placed on the Internet)opened up a new era in remote ionospheric sensing.High-precision measurements of the TEC along the line-of-sight(LOS)between the receiver on the ground and transmitters on the GPS system satellites covering the reception zone are made using two-frequency multichannel receivers of the GPS system at almost any point of the globe and at any time simultaneously at two coherently coupled frequencies f1=1575.42MHz and f2=1227.60MHz.The sensitivity of phase measurements in the GPS system is sufficient for detecting irregularities with an amplitude of up to103−104of the diurnal TEC variation.This makes it possible to formulate the problem of detecting ionospheric disturbances from different sources of artificial and natural origins.The TEC unit (TECU)which is equal to1016el·m−2and is commonly accepted in the literature,will be used throughout the text.Afraimovich(2000a);Afraimovich et al.(2000b,2001a,b)developed a novel technology of a global detection of ionospheric effects from solarflares and presented data fromfirst GPS measurements of global response of the ionosphere to powerful impulsiveflares of July29,1999,and December28,1999.Authors found thatfluctuations of TEC are coherent for all stations on the dayside of the Earth.The time profile of TEC responses is similar to the time behavior of hard X-ray emission variations duringflares in the energy range25-35keV if the relaxation time of electron density disturbances in the ionosphere of order50-100s is introduced.No such effect on the nightside of the Earth has been detected yet.Afraimovich et al.(2001c)and Leonovich et al.(2001)suggested a technique for estimating the iono-spheric response to weak solarflares(of X-ray class C).They obtained a dependence of the ionospheric TEC increase amplitude(during the solarflare)on theflare location on the Sun(on the central meridian distance, CMD).Forflares lying nearer to the disk center(CMD<40◦),an empirical dependence of the ionospheric TEC increase amplitude on the peak power of solarflares in the X-ray range was obtained(using data from the geostationary GOES-10satellite).This paper is a logical continuation of the series of our publications(Afraimovich,2000a;Afraimovich et al.,2000b,2001a,b,c,Leonovich et al.,2001)devoted to the study of ionospheric effects of solarflares,based on data from the international GPS network.A limitation of the GPS method is that its results have an integral character,as a consequence of which from measurements at a single site it is impossible to determine which ionospheric region makes the main contribution to the TEC variation.The objective of this study is to develop a method which would help overcome(at least partially)this problem.2Method of determining the shadow altitude h0over the groundThe method uses the effect of partial”shadowing”of the atmosphere by the terrestrial globe.Direct beams of solar ionizing radiation from theflare do not penetrate the region of the Earths total shadow.GPS stations located near the shadow boundary on the ground in the nightside hemisphere are used to investigate the solarflare influence on the ionosphere.The LOS for these stations pass partially through the atmosphere lying in the total shadow region,and partially through the illuminated atmosphere.The altitude over the ground at which the LOS intersects the boundary of the total shadow cone,will be referred to as the shadow altitude h0.Fig.1schematically represents the formation of the cone of the Earths total shadow(not to scale)in the geocentric solar-ecliptic coordinate system(GSE):the axis Z is directed to a north perpendicularly planes of an ecliptic,the axis X-on the Sun,the axis Y is directed perpendiculary to these axes.For definition of the shadow altitude h0it is necessary to know coordinates of a cross point C of the LOS and the shadow boundary.The primary data are the geographical coordinates of station GPS on the Earth(Fig.1;a point P): an elevation angle and azimuth of LOS on a satellite GPS,toward the north clockwise,for the time(UT) corresponding to the phase of solarflare maximum in the X-ray range.These coordinates are converted tothe Cartesian coordinate system where the Cartesian coordinates of the GPS station on the ground and the coordinates of the subionospheric point(at300km altitude)are calculated.Next,we use the geocentric solar-ecliptic coordinate system following the technique reported by Sergeev and Tsyganenko(1980).To determine the coordinates of the point C we solve a system of equations:the equation of cone(of total shadow),and the equation of a straight line(LOS)specified parametrically.After that,from the resulting point C we drop a perpendicular to the ground and calculate its length(Fig.1,line h0).The value of h0, thus obtained,is just the shadow altitude.3Method of determining the TEC increase in the ionosphere using data from the global GPS net work This paper exemplifies an analysis of the ionospheric effect of a powerful solarflare of class X5.7/3B recorded on July14,2000(10:24UT,N22W07)under quiet geomagnetic conditions(Dst=-10nT).The time profile of soft X-ray emission in the range1-8˚A(GOES-10data)at the time of theflare is presented in Fig.2a.To determine the TEC increase in the ionosphere we used the data from the international GPS network. The GPS technology provides a means of estimating the TEC variations I0(t)on the basis of TEC phase measurements made with each of the spatially separated two-frequency GPS receivers using the formula (Calais and Minster,1996):I0(t)=1f21−f22[(L1λ1−L2λ2)+const+nL],(1)where L1λ1and L2λ2are the increments of the radio signal phase path caused by the phase delay in the ionosphere(m);L1and L2stand for the number of complete phase rotations,andλ1andλ2are the wavelengths(m)for the frequencies f1and f2,respectively;const is some unknown initial phase path(m); and nL is the error in determining the phase path(m).Input data used in the analysis include series of the oblique value of TEC I0(t),as well as corresponding series of elevationsθand azimuths of LOS to the satellite.These parameters are calculated using our developed CONVTEC program to convert standard(for the GPS system)RINEX-files received via the Internet.Input series of TEC I0(t)are converted to the vertical value following a well-known technique (Klobuchar,1986).I(t)=I0·cos arcsin R Ebetter visualization,the dependencies are drawn by lines of a different thickness.It should be noted that the response remains pronounced when the shadow altitude exceeds significantly the electron density peak height in the ionosphere.For station GUAM(PRN26,height of the shadow boundary h0=885km),the response amplitude exceeds the background oscillation amplitude by more than a factor of2.It is evident from Fig.3that the wave phase(time of the response maximum)is different at different altitudes h0.On the one hand,this phenomenon can be caused by the interference of the response with back-groundfluctuations;on the other,this can be due to the fact that at different heights different wavelengths of ionizing radiation are observed,which,in turn,can have independent time characteristics.The dependence of the absolute TEC increase on the altitude h0for all the cases under consideration is plotted in Fig.4a.The dependence of the relative TEC increase∆I(t)/∆I00on the altitude h0during the solarflare is shown as a percentage in Fig.4b.The TEC increase∆I00(t)corresponds to the amplitude of the TEC increase measured at the station lying at the shadow boundary on the ground(h0=0).Fig.4b suggests that about20%of the TEC increase correspond to the ionospheric region lying below 100km,about5%refer to the ionospheric E-region(100-140km),about30%correspond to the ionospheric F1-region(140-200km),and about30%to regions lying above300km.We found that a rather significant contribution to the TEC increase is made by ionospheric regions lying above300km.The estimate obtained is consistent with thefindings reported by Mendillo and Evans(1974a);Mendillo et al.(1974b).The authors of the cited references,based on investigating the electron density profile in the height range from125km to1200km using the IS method,concluded that about40%of the TEC increase during the powerfulflare on August7,1972,correspond to ionospheric regions lying above300km.However, Thome and Wagner(1971),who used the IS method to investigate the ionospheric effects from two others powerful solarflares,pointed out that an increase in electron density associated with the solarflare was observable to300km altitude only.This difference can be explained by the fact that each particular solar flare is a unique event which is characterized by its own spectrum and dynamics in theflare process. Acknowledgements.Authors are grateful to V.G.Mikhalkovsky for his assistance in preparing the English version of the manuscript.This work was done with support from both the Russian foundation for Basic Research(grant00-05-72026)and RFBR grant of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation No. 00-15-98509.ReferencesAfraimovich, E.L.,GPS global detection of the ionospheric response to solarflares,Radio Sci.,35, 1417–1424,2000a.Afraimovich,E.L.,Kosogorov,E.A.,and L.A.Leonovich,The use of the international GPS network as the global detector(GLOBDET)simultaneously observing sudden ionospheric disturbances,Earth Planet. 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(2002重要)Probabilistic Model for the Simulation of Secondary Electron Emission

(2002重要)Probabilistic Model for the Simulation of Secondary Electron Emission

exceed the primary energy; and (4) the aggregate energy of the electrons emitted in any multi-electron event is also guaranteed not to exceed the primary energy. The main challenge is the construction of the joint probability distributions for events in which two or more secondary electrons are generated in such a way as to satisfy these constraints. The main purpose of this article is the description of the model and its computer implementation in the larger ECE simulation code. We also provide sample fits to existing data on the SEY and emitted-energy spectrum. With regards to this latter quantity, we provide here a correction to a previously used [9, Eq. 4.5] expression that was conceptually incorrect. Although the emittedenergy spectrum is not computed nor used directly in the ECE simulation code, it is used to extract parameters from the data which are then fed as input to the simulation. Recent work has shown, in some cases, an unexpectedly strong sensitivity of the overall simulation results on low-energy details of the SEY and the energy spectrum [11, 12] that remains to be fully characterized and understood. Motivated by this, we have paid particular attention to the above-mentioned low-energy details in our model. Therefore, although the model involves a fair number of adjustable parameters, and some of them cannot be uniquely pinned down by presently available data, its mathematical consistency and its good overall agreement with secondary emission data ensure that the above-mentioned sensitivity cannot be attributed to mathematical artifacts of the model nor to inadequate representation of the data. The Monte Carlo technique has been used before for the description of the secondary emission process. In a more traditional approach, the main ingredient is a microscopic model for the secondary-emission material, typically specified by the electron and ion distributions, and by the elastic and inelastic cross sections for the collision of the primary and secondary electrons with the ions and with the other electrons in the material [13]. In this approach, one may infer microscopic properties of the material by comparing measured data for δ and



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Supporting Information:
Pseudocapacitive Contributions to Electrochemical Energy Storage in TiO2
(Anatase) Nanoparticles
John Wang, Julien Polleux, James Lim, Bruce Dunn*
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095
*Bruce Dunn
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of TiO2 Nanoparticle Films
A. Experimental Methods. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) was performed on nanostructured TiO2 films made with 7 nm and 10 nm size particles. The impedance measurements were carried out using a Solartron 1252 in the frequency range from 100 kHz to 0.1 Hz, and the amplitude of the ac signal was controlled at 10 mV. The EIS measurements were performed with a dc bias at 1.5 V and 1.75 V vs Li/Li+. The experimental spectra were modeled numerically using the ZView equivalent circuit fitting program.
B. Results and Discussion. The primary objective of the EIS experiments is to further investigate the interfacial behavior of our TiO2 films and to gain additional insight concerning the double layer and pseudocapacitance contributions to the electrochemical
capacitance. Figure S1 shows the potential-dependent impedance spectra for the nanostructured TiO2 electrodes. The spectra were analyzed using an equivalent circuit model (shown in Fig. S2) which describes the electrochemical impedance behavior for the nanostructured TiO2 films.1 In the frequency range below 10 Hz, the impedance is dominated by the constant phase element, CPE echem, in parallel with a resistance, R leak. The CPE echem represents the electrochemical capacitance of a porous electrode, and the R leak in parallel signifies a small leakage current at the electrode/electrolyte interface.1 We used numerical fitting of the equivalent circuit model to determine capacitance values for the films made with 7 nm and 10 nm nanoparticles at two different potentials (see Table S1). The results indicate that at the same potential, films prepared from 7 nm nanoparticles possess higher levels of capacitance than films prepared with 10 nm anatase nanoparticles. This response occurs regardless of whether the current is predominantly from capacitive processes (at 1.50 V) or if there is a significant contribution from intercalation (at 1.75 V). Such behavior is consistent with the voltammetry results shown in Fig. 7 and the additional analysis in Fig. 8. It is also interesting to note that for a given film, the magnitude of the capacitance does not vary too much as a function of potential. This feature is also evident in the voltammetry shown in Fig. 7.
Table S1: Dependence of the specific capacitance on particle sizes and applied potentials
1.75 V 1.50 V
C echem. for 7 nm TiO2 (F) 1.1 mF 1.6 mF
C echem. for 10 nm TiO2 (F) 0.9 mF 0.9 mF
Figure S1. Nyquist representation of the frequency dispersion (0.1 Hz to 100 kHz) for TiO 2 films made with 7 nm and 10 nm nanoparticles. A) The impedance response for 7 nm film at 1.50 V and 1.75 V vs Li/Li +. B) Comparison of the impedance behavior for the 7 nm and 10 nm films at 1.75 V vs Li/Li +.. Fit of the equivalent circuit model (Fig. S2) for each data set has been overlaid on the respective plots.
Figure S2. Equivalent circuit model that describes the electrochemical impedance behavior for nanostructured TiO 2 electrodes in nonaqueous electrolytes.
(1) Miller, J. M.; Dunn, B. Langmuir 1999, 15, 799.
R el
Z "(Ω)Z'(Ω)
