科尔尼-公司简介及咨询顾问职业生涯发展战略(ppt 44页)(英文版)
创立新世纪挑战下的突破性发展的战略和组织概述(PPT 51张)

1 2 3 4 5
3. Did we interact and work with your people effecti
Not At All
1 2 3 4 5
4. To what extent were expectations clearly set at t beginning of the assignment?
ABB 亚太经合组织 阿科石油 美国电报电话 美洲银行 博士伦 波音 施贵宝
英国电讯 加拿大国家铁路 花旗银行 可口可乐 戴姆勒-奔驰 欧共体 联邦快递 法国电讯
通用汽车 本田 香港电讯 IBM 韩国金星 九广铁路 美国航天总署 西门子
• 客户和科尔尼共同组成指导委员 会和行动小组
• 主要股东参与项目 • 与客户建立友好的工作关系
• 每个项目之后,要做两次项目 估
• 85%的项目结果超过客户预期满 意度
• 唯一一家有此规定的顾问公司
这些指导原则保证科尔尼能够为客户提供高价值且实际可行、卓著成效的 解决方案
A.T. Kearney 37/1
Not At All
1 2 3 4 5
Do you believe the identified results or benefits achieved?
Not At All
1 2 3 4 5
• 根据“一个公司”原则,许多的 客户均因此发展成为科尔尼的全 球客户

Unfortunately, most business schools do not • Prepare managers for “exceptions” in business situations • Teach real project management
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 8
• Corporate strategy • Strategic business units • e-business strategy • Production strategy • Distribution strategy • Market entry strategy • Restructuring
McKinsey Monitor, BCG, Bain
Booz Allen
“Big Five” firms A.T. Kearney (EDS)
Information technology
• System strategy creation • Information syselecting appropriate IT

The best value-builders combine organic growth with mergers and acquisitions
Value Growers Follow Conscious, Constant Process To Growth
Growth Matrix (CAGR 1988-2000)
synergies • Manage risks
Human component
• High number of people potentially involved (operational, functional and executive people)
• Risk of cultural mismatch
Simple Growers
Value Growers
Revenue Growth
Under performers
Value Growth
Profit Seekers
A.T. Kearney Monograph on Value-Building Growth 2001第六页,共六十一页。
• Design strategy leveraging on broader global presence
• Define financial and operational targets as well as timing of expected benefits
• Prepare the IPO
A.T. Kearney 4/1375C/Merger Integration 8

确定与评估各种可能的增长方案 评估公司的自身准备情况
源或能力?什么 时候需要?
关键分析与主要活动 分析公司能力差距
? 发现潜在的驱动力 ? 发现能力差距 ( 技术, 人力资源,
财务, 运营等)
工具/ 方法
? 访谈 ? 问卷 ? 利用战略事实基础 ? 科尔尼“发展战略分析”工具
略方案提供方向性建 议 ? 可能的增长方向
A.T. Kearney 37/1743/wt 106
同时通过发现公司的“核心竞争力” 来建立可行的发展方案,确定实现远景目标的可行 性
确定取得新成功的 必备条件
评价各项必备条件 的特点
定义并发现 “竞争力”
给各项竞争力 排序
公司中具有不同“专长”的 核心小组与各个层面和职能 部门进行讨论
? 确定趋势与不连续性 ? 充分利用核心竞争力 ? 挑战行业传统观念 ? 高级管理层研讨会
A.T. Kearney 37/1743/wt 105
济 经
位 地 争 竞
项目阶段性 成果:
? 经认可的远景目标 ? 行业与发展趋势纵观 ? 企业发展可能的途径
— 确定方案 — 初步建立优先次序 ? 建议竞争领域
? 准备情况 — 能力方面 — 时间方面 — 资源方面

营销观念 以买方需要 为中心,根 据目标顾客 需要进行产 品的研制、 传送与售后 服务
著名管理家彼得·杜拉克曾经精辟地指出:“可以设想,某些推销工作总是需要的。 然而营销的目的就是要使推销成为多余。营销的目的在于深刻地认识和了解客户,从 而使产品或服务完成适合他的需要而形成产品自我销售。理想的营销会产生一个已经 准备来购买的客户。剩下的事就是如何便于客户得到产品或服务。……” 哈佛大学教授西奥多·莱维特曾对销售观念和市场营销观念作过深刻的比较:“销售 观念注重卖方需要;市场营销观念则注重买方需要。销售观念以卖主需要为出发点, 考虑如何把产品变成现金;而市场营销观念则考虑如何通过制造、传送产品以及与最 终消费产品有关的所有事物,来满足客户的需要。”
产品/服务 使用场合
•年龄 •性别 •收入 •教育程度 •使用量 •费用支出 •购买渠道 •决策过程
针对产品类 别和沟通渠 道的态度
细分市场的 各种类型
•价格 需求/动机 •品牌 /购买因素 •服务 •质量 •功能/设计
•收入 •获取成本 •服务成本
价值观/生 活方式 宏观的价值取 向和态度
•1914年,大众行销开创,福特的T型黑色轿车使美国人用825美元享有汽车;同样运用大众行销的是可口可乐; •1923年,A.C.尼尔森开创市场调研公司;1927年福特公司关闭T型汽车生产线,汽车多样化时代开始; •1931年,麦克尔罗仪在P&G建立品牌经理制; •1938年,伦敦的Mather&Crowther派遣大卫.奥格威(David Ogilvy)前往美国; •1944年,美国的市场研究营业额达到40个亿美金,市场研究的第一品牌-邓白氏营销信息服务公司(D&B MARKETING INFORMATION SERVICES)的年营业额达到20个亿美金; •1950年,产品大工业时代,雷思提出USP理论,强调向消费者提出产品的宣传武器-独特的销售主张; •1955年,特许经营和全球连锁模式的国王-麦当劳赢得全球; •1960年,现代营销奠基理论横空出世,密西根大学的麦卡锡教授提出4P理论; •1960年,大卫.奥格威广告公司推出海能威(Hathaway)男性衬衫广告,劳斯来斯汽车广告,品牌形象论席卷广 告界,它认为在UPS越来越小的情况下,消费者追求的是产品的品质和心理利益的集合; •1969年,美国2位年轻人屈特和里斯(Trout.J&Rise.A)提出定位论(POSITIONING),强调随着竞争激烈、产品同 质化,需要创造产品的心理差异和个性差异,在消费者心中确定市场地位; •1970年,定位论在市场上百战百胜,七喜的“非可乐”,艾飞斯汽车租赁公司的“我们是第二,但我们会不停地 努力”,LEE牌“最贴身的牛仔”;

•Achieve Business Value Goals as Quickly as Possible
•Integrate the Organizations as Seamlessly as Possible
Achieve $200 million of savings within 12-18 months (running rate by 2001) — Ensure customer retention — Corporate Center rationalization — Administrative overhead reduction — Sourcing/Procurement savings — Product line and operations rationalization — Manufacturing productivity and supply chain improvements — Reduction in technology costs
NewCo’s business strategy will place additional demands on the entire organization
•Strategic Imperative
•Target Capabilities
Growth / Agility
Rapid assimilation of acquisitions with limited additional financial staff
“Already, the company has achieved a $100MM annual run rate in cost savings ahead of schedule…” — Janney Montgomery Scott

11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
科尔尼咨询Kearney VendorMark tAnalysis Guideline

centers, ind. equip.
Appliances, Containers
Energy Other
Steel Industry DemandLeabharlann 29% 22%27%
5% 2%
Steel Industry Trends
Current Steel Trends:
• Do national suppliers offer more value than regional suppliers? • Does project planning provide adequate lead times for shipping of some or all of the
Industry • Industry databases • ProQuest • Analyst reports • ….
Products • Other state’s SME’s • Products catalogue • RFI • ….
Fact Base
Vendor • Past vendors • Hoovers • RFI •…
• Can we develop alliances by combining different products?
• Does the supplier base have the capability to provide multiple product lines
Multiple vendors vs. • How many vendors are required to meet our demand?
科尔尼-公司简介及咨询顾问职业生涯发展战略(ppt 44页)(英文版)

im. Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
“Strategic management consulting – the A.T. Kearney
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 3
Overview of management consulting
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 4
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 8
Overview of management consulting
Why does there continue to be a demand for management consulting?
Overview of management consulting
Companies engage management consultants for several reasons — some good, some not so good
Some reasons why companies hire consultants The company does not have the necessary skills internally The company has never confronted this situation before Management needs fresh ideas and a new perspective Management wants the consultant to confirm its ideas Everyone in the company is too busy Management needs a “tie breaker”

【企业管理】atkearney科尔尼公司的行业整合生命周期格雷姆-迪恩斯〔Graeme K Deans〕弗里兹-克勒格尔(Fritz Kroeger)斯特凡-蔡塞尔(Stefan Zeisel)众所周知,大多数新兴行业随着自身的成熟,都会经历分裂与整合,但到底何时分裂,阿时整合呢?我们在金球范畴内对兼并作了长期研究,发觉绝大多数行业都以一种可推测的方式、按照一个明显的整合周期进展、企业能够据此比较准确地判定出自己处于周期中的哪一个时期。

The Case Interview • Practice makes perfect • Consider the types of cases and what preparation might help you — Profit and loss: “The Mind of the Strategist,” Chapter One, by Kenichi Ohmae — Strategy and Industry analysis: Porter’s Five Forces model — Organizational Design — Operational Efficiency — I am sure you can think of others • Given the above comment, do not try to force fit every case into some pre-established structure! • If it helps, develop a standard introduction — Understand the end state where you want to be when you have finished the case — Next, start at a fairly high level and think through what you need to do to get to your desired end state — Explain the methodology you will use to solve the case — Understand and organize what information you have been given up front and what else you will need — Start asking questions
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Management consulting = assisting management in facilitating change to gain and sustain competitive advantage
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 4
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 1
Overview of management consulting
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 2
- Good reason - Good reason - Good reason - Not-so-good reason - Not-so-good reason - Not-so-good reason
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 5
Overview of management consulting
Companies engage management consultants for several reasons — some good, some not so good
Some reasons why companies hire consultants The company does not have the necessary skills internally The company has never confronted this situation before Management needs fresh ideas and a new perspective Management wants the consultant to confirm its ideas Everyone in the company is too busy Management needs a “tie breaker”
Overview of management consulting A.T. Kearney as a strategic management consulting firm Consultant’s role in A.T. Kearney The future of management consulting
What then, is “management consulting?
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 3
rview of management consulting
Unfortunately, most business schools do not • Prepare managers for “exceptions” in business situations • Teach real project management
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 7
Overview of management consulting
Why does management consulting seem to be growing in importance?
The nature of business is changing so rapidly that companies • Cannot provide for every eventuality in the organizational structure • Find it difficult to maintain permanent staff functions
Companies need “tailored” solutions to remain competitive in an increasingly global marketplace The high cost of what management consulting provides can only be justified by companies on an outsourced, as needed basis
Today, one is confronted with a variety of consultants . . . .
Overview of management consulting
Tax “consultants” Hair “consultants” Image “consultants” Color “consultants” Catering “consultants”
Most companies do not know how to • Analyze „themselves” in an objective way when business situations change significantly • Operate in a temporary, project mode
A.T. Kearney / Szkoła Biznesu im. Kozminskiego / May 28, 2001 / shj 6
Overview of management consulting
Why does there continue to be a demand for management consulting?