2020最新个人所得税纳税记录 英文模板

Income from wages and salaries
Haidian Dist. Office of Beijing Municipal Office SAT
Zero declaration
Income from wages and salaries
IssuingDate:April20 2020
This voucher is not used for taxpayer's bookkeeping or deduction
(2)Enterthe query code in the upper right corner of natural person tax management system to verify;
3.The color difference caused by different printing equipment does not affect the effectiveness of use.
1.This recordinvolvessensitive information of taxpayers, please keep it properly;
2.You can verify this record in the following ways;
(1)Scanthe QR in the upper right corner of the mobile app to verity;
Tax Payer’s name :Tax ID :
IDDocument Type:ResidentIdentityCardID Number :

Tax Payment Certificate of the People’s Republic of China
税务机关 国家税务
总Ta局x *a*u市th税or务it局y **
Municipal Taxation
纳税人名称 赵四
Name of Taxpayer
Si Zhao
填票人 ***
Prepared by ***
本凭证不作纳税人记账、抵扣凭证 This certificate shall not be used as a voucher for taxpayer's accounting and deducting.
Total (In Words)
伍万陆仟玖 佰Fi陆ft拾y-捌Si元x Thousand
Tax Authority
身份证件类型: 居 身民 份身 证份 号证 码:
*C*e*r*t*i*f*i*c*a*t*e**** tIyDpec:ardReNsoi:dent
明******* 19(1111)32
填发日期 2019
年 Da1t1e月o1f1日Issue
纳税人识别号 ********************
ID Number of Taxpayer

TranslationCertificate of Tax PaymentPeople’s Republic of China(Seal)Tax Authority: YangPu branch of Shanghai Local Taxation Bureau Date of Issue: 18 June 2015Name of Taxpayer: ID Number of Taxpayer:Tax Items Items Charging Period of Tax Charging Date of Tax Amount of Tax PaymentIndividual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2011-07 2011-08-17 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2011-08 2011-09-21 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2011-09 2011-10-20 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2011-10 2011-11-17 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2011-11 2011-12-21 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2011-12 2012-01-20 Individual IncomeTotal Jul.2011-Dec.2011Total (in words):¥014102065328 (141)No.02065328 Tax Authority (Seal) Remark: Filed by:This certificate does not use for bookkeeping Handwriting invalidSafekeeping The following part on this page is blankCertificate of Tax PaymentPeople’s Republic of China(Seal)Tax Authority: YangPu branch of Shanghai Local Taxation Bureau Date of Issue: 18 June 2015Name of Taxpayer: ID Number of Taxpayer:Tax Items Items Charging Period of Tax Charging Date of Tax Amount of Tax PaymentIndividual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-01 2012-02-20 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-02 2012-03-21 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-03 2012-04-20 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-04 2012-05-22 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-05 2012-06-20 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-06 2012-07-20 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-07 2012-08-15 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-08 2012-09-18 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-09 2012-10-24 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-10 2012-11-19 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-11 2012-12-18 Individual Income Incomes of Labor Compensations2012-12 2013-01-22 Individual IncomeTotal Jan.2012-Dec.2012Total (in words): THIRTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE YUANSEVENTY-THREE CENTS ¥13,173.73014102065329 (141)No.02065329 Tax Authority (Seal)Remark:Filed by:This certificate does not use for bookkeeping The following part on this page is blank Safekeeping Handwriting invalid。

Salary And Salary
Salary And Salary
Salary And Salary
Salary And Salary
税收完税证明en英文版 people'srepublic chinatax payment certificates state authorityissuing date taxpayer name taxpayer identity taxitem product name tax income period storage (back) date tax returned payment salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries salary salary¥1000.00 salaries totally¥12,000.00 emptytotal tax amount eightthousand ei ght hundred eighty-ei ght yuan, eighty-ei ght cent¥8,888.88 tax authority: remarks 小白白 分享于 2021-05-12 02:46:10.0 税收完税证明en英文版 文档格式: .docx 文档页数: 2页 文档大小: 9.11k 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育 -- 教育管理 文档标签: 税收完税证明en英文版