
第I卷选择题〔18分〕一、〔12分,每题2分〕1.以下加点字的读音全都正确的一项为哪一项〔〕A. 混.〔hún〕沌平仄.〔zhè〕乍.〔zhà〕看流觞.〔shāng〕曲水管窥蠡.〔lǐ〕测B. 管弦.〔xián〕氛.〔fēn〕围纤.维〔xiān〕大笔如椽.〔chuán〕纤腰束〔shù〕素C. 媛.〔yuán〕女葳蕤.〔ruí〕城垣.〔huán〕婆娑.〔suō〕起舞鹢.〔yì〕首徐回D. 梵.〔fán〕文吐哺.〔bǔ〕领略.〔luè〕蓊蓊.〔wěng〕郁郁清流激湍.〔tuān〕【答案】B【解析】试题分析:题干是“以下加点字的读音全都正确的一项为哪一项〞。
A项,混沌〔hùn〕平仄〔zè〕管窥蠡测〔lí〕 C项,媛女〔yuàn〕城垣〔yuán〕D项,梵文〔fàn〕领略〔lüè〕点睛:高考字音考查的对象主要有多音字、形声字和异形〔包括形似〕同音〔包括近音〕字三种。

三台县2022年春高一半期教学质量调研测试数学本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分,其中试题卷由第I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷组成,共4页;答题卡共4页。
第Ⅰ卷(共60分)注意事项:1.答第I 卷前,考生务必将姓名、准考证号、考试科目填涂在答题卡上。
一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.化简:OP OA PB BC -++=A.PCB.0C.ABD.AC2.数列1,32-,53,74-, 的一个通项公式=n a A.12)1(-⋅-n n nB.12)1(1-⋅-+n n n C.12)1(+⋅-n n nD.12-n n 3.在ABC ∆中,23=a ,3=c , 30=C ,则=A A.30B.45C.60D. 45或1354.设等比数列}{n a 的公比2=q ,前n 项和为n S ,则=34a S A.3B.413C.415D.45.已知向量a 与b 的夹角为32π,且2||=a ,1||=b ,则=+|2|b a A.2B.32C.4D.126.海上有B A ,两个小岛相距10海里,从A 岛望C 岛和B 岛成60的视角,从B 岛望C 岛和A 岛成75的视角,则B 岛与C 岛间的距离为A.3610海里B.35海里C.65海里D.310海里7.在ABC ∆中,AD 是BC 边上的中线,点M 满足MD AM 2=,则=CM A.1233AB AC-+B.2133AB AC-+C.1233AB AC -D.2133AB AC-8.在ABC ∆中,3=AB ,4=AC ,点P 是ABC ∆的外心,则AP BC ⋅=A.3B.27C.4D.299.已知ABC ∆的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c .若ABC ∆的面积为)(123222c b a -+,则角C =A.6πB.4πC.3πD.32π10.已知等差数列}{n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且满足01185>++a a a ,0107<+a a ,则}{n a 的前n 项和n S 取最大值时,n 的值为A.7B.8C.9D.8或911.已知点O 为ABC ∆内一点,且230OA OB OC ++=,则AOC ∆与ABC ∆的面积之比为A.61B.31 C.21D.3212.已知数列}{n a 满足:11=a ,14121=+⋅+nn a a ,令212+⋅=n n n a a b ,n S 是数列}{n b 的前n 项和,若27t S n >对任意的*N n ∈恒成立,则整数t 的最大值为A .3B .4C .5D .6第Ⅱ卷(共90分)ANMBC注意事项:1.用钢笔将答案直接写在答题卷上。

34.阅读图文资料,回答下列问题。(20 分)
和微量元素,蓄水性强。在煤炭经济的影响下,难老泉泉水逐年减少,地下水水位连续下降,1994 年难老泉泉
三台中学 2019 级高一下期空中务范围理论图”,回答下题。
二、非选择题(共3个小题,共52分) 33.读“某城市土地利用简图”,回答下列问题。(16 分)
处(4 分)
(2)图中 表示的是________________,试分析其作用
。(6 分)
(4)M 处曾经布局火电厂,后迁至 N 处,简述其原因。(6 分)
A.2S 甲=S 乙
B.S 丙=S 乙
C.3S 丙=S 乙
D.6S 甲=S 丙

三台中学实验学校2019年秋季2019级高一半期适应性考试语文一、(12分,每小题2分)1. 下列词语中加点的字,读音都正确的一组是()A. 弥.漫(mí)河畔(pàn)虐.杀(lüè)长歌当.哭(dàng)B. 菲.薄(fěi)发酵.(xiào)步履.(lǚ)叱咤.风云(chà)C. 酝酿.(niàng)骨髓.(suǐ)收盛.(chéng)屏.息以待(pǐng)D. 易帜.(zhì)杯杓.(sháo)谦逊.(xùn)博闻强识.(zhì)2. 下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )A. 追溯/朔风扉页/斐然殒石/殒身不恤蔓草/轻歌慢舞B. 通缉/揖让谒见/云蔼桀骜/趋之若骛泥淖/绰绰有余C. 渲染/寒暄喋血/间谍伉俪/沆瀣一气峥嵘/铮铮铁骨D. 焠火/荟萃碾转/碾碎激亢/引吭高歌诡辩/阴谋诡计3. 下列各句中加点成语的使用,正确的一项是( )①在这个冬雪飘飞、梅花绽放的南方小城,张升和阔别了十年的几位好友相聚于此,青梅煮酒,把酒言欢,共叙天伦之乐。
A. ①③⑤B. ①④⑤C. ②③⑥D. ②④⑥4. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )A. 今天参观的石窟造像群气势宏伟,内容丰富,堪称当时的石刻艺术之冠,被誉为中国古代雕刻艺术的宝库。

2019-2020学年四川省三台中学高三英语下学期期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AI once taught in a small private school. Each morning at nine o’clock all the students, ranging in age from three to seven years old, gathered in the Great Room for a warm-up in preparation for the day.One morning the headmistress made an announcement to all the children gathered,“Today we begin a great experiment of the mind.” She held up two ivy(常春藤) plants, each potted in an identical container. She continued, “Do they look the same?”All the children nodded. So did I, for, in this way, I was alsoa child.“We will give the plants the same amount of light, the same amount of water, but not the same amount of attention,” She said. “Together we are going to see what will happen when we put one plant in the kitchen away from our attention and the other plant right here in this room. Each day for the next month, we shall sing to our plant in the Great Room and tell it how much we love it, and how beautiful it is. We will use our good minds to think good thoughts about it.”Four weeks later my eyes were as wide and disbelieving as the children’s. The kitchen plant was leggy and sick-looking, and it hadn’t grown at all. But the Great Room plant, which had been sung to and surrounded by positive thoughts and words, had increased threefold in size with dark leaves that were filled with energy.In order to prove the experiment, the kitchen ivy was brought to the Great Room to join the other ivy. Within three weeks, the second plant had caught up with the first ivy. Within four weeks, they could not be distinguished, one from the other.I took this lesson to heart and made it my own.1. Why did the headmistress do the experiment?A. She wanted to teach me a lesson.B. She expected the students to learn to grow plants.C. She meant to prove the impact of good minds on growth.D. She intended to show students how to save a sick-looking plant.2. What happened to the ivy in the kitchen at last?A. It stopped growing and died.B. It was leggy and sick with dark leaves.C. It looked almost the same as the other one.D. It grew better than the one in the Great Room.3. What can be a suitable title for the passage?A. Life Means GrowthB. Things Grow with LoveC. Equality Makes a DifferenceD. Positive Thoughts Really CountBJose Hernandez made his dream of becoming an astronaut a reality and he did so despite unbelievable difficulties“I was workingin a field near Stockton, and I heard on my radio that Franklin Chang-Diaz had been selected for the Astronaut Corps," said Jose, who was a senior in high school at the timed was already interested in science and engineering, Jose remembered, "but that was the moment I said, "I want to fly in space.' "As one of four children in a migrant(移民)farming family from Mexico, Jose - who didn't learn English until he was 12 years old - spent much of his childhood traveling with his family from Mexico to southern California each March, then working northward to the Stockton area by November, picking strawberries and cucumbers at farms along the route. They would then return to Mexico for Christmas and start the cycle all over again in the spring. "Some kids might think it would be fun to travel like that,“ Jose laughed, "but we had to work”.After graduating from high school, Jose was admitted into the University of the Pacific, In 1987, he accepted a full-time job with Lawrence National Laboratory. In 2001, Jose joinedtheJohnson Space Center, where he came face-to-face with Franklin Chang-Diaz.“We actually had common experiences —asimilar upbringing, the same language issues. That built up my confidence. Any barriers that existed, he had already overcome them.” Jose smiled. "Now it's my tum!,,“NASA rejected me not once, not twice, not three times but 11 times. It wasn't until the 12th time that I got selected, he said. Jose was selected as part of the 19th class of astronauts in 2004. He circled the globe 217 times but remains a down to Earth guy.Jose Hernandez received the 2016 National Hispanic Hero Award and he continues his long history in the field of engineering and space.4. What made Jose determined to be an astronaut?A. The influence of Astronaut Corps.B. The success of Franklin Chang-Diaz.C. His interest in science and engineering.D. The experience of working in the field.5. What can we learn about Jose as a child?A. He did much farm work.B. He travelled a lot for fun.C. He hated learning English.D. He obeyed his family in everything.6. How did Jose feel when he met FranklinChang-Diaz personally?A. Inspired.B. Valued.C. Relaxed.D. Puzzled.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Climb over BarriersB. Reach for the StarsC. Work the Hard WayD. Learn from Your PastCThe World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says more than half of the world’s wildlife population has been lost, whichthe conservation group says has placed the health of the planet at risk.The WWF recently released its 10th Flagship Living Planet Report. The group warns the condition of the world's animals is worse than its earlier reports showed, indicating worldwide action is needed.The WWF is worried about the loss of and damage to Earth’s environment. The report provides information about more than 10,000 animal populations from 1970 to 2010. These populations are called “vertebrate species,” or animals with backbones — like fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. The report shows these populations have dropped by 52 percent in just 40 years. It warns freshwater species have fallen by 76 percent, which is almost twice the loss of land and ocean species. Most of these losses are in the tropics, with the biggest drop inLatin America.Marco Lambertini, the WWF’s International Director-General said, “This is about losing natural habitats. This is aboutconvertingforests, grasslands, and wetlands into agriculture mainly, and it is about unsustainable use of wildlife. Illegal hunting has been actually increasing over the last 10 years, which definitely a driving force for extinction, particularly of large species.”The report also notes what it calls the world’s “Ecological Footprint”, that is, the effect of human activities on the planet. Mr. Lambertini says there has been an increase in carbon dioxide gases and the pouring of nitrogen into oceans and rivers from fertilizers used in agriculture, which certainly cannot continue.“We are consuming on average every year about the equivalent of about 1.5, one and a half times the resources available to the planet. That means we are cutting trees more quickly than they can be restored. We are fishing the oceans more quickly than fishing stocks can reproduce, and we are emitting in the atmosphere more CO2than the natural systems can actually absorb, which is clearly not sustainable.”Mr. Lambertini warns climate change affects almost everyone on the planet and that whole species may disappear if the world does not reduce the effects of humans on the climate.8. According to the passage, what kind of species faces the biggest drop in population?A. Land and ocean species.B. Animals with backbones.C. Freshwater species inLatin America.D. Freshwater species in the tropics.9. All the following can contribute to the loss of world’s wildlife population EXCEPT ________.A. turning wildlife habitats into agriculture land.B. making sustainable use of wildlife.C. hunting illegally.D. emitting CO2 gases and pouring nitrogen.10. Which does the underlined word “converting” in paragraph 4 mean?A. Conserving.B. Conveying.C. Exchanging.D. Transforming.11. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.A. Marco is much concerned about human’s current behaviors towards wildlife.B. what the planet provides now can satisfy human’s sustainable development.C. more than half of the world’s wildlife population has been lost.D. if humans reduce the effects on the climate, the whole species will not disappear.DIt’s a big change from homeless teen to Yale (耶鲁)medical school student, butperseverancepaid off for Chelesa Fearce of Clayton County, Georgia.Fearce was a fourth grader when her mom was diagnosed (诊断) with Lymphoma (淋巴瘤).That began a hard time for the family. They had to move in and out of shelters,hotels and even the family car.“I know I have been made stronger. I was homeless. My family slept on the floor and we were lucky if we gotmore than one full meal a day. Getting a shower, food and clean clothes was an everyday struggle,” Fearce said in a speech she gave at her high school graduation ceremony. Fearce overcame her day-to-day struggles by focusing on a better day. “I just told myself to keep working, because the future will not be like this anymore. And that helped me get through,” she told WSBTV.Fearce was determined to be a good role model for her younger sister. She found inspiration in her late grandmother, struggling with deadly diseases, who gave Fearce emotional support. In her junior and senior year, Fearce took both high school and college courses, missing out on the free meals she depended on so she could get to her college classes. Despite having to use her cellphone to study after the shelter lights were turned off at night, she not only graduated as valedictorian (毕业生代表) of her 2013 class with a 4.5 grade average, but was also given a ride scholarship—including a meal plan to Spelman College in Atlanta.After graduation, she worked full time for two years at the National Institutes for Health inBethesda,Maryland,doing research on drugs. Last fall, she entered Yale and set a course to earn both a PhD and medical degree.12. What does the underlined word “perseverance” in paragraph 1 refer to?A. instant passion.B. continuous efforts.C. great patience.D. selfless ambitions.13. How did Fearce feel facing the sufferings?A. Sad and disappointed.B. Stressed and defeated.C. Determined and confident.D. Joyous and contented.14. What can we know about Fearce’s learning experience?A. Her grandma encouraged her to study medicine.B. Her high school offered her free meals and courses.C. She failed to study late due to frequent power cut.D. She gained remarkable high school achievement.15. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. From Homeless to YaleB. Meet American’s Top GirlC. Disabled but not DefeatedD. Chelesa Fearce: A Girl of Many Talents第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2019-2020学年四川省三台中学高三英语下学期期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AAlex Palmer says he'll never forget his 13th birthday, not because of a gift or a party, but fire. “It made me realize how valuable life is,” said Alex, a seventh grader atMonroeDemonstrationSchoolinTulsa,Oklahoma.On April 18, Alex and many other kids from his school were riding home on a school bus when they suddenly saw smoke coming from the bus’ engine. “It was jaw-dropping,” he told reporters.By the time Alex and some other kids made it out the bus’ back door, the bus was already on fire. And some of their schoolmates were still inside. So he and some of the other older kids took action.“One little kid was slowing everyone down with his big backpack, ” eighth grader Destiny Fain said, “so I got it off and threw it to the side and helped to make sure all the little kids weren’t fighting or pushing. ”As that was going on, sixth grader Marketez Doyle-Smith reportedly helped another classmate who had trouble in breathing because of the smoke. “We saw our friend lying on the ground,” he said, “so we took our shirts off and waved them to get him some air to breathe.”Marketez also reportedly stopped a younger kid trying to get back on the bus to search for something he’d left behind. “We're all a family,” he told reporters. “So I went back to help the little kid.”Finally everyone made it off safely, thanks to Alex, Destiny, Marketez and several other kids. By later that day, they were already being called heroes. “I really don’t see it as being a hero,” Alex said, according to The World. “I see it as the right thing to do—helping others before you help yourself.”1. What happened on Alex’ s way home?A. The school bus was on fire suddenly.B. There was a party for Alex’s birthday.C. He received a gift from his classmate.D. Some classmates quarreled with each other.2. By saying "We're all a family.” Marketez probably meantA. We’re brothers in the same family.B. It’s our duty to help each other.C. We’re classmates in the same class.D. The thing left on the bus is mine.3. According to the last paragraph, Alex thought that heA. was not a brave student.B. had the right to do anything.C. had just done what he should do.D. hated to be called a hero by others.BSmart speakers have proven to be handy devices in hospitals, allowing patients to control independently . And now, researchers from theUniversityofWashingtonhave developed an artificial intelligence system that enables these devices to monitor heartbeats.Using technology to remotely monitor heart rates isn't new. These days most smartwatches and fitness trackers are capable of it. The good thing here is that researchers have figured out a way to use the microphones in smart speakers to do it without requiring physical contact.In a study published inCommunications Biology, the researchers had the smart speakers send out signals that couldn't be heard which were then reflected off a person's body. They then analyzed these signals to identify small chest wall motions related to heartbeats, as well as separate those signals from surrounding noise and breathing.For this particular proof — of — concept setup, the researchers tested this smart speaker on 26 healthy participants and 24 hospitalized patients with various heart conditions, including atrial fibrillation(心房颤动)and heart failure. In both cases, the smart speaker was within 28 -30 milliseconds of an ECG(心电图),the gold standard used in hospitals to discover arrhythmia(心律不齐).Like smartwatches with advanced heart features, using smart speakers in this way opens up the possibility for passive, remote heart monitoring. ECGs, while highly accurate, require a visit to the doctor and several electrodes (电极)to be placed on the body. They,re not capable of continuous monitoring so you're limited to what it picks up at that exact moment in time ——one reason why heart arrhythmia can be so hard to discover.Smartwatches are capable of passive, remote, continuous monitoring, but they require you to wear the device at all times to be effective. It's not something that's comfortable for everyone, especially when it comes to sleep and for those with highly sensitive skin. Another issue is that these advanced smartwatches are expensive, while smart speakers are much cheaper.“If you have a device like this, you can monitor a patient on an extended basis and then develop corresponding care plans that satisfy the patient' s needs,“ said Dr. Arun Sridhar, co — senior author on the study. "And the beauty of using this kind of devices is that they are already in people's homes.”4. What does the author focus on in Paragraph 3?A. How the smart speaker works.B. Why the smart speaker is useful.C. The advantages of smart speakers.D. The importance of the study.5. Why is heart arrhythmia difficult to find?A. ECGs are not highly accurate.B. ECGs can't monitor continuously.C. Doctors know little about heart arrhythmia.D. An ECG test is hard to operate and expensive.6. Which statement best explains the characteristics of smartwatches?A. They are comfortable to wear.B. They are friendly to sensitive skin.C. They are effective and cheap.D. They are able to monitor remotely.7. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. We need to invent more smart devices.B. Care plans are vital to patients with heart failure.C. Smart speakers could be contactless heart monitors.D. Different devices are needed to meet patients,demands.COn September 7, 1930, Yuan Longping was born inBeijing. Fluent in English, his mother often read Friedrich Nietzsche's works to him. Influenced by his mother, Yuan Longping liked English,geography and chemistry at school. After graduating from university, he became a teacher in the countryside ofHunanin 1953.With lots of crop failures, nationwide hunger hitChinain the 1960s, making many people live a bad life. Yuan was sad and felt he must do something. Since the climate inHunanwas not friendly to growing wheat. He decided to devote himself to studying how to increase the production of rice, a basic food for over 60 percent of Chinese people. From then on, he began a lifelong connection with rice.Yuan Longping succeeded in growing the world's first high production hybrid rice (杂交水稻) variety in 1973, which could reach a yield of over 500 kg per more than 200 kg than before. For the next four decades, he continued to work on the research of hybrid rice. In 2020, hybrid rice developed by his team achieved 1,500 kg permuin two growing seasons, a new world record.Nowadays, the hybrid rice is grown in almost half ofChina's rice fields and its production accounts for 60percent of the total rice production inChina. The hybrid rice production is 20 percent more than the common kinds , the yearly increase of which feeds up to 100 million people.In 2019, Yuan Longping, known as the “Father of hybrid rice”, was awarded with Medal of the Republic,China's highest honor.Yuan Longping's biggest dream in life was to develop more hybrid rice varieties, which could be grown all over the world to help solve the global food problem. So far, the hybrid varieties he developed have been grown in over 40 countries, including theUSA,BrazilandIndia.8. What do we know about Yuan Longping according to the text?A. He began to study hybrid rice in 1973.B. He received the highest honor inChinaat 90.C. He ever taught math in the city after graduation.D. He ever hoped Chinese would be free from hunger.9. How does the author mainly show the achievements of Yuan Longping in hybrid rice?A. By listing figures.B. By quoting reports.C. By imagining results.D. By explaining reasons.10. Which of the following best describes Yuan Longping according to the text?A. Patient and honest.B. Energetic and athletic.C. Capable and remarkable.D. Humorous and adventurous.11. What is the text mainly about?A. The life of Yuan Longping.B. The team of Yuan Longping.C. The honor of Yuan Longping.D. The education of Yuan Longping.DThe British poet Matthew Byrne moved to Beijing in 2013 and felt that the capital city's poetry scene was lacking.His obsession(痴迷)for starting poetryevents led to the foundation of the Spittoon Collective in May 2015.“At that time,the literary activity in Beijing was The Bookworm based in Sanlitun,”Byrne says.While some of Beijing's literary institutions would go on to close in the fall of 2019,Spittoon would continue to grow as a community for poets and writers,as well as musicians and others in the creative scene.Byrne describes the Spittoon Collective as a platform for people to share ideas,from literary works to different forms of art,with projects developing from the creative energy within the community.Spittoon originally started as a poetry night at the Mado Bar in Dongcheng District 's Baochao Hutong.Byrnesays,“In Beijing,you have these wonderful hutongs,ancient structures where you can walk down and visit cool bars,so I thought it would be good to have a poetry event as it seemed like poetry belonged naturally to this area.”He adds,“The objective now is to discover Chinese voices and broadcast them to the rest of the world.We create a kindof theme park-like atmosphere where every Thursday is occupied by a different literary style or art form.”The readings would mainly be in English,but with an international community,a new section called“Poetry-in-Translation”was started,which featured works in Chinese,French,Arabic,Russian,Spanish and other languages.Joining organized activities like Spittoon can be a major help for those caught up in a boring life.And it's especially important for the people who have moved to China as they need to buildnew relationships while living in a different country.12. What can we know about the Spittoon Collective?A. It was closed in 2019.B. It was set up in 2013 in Beijing.C. It's popular with literature lovers.D. It's a community just for foreigners.13. Why did Byrne start the Spittoon Collective in Baochao Hutong?A. To attract students' love of poetry.B. To expandChina's literature globally.C. To makeBeijing's hutongs famous.D. To combine poetry with the hutong.14. What effect would the Spittoon Collective have on Chinese culture?A. Beneficial.B. Negative.C. Challenging.D. Controversial.15. What is the author's attitude to the Spittoon Collective?A. Unclear.B. Intolerant.C. Doubtful.D. Favorable.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2022-2023学年四川省绵阳市三台县高一下学期4月期中教学质量调研测试物理试题1.下列说法中正确的是()A.做曲线运动的物体的速度方向不可能始终不变B.火车转弯时,外轨比内轨高,向心力方向沿轨道斜面向下C.做匀速圆周运动的物体的合外力不一定始终指向圆心D.秋千运动到最低点时处于失重状态2. 1935年5月,红军为突破“围剿”决定强渡大渡河。
若河面宽300m,水流速度3m/s,木船相对静水速度1m/s,则突击队渡河所需的最短时间为()A.75s B.95sC.100s D.300s3.如图所示,长为L的轻绳一端系一质量为m的小球A(视为质点),另一端固定于O点,当绳竖直时小球静止。

四川省绵阳市2019-2020年度高一下学期地理期中考试试卷D卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选择题 (共22题;共72分)1. (2分) (2019高一下·涟水月考) 下图是甲、乙两地区人口金字塔示意图,读下图回答下题。
据图分析判断下列叙述正确的是()A . 甲地区人口增长特点是高出生率、高死亡率、低自然增长率B . 乙地区人口增长特点是高出生率、低死亡率、高自然增长率C . 甲图可以表示中国现在的人口增长模式D . 乙地区51-60岁男性多于女性2. (2分) (2016高一下·安庆期中) 下面四幅人口变化曲线图中,横轴表示时间。
若纵坐标表示人口总量,目前人口增长控制较为合理的是()A . 甲B . 乙C . 丙D . 丁3. (4分)读某地区城镇人口与乡村人口数量变化统计图。
(1)有关该地图示时期城市人口与发展状况,叙述正确的是()A . 1990年之后出现了逆城市化现象B . 乡村人口比重1978年最低C . 2000年城镇人口比重超50%D . 该地目前城市化处于快速增长时期(2)解决该地城市化问题的合理措施有()①建立新城和卫星城,开发新区②发展立体交通,加强交通管理③加强住宅建设,合理调控房价④加强绿化建设,拓展绿色空间A . ①②③B . ①③④C . ①②④D . ①②③④4. (2分) 2004年,我国珠江三角洲地区的户籍总人数为2451万人,其中农业人口678万人,按户籍人数计算,该地区城市化水平约为()A . 27.7%B . 57.6%C . 67.5 %D . 72.3%5. (4分) (2018高一下·新津月考) 图示是“我国某城市1990年和2008年的功能区分布简图”,读图,完成下列各题。
(1)图中直接表现出来的城市化的标志是()A . 城市人口规模扩大B . 城市用地规模扩大C . 城市人口在总人口中的比重上升D . 形成城市带(2)从1990年到2008年该城市的工业部门大部分由城区迁移到郊区,主要原因不可能是()A . 城市用地紧张,地价上涨B . 城市交通网的不煒完善C . 为了缓解市区日益严重的环境污染D . 郊区劳动力素质高6. (4分) (2018高一下·赣榆期中) 某城市市区由中心城区和远城区构成,图14为该城市不同时段人口年均增长率变化图,读图回答下列各题。
四川省三台中学2019-2020学年高一4月空中课堂质量检测数学试题 Word版含答案

三台中学高2019级高一下期空中课堂质量检测数 学 试 卷本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,其中试题卷由第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)组成,共4页;答题卡共4页。
2.选择题使用2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后再选涂其它答案;非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共48分)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的.1.不等式(3)(5)0x x -+>的解集是A .{53}x x -<<B .{|5x x <-或3}x >C .{35}x x -<<D .{|3x x <-或5}x >2.已知(1,3)a =-r ,(,1)b x =-r ,且a r ⊥b r ,则x =A .-3B .3C .13-D .133.已知a 、b 、R c ∈,且b a >,则下列不等式成立的是A .22a b >B .a b >C .c b c a +>+D .ac bc >4.在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,的对边分别为c b a ,,,已知ABC ∆的外接圆半径是3,3a =,则A 等于A .30°或150︒B .30°或60︒C .60︒或120︒D .60︒或150︒5.已知向量,a b v v 满足1a =v ,2b =v ,||a b +=r r ⋅等于A .12B .1C .3D .26.在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,的对边分别为c b a ,,, 若cos cos sin b C c B a A +=, 则ABC ∆的形状为A .锐角三角形B .直角三角形C .钝角三角形D .不确定7.设变量,x y 满足约束条件0211x y x y x y -≥⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪+≤⎩,则目标函数5z x y =+的最大值为A .2B .3C .4D .58.在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,的对边分别为c b a ,,,若030=A ,ac b 22=,则=cB b sin A .1 B .2C .D .23 9.已知关于x 的不等式()()222240m x m x -+-+>得解集为R ,则实数m 的取值范围是A . )6,2(B .),6()2,(+∞⋃-∞C .),6(]2,(+∞⋃-∞D .)6,2[10.在ABC ∆中,已知8AB =,4BC =,6CA =,则AB BC ⋅u u u v u u u v 的值为A .22B .19C .-19D .-2211.在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,的对边分别为c b a ,,,且满足C a A c cos 3sin =,则 B A sin sin +的最大值是A .1B .2C .3D .312.已知点P 为ABC ∆内一点,230PA PB PC ++=r u u u v u u u v u u u v ,则BPC APC APB ∆∆∆,,的面积之比为A .9:4:1B .1:4:9C .1:2:3D .3:2:1第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共52分)二、填空题(本大题共3小题,每小题3分,共12分。

)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()A.绯.闻(fēi) 刀俎.(zǔ) 浸.渍(jìn) 供.不应求(gòng)B.埋.怨(mái) 淬.火(cuì) 瞋.目(chēng) 夜缒.而出(zhuì)C.肖.像(xiào) 档.次(dàng) 骨髓.(suǐ) 悄.无声息(qiǎo)D.倒.装(dǎo) 角.色(jué) 火钵.(bō) 如法炮.制(páo)2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是()A.斑斓缉拿债券照相机攻城略地B.寥廓凋敝按钮暴发户委屈求全C.嗔怪陷井辐射天然汽寥若晨星D.喋血谩骂账簿哈密瓜永保青春3.下列各句中,加横线的成语使用不恰当的一项是( )A.一场没有硝烟的贸易战在中美之间愈演愈烈,制裁与反制裁交替,这充分说明随着中国综合实力的发展壮大,中国不再似从前唯美国马首是瞻!B.身居国外的他得知黄晓明和杨颖的“世纪婚礼”为国人所津津乐道,而第一位获得诺贝尔科学奖的中国本土科学家,也是第一位获得诺贝尔生理医学奖的华人科学家却鲜为人知的消息后整夜切齿拊心。
C.人民军队爱人民,人民军队人人爱,所到之处秋毫无犯,不拿群众一针一线!D.世界这么大,我想过去看看,每每经过那名山大川都会让我们瞠目结舌良久!4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )A.造成“提笔忘字”的因素很多,但不可否认,造成“能识不能写”这一尴尬局面的主要原因是触屏操控和电子输入方式导致的。
B.阿里云正在不断扩大其在中国和亚洲市场的领先地位,已有超过100 家中国软件企业跟随阿里云的全球基础设施布局走向全球。

这反映了()A.赋税征收更公平合理 B.赋税制度因时因势调整C.土地兼并已不受限制 D.人身依附关系逐渐松弛3.唐朝白居易在《朱陈村》中写道:“机梭声札札,牛驴走纭纭。
”这反映了我国古代()A.小农经济的生产方式 B.农业灌溉方式的变化C.手工工场的生产方式 D.农村商品经济的发展4.明代中叶以后,押租制流行,佃农交纳租金才能佃种地主的土地,俗称“买耕”。
这反映了当时()A.土地兼并现象严重 B.土地经营权的商品化C.小农经济逐渐瓦解 D.农村商品经济的发展5.下表为宋代南北方人口比例变化表。
这一变化()A.助推南方社会经济影响力上升 B.促使中国南北方经济趋向平衡C.推动了少数民族的封建化进程 D.导致过度开垦破坏了生态平衡6.史书记载:宋代铸币用工之序有沙模作、磨钱作、排整作。

”为了避免上述情形发生,“周人”的对策是A.制定礼制,规范贵族的行举 B.实行宗法制,强调“家国一体”观念C.制定律法,惩戒贵族的失范 D.实行井田制,确立“土地国有”观念2.嬴政统一六国后,在地方设置郡、县两级,郡、县主官都由中央任免.以后尽管地方主官的权力时有伸缩,但地方主官一直由中央任命。
据此可知A.选官权由地方收归中央 B.统一的政权要求中央能有效控制地方C.地方自主权受到了压制 D.这一做法消除了地方分裂割据的隐患3.西汉皇帝朝会时,官俸只有六百石的刺史的班序远在官体两千石的郡国守相之后,但刺史与郡国守相因政务而单独会见时,则要以刺史为尊.这主要是因为A.刺史代表中央管理地方B.郡国守相畏惧刺史权威C.刺史职权是皇权的延伸 D。
汉代朝廷礼仪规定混乱4.阅读下列根据《中国古代职官》编制的表格,这一表格反映了科举制度A.实质是地主阶级的选官制度 B.完全实现了官员选拔的公平、公正C.扭转了传统等级和门第的观念 D.促使部分社会阶层的变动5.有位学者指出“中国传统政治中,君权和相权的关系,是一部不断摩擦,不断调整的历史。
”下列说法不正确的是A.汉武帝建立“中朝” B.唐朝三省的长官都是宰相C.宋代设置枢密使,分割宰相的财权 D.元代中书省掌管一切政务6.明代内阁比六部更接近皇帝,于是内阁借位尊势崇而力图控制六部,部权便在不同时候、不同程度上为内阁所侵,六部则力图摆脱控制,因而明代阁部争权现象严重。

第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题(每小题1.5分,共60分.每小题只有一个选项最符合题目要求)1.下列天体系统中,不包括地球的是 ( )A.银河系 B.总星系 C.河外星系 D.太阳系2.据俄罗斯科学家预测,2036年4月13日一颗小行星将撞向地球。
这颗小行星最有可能来自( )A.河外星系 B.地月系 C.巨行星之间 D.火星轨道和木星轨道之间世界上最“贵重”的詹姆斯·韦拍望远镜将在2018年发射。
3.按天体的运动特征,该望远镜类似于()A. 卫星B. 行星C. 恒星D. 星云4.有关望远镜运行位置环境特征的描述,正确的是()A. 天空呈现蔚蓝色B. 磁暴现象常威胁航天器安全C. 常发生极光现象D. 太阳辐射强度比地球大气上界小太阳辐射能量巨大,对地球和人类的影响不可估量。
5.太阳能量来源于( )A.氦原子核的聚变反应 B.氢原子核的裂变反应C.铀等元素裂变的连锁反应 D.氢原子核的聚变反应6.下列有关太阳辐射的叙述,错误的是( )A.太阳辐射能只有二十二亿分之一到达地球,却是地球上最主要的能量源泉B.太阳辐射能是维持地表温度,促进地球上的水、大气运动和生命活动的主要动力C.太阳辐射对地理环境的形成和变化具有极其重要的作用D.我们日常生产、生活所利用的煤、石油、天然气是矿物燃料,与太阳辐射能无关据报道,科学家预计2023年太阳活动将达到史无前例的高峰期。
7.本次太阳活动所产生的带电粒子流到达地球后,对地球可能造成的影响有()A. 地球各地出现极光现象B. 地球上各地地震频繁C. 无线电长波辐射受中断或衰减D. 地球磁针不能正确指示方向8.下列对太阳大气的结构及其活动叙述正确的是()A.日常肉眼观察到的太阳大气层为色球层B.太阳大气层从里向外分为光球层、色球层和日冕层C.光球层表面有时出现局部区域突然增亮的现象,叫耀斑D.耀斑有时与太阳黑子同时出现,但两者的活动周期并不相同读下面地球自转速度图,完成9~11题。
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(1)求数列 的通项公式 ;
(3)设 值,若不存在说明理由.
( 为非零整数,
; ),是否存在确定的 值,使得对任意
恒成立.若存在求出 的
1. 如图所示,在正
中, , , 均为所在边的中点,则以下向量中与 相等的是
2. 已知 A.等差数列
一定是( ) B.等比数列
3. 已知向量 A.
,若 B.
4. 若1和 的等差中项是2,则 的值为( )
的值为( )
9. 如图所示,矩形
的对角线相交于点 , 为 的中点,若
D. D. D.52 D. ,则 等于( )
10. 《莱茵德纸草书》(Rhind Papyrus)是世界上最古老的数学著作之一,书中有一道这样的题目:把100磅面包分给5个人,使每人所得成等差数 列,且使较大的两份之和的 是较小的三份之和,则最小的1份为
A. 磅
B. 磅
C. 磅
D. 磅
11. 已知
的形状为( )
12. 在 A.
的对边, 为
的外心,且有 C.
, D.
13. 已知向量
,则 ______.
14. 如图,从气球 上测得正前方的河流的两岸 , 的俯角分别为 和 ,如果这时气球的高是30米,则河流的宽度 为______米.
15. 已知等比数列 的前 项和为 ,若
16. 已知
为锐命题中正确的有________________.( 把所有正确的命题序号都填在横线上 ).
C. C.递增数列 C. C.1
D. D.等差数列又是等比数列 D.6 D.-4
5. 在△ABC中, A.
B. 或
6. 已知向量 , , A.
,且 在 方向上的投影为 ,则 B.
() C.
7. 等差数列 A.58
的前 项和为 ,若 B.54
,则 等于( ) C.56
8. 已知在 A.
17. 已知等差数列 的前 项和为 ,且满足
(1)求数列 的通项公式 ;
,求数列 的前 项和 .
18. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知向量
(1)求向量 (2)求
的夹角 ; 的值.
19. 在梯形
(1)求 (2)求
的长; 的面积.
20. 已知数列 中,
,其前 项和 满足: