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1.?Budget?—预算an account of probable future income and expenditure during a stated, period, usu. a year used as a guide in making financial arrangements.

2.?Return?—回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.

3.?Portfolio?—证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling

4.?Royalty?—专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu. at a greed percentage of the selling price of the product.

5.?Patent?—专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.

6.?Non-tariff barrier?—非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc.

7.?Franchise?—经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products in

a certain area.

8.Purchasing power?—购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services.

9.?PPP?—购买力平价purchasing power parity

10.?tariff?—关税tax levied by the customs

11.barriers to trade?—贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.

12.primary commodities?—初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials

13.drawback?—退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when


14.specific duties?—从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc. of the goods

15.ad valorem duties?—从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods

16.carriage?—运费the price or cost of transportation

17.voluntary offer?—主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offerer

18.contracting parties?—缔约方signatories of an agreement

19.force majeure?—[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting party

20.firm offer?—持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer

21.offeree?—受要约人the party to whom an offer is made

22.hyperinflation?—极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control

23.inflation?—通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc.

24.protectionism?—贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing home countries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports

25.bilateral?—双边的of two sides

26.bundling?—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together

27.creditors?—债权人a person to whom one owns money

28.debtor?—债务人a person who owes money

29.default?—违约fail to carry out an obligation

30.draft?—汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money

31.remittance?—汇款the sending of money or the money sent

32.drawe r?—出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter

33.drawee?—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn

34.credit-worthiness?—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making payment

35.applicant of an L/C?—出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C

36.beneficiary?—受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its export
