




















的应用4.潜伏性环氧固化剂的制备及其水性环氧涂料的性能研究5.0406157 WEC402水性环氧固化剂在水性环氧地坪涂料中的应用[刊]/万众等,/中国涂料








[关键词]跨学科培养;研究生教育;土木工程;环境科学与工程[中图分类号]G643.0[文献标识码]A [文章编号]2095-3437(2023)18-0097-04September ,2023University Education随着社会及科技的快速发展,传统的单一学科人才培养已经不能满足新兴经济快速发展和科技飞速更新的需求,这要求高等学校的人才培养模式从传统的单学科培养向跨学科联合培养转变。













毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:◆ 具有较扎实的自然科学基础,了解当代科学技术的主要方面和应用前景;◆ 掌握工程力学、流体力学、岩土力学的基本理论,掌握工程规划与选型、工程材料、结构分析与设计、地基处理方面的基本知识,掌握有关建筑机械、电工、工程测量与试验、施工技术与组织等方面的基本技术;◆ 具有工程制图、计算机应用、主要测试和试验仪器使用的基本能力,具有综合应用各种手段(包括外语工具)查询资料、获取信息的初步能力;◆ 了解土木工程主要法规;◆ 具有进行工程设计、试验、施工、管理和研究的初步能力。










































贫混凝土基层沥青路面结构力学分析乔琳;曹花丽;江磊【摘要】On the situation of pavement structure parameters were all invariable,this paper analyzed the pavement structure stress based on BISAR3.0,calculated the stress of different interaction sites under double rounds uniform vertical load,gained the distribution rule of shear stress and normal stress in different sites along pavement depth direction,and researched the weak parts of surface layer and base layer.%在路面结构参数均不变的情况下,基于BISAR3.0程序对路面结构应力进行分析,对双圆均布竖向荷载不同作用点位的应力进行了计算,得出不同点位沿路面深度方向的剪应力和正应力的分布规律,并研究出了面层与基层的薄弱部位。






3 有限元模型
首先建立杆系模型进行结构分析,以初始模型 中其他条件不变,设定 2种主梁与 V形撑的节点连 接位置建立模型,来进行对比.方案一:中心线法分 析模型,此方法以斜腿和梁的中心线为杆系单元模 型的基准位置,在主梁与斜腿的交接线的中心点处 进行节点连接,具体划分位置见图 2.本方案计算模 型全桥共 117个单元、121个节点.斜撑划分 21个 单元,主梁划分 96个单元.全桥模型见图 3.方案 二:刚节点法分析模型,将主梁和斜腿的交接截面扩 大位置视为刚性节点,具体分析时在主梁与斜腿的 交接线的右侧边缘进行节点连接,将节点上侧斜腿 作为主梁截面的一部分,具体划分位置见图 4.本方 案计算模型全桥共 112个单元、116个节点.斜撑划 分 16个单元,主梁划分 96个单元.全桥模型见图 5.
V型墩连续刚构桥已建成很多,目前对其研究 却相对较少,大多数学者只对其进行设计分析和受 力分析,忽略了模型分析的重要性.杆系结构有限元 分析结果表明,V墩斜腿附近常出现过大的拉应力 或者压应力,实际结构却未出现明显的裂缝及破坏, 故常用的杆系结构分析模型存在一定的偏差.胡丽 妹[9]以某 PC连续刚构桥为背景,通过与 ansys软件 计算结果进行对比分析,验证了 midasFEA实体模 型的准确性.符碧惠等[10]对 V墩式连续刚构桥进行 了设计,并分别采用 midas实体模型和杆系模型进 行了分析,结果表明 V形节点处杆系模型应力结果
1 工程概况
本桥位 于 纬 十 路 跨 规 划 北 川 河 处,桥 梁 采 用 30m+50m+30m的跨径布置,总长度为 110m,桥 梁全宽 40m,桥梁主体设计方案为一座预应力混凝 土变截面 V墩刚构桥,主桥中跨处设置了一孔 20m 挂孔梁,其余位置采用现浇变截面预应力箱梁.桥梁 立面图与跨中横断面图如图 1所示.



《路基路面工程》教学中的思政教育探索与实践发布时间:2022-10-29T10:39:21.723Z 来源:《教学与研究》2022年13期作者:苏曼曼[导读] 《路基路面工程》是土木工程专业道路与桥梁工程方向苏曼曼烟台大学土木工程学院,山东烟台,264005摘要:《路基路面工程》是土木工程专业道路与桥梁工程方向专业限选课,兼具理论性、综合性、实践性与应用性。










了一 年有 余 , 对原先过热的房地产市场 控制效果显著 。据 国家
统计局 2 0 1 2年 4月 1 8日发布的数据显示 , 3月 7 0个大 中城市 新建商品住宅销售价格同比下降 的城市增至 3 8 个 ,为 2 0 1 1 年 9月个别城市再次出现价格同比下降以来 ,下降城市数量最多 的 月份 。大部分大城市在限购令政 策不改 动的前提下 , 房 地产 行业发展逐渐平稳 , 对于 大多数 家庭来说这是个好 消息。但是 对于土木工程专业的毕业生来说 , 这同样预示着就业 市场 的进
通过 历年 与各 用工单位 的交流沟通 , 了解到用人 单位 招聘 员工主要 的情况 : 第一 , 大部分 的用人单位 会为 员工提供 根据 工作年限和业务 、 工作能 力定期 调整 的待遇 , 工资由基本 工资 、 绩效 工资及综合补贴 ( 住房、 交通 、 通讯 ) 组成 , 一般按 月发放 。 综合看来新 员工试用期工资在 1 5 0 0 - - 3 0 0 0元左右 , 试用期结束 后结算绩效工资 。如果成功地经过试用期 考核 , 那么会与公司 签订一个 3 —5年的劳动合同 。第二 , 比较大的用工单位对学生 的专业基础扎实 以及专业方 向精 细要求较 高 ,学生 是否通过 6 级英语 , 是否为党员 、 是否为学生 干部等比较看重 , 很强调实践 动手 能力 , 当然这个行业 对身体强 壮 、 吃 苦耐 劳也有要 求 。第 三, 用人单 位对学历 比较 看重 , 硕士研 究生就业 的起 点比本科 生高 , 而且以后获得提升的空间也大一些 。有些单位会在招聘 的时 候 参 考 学 生就

以 国 家 政 策 与 国 际形 势 为 主 的 市 场经 济背 景 分 析
2 0 1 1 年 4月 3 0日北京 出台 “ 国十 条实施细则 ” , 中央政府 可在住房 与城 乡建设部指定的 4 0 个重 点城 市统一实施基 本限 购令 , 并采取其他措施进一步加强房 地产市场管理 。政 策实施



烟台大学土木工程学院土木工程专业英语第1.2节翻译2016.11.11Contents1.2Determinate and Indeterminate Structures (2)1.2.1 Statically Determinate Structure s (2)1.2.2 Statically Indeterminate Structures (2)1.2.3 Force Method (3)1.2.4The classical Displacement Method (5)1.2.5Moment Distribution Method (6)目录1.2静定与超静定结构 (2)1.2.1超静定结构 (2)1.2.2超静定结构 (2)1.2.3 力法 (3)1.2.4 经典位移法 (5)1.2.5 力矩分配法 (6)原文对照1.2Determinate and Indeterminate Structures1.2.1 Statically Determinate StructuresStructures are said to be statically determinate when the forces and reactions produced by a given loading can be calculated using only the equations of equilibrium. The simply supported beam shown in Figure 1.3 is statically determinate. We can solve for the three unknown reactions using the equations of equilibrium and then calculate the internal forces such as bending moment, shear force, and axial force at any given location along the length of the beam.1.2.2 Statically Indeterminate StructuresThe structure shown in Figure 1.4 is statically indeterminate. There are four reactions, F Ax , F Ay , M A , F By ,However, there are only three independent equilibriumequations, ∑F x =0, ∑F y =0, ∑M =0; the number of unknown is larger than the number of equations.译文1.2静定与超静定结构1.2.1超静定结构当由于荷载作用而产生的力与反力只能通过列平衡方程来计算求出时的结构称为静定结构。



Brief introduction about School of CivilEngineering of Yantai University School of Civil Engineering of Yantai University is founded in 1984. The college has three undergraduate programs, which are Civil Engineering, Project Management and Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering, including seven professional directions(Construction Engineering, Road and Bridge Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Project Management, Cost Management, Building Water Supply and Drainage, Urban Water Supply and Sewage Treatment), and three master’s programs of Structure Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Disaster Prevention and Protective Engineering. In 2010, discipline master degree of Civil Engineering and master station of architecture and civil engineering professional are approved.There are 60 staff members in School of Civil Engineering of Yantai University, including 52 full-time teachers and 8 counselors. The structure of teachers’ lear ning source, education background, position and age is reasonable. Among the full-time teachers, there are 11 full professors (21.25%), and 25 associate professors (48.08%), 27 of them have achieved doctor's degree (51.92%) and 15 master's degree (28.85%). It has formed a relatively complete educational system, at the same time, it develops adult education and on-the-job graduate student education.Civil Engineering is the characteristics professional in Shandong province,the advantaged Professional of Yantai University, the key construction discipline of program of Constructing Leading University of Shandong Province, and the implemental specialty of the plan of excellent engineers’education and training project of Shandong province. In May 2014, Civil Engineering College passed the professional evaluation that was organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. There are 7 laboratories and research centers, more than 20 practice bases (2 at the provincial level), 2 provincial engineering technology centers, which were built by schools and enterprises. Among them, the Virtual Simulation Experiment of Mechanics Engineering Teaching Center is the national virtual simulation experiment teaching center, the Structural Engineering Laboratory is a key laboratory of colleges and universities in Shandong province, and the Mechanics Experiment Center is a provincial demonstration center on experimental teaching. Numbers of senior applied talents are cultivated to master the basic theories and basic knowledge of Civil Engineering, getting basic training for engineers so as to be competent for the design, construction and management of buildings, bridges, tunnels and other kinds of civil engineering facilities. They are equipped with solid basic theoretical knowledge, broad professional knowledge, good practical ability and certain innovation ability. The graduates are able to engage in the design, construction and management work of Civil Engineering, and have the preliminary ability ofproject planning, researching and exploiting. Also, they can work on technical works or management of design, construction, management, research, education, consultation, supervision, investment and development department of housing construction, tunnel and underground construction, highway and city road, railway, bridge and mine construction engineering, etc.Main courses: Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Civil Engineering Materials, Engineering Surveying, Concrete Structure, Steel Structure, Foundation Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Underground Structure, Road Line Reconnaissance Design, Roadbed and pavement Engineering, Civil Engineering Construction, Engineering Economy, Computer Application, etc.Project Management is the construction discipline of program of Constructing Leading University of Shandong Province. People who major in Project Management are trained to adapt to the social and economical development and are fully developed morally, intellectually and physically, which are needed in the 21st century. They should have a deep understanding of knowledge of Civil Engineering Technology, and both basic and professional knowledge of management, laws, and economics of domestic and international project management. They get basic training for engineers in an all-round way thus possess a systematic and open knowledge structure, meanwhile, have strong professional, practical and innovative ability. Healthy personality traits and good social adaptation ability can be found on them and they are equipped to work through whole process in engineering management area of both homeland and abroad. The graduates are equipped with the ability of planning, constructing and managing the construction project to work in the engineering design units, real estate development enterprises, the government department in charge of construction and so on, engaging in the preliminary planning and feasibility study of project construction. They can also work in engineering consultancy and construction enterprises on the project cost, project management, engineering supervision, engineering construction, etc.Main courses: Engineering Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Concrete and Masonry Structure, Steel Structure, Building Construction, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Construction of Civil Engineering, Principles of Economics, Principles of Management, Project Management, Engineering Cost Management, Engineering Contract Management and Legal System, Economic Law and Laws and Regulations of Construction and so on.Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering is the construction discipline of program of Constructing Leading University of Shandong Province. The educating directions consist of municipal water supply and drainage, sewage treatment, and water supply and drainage of buildings. Applied talents mastering these courses are equipped with knowledge of Urban Water-Supply Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Building Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Industrial WaterSupply and Drainage Engineering, Control Planning of Water Pollution, Water Resources Protection, etc, and would be competent to work on programming, designing, constructing, managing, educating, researching, manufacting, exploiting and so on in fields as follows: government departments, planning departments, economic administrative departments, environmental protection administrations, design institutions, research institutions, academies of senior or junior colleges, industrial and mining enterprises, installation establishments, real estate development enterprises, water equipment manufacturing enterprises, aquatic production conducting enterprises.Main courses: Engineering Mechanics, Hydromechanics, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Water-Analytical Chemistry, Water Quality Engineering, Water Treatment Microorganism, Water Supply and Drainage Pipe Network, Building Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Pump and Pump Station, Small-Town Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Water Engineering Economics, Installing Engineering Project Budget, Water Engineering Construction, Water Engineering Construction Supervision, Water Resources and Environmental Protection, Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Reuse of Recycled Water and Treatment.In recent years, School of Civil Engineering of Yantai University has undertaken a number of research projects such as Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, and the Program for Tackling Key Problems of Shandong Province, together with significant programs like National Sci-Tech Support Plan, etc. Some influential achievements in teaching and scientific researching have been achieved by our university such as the first prize of Teaching Outcomes of Shandong Province, The second award of Excellent Teaching Materials of Ministry of Education, the third prize of Natural Science of Shandong Province. More than 20 monographs and teaching materials are published, as well as and about 500 academic papers. Otherwise, many products have been awarded many national patents.。



线 , 持接缝 前后 洒 ( ) 保 撒 布量 的一 致性 。d 同步碎 石 车进 入现 到路 边即可 , . 在碎石 不允许 清扫到路 边 的情 况下 , 采用 拾取 式清
场, 调正车身 , 确定参 照物 , 开导 向标尺 。同步碎 石施 工 时, 打 司 扫 车 。
机 以参照物为标准 , 匀速行驶 , 保证沥青 、 石洒 ( ) 匀称 。e 4 结语 碎 撒 布 . 打开喷洒杆 、 路、 管 沥青 罐 的循 环系 统 , 保证 大小 循 环 的正 常运 同步碎石桥面防水层具 有 良好 的 防水 、 剪性 能 , 抗 施工 工艺 转, 确保循 环系统内各个 部分 内的沥青 温度 一致 。f调试 完毕后 , 简单 , . 工期短 , 生产成本较低 , 适合 广泛应用 于实 际工程 中。 开始 同步碎石 防水粘结 层施 工。施工过 程 中, 同步碎 石车平 稳 、 参考文献 : 匀速行驶 。根据施工情况 , 作人员适时适量地 调整沥 青及石料 [ ] 靳文超. 操 1 同步碎石封层技术在施工 中的应用[ ] 北方 交通 , J. 洒 ( 布量 。车上沥青 、 撒) 碎石如 有一种 用完 , 应立 即停止 同步碎 2 0 , (3 :31. 09 5 1 ) 1—5
同 步 碎 石 桥 面 防 水 技 术 研 究
孙振 伟 徐 娜 乔 琳
摘 要: 结合 实际工程 中同步碎石桥 面防水技 术的应用 , 该技 术 的原 理、 对 特性 进行 概括 , 并对其施 工工 艺进 行 总结, 详
细 介 绍 了该 技 术施 工 准 备及 施 工 流 程 , 该技 术 的 广 泛 应 用 提 供 了一 定 指 导 。 为
二者之 问的应力 。 不能 出现漏洒现象 。同时进行交通管制 , 洒布透层 2 4h后方 可进












二、培养目标1、培养学生具有严谨的治学态度, 科学的研究问题和解决实际工程问题的思维方法,团结合作的团队精神。


表1 圆管节点(CHS)的外推插值区域范围
Table 1 Boundaries of eX仃apolation region
(b)受力及边界条件 图11 x管节点尺寸符号和受荷边界条件示意图 Fig.11 Notations of geome勃呵parameters and loading
同理可确定相交曲线上一点4到焊跟%的距 离己见图4。二面角以的范围是从30。到90。,相应

驴‰[1_(箍门 ㈣
其中:k一内部相交曲线修正系数, %。。一比例因子, 统一最小夹角
180。。当‰=30。时,亚为一有限值,当‰增加到 1800时,乃变为O,其变化规律可表示如下:
其中,后:为外侧相交曲线的修正系数,晶吼是比例 因子,历是一个常数,统是所假定的最小夹角。
n啪erical results,a parame仃ic equation used to calculate the s旬ress concen衄tion factor of tubular X.ioiIlts has



介绍烟台大学英文作文Yantai University is a public university located in Yantai City Shandong Province China It was established in 1984 and has since grown to become one of the leading universities in the Shandong region The university is renowned for its strong academic programs in engineering science and technology as well as its beautiful coastal campus that overlooks the Yellow SeaThe university has a total enrollment of over 20000 students across its various undergraduate and postgraduate programs Students can choose from a wide range of majors including mechanical engineering electrical engineering computer science business administration and marine sciences The university prides itself on the quality of its teaching faculty with over 1500 professors and lecturers many of whom have earned their doctorates from prestigious universities around the worldOne of the standout features of Yantai University is its state of the art facilities and laboratories The university has invested heavily in building modern research centers and teaching labs that areequipped with the latest technologies and equipment This allows students to gain hands on experience and develop practical skills that are highly valued by employers upon graduation The university also boasts impressive sports and recreational facilities including a large gymnasium swimming pool and outdoor playing fields where students can engage in a variety of athletic activitiesBeyond the classroom Yantai University offers a vibrant campus life with numerous student clubs and organizations that cater to diverse interests There are active student unions that organize cultural events and social activities throughout the year such as talent shows music concerts and sports competitions The university also encourages students to participate in volunteer work and community service projects which help to develop their leadership and teamwork skillsOne of the unique aspects of studying at Yantai University is the opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of the local Shandong region The university is located in the historic city of Yantai which is known for its beautiful coastal scenery ancient architecture and delicious seafood cuisine Students can explore the citys many landmarks and attractions during their free time or participate in cultural exchange programs that allow them to learn more about the local customs and traditionsOverall Yantai University is an excellent choice for students who are looking to pursue a high quality education in a scenic coastal setting The university offers a wide range of academic programs strong research capabilities and modern facilities that provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their future careers Whether you are interested in engineering science or the humanities Yantai University has something to offer for everyone。



一种新型海洋腐蚀模拟设备的设计寇超楠;曲慧;马立国【摘要】In order to simulate marine corrosion in the laboratory,a new type of marine corrosion simulation equip-ment is designed. The equipment consists of three systems, which respectively are temperate, tidal control, and wave generation. The equipment is able to simulate the three main influence factors in marine corrosion,which re-spectively are temperature,blowing spray,alteration of wetting and drying. The corrosion results are basically tal-lies with the corrosion results in ocean. The equipment is able to achieve automated control, has a low cost and simple in structure. The simulation equipment is able to provide equipment support for mechanism study in marine corrosion and the exploitation of corrosion resistant material.%为了实现在实验室模拟海腐蚀而设计了一种新型海洋腐蚀模拟设备.本设备分为温度、潮差控制和造波三大系统,模拟海洋腐蚀中温度,干湿交替,浪花飞溅三大主要影响因素.本设备可实现自动化控制,结构简单,造价低,腐蚀结果与实海腐蚀相关性好.本设备可以为海洋腐蚀机理研究和耐腐蚀材料的开发提供设备支持.【期刊名称】《烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)》【年(卷),期】2018(031)001【总页数】5页(P90-94)【关键词】海洋腐蚀;模拟;自动化;相关性【作者】寇超楠;曲慧;马立国【作者单位】烟台大学土木工程学院,山东烟台264005;烟台大学土木工程学院,山东烟台264005;烟台大学土木工程学院,山东烟台264005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O177.91钢材是海洋建筑物和设备的主要组成材料,而海水是一种强电解质,每年有大量的钢材被腐蚀.2016年3月,NACE国际在NACE CORROSION 2016腐蚀大会上,初步公布了全球腐蚀调研项目IMPACT的结果,世界平均腐蚀损伤约占全球国民生产总值(GNP)的3.4%,其中海洋腐蚀约占1/3[1].因此,国内外的学者对钢材在海洋环境的下的腐蚀做了大量研究.通常在研究海洋环境下的钢材腐蚀时,主要的研究方法是实海挂片腐蚀试验法.从19世纪开始,以美国为代表的西方国家航海中的大国都开始了自己的实海挂片腐蚀试验,来研究钢材的腐蚀特征等一系列课题[2-3],我国开始于20世纪80年代,起步较晚,但是也基本完成了钢材的实海挂片试验,取得的大量的试验数据[4].但是,实海挂片试验虽然能够准确地模拟钢材在使用时的真实腐蚀情况,但是试验存在诸多问题,比如试验的离散型大,环境恶劣导致试验试件丢失,试验无法控制;同时实海试验需要大量的人力、物力、财力,试验环境也只能在海洋附近,试验周期十分漫长,通常以10a计,对科学研究造成了极大的不便利.为了解决实海试验存在的问题,国内外学者提出了一些实验室模拟海洋腐蚀的方法,比如盐雾试验、干湿交替试验[5]等.但是由于模拟实验的试验环境和真实的海洋腐蚀有较大的差别,腐蚀产物和腐蚀形貌与实际腐蚀均有不同,且只能模拟单一腐蚀区域的腐蚀.因此,能真实的模拟海洋环境的综合模拟实验成了模拟钢材腐蚀的关键,王受和等[6],郭晓军等[7]和付传清等[8],分别提出了3种不同的模拟实验设备,但其实验设备结果较为复杂、功能冗余,实施起来有一定难度.本文介绍了一种轻巧便捷,结构简单的新型海洋腐蚀模拟设备,本设备通过温度控制系统、潮差控制系统和造波系统,真实地模拟海洋腐蚀的三大主要因素.本设备可以自动化运行,并且可以调节温度,潮差高度等腐蚀条件.本设备适用性强,不但可以进行挂片腐蚀试验,同时也可以实现构件的腐蚀试验.通过研制实验室海洋腐蚀设备,开发新型腐蚀试验和测量方法,并研究模拟腐蚀试验结果和实海腐蚀试验结构的相关性,无论是对腐蚀机理的研究,还是抗腐蚀材料的研究都有较大的意义.1 设计思路1.1 总体思路本试验设备要求实现模拟海洋腐蚀环境,实现温度控制和潮差控制,同时模拟海洋波浪,因此设计了温度控制、潮差控制和造波三大系统.本着结构简单易操作的原则,每个系统需要的继电器、控制器、传感器和电子元器件,均为成品,经过设计优化后,来实现设计功能.1.2 温度控制系统图1给出了温度控制系统工作图,温度控制系统由热电偶传感器、温控开关(型号PY-SM5-2200)和加热器(型号XL-606)三部分组成.热电偶传感器工作温度-20~120 ℃,温控开关灵敏度为0.1 ℃,加热器功率为3 600 W.如图1(a),当水温低于设定最低水温时,温控开关开始输出电源,加热器开始工作,水温升高;当水温达到设定最高水温时,温控开关停止输出电源,海水开始冷却,水温下降,如此循环,模拟自然环境下的温度变化.图1 温度控制系统Fig.1 Temperature control system1.3 潮差控制系统潮差控制系统由时间控制和水位控制两部分组成,时间控制采用ZYS48-S型时间继电器,水位控制采用DF-96D型水位继电器和不锈钢水位传感器.图2(a)为潮差控制系统中模拟涨潮的工作示意图,图2(b)为模拟涨潮控制流程.时间控制器能够实现工作-暂停的循环,在工作时间内持续给水位继电器供电.水位传感器为不锈钢材质,利用海水导电的原理,实现水位控制,如图2(c)所示,3个传感器控制2个串联的电磁开关,其中当3号和2号断路(水面位于2号传感器以下),a开关闭合;当3号和1号断路(水面位于1号传感器以下),b开关闭合,水位继电器开始对外供电.其中a 开关闭合后不再断开(水位继电器断电后断开);3号和1号通电后(水位到达1号传感器),b开关断开,水位继电器停止对外供电,水位下降到1号传感器以下时,水位继电器重新开始供电,保持水位高度不变.图2 潮汐控制系统Fig.2 Tide control system1.4 造波系统造波系统,图3(a)、(b)由2组持续工作的双喷口造浪泵组成,造浪泵型号为JVP-201A/B,2个造浪泵位置由磁铁吸附固定于如图3(a)所示位置.造浪泵的工作时,由侧面吸入海水,从喷口处呈一定角度喷出,水流喷出水面后形成波浪,该型号造浪泵水流量可达1 000 L/h.当水位变化时,波浪大小和类型发生变化,如表1所示,其中当水面达到低水位时,产生大量泡沫,可以模拟海洋腐蚀中,飞沫破裂时对试件的冲击.图3 造波系统Fig.3 Wave making system表1 波浪类型表Tab.1 Table of wave type水位高度波浪类型波浪大小/mm高水位喷口没入水面,波浪呈水波状,对试件冲击力较大30低水位喷口部分漏出水面,波浪呈泡沫状,对试件冲击力较小152 整体设计本设备分为储水箱、试验水箱和配电控制箱三部分组成.各部分主要功能如表2.表2 设备功能表Tab.2 Table of equipment function设备名称功能储水箱储存海水试验水箱浸泡试件,安装传感器、造浪泵和加热器配电控制箱安装电子继电器、温控开关和电源开关2.1 试验水箱设计为方便观察,试验水箱采用玻璃材质制作,尺寸(内径)为600 mm×900 mm×500 mm,玻璃壁厚12 mm,试验水箱置于带有万向轮的铁质支架上方便移动.为方便模拟钢管试件腐蚀,试验水箱配有镂空玻璃支架一个.2.2 加热器设计加热器选用2个1 800 W常见不锈钢加热器,使用时始终保持在水面以下,防止与空气接触,造成加热器氧化腐蚀.海水平均温度约为17.5 ℃,为了提高腐蚀速率,最高温度设定为35 ℃,最低温度为30 ℃.以最高水位为300 mm,海水质量M=0.6 m×0.9 m×0.3 m×1 000 kg/m3=162 kg,根据公式C·M·ΔT=P·t,其中C是海水比热容,取3 900 kg·℃;M为海水质量;温差ΔT为5 ℃;P为3 600 W,计算得到t=14.6 min.实测得到的加热时间t约为20 min,海水自然冷却5 ℃需要约40 min.由于PY-SM5-2200型温控开关最高功率为2 200 W,故需要2个温控开关同时控制.2.3 水位控制设计水位控制分为模拟涨潮和模拟退潮两部分,由2组潮差控制系统分别控制,2组控制系统交替工作.图4给出了2组控制系统水位传感器的布置图和实物图,潮差设定为50 mm.水泵采用HJ-1141型潜水泵,水流量为1 000 L/h,液面涨高或降低50 mm大约需要3 min.在2.2节中海水加热-冷却循环时间约为60 min,故潮汐循环设定为每60 min变化一次水位,使得高潮位和低潮位都经历一次水位循环.2.4 设备总装图5和图6给出了装配好的试验水箱和配电控制箱图,其中试验水箱给出了同时进行钢管试件和挂片试件时的试件布置.图4 水位传感器Fig.4 Water level sensor图5 试验水箱Fig.5 Water tank for experiment3 结束语试验进行一个月后,钢材腐蚀效果明显,如图7,钢材在飞溅区腐蚀呈溃疡状,褐色;在最高水位线附近出现大量小气泡鼓起,腐蚀呈深褐色;潮差区腐蚀呈深褐色,腐蚀出现分层,偶见翘皮脱落现象,与实海腐蚀形貌基本相同[9],证明本设备能够较好的模拟实海腐蚀环境.相比于实海腐蚀只能采用失重法来测量腐蚀速率,在实验室环境中可以采用电阻法、电位法等多种腐蚀测量方法,并可以进行实时跟踪监测,大大提升了试验的精度和便利.同时通过加大海水温度、加入腐蚀液、增强光照、通电等加速腐蚀方法,可以大大缩短腐蚀试验周期,提高科研效率.图6 配电箱Fig.6 Distribution box图7 钢管腐蚀形貌Fig.7 Shape appearance figure of pipe corrosion参考文献:[1] 侯保荣,张盾,王鹏. 海洋腐蚀防护的现状与未来[J].中国科学院院刊,2016,12:1326-1331.[2] FELIU S, MORCILLO M, CHICO B. 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Brief introduction about School of CivilEngineering of Yantai University School of Civil Engineering of Yantai University is founded in 1984. The college has three undergraduate programs, which are Civil Engineering, Project Management and Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering, including seven professional directions(Construction Engineering, Road and Bridge Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Project Management, Cost Management, Building Water Supply and Drainage, Urban Water Supply and Sewage Treatment), and three master’s programs of Structure Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Disaster Prevention and Protective Engineering. In 2010, discipline master degree of Civil Engineering and master station of architecture and civil engineering professional are approved.There are 60 staff members in School of Civil Engineering of Yantai University, including 52 full-time teachers and 8 counselors. The structure of teachers’ lear ning source, education background, position and age is reasonable. Among the full-time teachers, there are 11 full professors (21.25%), and 25 associate professors (48.08%), 27 of them have achieved doctor's degree (51.92%) and 15 master's degree (28.85%). It has formed a relatively complete educational system, at the same time, it develops adult education and on-the-job graduate student education.Civil Engineering is the characteristics professional in Shandong province,the advantaged Professional of Yantai University, the key construction discipline of program of Constructing Leading University of Shandong Province, and the implemental specialty of the plan of excellent engineers’education and training project of Shandong province. In May 2014, Civil Engineering College passed the professional evaluation that was organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. There are 7 laboratories and research centers, more than 20 practice bases (2 at the provincial level), 2 provincial engineering technology centers, which were built by schools and enterprises. Among them, the Virtual Simulation Experiment of Mechanics Engineering Teaching Center is the national virtual simulation experiment teaching center, the Structural Engineering Laboratory is a key laboratory of colleges and universities in Shandong province, and the Mechanics Experiment Center is a provincial demonstration center on experimental teaching. Numbers of senior applied talents are cultivated to master the basic theories and basic knowledge of Civil Engineering, getting basic training for engineers so as to be competent for the design, construction and management of buildings, bridges, tunnels and other kinds of civil engineering facilities. They are equipped with solid basic theoretical knowledge, broad professional knowledge, good practical ability and certain innovation ability. The graduates are able to engage in the design, construction and management work of Civil Engineering, and have the preliminary ability ofproject planning, researching and exploiting. Also, they can work on technical works or management of design, construction, management, research, education, consultation, supervision, investment and development department of housing construction, tunnel and underground construction, highway and city road, railway, bridge and mine construction engineering, etc.Main courses: Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Civil Engineering Materials, Engineering Surveying, Concrete Structure, Steel Structure, Foundation Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Underground Structure, Road Line Reconnaissance Design, Roadbed and pavement Engineering, Civil Engineering Construction, Engineering Economy, Computer Application, etc.Project Management is the construction discipline of program of Constructing Leading University of Shandong Province. People who major in Project Management are trained to adapt to the social and economical development and are fully developed morally, intellectually and physically, which are needed in the 21st century. They should have a deep understanding of knowledge of Civil Engineering Technology, and both basic and professional knowledge of management, laws, and economics of domestic and international project management. They get basic training for engineers in an all-round way thus possess a systematic and open knowledge structure, meanwhile, have strong professional, practical and innovative ability. Healthy personality traits and good social adaptation ability can be found on them and they are equipped to work through whole process in engineering management area of both homeland and abroad. The graduates are equipped with the ability of planning, constructing and managing the construction project to work in the engineering design units, real estate development enterprises, the government department in charge of construction and so on, engaging in the preliminary planning and feasibility study of project construction. They can also work in engineering consultancy and construction enterprises on the project cost, project management, engineering supervision, engineering construction, etc.Main courses: Engineering Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Concrete and Masonry Structure, Steel Structure, Building Construction, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Construction of Civil Engineering, Principles of Economics, Principles of Management, Project Management, Engineering Cost Management, Engineering Contract Management and Legal System, Economic Law and Laws and Regulations of Construction and so on.Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering is the construction discipline of program of Constructing Leading University of Shandong Province. The educating directions consist of municipal water supply and drainage, sewage treatment, and water supply and drainage of buildings. Applied talents mastering these courses are equipped with knowledge of Urban Water-Supply Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Building Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Industrial WaterSupply and Drainage Engineering, Control Planning of Water Pollution, Water Resources Protection, etc, and would be competent to work on programming, designing, constructing, managing, educating, researching, manufacting, exploiting and so on in fields as follows: government departments, planning departments, economic administrative departments, environmental protection administrations, design institutions, research institutions, academies of senior or junior colleges, industrial and mining enterprises, installation establishments, real estate development enterprises, water equipment manufacturing enterprises, aquatic production conducting enterprises.Main courses: Engineering Mechanics, Hydromechanics, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Water-Analytical Chemistry, Water Quality Engineering, Water Treatment Microorganism, Water Supply and Drainage Pipe Network, Building Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Pump and Pump Station, Small-Town Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Water Engineering Economics, Installing Engineering Project Budget, Water Engineering Construction, Water Engineering Construction Supervision, Water Resources and Environmental Protection, Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Reuse of Recycled Water and Treatment.In recent years, School of Civil Engineering of Yantai University has undertaken a number of research projects such as Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, and the Program for Tackling Key Problems of Shandong Province, together with significant programs like National Sci-Tech Support Plan, etc. Some influential achievements in teaching and scientific researching have been achieved by our university such as the first prize of Teaching Outcomes of Shandong Province, The second award of Excellent Teaching Materials of Ministry of Education, the third prize of Natural Science of Shandong Province. More than 20 monographs and teaching materials are published, as well as and about 500 academic papers. Otherwise, many products have been awarded many national patents.。
