封面:介 绍PPT的 主题和作 者
背景介绍: 介绍《瓦 尔登湖》 的背景和 作者生平
内容概述: 概述《瓦 尔登湖》 的主要内 容和思想
分析与鉴 赏:对 《瓦尔登 湖》进行 深入分析 和鉴赏
结论:总 结《瓦尔 登湖》的 价值和意 义
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梭罗在瓦尔登湖生 活了两年零两个月 期间创作了《瓦尔 登湖》一书。
《瓦尔登湖》是梭 罗对自然、生活、 社会和人生的深刻 思考被誉为“美国 文学的经典之作” 。
瓦尔登湖的历史和 文化背景反映了19 世纪美国社会的变 革和思想潮流对后 世产生了深远影响 。
自然风光:瓦尔登湖周围有 美丽的自然风光如森林、湖 泊、山脉等。
情感:根据内容选择适当的 情感如喜悦、悲伤、愤怒等
保持眼神交流:与观众保持眼神交流让他们感受到你的真诚和尊重。 提问和回答:适时提问鼓励观众参与并认真回答他们的问题。 肢体语言:运用适当的肢体语言如手势、表情等增强演讲的感染力。 控制时间:注意控制演讲时间避免过长或过短确保观众能够充分理解和接受你的观点。
建立自然保护 区:保护瓦尔 登湖的自然环 境和生态系统
加强环境保护: 减少污染保护 水质和生物多
It’s a real good book especially for us students . We need solitude, contemplation, and closeness to nature , at the same time refusing consumerist and materialist attitudes ,which may help us living in healthy .
——By Henry David Thoreau
Walden Pond
Author(s) Henry David
Original title page of Walden featuring a picture drawn by Thoreau's sister Sophia.
dispel the clouds which hang over our brows, and take up a little life into our pores. Do not stay to be an overseer(监督人) of the poor, but endeavor to become one of the worthies of the world. ——By Thoreau
Thoreau Original titleWalden; or, Life in the Woods Country United States Language English Genre(s)(类型,流派) Autobiography Publisher Ticknor and Fields: Boston (Original Publisher) Publication date August 9, 1854
心灵与自然相结合才能产生智 慧,才能产生想象力——梭罗
Henry David Thoreau(18171862), American writer and philosopher.
时间只是我垂钓的小 溪。我喝溪水,喝水 时候我看到它那沙底, 它多么浅啊。它的汨 汨的流水逝去了,可 是永恒留了下来。我 愿饮得更深;在天空 中打鱼,天空的底层 里有着石子似的星星。
thank you!Fra bibliotekexcerpt of walden(摘录瓦尔登湖)
• Time is but the stream I go • a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars.
• I went to the woods • 我到林中去,因为我 because I wished to live 希望谨慎地生活,只 deliberately, to front 面对生活的基本事实, only the essential facts 看看我是否学得到生 of life, and see if I could 活要教育我的东西, not learn what it had to 免得到了临死的时候, teach, and not, when I 才发现我根本就没有 came to die, discover 生活过。 that I had not lived.
瓦尔登湖 (2)ppt课件
![瓦尔登湖 (2)ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32d5c67a31126edb6e1a1020.png)
——Hery Dvid Thoreau
写 作 背 景
月又二天的生活和思想纪录,写作于19世纪上半 叶的美国正处于由农业时代向工业时代转型的初 始阶段,美国经济迅猛发展,社会不断进步,蓬 勃发展的工业和商业造成了社会大众当时普遍流 行的拜金主义思想和享乐主义思想占绝对主导地
生 平
1817年7月12日,梭罗生于康科德城 1837年毕业于哈佛大学,1838回到家乡,执教两年 1841年住在作家、思想家爱默生的家里,当门徒,又当助手,并开始尝试写作 1845年3月,他向《小妇人》的作者阿尔柯特借了一柄斧头,就跑进了无人居住的瓦尔登湖 边的山林中,完全靠自己的双手过了一段原始简朴的生活 1847年回到康科德城 1848年他住在爱默生家里。此后他患了肺于1862年病逝于康科德城,年仅45岁
随着政治的独立,美国文学也逐渐走向成熟和独立。在建国初期,美国文学被英国文学垄断。这个时期的确也有不少 优秀的作家和作品,比如伴随战争与政治独立斗争而诞生的《独立宣言》和《常识》等,以及纯文学作品《纽约外 史》、《见闻礼记》等,甚至有大名鼎鼎的爱伦坡的作品。不过这些作品都在模仿英国乃至整个欧洲的风格。到了十 九世纪三十年代,很多美国作家都在探索到底什么才是“美国”的文学?1837年,美国文学家、思想家爱默生发表了 题为“美国学者”的演讲辞,宣布美国文学已经脱离英国文学而独立,并且告诫美国学者不要盲目追随传统与刻意模 仿。这个时期诞生了真正的美国文学,比如麦尔维尔的《白鲸》,霍桑的《红字》,斯托夫人的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 等。当然,在这些闪耀的群星中,最引人注目、最耀眼的还是梭罗,以及他的《瓦尔登湖》,以至于爱默生称他为 “美利坚的雄狮”。
"Walden" is the English book title for "Walden; or, Life in the Woods" written by Henry David Thoreau. This classic work explores Thoreau's experience living in a cabin near Walden Pond in the 1840s. The
book is a reflection on simple living in natural surroundings and is considered a key text in the transcendentalist movement. Thoreau's observations on self-reliance, individualism, and the importance of nature continue to resonate with readers today.
《瓦尔登》是亨利·戴维·梭罗所著《瓦尔登; 或者说, 林中生活》的英文书名。
初中班会 读书分享读书交流会《瓦尔登湖》课件 (26张PPT)
![初中班会 读书分享读书交流会《瓦尔登湖》课件 (26张PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/da3be5b6900ef12d2af90242a8956bec0875a553.png)
作者向所有的人宣讲了自己的生活方式与理想:“不必给我爱,不必给我钱, 不必给我名誉,给我真谛吧!我们身体内的生命像活动的水,新奇的事物正 在无穷无尽地注入这个世界来,而我们却忍受着不可思议的笨拙。”
作者描写了他生活的地方霍尔威尔“真正迷人之处”。在文章的开头,作者在想 象中下田园,并亲身耕耘。作者展现了美丽的田园风光。在这样的地方,作者认 识到,“生也好,死也好,我们仅仅寻求现实”,现实才是生活所应当寻求的全 部。
Walden Lake Reading Sharing
作者描写了在森林中一个人生活所独有的感受--孤寂。 作者并没有直接描写,而是通过其他一些动物来反衬心 中的感觉,“牛蛙呜叫,邀来黑夜, 夜莺的乐音乘着吹起涟漪的风从湖上传来。摇荡的赤杨 和松柏。激起我的情感,使我几乎不能呼吸了,然而如 镜的湖面一样,晚风吹起来的微波是谈不上什么风暴 的”。虽然孤寂使作者“几乎不能呼吸”,但他认为这 并不是生活中最可怕的,由于“宁静不多是绝对的”。
Author Introduction
Content Overview
Works Appreciation
Judgment perception
作者简介 Author Introduction
Walden Lake Reading Sharing
作品鉴赏 Content Overview
《瓦尔登湖 》课件
![《瓦尔登湖 》课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bda3b347b42acfc789eb172ded630b1c59ee9bfa.png)
分析梭罗选择隐居的原因,以及他如何 通过隐居实现内心的平静和真正的自由 。
总结词:对人生意义和价 值的深入思考
分析梭罗在瓦尔登湖畔独 居期间进行的深入思考和 探索。
探讨梭罗对人生意义、自 由、孤独等问题的独特见 解。
亨利·戴维·梭罗在《瓦尔 登湖》中运用简洁、质朴 的语言,表达对自然和人 生的深刻见解。
梭罗的文字如同清澈的湖 水,自然流畅,读来让人 心旷神怡。
梭罗善于用诗意的语言描 绘自然,使读者感受到大 自然的美丽与神秘。
梭罗在《瓦尔登湖》中运用了独 特的叙事技巧,将个人经历与对 自然的观察相结合,使读者更容
主人公与村民之间保持着一定的距离,他尊重村民的生活方式,但并不完全融入其中。这种关系体现了主人公对 现代社会的不满和追求自由的精神。
主人公与访客之间的关系是平等、友好的。通过交流和对话,双方都得到了启发,共同探讨人生的真谛。这种关 系展现了人与人之间相互影响、共同成长的可能性。
梭罗在哈佛大学学习期间结识了爱默生,并成为他的学生和 密友。爱默生的思想对梭罗的文学和哲学观念产生了重要的 影响。
《瓦尔登湖》是梭罗的代表作,也是美国文学中的经典之 作。该书记录了梭罗在瓦尔登湖畔独居两年两个月零两天 的经历和思考。
梭罗在书中描绘了大自然的美丽与宁静,同时也反思了现 代社会的问题,如物质主义、消费主义等。他倡导简单、 自然的生活方式,认为人们应该回归自然,寻找内心的平 静和真正的幸福。
亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau),美国作家、哲学家,超验主义代表人物,也是一位废奴主义及自然主义者。
By Henry David Thoreau文/亨利•戴维•梭罗I have frequently seen a poet withdraw, having enjoyed the most valuable part of a farm, while the crusty farmer supposed that he had got a few wild apples only. Why, the owner does not know it for many years when a poet has put his farm in rhyme, the most admirable kind of invisible fence, has fairly impounded it, milked it, skimmed it, and got all the cream, and left the farmer only the skimmed milk.我经常看到一个诗人,欣赏了农场里令人叫绝的风景就离去了,而脾气急躁的农场主还以为他拿走的只是几个野苹果罢了。
The real attractions of the Hollowell farm, to me, were: its complete retirement, being, about two miles from the village, half a mile from the nearest neighbor, and separated from the highway by a broad field; its bounding on the river, which the owner said protected it by its fogs from frosts in the spring, though that was nothing to me; the gray color and ruinous state of the house and barn, and the dilapidated fences, which put such an interval between me and the last occupant; the hollow and lichen-coveredapple trees, gnawed by rabbits, showing what kind of neighbors I should have; but above all, the recollection I had of it from my earliest voyages up the river, when the house was concealed behind a dense grove of red maples, through which I heard the house-dog bark. I was in haste to buy it, before the proprietor finished getting out some rocks, cutting down the hollow apple trees, and grubbing up some young birches which had sprung up in the pasture, or, in short, had made any more of his improvements. To enjoy these advantages I was ready to carry it on; like Atlas, to take the world on my shoulders—I never heard what compensation he received for that—and do all those things which had no other motive or excuse but that I might pay for it and be unmolested in my possession of it; for I knew all the while that it would yield the most abundant crop of the kind I wanted, if I could only afford to let it alone. But it turned out as I have said.依我看,霍尔维尔乡间住宅的真正魅力,在于它是全然遁世隐退之胜地,离村子有两英里远,最近的邻居也在半英里开外,好大的一块地把它和公路隔开;它以一条河划界,据农场主说,春天里河面上升起了大雾,霜冻也就不见了影子,不过,这可跟我完全无关。
几百万人清醒得足以 从事体力劳动,但是 一百万人中,只有一 个人才清醒得足以有 效地服役于智慧;一 亿人中,才能有一个 人,生活得诗意而神 圣。清醒就是生活
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. -P194
。我喝溪水,喝水时 候我看到它那沙底, 它多么浅啊。它的汨 汨的流水逝去了,可 是永恒留了下来。我 愿饮得更深;在天空 中打鱼,天空的底层 里有着石子似的星星 。
As all by progress of as, Thoreaul has noted the relationship between human and nature, people in social in the of dilemma and people hope improving natural of relationship, people in social in the of dilemma and people hope improving self-spirit of habits. Even he himself do not realize what he do. He defends for himself, and be full of joy ,free,unrestrained, and created out a unique of fried egg rolls, he lets people constantly draw nutrition in a hunger day . The Walden Pond is one of the first dishes to a plate full of vitamins
influence many public figures later. Thoreau’s thought was respected by Gandhi(甘地) and Martin Luther King(马丁.路德.金)
Thank you!
In a world where everyone and everything is eager to advance in terms of progress, Thoreau finds it stubborn and skeptical(怀疑) to think that any outward improvement of life can bring inner peace and contentment.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. (我到林中去,因为我希望谨慎地生活,只面对生活的基本 事实,看看我是否学得到生活要教育我的东西,免得到了 临死的时候,才发现我根本就没有生活过。)
瓦尔登湖英文版介绍PPT Walden
![瓦尔登湖英文版介绍PPT Walden](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/25eea8dc26fff705cc170adc.png)
WaldenMind and nature combine to creat intelligence to produce the imagination.Thoreau is a famous philosopher,writer,and abolitionist.This book is his most famous novel :Walden. And he was born in1817, and once studied in Harvard university.2022/2/19“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberat ely,to front only the essential facts of life,and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,and not,when I c ame to die,discover that I had not lived.I did not wish to live what was not life,living is so dear;nor did I wish to practise resignation,unless it was quite necessary.I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of lif e,to live so sturdily and Spartanlike as to put to rout al l that was not life,to cut a broad swath and shave clos e,to drive life into a corner,and reduce it to its lowest terms.”“我步入丛林,因为我希望从容不迫地生活,面对本质上只有生活的事实,看看是否能掌握所教,不,当我来到死,发现我没有住。
Walden 瓦尔登湖中英介绍ppt. - fina
![Walden 瓦尔登湖中英介绍ppt. - fina](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/556f4e0bbed5b9f3f90f1c85.png)
Synopsis (contents)
• Baker Farm
– While on an afternoon ramble in the woods, Thoreau gets caught in a rainstorm and takes shelter in the dirty, dismal hut of John Field, a penniless but hard-working Irish farmhand, and his wife and children. Thoreau urges Field to live a simple but independent and fulfilling life in the woods, thereby freeing himself of employers and creditors. But the Irishman won't give up his dreams of luxury, which is the American dream.
“《瓦尔登湖》是本静静的书,极静 极静的书,并不是热热闹闹的书。它是一 本寂寞的书,一本孤独的书。它只是一本 一个人的书。如果你的心没有安静下来, 恐怕你很难进入到这本书里去。我要告诉 你的是,在你的心静下来以后,你就会思 考一些什么。在你思考一些什么问题时, 你才有可能和这位享利·戴维·梭罗先生 一起,思考一下自己,更思考一下更高的 原则。”
• Complementary Verses
– This chapter consists entirely of a poem, "The Pretensions of Poverty," by seventeenth-century English poet Thomas Carew. The poem criticizes those who think that their poverty gives them unearned moral and intellectual superi relates his efforts to cultivate two and a half acres of beans. He plants in June and spends his summer mornings weeding the field with a hoe. He sells most of the crop, and his small profit of $8.71 covers his needs.
Henry David Thoreau美国超验主义作家梭罗简介及《瓦尔登湖》赏析英文PPT课件.
![Henry David Thoreau美国超验主义作家梭罗简介及《瓦尔登湖》赏析英文PPT课件.](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a225d45c90c69ec3d5bb75f4.png)
Henry David Thoreau and Walden
梭罗这人有脑子 像鱼有水、鸟有翅 云彩有天空
…… 梭罗这人有脑子 梭罗手头没有别的 抓住了一根棒木 那木棍揍了我 狠狠揍了我 像春天揍了我
…… 梭罗这人有脑子 看见湖泊就高兴
梭罗这人有脑子 不言不语让东窗天亮西窗天黑 其实他哪有窗子 梭罗这人有脑子 不言不语做男人又做女人 其实生下的儿子还是他自己
“最好的政府一无所治;在人们准备好之前 ,那将是他们愿意拥有的那种政府。”
• “难道公民必得将良心交给立法者, 自己一分也不留?若此,则人有良心 何为?我认为我们首先必须是人,然 后再谈是不是被统治者。...则此 法律不值得尊重——去违反这样的法律 吧。...。如果一千个人今年拒绝 缴税,跟同意缴税相比,前者不算是 暴力与血腥的手段,因为缴税将可能 使国家使用暴力、且使无辜者流血。 事实上,这就是和平革命”( peaceable revolution)。
• 他从来不懒惰或是任性,他需要钱的时 候,情愿做些与他性情相近的体力劳动 来赚钱——如造一只小船或是一道篱笆 ,种植、接枝、测量,或是别的短期工 作——而不愿长期地受雇。
• 梭罗认为,人们一周当中只应工作 一天,其余的六天用来思考。
• 他父亲制造铅笔,亨利有一个时期也研究这 行手艺,他相信他能够造出一种铅笔,比当 时通用的更好。他完成他的实验之后,将他 的作品展览给波士顿的化学家与艺术家看, 取得他们的证书,保证它的优秀品质,此后 他就满足地回家去了。他的朋友们向他道贺 ,因为他辟出了一条致富之道。但是他回答
著名作品有:散文集《瓦尔登湖》(又 译为《湖滨散记》)和《公民不服从 》(又译为《消极抵抗》、《论公民抗 命》、《公民不服从论》 ) Resistance to Civil Government (also known asCivil Disobedience) )。 《瓦尔登湖》记载了他在瓦爾登湖的 隐逸生活,而《公民不服从》则讨论 面对政府和强权的不义,为公民主动 拒绝遵守若干法律提出辩护。
Pond and live there alone for two years to get cl
ose to the nature .Walden, is the famous book m
ainly talks about his life and thoughts during tho
se days living in the woods .
American author, poet, philosopher, naturalist
Works and life OF Thoreau
Thoreau‘s books, articles, essays, journals, and poetry total over 20 volumes.He is best known for his book Walden(《瓦尔登湖》) and his essay Resistance to Civil (《论公民的不服从》).
The Bean-Field
The Village
The Ponds
Baker Farm
Walden emphasizes the importance of solitude, contemplation(沉思), and closeness
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. (我到林中去,因为我希望谨慎地生活,只面对生活的基本 事实,看看我是否学得到生活要教育我的东西,免得到了 临死的时候,才发现我根本就没有生活过。)
Thoreau And Walden(梭罗和瓦尔登湖)---美国文学PPT课件
![Thoreau And Walden(梭罗和瓦尔登湖)---美国文学PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7d214b935ef7ba0d4b733b2b.png)
Style of Speech
一.清新、形象、生动、富有诗意 二.既平易自然,简洁有力,又新颖别致,典雅蕴藉 三.不时透露出些许幽默
➢揭示生态危机及其社会根源,弘扬忧患意识 ➢提倡简单生活 ➢倡导任何自然和谐共生,表达人类与自然万物和谐相处的思想 ➢超验主义:强调人与上帝间的直接交流和人性中的神性,强调人
enjoy his or her life leisurely
• Economy • Complemental Verses • Where I Lived, and What I lived
For • Reading • Sounds • Solitude • Visitors • The Bean-field • The Village
Personal Interpretation to Walden
Published in 1854 Detailed description of his life and thoughts during his solitude beside
自杀时随身携带了四本书:《圣经》、 亨利·戴维·梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》、海涯 达尔的《孤筏重洋》和《康拉得小说 选》。
“从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜 我有一所房子 面朝大海,春暖花开”
亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau, 1817年7月12日-1862年5月6日), 美国作家、哲学家、废奴主义者、超 验主义者,也曾任职土地勘测员。
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excerp of Walden
• “I went to the woods • 我到林中去,因为我 because I wished to live 希望谨慎地生活,只 deliberately, to front only 面对生活的基本事实, the essential facts of life, 看看我是否学得到生 and see if I could not 活要教育我的东西, learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to 免得到了临死的时候, die, discover that I had 才发现我根本就没有 not lived.” --- P186 生活过。
• 几百万人清醒得足以 从事体力劳动,但是 一百万人中,只有一 个人才清醒得足以有 效地服役于智慧;一 亿人中,才能有一个 人,生活得诗意而神 圣。清醒就是生活
Time is but the stream I • 时间只是我垂钓的溪。 go a-fishing in. I drink at it; 我喝溪水,喝水时候 but while I drink I see the 我看到它那沙底,它 sandy bottom and detect 多么浅啊。它的汨汨 how shallow it is. Its thin 的流水逝去了,可是 current slides away, but eternity remains. I would 永恒留了下来。我愿 drink deeper; fish in the 饮得更深;在天空中 sky, whose bottom is 打鱼,天空的底层里 pebbly with stars. -P194
• The millions are awake enough for physical labor; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion, only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life. To be awake is to be alive.
• 这是一本清新、健康、引人向上的书,对于春天,对于黎明,都有极 其动人的描写。这里有大自然给人的澄净的空气,而无工业社会带来 的环境污染。读着它,读者自然会感觉到心灵的纯净,精神的升华
• In 1845 a m a n b e g a n a tw o -y e a r re s id e n c e a t W a ld e n P o n d . H e w e n t to th e w o o d s , b e c a u s e h e w a n ts to liv e d e lib e ra te ly , a n d to fro n t o n ly th e e s s e n tia l fa c ts o f life . • H e liv e d a t W a ld e n in a h u t b u ilt b y h is o w n hands. • H e sh ie d a w a y fro m a ll kin d s o f so c ia l o rg a n iz a tio n . • In 1847, h e le ft W a ld e n P o n d , n o t b e c a u s e th e e x p e rim e n t w a s a fa ilu re , b u t b e c a u s e it w a s co m p le te d . H e h a d fre s h e r e x p e rie n c e to d is c o v e r.
• w h o is h e ?
Henry David Thoreau
• he is one of the bestknown non-fiction books written by an American. • No Americans live more real than Thoreau -Ralph Waldo Emerson
As all by progress of as, Thoreaul has noted the relationship between human and nature, people in social in the of dilemma and people hope improving natural of relationship, people in social in the of dilemma and people hope improving self-spirit of habits. Even he himself do not realize what he do. He defends for himself, and be full of joy ,free,unrestrained, and created out a unique of fried egg rolls, he lets people constantly draw nutrition in a hunger day . The Walden Pond is one of the first dishes to a plate full of vitamins
thank you!
made in 7-6-109
Mind and nature combine to create intelligence to producethe imagination.
the walden in my heart
• This is a book of quiet, indifferent, full of wisdom, Analysis of life, critical practices, amazing language , the word flash, maverick, thought provoking. Many page image is depicting, beautiful detail, like lake water pure and transparent, like dense green Woods; also some page argument thoroughly, very insightful, give people enlightenment.
He Walden
• because of this book the walden become theSpiritual paradise of american
because china do not have the walden so theHaizi go to the another world to find the walden
• 《瓦尔登湖》的伟大之外就在 于梭罗能够通过艺术来实现自 己决意要做的事业。通过创造 一个有机的形式,他使自己的 决定获得了新生:通过有意识 的努力,他重新获得了一种成 熟的恬静,如果说那不是黄金 年龄的清纯狂喜的话。 • 整个《瓦尔登湖》记录着 自我在微观宇宙历程中的经历。 • 如果梭罗仅仅给我们留下 一部一个男人在林中生活的记 载,或者说他仅仅退隐到森林 之中,在那儿记载着他对社会 的抱怨,甚至说,如果他想把 这两者都合到一本书里,那么 《瓦尔登湖》就不会有这一百 年的生命。
• 正像一切所进展的一样,梭罗 记下了人跟自然的关系,人在 社会中的困境和人希望提高自 然的关系,人在社会中的困境 和人希望提高自我精神的习性, 连他自己恐怕也没有意识到自 己在做什么;他一会儿为自我 辩护,一会儿充满了喜悦、自 由、奔放、创造出了一个独特 的煎蛋卷,让人们在饥饿的一 天不断从中汲以营养。《瓦尔 登湖》是最早一盘充满维生素 的菜肴之一
The greatness of the Walden is Thoreaul can be achieved through art we are determined to do business. By creating an organic form, he makes his decision to be renewed through conscious effort, he regained a mature tranquil, if that is not the golden age of pure ecstasy. The Walden records its own micro-universe as a whole in the course of experience. If Thoreau left us just a record that a man lived in the forest, or he just retired to the forest, where he recorded his complaints about social. Even said that if he wants to put both in the book, then the Walden Pond will not have the life of 100 years.
• 这是一本宁静、恬淡、充满智慧的书。其中分析生活,批判习俗 处,语语惊人,字字闪光,见解独特,耐人寻味。许多篇页是形 象描绘,优美细致,像湖水的纯洁透明,像山林的茂密翠绿;也 有一些篇页说理透彻,十分精辟,给人启迪。
• This is a fresh, healthy, interesting and progressive books, spring, dawn, there are descriptions of the most touching. Here nature gives the clear air without environmental pollution of industrial society. Read it, readers will feel the purity of the soul, the spirit of sublimation。 •