上海六年级数学期末考卷(考试时间90分钟,满分100分)说明:本卷中,如没有特别说明,所涉及的与整除有关的概念都是指在正整数范围内,所涉及的圆周率π取3.14.一、 填空题(本大题共13题,每空2分,满分34分) 1. 最小的合数是_____________.2. 100以内能同时被3和7整除的最大奇数是____________.3. 计算:________7358=-; ________12711582=+; ________652.1=⨯; ________986=÷.4. 用“<”号连接:25%、0.2与31是 .5. 求比值:1.5∶24=_________;75g ∶0.5kg =____________. 6. 若15:7y :x =,那么=+)y x (:x . 7. 若女同学人数占全班人数的83,则女同学人数是男同学人数的 %. 8. 某外贸公司去年产值为280万元,今年的产值估计为315万元,那么这两年的增长率是 .9. 某商场举行新年促销活动,将原价为2500元的手机打八五折销售,则该手机现在的售价是 元.10.掷一枚骰子,朝上的点数是素数的可能性的大小是 .11.边长为10厘米的正方形中画一个最大的圆,这个圆的周长是__________厘米. 12.圆环的外圆半径为6厘米,内圆半径为4厘米,则圆环的面积是__________平方厘米. 13.已知三个数分别为1、2、3,请你再写出一个数,使这四个数能组成一个比例,这个数是 (写出所有可能).二、 选择题(本大题共5题,每题2分,满分10分)14. 下列分数中不能化为有限小数的是 …………………………………( )(A )257. (B )327. (C )915. (D )65.15. 下列各组数中,互为倒数的一组数是…………………………………( )(A) 981和819. (B) 981和178. (C) 981和891. (D) 981和179.16. 小李计划一天加工60个零件,上午完成计划的53,下午完成计划的95,他实际超产了计划的多少?下面列式正确的是……………………………………( ) (A ).955360--(B ).95531-- (C ).95531-+ (D ).19553-+ 17. 甲数与乙数之比是5∶4,那么乙数比甲数少百分之几?下面正确的是( )(A )80%. (B )20%. (C )25%. (D )125%. 18. 一条弧的长度是圆周长的52,则这条弧所对的圆心角的度数是………( ) (A )96. (B )120. (C )144. (D )160.三、 (本大题共3题,满分30分)19. (本题5分)求36与48的最大公因数和最小公倍数.20.(本题每小题5分,共20分)计算(写出计算步骤):(1)2.061311-+; (2) )13614.0(137527+--;(3) 22155112.13⨯÷; (4) 5.42011553852155.5+⨯+⨯.21.(本题5分)已知x::y=0.2:0.3,x :z=41:31;求x :y :z.四、 (本大题共4题,每题5分,满分20分)22.在2010年广州亚运会中,中国香港队获奖情况如图所示, 其中金牌获得8枚,问铜牌获得多少枚?23.一座时钟从八点到十点(即∠AOB=60°),时针尖端移动的距离是6.28厘米, 问时针扫过的面积是多少平方厘米?24.王师傅1.5小时加工1350个零件.照这样的速度,王师傅40分钟可以加工多少个零件?25.建筑工地有一批水泥,第一次用去7200千克,比第二次多用41,剩下的水泥是第一次用去的30%,问: (1) 剩下水泥多少千克? (2) 这批水泥共有多少千克?五、 (本大题满分6分)26.如图,大正方形ABCD 与小正方形BEFH 并排放在一起,已知大正方形的边长是6,以点B 为圆心,边AB 长为半径画圆弧,联结AF 、CF. 计算:(1) 当小正方形边长是2,求阴影部分的面积.(2) 当小正方形边长是3,求阴影部分的面积. 探究:由上述计算,你感到阴影部分的面积与小正方形 边长有关吗?请说明理由.……………… 考 ……… 生 ……… 答 ……… 题 ……… 不 ……… 得 ……… 超 ……… 过 ……… 密 ……… 封 ………线 ………………预备年级期末数学试卷参考答案及评分意见一、 填空题(本大题共13题,每空2分,满分34分)1.4; 2.63; 3.742,6074,1,427; 4.31%252.0<<; 5.161,203; 6.7:22; 7.60; 8.12.5%; 9.2125; 10.21; 11.15.7; 12.62.8;13.6或23或32.二、 选择题(本大题共5题,每题2分,满分10分)14.D ; 15.D ; 16.D ; 17.B ; 18.C . 三、 (本大题共3题,满分30分)19.解:因为36=2×2×3×3,48=2×2×2×2×3,(1分)所以36与48的最大公因数是12,(2分)最小公倍数是144. (2分) 20.解:(1)1013303930630530405161342.061311==-+=-+=-+.(5分) (2)136113752527136152137527)13614.0(137527---=---=+--527)1361137(7=-=+-=.(5分) (3)215221565566221556511322155112.13=⨯⨯=⨯÷=⨯÷.(5分) (4)5.455.553852155.55.42011553852155.5+⨯+⨯=+⨯+⨯605.45.555.41055.55.4)538521(55.5=+=+⨯=++⨯=.(5分) 说明:至少要有一步中间过程.结论错误的每对一步给1分,最多可得4分;只写正确结论的给2分.21.解:因为,8:64:3z :x ,9:63:2y :x ====(1+1+1+1分)所以8:9:6z :y :x =.(1分)四、 (本大题共4题,每题5分,满分20分)22.解:40%208=÷(枚)(2分)40×(1-20%-37.5%)=17(枚)(1+1分) 或 40×37.5%=15(枚)(1分)40-8-15=17(枚)(1分) 答:铜牌获得15枚.(1分)23.解:设时针长度为r 厘米.(1分) 1806028.6r⨯⨯=π r=6(厘米)(1+1分)84.183606602=⨯⨯=π扇S (平方厘米).(1+1分)答:时针扫过的面积是18.84平方厘米.24.解:设王师傅40分钟可以加工x 个零件,(1分) 那么90135040x =,(1分) ,54000x 90=(1分) .600x =(1分) 答:王师傅40分钟可以加工600个零件.(1分) 或60405.11350⨯÷ (2分) 60032321350=⨯⨯=(个)(1+1分) 答:王师傅40分钟可以加工600个零件.(1分) 25.解:(1)2160%307200=⨯(千克)(1+1分)答:剩下水泥2160千克.(2)5760457200=÷(千克)(1+1分) 15120216057607200=++(千克)(1分) 或 设第二次用去x 千克. 7200x 45=(1分) x=5760(1分)15120216057607200=++(千克)(1分) 答:这批水泥共有15120千克.五、 (本大题满分6分)26.解:(1)计算得到:26.28=阴影S .(2分)说明:酌情得分(2)计算得到:26.28=阴影S .(1分) 探究:无关. (1分)设小正方形BEFH 边长为a)4(21FEA EFCB +==a a S S △梯 (1分) 26.28FEA EFCB ==-+=∴扇△梯扇阴影S S S S S .(1分)。
上海市六年级上学期数学期末试卷一、选择题(本大题共6题,每题2分,满分12分)1.计算12+ 13,下列运算结果正确的是()。
上海市2018学年第一学期六年级期末测试数学试卷(考试时间90分钟,满分100分)2019.1说明:(1)本卷中,如没有特别说明,所涉及的与整除有关的概念都是指在正整数范围内;(2)如没有特别说明,涉及圆周率时,π取3.14;(3)除填空、选择题外,如没有特殊说明,需要写出主要解题过程.一、填空题(本大题共16题,每题2分,满分32 分) 1.213的倒数为_______________. 2.分解素因数: .3.已知 , ,那么A 、B 的最大公因数是__________.4.比较大小:12131314(填“<”、“>”、“=”). 5.求比值: 分钟:43小时= . 6.化成最简整数比:=2141:61:.7.如果 是 和 的比例中项,那么=x .8.从1到20这20个数中任意抽取一个数,抽到的数为3的倍数的可能性大小为. 9.在一张比例尺是1:100000的地图上,如果甲、乙两地距离是3.4cm ,则甲、乙两地的实际距离是千米.10.一根长18米的绳子,先剪掉它的13,再剪掉13米,还剩下米.11.将分数1722化成循环小数的结果为 ,用简便方法记作为. 12.如果汽车行驶30千米耗油4升,那么行驶105千米需要耗油升.13.一条弧所在圆的半径为6厘米,圆心角为60°,那么这条弧长为__________厘米.14.已知扇形的圆心角为︒72,弧长为6.28厘米,则这个扇形的面积为平方厘米.学校_______________________ 班级__________ 学号_________ 姓名______________…………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………○线………………………………………………15.一个比萨店出售两种厚度一样但大小不同的圆形比萨饼。
小饼直径30厘米,售价30元,大饼直径40厘米,售价40元,则购买 (填大饼或小饼)更实惠. 16.如图,在一条街道的两边各有1排房子,每排 都有5间.如果标记为W 的房子要被涂成白色, 要求每一排中与W 相邻的房子不能同色,两排中与 W 直接相对的房子也不能是同种颜色.那么不能被 涂成白色的房子占房子总数的百分率为 .二、选择题(本大题共 4题,每题 3 分,满分 12分)17.下列各组数中,第一个数能被第二个数整除的是…………………………………( ) (A )16和32; (B )20和50; (C )4和0.2; (D )28和7.18.下列分数中,不能化为有限小数的是………………………………………………( )(A )21; (B )31; (C )41; (D )51. 19.下列说法正确的是……………………………………………………………………( ) (A)一种商品先提价10%,再降价10%,现在这种商品的售价与原价一样; (B)一种商品先降价10%,再提价10%,现在这种商品的售价与原价一样;(C)一种商品先提价10%,然后在此基础上再提价10%,这时这种商品的售价比原价高20%; (D)一种商品先提价25%,然后在此基础上再打八折,这时这种商品的售价与原价一样. 20.已知一个扇形的面积等于S ,现将它的圆心角扩大为原来的2倍,而将它的半径缩小为原来的一半,这样所得的扇形的面积是………………………………………( ) (A );(B);(C) ;(D) .三、计算(写出计算步骤)(本大题共4题,每题5分,满分20分) 21.计算:1120.663+-22.计算:1121.25(2)2843÷-+÷解:解:23.已知7:95125.1:=x ,求x 的值街道WWW(第16题图)解:24.已知:0.2:0.5x y =,12::43y z =,求::x y z 解:四、解答题(本大题共4小题,每题6分,共24分.) 25.有一本书,第一天读了它的41,第二天又读了整本书的30%,还剩下108页没有读完,那么这本书共有多少页? 解:26.张先生将50000元钱存入银行,月利率是0.24%,存期一年,到期后张先生把本息和的5%捐给贫困儿童。
○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○…………学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________………内…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○……………………○…………内…………○…………装…………○…………绝密★启用前2017-2018第一学期沪科版(上海)六年级期末复习数学试卷做卷时间100分钟满分120分题号一二三总分得分温馨提示:亲爱的同学们,考试只是检查我们对知识的掌握情况,希望你不要慌张,平心静气,不要急于下结论;下笔时,把字写得规矩些,让自己和老师都看得舒服,祝你成功!评卷人得分一、单选题(计40分)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案1.(本题4分)把20克盐放入200克水中,盐和盐水的质量比是()A .1:10 B .1:11 C .10:1 D .11:1 2.(本题4分)三个大小相同的长方形拼在一起组成一个大长方形,把第二个长方形平均分成2份,把第三个长方形平均分成3份,那么阴影部分的面积是大长方形面积的 ( )(A)56(B)23(C)12(D)7183.(本题4分)在比例尺为1:10000的地图上,若某建筑物在图上的面积为50cm 2,则该建筑物实际占地面积为()A .50m 2B .5000m 2C .50000m 2D .500000m 24.(本题4分)下面四个图形中,阴影部分面积最小的是()。
○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○…………※※请※※不※※要※※在※※装※※订※※线※※内※※答※※题※※………○…………线…………○…………A. A B. B C. C D. D5.(本题4分)一个汽车站内有两路公共汽车,甲路汽车每隔m 分钟发一次车,乙路汽车每隔n 分钟发一次车(m 、n 均为正整数),这两路汽车同时发车后,紧接的下次又同时发车的时间(分钟)是m 和n 的( ) (A) 公因数 (B) 最大公因数 (C) 公倍数 (D) 最小公倍数6.(本题4分)下列各数中,大于13且小于12的数是 ( )(A)512(B)612(C) 712(D)8127.(本题4分)用一个圆心角为120°,半径为6的扇形作一个圆锥的侧面,这个圆锥的底面圆的半径是()A. 4B.3 C. 2 D. 18.(本题4分)下列各组数中,成比例的是()A. -6,-8,3,4B. -7,-5,14,5C. 3,5,9,12D. 2,3,6,129.(本题4分)若圆锥的底面积为16πcm 2,母线长为12cm ,则它的侧面展开图的圆心角为( )A. 240°B. 120°C. 180°D. 90°10.(本题4分)用12.56分米长的铁丝围成下面图形,()面积最大。
2、若,a b 互为相反数,,c d 互为倒数,其中0a ≠,则575b a cd b a -+
3、有理数,,a b c 在数轴上的位置如图所示:
试化简下式:2a c a b b c a -----+=
.4、若,,a b c 均不为零,且0a b c ++=,则
a b c ++=.5、定义一种新运算“*”,规定()()14,12123a b a b *=
-*-*-=.6、若()2210a a b -+--=,则()()()()
111...1120092009ab a b a b +++=++++.二、解答题
-3、2b -4、1或1-5、2
沪教版六年级上册数学期末专项复习冲刺卷(四):比(共五篇)第一篇:沪教版六年级上册数学期末专项复习冲刺卷(四):比沪教版六年级上册数学期末专项复习冲刺卷(四):比姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、比的意义(共7题;共12分)1.(2分)小圆和大圆的半径比是1∶2,那么大圆和小圆的面积比是()。
A.2∶1B.1∶2C.1∶4D.4∶1 2.(2分)某果园里,樱桃树和桃树的种植比例是4:5,那么樱桃树与这两种果树总棵树的比是()A.4:5 B.5:4 C.4:9 D.9:4 3.(2分)已知=1.2,=1.2,则x和y比较()A.x大 B.y大 C.一样大 4.(1分)的倒数是_______;1.2和_______互为倒数。
6.(2分)比例尺是()A.一个比例 B.一个比 C.一个方程7.(2分)下列叙述中,与众不同的“比”是()。
A.国旗法规定:国旗的长与宽的比必须是3:2B.在这场足球比赛中,601班0:5惨败给602班C.603班男女生人数的比是8:7D.等腰直角三角形的顶角与底角度数比是2:1 二、比的基本性质(共4题;共7分)8.(2分)化简比 1.35∶9=()A.7∶3 B.4∶1 C.2∶5 D.3∶20 9.(2分)有杯120克的糖水,已知糖有20克,糖与水的比是()A.1:5 B.1:6 C.6:1 10.(2分)的比值是()A.B.C.D.11.(1分)李奶奶家养了81只鸡.公鸡和母鸡只数的比是2∶7.李奶奶家养了公鸡_______只?母鸡_______只?三、化简比(共4题;共19分)12.(2分)货车4小时行180 km,客车3小时行180 km。
都有研究. 勾股定理:在直角三角形中,两条直角边的平方和等于斜边的平方.如右图的直角三角形中,如果a ,b 表示两条直角边,c 表示斜边,那么222+=a b c .利用这个定理,如果已知直角三角形的两条边的长,那么就可以求出第三条边的长.
①如果3a =,4b =,那么2223425c =+=,所以5c =.
②如果4a =,4b =,那么2224432c =+=,
(1)已知13c =,5a =,求2b =______.
(2)如图是一个舞台的俯视图,其中ABCD 是长方形,8AB =米,4=AD 米,O 为AB 中点,舞台的前沿是一条以O 为圆心的圆弧,如果在舞台上铺地毯,按每1平方米地毯需要费用30元计算,那么共需要多少元?。
Part 2 Vocabulary and grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)(共40分)Ⅴ. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标,完成句子)(共5分)24. Do you have ______ /i’nΛf/ money to buy all these vegetables?25. Students in China nearly do morning ______ /’eksəsaiz/ every day.26. I will get there in five ______ /minrts/. Please wait for me.27. Don’t speak ______ /’laudit/. I can hear you clearly.28. Let’s ______ /bɔtl/ some water to make some tea for the guests.Ⅵ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)( )29. Joe, what did you have for ______ dinner yesterday.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )30. Tom’s diet is ______ than mine. He eats rice but I eat hamburgers.A. heavierB. spicierC. healthierD. nicer( )31. Jill lives near school, but Simon lives ______ school.A. nearB. farC. far awayD. far from( )32. Orr ______ way to the supermarket, he saw lots of traffic on the road.A. heB. hisC. himD. he’s( )33. My uncle will ______ Shanghai tomorrow evening.’A. arrive atB. arrive inC. getD. reach in( )34. Look at the sign! It tells us ______ the trees.A. doesn’t climbB. not climbC. not to climbD. to not climb( )35. ______ meat and ______ vegetables will make a bad diet.A. Too many; enoughB. Too many; not enoughC. Too much; enoughD. Too much; not enough( )36. It usually takes me about half an hour ______ to the museum.A. rideB. ridingC. to rideD. to riding( )37. A: ______ salt do we need every day?A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How often( )38. There is ______ in today’s newspaper.A. an important newsB. a important newsC. much important newsD. many important news( )39. These vegetables are not as ______ as those ones.A. fresherB. freshestC. freshD. the freshest( )40. We are going to ______ to Mon Park.A. mustB. canC. needD. may( )41. We ______ keep quiet in the library.A. by busB. by a busC. take busD. take a bus( )42. A: What does this sign mean? B: n ______: Don’t eat or drink.A. meanB. meansC. meaningD. is meaning( )43. A: May I have some more chicken wings, please?B: ______ You have had too many.A. Yes, pleaseB. It doesn’t matterC. Never mindD. I’m afraid you can’tⅦ. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格,每个单词或短语只能填一次)(共5分)严重的)44( not strong ) and not do things well, and it could 45 from person to person.If you don’t want to get such flu, please do the following:● Do plenty of exercise. Have enough sleep. Drink more water.● Wear a mark(口罩)when going outside. Turn your head away from people near you when you or they are46 .● When you arrive home, wash your hands for at least 15-20 seconds.●It flu is going around your house or school, try to stay away from 47 who are ill. Don’t share food48 them.Take flu vaccine.(疫苗)Ⅷ. Complete the sentences with the gives words in their proper forms(用括号中所给的单词是适当形式完成下列句子。
2016-2017市北初级中学英语6上期末(含答案)市北初级中学2016 学年第一学期六年级英语期末练习卷(完卷时间90 分钟满分100 分,附加题20 分)2017.01Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and GrammarII. Fill the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.(根据所给音标填空) 26. The food _______ [?p?r?m?d] shows us how much of each kind of food we need every day.27.I like ________ [sti:md] eggs best.28.We promise to ________ [pr??pe?(r)] for the exam well.III. Choose the best answer.29. What would you like ________ breakfast tomorrow?A. toB. byC. byD. for30. We must _________the green man.A. wait forB. waitC. look forD. look31. I’d like fried eggs________ bacon at my birthday party.A. haveB. hasC. inD. with32. -----Jack,_______ you _______ any cabbage?-------Yes, I have. I ________ it in the market at the vegetable stall.A. did buy, boughtB. have bought, boughtC. have bought, have boughtD. did buy, have bought33. It ________ Alice five minutes __________to school on foot.A. spends; goingB. takes; goingC. spends, to goD. takes, to go34. When he _______ there, he saw something strange.A. got toB. arrived atC. reached atD. got35. There is too much rubbish on the ground. We must _______ at once.A. pick up itB. pick it upC. pick up themD. pick them up36. What does the sign on the right mean?A.We mustn’t turn left.B.We msut go out here.C.We musnt’t enter.D.We msut ust he door in the middle.37. ------_________ fruit do we need everyday? -----We need plenty of fruit every day.A. How muchB. How manyC. How oftenD. How long38. Shall we buy _______ soft drinks、A. anyB. a littleC. someD. too much39. Simon sees ________ shops _______ he is walking to school.A. much, beforeB. a few, whenC. a lot, whenD. a little, after40. ----May I have some apple pies, please?----_________.A. All rightB. No, thanksC. Don’t say soD. Reallyplete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only bebeautiful house with lots of flowers in the front garden caught my ________. A kind old man got out. He ______ us to have tea in his house. After entering his house, we saw his wife, a smiling woman. That afternoon, we talked a lot and we _______. When it was time to say goodbye, I know I would never forget it. What a nice day! What ______ people !others play. They buy tickets or _______ their TV sets to watch the games. They usually have “ their teams” or “ their players”. When “ their time” can’t ________ the game, theyfeel ver y sad. Some sports are very ________and many people like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. Men and women, the old and the young all like it. People from different countries can’t understand each other at the _________, but after a game they often become good friends.plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)49.If you go out, you can find many new _______ estates everywhere.(house)50.I don’t like the nuts. They are too _______.( salt)51.My mother buys ice cream and dumplings in the _______food section.( freeze)52.The ________ for good eating habits are really useful for everyone.( suggest)53.Teachers often tell ______ not to break the school rules.(we)54.The ______ project is Kate’s. It’s won derful.(three)VI. Rewrite the following sentences as required.55.Tom had some fruit after dinner.( 改为否定句) Tom ________have _______fruit after dinner.56.Alice goes to school on foot every day.( 对划线部分提问) ______________Alice go to school every day?57.Tom usually has a lot of chips and ice cream. Jerry usually has plenty of freshfruit and vegetables.( 合并为一句)Tom’s diet is _______ _________ than Jerry’s.58.buy, to, let’s, spread, on, some, the, jam, bread (连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing( 第三部分读写)VII. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解) A. Choose the best answer.( 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)If we don’t eat food, then our bodies don’t function. If we don’t eat the right food, our bodies don’t function well. Doctor Black from the People’s Hospital says that people need to eat many healthy food, in this order(按照这个顺序).Bread, rice and noodles. This is the biggest group because you need to choose most of your daily food from here.Vegetables. Lots of vegetables, like carrots, onions and tomatoes are good for you.Fruit. There are many different kinds of fruits, such as oranges and apples. You need to eat some fruit every day.Milk. This group is important for growing children.Meat, fish and eggs.Dr. Black also says people should not eat unhealthy food like hamburgers, candy or ice cream, or have drink like cola. Instead they should drink milk, juice or water.60. The underlined(下划线) word “function” means _________-.A. workB. exerciseC. playD. plan61. You should eat more _______than fruit and vegetables.A. beefB. fishC. riceD. cola62. Which group do people need most in these four groups?A. meat, fish and eggsB. sweetsC. fruitD. vegetables63. To stay healthy, people should eat _________.A. rice, fruit, meat and fishB. hamburgers and candyC. noodles and ice creamD. apples, tomatoes and candy64. Which is important for growing children、A. candyB. milkC. ice creamD. hamburgers66. The writer mainly(主要) wants to say that it’s important _________.A. to eat the right foodB. to eat as much food as possibleC. to eat more sugarD. to exercise often to keep fitB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.Report cardName: Henry SmithTime: January 9th, 2017Subjects Grades Comments (评语)English B+: Your reading and writing are good. But when you speak, you have a _____66___ Scottish accent (苏格兰口音) , so you are not good at ___67___. And you do not put much effort (努力)into this subject. If you work harder, you can get a better grade(分数) in this subject. Science A+: You are ___68_____ at this subject. You are hard-working. I am ____69___ that you do best in this subject.Math C: You are not good at this subject ____70____ you are a little bit lazy( 懒惰). It is disappointing (令人失望的). You can do better in this subject._____71____B: It is happy time to hear you play the piano. You are crazy about it. You like this subject best. _____72____ your Scottish accent has a bad effect( 影响) on your singing.66.A. large B. strange C. nice D. strong67.A. reading B. writing C. speaking D. exercising68.A. poor B. rich C. good D. bad69.A. glad B. sorry C. surprised D. sad70.A. so B. because C. while D. or71.A. P.E B. Physics C. Chinese D. Music72.A. but B. or C. so D. thenC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper words.The story of GaussOne afternoon some boys made a lot of noise in class. The teacher got very a___73___. He 1 them in the class after school. He told them to add all the numbers from one to one hundred together.The boys took out their exercise books. All of them began to write the numbers down except one boy. He was new in the school. He looked out of the window for a few minutes. Then he w__74___ rote a number in his exercise-book and put up his hand .“May I go home, sir?” he asked. “I know the answer now.”The teacher and the other boys were very surprised. Theycouldn’t b__75___it!“ Bring it here,” said the teacher.The boy took it to the teacher. The answer was r___76__, so the teacher had to let the boy to home.The next morning, the teacher asked the boy, “How did you find th e answer so q__77___?”“Well, sir,” he said. “I didn't want to s___78__ here long . So I tried my best to find the answer quickly. Soon I found it. You see, if you add one hundred to one, you get one hundred and one, and ninety-nine and two is one hundred and one, ninety-eight and three is one hundred and one too, and when you 9 fifty-one and fifty, you have one hundred and one fifty times. That is five thousand and fifty.”After this, when the teacher gave the class exercises to do, he gave this boy d__79___ exercises. The boy's name was Karl F. Gauss. When he grew up, he became a great scientist.D. Answer the questionTom was a fat boy when he was ten. He liked watching TV very much, at least 5 hours every day. Wherever he went, he would be late.One day,he found a pair of special glasses in his post-box(邮箱).He also found a message saying, “With these you can see time.”The boy decided to have a try. He put the glasses on,looked at his brother,a tall and thin boy, and saw a big box of flowers on top of his head. And it wasn't just his brother. When he looked at his parents, he also saw the flowers. The three boxes were very large and the flowers were very beautiful. Then,he looked at himself from the mirror. He saw the flowers, too. But his flowers went to the mouth of the television. Its mouth was big. Hisflowers became fewer and fewer.At last,he learned that watching TV was a waste of time. He could learn nothing from it. He decided he would never again let the television eat his time.80.What did Tom look like?81.How long did Tom watch TV every day?82.What did he find in his post-box one day?83.The flowers stood for (代表) time, didn’t they?84.Where did his flowers go?85.What do you think of Tom? Why?VIII. Writing (写话)Write at least 50 words about t he topic “ A Wonderful Dinner” ( 以“ 一顿美妙的晚餐” 为题写一篇不少于50 个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Suggested questions:1.When and where are you going to have this wonderful dinner?2.Who are you going to have the dinner with?3.What food and drink are you going to have? Why?4.Where are you going to buy things you need?附加题Additional Exercises (20 分)A. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper wordsIn November, 2014, world leaders gathered at the G20 summit(峰会) in Australia. They all agreed on one thing: Koalas are cute!On the opening of the summit, the Australia greeted the leaders with Koalas. With the cute animal in arms, every powerful leaders s_____1____child-like smiles.This is not the first time animals have e_____2___ theinternational stage. For years, animals have played a role in diplomatic(外交的) activities around the world. C___3_______ to lifeless gifts, animals are warmer and f ____4____. Many of them are rare to their own countries.In China, giant pandas are the most w____5____ used animals in its diplomatic activities. One of the most important events happened in 1972 when US president Richard Nixon visited China. Later, giant pandas Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling were sent to Washington as presents. It was a s___6_____ of closer ties between China and the US. Today, there are 47 pandas living in 13 countries and regions.Other animals are chosen to be presents, i____7____ elephants in Southeast Asia and horses from Turkmenistan. Russian President Vladimir Putin once r____8_____ dogs from Japan and Bulgaria.H ______9____, not all animals with their owners’ hearts. US President Obama once was given a large snake. Can you imagine raising an animal like that at h_____10______? Later, it was sent to the zoo.B. Choose the best words and phrases to complete the passage.It was the afternoon of December 24. the day before Christmas. The only thing that __11____my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and the red roses, which were sent to me by my girlfriend.As I was cleaning my operation room(手术室), our receptionist(接待员)came and there was a _______12____ urgently( 迫切) needed to speak with me. As I walked out, I noticed a young, ___13____ woman with a baby in her arms. Nervously, she explained that her husband —a prisoner(囚犯) ina nearby prison —was my next ___14____. She told me she wasn’t ___15____ to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. Her request was for me to let the boy’s father sit in the waiting r oom with her as long as possible before I called him f or his appointment. Since my schedule wasn’t full, I agreed. ___16____, it was Christmas Eve.A short time later, her husband arrived — with chains on his feet and hands, and two armed guards as bodygua rds. The woman’s tired face lit up like our little Ch ristmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeking(偷看) out to watch them laugh, cry and share their child.After almost an hour, I asked the prisoner back to the operation room. At the end of the operation, I wished him a Merry Christmas-a(n) ___17____ thing to say to a man headed back to prison. He smiled and thanked me. He also said he felt saddened by the fact he hadn’t been able to get his wife anything for Christmas. On hearing this, I was inspired with a wonderful idea.I’ll never fo rget the look on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful___18____ roses. I’m not sure who experienced the most ____19___ — the husband in giving, the wife in getting, or ____20___ in having the opportunity to share in this special moment.11. A. brightened B. shone C. darkened D. filled12. A. patient B. boy C. lady D. girl13.A. happy-looking B. tired-looking C. ordinary-looking D. easy-looking14. A. customer B. patient C. guest D. prisoner15. A. allowed B. prepared C. intended D. willing16. A. However B. But C. Above all D. After all17. A. easy B. happy C. suitable D. difficult18.A. presents B. cards C. roses D. kissed19. A. sorrow B. regret C. luck D. joy20. A. both B. all C. me D. none参考答案:26. pyramid 27. steamed 28. prepare29. D 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. C 39.B 40. A41. B 42. A 43. C 44. E45. E 46. B 47. D 48. C49. housing 50. salty 51. frozen 52. suggestions 53. us 54. third55. didn’t any 56. How , does57. less healthier 58. Don’t leave59.Let’s buy some jam to spread on the bread.60.A 61. C 62. D 63. A 64. B 65. A66. D 67. C 68. C 69. A 70. B 71. D 72. A73. angry 74. wrote 75. believe 76. right 77. quickly 78. stay79. different80.Tom looked like fat.81.Tom watched TV at least 5 hours every day.82.He found a pair of special glasses and a message.。
5、一种自行车轮胎的外直径是 70cm,李老师骑自行车从家到图书馆用了 10 分钟,如果车轮 每分钟转 200 周,李老师从家到图书馆的路程是多少 m? (5 分)
)千克,要磨 3400 千克面粉需要小麦
A. 成活率
B. 发芽率
C. 出勤率
D. 增长率
5、从学走到公园,小红用 8 分钟,小赵用 10 分钟,小红和小赵的速度的最简比是(
A. 8:10
B. 10:8
四、计算。(32 分)
C. 1 : 1 8 10
D. 5:4
1、直接写出得数。(6 分,每题 0.5 分)
6、6.4:0.08 化简为最简单的整数比是(
7、圆的半径是 2 米,它的直径是(
8、光盘的银色部分是一个圆环,内圆半径是 2cm,外圆直径是 6cm,圆环面积是(
9、我国“长征”运载火箭进行了 70 次发射,其中只有 7 次成功,发射的成功率是(
2、画出上面图形的所有对称轴。(2 分,每图 0.5 分,整洁度 0.5 分)
3、下面是六年级一班学生喜欢的电视节目统计图。(2 分,每空 0.5 分)
)%,如果全班有 60 人,那么,喜欢
2020-2021上海市北初级中学小学六年级数学上期末一模试题(含答案)一、选择题1.阳光小学校园里种了三种树其中有杨树20棵槐树20棵玉兰树20棵.下面统计图中能正确表示阳光小学所种树木占比情况的是()A. B. C. D.2.六(1)班今天出勤48人,有2人请假,求六(1)班今天出勤率正确算式是()。
A. 2÷48×100%B. 2÷(48+2)×100%C. 48÷(48+2) ×100%3.把20克盐溶解在80克水中,盐的重量占盐水的( )。
A. 20%B. 25%C. 125%D. 75%4.半径是3cm的圆,下列关于这个圆的数据正确的是()A. 直径9cmB. 周长18.84cmC. 周长9.42cmD. 面积113.04cm25.修一条路,已经修了全长的,剩下的与已修的比是()。
A. 3:4B. 4:3C. 4:7D. 3:7 6.如图,以图书馆为观察点,游乐场在()。
A. 东偏南30°B. 南偏东30°C. 西偏北30°D. 北偏西30°7.工程队要挖一条长24千米的水渠,甲队单独挖完需要8天,乙队单独挖完要12天,如果两队合作,挖完这条水渠一共要()A. 10天B. 天C. 天D. 天8.食堂新买来一瓶洗洁精,第一周用了,第二周又用了余下的,那么()A. 第一周用得多B. 第二周用得多C. 一样多9.一个圆形花坛的半径是2.5米,在花坛一周铺了一条宽0.5米的碎石小路,小路的面积是()平方米。
A. 27.475B. 9.42C. 8.635D. 28.26二、填空题10.一个商城2013上半年收入中,家电收占55%,服装占25%,其他收入占20%,如此制成扇形统计图,其中表示家电收入的扇的圆心角是________度.11.6kg比45kg少________%,45kg比36kg多________%。
六上期末解答题复习6班级学号姓名得分1. 大圆的半径比小圆的半径长6厘米,且大圆半径是小圆半径的4倍.大圆的面积比小圆的面积大____________平方厘米.2. 在一个半径是4.5厘米的圆中挖去两个直径都是2厘米的圆.剩下的图形的面积是_______平方厘米.(π取3.14,结果精确到1平方厘米)3. 右图中三角形是等腰直角三角形,阴影部分的面积是___________(平方厘米).4. 如图所示,圆的周长是16.4厘米,圆的面积与长方形的面积正好相等,图中阴影部分的周长是π=)__________厘米.( 3.14∠=的圆的周长为62.8厘米,平行四边形的面积为100平方厘米,阴影部分的面积是5. 如图,115____________.6. 有八个半径为1厘米的小圆,用它们的圆周的一部分连成一个花瓣图形(如图),图中黑点是这些圆π=,那么花瓣图形的面积是__________平方厘米.的圆心.如果圆周率 3.14167. 已知:ABCD 是正方形,2ED DA AF ===厘米,阴影部分的面积是________.(π取3.14)8. 图中,扇形BAC 的面积是半圆ADB 的面积的113倍,那么,CAB ∠是_________度.9. 右图中的正方形的边长是2厘米,以圆弧为分界线的甲、乙两部分的面积差(大减小)是_______平方厘米.(π取3.14)10.猎犬发现在它9m 远的前方有一只奔跑着的野兔,立刻追赶,猎犬步子大,它跑5步的路程兔子要跑9步,但兔子动作快,猎犬跑2步的时间,兔子跑3步,猎犬至少要跑多少米才能追上兔子?2参考答案1、60π2、734π 3、918π- 4、20.5 5、48.8 6、19.1416 7、2.43 8、60 9、0.14 10、54米。
第一学期六年级数学期末模拟5一、速算题:(每空1分,共10分)1、1233+= .2、255-= .3、512625⨯= . 4、1273÷= . 5、2293÷= . 6、12124⨯= . 7、0.40.16÷= . 8、22.413-= . 9、21.43⨯= . 10、33 1.54÷= . 二、填空题(每空3分,共45分)11、能同时被2,3,5整除的最大两位数为 .12、化简比:120cm :0.6m :dm 4= . 13、用“<”连接:221318%376、、 . 14、120元的商品打八折出售的优惠价为 元.15、若()15302x y z x ==≠,那么::x y z = . 16、从52张扑克牌(大王、小王除外)中随机抽取一张牌正好是5的倍数可能性是 .17、今年公司的销售额88万元,比去年增加一成,则去年的销售额为 万元.18、在一幅比例尺为1:5000000的地图上量得距离2cm 的两地的实际距离为 千米.19、小明与小杰练习投篮,小明8投5中,小杰6投4中,命中率较高的是 .20、已知6与x 的比例中项为4,则x = .21、周长为12.56厘米的圆的半径是 厘米.22、半径为3cm 的半圆形的周长为 cm .23、60圆心角所对的弧长是9.42cm ,则此圆的直径为 cm .24、分针从3点10分到3点45分扫过的面积是所在圆面积的 .(填几分之几)25、在一长、宽分别为6cm 和4cm 的长方形中剪出一个最大的圆,剪去部分的面积是 .三、单项选择题:(每空3分,共12分)26、在分数2151217284156032、、、中,能化为有限小数的个数有( ) A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个27、一件衣服的价格先提价30%,再打七折,此时的售价比原先( )A.高9%B.低9%C.低41%D.一样高28、下列各比中能与8:4组成比例的是( )A.2:4B.0.8:0.04C.0.2:0.04D.1:0.529、若一扇形所在的圆心角缩小2倍,半径扩大2倍,则它的面积( )A.扩大2倍B. 扩大4倍C.是原来的12D.不变 四、简答题:(每题4分,共12分)30、计算:2341 1.2347⨯+÷31、解比例:()22::23x x -=32、已知12:2:3,::23a b a c ==,求::a b c四、解答题(33-35题5分,36题6分)33、小丽的妈妈把5000元存入银行,按年利率2.05%计算,2年后扣除20%的利息税,可获得本利和多少元?34、要在周长为25.12米的圆形花坛外围一条宽2米的环形大理石道路,问需用大理石多少平方米?35、一件服装的成本价为120元,标价为240元,那么在标价的基础上最多打几折才能保证获得30%的利润?36、小狗被一根长6米的绳子在一个长为4米,宽为3米长方形建筑的墙角,小狗不能进入长方形建筑内部,问小狗的最大活动范围有多大?( 取3.14)37、长方形长12cm,宽6cm,半径1cm的圆沿长方形的内侧滚动,求滚动一圆周所经过区域的面积.参考答案1.12.2353.254. 11159.1415 10. 52 11.90 12. 8:24:1 13.2213318%76<< 14.96元 15.30:3:5 16.213 17.8018.100 19.小杰 20.83 21.222.63π+ 23.18 24.712 25.4π26-29.CBDA 30.4915 31.3x = 32.6:9:833.5164 34、62.8平方米35、6.5折36、94.985平方米37、()252cm π+。
2017-2018上海市静安区市北初级中学六年级上unit10单元测英语真题卷Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第⼆部分语⾳、词汇和语法)Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions26. Mr Lin should be on a ______ /'dai?t/. He?s over weight.27. Miss Chen eats plenty of ______ /fre?/ fruit and vegetables every day.28. Mr Lin stayed with his cousin and did ______ /'eks?saiz/ for a weeks. He became fit and healthy.Ⅲ. Choose the best answer29. Which is the right sound of “habit ”?A. /'r?bit/B. /'h?bit/C. /'h?bit/D. /'heibit/30. I don?t like this food. It?s too ______.A. deliciousB. saltC. tasteD. spicy31. There is only ______ milk in the fridge. We should go and buy some.A. a fewB. littleC. a lot ofD. a little32.—______ do the crisps taste?—They taste ______.A. How... saltB. What... saltyC. What... saltD. How... salty33. ______ you like to have ______ biscuits?A. Would... someB. Would... anyC. Do... anyD. are... some34. My brother has ______ unhealthy habit. He usually stays late.A. aB. anC. theD. /35. The moon looks ______ than stars, but in fact it is ______.A. big... smallB. smaller... biggerC. bigger... smallerD. small... bigger36. Which do you like ______, coffee or tea?A. goodB. betterC. wellD. best37. I like singing, ______ I can?t sing well.A. andB. orC. butD. so38.—I?m much fatter than before.—You ______ do more exercise and eat healthy food.A. shallB. needn?tC. shouldD. shouldn?t39. Months later, Joe becomes as ______ a calf(⼩⽜).A. strongerB. more strongC. strongD. strongest40.—Would you like some more coffee? It?s still early.—______.A. It doesn?t matter.B. Yes, I would.C. No, you needn?t.D. That?s very kind ofⅣ. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once.41 . But I didn?t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking 42 . I got very angry. I could not hear the film. I turned round. I looked at them angrily.But they didn?t see me. 43 I could not stand(忍受)it.I said to them, “I couldn?t 44 a world!”“It?s none of your business(没你的事),” the young man said rudely, “This is a private conversation(名⼈谈话).”45 questions because he doesn?t look at the students at all. Yesterday he questioned Dick 46 . Dick was very angry. After class Dick asked me,” What shall I do?” I told him a good 47 . Now we are having a Chinese class. Mr. Smith wantsone of us to read the text. “Dick, please read the text.”“Dick isn?t here today.” Dick stands up and says.” Oh, I see.48 read it, please.”Ⅴ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.49. The students are going to talk about their ______ habits in class.(eat)50. Tom?s diet is unhealthy. Have you got any ______ about his diet?(suggest)51. The ______ from the left in the picture is my father.(nine)52. Which story is ______ interesting, this one or that one?(little)53. Oh! How much salt did you put on this piece of beef? It?s very ______.(salt)54. Mum ______ in Nanjing with my aunt last week.(stay)49. eating 50. suggestion 51. ninth 52. less 53. salty 54. stayingⅥ. Rewrite the following sentences as required.55. Mary has breakfast at school on Monday.(改为否定句)Mary ______ ______ breakfast at school on Monday.56. My diet is healthier than yours.(保持原句意思)Your diet isn?t ______ healthy ______ mine.57. We need plenty of fruit every day.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ fruit do you need every day?58. Jessica would like to eat more hamburgers and chips.(改为同义句)Jessica ______ ______ eat more hamburgers and chips.59. dinner, you, have, what, for, do(连词成句)____________________________________________________________?Part3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写)VII. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)A. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)Basketball stars, are usually tall. The stars other sports are sometimes short. Some of the best football players are not very tall.Short people often have better balance(平衡)than tall people. So they do not fall over very often. In some sports the players must have good balance, for example table tennis and running.You do not need long legs run fast! Some or the fastest runners in the world are not verytall. Some are tall and some are short. There is no medicine to make people grow taller or shorter.The tallest woman in the world was Sandy Allen. She was 2.32 meters tall and lives in the United States. The shortest person in the world is Gul Mohammed from India. He is only 57 centimeters tall.Today young people in many countries grow taller than their parents. This is because they eat better food today. Good food can help children grow.60. Basketball players are ______.A. usually tallB. all tallC. very shortD. usually short61. Players need a good balance in some sports, such as ______.A. basketball and runningB. table tennis and footballC. table tennis and runningD. football and basketball62. The tallest woman in the world was in ______.A. AmericaB. IndiaC. ChinaD. Japan63. What can make boys and girls grow taller according to the passage?A. Playing basketball.B. Taking some medicine.C. Playing football.D. Eating good food.64. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The faster runners are all tallB. The shortest person in the world is in IndiaC. Young people are not as tall as their parentsD. Tall people have a better balance。
一、单选题1.( 2分 ) I am going to the supermarket ________my mother.A. orB. withC. and2.( 2分 ) Walk straight ____________3 minutes, then you can see a hospital.A. inB. atC. for3.( 2分 ) —People must wear a_____________—when they travel by ferry.A. life jacketB. glassesC. helmet4.( 2分 ) 你要问:意大利餐馆在哪里?你可以问:A. What's this?B. Where is the Italian restaurant?5.( 10分 ) 快来认识Tom吧!请为他的情况选出恰当的英文表述吧!(1)A.Tom likes swimming.B.Tom likes playing basketball.(2)A.His father is a scientist.B.His father is a police officer.(3)A.Tom often reads stories to sheep on the weekend.B.Tom often goes to the supermarket on the weekend.(4)A.But this weekend, he is going to visit the Palace Museum.B.But this weekend, he is going to see a film.(5)A.He is going there by bike.B.He is going there by train.6.( 2分 ) 选出画线部分发音不同的一项()A. getB. leftC. we7.( 2分 ) (2020六上·黄岩期末)— Mark, beef is ready!— Thank you, Mum. Please pass ______________ a knife and a fork.A. myB. meC. I8.( 2分 ) (2020六上·嘉兴期末)He is an English teacher. He likes _______________ English books.A. readB. readsC. reading9.( 2分 ) (2020六上·嘉兴期末)— Excuse me, is there a cinema near here?—A. Yes, there is.B. Yes, it isn't.C. No, there is.10.( 2分 ) (2020六上·余杭期末)选出不同类的单词()A. universityB. museumC. straightD. factory二、选词填空11.( 5分 ) (2020六上·瓯海期末)根据发音规则,将正确的选项填在横线上。
市北初级中学2023学年第一学期六年级英语期末练习卷(完卷时间90分钟满分100分)2024.1听力文本及参考答案Part1Listening comprehension第一部分听力理解(共25分)Ⅰ.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共5分)1.The food pyramid shows us how much of different kinds of food to eat every day to stay healthy.2.I'm excited about the school open day because I can show my parents around my school and introduce them to my teachers.3.We can bring some sandwiches,take a blanket,and have a picnic in the park to enjoy the nice weather and yummy food.4.Nowadays,people can travel to every place in the world because of different ways of traveling.5.Students in the library are happily studying,reading books,and doing school homework.(1—5C B E D A)Ⅱ.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共7分)6.M:Excuse me,do you have the time?W:Sure,it's3:50PM.M:Thanks!I have a meeting at4:10PM.I should be there five minutes earlier.Question:When should the man arrive at the meeting room?(C)7.W:It was cold this morning,wasn’t it?M:Yes it was,but it says that it will be much warmer tomorrow.Question:How is the weather today?(B)8.W:Mr.White,I am sorry that I am late for the class.M:What happened?W:There was much traffic this morning.Question:What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?(A)9.W:Excuse me,I heard there's an open day.Can you give me some information?M:Certainly!The open day is on the15th of this month.W:Sounds interesting!What time does it start?M:It begins at9:00AM and lasts until4:00PM.Question:what do we know from the dialogue?(C)10.W:How much does this red shirt cost?M:That one is$25.You may get10%off on that one.W:Oh,that's a good deal.Are there any other discounts available?M:If you buy two shirts,you get20%off on the second one.Question:How much will the woman pay if she buys one red shirt?(B)III.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共6分)A:Hi there!Have you heard about the school open day next week?B:Oh,yes!It's on the20th,right?A:Yes!It starts at9:00AM and goes until3:00PM.There will be a lot of exciting activities.B:That's great!I heard they're offering school tours.Is that true?A:Yes,they are.In fact,the tours run every hour,so you can join one whenever you arrive.They'll take you around the classrooms,libraries,and playground.B:Nice!And I saw something about lessons.What's that about?A:Exactly!There are lessons in different subjects.You can choose one to attend.B:Sounds interesting.Is there any information about teachers?A:Yes,there is.The headmaster will introduce teachers at11:00AM in the hall.You might find it helpful.B:Perfect!And,by the way,do we need to pay for the open day?A:No,it's for free.And if you come very early,you'll receive a welcome gift with more information.B:Got it!Last question,are parents allowed to come?A:Of course!In fact,they encourage parents to attend.They can meet with teachers and ask any questions they might have.FTFFTⅣ.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文或对话,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共10分)Do you know about rules?They are everywhere,at home,at school,and even when we play games.Let's talk about some common rules.At school,there are rules to make sure everyone is safe and happy.We must listen to our teachers because they help us learn.This keeps everything in order.In games,there are rules too.Think about your favorite game.Whether it's hide-and-seek or soccer,there are rules to follow.In hide-and-seek,we count before looking for our friends.In soccer,usually we don't use our hands.At home,our parents also have rules.They might say we need to finish our homework before playing video games.We should also clean up our toys after playing,so the house stays neat and tidy.When we go outside,there are rules to keep us safe.We should look both ways before crossing the street. This helps us avoid accidents.These rules make sure we stay healthy and happy.So,whether we are at school,playing games,or at home,let's follow the rules and make the world a better place for everyone!Part2Vocabulary and Grammar第二部分词汇和语法(共39分)Look at the phonetic symbols and write the words.(看音标写单词4分)21-24:pyramid;bitter;should;upstairsChoose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案。
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16、从 52 张扑克牌(大王、小王除外)中随机抽取一张牌正好是 5 的倍数可能性是
17、今年公司的销售额 88 万元,比去年增加一成,则去年的销售额为
18、在一幅比例尺为1: 5000000 的地图上量得距离 2cm 的两地的实际距离
19、小明与小杰练习投篮,小明 8 投 5 中,小杰 6 投 4 中,命中率较高的是
34、要在周长为 25.12 米的圆形花坛外围一条宽 2 米的环形大理石道路,问需用大理石多少平 方米?
35、一件服装的成本价为 120 元,标价为 240 元,那么在标价的基础上最多打几折才能保证 获得 30% 的利润? 36、小狗被一根长 6 米的绳子在一个长为 4 米,宽为 3 米长方形建筑的墙角,小狗不能进入 长方形建筑内部,问小狗的最大活动范围有多大?( 取 3.14) 37、长方形长12cm ,宽 6cm ,半径1cm 的圆沿长方形的内侧滚动,求滚动一圆周所经过区域 的面积.
30. 49
31. x 3
32. 6 : 9 :8
33. 5164
34、62.8 平方米
35、6.5 折
36、94.985 平方米
37、 52 cm2
5. 1
10. 5
14.96 元
22. 6 3
2. 23
3. 2
4. 1
7. 5
8. 11
9. 14
11. 90
12. 8 : 24 :1
13. 22 3 1 318%
15. 30 : 3: 5
16. 2
20. 8
24. 7
25. 4
27、一件衣服的价格先提价 30%,再打七折,此时的售价比原先( )
A.高 9% B.低 9% C.低 41% D.一样高
28、下列各比中能与 8 : 4 组成比例的是( )
A. 2 : 4 B. 0.8 : 0.04 C. 0.2 : 0.04 D.1: 0.5
29、若一扇形所在的圆心角缩小 2 倍,半径扩大 2 倍,则它的面积( )
第一学期六年级数学期末模拟 5
一、速算题:(每空 1 分,共 10 分)
1、 1 2
. 2、 5 2
. 3、 5 12
6 25
4、 2 1 7
. 5、 2 2
. 6、 2 1 12
7、 0.4 0.16
. 8、 2.4 1 2
. 9、1.4 2
A.扩大 2 倍 B. 扩大 4 倍
C.是原来的 1 2
四、简答题:(每题 4 分,共 12 分)
30、计算: 2 1 3 1.2 4
31、解比例: x 2 : 2 x : 2
3 32、已知 a : b 2 : 3, a : c 1 : 2 ,求 a : b : c
四、解答题(33-35 题 5 分,36 题 6 分) 33、小丽的妈妈把 5000 元存入银行,按年利率 2.05% 计算,2 年后扣除 20% 的利息税,可获 得本利和多少元?
10、 3 3 1.5
二、填空题(每空 3 分,共 45 分)
11、能同时被 2,3,5 整除的最大两位数为
12、化简比: 20cm : 0.6m : 1 dm
13、用“ ”连接: 318%、22 、3 1
14、120 元的商品打八折出售的优惠价为
15、若 1 x 5y 3z x 0 ,那么 x : y : z
20、已知 6 与 x 的比例中项为 4,则 x
21、周长为12.56 厘米的圆的半径是
22、半径为 3cm 的半圆形的周长为
cm .
23、 60 圆心角所对的弧长是 9.42cm ,则此圆的直径为
cm .
24、分针从 3 点 10 分到 3 点 45 分扫过的面积是所在圆面积的
25 、 在 一 长 、 宽 分 别 为 6cm 和 4cm 的 长 方 形 中 剪 出 一 个 最 大 的 圆 , 剪 去 部 分 的 面 积
三、单项选择题:(每空 3 分,共 12 分) 26、在分数 21、5 、2 12 、17 中,能化为有限小数的个数有( )
84 15 60 32 A.1 个 B.2 个 C.3 个 D.4 个