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• Lin Yutang: • He was nominated twice 50 years ago.
Mo Yan
Mo Yan, born on 17 February 1955, is a Chinese novelist and short story writer. Before 2012, he was mostly know for the two of his novels that formed the basis of the film Red Sorghum, directed by awardwinning Chinese director Zhang Yimou. Mo is currently the only Chinese author who has won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
China‘s Mo Yan wins Nobel for “hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary”.
• “Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature.”, announced Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm(斯德 哥尔摩) on 11st Oct.
列、每个屌丝都有一个白富美高富帅系列、骗死人不偿命 的养生系列、经不起现实考验的职场系列、哗众取宠的决 定一生系列……)
• The worrying primary education. • The altitude of translation.
• 马悦然接受中国媒体采访时就表示,中国作家应该更自信, 挖掘更多自己的内在力量,而不应太看重国外的标准。此 外,好的作品遇到好的翻译也很重要。近年来,包括阿来、 余华、杨红樱等中国作家的作品不断在欧美推出多语种版 本,此次莫言获奖,显示出中国文化对外的影响逐渐增大 的趋势。 • 白烨特别强调了文学翻译的重要性。他说,目前中国在文 学作品翻译方面下的功夫不够大。一般的情况是,作家的 作品推出后,完全是自然而然,有人看中喜欢就翻译。在 组织性、推介性上做的很不够。中国作家的作品翻译成其 他文字,主要靠的还是国外的汉学家。
Chinese Education and “the Next Nobel Prize in Literature”
• Reading problems.(the number of books per year, the aim of reading, the types of books many people choose)(傻X的成功励志系
Some English Versions of Mo Yan‟s works
• The Garlic Ballads(歌谣)(《天堂蒜薹之 歌》) • Big Breasts and Wide Hips(《丰乳肥臀》) • Life and Death are Wearing Me Out(《生 死疲劳》) • Shifu, You’ll Do Anything for a Laugh(《师 傅越来越幽默》) • The Republic of Wine(《酒国》) • Red Sorghum(《红高粱》)
What do you think of the attention Chinese put on the Nobel Prize in literature? What do you think of the ‘Mo Yan mania’?
• Howard Goldblatt: a world-famous translator of Chinese Literature: I don„t have a problem with the prize; it‟s the popular obsession over it that I find objectionable(令人不 愉快的). For populations in countries like China and South Korea, it has become a matter of national validation if successful, and national scorn if not. Come on, folks, it's an individual prize for a writer's (or poet's) body of work. I know, that's not how aΒιβλιοθήκη Baidulot of people see it, but ... really!
• "Winning the award means that I have to spare personal time for you (reporters)," said the writer half jokingly.
• "I thank for those who have supported and criticized me online over the past half month – it has been quite a buzz period. But it has also been the best opportunity for me to get to know myself, seeing my flaws and shortcomings and also something valuable for me to carry on."
Panic buying of Mo Yan’s books. Culture and media stock is rising.
Mo Yan’s former home will be restored as cultural tourist spot.
In Mo’s Words
• “I grew up in an environment immersed with (Chinese) folk culture(民间文化), which inevitably come into my novels when I pick up a pen to write. This has definitely affected -- even decided -my works’ artistic style," Mo told a group of reporters at a hotel in his hometown Gaomi, in Shandong province, two hours after he won the award.
• In 1986, Mo published Red Sorghum as a novella(中篇小说); the following year the film version swept the world off its feet as it went on to collect the Golden Bear award at the 38th Berlin International Film Festival.
• 诺贝尔文学奖评委马悦然:这一奖项不是选“世界冠军”, 莫言获奖显示出西方文学界已注意到中国当代文学繁荣的 现象,令人振奋。 • 香港作家葛亮指出:“如果一个诺贝尔文学奖,提升了普 世读者对中国文学的兴趣,才是最大意义所在,尤其在香 港这样文学式微的环境里。” • 在著名文学评论家白烨看来,人们关心诺贝尔文学奖,更 多是非文学的,是一种社会性和媒体性的关心。这些关心, 可以单纯地看作一种热情,一种基于民族主义热情的想象。 这种情结既反映出渴望,又反映出一种不自信。
• Shen congwen:
• He was chosen to be the 1988 Nobel Prize candidate and there were lots of people in Swedish Academy supported him. • Missed Nobel because of his death.
• Mo Yan deserved the Nobel Prize and we congratulate to him. However, to those who do not read, Mo Yan‟s winning of Nobel Prize in Literature has nothing to do with them.
Those Chinese Writers
• Lu xun
• “We do not deserve it.” • “Nobel Prize giving Chinese writer because of his race will indulge Chinese people’s vanity.”