Norse Myth 北欧神话 - 英语演讲 - Aero风PPT
关于中国神话故事的英语PPT Title: Chinese Mythology: Unveiling the Mystical LegendsIntroduction:Chinese mythology is a treasure trove of captivating tales and ancient legends that have been passed down through generations. These mythical stories provide a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage and beliefs of the Chinese people. In this article, we will explore the enchanting world of Chinese mythology and discuss the idea of creating an English language PowerPoint presentation (PPT) as a means to share these captivating stories with the world.The Origin of Chinese Mythology:Chinese mythology traces its roots back thousands of years, merging legends, folktales, and religious beliefs. It is deeply intertwined with the Chinese worldview, values, and traditions. The stories often reflect the mystical relationship between humans, nature, and the divine.The Celestial Realm:In Chinese mythology, the celestial realm represents the highest planes of existence. It is adorned with celestial palaces and inhabited by deities. One prominent figure in this realm is the Jade Emperor, who is considered the ruler of all gods.Creation Myth:The creation myth in Chinese mythology revolves around Pangu, a cosmic being who emerged from chaos. Pangu created the world by separating Yin and Yang, creating the earth and sky. Pangu's incredible feat signifies the Chinese belief in the harmony and balance of opposing forces.Legendary Heroes:Chinese mythology is filled with legendary heroes whose exploits have become the stuff of legend. One of the most famous is Hou Yi, an archer who shot down nine of the ten suns that were scorching the earth, bringing much-needed relief to humanity. Another renowned hero is Nezha, a young deity known for his bravery and magical abilities.The Great Flood:The story of the Great Flood is prevalent in many cultures, and Chinese mythology is no exception. According to Chinese mythology, the world was once plagued by a disastrous flood caused by the wrath of the gods. However, a man named Yu the Great, known for his tireless efforts, successfully managed to control and redirect the floodwaters, becoming a symbol of resilience and determination.The Journey to the West:One of the most beloved and well-known tales in Chinese mythology is the epic Journey to the West. The story follows the adventures of the monk Tripitaka (also known as Xuanzang) and his disciples, Monkey King, Pigsy, and Sandy, as they embark on a perilous journey to obtain Buddhist scriptures. Their encounters with demons, gods, and supernatural creatures make for an enthralling narrative that embodies perseverance, friendship, and spiritual growth.The Significance of an English Language PPT:Creating an English language PowerPoint presentation about Chinese mythology allows us to transcend language barriers and introduce this captivating cultural heritage to an international audience. This PPT can serve as an educational resource for students, scholars, and anyone interested in learning about different mythological traditions. It would provide a comprehensive overview of the key mythological figures, stories, and cultural significance.Conclusion:Chinese mythology is a vast and intricate tapestry woven from diverse tales and legendary characters. Captivating and enlightening, these stories have the power totransport us to a world where gods, heroes, and mystical creatures roam. By creating an English language PowerPoint presentation, we can bridge cultures and share the wonders of Chinese mythology with a global audience, fostering a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of China. Let the enchantment of Chinese mythology unfold before our eyes and captivate our hearts.。
Unlike other legends, in the Norse Mythology, the world will come to an end……
Gotterdammerung(诸神黄 昏)
■ The roots of the world tree has been cut off. ■ The Gods and Giants burst into big fight. ■ A fire burned everything off. ■ The ground sank into the sea. ■ The world was caught in the darkness.
Even almost nations use legends to pray for better life. However, in the norse mythology the Vikings believe the gods’ weakness. The gods will die, the world will come to an end. They believe the meaning of fight on their own.
presentation英语课北欧神话 NorseMythology
• origin and spread • The World Tree • Odin • Gotterdammerung • difference
Norse Mythology北欧神话
• Upper level Asgard (Aesir, the land of the gods), Alfheim (elves), Vanaheim (Vanir), • Middle Level Midgard (men), Jotunheim (giants), Svartalfheim (darkelves), Nidavellir (dwarves), • Lower Level Muspelheim (fire, a bright, flaming, hot world in the southern region), Niflheim (the dead, the lowest level)
雷神索尔 Thor 土地和收获女神 西芙Sif
大神·奥丁 大神 奥丁 Odin
爱神弗丽嘉 Frigg 火神洛基 Loki
和平之神弗雷 Freyr
• 伊阿宋寻找金羊毛 • 古希腊神话寻找金羊毛—中世纪骑士传
奇寻找圣杯—文艺复兴时期《巨人传》寻 找神瓶,流浪汉小说寻找父亲和争取生存 权利—19世纪俄国文学探求真理,寻找出 路,托尔斯泰《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列 尼娜》《复活》—20世纪文学寻找自我和 寻找精神理想(美)索尔·贝娄 《雨王亨德森》
Classical Greek and Roman
Lecturer: Peng Xiaoling (彭晓玲)
Requirement and Evaluation
• Requirement: • 1. Punctual
• 2. Active participation in the class
Therefore, there is some truth in the saying that
without certain knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology, one can never fully understand and appreciate western culture. (eg. literature, arts,… character)
Da Vinci, 1506
大理石雕塑 希腊古典时期
Jacopo Carucci Pontormo 1512-13 意大利佛罗伦萨乌斐兹美术馆.jpg
Other Aspects
❖ Apollo Program ❖ Poseidon Submarine ❖ Trident I & II missile
伊登(Iðunn)负责看管能使众神长生不死 的魔法苹果。Image by J. Penrose, 1890.
大部分的神话都会描写创世的荣光, 但北欧神话却着力描述世界的毁灭。
神话中的神是会老死的,也是不完美 的。这是北欧神话和世界其他神话最 不一样的地方。
但毁灭决不等于消亡,在“诸神的 黄昏”后,世界树重生,幸存者开始 了重建世界的艰苦历程。
一代代的维京人,继续沿着祖先的 足迹,漂泊在惊涛骇浪的海上,展示 着无畏的生命。
在北欧,夏季是非常短暂的。在这短促的夏日 里,冰封的山原开始解冻,融化的雪水在山间流 淌,变成小溪,穿过原野,汇聚成河流,最后奔 向大海。北欧的夏季是蓝天碧海,长在的日照和 几乎可以说是奇迹的鲜花盛开。然而紧接着的, 是寒冷冬季惨淡的日光,漫长的黑夜,发怒似的 冰冻之海,猛烈撞击着高崖峭壁的惊涛骇浪,以 及极地内巨伟壮阔的冰川与绚烂无比的北极光。 光明与黑暗,温暖与寒冷的对比是如此强烈,难 怪原始的冰岛人会认为世界是由冰与火的奇怪混 合而诞生的。
有一天,奥丁来到这里,祈求密密尔让 他喝一口智慧之泉的水,密密尔这个小气 鬼坚决不干,生怕别人聪明了。在奥丁不 断哀求下,密密尔提出个缺德要求,让奥 丁挖一只眼睛出来丢进泉水来交换,奥丁 毫不犹豫地答应了,挖出一个眼睛丢到泉 底,这个眼睛向上仰望,可以看到过去和 未来之事。奥丁因此喝了一肚子泉水,变 得更加智慧更加有知识。但从此后,这个 北欧神话的主神就成为一个独眼。
但另一方面,北欧神话相信当万物消 亡,新的生命将再次形成,世界上的 一切都是循环的。
英语ppt 漫威电影
Marvel's The Avengers is a 2012 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name, produced by Marvel Studio and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures . In the film , Nick Fury, director of the peacekeeping organization S.H.I.E.L.D., recruits Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, and Thor to form a team that must stop Thor's brother Loki from subjugating Earth.
• All the chief gods mentioned above took human forms of incomparable beauty and grace, often moved by human feelings and desires,they frequently gave way to anger and jealousy.they became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man. among themselves at olympus they plotted and struggled for the human world they experienced competitions and difficulties.they enjoyed earthly friendships and loves.acrowd of everlasting gods looked and acted in a perfectly human fashion that is what all gods at olympus actually were.
• 国际经济法0941 刘尚源
Hale Waihona Puke •Taurus•The Greek Mythology
By Sharon Liu
“Greece is every Western man’s second nature.”
The eternal mythology
• 天神们的美丽与魅力无可匹敌。因常受 到凡人情感与愿望的感染,他们不时地 勃然大怒,妒嫉别人。他们卷入与人类 世界无休止的争斗中。在奥林波斯,他 们之间也充满了阴谋与权力之争。在凡 人的世界里,他们经历了敌对与挫折。 他们珍惜人间的爱与友善。这群长生不 老的天神们的外表与行为完全符合人间 的方式。
Price competition is a competitive form which relies on low price for market, occupation of the market and defeat of competitors.
Price competition is a competitive form which relies on low price for market, occupation of the market and defeat of competitors.
contacts; third elements: the external environment, including macro industrial organization, family and so on 3 aspects to 15 + basis of comprehensive analysis and determination of the balance factor a most suitable occupation development direction of of the present time, and make the arrangements and plans effective and reasonable to achieve this goal; and most importantly, occupation planning is a dynamic continuous process, each individual according to changes in the environment, and constantly
Greek MythologyThe beginning of the world❖Chaos❖Gaea (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven)❖Their children --- the original Titans, a group of mighty beings who rules the world.Cronus became leader of the Titans. Scared of being overthrown, Cronus, ate his children. Rhea pretended to give Cronus a child to eat, but it was really a stone. She took Zeus away and raised him secretly. Zeus grew to be a mature Titan. He challenged Cronus, won, and freed his siblings from Cronus’ belly.❖Zeus and his siblings became the mighty Olympians.The OlympiansZues❖the god of the heaven and ruler of the Olympian gods❖lord of the sky, the rain god and the cloud gatherer❖His wielded thunderbolt and Shield of Zeus/ the Aegis❖His bird was the eagle, his tree the oak.Hera❖Queen of Heaven❖the supreme goddess, goddess of marriage and childbirth❖Her sacred animals are the cow and the peacock.Apollo❖the son of Zeus and Leto; The Greek god who personified youthful masculinity, and a god of many roles.❖the god of light and sun❖the god of archery❖the god of music and poetry❖the god of truth and prophesy(预言), is famous for his oracle at Delphi❖His tree was the laurel. The crow his bird. The dolphin his animal.Athena❖The goddess of intelligent activity, arts and war❖The daughter of Zeus. She was born from the head of Zeus.❖The goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture.❖The embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity❖Her tree is the olive. The owl is her bird.Artemis❖the goddess of the hunt, animals, childbirth and moon; daughter of Leto and twin sister of ApolloAphrodite❖The goddess of love, desire and beauty❖The protectress of sailors❖The myrtle(香桃木)is her tree. The dove, the swan, and the sparrow her birds.❖Her favorite lover is the god of war, Ares.Other Gods and Goddesses to Know❖PrometheusPrometheus was one of the Titans. He stole the sacred fire from Zeus and the gods. Prometheus is also the benefactor of humankind. According to another tradition, Prometheus actually created humanity, shaping the first man and woman out of clay and water. He created the first man from clay(陶土). After that, Athena(雅典娜)give the man soul and holy life. In punishment, Zeus commanded that Prometheus be chained for eternity in the Caucasus. There, an eagle would eat his liver, and each day the liver would be renewed. So the punishment was endless.As punishment for these Prometheus’s rebellion acts, Zeus also ord ered the creation of Pandora (the first woman) as a means to deliver misfortune into the house of man, or as a way to cheat mankind of the company of the good spirits.Prometheus didn't gave up to Zeus and choose to bear the pain day after day until Hercules (海格力斯) came to save him by shooting the eagle and breaking up the chain.Having done lots of benefits to human, Prometheus is widely glorified by people. Now Prometheus is used to describe someone who is willing to help others or who is willing to sacri fice himself for others’ sake.❖Eros ( Cupid): son of Aphrodite and AresEros and Psyche❖SirensSirens were evil creatures who lived on a rocky island, singing in beautiful voices in an effortto lure sailors to shipwreck and death.❖OdysseusFamous hero of the Trojan wars, who on the sea trip home offends Poseidon, who raises wind and sea to keep him from getting home. Homer, the blind poet recounts all of adventures the Odysseus and his crew have. The poem "Odyssey" and the one about the Trojan wars, "The Illiad" are the longest poems in the Western world. The two compose Homeric epic. Odysseus is renowned for his guile and resourcefulness, and is hence known as Odysseus the Cunning. He is most famous for his Trojan Horse trick..❖Musesthe goddesses of inspiration, learning, the arts, and culture.The daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. They inspired and presided over the different creative arts. They are Calliope (the muse of epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (love poetry), Euterpe (lyric poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (sacred song), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy).Stories❖Zeus and EuropaAt first sight of Europa, Zeus is instantly overcome by her beauty and grace. He assumes the form of a glorious white bull and swims to her.Europa climbs upon his back for a little ride. As soon as she is safely seated, the bull moves toward the sea. They together cross the water eventually to the island of Crete. Upon arriving in Crete, Zeus finally casts off his disguise and reveals his divine identity to Europa. The mortal woman then becomes yet another of the god's lovers.From this princess Europa the continent of Europe acquired its name.❖Heracles / HerculesHeracles was the son of Zeus who and the mortal woman Alcmene. Zeus decided to let the infant Heracles suckle on his divine wife Hera's milk when she was asleep, an act which would endow the baby with godlike qualities. When Hera woke up and realized that she was breastfeeding an unknown infant, she pushed him away and the spurting milk became the Milky Way.Later, Hera drove Heracles into rage. As a result, he killed his wife and children, and then sentenced to carry out the 12 labors.❖Apollo and DaphneEros, very angry at Apollo for making fun of his archery skills, caused him to fall in love with the nymph Daphne. Daphne prayed to her father, the river god Peneus to help her and was changed into a laurel tree, which became sacred to Apollo.Nine Planets in the Solar System❖地球Earth (Gaea)❖水星Mercury❖金星Venus❖火星Mars❖木星Jupiter❖土星Saturn❖天王星Uranus❖海王星Neptune❖冥王星PlutoIdioms from the myths❖Apple of discordIn classical mythology, an apple thrown into a banquet of the gods and goddesses by the goddess Discord, who had not been invited. The apple had "For the Fairest" written on it. When three goddesses claimed it, the choice among them was referred to the handsome Paris, prince of Troy.Paris chose Aphrodite over Hera and Athena. The latter two had hoped to bribe him with power and victory in battle, but Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. This was Helen of Sparta, who became infamous as Helen of Troy when Paris subsequently eloped(私奔)with her. In the ensuing Trojan War, Hera and Athena were implacable enemies of Troy while Aphrodite was loyal to Paris and the of discord: the root of the trouble 争端(祸根)Helen of Troy: dangerous beauty 红颜祸水judgment of Paris:不爱江山爱美人Heel of Achilles / Achilles’ heelAchilles was the greatest warrior on the Greek side in the Trojan War. When he was an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river, but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable. Eventually he was wounded in the heel by an arrow and died shortly thereafter.Achilles’ heel: vitals 要害, 命脉, 致命伤,最大的弱点❖Greek giftsThe Greeks used a large, hollow horse made of wood to win the Trojan War. The Greeks hid soldiers inside it, left it outside the gates of Troy, and set sail, apparently for Greece. The Trojans took the bait. That night the Greek army returned to Troy. The men inside the horse emerged and opened the city gates for their companions.Greek gift: gifts from enemies 黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心; 图谋害人的礼物, 危险的礼物The Trojan Horse: hidden danger 木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细❖Pandora’s box (jar)After Prometheus' theft of the secret of fire, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create the woman Pandora as part of the punishment for mankind. Pandora was given many seductivegifts from other Gods. For fear of additional reprisals(报复), Prometheus warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, but Epimetheus did not listen, and married Pandora. Pandora had been given a large jar and instructed by Zeus to keep it closed, but she had also been given the gift of curiosity, and ultimately opened it. When she opened it, all of the evils, ills, diseases, and burdensome labor that mankind had not known previously, escaped from the jar, although Pandora was quick enough to close it again and keep one value inside: hope.Pandora’s box (jar): the origin of disaster 潘朵拉的盒子, 祸患之源❖Sphinx’s riddleIn Greek mythology the Sphinx was a monster with the face and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion, and wings. Sphinx waylaid travelers on the roads near the city of Thebes, and would kill any of them who could not answer the riddle: “Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?” When Oedipus gave the correct answer, the Sphinx hurled herself over the cliff to her death in the sea below.Sphinx’s riddle: Chinese puzzle斯芬克斯的谜题, 难解之谜Oedipus complex: mother complex 恋母忌父情结❖Penelope’s webPenelope waited 20 years for her husband, Odysseus, to return from the Trojan War.During his absence , she fended off suitors by promising to choose one when she finished weaving a shroud for her father-in-law. But at every night she unraveled what she had woven during the day.Penelope’s web: stalling tactics / time wasting tactics 故意拖延的策略, 永远完不成的任务❖Midas’ hand/touchKing Midas was granted one wish by the god Dionysus. Greedy for riches, Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. He soon regretted his request. When he tried to eat, his food became inedible metal. When he embraced his daughter, she turned intoa golden statue. On the instruction of Dionysus, he washed in a river and lost his touch ofgold.Midas’ hand / The Midas To uch: unlimited wealth or success米达斯之手, 点金手❖NarcissusNarcissus was a beautiful youth in classical mythology who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. Because he was unable to tear himself from the image, he wasted away and died.Narcissus: self-love, self-complacence 自恋, 自爱,自我陶醉,孤芳自赏者Echo and NarcissusIn-class exercisesA. Helen of TroyB. Trojan horsesC. Greek giftsD. Pandora’s box (jar)E. An apple of discordF. Heel of AchillesG. Narcissus H. Sphinx’s riddleI. A Penelope's Web J. Midas’ hand / touchK. Under the Rose❖ 1. He threw us_________________, we soon quarreled again.❖ 2. It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to___________.❖ 3. The shortage of fortitude is his ____________.❖ 4. This question is as puzzling as ____________..❖ 5. He is always buying you expensive clothes, I'm afraid they are __________ for you.❖ 6. The superpowers are always sending the ___________ to many countries in the world ❖7. Mr. Jones made a long speech at the meeting. Everyone else thought it _____________.❖8. Most people speak of him as a real ________.❖9. John Lawrence has the ___________. Every enterprise he takes part in is highly profitable.❖10. Reform is _____________; opening up the system can lead to a loss of economic and political control.❖11. The senator told me ________ that there is to be a chance in the cabinet.Key: 1.E 2. A 3.F 4. H 5. C 6. B 7. I 8. G 9. J 10. D 11. K [文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
英语作文神话故事80词英文回答:In the realm of mythology, countless tales have woven their way into the tapestry of human history. From the celestial heights of Mount Olympus to the shadowy depths of the underworld, these stories have captivated our imaginations, shaped our beliefs, and inspired generations of artists, writers, and thinkers.Greek mythology stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling. From the epic battles between gods and titans to the tragic love stories of mortals, these tales have left an indelible mark on our culture. The gods of Olympus, with their complex personalities and supernatural abilities, have become archetypes that continue to resonate with us today. Zeus, the king of the gods, with his thunderbolt and unwavering authority; Hera, his jealous and vengeful queen; Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love; and Hades, the enigmatic ruler of theunderworld these are but a few of the divine figures who have captured our fascination for centuries.But beyond the realm of the gods, Greek mythology also explores the lives of ordinary mortals. Their struggles, triumphs, and failures mirror our own, reminding us of the universal human experience. The tragic tale of Orpheus and Eurydice, the loyal friendship of Achilles and Patroclus, and the cunning of Odysseus these are just a few examples of the countless human stories that have been immortalized in myth.Norse mythology, with its roots in the ancient Scandinavian tradition, offers a unique and captivating perspective on the human experience. The gods of Asgard, led by the mighty Odin, are a formidable pantheon ofdeities who embody strength, wisdom, and courage. Thor, the god of thunder, with his trusty hammer Mjölnir; Loki, the trickster who delights in deception; and Freya, the goddess of love and fertility these are but a few of the Norse gods who have earned their place in legend.The tales of Norse mythology are filled with adventure, heroism, and a deep connection to nature. The legends of the Valkyries, the fierce female warriors who choose the slain for Valhalla, the epic battles between the gods and giants, and the tales of Ragnarok, the final battle that will end the world these are just a few examples of the captivating stories that have been passed down through generations.Egyptian mythology, with its ancient and enigmatic roots, offers a rich tapestry of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures. The gods of Egypt, with their animal-headed forms and supernatural powers, played a central role in the lives of the ancient Egyptians. Ra, the sun god, with his falcon head; Isis, the goddess of magic and fertility; Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead; and Horus, the falcon-headed god of war and protection these are but a few of the divine figures who shaped the beliefs and practices of the ancient Egyptians.The tales of Egyptian mythology are filled with myth, magic, and a preoccupation with the afterlife. The story ofOsiris, the murdered god who is resurrected by his wife Isis, the legend of Horus and Set, the eternal battle between good and evil, and the tale of Anubis, the guardian of the dead these are just a few examples of thecaptivating stories that have been passed down through the centuries.These are but a few glimpses into the vast and captivating world of mythology. From the epic battles of gods and titans to the tragic love stories of mortals, from the adventures of heroes to the mysteries of the afterlife, these stories continue to inspire, captivate, and shape our understanding of the human experience.中文回答:神话故事是在人类历史的画卷中编织出的无数故事。
Thanatos死神塔那托斯/ Hypnos睡神
1. The King of Terrors 死亡 之神
• They are twin brothers
• The are working for Hades为冥 王服务
1. She is the sister of Zeus and control all things of the people’s family. 家庭之神
化火上冲 情志所伤 肝气郁结
肝阳妄动 实证 血脉淤阻
病因寒邪侵袭 寒滞肝脉
经气失宣 肝阴不足
肾阴亏虚 肝失濡养
虚症 虚阳上扰
风、眩晕、头痛、痉、痫、昏厥、积聚、耳鸣、惊恐、 不寐、麻木、震颤等病证。
胆因寄附于肝,禀春生之气,其性 刚直,故在病理情况下,多现阳亢火旺 之证。
What is Greek Mythology?
• Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings.
即喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊七种情志变化。七情过激 可使人体气机紊乱,脏腑阴阳气血失调,导致疾病的发 生。
人体营养的主要来源,若饮食不节或不洁、偏嗜等常能 使脾胃纳化失调而致病。
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Frequently, your initial font choice is taken out of your
King of the sky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympiangods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer, gatherer,who holds terrible thunderbolt. the terrible thunderbolt. eagle, His bird the eagle, his tree is the oak .
the old theogony : the Tians (旧 谱:奥 ) the old theogony : the Gods ( 谱奥 ) Perseus ( ) Jason ( ) Heracles ( 拉克 ) ) Theseus ( Medusa( 杜 ) Minotaurus ( 诺陶洛 ) (刻 Cerberus (刻 洛 )
Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her infidelities( , jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities( ).
Poseidon 冬
Brother of Zeus . God of the sea , protectorof all waters.
He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods.
He was widely worshiped by seamen.
Brother of Zeus. God of the dead. Ruler of the underworld. God of wealth , due to the precious metals mined from the earth.
希腊神话 罗马神话PPT
Roman myths
Venus is the Roman god who is a symbol of love and beauty, also a symbol of fertility goddess.
Roman myths
Venus de Milo, it is believed to depict Venus, the goddess of love and beauty , It is a marble sculpture, slightly larger than life size at 203 cm high. Part of an arm were lost following its discovery.
Apollo was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice heled the choir of the Muses at Olympus.The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy.
The strength of Greek mythology lay in its collective nature . A myth always stood on its own , with a plot and a set of characters readily understood by those who listened to the storyteller or dramatist making use of it.
文章标题:The Enchantment of Mythology in English EssaysIn the dawn of civilization, when the veil of mystery shrouded the world, myths emerged as the first narrativesof mankind, painting a vivid tapestry of gods, heroes, and monsters. These tales, passed down through generations, not only entertained but also instructed, offering insightsinto the deepest aspirations and fears of ancient cultures. As we delve into the art of English essay writing, theallure of mythology remains potent, offering a rich mine of inspiration for thought-provoking openings.The opening paragraph of an essay is crucial, setting the tone and captivating the reader's attention. Drawing upon mythology can be a powerful tool in this endeavor. Consider the allure of Greek mythology, where gods and heroes engage in epic battles and profound love affairs. These narratives are not just stories; they are reflections of the human spirit, its strengths and weaknesses, its dreams and nightmares. By invoking such myths in our essays, we can create a sense of wonder and depth that immediately hooks the reader.For instance, one might begin an essay on the theme of heroism by referencing the journey of Hercules, the Greek hero known for his twelve labors. "In the annals of Greek mythology, Hercules stands as a paragon of heroism, a being whose strength and courage were tested through a series of daunting challenges. His journey, fraught with peril and triumph, offers a powerful metaphor for the challenges weall face in our own lives and the inner strength requiredto overcome them." Here, the essayist uses Hercules' storyto introduce the topic of heroism and establish aconnection between ancient mythology and modern-day experiences.Furthermore, mythology can also serve as a springboard for exploring more abstract concepts such as fate, free will, and the nature of good and evil. By drawing parallels between ancient myths and contemporary issues, essayistscan create a bridge between the past and the present, allowing readers to view their own world through a new lens. For example, an essay discussing the complexities offate might begin with a reference to the Norse myth of Ragnarok, the final battle between the gods and the forcesof chaos. "In the Norse vision of Ragnarok, fate is an inevitable force, shaping the destiny of gods and mortals alike. Yet, amidst the cataclysmic events foretold, one finds hints of resistance and resilience, suggesting that even in the grip of fate, there is room for choice and agency. This paradoxical nature of fate—both immutable and mutable—mirrors the complexities we encounter in our own lives, where we strive to find meaning and purpose within the constraints of our circumstances."In conclusion, mythology remains a rich source of inspiration for English essay writing. By incorporating elements of ancient narratives, essayists can create engaging and thought-provoking openings that captivate the reader's imagination and set the tone for a deeper exploration of ideas and themes. Whether referencing the heroes of Greek mythology or the prophecies of Norse legends, mythology offers a timeless lens for understanding our world and ourselves.**神话英语作文开场白的魅力**在文明的曙光初现、神秘面纱笼罩世界的时代,神话作为人类的第一批叙事作品应运而生,绘制出一幅幅充满神祇、英雄与怪兽的生动画卷。
希腊神话 英语ppt完美~
Heroes lore
Ancient hero's performance
There are many love stories in Greek and roman mythology.. such as ….
All of a sudden, Daphne’s feet became rooted to the ground, and her body turned into the trunk of a laurel tree. Her arms became its branches and her hair the leaves. Apollo finally stood before her, touched her bark, and kissed her leaves. "Since you cannot be my wife, you shall always be my tree. I will wear you for my crown, and your leaves will be woven into wreaths for triumphant Romans. “To this day, the laurel wreath remains a symbol of the highest honor and Daphne..
Daphne was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.She was the daughter of the river god Peneus (river in Thessaly). she, hating the thought of marriage as crime .she wants to remain unmarried like Diana.
lecture 4 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件
2. Cadmus and Europa
• Cadmus (卡德摩斯) was the son of Agenor, the King of Tyre (泰尔城国王阿哥诺耳), a city in Phoenicia (腓尼基城邦).
• He set out to find his sister Europa after she had been carried off by Zeus in the shape of a white bbes (底比斯)
• The cow led him to the site of Thebes. • When he sent his companions to fetch water
from a nearby spring, they were killed by a dragon that was guarding the source of water. • Cadmus killed the dragon and following the instruction of Athena, pulled out the dragon's teeth and sowed them in the ground. • At once, armed men sprang up and threatened to kill him. • By throwing a stone among them, Cadmus caused them to kill each other in the struggle to gain the stone. • At last five were left alive, who helped Cadmus build the city of Thebes and became the ancestors of the noble families of Thebes.
希腊神话 英语ppt完美~
Let’s introduce Apollo…
• Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Let to.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last Poseidon took Pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins , Apollo and Artemis. • Apollo was me sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day he drove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Later in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home. • Apollo was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs . • Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty.His golden hair, stately manner and air all combined to make him the admiration of the world.
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• 13th Century • Christians
took control of the Europe myths was kept in Iceland
• A part of the
• Mainline:
The gods & their interaction with other beings
Thank you!
• Odin and his
brothers killed Ymir
• The world
comes from Ymir’s dead body
Twilight of the Gods
• (诸神之黄昏) • Final battle
God VS Giant doom to lose
( 雷神 )
Loki’s mask in <The Mask>
( 变相怪杰 )
Elves in <WarCraft III>
Trolls in <WarCraft III>
Dwarves in <WarCraft III>
InfluenceGaFra bibliotekesWar chief Thrall in <WarCraft III>
Norse Myth
I. History
A. Origin B. Development C. Fading
III. Famous Gods
A. Odin B. Thor C. Loki
II. Mainline
A. Structure B. Creation of the World C. Twilight of the Gods
• 4 brilliant
Semi-god Human
The Creation
• Giant Yimr
arose from water from ice
• Buri arose • Buri’s
grandson was Odin(奥丁)
The Creation
• Helped a lot
• God’s enemy
Weekday Names
Sól’s day Goddess of Sun
Máni’s day God of Moon
Týr’s day God of War
Woden’s day Ordin
conquered lots of places
• Norse Myth
became wellknown
• 7th Century • The Vikings
conquered lots of places
• Norse Myth
became wellknown
III. Influence
A. Weekday Names B. Films C. Games
• Norse: the
northern part of the Europe Germanic
• A part of the
• 1st Century
Thor’s day God of Thunder
Fríge’s day Goddess of Love
Elves & Dwarves in <The Lord of the Rings> ( 指环王 )
Marvel Comic Hero <Thor>
Symbols in <Diablo II>
“Thor” in <StarCraft II>
“Odin” in <Final Fantasy>
“Odin” in<Tales of Phantasia>
Norse Myth is a very unique mythology system. Enjoy the stories!
• Gods are
• World was
Famous Gods
Odin: King of the Gods
• (奥丁) • Created the
world and humans
• God of Death,
Wisdom, Power, War
Famous Gods
Thor: God of Thunder
• (托尔/索尔) • Most
powerful god thunder, Storms, Strength, Protection
• God of
Famous Gods
Loki: God of Fire
• (洛基) • Giant, Odin’s
blood brother and caused lots of trouble
• Norse: the
northern part of the Europe Germanic
• A part of the
• 1st Century
• 7th Century • The Vikings