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Unit 6 第十三周周末作业



1. The students would like to go somewhere e____________.

2. Do you know C______? He’s an important Chinese thinker.

3. How p______ it is in the countryside!

4. Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the famous ________ in the world. (教堂)

5. He dreams of being a ___________ in the future. (翻译家)

6. It is very ___________ (方便) to go shopping in the supermarket.

7.please pay more attention to your ____ (态度) of study.

8. Hawaii is too ________. There are too many ___________. (tourist)


1穿越丛林________ 2去度假_______ 3令人放松的地方_______ 4考虑在家学习______ 5最有活力的城市之一_____________6环游世界__________7乘坐地_______8总的来说8相当昂贵的城市____________9讲法语_________ 10.为你翻译___________11.应该很热12.打包薄衣服______________13去另外一个国家______________ 14在中国的东部15.给我提供信息_________ 16.做大量的运动__________________ 17.带厨房的房间18.节省钱________________ 19离开三周_________________ 20.每年的这个时候

21横渡太平洋_____________ 22问题的答案_______________ 23.尽可能快地________ 24.以便… ________________ 25.为父母提供更好的生活_______26根据…____________ 27.电脑编程_______________28.梦想变得出名________________29.当翻译___________ 30.乐意做某事____________ 31.另一方面___________________ 32.坚持你的梦想_____ 33.实现__________________ 34别的什么___________________35.最好做____________ Test 1. _________(一般而言), American families often give a party at home.

2. I really my dream will ___________ some day. (实现,达到)

3. He is __________ to buy a English-Chinese dictionary. (省钱)

4. 我希望将来有一天我能梦想成真。I hope my dream __________________.

5. 我家乡周围有许多度假景点。There are lots of ____________ around my hometown.

6. 我想今年夏天去中国东部的某个地方去旅游。

I want ______ ______ trip this summer _______ _______ the east _______ China.

7. 这家公司会为我们的公司提供免费的饮料。

This company will ____ our company ____ free drinks.

8.我们还能做什么?__________________ can we do?


1.It has to be a place ________ we can do lots of outdoor activities. (where/ which)

2It ________ (be) nice if we ___________(can get ) a room with a kitchen.

3The room needs _________(be) big enough __________(介词)for three people.

4Could you please _________(give) me some suggestions _______(介词)for vacation spots?

5We’d like to ____________(离开)for two weeks.

6.It seems some students would like to start work _________________________(尽快),_______(以致于)they can help ____________________________(为父母提供更好的生活)。

7.According to the survey, the most popular _____(choose) of job is computer programming.

8.Some students reported that they were _____(will) to work hard ____ (achieve) their dreams. Step 5考点大练兵.

1.We need a _____(peace) world.

2.I’d like _____________(thrill) vacations.

3.He likes Brazil because he likes____ (excite) vacation.

4.I’d like to go somewhere ______(relax).

5. I love places where the people are really _______(friend).

6.Why not________ (consider) visiting Japan?

7._______(live) in Singapore is quite expensive.

8.Hong Kong is very _______(tourist). 9.Isn’t Kunming _______ (suppose) to be very hot?

10.Would you like ________(drink)some orange juice?

11. Surfing the internet can provide us with the latest news.

Surfing the internet can ______ the latest news ______ us.

12. I want to invite you to my home for dinner. I ____ ____ to invite you _____ for dinner. Step 6课时达标

1.I would like ____ Singapore. A visit B visiting C to visit D visited

2. I’d like to trek ___ the jungle. Because I like exciting vacations.

A across

B cross

C through

D with

3. He has ____ a few friends and feels happy. A very B quite C too D much

4. We’re hoping _____ France. A visit B visits C visiting D to visit

5. He is considering _____ abroad. A studying B to study C studied D study

6. He is supposed _____ there on time. A to be B being C is D was

7. I would like to sail ____ the Pacific Ocean one day.

A. through

B. cross

C. into

D. across

8. Our country provided the people ____ plenty of things during the flood.

A. in

B. to

C. onto

D. with

9. Yellow River is one of ____ rivers in the world.

A. the longer

B. longer

C. the longest

D. longest

10.There are ____ (thousand)of people in the mall on National Day.

11. I have dreamed of ______________(travel) all over the world in the future.

12 They are willing _____ (work) in my firm.

13In the end, I found the answer ____ the difficult question (介词)

