



商务英语考试名词解释(共五篇)第一篇:商务英语考试名词解释Explanation(1)Brand:is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products,services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed.(2)Protection: the deliberate use or encouragement of restrictions on imports to enable relativelyinefficient domestic producers to compete successfully with foreign producers.(3)Corporate culture-It represents a common perception held by the organization’s members.It communicates how people in an organization should behave, by establishing a value system conveyed throughrites, myths, legends, and actions.(4)Quota: a restriction on the quantity of imports of a particular product that a county impose.(5)Free trade: trade between nations without protective customs tariff(6)Marketing– the competitive process by which goods and services are offered for consumptionat a profit.It’s about building a reputation and making sales for cash and profits in particular markets.(7)Promotion is the combination of methods to generate public awareness, identity, confidence,desire and conviction in a product and usage by the general public.(8)Enterprise ethics refers to the enterprise in the specific social economic organization, relyingon public opinion, traditions and inner conviction to maintain, with good and evil evaluation standard on moral principles, ethics and moral activities combined.(9)Advertising : the action of calling something to the attention of the publicespecially by paidannouncements.(10)MoneyEnglish writingIncreased dramatically sinceIn 1987 the export figures stood at 400 million Finnish markkaa.There was a sharp increase between 1987 and 1989 when figures reached over 800 million.This was followed by a sharp decrease between 1989 and 1990 when Finnish paper exports to Japan dropped to 400 million.There was a slight rise between 1990 and 1991 when exports hit the 450 million mark but they fell again to 400 million in 1992.Between 1992 and 1995 there was a dramatic rise and exports of paper to Japan reached a peak of 1,300 million in 1995, before falling again to under 1,000 million in 1997.第二篇:商务英语考试2013下半年剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)报考简章报名条件与考试费用BEC报名不受年龄﹑性别、职业﹑地区﹑学历等限制,任何人均可持本人身份证件到当地考点报名。





Objective:1. 通过互动活动和讨论,提高学生的商务英语口语表达能力。

2. 强化学生的商务英语听力和阅读能力,使其能够快速理解商务场景和交际对话。

3. 培养学生的商务写作能力,让他们能够准确、清晰地表达商务观点和想法。

Materials:1. 商务英语教材《Business English Essentials》2. 商务场景对话录音3. 商务英语写作范例Procedure:1. 导入- 创设商务英语学习氛围,播放商务场景对话录音,让学生感受商务英语的实际应用。

- 介绍教学目标和本节课的重点。

2. 听说训练- 听力练习:播放商务场景对话录音,要求学生模仿对话中的语速和语调,提高听力理解能力。

- 口语练习:分组进行商务角色扮演,让学生在各种商务场景中实践口语表达能力。

3. 阅读训练- 阅读理解:选取商务英语教材中的短文,要求学生阅读并回答相关问题,培养学生的阅读理解能力。

- 商务词汇学习:在阅读过程中,引导学生积累商务英语常用词汇,并进行词汇拓展训练。

4. 写作训练- 商务邮件写作:引导学生学习商务英语邮件的常见结构和表达方式,并提供商务英语写作范例。

- 学生练习:让学生根据具体场景,编写商务英语邮件,并相互交换邮件进行修改和反馈。

5. 拓展训练- 商务文化交流:介绍不同国家和地区的商务文化差异,进行相关讨论和交流,培养学生的跨文化沟通能力。

- 商务演讲技巧:教授商务演讲的技巧和要点,并进行学生演讲实践和互动评价。

Assessment:1. 情境评估:观察学生在商务角色扮演中的口语表达能力和应对能力。

2. 阅读理解测试:进行商务英语教材中的阅读理解测试,评估学生的阅读能力。

3. 写作评估:对学生编写的商务英语邮件进行评估,重点关注邮件的结构、语法和专业性。



商务英语专业术语词汇及解释解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述商务英语作为一门专业术语,对于从事国际贸易、市场营销和国际商务领域的人士来说至关重要。



1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分。






1.3 目的本文的目的是帮助读者全面了解商务英语专业术语,并提供有效的学习方法与技巧。



2. 商务英语专业术语词汇及解释:2.1 定义和重要性:商务英语专业术语是在商务活动中频繁使用的特定词汇或短语,它们具有行业性质,用于描述商务交流、谈判、合作等方面的内容。



2.2 常用商务英语词汇解释:在这部分中,我们将介绍一些常用的商务英语词汇及其解释。

1) Marketing(市场营销)- 指通过市场调研、广告宣传和销售策略等手段来推广产品或服务的过程。

商务英语专业术语词汇及解释 跨文化

商务英语专业术语词汇及解释 跨文化







再说说“L/C”,全称是“Letter of Credit”,翻译过来就是“信用证”。


没有它,很多国际贸易可能就没法顺利进行,就像没有了通行证,你连大门都进不去!“FOB”,“Free on Board”,这可不是什么“在船上自由”,而是“离岸价”。



“CIF”,“Cost, Insurance and Freight”,也就是“成本、保险加运费价”。






XX大学教案2011 —2012 学年第 1 学期课程名称商务英语课程类别必修课学时/学分48/3授课专业财务管理班级09财务管理1,2,3,4,5,6使用教材商务英语阮绩智编开课单位经济管理学院授课教师商务英语课程教案习题课□其他:安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):课程介绍教学目的和要求(分掌握、理解、了解三个层次):课程教学目的及要求:该课程主要培养学生在涉外商务活动中用英语交际的能力。


教学重点:Course description and objective; Course requirement and assessment。


商务英语材料阅读:How to learn business English well?(15分钟)提问(5分钟)课堂讨论 (5分钟) PPT演示提问和讨论思考题、讨论题、作业:What is business English?What are the main contents of this course?How to learn business English well?教学后记:在课程介绍基础上,让学生初步接触有关商务英语阅读材料,目的是激发学生学习此门课程的兴趣。

商务英语课程教案习题课□其他:安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Unit 1 Applying for a job教学目的和要求(分掌握、理解、了解三个层次):掌握求职与面试的常用语;理解申请工作的准备要点;了解一般的面试礼仪.教学重点:求职与面试的常用语。


教学进程方法及手段引入新课(5分钟):Learning objectives: Preparing for a job interview;talking about educational background, experiences and special skills;writing a curriculum vitae and a letter of application讲授新课(50分钟):Listening task: The job interview. Speaking taskReading task: How to make your job interview successful课堂练习(30分钟):Answer questions to listening task. Speaking task: dialogue (practice dialogue in pairs)课堂小结(5分钟):Sentence patterns about applying for a job(see page 15) PPT演示提问和讨论思考题、讨论题、作业:1.熟记有关申请工作的句型和词汇;2.成功面试的要点有哪些(presentation practice)?教学后记:商务英语课程教案习题课□其他:安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Unit 1 Applying for a job:writing taskUnit 2 Companies教学目的和要求(分掌握、理解、了解三个层次):掌握求职信和简历的写作要求,理解写作格式,了解公司组织结构教学重点:求职信和简历的写作。



商务英语入门术语汇编collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分私营部门public sector 公共部门公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金frozen assets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产real estate 不动产,房地产circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产capital goods 资本货物reserve 准备金储备金calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds 资金分配contribution of funds 资金捐献working capital fund 周转基金revolving fund 循环基金周转性基金contingency fund 意外开支准备金reserve fund 准备金buffer fund 缓冲基金平准基金sinking fund 偿债基金investment 投资资产investor 投资人self-financing 自筹经费经费自给bank 银行current account 经常帐户(美作:checking account)current-account holder 支票帐户(美作:checking-account holder cheque 支票(美作:check)bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票来人支票crossed cheque划线支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票chequebook支票簿支票本(美作:checkbook)endorsement背书transfer 转让,转帐过户money 货币issue 发行ready money 现钱cash 现金ready money business, no credit given 现金交易概不赊欠change 零钱banknote, note 钞票纸币(美作:billto pay incash付现金domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币convertibility 可兑换性convertible currencies 可兑换货币exchange rate 汇率兑换率foreign exchange 外汇floating exchange rate 浮动汇率free exchange rates 汇兑市场foreign exchange certificate外汇兑换券hard currency 硬通货speculation投机saving 储装存款depreciation 减价,贬值devaluation (货币)贬值revaluation 重估价runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩capital flight 资本外逃securities business 证券市场stock exchange 贡市场stock exchange corporation 证券交易所stock exchange 证券交易所贡交易所quotation 报价,牌价share股份shareholder, stockholder 贡持有人股东dividend 股息红利cash dividend现金配股stock investment 贡投资investment trust 投资信托stock-jobber 贡经纪人stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司securities 有价证券share, common stock 普通股preference stock 优先股income gain 股利收入issue 发行贡par value 股面价格票面价格bull 买手多头bear 卖手空头assigned过户opening price 开盘closing price 收盘hard times 低潮business recession景气衰退doldrums 景气停滞dull 盘整ease 松弛raising limit 涨停板break 暴跌bond, debenture 债券Wall Street 华尔街short term loan 短期贷款long term loan 长期贷款medium term loan 中期贷款lender 债权人creditor 债权人debtor 债务人借方borrower 借方借款人maturity到期日偿还日amortization 摊销摊还分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款borrowing 借款interest 利息rate of interest 利率Discount 折扣rediscount 再贴现annuity 年金maturity 到期日偿还日amortization 摊销摊还分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷consolidated debt 合并债务funded debt 固定债务长期债务floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款提存aid 援助allowance, grant, subsidy补贴,补助金津贴cost 成本费用expenditure, outgoings 开支支出fixed costs 固定成本overhead costs 营业间接成本overheads杂项开支间接成本operating costs 生产费用营业成本operating expenses 营业费用running expenses 日常费用经营费用miscellaneous costs 杂项费用overhead expenses 间接费用管理费用upkeep costs, maintenance costs 维修费用养护费用transport costs 运输费用social charges 社会负担费用contingent expenses, contingencies 或有费用apportionment of expenses 分摊费用income 收入收益earnings 利润收益gross income, gross earnings 总收入总收益gross profit, gross benefit 毛利总利润利益毛额net income纯收益净收入收益净额average income 平均收入national income 国收入profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率赢利率yield 产量收益收益率increase in value, appreciation 增值升值duty 税taxation system 税制taxation 纳税fiscal charges 财务税收progressive taxation 累进税制graduated tax 累进税value added tax 增值税income tax 所得税land tax 地租地价税excise tax 特许权税basis of assessment 估税标准taxable income 须纳税的收入。





教学目标:1. 了解商务英语的基本概念和特点;2. 掌握商务英语中常用的交流技巧和表达方式;3. 学习商务英语中常见的专业词汇和短语;4. 培养学生在商务环境中的语言运用能力;5. 提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。

教学内容和活动:1. 商务英语基础知识a. 商务英语的定义和特点b. 商务英语中的常用交际技巧和礼仪c. 商务英语中常见的文化差异和注意事项2. 商务英语交流技巧a. 商务会议的组织和参与技巧b. 商务谈判的技巧和策略c. 商务信函的写作技巧和格式d. 商务演讲的准备和表达技巧3. 商务英语专业词汇和短语a. 商务英语中常见的行业词汇和术语b. 商务英语中常用的商务短语和表达方式c. 商务英语中的常见缩略语和惯用语4. 语言运用实践活动a. 商务会议模拟演练b. 商务谈判案例分析和角色扮演c. 商务信函写作和修改d. 商务演讲实践和反馈教学方法:1. 教师讲授:通过讲解商务英语基础知识和交流技巧,帮助学生建立起商务英语的概念框架。

2. 小组讨论:组织学生进行小组讨论,分享彼此的商务英语学习心得和经验。

3. 角色扮演:安排学生进行商务会议、商务谈判等实践活动的角色扮演,提升他们的语言运用能力和实践能力。

4. 个人作业:布置商务信函写作和商务演讲准备的个人作业,培养学生的独立思考和表达能力。

教学评估:1. 口头测试:组织学生进行口头测试,测试他们对商务英语基础知识和交流技巧的理解和掌握程度。

2. 书面作业:布置商务信函写作和商务演讲的书面作业,评估学生的语言表达和写作能力。

3. 实践评估:对学生进行商务会议和商务谈判的实践评估,评估他们在实际场景中的语言运用能力和表达效果。



11. Budget—预算an account of probable future income and expenditure during a stated, period, usu. a year used as a guide in making financial arrangements.2. Return—回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.3. Portfolio—证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling4. Royalty—专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu. at a greed percentage of the selling price of the product.5. Expertise—专门知识expert knowledge or skill, esp. in a particular field; know-how.6. Licensor—认证颁发者a person or company granting a license.7. Patent—专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.8. Non-tariff barrier—非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc.9. Turnkey contract—交钥匙工程one in which one of the parties agrees to supply, at the contract price, a complete product ready for use, such as a new home, factory, ship, etc.10. Franchise—经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products in a certain area.21. Purchasing power—购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services.2. Assess—估价to judge an amount or value.3. spur—刺激to urge or encourage4. average—平均of an ordinary, common or usual kind in quality or amount5. Productive—多生产producing in high efficiency or in large quantity6. tap—开发to take what is needed from, to exploit7. Infrastructure—基础设施large-scale public services, such as water and power supplies, road, rail and radio communications, etc. needed to support economic activity, esp. industry, trade and commerce.8. recipient—接受者a person or an organization etc. that receives something9. consumerism—消费主义considerable desire to make purchase for consumption10. PPP—购买力平价purchasing power parity31 liberalization—自由化of trade, the act of government in lifting controls over imports and exports2 integration—一体化combining into a whole3 tariff—关税tax levied by the customs4 barriers to trade—贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.5 mobility—流动性capacity that can move or be moved easily and quickly from place to place.6 detour—绕道route that voids a blocked road; deviation7 banknote—纸币printed paper money issued by a bank, usu. the country’s central bank.8 erode—侵蚀wear away, eat into9 envisage—想象picture(an event, action, etc) in the mind as a future possibility; imagine10 veto—否决权right to reject or forbid something41 affiliate—分支机构a subsidiary company controlled by another2 assets—资产total resources of a business, as cash, accounts receivable, real estates etc.3 world company—全球公司a multinational whose national identity has been blurred4 facilities—设施something designed, built or installed to serve a specific function or perform a particular service5 revenue—收益the total annual income of a state6 decentralize—使分权distribute the administrative powers over a less concentrated area7 nationalize—收归国有to bring under the control or ownership of a nation8 welfare—福利well-being9 framework—行为准则organization structure10 input—投资something that is put in business operation51 service—服务something done to help or benefit others2 abundant—大量的plentiful, more than enough3 specialization—专业化to restrict one’s economic activities to certain particular fields4 primary commodities—初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials5 incentive—刺激that which incites, rouses or encourages a person6 alternative—替代物that may be had, used etc. in place of sth. else7 intuitive—直觉relating to the power of the immediate understanding of something without reasoning or study8 efficient—有效的producing a desired or satisfactory result; able to perform duties well9 endowment—天赋a natural gift or ability10 exploit—利用to develop the use of, make the best use of61 drawback—退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when re-exported2 highlight—重视to make prominent; to draw special attention3 bulky—庞大taking a lot of space, and often of a shape difficult to handle4 perishable—易碎easily to go bad5 tariff—关税duties imposed on goods imported and exported6 specific duties—从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc. of the goods7 ad valorem duties—从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods8 unilaterally—单方面地done by one side or party only9 maritime—海上connected with the sea or navigation10 remittance—汇款money sent by post71 law suit—诉讼案件legal prosecution2 dispute—争端argument or controversy3 remedy—纠正method of putting right something that is wrong4 amendment—修正changes made to something5 Incoterms—贸易术语a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms6 present—提交submit7 premise—前提a tract of land including its buildings8 heading—标题category9 classification—分类the arrangement of things by groups10 carriage—运费the price or cost of transportation81 business line—商业领域goods dealt in by a company2 voluntary offer—主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offerer3 contract—合同an agreement setting forth the binding obligations of the relevant parties4 indispensable—必须物absolutely necessary5 contract proper—合同正文the main body of a contract6 contracting parties—缔约方signatories of an agreement7 force majeure—[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting party8 purchase contract—购买合同a contract made by the buyer9 firm offer—持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer10 offeree—受要约人the party to whom an offer is made91.popular—受欢迎的liked and admired2.hyperinflation—极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control3.inflation—通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansionof money supply, credit etc.4.protectionism—贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing homecountries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports5.bilateral—双边的of two sides6.bundling—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together7.expertise—专门知识expert skill or knowledge8.creditors—债权人a person to whom one owns money9.transferable—可转移的possible to be handed over10.verified data—已证实的数据authentic materials101.debtor—债务人a person who owes money2.default—违约fail to carry out an obligation3.dubious—可疑的doubtful, uncertain, questionable4.draft—汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money5.remittance—汇款the sending of money or the money sent6.fluctuation—波动irregular movement of (prices, exchange rates etc.)7.drawer—出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter8.sound—健康合理financially satisfactory财政上满意9.ban—禁止prohibit, forbid10.drawee—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn111.credit-worthiness—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in makingpayment2.substantial—大量的large, great, considerable3.constitute—组成make up; amount to; form4.applicant of an L/C—出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for theestablishment of an L/C5.beneficiary—受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for itsexport6.discrepancy—不符difference; absence of agreement7.confirming bank—保兑行the bank that adds its own commitment to an L/C8.bill of exchange—汇票written order drawn by the beneficiary on the bank for thepurpose of payment9.underlying—作为基础forming the basis of10.reimburse—退款pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spent121.clean credit—光票信用证a credit that does not require shipping documents forpayment2.cancel—作废not to do something that has been arranged or decided upon3.leading bank—主要银行major bank, most important bank4.impeccable—完美的faultless5.insolvent—无力偿还的unable to pay debts6.sight credit—即期信用证a credit by which payment can be made uponpresentation of the draft7.maturity—到期becoming due8.after sight—见票之后after presentation of draft9.middleman—中间商trader through whom goods pass between the producer andthe consumer10.sustain—遭受suffer131.documentation—证明文件the presentation and use of shipping documents2.consignee—收货人the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shipped3.shipping marks—唛头what is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol foridentification in the course of transportation4.discrepancy—不符absence of agreement5.liability—责任what one is responsible for according to law6.apparent—表明上according to appearance; seeming7.insurance policy—保险单a document used for covering possible risks8.discount—折扣amount of money that may be taken off the full amount9.title—抬头right to the possession of a position or property10.invoice—发票a document for the general description of the goods and the price141 alternative—供选择a choice from two or more possibilities.2 modes—运输方式different forms of transportation3 fundamental—极其重要的very important4 ownership—所有权legal right of possession5 intermediate products—中间产品semi-manufactures6 commercial intercourse—商业交流business dealings between individuals or firms7 unload卸货—getting goods off a carrier8 package—包装combination of related parts or elements accepted or rejected as a single unit9 distribution—分布the marketing, transporting, merchandising, and selling of any item10 destination—目的地the terminal to which goods are sent151 insured—被保险人a person covered by an insurance policy2 premium—保险费the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contract3 potential loss—潜在损失loss which is possible to incur4 viability—能力ability to succeed in operation5 claim—索赔a payment demanded in accordance with an insurance policy6 margin—利润amount above what is estimated as necessary7 underwriter—保险公司a person who carries on insurance as a business8 consumption—消费the using up of goods and services having an exchangeable value9 compensation—赔偿金something given or received as an equivalent for loss10 pooling—联营a combination of funds formed for common advantage161 field—领域a sphere of activity2 incidence—发生occurrence3 multi-modal transportation—多式联运transport that combines road, rail, sea and air4 diminish—减少降低the right to collect from an endorser a payment of loss5 indemnity—赔偿compensation for loss6 subrogate—代为追偿to substitute a claim against one person for a claim against another person7 legal action—法律行动an action taken against someone in accordance with the law8 leader—领导者an insurer who is well-known in a particular class of business9 deposit—存款money paid as part payment that is owned10 compulsory—义务that must be done171 peg—钉住to keep fixed or unchanged2 redeem—兑换to repay or pay off, esp. loan stock, debentures and preference shares or stock3 settlement—结算the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc4 exchange rate—汇率the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency5 fluctuations—波动upward and downward movements in the economic system6 gold reserves—黄金储备量the stock of gold coin and bullion held by a note-issuing bank in a country on the gold standard.7 money circulation—货币流通money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and services8 devaluation—货币贬值the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies9 offset—补偿to set one value against another or as equal to another10 par—标准equal in value, on the same level181 affiliate—隶属a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in part by another concern2 institutions—体系an organization or establishment devoted to the promotion of a particular object3 productivity—生产力power of being productive4 loans—借贷something lent on condition of being returned, especially a sum of money lent at interest5 prerequisite—先决条件required as a condition for something else6 cyclical—周期循环recurring in cycles7 maturity—到期the time when a note or bill of exchange or a loan becomes due8 reserve—储备金money held aside to meet future demand9 investment—投资the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns10 stringent—严格的strict, that must be obeyed191 quota—配额a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or commodity2 VER—自动出口限制an agreement by a country’s exporters o r government to limit their exports or government to limit their exports to another country3 acquisition—获得company expansion through the phrase of other business4 synergy—协同作用benefits from combining different business, normally claimed by the promoters of mergers5 rebate—减少reduce6 intellectual property—知识产权certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, andcopy-right7 tax holiday—免税期a period of time during which tax is not levied8 return—收益the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment9 access—使用权a way by which a place, esp. property, can be reached or entered or used10 joint venture—合资企业a business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms201 market place—市场a place in which securities are sold and bought2 securities—担保stocks and bonds3 gilts—金边债券stocks issued by government4 information—信息knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance5 qualifications—资格证书competence6 membership—成员the state of being a member of a certain organization7 practitioner—从业者a person engaged in the practice of a profession or occupation8 cost-effective—成本效益好producing optimum results for the expenditure9 shortfall—差额deficiency10 equities—股本company stocks211 ratify—批准make an arrangement or a treaty officially valid by signing it.2 controversy—争论public argument about sth. which many people disagree with3 biennial—两年一次happening every alternate year4 clout—权利influence5 anti-dumping—反倾销one form of action which may be taken by a government to protect industries from unfair competition by which goods are sold at a price lower than in the country where they are manufactured6 mandate—授权authority given to perform a duty7 stillborn—死胎的(of a child) dead at birth; (of an idea or a plan) not developing further8 contracting party—缔约国a country or firm that signs a legal agreement9 akin to—类似的similar, related to10 optimal—最佳的best or most favorable221 terms of trade—贸易条件the relation of export and import prices2 preference—优先权a practical advantage given to one over others3 export earnings—出口收入money earned on the sales of goods to other countries4 provisions—食品a formal or explicit statement of conditions demanded5 tariffs—壁垒customs duties imposed by a government on imports or exports6 invisible—无形trade in services7 board—董事会an official group of persons who direct or supervise some activities ofa firm8 permanent—不变的lasting9 counterpart—副本,配对物a person or thing that closely resembles another in position or function10 forum—论坛an outlet for discussion of matters of interest to a given group1、国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而此国内贸易要复杂得多。



新编剑桥商务英语( BEC 中级第三版) Modul e 5Module 5 第五单元5.1 The workplaceVocabularyto source art (为商务用途)选择艺术装饰品to commissi on art定制艺术品rege nerati on n.重建,再生referral推荐人expertise n.专家意见,专门技术或知识refere nee database r参考数据库premise楼宇,单位,处所direct speech直接弓I语reported speech n 间接弓I语an ecdotal thin gs轶事social norm社会规范in teractio n n.交际office decorati on 办公室装饰trade fair商品交易会exhibitor n.参展商accommodati on 住宿spon sor主办方,主办单位evening buffet 自助晚餐In ternatio nal Art Co nsulta nts 国际艺术顾问公司仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2Seattle西雅图5.2 Participating in a meetingVocabularychairperson主席the person who is in charge of the meetingminutes 会议纪要,会议记录a written report of a meetingtake the mi nu tes作会议记录set the agenda制定议程agendathe list of point or items' to be discussed move on (to the n ext point)进入(下一点)see somebody ' s poi明t白某人的观点go along (with somebody) on the point正式用语)同意某人的某个观点head of a coin硬币的正面tail of a coin硬币的反面coun ter 筹码hold a brief meet ing 开个短会run the meeti ng 主持会议see your point明白你的观点atte nd the meet ing 参加会议set the age nda安排议程take minutes作会议纪要move on to the n ext item on the age nda 进入会议的下一议程get along with sb. on the point 同意某人的某个观点reach an agreement 达成协议仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢3give a short prese ntati on 做个简短发言sit around 无所事事,闲坐着Minu tes of a meet ingPossible an swer:Minu tes of the meeti ng to discuss pla ns for Seattle conference Participa nts: Robert Samuels on (Chair), Dahlia Zille, Hugo Sata. Date: 27th NovemberRS ope ned the meet ing and suggested that some one should arrive two daearly to set up. HS disagreed and suggested that one day wasDZ agreed to arrive on the 7DZ con firmed that she had already booked a hotel and would book the flights.RS wan ted to discuss the issue of spon sori ng an eve nt for delegates. HS suggested that a lun chtime eve nt might attract more visitors to the exhibiti on sta nd. Every one agreed and RS said he would give HS a budgetDZ raised the issue of the in correct price lists. It was agreed that RS would make new price lists and in clude some offers.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢4。


பைடு நூலகம்商务英语基础知识
一、各类货运提单名词解释 1)提单 BILL OF LADING(简写B/L)是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证在目的港交付的单证。 2)货运提单 HOUSE B/L 是指由货运代理人签发的提单。货运提单往往是货物从内陆运出并运至内陆时签发的。国际货代通常都使用此种提单。一般货代为满足客户的倒签或其他船东无法满足的要求时也使用这种提单。 3)船东提单MASTER B/L 是指由船东签发的提单。 4)已装船提单 SHIPPED OR BOARD B/L 指承运人向托运人签发的货物已经装船的提单。 5)收货待运提单或待运提单 RECEIVED FOR SHIPPING B/L 指承运人虽已收到货物但尚未装船时签发的提单。 6)直达提单 DIRECT B/L 指货物自装货港装船后,中途不经换船直接驶到卸货港卸货而签发的提单。 8)联运提单或称转船提单 THROUGH B/L 指承运人在装货港签发的中途得以转船运输而至目的港的提单。 9)多式联运提单 MT B/L 指货物由海上、内河、铁路、公路、航空等两种或多种运输方式进行联合运输而签的适用于全程运输的提单。 10)班轮提单 LINER B/L 班轮是在一定的航线上按照公布的时间表,在规定的港口间连续从事货运的船舶。班轮可分定线定期和定线不定期两种。 11)租船合同提单 CHARTER PARTY B/L 一般指用租船承运租船人的全部货物,船东签给租船人的提单,或者并非全部装运租船人的货物,而由船东或租船人所签发的提单。 12)记名提单 STRAIGHT B/L 是指只有提单上指名的收货人可以提货的提单,一般不具备流通性。
二.汇票条款 汇票属于金融单据(Financial Documents),是一种可转让的有价证券。目前绝大多数跟单信用证都有凭汇票支付款项的规定。汇票的各项内容必须严格符合有关条款的规定 ,不得随意涂改。下面是一些国外来证中所常见的汇票条款,供参考。 例1 All drafts must be marked“Drawn under the Royal Bank Of Canada, Montreal L/C No.XXX dated XXX and Banco de Chile, Santiago Credit No.XXX dated XXX.”上述出票条款(Drawn Clause)中有两家银行、两个信用证号码,两个开证日期。前者是转开证行也是指定的付款行或保兑行,后者是原始开证行。由于原始开证行与通知行无代理关系,因此通过另一家银行转开信用证,这样就出现两家银行、两个证号、和两个开证日期的条款,出口人在开立汇票时须按该条款的要求缮制。 注;在一般正常的情况下,出票条款中只打:一家开证行 、一个证号及一个开证日期。 例2 Draft must be drawn for HK$ equivalent of invoice value (RMB)converted at negotiating bank’s buying rate of exchange on day of negotiation. 上述条款摘自香港来证,信用证及买卖合同的币制均为外汇人民币,因汇票须在香港银行以港币支付,所以来证加列上述条款:,我可按议付日中国银行的港币买入价将外汇人民币折成港币开立汇票。例3 Draft to be enfaced with the following clause: "Payable with interest at bank’s current rate of interest pertaining to the currency of this bill from date hereof to the date of payment. 上述条款要求在汇票上注明开证行自汇票开发的日期(即议付日期)起至其转向进口人收回垫款之日止这段时间的利息 ,开证人应按条款规定偿付给开证行。事实上这是开证行与进口人之间的利息结算,与出口人无关。但出口人须按此条款缮制汇票,以符合信用证要求(一般由银行代加)。 例4 Draft at 90 days sight. We are authorized to pay interest at the rate of 9 % p.a. for full invoice value at maturity. Invoice and draft must show the amount of interest . 上述条款是90天远期汇票,见票后起算。开证行被授权按年息9厘计息到期付款。 发票与汇票上必须显示利息金额 。此条款表明货款金额连同利息都可于见票90天后在信用证项下支付,这就是真远期加利息。在发票上应打出Plus 90 days interest XXXX 然后再把货款加利息的总金额打在下面,汇票上应打出:“The amount of 90 days interest at 9% p.a. being XXXX is included”例5 Drafts for 50% invoice value payable at sight and for remaining 50%payable at 30 days after sight free of interest.(L/C amount USD20,000)Documents to be released after full pay meritof invoice Value. 上述条款系即期与远期信用证结合,应开两张汇票,半数即期付款,半数见票30天后付款,不计利息。开证行于收到全部货款后放单。 例6 Drafts at 180 days after sight drawn on Snitama Bank Ltd., Tokyo Office. Usance drafts drawn Under this L/C are to be negotiated at sight basis. Discount charges and acceptance commission are for account of accountee. 上述条款由日本银行开来,汇票开立远期见票180天付款, 但可即期议付,其承兑费和贴现费均由开证人负担。对受益人来说是即期信用证,通常称为假远期信用证。 例7 Documentary Credit available with yourselves by payment against presentation of the documents detailed herein..... 上述条款意为:该信用证可由通知行凭受益人提供证内所规定的单据付款,不需要提供汇票。 例8 Available by draft accompanied by the documents specified herein.上述条款需凭汇票支款,但未明确汇票的付款人。此种情况,我汇票应以开证行为付款人。 例9 90% of the total L/C amount is payable at sight and 10% will be payable when the buyers issue a no objection certificate for payment of this amount. 这是利比亚来证条款:90%即期付款赎单,其余10%货款 须待开证人签发“无异议证明书”后,开证行才予付款。 什么时候签发“无异议证明书”,条款未作明确规定,这就给出口人带来了事后一连串的催理工作。 例10 We hereby establish this Irrevocable Credit which is available against beneficiary’s drafts drawn induplicate on applicant at 30 days sight free of interest for 100% of invoice value. "Document against acceptance". 上述条款见于新加坡来证中,是真远期,见票30天付款, 不计利息,承兑交单(D/A)。这承兑交单是开证行与开证 人之间的事,与受益人无关。汇票到达开证行后经开证人承兑,银行即交付单据。至于信用证项下货款,开证行保证在30天到期时偿付与议付行。







比如说“balance sheet”,这是个常见的商务英语名词,意思是“资产负债表”。


想象一下,你是一家公司的老板,看着这份 balance sheet,心里盘算着怎么让资产越来越多,债务越来越少,是不是感觉很有挑战?再比如“market share”,也就是“市场份额”。


假如一个行业里,你的公司能抢到更大的market share,那意味着更多的客户选择了你们的产品或服务,这可是公司成功的重要标志之一。

“credit rating”(信用评级)这个名词也很关键。


银行决定要不要给你贷款,合作伙伴考虑要不要跟你长期合作,都可能会参考这个 credit rating 呢。

还有“import and export”(进出口)。

咱们国家生产的东西卖到国外去,这叫export;从国外买东西进来,就是import 。


“stock option”(股票期权),这个词也经常在商务英语中出现。

比如说,一家公司为了留住优秀的员工,可能会给他们 stock option ,让员工有机会以特定的价格购买公司的股票。





商务英语口语第一课时Introductionⅰ、Why take BEC exams?strong growthrigorous quality controlwide suitabilitywide business contextvalue for study and business careerinternational recognition for work and studyⅱ、What is International Business English? 什么是国际商务英语?国际商务英语,指的是人们从事国际商务活动中所使用的具有行业特征的英语,这些行业包括:国际贸易、国际金融、国际会计、国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业管理、商业服务等。


ⅲ、How to learn International Business English? 怎样学习国际商务英语?掌握一定的商务英语词汇、短语和句型。

(1) 词汇方面commerciale.g. The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.prospecte.g. He called on some prospects but failed to make a sale.makee.g. These products are of Chinese make.The factory manufactured five makes of tractors.(2) 短语方面soft selling hard sellingSome sales people adopt a direct ‘hard sell’ approach, while others use a more indirect ‘soft sell’ approach.have a bad yearThe corporation is having a bad year and it will probably be necessary to dismiss a few office staff.break into/penetrate the marketThere is chance that we’ll manage to break into the UK market(3) 句型方面I am writing to you concerning… You can’t miss it. I can’t agree more. It may have slipped your mind, but… You can always reach me at the number… We would very much appreciate it if you could…I noted with interest your advertisement for… Yes, that’s true, but on the other hand… That’s exactly what I think. Maybe, but don’t you think…? You are wanted on the phone. As req uested, we enclose for your attention…(4) 旧词“新义“honoure.g, All credit cards honoured here. The bank honoured this cheque.covere.g. I have got myself covered against fire.royaltye.g. Besides copyright, the writer got a 10 percent royalty on sales. The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties.(5) 同义词、近义词、相似词的辨析。




教学重点:商务用语的运用教学难点:商务用语的灵活应用教学准备:教学课件、商务用语表、文章阅读材料教学过程:Step 1 自由对话教师和学生进行一段关于商务用语的对话,引导学生用商务用语表达日常生活中的场景。

T: Good morning, class. Today, we're going to learn about business English. Can anyone give me an example of a business situation?S1: Good morning, teacher. One example of a business situation is a meeting with clients.T: Excellent. Can you give me an example of what you might say in a meeting with clients?S1: Sure. I might say, "Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. We appreciate the opportunity to discuss our new product."T: Great job! Can anyone else give me an example?S2: In a business situation, you might say, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we cannot offer a refund for this item."T: Very good. It's important to be polite and professional when using business English. Let's move on to the next activity.Step 2 商务用语学习教师通过课件向学生介绍一些常用的商务用语,并进行解释和示范。




教学对象:大学商务英语专业学生教学时间:2学时教学内容:1. 商务英语基础知识介绍- 商务英语的定义和重要性- 商务英语与普通英语的区别- 商务英语的应用领域2. 商务英语词汇学习- 商务英语常用词汇分类和组织结构- 商务英语词汇的记忆和运用技巧- 商务英语词汇的扩展和应用3. 商务英语听力与口语训练- 商务英语听力技巧与策略- 商务英语口语表达技巧与实践- 商务英语交际场景模拟练习4. 商务英语写作和阅读训练- 商务英语书面表达的基本要素- 商务英语邮件、报告和演讲稿的写作技巧- 商务英语文章和文档的阅读与理解5. 商务英语文化背景介绍- 商务英语国家文化和商务礼仪- 商务英语国际商务交流的文化差异- 商务英语文化意识的培养与应用教学方法与手段:1. 探究式教学法:引导学生通过自主学习和探索,积极主动地掌握商务英语知识和技能。

2. 互动式教学法:开展小组合作学习、角色扮演、讨论与交流等形式,激发学生的兴趣和参与度。

3. 多媒体辅助教学:利用多媒体设备和资源,展示商务英语的实际应用场景和案例,加强学生的学习体验。

4. 反馈与评估:定期组织学生进行听说读写的测验和评估,及时发现和纠正学生的问题,促进学习效果的提升。

教学步骤:1. 引入环节(5分钟):- 介绍商务英语的定义和重要性- 引发学生对商务英语教学的兴趣和学习意愿2. 知识介绍(15分钟):- 分析商务英语与普通英语的区别和联系- 介绍商务英语的应用领域和发展趋势3. 词汇学习(25分钟):- 将商务英语常用词汇分类并进行组织结构的教学- 提供商务英语词汇记忆和运用的技巧和方法4. 听力与口语训练(30分钟):- 分析商务英语听力技巧和策略- 开展商务英语口语训练,包括模拟商务场景对话和口头表达5. 写作和阅读训练(30分钟):- 解析商务英语书面表达的基本要素和写作技巧- 引导学生进行商务英语邮件、报告和演讲稿的写作练习6. 文化背景介绍(20分钟):- 介绍商务英语国家文化和商务礼仪- 分析商务英语国际商务交流的文化差异和应对策略7. 总结与展望(10分钟):- 点评本次教学内容和学生学习表现- 展望下次教学的重点和目标教学资源和评估方式:1. 教学资源:- 商务英语教材和学习资料- 多媒体设备和电子资源- 学生个人电脑和网络设备2. 评估方式:- 听力和口语表达的练习与评估- 写作和阅读理解的任务与评估- 学生参与度和教学测验的评估教学过程注意事项:1. 确保教学流程合理紧凑,时间分配合理,确保教学内容的全面展示。



《商务英语口语》教案第一章:商务英语口语概述1.1 教学目标了解商务英语口语的重要性和应用场景掌握商务英语口语的基本技巧和表达方式1.2 教学内容商务英语口语的定义和特点商务英语口语的应用场景和重要性商务英语口语的基本技巧和表达方式1.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解商务英语口语的基本概念和知识点互动法:通过小组讨论和角色扮演等活动,培养学生的商务英语口语表达能力1.4 教学评估课堂参与度:评估学生在讨论和角色扮演中的表现口语练习:评估学生的口语表达能力和准确性第二章:商务英语口语的基本技巧2.1 教学目标掌握商务英语口语的基本技巧,包括发音、语调、语速和语量学会使用正确的商务英语词汇和短语进行口语表达2.2 教学内容商务英语口语的发音和语调:掌握正确的发音和语调,提高口语的可懂度商务英语口语的语速和语量:学会控制语速和语量,使口语表达更加清晰和有力商务英语口语的词汇和短语:学习和使用常见的商务英语词汇和短语,增加口语的专业性2.3 教学方法语音练习:通过模仿和重复练习,纠正发音和语调错误词汇学习:通过例句和练习,学习和使用常见的商务英语词汇和短语2.4 教学评估发音和语调:评估学生的发音和语调准确性词汇和短语:评估学生使用商务英语词汇和短语的准确性和流畅度第三章:商务英语口语的表达方式3.1 教学目标学会使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括问候、介绍、寒暄和道别掌握商务英语口语中的礼貌用语和商业礼节3.2 教学内容商务英语口语的问候和介绍:学习和使用正确的问候和介绍用语,包括自我介绍和介绍他人商务英语口语的寒暄和道别:学习和使用正确的寒暄和道别用语,包括告别和感谢商务英语口语的礼貌用语和商业礼节:学习和使用正确的礼貌用语和商业礼节,包括请、谢谢、对不起等3.3 教学方法情景模拟:通过模拟商务场合,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式角色扮演:通过角色扮演,培养学生的商务英语口语表达能力和商业礼节口语表达方式:评估学生的口语表达方式和准确性商业礼节:评估学生的商业礼节和礼貌用语的使用情况第四章:商务英语口语的沟通技巧4.1 教学目标学会有效的商务英语口语沟通技巧,包括倾听、提问、陈述和说服掌握商务英语口语中的有效沟通策略和技巧4.2 教学内容商务英语口语的倾听:学会有效倾听他人发言,理解和回应商务英语口语的提问:学会提出有效问题,获取信息和解决问题商务英语口语的陈述和说服:学会清晰、简洁地陈述观点和说服他人4.3 教学方法讨论和小组活动:通过讨论和小组活动,培养学生的商务英语口语沟通技巧角色扮演:通过角色扮演,练习和使用有效的商务英语口语沟通策略4.4 教学评估口语沟通技巧:评估学生的口语沟通技巧和有效性角色扮演:评估学生在角色扮演中的表现和沟通能力第五章:商务英语口语的实际应用5.1 教学目标学会在不同的商务场合中使用正确的口语表达方式,包括会议、商务洽谈、演讲和报告掌握商务英语口语的实际应用技巧和策略商务英语口语在会议中的应用:学会在会议中进行有效的口语表达和沟通商务英语口语在商务洽谈中的应用:学会在商务洽谈中进行正确的口语表达和沟通商务英语口语在演讲和报告中的应用:学会在演讲和报告中进行清晰、有力的口语表达5.3 教学方法情景模拟:通过模拟商务场合,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式演讲和报告练习:通过演讲和报告练习,培养学生的商务英语口语表达能力5.4 教学评估口语应用技巧:评估学生在模拟商务场合中的口语表达方式和准确性演讲和报告:第六章:商务英语口语在会议中的应用6.1 教学目标学会在会议中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括开场、讨论、总结和决定掌握在会议中进行有效沟通和协作的技巧6.2 教学内容会议开场:学会使用正确的商务英语口语进行会议开场,介绍会议目的和议程讨论和意见交换:学会在会议中提出意见、参与讨论和回应他人意见总结和决定:学会在会议中进行有效的总结和做出决策6.3 教学方法角色扮演:通过模拟会议场景,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式小组讨论:通过小组讨论,培养学生在会议中的沟通和协作技巧6.4 教学评估会议口语表达:评估学生在模拟会议中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和协作技巧:评估学生在会议中的沟通和协作能力第七章:商务英语口语在商务洽谈中的应用7.1 教学目标学会在商务洽谈中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括开场、介绍产品/服务、谈判和达成协议掌握在商务洽谈中进行有效沟通和协商的技巧7.2 教学内容洽谈开场:学会使用正确的商务英语口语进行洽谈开场,建立良好关系和引入主题介绍产品/服务:学会清晰、准确地介绍产品或服务的特点和优势谈判和达成协议:学会在商务洽谈中进行有效的谈判和达成协议7.3 教学方法角色扮演:通过模拟商务洽谈场景,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式案例分析:通过案例分析,培养学生在商务洽谈中的沟通和协商技巧7.4 教学评估洽谈口语表达:评估学生在模拟商务洽谈中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和协商技巧:评估学生在商务洽谈中的沟通和协商能力第八章:商务英语口语在演讲和报告中的应用8.1 教学目标学会在演讲和报告中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括开场、主体和结尾掌握在演讲和报告中进行有效沟通和表达的技巧8.2 教学内容开场白:学会使用正确的方式进行演讲或报告的开场,吸引听众的注意力主体内容:学会清晰、有条理地表达演讲或报告的主题和观点结尾总结:学会有效地进行演讲或报告的结尾,留给听众深刻印象8.3 教学方法演讲和报告练习:通过演讲和报告练习,培养学生的商务英语口语表达能力反馈和修正:通过同伴评价和教师的指导,学生对自己的演讲和报告进行反馈和修正8.4 教学评估口语表达:评估学生在演讲和报告中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和表达技巧:评估学生在演讲和报告中的沟通和表达效果第九章:商务英语口语在电话沟通中的应用9.1 教学目标学会在电话沟通中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括接听、拨打电话和处理不同情况掌握在电话沟通中进行有效沟通和解决问题的技巧9.2 教学内容接听电话:学会正确的方式接听电话,确认身份和记录信息拨打电话:学会正确的方式拨打电话,清晰表达目的和沟通需求处理不同情况:学会应对各种电话沟通情境,解决问题和提供帮助9.3 教学方法角色扮演:通过模拟电话沟通场景,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式情景模拟:通过情景模拟,培养学生在电话沟通中的沟通和解决问题的技巧9.4 教学评估电话口语表达:评估学生在模拟电话沟通中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和解决问题技巧:评估学生在电话沟通中的沟通和解决问题的能力第十章:商务英语口语在职场交流中的应用10.1 教学目标学会在职场交流中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括日常沟通、同事交流和跨文化交流掌握在职场交流中进行有效沟通和建立良好关系的技巧10.2 教学内容日常沟通:学会使用正确的商务英语口语进行日常沟通,包括问候、询问和告知同事交流:学会在同事之间进行有效的交流和合作,分享信息和支持跨文化交流:学会在跨文化交流中尊重和理解不同文化背景,有效沟通和合作10.3 教学方法情景模拟:通过模拟职场交流场景,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式小组讨论:通过小组讨论,培养学生在职场交流中的沟通第十一章:商务英语口语在国际商务会议中的应用11.1 教学目标学会在国际商务会议中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括开场、讨论、总结和决定掌握在国际商务会议中进行有效沟通和协作的技巧11.2 教学内容会议开场:学会使用正确的商务英语口语进行会议开场,介绍会议目的和议程讨论和意见交换:学会在会议中提出意见、参与讨论和回应他人意见总结和决定:学会在会议中进行有效的总结和做出决策11.3 教学方法角色扮演:通过模拟国际商务会议场景,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式小组讨论:通过小组讨论,培养学生在会议中的沟通和协作技巧11.4 教学评估会议口语表达:评估学生在模拟会议中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和协作技巧:评估学生在会议中的沟通和协作能力第十二章:商务英语口语在跨文化商务交流中的应用12.1 教学目标学会在跨文化商务交流中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括礼貌用语、商务礼仪和跨文化沟通技巧掌握在跨文化商务交流中进行有效沟通和建立良好关系的技巧12.2 教学内容礼貌用语:学会使用正确的礼貌用语,包括问候、感谢和告别商务礼仪:学会遵守不同文化背景下的商务礼仪,包括着装、座位安排和商务宴请跨文化沟通技巧:学会理解和尊重不同文化背景,有效沟通和合作12.3 教学方法情景模拟:通过模拟跨文化商务交流场景,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式案例分析:通过案例分析,培养学生在跨文化商务交流中的沟通和协作技巧12.4 教学评估口语表达:评估学生在模拟跨文化商务交流中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和协作技巧:评估学生在跨文化商务交流中的沟通和协作能力第十三章:商务英语口语在网络会议中的应用13.1 教学目标学会在网络会议中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括开场、讨论、总结和决定掌握在网络会议中进行有效沟通和协作的技巧13.2 教学内容会议开场:学会使用正确的商务英语口语进行会议开场,介绍会议目的和议程讨论和意见交换:学会在会议中提出意见、参与讨论和回应他人意见总结和决定:学会在会议中进行有效的总结和做出决策13.3 教学方法角色扮演:通过模拟网络会议场景,练习和使用正确的口语表达方式小组讨论:通过小组讨论,培养学生在会议中的沟通和协作技巧13.4 教学评估会议口语表达:评估学生在模拟会议中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和协作技巧:评估学生在会议中的沟通和协作能力第十四章:商务英语口语在商业演讲中的应用14.1 教学目标学会在商业演讲中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括开场、主体和结尾掌握在商业演讲中进行有效沟通和表达的技巧14.2 教学内容开场白:学会使用正确的方式进行演讲或报告的开场,吸引听众的注意力主体内容:学会清晰、有条理地表达演讲或报告的主题和观点结尾总结:学会有效地进行演讲或报告的结尾,留给听众深刻印象14.3 教学方法演讲和报告练习:通过演讲和报告练习,培养学生的商务英语口语表达能力反馈和修正:通过同伴评价和教师的指导,学生对自己的演讲和报告进行反馈和修正14.4 教学评估口语表达:评估学生在演讲和报告中的口语表达方式和准确性沟通和表达技巧:评估学生在演讲和报告中的沟通和表达效果第十五章:商务英语口语在商务旅行中的应用15.1 教学目标学会在商务旅行中使用正确的商务英语口语表达方式,包括预订、接待和商务洽谈掌握在商务旅行中进行有效沟通和解决问题的技巧15.2 教学内容预订:学会正确的方式进行酒店、机票和会议室的预订商务洽谈:学会在商务洽谈中进行正确的口语表达和沟通15.3 教学方法角色扮演:通过模拟商务旅行场景,练习重点和难点解析本文主要介绍了《商务英语口语》的教学目标、内容、方法和评估方式,涵盖了十五个章节,包括商务英语口语的基本技巧、表达方式、沟通技巧、实际应用、跨文化商务交流、网络会议、商业演讲和商务旅行等方面的内容。






二、目标1. 帮助学生了解商务英语的基本概念和应用领域。

2. 培养学生的商务交际能力,包括口语、听力和写作等方面。

3. 培养学生的商务思维和分析能力,以解决实际商务问题。



四、教学方法1. 情景教学:通过模拟实际的商务场景,帮助学生更好地理解和运用商务英语。

2. 合作学习:鼓励学生通过小组合作学习,共同解决商务问题,提高学习效果。

3. 多媒体教学:利用多媒体资源,如视频、音频等,为学生提供丰富的商务英语学习材料。

五、教学内容1. 商务英语基础知识:包括商务词汇、商务用语、商务惯用语等。


2. 商务会议:学习如何组织和参与商务会议,包括会议邀请函的撰写、会议议程的制定等。

3. 商务谈判:学习商务谈判的基本技巧和策略,包括询盘、报价、议价等环节。

4. 商务信函:学习商务信函的写作技巧和格式,包括邀请函、感谢信、投诉信等。

5. 商务演讲:学习如何进行有效的商务演讲,包括演讲技巧、演讲稿的撰写等。

6. 商务文化:学习不同国家和地区的商务文化习俗,了解跨文化沟通中的注意事项。

7. 商务礼仪:学习商务场合的礼仪规范,包括商务社交、商务晚宴等。

8. 商务案例分析:通过分析实际的商务案例,帮助学生理解商务英语的应用场景。

9. 商务法律知识:了解商务活动中的法律法规,避免商务纠纷和法律风险。

10. 商务伦理:学习商务伦理原则和道德规范,提高商务行为的道德意识。

11. 商务沟通技巧:学习有效的商务沟通技巧,如倾听、提问、反馈等。

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商务英语名词解释1. Budget —预算an account of probable future income and expenditure during a stated, period, usu. a year used as a guide in making financial arrangements.2. Return —回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.3. Portfolio —证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling4. Royalty —专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu. at a greed percentage of the selling price of the product.5. Patent —专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.6. Non-tariff barrier —非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc.7. Franchise —经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products ina certain area.8.Purchasing power —购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services.9. PPP —购买力平价purchasing power parity10. tariff —关税tax levied by the customs11.barriers to trade —贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.12.primary commodities —初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials13.drawback —退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when re-exported14.specific duties —从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc. of the goods15.ad valorem duties —从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods16.carriage —运费the price or cost of transportation17.voluntary offer —主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offerer18.contracting parties —缔约方signatories of an agreement19.force majeure —[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting party20.firm offer —持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer21.offeree —受要约人the party to whom an offer is made22.hyperinflation —极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control23.inflation —通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc.24.protectionism —贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing home countries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports25.bilateral —双边的of two sides26.bundling—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together27.creditors —债权人a person to whom one owns money28.debtor —债务人a person who owes money29.default —违约fail to carry out an obligation30.draft —汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money31.remittance —汇款the sending of money or the money sent32.drawe r —出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter33.drawee—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn34.credit-worthiness—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making payment35.applicant of an L/C —出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C36.beneficiary —受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its export37.confirming bank —保兑行the bank that adds its own commitment to an L/C38.reimburse—退款pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spent39.clean credit —光票信用证a credit that does not require shipping documents for payment40.sight credit —即期信用证a credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft41.middleman—中间商trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the consumer42.consignee—收货人the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shipped43.shipping marks —唛头what is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol for identification in the course of transportation44.insurance policy —保险单a document used for covering possible risks45.title —抬头right to the possession of a position or property46.insured—被保险人a person covered by an insurance policy47.premium—保险费the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contract48.potential loss—潜在损失loss which is possible to incur49.claim—索赔a payment demanded in accordance with an insurance policy50.margin —利润amount above what is estimated as necessary51.underwriter —保险公司a person who carries on insurance as a business52.invoice —发票a document for the general description of the goods and the pricepensation —赔偿金something given or received as an equivalent for loss54.pooling —联营a combination of funds formed for common advantage55.multi-modal transportation —多式联运transport that combines road, rail, sea and air56.redeem —兑换to repay or pay off, esp. loan stock, debentures and preference shares or stock57.settlement —结算the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc58.exchange rate —汇率the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency59.money circulation —货币流通money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and services60.devaluation —货币贬值the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies61.reserve —储备金money held aside to meet future demand62.investment —投资the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns63.quota —配额a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or commodity64.VER —自动出口限制an agreement by a country’s exporters or government to limit their exports or government to limit their exports to another country65.intellectual property —知识产权certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, and copy-right66.tax holiday —免税期a period of time during which tax is not levied67.joint venture —合资企业a business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms68.gilts —金边债券stocks issued by government69.cost-effective —成本效益好producing optimum results for the expenditure70.anti-dumping —反倾销one form of action which may be taken by a government to protect industries from unfair competition by which goods are sold at a price lower than in the country where they are manufactured71.mandate —授权authority given to perform a duty72.contracting party —缔约国a country or firm that signs a legal agreement73.Visible trade有形贸易 : The form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)74.Invisible trade无形贸易 : The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.75.FDI( foreign direct investments) is made of returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.76.Portfolio investment证券投资 : Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.77.Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest.78.Licensing许可经营 : In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.79.Franchising特许经营 : a firm called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.80.Franchiser特许方 : A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.81.Franchisee被特许方 : A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.82.GNP国民生产总值 : Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.83.GDP国内生产总值 : Gross Domestic Product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.84.Per capita GDP人均国内生产总值 : It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.85.Income distribution收入分布 : The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people.86.Free trade area自由贸易区 : The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policy87.Customs union关税同盟 : The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policymon market共同市场 : The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.89.Economic Union (EU)经济同盟 : The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency.90.Parent MNC headquarter跨国公司母公司,总部 is the original investing multinational corporation . It is also the international headquarters of the MNE .91.Home county母国 : The country where the headquarter of the investor is located.92.Host country东道国 : The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates.93.Absolute advantage绝对利益 : It holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land and labor)parative advantage比较利益 : Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.1..International trade国际贸易 : The exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another sufficient.2.Import duties进口关税 : Tariffs levied on goods entering an area3.Export duties出口关税 : Taxes levied on goods leaving an area4.Most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment最惠国待遇 : A tariff treatment under whicha country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country5.Inquiry / enquiry询盘、询价 : It is made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered such as quantity, specifications, prices, time of shipment and other terms.6.Quotation报盘 : Estimate of how much something will cost7.Counter offer还盘: New offer made by the original offeree to the original offerer8.inflation : Rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc9.Barter易货贸易: The direct exchange of goods and services, which is completed ina short period of time.10.Counter purchase反向购买、互购贸易: The assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country.11.Buyback回购贸易: An agreement by an exporter of plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment.12.Remittance 汇付: This method is always employed by the parties who are familiar with and trust each other13.Documentary draft跟单汇票: The draft is accompanied by the relevant documents.14.Documentary collection跟单托收: It is means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.15.Sight draft即期汇票: The draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.ance draft远期汇票 Term draft = Tenor draft: The draft is payable at a later date on presentation to the drawee.17.Draft汇票:= Bill of exchange . It is an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future.18.bill of exchange —汇票written order drawn by the beneficiary on the bank for the purpose of payment19.Applicant (Opener or Principal)申请人: The person who instructs his bank to issue an L/C. (the importer)20.applicant of an L/C :The importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of anL/C21.Opening bank (Issuing bank, Establishing bank)开证行: The bank that issues the credit.22.Opening bank: the bank that issues the letter of credit is called the opening bank .23.Beneficiary受益人 :The exporter in whose favor the credit is opened24.Correspondent band往来行、关系行 :T he bank in the exporter’s country, which the opening bank sends the credit to it25.Advising bank通知行: The bank in the exporter’s country, which advises the exporter the L/C, is received.26.Confirming bank保兑行: The bank adds its confirmation to the credit.27.Paying bank付款行: The bank accepts or negotiates the bill of exchange.28.Negotiating bank议付行: The bank buys the exporter’s draft submitted to it undera credit.29.The documentary credit跟单信用证: The credits that require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft.30.Revocable credit可撤消信用证: The credits can be altered or even canceled without consulting with the beneficiary.31.Irrevocable credit不可撤消信用证 : The credit that can not be amended or revoked without the consent of al the parties concerned.32.Confirmed credit保兑信用证: The credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank33.Unconfirmed credit不保兑信用:The credit isn’t confirmed by another bank34.Sight credit即期信用证: The credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draftance credit (Term credit, Time credit)远期信用证: The credit by which payment cannot be made until a specific date or a specific time after the date of after sight.36.Transferable credit可转让信用证: The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties.37.Non-transferable credit不可转让信用证: The credit can not be transferred.38.Non-draft credit无汇票信用证: The credit that payment of to be made by presentation of the documents without the formality of drawing and presenting a draft.39.Revolving credit循环信用证: The credit stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendment to the credit being made.mercial invoice商业发票: The document is the general description of the quality and quantity of the goods and the unit and total price.41.Legal holder合法持有人 is an owner of a property who is entitled to it by law42.Packing list装箱单: The documents gives information such as the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing, number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net with and gross weight etc.43.Straight bill of lading记名提单: It is made out so that only the named consignee is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill.mon carrier公共承运人: It is privately or publicly owned companies committed to performing a movement service of the same quality for all shippers on an equal basis and without discrimination.45.Contract carrier契约承运人: Individual contracts may be arranged between transportation users and carriers (the transportation company).46.Insured被保险人,保户: The person who transfer risk.47.Insurer承保人: The person or a company who assume risk (the insurance company, the underwriter).48.Cargo insurance货物保险: It is an activity aimed at moving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exports and importers, and placing it upon the shoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriters.49.Marine insurance海上保险: The insurance of ships and their cargoes.50.Insurance保险: It is a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk.51.Direct quote / quotation(汇率)直接标价: A direct exchange rate is the price ofa foreign currency in terms of the home currency. 1美元=6.8元外币为基准52.Indirect quote / quotation(汇率)间接标价: An indirect exchange rate is the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency.53.Buying rate买入价: It refers to the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency.54.Selling rate卖出价: It is the rate by which a bank sells a currency.55.Medial rate中间价 It is the average of the buying rate and the selling rate.56.SDR特别提款权: Special Drawing Right. It is sometimes called paper gold and used to settle official transaction at the IMF.57.Anti-dumping反倾销: to restrict the export expansion of other countries. plan : 商业计划 future actions to be taken by a company, concerning products, production, market, investment, etc.59.collateral : property or an item of value acceptable as security for a loan or other obligation.担保物:被接受作为抵押或其他义务担保的财产60.stock exchange:证券交易市场 a market where stocks and shares are bought and sold under fixed rules, but at prices determined by supply & demand.61.retail :零售the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.62.tax deduction : an expense费用that a taxpayer is allowed to deduct from taxable income.63.policy :保单 the printed legal document stating the terms of insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder投保人 by company.64.public relations :公关 PR, the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it.65.depression : a period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing biz activity, falling prices, and unemployment. 萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期,其特征是商业活动减少、价格下降、失业66.Trade deficit :贸易逆差 imports minus exports of goods and services.67.trade surplus:贸易顺差exports minus imports of goods and services.68.Balance of trade 贸易支付差额the value of country’s exports minus the value of its imports.69.trade sanction : use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo禁运 imposed against a country for violating human rights.70.trade reciprocity贸易互惠 : the practice by which governments extend similar concessions 让步to each other, as when one gov’t lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concession from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports.71.venture capital : Money made available for investment in innovative enterprises or research, especially in high technology, in which both the risk of loss and the potential for profit may be considerable. Also called risk capital风险资本:投放在富革新精神的企业或研究的资金,尤指用于高科技,其中亏损的风险和赢利的潜力可能都会很大也作 risk capital72.start-up: a biz or undertaking事业 that has recently begun operation.73.balance sheet 资产负债表, 缩写 B.S.: a financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time. 一个公司或机构在指定日期的资产、负债和所有者投资的列表说明74.re-capitalization资本额的调整the act or process of changing the capital structure of a company.75.stock market : a place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold.76.cash flow : The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth.现金流出量:在特定的一段时间内来自一项或数项财产,扣除税收和其它支付金额外所得的现金收入或净收入,常用来衡量公司的价值bor-intensive : requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital.78.market share : the proportion of total sales volumes of a certain market that a company captures.79.intellectual capital : assets or capital in the form of knowledge patent or technology, etc.80.publicly traded companies (PTC) : companies whose shares are traded in stock markets.81.emerging markets 新兴市场: markets which are newly formed or have just come into prominence.82.portfolio investment(有价)证券投资: investment in securities such as bonds and stocks with the aim to earn interest and dividends rather than participate in the management of companies.83.stock turnover: 库存[商品]周转率the number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.84.lead time订货至交货的时间:the period of time between the actual ordering of parts or equipment and the delivery of them.85.dealerships :A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area.商品代理权:在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权86.economic recession : An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降87.depression : A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.88.liquidity squeeze流动性逃避: financial pressure caused by shortages of narrowing economic margins.89.reverse merger(借壳上市) :it is a special kind of acquisition that enables a private company to get publicly-listed in a relatively short time period. a reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company(空壳公司)。
