



Auxiliary valves overview 辅助控制阀
Auxiliary valves 辅助控制阀
Hydraulics © Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.
EHR-system:hydraulic-structure 犁深控制系统:液压元件组成
Hitch cylinder 提升缸
EHR valve 犁深控制阀
Gear pump
齿轮泵 Axial piston pump
Hydraulics © Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.
• 内置式 • 可靠的硬件和可调整的软件 • CAN-Bus的高适应性 • 功能与EHRC-D一样 • 通过闪存方法容易更新
Hydraulics © Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.
EHR-system:functions 犁深系统:各种功能



点击生成GSD 文件



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二、项目规划 1、新建项目 2、程序备份 3、程序恢复
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1、焊接控制器名:控制器名称不能重复,不能包含符号。最长48个字符。 2、焊接控制器注释:解释文本,不能包含符号。最长65个字符。 3、通道:通讯端口使用依赖硬件系统,可能的选项可从列表框中选择。 4、IP地址:控制器的以太网地址。
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计算机IP地址设定方法一。 注意:计算机IP地址要和焊接控制器IP地址设为同一组段既前三个地址要一 样。
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当设备硬件IP地址和计算机IP地址设置完成后可以连接设备设置设备的 软IP地址。在IE地址栏里输入硬件设置的IP地址然后回车即可出现如图画面 。在IP ADDRESS栏设置IP然后点击STORE CONFIGURATION软IP设置完成。最 后将硬件拨码开关全部拨到0,此时软IP地址生效。
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12、预压时间:当焊接信号发出后即进入预压时间。预压时间开始时控制器 启动比例阀控制焊枪闭合。当重复焊接时,预压只在第一点时激活。预压时 间的目的在于有充分的时间让焊钳闭合。 13、压合时间:电极压力在这个时间建立。在压合时间结束时焊枪必须完全 闭合。控制器会需要压力检测信号。 14、焊接1时间:预焊接时间,当不需要此过程时可以将该参数设置为0. 15、斜坡模式:有开关两种模式。当斜坡模式开时,可以自动为WELD2建立 斜坡上升和下降。具体参数由“斜坡上升时间”“斜坡上升电流”“斜坡下 降时间”“斜坡下降电流”来定义。
一、BOSCH焊接控制器简介 1、产品介绍 2、硬件介绍 1) 、外观展示 2)、指示灯含义 3)、工作原理 3、网络连接 1)、监控编程网络 2)、运行网络
1- 1
1- 2
力士乐PSI 6000-焊接控制器家族的各种功能可以方便的焊接难度很大 的高强度钢、吕合金、异种材料和多层板料等。 PSI 6000-是标准的1000赫兹中频/直流焊接技术。具有节能、高效、焊 接质量比传统的焊接方法有本质的提高。 -焊接质量的改善通过更高频率的电流调整来实现,产品质量大大超过 只能对供电频率调整的老式控制器。 -焊接更多材料的能力来源于更强的输出能量。 -飞溅的减少通过减少焊接时间和焊接电流来实现。 -电极寿命大大延长归功于在电极帽上更低热量和更小机械压力。 -更小更轻的中频变压器可以和焊钳整合在一起,大大减少工作强度、 加快上产节奏和提高能量效率,因此节能效果更明显。



力士乐DA控制原理Know-howDA-控制装备力士乐DA控制(力士乐自动驱动和防憋车控制),车辆更加易于操控自动驱动和防憋车控制( DA控制)是用于闭式驱动回路的纯机械液压控制,主要具有两大特点:自动驱动控制和防憋车控制。








这样允许以最大的驱动舒适性小心的搬取货物同时 DA控制是被实践验证的控制系统,已推出并使用几十年。




系统压力升高可能是由于车辆进入重载作业路面条件或爬坡, 行走驱动油泵工作压力上升将会导致油泵排量的减小。

, 随着油泵排量减小,其输出流量减少以匹配其从发动机功率能力中获得的功率,这样防止发动机熄火。



自动驱动控制让油泵的排量跟随发动机的转速变化:, 踩下油门踏板,发动机转速上升;, 不同的发动机转速,油泵也会以相应的转速运转,补油泵同轴内置于行走油泵中,会输出现相对应的比例油量;, 补油泵输出油量通过行走泵内的速度感应阀来测量; , 通过速度感应阀的流量越多,油泵排量也越大,供油也越多,这样相应车辆速度增加。





二、功能介绍1. 控制器具有多种焊接模式,包括手动模式、自动模式等,可根据不同的焊接需求选择合适的模式。

2. 控制器支持多种焊接参数的调节,如焊接电流、焊接时间等,用户可以根据具体情况进行灵活的调整。

3. 控制器具有良好的稳定性和精确度,能够确保焊接质量的稳定和一致性。

4. 控制器具备自动检测功能,能够实时监测焊接电流、电压等参数,及时报警并采取相应措施,确保焊接过程的安全性。

三、操作方法1. 开机:将电源开关置于“ON”位置,控制器将自动启动。

2. 选择焊接模式:根据具体需求,通过控制面板上的模式选择按钮,选择手动模式或自动模式。

3. 调节焊接参数:根据焊接要求,通过控制面板上的参数调节按钮,调节焊接电流、焊接时间等参数。

4. 开始焊接:确认好焊接参数后,按下“开始”按钮,焊接机将开始工作。

5. 完成焊接:焊接完成后,按下“停止”按钮,控制器将停止工作。

四、维护注意事项1. 定期检查控制器的电源线和接线端子是否正常,如有损坏或松动应及时更换或固定。

2. 清洁控制器外壳时,应使用干净的布进行擦拭,不得使用湿布或化学溶剂。

3. 避免将控制器放置在潮湿、高温或多尘的环境中,以免影响其正常运行。

4. 定期对控制器进行维护保养,如清洁内部灰尘、检查电路板连接状态等。

5. 如发现异常情况或故障,应立即停止使用控制器,并寻求专业人士的帮助进行维修。

五、常见问题解答1. 问:控制器无法启动怎么办?答:首先检查电源是否正常连接,然后检查电源开关是否打开。


2. 问:焊接过程中出现报警怎么办?答:根据报警提示信息,检查相应的焊接参数是否合理,如电流过大或时间设置错误等。


所需的附加部件 -BODEM连接电缆;材料号:R902600296 –-诊断插座:Metalock-Bantam UTG012-8S 8-pin;材料号:R909831291
计算机硬件 –- 与IBM兼容的个人计算机,至少配备奔腾I处理器 –- VGA视频适配器 –- 微软公司的鼠标或兼容的指示器 –- 至少64MB的内存(RAM) –- 一个空闲的串行接口,4 –- 可用的硬盘空间:>20 MB
该软件提供了所有符合IEC 61131-3标准规定的编程用图
- 进行程序跟踪时,可随时间显示内部变量,可中断程序
- 应用程序可方便的下载至控制器中。
- 通过单个可视化参数设置,可以将过程数据和诊断消息
操作系统 Windows 95/98;Windows NT4.0;Windows 2000;Windows XP
推荐的附加部件 –-Testbox TB2(包括带Hirschmann 插头的电缆,见 RC95091); 材料号:R902076382 上述部件可由力士乐提供。请参考上述的材料号。
许可证保护 BODAS设计软件通过软件代码的方式在计算机上进行授权。
RC 95 110/07.05
型号21 BODAS控制器RC的开发环境
目录 订货型号 主要部件 所需的附加部件 许可证保护 系统要求 终端连接 安全说明
“BODAS 设计软件”是用于为力士乐产品系列中的BO-



力士乐伺服参数设置摘要:文中简述了力世乐ECODRIVE03 伺服驱动系统通过并行接口进行位置块(组)操作模式(position block mode)的控制原理,并例举了与伺服驱动相关的故障及其解决方法。

数控机床控制中西门子、法那科伺服驱动系统应用较为普遍,而力世乐ECODRIVE03 伺服系统亦广泛地应用于机械制造、印刷造纸业、食品包装及集装总装等领域。

拥有FWA-ECODR3-SMT-02VS-MS 等系列硬件的ECODRIVE03 伺服系统通过串行、模拟、并行接口,及对系统标准参数(S 型参数)生产参数(P 型参数)的设置,可完成扭矩控制、速度控制、位置控制、插补控制、点动、位置块(组)及步进电机等模式的操作。



1 位置块(组)操作模式的控制原理1.1 概述位置块(组)操作模式的控制原理位置块(组)操作模式是伺服系统以设定的速度、加速度等参数驱动电机运行到已在程序中预设的目标值的位置控制。

系统根据所处理的不同工艺过程(加工区域)最多可以设置64 个位置块(组)。

应用位置块(组)操作模式时,首先要对操作首要模式参数S-0-0032 进行设置,如设置为0000 0000 0011 х011 时,是通过编码器1 接口进行位置控制。

其中第3 位,bit3=0时代表位移滞后控制,bit3=1 时为无滞后控制;同时要将第二操作模式1 设置为点动模式,即设置参数S-0-0033 为1100 0000 0001 1011。



无论是绝对值还是相对值控制方式,P-0-4006、P-0-4007、P-0-4008、P-0-4009都有效,且每个参数都可最多设置为64 个数据,分别对应于0-63 数据块(组)的各个值。



同时,配套的新一代B S O O O 6 O 焊接控制软件结合强大的
SL Q 数据库 ,方便 的把 以上焊接数据进行统计和保存。
2 、世界领先的中频变压器 ( 2) 图
博世 力士乐现在 已经 是欧洲最 大的中频焊 接变压 器的厂家
之一 ,它推 出的新一代 P G6 0 S 1 系列 变压 器 ,比其 他公司 同类 3

完整 的故障代码系统 ,只要查手册就 可以维修和维护
・ ・
完整的联 网解决 方案

不仅可 以简单联网 ,还可 以在全球任何地 方都 管理 它
・ ・
C E安全产品质量体 系认 证

焊 接质 量比交流 的大大提高 ,并且属于节能降耗新一

铁道部青 岛四方车辆厂

南京华飞显示器公司 上海威 图电子机械公司
B CH OS 焊接系统在 电阻焊接市场的地位

世界财富5 0 0 强公司 的荣誉 产品


全球 ( 包括中国 ) 市场占有率第一
BSH O C  ̄频控制 系统在全球五大洲 7 多个 国家地 区长期使用 0

Байду номын сангаас
BSH O C 销售、服务、调试、维修部门遍布全球

沈 阳宝 马汽车 北京奔驰汽车


焊接控制器 内部没有需要连 接的东西 ,只 要会 编程就

可 以 了
・ ・
海南马 自达汽车 上海汇众汽车 东风汽车有 限公司 长安汽车有 限公司 扬卅『 亚星奔驰客车



力士乐REXROTH伺服参数设置文中简述了力世乐ECODRIVE03 伺服驱动系统通过并行接口进行位置块(组)操作模式(position block mode)的控制原理,并例举了与伺服驱动相关的故障及其解决方法。

数控机床控制中西门子、法那科伺服驱动系统应用较为普遍,而力世乐ECODRIVE03 伺服系统亦广泛地应用于机械制造、印刷造纸业、食品包装及集装总装等领域。

拥有FWA-ECODR3-SMT-02VS-MS 等系列硬件的ECODRIVE03 伺服系统通过串行、模拟、并行接口,及对系统标准参数(S 型参数)生产参数(P 型参数)的设置,可完成扭矩控制、速度控制、位置控制、插补控制、点动、位置块(组)及步进电机等模式的操作。



1 位置块(组)操作模式的控制原理1.1 概述位置块(组)操作模式的控制原理位置块(组)操作模式是伺服系统以设定的速度、加速度等参数驱动电机运行到已在程序中预设的目标值的位置控制。

系统根据所处理的不同工艺过程(加工区域)最多可以设置64 个位置块(组)。

应用位置块(组)操作模式时,首先要对操作首要模式参数S-0-0032 进行设置,如设置为0000 0000 0011 х011 时,是通过编码器1 接口进行位置控制。

其中第3 位,bit3=0时代表位移滞后控制,bit3=1 时为无滞后控制;同时要将第二操作模式1 设置为点动模式,即设置参数S-0-0033 为1100 0000 0001 1011。



无论是绝对值还是相对值控制方式,P-0-4006、P-0-4007、P-0-4008、P-0-4009都有效,且每个参数都可最多设置为64 个数据,分别对应于0-63 数据块(组)的各个值。



BODAS - The System for Mobile Electronics
提供建议是我们的长处。 专家级的工程师可随时帮助您: 提供系统整体化发展合作方向, 元件选择, 系统编程, 模拟测试, 样机调试, 系统优化。。。
电子系统 液压系统 传动系统 调试 优化 。。。
Bosch Rexroth © Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.
Bosch Rexroth © Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.
BODAS - The System for Mobile Electronics 控制扩展单元RCE12-4/22
RD/RE 95220

博世坚固铝制外壳 标准通用插头 CANopen轻松配置,无需编程 高度灵活应用及大量物理接口

18 输出通道 33 输入通道 传感器供电5v和8v 2 DSM输入通道 2温度输入通道 CAN open 总线接口 CAN open 总线配置 供货时标准化软件包
BODAS - The System for Mobile Electronics



21 49 37
40 26 120 Ohm 25 4 ) 39
CAN 总线 接口 4)
RC 95201/03.09
0 - 2.0 A 100 - 250 Hz 0.5 kHz
1 1 1
ISO 11898
电源电压可通断。 如果外部接地,可以用作开关输入。 3) 在输出上作用的电压切勿高于作用在电源针脚 1、27、41、42 上的电压。 4) 在电压接反时,外部保险丝熔断。 5) 在使用开关功能时,要遵守各个适用的软件说明 (API)。 6) 负载 484 Ω。可以利用软件切换至 22 kΩ。
7) 20
T_A1 9 )
T_A2 9 ) 9 T_A3 9 ) T_A4 9 ) DIG_A1 6) 48 10 11 DIG_A2 DIG_A3 6) DIG_A4
51 TxD 50 RS-232 24 RxD
诊断插头, 用于 BODAS-service

Bosch Rexroth AG
RC 95201/03.09
连接图 RC2-2/21
1 A3 )
点火开关 10)
30 15
13 41 42
停止输出 8) 启动信号 电源 输出级的电源电压
10 A +12 V/+24 V 30 + 31



RC 95203/02.11 RC36-20 系列 30
Bosch Rexroth AG
BODAS 控制器 RC36-20 是一款通用的中央控制器,专为复 杂的行走机械而设计。凭借超现代 32 位三核技术以及 150 MHz 的时钟频率和并行处理,RC36‑20 在性能维度方面获 得了全新的提升,在此之前此类功能仅能由大型 PLC 系统提 供。RC36‑20 的应用领域包括比例线圈的可编程控制,行走 驱动的额外切换功能和换挡以及行走机械中高复杂性控制电 路的协调。具有 67 条输入通道,56 个输出级和一个额外的 输出(4 至 20 mA),以及 4 条用于车辆内部通讯的 CAN 总 线,RC36‑20 为行走机械上的所有功能提供高性能的平台。 系列 30 BODAS RC 控制器内部包含高性能的 32 位三核微处 理器以及所有输入和输出电路。模拟电压的范围是 0 至 10 V 和 0 至 32 V,电流范围是 0 至 20 mA,频率范围是 0 Hz 至 10 kHz,及开关信号视为输入信号进行处理。另外,RC3620 为力士乐的智能传感器提供特别输入,例如,具有集成 诊断功能或电阻输入为 700 至 2000 Ω 的 DSM1-10 速度传 感器,以及直接连接的温度传感器。保护输入不会过电压, 并不受电气干扰。可对电压输入进行监控,以检测电缆断 连或短路情况。对电流控制的比例线圈输出进行脉宽调制 (PWM),并对其提供温度和电压补偿,以保证高精确度和 最小滞后。它们针对力士乐的轴向柱塞单元和阀的电气比例 控制进行过优化协调。切换输出设计为继电器和切换线圈的 直接切换。此外,输出具有集成电压和电流监控。 所有的 BODAS 控制器 RC 均配有 CAN 总线接口,用以与其 他总线用户或电子系统(例如,RC 或 RCE,操纵杆,柴油 发动机喷射及显示器)交换数据。RC36-20 BODAS 控制器 拥有四个独立的 CAN 总线接口用来通讯,每个接口都可使用 多种协议进行操作。与 BODAS 设计及 BODAS 服务软件的 通讯同样是通过 CAN 总线进行并基于标准关键字协议 2000 (KWP 2000)。 BODAS 设计软件根据行业标准 IEC 61131-3 对 BODAS 控 制器进行简单灵活的编程,并对 RC36-20 编程进行了方便快 捷的介绍。利用 BODAS 设计能够方便地开发并清楚地展示 众多复杂的应用程序。 在使用 C 编程语言时,可利用一个 C-API 形式的应用程序 接口,充分挖掘 RC36-20 BODAS 控制器的性能。通过使用 它,软件开发商可专注于其机器的重要功能,而无需对三核 技术的细节问题投入过多精力。 使用 BODAS 服务软件,可通过闪存模块将程序快速, 简单地下载到控制器上。BODAS 服务软件通过图形化的 Windows 界面提供了扩展服务功能,如诊断,参数设置或过 程变量显示。这就使参数设置和诊断简单化,从而快速,安 全地将机器投入运行。 BODAS RC 控制器专为在行走机械中使用而开发,并可满足 其对环境温度,水和尘土侵入,冲击和振动以及电磁兼容性 (EMC)方面的相应安全要求。 BODAS RC 控制器和配套的软件,与力士乐的泵,电机, 阀,传感器,输入设备以及执行机构联合使用,可开发出完 整的系统解决方案。 用 RC36-20 可实现双通道停用(停止功能)。为此,需要遵 守相应开发准则。

力士乐 行走机械液压控制系统

力士乐 行走机械液压控制系统






当阀芯在中位时,泵的全部流量回到油箱,中位油路(1). 只产生较小的压降。

当阀芯(2) 移动时,中位管路上的收缩横截面积对油液起到节流的作用,以至于油泵的出口压力最终升高到与液压能耗环节的负载压力相匹配。


一旦液压泵的压力超出负载压力,油液就开始从泵流向液压能耗环节(= 开始移动)。


力士乐 IndraDrive 伺服控制器功率单元 HCS01 使用说明书

力士乐 IndraDrive 伺服控制器功率单元 HCS01 使用说明书

Instruction ManualElectric Drives and ControlsPneumatics ServiceLinear Motion andAssembly TechnologiesHydraulicsRexroth IndraDrive Drive ControllersPower Sections HCS01R911325518Edition 06Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Instruction ManualDOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRS-49e64cb2ef966abc0a6846a001598e31-8-en-US-2EditionRelease Date Notes DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB01-EN-P 09/2009First edition DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB02-EN-P 07/2010Corrected edition DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB03-EN-P 05/2011Corrected edition DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB04-EN-P 01/2012Corrected edition DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB05-EN-P 05/2012Corrected edition DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-P05/2014Corrected editionPurpose of DocumentationThis documentation provides information on the installation and operation of the described products, by persons trained and qualified to work with electri‐cal installations.Copyright© Bosch Rexroth AG 2014This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be re‐produced or given to third parties without its consent.LiabilityThe specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shall not be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulated in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this docu‐mentation and the availability of the product.Published byBosch Rexroth AGBgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ 97816 Lohr a. Main, Germany Phone +49 9352 18 0 ■ Fax +49 9352 18 8400/DC-IA/EDY4 (CR)TitleType of Documentation Document Typecode Internal File ReferenceRecord of RevisionBosch Rexroth AGDOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Table of ContentsPage1Important Notes (3)1.1 Safety Instructions.................................................................................................................................. 31.1.1 General Information............................................................................................................................. 31.1.2 Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings........................................................... 41.1.3 Battery Safety...................................................................................................................................... 51.2Appropriate Use (6)2Ratings and Dimensions (7)2.1 Data........................................................................................................................................................ 72.2Dimensional Drawings (11)3Documentations (15)3.1Motors (15)4Instructions for Use (17)4.1 Overcurrent Protection.......................................................................................................................... 174.2 Connection............................................................................................................................................ 184.2.1 Connection Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 184.2.2Connection Points (19)5 Service and Support .................................................................................................... 21Index . (23)DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Bosch Rexroth AG I/25Table of ContentsBosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-P II/25Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS011Important Notes1.1Safety Instructions1.1.1General Information●Do not attempt to install and operate the components of the electric drive and control system without first reading all documentation provided with the product. Read and understand these safety instructions and all user documentation prior to working with these components. If you do not have the user documentation for the components, contact your re‐sponsible Rexroth sales partner. Ask for these documents to be sent im‐mediately to the person or persons responsible for the safe operation of the components.●If the supplied documents contain some information you do not under‐stand, it is absolutely necessary that you ask Rexroth for explanation before you start working at or with the components.●If the component is resold, rented and/or passed on to others in any oth‐er form, these safety instructions must be delivered with the component in the official language of the user's country.●Only qualified persons may work with components of the electric drive and control system or within its proximity.In terms of this Instruction Manual, qualified persons are those persons who are familiar with the installation, mounting, commissioning and op‐eration of the components of the electric drive and control system, as well as with the hazards this implies, and who possess the qualifications their work requires. To comply with these qualifications, it is necessary,among other things,–to be trained, instructed or authorized to switch electric circuits and components safely on and off, to ground them and to mark them,–to be trained or instructed to maintain and use adequate safety equipment,–to attend a course of instruction in first aid.●The technical data, connection and installation conditions of the compo‐nents are specified in the respective application documentations and must be followed at all times.●If the components take the form of hardware, then they must remain in their original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted.It is not permitted to decompile software components or alter source co‐des.●Do not mount damaged or faulty components or use them in operation.●Only use accessories and spare parts approved by Rexroth.●Follow the safety regulations and requirements of the country in which the electric components of the electric drive and control system are op‐erated.●Proper and correct transport, storage, mounting and installation, as well as care in operation and maintenance, are prerequisites for optimal and safe operation of the component.Improper use of these components, failure to follow the safety instructions in this document or tampering with the product, including disabling of safety de‐vices, could result in property damage, injury, electric shock or even death.DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Bosch Rexroth AG 3/25Important Notes1.1.2Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and HousingsThis section concerns components of the electric drive and con‐trol system with voltages of more than 50 volts .Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 volts can cause personal danger and electric shock. When operating components of the electric drive and control system, it is unavoidable that some parts of these components conduct dangerous voltage.High electrical voltage! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock or seri‐ous injury!●Only qualified persons are allowed to operate, maintain and/or repair the components of the electric drive and control system.●Follow the general installation and safety regulations when working on power installations.●Before switching on, the equipment grounding conductor must have been permanently connected to all electric components in accordance with the connection diagram.●Even for brief measurements or tests, operation is only allowed if the equipment grounding conductor has been permanently connected to the points of the components provided for this purpose.●Before accessing electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than 50 V, you must disconnect electric components from the mains or from the power supply unit. Secure the electric component from reconnec‐tion.●With electric components, observe the following aspects:Always wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow live capacitors to discharge before accessing an electric component. Measure the elec‐trical voltage of live parts before beginning to work to make sure that the equipment is safe to touch.●Install the covers and guards provided for this purpose before switching on.●Never touch electrical connection points of the components while power is turned on.●Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component has been powered.●Under specific conditions, electric drive systems can be operated at mains protected by residual-current-operated circuit-breakers sensitive to universal current (RCDs/RCMs).●Secure built-in devices from penetrating foreign objects and water, as well as from direct contact, by providing an external housing, for exam‐ple a control cabinet.High housing voltage and high leakage current! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock!●Before switching on and before commissioning, ground or connect the components of the electric drive and control system to the equipment grounding conductor at the grounding points.Bosch Rexroth AGDOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS014/25Important Notes●Connect the equipment grounding conductor of the components of the electric drive and control system permanently to the main power supply at all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA.●Establish an equipment grounding connection with a minimum cross section according to the table below. With an outer conductor cross sec‐tion smaller than 10 mm 2 (8 AWG), the alternative connection of two equipment grounding conductors is allowed, each having the same cross section as the outer conductors.Cross section outer con‐ductorMinimum cross section equipment grounding conductorLeakage current ≥ 3.5 mA1 equipment groundingconductor2 equipment groundingconductors 1.5 mm 2 (16 AWG)10 mm 2 (8 AWG)2 × 1.5 mm 2 (16 AWG)2.5 mm 2 (14 AWG) 2 × 2.5 mm 2 (14 AWG)4 mm 2 (12 AWG) 2 × 4 mm 2 (12 AWG)6 mm 2 (10 AWG) 2 × 6 mm 2 (10 AWG)10 mm 2 (8 AWG)-16 mm 2 (6 AWG)16 mm 2 (6 AWG)-25 mm 2 (4 AWG)-35 mm 2 (2 AWG)-50 mm 2 (1/0 AWG)25 mm 2 (4 AWG)-70 mm 2 (2/0 AWG)35 mm 2 (2 AWG)-.........Tab. 1-1:Minimum Cross Section of the Equipment Grounding Connection1.1.3 Battery SafetyBatteries consist of active chemicals in a solid housing. Therefore, improper handling can cause injury or property damage.Risk of injury by improper handling!●Do not attempt to reactivate low batteries by heating or other methods (risk of explosion and cauterization).●Do not attempt to recharge the batteries as this may cause leakage or explosion.●Do not throw batteries into open flames.●Do not dismantle batteries.●When replacing the battery/batteries, do not damage the electrical parts installed in the devices.●Only use the battery types specified for the product.DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Bosch Rexroth AG 5/25Important NotesEnvironmental protection and disposal! The batteries contained inthe product are considered dangerous goods during land, air, andsea transport (risk of explosion) in the sense of the legal regula‐tions. Dispose of used batteries separately from other waste. Ob‐serve the national regulations of your country.1.2 Appropriate UseThis product may only be used for the mentioned applications under thespecified application, ambient and operating conditions.This product is exclusively intended for use in machines and systems in anindustrial environment. This is to be understood as applications according toIEC 60204-1 "Safety of machinery, Electric equipment of machines" andNFPA 79 "Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery".Components of the Rexroth IndraDrive Cs system are products ofcategory C3(with limited availability) according to IEC 61800‑3.To ensure that this category (limit values) is maintained, suitableline filters must be used in the drive system.These components are not provided for use in a public low-volt‐age network supplying residential areas with power. If these com‐ponents are used in such a public network, high-frequency inter‐ference is to be expected. This can require additional measuresof radio interference suppression.Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01 6/25Important Notes2Ratings and Dimensions2.1DataUL Ratings and DimensionsDescriptionSymbolUnitHCS01.1E -W0003-_-02HCS01.1E -W0006-_-02HCS01.1E -W0009-_-02HCS01.1E -W0013-_-02HCS01.1E -W0018-_-02Listing in accordance with UL standardUL 508C Listing in accordance with CSA standard C22.2 No. 14-10UL files E134201Pollution degree2Ambient temperature with nominal dataT amax °C 40Ambient temperature with reduced nominal data T amax_red°C 55Massm kg 0,721,70Device height 1)H mm 215268Device depth 2)T mm 196Device width 3)B mm 5070Minimum distance on the top of the device 4)d top mm 90Minimum distance on the bottom of the device 5)d bot mm 90Horizontal spacing on the device 6)d hor mm 10Rated control voltage input 7)U N3V 24 ± 20%Rated power consumption control voltage input at U N38)P N3W 272834Short circuit current rating SCCR A rms 42000Rated input voltage, power 9)U LN_nennV 1 or 3 x AC 110 (230)Tolerance U LN %± 10Mains frequencyf LNHz 50...60Tolerance input frequency Hz± 2Rated input currentI LNA1.8 or 0.62.8 or 1.2 5.0 or 2.38.3 or 4.512.8 or 9.6Branch circuit protection fuse 10)2.5 or 1.03.5 or 2.07.0 or 3.012.0 or 5.017.5 or15.0Last modification: 2013-12-12DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Bosch Rexroth AG 7/25Ratings and DimensionsDescriptionSymbol UnitHCS01.1E -W0003-_-02HCS01.1E -W0006-_-02HCS01.1E -W0009-_-02HCS01.1E -W0013-_-02HCS01.1E -W0018-_-02Required wire size in accordancewith NFPA 79 and UL 508 A (in‐ternal wiring);11)A LN AWGAWG 14Field wiring material (material;conductor temperature; class)Cu; 60/75 °C; 1Output voltage U out V 3 x AC 0 (230)Output currentI out A 1,12,03,04,57,6Output frequency range 12)f out Hz 0...1600Power dissipation at continuous current and continuous DC bus power respectively 13)P Diss_contW8,0010,0012,0020,0070,00Last modification: 2013-12-121) 2) 3)Housing dimension; see also related dimensional drawing 4) 5) 6)See fig. "Air Intake and Air Outlet at Device"7)Observe supply voltage for motor holding brakes8)HMS, HMD, HCS: Plus motor holding brake and control sec‐tion; HCS01: Incl. control section, plus safety option; KCU:Max. power consumption from 24V supply; KSM: Incl. motor holding brake (if available), plus power consumption of exter‐nally connected inputs/outputs, plus safety option; KMS: Plus motor holding brake, plus power consumption of externally connected inputs/outputs, plus safety option9)Mains input L1, L2, L3 (for HMV and HCS only); For use on a solidly grounded wye source only.10)Use listed AC input line fuses (class J; 600 V AC). Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 42000 rms symmetrical amperes, 500 Volts maximum (HMV and HCS04.2480 Volts maximum). If using inverse-time circuit breakers or type E combination motor controllers instead of recommended fuses, see UL 508C section wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 90 °C;T a ≤ 40 °C) in accordance with NFPA 79 chapter 12 and UL 508A chapter 2812)Depending on switching frequency which was set in parameter P‑0‑000113)Plus dissipation of braking resistor and control sectionTab. 2-1:HCS - UL Ratings and DimensionsUL Ratings and DimensionsDescriptionSymbolUnitHCS01.1E -W0005-_-03HCS01.1E -W0008-_-03HCS01.1E -W0018-_-03HCS01.1E -W0028-_-03HCS01.1E -W0054-_-03Listing in accordance with UL standardUL 508C Listing in accordance with CSA standardC22.2 No. 14-10Last modification: 2013-12-12Bosch Rexroth AGDOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS018/25Ratings and DimensionsDescription Symbol UnitHCS01.1E -W0005-_-03HCS01.1E -W0008-_-03HCS01.1E -W0018-_-03HCS01.1E -W0028-_-03HCS01.1E -W0054-_-03UL files E134201Pollution degree2Ambient temperature with nominaldataT amax °C 40Ambient temperature with reduced nominal data T amax_red°C 55Massm kg 0,721,704,22Device height 1)H mm 215268Device depth 2)T mm 196Device width 3)B mm 5070130Minimum distance on the top of the device 4)d top mm 90Minimum distance on the bottom of the device 5)d bot mm 90Horizontal spacing on the device 6)d hor mm 10Rated control voltage input 7)U N3V 24 ± 20%Rated power consumption control voltage input at U N38)P N3W 27283445Short circuit current rating SCCR A rms 42000Rated input voltage, power 9)U LN_nennV 3 x AC 200 (500)Tolerance U LN %± 10Mains frequencyf LNHz 50...60Tolerance input frequency Hz± 2Rated input currentI LNA1,52,55,010,028,0Branch circuit protection fuse 10)24101530Required wire size in accordance with NFPA 79 and UL 508 A (in‐ternal wiring);11)A LNAWGAWG 14AWG 10Field wiring material (material;conductor temperature; class)Cu; 60/75 °C; 1Output voltage U out V 3 x AC 0 (500)Output currentI out A 1,72,77,611,521,0Output frequency range 12)f out Hz 0...1600Power dissipation at continuous current and continuous DC bus power respectively 13)P Diss_contW37,0046,0080,00120,00400,00Last modification: 2013-12-121) 2) 3)Housing dimension; see also related dimensional drawingRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Ratings and Dimensions4) 5) 6)See fig. "Air Intake and Air Outlet at Device"7)Observe supply voltage for motor holding brakes8)HMS, HMD, HCS: Plus motor holding brake and control sec‐tion; HCS01: Incl. control section, plus safety option; KCU:Max. power consumption from 24V supply; KSM: Incl. motor holding brake (if available), plus power consumption of exter‐nally connected inputs/outputs, plus safety option; KMS: Plus motor holding brake, plus power consumption of externally connected inputs/outputs, plus safety option9)Mains input L1, L2, L3 (for HMV and HCS only); For use on a solidly grounded wye source only.10)Use listed AC input line fuses (class J; 600 V AC). Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 42000 rms symmetrical amperes, 500 Volts maximum (HMV and HCS04.2480 Volts maximum). If using inverse-time circuit breakers or type E combination motor controllers instead of recommended fuses, see UL 508C section wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 90 °C;T a ≤ 40 °C) in accordance with NFPA 79 chapter 12 and UL 508A chapter 2812)Depending on switching frequency which was set in parameter P‑0‑000113)Plus dissipation of braking resistor and control sectionTab. 2-2:HCS - UL Ratings and DimensionsDistancesA Air intakeB Air outletC Mounting surface in control cabinet d top Distance top d bot Distance bottom d horDistance horizontalFig. 2-1:Air Intake and Air Outlet at DeviceRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Ratings and Dimensions2.2 Dimensional DrawingsHCS01.1E-W0003/5/6/8/9/13Standard mounting:A Minimum mounting clearanceB Boring dimensions CMounting surfaceFig. 2-2:Dimensional Drawing HCS01.1E-W0003/5/6/8/9/13 (Standard Mount‐ing)Left-hand or right-hand mounting:A Minimum mounting clearanceB Boring dimensions CMounting surfaceFig. 2-3:Dimensional Drawing HCS01.1E-W0003/5/6/8/9/13 (Left-Hand or Right-Hand Mounting)Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Ratings and DimensionsHCS01.1E-W0018/28Standard mounting:A Minimum mounting clearanceB Boring dimensions CMounting surfaceFig. 2-4:Dimensional Drawing HCS01.1E-W0018/28 (Standard Mounting)Left-hand or right-hand mounting:A Minimum mounting clearanceB Boring dimensions CMounting surfaceFig. 2-5:Dimensional Drawing HCS01.1E-W0018/28 (Left-Hand or Right-Hand Mounting)Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Ratings and DimensionsHCS01.1E-W0054Standard mounting:A Minimum mounting clearanceB Boring dimensions CMounting surfaceFig. 2-6:Dimensional Drawing HCS01.1E-W0054 (Standard Mounting)Left-hand or right-hand mounting:A Minimum mounting clearanceB Boring dimensions CMounting surfaceFig. 2-7:Dimensional Drawing HCS01.1E-W0054 (Left-Hand or Right-Hand Mounting)Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Ratings and DimensionsRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Documentations 3 Documentations3.1 Motors1)In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the currentedition of the documentation (example: PR01 is the first editionof a Project Planning Manual)Tab. 3-1:Documentations – MotorsRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Instructions for Use 4 Instructions for Use4.1 Overcurrent ProtectionProtect the components against overcurrent:●Branch circuit protection has to be provided externally●Dimension the branch circuit protection according to the data "Branchcircuit protection fuse" (see Ratings and Dimensions)4.2Connection4.2.1Connection Diagram*Optional**ECONOMY = sercos III; BASIC = Multi-Ethernet; ADVANCED = sercos III cross communication (CCD)***Only available at HCS01.1E-W00**-A-0*-A-CC (ADVANCED)devicesX6.1, X6.2T1 and T2 are not available at MSM motors. For proper func‐tion of the motor thermal management connect the motor ther‐mal sensor as described in the wiring diagram. Otherwise mo‐tor overtemperature sensing is not provided by the drive. For Rexroth motors with data memory in the motor encoder, such as MSK, the motor overload protection level is set automatical‐ly while connecting the motor to the drive. There is no adjust‐ment necessary. Otherwise refer to the Rexroth firmware docu‐mentation.X31No standard assignment preset; make the assignment bymeans of firmware documentation (see Functional Description,index entry "Digital inputs/outputs")X47.1, X47.2For the "ready for operation" message of the device, the Bb re‐lay contact (X47.1, X47.2) must be wiredX47.3…6Module bus only available at HCS01.1E-W00xx-x-03 devices X77DC bus connection (L+, L-) only available atHCS01.1E‑W00xx‑x‑03 devicesFig. 4-1:Connection DiagramRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Instructions for Use4.2.2 Connection PointsSymbols used to describe the connection pointsScrew ter‐minal blockSpring ter‐minalD-SubRJ-45IndustrialMini I/OThread Max. con‐nectioncross sec‐tionStrippedlengthMax. tighten‐ing torqueTab. 4-1:SymbolsConnection point HCS01mm2 (AWG)mm NmA, B, C M5-5 X3 A 1)2,5 (14)80,6B 2)6,0 (10)100,8C 3)10,0 (8)141,7X4A, B, C---X5A2,5 (14)80,6B6,0 (10)100,8C10,0 (8)141,7 X6A, B, C1,5 (16)10-X8A, B, C---X9A, B, C- 5)---X13A, B, C2,5 (14)10-X22 P2, X23 P1A, B, C---X24 P2, X25 P1A, B, C---X26A, B, C---X30A, B, C---X31A, B, C1,5 (16)10-X32A, B, C1,5 (16)10-X37A, B, C1,5 (16)10-X38A, B, C1,5 (16)10-X41A, B, C1,5 (16)10-X42, X43A, B, C---X47A, B, C1,5 (16)10-X49A, B, C1,5 (16)8-DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Bosch Rexroth AG19/25Instructions for UseConnection point HCS01mm2 (AWG)mm Nm X61A, B, C---X77 D 4) 6 (8)15-1)A: HCS01.1E-W0003…W0013-x-02, -W0005-x-03,‑W0008‑x‑032)B: HCS01.1E-W0018-x-02, -W0018-x-03, -W0028-x-033)C: HCS01.1E-W0054-x-034)D: HCS01.1E-W00xx-x-035)Connector available at braking resistorTab. 4-2:Connection PointsBosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01 20/25Instructions for Use5 Service and SupportOur worldwide service network provides an optimized and efficient support.Our experts offer you advice and assistance should you have any queries.You can contact us 24/7.Service GermanyOur technology-oriented Competence Center in Lohr, Germany, is responsi‐ble for all your service-related queries for electric drive and controls.Contact the Service Helpdesk & Hotline under:Phone:+49 9352 40 5060Fax:+49 9352 18 4941E-mail:***************************Internet:Additional information on service, repair (e.g. delivery addresses) and training can be found on our internet sites.Service worldwide Outside Germany, please contact your local service office first. For hotline numbers, refer to the sales office addresses on the internet.Preparing informationTo be able to help you more quickly and efficiently, please have the following information ready:●Detailed description of malfunction and circumstances resulting in the malfunction●Type plate name of the affected products, in particular type codes and serial numbers●Your contact data (phone and fax number as well as your email ad‐dress)DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Bosch Rexroth AG 21/25Service and SupportBosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-P 22/25Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01IndexAAdditional documentations (15)Ambient conditions (7)Appropriate use (6)C Connection (18)Connection diagram (18)Connection pointsHCS01 (19)DDataHCS01, dimensional drawings (11)HCS01, dimensions (11)Dimensional drawingHCS01.1E-W0003/5/6/8/9/13 (11)HCS01.1E-W0018/28 (12)HCS01.1E-W0054 (13)Dimensional drawingsHCS01 (11)Dimensions (7)HCS01.1E-W0003/5/6/8/9/13 (11)HCS01.1E-W0018/28 (12)HCS01.1E-W0054 (13)Distances (10)DocumentationAdditional documentations (15)Motors (15)Overview (15)Reference documentations (15)HHCS01Dimensional drawings (11)Dimensions (11)Technical data (7)IInstructions for use (17)MMotorDocumentation (15)OOperating conditions (7)Overcurrent protection (17)PPower consumption (7)R Ratings..................................................................7Reference documentations (15)SSafety instructions (3)SupportSee service hotline (21)TTechnical data (7)UUL ratings (7)UseAppropriate (6)Instructions (17)VVoltage load capacity (7)XX3 (19)X4 (19)X5 (19)X6 (19)X8 (19)X9 (19)X13 (19)X22, X23 (19)X24, X25 (19)X26 (19)X30 (19)X31 (19)X32 (19)X37 (19)X38 (19)X41 (19)X42, X43 (19)X47 (19)X49 (19)X61 (19)X77 (19)DOK-INDRV*-HCS01*UL***-IB06-EN-PRexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS01Bosch Rexroth AG23/25Index。

Rexroth 电液注射成型机器的数字控制器 说明书

Rexroth 电液注射成型机器的数字控制器 说明书

1/10用于电液注射成型机器的数字控制器类型 VT-HACD-DPQ组件系列 2XRC 30146/08.07替代对象:---目录内容 页码特点 1 和 2订货代码 2功能说明:总览 2功能说明:注塑控制 3 和 4油路块图 5技术数据6 和 7插入式连接器的插脚分配 7前面板上 D 型插座的插脚分配 7单元尺寸8工程/维护注意事项/补充信息9– 通过 SSI 编码器,增量或模拟位置测量系统可以采集实际值– 自由配置阀芯– 用斜坡控制闭环– 点动模式– 注塑过程中,"加压与保压"和备压压力分别是独立选项– 可通过以下方式进行压力控制模式切换: – 位置 – 模腔压力– 按位置控制激活的液压 – 数字信息输入– 使能输入和 OK 输出– ±10 V 参考电压输出– 带有按键的前显示屏,这些按键既可用于显示和更改参数又可用于诊断目的– RS232 串行接口– 通过局部总线,最多可互连 32 个控制电子元件进行参数设置和诊断– 内部或模拟控制流程– I/O 配置特点H7387_d订货代码数字控制器板卡组件系列 20 至 29 = 2X (20 至 29:安装和连接尺寸不变)基本单元 = V00 =不带阀输出级0 =不带总线连接C =CANopenD =DeviceNet1 =带显示屏VT-HACD-DPQ12X V010功能说明:总览总览VT-HACD-DPQ 是数字控制器板卡。


– 使用闭环位置控制可完全控制注塑速率分布。


– 由于 VT-HACD-DPQ 是一种位置控制设备,所以需要位置反馈传感器。

VT-HACD-DPQ 可支持模拟(0...10 V;±10 V;0...20 mA;4...20 mA)和数字类型(SSI,INCR)。

– VT-HACD-DPQ 包括注塑力限制控制,经配置后可与 1 个或 2 个压力传感器或者测压元件一起使用。



力士乐控制器CML45.1-3P-500-NA-NNNN-NW到货啦力士乐控制器CML45.13P500NANNNNNW到货啦!R911170828 CML45.13P500NANNNNNW力士乐伺服控制器没有现货的额,货期2024周左右哦,需要订货的哈,原装全新正品,力士乐询价都需要提供订货号才能报价哦,CML45.13P500NANNNNNW价格好,报价快,到货也快哦。











”力士乐伺服驱动器R911170828 CML45.13P500NANNNNNW(servo drives)又称为“伺服控制器”、“伺服放大器”,是用来控制伺服电机的一种控制器,其作用类似于变频器作用于普通交流马达,属于伺服系统的一部分,主要应用于高精度的定位系统。


力士乐伺服驱动器R911170828 CML45.13P500NANNNNNW工作原理伺服驱动器主流的伺服驱动器均采用数字信号处理器(DSP)作为控制核心,可以实现比较复杂的控制算法,实现数字化、网络化和智能化。



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RE 95 200/09.06
Bosch Rexroth AG
Block Circuit Diagram
Note: The block circuit diagram applies for controllers RC2-2/20, RC4-4/20, RC6-9/20. For controller RC12-18/2uit diagrams for the master and slave apply.
Technical Data Sheet
For closed- and open-loop control of hydraulic components
Ordering Code Description Block Circuit Diagram Technical Data Terminal Connections Unit Dimensions RC2-2/20 Installation Position Mating Connector Safety Notes 2 2 3 4...5 6...9 10...12 13 14 15
Version 1st digit = no. of proportional outputs 2nd digit = no. of switched outputs 2-2 4-4 6-9 12-18
Series 03 Series 2, index 0 Note:
The BODAS controllers are not functional without software. In order to use the BODAS controllers, you also need: - BODAS standard software or - application-specific software Optional accessories: - CAN extension module For I/O extension of a controller in the event that the number of controller inputs and outputs is insufficient for the specified application (see RE 95 220). - BODEM software For displaying functions, errors and system variables as well as for setting parameters via a PC (RE 95 085). - BODAS measuring adapter The BODAS measuring adapter MA (RE 95 090) is used to measure all electric signals at the inputs, outputs and interfaces of the BODAS controller. It is connected in series between the controller and the vehicle or device wiring. All products mentioned here are available from Rexroth.
Electric Drives and Controls
Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies
BODAS Controller RC
Series 20
RE 95 200/09.06 Replaces: 07.06
Enable3) output stages Voltage supply, output stages Voltage supply electronics Ignition switch

Power supply unit Switch-on pulse Inputs Power supply electronics Watchdog &
Bosch Rexroth AG
RE 95 200/09.06
Ordering Code
01 02
01 BODAS Controller
The BODAS Controller RC are used for the programmable control of proportional solenoids and additional switching functions. They can therefore be used for both simple and complex open- or closed-loop controls, e.g. for hydrostatic travel drives, working hydraulics or transmission control in mobile working machines. BODAS Controller RC were specially developed for use in mobile working machines, and satisfy the relevant safety requirements with regard to ambient temperature, tightness, resistance to shock and vibration, as well as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Internally, BODAS Controller RC consist of a powerful 16-bit microcontroller and all input and output circuitry. Analog voltages in the range 0 - 5 V, currents from 0 - 20 mA, frequencies from 0 Hz - 10 kHz and switching information are processed as input signals. The inputs are protected against overvoltage and electrical interference. The voltage inputs can be monitored to detect any cable breaks or short circuits. The proportional solenoid outputs are pulse-width-modulated (PWM) and optimally adapted for electric proportional control of axial piston units and valves to ensure high accuracy and minimum hysteresis. The switched outputs are designed for the direct switching of relays, lamps and switching solenoids. The RS232 serial interface enables the connection of a laptop to the BODEM PC software (RE 95 085) for service functions, such as diagnostics, parameter setting or display of process variables. CAN-bus interfaces are available with all BODAS Controller RC for exchanging data with other bus users or electronic systems (e.g. RC or RCE, joystick, diesel engine injection, display). The CAN-bus interfaces can each be operated with different protocols. BODAS standard programs are available for the BODAS Controller software. If more extensive functions are required, special program packages for specific applications can also be compiled using a program library and adapted to the application in question with the aid of service tools. Programming with BODAS design (RE 95 110) is also possible. Combined with pumps, motors, valves, sensors, input devices and actuators from Rexroth, BODAS Controller RC and corresponding software can be used to create complete system solutions.
Central safety cut-off Power outputs