














0 1999年7月
/ 何克伦 / 李旭明
No. 修订日期
Ⅰ.前言 Ⅱ.供方质量管理实施要领
1.质量保证负责人及质量管理负责人的选定申报要领 2.质量管理体系的管理要领 3.文件管理及质量记录的管理要领 4.重要保安零部件管理要领 5.证明符合法规的运用要领 6.二级以下供方的质量保证要领 7.供应品及借用品的管理要领 8.供方质量评价要领 9.供方质量监查要领 10.制造工序管理要领 11.工程品质管理表运用要领 12.检查基准书运用要领 13.限度样本管理要领 14.计量器具管理要领 15.作业标准类运用要领 16.零部件搬入运用要领 17.初期流动管理要领 18.变化点(初品)管理要领 19.初物管理要领 20.批次管理要领 21.不良品处理要领 22.特采申请处理要领 23.纠正措施及预防措施要领 24.新机种阶段管理要领
(2)适用范围 适用于与供方质量相关的管理文件及质量记录。
(3)质量文件体系 质量文件按等级及内容等明确定位上级文件 ・下级文件,并形成体系。
(4)质量文件的确认、发行管理 ①为对其质量文件的适宜性进行审查,批准,须根据文件等级规定审查者、 批准者以及管理部门,并实行原件管理。 ②质量文件各类格式须设置批准栏及修改履历栏,并实行管理。 ③发行质量文件时,须明确发往处并实施管理。 ④质量文件变更时,须经所定批准权限者批准后方可发行。 ⑤因变更实施发行时,须明确旧版的回收·作废程序,并落实好最新版 的管理工作。













总经理:XXX2021年XX月XX日公司概况XXXXXX(XXXXXXTECHNOLOGYCO.,LTD)成立于xxxx年x月,是一家为汽车及关联行业提供IS/IT 、软件研发、网络工程、信息系统运维效劳、汽车工程与设计、大数据效劳、车主效劳中心等,专注计算机信息效劳及客户效劳的企业。



电子产品生产质量管理规范2023版1. 引言本文档旨在为电子产品制造企业提供一份质量管理规范,以确保生产过程中的质量控制和产品合规性。


2. 质量管理体系2.1. 体系要求- 电子产品制造企业应建立和维护一套完整的质量管理体系,包括质量政策、质量目标和质量手册等。

- 质量管理体系应满足国家相关法律法规的要求,并符合ISO 9001质量管理体系标准的要求。

3. 原材料采购和控制3.1. 供应商评估- 企业应建立供应商评估制度,评估供应商的质量管理体系和能力,确保供应商能够提供符合要求的原材料。

- 进口原材料应按照国家相关法律法规进行检验和检疫,确保合规性和质量安全。

3.2. 原材料控制- 企业应建立原材料接收、储存和使用的控制程序,确保原材料的追溯性和质量可控。

- 原材料应按照质量要求进行检验,并记录检验结果。

4. 生产过程管控4.1. 设备管理- 企业应建立设备管理制度,包括设备的校准、维护、故障处理等程序,确保设备使用符合要求,并保证产品质量可控。

4.2. 生产操作控制- 企业应建立生产操作控制程序,明确各个生产环节的要求、操作流程和责任人,确保产品生产符合标准。

- 生产人员应按照操作规程执行工作,并记录关键操作。

4.3. 不良品管理- 企业应建立不良品管理制度,包括不良品的标识、分拣和处理程序,以及不良品的原因分析和改进措施。

- 不良品应及时隔离和处理,以防止不良品流入市场。

5. 检验和测试5.1. 检验和测试要求- 企业应建立检验和测试程序,包括对关键工序和产品的检验和测试要求。

- 检验和测试设备应符合相关标准,并定期进行校准和维护。

5.2. 检验和测试记录- 检验和测试应按照程序进行,并记录检验和测试结果。

- 检验和测试记录应保存一定时间,以备查证。

6. 文档记录和管理6.1. 文件控制- 企业应建立文件控制制度,包括文件编制、审查、批准、发布和废止等程序。



质量手册完全版主题: 质量手册目录章节号: 无主题: 《质量手册》说明章节号: 0.2本《质量手册》阐明了公司质量管理体系的基本要求, 是公司质量管理工作的法规和纲领性文件。

它是依据GB/T19001- 《质量管理体系要求》标准(简称IS09001: )和《电子产品安全认证公司质量保证能力细则》, 并结合公司质量管理工作实际而确定。

本《质量手册》根据公司质量管理工作的实际情况, 对GB/T19001- 《质量管理体系要求》第7章进行了删减, 删减了如下过程:第7.3章”设计和开发”, 其原因是: 公司的产品设计和开发全部由瑞士总公司执行, 本分公司只按照总公司的技术资料进行生产;第7.5.4章”顾客财产”, 其原因是: 在生产和服务提供过程中不使用顾客提供的原物料或组件、包装材料、生产和测试设备、知识产权、技术图纸等财产;增加了”产品安全和责任”要求主题: 质量方针和质量目标章节号: 1.0质量方针:精心生产, 讲究质量, 不断进步, 提供安全、实用、美观的产品质量目标:1)生产过程不合格率: ≤2%;2)安全质量事故为: 0次/年3)成品合格率: ≥99%;4)客户投诉次数: ≤6次/年;总经理:日期: 3月5日资料内容仅供参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系本人改正或者删除。

主题: 组织结构章节号: 1.0主题: 质量管理体系过程职责分配表章节号: 3.0说明: ★表示主导职责◎表示辅助职责主题: 质量管理体系章节号: 4.01.0目的: 说明公司质量管理体系的总体要求和文件的总体要求。

2.0范围: 适用于公司的质量管理体系的控制。

3.0程序概要:3.1质量管理体系总体要求:公司按照GB/T19001: 《质量管理体系要求》和《电子产品安全认证公司质量保证能力细则》建立了质量管理体系, 形成文件, 加以保持和实施, 并予以持续改进。

1.识别质量管理体系所需过程, 并编制相应的程序文件, 这些过程能够是从识别客户需求到客户评定的大过程, 也能够是具体过程的子过程; 本公司的质量管理体系对GB/T19001- 《质量管理体系要求》第7章进行了删减, 删减了如下过程:a)第7.3章”设计和开发”, 其原因是: 公司的产品设计和开发全部由瑞士总公司执行, 本分公司只按照总公司的技术资料进行生产;b)第7.5.4章”顾客财产”, 其原因是: 在生产和服务提供过程中不使用顾客提供的原物料或组件、包装材料、生产和测试设备、知识产权、技术图纸等财产;2.明确规定过程的控制方法及过程的相互顺序和接口关系; 经过识别、确定、监控、测量分析等对过程进行管理;3.对过程管理的目的是实施质量管理体系, 实现公司的质量方针和质量目标;4.对过程进行测量、监控和分析及采取改进措施, 是为了实现所策划的结果, 并进行持续改进。



电子公司质量手册目录• 1. 引言• 2. 公司质量政策– 2.1 客户满意– 2.2 持续改进• 3. 质量管理体系– 3.1 组织结构– 3.2 质量职责与权限– 3.3 流程管理• 4. 质量培训和意识– 4.1 岗位培训– 4.2 质量意识• 5. 质量控制– 5.1 检验与测试– 5.2 不良品控制– 5.3 过程控制• 6. 完善质量体系– 6.1 内部审核– 6.2 外部审核•7. 附录–7.1 质量术语1. 引言本手册旨在介绍电子公司的质量管理体系和如何确保产品质量满足客户需求。


2. 公司质量政策2.1 客户满意电子公司致力于提供高质量的产品和服务,以满足客户的需求和期望。


2.2 持续改进电子公司将持续改进作为一项核心价值,不断优化质量管理体系和工艺流程,以提高产品质量和客户满意度。


3. 质量管理体系3.1 组织结构电子公司设有质量管理部门,负责建立和维护质量管理体系。


3.2 质量职责与权限在电子公司,每个员工都有责任确保其工作符合质量要求,并具有相应的权限。


3.3 流程管理为确保产品质量,电子公司采用了一系列标准化的流程管理方法。


4. 质量培训和意识4.1 岗位培训电子公司重视员工的岗位培训,通过定期的培训计划,提升员工的技术水平和质量意识。





目录第1章企业简介 .............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.1 简介..................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第2章组织结构 .............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 组织结构(见附录A) ..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2 质量管理组织机构图(见附录B).................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.3部门职能 .............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。







3.3汽车行业常用的英文缩写如下所示:4.0组织背景4.1 理解公司及其环境:4.1 理解公司及其环境公司领导层确定了企业目标和战略方向,通过各部门收集信息、识别、分析和评价,公司管理会议讨论研究,明确了与公司目标和战略方向相关的各种外部和内部因素。





AWHK-QM-002 质量手册--适航分册r3质量手册- 适航分册编号:AW/HK-QM-002版次:3分发号:设计:校对:审定:2011-11-11 公布2011-11-11 实施目录公司简介1 质量方针和质量目标 21范畴 32引用文件 33术语和定义 34质量治理体系 35治理职责86资源治理177产品实现198测量、分析和改进359质量手册的编制、使用和治理43 附录1:组织机构及厂房设施45 附录2: 质量治理体系程序文件名目49 附录 3 质量治理体系职能分配表51 附录 4 各部门的要紧职能54 附录5:质量记录清单55 附件6:产品实现过程图60 附录7:质量手册与CCAR-21 部有关条款的对应索引61公司简介北京安达维尔航空设备有限公司成立于2006年6月,位于北京市顺义区仁和地区杜杨北街19 号,目前工作面积达1600平方米,其用于科研生产设施的建筑面积为800 平方米。


公司现有职员70 人,其中专业技术人员34人,高级职称8 人。

北京安达维尔航空设备有限公司拥有各种生产设备、仪器外表检测设备、工装116 台/套。


北京安达维尔航空设备有限公司为北京安达维尔科技有限公司投资的控股公司,科技公司资本规模6000万元,新建厂占地面积30 亩,一期厂房面积5667平方米,已于2009年7月投入使用。

北京安达维尔航空设备有限公司注册资本为100万人民币,经营期限为20 年,要紧经营范畴是电子设备、机械设备、非标设备及有关产品制造、改装。

Andawell 品牌自建立以来,始终坚持以高质量、高标准、高效率为导向,深得用户的认可和支持。










正文:1. 质量控制方案的制定-明确质量控制目标和要求-确定质量控制的评估指标-制定质量控制的具体方法和流程-建立质量管理体系和质量手册-进行质量控制方案的监督和改进2. 零部件质量的把控-选择可靠的供应商,建立长期合作关系-制定零部件的质量标准和要求-对零部件进行进货检验和抽检-建立零部件的质量追溯体系-处理不合格零部件的方式和措施3. 加工工艺的优化-分析电子加工工艺的关键环节和控制点-制定合理的加工工艺流程和参数-进行工艺的验证和优化-制定操作规范和工艺文件-建立工艺变更和纠正措施的管理制度4. 制造过程的监管-建立制造过程的控制点和监控措施-进行车间巡检和品质抽检-建立不良品的处理和追溯机制-实施过程的监控和记录-制定制造过程的改进措施和方案5. 质量数据的分析-收集、整理和分析质量数据-进行统计和趋势分析-制定纠正和预防措施-提供质量改进的依据和决策-持续改进和优化质量控制措施总结:汽车电子加工过程中的质量控制是确保汽车电子产品质量的重要环节。





Eaton FD3150LEaton Series C complete molded case circuit breaker, Series C, F-frame molded case circuit breaker, 150A, Three-pole, Line and load terminals, Thermal magnetic trip, FD breakerGeneral specificationsEaton Series C complete molded case circuit breakerFD3150L 7866793058053.38 in4.13 in 4.13 in 4.35 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first.UL Listed Product NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCertificationsSeries C35 kAIC at 480 Vac65 kAIC at 240 VacFFD50/60 HzComplete breakerLine and load600 Vac, 250 Vdc150 AFixed thermal, fixed magnetic Three-pole Application of Tap Rules to Molded Case Breaker TerminalsUL listed 100%-rated molded case circuit breakersApplication of Multi-Wire Terminals for Molded Case Circuit BreakersStrandAble terminals product aidMOEM MCCB Product Selection GuideMotor protection circuit breakers product aidPlug-in adapters for molded case circuit breakers product aidPower metering and monitoring with Modbus RTU product aidMulti-wire lugs product aidCircuit breaker motor operators product aidCurrent limiting Series C molded case circuit breakers product aid Breaker service centersCounterfeit and Gray Market Awareness GuideMolded case circuit breakers catalogEaton's Volume 4—Circuit ProtectionFD3 2D PDFFD3 3D InventorFD3 3D Model XchangeTime Current Curves for Series C® F-Frame Circuit BreakersFD3 AutoCAD 2D Footprint (mm)Installation Instructions for EHD, EDB, EDS, ED, EDH, EDC, FDB, FD, HFD, FDC, HFDDC Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesCircuit Breakers ExplainedSeries C F-Frame molded case circuit breakersMOEM MCCB product selection guideSeries C G-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Eaton Specification Sheet - FD3150LSeries C J-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curvesSeriesInterrupt ratingFrameCircuit breaker type Frequency ratingCircuit breaker frame type TerminalsVoltage rating Amperage RatingTrip TypeNumber of poles Application notesBrochuresCatalogsDrawingsInstallation instructions MultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。



Quality Manual –电子质量手册Introduction –简介本电子质量手册(以下简称“质量手册”)是用于记录公司的质量管理体系,以及规范公司对产品和服务的质量要求和控制过程。


Scope –适用范围本质量手册适用于公司所有电子产品的生产和销售业务,以及相关的售后服务和技术支持。



Quality Policy –质量方针本公司的质量方针是“以客户需求为导向,不断提升产品和服务的质量,实现持续增长和发展”。




Quality Objectives –质量目标本公司的质量目标是以不断提高产品和服务的质量,满足客户需求和行业标准。






Quality System Documents –质量体系文件本公司的质量管理体系文件包括下列内容:•质量手册•流程文件和程序描述•工作指导和作业指导书•样品检测报告和测试记录•客户反馈和投诉记录•内部审核和审核报告以上质量体系文件都是经过审核和批准后有效,应当在相关的过程和活动中得到贯彻和执行。



Global Supplier Quality Manual - TRW Automotive全球供应商质量手册――天合(TRW)汽车Controlled only when viewed online at TRW Automotive's Website只有在天合汽车网站上发布的观点是受控的Revision History (Current revision: E0; Last revised: June 2004)修订历史记录(当前版本:E0;最近一次修订:2004年6月)Management Message经营讯息Section 1 - Introduction第一章介绍1A. Policy and Vision 方针和远景目标1B. Purpose 目的1C. Scope 范围1D. Responsibility 职责1E. Language 语言1F. Supplier Development Template 供应商发展模板1G. Government Regulatory Compliance 政府调整顺从IH. End-of Life Vehicle (ELV)/International Material Data System (IMDS) ReportingIJ. European Quality Assurance Agreements 欧洲质量保证协议1K. General 概要Section 2 - TRW Automotive Requirements 第二章天台汽车需求2A. Supplier Selection Process 供应商选择程序2A.1. ISO/TS16949:2002 Registration ISO/TS16949:2002 注册2A.2. e-Business Capabilities 电子商务能力2A.3. New Supplier/Location Qualification 新供应商/地理条件2A.4 New Supplier Assessment Criteria 新供应商评估标准2B. New Product Launch 新产品投放市场2B.1. Introduction介绍2B.2. Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)产品质量先期策划2B.3. Production Part Approval Process (PPAP/ISR)生产件批准程序2B.4. Lot Traceability可追溯性2B.5. Special Characteristics特殊特性2B.6. Prototype Fabrication and Quality Evaluation原型制作和质量评估2C. Serial Production Processes2C.1. Introduction2C.2. Supplier Request for Change2C.3. Concern Management2C.4. Supplier Audits供应商审核2C.5. Sub-supplier Management分供方管理2C.6. Annual Revalidation2C.7. Supplier Facility Access2C.8. Contingency Plan应急计划2C.9. Document and Product Sample Retention文件和产品样件保持2C.10. TRW Property - Tools2C.11. Indemnity赔偿2D. Continuous Improvement持续改进2D.1 Introduction2D.2 Supplier Performance Reporting供应商成绩报告2D.3 Intensive Improvement Process加强的改进程序2D.4 Controlled Shipping受控的运送2D.5 Cost Recovery成本控制Documents Table文件表格Glossary术语表Revisions修订Download all documents as self extracting ZIP-fileDownload G.S.Q.M. documentThis manual supersedes the previous TRW Automotive Supplier Development Manual Revision C1, June 2003, LucasVarity Global Supplier Quality Manual (GSQM-001), and any Product Line specific manuals. This manual includes both the TRW Automotive and the TRW Automotive Product Line Specific Requirements. This manual is released electronically on the TRW Vendor Information Network website /, without any hardcopy publication.Management MessageAutomotive market expectations continue to be high, requiring extreme business fitness for survival and profitable growth. TRW Automotive plans to maintain its business strength and create exceptional value for its customers via four strategic priorities of: Best Quality, Lowest Cost, Global Reach and Innovative Technology. A robust and adaptable supply base that understands TRW requirements, and acts with similar urgency demanded by our customers, is key to achieving these priorities.Purchasing focus areas integrated into these initiatives are detailed supplier commodity strategies, sourcing excellence and cost reduction plans, superior new program development and flawless product launch. Additionally, to support achievement of Operations Excellence of the supply base TRW operating units will participate in and input into supplier sourcing decisions and status (New Business Hold, Bid Suspension, Quality Improvement Plan & Top Focus).The Purchasing organizational support of the focus areas is driven by a matrix of Global Commodity management. This group is responsible for sourcing excellence and commodity strategies coupled with Product Line specific Purchasing and Supplier Development. They are responsible for the deployment of new program/product introduction, flawless launch execution and supplier APQP and continuous improvement.The Purchasing focus and TRW Global Supplier Development Process are supported by major e-Business initiatives that require, besides Internet based commerce, collaborative engagement with our suppliers in early sourcing, new product development, launch and on-going continuous improvement. This collaboration will enable TRW Automotive and its supply base to meet the OEM market demands of shorter productdevelopment cycles, flawless launches and exceptional quality.To assist our suppliers in helping us achieve our priorities and focus areas, TRW Automotive Global Purchasing will deploy, the necessary Lean/Sigma, Quality Product Engineering, Operations, Supplier QualityAssurance and Supplier Development Engineering personnel. We recognize that TRW cannot succeed without the superior quality, cost, service and technology offered by its supply base.Edward L. Carpenter Michael CharltonVice President Lead DirectorGlobal Purchasing European PurchasingKevin Gillis John ChueyDirector Senior ManagerGlobal Supplier Development Engineering E uropean Supplier Development EngineeringSection 1 – Introduction1A. Policy and VisionIt is the policy of TRW to achieve a clear competitive advantage through continuous improvement in quality, service, delivery and cost from our suppliers in the total supply chain.It is the vision of TRW that suppliers shall:••Do it Right the First Time by planning, preparing, and being trained to supply quality products and services.••Do it Right Every Time by assuring consistent quality products and services through addressing all concerns.••Continually Improve by proactively improving the quality and value of products and services.1B. PurposeThe purpose of this Global Supplier Quality Manual (GSQM) is to specify TRW Automotive quality system requirements for our suppliers. These requirements extend from supplier qualification, to new product development, to production.1C. ScopeThis manual applies to all Direct material/service suppliers. This manual applies to Indirect material/service suppliers only when it is required by a TRW Purchase Order.1D. Responsibility•Suppliers are responsible for meeting the GSQM requirements. Failure to meet these requirements may result in the loss of existing and/or future TRW business, in addition to•reimbursement of the cost to TRW resulting from those failures.• • Suppliers shall ensure that their direct material/service suppliers comply with therequirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002.• • Suppliers shall adopt the standards of Zero Defects and 100% On Time Delivery to TRW.Suppliers shall understand that any established PPM target is not an Accepted Quality Level, butrepresents an intermediate continuous improvement step toward shipment of components/materialsmeeting the Zero Defects requirement.1E. LanguageTRW Automotive’s official language is English. All official communication with TRW will be done inEnglish. Documents may display the native language when integrated in parallel translation. In this instance, the English is the only valid version.1F. Global Supplier Development ProcessTRW Automotive Global Supplier Development follows a series of processes/procedures that have been defined as the TRW Automotive Supplier Development Management Processes. This details the methods and tools used by Supplier Development and Supplier Quality from the initial assessment at a potential new supplier through launch and into intensive supplier improvement and tactical monitoring within operations. The horizontal axis of the figure follows the product development stages, starting with Concept Validation. Figure 1. Global Supplier Development Management ProcessTRW Automotive’s product development process, Global Development Product Introduction Management (GDPIM), initiates with the quoting process to our customers. Once a program is awarded, engineering works on concepts to meet the customers’ specifications and requirements. The process continues on to validation of the design. Design Validation (DV) builds take place during this stage.G D P I M G a t e 7G D P I M G a t e 5D20.200 Component Design Review (Production)D10.100 Supplier Initial Assessment AuditD20.507 PreliminaryCapacity StudyD20.600 Supplier PPAPG D P I M G a t e 4D20.500 Supplier Run at RateD20.400 Supplier LaunchReadiness ReviewD20.100 Advanced Product Quality PlanningLAUNCH CONCEPTVALIDATION DESIGN VALIDATION PRODUCT AND PROCESS DEVELOPMENT D30.100 Part and ProcessAuditG D P I M G a t e 6D20.100 Advanced Quality Planning. Component CriticalityAssessmentTRW AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROCESS CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTSTART OFPRODUCTION D20.600 Supplier PPAP (Change Management)D30.100 Part and Process AuditD30.200 Scorecard Safe Launch PlanNext is the development of the product and the process. TRW facilities are installing the assembly equipment, engineering is working together with the customer to assure the product meets all performance and appearance, where applicable, requirements. During this stage suppliers are developing their tooling and processes to provide material for future serial production. Also during this period, many suppliers will be required to supply components/materials for equipment tryouts and product validation (PV) builds and testing. Supplier should also be constructing ramp-up plans to meet initial production requirements and creating contingency plans to address catastrophic events that would prevent the supply of materials under normal production conditions.After the approval of the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) package, and with the start of serial production, many suppliers will participate in Safe Launch Planning. For a pre-determined period of time or number of components, the supplier and the TRW facilities will employ an expanded inspection process on key characteristics. Once the program transitions from Launch into Production, the supplier shall continue to use the validated process. Any changes to that process, see Supplier Request for Change (2C.2), requires TRW’s approv al before the change is implemented. Suppliers whose performance during this phase does not meet agreed upon goals and metrics will be subject to one or more intensive improvement tools.1G. Government Regulatory ComplianceSuppliers shall comply with all applicable governmental regulations. These regulations relate to the health and safety of the workers, environment protection, toxic and hazardous materials, and free trade. Suppliers should recognize that the applicable government regulations might include those in the country of manufacture, as well the country of sale. Registration to ISO14001 is strongly recommended.1H. End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV)/International Material Data System (IMDS) ReportingThe End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive, 2000/53/EC, was enacted by the European Commission "to minimize the impact of end-of-life vehicles on the environment." The use of lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium are prohibited in vehicles and their components, except for certain exemptions published in Annex II of the Directive. This is a mandated requirement for European Union (EU) Member States and also required by North American, and some Japanese, vehicle manufacturers.Additionally, other legal requirements, such as EU Directives 2002/95/EC, 2002/96/EC, and 2003/11/EC restrict the use of certain flame retardant substances: polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). PBBs or PBDEs shall not be present in components or materials supplied to TRW Automotive.Suppliers in all regions shall ensure that all components and materials supplied to any TRW Automotive facility comply with the above-mentioned legal requirements.TRW Automotive has developed new lead-free specifications to define the materials, processing and performance of lead-free components that are purchased for use in lead-free soldering environments (refer to TRW Lead-Free Performance Requirements). Suppliers of affected components shall meet the lead-free specifications.To ensure compliance with the various legal and customer requirements, TRW Automotive requires its suppliers to report information on materials within their respective components. The International Material Data System (IMDS) has been developed by vehicle manufacturers to collect and manage this data.Suppliers shall submit the required ELV data to TRW Automotive as soon as possible upon award of new business, but in any case prior to the PPAP submission. The supplier as part of the PPAP submission shall provide confirmation to TRW’s acceptance of the ELV data. Refer to section 2B.4, Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) for further explanation of the submission requirements.TRW Automotive accepts two formats for suppliers to submit ELV data:••Direct entry into IMDS via the Internet ().••Electronic submission via the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) End-of-Vehicle-Life Reporting Tool (downloadable from ).For suppliers located within the Asian-Pacific region, please contact your SDE for specific ELV requirements.Suppliers to TRW-Commercial Steering Systems are exempt from the ELV initiative due to the classification of CSS product per the ELV directive.IJ. European Quality Assurance AgreementThis agreement shall be requested, from all suppliers to TRW’s European organization. It controls suppliers’and TRW’s responsibilities and tasks for the key quality processes in respect to the Global Supplier Quality Manual and the legal requirements of specific countries. The supplier is responsible for review of the Quality Assurance Agreement, when provided.Product Line Specific Processes and ProceduresTRW Product LineTRWRegionDocument NameDocumentNumberDescriptionBraking, Linkage & Suspension, Steering Europe;Asia/PacificQuality AssuranceAgreementGSQM-190A QualityAssuranceAgreementBraking, Linkage & Suspension, Steering Europe Quality AssuranceAgreement –Appendix EuropeGSQM-191A List of offices andfacilities inEurope.Braking, Linkage & Suspension, Asia/Pacific Quality AssuranceAgreement –AppendixGSQM-192A List of offices andfacilities in theAsian-PacificSteering Asia/Pacific region.Occupant Safety Systems Europe Quality AssuranceAgreement GuidelineGSQM-OSS10.40GProcedure thatdefines thepurpose andscope of theQualityAgreement.Quality AssuranceAgreement FormGSQM-OSS10.40FQualityAssuranceAgreement form.1K. GeneralThis manual is 'distributed' only via the posting on the TRW website at /. Printed copies are uncontrolled documents. While TRW will communicate to the suppliers major revisions to this manual, the suppliers are expected to remain up to date on TRW requirements by frequently visiting the TRW website. Visiting this website should become a business routine as TRW shifts to web based communications and applications. Questions regarding this manual should be directed to the TRW contacts listed on the TRW website /.Section 2 - TRW Automotive RequirementsTRW Automotive bases its supply management requirements on four key processes. These are the supplier selection process, new product launch, continuous improvement, and supplier intensive improvement. These key processes are global in nature, as are any of their referenced procedures. In some instances, because of unique system configurations, product lines and regions may have specific processes, procedures, and/or forms that may only pertain to conducting business with them. These unique requirements will be found in a table at the end of each section.2A. Criteria for Selection as a TRW Automotive Supplier2A.1. ISO/TS 16949:2002 RegistrationTRW Automotive's goal for all suppliers of materials and services affecting productionmaterial is to demonstrate compliance to ISO/TS 16949:2002. Suppliers shall also complywith TRW Automotive specific requirements defined in the Global Supplier Quality Manual(GSQM), found at /.••Suppliers to TRW Automotive shall be third party certified to ISO9001:2000 or ISO/TS 16949:2002 by June 1, 2004. This is consistent withTRW's customer expectations, and ISO9001: 2000 is seen as the first step inbecoming ISO/TS 16949:2002 certified. The scope of this requirement affectssubassembly, sequencing, sorting, rework and calibration services in addition todirect material suppliers.••Suppliers, with manufacturing capability, shall continue on to ISO/TS 16949:2002 third party registration by submitting a plan with details includinginternal self-appraisals and the name of the third party registrar body. A plan toachieve certification shall be submitted to your respective commodity buyer andSupplier Development Engineer. Third party certification to ISO/TS 16949:2002shall be completed no later than July 1, 2006.TRW Automotive recommends for its suppliers to continue using the latest AutomotiveIndustry Action Group (AIAG) versions of the Advanced Product Quality Planning andControl Plan (APQP), Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), MeasurementSystem Analysis (MSA), Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), and Statistical Process Control (SPC) manuals as guidelines for their system development.For these publications, visit .2A.2. e-Business CapabilitiesSuppliers shall have email, Internet access and Internet browser as a minimum for eBusiness capability. This is required to participate in TRW's web based applications andcommunications such as:••Measure of Performance System (MOPS)/Supplier Scorecard,••Concern Tracking System,••Program Tracking System,••Supply Web, EDI & ASNs,••Supplier Audit Database (SAD),••Global Supplier Quality Manual.Suppliers are responsible for maintaining contact information in the VIN Supplier Master.These contacts include the top management representatives, and the required informationincludes phone numbers and email addresses. Additionally, suppliers shall, at minimum,maintain and update their certification status, once per year. Any change in certification or status must immediately be communicated to your respective commodity manager and SDE.Certification status is also accessible to suppliers through their scorecard. This information is updated monthly.2A.3. New Supplier/Location QualificationNew suppliers who wish to be added, as a supplier, to TRW Automotive shall:••Demonstrate compliance at a minimum to ISO9001: 2000 with a plan to achieve ISO/TS 16949:2002 upon approval,••Meet all commercial and financial requirements of the relevant TRW product line,••Complete the New Supplier Questionnaire (D10.200).••Successfully pass a TRW New Supplier Audit (D10.105) with a minimum score of 80%. Guidelines for this audit can be found in the Supplier AssessmentProtocol (D10.104).Suppliers directed for use by TRW's customers shall meet all the criteria defined by thisdocument.2A.4 New Supplier Assessment CriteriaDuring supplier selection and assessment, TRW will perform various audits to confirmsupplier capability, beyond the certification level. The primary focus areas are depicted in Figure 2 below. Each area requires a minimum score of 80 and overall of 80, or greater, to be considered for sourcing. Suppliers that initially do not score acceptably will be allowed to develop action plans and timelines to correct any deficiencies and then request a re-audit to verify implementation of these actions.Figure 2. New Supplier Audit cover page.2B. New Product Launch2B.1. IntroductionNew Product Launch initiates at design concept and runs through a production launch of a new component. When specified by the TRW SDE, suppliers shall use the TRW Global Supplier Development Management Process (Figure 1) when launching new product for TRW Automotive. TRW Automotive New Product Introduction teams will definecomponent criticality during the product development cycle. This designation determines the involvement of TRW Supplier Development in the APQP and launch process of suppliers.Figure 2. New Supplier Audit cover page. 606060606060Supplier:Audit Date:New Supplier AuditTRW SDE:8080Section Score Points for GreenQuality Management Systems82.0080Quality Mgmt.Product Planning Supplier Management Quality Control Manufacturing Commodity 82≥ 60,< 80Systems acceptable, butrequires action plan (Intermediate Risk)Systems meet or exceed requirements. (MinimumRisk)≥ 80< 60Systems unable to meet requirements (High Risk)8078806680738086808780Overvall 78.79Quality Control72.75Manufacturing86.17Product Planning Supplier ManagementCommodity Specific86.678077.9666.4380808020406080100Quality Mgmt.Product PlanningSupplier ManagementQuality Control Manufacturing Commodity Specific Questions relating to commodity process parameters and learned lessons● Quality Management●Management Responsibility ● Document Management ● Resource Management● Product Realization●Design and Development ● Advanced Quality Planning●Supply Chain Management (with a focus on sub-tier supplier management)● Incoming Inspection and Layout● Quality Control●Statistical Process Control ● Control of Monitoring Devices● Non-Conforming Product● Process Improvement●Identification and Traceability ● Production Control● Manufacturing Monitoring ● Inventory and Storage ● Preventive MaintenanceAll suppliers, regardless of component criticality, shall use a disciplined launch and APQP process.2B.2. Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)Suppliers shall provide APQP status reports for a new product with regard to meeting the Program objectives of quality, cost, performance and timing. TRW will provide the format, frequency, and the required content of these reports. TRW prefers for their suppliers to use the forms included in this document. Suppliers whose components/materials that TRW has designated as Critical A shall use the TRW Automotive forms available through this manual, and shall complete those forms in English . Suppliers whose components/materials are designated as other than Critical A, and who wish to use an alternative format shall contact their Supplier Development Engineer and demonstrate equivalency between the forms before any submission is made. When required, suppliers shall use TRW's online reporting system for Program tracking.Suppliers to TRW are responsible for managing their new product introduction process to the guideline s provided in this document. TRW’s APQP process consists of five phases as shown below. Deliverables for the five phases are defined in Figure 3. Figure 3. Key APQP elements by phase.APQP-1Phase ••APQP-1Initial APQP Kick-offInitial Supplier Program Plan & Timing•APQP Requirements Review Process Flow Diagram, PFMEA, and Control Plan•Component Design Review •Initiate APQP Progress Report •Theoretical Capacity Study •Initiate Open issues Document •Product Characteristic Matrix••APQP-2Design Review•Component Design Update •Supplier Schedule Review •APQP Progress ReviewUpdated Process Flow Diagram, PFMEA, and Control Plan review Equipment, Tooling, & Gage Plan Review•Open Issues Update •Sub-Contractor Supply Plan •Product Char. Matrix Update••APQP-3Process Design Review•Component Design Update •Supplier Schedule Review •APQP Progress ReviewUpdated Process Flow Diagram, PFMEA, and Control Plan review Equipment, Tooling, & Gage Plan Review•Open Issues Update •Capacity study•Sub-Contractor Supply Plan •Product Char. Matrix Update••APQP-4Pre-PPAP•Component Design Update •Supplier Schedule Review •APQP Progress ReviewUpdated Process Flow Diagram, PFMEA, and Control Plan review Equipment, Tooling, & Gage Plan Review•Open Issues Update •Develop Safe Launch Plan •Sub-Contractor Supply Plan •Product Char. Matrix UpdateAPQP-5Prod/Proc Validation & Launch•Launch Readiness Review •Part & Process Audit •PPAP•Lot Traceability•Run at Rate / Capacity Verification •Open Issue Closure Verification •Initiate Safe Launch PlanSupplier Management –APQP Key ElementsDescriptionActionsThis is the “Kick-off” phase. It begins with the award of work to the supplier. During this period TRW defines the key milestones, deliverables and expectations of the supplier for the given component and program. Suppliers’ input to this phase include:••Initial timing plan,••Process Flow diagram, Initial PFMEA and Control Plan,••Manufacturing Feasibility Sign-off,••Project schedule,••Tooling & Capital Equipment plan, and••Preliminary Capacity Study (D20.507)••Product Characteristic Matrix (D20.205)Tools used during this, and all other, phases include:••Component Design Review (D20.202)••APQP Progress Report (D20.105)••APQP Tracking Report (D20.102)APQP-2During this period the supplier completes their tooling and equipment design and start on building/assembling the process. Meetings may be held to review the progress of APQP items and resolution of open actions. Supplier input includes:••Updated schedule,••Updated Flow Diagram, PFMEA and Control Plan,••Updated Tooling & Equipment plan,••Updated APQP Progress Report,••Updated Capacity Study,••Updated Product Characteristic Matrix,••Measurement/Test Equipment plan, and•• A Sub-contractor Supply plan.APQP-3This segment reviews the results of the APQP-2 phase. Meetings may be held to review the progress of APQP items and resolution of open actions. Supplier input includes an update to the APQP-2 deliverables.APQP-4This is the Pre-PPAP or Pre-Validation phase. This phase is defined by the process development and validation activity. During this phase open issues generated by the previous phases are tracked to their resolution. In addition to updates of the APQP-2 deliverables, the supplier input includes:••Ramp plan and••Safe Launch Plan (Product Characteristic Matrix).APQP-5This segment is the Product and Process Validation, and Launch, stage of the process. It is during this segment that the supplier completes a validation run on the production process, submits a Production Product Approval Process (PPAP) package. Suppliers shall conduct, during this segment•• A Run at Rate on the process,••Complete a Launch Readiness Review, and•• A Part and Process Audit.Depending on the component criticality, the SDE may either be present for these events, require submission of the results, or may review at the supplier’s facility during a future visit.As stated previously, regardless of component/material complexity, every supplier is required to conduct and execute the APQP process. Suppliers who wish to use other reporting formats than defined in this document shall have written approval from their SDE. Determination of Manufacturing Feasibility and/or Preliminary Capacity Study may be required for every new or modified product design or manufacturing process based on engineering changes. These are completed, and submitted, just after the Request for Quotation (RFQ) has been accepted and prior to any commitment for facilities or tool development.TRW Product LineTRWRegionDocument NameDocumentNumberDescriptionAutomotive Global ManufacturingFeasibility D20.152 ManufacturingFeasibility Sign-offform.Occupant Safety Systems Europe ManufacturingFeasibility Sign-offGuidelineGSQM-OSS20.10GDefines purpose andprocedure forcompleting theManufacturingFeasibility form.ManufacturingFeasibility Sign-offformGSQM-OSS20.10FManufacturingFeasibility Sign-offform.Key TRW Automotive global APQP events/forms include:••Supplier Component/Process Design Review - a formal drawing and validation plan review involving a TRW cross-functional team and the supplier. This is a key event in the APQP process. Suppliers are expected to conduct an internal design review before attending any held by TRW. It is also beneficial for suppliers to invite representatives from their sub-tier suppliers to join their team for this meeting. An。

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LOGO汽车电子产品质量手册XXXXXX有限公司文件会审表修订记录颁布令为规范本公司车辆网零部件产品的质量管理过程,提供满足客户要求的产品和服务,XXXXXX有限公司(以下简称公司)基于公司ISO9001质量管理体系的要求,依据ISO/TS 16949:2009标准及有关法律法规的要求,结合本公司的实际情况,编制了汽车电子产品质量手册。




总经理:XXX2016年XX月 XX日管理者代表任命书为保持公司汽车电子产品质量管理体系适宜性、充分性和有效性,加强对质量管理体系运作的领导,特任命 XXX 先生为我公司汽车电子产品质量管理体系的管理者代表。

管理者代表的职责和权限:1.确保按照ISO/TS 16949:2009 标准的要求建立、实施和保持质量管理体系;2.向总经理报告质量管理体系的运行业绩及改进需求,以供评审和作为质量管理体系改进的基础;3.在全公司范围内使全体员工形成组织依存于客户、全面满足客户要求的意识;4.就质量管理体系有关事宜与外部各方的沟通和联络工作。

总经理:XXX2016年XX月XX日顾客代表任命书为保持公司汽车电子产品质量管理体系适宜性、充分性和有效性,加强对质量管理体系运作的领导,特任命 XXX 先生为我公司汽车电子产品质量管理体系的顾客代表。




总经理:XXX2016年XX月 XX日公司概况XXXXXX有限公司(XXXXXX TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD)成立于xxxx年x月,是一家为汽车及关联行业提供IS/IT规划、软件研发、网络工程、信息系统运维服务、汽车工程与设计、大数据服务、车主服务中心等,专注计算机信息服务及客户服务的企业。




公司秉承打造具有国际竞争力企业的愿景和“客户、员工、公司和合作伙伴共创价值、共同发展”的使命和价值观,未来将持续稳定发展!目录修订记录 (3)颁布令 (4)管理者代表任命书 (5)顾客代表任命书 (6)公司概况 (7)目录 (8)1 目的及适用范围 (10)1.1目的 (10)1.2 范围 (10)2 引用标准 (10)2.1文件引用 (10)2.1.1引用标准 (10)2.1.2 核心工具 (10)3 术语和定义 (11)4 质量管理体系 (11)4.1 总要求 (11)4.2文件要求 (14)4.2.2质量手册 (14)S1 文件、记录管理(4.2.3;4.2.4) (14)5 管理职责 (15)5.1 管理承诺 (15)5.1.1过程有效性 (16)5.2 以客户为关注焦点 (16)5.3 质量方针 (16)S3 管理控制(5.3;5.4.1;;5.5.1;;5.5.2;5.5.3) (16)S4 管理评审(5.6; (17)6资源管理 (18)6.1资源提供 (18)S6 人力资源管理(6.2.1;6.2.2) (19)S7 资产管理(6.3;6.3.1;6.3.2;6.4;6.4.1;6.4.2) (19)7产品实现 (21)C1市场分析(7.2) (21)C2合同评审(7.2.2) (21)C3产品开发(7.1;7.3) (22)C4过程开发(7.1;7.3) (23)C5生产件批准( (23)S8采购管理(7.4) (24)S9供方管理(7.4.3;; (25)C6生产制造(7.5) (26)C7产品交付(7.5.1;7.5.5;) (27)C8服务和客户反馈(;;7.2.3;;; (27)S10 实验室管理( (28)S11监视测量管理(7.6) (29)8 测量、分析和改进 (30)8.1总则 (30)S12顾客满意度管理(8.2.1; (31)S5 内部审核(8.2.2;;;;; (32)8.2.3 过程的监视和测量 (32) 制造过程的监视和测量 (32)8.2.4 产品的监视和测量 (33) 全尺寸检验和功能试验 (34) 外观项目 (34)S13不合格品管理(8.3;8.5.2;8.5.3) (34)S14 持续改进(8.5.1;; (35)附录质量管理体系过程职责分配表 (36)1 目的及适用范围1.1目的本手册的目的是确定汽车电子产品量产产品开发的质量管理的程序和要求,实施满足《ISO/TS16949:2009质量体系要求-汽车生产件及相关维修件组织应用ISO9001:2008的特别要求》和公司内部的使用需求,符合国家的法律法规以及各项政策规定的质量管理体系。




1.2 范围本手册适用于公司汽车电子产品量产开发项目质量管理过程。

2 引用标准2.1文件引用2.1.1引用标准1)ISO 9000:2005 质量管理体系基础和术语2)ISO/TS 16949:2009 质量管理体系汽车生产件及相关维修零件组织应用ISO 9001:2008的特别要求3)CMMI-DEV 1.3 能力成熟度模型集成2.1.2 核心工具a) 统计过程控制(Statistical Process Control, SPC) 第二版2005b) 产品质量先期策划和控制计划(Advanced Product Quality Planning andControl Plan APQP) 第二版2008c) 生产件批准程序(Production Part Approval Process, PPAP) 第四版2006d) 潜在失效模式及后果分析(Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, FMEA) 第四版2008e) 测量系统分析(Measurement System Analysis, MSA) 第四版2010.63 术语和定义3.1 本手册采用《ISO9000:2005 质量管理体系基础和术语》及《ISO/TS 16949:2009 质量管理体系汽车生产件及相关维修零件组织应用ISO 9001:2008的特别要求》标准中规定的有关术语和定义。

3.2 为便于理解和执行本手册的要求,另对以下术语进行定义:3.2.1 本公司:指XXXXXX有限公司3.2.2 工装: 刀具、夹具、量具、模具和辅具。

3.2.3 作业指导书:规定产品或零部件制造工艺过程和操作方法的工艺文件和检验文件3.2.3特殊过程:对生产或服务提供过程的输出不易或不能由后续的监视或测量加以验证 使问题在产品使用后或服务交付后才显现的过程。

4 质量管理体系公司按照引用标准的要求,建立质量管理体系,形成文件,加以实施和保持,持续提高产品和服务质量水平,确保过程的有效管理和改进,以满足客户在质量领域对公司的期望和要求4.1 总要求公司按ISO9001:2008、ISO/TS16949:2009标准的相关要求,采用过程方法建立质量管理体系,形成文件,加以实施和保持,并持续改进。



公司质量管理采用过程方法并做到:a) 识别所需的过程及在公司中的运用(如:A、B、C、D 所描述)b) 确定过程顺序及相互作用(如图1描述了质量管理体系过程顺序及相互关系;章鱼图E 描述了质量管理体系过程分类关系;矩阵图方法F描述了2 类过程相互关系)A、按过程定义的质量管理体系过程:一组将输入转化为输出的相互关联的或相互作用的活动。










S1:文件管理S2:外包过程S3:管理控制S4:管理评审S5:内部审核S6:人力资源S7:资产管理S8:采购管理S9:供方管理S10:实验室管理S11:监视测量管理S12:顾客满意度管理S13:不合格品管理S14:改进E、公司质量管理体系过程分类关系图顾客导向过程支持过程C1市场分析C2合同评审C3产品开发C4过程开发C5生产件批准C6生产制造C7产品交付C8服务和客户反馈S1:文件管理√√√√√√√√c) 为了确保这些过程的有效运行和控制,公司定义了所需的准则和方法;d) 确保过程所需的资源和信息的获得;e) 监测并分析这些过程。

