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绍兴环球雅思口语老师Jamie 交流Q 244075379
Describe a pl ace you have worked or studied
Where this pl ace was
What this pl ace looked like
What you did there
And expl ain why you chose to study at this pl ace/how you felt about this pl ace
Describe an old building that you visited
Where it was
What people do there
Why you went it
And expl ain how you felt about this building
Describe a pl ace near water that you enjoy visiting
Describe an interesting country(not your own) you like
Describe a pl ace(not in your country) you like to visit
Describe a seaside pl ace you like to visit
Where it is
What you like about it
What you do there
Who you go there with
And expl ain why you like to visit it
范文!The trip by p ublic trans port I would like to talk about is my family journey to Sanya, a city in
southern China ' Hainan p rovince. And I supp ose it must have been about 12 years ago when we travelled there.
But sur prisingly what happ ened to me on that trip is still vivid in my mind.
As for why I took the trip, it was simply because my p arents intended to celebrate something that I won the first
p rize of an English sp eaking contest. And all family members unanimously chose to visit sanya, one of the most celebrated(famous and p raised) costal tourist city in china even in Asia I supp ose
Regarding what I did on that trip, I should say, I enjoyed a lot. Actually it was the first time for my whole
family to see the sea. Believe it or not, the minute the blue ocean entered our sight, we all got crazy
immediately and dashed to it.
As you can p robably imagine, it was really an unforgettable exp erience to ste p on the soft
beach with bare feet and jump into the sea in hot summer.Besides, we got the oppo rtunity to
about two or three weeks ago when we went there.
app reciate the fantastic sea world by means of some kind of boat, where so many unknown creatures were highly
eye-op ening. As a whole, that was quite an imp ressive trip!
Describe a p ark/garden you visited and liked
Where it is
What it looked like
What peo pie did
And expl ain how you felt about this garden
Describe a pl ace where people go to listen to music
Where is it
What kind of music is p erformed there
What type of people go there
And expl ain your imp ressions of this pl ace
Well, I would like to talk about a park which is somewhere in the outskirts of the city, just a
As for what kind of music is p erformed there, actually, various kinds of music can be heard in that park
such as op era, pop and classical music.
Regarding what type of people go there, most are senior citizens esp ecially in the mornings.
Because park is where the elder relax most. I always find them enjoying Shaoxing opera there. Sometimes,
they even sing together to the music which is quite hilarious.
Finally moving on to my imp ressions of this pl ace, this park I bet is really suitable esp ecially for
senior citizens to listen to music simply because they can app reciate what they love since young
generation normally will not go there. Most impo rtantly, they can even relax there
while listing to music like pl aying taichi, kongfu. Moreover chat with their
friend and kee p them informed of latest information. So more pl aces like this
should be encouraged to build for the sake of old people. Describe a house or ap artment that you have (recently) visited.
You should say: where it was (or is) when you visited it what it looked like and expl ain why you visited
well the pl ace that I
' like to talk to you about was with my p arents, which was not far from where we live. And I supp ose
it must have been few minutes
walk from where I live.
.It offers them a good chance to
actually a show home that I went to visit