
电子设备可靠性测试标准1、ISO国际标准化组织中,ISO/TC22/SC3 负责汽车电气和电子技术领域的标准化工作。
目前ISO 制订的汽车电子标准环境条件和试验标准主要包含如下方面:ISO16750-1:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:总则ISO16750-2:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:供电环境ISO16750-3:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:机械环境ISO16750-4:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:气候环境ISO16750-5:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:化学环境ISO20653 汽车电子设备防护外物、水、接触的等级ISO21848 道路车辆-供电电压42V 的电气和电子装备电源环境国内目前汽车电子产品的环境试验标准主要还是按照产品的技术条件来规定。
全国汽车标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC114)正在参照ISO 标准制订相应的国家和行业标准。
ISO 的标准在欧美车系的车厂中得到了广泛采用,而日系车厂的要求相对ISO 标准来说偏离较大。
为了确保达到标准的限值,各汽车车厂的内控的环境条件标准一般比ISO 的要求要苛刻。
2、AEC 系列标准上个世纪九十年代,克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车为建立一套通用的零件资质及质量系统标准而设立了汽车电子委员会(AEC),AEC 建立了质量控制的标准。
AEC-Q-100 芯片应力测试的认证规范是AEC 的第一个标准。
AEC-Q-100 于1994 年首次发表,由于符合AEC 规范的零部件均可被上述三家车厂同时采用,促进了零部件制造商交换其产品特性数据的意愿,并推动了汽车零件通用性的实施,使得AEC 标准逐渐成为汽车电子零部件的通用测试规范。
经过10 多年的发展,AEC-Q-100 已经成为汽车电子系统的通用标准。
在AEC-Q-100 之后又陆续制定了针对离散组件的AEC-Q-101 和针对被动组件的AEC-Q-200 等规范,以及AEC-Q001/Q002/Q003/Q004 等指导性原则。

汽车电子可靠性测试项目-(全)-16750-1-to-5————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:进军国际AM/OEM市场汽车电子可靠度验证势在必行2009/5ISO 16750攸关汽车电子装置验证要求,因此国内业者欲跨足汽车电子后装(AM)或者原始设备制造商(OEM)市场,对本身开发产品所需之环境可靠度验证不可轻忽。
ISO 16750道路车辆电机电子设备环境条件/试验ISO 16750标准共分为五个部分,除第一部分通则之外,其余四个部分分别为电力负载、机械负载、气候负载及化学负载,另外,针对其电源系统分可适用于12伏特(乘客车)及24伏特(商用车)两类,而碍于篇幅限制,本文将仅针对使用占比较大之乘客车(Passenger Car)12伏特系统来分别依据四项负载要求做说明。

汽车电子环境可靠性相关标准介绍1. 简介汽车的控制系统是以高端电子设备为基础,因此电子控制设备的可靠性对整车的可靠性起主导作用。
2. 汽车零部件的使用环境汽车的使用环境比一般的消费电子要严酷很多,包括了温度、湿度、振动、雨水、耐老化性能、电压波动以及电压冲击等因素,表1、表2和表3给出了不同部位的汽车电子的温度湿度和振动条件。
汽车机械滥用试验冲击试验跌落试验刺穿试验翻滚试验挤压试验浸渍试验热量滥用试验电滥用试验辐射热试验热稳定试验热绝缘破坏试验过热试验高温贮存试验热循环试验短路试验部分短路试验过充电试验过放电试验低温试验SAE J2464图1 SAE J2464 试验项目3.4 其他相关标准除了上述广泛使用的汽车电子的环境可靠性标准,还有一些针对电子电器部件的可靠性标准也经常被汽车电子行业采用,这些标准包括:1) MIL-STD-202 电子零部件2) MIL-STD-750 半导体部件3) MIL-STD-883 微电路器件4) EIA-364系列4. 主流车厂试验标准各汽车企业对电子零部件的要求都很高,一般都有自己的企业标准,跟国际标准或者协会标准等通用型标准相比,实验项目大同小异,但是严酷等级会比通用型的标准更高一些;另外,企业标准也往往有一些独特的试验项目。
表5 主流车厂环境可靠性测试标准分析设计开发校验参数、检验试验认证耐久性软件校验EMC 试验电路、热力、机械、可靠性等设计边际、强度等6DUT’s3DUT’s图2 ASAP流程图5.2 GEIA-STD-0009美国国防部(DoD)与工业界和政府电子与信息技术协会(GEIA)近两年密切合作制定了新的环境可靠性试验大纲标准;该标准参考了MIL-STD-785、IEEE 1332和SAE JA1000等可靠性大纲标准并于2008年8月正式发布。

二、汽车电子产品的环境试验标准国际标准化组织中,ISO/TC22/SC3 负责汽车电气和电子技术领域的标准化工作。
我们主要介绍汽车电子的其他特性.目前ISO制订的汽车电子标准环境条件和试验标准主要包含如下方面:⏹ISO16750—1:道路车辆—电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:总则⏹ISO16750-2:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:供电环境⏹ISO16750-3:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:机械环境⏹ISO16750-4:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:气候环境⏹ISO16750-5:道路车辆—电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:化学环境⏹ISO20653 汽车电子设备防护外物、水、接触的等级⏹ISO21848 道路车辆-供电电压42V的电气和电子装备电源环境国内目前汽车电子产品的环境试验标准主要还是按照产品的技术条件来规定。
ISO16750-1 道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验 第1 部分:总则

道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第1部分:总则ISO16750.1全文连载于《环境技术》2007年1期引言ISO 16750旨在按设备样品生存周期内预期将要承受的真实环境,系统地向用户提供一组国际公认的环境条件、试验和运行要求。
ISO 16750在使用中应首先考虑下列因素:- 世界地理和气候道路车辆几乎世界所有的陆地区域使用和运行。
- 车辆的类型车辆的设计属性决定了道路车辆的环境条件,如发动机的类型、发动机的排量、悬挂的特性、车辆的自重、车辆的尺寸、供电电压等。
- 车辆的使用条件和运行方式道路的质量、路面的类型、道路的地形、车辆的使用(连续、牵引、货运,等等)和驾驶习惯都是非常值得重视的道路交通工具的环境条件。
- 设备(样品)生存周期有经验的生产、装运、操作、储存、车辆装配、车辆维护和修理,电子设备(样品)应能抵御同样的环境条件。
ISO 16750的范围包括了这些条件和试验(如操作跌落试验)。
- 车辆的供电电压运行方式、分配系统设计和相应的气候环境将导致车辆使用中的电压变化。
ISO 16750的范围包括了这些条件。
- 在车辆中的安装位置流行的或在未来的概念中,系统/组件是安装在车辆的任何位置。

汽车电子产品环境与可靠性试验标准研究李秋影【摘要】汽车电子产品的可靠性,直接关系到整车的安全性和可靠性,因此其测试要求也比较严格.介绍了汽车电子产品环境与可靠性试验所采用的标准,并对相应标准中的试验项目进行了分析研究;同时,举例分析了试验顺序方案的制定方法.【期刊名称】《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》【年(卷),期】2014(032)006【总页数】15页(P6-20)【关键词】汽车电子;标准;环境试验;可靠性试验;试验项目;顺序【作者】李秋影【作者单位】工业和信息化部电子第五研究所华东分所,江苏苏州 215011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】T-65;U463.60 引言随着汽车工业与电子信息产业的加速融合,汽车电子产品在汽车中的应用越来越广泛;汽车已经向电子化、多媒体化和智能化方向发展,由以机械产品为主向高级机电一体化产品方向演变,电子技术的应用几乎已经深入到汽车的所有系统。
1 汽车零部件的使用环境电子产品应用在汽车上将面临使用环境的挑战。

© ISO 2010
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 16750-5:2003), which has been technically revised. ISO 16750 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment: ⎯ Part 1: General ⎯ Part 2: Electrical loads ⎯ Part 3: Mechanical loads ⎯ Part 4: Climatic loads ⎯ Part 5: Chemical loads
Part 5: Chemical loads

40℃/95%RH 48小时,测试电机与控制器的绝缘电阻值
绝缘电阻按照GB/T 12665的规定进行

一、测试标准1.1SAE_J1939商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN 总线)通讯协议1.2KWP20001.3GB-13837-1997 声音和电视广播接收机及有关设备无线电干扰特性限值和测量方法1.4GB/T9384-2011 广播收音机、广播电视接收机、磁带录音机、声频功率放大器(收音机)的环境实验要求和试验方法1.5GB4013-1995 数字音响技术术语1.6GB/T14277 音频组合设备通用技术条件1.7GB9374-88 声音广播接收机基本参数1.8GB2846-2011 调幅广播收音机测量方法1.9GB6163-2011 调频广播接收机测量方法1.10GB9883-88 广播接收机及有关设备的传导抗扰度特性测量方法1.11Publication315 收音接收机设备的测试方法1.12GB/T 液晶显示器测量方法1.13GB 液晶数字电视广播接收机通用技术规范1.14QCT-413-2002汽车电气设备基本技术条件1.15GB/T 191包装储运图示标志1.16GB/T 2423.17电工电子产品基本环境试验规程试验Ka:盐雾试验方法1.17GB/T 2423.22电工电子产品环境试验第二部分:试验方法试验N:温度变化1.18GB/T 2423.34电工电子产品基本环境试验规程试验Z/AD:温度/湿度组合循环试验方法1.19GB/T 2828.1计数抽样检验程序第一部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划1.20QC/T 238汽车零部件的储存和保管1.21QC/T 29106汽车用低压电线束技术条件1.22ISO16750-2:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:供电环境1.23ISO16750-3:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:机械环境1.24ISO16750-4:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:气候环境1.25ISO16750-5:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:化学环境1.26ISO20653汽车电子设备防护外物、水、接触的等级1.27ISO21848道路车辆-供电电压42V的电气和电子装备电源环境1.28GB 14023-2006 车辆、船和由内燃机驱动的装置无线电骚扰特性限值和测量方法1.29GB 18655-2002 用于保护车载接收机的无线电骚扰特性的限值和测量方法1.30GB/T 17619-1998机动车电子电器组件的电磁辐射抗扰性限值和测量方法1.31GB/T 19951-2005 道路车辆静电放电产生的电骚扰试验方法1.32GB/T 21437.2-2008 道路车辆由传导和耦合引起的电骚扰1.33iso11452 道路车辆窄带发射的电磁能量进行的电子干扰1.34ISO7637-2道路车辆--来自传导和耦合的电气骚扰--第2部分:仅沿供电源线路的瞬时电传导1.35ISO 7637 – 3:Road vehicles -- Electrical disturbances from conductionand coupling -- Part 3: Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply linesISOTR10605—道路车辆.静电放电产生的电气干扰二、测试项目2.1 SAE_J1939商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN 总线)通讯协议物理层—屏蔽双绞线(250K比特/秒)2.2 KWP2000诊断通信协议ISO 9141-2的基础上把数据交换系统扩展到了24V电压系统。

汽车电子可靠性测试及相关标准————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:二、电子设备可靠性测试标准1、ISO国际标准化组织中,ISO/TC22/SC3 负责汽车电气和电子技术领域的标准化工作。
目前ISO 制订的汽车电子标准环境条件和试验标准主要包含如下方面:ISO16750-1:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:总则ISO16750-2:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:供电环境ISO16750-3:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:机械环境ISO16750-4:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:气候环境ISO16750-5:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:化学环境ISO20653 汽车电子设备防护外物、水、接触的等级ISO21848 道路车辆-供电电压42V 的电气和电子装备电源环境国内目前汽车电子产品的环境试验标准主要还是按照产品的技术条件来规定。
全国汽车标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC114)正在参照ISO 标准制订相应的国家和行业标准。
ISO 的标准在欧美车系的车厂中得到了广泛采用,而日系车厂的要求相对ISO 标准来说偏离较大。
为了确保达到标准的限值,各汽车车厂的内控的环境条件标准一般比ISO 的要求要苛刻。
2、AEC 系列标准上个世纪九十年代,克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车为建立一套通用的零件资质及质量系统标准而设立了汽车电子委员会(AEC),AEC 建立了质量控制的标准。
AEC-Q-100 芯片应力测试的认证规范是AEC 的第一个标准。
AEC-Q-100 于1994 年首次发表,由于符合AEC 规范的零部件均可被上述三家车厂同时采用,促进了零部件制造商交换其产品特性数据的意愿,并推动了汽车零件通用性的实施,使得AEC 标准逐渐成为汽车电子零部件的通用测试规范。

ISO-16750 是一个如何面对汽车电子安全性随着各种环境条件所产生的品质因素,以确保道路车辆行车安全的规范。
ISO-16750 涵盖测试范围ISO-16750-2 (电力负载)主要环境条件为直流电压,过电压等12项测试此部分并无安装位置区分,适用于任何道路车辆之电子装置ISO-16750-3(机械负载)主要环境条件为引擎产生的正弦震动,行驶于道路的随机震动,搬运或凹凸路面所产生的机械冲击,磨耗强度,碎石冲击以及表面强度……等6项测试ISO-16750-4(气候负载)此负载测试条件共16项:归纳其主要环境条件分别为:高低温,温度变化,冰水冲击,温度冲击,防尘防水,盐雾,气体腐蚀,湿执,太阳辐射…………ISO-16750-5(化学负载)此负载测试包含26种液体:包括机油,汽油,清洁剂,液压油…………以下重点分析ISO-16750-2 电力负载。

iso16750-1第1 部分:总则ISO16750.1 全文连载于《环境技术》2007 年1 期引言ISO 16750 旨在按设备样品生存周期内预期将要承受的真实环境,系统地向用户提供一组国际公认的环境条件、试验和运行要求。
ISO 16750 在使用中应首先考虑下列因素:- 世界地理和气候道路车辆几乎世界所有的陆地区域使用和运行。
- 车辆的类型车辆的设计属性决定了道路车辆的环境条件,如发动机的类型、发动机的排量、悬挂的特性、车辆的自重、车辆的尺寸、供电电压等。
- 车辆的使用条件和运行方式道路的质量、路面的类型、道路的地形、车辆的使用(连续、牵引、货运,等等)和驾驶习惯都是非常值得重视的道路交通工具的环境条件。
- 设备(样品)生存周期有经验的生产、装运、操作、储存、车辆装配、车辆维护和修理,电子设备(样品)应能抵御同样的环境条件。
ISO 16750 的范围包括了这些条件和试验(如操作跌落试验)。
- 车辆的供电电压运行方式、分配系统设计和相应的气候环境将导致车辆使用中的电压变化。
ISO 16750 的范围包括了这些条件。
- 在车辆中的安装位置流行的或在未来的概念中,系统/组件是安装在车辆的任何位置。

This part of ISO 16750 describes chemical loads. It is not designed to evaluate whether an electrical/electronic system/component is suitable for performing during continuous contact with an agent, such as a fuel pump immersed continuously in fuel.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 16750-1, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 1: General ISO 16750-4, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 4: Climatic loads
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 16750-5:2003), which has been technically revised. ISO 16750 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment: ⎯ Part 1: General ⎯ Part 2: Electrical loads ⎯ Part 3: Mechanical loads ⎯ Part 4: Climatic loads ⎯ Part 5: Chemical loads

Reference number ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16750-1First edition 2003-12-15Road vehicles — Environmentalconditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 1: GeneralVéhicules routiers — Spécifications d'environnement et essais de l'équipement électrique et électronique — Partie 1: GénéralitésN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.© ISO 2003All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2003 — All rights reservedN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003 — All rights reservediiiContents PageForeword............................................................................................................................................................iv Introduction........................................................................................................................................................v 1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................1 2 Normative references ...........................................................................................................................1 3 Terms and definitions...........................................................................................................................1 4 Classification by mounting location...................................................................................................2 5 Operating modes...................................................................................................................................4 6 Functional status classification ..........................................................................................................4 7 Tests and requirements........................................................................................................................5 8Designation (6)Annex A (informative) Example test sequence plan.......................................................................................8 Annex B (informative) Example life test/statement of reliability.. (9)N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)iv © ISO 2003 — All rights reservedForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 16750-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles , Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical and electronic equipment .ISO 16750 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment : Part 1: General Part 2: Electrical loads Part 3: Mechanical loadsPart 4: Climatic loads Part 5: Chemical loadsN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003 — All rights reservedvIntroductionThe objective of ISO 16750 as a whole is to assist the user in systematically defining and/or applying a set of internationally accepted environmental conditions, tests and operating requirements, based on the anticipated actual environment in which the equipment will be operated and to which it will be exposed during its life cycle. The following environmental factors have been considered in the development of ISO 16750. World geography and climateRoad vehicles are owned and operated in nearly all land regions of the earth. Significant variation in environmental conditions owing to climatic environment, including diurnal and seasonal cycles, can therefore be expected. Consideration has been given to worldwide ranges in temperature, humidity, precipitation and atmospheric conditions, including dust, pollution and altitude. Type of vehicleEnvironmental conditions in and on road vehicles can depend on vehicle design attributes such as engine type, engine size, suspension characteristics, vehicle mass, vehicle size, electrical supply voltage and so on. Consideration has been given to typical types of vehicles, including commercial vehicles (heavy trucks), passenger cars and trucks, and diesel and gasoline engines. Vehicle use conditions and operating modesEnvironmental conditions in and on the vehicle vary significantly with road quality, type of road surface, road topography, vehicle use (commuting, towing, cargo transport, etc.) and driving habit. Operating modes such as storage, starting, driving, stopping and so on have been considered. Equipment life cycleElectrical and electronic equipment must also be resistant to environmental conditions experienced during manufacture, shipping, handling, storage, vehicle assembly and vehicle maintenance and repair. Such conditions and test (e.g. handling drop test) are within the scope of ISO 16750. Vehicle supply voltageSupply voltage varies with vehicle use, operating mode, electrical distribution system design and even climatic conditions. Faults within the vehicle electrical system, such as alternator overvoltage and intermittences in connection systems, may occur. Such conditions are within the scope of ISO 16750. Mounting location in the vehicleIn current or future car concepts, systems/components are mounted in almost any location of the car. The environmental requirements for each specific application greatly depend on its mounting location. Each location in a car has its own distinct set of environmental loads. As an example, the range of temperatures in the engine compartment differs a lot from the range in the passenger compartment. This is also true for the vibration loads. But in this case, not only the vibration levels are different, the type of vibration load also varies. Body mount components are typically exposed to random vibrations, whereas, for engine mount systems/components, the additional sine vibration from the engine has to be considered. Additionally, devices installed in doors are exposed to a high number of mechanical shocks from door slamming.N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)vi © ISO 2003 — All rights reservedIt is desirable for the car manufacturer to group the different environmental load types and levels in a reasonable number of standard requirement sets. This strategy makes it possible to carry systems/components from one car project to another. Furthermore, the exact requirement levels are often unknown when designing a component for a future car concept. The expected environmental loads are usually compiled from other car concepts with similar conditions. The grouping is normally done by mounting location. But it is difficult to define the correct number of different mounting locations and respective load profiles owing to a conflict of aims between having only a few requirement classes and tailoring to the requirement levels for each application. The reason is that environmental loads are not only dependent on mounting location. Other major factors affect the stress levels for systems/components. For example, body styles, drive train concepts or package densities can create absolutely different requirement levels for devices that are installed in different cars at almost the same location.The concept of ISO 16750 is to define requirement classes for separate load types. The Standard distinguishes between electrical, mechanical, thermal, climatic and chemical loads. For each load type, several requirement classes are defined. Every requirement class is determined by a specific code letter. The complete environmental requirement set is created by defining the code letter combination. The code letters are defined in the relevant parts of ISO 16750. A Table in Annex A of relevant parts of ISO 16750 gives the usual mounting locations together with examples of their respective code letters. For normal applications, these are the code letters to be used. If an application is very specific and because of this the given code letter combinations cannot be used, it is possible to create new code letter combinations to serve this purpose. In order that none of the given code letters is reused, new requirement levels can be created by using the code letter “Z”. In this case, the specific requirements need to be defined separately but it is desirable not to change the test methods.The user of ISO 16750 would be well advised to consider at least the following mounting locations for a device under test (DUT) with respect to thermal, mechanical, climatic and chemical load. a) Responsibility of manufacturerDue to technological limitations or variations in vehicle design, the vehicle manufacturer could be required to place a component in a location where it cannot withstand the environmental conditions specified in ISO 16750. Under these circumstances, it is the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer to provide the necessary environmental protection.b) Applicability to wiring harnesses, cables and electrical connectorsAlthough some environmental conditions and tests in ISO 16750 could be relevant to vehicle wiring harnesses, cables and connectors, its scope is not sufficient to be used as a complete standard. Therefore, ISO 16750 is not designed to be directly applied to such devices and equipment. Other, applicable standards have to be taken into account. c) Applicability to parts or assemblies in or on equipmentISO 16750 specifies environmental conditions of, and tests for, electrical and electronic equipment directly mounted in or on the vehicle. On the one hand, it is not intended for direct application to parts or assemblies that are part of the equipment. For example, ISO 16750 is not to be directly applied to integrated circuits (ICs) or discrete components, electrical connectors, printed circuit boards (PCBs), gauges, displays, controls, etc. that are attached in or on the equipment. Electrical, mechanical, climatic and chemical loads for such parts and assemblies can be quite different to those it describes. On the other hand, it is desirable to use ISO 16750 to help derive environmental conditions and test requirements for parts and assemblies that are intended for use in road vehicle equipment. For example, a temperature range of −40 °C to + 90 °C could be specified for an assembly contained inside a piece of equipment having a temperature range of −40 °C to + 70 °C and a temperature rise of 20 °C. d) Applicability relative to system integration and validationThe user of ISO 16750 is cautioned to understand that its scope is limited to conditions and testing at the equipment level and therefore does not represent all conditions and testing necessary for complete verification and validation of the vehicle system. Environmental and reliability testing at equipment part and vehicle system levels could be required. For example, ISO 16750 does not necessarily ensure that environmental and reliability requirements for solder joints, solderless connections, integrated circuits, and so on are met. Such items must be assured at the part, material or assembly level. Likewise, vehicle and system level testing is required to validate the equipment in the vehicle application.N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved1Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 1: General1 ScopeThis part of ISO 16750 gives definitions and general specifications for the potential environmental stresses, that can affect electric and electronic systems and components in respect of their mounting location directly on or in road vehicles and specifies the corresponding tests and requirements. It does not cover electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 16750-2:2003, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 2: Electrical loadsISO 16750-3:2003, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 3: Mechanical loadsISO 16750-4:2003, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 4: Climatic loadsISO 16750-5:2003, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 5: Chemical loadsDIN 40050-9, Road vehicles — Degrees of protection (IP-code) — Protection against foreign objects, water and contact — Electrical equipment3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document and the other parts of ISO 16750, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1nominal voltage U Nvoltage value used to describe the electrical system of a vehicleN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)2© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved3.2supply voltagevoltage of the electrical system of a vehicle that varies with the system load and the operating condition of the alternator/generator3.3test voltagevoltage or voltages applied to the device under test (DUT) during a test3.4minimum operating temperature T minminimum value of the ambient temperature at which the systems/components can be operated3.5maximum operating temperature T maxmaximum value of the ambient temperature at which the systems/components can be operated continuously 3.6hot-soak temperature T max,HSmaximum value of the ambient temperature which can temporarily occur in the engine compartment after the vehicle has stopped and the engine is turned off3.7paint repair temperature T max,PRmaximum temperature which can occur during vehicle paint repair4 Classification by mounting location4.1 Engine compartmentDevice under test (DUT) mounted to the body, to the frame,on the flexible plenum chamber, not rigidly attached, in the flexible plenum chamber, not rigidly attached, on the engine, in the engine,on the transmission/retarder, or in the transmission/retarder.N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved34.2 Passenger compartmentDUT mounted in a position without special requirements, exposed to direct solar radiation, orexposed to radiated heat (other than solar radiation).4.3 Luggage compartment/load compartmentDUT mounted inside.4.4 Mounting on the exterior/in cavitiesDUT mounted to the body, to the frame,on the underbody/in the wheel housing1) sprung masses, or2) unsprung masses (wheel, wheel bracket, axle), in/on a passenger compartment door, to the engine compartment cover,to the luggage compartment lid/door, to the trunk lid/door, in cavities1) open towards exterior, or 2) open towards interior,in special compartments (e.g. battery box).4.5 Other mounting locationsFor some locations with special environmental conditions (e.g. exhaust system), no standard specifications can be given. In these cases, the load shall be stated in the specification of the DUT.N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)4© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved5 Operating modesThe following operating modes apply. a) Operating mode 1No voltage is applied to the DUT.Operating mode 1.1: DUT not connected to wiring harness.Operating mode 1.2: DUT connected to wiring harness simulating vehicle installation. b) Operating mode 2The DUT is electrically operated with supply voltage U B (battery voltage) as in a vehicle with shut-offengine and with all electrical connections made.Operating mode 2.1: system/component functions are not activated (e.g. sleep mode)Operating mode 2.2: systems/components with electric operation and control in typical operatingmode. c) Operating mode 3The DUT is electrically operated with supply voltage U A (engine/alternator operative) and all electricalconnections made.Operating mode 3.1: system/component functions are not activated.Operating mode 3.2: systems/components with electric operation and control in typical operatingmode.6 Functional status classification6.1 GeneralThis element describes the functional status of a DUT during and after a test.The minimum functional status shall be given in each test. An additional test requirement may be agreed between device supplier and vehicle manufacturer.Vehicle manufacturer and device supplier shall specify operations that are not allowed.6.2 Class AAll functions of the device/system perform as designed during and after the test.6.3 Class BAll functions of the device/system perform as designed during the test. However, one or more may go beyond the specified tolerance. All functions return automatically to within normal limits after the test. Memory functions shall remain Class A.N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved56.4 Class COne or more functions of a device/system do not perform as designed during the test but return automatically to normal operation after the test.6.5 Class DOne or more functions of a device/system do not perform as designed during the test and do not return to normal operation after the test until the device/system is reset by simple “operator/use” action.6.6 Class EOne or more functions of a device/system do not perform as designed during and after the test and cannot be returned to proper operation without repairing or replacing the device/system.7 Tests and requirements7.1 GeneralThe values specified in ISO 16750-2 to ISO 16750-5 cover basic requirements.DUT with several mounting locations shall be tested to meet the most severe requirements.7.2 General test conditionsUnless otherwise specified, all tests shall be performed at a room temperature (RT) of + 23 °C ± 5 °C and a relative humidity of 25 % to 75 %.The test voltages shall be in accordance with Table 1 unless other values are specified in a different part or parts of ISO 16750 or are agreed upon by the users of ISO 16750, in which case such values shall be documented in the test reports.Table 1 — Test voltages for Operating modes 2 and 3 (see Clause 5)Test voltage12 V systemV24 V systemV U A 14 ± 0,2 28 ± 0,2 U B 12 ± 0,224 ± 0,2U A = engine/alternator operative (Operating mode 3). U B = battery voltage (Operating mode 2).7.3 Test sequencePrior to testing, a test sequence plan shall be agreed upon, stating the type, number, combination andsequence of the individual tests.A life test is to be defined specifically for the product and to be taken into account in the test sequence plan. See Annex A for an example.N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)6© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved8 Designation8.1 GeneralIn accordance with Figure 1, the referred tests for the devices should be described by a code form for technical specifications or other documentation.8.2 Use of Code Z “As agreed”ISO 16750 accommodates special needs and situations through the use of Code Z “As agreed”. The use of Code Z should be restricted to cases where the equipment supplier or vehicle manufacturer or both determine that the conditions or tests defined in ISO 16750 areunsuitable for achieving desired product quality/reliability objectives, and/or not practical.When Code Z “As agreed” is used, the following should be documented: the rationale (reason) for not using the provided conditions or tests; the complete description of the “As agreed” condition or test;the data and rationale for supporting the suitability of the “As agreed” condition or test; any specific information regarding Code Z “As agreed” given in ISO 16750-1 to ISO 16750-5.In addition, the equipment supplier and vehicle manufacturer shall agree that the “As agreed” documentationis adequate.Figure 1 — Coding architecture8.3 Example designationThe designation of an environment requirement for a system/component with electric load A according to ISO 16750-2, with mechanical load, vibration AA, according to ISO 16750-3, operating temperature code H and climatic requirement A according to ISO 16750-4, chemical load A according to ISO 16750-5 and protection class IP6K9K according to DIN 40050-9 will beISO 16750-A-AA-H-A-A-IP6K9KN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved78.4 Code allocationFigure 2 shows how the complete code is composed in relation to the requirements of the different parts ofISO 16750 on a component for road vehicles.Figure 2 — Code allocationN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)8© ISO 2003 — All rights reservedAnnex A (informative)Example test sequence planaSee Annex B.N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved9Annex B (informative)Example life test/statement of reliabilityB.1 GeneralIn addition to environmental loads, a product used in the vehicle will be subjected to loads induced by its own function, hereafter referred to as functional loads .These loads are simulated by life tests, which generally comprise a combination of functional loads and relevant environmental loads occurring simultaneously.These tests are performed according to programs derived from in-practice operation.B.2 Aim of life testsTwo fundamentally different cases are to be distinguished, depending on the type of the problem. a) Potential design weaknessesUsing real-time life tests or accelerated life tests (with corresponding load increase), the design can be checked for functional loads combined with further environmental loads in order to discover design weaknesses. Generally, only a small number of DUT will suffice to achieve this. This case is by far the more frequent one of the two. However, the results are not suitable for deriving a statement on reliability, as the number of DUT is too low for a statistically correct statement. b) ReliabilityDetermining reliability is a totally different task. The following step-by-step method is suggested.1) Determine the type of load relevant for service life and specific to the product, and determine the testto be conducted. 2) Determine the in-practice load, for example running time, mean temperature, etc.3) Specify the survival probability and confidence levels and calculate the necessary number of DUT ora test duration on the basis of in-practice load — based on statistical correlation. Generally, this calculation requires extensive testing. 4) A reduction of this extensive testing resulting from Step 3 to feasible values can be performed by apermissible increase of load on the basis of an appropriate correlation between in-practice experience and testing. The increase in load shall not lead to a change of the expected damage process. Generally, compared to the check of potential design weaknesses, considerably more extensive testing will be required. The step-by-step method should also be employed in the Case a) for checking design, but excluding Step 3 (statistics calculation).N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05ISO 16750-1:2003(E)10© ISO 2003 — All rights reservedB.3 Calculation of characteristic reliability values on the basis of test dataB.3.1 General statistical correlationIf characteristic reliability values are required, e.g. stating the survival probability R (t ) for the period of time t , and with a necessarily specified confidence level P A , these can be evaluated by the statistical calculation given in the Equation B.1, using life test data.The calculation is based on the following correlation: correlating the Weibull distribution with the binomial distribution yieldsv 1A (1)n L R P β×−W (B.1)whereRis the survival probability;P A is the confidence level (assumption);βis the Weibull form factor; nis the number of DUT;L v is the service life ratio = test duration/specified service life = t /T When applying this correlation, the following two conditions shall be met.There shall be no failures during testing. But if failures do occur, then only the test duration up to the firstfailure shall be used for the calculation. Failures expected in practice shall have Weibull distribution.Depending on the task, Equation B.1 shall be solved to give the required quantity; other quantities must be known; if this is not the case, these quantities shall be determined by experiment or by using figures based on experience.The method is explained using the example given in B.3.2.B.3.2 Example for determination of test duration for a given reliabilityB.3.2.1 DUTA plastic coated coil without moving parts and the following specifications, used in the passenger car engine compartment, was chosen for this example: service life, ten years;survival probability, R = 0,99 (failure rate 1 %); confidence level, P A = 0,9 (normal value).N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -V o i t h T u r b o G m b H & C o . K G -K d N r .74224-L f N r .2796795001-2005-05-11 08:05。
ISO16750-5 道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验 第5 部分化学环境

道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第5部分:化学环境ISO16750.5全文连载于《环境技术》2007年5期1 范围ISO 16750的本部分规定了可以影响直接安装在车辆上或车辆里的电气和电子系统和组件化学环境,以及相应的试验和要求。
2 规范性引用文件ISO 16750-1 道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第1部分:总则ISO 16750-4 道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第4部分:气候环境ISO 3170 液体石油 - 样品指南EN 228 汽车燃料 - 无铅汽油 - 要求和试验方法DIN 51604-1 聚合材料FAM试验液:组成和要求DIN V 51606 液体燃料:甲基脂植物油柴油机燃料(PME):要求DIN 53245 油漆和涂料溶剂;酒精;供货规定,远期属性和试验方法SAE J 1709 欧洲剎车油技术3 术语和定义ISO 16750 -1给出的术语和定义适用于本部分。
4 总则可能接触规定化学试剂的元件和部件应能抵御这些试剂。
5 试验和要求5.1 试验5.1.1 视觉检查用常规的视觉强度和色彩感,在最佳的距离和适当的照明条件下进行裸眼视觉检查。
5.1.2 准备每个样品进行一种污染。
在受试装置(DUT)所有外表面,将试剂在下列之一的点渗透壳体:-- 棉布;-- 刷子;-- 浸没;-- 喷雾;-- 淋。

Frank Chen
主流车厂汽车电子电性能测试技术 (基于ISO 16750-2标准)
测试环境 主流车厂电性能介绍
ISO16750-1:道路车辆 电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验 第1部分: 一般规定 ISO16750-2:道路车辆 电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验 第2部分: 电气负荷 ISO16750-3:道路车辆 电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验 第3部分: 机械负荷 ISO16750-4:道路车辆 电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验 第4部分: 气候负荷 ISO16750-5:道路车辆 电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验 第5部分: 化学负荷 ISO 20653 道路车辆 IP防护等级 电气设备对外来物体、水和电 接触的防护
4.3.1 UN = 12 V systems 判据Class D Test at T = (Tmax –20 °C) Test at room temperature (RT) of (23 ± 5) °C and a relative humidity of 25 % to 75 %. 24 V for 60 s ± 10 % 4.3.2 UN = 24 V systems 判据 Class C Test at T = (Tmax –20 °C)
4.6.2复位电压跌落测试:信号同时作用于相关所有输入 连接,判据 Class C
4.6.3 启动波形测试
判据 Class A

1. 标准- ISO : 该标准规定了车辆电子设备可靠性测试的要求,包括振动、温度、湿度、电磁兼容性等方面的测试。
在进行可靠性测试时,应符合ISO 标准的相关要求。
ISO 16750: 该标准规定了车辆电子设备可靠性测试的要求,包括振动、温度、湿度、电磁兼容性等方面的测试。
在进行可靠性测试时,应符合ISO 16750标准的相关要求。
- SAE J1211: 该标准主要指导车辆电子设备的可靠性设计和测试。
SAE J1211: 该标准主要指导车辆电子设备的可靠性设计和测试。
2. 项目汇总2.1 振动测试- 频率响应分析:通过将车辆电子设备暴露在各种不同频率的振动环境下,测量设备的频率响应特性,以评估其在振动环境下的可靠性。
- 冲击响应测试:通过施加冲击负载来模拟车辆行驶过程中的冲击,评估设备在冲击环境下的可靠性和耐久性。
2.2 温度测试- 低温测试:将车辆电子设备置于低温环境下,测试设备在低温条件下的性能和可靠性。
- 高温测试:将车辆电子设备暴露在高温环境下,测试设备在高温条件下的性能和可靠性。
2.3 湿度测试- 湿热测试:将车辆电子设备置于高温高湿环境下,测试设备在湿热条件下的性能和可靠性。
ISO16750-1 道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验 第1 部分:总则

道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第1部分:总则ISO16750.1全文连载于《环境技术》2007年1期引言ISO 16750旨在按设备样品生存周期内预期将要承受的真实环境,系统地向用户提供一组国际公认的环境条件、试验和运行要求。
ISO 16750在使用中应首先考虑下列因素:- 世界地理和气候道路车辆几乎世界所有的陆地区域使用和运行。
- 车辆的类型车辆的设计属性决定了道路车辆的环境条件,如发动机的类型、发动机的排量、悬挂的特性、车辆的自重、车辆的尺寸、供电电压等。
- 车辆的使用条件和运行方式道路的质量、路面的类型、道路的地形、车辆的使用(连续、牵引、货运,等等)和驾驶习惯都是非常值得重视的道路交通工具的环境条件。
- 设备(样品)生存周期有经验的生产、装运、操作、储存、车辆装配、车辆维护和修理,电子设备(样品)应能抵御同样的环境条件。
ISO 16750的范围包括了这些条件和试验(如操作跌落试验)。
- 车辆的供电电压运行方式、分配系统设计和相应的气候环境将导致车辆使用中的电压变化。
ISO 16750的范围包括了这些条件。
- 在车辆中的安装位置流行的或在未来的概念中,系统/组件是安装在车辆的任何位置。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
汽车电子可靠性测试项目-(全)-16750-1-to-5————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:进军国际AM/OEM市场汽车电子可靠度验证势在必行2009/5ISO 16750攸关汽车电子装置验证要求,因此国内业者欲跨足汽车电子后装(AM)或者原始设备制造商(OEM)市场,对本身开发产品所需之环境可靠度验证不可轻忽。
ISO 16750道路车辆电机电子设备环境条件/试验ISO 16750标准共分为五个部分,除第一部分通则之外,其余四个部分分别为电力负载、机械负载、气候负载及化学负载,另外,针对其电源系统分可适用于12伏特(乘客车)及24伏特(商用车)两类,而碍于篇幅限制,本文将仅针对使用占比较大之乘客车(Passenger Car)12伏特系统来分别依据四项负载要求做说明。
表1直流试验电压范围编码供应电压(V)最小电压Usmin最大电压Us maxA 6 16B 8 16C 9 16 D10.516‧ 高温试验将电子装置放入温度(T max -20℃),对于电子装置之所有相关的输入端施加18伏特电压,试验后电子装置之功能状态至少必须为等级C ,更严格要求则是采用等级A 。
‧ 室温试验此试验模拟跳接启动,于室温下对电子装置之所有相关输入端施加24伏特电压,试验后之功能状态至少必须等级D ,若为更严格要求则采用等级C 。
另外,迭加交流电压则为试验仿真直流电供应上残留之交流电压,并对其所有输入端(接头)同时进行下列试验,依照应用选择严苛度1或2,试验后之功能状态必须为等级A ,试验波形如图1。
供应电压缓降缓升的试验模拟蓄电池逐渐充放电之状态,于电子装置之所有输入端(接头)同时进行电压稳定斜率变化,详细内容请参考ISO 16750-2说明,试验后对于超出范围部分,至少必须为等级D ,若为更严格要求则采用等级C 。
图1 迭加交流电压波形‧ 供应电压瞬间压降此试验模拟另一回路传统式保险丝熔融时之影响,于电子装置所有相关输入端(接头)同时施加试验压降脉冲。
‧ 压降重置行为此试验在确认电子装置于不同压降下之重置行为。
试验后功能状态应为等级C 。
图3启动波形反向电压的试验检查使用辅助启动装置时,电子装置对反向连接蓄电池之抵抗力,此试验不适用于发电机或无外部反极保护装置之嵌位二极管继电器,详细内容请参考ISO 16750-2说明,功能状态应为等级C。
短路保护的试验为仿真装置讯号输入与输出端之短路,若为讯号回路,则将电子装置所有相关之讯号输入与输出端连接US max (表1)与接地60秒,其他输入与输出端保持开回路或依规定连接,试验后之功能状态应为等级C,详细内容请参考ISO 16750-2说明。
绝缘电阻试验确保最小电阻值之需求,以避免电流绝缘回路与电子装置导电部分之间流过电流,依照ISO 16750-4规定进行湿热循环试验后,将电子装置施加500伏特直流试验电压60秒,试验之绝缘电阻应大于10M奥姆。
图4振动期间温度曲线(详如ISO 16750-4)引擎此试验为检查电子装置是否因振动而引起故障与损坏,分为正弦和随机振动要求。
图5引擎上之正弦振动频谱(详如ISO 16750-3)随机振动试验频谱如图6,电子装置之每一轴向进行22小时试验,操作模式3.2期间功能状态应符合等级A,而进行其他操作模式功能状态应符合等级C。
图6引擎上之随机振动频谱(详如ISO 16750-3)‧变速箱此试验为检查电子装置是否因振动而引起故障与损坏,分为正弦与随机两种振动要求。
图7变速箱上之正弦振动频谱(详如ISO 16750-3)随机振动试验频谱如图8,电子装置之每一轴向进行22小时试验,操作模式3.2期间功能状态应符合等级A,而进行其他操作模式功能状态应符合等级C。
图8变速箱上之随机振动频谱(详如ISO 16750-3)‧弹性充填室弹性充填室(Flexible Plenum Chamber)试验适用于安装在弹性充填室上,且非稳固锁附之电子装置(图9),电子装置之每一方向应进行22小时试验,操作模式3.2期间功能状态应符合等级A,而进行其他操作模式功能状态应符合等级C。
图9弹性充填室之正弦振动频谱(详如ISO 16750-3)‧簧上承载件/车体簧上承载件(Sprung Masses)/车体振动为恶路行驶所引起之随机振动,此试验确认之主要失效为疲劳造成的损坏,电子装置每一轴向应进行8小时试验,试验频谱如图10,操作模式3.2期间功能状态应符合等级A,而进行其他操作模式功能状态应符合等级C。
图10簧上承载件之随机振动频谱(详如ISO 16750-3)‧非簧上承载件--车轮/车轮悬吊车体之振动为恶路行驶所引起之随机振动,此试验所确认之主要失效为疲劳造成之损坏,电子装置之每一轴向应进行8小时试验,试验频谱如图11,操作模式3.2期间功能状态应符合等级A,而进行其他操作模式功能状态应符合等级C。
图11非簧上承载件之随机振动频谱(详如ISO 16750-3)机械冲击分为二种安装位置:‧车门或盖门内/上装置此试验检查电子装置因车门猛烈关闭之冲击而引起的故障与损坏。
表2冲击次数位置供应电压(V)冲击严苛度1500m/s2;11ms冲击严苛度2300m/s2;6ms驾驶座车门,货物装载厢门13,000 100,00乘客座车门6,000 50,000 行李厢盖,尾门2,400 30,000引擎盖720 3,000‧车体与车架上固定处装置此试验检查电子装置因车体与车架之冲击而引起故障与损坏,此负载为高速行驶过路缘石而发生之冲击,失效模式为机械损伤如由于高加速度,使得电子控制模块外壳内部之电容器等脱落,冲击型式为半弦波,加速度500m/s2,每个方向冲击十次,试验后之功能状态应符合等级A。