
__________先生/女士/小姐的月薪为RMB__________ /月。
申请人单位:领导签字,公司公章:联系电话:日期:CERTIFICATETo: Visa Section of Consulate General in ShanghaiMr./Ms/Miss ________is the _________of the ________Dept in our Corporation. He/She began to work in our corporation since ________. Now Mr./Ms/Miss ________intends to travel to______ and other European Counties in _______. He/She will stay in _______and other European Counties for days. All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by himself/herself. We guarantee that he/she will come back on time and retain his/her position until he/she comes back.The salary of Mr./Ms/Miss ________is RMB _________ per month.Company:Signature,seal:Telephone:Date:在职证明中英文模板篇2:兹证明XXX(女,19XX年X月XX日生),自XXXX年X月起在XXXX工作,现担任XXXXX,其年收入约为人民币XXXXX元特此证明!人事联系人:XXX电话:XXXXXXXX地址:XXXXXXXX邮政编码:XXXXXXXXXX单位XXXX年X月XX日CertificateThis is to certify thatXXX(female, born on monthdateyear), he has been working in XXXX since monthyear,she now works as the Laboratory Technician, her annual income is about RMB XXXX.Hereby certify!Personnel Contact: XXXTel: XXXXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXXXPostcode: XXXXXXXXXXXX corporationmonthdateyear在职证明中英文模板篇3:Certificate of employmentDate: 时间To: Consulate-General of 国家This is to certify that the Mr/Ms 姓名 is 职位 in our company. He/She has been working here since 年月日.He/She is allowed to be off work between 去的日期 and 回国日期 to have a 旅游写trip商务请写business trip to 所申请的'国家,total 天数days .We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time.All of the traveling expenses will be paid by 旅游签证一般为自付费用himself/herself商务签证通常为公司付款请写my company. We agree and will keep his/her position after he/she comes back to China.Name D.O.B Passport No. Position Monthly Salary姓名(拼音)出生日期护照号职位 RMB 月收入Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Your sincerelyManager Position: 英文职称需打印Manager Signature: Xing Ming(姓名拼音需打印不可手写)中文签名负责人手写签名公司盖章Company:公司英文名称Tel:(区号)公司电话Fax:(区号)公司传真Address:公司英文地址备注:1.所有红色字体请替换内容并删除,建议用公司正规抬头纸打印!2.如需爱旅行网工作人员审核内容,请发email至a#待爱旅行网客服审核确认后打印盖章。

特此证明地址:联系人:电话:XXX公司二0XX年X月X日IncomeCertificateTowhomitmayconcern,ThisistocertifythatMrs/Mr.XXX(ID:XXXXXX)hasbeenworkedasX XXXXinourcompany.Her/HeannualincomeisXXXXRMB.XXXXXCO.,LTD.Add:XXXXContact:XXXXTel:XXXX中英文工作收入证明[篇4]CertificateWorkingunitnameandseal:Date:YYMMDD。

单位出具的英文工作证明信范文英文回答:Work Experience Certificate.This is to certify that [Your Name] has been employed by [Company Name] as a [Your Position] from [Start Date] to [End Date].During his/her employment, [Your Name] was responsible for the following duties and responsibilities:[List of duties and responsibilities][Your Name] consistently exceeded expectations inhis/her role, demonstrating a strong work ethic, exceptional problem-solving skills, and a commitment to providing excellent customer service. He/She is a valuable asset to our team and we are extremely grateful for his/her contributions.This certificate is issued upon [Your Name]'s request for evidence of employment. We wish him/her all the best in his/her future endeavors.Issued by:[Your Manager's Name][Your Manager's Title][Company Name][Date]中文回答:工作证明信。

李晓龙的收入为:基本工资:4000元\月通讯补助:500元\月奖金:30,000-50,000元\年个人所得税已由公司统一代为扣缴,特此证明!总经理:****联系电话:***********有限责任公司 ***年***月***日*****限责任公司Working and Position Certification(Translation)This is certified that Mr. Li Miao, male, ID No.:******** and born on Oct.11,19**, has been working at our company since Sep.2010. Now he is a Business manager.The company was established on Nov.2007. The legal representative of the enterprise and general manager is Ms.Li Wei.Mr.Li Miao's salary as belows,Basic salary:RMB4000 yuan\monthCommunication allowance :RMB 500yuan\monthBonus:RMB 30,000-50,000yuan\yearMr.Li ,Miao’s insurance and individual income tax have been deducted by our company on behalf of him.Contact person:Li WeiContact no:010-************** Co., Ltd (seal)Oct.10,2010。

单位工作证明范本(中英文)单位工作证明范本(中英文)有些时候我们会需要用到单位工作证明在职证明,大家是不是还不太了解它的格式和写法呢?下面是我搜集整理的单位工作证明范本Mr Wang also has a good sense of teamork, he knos ho to delegate and ho to oordinate.Mr Wang has been entitled to a monthl salar RMB 6000, ith house alloane for 1500 a month and he also as XXrded a bonus for 25,000 last ear for his outstanding performane.For further enquires, please feel free to ontat me at +21 +2323244 or 1380 332 333Sinerel ours, xxxxxin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ork has been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ears, hereb ertif that.Name of Institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Da period: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _单位工作证明范本X X X有限公司兹证明,性别, 201X年X月X日出生,系我单位正式员工,自年月在我单位工作,现任,年薪。

__________先生/女士/小姐的月薪为RMB__________ /月。
申请人单位:领导签字,公司公章:联系电话:日期:CERTIFICATETo: Visa Section of Consulate General in ShanghaiMr./Ms/Miss ________is the _________of the ________Dept in our Corporation. He/She began to work in our corporation since ________. Now Mr./Ms/Miss ________intends to travel to______ and other European Counties in _______. He/She will stay in _______and other European Counties for days. All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by himself/herself. We guarantee that he/she will come back on time and retain his/her position until he/she comes back.The salary of Mr./Ms/Miss ________is RMB _________ per month.Company:Signature,seal:Telephone:Date:在职证明中英文篇2Certificate of employmentDate: 时间To: Consulate-General of 国家This is to certify that the Mr/Ms 姓名 is 职位 in our company. He/She has been working here since 年月日.He/She is allowed to be off work between 去的日期 and 回国日期 to have a 旅游写trip商务请写business trip to 所申请的国家,total 天数days .We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time.All of the traveling expenses will be paid by 旅游签证一般为自付费用himself/herself商务签证通常为公司付款请写my company. We agree and will keep his/her position after he/she comes back to China.Name D.O.B Passport No. Position Monthly Salary姓名(拼音)出生日期护照号职位 RMB 月收入Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Your sincerelyManager Position: 英文职称需打印Manager Signature: Xing Ming(姓名拼音需打印不可手写)中文签名负责人手写签名公司盖章Company:公司英文名称Tel:(区号)公司电话Fax:(区号)公司传真Address:公司英文地址备注:1.所有红色字体请替换内容并删除,建议用公司正规抬头纸打印!2.如需爱旅行网工作人员审核内容,请发email至a#待爱旅行网客服审核确认后打印盖章。

工作收入证明(中英文出国留学用)工作证明兹证明先生, **** 年参加工作,工作于 ***** (单位),任我 *** (职务)。
他的年薪资收入为人民币 **** 元,福利及年关奖金约人民币 **** 元。
所以,他的年收入共约为人民币 **** 元。
个人所得税的缴纳由 *** 一致管理,个人不独自交税。
*** 先生的个人经济收入稳固靠谱。
证明人职务: **** (此处还需亲笔署名 )电话: ********单位名称: **** (此处需盖公章)2019 年** 月** 日CertificateThis is to certify that Mr. ****started his career in ***. He has been working in**** (单位名称) since then and is appointed as **** (职务) . His annual salary is about RMB *** Yuan and his welfare and year-end bonus is about RMB **** Yuan. Therefore, his total annual income is about RMB*** Yuan.And the **** pays the personal income tax for all employees; so individual employee does not perform the tax payment. Mr. ***** has a stable and reliable income.Given under my hand this.证明人职务 : **** (此处还需亲笔署名)Tel: *******单位名称(此处需要盖上公章)*****, 2019注意:行头纸、单位落款及公章一定保持一致。

附件1:在职证明参考样本TO:VISASECTIONDearSirs,Mr./Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)worksinourcompanyfromXX.XX.XXXX(现公司入职时间某年某月某日).He/ShewillbeontravellingpurposesvisitingyourcountryandsomeotherSchengencou ntriesfromXX.XX.XXXXtoXX.XX.XXXX(出国具体日期某年某月某日).Alltheexpensesincludeairtickets,transportation,accommodationandhealthinsura ncewillbecoveredbyhimself/herself/XXXX(出资方的公司名称或个人名字).He/Shewillbebackontimeasperhis/herscheduleplannedandshallcontinuetoworkinou rcompanyafterhis/hervisittoSchengencountries.Name DateofBirth Passport-No. PositionAnnualIncomeXXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX RMB XXXX Yourkindapprovalofthisapplicationwillbehighlyappreciated.BestRegards,Nameoftheleader(领导人姓名)Positionoftheleader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)Company’sStamp(公司盖章)Tel:XXX-XXXXXXAdd:XXXXXXCompanyName:XXXXXX附件2:在职证明样本译文致:签证官XXX先生/女士自XXXX年X月X日(现公司入职时间某年某月某日)在我公司工作。

工作收入证明中英文对照模板工作收入证明To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that [Employee's Full Name], ID number [Employee's ID Number], has been employed with [Company Name] since [Employment Start Date]. The employee holds the position of [Employee's Position] and is currently employed on a full-time basis.这是为了证明,[员工全名],身份证号[员工身份证号],自[入职日期]起一直在[公司名称]工作。
During the period of employment, [Employee's Full Name] has received a monthly gross income of [Monthly Gross Income] and an annual gross income of [Annual Gross Income], inclusive of all bonuses, allowances, and other benefits.在雇佣期间,[员工全名]每月收入为[月总收入],年度总收入为[年度总收入],包括所有奖金、津贴和其他福利在内。
This certificate is issued upon the request of the employee for the purpose of [Specify Purpose, e.g., visa application, loan application].此证明是根据员工的申请,用于[指定用途,例如签证申请、贷款申请]。

出国工作证明中英文版中文版工作证明英国大使馆签证处:兹证明 XXX 女士/先生自 XXXX XX XX 至今在我公司工作,他/她将于 XXXX XX ,前往英国探亲,所有费用,包括机票、交通费、住宿费等将由他/她本人负责。
姓名出生日期护照号码 XXX XX XX XXXX XXXX希望得到批准! 负责人:负责人职位: (签名) 公司盖章电话:地址:公司全称:工作职位 XXXX 年收入 XXX英文版Certificate of EmploymentTO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Mr. / Ms. XXX works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX .He/She will be on visiting family purposes visiting BRITAIN in XX.XXXX . All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself / herself. He/She will be back on time as per his/her scheduleplanned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to BRITAIN.Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual Income XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader: Position of the leader: Signature Company’s Stamp Tel:Add:。

现任我司的一职,主要负责. 他/她月收入约人民币元,年收入约人民币元,包含年薪,奖金和各方面津贴。
Statement of Employment
This is to certify that, born on / / , has been working at since, and now she/he works as the manager of our company, responsible for .Her/His salary is RMB per month, yearly total pay isRMB100,000.00 ,which includes annual income, bonus and all allowance. And her/his personal income taxis deducted and paid to the government by the company.
This is hereby certificate the fact.
Contact Person:
Mobile phone:
Company’s stamp:

Employment Certification
证件 - 身份证号码( ID No. ):
先生于到本企业工作, 所任职务:。
Mr/Miss, since, who was employed by our company, his position as:.
因xxxx 原由提出辞职申请,于年月日正式辞职。
Because of xxxxxx reasons, he applied to resign his position , who dismissed on
xxxxx先生,在我司工作时期,严格恪守企业各项规章制度 , 对待工作仔细负责 , 无任何不良记录,特此申明!
Mr/Miss , during his was working in our company, strictly abode by the various rules and systems of our company, was responsible for his job ,without any bad record, hereby certify!
北京 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 有限企业
Beijing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Co., Ltd.
经办人( Person in charge ): xxxxx /Mr/Miss. xxxxxxxxx
联系方式( Contact ): +86。

单位名称:XXXXXXXXX20xx年12月1日英文工作证明格式:1. 收信人:To whom it may concern 并以逗号结束2. “特此证明”翻译为:“This is to certify that ...”并且放在证明正文的开头。
3. 男性用Mr. 女性用Ms.4. 落款人即证明人:姓名,头衔(院长,首席执行官等等),工作单位部门5. 证明人签字的地方,盖上公章中英文工作证明范本汇总中英文工作证明范本汇总。
中英文工作证明模板二December 1, 2009To whom it may concern,This is to certify that Mr.(Ms.) XXX has been working in XXXXXX(工作单位) as XXX(职位). Mr.(Ms.) XXX has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB XXXXX in total.Sincerely yours,XXX(证明人)Dean of School of Software / Chief Executive Officer(证明人职位)XXXXXXXXX(单位名称)1234567(电话号码)例文1:July 11, 1986To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.K. A. WangDirector General中英文工作证明模板三兹证明________是我公司员工,在________ 部门任________职务。

特此证明电话:*************传真:*************邮箱:************网址:***********地址:*************证明单位:A公司20XX年10月10日LetterofcertificationTowhomitmayconcern:ThisistocertifythatAAAco.,Ltd(hereinaftercalled“A”)hasestablishedpartnershipswithbbbcompany(hereinaf tercalled“b”)regardingofthehighwayconstruction,railwayconstructi on,bridgeengineering,railtransit,airport,portsandwharvesetc.AstheagentofAin ccountry, bcompanywillprovideconstructionmaterials,equipmentandresou rcesetc.for A.herebycertified!Tel:*************Fax:*************e-mail:*************http:*************ADD:*************certifier:ADate:october10th,20XX篇二:签证用单位证明信英文模板签证用单位证明信英文模板(标准版)一一、国家机关出具中文版正文、英文版附件模板(注:政府机关出具公函,用本单位专用信笺打印,并加盖公章。

单位⼯作证明范本 兹有我单位xx同志在xxx部门,从事xx⼯作,⼯作年限为xx年。
单位(盖章) x年x⽉x⽇ 单位⼯作证明范本 兹有我单位 (同志)(⾝份证号:_____________________)在___________________部门,从事____________________⼯作已有___________年,特此证明. 单位名称:__________________________ ⽇期:________________________ (加盖单位公章) 单位⼯作证明范本 现有xx共同志于2011年3⽉起正式与我单位签订劳动合同关系,并⾃2011年3⽉起在我单位会计岗位从事会计⼯作,并⼯作⾄今。
单位公章或有权部门章:南京关公信息技术有限公司 特此证明。
20xx年1⽉3⽇ ⼯作证明英⽂模板 xxx xxx Co. Ltd 126 Nanjing Road, Shanghai, PR China July 11, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Miss,,,,, has been working in our COMPANY as ……(职位)from June 2005 to July 2014, Mr Wang is a diligent and creative staff, She successfully did……(⾃⼰填) Mr Wang also has a good sense of teamwork, he knows how to delegate and how to coordinate. Mr Wang has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB 6000, with house allowance for 1500 a month and he also was awarded a bonus for 25,000 last year for his outstanding performance. For further enquires, please feel free to contact me at +21 +2323244 or 1380 332 333 Sincerely yours, xxxxx (Company Seal) ____________ Chief Executive Officer ⼯作证明英⽂模板 DATE: To whom it may concern, This is to certify that has been working in SHANGHAI FU XUAN-JIE & ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICE as Lawyer assistant intern for year(s), since . Sincerely yours, (Company) ⼯作证明英⽂模板 Proof of work It is my unit ( Comrade) ( ID number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work has been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby certify that.(书村 ) Name of Institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( seal) 单位⼯作证明范本X X X有限公司(单位名称) 兹证明×××,性别,——年——⽉——⽇出⽣,系我单位(公司)正式员⼯,⾃年⽉在我单位⼯作,现任(职务),年薪。

工作证明出国工作证明模板篇一this is to certify that **** ( id card no.: ****) is a chinese employee dispatched by our company to ****, holding the job as guangzhou operational employee (non-manager) with monthly salary of rmb *** before tax. it has been approved by ****** that she will travel in france during april 29th XX to may 10th XX. li keer will afford all the costs in france and schengen area on her own.certify hereby.mar. 9th, XX出国工作证明模板篇二xxx xxx co. ltd126 nanjing road, shanghai, pr chinajuly 11, XXto whom it may concern:this is to certify that mr. wang has been working in our company as the project manager from june 19xx to july XX, mr wang is a diligent and creative engineer, under his leadersip, he successfully design a new product for our company, and the product also gained international patent. mr wang also has a good sense of teamwork, he knows how to delegate andhow to coordinate.mr wang has been entitled to a monthly salary rmb 6000, with house allowance for 1500 a month and he also was awarded a bonus for 25,000 last year for his outstanding performance.for further enquires, please feel free to contact me at +21 +2323244 or 13 333sincerely yours,xxxxx(company seal)____________chief executive officer出国工作证明模板篇三this is to certify that xxx(female, born on month\date\year), he has been working in xxxx since month\year,she now works as the laboratory technician, her annual income is about rmb xxxx.hereby certify!personnel contact: xxxtel: xxxxxxxxadd: xxxxxxxxpostcode: xxxxxxxxxxxx corporationmonth\date\year出国工作证明模板篇四兹证明(女,19xx年x月xx日生),自xxxx年x月起在xxxx工作,现担任xxxxx,其年收入约为人民币xxxxx元特此证明!人事联系人:xxx电话:xxxxxxxx地址:xxxxxxxx邮政编码:xxxxxx出国工作证明模板篇五人事/档案管理部门:兹有前来我处申请办理的公证。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
兹证明________是我公司员工,在________ 部门任________职务。
Work certificate
This is to certify that... is my company employees, in the department of _____ as a _____.
Hereby certify.
This certificate is only used to prove my company staff’s work, not to the employee to any situation, as our company’s guarantee files.
Company name:
Chapter cover:
Date: (year on ___ ___
Income proof
We have our company staff, id card number: _____________________, ___ years of work experience in our department of office...... (position), the annual income of RMB ______.
Hereby certify!
This unit commitment this certificate is true, correct, is limited to apply for a credit card.
(build official seal)
(date) (month) (year)。