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EVA 句型团笔记

DAY 1(主系表句型)


there are more and more PeOP Ie StUdy abroad


W i th the deve I OPment Of techno I ogy, f r i ends become more and more i mportant






1. 语序—先主干,E 次要

2. 词性和成分 ---- 对应 ---- 动词 五大句子基本类型:

1. 主谓

2. 主谓宾

3. 主系表

4. 主谓宾1宾2

5. 主谓宾宾补


人/扬 怎么了(做) "TiF 谓语(动词)/ /系语



FreSh a i r i S beneficial to heaI th.

Hea I th Can benef it from fresh a i r a lot.

FreSh a i r COntributes to PrOmoting heaI th.

注意:有许多系动词可以使用,be 动词是其中较为简单的一种。

句型一:A (人/物)+ be. + adj.(怎么回事)+ to B (针对于谁来说) 注意点:1. Be 2.位置,语序

A i S benef i c i a I∕harmfuI /detrimental/superior/inferior to

B eg2.过度的工作对工作者的身体有害(OVerWOrk v.) EXCeSS i Ve WOrk i S detr imentai to WOrker , S heaI th.

WOrk i ng for excess i Ve hours does harm to WOrker , S heaI th.



It is Unhea I thy for WOrkerS to WOrk excess i Ve Iy.

OVerWOrk i ng throws ShadOW On WOrker * S heaI th. 英文基本原则:一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词


WOrk i ng at home Pa Ies i n front Of OffiCe WOrk i ng・

WOrking at home i S SUPer iOr to WOrking at OffiCe・(结构的平行和公正)

句型2: A iS VUlnerabIe /subject to B


E g4:新生特别容易受到学校里消极影响的伤害

FreShmen are (espec i a I Iy) SUbjeCt/vulnerabIe to negative SChOOl i nfI UenCeS・FreShmen are SUSCePtibIe to be negativeIy impacted by CamPUS ViOIence.


TrUmP Said that a Amer iCan POl icy to China Can be reconsidered・


TrUmP ShOWed h i S t endency to PUt a Chin ese re I a ted POI i Cy On t ab I e aga i n ・DOnaId TrUmP Said that America' S “One China M POl icy might be SUbjeCt to renegotiation.

在表示因果推论时,表示所导致的结果,语气比较强硬。Be IikeIy to do “可能S推论,语气较弱


I f t eachers, SaIary is enhan ced, the tu i t i OnS mus t go UPWard accord in gly. The tuitiOnS are bounded to increase if teachers are Paid more・


China i S bounded to be the next SUPer COUntry.

句型4: A be beyond (prep.) sb.(人) 某人不能理解A 新概念三:

Why PeOP Ie are PrePared to toIer e ate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious PriVi Iege Of Iiving in the COUntry iS beyond me.



1. -

2. 持续的长期学习会对年轻人的情绪发展有害

COntinuOUS IOng一七erm StUdy iS detr imentai for emotion deveIOPment to the young ・

Uninterrupted Per iods Can be detr imentai to a young PerSOr√ S emot i Ona I deveI OPment・

3. 国货的质量仍然被认为不如昂贵的日本货。

The qua Iity Of domestic goods i S Still COnSidered to be infer ior to expens i Ve goods made i n JaPan・

The qua Iity Of domestic PrOdUCts i S Still Seen/regarded as infer ior to that Od

JaPaneSe PrOdUcts, WhiCh Can be notice more expensive・

4. 特派员不受任何政治压力的制约。

The dipIOmat is not SUbject to any POlitiCaI PreSSUre・

The COnImiSSiOner iS not SUbject to POlitiCaI PreSSUre・造句3个

1. The SIOW PaCe Of tranquil COUntry I i fe i S PerniCiOUS for the young WhO need to be

aware Of the intense COmPetit ion i n modern SOC i ety・

2. Parents ShOU Id PrOtect thei r ChiIdren from being SUbject to SChOOl ViOlence・

3. It PUZZ IeS me a IOt that Why many PeOPIe COnSider SCience iS SOmehOW SUPer i

Or to art When they ChOOSe major i n COI Ieges・
