



球队 公牛 公牛 公牛 公牛 公牛 公牛 公牛 公牛 公牛
公牛 公牛 公牛 公牛
奇才 奇才
出场 82 18 82 82 81 82 82 80 78
17 82 82 82
60 82 1072
时间 38.3 25.1 40 40.4 40.2 39 37 38.3 39.3
39.3 37.7 37.9 38.8
1997-98赛季,乔丹连续第3个赛季、职业生涯第10次获得分王称号,也再次集常规赛MVP、全明 明赛MVP、总决赛MVP于一身。1998年6月14日,总决赛6场的最后一刻,又是芝加哥公牛对阵犹他 爵士,乔丹从马龙手中成功断球,并在晃倒防守他的卡塞尔之后投进制胜球。此球命中后,芝加哥 公牛队第2次夺得三连冠,也是8年内的第6次。[1] 1999年,在劳资谈判陷入僵局时,乔丹再度宣布退役,他表示“已经没有了起初作为篮球运动员 时的挑战目标”。
➢ 乔丹的第二个赛季仅仅打了三场比赛,乔丹就因为左脚的一块骨头骨折而伤退,虽然被票选入全明星赛,但是未能出席。赛季末,乔丹重 新回到球场。季后赛首轮,乔丹在公牛与凯尔特人的第二战中得到63分,打破了NBA季后赛的得分纪录,而那只是乔丹的第六场季后赛比赛, 不过公牛在这场比赛经过中两个加时仍以131-135输给了凯尔特人,最终0-3遭淘汰。[7] ➢ 从1986-87赛季开始,乔丹开始占据NBA纪录册。这一年,他在前7场比赛中场均37.1分,赛季场均达到了30分。乔丹连续9场得到40或以 上的分数,创造联盟纪录。在全明星周末,他夺得了扣篮大赛冠军,不过在季后赛,公牛仍然被凯尔特人首轮淘汰出局。[4] ➢ 1987-88赛季,乔丹拿下了常规赛得分王,最佳防守球员,全明星MVP[8] ,常规赛最有价值球员。季后赛首轮,乔丹带领公牛淘汰了骑士, 无奈第二轮1-4负于底特率活塞。 ➢ 1988-89赛季,乔丹场均32.5分领衔联盟,同时场均贡献职业生涯新高的8.0个篮板和8.0次助攻。另外,他场均还有2.89次抢断,位列抢 断榜第三。季后赛首轮和骑士的第五场,乔丹命中了绝杀球。[4] ➢ 1989-90赛季揭幕前,公牛队请来了菲尔·杰克逊。在“禅师”杰克逊的指教下,公牛引进三角进攻。这个赛季,公牛55胜27负,创197172赛季以来队史最佳战绩。乔丹在和骑士的比赛中创造生涯最高得分69分。不过在1990年东部决赛中,公牛在七场鏖战中仍然输给了活塞。


make history by just doingwhat it would feel like to something that I enjoy. ”
Obviously Jordan doesn’t have to wonder, he already
knows .
乔丹保持着一些现在都没有打破的记录,他 完成了那些被认为不可能完成的事情,例如, 1998年5月6日,迈克尔。乔丹成为历史上 第一个9次入选NBA最佳防守第一阵容的球 员,乔丹也赢得9个人得分王头衔,4个最有 价值球员奖,他平均每场31.7分也是NBA历 史最高。这些都是他在球场上的一些成就。 “我经常诧异我只是做了我喜欢的事情,却 创造了历史”,很显然,乔丹没有必要怀疑, 他早就知道他能够做到这些
The best known athlete in the world. He is, by far, and will be for a time to come, the best basketball player in the history of the game. He is the master of masters, know as the Gods wears NO.23 .He ranked NO.2 in the “Athlete of the Century ”,he spread this sports to every corner of the world.His impact cover any one of the big Hollywood star.
I In 1996 ,"LIFE" magazine named the
postwar American's 50 most outstanding

九年级英语 Unit 4 Michael Jordan课件 北京课改版

九年级英语 Unit 4 Michael Jordan课件 北京课改版
You made my day!
Dialogue C
5.Yang Lin telephones Liu Feng to ask him to ______ this afternoon. 6.It is _______ today. 7. Liu Feng is going to visit ___________this afternoon. 8.They will play at _______ after school tomorrow.
1.An athlete that plays tennis is a ___________. 2. An athlete that plays basketball is a _____________. 3. An athlete that plays badminton is a _____________. 4. An athlete that runs in a long distance race is a __________ 5. An athlete that participates in the weightlifting event is a ___________. 6. An athlete that participates in the boxing event is a _______. 7. An athlete that participates in the diving event is a _________.
He won the NBA’s Most Valuable Player award __________ times.
He led the Chicago Bulls to the League championship _________ times.


chael Jordan
刑事法2班 梅丽美 20150340221
Brief introduction:
• Name: Michael Jordan • Birthday: Feb. 17,1963 • Birthplace: Brooklyn in New
York • Position: shooting guard • Height: 1.98m • Weight: 88kg • University: North Carolina State
Jordan said: " I can accept failure, but can not accept to give up.
• Michael Jordans basketball player, known as the" flying trapeze".
• In his basketball occupation career created just like enumerable record, is recognized as the world's best basketball player, is a NBA history first to have" athlete of the century " title.
• He will NBA extended to every corner of the world, become Hollywood beyond another unstoppable American culture, his union to bring the income of at least 10000000000, the Nike Company from a small company into a world famous super giant.

大学英语示范课课件 迈克乔丹介绍

大学英语示范课课件 迈克乔丹介绍

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
C ontents Goal Fear Commitment Teamwork Fundamentals Leadership
Goals can’t decide anything, but it is like a compass in a ship. Without compass the ship in the ocean would lose its destination and the time to arrive.

My own agenda
Paragra phs 1-2 3-4
Main ideas
Although every one had a different agenda for me, I had my own. I set short time goals and focused on them. When a goal was achieved, I set another realistic goal. I visualized where I wanted to be and gained confidence every time I reached my goal. Take small steps and try your best and you will achieve your goals.
I can’t accept not trying
Who is Michael Jordan Introduction About his biography I can’t accept not trying Structure of the text


when he was young he was expelled from the school basketball team.
7,is b1ill9Ga9te6s-.98); Rookie of the Year
7,is bill Gates .
He is(, 1by9fa8r,5an)d; w1ill4b-etfiomr a etimAe tollc-oSmtea, thre; bAesltlb-aSskteatbrall player in the history of the game.
In 1996, "Life" magazine named the post-war American's 50 most outstanding famous, Jordan ranked No.
Jordan and China
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
• March 19, 2010, Michael Jordan has retired acquisition NBA Charlotte Bobcats , becoming the owner of the Charlotte Bobcats. 2010年3月19日,已经退役的迈 克尔·乔丹成功收购NBA 夏洛特山猫队 ,成 为山猫队的老板。



Emotional expression
Passionate delivery
Michael Jordan's speeches are often filled with passion, allowing him to connect with his audience on an emotional level.
Facing challenges
Michael Jordan believes that setbacks and challenges are inevitable on the road to success. He advises to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than stumbling blocks.
The ability to handle pressure is crucial for success, according to Jordan. He advises to stay calm and collected when the stakes are high and the pressure is mounting.
Jordan stresses the need for selfdiscipline and the ability to set personal standards that are higher than what is required or expected. He credits much of his success to the rigorous training and dietary changes he implemented early in his career.



Earvin Johnson, he is the best legendary point guard(控球后卫 /组织后卫) of all time. His performance from the field is the best annotation(诠释) of at a standard point guard should do. He led Lakers to a contemporary dynasty against the contemporary Celtics led by Bird.
NBA、regarded as the God wearing NO.23 .
Before NBA
MJ was SG in NCAA.
Jordan made his first final shot (绝杀) in NCAA Finals.
In MJ‟s first season, he scored 28.2 points , made 6.5 rebounds and 5.8 assists on average. And he shot 51.5 percent from the field. Therefore, he was awarded the best rookie instead of the first pick, Olajuwon. 乔丹新秀赛季交出了场均28.2 分+6.5篮板+5.8助攻的华丽数 据,场上命中率为51.5%。因 此,乔丹力压同届选秀状元奥 拉朱旺当选成为最佳新秀。
Larry Bird, “The Bird”. He once led Celtics to the big one in NBA, Celtics led by Bird even won eight successive NBA championship, which might be a unbreakable record in NBA history! The competition between Lakers and Celtics is the most amazing games in 1980s.



world table tennis altar queen (世界乒乓球坛女王) Deng yaping
• Deng yaping,she won 18 world table tennis gold medals, two consecutive Olympic championship of the Olympic Games, deng yaping is the only one who won 4 gold medals table tennis athlete, known as the " table tennis queen "
Lin Dan is the current dominant(目前占主导地位的) player of world badminton from China. He has been named “Super Dan” by his fans. Lin won the men’s singles gold medal at the Beijing and Lodon Summer Olympics. And he is the only player in badminton history to have won four singles world championship titles having done so continuously.
12文6 梁 超 20120500625 叶栋辉 20120500671
The Olympic Games is the International Olympic committee to host the contain a variety of sports international games, held every four years. The Games originated from ancient Greece, for site named (举办地) in Olympia(奥林匹亚). The Olympic Games now has become a symbol of peace and friendship, it is a melting [ˈmeltɪŋ]与…..融为一体 sports, education and culture into an comprehensive, persistent, global activities .

乔丹PPT 简介ppt课件

乔丹PPT 简介ppt课件
I can accept failure. But I can't acceptnot trying. 我可以接受失败,但我无法接受从不去尝试
I can accept failure. but I can't accept not trying. ——Michael Jordan
Let’s go
·入选全明星次数:14次(84-85,85-86,86-87,87-88,88-89, 89-90,90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96,96-97,97-98,01-02, 02-03)
·全明星MVP次数:3次(88,96,98) ·全明星扣篮大赛冠军次数:2次(87, 88) ·入选最佳阵容次数:10次
·赛季平均每场得分最高次数(得分王):10次 (86-87,87-88, 88-89,89-90,90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96 ,96-97,97-98) ·最佳防守球员:1次 (1987-1988赛季)
·奥运会冠军次数:2次 (1984年洛杉矶奥运会,1992年巴塞罗 那奥运会)
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
以30.06分第二) 2、十次得分王,历史第一 3、连续七次得分王(和张伯伦共享)历史第一 4、连续866场比赛得分过两位数,历史第一 5、单赛季场均得分30+次数最多,8次历史第一 6、季后赛平均每场得分33.4分,历史第一 7、季后赛职业生涯总得分5987,历史第一 8、唯一超过40岁,且拿40+的球员 9、1995—96赛季,乔丹带领公牛队获得常规赛

乔丹篮球鞋系列1代23代收藏 ppt课件

乔丹篮球鞋系列1代23代收藏 ppt课件

第二代Air Jordan鞋 1986年- 1987年
迈克尔·乔丹首次成为NBA得分王, 入选全明星队,并获得第一个扣 篮大赛冠军。在获得所有这些荣 誉时,伴随他的都是一双由意大 利制鞋名师制造的压花革Air Jordan ,这双鞋的特点是“插翅 篮球”从鞋帮移到鞋舌。
鞋面上的网眼设计让这款鞋的外 观极其新潮,特有的篮筐式样的 鞋带孔设计,让穿着者的脚步异 常平稳。
第五代Air Jordan鞋 1989年-1990年 乔五代独创鞋带锁定设计和透明橡胶鞋 底,可以发挥高度抓地力。
P-51 野马,二战中盟军最优秀 的全能活塞动力战斗机,也是 盟军空权的象征。而中底的喷 射火焰花纹也是乔五的特色。
制作的Zoom Air气垫,并有独
第十四代Air Jordan鞋 1998年 -1999年 灵感来源与法拉力赛车,这款 高性能、豪华外观的球鞋让每 一个穿上它的球员至少在装备 上不亚于历史上最伟大的球员 迈克尔·乔丹。
•第一代Air Jordan鞋 1984年-1985年
•第一代乔丹鞋的鞋帮上有一个显眼的 “插翅篮球”的标志永远被人们记住
•AIR JORDAN一代伴随着乔丹在NBA 中博得了好彩头。乔丹在NBA的第一年, 平均每场比赛得28.3分,且总分为当季 联盟最高分—2313分,乔丹并以此表 现荣获当年[年度最佳新人]头衔。


The destined superstar was drafted by the Chicago Bulls in 1984, which would quickly make the franchise look prophetic, as Michael would claim the Rookie of the Year award
A Champion
After 8 years of struggling, Michael finally won 6 championships in a span of 8 years, being retired
for 1 and a half seasons between.第6页/共11页来自Looking back…
Jordan amassed 6 World Championships, 5 MVP’s and 6 Finals MVP’s, and is considered the greatest athlete of all-time
He took NBA to the world, created AIR Jordan brand, value-added at least 100 billion. He not only reprensents the highest level of basketball, but also the American culture.
With dreams of success on the baseball diamond
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The College Years (cont’d)
Michael excelled during his Sophomore and Junior seasons, becoming an AllAmerican and the most heavily pursued player by NBA franchises
• Michael improved dramatically, becoming a McDonald’s All-American by his senior year at Laney High School
The College Years
Michael was not a star his freshman season, but when he hit a shot to win the National Championship game against Georgetown, he was put on the map
1987年全明星周末首夺扣篮大赛冠军 took a slam dunk champion in 1987
1988年全明星周末蝉联扣篮大赛冠军 took slam dunk champion again
1991年首夺NBA总冠军 王朝初现 1990-1991赛季,乔丹获得常规赛MVP和总决赛MVP。
A freshman March 29,1982 At the last moment threw the winning goal, and helped the team 63-62 defeat opponents to get championship.
Looking back…
Jordan amassed 6 World Championships, 5 MVP’s and 6 NBA Finals MVP’s, and is considered the greatest athlete of all-time
把NBA推向全球,创造Nike品牌、增值至少 100亿等等,尤其对中国的影响,把篮球深入 到中国的每个角落。
乔丹率公牛队夺得的第一个总冠军,从此开始了公牛王 朝。
Jordan got MVP and NBA finals MVP and won the first championship, began the bulls dynasty.
Michael Jordan:
“The Greatest of All-Time”
My hero—Michael Jordan
The basic information
Name:Michael Jordan Birthday:February 17 ,1963(Sunday) Birthplace :Brooklyn in New York University: North Carolina State
The destined superstar was drafted by the Chicago Bulls in 1984, which would quickly make the franchise look prophetic, as Michael would claim the Rookie of the Year award
He took NBA to the world, created Nike brand, value-added at least 100 billion and so on, in particular the impact on China, the basketball deep into every corner of China .
…with dreams of success on the baseball di greatness on the basketball court
The High School Years…
• Michael was cut from his high school varsity as a sophomore, but worked harder than ever to achieve his goal of making the team
He was the fourth child ,and was the smallest of the
three sons. He also had a sister and a
A young boy from Wilmington, North Carolina…
A Champion
After 8 years of struggling, Michael finally won 6 world championships in a span of 8 years, being retired for 1 and a half seasons between.
84年加盟公牛 当选年度最佳新秀 Joined Chicago Bulls team for the 1984
The best rising star of this year
In 1984, he helpd the American basketball team to win the Olympic gold medal.
He was a successful man.
As a basketball player, he had too much reputation. As a father, he took care of his children Meticulously. As a boss, he managed his team reasonablely .