



管理学原理》模拟题一一、填空题:(每题1分,共10分)1.管理的两重性是指管理具有________和_________.ﻫ 2.泰勒被后人称为_______之父,_______被后人称为“管理过程理论"之父。





9.控制是按_____标准衡量所取得的成果,并及时纠正所发生的偏差,确保计划目标的实现. ﻫ10.沟通的四个基本要素是信息源、信息内容、信息接受者和_________。


B. 技术技能、人际关系技能、概念技能都强。

C. 技术技能和人际关系技能强但概念技能弱。

ﻫD. 技术技能和概念技能强但人际关系技能弱。

ﻫ 12.下面哪一项不属于Y理论假设的内容ﻫ A.人们不喜欢负责任,甘愿服从别人领导。

B.外在的控制和惩罚并不是使人努力达到组织目标的唯一途径. ﻫC.人们视工作如游戏或休息一样自然。


13.泰勒认为:实行科学管理的根本目的是ﻫ A.提高企业的经济效益B.有利于人的全面发展C.提高工作效率 D.满足工人心理需要ﻫ 14.环境要素多,要素间彼此不相似但单个要素基本维持不变,未来可以预测,对要素了解的知识要求高。

真题模拟考试:2020 管理学原理真题模拟及答案(2)

真题模拟考试:2020 管理学原理真题模拟及答案(2)

真题模拟考试:2020 管理学原理真题模拟及答案(2)共78道题1、下列不属于按决策的性质对决策进行分类的是 ( j (单选题)A. 战略决策B. _战术决策C. 业务决策D. 程序化决策试题答案:D2、需要层次理论是研究人的需要结构的一种理论,其首创者是 ( ) (单选题)A. 弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格B. 大卫·麦克莱兰C. 弗鲁姆D. 马斯洛试题答案:D3、现代机构的特殊器官是 ( ) (单选题)A. 协调B. 控制C. 计划D. 管理试题答案:D4、以管理的职能及其发挥作用的过程为研究对象,认为管理是通过别人或同别人一起完成工作的过程是哪一学派的特点? ( ) (单选题)A. 管理过程学派B. 社会系统学派C. 决策理论学派D. 系统管理学派试题答案:A5、根据审计的内容分类,审计控制可划分为 ( )(多选题)A. 财务审计B. 内部审计C. 外部审计D. 管理审计E. 成本审计试题答案:A,D6、"五力模型"分析中的力量因素包括( )(多选题)A. 买方B. 现有竞争者C. 替代品生产者D. 卖方E. 潜在竞争者试题答案:A,B,C,D,E7、决策的落实是 ( ) (单选题)A. 方案选优B. 典型试验C. 普遍实施D. 跟踪控制试题答案:C8、甘特图的特点包括 ( )(多选题)A. 直观B. 灵活C. 简单D. 醒目E. 便于编制试题答案:C,D,E9、组织根据外部环境和内部资源条件而制定的全局性的、较长时期发展方向和寻求组织在环境中地位的重大计划是 ( ) (单选题)A. 战略计划B. 战术计划C. 长期计划D. 中期计划试题答案:A10、将管理定义为"管理就是确切地知道你要别人去干什么,并使他用最好的方法去干"的人是 ( ) (单选题)A. 泰勒B. 亨利·法约尔C. 彼得·德鲁克D. 哈罗德·孔茨试题答案:A11、完成一次沟通的标志是 ( ) (单选题)A. 有一个明确的目标B. 达成共同的协议C. 沟通信息、思想和感情D. 得到了信息的反馈试题答案:B12、按管理者所从事管理工作的领域及专业不同.可以分为 ( )(多选题)A. 高层管理者B. 中层管理者C. 基层管理者D. 综合管理者E. 专业管理者试题答案:D,E13、某报纸刊登一则招聘广告,广告中的职位、条件、待遇就是 ( ) (单选题)A. 信源B. 信息内容C. 信宿D. 信道试题答案:B14、高层管理者包括 ( )(多选题)A. 董事长B. 首席执行官C. 总裁D. 总经理E. 其他高级经理人员试题答案:A,B,C,D,E15、离职培训、脱岗培训又称 ( ) (单选题)A. 不脱产培训B. 岗前培训C. 在职培训D. 脱产培训试题答案:D16、按照决策活动表现的形式不同,决策可以分为 ( )(多选题)A. 战略决策B. 战术决策C. 程序化决策D. 非程序化决策E. 业务决策试题答案:C,D17、近几年来,最明显的组织技术变革是在组织中普遍推行 ( ) (单选题)A. 先进设备B. 专业化人员C. 扁平化组织结构D. 计算机网络技术试题答案:D18、实行差别化战略的方式包括( )(多选题)A. 广泛地推行标准化B. 降低产品成本C. 树立名牌D. 产品有特性E. 服务别具一格试题答案:C,D,E19、下列关于轮式沟通的优点,说法正确的是 ( )(多选题)A. 有利于了解、掌握、汇总全面情况并迅速把自己的意见反馈出去B. 集中化程度高,解决问题的速度快C. 解决问题的精确度高D. 组织内民主气氛较浓,适于创造高昂的士气E. 沟通渠道多试题答案:A,B,C20、PDcA循环的特点包括( )(多选题)A. 程序化B. 整体化C. 层次化D. 高效化E. 实体试题答案:A,C,D21、下列关于组织与环境关系的说法中,正确的有 ( )(多选题)A. 组织是环境赖以生存的土壤B. 外部环境影响着组织内部的各种管理工作C. 环境制约组织的管理过程和管理效率D. 组织影响环境E. 组织适应新环境试题答案:B,C,D,E22、可以帮助管理者分析自己及下属成功与失败的原因.进行有针对性的引导的理论是 ( ) (单选题)A. 需求理论B. 归因理论C. 双因素理论D. 期望理论试题答案:B23、人员变革中组织成员需要作出改变的是 ( )(多选题)A. 工作态度B. 认知C. 期望D. 权力的分配E. 行为试题答案:A,B,C,E24、业务流程再造发展起来的时间是 ( ) (单选题)A. 20世纪60年代B. 20世纪70年代C. 20世纪80年代D. 20世纪90年代试题答案:D25、按照决策的性质不同,决策可以分为 ( )(多选题)A. 战略决策B. 战术决策C. 程序化决策D. 非程序化决策E. 业务决策试题答案:A,B,E26、信息沟通过程中.发送者方面的障碍不包括 ( ) (单选题)A. 过滤B. 错觉C. 语言障碍D. 情绪障碍试题答案:D27、感情与归属上的需要,包括人与人之间的友谊、忠诚、爱情以及归属于某一群体及组织的需要是指 ( ) (单选题)A. 生理需要B. 安全需要C. 社交需要D. 尊重需要试题答案:C28、自上而下的沟通方式是 ( ) (单选题)A. 上行沟通B. 下行沟通C. 平行沟通D. 单项沟通试题答案:B29、赫威斯准则又称为 ( ) (单选题)A. 悲观决策法B. 乐观决策法C. 折中决策法D. 同等概率法试题答案:B30、不属于企业管理中的“人性”理论的是 ( ) (单选题)A. X理论与Y理论B. 不成熟——成熟理论C. 超X理论D. 超Y理论试题答案:C31、下列培育管理道德的途径中既有利于管理者自身建设与发展,又有利于企业管理水平的提高与发展的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 挑选高素质的管理者B. 提炼规范管理道德准则C. 将管理道德列入岗位考核内容D. 提供正式的保护机制试题答案:B32、职权的类型包括 ( )(多选题)A. 直线职权B. 参谋职权C. 职能职权D. 管理职权E. 指挥职权试题答案:A,B,C33、人员变革中组织成员需要作出改变的是 ( )(多选题)A. 工作态度B. 认知C. 期望D. 权力的分配E. 行为试题答案:A,B,C,E34、下列属于科学管理的内容的有 ( )(多选题)A. 工作定额原理B. 标准化原理C. 定额工资原理D. 管理工作专业化原理E. 管理控制的例外原理试题答案:A,B,D,E35、内容型激励理论包括( )(多选题)A. 需要层次理论B. 双因素理论C. 成就需要理论D. 期望理论E. 公平理论试题答案:A,B,C36、企业在提高核心竞争力的同时,应当坚持 ( ) (单选题)A. 以人为本B. 经济发展C. 产品优先D. 和谐共建试题答案:A37、组织设计的层级化是指组织的( ) (单选题)A. 横向设计B. 纵向设计C. 综合设计D. 管理幅度试题答案:B38、变革步子迈得较慢.每一次的改变幅度都不是很大指的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 渐进式变革B. 激进式变革C. 一次性变革D. 长期性变革试题答案:A39、按组织内信息沟通的流向,可将沟通分为 ( )(多选题)A. 上行沟通B. 下行沟通C. 平行沟通D. 单向沟通E. 双向沟通试题答案:A,B,C40、组织变革的根本目的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 适应外部环境变化B. 适应内部环境变化C. 战略调整D. 提高组织的效能试题答案:D41、整个招聘工作中最关键、技术性最强、难度最大的一个环节是 ( ) (单选题)A. 人员招聘B. 人员甄选C. 绩效考核D. 人员培训试题答案:B42、下列属于保健因素的有 ( )(多选题)A. 监督方式B. 关系C. 工资福利D. 提升E. 奖佥试题答案:A,B,C43、下列属于科学管理的内容的有 ( )(多选题)A. 工作定额原理B. 标准化原理C. 定额工资原理D. 管理工作专业化原理E. 管理控制的例外原理试题答案:A,B,D,E44、以年度计划为主要形式的是( ) (单选题)A. 短期计划B. 长期计划C. 战略汁划D. 战术计划试题答案:A45、直线制组织结构只适用丁 ( ) (单选题)A. 比较简单的小型组织B. 中型组织C. 大型组织D. 跨同集团试题答案:A46、按地区划分部门适合于 ( ) (单选题)A. 中小型企业B. 稳定的技术和环境C. 顾客需求多元化的情况D. 地区差异明显、环境多变的情况试题答案:D47、在企业如何对待社会责任问题上,古典观的核心思想是认为企业管理者唯一的社会责任是( ) (单选题)A. 实现利润最大化B. 实现成本最低化C. 实现管理高效化D. 实现责任最小化试题答案:A48、影响购买者议价能力的因素主要包括 ( )(多选题)A. 买主数量B. 可替代产品的数量C. 买方选择替代产品的成本D. 购买量E. 卖主数量试题答案:A,B,C,D49、影响个人行为的两个变量是( )(多选题)A. 自我强度B. 个人修养C. 学习理念D. 组织结构E. 控制中心试题答案:A,E50、人力资源计划的步骤有( )(多选题)A. 评估现有的人力资源B. 评估未来所需的人力资源C. 制定一套相适应的方案D. 选择最优方案E. 实施汁划试题答案:A,B,C51、信源也称为 ( ) (单选题)A. 信息的发送者B. 信息的接收者C. 信息的内容D. 信息交流的渠道试题答案:A52、综合而言,组织的目标主要有( )(多选题)A. 实现股东财南最大化B. 实现组织的效率与效益C. 积聚组织成员的士气D. 实现企业价值最大化E. 使组织持续发展试题答案:B,C,E53、IBM从计算机终端供应商转变为网络咨询、服务商,体现了 ( ) (单选题)A. 组织主动地适应环境,改变自己B. 组织影响环境C. 组织选择新环境D. 组织被动地适应环境试题答案:C54、一般来说,计划的期限与其所要完成的任务 ( ) (单选题)A. 成正比B. 成反比C. 无关D. 负相关试题答案:A55、最古老、最通用的库存控制技术是( ) (单选题)A. 定期补充法B. ABc分类法C. 订货点法D. 经济批量法试题答案:D56、根据需要层次理论,人的安全需要包括 ( )(多选题)A. 人身安全的保障B. 工作的保障C. 生活的保障D. 老有依靠和生病有保障E. 归属群体的保障试题答案:A,B,C,D57、通过工作分析获得的信息可编制成( ) (单选题)A. 工作说明书B. 岗前培训书C. 职位说明书D. 岗位说明书试题答案:D58、亨利·法约尔认为管理的职能有( )(多选题)A. 计划B. 组织C. 指挥D. 协凋E. 控制试题答案:A,B,C,D,E59、业务决策的主要内容包括( )(多选题)A. 生产决策B. 存货决策C. 非程序化决策D. 销售决策E. 程序化决策试题答案:A,B,D60、将组织目标从上到下层层分解落实的过程.称为目标展开,其主要内容包括 ( )(多选题)A. 目标分解B. 目标组合C. 目标完善D. 目标对策E. 目标责任试题答案:A,D,E61、组织竞争优势的源泉是 ( ) (单选题)A. 知识B. 人才C. 资源D. 技术试题答案:B62、纵观全局、洞察企业与环境要素间相互影响和作用的能力是 ( ) (单选题)A. 技术技能B. 人际技能C. 概念技能D. 沟通技能试题答案:C63、下列有关质量控制的说法错误的是( ) (单选题)A. 质量控制包括工作的质量和产品的质量B. 产品质量是工作质量的体现C. 产品质量是工作质量的保证D. 质量控制是企业生产经营活动中一项极其重要的控制活动试题答案:C64、在人类的所有需要都没有得到满足之时,居于支配地位的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 安全需要B. 社交需要C. 生理需要D. 尊重需要试题答案:C65、按组织内信息沟通的流向,可将沟通分为 ( )(多选题)A. 上行沟通B. 下行沟通C. 平行沟通D. 单向沟通E. 双向沟通试题答案:A,B,C66、从最高管理人员到最低工作人员中间所拥有的级数是 ( ) (单选题)A. 管理层次B. 管理幅度C. 管理制度D. 管理时间试题答案:A67、下列属于激励的原则的有 ( )(多选题)A. 组织目标与个人目标相结合B. 物质激励与精神激励相结合C. 正激励与负激励相结合D. 公平与公正E. 差异化与多样化相结合试题答案:A,B,C,D,E68、柔性的概念最初起源于柔性制造系统,指的是制造过程的 ( )(多选题)A. 可变性B. 固定性C. 可调整性D. 不可调整性E. 一致性试题答案:A,C69、内部提升的缺点有 ( )(多选题)A. 进入角色慢,缺乏人事基础B. 对求职者无法深入了解C. 内部竞争,引起同事不满D. 近亲繁殖E. 来源局限,水平有限试题答案:C,D,E70、下列有关组织文化的说法,正确的是 ( )(多选题)A. 组织文化是组织在其管理实践中逐步形成的,为全体员工所认同并遵守B. 组织文化反映一个组织的精神风貌,决定着组织内存凝聚力的大小C. 组织文化的产生和存在可以人为控制D. 任何组织的组织文化都是相同的E. 组织文化在很大程度上决定了员工的看法和对周围世界的反映试题答案:A,B,E71、对高层管理者更强调 ( ) (单选题)A. 技术技能B. 人际技能C. 概念技能D. 劳动技能试题答案:C72、下列属于组织中沟通的信息内容的有 ( )(多选题)A. 上级下达的指令B. 计划C. 决策D. 下级上报的报告E. 人与人之间感情的交流试题答案:A,B,C,D,E73、罗伯特.欧文的管理思想是( ) (单选题)A. 人是环境的产物B. 自由经济C. 边际熟练原则D. “经济人”观点试题答案:A74、在市场疲软时期,为了共渡难关,部分职工会同意接受比较严格的限制,而在经济繁荣时期则希望工作中有较大的自由度,这体现了有效控制的 ( ) (单选题)A. 及时性原则B. 适度性原则C. 重点原则D. 经济性原则试题答案:B75、下列不属于纠正偏差阶段的工作的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 分清偏差的性质B. 分析偏差产生的原因C. 采取措施纠正偏差D. 总结出现偏差的经验教训试题答案:D76、按产品划分部门适合于( )(多选题)A. 多元化经营的大型企业B. 地区差异明显、环境多变的情况C. 稳定的技术和环境D. 环境多变的情况E. 中小型企业试题答案:A,D77、员工主动性的衡量标准包括( )(多选题)A. 不同监督程度下员工干劲与责任心高低B. 对待"分内"、"分外"工作的不同态度C. 完成"无指令"任务的多少D. 是否遵守操作规程E. 探索新理论试题答案:A,B,C78、其主要特点就是形成以运筹学和计算机应用为主体的管理定量方法指的是 ( ) (单选题)A. 经典主义学派B. 权变理论学派C. 经理角色学派D. 管理科学学派试题答案:D。



管理学原理模拟习题及答案一、单选题(共35题,每题1分,共35分)1.控制工作得以开展的前提条件是( )。

A、采取矫正措施B、分析偏差原因C、建立控制标准D、明确问题性质正确答案:C2.组织内部结构一般包括纵向层次结构、横向部门结构和()A、组织规范B、系统组织体制C、整体组织体制D、组织理念正确答案:C3.当前的质量管理属于( )阶段。

A、质量检验管理B、统计质量控制C、全面质量管理D、质量管理国际化正确答案:D4.( )也称为重大风险,是指特定的社会个体所不能预防或控制的风险,如经济失调、政治变动、重大自然灾害等。

A、动态风险B、静态风险C、特定风险D、基本风险正确答案:D5.财务比率中,( )衡量了公司应用资产来产生利润的效率和效果程度。

A、杠杆比率B、活动性比率C、流动性比率D、收益率正确答案:D6.企业是( )。

A、纯经济组织B、管理学唯一研究对象C、特殊社会组织D、特殊社会经济组织正确答案:D7.人员配备的根本目的是( )A、使个人能力水平与岗位要求相适应B、为任何人找到和创造发挥作用的条件C、通过个体之间取长补短形成整体优势D、保持所有员工的身心健康正确答案:A8.管理活动进行的载体是( )。

A、目标B、组织C、资源D、环境正确答案:B9.不由组织的层级结构限定的沟通类型是( )。

A、非正式沟通B、斜向沟通C、上行沟通D、正式沟通正确答案:A10.计划工作最能明确反应管理基本特征的是( )。

A、首位性B、目的性C、效率性D、普遍性、正确答案:C11.组织结构设计的基本要求是 ()A、既有稳定性又有适应性B、便于信息沟通C、责权利相结合D、精简而又高效正确答案:D12.技术创新不包括( )。

A、制度B、材料C、工艺D、产品正确答案:A13.关于“权变管理理论”,表述不对的是( )A、没有一成不变的管理方法技术B、组织管理要随机应变C、超Y理论和权变领导模型是代表性理论D、管理与环境之间不存在函数关系正确答案:D14.企业与商业合作伙伴的关系不包括( )。



一. (共128题,共271分)1. 以下哪一项不属于管理的基本职能?()(2分)A.计划B.组织C.指挥D.领导★标准答案:C2. 以下哪一项属于管理的属性?()(2分)A.科学属性B.艺术属性C.社会属性D.综合属性★标准答案:C3. 泰勒的《科学管理原理》一书发表于哪一年?()(2分)A.1895B.1903C.1916D.1911★标准答案:D4. “顺天时,量地利”是我国古代重要的管理思想之一,它出自于那本书中?()(2分)A.《管子。

八观》B.《齐民要术》C.《史记》D.《吕氏春秋》★标准答案:B5. 企业的社会责任不包括以下哪一项?()(2分)A.管理和分配国家税收B.对利益相关者的责任C.保护自然环境方面的责任D.一般社会福利方面的责任,如捐赠、社区建设等★标准答案:A6. 以下那一句话是错的?()(2分)A.所有在组织中工作的成员都是管理者,也是被管理者B.公司的部门经理、工厂的车间主任、学校的教务主任等都属于中层管理者C.人际关系技能对各层次的管理人员都具有同等重要的意义D.处理竞争对手市场策略的变化、政府政策的改变、内部机构的重组等问题时都需要高层管理者高超的概念技能★标准答案:A7. 20世纪80年代,由于日本所取得的经济成就,日本企业管理模式一时间引起了世界各国企业的关注和借鉴。



对于这种情况,你赞同以下哪种说法?()(2分)A.对管理模式的评价必须随世界经济的发展而变化B.每种管理模式都有其自身的环境适应性与局限性C.美国的管理模式长期以来都比日本的更优秀D.存在着一种最优的管理模式可以适应任何情况★标准答案:B8. 哪一种决策是不属于按决策条件和状况来分类的?()(2分)A.战略决策B.确定型决策C.风险决策D.不确定型决策★标准答案:A9. 盈亏平衡分析法常用于()。









1、管理是生产过程固有的属性,是有效地组织劳动所必需的,反映了管理的( C )[A] 科学性[B] 艺术性[C] 必要性[D] 目的性2、管理学中的原理和方法适用于各种类型组织,说明管理学具有( A )[A] 一般性[B] 多样性[C] 历史性[D] 实践性3、著名的“搬运生铁块”是下列哪位做的?C[A] 法约尔[B] 甘特[C] 泰罗[D] 萨伊4、如果只能选择一种控制方式,最好的方式是( A )[A] 预先控制[B] 现场控制[C] 事后控制[D] 反馈控制5、当领导的管理能力较强,下属的工作能力也较高时,则(D )[A] 管理幅度应该大些[B] 管理幅度应该小些[C] 管理层次应该多些[D] 管理组织应该松散些6、没有反映出管理专业化分工的组织结构为( B )[A] 职能型结构[B] 直线制结构[C] 事业部制型结构[D] 矩阵型结构7、领导者采用何种领导风格,应当视其下属的“成熟”程度而定。

当某一下属既不愿也不能负担工作责任,学识和经验较少时,领导对于这种下属应采取如下哪种领导方式?( A )[A] 命令型[B] 说服型[C] 参与型[D] 授权型8、“士为知己者死”这一古训反映了有效的领导始于( D )[A] 上下级之间的友情[B] 为下属设定崇高的目标[C] 为下属的利益不惜牺牲自己[D] 了解下属的欲望和需要9.某企业规定,员工上班迟到一次,扣发当月50%的奖金,自此规定出台之后,员工迟到现象基本消除,这是哪一种强化方式?( B )[A] 正强化[B] 负强化[C] 惩罚[D] 忽视10、下面那个特征是非理性决策的有(D )[A] 知识完备[B] 价值观一致[C] 择优[D] 信息有限二、【多项选择题】(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)在每小题列出的四个选项中有二至四个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。


















二、简答题(每小题6分,共30分):1 “管理技能”与“管理职能”是同一个概念吗,为什么?答:不是同一个概念。








管理学模拟试卷五一、概念理解题(每题3分共计15分)1.管理 2.领导 3.组织 4.控制 5.沟通二、选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.某高科技企业近年的发展遇到难题,据该企业总经理分析,主要是由于他自己在寻找顾客、开拓市场上投入精力太多,而在如何加强项目组织以很好完成所承接的业务上投入精力不够。




















英语管理学原理题库Here are some sample questions in English for a management principles exam, designed to be conversational and diverse in language style:1. Explain in your own words what leadership is and how it differs from management.2. Describe a situation where you had to delegate a task to a team member. How did you ensure accountability and results?3. What's your take on the importance of motivation in the workplace? Give an example of how you've seen it make a difference.4. Discuss the challenges of managing a remote team. How do you maintain communication and collaboration?5. Tell me about a time when you had to make adifficult decision in your role as a manager. What factors influenced your decision, and how did you handle the aftermath?6. What role does conflict resolution play in buildinga strong team? Can you share a conflict you've resolved and how it strengthened the team?7. Explain the concept of organizational culture and why it's crucial for organizational success. What are some examples of positive cultures you've witnessed?8. Talk about the importance of setting clear goals and objectives in a project. How do you ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the same end?9. Describe a time when you had to lead a change initiative in your organization. What strategies did you use to overcome resistance and gain buy-in?10. What do you think are the key qualities of aneffective manager? How have you developed these qualities in yourself?。



《管理学原理》模拟试卷一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1、被称为“组织理论之父”的管理学家是( B )A、泰罗B、法约尔C、韦伯D、巴纳德2、被称为“科学管理理论”之父的管理学家是( A )A、泰罗B、法约尔C、韦伯D、巴纳德3、上层主管人员的重要任务是( D )A、监督执行B、协调执行C、监督控制D、决策控制4、决定管理自然属性的是( C )A、生产方式B、生产关系C、生产力D、上层建筑5、决定管理社会属性的是( B )A、生产方式B、生产关系C、生产力D、上层建筑6、环境研究对组织决策有着非常重要的影响,具体表现在可以提高组织决策的( C )A、有效性、及时性、稳定性B、前瞻性、有效性、稳定性C、正确性、及时性、稳定性D、有效性、正确性、及时性7、下列属于管理的内部环境的是( D )A、一般环境和经营条件B、特殊环境和组织文化C、特殊环境和经营条件D、组织文化和经营条件8、下列属于管理的外部环境的是( B )A、一般环境和经营条件B、一般环境和特殊环境C、特殊环境和经营条件D、组织文化和经营条件9、在计划工作的步骤中,计划决策的关键是( A )A、确定目标B、评价各种方案C、选择方案D、制订派生计划10、“用奖赏兼某些恐吓及处罚的方法去鼓励下属;允许一些自下而上传递的信息;向下属征求一些想法与意见,并允许把某些决策权授予下属,但加以严格的政策控制”,是指下列哪种管理方法( C )A、利用——命令式方法B、温和命令式方法C、商议式方法D、集体参与式方法11、使科学、技巧、艺术和人的属性在实现组织目标过程中有机结合起来的是( A )A、指导与领导工作B、组织工作C、控制工作D、计划工作12、被称为决策"硬技术"的决策方法是指( A )A、计量决策法B、主观决策法C、边际分析法D、德尔菲法13、管理过程理论强调( A )A、管理是让别人同自己去实现既定目标的过程B、管理的核心是提高劳动生产率C、在管理中要重视人的因素D、要建立正式的、非人格化的组织体系14、管理的基本原理不包括( D )A、人本原理B、效益原理C、系统原理D、科学原理15、现场控制主要为( A )所采用的控制方法A、基层主管人员B、中层主管人员C、高层主管人员D、非主管人员16、中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠( A )A、正式权力与沟通技巧B、个人权力与技术技能C、人际关系技能与技术技能D、沟通技能与人际关系技能17、所谓授权,是指( C )A、在组织设计时,规定下属管理岗位必要的职责与权限B、在组织调整时,规定下属管理岗位必要的职责与权限C、领导者将部分处理问题的权委派给某些下属D、委托代理关系18、要实现管理的目标,必须建立精简、高效的组织机构,如果管理目标比较单一,可以采用( C )A、职能制B、直线职能制C、直线制D、事业部制19、( C )带有非命令性、协商性和双向性的特点A、自上而下沟通B、自下而上沟通C、横向沟通D、斜向沟通20、按控制的时机分类,可把控制方法分为( C )A、预先控制、持续控制、现场控制B、预先控制、持续控制、结果控制C、预先控制、现场控制、结果控制D、持续控制、现场控制、结果控制二、多项选择题(每小题2跟,共20分)1、美国学者波特认为,除了现有厂商和潜在竞争者外,还有一些因素影响到竞争结构,比如( AC )A、替代品生产者B、零售网络C、用户D、供应商E、政府政策2、美国管理学家德鲁克认为管理者的责任包括( CDE )A、管理物资B、管理资金C、管理组织D、管理管理者E、管理工作和工人3、强化的方法按强化的手段来划分有( ABCD )A、正强化B、负强化C、零强化D、惩罚E、学习4、德尔菲法的要点是( BCD )A、背靠背地征询意见B、对专家意见进行统计归纳C、要忠实于专家们的回答D、沟通反馈意见E、给专家们物质与精神奖励5、扁平结构的优点是( BCD )A、易于横向协调B、管理费用低C、缩短了上下级之间的距离D、信息纵向流通快E、严密监督下级6、计划工作的基本原理包括( ABCE )A、限定因素原理B、许诺原理C、灵活性原则D、可控性原理E、改变航道原理7、管理的基本特征有( ACD )A、管理是一中文化现象和社会现象B、管理的主体是被管理者C、管理的核心是处理好人际关系D、管理的任务是减少支出,实现既定目标8、按地区划分部门的优点有( ACD )A、有利于改善地区的协调B、有利于改善地区之间的协调C、有利于培养全面管理人才D、有利于取得地区经营的经济效益E、有利于加强主管部门的控制9、按照决策中变量之间的关系分类有( ABC )A、确定性决策B、风险型决策C、不确定性决策D、战略决策10、现代的观点认为,人员配备要包括( ABCDE )A、选人B、评人C、育人D、使用人E、留住人11、管理的二重性是指管理的( CD )A、科学性B、艺术性C、自然属性D、社会属性E、实践性12、对备选方案的要求是( BCE )A、互相包容 B互相排斥 C具有典型性 D具有一般性 E具有代表性13、俗话说:“一山不容二虎”、“一条船不能有两个船长”。





这种决策属于什么类型的决策?如果这三家银行都存在倒闭的可能,但不知道倒闭的概率,则这种决策又属于何种类型的决策?()A确定型决策,风险型决策B风险型决策,非确定型决策C非确定型决策,风险型决策D确定型决策,非确定型决策7.长期计划往往是()A战略性计划 B战术性计划C年度计划 D具体计划8.在组织生命周期的不同阶段,计划工作的重点也不一样,对于成长期的企业,其适合于以下何种计划类型()A指导性计划和短期计划B具体计划和短期计划C指导性计划和长期计划D具体计划和长期计划9.某企业在推行目标管理中,提出了如下的目标:“质量上台阶,管理上水平,效益创一流,人人争上游。







Chapter 1 – Introduction to Management and OrganizationsTrue/False QuestionsThe four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.True (easy)Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.False (moderate)Efficiency is often referred to as "doing things right."True (moderate)When managers meet organizational goals, they are efficient and effective.False (difficult)According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the informational role involves receiving, collecting, and disseminating information.True (moderate)Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management.True (moderate)The systems perspective underscores and emphasizes the fact that organizations are different, face different circumstances, and thus may require different ways of managing.False (moderate)Multiple Choice_____________ are organizational members who integrate and coordinate the work of others.a. Managers (easy)b. Team leadersc. Subordinatesd. Operativese. AgentsTypically, in organizations it is the _____________ who are responsible for making organizational decisions and setting policies and strategies that affect all aspects of the organization.a. team leadersb. middle managersc. first-line managersd. top managers (easy)e. subordinates_____________ distinguishes a managerial position from a nonmanagerial one.a. Manipulating othersb. Concern for the lawc. Increasing efficiencyd. Coordinating and integrating others' work (moderate)e. Defining market shareWhich of the following is NOT an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg?a.spokesperson (moderate)b.entrepreneurc.disturbance handlerd.resource allocatore.negotiatorWhich of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organization’s work?a.human skillsb.technical skills (easy)c.conceptual skillsd.empirical skillsUnderstanding building codes would be considered a _____________ skill for a building contractor.a. humanb. technical (easy)c. conceptuald. empiricale. functionalWhich of the following phrases is best associated with managerial conceptual skills?a. decision-making (easy)b. communicating with customersc. motivating subordinatesd. product knowledgee. technical skillsAccording to the text, _____________ are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment.a.open systemsb.closed systems (easy)c.flextime systemsd.reverse systemse.forward systemsThe _____________ view of a manager's job implies that decisions and actions taken in one organizational area will impact other areas.a. systems (moderate)b. contingencyc. conceptuald. functionale. environmentalWhich of the following best describes the concept that management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations,at all organizational levels and in all organizational work areas, and in all organizations, no matter what country they’re located in?a.the partiality of managementb.the segmentation of managementc.the universality of management (moderate)d.the cultures of managementScenarios and QuestionsThe Busy Day (Scenario)Don Eskew, plant manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighed as he sipped his first cup of coffee at 5 a.m. and read his agenda for the day. He is giving two company tours in the morning; the first to a newspaper reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion and has several questions, and the second to a group of Control Systems, Inc., managers from the east coast. He then has a meeting with unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil's recent drop in performance (a task he always hates). Next, he is spending a couple of hours reviewing the trade journals he receives from his high-tech association and writing up a brief synopsis for his presentation next week to the Division President. Finally, in late afternoon, he will be reviewing the new equipment malfunction and deciding whether to bring in extra people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. Whew! Just another day in the glamorous life of a manager. Together, all of these behaviors performed by Don during his busy day correspond to the management roles discovered in the late 1960s by which of the following management scientists?a. Herzbergb. Skinnerc. Mintzberg (easy)d. Fayole. MaslowWhen Don was meeting with Phil to discuss his performance concerns, he was operating in which management role?a. leader (difficult)b. figureheadc. monitord. disturbance handlere. spokesperson114. What role was Don performing when he gave the plant tour to the newspaper reporter?a. monitorb. figureheadc. disseminatord. spokesperson (difficult)e. resource allocator115. When Don was reviewing the new equipment malfunction, what management role was he playing when deciding whether to bring in extra people?a. monitorb. disseminatorc. resource allocator (moderate)d. disturbance handlere. figureheadEssay QuestionsIn a short essay, discuss the difference between efficiency and effectiveness and include a specific example to support each concept.Answera.Efficiency refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs. Because managers deal withscarce inputs—including resources such as people, money, and equipment—they are concerned with theefficient use of resources. For instance, at the Beiersdorf Inc. factory in Cincinnati, where employees makebody braces and supports, canes, walkers, crutches, and other medical assistance products, efficient manufacturing techniques were implemented by doing things such as cutting inventory levels, decreasingthe amount of time to manufacture products, and lowering product reject rates. From this perspective,that is, not wasting resources.efficiency is often referred to a s “doing things right”—that is, those work activities that will help theb.Effectiveness is often described as “doing the right things”—organization reach its goals. For instance, at the Biersdorf factory, goals included open communication between managers and employees, and cutting costs. Through various work programs, these goals werepursued and achieved. Whereas efficiency is concerned with the means of getting things done, effectiveness is concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.(moderate)In a short essay, list and explain the four basic functions of management.Answera.Planning –involves the process of defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, anddeveloping plans to integrate and coordinate activities.anizing – involves the process of determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how thetasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.c.Leading – when managers motivate subordinates, influence individuals or teams as they work, select themost effective communication channel, or deal in any way with employee behavior issues, they are leading.d.Controlling – to ensure that work is going as it should, managers must monitor and evaluate performance.The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is what is meant by the controlling function.(moderate)In a short essay, list and discuss the three essential skills according to Katz that managers need to perform the duties and activities associated with being a manager.Answera.Technical skills – include knowledge of an proficiency in a certain specialized field, such as engineering,computers, accounting, or manufacturing. These skills are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organizationb.Human skills –involve the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group.Managers with good human skills are able to get the best out of their people. They know how to communicate, motivate, lead, and inspire enthusiasm and trust. These skills are equally important at alllevels of management.c.Conceptual skills – these are the skill that managers must have to think and to conceptualize about abstractand complex situations. Using these skills, managers must be able to see the organization as a whole, understand the relationships among various subunits, and visualize how the organization fits into its broaderenvironment. These skills are most important at the top management levels.(moderate)Chapter 2 – Management Yesterday and TodayTrue/FalseAccording to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept.True (easy)In the Industrial Revolution, machine power began substituting for human power.True (easy)“Principles of Scientific Management” was written by Frederick Taylor.True (moderate)Frank Gilbreth’s best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker.False (moderate)。



管理学原理模拟测试卷(一)及答案班级:学号:姓名:一、单项选择题D\C\B\D\B D\D\A\B\D\A1.管理的核心是()1-40A.效益B.效率C.管理职能D.以人为本(处理好好人际关系)2.在对人的认识方面,马斯洛主张()需要层次理论:生理需要——安全需要——社交需要——尊重需要——自我实现需要A.社会人B.经济人C.自我实现人D.复杂人3.泰勒(泰罗)的《科学管理原理》一书发行于()学派A .1910年 B.1911年 C .1912年 D. 1913年4.管理的主体是( )A.企业家B.全体员工C.高层管理者D.管理者5.被后人尊称为“行为组织理论之父”的是()管理过程理论之父的法约尔(提出五大职能);科学管理之父是泰勒A.法约尔B.韦伯P61C.泰罗D.梅奥6.下列哪一项是梅奥等人在总结霍桑试验的基础上得出的结论?( D )A.职工是自然人B.人的行为是由动机导向的,而动机则是由需要引起的C.人的需要是有层次的D.新型的领导能力在于提高职工的满足度7.SWOT分析中的w是分析企业的( A )企业优势(strength)、劣势(weakness)、机会(opportunity)和威胁(threats)。


A. 亨利明茨伯格B.泰罗C.韦伯D.梅奥9.企业文化的核心是( )A. 企业使命B. 价值观C. 企业精神D. 团体意识10.对于中层管理者,()较重要。

①技术技能②人际技能③概念技能A. 交流技能B. 技术技能C. 概念技能D. 人际技能11.内部环境包括企业内部影响因素的总和,包括( )、企业文化等。

A. 组织资源B. 政治环境C. 经济环境D.二、多项选择题1、BD2、ABCDE3、ABCDE4、ABCDE5、ABCD6、ABDE7、ABCDE8、ABCDE9、ABCDE 10、BCD 11、ABDE 12、ABCDE 13、ABCDE1.管理的有效性是由()和()来衡量的。













二、选择题1.(C )是正式计划而非非正式计划的特征。

A.组织内部很少或没有共同目标B.计划工作是普遍的C.为实现目标存在具体的行动计划D.关注结果2.( C )属于计划工作的四个原因之一。


这表明许多组织的( A )。

A.多重目标 B.多重性质C.复杂性D.组织构造性4.加拿大EnCana公司的愿景是:“成为世界上独立石油和天然气公司的高绩效标杆”。

这反应的是公司的( A )。






)1.“管理就是实行计划、组织指挥、协调和控制”的提出者是泰勒 B.马斯洛C.法约尔D.科特勒2.PEST分析法中“T”是指A.政治B.经济C.社会D.技术3.对程序化决策描述正确的是A.重复出现的、例行性决策B.非重复性的、例外决策C.非重复性的、例行性决策D.重复出现的、例外决策4.企业将主要精力集中于行业中某-特定的细分市场,而不是将参与竞争的范围铺展到整个行业市场的战略是A.差异化战略B.集中战略C.成本领先战略D.国际化战略5,下列关于组织的表述中,错误的是A.组织拥有一定的资源B.组织具有一定的权责结构C.组织工作是在封闭状态下进行的D.组织必须要有明确目标6.在组织规模-一定的条件下,管理层次与管理幅度呈A.正比关系B.反比关系C.正相关关系D.无关系7.扁平化组织结构的优点是A.增加了管理者对下属的监督和协调控制难度B.管理层级少,缩短上下级距离C.下属也缺少了更多的提升机会D.信息失真度高8.目前电子代工行业的产品类型复杂,以“代工之王”富士康为例,面对众多的产品系列,其最适合的组织结构类型是A.直线职能型B.直线型C.矩阵型D.事业部制9.内部提升有很多优点,下列不属于内部提升优点的是A.组织内部成员对组织的历史和现状比较了解,能较快地胜任工作B.有较广泛的来源以满足组织的要求,并有能力招聘到第一流的人才C.可激励组织成员的进取心,努力提高本身的知识和技能D.工作有变换机会,可提高组织成员的兴趣和士气,使其有-个良好的工作情绪10.依照管理方格理论的观点,那种既不关心人,又不关心生产,对组织放任自流.放弃领导应有责任的领导方式属于A.团队型领导方式B.贫乏型领导方式C.俱乐部型领导方式D.中间型领导方式11.完成相互依存的任务,实现共同使命的一一群人是指A.流程型组织B.学习型组织C.团队组织D.过程组织12.双因素理论的提出者是A.马斯洛B.斯金纳C.赫茨伯格D.弗鲁姆13.沟通形式不拘、速度快,容易及时了解到“内幕新闻”的沟通方式是A.上行沟通B.非正式沟通C.下行沟通D.横向沟通14.信息传递的速度最快,解决问题时效最高的沟通网络是A.Y式沟通B.全通道式沟通C.环式沟通D.链式沟通15.计划实施过程中,在保持计划总目标不变的前提下,实现目标的进程可因情况的变化而变化,使计划的执行过程具有应变力,这是指A.改变航道原理B.灵活性原理C.许诺原理D.限定因素原理二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分。



Chap ter 5 -Basic Orga ni zati on Desig ns Chap ter Five: Basic Orga ni zatio n Desig nsMult iple Choice Questions1 . Determ ining where decisi ons are made in the orga ni zati on's hierarchya.b.c.d.defi nes sp atial differe ntiati on. refers to work sp ecializati on.defi nes the degree of cen tralizati on.refers to the p rocess of orga ni zati on desig n.2. The idea that jobs should be broke n dow n into the simpi est of ste ps,with one ste p gen erally assig ned to each in dividual refers toa.b.c.d. span of con trol.work sp ecializati on. cha in of comma nd. li ne authority.3 . The MAIN p roblem to be exp ected whe n unity of comma nd princip leisign ored is that a.b.c.d.empioyees have potential trouble coping with conflicting Priorities and dema nds.sup ervisors cannot kee p abreast of what all their subord in ates are doing.decisi on making is slow.there is not eno ugh flexibility.4. Authority is to a Sp ecific positi on asa.b.c.d. is to an in dividual.decisi on making respon sibility span of con trol po wer5 . Which of the follow ing stateme nts is LEAST accurate regard ing power?a.b.c.d.Functional dep artme nts are wedges in the core.The closer one is to the outer edge of the core, the more Power one has.The organization's hierarchy is directly represented at the edge of thecore.The closer one is to the po wer core, the more in flue nee one has on decisi ons.6. The rights in here nt in on e's job constitute to in flue nee decisi ons isa.b.c.d. while the cap acitypo wer; authority po wer; res pon sibility authority; respon sibility authority; po wer7 . Concerning the span of con trol, early man ageme nt writers believedthata.b.c.d.stron ger man agers should have a larger span of con trol. top man agers should have a larger span of con trol. lower-level man agers should have a larger span of con trol. new man agers should have a larger span of con trol.____ span of control is associated with many levels of management, orga nizati onal structure.Awhich gives rise toa a.wide; tall b.wide; flatn arrow;tallc.Part III -Orga nizing16.d. n arrow; flat_________ in volves the delegati on of decisi on-mak ing and authority to lowerlevels in the orga ni zati on.a. b. c. d.Which of the following is NOT likely to result from increasing the number of levels and layers of man ageme nt in an orga ni zati on? a. b. c. d.9.Decen tralizati on Dep artme ntalizati on Sp ecializati on Cen tralizati on10.In directly con tributes to the bottom line, whereas con sulta nts in a manufacturi ng firm have a. b. c. d.a con suit ing firm, the con sulta nts have authority si nee their workauthority because they are used in an advisory cap acity. planning; line orga nizing; staff line; staff con trolling; line11. Overhead costs in crease. Decisi on making can be slowed greatly. Direct con tact with the clie nt or customer may be lost. The orga ni zati on gai ns additi onal comp etitive adva ntage. 12.The number of persons reporting directly to a single manager is orga ni zati onal issue relat ing to _________________ .a. b. c. d.an 13.14.15.functional authority cen tralizati on line and staff relati on shi ps span of con trol The wider the span of control, the more the organization will tend toa. b. c. d.have many levels of man ageme ntbe more costly tha n orga ni zati ons with n arrower spans of control have flat structures have tall structuresWhich of the eleme nts of structure in cludes making efficie nt use of workers' diverse skills? a. b. c. d. work sp ecializati on authority cha in of comma nd dep artme ntalizati onTerri must con sta ntly report to the dep artme nt chair as well as her immediate sup ervisor. Which of the followi ng is being violated? a. b. c. d.work sp ecializati on un ity of comma ndspan of con trol dep artme ntalizati on Which of the following is not. a contingency variable that determines approp riate span of con trol for man agers? a. b. c. d.the empio yee tra ining task compi exity man ageme ntstyle p refere nces expensesChap ter 5 -Basic Orga ni zati on Desig ns24.Those managers whose organizational function contributes directly to theachievement of organizational objectives havea. b. c. d.Jim has the ability to "dock" paychecks of employees who arrive at work past 9:05 AM. What kind of power does Jim possess?coercive power legitimate power expert power referent powerThe grouping of activities by work or customer flow is which of the following?a. b.c.d.ha s ____ power. a. coercive b. rewardc. expertd. referentA manager who organizes his or her plant by separating engineering, accounting,human resources,and purchasing is using _____________has questions, he goes to Harry. Harry22.Harry is the only person who fully understands the new computer networkin the office area. Whenever someone 17.span ofcontrol. line authority. staffauthority.18.A purchasing department may be created because the hospital administrator cannot effectively handle all purchasing. What type of position authority has been created?a. b. c. d.19.accountability line authority staff authority responsibility Power based upon identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits is known as a. b. c. d. coercive power. legitimate power. expert power. referentpower. 20. a. b. c. d. 21.23.departmentalization . a. b. c. d. functional productcustomer geographicAn organization that groups activities according to women's footwear, men's footwear, apparel, accessories, and leggings would use departmentalization. a. b. c. d. functional product customer geographic functional departmentalization process departmentalization customer departmentalization geographic departmentalizationPart III -Orga nizing32.25. When a divisional structure is superimposed over a functional structure, the type of structure that results is called a _________ organization. a. functiona b. divisiona l c. matrix d. product26. A a(n)a. b. c. d.structure that is high in specialization, formalization, and centralization is 27. strategic organization. mechanistic organization. organic organization. matrix organization. Frederic works in an organization where a large amount of collaboration occurs and decision-making authority is decentralized. There are few rules, and duties are adaptable. This is an example of which of the following?a. b. c. d. 28. strategic organization mechanistic organization organic organization bureaucracy Which of the following statements is INCONSISTENT with the relationshipbetween strategy and structure?a. b. c. d. A change in strategy is followed by a change in structure. Strategy is a major influence on structure.A change in structure will result in a change in strategy.None of the above are inconsistent with the relationship betweenstrategy and structure. 29. the strategy of a company is to compete based on cost-leadershiprequires stability and efficiency, which of the following structures will be most effective?a. b. c. d.I fthat30. strategic organization mechanistic organization organic organizationmatrix organization organization that uses technology which is nonroutine, will probably Anwhich structure to be mosteffective?a. b. c. d.find 31. strategic organization mechanistic organization organic organization bureaucracyGlobal competition that requires accelerated product innovation, andincreased demands by consumers for higher quality and faster deliveries isrequiring organizations to adapt to which type of structure in order to be able to compete effectively?a. b. c. d. strategic organization mechanistic organization organic organization bureaucracy___ is a characteristic of the matrix organizationalstructure. a. A high degree of centralization b. A dual-reporting relationship c. A lack of flexibilityChap ter 5 -Basic Orga ni zati on Desig ns40.33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. d. A lack of functionalspecialization The a. b. c. d._____ structure is an organization design made up of self-contained units. functional simple divisional matrix In a team-based structure, a. b. c. d.top management middle management first-line management team members make(s) the decisions that affect the team. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a disadvantage of the functional structure?a. b. c. d. Little cross-training among managersOptimization of goals at the department level rather than the organizationallevelInsulation among various departments that often results in suboptimization oforganizational goalsDuplication of facilities, people, and informationA major advantage of the simple structure is a. b. c. d. Clear responsibility and accountability Low riskAppropriateness for almost any businessAbility to build managers through participative decision making Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding divisionalstructures?a. b. c. d. A divisional structure's roots are based in Product departmentalization. A major disadvantage of a divisional structure is its duplication ofresources.A divisional structure manager is required to seek corporate approval forimplementing tactical plans. An advantage of the divisional structure is that it focuses on results. Which of the following is NOT a strength of the matrix structure? a. b. c. d. The accountability of the divisional structureThe efficiency from specialization attributable to the functional structure Elimination of the duplication of resources and facilities Minimizes ambiguity in reporting relationshipWhich of the following Statements is TRUE with regard to boundaryless organization?a. b. c. d. Boundaryless organizations are just flatter organizations that attempt toemulate simple structures.When teams are put in place, managers must find new ways to continue to baseemployee rewards on individual performance.Team members will be rewarded for mastering multiple skills. Supervisory evaluations will be the only evaluations.An organization's culture isa. b. c. d. a system of shared norms and beliefs.an important determinant of its external environment. best when top management centralizes decision making. determined by the board of directors.。







这时,厂长的管理幅度为()A 4 B7 C22 D239.当前管理机构变革的一大趋势是()A管理层次复杂化B组织结构扁平化C管理幅度日益减少D高耸型结构更受欢迎10. 解决直线与参谋间冲突的主要方法是()A赋予直线管理人员参谋职权B让直线人员更多地依靠参谋人员的知识C允许直线人员压制参谋人员D把直线与参谋的活动结合起来11组织中的高层管理者主要负责()A日常程序性决策B长远全局性决策C局部程序性决策D短期操作性决策12.“以人与自然的和谐统一为核心,强调人、社会和环境关系的整体协调与和谐发展”。

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《管理学原理(英)》课程模拟试卷五Ⅰ. Choices (10 questions, 1 mark each, total 10 marks)( )A.they get more output for a given inputB.they get the same output from less inputC.they achieve the goals of the organizationD.they fulfill the goals ahead of time2.The basic idea of scientific management is: ( )A.managers manage and workers workB.one best way to do a jobC.many ways to do the same jobing science in management3.Power distance in society is: ( )A.a cultural measureB.how power is shared in societyC.how much power individuals have in societyD.a legal-political measure4.The risk condition in decision-making is: ( )A.the condition in which the decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood ofcertain outcomesB.the condition in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonableprobability estimates availableC.the condition in which managers can make accurate decisions because theoutcome of every alternative is knownD.the condition in which the decision maker is unable to estimate the likelihoodof certain outcomes5.Specific plans are: ( )A.plans that are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretationB.flexible plans that set out general guidelinesC.plans that are loosely defined and leave no room for interpretationD.plans that specify details of how overall objectives are to be achieved6.Norms are: ( )A.standards shared by groupsB.standards which are acceptable to and shared by the members of a groupC.acceptable standards prevailing in a groupD.rules which govern behavior7.The referent in equity theory is: ( )A.the person, systems or selves against which individuals compare themselvesB.the person, systems or selves against which judgments are madeC.the person, systems or selves against which individuals compare themselvesto assess equityD.the person to compare with8.The three key situational factors for determining effective leadership using LPCtheory are: ( )A.leader-member relations, task structure and position powerB.task nature, number of leader-members and position powerC.position in organization, task nature, position powerD.task variety, leader-member relations, position power9.Which of the following condition is not a one that affects effective encoding anddecoding? ( )A.skillsB.knowledgeC.social-cultural systemD.occupation10.Forcing is: ( )A.high in assertiveness and high in cooperativenessB.high in assertiveness and low in cooperativenessC.low in assertiveness and high in cooperativenessD.low in assertiveness and low in cooperativenessⅡ. Multiple Choices (5 questions, 2 marks each, total 10marks))A.problem solvingB.conflict resolutionC.employees suggestionsD.reports2.According to Mintzberg, managers play the roles of: ( )A.monitor, disseminator and spokespersonB.figurehead, leader and liaisonC.disturbance handlerD.trouble maker3.What of the following are not examples of motivators? ( )A.job responsibilityB.opportunities for advancementC.peer relationshipD.personal life4.The three-needs theory includes the following needs: ( )A.need for powerB.need for safetyC.need for affiliationD.need for achievement5.Most people join a group out of a need for: ( )A.self-esteemB.securityC.statusD.powerⅢ. True or False (10 questions, 1 mark each, total 10 marks)’s goals.( ) 2. Trait theories isolate characteristics that differentiate managers from leaders.( ) 3. Theory X assumes that employees are creative, seek responsibility and can exercise self-direction.( ) 4. Highly cohesive groups are more effective than those with less cohesion.( ) 5. Centralization is the concentration of decision-making authority in upper management.( ) 6. A differentiation strategy is followed when a firm wants to be unique in its industry.( ) 7. Most operational planning is carried out by lower level managers.( ) 8. Bounded rationality describes choices that are consistent andvalue-maximizing within specified constraints.( ) 9. Globalization is where management is no longer constrained by national borders.( ) 10. First-line managers are sometimes called forepersons or supervisors.Ⅳ. Easy-answered Questions (5 questions, 6 marks each, total30 marks)2.Describe the factors in an organization’s general environment.3.Describe the three key linkages in expectancy theory.4.Describe the types of problems, types of decisions, and level in the organization.5.Describe the Hersey/Blandard’s situational leadership theory.Ⅴ. Essay Question (1 question, 10 marks each, total 10 marks)equal, the wider or larger the span, the more efficient the organization.”Do you agree with the above statement? Give reasons to supportyour answer by using an example.Ⅵ. Case analysis (3 questions, 10 marks each, total 30 marks)CASE STUDYTom Colesberry, president of Ruiz Food Products, a Mexican-food company basedin Dinuba, Califonia, knows how important it is to communicate effectively to both customers and employees. He’s especially concerned about keeping communication channels with his employees open and making sure that they have the informationthey need to do their properly. However, Colesberry faces a couple of challenges indoing so.First, his company is growing rapidly. In four years, the number of employees atthis one location has doubled to over 1200. The sheer size of the company’s workforce makes it difficult for Colesberry to communicate personally, as much as hewould like to, with each and every employee on a daily, or even weekly basis. Even interpersonal communication among employees has been affected by the company’s growth as the composition of employee work groups changes and as new employeescome and go.The other communication challenge Colesberry faces is that many of his employeesspeak fluent Spanish and little English. Although Colesberry himself doesn’t speakfluent Spanish, some of the company’s supervisors do. However, this still means that Colesberry is limited in his choice of company communication channels and in hisdesire for frequent and open communication exchange with his employees. Also, in performing the daily work activities, employees and supervisors have to deal with theusual barriers to effective communication.Although the communication situation at Ruiz products may sound difficult, Colesberry is determined to successfully continue his company’s growth and to continue his attempts at frequent and open communication with his employees.Questions:1. Describe the barriers to effective communication existed and potential barriers in Ruiz and explain the reasons why there existed these barriers.2.Give suggestions to Colesberry to make sure that he communicates as effectivelyas possible with his employees.3.Describe the directions of communication flow in Ruiz Food Products and giveexamples to each direction.。
