



人教版2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试物理试题姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________1.中国国际航空航天博览会拉开序幕,在飞行表演的某个瞬间,甲、乙、丙三架飞机,甲中飞行员看一高楼在向下运动,乙中飞行员看甲在向下运动,丙中飞行员看甲、乙都在向上运动。


比赛泳道是长度50m的直线泳道,四名队员一组,参加接力比赛,每名运动员完成200m,则每名运动员的位移为()A.400m B.100m C.50m D.03.某学生在百米赛跑中,已知他在起跑瞬时的速度为4m/s,经过10s到达终点时的瞬时速度为8m/s,则该学生在整个运动过程的平均速度大小是()A.4m/s B.6m/s C.8m/s D.10m/s4.有一些问题你可能不会求解,但是你仍有可能对这些问题的解是否合力进行分析和判断。
















第Ⅰ卷一、单项选择题:本题共9小题,每小题5分,共45分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的.B .()21x f x x-=【解析】由题意得:根据图像可得:函数为偶函数,当时,∵y=当时,易得:当时,易得第Ⅱ卷二、填空题:本题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.7+在[]()1,1m m >上的最大值为,解得:133x =-,22x =,x 7+在[],21m m -上的最大值为,解得:3332m -≤≤.)1>上最大值()2A f m m ==-()()210f m f m A =->=>,3⎤⎥,故答案为:333,⎡⎤-⎢⎥.16.(14分)17.(15分)已知函数()()221R f x x mx m m =+-+∈.(1)若2m =,求函数()f x 在区间[]2,1-上的最大和最小值;(2)解不等式()21f x x <+.【解析】(1)解:当2m =时,可得()223f x x x =+-,则函数()y f x =表示开口向上的抛物线,且对称轴为1x =-,所以函数()y f x =在[]2,1--上单调递减,在[1,1]-上单调递增,所以,当1x =-时,函数()f x 取得最小值,最小值为()14f -=-,又因为()()23,10f f -=-=,所以函数的最大值为0,综上可得,函数()y f x =的最大值为0,最小值为4-.(7分)(2)解:由不等式()21f x x <+,即22121x mx m x +-+<+,即不等式2(2)2(0)(2)x m x m x m x +--=-<+,当2m =-时,不等式即为2(2)0x -<,此时不等式的解集为空集;当2m -<时,即2m >-时,不等式的解集为2m x -<<;当2m ->时,即2m <-时,不等式的解集为2x m <<-,综上可得:当2m =-时,不等式的解集为空集;当2m >-时,不等式的解集为(),2m -;当2m <-时,不等式的解集为()2,m -.(15分)18.(15分)19.(15分)某公司决定在公司仓库外借助一侧原有墙体,建造一间墙高为3米,底面积为24平方米,且背面靠墙的长方体形状的应急室,由于此应急室后背靠墙,无需建造费用,因此甲工程队给出的报价为:应急室正面墙体每平方米的报价400元,侧面墙体每平方米的报价均为300元,屋顶和地面及其他报价共20.(16分)10,。






一、单项选择题:本大题共 8 小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的.请把正确的选项填涂在答题卡相应的位置上.1.若集合,集合,,则A ∪(C U B )=( )A .B .C .D .2.“”是“”的( )A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件3.已知,,则( )A .B .C .D .4.已知函数,( )A .B .C .D .15.函数的定义域为( )A .B .C .D .6.为提高生产效率,某公司引进新的生产线投入生产,投入生产后,除去成本,每条生产线生产的产品可获得的利润(单位:万元)与生产线运转时间(单位:年)满足二次函{}1,2,3,4U ={}1,2A ={}2,3B ={}2{}1,3{}1,2,4{}1,2,302x <<13x -<<0a b >>d c <0ac bd >>ac bd >a c b d +>+0a cb d +>+>211,1()1,11x x f x x x ⎧--≤⎪=⎨>⎪+⎩((2))f f =15-151-()()01f x x =-2,3⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭()2,11,3∞⎡⎫⋃+⎪⎢⎣⎭()2,11,3∞⎛⎫⋃+ ⎪⎝⎭2,3⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭s t数关系:,现在要使年平均利润最大,则每条生产线运行的时间t 为( )年.A .7B .8C .9D .107.已知函数,且,则实数的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .8.德国著名数学家狄利克雷在数学领域成就显著,以其命名的函数f (x )={1, x ∈Q0, x ∈C R Q 被称为狄利克雷函数,其中为实数集,为有理数集,以下关于狄利克雷函数的四个结论中,正确的个数是( )个.①函数偶函数;②函数的值域是;③若且为有理数,则对任意的恒成立;④在图象上存在不同的三个点,,,使得∆ABC 为等边角形. A .1B .2C .3D .4二、多项选择题:本大题共 3 小题,每小题 6 分,共 18 分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求. 全部选对得 6 分,选对但不全的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.下列说法正确的有( )A .命题“,”的否定是“,”B .若,则C .命题“,”是假命题D .函数是偶函数,且在上单调递减.10.下列选项中正确的有( )A .已知函数是一次函数,满足,则的解析式可能为B .与表示同一函数C .函数的值域为224098s t t =-+-()()4f x x x =+()()2230f a f a +-<a ()3,0-()3,1-()1,1-()1,3-R Q ()f x ()f x ()f x {}0,10T ≠T ()()f x T f x +=x R ∈()f x A B C 1x ∀>20x x ->1x ∃≤20x x -≤a b >22ac bc ≥Z x ∀∈20x >21y x =()0,∞+()f x ()()98f f x x =+()f x ()34f x x =--||()x f x x =1,0()1,0x g x x >⎧=⎨-≤⎩()2f x x =+(,4]-∞D .定义在上的函数满足,则11.下列命题中正确的是( )A .若,,,则B .已知,,,则的最小值是C .若,则的最小值为4D .若,,,则的最小值为三、填空题:本大题共 3 小题,每小题 5 分,共 15 分.12.已知集合,若,则实数13.已知函数,则的单调增区间为14.若定义在上的函数同时满足;①为奇函数;②对任意的,,且,都有.则称函数具有性质P .已知函数具有性质P ,则不等式的解集为 .四、解答题:本题共 5 小题,共 77 分. 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.已知集合,.(1)当时,求,,A ∩(C R B ); (2)若,求实数m 的取值范围.16.已知关于x 的不等式的解集为.(1)求m ,n 的值;(2)正实数a ,b 满足,求的最小值.R ()f x 2()()1f x f x x --=+()13x f x =+0a >0b >21a b +=ab 0a >0b >32a b +=12a b a b+++20ab >4441a b ab ++0a >0b >31132a b a b+=++2+a b 165{}21,2,1A a a a =---1A -∈a =()2f x x x x =-+()f x (,0)(0,)-∞+∞ ()f x ()f x 1x 2(0,)x ∈+∞12x x ≠x f x x f x x x -<-211212()()0()f x ()f x 2(4)(2)2f x f x x --<+{}27|A x x =-<<{}|121B x m x m =+≤≤-4m =A B ⋂A B A B B = 2200x mx --<{}2|x x n -<<2na mb +=115a b+17.已知幂函数为偶函数.(1)求的解析式; (2)若在上是单调函数,求实数的取值范围.18.已知函数.(1)证明:函数是奇函数;(2)用定义证明:函数在上是增函数;(3)若关于的不等式对于任意实数恒成立,求实数的取值范围.19.已知函数(1)证明:,并求函数的值域;(2)已知为非零实数,记函数的最大值为.①求;②求满足的所有实数.()()2157m f x m m x -=-+()f x ()()3g x f x ax =--[]1,3a ()31x f x x x =++()f x ()f x ()0,∞+x ()()2310f ax ax f ax ++-≥x a ()()f x g x ==()()222f x g x =+()f x a ()()()x x h f g x a =-()m a ()m a ()1m a m a ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭a。





(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1.What does the woman want the boy to do?A.Have supper.B.Watch TV.C.Go to study.2.What is the man complaining about?A.The stupid box.B.Monica's crying.C.The polluted air.3.When did the canteen prices go up?A.This week.B.Last week.C.Last month.4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Waiter and customer.C.Shop assistant and customer.5.What will the speakers probably do first tonight?A.Go shopping.B.Have dinner together.C.Go out for a walk.二、听力理解,第二节听下面几段材料。



6.How does the woman feel now?A.Sleepy.B.Upset.C.Regretful.7.What is the woman doing?A.Recommending a club.B.Sharing her holiday life.C.Introducing a new friend.8.What does the woman ask the man to do at the end of the conversation?A.Take a good rest.B.Go to the Key Club.C.Pay attention to her email.听录音,回答问题。



高一期中考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列关于细胞结构的描述,正确的是:A. 细胞壁只存在于植物细胞B. 细胞膜是细胞的外层结构C. 细胞核是细胞的能量转换器D. 线粒体是细胞的遗传物质储存地答案:B2. 光合作用中,水分子分解发生在:A. 光反应阶段B. 暗反应阶段C. 光反应和暗反应阶段D. 细胞呼吸阶段答案:A3. 人体细胞中,负责合成蛋白质的结构是:A. 线粒体B. 核糖体C. 内质网D. 高尔基体答案:B4. 以下哪种元素不属于人体必需的微量元素?A. 铁B. 锌C. 钙D. 碘答案:C5. 细胞分裂过程中,染色体数目加倍发生在:A. 有丝分裂前期B. 有丝分裂中期C. 有丝分裂后期D. 减数分裂第一次分裂答案:C6. 下列关于酶的描述,错误的是:A. 酶是活细胞产生的B. 酶是蛋白质或RNAC. 酶可以提高化学反应速率D. 酶在反应后被消耗答案:D7. 人体中,血红蛋白的主要功能是:A. 运输氧气B. 运输二氧化碳C. 调节酸碱平衡D. 储存能量答案:A8. 以下哪种激素不属于内分泌腺分泌的激素?A. 胰岛素B. 甲状腺激素C. 肾上腺素D. 消化酶答案:D9. 人体免疫系统中,负责识别和攻击外来病原体的是:A. 红细胞B. 白细胞C. 血小板D. 血浆答案:B10. 人体细胞中,负责储存遗传信息的是:A. 线粒体B. 核糖体C. 内质网D. 细胞核答案:D二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. 细胞膜的主要功能是________和________。

答案:保护细胞内部结构;控制物质进出2. 人体中,负责合成和分泌胰岛素的腺体是________。

答案:胰腺3. 光合作用中,光能被转化为________和________。

答案:化学能;热能4. 人体中,负责运输氧气的蛋白质是________。

答案:血红蛋白5. 人体免疫系统中,负责识别和攻击外来病原体的细胞是________。



山西省大同市2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试物理试题姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________第1~6题只有一项符合题目要求,第7~10题有多项符合题目要求。






2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)

2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)










Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.— You will hold the house-warming party this evening, right?— Yes. The party we have looked forward to ________.A. comingB. has comeC. cameD. is coming2.Was it ________ he was playing volleyball on the playground ________ he got hurt?A. that; whenB. when; thatC. that; thatD. where; that 3.Inside ______ an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century.A. hasB. haveC. wasD. were4.We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter, ________?A. can youB. shall weC. can weD. will you5.I don’t think anyone will volunteer to paint such a big house, ________?A. will theyB. do IC. don’t ID. won’t they6.The medical team ________ 12 doctors, most of ________ are from Guangzhou First Peopl e’s Hospital.A. is made up of; themB. is made up of; whomC. made up of; whomD. made up of; who7.In ancient China lived an artist __________ paintings were almost lifelike.A. whoseB. hisC. whichD. who8.The most important thing ________ we should pay attention to is the first thing ________I have said.A. what; whichB. that; whichC. that; thatD. which; what9.The student who ________ in the exam was criticized seriously.A. caught cheatingB. cheatingC. was caught cheatingD. was caught cheated10.— These problems are too hard to ________. Will you give me some advice?— There are many ways. The most important is to have a careful plan.A. work outB. cut outC. give outD. break out11.Who do you guess ________ where I ________ just now?A. lie; layB. is lying; layC. lies; laidD. lied; laid12.The train ________ at 10:30, so it ________ in 10 minutes.A. is starting; leavesB. is starting; will have leftC. start; will leaveD. starts; is leaving13.This is the day ________ we spent together ________ I shall never forget.A. which; in whichB. when; whichC. /; whichD. /; when14.After college, he applied ________ a job in Shanghai, anxious to apply what he had learnt ________ the daily work.A. for, toB. to; toC. to; forD. for, for15.Tom ________ the window ________ his attention was caught by a bird.A. was about to close; whileB. was closing; whileC. was to close; whenD. was about to close; whenⅡ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)AMost people above 16 years old have a strong wish that they should drive on the road by themselves. Thus, getting a license is an exciting time in their life. Ultimate Drivers is there to help your teen learn the rules of the road and gain important driving experience.What We OfferIntimate Drivers’ program will help students prepare for their road test and give them theskills they need to become lifelong safe and defensive drivers.The beginner program offers 20 hours of in-class training, 12 hours of homework assignments and 8 hours of in-car training. Each in-class training lasts 120 minutes and each one-on-one in-car training 80 minutes. What’s more, students can be picked up for free from home, work or school.What You Need KnowStudents can complete the classroom part of the course in just two weekends or if it better suits their schedules, they can take it during the evenings on weekdays. There are also classes offered during the holiday break.Students can start taking line classroom part of the driving training without the G1 license, but do need it by the time they’re ready to start the in-car driving lessons.What Extra Benefits AreThe beginner drivers can gain much through the program. After that they’ll receive stu dent testimonials (证明书). The testimonials show teenagers who have taken the course feel more confident in their abilities and many believe they couldn’t have passed the road test without it.Sign up before April 5th, and students can get an insurance discount (保险折扣)! 16.How many times does die program offer in-class training?A. 20.B. 12.C. 10.D. 8.17.What do students need to do to have in-car driving lessons?A. Get the G1 license.B. Finish the classroom part.C. Sign up before April 5th.D. Receive a student testimonial.18.What type of writing is the text?A. A review.B. An advertisement.C. A guide.D. An announcement.BI’ve been in an 18-year love-hate relationship with a black walnut tree.It’s a unique tree. In late September or early October, falling fruits as hard as baseballs threaten the skulls (头骨) of you, your children, your neighbors and those that reside next door to them. Umbrellas in the yard are a must while dining in early August, and as for me, I wear my bike helmet while working in the garden.The black walnut also releases a chemical substance through its roots as a competitive strategy. It’s poisonous to several common plants. There have been many new plant varieties tha t I brought home with hopes that maybe the black walnut would accept them, but they failed toflourish.What does work are native plants that naturally grow in the area. Native plants are important to have around since they provide beneficial pollinators (传粉者) like birds, bees and butterflies with seeds and contribute to a healthy and biodiverse environment. Native plants for this area are generally easy to grow, so they experience less stress.Have I thought of getting rid of this giant pain in my tiny backyard? Yes, however, getting rid of this tree standing at 50 feet with an 87-inch trunk is next to impossible. It’s also protected under the law. Rightfully so. Trees are important to the urban forest and for all of those that inhabit it.Sometimes I think about my life without the black walnut. I can’t imagine a spring without the birds who arrive every year and loudly sing their songs before dawn. I’d miss falling asleep on lazy weekend afternoons as I look up into its leaves.Every spring, I wonder what the season holds: What are the chances of being knocked unconscious while barbecuing? Like any good relationship, I’ll never be pleased. I’m stuck with this tree, so I’ll listen to its needs and give it the space it requires. In return, my walnut offers a habitat for wildlife and a reminder.19.Why does the author wear a bike helmet while working in the garden?A. To protect the injured skull.B. To prevent herself from sunburn.C. To avoid being hit by the nuts.D. To reduce the chance of getting bitten by bees.20.What is the tree’s survival strategy?A. It attracts beneficial pollinators.B. It lets out poison to drive away pests.C. It produces a chemical fatal to some plants.D. It competes for nutrition with similar species.21.Which of the following DOESN’T account for the author’s love-hate relationship with the tree?A. The volume of its fruits may bring inconvenience.B. The tree outcompetes the native plants in the garden.C. The tree is home to numerous birds and other creatures.D. The presence of the tree takes up much space of the garden.22.The author most probably got a reminder from the tree that ________.A. it’s better to give than to takeB. trees and plants have their own ways to flourishC. even a good relationship is not always trouble-freeD. acceptance, instead of resistance, is the better way to beCIt was raining like nothing before when Ehdaa Bujeldain, an English teacher living with her family in the mountains of Derna in eastern Libya , heard a loud noise that sounded like an explosion (爆炸). Later they learned that a dam (大坝) in Derna had broken down under the pressure of running water. For the next four days, they had no power or internet, and it was only recently that they started to fully understand of the damage caused by the floods.“Half of the city has been destroyed. My mom’s relatives, my friends, my coworkers ——they are all gone. Now we, the survivors, are just ghost s in shells,” says Bujeldain, whose sadness can be easily told from her blank expression.Five days have passed since the terrible flooding in Derna, Libya’s Red Crescent organization estimated that 11,300 people have died, while the city’s mayor believes the number of deaths could be as high as 20,000.Derna is a coastal city with a seasonal river called the Wadi Derna. Despite the abnormally heavy rain, people living near the river had little warning before the floodwaters came rushing in on that terrible morning. United Nations aid chief Martin Griffiths described the scale of the flood as “appalling” (令人惊骇的) and blamed the flood partly on sudden climate change.Now international aid teams are arriving in Derna, but they face challenges due to damaged roads, lack of access to power, water, and fuel. Tarhoni, doctor of the rescue team, warns that the most difficult weeks lie ahead. “One disaster is done and there is another to come,” he says. “The thousands and thousands of people who lost everything these people now need comfort, they need company, t hey need psychological support.”23.What do we know about Bujeldain’s family from paragraph 1?A. The explosion they heard led to the destruction of the dam.B. Bujeldain saved her family from the floods with her bravery.C. Bujeldain immediately recognized the outbreak of the floods.D. For several days, they didn’t fully realize the seriousness of the floods.24.What does Bujeldain mean by saying they are “just ghosts in shells” in paragraph 2?A. They run out of energy and are very tired.B. They feel lucky as they are safe and sound.C. They are completely saddened and shocked.D. They are sorry for the loss of their homeland.25.According to the passage, which of the following does NOT contribute to the loss of lives?A. The absence of warning.B. The extraordinary rainfall.C. Unexpected climate change.D. The damage to environment.26.What might be the main focus of international aid efforts in Derna?A. Addressing mental problems.B. Providing immediate medical care.C. Conducting climate change research.D. Rebuilding roads and access to resources.DBy the end of the century, if not sooner, the world’s oceans will be bluer and greener thanks to a warming climate, according to a new study.At the heart of the phenomenon lie tiny microorganisms (微生物) in the ocean called phytoplankton. Because of the way light reflects off the organisms, these phytoplankton create colorful patterns at the ocean surface. Ocean color varies from green to blue, depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton. Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots, leading to changes in the ocean’s appearance.Phytoplankton live at the ocean surface, where they pull carbon dioxide into the ocean while giving off oxygen. When these organisms die, they bury carbon in the deep ocean, an important process that helps to regulate (调控) the global climate. But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean’s warming trend. Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth, since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients.Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a scientist in MIT’s Center for Global Change Science, built a climate model that projects changes to the oceans throughout the century. In a world that warms up by 3C, it found that multiple changes to the color of the oceans would occur. The model projectsthat currently blue areas with little phytoplankton could become even bluer. But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions more suitable for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener. “Not only are the quantities of phytoplankton in the ocean changing.” she said, “but the type of phytoplankton is changing.”And why does that matter? Phytoplankton are the base of the food web. If certain kinds begin to disappear from the ocean, Dutkiewicz said, “it will change the type of fish that will be able to live on.” Those kinds of changes could affect the food chain.Whatever color changes the ocean experiences in the coming future will probably be too gradual and unnoticeable, but they could mean significant changes. “It’ll be a while before we can statistically show that the changes are happe ning because of climate change,” Dutkiewicz said, “but the change in the color of the ocean will be one of the early warning signals that we really have changed our planet.”27.What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?A. The cause of the changes in ocean color.B. The various patterns at the ocean surface.C. The way light reflects off marine organisms.D. The efforts to fuel the growth of phytoplankton.28.What does the underlined word “vulnerable” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. beneficialB. sensitiveC. significantD. unnoticeable 29.What can we learn from the passage?A. Dutkiewicz’s model aims to project phytoplankton changes.B. Phytoplankton have been used to control global climate.C. Phytoplankton play a declining role in the ecosystem.D. Oceans with more phytoplankton may appear greener.30.What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To explain the effects of climate change on oceans.B. To assess the consequences of ocean color changes.C. To introduce a new method to study phytoplankton.D. To analyze the organization of the ocean food chain.The Chubby Diaries creator is part of a community of larger-bodied travelers who are showing the world that they can do anything. Following them helps because you can be like, “Oh, this place works with larger bodies.” 31 .Second plane seats and belt extendersSouthwest is one of the few airlines to offer plus-size passengers a free second seat. To ensure the extra space, Southwest recommends booking both seats beforehand, then making a request to get your money back. 32 Southwest states: “The armrest is t he definitive gauge (测量仪) for a customer of size. If you’re unable to lower both armrests, you need a second seat.” Even if your frame fits between the lowered arms, you may still need a seat-belt extender.33 .Finding size nclusive tripsFor Natalie Robinson, ziplining (压缩) in Costa Rica determined her bucket list. “Literally for the last 10 years, that’s all I talked about,” said the co-owner of Fat Girls Travel. 34 . Her fortunes changed completely on an August trip to Costa Rica, when a friend found an outfitter without weight restrictions. The guide said Robinson could dash through the rainforest as long as she could reach the starting point high in the tree tops.35When researching a trip, ask about weight restrictions as well as the availability of equipment that can accommodate your size. If you have concerns, bring your own equipment. Plus-size travelers emphasize the importance of being self-sufficient. Finding special clothes and equipment can be challenging in unfamiliar destinations.A. Pack your own equipmentB. Find supportive travel groups and tripsC. Their extra efforts are paying off as they discover how to travel comfortably andconfidentlyD. Ziplining provides much convenience for those fat girlsE. Many airlines use the armrests to determine whether a passenger requires more spaceF. Air-lines provide this extra piece of equipment free, and you can request it at the time ofboardingG. But ziplining generally has a weight limit, so she hadn’t been able to do itYou might say I found marathoning, step by step. Or perhaps it found me. I was 36 an athlete growing up. In fact, I have a hard time 37 that term to myself even today.It started when I joined a group of women in my neighborhood for a daily three-mile walk. At first it was 38 . But soon, my body adjusted and I wanted 39 . Before long, I was running 5 miles. Then I set a goal to run a half marathon. And I did complete the Covered Bridges Half Marathon. I thought, “Now what?” I started to 40 a marathon.It so happened that I 41 a meeting one night and listened to the speaker and coach, Rick Muhr, and was so 42 by his words. I told him that I had signed up for the Ocean State Marathon, just a week away, and that I really didn’t believe I could 43 . Rick locked eyes with me and said, “Trish, you’ve done enough training. You’ll finish!”I never had someone 44 me like that, let alone a real, live coach. He gave me the45 I needed. I set out to run my 46 marathon and completed it in 4:25:00. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of nearly a decade of marathon and distance running. Running a marathon isn’t for everybody. But it is for anybody, anybody who wants to47 the unreachable and to take that 48 into the rest of their life. When you cross the finish line you may never have a 49 picture of what you are made of and capable of accomplishing. Your 50 of the world and, more importantly, of yourself will forever be changed!36.A. always B. rarely C. never D. nearly37.A. pointing B. applying C. turning D. spreading38.A. hard B. relaxing C. unfamiliar D. exciting39.A. some B. both C. more D. none40.A. report B. record C. recall D. consider41.A. held B. missed C. attended D. mentioned42.A. inspired B. disturbed C. embarrassed D. amused43.A. participate B. finish C. win D. run44.A. agree with B. rely on C. care for D. believe in45.A. confidence B. pleasure C. satisfaction D. motivation46.A. last B. first C. only D. second47.A. test B. identify C. imagine D. reach48.A. knowledge B. request C. principle D. experience49.A. bigger B. brighter C. clearer D. nicer50.A. view B. love C. description D. memoryⅤ.单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请用Welcome Unit~U4所学单词填空。



青岛2024—2025学年第一学期期中考试高一数学试题时间:120分钟满分:150分一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.命题“,”的否定是()A.,B.,C.,D.,2.若,,,则,,的大小关系是()A. B. C. D.3.我国著名数学家华罗庚曾说过:“数缺形时少直观,形少数时难入微;数形结合百般好,隔离分家万事休”,在数学学习和研究中,常用函数的图象来研究函数的性质,也常用函数的解析式来研究函数的图象特征.函数的图象大致为()A. B. C. D.4.已知函数,集合,,若,则()A.1B.0C.4D.5.“”是函数“在区间上单调递增”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分又不必要条件6.已知函整的定义域为,则函数的定义域为()A. B. C. D.x∃∈R3||20x x+->x∃∉R3||20x x+-≤x∃∈R3||20x x+-≤x∀∈R3||20x x+-≤x∀∉R3||20x x+-≤2313a⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭2315b⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭1349c⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭a b ca b c<<c a b<<b c a<<b a c<<21()2xf xx-=21,1(),12x xf xx x+≤-⎧=⎨-<≤⎩{0,}A a=-{1,2,22}B a a=--A B⊆()f a=493a≤()f x=[2,)+∞()f x(4,28)-2()g x=(4,28)(6,3)(3,6)--⋃(3,6)(3,3)(2,3)--⋃7.已知函数,函数是定义在上的奇函数,若与的图象的交点分别为,……,,则( )A. B. C.0D.28.定义在上的偶函数满足,且对于任意,有,若函数,则下列说法正确的是( )A.在上单调递减 B.为偶函数C. D.在上单调递增二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.已知,,下列说法正确的是( )A. B.C.D.10.定义在实数集上的函数称为狄利克雷函数.该函数由19世纪德国数学家狄利克雷提出,在高等数学的研究中应用广泛.下列有关狄利克雷函数的说法中正确的是( )A.的值域为B.对任意,都有C.存在无理数,对任意,都有D.若,,则有11.已知的解集是,则下列说法正确的是( )A.B.不等式的解集为21()x x f x x++=()1y g x =-R ()f x ()g x ()11,x y ()88,x y ()()1818x x y y ++-++= 8-4-R ()f x (2)2f =120x x >>()()21122122x f x x f x x x ->-()2()f x g x x-=()g x (0,)+∞()g x (4)(3)g g <-()f x (2,)+∞0a b <<c d >a c b d-<-a b c d<11a b>552332a b a b a b +<+1,Q()0,Qx D x x ∈⎧=⎨∉⎩()D x ()D x []0,1x ∈R ()()D x D x =-0t x ∈R ()0()D x t D x +=0a <1b >{|()}{|()}x D x a x D x b >=<20ax bx c ++>(2,3)-30b c +>20cx bx a -+<11,32⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭C.的最小值是D.当时,若,的值域是,则三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.已知幂函数的图象关于轴对称,且,则________.13.已知函数,,记,若与的图象恰有两个不同的交点,则实数的取值范围是________.14.已知函数满足:对任意非零实数,均有,则在上的最小值为________.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(13分)已知函数的定义域为,集合.(1)求;(2)集合,若,求实数的取值范围.16.(15分)已知函数,.(1)若,且,求出的解析式;(2)解关于的不等式.17.(15分)已知函数是定义在上的奇函数.(1)求实数的值;(2)判断在上的单调性,并用单调性定义证明;(3)设,解不等式.18.(17分)萝卜快跑,作为全球领先的自动驾驶出行服务平台,是百度Apollo 的重要落地应用,它在无人驾驶领域扮演着先行者和创新者的角色,其自动刹车的工作原理是用雷达测出车辆与前方障碍物之间的距离(并集合车速转化为所需时间),当此距离等于报警距离时就开始报警提醒,等于危险距离时就自动刹车.若将报警时间划分为四段,分別为准备时间:人的反应时间、系统反应时间、制动时间,相应的距离分别为,,,,如下图所示.当车速为(米/秒),且时,通过大数据统12334a cb +++42c =2()36f x ax bx =+[]12,x n n ∈[3,1]-21[2,4]n n -∈24()()n n f x xn Z -=∈y (1)(3)f f -<n =()1f x x =-2()g x x =,max{,},a a b a b b a b≥⎧=⎨<⎩y m =max{(),()}y f x g x =(0)x ≠m ()f x x (2)()(1)2f f x f x x=⋅+-()f x (0,)+∞()f x =A {}|321B x x =->A B ⋃{|1}C x a x a =-<<R C C B ⊆a 22()23f x x ax a =--R a ∈0a =2(3)()()g x g x f x --=()g x x ()0f x <2()4x af x x +=-[1,1]-a ()f x [1,1]-()|()|g x f x =(21)(1)g t g t ->-0t 1t 2t 3t 0d 1d 2d 3d v (]0,33.3v ∈计分析得到下表给出的数据(其中系数随地面湿滑程度等路面情况而变化,)阶段①准备②人的反应③系统反应④制动时间秒秒距离米米(1)请写出报警距离(米)与车速(米/秒)之间的函数关系式;并求当,在汽车达到报警距离时,若人和系统均未采取任何制动措施,仍以此速度行驶的情况下,汽车撞上固定障碍物的最短时间;(2)若要求汽车不论在何种路面情况下行驶,报警距离均小于50米,则汽车的行驶速度应限制在多少米/秒?19.(17分)对于区间,若函数同时满足:①在上是单调函数,②函数在的值域是,则称区间为函数的“保值”区间.(1)求函数的所有“保值”区间;(2)判断函数是否存在“保值”区间,并说明理由;(3)已知函数有“保值”区间,当取得最大值时求的值.k [1,2]k ∈0t 10.8t =20.2t =3t 010d =1d 2d 2320v d k=d v ()d v 2k =[,]()a b a b <()y f x =[],a b ()y f x =[],a b [],a b [],a b 2()f x x =1()1g x x =-()221()(,0)a a x h x a a a x+-=∈≠R [],m n n m -a。

2024-2025学年江苏省苏州市常熟市高一第一学期期中考试数学试题 (含答案)

2024-2025学年江苏省苏州市常熟市高一第一学期期中考试数学试题 (含答案)



1.已知命题p:“∃x∈R,x+2≤0”,则命题p的否定为( )A. ∃x∈R,x+2>0B. ∀x∈R,x+2>0C. ∃x∉R,x+2>0D. ∀x∈R,x+2≤02.已知x>0,则x−1+4x的最小值为( )A. 4B. 5C. 3D. 23.已知函数y=f(x)的定义域为[−2,1],则函数y=f(2x+1)的定义域为( )A. RB. [−2,1]C. [−3,3]D. [−32,0]4.若函数f(x)=(m2−2m−2)x2−m是幂函数,且y=f(x)在(0,+∞)上单调递减,则实数m的值为( )A. 3B. −1C. 1+3D. 1−35.常熟“叫花鸡”,又称“富贵鸡”,既是常熟的特产,也是闻名四海的佳肴,以其鲜美、香喷、酥嫩著称。

双十一购物节来临,某店铺制作了300只“叫花鸡”,若每只“叫花鸡”的定价是40元,则均可被卖出;若每只“叫花鸡”在定价40元的基础上提高x(x∈N∗)元,则被卖出的“叫花鸡”会减少5x只.要使该店铺的“叫花鸡”销售收入超过12495元,则该店铺的“叫花鸡”每只定价应为( )A. 48元B. 49元C. 51元D. 50元6.已知f(x)是奇函数,对于任意x1,x2∈(−∞,0)(x1≠x2),均有(x2−x1)(f(x2)−f(x1))>0成立,且f(2)=0,则不等式xf(x−2)<0的解集为( )A. (−2,0)∪(2,4)B. (−∞,−2)∪(2,4)C. (2,4)D. (−2,0)∪(0,2)7.通过研究发现:函数y=f(x)的图象关于点P(a,b)成中心对称图形的充要条件是函数y=f(x+a)−b为奇函数,则函数f(x)=x3−3x2图象的对称中心为( ) 参考公式:(a+b)3=a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3A. (0,0)B. (1,2)C. (1,−2)D. (2,−4)8.已知正实数a,b满足a+b=4,则代数式1b +b+1a的最小值为( )A. 5+12B. 5+14C. 54D. 25+2二、多选题:本题共3小题,共18分。




(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读理解A British sleep expert,professor Chris Idzikowski,did a research showing that there was some connection between the way people sleep and their personality.The fetal positionThe fetal position gets its name from the shape of a baby in the mother's stomach.It is the most common position in the world.People who sleep in the fetal position tend towards worry and anxiety.They are often shy and sensitive.In the fetal position,a sleeper's body is like a ball as he lies on one side with legs and arms bent.Adults usually sleep in this position.The starfish positionWhen sleeping like a starfish,you lie on your back with arms up near the pillow.Sleep scientist Idzikowski says starfish sleepers value friendship.People who sleep in this position are good listeners and quick to help others.If you have a starfish sleeper as a best friend,you're in luck.Starfish sleepers are great listeners and a source of comfort to others.The freefall positionIn the freefall position,sleepers have their hands on or around their pillows,with their heads turned to one side. Freefall sleepers are social but sensitive and can become upset by extreme situations.They like to be in control of everything around their life.It's all part of their long periods of indecision,but once they make a choice,they stick to it. This position can aid in digestion(消化).The log positionFor those who suffer from back pain,the log position could be helpful for you.Log sleepers have both their arms and legs extended,so their bodies are straight like a log.Log sleepers are very trusting,but are usually social and easy-going individuals.Idzikowski claims that preferring a log position suggests that a person is sociable and can communicate with others easily.1.What's the personality of people sleeping in fetal position?A.Social and easy-going.B.Sensitive and social.C.Friendly and positive.D.Shy and sensitive.2.Which of the following is most suitable to be a friend?A.A fetal sleeper.B.A starfish sleeper.C.A freefall sleeper.D.A log sleeper.3.What can we know about log sleepers?A.They do well in sports.B.They are good listeners.C.They are easy to get along with.D.They have difficulty making decisions.阅读理解The world will become a better place when we realize that everyone can have bad days and that we care enough and take actions.A Kansas fourth-grade teacher Rachel Harder recognized this,and she found an amazing way to help out both her students and their families.A few years ago,Rachel attended a trauma(精神创伤)conference.She learned that some police stations partnered with schools.They could let teachers know when their students need help,patience or extra care.A year after the conference,Rachel had a student with autism who frequently had difficult days.To support the student,Rachel told the student's mom to simply text her"Handle with Care"to let her know when the student was experiencing difficult time."When she would text me,I knew that her daughter needed some extra time and a quiet place to get help,not going to the playground for morning announcements(通告),so that the rest of her daughter's day went well,"Rachel said.The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all of her students home with a note for their parents.It explained what the"Handle with Care"system was and how they could make use of it.In no time,the parents began to show their appreciation for Rachel's unbelievable act of kindness.But Rachel's kindness didn't end with her class.News spread of the amazing system,and teachers across the country began giving it a shot in their own class.Printed materials could be found on the school website,and the feedback(反馈)has been extremely positive!4.What happened to Rachel a few years ago?A.She met with a policeman.B.She noticed some students in need.C.She acted as a host at a contest.D.She raised a girl with autism.5.What can we imagine Rachel probably did to the girl student?A.She asked to stop the morning announcements.B.She talked with her in the playground.C.She took her home ahead of time.D.She comforted her at a quiet place.6.How did the parents treat Rachel's system?A.They paid no attention to it.B.They changed it in daily use.C.They accepted it thankfully.D.They introduced it to others personally.7.What is the text mainly about?A.A proper system.B.A considerate teacher.C.A story going online.D.A class influencing the nation.阅读理解The characteristic(特征)of shyness is to feel frightened and nervous in new social situations or when being the center of attention.Whether shyness is part of your children's personality or just something they feel when they are in front of a group of strangers,it is a common experience,according to a study.To look at shyness,researchers brought152children aged7-8into a lab and told them they would give a speech, which would be filmed and shown to other children.The study showed that about10%of the children showed a level of stress over time when giving the speech.About25%of the children were not reported to be shy in the eyes of their parents,but in fact showed a level of social stress from giving the speech.This finding provides the fact that shyness may be a part of these children's temperament(性情).For children at this age,shyness may be a quite common and normal experience when they face a speech task.For a smaller group of shy children,however,being the center of attention may be stressful at different times and environments.A shy temperament isn't always valued by society like an outgoing personality,but that doesn't mean there is something wrong.Everyone can feel shy at times depending on the environment.And those who are particularly shy often have happy social lives—they just aren't likely to be the liveliest people in a crowded room.Although shyness itself may not necessarily be a problem,parents should pay attention to signs of worry, particularly in their shy children.Importantly,however,we know that not all shy children are the same,and that many shy children grow up to be well-balanced adults.8.What can we learn from paragraph1?A.Shyness is not an unusual characteristic.B.Shyness is born with personality.C.Shyness will appear when one is in public.D.Shyness means not communicating with others.9.What is the finding of the study?A.Few kids like to give a speech to others.B.Some kids can get shy while giving speeches.C.Some kids appear less shy with their parents.D Some kids are stressed when being separated.10.What does the author advise parents to do when facing shy children?A.Bring them to crowded space.B.Care for them and give them confidence.C.Keep them away from shyness.D.Let them be alone.11.What can be the best title for the text?A.When are people shy?B.Ways of beating shynessC.Why is shyness a bad thing?D.The discoveries about shyness阅读理解Humans are not the animal world's only fashion followers.Tits(山雀)can be one of them,too.A study by Sonja Wild and Lucy Aplin shows that,given the chance,they make their nests(巢穴)with this season's must-have color.Dr.Wild and Dr.Aplin followed up on a study which noted that the blue tits preferred to put the same plants into their nests.This also suggested fashion-following—and it led Dr.Wild and Dr.Aplin to imagine that birds were studying the nests of others and copying them.The birds they followed carried instruments on them.That allowed researchers to follow a large number of tits by their arrival at food dispensers(自动取物装置)throughout the woods.One day in March2021,Dr.Wild and Dr.Aplin used five dispensers with wool rather than food.Each contained two colors—either orange and pink or blue and purple—but all were rigged to give only one of these.This remained so until at least one local nest was seen to include wool from a dispenser.At that moment,the other color was discovered, too.As a comparison,Dr.Wild and Dr.Aplin set up four wool dispensers in a separate area,each providing two colors from the beginning.Of68tits'nests,26included wool from a dispenser.Of these,18were built after both colors had been gotten from all dispensers.Even so,10of that18included only the color of wool first chosen by a nest makers.By contrast(相比之下),all8nests with wool have mixed colors,which showed a clear difference in the record.Tits,then,do seem to be"in fashion"when it comes to nest-building materials.Tits like those of the leaders of human fashions and it is worth more deep research.12.Why are the same plants put into nests by the tits?A.They want to beautify their nests.B.They find no other plants.C.They are used to doing this.D.They want to keep warm.13.What does the underlined word"rigged"in paragraph4mean?A.Refused.B.Warned.C.Forced.D.Arranged.14.What method is mainly used in the experiment?A.Testing colors.B.Observing activities.C.Comparing results.D.Checking numbers.15.What is the author's attitude to the research?A.Disappointed.B.Supportive C.Doubtful.D.Unclear.二、第一部分阅读,第二节任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

























2024-2025学年上学期高一期中考试数学试题注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将姓名、准考证号等在答卷上填写清楚2.选择题答案用2B 铅笔在答题卷把对应题目的答案标号涂黑,非选择题用0.5mm 黑色签字笔在每题对应的答题区内做答,答在试卷上无效。


在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的.1.下列说法正确的有( )A .10以内的质数组成的集合是B .与是同一个集合C :方程的解集是D .集合中的元素是的三边长,则一定不是等腰三角形2.命题:p :,的否定为( )A .,B .,C .,D .,3.已知函数的定义域为,则函数的定义域为( )A .B .C .D .4下列函数中,既是奇函数,又在区间上是减函数的是( )A .B .C .D .5下列说法正确的是( )A .若,则B .若a ,b ,,则C .若,则D .若,,则6.不等式的一个必要不充分条件是( )A .B .C .D .7已知,,且恒成立,则实数m 的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .{}0,2,3,5,7∅{}02210xx -+={}1,1{},,M a b c =ABC ∆ABC ∆x ∀∈R 0x x +≥x ∃∈R 0x x +≥x ∃∈R 0x x +<x ∃∈R 0x x +≤x ∀∈R 0x x +<()f x []0,1()1f x +[]0,1[]1,0-{}0[]1,2()0,+∞y x=3y x =2y x =3y x=-22acbc >a b>()0,m ∈+∞b b m a a m+<+a b >11a b<a b >x y >ax by>22530x x --<132x -<<16x -<<102x -<<132x <<0a >0b >211a b+=a b m +≥(,3-∞(],6-∞(,3-∞+(],7-∞8.今有一台坏天平,两臂长不等,其余均精确,有人要用它称物体的质量,他将物体放在左右托盘各称一次,记两次称量结果分别为a ,b ,设物体的真实质量为G ,则( )A .B .C .D二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。



北京2023—2024学年第二学期期中练习高一数学(答案在最后)2024.04说明:本试卷共4页,共120分.考试时长90分钟.一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.sin120︒的值等于()A.12-B.12C.2D.2【答案】D 【解析】【分析】根据特殊角的三角函数值得到2,从而可求解.【详解】由题意可得sin1202︒=,故D 正确.故选:D.2.若角α的终边过点()4,3,则πsin 2α⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭()A.45B.45-C.35D.35-【答案】A 【解析】【分析】根据余弦函数定义结合诱导公式计算求解即可.【详解】因为角α的终边过点()4,3,所以4cos 5α==,所以π4sin cos 25αα⎛⎫+== ⎪⎝⎭.故选:A3.已知扇形的弧长为4cm ,圆心角为2rad ,则此扇形的面积是()A.22cmB.24cm C.26cm D.28cm 【答案】B【解析】【分析】由条件结合弧长公式l R α=求出圆的半径,然后结合扇形的面积公式12S lR =可得答案.【详解】因为扇形的圆心角2rad α=,它所对的弧长4cm l =,所以根据弧长公式l R α=可得,圆的半径2R =,所以扇形的面积211424cm 22S lR ==⨯⨯=;故选:B .4.向量a ,b ,c在正方形网格中的位置如图所示,若向量c a b λ=+,则实数λ=()A.2-B.1-C.1D.2【答案】D 【解析】【分析】将3个向量的起点归于原点,根据题设得到它们的坐标,从而可求λ的值.【详解】如图,将,,a b c的起点平移到原点,则()()()1,1,0,1,2,1a b c ==-= ,由c a b λ=+可得()()()2,11,10,1λ=+-,解得2λ=,故选:D.5.下列四个函数中以π为最小正周期且为奇函数的是()A.()cos2f x x =B.()tan2x f x =C.()()tan f x x =- D.()sin f x x=【答案】C 【解析】【分析】根据三角函数的周期性和奇偶性对选项逐一分析,由此确定正确选项.【详解】对于A ,函数()cos2f x x =的最小正周期为π,因为()()()cos 2cos 2f x x x f x -=-==,所以()cos2f x x =为偶函数,A 错误,对于B ,函数()tan 2xf x =的最小正周期为2π,因为()()tan tan 22x x f x f x ⎛⎫-=-=-=- ⎪⎝⎭,所以函数()tan 2x f x =为奇函数,B 错误,对于C ,函数()()tan f x x =-的最小正周期为π,因为()()()tan tan f x x x f x -==--=-,所以函数()()tan f x x =-为奇函数,C 正确,对于D ,函数()sin f x x =的图象如下:所以函数()sin f x x =不是周期函数,且函数()sin f x x =为偶函数,D 错误,6.在ABC 中,4AB =,3AC =,且AB AC AB AC +=- ,则AB BC ⋅= ()A.16B.16- C.20D.20-【答案】B 【解析】【分析】将AB AC AB AC +=- 两边平方,即可得到0AB AC ⋅=,再由数量积的运算律计算可得.【详解】因为AB AC AB AC +=- ,所以()()22AB ACAB AC +=-,即222222AB AB AC AC AB AB AC AC +⋅+=-⋅+uu u r uu u r uuu r uuu r uu u r uu u r uuu r uuu r ,所以0AB AC ⋅= ,即AB AC ⊥ ,所以()220416AB BC AB AC AB AB AC AB ⋅=⋅-=⋅-=-=- .故选:B7.函数cos tan y x x =⋅在区间3,22ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上的图像为()A.B.C.D.【答案】C 【解析】【分析】分别讨论x 在3,,[,)22ππππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上tan x 的符号,然后切化弦将函数化简,作出图像即可.【详解】因为3,22x ππ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,所以sin ,,23sin ,.2x x y x x πππ⎧-<<⎪⎪=⎨⎪≤<⎪⎩故选:C.8.已知函数()sin 24f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,则“()ππ8k k α=+∈Z ”是“()f x α+是偶函数,且()f x α-是奇函数”的()A.充分而不必要条件B.必要而不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【解析】【分析】首先求出()f x α+、()f x α-的解析式,再根据正弦函数的性质求出使()f x α+是偶函数且()f x α-是奇函数时α的取值,再根据充分条件、必要条件的定义判断即可.【详解】因为()sin 24f x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭,则()sin 224f x x ααπ⎛⎫+=++ ⎪⎝⎭,()sin 224f x x ααπ⎛⎫-=-+ ⎪⎝⎭,若()f x α-是奇函数,则112π,Z 4k k απ-+=∈,解得11π,Z 82k k απ=-∈,若()f x α+是偶函数,则222π,Z 42k k αππ+=+∈,解得22π,Z 82k k απ=+∈,所以若()f x α+是偶函数且()f x α-是奇函数,则π,Z 82k k απ=+∈,所以由()ππ8k k α=+∈Z 推得出()f x α+是偶函数,且()f x α-是奇函数,故充分性成立;由()f x α+是偶函数,且()f x α-是奇函数推不出()ππ8k k α=+∈Z ,故必要性不成立,所以“()ππ8k k α=+∈Z ”是“()f x α+是偶函数,且()f x α-是奇函数”的充分不必要条件.故选:A9.已知向量,,a b c 共面,且均为单位向量,0a b ⋅= ,则a b c ++ 的最大值是()A.1+ B.C.D.1-【答案】A 【解析】【分析】根据题意,可设出向量,,a b c 的坐标,由于这三个向量都是单位向量,则向量,,a b c的终点都落在以坐标原点为圆心的单位圆上,作出示意图,由向量的性质可知,只有当c 与a b +同向时,a b c ++ 有最大值,求解即可.【详解】因为向量,,a b c 共面,且均为单位向量,0a b ⋅= ,可设()1,0a =,()0,1b = ,(),c x y = ,如图,所以2a b += ,当c 与a b +同向时,此时a b c ++ 有最大值,为21+.故选:A .10.窗花是贴在窗户玻璃上的贴纸,它是中国古老的传统民间艺术之一在2022年虎年新春来临之际,人们设计了一种由外围四个大小相等的半圆和中间正方形所构成的剪纸窗花(如图1).已知正方形ABCD 的边长为2,中心为O ,四个半圆的圆心均为正方形ABCD 各边的中点(如图2),若P 为 BC 的中点,则()PO PA PB ⋅+=()A .4B.6C.8D.10【答案】C 【解析】【分析】根据平面向量的线性运算将()PO PA PB ⋅+ 化为OA 、OB 、OP表示,再根据平面向量数量积的运算律可求出结果.【详解】依题意得||||2OA OB ==,||2OP =,3π4AOP =Ð,π4BOP =Ð,所以3π2||||cos 22(242OA OP OA OP ⋅=⋅=⨯-=- ,π2||||cos 22242OB OP OB OP ⋅=⋅=⨯= ,所以()PO PA PB ⋅+= ()OP OA OP OB OP -⋅-+- 22||OA OP OB OP OP =-⋅-⋅+ 222228=-+⨯=.故选:C二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分,把答案填在题中横线上)11.写出一个与向量()3,4a =-共线的单位向量_____________.【答案】34,55⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭(答案不唯一)【解析】【分析】先求出a r ,则aa±即为所求.【详解】5a ==所以与向量()3,4a =- 共线的单位向量为34,55⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭或34,55⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭.故答案为:34,55⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭(答案不唯一)12.已知函数()()sin 0,0,2πf x A x A ωϕωϕ⎛⎫=+>><⎪⎝⎭的部分图象如图,则π3f ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭__________.【解析】【分析】根据图象可得函数()f x 的最大值,最小值,周期,由此可求,A ω,再由5π212f ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭求ϕ,由此求得的解析式,然后求得π3f ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.【详解】由图可知,函数()f x 的最大值为2,最小值为2-,35ππ3π41234T =+=,当5π12x =时,函数()f x 取最大值2,又()()sin 0,0,2πf x A x A ωϕωϕ⎛⎫=+>>< ⎪⎝⎭所以2A =,32π3π44ω⨯=,所以2ω=,所以()()2sin 2f x x ϕ=+,又5π212f ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭,所以5π5π2sin 2126f ϕ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,由于πππ5π4π,22363ϕϕ-<<<+<,所以5πππ,623ϕϕ+==-,所以()π2sin 23f x x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,ππ2sin 33f ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭.13.已知函数()()πsin 0,2f x x ωϕωϕ⎛⎫=+>< ⎪⎝⎭的图象过点10,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则ϕ=__________.,若将函数()f x 图象仅向左平移π4个单位长度和仅向右平移π2个单位长度都能得到同一个函数的图象,则ω的最小值为__________.【答案】①.π6##1π6②.83##223【解析】【分析】由条件列方程求ϕ,再利用平移变换分别得到变换后的函数解析式,并根据相位差为2π,Z k k ∈求解;【详解】因为函数()()sin f x x ωϕ=+的图象过点10,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,所以1sin 2ϕ=,又π2ϕ<,所以π6ϕ=,函数()πsin 6f x x ω⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭(0ω>)的图象仅向左平移π4个单位长度得到函数ππππsin sin 4646y x x ωωω⎡⎛⎫⎤⎛⎫=++=++ ⎪ ⎢⎥⎝⎭⎦⎝⎭⎣的图象,函数()πsin 6f x x ω⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭(0ω>)的图象仅向右平移π2个单位长度得到ππππsin sin 2626y x x ωωω⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+=-+ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦的图象,则ππππ2π4626k ωω⎛⎫⎛⎫+--+=⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(Z k ∈),化简得3π2π4k ω=(Z k ∈),解得83k ω=(Z k ∈),由于0ω>,所以当1k =时,ω取得最小值83,故答案为:π8,63.14.已知边长为2的菱形ABCD 中,π3DAB ∠=,点E 满足3BE EC = ,点F 为线段BD 上一动点,则AF BE ⋅的最大值为______.【答案】3【解析】【分析】建立如图平面直角坐标系,设BF BD λ= ,利用平面向量线性运算与数量积的坐标表示可得AF BE⋅关于λ的表达式,从而得解.【详解】如图,以A为原点建立平面直角坐标系,则(0,0),(2,0),A B C D ,因为3BE EC =,所以(33333,4444BE BC ⎛⎫=== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,由题意,设()01BF BD λλ=≤≤,则(()BF λλ=-=- ,则()()()2,02,AF AB BF λλ=+=+-=-,所以()3333324422AF BE λλ⋅=-+=+,因为01λ≤≤,所以当1λ=时,AF BE ⋅的最大值为3.故答案为:3.15.声音是由物体振动产生的声波.我们听到的每个音都是由纯音合成的,纯音的数学模型是函数sin y A t ω=.音有四要素,音调、响度、音长和音色.它们都与函数sin y A t ω=及其参数有关,比如:响度与振幅有关,振幅越大响度越大,振幅越小响度越小;音调与频率有关,频率低的声音低沉,频率高的声音尖锐.我们平时听到的乐音不只是一个音在响,而是许多音的结合,称为复合音.我们听到的声音对应的函数是111sin sin 2sin 3sin 4234y x x x x =++++⋯..给出下列四个结论:①函数1111sin sin 2sin 3sin 4sin1023410y x x x x x =++++⋯+不具有奇偶性;②函数()111sin sin2sin3sin4234f x x x x x =+++在区间ππ,88⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增;③若某声音甲对应的函数近似为()11sin sin 2sin 323g x x x x =++,则声音甲的响度一定比纯音()1sin22h x x =的响度小;④若某声音乙对应的函数近似为()1sin sin 22x x x ϕ=+,则声音乙一定比纯音()1sin22h x x =更低沉.其中所有正确结论的序号是__________.【答案】②④【解析】【分析】对①,结合奇偶性的定义判断即可;对②,利用正弦型函数的单调性作出判断;对③,分别判断()(),g x h x 的振幅大小可得;对④,求出周期,可得频率,即可得出结论.【详解】对于①,令()1111sin sin2sin3sin4sin1023410F x x x x x x =++++⋯+,所以()()()()()()1111sin sin 2sin 3sin 4sin 1023410F x x x x x x -=-+-+-+-+⋯+-,所以()1111sin sin2sin3sin4sin1023410F x x x x x x -=-----⋅⋅⋅-,所以()()F x F x -=-,所以()F x 是奇函数,①错误;对于②,由ππ88x -≤≤可得,ππ244x -≤≤,3π3π388x -≤≤,ππ422x -≤≤,所以111sin ,sin2,sin3,234x x x x 都在ππ,88⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增,所以()111sin sin2sin3sin4234f x x x x x =+++在ππ,88⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增,所以函数()f x 在区间ππ,88⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增,②正确;对于③.因为()11sin sin 2sin 323g x x x x =++,所以π223g ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,所以()max 23g x ≥,即()g x 的振幅比()1sin22h x x =的振幅大,所以声音甲的响度一定比纯音()1sin22h x x =的响度大,所以③错误;对于④,因为()()()()112πsin 2πsin 24πsin sin 222x x x x x x ϕϕ+=+++=+=,所以函数()x ϕ为周期函数,2π为其周期,若存在02πα<<,使()()x x ϕϕα=+恒成立,则必有()()0ϕϕα=,()()110sin 0sin 00sin sin 222ϕϕααα∴=+===+,()sin 1cos 0αα∴+=,因为02πα<<,πα∴=,又()()()11πsin πsin 2πsin sin 222x x x x x ϕ+=+++=-+与()1sin sin 22x x x ϕ=+不恒相等,所以函数()1sin sin22x x x ϕ=+的最小正周期是2π,所以频率1112πf T ==而()h x 的周期为π,频率21πf =,12f f <,所以声音乙一定比纯音()1sin22h x x =更低沉,所以④正确.故答案为:②④.三、解答题(本大题共5小题,共60分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤)16.如图,在ABC 中,2BD DC = ,E 是AD 的中点,设AB a = ,AC b = .(1)试用a ,b 表示AD ,BE ;(2)若1a b == ,a 与b 的夹角为60︒,求AD BE ⋅ .【答案】(1)1233AD a b =+ ,5163BE a b =-+ (2)518-【解析】【分析】(1)利用向量加法减法的三角形法则及数乘运算即可求解;(2)根据(1)的结论,利用向量的数量积运算法则即可求解.【小问1详解】因为2BD DC = ,所以23BD BC = ,所以221)212(333333AB AC AB AB AC a b AD AB BD AB BC +-=+=+=+=+= .因为E 是AD 的中点,所以()11211()22323BE BA BD AB BC AB AC AB ⎛⎫=+=-+=-+- ⎪⎝⎭ 51516363AB AC a b =-+=-+ .【小问2详解】因为1a b == ,a 与b 的夹角为60︒,所以11cos ,1122a b a b a b ⋅==⨯⨯= ,由(1)知,1233AD a b =+ ,5163BE a b =-+ ,所以22125154233631899AD BE a b a b a a b b ⎛⎫⎛⎫⋅=+⋅-+=--⋅+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭541251892918=--⨯+=-.17.已知函数()π3sin 24f x x ⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭(1)求()f x 的最小正周期;(2)求函数()f x 的单调递增区间;(3)若函数()f x 在区间[]0,a 内只有一个零点,直接写出实数a 的取值范围.【答案】(1)()f x 的最小正周期为π,(2)函数()f x 的单调递增区间是3πππ,π88k k ⎡⎤-+⎢⎥⎣⎦()k ∈Z ;(3)a 的取值范围为3π7π,88⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭.【解析】【分析】(1)根据正弦型函数的周期公式求解即可;(2)利用正弦函数的单调区间结论求解;(3)求出()0f x =的解后可得a 的范围.【小问1详解】因为()π3sin 24f x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,所以函数()f x 的最小正周期2ππ2T ==;【小问2详解】由πππ2π22π242k x k -≤+≤+,Z k ∈,可得3ππππ88k x k -≤≤+,Z k ∈,所以函数()f x 的单调递增区间是3πππ,π88k k ⎡⎤-+⎢⎥⎣⎦()k ∈Z ;【小问3详解】由π()3sin(204f x x =+=可得,π2π4x k +=,Z k ∈所以ππ28k x =-,Z k ∈,因为函数()f x 在区间[]0,a 上有且只有一个零点,所以3π7π88a ≤<,所以实数a 的取值范围为3π7π,88⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭.18.已知()()()4,0,0,4,cos ,sin ,(0π)A B C ααα<<.(1)若OA OC += (O 为坐标原点),求OB 与OC 的夹角;(2)若⊥ AC BC ,求sin cos αα-的值.【答案】(1)OB 与OC 的夹角为π6,(2)sin cos 4αα-=【解析】【分析】(1)根据向量模长以及夹角的坐标公式计算即可;(2)由向量垂直得到数量积为0,进而得到1sin cos 4αα+=,通过平方得到2sin cos αα,进而可得()2sin cos αα-,再根据α的范围确定正负,开方得解.【小问1详解】因为()()()4,0,0,4,cos ,sin A B C αα,所以()()()4,0,0,4,cos ,sin OA OB OC αα=== ,所以()4cos ,sin OA OC αα+=+ ,由OA OC += ()224+cos sin 21αα+=,所以1cos 2α=,又0πα<<,,所以π3α=,13,22C ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,设OB 与OC 的夹角为β()0πβ≤≤,则cos OB OC OB OC β⋅= 23342==,又0πβ≤≤,故OB 与OC 的夹角为π6,【小问2详解】由⊥ AC BC 得0AC BC ⋅= ,又()cos 4,sin AC αα=- ,()cos ,sin 4BC αα=- ,所以()()cos 4cos sin sin 40αααα-+-=,所以1sin cos 4αα+=,所以152sin cos 016αα-=<,又0πα<<,所以ππ2α<<,所以()21531sin cos 11616αα--=-=,所以sin cos 4αα-=.19.已知函数()()πsin 0,0,2f x A x A ωϕωϕ⎛⎫=+>><⎪⎝⎭,且()f x 图像的相邻两条对称轴之间的距离为π2,再从条件①、条件②、条件③中选择两个作为一组已知条件.(1)确定()f x 的解析式;(2)设函数()π24g x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,则是否存在实数m ,使得对于任意1π0,2x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,存在2π0,2x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,()()12m g x f x =-成立?若存在,求实数m 的取值范围:若不存在,请说明理由.条件①:()f x 的最小值为2-;条件②:()f x 图像的一个对称中心为5π,012⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭;条件③:()f x 的图像经过点5π,16⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭.注:如果选择多组条件分别解答,按第一个解答计分.【答案】(1)选①②,②③,①③答案都为()2sin(2)6f x x π=+,(2)存在m 满足条件,m 的取值范围为2,0⎤⎦.【解析】【分析】(1)先根据已知求出()f x 的最小正周期,即可求解ω,选条件①②:可得()f x 的最小值为A -,可求A .根据对称中心可求ϕ,即可得解函数解析式;选条件①③:可得()f x 的最小值为A -,可求A .根据函数()f x 的图象过点5π,16⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,可求ϕ,可得函数解析式;选条件②③:根据对称中心可求ϕ,再根据函数()f x 的图象过点5π,16⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,可求A 的值,即可得解函数解析式.(2)求出函数()f x ,()g x 在π0,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的值域,再结合恒成立、能成立列式求解作答.【小问1详解】由于函数()f x 图像上两相邻对称轴之间的距离为π2,所以()f x 的最小正周期π2π2T =⨯=,所以2π2T ω==,此时()()sin 2f x A x ϕ=+.选条件①②:因为()f x 的最小值为A -,所以2A =.因为()f x 图象的一个对称中心为5π,012⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,所以5π2π(Z)12k k ϕ⨯+=∈,所以56k ϕπ=π-,()k ∈Z ,因为||2ϕπ<,所以π6ϕ=,此时1k =,所以()2sin(2)6f x x π=+.选条件①③:因为()f x 的最小值为A -,所以2A =.因为函数()f x 的图象过点5π,16⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭,则5π()16f =-,所以5π2sin()13ϕ+=-,即5π1sin()32ϕ+=-.因为||2ϕπ<,所以7π5π13π636ϕ<+<,所以5π11π36ϕ+=,所以π6ϕ=,所以()2sin(2)6f x x π=+.选条件②③:因为函数()f x 的一个对称中心为5π,012⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,所以5π2π(Z)12k k ϕ⨯+=∈,所以5ππ(Z)6k k ϕ=-∈.因为||2ϕπ<,所以π6ϕ=,此时1k =.所以π()sin(26f x A x =+.因为函数()f x 的图象过点5π,16⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭,所以5π(16f =-,所以5ππsin 136A ⎛⎫+=-⎪⎝⎭,11πsin 16A =-,所以2A =,所以()2sin(2)6f x x π=+.综上,不论选哪两个条件,()2sin(2)6f x x π=+.【小问2详解】由(1)知,()2sin(2)6f x x π=+,由20,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦得:2ππ7π2,666x ⎡⎤+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,2π1sin 2,162x ⎛⎫⎡⎤+∈- ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦,因此[]2()1,2f x ∈-,由10,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦得:1ππ5π2,444x ⎡⎤+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,1πsin 2,142x ⎡⎤⎛⎫+∈-⎢⎥ ⎪⎝⎭⎣⎦,因此1()g x ⎡∈-⎣,从而1()1,g x m m m ⎡-∈---+⎣,由()()12m g x f x =-得:()()21f x g x m =-,假定存在实数m ,使得对1π0,2x ⎡⎤∀∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,2π0,2x ⎡⎤∃∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,()()12m g x f x =-成立,即存在实数m ,使得对1π0,2x ⎡⎤∀∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,2π0,2x ⎡⎤∃∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,()()21f x g x m =-成立,则[]1,1,2m m ⎡---+⊆-⎣,于是得112m m --≥-⎧⎪⎨-+≤⎪⎩,解得20m -≤≤,因此存在实数m ,使得对1π0,2x ⎡⎤∀∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,2π0,2x ⎡⎤∃∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,()()12m g x f x =-成立,所以实数m的取值范围是2,0⎤⎦.20.对于定义在R 上的函数()f x 和正实数T 若对任意x ∈R ,有()()f x T f x T +-=,则()f x 为T -阶梯函数.(1)分别判断下列函数是否为1-阶梯函数(直接写出结论):①()2f x x =;②()1f x x =+.(2)若()sin f x x x =+为T -阶梯函数,求T 的所有可能取值;(3)已知()f x 为T -阶梯函数,满足:()f x 在,2T T ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减,且对任意x ∈R ,有()()2f T x f x T x --=-.若函数()()F x f x ax b =--有无穷多个零点,记其中正的零点从小到大依次为123,,,x x x ⋅⋅⋅;若1a =时,证明:存在b ∈R ,使得()F x 在[]0,2023T 上有4046个零点,且213240464045x x x x x x -=-=⋅⋅⋅=-.【答案】(1)①否;②是(2)2πT k =,*k ∈N (3)证明见解析【解析】【分析】(1)利用T -阶梯函数的定义进行检验即可判断;(2)利用T -阶梯函数的定义,结合正弦函数的性质即可得解;(3)根据题意得到()()F x T F x +=,()()F T x F x -=,从而取3344TT b f ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,结合零点存在定理可知()F x 在(),1mT m T +⎡⎤⎣⎦上有且仅有两个零点:4T mT +,34T mT +,从而得解.【小问1详解】()2f x x =,则22(1)()(1)211f x f x x x x +-=+-=+≠;()1f x x =+,则(1)()11f x f x x x +-=+-=,故①否;②是.【小问2详解】因为()f x 为T -阶梯函数,所以对任意x ∈R 有:()()()()()sin sin sin sin f x T f x x T x T x x x T x T T +-=+++-+=+-+=⎡⎤⎣⎦.所以对任意x ∈R ,()sin sin x T x +=,因为sin y x =是最小正周期为2π的周期函数,又因为0T >,所以2πT k =,*k ∈N .【小问3详解】因为1a =,所以函数()()F x f x x b =--,则()()()()()()()F x T f x T x T b f x T x T b f x x b F x +=+-+-=+-+-=--=,()()()()()()()2F T x f T x T x b f x T x T x b f x x b F x -=----=+----=--=.取3344TT b f ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,则有3330444TT T F f b ⎛⎫⎛⎫=--= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,30444T T T F F T F ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,由于()f x 在,2T T ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减,因此()()F x f x x b =--在,2T T ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减,结合()()F T x F x -=,则有()F x 在0,2T ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上有唯一零点4T ,在,2T T ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上有唯一零点34T .又由于()()F x T F x +=,则对任意k ∈Ζ,有044T T F kT F ⎛⎫⎛⎫+== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,33044T T F kT F ⎛⎫⎛⎫+== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,因此,对任意m ∈Z ,()F x 在(),1mT m T +⎡⎤⎣⎦上有且仅有两个零点:4T mT +,34T mT +.综上所述,存在3344TT b f ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,使得()F x 在[]0,2023T 上有4046个零点,且14T x =,234T x =,354T x =,474T x =,L ,404580894T x =,404680914T x =,其中,2132404640452T x x x x x x -=-=⋅⋅⋅=-=.【点睛】关键点睛:本题解决的关键是充分理解新定义T -阶梯函数,从而在第3小问推得()()F x T F x +=,()()F T x F x -=,由此得解.。



2024~2025学年市二中学高一(上)期中考试数学试卷一、填空题(第1-6题每題4分,第7-12题每题5分,满分54分)1.若,,则______.2.不等式的解集是______.3.已知,则______.4.不等式“”是“”______的条件.5.已知集合,集合,若集合M 满足,则这样的集合M 共有______个.6.已知,那么等于______.7.已知,,则用m ,n 表示______.8.若关于x 的不等式恰有两个整数解,则a 的取值范围是______.9.命题“任意,为真命题,则实数a 的取值范围是______.10.碳14是透过宇宙射线撞击空气中的氨14原子所产生.碳14原子经过衰变转变为氨原子.由于其半衰期达5730年,经常用于考古年代鉴定,半衰期(Half-life )是指放射性元素的原子核有半数发生衰变时所需要的时间,对北京人遗址中某块化石鉴定时,碳14含量约为原来的1%,则这块化石距今约为______万年.(四舍五入到0.1万年)11.已知,,,,,若且,,中各元素的和为256,则集合______.12.已知实数a ,b 满足,且,则的最小值为______.二、单选题(本大题共4题,满分20分)13.已知集合,,则( )A .B .C .D .14.关于x 的不等式的解集是,那么()A .1B .C .12D .{}|31A x x =-≥{}|15B x x =<<A B = 304x x -≤+12510a b ==11a b +=23x x ≤|2|1x -<{}2,3,5,8A ={}2,3,5,8,13,21B =A M B ⊂⊆()223350x x x -+=>1133x x -+9log 5m =3log 7n =35log 9=()22120x a x a -++<x ∈R ()()222240a x a x -+--<β14235{,,,,}A a a a a a =4222221235{,,,},B a a a a a =51234a a a a a <<<<i a ∈Z 1,2,3,4,5i ={}14,B a a A = 1410a a +=22a >A B A =11a b -<<<2a b +=1311a ab ++-4|,1P x y y x ⎧⎫=∈=∈⎨⎬+⎩⎭N N {}|14Q x x =-≤≤P Q = {}1,2,4{}0,1,3{}|03x x ≤≤{}|14x x -≤≤2x ax b ≤-{}4log a b =344315.若,,则下列不等式中一定成立的是()A .B .C .D .16.定义集合运算;将称为集合A 与集合B 的对称差,命题甲::命题乙:则下列说法正确的是( )A .甲乙都是真命题B .只有甲是真命题C .只有乙是真命题D ,甲乙都不是真命题三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分76分)17.已知集合,,若,,则实数a 、b 、c 的值为.18.设关于x 的方程的两个实根分别是,.(1)求实数p 的取值范围;(2)求的取值范围.19.近几年来,“盲盒文化”广为流行,这种文化已经在中国落地生根,并发展处具有中国特色的盲盒经济,某盲盒生产及销售公司今年初用98万购进一批盲盒生产线,每年可有50万的总收入,已知生产此盲盒x 年(x 为正整数)所用的各种费用总计为万元(1)该公司第几年首次盈利(总收入超过总支出,今年为第一年)?(2)该公司第几年年平均利润最大,最大是多少?20.某天数学课上,你突然惊醒,发现黑板上有如下内容:(1)老师请你模仿例题,研究,上的最小值;(提示:,当且仅当时,等号成立);(2)研究,上的最小值;(3)当时,求,的最小值.21.已知有限集,如果A 中的元素满足,就称A 为“完美集”.x a m -<y a n -<2x y m -<2x y n -<x y n m-<-x y n m -<+{}|A B x x A x B -=∈∉且()()A B A B B A ∆=-- ()()()A B C A B A C ∆=∆ △()()()A B C A B A C ∆=∆ {}2|0A x x ax b =++={}2|150B x x cx =++={}3,5A B = {}3A B = 22lg lg 30x x p -+=αβlog log βαβα+2210x x +44x x -()0,x ∈+∞a b c d +++≥a b c d ===3139x x -()0,x ∈+∞0a >3x ax -()0,x ∈+∞{}()12,,2,,n A a a a n n ⋅⋅⋅=≥∈N ()1,2,,i a i n =⋅⋅⋅1212n n a a a a a a ++⋅⋅⋅+=⨯⨯⋅⋅⋅⨯(1)判断:集合是否是“完美集”并说明理由:(2)、是两个不同的正数,且是“完美集”,求证:、至少有一个大于2;(3)若为正整数,求:“完美集”A .2024~2025学年市二中学高一(上)期中考试数学试卷一、填空题1.【答案】【解析】由题意知,,所以.2.【答案】【解析】,解得或,所以不等式的解集为.3.【答案】【解析】若,可得,,.4.【答案】必要不充分【解析】,,由于是的真子集,所以“”是“”的必要不充分条件.5.【答案】3【解析】因为集合,所以集合M 中包含2,3,5,8且至少包含13,21中的一个元素,所以或或,所以满足条件的M 个数为3.6.【解析】由,因,故,即得,.7.【答案】【解析】由,,可得,,又由{11---+1a 2a {}12,a a 1a 2a i a ()1,4(),4A =-∞()1,4A B = ()[),43,-∞-+∞ ()()34030440x x x x x -+≤⎧-⎪≤⇔⎨++≠⎪⎩4x <-3x ≥()[),43,-∞-+∞ 1-12510b a ==2log 10a =-5log 10b =-()521111lg 5lg 2lg101log 10log 10a b ⎛⎫+=-+=-+=-=- ⎪⎝⎭{}{}23|0|3x x x x x ≤=≤≤{}{}3|21|1x x x x -<=<<{}|13x x <<{}3|0x x ≤≤23x x ≤21x -<A M B ⊂⊆{}2,3,5,8,13M ={}2,3,5,8,21{}2,3,5,8,13,212112233332527x x x x --⎛⎪+=++⎫⎝⎭+ ==0x >11330x x -+>1133x x -+=22m n+9log 5m =3log 7n =31log 52m =3log 7n =8.【答案】【解析】令,解得或.当,即时,不等式,解得,则不等式中的两个整数解为2和3,有,解得;当,即时,不等式无解,所以不符合题意;当,即时,不等式解得,则不等式中的两个整数解为0和,有,解得.综上,a 的取值范围是9.【答案】【解析】因为“任意,”为真命题,所以不等式在上恒成立,当时,,显然成立,当时,有,解得,综上所述,实数a 的取值范围是.10.【答案】3.8【解析】设第n 个半衰期结束时,碳14含为,由题意可得,第一个半衰期结束时,碳14含量为,第二个半衰期结束时,碳14含量为;以此类推,为以首项,公比为的等比数列,所以第n 个半衰期结束时,碳14含量为,335333log 922log 9log 35log 5log 72m n===++3|21212a a a ⎭<≤⎧⎫-≤<-⎨⎬⎩或()22120x a x a -++=1x =2x a =21a >12a >()22120x a x a -++<12x a <<324a <≤322a <≤21a =12a =()22120x a x a -++<12a =21a <12a <()22120x a x a -++<21a x <<1-221a -≤<-112a -≤<-3|21212a a a ⎭<≤⎧⎫-≤<-⎨⎬⎩或(]2,2-x ∈R ()()222240a x a x -+--<()()222240a x a x -+--<R 2a =40-<2a ≠()()220421620a a a -<⎧⎪⎨∆=-+-<⎪⎩22a -<<(]2,2-n a 112a =214a ={}n a 112a =12q =12n n a ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭令,解得所以这块化石距今约为年,即约为3.8万年:11.【答案】【解析】由,且,得到只可能,即或0,当时,,而,故舍去,则,又,∴,且,∴或,①若时,,不合题意;②若时,此时,,因,从而,又,则,当时,无整数解,当时,,所以,综上,12.【解析】因为,所以,,因为,所以,由,所以所以,11%2n n a ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭2212lg102log 10 6.6410.301lg 2n ---===≈-5730 6.6438047.2⨯={}1,3,5,9,11{}14,A B a a = 12345a a aa a <<<<211a a =1a =11a =0410a ={}14,A B a a = =Z 1a =11410a a +=49a =()24923i a a i ==≤≤23a =33a =33a =22a =23a ={}531,3,,9,A a a ={}22531,9,,81,B a a =22353513981256a a a a +++++++=2255331620a a a a +++-=234a a a <<339a <<3a =4,6,7,85a 35a =511a ={}1,3,5,9,11A ={}1,3,5,9,11A =1-11a b -<<<10a +>10b ->2a b +=()()112a b ++-=2a b +=()32131133111111b a a b a b a b -+=+=+-+-+-+-()()13113311311211a b a b a b ⎡⎤⎢-+-=+++--⎡⎤⎣⎦+-+⎥⎣⎦()31111133432312112a b a b ⎛+- =+++-≥⎝⎛⎫ ⎪⎝+-=+-=- +⎭-当且仅当,即,二、单选题13.【答案】B 【解析】若,则是4的正因数,而4的正因数有1,2,4,所以,因为,所以,故选:B .14.【答案】D【解析】即,因为解集为,则根据韦达定理知,即,则故选:D .15.【答案】D 【解析】运用绝对值三角不等式,由于,,运用不等式性质得到故,故选:D .16.【答案】B【解析】对于甲,,故命题甲正确;对于乙,如图所示:所以,,故命题乙不正确三、解答题17.【答案】,,()31111a b a b +-=+-2a =-+4b =-41y x =+y ∈N 1x +{}4|,0,1,31P x y y x ⎧⎫=∈=∈=⎨⎬+⎩⎭N N {}|14Q x x =-≤≤{}0,1,3P Q = 2x ax b ≤-20x ax b -+≤{}42424a b =⨯⎧⎨=⎩816a b =⎧⎨=⎩32844log log 16log 23a b ===x y x a a y x a a y -=--≤-++-x a m -<y a n -<x a a y m n-+-<+x y m n -<+()()()()A B C A B B C B C A B C A B C ∆=-=- ()()()()()()A B A C A B A C A B A C =-=∆ ()()()A B C A B A C ∆≠∆ ()A B C ∆ ()()A B A C ∆ 6a =-9b =8c =-【解析】因为,所以,所以,得,所以,所以,即有且只有一个实根,所以,,解得,,综上可得,,,.18.【答案】(1);(2)【解析】(1)因为,即,设,则关于t 的方程:的两根为和,所以,解得.(2)由韦达定理,得,所以因为且,所以或,所以或,所以的取值范围为19.【答案】(1)第3年:(2)第7年平均利润最大,为12万元【解析】(1)设利润为y ,则,由整理得,,解得,由于,所以,所以第3年首次盈利.(2)首先,由(1)得平均利润万元,{}3AB = 3B ∈93150c ++=8c =-{}{}28150|3,5B x x x =-+=={}3A =20x ax b ++=3x =33a +=-33b ⨯=6a =-9b =6a =-9b =8c =-1,3⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦()[),22,-∞-+∞ 22lg lg 30x x p -+=2lg 2lg 30x x p -+=lg t x =2230t t p -+=lg αlg β()22120p ∆=-≥-13p ≤lg lg 2lg lg 3pαβαβ+=⎧⎨=⎩22lg lg lg lg log log lg lg lg lg αββαβαβααβαβ++=+=2(lg lg )2lg lg 4642lg lg 33p p pβααβαβ+--===-31p ≤30p ≠443p ≥403p<4223p -≥4223p-<-log log αββα+()[),22,-∞-+∞ ()()22*509821024098y x x x x x x =-++=-+-∈N 2240980x x -+->220490x x -+<1010x -<<x *∈N {}|317x x x *∈∈≤≤N {}|317x x x *∈∈≤≤N 4924024012y x x x ⎛⎫=-++≤-⨯+= ⎪⎝⎭当且仅当,万元时等号成立,综上,第7年,平均利润最大,为12万元20.【答案】(1):(2);(3)【解析】(1)因为,利用,于是,,当且仅当时,取得最小值.(2)因为,利用,得到,于是,,当且仅当时,取得最小值.(3)因为利用,得到,于是,,当且仅当时,取得最小值21.【解析】(1)由,,则集合是“完美集”.(2)若、是两个不同的正数,且是“完美集”,设,根据根和系数的关系知,和相当于的两根,由,解得或(舍去),所以,又,均为正数所以、至少有一个大于2.(3)不妨设A中,49x x=7x =3-6-0x >a b c d +++≥41114x x ++≥+444111434433x x x x x x -=+++--≥--=-1x =3-0x >a b c ++≥313339x x ++≥331133363363699x x x x x x -=++--≥--=-3x =6-0x >a b c ++≥3x ax +≥33x ax x ax -=-≥x =((112-+-+=-(112--=-{11--+1a 2a {}12,a a 12120a a a a t +=⋅=>1a 2a 20x tx t -+=240t t ∆=->4t >0t <124a a ⋅>1a 2a 1a 2a 312n a a a a <<<⋅⋅⋅<由,得,当时,即有,又为正整数,所以,于是,则无解,即不存在满足条件的“完美集”;当时,,故只能,,求得,于是“完美集”A 只有一个,为.当时,由,即有,而,又,因此,故矛盾,所以当时不存在完美集A ,综上知,“完美集”A 为1212n n n a a a a a n a a ⋅⋅⋅=++⋅⋅<⋅+121n n a a a -⋅⋅<⋅2n =12a <i a 11a =2211a a +=⨯2a 3n =123a a <11a =2a =23a =3{}1,2,34n ≥()1211231n a a a n n -⋅⋅⋅≥⨯⨯⨯⋅⋅⋅⨯-()1231n n n ≥⨯⨯⨯⋅⋅⋅⨯-()()()221242220n n n n n n ---=-+-=--+<()()()121231n n n n --≤⨯⨯⨯⋅⋅⋅⨯-()1231n n n <⨯⨯⨯⋅⋅⋅⨯-4n ≥{}1,2,3。



成都市2024-2025学年上学期半期考试高一年级数学试题(答案在最后)考试时间120分钟满分150分一、单选题1.已知集合A ={1,2,3,4,5},{},|15B x x =<<,则A ∩B 的元素个数为()A.2B.3C.4D.5【答案】B 【解析】【分析】直接根据集合的交集运算求解即可.【详解】因为集合A ={1,2,3,4,5},{}|15B x x =<<所以{}2,3,4A B = ,即A ∩B 的元素个数为3个.故选:B2.函数221y x mx =++在[2,+∞)单调递增,则实数m 的取值范围是()A.[2,)-+∞B.[2,+∞)C.(,2)-∞ D.(,2]-∞【答案】A 【解析】【分析】直接由抛物线的对称轴和区间端点比较大小即可.【详解】函数221y x mx =++为开口向上的抛物线,对称轴为x m =-函数221y x mx =++在[2,+∞)单调递增,则2m -≤,解得2m ≥-.故选:A.3.若函数的定义域为{}22M x x =-≤≤,值域为{}02N y y =≤≤,则函数的图像可能是()A. B.C. D.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】根据函数的定义域与值域,结合函数的性质判断即可.【详解】对A ,该函数的定义域为{}20x x -≤≤,故A 错误;对B ,该函数的定义域为{}22M x x =-≤≤,值域为{}02N y y =≤≤,故B 正确;对C ,当()2,2x ∈-时,每一个x 值都有两个y 值与之对应,故该图像不是函数的图像,故C 错误;对D ,该函数的值域不是为{}02N y y =≤≤,故D 错误.故选:B.4.已知函数()af x x =,则“1a >”是“()f x 在()0,∞+上单调递增”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A 【解析】【分析】由幂函数的单调性结合充分必要条件的定义判断.【详解】当0a >时,函数()af x x =在()0,∞+上单调递增,则1a >时,一定有()f x 在()0,∞+上单调递增;()f x 在()0,∞+上单调递增,不一定满足1a >,故“1a >”是“()f x 在()0,∞+上单调递增”的充分不必要条件.故选:A.5.已知0,0x y >>,且121y x+=,则12x y +的最小值为()A.2B.4C.6D.8【答案】D 【解析】【分析】利用不等式的乘“1”法即可求解.【详解】由于0,0x y >>,故111122244428x y x xy y x y xy ⎛⎫⎛⎫+=++=++≥+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,当且仅当14,121,xy xyy x⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩即2,14x y =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩时,等号成立,故12x y +的最小值为8.故选:D6.已知定义域为R 的函数()f x 不是偶函数,则()A.()(),0x f x f x ∀∈-+≠RB.()(),0x f x f x ∀∈--≠RC.()()000,0x f x f x ∃∈-+≠RD.()()000,0x f x f x ∃∈--≠R 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】根据偶函数的概念得()(),0x f x f x ∀∈--=R 是假命题,再写其否定形式即可得答案.【详解】定义域为的函数()f x 是偶函数()(),0x f x f x ⇔∀∈--=R ,所以()f x 不是偶函数()()000,0x f x f x ⇔∃∈--≠R .故选:D .7.若函数()22f x ax bx c=++的部分图象如图所示,则()1f =()A.23-B.112-C.16-D.13-【答案】D 【解析】【分析】利用函数图象求得函数定义域,利用函数值可得出其解析式,代入计算即求得函数值.【详解】根据函数图象可知2x =和4x =不在函数()f x 的定义域内,因此2x =和4x =是方程20ax bx c ++=的两根,因此可得()()()224f x a x x =--,又易知()31f =,所以可得2a =-;即()()()124f x x x =---,所以()113f =-.故选:D8.奇函数()f x 在(),0-∞上单调递增,若()10f -=,则不等式()0xf x <的解集是().A.()()101,∪,-∞-B.()()11,∪,-∞-+∞C.()()1001,∪,- D.()()101,∪,-+∞【答案】C 【解析】【分析】由()f x 奇偶性,单调性结合题意可得答案.【详解】因奇函数()f x 在(),0∞-上单调递增,()10f -=则()f x 在()0,∞+上单调递增,1=0.得()()()01,01,f x x ⋃∞>⇒∈-+;()()()0,10,1f x x ∞⋃<⇒∈--.则()()000x xf x f x <⎧<⇒⎨>⎩或()()()01,00,10x x f x ⋃>⎧⇒∈-⎨<⎩.故选:C二、多选题9.下列关于集合的说法不正确的有()A.{0}=∅B.任何集合都是它自身的真子集C.若{1,}{2,}a b =(其中,a b ∈R ),则3a b +=D.集合{}2yy x =∣与{}2(,)x y y x =∣是同一个集合【答案】ABD 【解析】【分析】根据集合的定义,真子集的定义,集合相等的定义判断各选项.【详解】{0}中含有一个元素,不是空集,A 错;任何集合都是它自身的子集,不是真子集,B 错;由集合相等的定义得2,1a b ==,3a b +=,C 正确;集合{}2yy x =∣中元素是实数,集合{}2(,)x y y x =∣中元素是有序实数对,不是同一集合,D 错,故选:ABD .10.已知二次函数()2223y m x mx m =-++-的图象与x 轴有两个交点()()12,0,,0x x ,则下面说法正确的是()A.该二次函数的图象一定过定点()1,5--;B.若该函数图象开口向下,则m 的取值范围为:625m <<;C.当2m >,且12x ≤≤时,y 的最大值为45m -;D.当2m >,且该函数图象与x 轴两交点的横坐标12,x x 满足1232,10x x -<<--<<时,m 的取值范围为:21114m <<【答案】ABD 【解析】【分析】代入1x =-,解得5y =-,即可求解A ,根据判别式即可求解B ,利用二次函数的单调性即可求解C ,利用二次函数的图象性质即可列不等式求解.【详解】由()2223y m x mx m =-++-可得()22123y m x x =+--,当1x =-时,5y =-,故二次函数的图象一定过定点()1,5--,A 正确,若该函数图象开口向下,且与x 轴有两个不同交点,则()()220Δ44230m m m m -<⎧⎨=--->⎩,解得:625m <<,故B 正确,当2m >,函数开口向上,对称轴为02mx m =-<-,故函数在12x ≤≤时,单调递增,当2x =时,911y m =-,故y 的最大值为911m -;C 错误,当2m >,则开口向上,又1232,10x x -<<--<<时,则3,4210x y m =-=->,且2,110x y m =-=-<,且1,50x y =-=-<,且0,30x y m ==->,解得21114m <<,m 的取值范围为:21114m <<,D 正确,故选:ABD11.已知幂函数()()293mf x m x =-的图象过点1,n m ⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭,则()A.23m =-B.()f x 为偶函数C.364n =D.不等式()()13f a f a +>-的解集为(),1-∞【答案】AB 【解析】【分析】利用幂函数的定义结合过点1,n m ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,可求,m n 判断AC ;进而可得函数的奇偶性判断B ;解不等式可求解集判断D.【详解】因为函数()()293mf x m x =-为幂函数,所以2931m -=,解得23m =±,当23m =时,幂函数()23f x x =的图象不可能过点3,2n ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,故23m ≠,当23m =-,幂函数()23f x x -=的图象过点3,2n ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则2332n -=,解得3232629n -⎛⎫=±=±⎪⎝⎭,故A 正确,C 错误;()23f x x -=的定义域为{|0}x x ≠,且()2233()()f x x x f x ---=-==,故()f x 为偶函数,故B 正确;函数()23f x x-=在(0,)+∞上单调递减,由()()13f a f a +>-,可得()()13fa f a +>-,所以1310a a a ⎧+<-⎪⎨+≠⎪⎩,解得1a <且1a ≠-,故D 错误.故选:AB.三、填空题12.满足关系{2}{2,4,6}A ⊆⊆的集合A 有____________个.【答案】4【解析】【分析】由题意可得集合A 为{}2,4,6的子集,且A 中必包含元素2,写出满足条件的集合,即可得答案.【详解】即集合A 为{}2,4,6的子集,且A 中必包含元素2,又因为{2,4,6}的含元素2的子集为:{}2,{}2,4,{}2,6,{2,4,6}共4个.故答案为:4.13.已知()f x 满足()()()2f x y f x f y +=++,且()22f =,则()3f =______.【答案】4【解析】【分析】令1x y ==得()10f =,再令1x =,2y =即可求解.【详解】令1x y ==得()()()21122f f f =++=,所以()10f =,令1x =,2y =得()()()31224f f f =++=.故答案为:4.14.已知函数()()()22223124,,4f x x ax ag x x x a a =-+-=-+-∈R ,若[]10,1x ∀∈,[]20,1x ∃∈,使得不等式()()12f x g x >成立,实数a 的取值范围是__________.【答案】(),6-∞【解析】【分析】由题意将问题转化为()(),min max f x g x >[]0,1x ∈,成立,利用二次函数的性质求解即可.【详解】若对任意[]10,1x ∈,存在[]20,1x ∈,使得不等式()()12f x g x >成立,即只需满足[]min min ()(),0,1f x g x x >∈,()22314g x x x a =-+-,对称轴()1,2x g x =在10,2⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭递减,在,1,12⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦递增,()2min 18,2g x g a ⎛⎫==- ⎪⎝⎭()[]2224,0,1f x x ax a x =-+-∈,对称轴4a x =,①04a≤即0a ≤时,()f x 在0,1递增,()22min min ()04()8f x f a g x a ==->=-恒成立;②014a<<即04a <<时,()f x 在0,4a ⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭递减,在,14a ⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦递增,22min min 7()4,()848a f x f a g x a ⎛⎫==-=- ⎪⎝⎭,所以227488a a ->-,故04a <<;③14a≥即4a ≥时,()f x 在[0,1]递减,()22min min ()12,()8f x f a a g x a ==--=-,所以2228a a a -->-,解得46a ≤<,综上(),6a ∞∈-.故答案为:(),6∞-【点睛】方法点睛:本题首先需要读懂题意,进行转化;其次需要分类讨论,结合二次函数的性质最后进行总结,即可求出结果.四、解答题15.设全集R U =,集合{|23}P x x =-<<,{|31}.Q x a x a =<≤+(1)若1a =-,求集合()U P Q ð;(2)若P Q =∅ ,求实数a 的取值范围.【答案】(1){|03}x x <<(2)][132,,⎛⎫-∞-+∞ ⎪⎝⎭【解析】【分析】(1)先求出U Q ð,再求()U P Q ⋂ð即可;(2)分Q =∅和Q ≠∅两种情况求解即可【小问1详解】解:当1a =-时,{|31}{|30}Q x a x a x x =<≤+=-<≤;{|3U C Q x x =≤-或0}x >,又因为{}23P x x =-<<,所以(){|03}.U P Q x x ⋂=<<ð【小问2详解】解:由题意知,需分为Q =∅和Q ≠∅两种情形进行讨论:当Q =∅时,即31a a ≥+,解得12a ≥,此时符合P Q =∅ ,所以12a ≥;当Q ≠∅时,因为P Q =∅ ,所以1231a a a +≤-⎧⎨<+⎩或3331a a a ≥⎧⎨<+⎩,解之得3a ≤-.综上所述,a 的取值范围为][1,3,.2∞∞⎛⎫--⋃+ ⎪⎝⎭16.已知二次函数()()20f x ax bx c a =++≠满足()()14f x f x x -+=,且()0 1.f =(1)求函数()f x 的解析式;(2)解关于x 的不等式()()2641f x t x t ≤-+-+.【答案】(1)()2221f x x x =-+(2)答案见解析.【解析】【分析】(1)利用待定系数法计算即可求解析式;(2)根据(1)的结论含参讨论解一元二次不等式即可.【小问1详解】因为()01f =,1c =,所以()21f x ax bx =++,又因为()()14f x f x x -+=,所以()(()22[1)1114a x b x ax bx x ⎤++++-++=⎦,所以24ax a b x ++=,所以240a a b =⎧⎨+=⎩,所以22a b =⎧⎨=-⎩,即()222 1.f x x x =-+【小问2详解】由()()2641f x t x t ≤-+-+,可得不等式()222440x t x t +++≤,即()2220x t x t +++≤,所以()()20x x t ++≤,当2-=-t ,即2t =时,不等式的解集为{|2}x x =-,当2t -<-,即2t >时,不等式的解集为{|2}x t x -≤≤-,当2t ->-,即2t <时,不等式的解集为{|2}x x t -≤≤-,综上所述,当2t =时,不等式的解集为{|2}x x =-,当2t >时,不等式的解集为{|2}x t x -≤≤-,当2t <时,不等式的解集为{|2}.x x t -≤≤-17.已知函数()221x f x x -=.(1)用单调性的定义证明函数()f x 在()0,∞+上为增函数;(2)是否存在实数λ,使得当()f x 的定义域为11,m n ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦(0m >,0n >)时,函数()f x 的值域为[]2,2m n λλ--.若存在.求出λ的取值范围;若不存在说明理由.【答案】(1)证明见详解;(2)存在,()2,+∞.【解析】【分析】(1)设()12,0,x x ∞∈+,且12x x <,然后作差、通分、因式分解即可判断()()12f x f x <,得证;(2)根据单调性列不等式组,将问题转化为210x x λ-+=存在两个不相等的正根,利用判别式和韦达定理列不等式组求解可得.【小问1详解】()222111x f x x x-==-,设()12,0,x x ∞∈+,且12x x <,则()()()()22121212122222222212211212111111x x x x x x f x f x x x x x x x x x -+⎛⎫--=---=-== ⎪⎝⎭,因为120x x <<,所以221212120,0,0x x x x x x <-+>>,所以()()120f x f x -<,即()()12f x f x <,所以函数()f x 在0,+∞上为增函数.【小问2详解】由(1)可知,()f x 在11,m n ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增,若存在λ使得()f x 的值域为[]2,2m n λλ--,则22112112f m m m f n n n λλ⎧⎛⎫=-=- ⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭⎨⎛⎫⎪=-=- ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎩,即221010m m n n λλ⎧-+=⎨-+=⎩,因为0m >,0n >,所以210x x λ-+=存在两个不相等的正根,所以21212Δ40100x x x x λλ⎧=->⎪=>⎨⎪+=>⎩,解得2λ>,所以存在()2,λ∞∈+使得()f x 的定义域为11,m n ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦时,值域为[]2,2m n λλ--.18.习总书记指出:“绿水青山就是金山银山”.淮安市一乡镇响应号召,因地制宜的将该镇打造成“生态水果特色小镇”.调研过程中发现:某珍稀水果树的单株产量W (单位:千克)与肥料费10x (单位:元)满足如下关系:()252,02()48,251x x W x x x x ⎧+≤≤⎪=⎨<≤⎪+⎩其它成本投入(如培育管理等人工费)为20x (单位:元).已知这种水果的市场售价大约为10元/千克,且供不应求.记该单株水果树获得的利润为()f x (单位:元).(1)求()f x 的函数关系式;(2)当投入的肥料费用为多少时,该单株水果树获得的利润最大?最大利润是多少?【答案】(1)25030100,02()48030,251x x x f x x x x x⎧-+≤≤⎪=⎨-<≤⎪+⎩;(2)当投入的肥料费用为30元时,获得的利润最大,最大利润是270元.【解析】【分析】(1)由单株产量W 乘以售价减去肥料费和其它成本投入可得出的函数关系式;(2)利用二次函数的单调性求出当02x ≤≤时,()f x 的最大值,由基本不等式求出当25x <≤时,()f x 的最大值,即可得出答案.【小问1详解】(1)由题意可得()()()1020101030f x W x x x W x x=--=-()22105230,025030100,024804830,251030,2511x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ⎧⨯+-≤≤⎧-+≤≤⎪⎪==⎨⎨-<≤⨯-<≤⎪⎪+⎩+⎩.故()f x 的函数关系式为25030100,02()48030,251x x x f x x x x x⎧-+≤≤⎪=⎨-<≤⎪+⎩.【小问2详解】(2)由(1)22319150,025030100,02102()48030,251651030(1),2511x x x x x f x x x x x x x x ⎧⎧⎛⎫-+≤≤⎪-+≤≤⎪ ⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭==⎨⎨-<≤⎡⎤⎪⎪-++<≤+⎢⎥⎪⎪+⎣⎦⎩⎩,当02x ≤≤时,()f x 在30,10⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减,在3,210⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦上单调递增,且(0)100(2)240f f =<=,max ()(2)240f x f ∴==;当25x <≤时,16()51030(1)1f x x x ⎡⎤=-++⎢⎥+⎣⎦,16181x x ++≥=+ 当且仅当1611x x=++时,即3x =时等号成立.max ()510308270f x ∴=-⨯=.因为240270<,所以当3x =时,max ()270f x =.当投入的肥料费用为30元时,该单株水果树获得的利润最大,最大利润是270元.19.已知集合,A B 中的元素均为正整数,且,A B 满足:①对于任意,i j a a A ∈,若i j a a ≠,都有i j a a B ∈;②对于任意,m k b b B ∈,若m k b b <,都有k mb A b ∈.(1)已知集合{}1,2,4A =,求B ;(2)已知集合{}()2,4,8,8A t t =>,求t ;(3)若A 中有4个元素,证明:B 中恰有5个元素.【答案】(1){}2,48B =,(2)16t =(3)证明见解析【解析】【分析】(1)根据①可得2,4,8都是B 中的元素,进而证明B 中除2,4,8外没有其他元素即可求解,(2)根据条件①②,即可求解,(3)根据题意可得41a a ,3324421123,,,,a a a a a a a a a a ,4321a a a a 是A 中的元素,进而根据11a =和12a ≥可得{}2341111,,,A a a a a =,进而{}3456711111,,,,a a a a a B ⊆,接下来假设B 中还有其他元素,且该元素为k ,利用k 与31a 的关系得矛盾求解.【小问1详解】由①可得2,4,8都是B 中的元素.下面证明B 中除2,4,8外没有其他元素:假设B 中还有其他元素,分两种情况:第一种情况,B 中最小的元素为1,显然81不是A 中的元素,不符合题意;第二种情况,B 中最小的元素为2,设B 中除2,4,8外的元素为()2k k b b >,因为2k b 是A 中的元素,所以k b 为4或8,而4,8也是B 中的元素,所以B 中除2,4,8外没有其他元素.综上,{}2,4,8B =.【小问2详解】由①可得,8,16,32,2,4,8t t t 都是B 中的元素.显然84,82,162t t t <<<,由(2)可得,422,,8816t t t 是A 中的元素,即,,248t t t 是A 中的元素.因为842t t t t <<<,所以2,4,8842t t t ===,解得16t =.【小问3详解】证明:设{}12341234,,,,A a a a a a a a a =<<<.由①可得,1224,a a a a 都是B 中的元素.显然1224a a a a <,由②可得,2412a a a a 是A 中的元素,即41a a 是A 中的元素.同理可得3324421123,,,,a a a a a a a a a a ,4321a a a a 是A 中的元素.若11a =,则34344122a a a a a a a a =>,所以3412a a a a 不可能是A 中的元素,不符合题意.若12a ≥,则32311a a a a a <<,所以321211,a a a a a a ==,即23213121,a a a a a a ===.又因为44443211a a a a a a a <<<<,所以444123321,,a a a a a a a a a ===,即441a a =,所以{}2341111,,,A a a a a =,此时{}3456711111,,,,a a a a a B ⊆.假设B 中还有其他元素,且该元素为k ,若31k a <,由(2)可得71a A k ∈,而7411a a k >,与{}2341111,,,A a a a a =矛盾.若31k a >,因为31k A a ∈,所以131,1,2,3,4i k a i a ==,则31,1,2,3,4i k a i +==,即{}45671111,,,k a a a a ∈,所以B 中除3456711111,,,,a a a a a 外,没有其他元素.所以{}3456711111,,,,B a a a a a =,即B 中恰有5个元素.【点睛】方法点睛:对于以集合为背景的新定义问题的求解策略:1、紧扣新定义,首先分析新定义的特点,把心定义所叙述的问题的本质弄清楚,应用到具体的解题过程中;2、用好集合的性质,解题时要善于从试题中发现可以使用的集合的性质的一些因素.3、涉及有交叉集合的元素个数问题往往可采用维恩图法,基于课标要求的,对于集合问题,要熟练基本的概念,数学阅读技能、推理能力,以及数学抽象和逻辑推理能力.。



宜昌市协作体高一期中考试英语考生注意:1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。


2. 答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。

3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。


4. 本卷命题范围:人教版必修第一册Welcome Unit至Unit 2。





1. Where is the man going this weekend?A. The hospital.B. The bank.C. The beach.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A game.B. A play.C. A student.3. When will the man probably take a vacation?A. In July.B. In August.C. In September.4. How did the man go to school today?A. By car.B. By bike.C. By bus.5. What can we know about the man?A. He wants to buy a house.B. He might miss the town.C. He dislikes the new offer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

四川省成都市2024-2025学年高一上学期期中考试 数学含答案

四川省成都市2024-2025学年高一上学期期中考试 数学含答案

高2024级高一上学期11月半期测试数学试题(答案在最后)一、单选题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的.1.设全集{0,1,2,3,4,5}U =,集合{1,2,3}A =,{5,4,3}B =,则=U A B ⋂ð()A.{1,2,3,4,5}B.{1,2}C.{0,1,2}D.{0,1,2,3}2.已知集合{}2|1,M y y x x R ==+∈,{}|1,N y y x x R ==+∈,则M N ⋂=A.()()0,1,1,2B.()(){}0,1,1,2C.{|1y y =或2}y =D.{}|1y y ≥3.已知函数()*(2),nf x x n =-∈N ,则“1n =”是“()f x 是增函数”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件4.下列说法正确的是()A.若a b >,则22a b >B.“2x >”是“112x <”的充分不必要条件C.若幂函数()22231m m y m m x--=--在区间 ㈮㔷∞上是减函数,则2m =D.命题“2,0x x x ∀∈+≥R ”的否定为“2,0x x x ∃∈+≥R ”;5.已知命题()()2:R,110p x m x ∃∈++≤,命题2:R,10q x x mx ∀∈-+>恒成立.若p 和q 都为真命题,则实数m 的取值范围为()A.2m ≥B.21m -<≤-C.2m ≤-或2m ≥D.12m -<≤6.已知函数()f x =,则()A.()1ff f >>- B.()1ff f >>-C.()1ff f>-> D.()1f ff ->>7.用()C A 表示非空集合A 中元素的个数,定义()()()()()()()(),*,C A C B C A C B A B C B C A C A C B ⎧-≥⎪=⎨-<⎪⎩.已知{}1,2A =,()(){}22|20B x x ax x ax =+++=,且*1A B =,设实数a 的所有可能取值构成集合S ,则()C S =()A .4B.3C.2D.18.已知函数()()()21,12,1x x f x f x x ⎧-≥⎪=⎨--<⎪⎩,若对于任意的实数x ,不等式()24()1f x a f x -≤+恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围为()A.1,2⎡⎫-+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭B.1,12⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦C.3,4⎡⎫-+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭D.3,14⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦二、多选题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分,在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.知函数()f x 满足1211x f x x +⎛⎫= ⎪+⎝⎭,则关于函数()f x 正确的说法是()A.()f x 的定义域为{}1x x ≠- B.()f x 值域为{1y y ≠,且2}y ≠C.()f x 在 ㈮㔷∞ 单调递减D.不等式()2f x >的解集为(1,0)-10.已知a ,b 均为正数,且1a b -=,则()A.a >B.221->a b C.411-≤a bD.13a b+>11.已知函数()2211x xf x x x +=++,则下列结论正确的是()A.()f x 在()1,+∞上单调递增B.()f x 值域为][(),22,∞∞--⋃+C.当0x >时,恒有()f x x >成立D.若12120,0,x x x x >>≠,且()()12f x f x =,则122x x +>三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.不等式3223x x -≥+的解集为________.13.若两个正实数x ,y 满足40x y xy +-=,且不等式26xy m m ≥-恒成立,则实数m 的取值范围是__________.14.已知函数()(),f x g x 都是定义在R 上的函数,()12f x -+是奇函数,()2g x -是偶函数,且()()()23,21f x g x g --=-=,则()()()234f f f ++=________.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.设集合{}{}23,31P x x Q x a x a =-<<=<≤+.(1)若,x Q x P ∀∈∈,求a 的取值范围;(2)若,x P x Q ∃∈∈,求a 的取值范围.16.已知集合A为使函数y =R 的a 的取值范围,集合{}22210B x x ax a =++-≤(a 为常数,R a ∈).若x A ∈是x B ∈的必要条件,试求实数a 的取值范围.17.在园林博览会上,某公司带来了一种智能设备供采购商洽谈采购,并决定大量投放市场,已知该种设备年固定研发成本为50万元,每生产一台需另投入80万元,设该公司一年内生产该设备x 万台且全部售完,每万台的销售收入()G x (万元)与年产量x (万台)满足如下关系式:1802,020()2000900070,20(1)x x G x x x x x -<≤⎧⎪=⎨+->⎪+⎩(1)写出年利润()W x (万元)关于年产量x (万台)的函数解析式:(利润=销售收入-成本)(2)当年产量为多少万台时,该公司获得的年利润最大?并求最大利润.18.已知函数()f x 的定义域为()0,∞+,对任意正实数a b 、都有()()()1f ab f a f b +=+,且当1x >时,()1f x >.(1)求()120242024f f ⎛⎫+⎪⎝⎭的值,(2)判断函数()f x 的单调性并加以证明:(3)当[]1,3x ∈时,关于x 的不等式()()32f kx f x -+>恒成立,求实数k 的取值范围.19.设函数()2,y ax x b a b =+-∈∈R R .(1)若54b a =-,且集合{|0}x y =中有且只有一个元素,求实数a 的取值集合;(2)0a <时,求不等式(22)2y a x b <--+的解集;(3)当0,1a b >>时,记不等式0y >的解集为P ,集合{|22}Q x t x t =--<<-+,若对于任意正数t ,P Q ⋂≠∅,求11a b-的最大值.高2024级高一上学期11月半期测试数学试题一、单选题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的.【1题答案】【答案】B 【2题答案】【答案】D 【3题答案】【答案】A 【4题答案】【答案】BC 【5题答案】【答案】B 【6题答案】【答案】A 【7题答案】【答案】B 【8题答案】【答案】A二、多选题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分,在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.【9题答案】【答案】BCD 【10题答案】【答案】BC 【11题答案】【答案】ACD三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.【12题答案】【答案】(,3)[8,)-∞-+∞【13题答案】【答案】[]28-,【14题答案】【答案】6-四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.【15题答案】【答案】(1)2,3⎡⎫-+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭(2)13,2⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭【16题答案】【答案】11a -≤≤【17题答案】【答案】(1)2210050,020()9000101950,201x x x W x x x x ⎧-+-<≤⎪=⎨--+>⎪+⎩;(2)当年产量为29万台时,该公司获得的年利润最大为1360万元.【18题答案】【答案】(1)2(2)()f x 在()0,+∞上是增函数,证明见解析(3)()4,+∞【19题答案】【答案】(1)1{0,,1}4;(2)答案见解析;(3)12.。












1. When will the speakers discuss the project?A. On Wednesday.B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.2. What is the weather like now?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Sunny.3. What does the man want to do?A. Book a train ticket.B. Make a complaint.C. Have his computer repaired.4. How does Sandy feel about her coming exam?A. WorriedB. Confident.C. Indifferent5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A famous hotel.B. A piece of news.C. A well-known newspaper.听下面几段材料。





深圳市高级中学2024-2025学年第一学期期中考试高一数学试卷说明:1、本试卷满分150分,考试时间为120分钟;2、本试卷分试题卷、答题卷两部分.考试结束,只交答题卷.一、单项选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求)1.若(且),则( )A. B. C. D.2.命题“,”的否定为( )A.,B.,C.,D.,3.设,则“”是“”的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件4( )B.5C.D.255.若函数的定义域为,则函数的定义域为( )A. B. C. D.6.设函数.若,则实数a 的值为( )A.4 B.2C. D.7.已知函数,且对任意实数t ,都有,则( )A. B. C. D.8.函数的图象如图所示,则关于x 的不等式的解集为( )2024m n =0m >1m ≠log 2024m n =log 2024n m =2024log m n =2024log n m=2x ∀>226x +>2x ∃≥226x +>2x ∃≤226x +≤2x ∃≤226x +>2x ∃>226x +≤x ∈R 03x <<11x -<=()f x []1,3()g x =(]1,2(]1,5[]1,2[]1,5()()121,1x f x x x <<=-≥⎪⎩()()1f a f a =+1412()2f x x bx c =++()()22f t f t +=-()()()214f f f <<()()()124f f f <<()()()241f f f <<()()()421f f f <<()f x ()10x f x ⋅->A. B.C. D.二、多项选择题(本大题共3个小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对得6分,部分选对得部分分,有选错的得0分)9.下列说法正确的是( )A.若,则 B.若,,则C.若,则 D.若,则10.下列各组函数是同一个函数的是( )A.与B.与C.与D.与11.已知函数.设命题p :“关于x 的不等式解集为空集”,则命题p 的必要条件可以是( )A. B. C. D.三、填空题(本大题共3个小题,每小题5分,共15分)12.已知幂函数的图象经过点,则________.13.已知函数的单调增区间为________.14.已知a ,b 为正实数,则的最小值为________.四、解答题(本大题共5个大题,共77分.解答应写出相应的文字说明、证明过程和演算步骤)15.(13分)已知集合,.(1)若,求;()(),22,-∞-+∞ ()()(),10,13,-∞-+∞ ()()0,12,+∞ ()()(),20,12,-∞-+∞ a b >1a b>a b >c d >a d b c ->-a b >11a b <22ac bc >a b>()f x x =()g x =()f x x =()g x =()1f x x =-()211x g x x -=+()0f x x =()01g t t =()2224f x x ax a =-+-()()0ff x <4a ≤-5a ≤-6a ≤-7a ≤-()n f x mx k =+11,164⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭23m n k -+=()f x =()f x 2a b a b a b+++{}23180A x x x =--≤{}()232B x m x m m =-≤≤+∈R 0m =A B R ð(2)若,求实数m 的取值范围.16.(15分)已知是定义在上的奇函数.(1)求;(2)求函数在上的值域.17.(15分)国庆黄金周期间,旅游潮、探亲潮必将形成高交通压力现象.已知某火车站候车厅的候车人数与时间t 相关,时间t (单位:小时)满足,.经测算,当时,候车厅为满厅状态,候车人数为5000人;而当时,候车人数相对于满厅人数有所减少,减少人数与成正比,且6点时候车厅的候车人数为3800人.记候车厅的候车人数为.(1)求,并求11点时候车厅的候车人数;(2)铁路局为体现人性化管理,每整点时会给旅客提供免费面包,面包数量P 满足,则当t 为何值时,需要提供免费面包的数量最少?18.(17分)已知函数.(1)若对,都有,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)解关于x 的不等式.19.(17分)函数的定义域为,对,,都有;且当时,.已知.(1)求,;(2)判断并证明的单调性;(3)解不等式:.B A =∅R ð()130,03x x a f a b b+-=>>+∥R ()f x ()()()3191x x g x f x =⋅++-[]0,1x ∈024t <≤t ∈N 1624t ≤≤016t <<()16t t -()f t ()f t ()3000400f t P t-=+()()()21f x ax a x a =++∈R x ∀∈R ()1f x ≤()1f x <-()f x ()0,+∞x ∀0y >()()1x f f x f y y ⎛⎫=-+⎪⎝⎭1x >()1f x >()22f =()1f ()4f ()f x ()()245f x f x ++-<。

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a 的终边经过点 3a,-4a a ::: 0,则sin 爲"cos 〉等于( )
D .- 7
2 4 5 6 8 y
6.在区间1.0,2 1上分别任取两个数 m,n ,若向量a= m, n ,b = (1,1),则
a —b^1的概率是 ()
A —
B. —
C. —
高一数学(B )
一、选择题:(本大题共 12小题,每小题5 分, 符合题目要求的.) 1•某单位有840名职工,现采用系统抽样方法抽取 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是 840随机编号,则抽取的 42人中,编号落入区间 42人做问卷调查,将 840人按1,2,…,
481,720 1的人数为
1 1
2 C . 13
C .
时,y 的估计值为(
A . 105.5
B . 106
C . 106.5
D .107
4.执行如图的程序框图, 若输出的 n = 5,则输入整数 p 的最小值是 ()
A . 15
B . 14
C . 7
D .8
兀 3
5.已知 sin(
): 3 5 jr
6 Y )的值是
3 A.
3 B.-
4 C.-
D . 4
根据上表,利用最小二乘法得它们的回归直线方程为 y =10.5x • a ,据此模型预测当x =10
7.设函数f(x) =cos(「x) .0,将y 二f (x)的图像向右平移 2个单位长度后,所得的 图像与原图像重合,则
■的最小值等于( )
B . 3
AB =(tan : ,1) , BC =(2,tan :),则 AC 等于(•)
:兰[,例如,1*2 = 1,则函数f (x) = sin x* cosx 的值域为 .b(a >
b )
A. 1「2,3
B. 1,2
C. 4,3
D. 3,2
9.已知0 :::
24 B.—
,cos (圧亠I ')
,则sin :等于 ()
5 D .

10.在直角三角形 ABC 中,点D 是斜边AB 的中点, 占 八
P 为线段CD 的中点,则 |PA|2+ |PB|
|PC|2 等于()
A . 10 C . 5
— 2
11.设函数f(x)二Asin(,,x 」)(A = 0,门>0,| | )的图像关于直线 x 二一二 2 3
A . f (x)的图像经过点(0丄)
、 5 2
B . f (x)在区间[
,]上是减函数 12
C . f(x)的最大值为A
D . f(x)的图像的一个对称中心是 (乜二,0)
12.定义域为[a,b ]的函数y = f (x)图像的两个端点为 A, B ,M (x,y)是f (x)图象上任意 点,其中 x 二 a • (1 - ・)b • [a,b],已知向量 01 二■ OA • (1 - ■ )OB ,若不等式 |MN k
恒成立,则称函数 f(x)在[a,b ]上“ k 阶线性近似”。

y =x -丄在[1, 2]上“ k 阶
x k 的取值范围为
1 B- [-^:;)
二、填空题(本大题共 4小题,每小题5分共20分,将答案填在答题卡相应的位置上.)
C. [―
D.[彳 -、、2,::)
13.已知向量 a =(73,1), b=(0, T) , c=(k,V3).若 a —2b 与 c 共线,则 k = _____________
14•定义运算a 讯b 为:a*b =,
15.已知点A, B, C在圆x2+ y2= 1上运动,且AB丄BC,若点P的坐标为(2,0),则pA + PB
+ PC 的最大值为_________ ..
16. 对任意的R,不等式sin 9+ 2mcos B—2m—2<0恒成立,求实数m的取值范

17. (本小题满分10分)
4sin - -2cos -=5,求sin〉cos〉的值; 5cos 口+3si n o 7
' <5 Q
.1-2 sin10 cos10
cos10 - 1 - cos2170
18. (本小题满分12分)
已知向量 a = (1, cos x), b = (_,sinx) , x€ (0, n)
(1) 若a// b,求沁土咤的值;
sin x—cos x
(2) 若a _ b,求sin x—cos x 的值.
19. (本小题满分12分)
一个袋子中装有大小形状完全相同的5个小球,球的编号分别为1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5
中取出一个小球,该球编号记为y,求y a x-4的概率
20. (本题满分12分)
已知函数f (x)二sin(• 'X 亠:;),(• 0,0 _ 为偶函数,其图像上相邻的两个最高点
(1) 求f (x)的解析式;
(2) 把函数f (2x ? —)的图像向左平移
m(m . 0)个单位使所得函数的图像关于直线
x 对称,求m 的最小值.
21. (本小题满分12分)
为了解春季昼夜温差大小与某种子发芽多少之间的关系,现在从 4月份的30天中随机
挑选了 5天进行研究,且分别记录了每天昼夜温差与每天每 100颗种子浸泡后的发芽数,得
2天,记发芽的种子数分别为 m , n ,求事件“ m , n 均不小于25 ” 的概率;
2天,若选取的是4月1日与4月30日的两组数据,请根据这 5天 g(t).
⑵当一2w t w 1时,要使关于t 的方程g(t)=kt 有一个实根,求实数 k 的取值范围.
y 关于x 的线性回归方程y = b x • a ;
Z xy i — nxy

j m
b = r
, a = y- bx

X j - nx
22 (本小题满分12分)
2 皿
H 2
已知 f (x)二sin 2
(2x - 4) - 2t sin(2x - 厶)t 2
- 6t 1 ( x
Ji Ji
(1)从这5天中任选 ⑵从这5天中任选。
