2019全程备考二轮复习高三英语“阅读理解”热考话题分类练习 阅读理解专练(一)人物与故事(带答案)

阅读理解专练(一) 人物与故事(限时20分钟)A(2018·安徽江淮十校联考)It was dawn of March 21, 2018.Gary Messina was on his morning run along New York City's East River.Suddenly something caught his eye —a large 60yearold man balancing on the fourfoothigh fence that guarded the path from the water.As Messina got closer to the scene, the man took a step forward and slipped into the dark river below.When Messina reached nearer, the man was struggling in the water, clearly unable to swim.Other joggers also heard the man's cry.David Blauzvern and John Green dropped their phones and keys on land and jumped in.“People had called the police, but it was unclear when they'd get there,”says Green.“We just reacted.”Messina joined them in the river.Just as the jumper was losing strength, Blauzvern took hold of him.The pair were about 30 yards from the seawall when Messina and Green caught up to him.They seized the man, with Blauzvern supporting his back and Messina and Green holding him up from either side.As the men made their way toward the concrete seawall that stretched for blocks in each direction, Blauzvern had an awful realization: there was no way out of the river.By now, a crowd had gathered on land.“A rescue boat is on its way,”someone yelled to them.Swimming forward was getting tougher by the minute.The jumper, who was six foot two and weighed around 260 pounds, was heavy in his rescuers' arms.After ten minutes, they managed to get to the river's edge.“I've never been so out of breath,”says Blauzvern.Fifteen minutes after the men had jumped into the river, the twoman rescue boat appeared.But because it couldn't risk getting too close to the seawall, the men had to swim out to it.“I was completely out of energy at this point,”says Blauzvern.The men in the water pushed the jumper while the men in the boat pulled him up and, finally, to safety.The man they had saved was taken to the hospital for evaluation (评估).Details on his condition have not been released.As for the rescuers, each of them was at work by 10:30 a.m.“I was a bit late,”admits Blauzvern, smiling.“But I had a goodexcuse.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了一场路人勇救落水者的故事。

灾 难发 生 :
路 况 及 交 通 工 具 : 各 级 组 织 :
与话 题 词 汇有 关 的丰 富有 趣 的 任务 ,比如 写 海 报 、编 写 食 谱 、出广 告 、主 持 校 园节 目等 。通 过 词 汇 活 动 的参 与和 体
发 生 时 间地 点 : 人 员情 况 :
普 通 人 :
验 ,为 学生 独 立 思考 、大胆 想 象 、发 挥 其 创 造 性提 供 更 多的 空 间 ,使 他 们形 成 积 极 的词 汇 学 习态度 。当然 .这对 于 教 师
况 。 许 多教 师 重复 进 行 着 讲 解?一 听 写一 改 错 的 内容
第 五 步 :教 师反 馈 和 总 结 学 生 的 学 习 情况 。
单 一枯 燥 又 低 效 率 的 工 作 。学 生 不 仅容 易 出 现 阅读 中
按 照话 题分 类 复 习词 汇 的过 程 中 .需 要教 师最 大 限度
方 式,让 学 生 先 根 据 自 己 的词 汇 储 备 完 成 下 表 ,然 后 以 中上 溯 下延 地 研 究话 题 的地 位 与 作用 .找 出话 题 的联 接 点
小 组 讨 论 的 方 式 完善 自 己的表 格 。每 小 组 派 一 名 代表 和 发 展 点 ,确定 侧 重 点和 难 点 ,进 而进 行教 材 的重 组。教 师
果 。 具 体做 法 是 :我们 把 高 中 阶段 外研 社 必 修 一 到 选 尤 为重 要 ,要求 学 生无论 是 翻译 还 是写 作 都要 尽最 大 努力
修 八 的教 材 中 的 词 汇进 行 归纳 分 类 ,选 择 了“学 校 生 避 免重 复使 用 相 同的词 汇 ,以确 保 词 汇复 习 的效果 ,同时 也
投 影 展 示 ,最 后 教 师 总 结 补ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ充 。表 格 如 下

初中新课标分类话题英语阅读训练Studying new topics in the middle school curriculum can be both challenging and rewarding. It requires students to develop critical thinking skills and adapt to new materials that may be different from what they are used to. However, it also provides an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge and explore new areas of interest. Therefore, reading practice plays a crucial role in helping students grasp these new concepts and topics.中学课程中学习新课题既具有挑战性,也有回报感。
Reading not only enhances language skills but also helps students develop their creativity and imagination. Through reading, students can be exposed to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas that may not be readily available in their daily lives. This exposure can broaden their horizons and inspire them to think outside the box. Additionally, reading can improve students' vocabulary, grammar,and comprehension, which are essential for understanding and analyzing complex topics in the middle school curriculum.阅读不仅提升语言技能,还有助于学生发展他们的创造力和想象力。

2023届阅读理解话题分类专练:人际关系(共4题)一、阅读理解题(共4题)1.Small talk means those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybeyou're waiting for the elevator. Or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial (琐碎的). Idle chatter about traffic doesn't do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. .Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion (入侵).It's so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don't make small connection with another person, I can't work."As a rule, you're either trying to force something into your life, or you're using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaningful conversation.The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to be at the time .Nobody knows anyone and there's no reason to start a conversation, but invariably (不变地), someone does. "Making conversation in such peaceful social settings", according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory (领地). It's a way of feeling liked and accepted."The topics of small talk don't matter. . It's non-threatening talk in a threatening situation.However the rules change quickly when you're with lots of people doing lots of talking. Let's say you're ata party. Now it's time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, soyou don't look silly standing by the food table alone all night.(1)A.What causes it?B.Who is good at it?C.Take the elevator, for instance.D.But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.E.Learning to make small talk can help to build your confidence and develop your social skills.F.In fact, you don't want anything more complicated (复杂的) than the weather or the traffic.(2)A.What causes it?B.Who is good at it?C.Take the elevator, for instance.D.But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.E.Learning to make small talk can help to build your confidence and develop your social skills.F.In fact, you don't want anything more complicated (复杂的) than the weather or the traffic.(3)A.What causes it?B.Who is good at it?C.Take the elevator, for instance.D.But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.E.Learning to make small talk can help to build your confidence and develop your social skills.F.In fact, you don't want anything more complicated (复杂的) than the weather or the traffic. (4)A.What causes it?B.Who is good at it?C.Take the elevator, for instance.D.But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.E.Learning to make small talk can help to build your confidence and develop your social skills.F.In fact, you don't want anything more complicated (复杂的) than the weather or the traffic.2.We've all been there: those times you need to argue your point of view to someone who you know disagree with you. You immediately go to your keyboard and start to type out that 280-character tweet, the Facebook reply, or a paragraphs-long email. Surely the reason, logic, and strong power of your written words will convince whoever it is who disagreed with you to see your point of view. But new research suggests a different idea.That research was conducted by Juliana Schroeder, assistant professor of University of California, Berkeley, and her colleagues. In Schroeder's study of almost 300 people, participants were asked to watch, listen, and read arguments about subjects they agreed or disagreed with. They were asked to judge the character of the communicator and the quality of the argument. Schroeder's team found that the participants who watched or listened to the communicator were less dismissive (抵触的) of their claims than when they read that communicator's same argument.The idea for her study came from a newspaper article about a politician. One of us read a speech that was printed in a newspaper from a politician with whom he strongly disagreed. The next week, he heard the exact same speech playing on a radio station. He was shocked by how different his reaction was toward the politician when he read the speech compared to when he heard it. When he read the statement, the politician seemed idiotic, but when he heard it spoken, the politician actually sounded reasonable.So in the workplace, speaking to someone in person often involves nothing more than walking a few doors down to their office. And that's exactly what you should do if you need to convince that boss or colleague of why your blue print for the company or project is the right one.Only as a last way should you try to communicate with someone who you disagree with over social media. Twitter's limited text allowance and social media users' short attention make arguing your point an uphill battle.(1) What's the result of the research?A.Written words are more logical and reasonable.B.People prefer to communicate with key board.C.When reading an argument, the participants were less dismissive than hearing it.D.Oral, not written, communication works better.(2) Why is the politician mentioned in paragraph 3?A.To introduce the topic for discussion.B.To summarize the previous paragraphs.C.To explain why Schroeder conducted the research.D.To introduce the politician's speech.(3) What does the underlined word "idiotic" in paragraph 3 mean?A.Wise.B.Practical.C.Silly.D.Special.(4) What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A.To persuade your boss, you need to walk to his office and leave a message.B.It's difficult to fully explain your points due to social media's limitation.C.Arguing over social media is more convenient than speaking in person.D.Communicating with others over social media is encouraged.3.When milk arrived on the doorstepWhen I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. As a 5 year old boy, I couldn't take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt. He noticed this one day during a delivery and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer.Of course, he delivered more than milk. There was cheese, eggs and so on. If we needed to change our order, my mother would pen a note-"Please add a bottle of buttermilk next delivery"-and place it in the box along with the empty bottles. And then, the buttermilk would magically (魔术般) appear.All of this was about more than convenience. There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen. Mr. Basille even had a key to our house, for those times when it was so cold outside that we put the box indoors, so that the milk wouldn't freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille from time to time taking a break at our kitchen table, having a cup of tea and telling stories about his delivery.There is sadly no home milk delivery today.Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk, thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete (竞争). Besides, milk is for sale everywhere, and it may just not have been practical to have a delivery service.Recently, an old milk box in the countryside I saw brought back my childhood memories. I took it home and planted it on the back porch (门廊). Every so often my son's friends will ask what it is. So I start telling stories of my boyhood,and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.(1) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The author grew up in New York in the 1960s.B.The author still enjoys the home milk delivery.C.The milkman gave a quarter at the boy's request.D.The milkman delivered a variety of products.(2) What can be inferred from the fact that the milkman had the key to the boy's house?A.He wanted to have tea there.B.He was a respectable person.C.He was treated as a family member.D.He was fully trusted by the family.(3) Why does home milk delivery no longer exist?A.Nobody wants to be a milkman now.B.It has been driven out of the market.C.Its service is getting poor.D.It is forbidden by law.(4) Why did the author bring back home an old milk box?A.He missed the good old days.B.He wanted to tell interesting stories.C.He needed it for his milk bottles.D.He planted flowers in it.4.When school started on that warm August day, I threw myself into everything I did, including playing volleyball. I decided to become beautiful, or at the very least, skinny. I stopped eating completely. Soon I began losing weight, which thrilled me, and I even grew to love the tiredness and lightheadedness that came with my poor diet, for those feelings meant that I was winning.As the season progressed, things had become tense between my head volleyball coach, Coach Smith, and me. She felt that something was wrong with my health. She talked with me about my eating and was angry that I wouldn't listen to her when she tried to make me eat. She tried to persuade me in a determined way and so we fought constantly. Then my hunger started to affect my performance. I was so tired that practice and games were becoming a struggle. One afternoon, with hurt in her eyes, Coach Smith asked me what I had eaten and I told her nothing yet, but I was going to. She looked at me, disappointment in her eyes, knowing she couldn't make me stop, and walked away.A couple of weeks later I attended a formal dinner for our volleyball team. I stood there as my coach managed to say something nice about me. I realized then that I had ruined my senior year by being disrespectful, and I had probably ruined hers as well. So that evening I wrote her a letter apologizing and thanking her.Then one Saturday as I was reading in the library, I felt someone gently take my arm and say softly, "Lynn Jones, how are you doing? I looked up and saw the familiar face." Thanks for the letter," she said. "It meant a lot.When I think of a coach, I think of someone above me, someone who gives instruction—not a friend.But Coach Smith is different, and, like any other good friend, she dealt with my problem in a determined way even when I hated her for it at that time. I didn't deserve her kindness, but she gave it anyway. I will forever be grateful for her help, and now for her friendship.(1) How did the author feel when the author ate a poor diet and had a sense of tiredness?A.Ashamed B.Proud C.Funny D.Nervous(2) The author fought with Coach smith because _____.A.she refused to go on a dietB.she caused failure of her teamC.she changed the training courseD.she kept her idea of losing weight(3) Why did the author write a letter to Coach Smith?A.She felt sorry for eating too little food.B.She decided to improve her performance.C.She was grateful for Smith's care for her health.D.She wanted to build a close relationship with Smith.(4) What is the best title for the passage?A.Unexpected Friendship B.A Fight with My CoachC.A Strict Volleyball Coach D.My Way of Losing Weight答案一、阅读理解题(共4题)1. 【答案】(1) D(2) A(3) C(4) F【解析】(1) 这是一篇议论文。

话题练习-家庭关系ALast week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new house in Arizona.He moved there a few years ago,and I wanted very much to see his new place and meet his friends.In my earliest memories my father was a tall,handsome and successful man.He loved his work and family,but was uncomfortable with his children.As a child I loved him;as a school girl and young adult I was afraid of him.He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A's in my study and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as"successful"as he was.Whenever I went out with him on weekends,I used to try hard to think up things to say to protect myself.On the first day of my visit,we went out with one of my father's friends for lunch.We walked along that afternoon,did some shopping,ate on the street table,and laughed over my son's funny talks. My father's critical(挑剔的)air and strict rules were gone.He seemed so friendly and interesting to be with us.The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me many stories about his own childhood.Although our times together became easier over the years,I never felt closer to him at that moment.After so many years,I'm at last seeing another side of my father.And in doing so,I'm happy with my new friend.My dad,in this new home in Arizona,is back to me from where he was.1.The father was unhappy with the writer because.A.he didn't like herB.he expected too much of herC.she had a boyfriendD.she was uncomfortable2.The underlined words straight A's in Paragraph2mean""in Chinese.A.全优B.及格C.中等D.不及格3.When the writer went out with his father for a walk on weekends she felt.A.tiredB.happyC.satisfiedD.nervous4.What does the writer think of her father after visiting him in Arizona?A.Strict and hard-working.B.More critical.C.Friendly and interesting.D.More successful.5.When the writer says"my new friend"in the last paragraph,she is talking about.A.her sonB.her fatherC.her boyfriendD.her father's friendBSometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.Every day they are very busy trying to make money for my schooling.One day,my mother was sewing a quilt(缝被子).I silently sat beside her."Mum,is there love between you and dad?"I asked in a very low voice.With surprise in her eyes,she stopped her work for a while.The she said,"Susan,look at this thread(线).It can hardly be seen,but it's really there.It makes the quilt strong.If life is a quilt,love should be a thread.Love is inside."I couldn't understand her until the next spring.At that time,my father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.After they were back,my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road every day. They were so kind to each other and it seemed they were the happiest couple.After two months my father still couldn't walk by himself."Dad,how are you feeling now?"I asked him one day."Susan,don't worry about me,"he said,"I just like walking with your mum.I like this kind of life."Reading his eyes,I knew he loves my mother deeply.Now I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.Love is inside,making life strong and warm.6.Why are Susan's parents busy trying to make money?A.To send Susan to school.B.To get to see the doctor.C.To buy a strong quilt.D.To show their love.7.Susan'father stayed in hospital for.A.one dayB.one monthC.two monthsD.three months8.Susan came to understand her mother.A.while her mother was sewing a quiltB.before her father was in hospitalC.when she was sitting beside her motherD.after her father was seriously sick9.What can we know from the passage?A.Susan's father is very lazy.B.Susan's mother is a nurse.C.Susan's parents love each other.D.Susan doesn't like her father.10.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A.How to Make a Quilt StrongB.Love Is Just a TreadC.Walking on the Country RoadD.A Seriously Sick FatherCOnly children are happier than those with brothers or sisters,according to new research which shows sibling rivalry(竞争)can have a serious effect on a child's emotion.Over half of the children surveyed said they had been bullied(欺负)by a sibling,and one in three said they had been hit,kicked or pushed by a sibling.Others complained of name-calling and having their belongings stolen.Other reasons for only children being much happier include not having to compete(竞争)for parents'attention or share bedrooms with a sibling,said Gundi Knies,a researcher on the project.Dr.Ruth Koppard,a child psychologist,said,"In an average home,the more children,the less privacy for each child.Some love sharing a bedroom with a sibling but they would rather choose to do it than have to do it."Homes with just one child make up nearly half of all families in Britain.The study,to be published on Friday,questioned2,500young people.It also found that seven out of10teenagers are"very satisfied"with their lives.11.The underlined word"sibling"means.A.兄弟或姐妹B.兄弟C.姐妹D.独生子女12.Only children are happier than those with brothers or sisters for the following reasons EXCEPT.A.they won't be bullied,hit,kicked or pushed by a siblingB.they needn't worry about name-calling and having their belongings stolenC.they needn't compete for parents'attention or share bedrooms with a siblingD.they can get what they want,and more love from their parents13.Dr.Ruth Koppard is a.A.researcherB.teacherC.child psychologistD.doctor14.Homes with just one child make up nearly of all families in Britain.A.50%B.30%C.70%D.10%15.This article mainly tells us.A.why the families don't want to have more than one childB.the reasons why only children are happier than those with brothers or sistersC.sibling rivalry can have a serious effect on a child's emotionD.homes with just one child make up nearly half of all families in BritainDA little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary school's first teacher-parent meeting.To the little boy's dismay,his mother said she would go.This would be the first time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he was embarrassed by her appearance.There was a severe scar that covered nearly the whole right side of her face.The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.At the meeting,the people were impressed by the kindness of his mother with the scar,but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone.However,he could hear clearly the conversation between his mother and the teacher.“How did you get the scar on your face?”the teacher asked.The replied,“When my son was a boy,he was in a room that caught on fire.Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control,but I went in.As I was running towards his bed,I saw a burning wood falling down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him.I was knocked to be unconscious,but luckily,a fireman came in and saved both of us.”She touched the burned side of her face.“This scar will be forever,but until today,I have never regretted doing what I did.”When the little boy heard this,he couldn't help running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone.He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.16.The boy's mother was actually.A.uglyB.kindC.beautifulD.ugly and kind17.According to the passage,the little boy.A.didn't ask his mother to attend the meetingB.wanted his mother to attended the meeting at firstC.he didn't really want his mother to attend the meeting at firstD.wasn't moved by what his mother said18.After reading the passage,we know.A.the people at the meeting didn't like the boy's motherB.the boy's mother was brave but foolishC.the boy hated what his mother had doneD.we should respect our parents whatever they are likeEA little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary school's first teacher-parent meeting.To the little boy's dismay(沮丧),his mother said she would go.This would be the first time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he was embarrassed by her appearance.There was a severe(严重的)scar(伤疤)that covered nearly the whole right side of her face.The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.At the meeting,the people were impressed by the kindness of his mother with the scar,but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone.However,he could hear clearly the conversation between his mother and the teacher."How did you get the scar on your face?"the teacher asked.The mother replied,"When my son was a baby,he was in a room that caught on fire.Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control,but I went in.As I was running towards his bed,I saw a burning wood falling down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him.I was knocked to be unconscious(无知觉的),but luckily,a fireman came in and saved both of us."She touched the burned side of her face."This scar will be forever,but until today,I have never regretted doing what I did."When the little boy heard this,he couldn't help running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone.He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.19.The boy's mother was actually.A.uglyB.kindC.beautifulD.ugly but kind20.According to the passage,the little boy.A.didn't ask his mother to attend the meetingB.wanted his mother to attend the meeting at firstC.didn't really want his mother to attend the meeting at firstD.wasn't moved by what her mother said21.After reading the passage,we know.A.the people at the meeting didn't like the boy's motherB.the boy's mother was brave but foolishC.the boy hated what his mother had doneD.we should respect our parents whatever they are likeFIt feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation,it turns into an argument. We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly,my mother will push the conversation into World War III.She'll talk about my lack of a bright future because I don't plan to be a doctor.And much to her disappointment,I don't want to do any job about science,either.In fact, when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修)in English and communications,she nearly had a heart attack."Why can't you be like my co-worker's son?"she bemoans all the time.Her co-worker's son received a four-year scholarship and is now making70,000dollars a year as an engineer.I don't know what to answer except that I simply can't be like Mr.Perfect as I've called the unnamed co-worker's son.I can't be like him.I'm the type of person who loves to help out in the community,write until the sun goes down,and most of all,wants to achieve a career because I love it,not because of fame(名声) or salary(薪水).I understand why my mother is worried about my future major.I've seen my mother struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours.She leaves the ho use around6:30a.m.and usually comes home around5p.m.or even6p.m.However,I want her to know that by becoming a doctor,it doesn't mean I'll be successful.I'd rather follow my dreams and create my own future.22.Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?A.The writer's studiesB.The writer's future jobC.Dinner plansD.Wars around the world23.We can infer from Paragraph1that the writer's mother.A.doesn't want the writer to major in EnglishB.doesn't think the writer should be a doctorC.gets along very well with the writerD.doesn't think working in the science field is a good idea24.The underlined word"bemoans"in Paragraph2most probably means.A.agreesughsplainsD.smiles25.Which of following statements is probable TRUE about the writer?A.He wants to be like his mother's co-worker's sonB.He wants to find a job in his community in the futureC.He doesn't think his mother's co-worker's son is perfectD.He wants to do something he really likes in the futureGDaddy just didn't know how to show love.It was Mom who held the family together.Once when I stole a candy of a shop,he made me take it back.But it was Mom who understood I was just a kid.I broke my leg one day on the playground and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the hospital.Dad pulled the ear right up to the door of the emergency room(急诊室).At my birthday parties,Dad seemed to be busy blowing up balloons,setting up tables and taking some photos all the time.It was Morn who brought the cake with the candles on it for me to blow out.I remembered when Mom told him to teach me how to ride a bicycle.I told him not to let go,but he said it was time.I fell and Mom ran to pick me up,but he waved her off.I was so mad,and I showed him.I got right back on that bike and rode it myself.He didn't even feel embarrassed,he just smiled.When I went to college,Mom did all the writing.He just sent bills and a little note about how great his lawn(草坪)looked now but I wasn't playing football on it.Whenever I called home,he acted like he wanted to talk,but he always said,“I'll get your mother.”All my life he said,“Where are you going?What time are you coming home?No,you can't go.”Daddy just doesn't know how to show love.Is it possible he showed it and I didn't realize it?26.The text mainly tells us about.A.a boy's childhoodB.a mother's loveC.a father's loveD.a happy family27.What happened to the writer one day on the playground?A.His leg was hurtB.He ran his way.C.He broke his armD.He pulled his car28.At the birthday parties,father did many things exceptA.blowing up balloonsB.setting up tablesC.taking some photosD.teaching how to ride29.The underlined word“embarrassed”in the text means“”A.sadB.angryC.pleasedD.surprisedHParents and teenagers usually don't see eye-to-eye about everything.Conflict(冲突)is a normal part of life,but it can be hard for parents and teenagers to discuss problems.These discussions can make both parents and kids angry and impatient.How can parents communicate with teenagers about problems?When you try to solve(解决)problems with your kids,you can talk to them using"I"messages or"You"messages.For example,let's say that17-year-old Amy comes home late in the night.Here's what her mom could say:●"You"message:Mom:You are late again!You should be home on time.What were you thinking?Amy:Leave me alone,mom!You are always shouting at me!●"I"message:Mom:When you come home late,I get worried because I'm afraid something has happened to you.Amy:I didn't realize how worried you get."You"messages blame(责备)kids and can make them defensive(防御的)or angry,so kids probably have no interest in solving the problem.But"I"messages describe problems and let kids know that you trust them and believe they can help you solve the problem.An"I"message includes descriptions of the problem behavior,your feelings about the behavior and the effect of the behavior. For example,let's say that Jerry and his younger brother Jason are fighting in the car and disturbing their dad who is driving.To solve the problem,using an"I"message,dad could say,"When you two fight in the back of the car,I get worried about driving safely because your fighting is so distracting(分散注意力的).Please be quiet!"30.What does the underlined phrase"see eye-to-eye"mean?A.Trust someoneB.Face the fact togetherC.See each otherD.Have the same opinion31.We can infer that.A.parents and teenagers often reach an agreement in lifeB.the way parents communicate with teenagers is importantC."You"messages aren't used because they only express a feelingD."I"messages can make listeners feel worried about the problem32.According to what the dad said,what is the description of feelings?A.You two fight in the carB.Please be quiet!C.I get worried about drivingD.Drive safely33.The main purpose of this passage is.A.to help parents communicate with teenagers about problemsB.to show us what messages are popular with kids and parentsC.to explain why many parents can't solve family problemsD.to tell us how to discuss problems with parents and teenagersIA man came home from work late,tired,to find his5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.“Daddy,how much money do you make an hour?”“If you must know,I make$20an hour.”“Oh,”the little boy replied,with his head down.He thought for a moment,looked up and said,“Daddy,could you lend me$10?”The father was furious,“If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish,then go straight to your room and think about why you are being so selfish(自私的)!”The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.After about an hour,the father calmed down,and started to think,“Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn't really ask for money very often.”So he went to the little boy's room.“Sorry!Maybe I was too hard on you just now.”said the man,“Here's$10.”“Oh,thank you,Daddy!”he said happily.Then,the boy took out some coins.When the father found that the boy already had money,he got angry again.“Why do you want more money since you already have some?”the father shouted angrily.“Because I didn't have enough,but now I do.”The little boy replied,“Daddy,I have$20now. Can I buy an hour of your time?Please come home early tomorrow.I would like to have dinner with you.”34.How much does the boy's father make an hour?A.$10B.$20C.$3035.In this passage,the underlined word“furious”means.A.very angryB.quite happyC.too excited36.At first,the father refused to lend the boy any money because.A.he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himselfB.he thought the boy would buy something of no useC.the boy always borrowed money from him37.The boy wanted to buy with twenty dollars.A.a new book for himselfB.a nice present for his fatherC.an hour of his father's time38.From the passage,we can infer(推断)that the boy's father.A.often played with his sonB.spent little time with his sonC.often came back home earlyA great many people,when they speak of home,tend to connect it with a certain atmosphere, certain physical surroundings(环境),and certain emotional attitudes within themselves.This sentimentality(多愁善感)toward home is something that has come down to us from the past.Many modern people do not have it,and I think it is a good thing that they do not.In the old days,life was difficult.Enemies could attack you and kill or rob you,and you had little protection against them.People did not live in well-built houses where doors could be locked.They did not have the protection of an organized police force or telephones which could call the police instantly.How did this influence the way people felt about home?Small family groups clung(贴近) tightly together for protection against beasts and against other men.Today,thanks to modern transportation and well-organized society,thousands of people willingly and eagerly leave the surroundings where they were born,and the oftener they do so,the less sentiment they are likely to have for those surroundings.I lived in England for three years,and I noticed that boys and girls left their parents'homes and lived in places of their own.There they could just telephone and ask an agency to provide them with a house or an apartment,which was their home. How has the meaning of this word“home”been changed by such activity?What does home mean to those people or to families who often move about,living in first one hotel and then another?I believe that for them home means a place where they can have privacy.As for me,the atmosphere and surroundings of the place where my parents live have no sentimental attachment(依恋).Home is where I can shut the door and be by myself.When I left my parents several years ago,I was anxious to leave.You might call it unfeeling,but that was the way I felt.On the day of my departure for the United States,my grandmother cried.My father,however, showed that he knew how I felt."Son,"he said,"I am not sorry that you are leaving us.I only hope that you make the most of your time."39.Why are modern people willing to leave their parents'homes?A.Because they can afford the money to live outsideB.Because there are no wild animals or enemies aroundC.Because the society provides them with the feeling of safetyD.Because they are not actually satisfied with their environment40.What can we learn from the article?A.Surroundings influence the way that people actB.Not many modern people have sentimentality toward homeC.Rights to privacy are well protected in modern societyD.Older people can hardly understand the leaving of the young41.What is the best title for the passage?A.The History of HomeB.People and HomeC.Different Ideas of HomeD.Ideas of Home Have ChangedParents are the closest people to you in the world.They love you just because you are you.And they would do anything for you.Like a lot of middle school students,Jessica has a problem.She and her parents don't get on well. "I really want to be my daddy's good girl.But it seems he just doesn't understand.He talks to me but doesn't listen to me,"said Jessica,a student from Grade Nine.Do you and your parents have problems?A study shows that many Chongqing families have the same problems as Jessica's family.The children,12-15years old,don't like talking with their parents much.They aren't happy at home.Of course,lots of other children feel that way.But you and your parents will be happier if you can be friends.Here are some ways to have a good talk with your parents:Find a good time to talk,like when you're eating dinner,going out for a walk or watching TV.Tell them something you're interested in,or ask them about their lives when they were young.They love to talk about that!Listen to them carefully,and look at them in the eyes.If you try these ways,you will probably get on better with your parents.42.Who are the closest people to you in the world?A.friendsB.classmatesC.teachersD.parents43.Which is right according to the passage?A.Only the children from12to15years old don't like talking with their parentsB.Jessica thinks her father doesn't understand herC.Jessica isn't a good girlD.Girls can get on well with their parents while boys can't44.What's the main idea of the passage?A.Students'study at schoolB.Parents love childrenC.How to get on with parentsD.Tell your parents what you're interested inLRosa was spinning(turning)like a wheel—arms out and a big smile on her face.She said to herself,"I was worried about Tom's being in the same school as me this year.I've just realized,though, that he won't be in my hallway!We won't eat lunch at the same time,either,so he can't bother me!"The first day of school,mom asked Rosa to walk Tom to his class.Rosa begged not to do it.She did not want to be seen with kindergarten(幼儿园)kids!On the second day of school,Rosa was in the classroom when she saw the kindergarten teacher at the door.She looked worried."Rosa,Tom is having a bad day.I thought you could help."In the kindergarten classroom,Rosa saw Tom with his head down on his little desk.Tom looked up at his sister.His cheeks were marked with tears.He threw his arms around her neck."Don't tell mom,"he cried,"She thinks I'm a big boy now."Rosa suddenly remembered how she felt when she started kindergarten.Rosa always carried a small worry rock in her pocket.When she became afraid,worried,or nervous,she simply rubbed the smooth little stone to calm her fears.She took out her worry rock and placed it in Tom's hand."This is for you,"she said,"Whenever I am worried,I rub this rock and I feel better.Why don't you try it?Remember I'm not far away."On the way back to her classroom,Rosa was glad she had the worry rock with her and helped Tom get used to school.And just to make sure he did,she would walk him to class every day.45.What did mom ask Rosa to do on the first day of school?A.To wash clothes for Tom.B.To have lunch with Tom.C.To walk Tom to his class.D.To help Tom with his lessons.46.What did Rosa give Tom to help him?A.A prize cup.B.A light touch.C.A worry rock.D.A warm smile.47.What does the writer want to tell us from the story?A.A normal rock can always be useful.B.Kindergarten may sometimes be hard.C.Teachers and kids should get along well.D.Family members should care for each other.MI was15months old,a happy and carefree kid,until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I landed on a piece of glass that cut my eye badly.From then on,my injured,sightless,cloudy gray eye lived on with me.Sometimes people asked me embarrassing(使人难堪的)questions.Whenever kids played games, I was the"monster".I was always imagining that everyone looked down on(瞧不起)me.Yet mum would say to me,"Hold your head up high and face the world."I began to depend on that saying.As a child,I thought mum meant,"Be careful,or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking."As a teenager,I usually looked down to hide my shame.But I found that when I held my head up high,people liked me.In high school I even became the class president,but on the inside I still felt like a monster.All I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When things got really bad,I would cry to my mum and she would look at me with loving eyes and say,"Hold your head up high and face the world.Let them see the beauty that is inside instead of your appearance(外貌)."My mum's love was the sunshine that made me bright.I had faced hard times,and learned not only to be confident(自信的)but also to have deep compassion(同情)for others."Hold your head up high"has been heard many times in my home.I say it to my children.The gift my mum gave me will live on.48.The word"carefree"in the first paragraph probably means""in Chinese.A.无忧无虑的B.无拘无束的C.小心翼翼的D.与众不同的49.Why did the writer imagine that everyone looked down on her?A.She felt bad about her appearance.B.She found it hard to act as a monster.C.Kids refused to play games with her.D.People always asked her embarrassing questions.50.Why did the writer's mum say"Hold your head up high"to her?A.To tell her to be careful.B.To help her hide the shame.C.To stop her from getting hurt.D.To make her more confident.51.From the story,we can know that.A.the writer understood the saying very well as a childB.the writer felt like everyone else in high schoolC.the writer is living with a warm and brave heart nowD.the writer has deep compassion for others all her life52.The passage is mainly about.A.what the writer experienced when she was15B.what the writer did to show thanks for her mum's giftC.how the writer changed herself with her mum's loveD.how the writer became confident with her great effortsN"Can I see my baby?"asked the happy new mother.When the baby was in her arms,she couldn't believe her eyes.The baby was born without ears.Time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect though he had no ears.He got on well with his classmates.But one day,he said to his mother,tears in his eyes,"A big boy called me a freak(畸形物)."The boy's father asked the family doctor,"Could nothing be done?""I believe I could graft(植入)on a pair of outer ears if they could be gotten,"the doctor said. They tried to find a person who would be helpful for the young man.One day,his father said to the son,"You're going to the hospital,son.Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.But we must keep it a secret who the person is."The operation was a great success,and a new person appeared.His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person.He married and lived a happy life.He would ask his father,"Who gave me the ears?I could do enough for him or her.""I do not believe you could,"said the father."The agreement was that you are not to know…not yet."。

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备战高考英语 必考话题分类解析 话题15 工作与职业(Jobs Careers)(含解析)-人教版高

话题15 工作与职业〔Jobs Careers〕工作是舞台,是责任,是忠诚,是敬业,是激情,是协作。
【相关词汇】Ⅰ.写作必记单词1.achieve v.完成;实现;达到→achievem ent n.完成;成就2.appoint vt.任命;委派;指定;约定(时间、地点)→appointment n.约定,约会;任命,委派3.conclusion n.结论;完毕→conclude vt.完毕;推断4.earn vt.赢得;挣得;赚得5.employ v.雇用→employment n.雇用→unemployment n.失业→employer n.雇主→employee n.雇员6.hire vt.雇用;租用7.interview n.& vt.采访,会见,面试→intervie wer n.采访者;主持面试者→intervieween.承受面试者;被采访者8.manage vt.经营;管理;设法对付→management n.经营;管理→manager n.经理;管理人9.quit vt.停止;离开10.resign vt.& vi.辞职11.retire vt.& vi.退休12.undertake vt.承当;从事Ⅱ.阅读识记单词13.adjust v.调整;(使)适应;调节14.allowance n.津贴;零用钱15.appearance n.外貌→ap pear vi.出现16.applicant n.申请人17.application n.申请18.architect n.建筑师19.assistant n.助手,助理→assist vt.帮助;协助→assistance n.帮助;协助20.bonus n.津贴;奖金;红利21.candidate n.候选人;应试者22.certificate n.执照;证(明)书23.chance n.机会;机遇24.consideration n.考虑;要考虑的事;体贴→considerate adj.想得周到的;体贴的→consider vt.思考,考虑;认为→considering prep.考虑到;鉴于25.dismiss vt.让……离开;开除;解散;解雇cated adj.受过教育的;有教养的27.expectation n.期待,期望28.fail v.失败;(考试)不与格29.hold v.担任;拥有;保持;抓住30.occupation n.职业31.opportunity n.机会32.possibility n.可能性;可能33.physicist n.物理学家34.potential adj.潜在的;可能的;n.潜力35.position n.职位36.profession n.职业,专业37.qualify vt.& vi.(使)具有资格;(使)具备合格条件38.qualified adj.有资格的39.reply vt.& n.回答;回复40.representative n.代表,典型(人物)41.requirement n.要求42.secretary n.秘书;书记43.specialist n.专科医生;专家44.succeed v.成功45.welfare n.幸福;福利1.apply for申请2.be fit for适合3.in charge of主管4.be in the charge of sb./be in one’s charge在某人的掌管之下5.be occupied with忙于做;专心于6.be out of employment/be out of work/lose one’s job失业7.feel equal to感觉能胜任8.hand over移交;交出9.hunt for搜寻;寻找10.meet with符合;遇到;遭受11.look ahead展望未来;为将来设想12.take charge of负责;接收The Worthwhile Job 有价值的工作There were five brothers who wanted to do something important.有兄弟五个,都想干点大事。

第7练工作职业基础巩固Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.Mysisterhasbeenoutofworkforthreeweeks.Nowsheisconsidering(find) anewjob. 2.Theyoungmanhasbeenworkingveryhardinordertoget(promote) soon. 3.Thenewemployeewasfiredasaresultofhiscasualattitudehiswork. 4.Inordernottoloseherjob,Susanalwaysworksextrahours(please) herboss. 5.Theboydoesnotwanttogiveupthisjobdespitethe(press) fromhisfather. 6.Wehopetoworkwithyoutobringaboutagoodopeningtowardsa(peace) settlement. 7.Urgedbyhisfriends,hedecidedtohavehisfirstnovel(publish) thenextmonth.8.Weregret(inform) youthatyourapplicationhasnotbeensuccessful.9.Theyoungman(warn) thatifhewaslateforworkagain,hewouldlosehisjob. 10.Ifyouarecaught(smoke) inthekitchen,youwillbefiredatonce.Ⅱ.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)11.Inotherwords,volunteergivesyouachancetochangelives,includingyourown. 12.IhavegoodknowledgeofspokenandwrittenEnglish,whichwillmeetyourdemands. 13.Inordertochoosetherightpersontodothisjob,wegiveprefertothosewithsomeexperience. 14.Hersonappointedgeneralmanagerforhisrichexperienceaswellashiseducationalbackground. 15.Actually,choosingyourfuturecareerisanextremeimportantdecisioninyourwholelife. 16.Eventuallythelazymanwasreducedtobegonthestreetsafterhewasoutofwork. 17.Asamatteroffact,Ihavegotmuchexperiencesfromthevoluntaryworkthere. 18.Aftergraduation,Idecidedtoapplyforajobinthecompanydatedbackto1985.19.I’dliketohaveatalkwithwhoeverisinthechargeofthelargecompany. 20.Withtheproductionincreasingto45%,ourcompanyhasmadegreatprogress.能力提升Ⅲ.阅读理解AThereisacommon,usuallyroundobjectthatyoucanseeeverydayanditappearsinmanyexpressions—button!Buttons,whicharemadeofmetalorplastic,arefoundonallsortsofclothing.Theyfastenorconnectonepieceofclothingtoanothertomakesureyourclothesdon ’tfalloff.“Tobecuteasabutton”isanoldsaying,whichmeanstobeattractiveorsweet,nguageexpertsdon’tknowwhy.Buttheydosaytheex pressiondatesfromthelate1860s.Hereisanotherexpressionassociatedwithbutton:buttondown.Peopleoftenwearbuttondownshirtstotheoffice.Buttondownasanadjectivemeanstobeconservativ e.Peopledescribedasbuttondownstayascloseaspossibletothenormalw ayofdressingandbehaving.Whenbuttoningabutton,youslipitintoabuttonhole.Abuttonholetrapsthebutton.So,tobuttonholesomeonemeansyouhavetrappedhiminaspokenconversation.Now,let’ssayyoufindyourselfbuttonholedinaconversationataparty.Someonejustkeepstalkingandtalki ngandtalki ng!Finally,youcan’tstanditanylonger.Youtellhimtobuttonit!Thisisadirect,butalittlerudewayofsaying“Stoptalking!”Buttonyourlipisanotherequallyrudewaytostopapersonwhotalkst oomuch.Anotherkindofdifficultpersonissomeonewho pushesone’sbuttons.Topushone’s buttonsmeanstoknowhowtog etthatpersonannoyedorupset.Peoplewholiketopushotherpeople’sbuttonsusuallydoitforselfishreasons. 21.Whatdoyouthinkofsomeonewhowearsabuttondownshirttotheoffice?A.Crazy. B.Traditional.C.Funny. D.Fashionable. 22.Whatwillyouprobablysaytogetridofalongandboringtalk?A.Becuteasabutton.B.Pushyourbutton.C.Buttonyourlip.D.Bebuttondown.23.Howdoesthefourthparagraphmainlydevelop?A.Bygivingexamples.B.Bymakingcontrasts.C.Bylistingfigures.D.Byanalyzingcauseandeffect.24.Whatdoestheunderlinedphraseinthelastparagraphmean?A.Toshoutloudly.B.Tolearnofone’ssecret.C.Togetsomeonetolosehistemper.D.Toarguewithsomeone.BIleftEnglandforSydneyinSeptember.Itwasacareermoveformyhusband,andour20yearolddaughterwasfeelingadventurousanddecidedtocome,too.However,justbeforeleavingEngland,my79yearoldmothersufferedastroke(中风).Beingstrongandindependent,shecontinuedtoliveathomewiththehelpofsocialservices.Butshecouldn’tlookafterthegarden.Ithoughthowwon derfulitwouldbeiftherewasanorganizationofferingvolunteerhelp.FriendsaskedmewhatIplannedtodoinAustral ia,andItoldthemIwouldbelookingforavolunteerpositionwithagardeningcharitableorganization.Imaginemysurpri sewhenIfoundjusttheorganizationIhadbeenlookingfor—EasyCareGardening(ECG)!ThereareseveralreasonswhyIvolunteerforECG.Firstly,asanewcomertoAustraliaImeetmanygreatpeoplewho,likeme,volunteersomeoftheirtime.Wecoveralargeagerange,butalllovegardensandhelpingothers.Secondly,throughworkingwithECGIhavebeenluckyenoughtoexploreSydney’sNorthShorethatImightnothavehadtheopportun itytovisitotherwise.Finally,thereareallthosewonderfulpeoplewecall“client(客户)”,butaremorelikefriendswhenwevisitthemoftenandtendtheirgardens.WhatgreatpeopleIhavemet,andthestoriestheyhavetotell—thefamilyhistories,wheretheycomefromandthereasonsforimmigratingtoAustralia.Ifinditaprivilegetohaveaccesstoprivategarden swhich,inmanycases,havebeenthejoyoftheirownersformanyyears.Eachoneisindividualandreflectsthecharacter,needsandthehistoryofeachfamily.Indeed,thegardensreflectthemulticulturalandhistoricalbackgroundofSydney. 25.WhydidtheauthormovetoSydney?A.Sheplannedtovolunteerthere.B.Herhusbandwouldworkthere.C.Shewasverykeenonadventures.D.Shehadtolookafterhersickmother.26.Whatmadetheauthorchoosetobeagardeningvolunteer?A.Herownexperience.B.Thelipsofherfriends.C.ThepopularityofECG.D.Hergardeningskills.27.WhatdothevolunteersatECGhaveincommon?A.Theymakefriendswiththeirclients.B.TheyliketoexploreSydney’sNorthShore.C.Theyareofsimilaragesandbackgrounds.D.Theyarekindheartedwiththesameinterest.28.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“one”inParagraph4referto?A.Client. B.Reason.C.Garden. D.Joy.Ⅳ.完形填空(2018·辽宁凌源三模)In2008,teachersandstudentsfromJohnsonCountyCommunityCollege(JCCC) traveledtoLasPintas,Mexico,tohelpbuildaclinicinthepoorcommunity.Thisworkwasthe29of JCCC’s students to 30 their classroom knowledge to help the developing world.It has 31 me.In2007,upongraduatingfromhighschool,Iwas32whatcareerIwantedtogoinfor.Ibeganmy33atJohnsonCountyCommunityCollegeandattendedgeneraleducatio nclasses.Inmysecondterm,Iwas34tobeamemberoftheJCCCInternationalServicethattraveledtoLasPintasto35healthcare.InLasPintaswetaughtthelocalpeoplehowto36commonhealthproblemsandsocialissuesthatmanyoftheirneighb orswereexperiencing.37,wegotthechancetolearntheirSpanish38andtheirdailylife.ThismodelofservicebetweenJCCCandLasPintasisaric hcrosscultural39thatnotonlyhelpedtheLasPintaspeoplebutalsobroadenedourviewgreatly.I40tousemyexperienceinLasPintasinmydailylife.InowworkasanurseatahospitalwithalargeSpanish41.Itru lyenjoycaringforSpanishpatients42theyremindmeofmytimeinLasPintas.Asaresultofmy43withtheJCCCservicele arningprogramoverthepastyears,Iamableto44withpatientsfromdifferentcultures.Ilove45myowncommunityandhavecontinuedmyinvolvementwitht heJCCCprogram.Gandhiwrotethat“Thebestwaytofindyourselfisto46yourselfintheserviceofothers.”InLasPintas,I47myselfacareerthatwillbewithmethroughoutmy48.29.A.success B.beginningC.benefit D.expectation30.A.expand B.evaluateC.explain D.employ31.A.released B.trapped C.changed D.disturbed 32.A.amazed B.afraid C.unhappy D.uncertain 33.cation B.search C.experiment D.business 34.A.relieved B.ashamed C.honored D.surprised 35.A.receive B.check C.order D.offer 36.A.thinkabout B.dealwith C.findout D.getthrough 37.A.Inpublic B.Inreturn C.Inadvance D.Ingeneral 38.A.culture B.courses C.hobbies D.service 39.A.result B.challenge C.reason D.experience 40.A.continue B.long C.remember D.stop 41.nguage B.power C.population D.support 42.A.if B.asC.until D.though 43.A.relationship B.work C.visit D.agreement 44.pare B.correspond C.communicate D.compete 45.A.serving B.introducing C.considering D.conducting 46.A.lose B.correct C.reward D.research 47.A.taught B.owed C.showed D.promised 48.A.attempt B.celebrationC .lifetimeD .effort答案解析Ⅰ.1.finding 2.promoted 3.towards/to 4.toplease 5.pressure 6.peaceful 7.published 8.toinform 9.waswarned 10.smokingⅡ.11.Inotherwords,volunteervolunteering givesyouachancetochangelives ,includingyourown.12.Ihave ∧a goodknowledgeofspokenandwrittenEnglish ,whichwillmeetyourdemands.13.Inordertochoosetherightpersontodothisjob ,wegive preferpreference tothosewithsomeexperience.14.Herson ∧was appointedgeneralmanagerforhisrichexperienceaswellashiseducationalbackground. 15.Actually ,choosingyourfuturecareerisan extremeextremely importantdecisioninyourwholelife.16.Eventuallythelazymanwasreducedto begbegging onthestreetsafterhewasoutofwork.17.Asamatteroffact ,Ihavegotmuch experiencesexperience fromthevoluntaryworkthere.18.Aftergraduation ,Idecidedtoapplyforajobinthecompany dateddating backto1985.19.I’dliketohaveatalkwithwhoeveris inthechargeofthelargecompany. 20.Withtheproductionincreasing toby 45%,ourcompanyhasmadegreatprogress.Ⅲ.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。

2023届阅读理解话题分类专练:语言学习(共4题)一、阅读理解题(共4题)What are the differences between communication and languageThe system of communication which relies on the verbal or non-verbal codes, used in transferring information, is called "language". A language is a tool of communication, while communication is the process of transferring message to one another. Language focuses on the signs, symbols and munication lays emphasis on the message. Before the invention of written words, language was confined to the auditory channels. The basics of communication do not change at all. Conversely, daily new words are added to the dictionary of the language, so it changes every day. Is communication wider than languageSo with the above explanation, it is quite clear that communication has a wider scope than language, as the former covers the latter. Language is the essence of communication, without which, it cannot exist.What are language barriers in communicationLanguage barriers are the most common communication barriers which cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations between people. Most of the people in the world do not speak English or, even if they use, it is their second or third language. If the speaker and receiver do not use the same language and words, there is no meaning to the communication.Why is language needed for communicationLanguage is needed for any kind of communication, and even people with speech impairments communicate with sign munication becomes difficult in situations where people don't understand each others' language. The inability to communicate using a language is known as the language barrier to communication.(1) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage A.Language is the only way to communicate with people.B.People send messages to communicate with others.C.Language didn't appear until the invention of written words.D.Language changes every day with the added new words.(2) What can be done to avoid language barriers according to the author A.Speaking English. B.Speaking the second language.C.Speaking the same language. D.Using body language.(3) The underlined word "impairments" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.A.methods B.functions C.disabilities D.skills(4) Which of the following would the author probably agree with A.Communication is superior to language.B.Language is the essence of communication.C.All the languages can be written and spoken in the world.D.Language has a wider scope than communication.Reading is a very good way to learn a new language and culture.Firstly, it's important to choose a book which is the right level for you. If you are juststarting out with English, don't try to read a 600-page classic novel! So start with something at your own level. The more you read at your level the better you will get, and one day, you will be ready for something more difficult!Secondly, although it's useful to have a dictionary at hand to look up words, I would suggest trying not to translate everything word for word. You will soon get bored of looking through the dictionary! And accept that you are not going to understand every word. It will often be the case that the words you don't recognise are uncommon words that you will never use in your life!Finally, perseverance (坚持) is important. At first it may seem that reading has become a boring task. The feeling of finishing a book in a different language is very satisfying. If you finish one book, don't stop there! The more you read the more vocabulary you will learn and the more you will start to become familiar with sentence structures (结构).(1)A.It's better to use an online dictionary.B.It will make you feel sad about your own level.C.If you learn a new word, try to use it in a sentence.D.If you enjoy reading, why not use it to help you learn EnglishE.This will give you more confidence to carry on learning English.F.Once you get into the story, you will not be able to stop reading!G.Look up the words that are important for you to understand the text.(2)A.It's better to use an online dictionary.B.It will make you feel sad about your own level.C.If you learn a new word, try to use it in a sentence.D.If you enjoy reading, why not use it to help you learn EnglishE.This will give you more confidence to carry on learning English.F.Once you get into the story, you will not be able to stop reading!G.Look up the words that are important for you to understand the text.(3)A.It's better to use an online dictionary.B.It will make you feel sad about your own level.C.If you learn a new word, try to use it in a sentence.D.If you enjoy reading, why not use it to help you learn EnglishE.This will give you more confidence to carry on learning English.F.Once you get into the story, you will not be able to stop reading!G.Look up the words that are important for you to understand the text.(4)A.It's better to use an online dictionary.B.It will make you feel sad about your own level.C.If you learn a new word, try to use it in a sentence.D.If you enjoy reading, why not use it to help you learn EnglishE.This will give you more confidence to carry on learning English.F.Once you get into the story, you will not be able to stop reading!G.Look up the words that are important for you to understand the text.(5)A.It's better to use an online dictionary.B.It will make you feel sad about your own level.C.If you learn a new word, try to use it in a sentence.D.If you enjoy reading, why not use it to help you learn EnglishE.This will give you more confidence to carry on learning English.F.Once you get into the story, you will not be able to stop reading!G.Look up the words that are important for you to understand the text.People are often scared away from going overseas because of the "language barrier". You will probably run into a language barrier, but you'll still get by. Some tips:Basic expressions● Because it takes years to learn a foreign language, many people don't even try. However, you should take the time to learn a few basic expression and how to count to ten.● No book can show you how to pronounce foreign words correctly! Have a native speaker pronounce them for you and don't be afraid to ask.Asking for directions● Open our mouth and say "ahh", as if you were at the doctors office. Follow "ahh" by the name of the place you're going to: "ahh Paris" or "ahh Madrid". If you point to a map as you do this, most Europeans will understand, even if you use English in the rest of the sentence. You can say, for example, "I would like to 'ahh' Madride".● Remember that many cities are spelled differently in different languages. For example, the city of Venice is called Venezia in Italian.Tricks for communicating● Speaking simply. Say "Men, please", not "I would like a menu, please".● Repeat statements only slowly and without raising your voice.● If your vocabulary is limited, try to communicate in writing, Carry paper and get waiters and clerks to write down prices for you.● Don' t be afraid of giving sign language a try.(1) The author will probably agree that _____.A.to learn the target language is a must for travelersB.with language skills travelers will have fun abroadC.language barrier is the top killer of travelers holidayD.travelers actually don 't have any language problems(2) Which of the following will help you when you travel overseasA.Write down things you want to express.B.Take a book and look up words you don't know.C.Always say "ahh" when you ask for help.D.Repeat what you have said again and again.(3) What is the best title for the passageA.Smooth Talking overseas B.Language barrierC.Travelling Overseas D.Tricks for CommunicatingEsperanto was once a popular foreign language in China, but now few people are stilllearning and using it, with some of them worrying the community will disappear in the future.The language was created by Ludwig Zamenhof, a Polish ophthalmologist (眼科医师). On July 26, 1887, he published Dr. Esperanto's International Language, a guide to his created language, and hoped to bring the world closer to peace by bridging the communication gap between people.In China, Esperanto was once taught in universities and was made an option on the foreign language examinations. Some of China's most famous writers and intellectuals were early supporters of the language, most notably Lu Xun, who died in 1936.Back in the 1980s, Esperanto was a popular foreign language because of its simplicity compared to English. The Beijing Association for Esperanto (BAE) estimated 300,000 to 400,000 Chinese speakers back then.Chen Ji is the director of the El PopolaCinio, China's first Esperanto magazine and one of the three outlets in China that publish in the language. She said the number of Esperanto speakers has declined since the 1970s and 1980s when China's reforms led to a rise of interest in foreign languages.However, she does not believe this means a decrease in Esperanto's popularity. She says China's Esperanto community has bolstered itself in other ways, such as its presence at the Congress."Many Esperantists are sent to the Congress every year, and they get involved in the discussions in many aspects. They also organize activities about China during the event," Ji said.But not everyone is optimistic about the future. Hiroyuki Usui, an editor at El PopolaCinio, is from Japan and began learning the language when he was 13."The idea was that our society and humankind would progress and also our language must progress; that idea is what made Esperanto popular before. Now we don't have so much of a belief that this will happen, so Esperantists cannot provide another perspective," Hiroyuki said."Still I am working for Esperanto. My identity cannot be separated from Esperanto. If I leave Esperanto, maybe there's nothing there—about me. I at least hope this community of Esperanto speakers will not disappear," he added.(1) Which of the following statements is true about Esperanto according to the passageA.It is a popular foreign language being used now in China.B.Learning Esperanto used to be a must in Chinese universities.C.English is a better language than Esperanto in its simplicity and popularity.D.It was meant to narrow the gap between people speaking different languages. (2) What can be inferred from the passageA.The whole Esperanto community is certain about its future development. B.Some famous Chinese writers and intellectuals can speak Esperanto now.C.El PopolaCinio is the one and only mass medium in China using Esperanto. D.The decline of Esperanto is related to the rising interest in other foreign languages..(3) What does the underlined word "bolstered" in Paragraph 6 possibly meanA.supported B.failed C.examined D.behaved(4) Which words best describe Hiroyuki Usui's attitudes towards Esperanto A.indifferent and impatient B.optimistic and confidentC.concerned but hopeful D.disappointed but happy答案一、阅读理解题(共4题)1. 【答案】(1) D(2) C(3) C(4) B2. 【答案】(1) D(2) B(3) G(4) F(5) E【解析】(1) 本文是说明文。
专题05 脱贫攻坚-备战2023年中考英语阅读理解热点话题分类训练(中考真题+名校最新模拟题)

备战2023中考英语阅读理解热点话题分类训练(中考真题+名校最新模拟真题)专题05 脱贫攻坚(2022·湖南·长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校二模)Poverty(贫穷)is a big problem in the world, but China has done a good job to deal with it and made the proud achievement. During fighting poverty, we’ve been moved by many heroes.So far, China has got great achievements in fighting poverty. 832 counties(县)and 128, 000 villages are no longer in poverty. 98.99 million villagers have been lifted out of poverty in the past 8 years. China has reduced 70 percent of poverty since the late 1970s all over the world.1.Who helped girls go to college?A.Zhang Guimei.B.Mao Xianglin.C.Chen Zaiming.2.How did people go to the nearest town in Wushan, Chongqing in the past?A.On foot B.By bus.C.By train.3.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Girls didn’t want to go to school in Lijiang, Yunnan.B.People in Jingdong Yi made much money by growing fruit.C.China has got great achievements on lifting out of poverty.(2022·四川广安·二模)When I was very young, people in our village lived by planting fruit trees. My grandmother always took me to the orchard (果园) on the hill. At that time, they had to carry water from the river at the foot of the hill to halfway up the hill. Even though we worked so hard, the production level of fruit was still low , because it was short of water there.One day, two young men led a group of workers to our village. They learned about the difficulties we faced, and later, canals (渠) and other projects began to be built in my village. They were good men from our government.Later, I moved to another city. The only reason I ever came back to my hometown was my grandmother.One day, my family and I made time to return. We were surprised because everything had changed. The canal ran past every orchard, so villagers didn’t have to go up and down the hill anymore. The river was now so clean that fish swam happily in it. When we arrived home, my grandma took out some fresh pears and apples. She told us that after the water conservation project (水利工程) was completed, a policy (政策) was made to encourage more people to increase the fruit production with clean water in the river.Nowadays, many people live in a big city. However, we should not forget our hometowns where we are from. 4.Why was the production level of fruit low?A.Because they had too much work.B.Because it was easy to go up the hill.C.Because they could only grow fruit trees.D.Because there wasn’t enough water .5.The good men came and offered help probably because of ________.A.the villagers’ suggestions B.the government’s supportC.a school’s practical activity D.a company’s engineering plan6.We can infer(推断) from the passage that ________.A.the grandmother doesn’t like to live in the cityB.the village is a place of interest for tourists nowC.there will be more fruit production in the villageD.more people like to work in the countryside nowadays7.What do you think of the villagers’ life now?A.Sad.B.Happy.C.Nervous.D.Hopeless.8.What is the main idea of the passage?A.My village had changed a lot.B.Who are the good men?C.Fish swam happily.D.Where is my poor hometown?(2022·辽宁·沈阳市第一八四中学一模)Shashiyu was once a poor village in Hebei Province, but now ithas changed into a rich and livable place.In the 1940s, villagers in Shashiyu had little food and few clothes, but they had a strong wish for a better life.Zhang Guishun, the Party secretary of Shashiyu, encouraged his villagers to do their best to pull themselves out of poverty. “In the ancient Chinese story, Yu Gong could move mountains with his strong will and hard work, why can’t we? Nobody was born to be poor?” Hearing his words, the villagers decided to make a difference.Led by the Communist Party of China(中国共产党), the villagers carried water and soil to their village from faraway places to improve their land. From 1966 to 1971, they reclaimed(开垦) lots of land and greatly improved their life.However, the village encountered a new problem two decades later as the environment became heavily polluted by chemical plants and mine refineries built in 1990s.The polluting factories were shut down in 2004, and villagers started grape cultivation, which soon became a main industry in Shashiyu.In 2009, the city-level government invested over 1 million yuan ($152,723) to change the village’s exhibition hall into a museum in memory of development efforts made by earlier generations.After 10 years, the village was called “National Forest Village”.Zhang said that the village started a yearly tourism festival in 2015 to attract travelers to pick grapes. “The grapes could be sold at a better price once Shashiyu becomes famous through this festival. Our villagers can then live even better lives,” he said.9.Why did Zhang Guishun use the story of Yu Gong to encourage the villagers?A.Because Yu Gong had strong will and hard work.B.Because Yu Gong was born poor too.C.Because the villagers worshiped Y u Gong.D.Because Yu Gong became rich at last.10.From 1966 to 1971, what did the villagers do to improve their living situation?________A.They planted grapes to earn money.B.They carried water and soil to their village to improve their lands.C.They moved to another place to live a better life.D.They built a lot of factories.11.Which word can be used to describe the villagers?________A.Hard-working.B.Lazy.C.Kind-hearted.D.Stupid.12.Where can you probably read the passage?________A.In a storybook.B.In a sports magazine.C.In a newspaper.D.In a science book.(2022·陕西西安·模拟预测)In Changsha, Hunan, there is a small unknown village called Baiyun. That’s where Qin Yue fei works and lives.Born in 1985 in Chongqing, Qin has been known as a gifted boy since his childhood. When he graduated from Yale in 2011, he gave up finding a well-paid job in big cities. To everyone’s surprise, he took the exam held by the local government and became a village chief (村官) in Hejiashan Village. His monthly pay was only 1,450 yuan. It was a very poor village. Qin tried his best to improve it. He raised over 800, 000 yuan in one year from the government and some rich people. With the money, they established new schools, bought school buses and so on. The village was getting much better.Three years later, he went to work in Baiyun Village. It was a small village. Lots of camellia (山茶) trees grew well there. But the people there didn’t know how to use them to make money. He helped them open a factory to make camellia oil and sell it online. The factory has made over 120, 000 yuan by selling camellia oil.Because of the success of the factory, many young people of the village came back to their hometown to work. The village was becoming better and richer.13.What did Qin do in Hejiashan Village?A.He bought buses and cars for the village.B.He raised money from the government and rich people.C.He helped people plant trees.D.He opened a factory.14.Qin began to work in Baiyun Village ________.A.in 2008B.in 2011C.in 2013D.in 201415.What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?A.Qin did great things to help young people.B.The reason why the Baiyun Village is poor.C.What Qin did to help people in Baiyun Village.D.How to teach people to make camellia oil.(2022·安徽·模拟预测)Recently, an elderly woman touched many people’s hearts. She was honored (给与奖励) as a role model in China’s fight against poverty (贫穷). Her name is Xia Sen.Over the past years, 98-year-old Xia Sen has given away most of her personal savings to help students from poor families in Danfeng, Shaanxi, and Shangyou, Jiangxi get an education.Born in 1923, Xia was only 15 years old when she became a teacher in Yan’an. While teaching she kept learning. Years later, she went to work as a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.In 2006, Xia visited Xijie Primary School in Danfeng. The school was old and in bad condition. That made her very sad. She spent 20,000 yuan buying desks and books for the students.In 2008, she took out 200,000 yuan and helped Zhaogou Primary School in Danfeng build a classroom building. It is a building with eight bright and clean classrooms, which is a complete change from what their old classrooms looked like.Five years later, Xia used 1 million yuan of her savings to set up the “Xia Sen Scholarship (夏森助学金)” to help high school and college students from poor families in Danfeng and Shangyou. So far, at least 182 students have gotten help from the scholarship to pay for their education.Some students who got Xia’s scholarship went to Xia’s home to visit her in 2018. To their surprise, Xia and her husband led a very simple life. “I was moved by Granny Xia and her husband,” one student said.Though Xia and her husband have given away most of their savings to help the poor students, they always say that what they have done is far from enough. Xia often says her life is much better than her life in Yan’an. Now her only hope is that she can help more students.16.The underlined word “savings” means ________ in Chinese.A.救助B.避免C.储蓄D.减少17.What happened when Xia was 15 years old?A.She left Yan’an.B.She went to college.C.She became a teacher.D.She studied in Danfeng.18.What did Xia do for Zhaogou Primary School?A.She gave away 20,000 yuan to it.B.She gave talks to encourage its students.C.She bought desks and books for its students.D.She helped build a classroom building for it.19.Which can be the best title for the text?A.A big honor B.A big change C.A role model D.An elderly couple (2022·重庆·模拟预测)◆Poverty (贫困) is a big problem around the world. But China has done a good job of dealing with it and it has found its own way to fight poverty. Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Ordinary people play a big role in the fight.Here are two of them.Zhang Guimei, 64◆Zhang Guimei has been helping girls pursue (追求) education since she traveled to Yunnan at the age of 17. As a teacher, Zhang was heartbroken when she saw her students quit school after finishing senior high school. They couldn’t go to college because their families couldn’t afford it. So in 2008, Zhang started a free school for poor girls. Since then, Zhang has been busy asking for donations to provide money for the school. She has convinced (说服) parents to send their daughters back to school. The school has sent more than 1,800 students to universities and colleges.◆When Mao Xianglin started to work as the Party secretory of his village, there was only one pathway out of the village for many years. He led more than 100 villagers to build a road with their hands. It took them seven years to build an eight-kilometer road. Mao then encouraged the villagers to grow oranges. Last year, their orange yield (产量) was nearly 40 tons. Young people have returned to the village to sell oranges online. By the end of 2019, 269 villagers had been lifted out of poverty. The per capital income(人均收入) reached 12, 670 yuan, 40 times more than that in the 1990s.◆Over the last eight year, 98.99 million rural people have been lifted of poverty. The 832 counties (县) and 128, 000 villages which these people live in are no longer in poverty. China has been responsible for reducing 70 percent of poverty worldwide since the late 1970s.20.What do you know about Mao Xianglin according to the text?A.He works as a teacher in the village.B.He did two things to help the villagers.C.He encouraged the villagers to sell oranges.D.He led villagers to build a road with some tools.21.What’s the right structure (结构) of the text?◆ - Paragraph 1◆- Paragraph 2◆ - Paragraph 3◆ - Paragraph 4A.B.C.D.22.What is the purpose of using the numbers in the last paragraph?A.To praise the spirits of model workers.B.To show great achievements against poverty.C.To spread the ways of fighting against poverty.D.To describe the experiences of fighting against poverty.23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? .A.The teacher helped the poor areas out of poverty by giving materials.B.The per capital income in the village was more than ¥500 in the 1990s.C.The young people who stayed in the village grew oranges in the past.D.Zhang Guimei has been helping girls pursue education for over 40 years.(2021·湖北襄阳·一模)Instead of just giving money to poor people, China has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to shake off poverty(贫困).Mao Xianglin, 62, a village head of Xiazhuang village, Wushan county in Chongqing. In 1997, 38-year-old Mao started to work as the Party secretary(党支书)of his village. Around the village are 1,000-meter-tall cliffs (悬崖峭壁), and there was only one pathway out of the village for many years. It took villagers three days to walk to the nearest town. Mao decided to build a road.“We can’t stay poor forever. I’ll lead us as we try, even though it will be hard.” Mao said. He led more than 100 villagers to build the road with their hands. They hung from ropes and used hammers(锤)and drills(钻)to create the road. Falling rocks led to the deaths of six villagers. It took them seven years to build an eight-kilometer road. But their work has improved people’s lives. It now takes just one hour to drive to the nearest town.Mao then encouraged the villagers to grow oranges. Last year, their orange yield(产量)was nearly 40 tons. Young people have returned to the village to sell oranges online. By the end of 2019, 269 villagers had been lifted out of poverty. The per capita income(人均收入)reached 12,670 yuan, 40 times more than in the 1990s. 24.How does China deal with poverty according to the article?A.By giving people books.B.By giving people clothes.C.By giving people food.D.By educating and providing tools.25.Which of the following can replace “shake off” in Para.1?A.get into B.get out of C.get in the way of D.get used to26.What does Mao Xianglin do?A.A villager B.A village head C.A worker D.An old teacher27.It takes villagers ________ to the nearest town now.A.seven hours to ride B.one hour to drive C.three weeks to walk D.three days to walk28.About Xiazhuang village, which is NOT right?A.There was only one pathway in the past.B.The village spent 7 years building a road.C.The villagers grow apples and sell online.D.269 villagers have shaken off poverty.(2021·山东青岛·二模)With the development of China, many traditional ink paintings (水墨画)show the changes in southern Chinese villages. Shang Xinzhou, a painter from the Guangxi Arts University, has been creating traditional ink paintings for many years. His paintings show the life in poor areas.“Thanks to my experience in Duomai Village, I can make the paintings much lovelier,” said the 36-year- old painter, who has spent two and a half years working there.Shang’s paintings show the progress in the fight against poverty. His works show changes from difficult local conditions and people’s hard times to better conditions and happy lives.“I like drawing people’s real lives, and paintings can be a bridge for communication between the local people and me.” said Shang.During his stay, he put his paintings about the local life on the Internet to help villagers sell their products. To make the nightlife there richer, he sold paintings to buy streetlights, so people could enjoy square dancing in the evening.Shang’s excellent works were popular in the village. “I love his paintings and they show great changes in our village,” said a farmer.In recent years, more artists have traveled to mountain villages to record the development of China’s poor areas, telling stories of the country’s fight against poverty. “I’ve seen the local poverty alleviation. I want to record the changes of the poor areas and create more works about people,” said Shang.29.What made Shang’s paintings lovelier?A.His happy life.B.His stay in a city.C.His experience in a village.D.His experience in a university.30.What does the underlined word “poverty” mean in Chinese?A.沉默B.交流C.富有D.贫穷31.What did Shang do for the people in Duomai Village?◆he taught them to dance.◆He bought them streetlights.◆He helped them sell their products.◆He taught them to create paintings.A.◆◆B.◆◆C.◆◆D.◆◆32.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Why Shang created the paintings.B.When Shang started to paint.C.How Shang’s life was in the village.D.Where Shang will work in the future.33.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.A painter spent his whole life fighting against poverty in his city.B.A painter tried to show the world Chinese traditional ink paintings.C.A painter used his paintings to record the changes in poor areas.D.A painter found the easiest way to make himself famous in his country.(2022·广东揭阳·八年级期末)Bai Yinyin is from Yan’an. She lived in a cave house(窑洞)with her family for nearly seven years after she was born.Bai remembered that there was a tunnel(地道)in her cave house. Her grandfather said it was for protecting themselves during wartime(战争时期).Yan’an used to be poor. By the end of 2014, there were 693 villages with 205, 200 people living poorly according to Qiushi Journal(求是杂志).In 2015, President Xi Jinping stressed(强调)the need to end poverty(贫困). People started to move out of cave houses with the help of the government. Bai’s family moved to a modern apartment several years ago. Many of her classmates were moving to cities, too.In the countryside, Bai’s grandmother moved from a cave house to a bungalow(平房). Their lives have changed for the better. In May 2019, the last two poor areas in Yan’an got out of poverty, and Yan’an absolutely put an end to poverty.“The CPC has promised to put people first,” said Bai. “Its actions speak louder than words.”34.According to the girl’s grandfather, the tunnel in the cave house was ________.A.for protecting themselves B.for keeping vegetablesC.for hiding treasures D.for planting flowers35.When did President Xi Jinping stress the need to end poverty?A.In 2014.B.In 2015.C.In 2019.D.In 2020.36.What can we infer from the passage?A.Yinyin was good at learning.B.Yinyin moved to a bungalow.C.Yinyin had a better life than before.D.Yinyin missed the life in the cave house.37.What does the underlined word “absolutely” mean?A.Heavily.B.Probably.C.Completely.D.Suddenly. 38.What’s the passage mainly about?A.The Reasons for Changing.B.The Living Conditions of People. C.The Life of Poor Families.D.The Story of a Young Girl.参考答案:1.A2.A3.C【导语】本文介绍了中国在脱贫攻坚的道路上做出突出贡献的几个人。

话题练习-工作一、阅读理解(共82小题;共164分)ATeachers NeededWe are looking for university students to work with children at our activity courses in July and August this summer.We need teachers for the following activities:swimming,football,tennis,drama(戏剧),art, music,photographyTime:Course1:July1st-15thCourse2:July16th-30thCourse3:August1st-15thCourse4:August16th-30thFor more information,e-mail Mr.Smith at jobs@.Pleasetell us which courses you would like to teach.To:jobs@Cc:Subject:Teacher for activity coursesDear Mr.Smith,I'm a university student and I'm interested in teaching some of your activity courses this summer.I'm studying drama at Central University and I love photography,so I would like to teach those two courses.I'm also on the university swimming team and I'm learning to play the guitar.I can work for the first two weeks of July and the last two weeks of August.Best wishes,Ben Brown1.Teachers are needed for the following activities EXCEPT.A.tennisB.skatingC.swimmingD.music2.If you want to get the job,you needto tell Mr.Smith.A.why you like the jobB.where you come fromC.how you get on with othersD.which coursesyou'd like to teach3.What can we learn about Ben Brown from the material?A.He is studying geography at the university.B.He can teach children to play the guitar.C.He is on the university swimming team.D.He can work for the two whole months.BMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.Work hours are different from one country to another.In France,people spend about1,646hours a year at work.In Japan,however,people work about2,159hours a year.That means a Japanese worker works513more hours a year than a French worker.Why do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours becausethey want to make more money.However,many companies don't pay overtime.Their workers don't get more pay for more work.Some people think it's their duty to work more hours.Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France,people get five weeks of paid vacation a year.In Germany,they get four to six weeks,and in the United States,two weeks.One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In Great Britain,there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy."If that is true,there must be a lot of dull people in the world.4.A Japaneseworker works more hours a year than a French one.A.513B.1,646C.2,159D.3,8055.The word"extra"in Paragraph3means.A.正常的B.额外的C.有用的D.少量的6.People in get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.A.FranceB.GermanyC.the United StatesD.Great Britain7.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.8.What can we infer from the passage?A.Many workers have to work long hours.B.Many people have vacations long enough.C.Work hours are the same around the world.D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.CJack and Betty Williams are going through some difficult times.They were both laid off from their jobs last month.As the days go by,they're becoming more and more worried about their futures, since Jack hasn't been able to find another job yet,and neither has Betty.The layoffs weren't a surprise to Jack and Betty.After all,Jack's company hadn't been doing very well for a long time,and neither had Betty's.However,Jack had never expected both of them to be laid off at the same time,and Betty hadn't either.Ever since they have been laid off,Jack and Betty have been trying to find new jobs.Unfortunately,she hasn't been very successful,and he hasn't either.The main reason they're having trouble finding work is that there simply aren't many jobs available(有用的)right now.He can't find anything in the wanted ads,and neither can she.She hasn't heard about any jobs opening,and he hasn't either.His friends haven't been able to help at all,and neither have hers.Another reason they're having trouble finding work is that they don't seem to have the right kind of skills and training.He doesn't know anything about computers,and she doesn't either.She can't type very well,and neither can he.He hasn't had any special vocational(职业的)training,and she hasn't either.Despite all their problems,Jack and Betty aren't completely discouraged(失意).She doesn't have a very pessimistic(悲观的)outlook on life,and neither does he.They're both hopeful that things will get better soon.9.Who can't find the new job?A.Jack.B.Betty.C.Neither of them.D.Both the two.10.The main reason of Jack who hasn't been able to find the job is.A.he is old.B.he is unhelpful.C.there's no wanted ads.D.there're not many suitable jobs11.Which of the following sentence is correct?A.People in the USA can lay off easily.B.If they want to find another job,they must have some special training.C.Jack and Betty are both discouraged.D.The future will be nice if you work hard.DMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.。

1.本文记叙的主人公应该是()(2分)A、弟弟 B 、同学C、“我” D、爸爸2.给本文加一个题目。

话题练习-工作一、阅读理解(共82小题;共164分)ATeachers NeededWe are looking for university students to work with children at our activity courses in July and August this summer.We need teachers for the following activities:swimming,football,tennis,drama(戏剧),art, music,photographyTime:Course1:July1st-15thCourse2:July16th-30thCourse3:August1st-15thCourse4:August16th-30thFor more information,e-mail Mr.Smith at jobs@.Please tell us which courses you would like to teach.To:jobs@Cc:Subject:Teacher for activity coursesDear Mr.Smith,I'm a university student and I'm interested in teaching some of your activity courses this summer.I'm studying drama at Central University and I love photography,so I would like to teach those two courses.I'm also on the university swimming team and I'm learning to play the guitar.I can work for the first two weeks of July and the last two weeks of August.Best wishes,Ben Brown1.Teachers are needed for the following activities EXCEPT.A.tennisB.skatingC.swimmingD.music2.If you want to get the job,you need to tell Mr.Smith.A.why you like the jobB.where you come fromC.how you get on with othersD.which courses you'd like to teach3.What can we learn about Ben Brown from the material?A.He is studying geography at the university.B.He can teach children to play the guitar.C.He is on the university swimming team.D.He can work for the two whole months.BMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.Work hours are different from one country to another.In France,people spend about1,646hours a year at work.In Japan,however,people work about2,159hours a year.That means a Japanese worker works513more hours a year than a French worker.Why do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money.However,many companies don't pay overtime.Their workers don't get more pay for more work.Some people think it's their duty to work more hours.Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France,people get five weeks of paid vacation a year.In Germany,they get four to six weeks,and in the United States,two weeks.One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In Great Britain,there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy."If that is true,there must be a lot of dull people in the world.4.A Japanese worker works more hours a year than a French one.A.513B.1,646C.2,159D.3,8055.The word"extra"in Paragraph3means.A.正常的B.额外的C.有用的D.少量的6.People in get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.A.FranceB.GermanyC.the United StatesD.Great Britain7.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.8.What can we infer from the passage?A.Many workers have to work long hours.B.Many people have vacations long enough.C.Work hours are the same around the world.D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.CJack and Betty Williams are going through some difficult times.They were both laid off from their jobs last month.As the days go by,they're becoming more and more worried about their futures, since Jack hasn't been able to find another job yet,and neither has Betty.The layoffs weren't a surprise to Jack and Betty.After all,Jack's company hadn't been doing very well for a long time,and neither had Betty's.However,Jack had never expected both of them to be laid off at the same time,and Betty hadn't either.Ever since they have been laid off,Jack and Betty have been trying to find new jobs.Unfortunately,she hasn't been very successful,and he hasn't either.The main reason they're having trouble finding work is that there simply aren't many jobs available(有用的)right now.He can't find anything in the wanted ads,and neither can she.She hasn't heard about any jobs opening,and he hasn't either.His friends haven't been able to help at all,and neither have hers.Another reason they're having trouble finding work is that they don't seem to have the right kind of skills and training.He doesn't know anything about computers,and she doesn't either.She can't type very well,and neither can he.He hasn't had any special vocational(职业的)training,and she hasn't either.Despite all their problems,Jack and Betty aren't completely discouraged(失意).She doesn't have a very pessimistic(悲观的)outlook on life,and neither does he.They're both hopeful that things will get better soon.9.Who can't find the new job?A.Jack.B.Betty.C.Neither of them.D.Both the two.10.The main reason of Jack who hasn't been able to find the job is.A.he is old.B.he is unhelpful.C.there's no wanted ads.D.there're not many suitable jobs11.Which of the following sentence is correct?A.People in the USA can lay off easily.B.If they want to find another job,they must have some special training.C.Jack and Betty are both discouraged.D.The future will be nice if you work hard.DMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.Work hours are different from one country to another.In France,people spend about1,646hours a year at work.In Japan,however,people work about2,159hours a year.That means a Japanese worker works513more hours a year than a French worker.Why do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money.However,many companies don't pay overtime.Their workers don't get more pay for more work.Some people think it's their duty to work more hours.Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France,people get five weeks of paid vacation a year.In Germany,they get four to six weeks,and in the United States,two weeks.One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In Great Britain,there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy."If that is true,there must be a lot of dull people in the world.12.A Japanese worker works more hours a year than a French one.A.513B.1,646C.2,159D.3,80513.The word"extra"in Paragraph3means"".A.正常的B.额外的C.有用的D.少量的14.People in get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.A.FranceB.GermanyC.the United StatesD.Great Britain15.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.16.What can we infer from the passage?A.Many workers have to work long hours.B.Many people have long vacations.C.Work hours are the same around the world.D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.EMany students have already had clear ideas about what jobs they would like to have in the future. We believe boys'choices are different from girls'.To find out how different their choices are,we made a survey in Green High School.The following diagram shows the results of the survey.17.About45%of the girls would like to be in the future.A.bank clerksB.reportersC.scientistsD.teachers18.Which job do the girls like least?A.Bank clerks.B.Reporters.C.Managers.D.Scientists.19.What does the diagram show us?A.Boys'abilities of jobs are the same as girls'.B.Boys'abilities of jobs are different from girls'.C.Boys'choices of jobs are the same as girls'.D.Boys'choices of jobs are different from girls'.FJane looked at the book through the window.Mom said she would have to make the money herself to buy such an expensive book.Her first thought was to collect cans for recycling around the neighborhood.Unfortunately, another forth-grader already collected cans every week.Her next idea was babysitting.But most parents would ask a high school girl to care for their children.Disappointed but still strong-minded,Jane sat at the table.Her mom came in and asked,“How's the job hunt going?”Jane said,“Not good---there is nothing left for me to do.”Her mom smiled,“Well,she's broken her knee and can't walk much.She needs someone to walk her dogs.I told her you might be interested in the job.”Jane agreed to give it a try.That evening,Mr.Smith didn't shout once.In fact,she had a plate of cookies for her!Mr.Smith's dogs were well-behaved and excited to see Jane.Jane took the dogs for their first walk.When she brought the dogs back,she laughed and knew she had finally found the right job.20.Jane is.A.a can collectorB.a forth-graderC.a young babysitterD.a high school girl21.Mr.Smith needed someone to walk her dogs because.A.the dogs were badly-behavedB.she lived alone with themC.the dogs were too excitedD.she had injured her knee22.What can we infer from the passage?A.It was easy for Jane to get the bookB.It was not realistic for Jane to find a jobC.Jane would succeed in buying the book by herselfD.Jane lost confidence when being refused the second timeGNo one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job.It is important to make the right impression(印象)from the very first day.You will face new people.You will be in a new place.It may be difficult to know what to do.Here are five tips to help you make it through the first day in a new job:1First impression can last forever.Make sure you make a good one.Before your first day,find out if your new job has a dress code(rules about what you can wear to work).If so,be sure to follow it.No matter what,always be neat and clean.2Get to work on time.Give yourself an extra15minutes to make sure you arrive on time.3Pay attention to introductions.You may be introduced to your workmates.They will be important to you.They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.4Ask plenty of questions.Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If you are not told your duties,ask for a list.Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.5Never be the first one to leave.Watch what others do at the end of work hours.It does not look good for you to be eager(急切的)to leave.23.What does the writer think you should do on your first-day work?A.We should dress in a right wayB.We should learn how to introduce ourselvesC.We should know our dutiesD.We should know our workmates well24.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.You should be the first one to arrive at workB.You should ask your workmates for your dutiesC.You should not be eager to go back home at the end of work hoursD.You are required to arrive15minutes earlier25.From the passage,your supervisor is most likely your.A.visitorB.teacherC.workmateD.leaderHJodie's Daddy Is a Garbageman(垃圾清理工)Mr.Swales wanted to find out what his students'parents did.He had just called Jodie when some girls burst out laughing.Shirley shouted,"Jodie's daddy is a garbageman!"Everybody in the class laughed out loud,except Jodie.She felt her face turn red."Silence!"Mr.Swales said,"Being a garbage man is a difficult and useful job.We should all be grateful to Jodie's father."Jodie's father came to walk her home from school as usual,but she didn't run up to him the way she always did.When they got back home,Jodie went to her room and cried for a long time.Her father came into her room,"What happened,Jodie?Why are you so sad?"Jodie told her father what had happened and looked at him.He didn't seem angry or hurt."Well," he said,"they are right.Being a garbageman is a dirty job.Tomorrow's e to work with me,Jodie."The place really smell too bad.Jodie wrinkled her nose."Don't worry,kid.In five minutes you won't smell a thing."said her father.Everybody there was working hard,and they seemed to have a good time.Jodie's father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck.It was fun,but also hard work.Jodie's arms soon got tired.At last,no more garbage was left and Jodie felt very happy."Garbage is disgusting,but when we clear it away,everything's nice and clean.You can make yourself happy only by making other happy.That's why I like being a garbageman so much."Jodie give her dirty,seemly garbageman daddy a big kiss(吻).She said,"When I grow up,I will be a garbage girl!"Now whenever someone asks Jodie what her daddy does,she says,"He's a garbageman! Everybody makes garbage,but my daddy takes it away!"26.What happened in Mr.Swale's class?A.He wanted to show what job was the most useful.B.He asked an improper question.C.Jodie gave an honest answer.D.Jodie was laughed at.27.Why did Jodie's father take her to his workplace?A.To make Jodie calm down.B.To prove how dirty his job was.C.To help Jodie learn about his job.D.To keep Jodie away from her classmates.28.Jodie gave her father a big kiss mainly because.A.he was kindB.he was unselfishC.he was cheerfulD.he was hardworking29.How does Jodie feel about her father now?A.Sad.B.Curious.C.Guilty.D.Proud.IClaire Lee,a girl,lives in Boston,Massachusetts,in the st Thursday,she didn't go to school.She went to work with her mother instead.Every year,on the fourth Thursday in April, millions of young girls go to work.This is Take Our Daughters to Work Day.The girls are between the ages of9and15.They spend the day at work with an adult,usually a mother,father,aunt,or uncle. They go to offices,police stations,laboratories,and other places where their parents or other family members work.The Ms.Foundation,an organization for women,started the program about ten years ago.In the U.S.,many women work outside the home.The Ms.Foundation wanted girls to find out about many different kinds of jobs.Then,when they grow up,they can choose a job they like.Claire's mother works in a company.Claire says,“It was very exciting for me to go to the company with my mum.I saw a lot of people doing different jobs.”Many businesses have special activities for girls on this st year,Claire went to work with her aunt at the University of Massachusetts.In the engineering department,the girls learned to build a bridge with toothpicks(牙签)and candy.In the company,they learned to type pictures.Right now,Claire does not know what job she will have when she grows up.But because of Take Our Daughters to Work Day,she knows she has many choices.30.According to the passage,Take Our Daughters to Work Day is.A.on every Thursday in AprilB.on the fourth Tuesday in AprilC.on every Tuesday in AprilD.on the fourth Thursday in April31.We can infer that Claire's mother is.A.a bus driverB.a teacherC.a managerD.a policewoman32.According to the passage,Which of the statement is NOT true about Claire.A.she learned to type picturesB.she worked as a singerC.she went to work with her mumD.she used toothpicks to build a bridgeJMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.Work hours are different from one country to another.In France,people spend about1,646hours a year at work.In Japan,however,people work about2,159hours a year.Why do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money.However,many companies don't pay overtime.Their workers don't get more pay formore work.Some people think it's their duty to work more hours.Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France,people get five weeks of paid vacation a year.In Germany,they get four to six weeks,and in the United States,two weeks.One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In Great Britain,there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy."If that is true,there must be a lot of dull people in the world.33.A Japanese worker works more hours a year than a French one.A.513B.1,646C.2,159D.3,80534.The word"extra"in Paragraph3means"".A.正常的B.额外的C.有用的D.少量的35.People in get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.A.FranceB.GermanyC.the United StatesD.Great Britain36.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.37.What can we infer from the passage?A.Many workers have to work long hours.B.Many people have vacations long enough.C.Work hours are the same around the world.D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.KWorking after school has become almost a trend(趋势)for teenagers in the U.S..More than80 percent of American teenagers work at some point during their high school years.Many teenagers in Australia and Europe(欧洲)also work part-time.But in general,teenagers in East Asia(亚洲)have not followed this trend.Parents in these cultures(文化)encourage their children to study not to“waste”their time working.But is working really a waste of time for teenagers?The answer is unclear.Experts(专家)point to both benefits(利益) and pitfalls of teenager employment(工作).One study showed that teenagers who work more than15hours a week have bad grades.They are also less likely to go to college.But experts haven't decided that teenager employment should be avoided(避免)after all.They believe that holding a part-time job can teach teenagers about teamwork.Teenagers also learn aboutmanaging(安排)their time and money.Employment does bring benefits.Teenagers should be careful, however,to spend less hours working and always put schoolwork first.38.To have a part-time job is not popular for teenagers in.A.the USAB.AustraliaC.EuropeD.East Asia39.The underlined word“pitfalls”means in this passage.A.good pointsB.hidden dangersC.big lossesD.unseen difficulties40.Which of the following benefits is not brought by teenager employment?A.To teach themselves to work together.B.To learn how to use their time.C.To learn to spend their money properly.D.To help them get better grades.41.Which of the following is true?A.Many Asian parents don't think teenager employment can bring benefits.B.Teenagers who work part-time will have bad grades at school.C.Teenager employment will not influence(影响)teenagers'grades at all.D.Teenagers can work as many hours a week as they like.42.Which of the following is the best title?A.American Teenager TrendB.Benefits for WorkC.Teenager EmploymentD.To Work or NotLNo one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing on a new job.It is important to make the best impression(印象)from the very first day.You will face new people.You will be in a new place.It may be difficult to know what to do.Here are five tips to help you make it through the first days on a new job.1.First impression can be very important.Make sure you make a good one.Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code(rules about what you can wear to work).If so,be sure to follow it.No matter what,always be neat and clean.2.Get to work on time.Give yourself an extra(额外的)15minutes to make sure you arrive on time.3.Pay attention to introductions.One of the first things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to your co-workers.These co-workers will be important to you.They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.4.Ask lots of questions.Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you.If he or she has not told you your duties,ask for a list.Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.5.Never be the first one to leave.Observe what your co-workers do around leaving time.It does not look good for you to be eager to leave.43.Before you start to work,you should.A.dress in the right wayB.introduce yourselfC.know your dutiesD.know your co-workers well44.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.You should be sure of your duties.B.You should ask your co-workers for your duties.C.You should not be eager to go back home.D.You should get to work on time.45.According to the passage,your supervisor is most likely your.A.visitorB.teacherC.workmateD.leader46.What is the best title for this passage?A.Getting a New JobB.Tips on How to WorkC.The First-day WorkD.The Importance of Co-workersMHere's an interview to a pilot about his life.(R=Reporter;P=Pilot)R:How much time do pilots actually spend flying a plane?P:It varies(各不相同)from about20minutes on some domestic(国内的)flights to as much as18 hours on international flights.It all depends on if the flight is a short-or long-haul flight.R:Do pilots take breaks during flights or do they fly the whole time?P:Yes,we take breaks during long-haul flights.Airlines assign(指派)three or four pilots to long flights.We take turns flying the plane.R:If pilots are traveling all the time,how do they deal with jet lag(时差)?P:Jet lag is annoying for almost all pilots.I try to go to sleep as I would at home.R:How important is it to know the weight and size of the plane you are flying?P:It is very important.We weigh almost everything put into the airplane and make estimates(估计) according to the number of people on each flight.R:Do pilots eat the airplane food?P:Yes,we eat business class food!Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious if you don't hate eating lobster(龙虾)every day!The pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices so that if one of the dishes causes food poisoning,only one of them will be sick.That way,at least one pilot will always be well enough to fly the plane!47.The number of pilots depends on.A.how many hours a plane fliesB.what kind of planes they areC.the airline companies assignD.what the pilot likes48.In order to know the weight of the airplane,the pilots must know.A.the weight of everything put into the planeB.the number of people on the planeC.the weight of the things and people on the planeD.the importance of the weight49.What's the Chinese meaning of the word"poisoning"in the passage?A.中毒B.难吃C.缺少D.浪费50.What does the pilot think of the airplane food?A.Airplane food is more delicious than lobster.B.The pilot suggests having airplane food instead of lobster.C.The pilot doesn't like the airplane food at all.D.Airplane food is as delicious as lobster.51.What question doesn't the reporter ask in the interview?A.How to keep passengers safe?B.How long do pilots actually spend flying a plane?C.How to deal with jet lag?D.How to take breaks during flying?NYou are watching a film in which two men are having a fight.They hit one another hard.At the start they only fight with their hands.But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs.And so it goes on until one of the men crashes(撞击)through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below.He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead.With any luck he isn't even hurt.Why?Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars or even catch fire,are well trained.They do this for a living.These men are called stuntmen.That is to say,they perform tricks(花招,手段).Here are two sides to their work.They do most of the things you see on the screen.For example,they fall from a high building.However,they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress(床垫).Again, when they hit one another with chairs,the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash throughwindows,the glass is made of sugar!Although their work depends on trick of this sort,it also requires a high degree of skill and training.Often a stuntmen's success depends on careful timing.For example, when he is"blown up"in a battle scene,he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work,but they lead dangerous lives.They often get seriously hurt,and sometimes killed.A Norwegian stuntman,for example,flew over the edge of a cliff(悬崖)a thousand feet high.His parachute(降落伞)failed to open,and he was killed.Although it is full of deadly dangers,this is no longer the work for men only.Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous actions.For nowadays there are stuntwomen,too!52.Stuntmen are those who.A.often dress up as famous actorsB.prefer to lead dangerous livesC.often perform dangerous actionsD.often fight each other for their lives53.What's the meaning of the underlined sentences in the first paragraph?A stuntman should.A.crash bravely though a window made of sugarB.do the well-planned activity at a very momentC.open his parachute when he jumps down the cliffD.have got a high degree of skill and training54.Which could probably be the best title of this passage?A.Fights in the MoviesB.Crashing out of the WindowC.Exciting Films TodayD.Most Dangerous WorkOOne Tuesday morning,Harry saw an ad in a window.It said,“Wanted.The Best Salesman in the World.Top Pay.”Harry thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job.“I am the best salesman in the world,”he said to the manager,“Give me the job.”“You must prove(证明)you're the best,”the manager said.“OK.I will!”Harry answered.“Good!”The manager took a box of sweets out of his desk.“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets:If you Can sell them all before the end of the week,you can have the job,”said the manager.“That's easy.”Harry said.He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.Every day and all day,he went from shop to shop,trying to sell the boxes of sweets.He couldn't sell one.The sweets were too bad for him to sell.At the end of the week he went back to the manager.“I'm sorry,sir.”He said,“I Was wrong about myself.I'm not the best salesman in the world,but I know who is.”“Oh.”said the manager,“Who?The person who sold you a thousand boxes of these sweets.”Harry said.55.Harry went to ask for the job because he was himself at first.A.afraid ofB.wrong withC.sure ofD.worried about56.If Harry wanted to get the job,he would have to.A.buy all the sweets from the managerB.sell out all the sweets in a few daysC.eat up all the sweetsD.sell the sweets at the weekend57.Choose the right order(顺序)of this story.1Harry went to ask for the job.2Harry told the manager who really Was the best seller.3Harry saw an ad in a window.4Harry went to sell the sweets.A.1-2-3-4B.4-3-2-1C.3-1-4-2D.3-4-1-258.From this story we can see that.A.Harry didn't get the jobB.Harry was a good sellerC.The manager was a good sellerD.The ad was a good one59.According to(根据)the story,which of the following is right?A.Harry sold some of the sweetsB.The sweets were too expensiveC.Harry was not clever at allD.The sweets were terriblePIt is said that there are about40,000different kinds of jobs in the world.Choosing the right one itself is a difficult job."Finding a job"is not the same as"choosing a job".Many young people end up in a job which they are not suitable for."Chance"may play a more important part than"decision".Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university.First,it is important to realize what kind of person you are,which special qualities make you different from everyone else and what you are interested in.There is a difference between an interest and a skill.If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures,that is an interest.But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse instead of a big dog,that is a skill.Then ask yourself this question:in the following three areas—skills with people,skills with information and skills with things—which are your best skills?After examining your skills,the next step is to research.To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible,go to the library and read books,magazines and newspapers.Ask your friends about the work they do.Finally,trust your own ideas and your own thinking!It is your own life,so find something that you enjoy doing.60.To choose the right job is.A.unimportantB.difficultC.easyD.impossible。

2023年八年级暑期话题阅读天天练:工作与职业(含答案)2023年八年级暑期话题阅读天天练:工作与职业(共6题)一、阅读理解题(共6题)My name is Sandy. I work for an airline. I say hello to people when they come on the plane, I give them food. I answer their questions. Today I'm going to do a little bit sightseeing, and then I'm going to the shops to buy some presents for my family. After that, I'm going to have a swim, and lie by the pool. Then I'm going to see my friend Alice in the evening.My name is Alice. I live in Singapore. I work in a travel company and I am a friend of Sandy's. In my free time I swim, read books, listen to the music and go to the shopping centres. Where do you go in your free time Today Sandy is coming from China. We are going to Singapore's night zoo. There are many animals that get up at night and sleep in the day. Tomorrow Sandy is going to Shanghai, but she comes here once a month.(1) What does Sandy do when people come on the planeShe says hello, gives them food and(2) What is Sandy going to buy in the shops todayShe is going to(3) Where does Alice work(4) Is Alice Sandy's good friend(5) What are Alice and Sandy going to do today(6) How often does Sandy come to Singapore阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

高考英语任务型阅读信息分类与整合练习题30题1.John is a famous scientist. He has made many important discoveries. What field does John work in?A.PhysicsB.ChemistryC.BiologyD.Mathematics答案解析:A。
文中提到John 是一位著名的科学家且做出了很多重要发现,通常科学家做出很多重要发现可能在物理领域更容易一些,化学、生物和数学相对不太符合“很多重要发现”这个描述。
2.Mary is an artist. She is known for her beautiful paintings. What style does Mary paint in?A.RealismB.ImpressionismC.AbstractD.Cubism答案解析:B。
Mary 是艺术家以美丽的绘画闻名,印象派绘画通常给人以美丽的感觉,现实主义、抽象派和立体派相对不太符合“美丽的绘画”这个描述。
3.Tom is an athlete. He has won many championships. Which sport does Tom play?A.BasketballB.FootballC.TennisD.Swimming答案解析:A。
Tom 是运动员且赢得很多冠军,篮球运动中获得很多冠军的可能性较大,足球、网球和游泳相对不太容易获得“很多冠军”。
4.Lisa is a writer. She has written several best-selling novels. What genre does Lisa write in?A.RomanceB.MysteryC.Science fictionD.Historical fiction答案解析:B。
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话题练习-工作一、阅读理解(共82小题;共164分)ATeachers NeededWe are looking for university students to work with children at our activity courses in July and August this summer.We need teachers for the following activities:swimming,football,tennis,drama(戏剧),art, music,photographyTime:Course1:July1st-15thCourse2:July16th-30thCourse3:August1st-15thCourse4:August16th-30thFor more information,e-mail Mr.Smith at jobs@.Please tell us which courses you would like to teach.To:jobs@Cc:Subject:Teacher for activity coursesDear Mr.Smith,I'm a university student and I'm interested in teaching some of your activity courses this summer.I'm studying drama at Central University and I love photography,so I would like to teach those two courses.I'm also on the university swimming team and I'm learning to play the guitar.I can work for the first two weeks of July and the last two weeks of August.Best wishes,Ben Brown1.Teachers are needed for the following activities EXCEPT.A.tennisB.skatingC.swimmingD.music2.If you want to get the job,you need to tell Mr.Smith.A.why you like the jobB.where you come fromC.how you get on with othersD.which courses you'd like to teach3.What can we learn about Ben Brown from the material?A.He is studying geography at the university.B.He can teach children to play the guitar.C.He is on the university swimming team.D.He can work for the two whole months.BMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.Work hours are different from one country to another.In France,people spend about1,646hours a year at work.In Japan,however,people work about2,159hours a year.That means a Japanese worker works513more hours a year than a French worker.Why do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money.However,many companies don't pay overtime.Their workers don't get more pay for more work.Some people think it's their duty to work more hours.Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France,people get five weeks of paid vacation a year.In Germany,they get four to six weeks,and in the United States,two weeks.One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In Great Britain,there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy."If that is true,there must be a lot of dull people in the world.4.A Japanese worker works more hours a year than a French one.A.513B.1,646C.2,159D.3,8055.The word"extra"in Paragraph3means.A.正常的B.额外的C.有用的D.少量的6.People in get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.A.FranceB.GermanyC.the United StatesD.Great Britain7.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.8.What can we infer from the passage?A.Many workers have to work long hours.B.Many people have vacations long enough.C.Work hours are the same around the world.D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.CJack and Betty Williams are going through some difficult times.They were both laid off from their jobs last month.As the days go by,they're becoming more and more worried about their futures, since Jack hasn't been able to find another job yet,and neither has Betty.The layoffs weren't a surprise to Jack and Betty.After all,Jack's company hadn't been doing very well for a long time,and neither had Betty's.However,Jack had never expected both of them to be laid off at the same time,and Betty hadn't either.Ever since they have been laid off,Jack and Betty have been trying to find new jobs.Unfortunately,she hasn't been very successful,and he hasn't either.The main reason they're having trouble finding work is that there simply aren't many jobs available(有用的)right now.He can't find anything in the wanted ads,and neither can she.She hasn't heard about any jobs opening,and he hasn't either.His friends haven't been able to help at all,and neither have hers.Another reason they're having trouble finding work is that they don't seem to have the right kind of skills and training.He doesn't know anything about computers,and she doesn't either.She can't type very well,and neither can he.He hasn't had any special vocational(职业的)training,and she hasn't either.Despite all their problems,Jack and Betty aren't completely discouraged(失意).She doesn't have a very pessimistic(悲观的)outlook on life,and neither does he.They're both hopeful that things will get better soon.9.Who can't find the new job?A.Jack.B.Betty.C.Neither of them.D.Both the two.10.The main reason of Jack who hasn't been able to find the job is.A.he is old.B.he is unhelpful.C.there's no wanted ads.D.there're not many suitable jobs11.Which of the following sentence is correct?A.People in the USA can lay off easily.B.If they want to find another job,they must have some special training.C.Jack and Betty are both discouraged.D.The future will be nice if you work hard.DMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.Work hours are different from one country to another.In France,people spend about1,646hours a year at work.In Japan,however,people work about2,159hours a year.That means a Japanese worker works513more hours a year than a French worker.Why do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money.However,many companies don't pay overtime.Their workers don't get more pay for more work.Some people think it's their duty to work more hours.Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France,people get five weeks of paid vacation a year.In Germany,they get four to six weeks,and in the United States,two weeks.One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In Great Britain,there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy."If that is true,there must be a lot of dull people in the world.12.A Japanese worker works more hours a year than a French one.A.513B.1,646C.2,159D.3,80513.The word"extra"in Paragraph3means"".A.正常的B.额外的C.有用的D.少量的14.People in get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.A.FranceB.GermanyC.the United StatesD.Great Britain15.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.16.What can we infer from the passage?A.Many workers have to work long hours.B.Many people have long vacations.C.Work hours are the same around the world.D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.EMany students have already had clear ideas about what jobs they would like to have in the future. We believe boys'choices are different from girls'.To find out how different their choices are,we made a survey in Green High School.The following diagram shows the results of the survey.17.About45%of the girls would like to be in the future.A.bank clerksB.reportersC.scientistsD.teachers18.Which job do the girls like least?A.Bank clerks.B.Reporters.C.Managers.D.Scientists.19.What does the diagram show us?A.Boys'abilities of jobs are the same as girls'.B.Boys'abilities of jobs are different from girls'.C.Boys'choices of jobs are the same as girls'.D.Boys'choices of jobs are different from girls'.FJane looked at the book through the window.Mom said she would have to make the money herself to buy such an expensive book.Her first thought was to collect cans for recycling around the neighborhood.Unfortunately, another forth-grader already collected cans every week.Her next idea was babysitting.But most parents would ask a high school girl to care for their children.Disappointed but still strong-minded,Jane sat at the table.Her mom came in and asked,“How's the job hunt going?”Jane said,“Not good---there is nothing left for me to do.”Her mom smiled,“Well,she's broken her knee and can't walk much.She needs someone to walk her dogs.I told her you might be interested in the job.”Jane agreed to give it a try.That evening,Mr.Smith didn't shout once.In fact,she had a plate of cookies for her!Mr.Smith's dogs were well-behaved and excited to see Jane.Jane took the dogs for their first walk.When she brought the dogs back,she laughed and knew she had finally found the right job.20.Jane is.A.a can collectorB.a forth-graderC.a young babysitterD.a high school girl21.Mr.Smith needed someone to walk her dogs because.A.the dogs were badly-behavedB.she lived alone with themC.the dogs were too excitedD.she had injured her knee22.What can we infer from the passage?A.It was easy for Jane to get the bookB.It was not realistic for Jane to find a jobC.Jane would succeed in buying the book by herselfD.Jane lost confidence when being refused the second timeGNo one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job.It is important to make the right impression(印象)from the very first day.You will face new people.You will be in a new place.It may be difficult to know what to do.Here are five tips to help you make it through the first day in a new job:1First impression can last forever.Make sure you make a good one.Before your first day,find out if your new job has a dress code(rules about what you can wear to work).If so,be sure to follow it.No matter what,always be neat and clean.2Get to work on time.Give yourself an extra15minutes to make sure you arrive on time.3Pay attention to introductions.You may be introduced to your workmates.They will be important to you.They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.4Ask plenty of questions.Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If you are not told your duties,ask for a list.Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.5Never be the first one to leave.Watch what others do at the end of work hours.It does not look good for you to be eager(急切的)to leave.23.What does the writer think you should do on your first-day work?A.We should dress in a right wayB.We should learn how to introduce ourselvesC.We should know our dutiesD.We should know our workmates well24.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.You should be the first one to arrive at workB.You should ask your workmates for your dutiesC.You should not be eager to go back home at the end of work hoursD.You are required to arrive15minutes earlier25.From the passage,your supervisor is most likely your.A.visitorB.teacherC.workmateD.leaderHJodie's Daddy Is a Garbageman(垃圾清理工)Mr.Swales wanted to find out what his students'parents did.He had just called Jodie when some girls burst out laughing.Shirley shouted,"Jodie's daddy is a garbageman!"Everybody in the class laughed out loud,except Jodie.She felt her face turn red."Silence!"Mr.Swales said,"Being a garbage man is a difficult and useful job.We should all be grateful to Jodie's father."Jodie's father came to walk her home from school as usual,but she didn't run up to him the way she always did.When they got back home,Jodie went to her room and cried for a long time.Her father came into her room,"What happened,Jodie?Why are you so sad?"Jodie told her father what had happened and looked at him.He didn't seem angry or hurt."Well," he said,"they are right.Being a garbageman is a dirty job.Tomorrow's e to work with me,Jodie."The place really smell too bad.Jodie wrinkled her nose."Don't worry,kid.In five minutes you won't smell a thing."said her father.Everybody there was working hard,and they seemed to have a good time.Jodie's father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck.It was fun,but also hard work.Jodie's arms soon got tired.At last,no more garbage was left and Jodie felt very happy."Garbage is disgusting,but when we clear it away,everything's nice and clean.You can make yourself happy only by making other happy.That's why I like being a garbageman so much."Jodie give her dirty,seemly garbageman daddy a big kiss(吻).She said,"When I grow up,I will be a garbage girl!"Now whenever someone asks Jodie what her daddy does,she says,"He's a garbageman! Everybody makes garbage,but my daddy takes it away!"26.What happened in Mr.Swale's class?A.He wanted to show what job was the most useful.B.He asked an improper question.C.Jodie gave an honest answer.D.Jodie was laughed at.27.Why did Jodie's father take her to his workplace?A.To make Jodie calm down.B.To prove how dirty his job was.C.To help Jodie learn about his job.D.To keep Jodie away from her classmates.28.Jodie gave her father a big kiss mainly because.A.he was kindB.he was unselfishC.he was cheerfulD.he was hardworking29.How does Jodie feel about her father now?A.Sad.B.Curious.C.Guilty.D.Proud.IClaire Lee,a girl,lives in Boston,Massachusetts,in the st Thursday,she didn't go to school.She went to work with her mother instead.Every year,on the fourth Thursday in April, millions of young girls go to work.This is Take Our Daughters to Work Day.The girls are between the ages of9and15.They spend the day at work with an adult,usually a mother,father,aunt,or uncle. They go to offices,police stations,laboratories,and other places where their parents or other family members work.The Ms.Foundation,an organization for women,started the program about ten years ago.In the U.S.,many women work outside the home.The Ms.Foundation wanted girls to find out about many different kinds of jobs.Then,when they grow up,they can choose a job they like.Claire's mother works in a company.Claire says,“It was very exciting for me to go to the company with my mum.I saw a lot of people doing different jobs.”Many businesses have special activities for girls on this st year,Claire went to work with her aunt at the University of Massachusetts.In the engineering department,the girls learned to build a bridge with toothpicks(牙签)and candy.In the company,they learned to type pictures.Right now,Claire does not know what job she will have when she grows up.But because of Take Our Daughters to Work Day,she knows she has many choices.30.According to the passage,Take Our Daughters to Work Day is.A.on every Thursday in AprilB.on the fourth Tuesday in AprilC.on every Tuesday in AprilD.on the fourth Thursday in April31.We can infer that Claire's mother is.A.a bus driverB.a teacherC.a managerD.a policewoman32.According to the passage,Which of the statement is NOT true about Claire.A.she learned to type picturesB.she worked as a singerC.she went to work with her mumD.she used toothpicks to build a bridgeJMany people say that they are working too many hours.They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.Work hours are different from one country to another.In France,people spend about1,646hours a year at work.In Japan,however,people work about2,159hours a year.Why do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money.However,many companies don't pay overtime.Their workers don't get more pay formore work.Some people think it's their duty to work more hours.Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France,people get five weeks of paid vacation a year.In Germany,they get four to six weeks,and in the United States,two weeks.One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In Great Britain,there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy."If that is true,there must be a lot of dull people in the world.33.A Japanese worker works more hours a year than a French one.A.513B.1,646C.2,159D.3,80534.The word"extra"in Paragraph3means"".A.正常的B.额外的C.有用的D.少量的35.People in get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.A.FranceB.GermanyC.the United StatesD.Great Britain36.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.37.What can we infer from the passage?A.Many workers have to work long hours.B.Many people have vacations long enough.C.Work hours are the same around the world.D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.KWorking after school has become almost a trend(趋势)for teenagers in the U.S..More than80 percent of American teenagers work at some point during their high school years.Many teenagers in Australia and Europe(欧洲)also work part-time.But in general,teenagers in East Asia(亚洲)have not followed this trend.Parents in these cultures(文化)encourage their children to study not to“waste”their time working.But is working really a waste of time for teenagers?The answer is unclear.Experts(专家)point to both benefits(利益) and pitfalls of teenager employment(工作).One study showed that teenagers who work more than15hours a week have bad grades.They are also less likely to go to college.But experts haven't decided that teenager employment should be avoided(避免)after all.They believe that holding a part-time job can teach teenagers about teamwork.Teenagers also learn aboutmanaging(安排)their time and money.Employment does bring benefits.Teenagers should be careful, however,to spend less hours working and always put schoolwork first.38.To have a part-time job is not popular for teenagers in.A.the USAB.AustraliaC.EuropeD.East Asia39.The underlined word“pitfalls”means in this passage.A.good pointsB.hidden dangersC.big lossesD.unseen difficulties40.Which of the following benefits is not brought by teenager employment?A.To teach themselves to work together.B.To learn how to use their time.C.To learn to spend their money properly.D.To help them get better grades.41.Which of the following is true?A.Many Asian parents don't think teenager employment can bring benefits.B.Teenagers who work part-time will have bad grades at school.C.Teenager employment will not influence(影响)teenagers'grades at all.D.Teenagers can work as many hours a week as they like.42.Which of the following is the best title?A.American Teenager TrendB.Benefits for WorkC.Teenager EmploymentD.To Work or NotLNo one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing on a new job.It is important to make the best impression(印象)from the very first day.You will face new people.You will be in a new place.It may be difficult to know what to do.Here are five tips to help you make it through the first days on a new job.1.First impression can be very important.Make sure you make a good one.Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code(rules about what you can wear to work).If so,be sure to follow it.No matter what,always be neat and clean.2.Get to work on time.Give yourself an extra(额外的)15minutes to make sure you arrive on time.3.Pay attention to introductions.One of the first things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to your co-workers.These co-workers will be important to you.They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.4.Ask lots of questions.Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you.If he or she has not told you your duties,ask for a list.Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.5.Never be the first one to leave.Observe what your co-workers do around leaving time.It does not look good for you to be eager to leave.43.Before you start to work,you should.A.dress in the right wayB.introduce yourselfC.know your dutiesD.know your co-workers well44.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.You should be sure of your duties.B.You should ask your co-workers for your duties.C.You should not be eager to go back home.D.You should get to work on time.45.According to the passage,your supervisor is most likely your.A.visitorB.teacherC.workmateD.leader46.What is the best title for this passage?A.Getting a New JobB.Tips on How to WorkC.The First-day WorkD.The Importance of Co-workersMHere's an interview to a pilot about his life.(R=Reporter;P=Pilot)R:How much time do pilots actually spend flying a plane?P:It varies(各不相同)from about20minutes on some domestic(国内的)flights to as much as18 hours on international flights.It all depends on if the flight is a short-or long-haul flight.R:Do pilots take breaks during flights or do they fly the whole time?P:Yes,we take breaks during long-haul flights.Airlines assign(指派)three or four pilots to long flights.We take turns flying the plane.R:If pilots are traveling all the time,how do they deal with jet lag(时差)?P:Jet lag is annoying for almost all pilots.I try to go to sleep as I would at home.R:How important is it to know the weight and size of the plane you are flying?P:It is very important.We weigh almost everything put into the airplane and make estimates(估计) according to the number of people on each flight.R:Do pilots eat the airplane food?P:Yes,we eat business class food!Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious if you don't hate eating lobster(龙虾)every day!The pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices so that if one of the dishes causes food poisoning,only one of them will be sick.That way,at least one pilot will always be well enough to fly the plane!47.The number of pilots depends on.A.how many hours a plane fliesB.what kind of planes they areC.the airline companies assignD.what the pilot likes48.In order to know the weight of the airplane,the pilots must know.A.the weight of everything put into the planeB.the number of people on the planeC.the weight of the things and people on the planeD.the importance of the weight49.What's the Chinese meaning of the word"poisoning"in the passage?A.中毒B.难吃C.缺少D.浪费50.What does the pilot think of the airplane food?A.Airplane food is more delicious than lobster.B.The pilot suggests having airplane food instead of lobster.C.The pilot doesn't like the airplane food at all.D.Airplane food is as delicious as lobster.51.What question doesn't the reporter ask in the interview?A.How to keep passengers safe?B.How long do pilots actually spend flying a plane?C.How to deal with jet lag?D.How to take breaks during flying?NYou are watching a film in which two men are having a fight.They hit one another hard.At the start they only fight with their hands.But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs.And so it goes on until one of the men crashes(撞击)through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below.He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead.With any luck he isn't even hurt.Why?Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars or even catch fire,are well trained.They do this for a living.These men are called stuntmen.That is to say,they perform tricks(花招,手段).Here are two sides to their work.They do most of the things you see on the screen.For example,they fall from a high building.However,they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress(床垫).Again, when they hit one another with chairs,the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash throughwindows,the glass is made of sugar!Although their work depends on trick of this sort,it also requires a high degree of skill and training.Often a stuntmen's success depends on careful timing.For example, when he is"blown up"in a battle scene,he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work,but they lead dangerous lives.They often get seriously hurt,and sometimes killed.A Norwegian stuntman,for example,flew over the edge of a cliff(悬崖)a thousand feet high.His parachute(降落伞)failed to open,and he was killed.Although it is full of deadly dangers,this is no longer the work for men only.Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous actions.For nowadays there are stuntwomen,too!52.Stuntmen are those who.A.often dress up as famous actorsB.prefer to lead dangerous livesC.often perform dangerous actionsD.often fight each other for their lives53.What's the meaning of the underlined sentences in the first paragraph?A stuntman should.A.crash bravely though a window made of sugarB.do the well-planned activity at a very momentC.open his parachute when he jumps down the cliffD.have got a high degree of skill and training54.Which could probably be the best title of this passage?A.Fights in the MoviesB.Crashing out of the WindowC.Exciting Films TodayD.Most Dangerous WorkOOne Tuesday morning,Harry saw an ad in a window.It said,“Wanted.The Best Salesman in the World.Top Pay.”Harry thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job.“I am the best salesman in the world,”he said to the manager,“Give me the job.”“You must prove(证明)you're the best,”the manager said.“OK.I will!”Harry answered.“Good!”The manager took a box of sweets out of his desk.“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets:If you Can sell them all before the end of the week,you can have the job,”said the manager.“That's easy.”Harry said.He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.Every day and all day,he went from shop to shop,trying to sell the boxes of sweets.He couldn't sell one.The sweets were too bad for him to sell.At the end of the week he went back to the manager.“I'm sorry,sir.”He said,“I Was wrong about myself.I'm not the best salesman in the world,but I know who is.”“Oh.”said the manager,“Who?The person who sold you a thousand boxes of these sweets.”Harry said.55.Harry went to ask for the job because he was himself at first.A.afraid ofB.wrong withC.sure ofD.worried about56.If Harry wanted to get the job,he would have to.A.buy all the sweets from the managerB.sell out all the sweets in a few daysC.eat up all the sweetsD.sell the sweets at the weekend57.Choose the right order(顺序)of this story.1Harry went to ask for the job.2Harry told the manager who really Was the best seller.3Harry saw an ad in a window.4Harry went to sell the sweets.A.1-2-3-4B.4-3-2-1C.3-1-4-2D.3-4-1-258.From this story we can see that.A.Harry didn't get the jobB.Harry was a good sellerC.The manager was a good sellerD.The ad was a good one59.According to(根据)the story,which of the following is right?A.Harry sold some of the sweetsB.The sweets were too expensiveC.Harry was not clever at allD.The sweets were terriblePIt is said that there are about40,000different kinds of jobs in the world.Choosing the right one itself is a difficult job."Finding a job"is not the same as"choosing a job".Many young people end up in a job which they are not suitable for."Chance"may play a more important part than"decision".Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university.First,it is important to realize what kind of person you are,which special qualities make you different from everyone else and what you are interested in.There is a difference between an interest and a skill.If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures,that is an interest.But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse instead of a big dog,that is a skill.Then ask yourself this question:in the following three areas—skills with people,skills with information and skills with things—which are your best skills?After examining your skills,the next step is to research.To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible,go to the library and read books,magazines and newspapers.Ask your friends about the work they do.Finally,trust your own ideas and your own thinking!It is your own life,so find something that you enjoy doing.60.To choose the right job is.A.unimportantB.difficultC.easyD.impossible。