高盛Goldman Sachs自上而下选股框架--宏观和微观相结合120611

高盛Goldman Sachs自上而下选股框架--宏观和微观相结合120611
高盛Goldman Sachs自上而下选股框架--宏观和微观相结合120611




证券研究报告将宏观观点转化为选股建议的工具 我们推出了一套基于宏观因素描绘、微观层面比较以及对商业周期各阶段投资分析的自上而下选股框架,从而将宏观观点与微观投资建议相关联。 宏观和微观因素对于回报都非常重要 对于亚洲市场上市值占比60%左右的股票而言,宏观因素(如全球经济增速、本地经济增速和金融状况)都是重要的回报推动因素。此外,估值、每股盈利市场共识预测调整以及技术性指标等微观因素也与随后3个月的回报高度相关。 宏观 + 微观 = 超额收益 对于全球领先指标(GLI)中定义的四阶段商业周期,我们基于各阶段的宏观和微观特征对股票进行筛选。回溯测试显示,采用这种方法获得的回报有望超过传统买入/持有策略带来的回报。 经济衰退阶段的选股:降低贝塔值和对增长的敏感性;买入受益于政策放松的股票 我们的GLI 指标显示,自4月份以来我们已进入经济衰退阶段。在此背景下,我们特别关注于受宏观面影响和微观面支撑的程度处于适当水平的股票:NAB 、Orica 、恒安国际、中石油、腾讯控股、长江实业、恒生银行、HDFC 、ITC 、BRI 、LS Corp 、Shinhan 、CIMB 、SM Inv.、JCC 、Delta 、TSMC 和BK Bank 。我们将定期更新这些股票建议。 对部分市场的部分板块采用自上而下的选股框架 资料来源:FactSet 、MSCI 、CEIC 、高盛全球经济商品和策略研究 刘劲津, CFA

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Introducing GS top-down stock picking framework

In this report, we introduce a framework to help connect the macro environment to

single stock selection.

Specifically, we believe this framework would be helpful to:

?Formalize our existing top-down stock picking logic and approach in a

disciplined and statistically-tested manner that is also intuitively


?Better comprehend how macro factors influence individual stock returns

and help connect macro trends to actionable stock ideas

?Expand our implementation focus to include more single stock ideas as

well as theme baskets and derivative overlays

?Complement our sector analysts’ views and our bottom-up stock

selection processes such as Asia-Pacific Conviction Lists and GS Sustain, which

focus principally on operating returns and industry position

?Provide a tool which can add further perspective to investors’ own stock

selection processes

The exhibit below summarizes the key building blocks and logic flow in this report.

The key building blocks and approach of our stock-selection framework

Source: FactSet, I/B/E/S, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Executive summary

Top-down and bottom-up are the two prevalent approaches to securities analysis. However,

neither is perfect— macro-focused investors may overlook micro factors and industry dynamics

while stock pickers may sometimes miss the big picture.

With an objective of combining the two approaches and translating macro views into actionable

stock ideas (and, hopefully, good returns), we introduce a top-down stock selection framework

which builds upon macro factor profiling, micro specific comparisons, and business-

cycle-based investing.

Key conclusions and investment implications in this report are:

1.Macro analysis is important, even to stock pickers. Our regression model shows

select macroeconomic factors are statistically significant return drivers (R2>40%) for

around 250 stocks in Asia, representing 58% of MXAPJ market cap. This

underscores the importance of macro analysis even to bottom-up-

oriented investors. Macro analysis is particularly effective in Hong Kong, China,

Singapore, and sectors including energy, financials, and materials.

2. Some macro variables are more important than others. Investors can be

overwhelmed by macro data, but many macroeconomic variables are highly correlated.

Stock pickers can simplify the process of macro monitoring by focusing on six factors,

namely, market risk, local growth, policy/liquidity, CPI, oil prices, and global


3.Micro specifics have linked well with ensuing returns. Empirically, micro

considerations such as valuation, consensus EPS and target price changes, and

technical entry levels have shown very strong relationships with ensuing 3-month

returns. These micro considerations complement the macro perspective and address

the extent to which fundamentals are discounted in share prices.

4.Our two-tier stock selection strategy may help performance. We have

established a trading algorithm based on our global leading indicator and its derived

business cycle— expansion, slowdown, contraction, and recovery— to

implement our macro and micro analysis. Backtests of our two-tier strategy

suggest performance can be enhanced to a meaningful extent by

considering these macro and micro factors.

5. Useful tool. This framework is flexible and can complement the investment process for

different types of investors.

Caveats: A tool, not a cure-all

We believe this approach adds value, but we also recognize its limitations.

Regression models are static and assume mean-reversion, and need to be

updated and refined to adapt to changing fundamentals.

Stock ideas: Investing in a contraction phase

The latest GLI reading suggests the global economy has entered a contraction phase. Against

this backdrop, we would:

a. Reduce market risk “beta”;

b. Buy stocks with low sensitivity to local growth;

c. Accumulate policy easing beneficiaries;

d. Own stocks that may outperform in a disinflationary environment;

e. Buy stocks that may benefit from lower oil prices;

f. Overweight stocks that are less sensitive to global growth momentum.

Stocks which have these macro characteristics and have shown favorable micro readings are

shown in Exhibit 1. Exhibit 1: We like these stocks because of their favorable macro exposure and compelling micro profile relative to their regional peers

Stock recommendations for June 2012 (Priced as of June 5)

Note (1): These stocks are rated Buy or Neutral by Goldman Sachs Research except SM Investments which is NC. We use consensus estimates for SM Investments. Note (2): * denotes the stock is on our regional Conviction List. “Tick” indicates stock that ranks top-30 percentile within each factor relative to its market peers and they perform well in our specified macro environment. Revisions and sentiment are based on forward 12-month consensus EPS.

Source: Factset, I/B/E/S, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Key exhibits for chart lovers

We highlight the important exhibits (takeaways) as follows:

? Exhibit 7: Where top-down analysis may be more applicable in terms of markets and


? Exhibit 8: Stocks that are the most and least sensitive to different macro factors across


? Exhibit 17: The empirical relationships between micro parameters and ensuing returns.

? Exhibits 28 to 38: Market summary pages which detail the factor loading for each stock

under our study universe.

Part 1: Mapping stock returns to macro exposure

Defining our study universe

To ensure the practicability of the regression results, we choose to focus on MXAPJ constituents

with at least US$1bn of index market cap, over US$5mn of average daily value traded (ADVT) in

the past 6 months, and at least 5 years of listing history. There are 412 stocks in MXAPJ

which fit these requirements (as of April 30, 2012) and they represent 86% of

MXAPJ index market cap . These stocks are mostly located in Australia, China, Korea

and India , with a sector concentration in financials, IT and telecoms (Exhibits 2 and 3). Exhibit 2: Liquid, large-cap stocks are mostly found in Australia, China, Korea and India Free-float market cap distribution by markets

Exhibit 3: ...and they are concentrated in sectors including financials, IT, and telecoms Free-float market cap distribution by sectors

Source: FactSet, MSCI, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research. Source: FactSet, MSCI, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.

Defining the dependent variables (returns)

We choose 3-month price returns as the dependent variable in our regression model as we

attempt to strike a balance between high frequency trading and the “buy-and-hold” approach.

Returns are quoted in local currency , on our assumption that foreign investors should treat

the currency decisions separately from the stock selection decisions and the impact of FX

changes could be partly reflected/captured in the underlying macro trends (e.g. exports in CAI

and FCI).

Choosing and testing independent variables (macro factors)

While there are a large number of macro variables that equity investors could focus on, we elect

to limit our independent variables to 14 macro factors which theoretically should drive stock prices.

In other words, this is not an exhaustive list of macro variables which might influence stock

returns but what we have found to be generally influential at a market level. See Asia Pacific:

Portfolio Strategy: What macro indicators matter for Asian markets?, May 7, for details.

We also test the statistical significance of

2nd derivatives and lead/lags for each of the factors

in our multi-factor regression model to ensure statistically important relationships will be

accounted for.

Given many of these variables are inter-correlated and are essentially linked to similar sets of

fundamental drivers, we run a correlation matrix to eliminate those with strong directional

relationships to improve the ensuing regression results (Appendix 1). In cases where macro

factors are strongly correlated among each other within a category (e.g. growth), we prefer our

Australia 20%China 23%Hong Kong 8%India 11%Indonesia

2%Korea 16%Malaysia 2%

Philippines 0%

Singapore 5%Taiwan 9%Thailand 4%




Technology 14%








Cons Disc


Cons Stap



6%Insurance and other financial services 4%

Utilities 2%

Health Care


proprietary indexes such as Current Activity Index (CAI), Financial Conditions Index (FCI),

and Global Leading Indicator (GLI) given their broader representation and statistically-tested

robustness (see Exhibit 4).

Following the above steps, we conclude that a significant part of an individual stock’s return

variations can be reasonably explained by 6 broad macro measurements: Market risk (MXAPJ),

domestic growth (CAI), domestic liquidity/policy (FCI), domestic inflation (CPI), oil

prices (WTI), and global growth (GLI).

The final step is to establish linkages between returns and these macro factors by using

regression techniques, namely simple linear and multiple factor regression models .

Recognizing the advantages and deficiencies of these modeling techniques, we choose to base

our stock selection analysis on the former and the market analysis on the latter.

? Simple linear regression by a single factor (e.g. six separate regression

models) allows us to estimate the factor loadings for the independent

variables without running into multicollinearity issues. This approach

may work better in capturing the maximum total exposure to a single

factor. That said, it doesn't account for the impact of other significant

variables and therefore is not robust to changes in the relationship

between macro factors over time. Even if we run a number of single

factor regressions, the resulting individual R2s from this are not additive

and we cannot statistically prove the explanatory power of each factor

for returns.

? Multiple factor regression with stepwise elimination helps form a quantifiable

relationship (equation) as to what factors are important and to what extent they, when all

treated as independent variables, have historically affected stock returns (when one

factor changes and others are held constant). The drawback is that the (high) correlation

among macro variables lowers the precision of the regression estimates, which is likely

to lead to estimates being very inaccurate for some stocks when the regressions are

carried out across a large universe of single stocks. If we subsequently use the analysis

to pick stocks with the highest/lowest sensitivities there is a risk that we will also end up

maximizing exposure to estimation errors. Exhibit 4: The independent variables in our regression model are representative of the principal macro categories that tend to influence stock returns

Macro variables and the inputs to our regression model

Note: We use the next 3 month yoy growth for CAI (local/US/EU) as they show significantly higher correlations with returns, which provides better indicative power on

returns and fits our purpose of mapping returns to macro exposure better. See Appendix 1 for details. Source: FactSet, I/B/E/S, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.


specifications Chosen


Regional index returns Log P(t)‐Log P(t ‐3)

Country index returns Log P(t)‐Log P(t ‐3)Regional sector index returns Log P(t)‐Log P(t ‐3)

Local IP Log (Avg. of last 3 monthly yoy growth)

Local export growth Log (Avg. of last 3 monthly yoy growth)Local retail sales

Log (Avg. of last 3 monthly yoy growth)Local CAI Log (Avg. of next 3 monthly yoy growth)Local PMI Log (Avg. of latest 3 mom growth)Local CPI Log (Avg. of last 3 monthly yoy growth)Local CPI Local FCI Log (Avg. of last 3 monthly yoy growth)Local FCI

WTI Price Log WTI(t)‐Log WTI(t ‐3)US CAI Log (Avg. of next 3 monthly yoy growth)EU CAI Log (Avg. of next 3 monthly yoy growth)

EM GDP Log (Avg. of last 3 monthly yoy growth)GLI momentum Log (latest 3 mom changes)MXAPJ returns

Local CAI



I n

d e p e

n d


n t

v a r

i a b l

e s

Stock beta Domestic growth Domestic liquidity/policy Global growth

Exhibit 5: Our model shows that stock returns can be reasonably explained by 6

market/macro factors

Components our multi-factor regression model

Intercept other factors Source: Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.

Regression results (1): Understanding where macro analysis may apply

Top-down approach works for some stocks, but not all. Our model has yielded reasonably high R2 (over 40%) for 247 stocks out of the total 412 sample universe (58%

of market cap). It also means the remaining 165 stocks could be more sensitive to micro

factors as opposed to macro forces if one takes R2 of 40% as the threshold1.

From a market standpoint, the top-down approach seems to work better for Hong Kong, China and Singapore, while the bottom-up study appears more suitable for Australia and the ASEAN-4 markets. We think these results reflect the following:

a. Hong Kong, China (HK-listed) and Singapore have open economies and

free capital markets, meaning that the local stock markets are more sensitive

to global macro forces and capital flows relative to the region.

b. The dynamics between domestic and externally-driven demand for Australia

can differ—currently, the domestic economy is hampered by the (until recently)

strong currency, weak property market and issues in the banking system while

commodity exports remain resilient due to demand from global EMs. This

dichotomy makes a static top-down analysis less effective.

c. The domestic demand component and generally low foreign investors

participation in the ASEAN-4 have resulted in lower returns volatility for these

smaller markets. As such, the top-down framework has to be adjusted by

local factors to make it more applicable and effective to explain returns.

By sector, the average R2 is generally low for defensives including telcos, utilities and healthcare stocks, suggesting: a) their share prices are not sensitive to macro

changes, relative to the aggregate market; b), their price sensitivity to the market risk

factor is low as reflected by the regression results; and, c) a micro-focused approach is

required to generate alpha in these sectors.

At the other end of the spectrum, a top-down approach could be effective for energy,

financials, and materials given the high R2, which conceptually makes sense as these sectors are closely linked with global dynamics via real demand and financial channels.

1 Note that these R2s are derived from our regression models and the macro factors may not represent the true macro profile for our study universe.

Exhibit 6: Macro factors appear important return drivers (R2 more than 40%) for 60% of the

stocks and 58% of market cap in MXAPJ Accumulated distribution of R 2 based on our study universe

Source: Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Exhibit 7: Top-down analysis works for select economic groups but not all

Average R2 based on our multi-factor regression

Source: FactSet, I/B/E/S, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Regression results (2): Making sense of it

We ran macro-factor regressions for more than 400 stocks in Asia and the results are organized

by their factor loadings in each market in Exhibit 8 (we show the top-3 stocks under each market

factor only; regression results for the full universe are shown in the country summary pages).





100%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Top ‐down approach may work


Macro factors explain >40% of return variations

%of market cap


Bottom ‐up approach may work


Macro factors explain<40% of return variations

Bottom 25 percentile Top 25 percentile

Exhibit 8: We group stocks under different macro buckets based on their factor loadings

Stocks with highest/lowest factor loadings by market

Note (*): Highest (positive) coefficients for FCI means stocks have historically performed better relative to their benchmark when financial conditions tighten. Note (1): We rank stocks by their factor loadings based on the output from our simple linear regression model. Multiple factor regression models using specific independent variables are required to estimate the relative significance of variables and their explanatory power on returns.

Note (2): We only show stocks which rank in the top-80 percentile in terms of R2 ranking for that particular factor.

Note (3): We exclude Philippines because only 4 stocks satisfy our liquidity requirements.

Source: Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

To better interpret and make sense of the regression output, we think it is useful to look at a few

examples below.

Example 1: Samsung Electronics (005930 KR)

The regression R2 is low for Samsung Electronics (33%), suggesting the stock’s returns

could be more sensitive to specific micro factors than the high-level macro variables that

we test.

?While Samsung is perceived by investors as a DM growth proxy, its share does not

appear to be well linked with global growth momentum (GLI is eliminated in the stepwise

regression). This coincides with the stock’s substantial outperformance in the past few

years due to its improved competiveness and strong product cycle (e.g. Galaxy


?It is positively correlated with domestic growth and liquidity conditions, which seems

normal, although their statistical significance is lower than the market risk factor.

Exhibit 9: The low R2 for Samsung suggests that micro factors could be more important in driving the stock price Stepwise regression results (Samsung Electronics)

Source: FactSet, CEIC, MSCI, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Example 2: ICBC (1398 HK)

?Our model shows 74% of ICBC’s share price variations can be explained by the four

factors in the stepwise regression model.

?ICBC’s sensitivity to the market risk factor is high (high beta), partly reflecting the

relatively high growth and policy volatility (or market concerns) in China.

?It is positively correlated with inflation and policy easing as the bank may benefit from

loan pricing and higher loan quota when these macro conditions move in its favor.

?The share prices tend to outperform (underperform) the aggregate market when global

growth decelerates (accelerates), as the stock is not as sensitive as the MXAPJ

aggregate to global growth momentum.

Exhibit 10: Policy easing should bode well for ICBC but its GDP growth exposure may not be as high as many have perceived

Stepwise regression results (ICBC)

Source: FactSet, CEIC, MSCI, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Example 3: WesFarmers (WES AU)

? The regression R2 is high compared with other Australian stocks in our study sample,

meaning that top-down approach may make more sense for WES relative to other

Australian stocks.

? The stock has showed low sensitivity to MXAPJ returns in local currency terms.

? Higher CPI tends to bode well for stock returns, as high inflation may allow the company

to raise prices more easily.

? While the local exposure of its business operations may suggest high sensitivity to

domestic growth activities, domestic CAI is omitted from the regression. This may reflect

the hybrid structure of the Australian economy as discussed on page 7. activities link well with export growth cycles, adding complications when interpreting regression results

Stepwise regression results (WesFarmers)

Source: FactSet, CEIC, MSCI, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

# of obs.60R2


# of obs.142R2 50%

Example 4: TATA Consultancy Services (TCS IN)

? It has one of the highest R2 (74%) among the Indian stocks in the MXAPJ universe

(average 46%).

? The stock can be classified as a low-beta stock given its low return coefficient with

MXAPJ (c.0.67).

? The stock has tended to move very closely with GLI momentum (1% of GLI momentum

change has historically led to 15% of share price movement), consistent with TCS’s

business concentration in global developed markets. Exhibit 12: TATA consultancy’s share prices seem very sensitive to global growth given the company’s geographic exposure

Stepwise regression results (TATA Consultancy Services)

Source: FactSet, CEIC, MSCI, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

# of obs.86R2 74%

Part 2: Adding micro overlays—valuation, micro fundamentals and technical indicators—to enhance returns

Part 1 aims to match individual equities’ returns to select macro factors. However, the return

attribution exercise is insufficient to build a sensible trading strategy on its own, because:

a. No market or stock in our sample universe has close to a 100% fit (R2) in our regression

model, suggesting some unobserved or uncaptured variables, which we believe are

mostly micro-related, are also significant performance drivers;

b. Stock returns are essentially a joint function of earnings growth and valuation changes.

Our analysis helps partly explain returns variations using macro factors but does not

take into account the returns that macro drivers have on risk premia and therefore the

willingness of investors to pay for equities for a given level of earnings.

c. In some cases, share prices may have already reflected stock-specific themes/exposure;

and pricing signals (especially shorter-term ones) are difficult to capture in macro-factor

regression models.

As such, we incorporate valuation parameters, micro fundamental variables, and various

technical indicators into our broader framework. We believe these additional considerations

could help us form an objective view on stocks’ micro profile and help answer the questions of

“how much is priced in” and “entry level”, which have shown strong relationships with price

returns (more on this later).

Valuation parameters

We focus on the stock’s current valuations to gauge how the stock’s fundamentals are being

priced by the market and to avoid buying/selling at full/depressed valuation levels.

Specifically, taking the conclusions from our recent work: Asia Pacific: Portfolio Strategy: Global

Strategy Paper: No. 3: AsiaPac Valuation: What works, and when, March 12, 2012, we have

chosen forward P/E, trailing D/Y, and trailing P/B, which are proven to be significant returns

indicators (higher significance to medium-term returns) according to our analysis, as the key


While we have also proved that P/CF has strong predictive power on forward returns at a market

level, we deliberately exclude this in our analysis given its short and unstable time series at an

individual stock level.

Micro fundamentals

While we have established relationships between macro factors and stock returns in Part 1,

stocks react to macro forces because they tend to impact earnings or earnings expectations,

which can be quantified and captured by the changes of consensus EPS and expected returns

(target price). In this vein, we look at following indicators to assess stock’s micro dynamics using

consensus data:

?Earnings revision (magnitude)—percentage of month-on-month forward 12-month

EPS changes;

?Earnings sentiment (breadth)—percentage of net earnings upgrades/downgrades

versus the total number of consensus estimates (mom);

?Consensus target price—percentage changes (mom).

Technical indicators

Broadly speaking, technical indicators can be grouped into four categories—momentum,

volatility, trend and volume . Given the numerous forms of technical indicators, we focus on

those that are most commonly used and are comparable from a time series standpoint. The key

objective here is to form a view on short-term entry levels.

1. RSI (momentum): We use 14-day RSI to gauge the near-term price momentum of

particular stocks. We prefer 14-day over longer-dated RSIs given its higher volatility

relative to longer-dated RSIs, which better fits our objective of evaluating entry point for

shorter-term investing.

2. Bollinger bands (volatility): For computational purpose, we look at %b , as opposed

to the actual moving averages and the two bands (upper and lower) to quantify where

the current price is relative to its recent range in standard deviation terms. Low %b

indicates current prices are closer to the lower Bollinger band and vice versa.

3. Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) (trend): We take the

differentials between MACD line (12 day-26 day exponential moving average (EMA))

and MACD signal line (9-day EMA), which is the histogram on a typical MACD chart, to

gauge the short-term trend and price momentum of the stock. High positive values

reflect strong price momentum in recent trading periods and vice versa.

4. Volume: Most volume-based indicators require a time-series perspective to form trading

signals; hence, an absolute number often does not tell us much. Volume signals can

vary so decision-making is not stable. As such, we exclude volume-related

indicators in our micro score calculation .

Exhibit 13: We use these micro parameters to form a view on the stocks’ fundamentals, aiming to enhance the

risk/reward of our top-down stock recommendations

A summary of micro parameters

Source: FactSet, I/B/E/S, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

The effectiveness of micro overlays—an empirical study

While these micro parameters are commonly regarded as important elements to potential returns,

their actual implications and contribution to returns are unclear to us up to this point.

As such, we test the conditions and formats under which these micro factors matter most to

potential returns, and design our trading strategies accordingly. Input specifications Forward P/E P(t)/fEPS(t)Trailing P/B P(t)/tBPS(t)

Trailing D/Y P(t)/tDPS(t)

EPS revisions fEPS(t)/fEPS(t ‐1)


EPS sentiment {#up rev(t)‐#down rev(t)}/#estimate(t)Consensus target price TP(t)/TP(t ‐1)‐1

Momentum 14‐day RSI

Volatility Bollinger Bands (%b)

Trend MACD line ‐ MACD signal line Composite micro score

M i

c r

o p


r a

m e

t e r s Valuations Micro fundamentals Technical indicators

First, we aggregate and organize ex-ante, subsequent 3-month stock returns based on the nominal values of these parameters. The sample size is statistically significant as there are more than 50,000 datapoints for each parameter, given our study universe contains over 400 stocks with more than 12 years of monthly history (i.e. 400*144). The results support the conventional wisdom of buying stocks at low valuations and technically sound entry levels, and when consensus expectations rise, ensuing returns tend to be strong and vice versa. Details are shown in Appendix 2.

We then standardize all the parameters based on their z-scores to ensure comparability and compatibility of the dataset, and to allow us to form an objective view of the stock’s micro attractiveness with existing (ex-ante) data-points. Key points to note:

?Forms of standardization: Time series and cross-sectional analysis are commonly used data standardization methods. While they have their own analytical advantages

and drawbacks, we choose the forms under which the parameters have historically

generated more differentiated (higher or lower) returns. In this vein, we take time

series z-scores for valuations and micro revision data, and cross-sectional z-

scores for technical indicators.

?Valuations—Extreme valuations usually lead to significant subsequent returns: In our recent research, Global Strategy Paper: No. 3 - AsiaPac Valuation:

What works, and when, we found that the levels of valuation, on a standalone basis,

have low correlation with ensuing returns over a relatively short time horizon (3-6 months) at the regional/market level. However, the picture looks slightly different at the stock

level. We note that when prevailing stock valuations are close to 1.5 to 2 standard

deviations (s.d.) to the attractive side (3-year rolling z-scores), subsequent 3-month

performance tends to be strong (Exhibit 14). The opposite is not very obvious, unless

when valuations are extremely demanding (2 s.d. to the unattractive side).

?Micro fundamentals—Consensus view changes are a reasonably good indicator of short-term returns: Unsurprisingly, upgrades of consensus earnings

(both magnitude and breadth) and/or target prices usually lead to favorable price returns.

However, it is noteworthy that we are comparing ex-ante earnings and target price

changes with subsequent 3-month returns, meaning that: a) observable consensus view

changes do drive actual stock returns; and, b) it may take some time for the market to

discount the incremental new consensus expectations (Exhibit 15).

?Technical indicators—The trend is your friend: Exhibit 16 shows, fairly consistently, stocks with high technical scores (low RSI, MACD, %b compared with

peers) tend to outperform those that embrace demanding technical entry levels.

However, the extent to which stocks have historically outperformed/ underperformed is

lower on our technical scores (vs. valuation and micro scores), reflecting that valuations

and fundamentals have comparatively higher contributions to return variations than

technical indicators.

?Composite micro score—an objective view on stock’s micro attractiveness: While the each of the three categories of micro parameters appear to be significant

determinant of short-term returns on its own, we believe a combined measurement

(simple average of the three z-scores) could be even more helpful for investors to gauge

risk/reward because: a) it gives a comprehensive and objective assessment of stocks’

micro profile using observable market data, without involving stocks’ specific operating

and industry-wide expectations; b) it gives higher alpha (positive and negative) than the

individual scores may reflect, meaning that it is probably a better variable to consider in

our stock-picking framework (Exhibit 17).

Exhibit 14: Levels of valuations seem to have strong

impact on returns, especially when valuations are at

extremes 3-month price returns (loc) vs. valuation z-scores

Exhibit 15: Positive earnings revisions (in terms of both magnitude and breadth) and target price upgrades do bode well for performance 3-month price returns (loc) vs. micro fundamentals z-scores Note: High z-scores mean lower fP/E, tP/B and high tD/Y. Note: High z-scores mean positive EPS revisions, EPS sentiment, and consensus target price upgrades. Source: FactSet, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.

Source: FactSet, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.

Exhibit 16: Technical factors are helpful to explain

returns variations, although not as much as valuations

and fundamentals

3-month price returns (loc) vs. technical z-scores

Exhibit 17: Our composite z-scores provide an objective assessment on stocks’ micro profile and reasonably strong indications to forward returns 3-month price returns (loc) vs. composite micro z -cores Note: High z -scores mean low RSI, MACD and %b.

Source: Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.

Source: FactSet, Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.


6.6% 6.6%

4.8% 4.6%








16%-2-1.5-1-0.500.51 1.52

Valuation score at different entry levels (z score)

Average returns in

our study


Avg. subsequent 3m returns

2.7% 5.9%

3.2% 3.7%

4.2% 6.7%7.1%7.5%9.9%0%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%-2-1.5-1-0.500.51 1.52Micro fundamentals score at different entry levels (z score)Avg. subsequent 3m returns Average returns in our study universe 1.6%




4.9% 6.4% 6.4% 6.8%7







-2-1.5-1-0.500.51 1.52

Technical score at different entry levels (z score)

Average returns in

our study universe Avg. subsequent 3m returns 2.0% 3.9% 2.9% 4.5% 4.8% 5.7%8.2%9.5%15.2%0%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%-2-1.5-1-0.500.51 1.52Composite micro score at different entry levels (z score)Avg. subsequent 3m returns Average returns in our study universe

Part 3: Back-testing our strategies—Cycle-based trading algorithms may help performance

Building trading algorithms around the GLI

Parts 1 and 2 form the core analytical foundations for our stock selection process. The next step

revolves around designing a trading algorithm and testing (and refining) its effectiveness.

Leveraging the work by our global team in its recent paper: Global Economics Paper No: 214,

Acceleration Matters: Asset Returns and the Business Cycle, May 16, 2012, we define the

macro business cycle using our proprietary Global Leading Indicator (GLI), which

also serves as a signal for our trading strategies.

Simply put, our global team uses the interaction of GLI growth (mom) with GLI acceleration

(changes of mom growth) to define four phases of the business cycle (Exhibit 18):

1. Expansion: Positive growth and positive acceleration.

2. Slowdown: Positive growth and negative acceleration.

3. Contraction: Negative growth and negative acceleration.

4. Recovery: Negative growth and positive acceleration.

In each of the four phases, we examine past market returns (MXAPJ) and historical trends of

macro variables in our regression model to understand how investors should position in the

different periods of the economic cycle. Key insights (and our decision rules) are:

?In an expansion phase, investors should turn aggressive by going long stock beta

and growth proxies (including oil-related exposure). Policy tends to stay neutral

during this phase given the lagged effect of growth on inflation.

?During an economic slowdown, equity returns may stay positive although they are less

obvious than in the expansion phase. Investors should focus on late-cycle plays

including inflation beneficiaries and commodity stocks as growth/inflation

tradeoff deteriorates. Policy tends to become tighter, so stocks that are sensitive

(insensitive) to liquidity may underperform (outperform).

?Defensive is the core theme during economic contraction periods as high

beta equities and growth proxies are likely to be under pressure.

Policymakers tend to loosen monetary policy as growth is challenged, and stocks with

favorable exposure to liquidity should trade well relative to the benchmark.

?Easing starts to take effect and growth begins to accelerate into the recovery stage.

Equities returns are mixed as valuation compression tends to overpower the impact

of nascent growth and earnings upgrades. In other words, investors should own growth

proxies but not necessarily overweight beta. Financial conditions tend to stay very easy

and asset/rate-sensitive slices may outperform.

Exhibit 18: GLI mom growth and acceleration define the four phases of the business cycle and our stock selection decision process

GS GLI momentum and our trading algorithms

Note: “1” means owning the top-40 percentile (by factor sensitivity) of stocks under each market factor and owning the bottom-40 for “-1”. “0” means owning 30 to 70 percentile of the distribution.

Source: Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Back-testing our trading strategy

We test this strategy based on the following procedures:

a. Create a benchmark portfolio which includes top-80 percentile of stocks by their R2

ranking in each of the six macro factors in order to include stocks to which the top-down

approach may apply. We also believe this is a better performance proxy than MXAPJ

because of survivorship bias in our study universe.

b. Take the latest GLI reading as input and allocate macro exposure (1, 0 or -1) based on

the trading algorithm we defined in Exhibit 18. Specifically, “1” means owning the top-40

percentile of stock (based on their factor loadings) under that particular factor for

each market, “-1” means buying the bottom-40 percentile, and “0” refers to the 30th to

70th percentile of the distribution.

c. We then rank stocks by their macro attractiveness, as defined by the simple

average of their ranking in all 6 macro factors (depending on the business cycle), to filter stocks with reasonably compelling macro exposure (i.e. these stocks may not score well in all six macro filters but they have relatively high ranking in all categories on average.)

This forms our “macro-only” portfolio.

d. From (c), we select stocks in each market with the highest aggregate micro z-scores

(top-15 percentile) and form our “macro + micro” portfolio. The portfolio is rebalanced on a quarterly basis and the price returns are measured in local currency.

Exhibit 19: The logic flow/mechanism of our top-down selection framework

Source: Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research estimates.

Evaluating the back-test results: It is an alpha, not beta strategy ?Performance: Over the past ten years, our “macro + micro” portfolio has gained 326%, versus benchmark of 165% on a market-cap-weighted basis, translating into 11.4pp

average annualized outperformance according to our backtest (as of May 31). The

portfolio has generated accumulated price return of 1914% since 2002 on an equal-

weighted basis, outperforming the benchmark (672%) by 1232pp. This translates into

88pp average outperformance per annum versus the benchmark (Exhibit 20). “Macro”

and “macro + micro” portfolios outperformed the benchmark 29 and 24 out of 42 quarters since 2002 respectively.

?Representation: Our portfolio has consisted of at least 23 stocks across the full study period, representing around 5% of the universe by number of stocks and 5% by free-

float market cap. Portfolio constituents are proportionately distributed across markets

according to their representation in the universe as designed by our constraints. 295

stocks have been included in our portfolio at least once.

?Volatility: Realized volatility (annualized) of our portfolio has been tracking in line with the benchmark except during 1H09 and 1H12 when the overall market volatility was high.

Given the size (number of stocks in the portfolio) of the portfolio, we consider its realized

volatility as reasonable.

?Alpha or beta?: As shown in Exhibit 23, both portfolios have outperformed the benchmark (on average) in all the economic phases since 2002 on an equal-weighted

basis, suggesting that: a) our strategies are not entirely driven by beta exposure; b)

Some elements of alpha are embedded in our portfolios as they have outperformed in

both expansion and contraction phases2.

?Macro vs. micro: Interestingly, the returns differentials between our “macro only” and “macro + micro” portfolios reflect that one strategy might outperform the other under

different market conditions. For example, “macro” fared better than “macro + micro”

during the bull market from 2005 to 2007 but underperformed in 2009, and we believe

this can be explained by the micro filters that we have put in place to screen out high-

valuation and momentum stocks during that period3. In the case of 2009, given many

stocks were trading at undemanding valuations and technical levels post the Global

Financial Crisis, our micro filters were generally not binding constraints (Exhibit 24). This

shows that investors may be better off if they can relax their valuation/micro

standards at the onset of a market uptrend; however, micro disciplines still

add alpha over time.

Caveats: Risks and limitations

1. Our backtest is conducted on an in-sample basis (i.e. regression for factor loading and

backtest start at the same time), a less preferred approach to out-of-sample test from a

statistical standpoint. However, we are constrained by data availability which is prevalent for Asian stocks where listing history is generally short.

2. Historical GLI readings are subject to revision risk. As such, the indication of economic

turning points by the GLI is more accurate on an ex-post basis.

3. We have not assumed any trading and transaction costs in our backtest returns

calculations. Realized returns could be meaningfully different from the results.

4.Our trading algorithms could be subject to data-mining risk (e.g. we favor certain macro

exposures in different business-cycle phases based on historical pattern).

2 We use monthly rebalancing returns to calculate our portfolios’ performance in different business-cycle phases to better

capture the changes in GLI-derived trading signals.

3 We take the simple average of the valuation, micro fundamentals, and technical scores. Investors may adjust the weighting

of each category depending on market conditions.


宁波高手 《敢死队选股秘诀》 敢死队最主要的投资理念就是:“借势。”借大盘之势;借庄家之势;借一切心理、技术、形态共鸣之势。 “势”不可挡!顺势而为! 短线出击非常态高速进行中的股票就是短线的绝招。 短线操盘技法:切实做到“快”、“狠”、“准”。 一、《狙击涨停是最凶悍的短线技法》 买: (1)越不容易追上的涨停,就一定要努力追上! (2)高开缺口不补,10:00前封涨停(包括一浪板、二浪板、三浪板);追涨停板!(3)震荡盘上,上午10:30前封涨停,二次开板时不创新低,不下均线、缩量; 追涨停板! (4)上午停牌一小时后复盘,出现(2)、(3)情形之一;追涨停板! (5)标准突破形态,2:00以后封涨停双开可追;追涨停板! (6)涨停板上穿前期平台,第一个涨停安全性极高,可追! (7)前期已经拉升一波,然后平台整理,用巨量上穿整理平台封涨停,并均线不乱;可追! (8)ST股突破新高涨停;可追! (9)前方有缺口、周期天数,有底部形成岛形反转之势的涨停或光头,可追!(10)有板块启动时,同一板块谁最先涨停就追谁! (11)股价封涨停前成交量巨大,封住涨停后成交量萎缩,开板可追! (12)股价封涨停后第二次打开高于第一次,并不破均价线、无量,且大盘强势,拐头向上时跟进! (13)第一个无量涨停,仍将涨停,直到有大量才可能回调! (14)连续无量涨停,通常是主力迅速拉高阶段,应果断追涨! (15)连续无量涨停,出现第一个“T”或“T”字不补前日收盘价格,涨停那一瞬间可追! 卖: (1)标准突破形态,只要不涨停,先出货!(挑顶卖货) (2)标准突破形态,突破后回跌;先出货!(回档确认) (3)连续涨停后不涨停;先出货!(见好就收) (4)连续涨停后,盘中股价一旦跌破昨日的涨停价;当日坚决出货!(乌云盖顶)(5)盘中曾经涨停,收盘不涨停板,先出货!(拉高出货) (6)盘中(第一笔除外)跌停板打开即卖!(尤其股价在高位!)(卖跌停追涨停)(7)第一个无量跌停,仍将跌停,直到有大量才可能反弹!(能量释放) (8)ST股不涨停就卖!(卖不涨停之板)


企业经营情况调研报告 篇一:公司经营情况调查报告201410 关于***有限公司经营情况的调查报告 被调查企业:**有限公司 被调查人:** 调查日期:2014年10月 调查人:** 报告人:** 一、企业概况 **公司前身是武鸣县乡镇企业——**县**淀粉厂,原建设单位为**,于1994年经**批准立项、**环评批复而建设淀粉生产线和酒精生产线,2007年8月**公司整体收购了该厂的全部资产。 **公司成立于2006年2月,注册资本人民币1000万元,地址位于**镇**村,是一家专业生产食用酒精和淀粉制品的

企业。法定代表人: **,股东**占公司60%的股份,股东**占公司36%的股份,股东**占公司4%的股份。公司下设人力资源部、财务部、市场部、车间等内部管理机构,总经理**,现有职工**人,其中大中专学历以上占30%。 2009年公司被评为**市农业产业化重点龙头企业,2010年被评为安全生产标准化三级企业,2009年和2010年连续两年被评为纳税超百万元企业;并经**市工信委、**酿酒协会、**局进行产能核定,**号文件《关于**公司食用酒精生产线符合产业政策的函》批准生产。 2013年末公司总资产15137万元,其中固定资产10768万元,占地面积77亩。公司成立之初至2012年期间依靠**镇丰富的木薯资源,引进国内外的工艺技术进行食用淀粉和酒精生产,所产“**”牌食用淀粉及酒精,应用于造纸、粘合剂、纺织、食品、医药、化工等行业,主要销往**、**等地。 几年来,先后投入了大量资金,对

生产工艺、环保设施进行了全面的升级改造,完成了年产3万吨酒精生产线技改项目建设、年处理108万立方废液量的环保处理站项目建设、年产1200万Nm3/a生物 质燃气的厌氧系统项目建设,25T/h 混烧甲烷的生物质节能锅炉项目建设、年发电量1080万度的蒸汽发电站项目建设、年产1万吨生物有机肥项目建设、1万亩农业示范园项目建设等。但自2012年以后,当地木薯种植锐减,公司木薯淀粉生产线停工。公司于2013年至2014年投入资金八千多万元对食用酒精生产项目进行了技术改造。目前,项目已竣工投入生产。 二、财务及经营状况分析 **公司提供了2012年度、2013年度审计年报(审计意见为无保留意见)和2014年9月份财务报表,财务状况反映见下表: **公司近期财务状况表 (一)财务指标说明


全球投资大师欧奈尔七步选股法 威廉·欧奈尔的股市生涯开始于1958年,他当时担任海登·史东公司的证券经纪商,而他日后的投资策略就是在这个时期成型的。欧奈尔从事证券交易一开始便相当成功。从1962年到1963年间,他以多空交替的操作手法,将自己5000美元的资本增长到20万美元。1964年,他在纽约证券交易所买下一个席位,并成立一家证券公司——欧尼尔公司,目前是全球600位基金经理人的投资顾问。欧奈尔在1983年创办《投资者财经日报》,该报成长迅速,是《华尔街日报》的主要竞争对手。 C-A-N-S-L-I-M选股七法 威廉·欧奈尔1988年以其30年来研究股市的心得和经营共同基金的实证经验,著有《股市赚钱术》一书,他将他的选股艺术淬炼出C-A-N-S-L-I-M的选股模式,这个选股模式可以成为你最简单的分析手段。我们现在来看看这七个字母分别代表什么。 C=Current quarterly earnings per share 最近一个季度报表显示的盈利 大黑马的特征就是盈余有大幅度的增长,尤其是最近一季。最好的情况,就是每股收益能够加速增长。但若是去年同季获利水平很低,例如每股收益去年仅1分,今年5分,就不能包括在内。当季每股收益成长率8%或10%是不够的,至少应在20%-50%或更高,这是最基本的要求。当季收益高速增长,应当排除非经常性的收益,比如靠出售资产取得的巨额收益。 A=Annual earning increases 每年度每股盈利的增长幅度 值得你买的好股票,应在过去的4-5年间,每股收益年度复合成长率达25%至50%,甚至100%以上。据统计,所有飙升股票在启动时的每股收益年度复合成长率平均为24%,中间值则是21%。一只好股票必须是年度每股收益成长与最近几季每股收益同步成长。 N=New products,New management,New highs 新产品、新管理方法、股价创新高 公司展现新气象,是股价大涨的前兆。它可能是一项促成营业收入增加及盈余加速成长的重要新商品或服务;或是过去数年里,公司最高管理阶层换上新血液;或者发生一些和公



1、通达信选股公式 {MACD、KDJ、RSI底背离} DIFF:=EMA(CLOSE,12) - EMA(CLOSE,26); DEA:=EMA(DIFF,9); A1:=BARSLAST(REF(CROSS(DIFF,DEA),1)); B1:=REF(C,A1+1)>C AND REF(DIFF,A1+1)C AND REF("KDJ.K"(9,3,3),A2+1)<"KDJ.K"(9,3,3) AND CROSS("KDJ.K"(9,3,3),"KDJ.D"(9,3,3)); A3:=BARSLAST(REF(CROSS("RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24),"RSI.RSI2"(6,12,24)),1)); B3:=REF(C,A3+1)>C AND REF("RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24),A3+1)<"RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24) AND CROSS("RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24),"RSI.RSI2"(6,12,24)); 底背离:B1>0 OR B2>0 OR B3>0; {集成了MACD、KDJ、RSI三个指标的底背离}; 2、老鼠仓 AA1:=AMOUNT/VOL; BB1:=L< AA1*0.9; CC1:=(C-REF(C,1))/REF(C,1)*100> 1.2; DD1:=L< MA(C,5)*0.921; EE1:=VOL< MA(V,5)*1.5; 老鼠仓:BB1 AND CC1 AND DD1 AND EE1; 3、抄底高手 {M 15 35 30 N 12 32 27 D 18 50 42} VAR1:=(CLOSE-MA(CLOSE,48))/MA(CLOSE,48)*100+M<0; VAR2:=(CLOSE-MA(CLOSE,70))/MA(CLOSE,70)*100+N<0; VAR3:=VAR1 AND VAR2; VAR4:=VAR1 AND VAR2 AND COUNT(VAR3,2)=1 AND DATE>940101 AND (CLOSE>OPEN OR CLOSE-0.07 AND (REF(OPEN,1)>REF(CLOSE,1) OR REF(OPEN,1)REF(CLOSE,2) OR REF(OPEN,2)REF(CLOSE,3) OR REF (OPEN,3)REF(CLOSE,4) OR REF(OPEN,4)REF(CLOSE,5) OR REF(OPEN,5)REF(VAR6,1) AND REF(VAR6,1)1.8 AND (HIGH>LOW) AND (REF(HIGH,1)>REF(LOW,1)) AND (REF(HIGH,2)>REF(LOW,2))


公司运营情况报告 篇一:企业经营情况报告 企业经营情况报告 (本文来自:小草范文网:公司运营情况报告)武候区国税局: 我公司成都####有限公司经武候工商行政管理局批准于XX年#月#日正式成立,税务登记时间XX年#月#日。本公司法人代表:#。主要经营范围:#。经我公司申请,贵局于XX年5月25日书面批准认定我公司从XX年#月#日进入(辅导期)增值税一般纳税人。 我公司注册资本100万元,主要供应商为###限公司,客户零散,目前已经成交的客户有###有限公司等。从09年#月份开始营运,#月份做为小规模企业实现销售收入为#元,其中不含税销售收入为#元,缴纳增值税额为#元。实际#月份有意向和我们交易的金额###多万元,但这些客户都是一般纳税人,必须要求我公司开具税率17%增值税专用发票抵扣,从而致使很多业务暂时没有做成,预计XX年实现销售收入100万元。 成都###有限公司 XX年#月#日 篇二:公司经营情况总结报告

公司经营情况总结报告 一、公司基本情况简介 长城宽带网络服务有限公司(Great Wall Broadband Network Service Co., Ltd.缩写为GWBN)成立于XX年4月,属国营企业,由中信集团全资控股。是投资近30亿元建立,辐射全国大中城市的高科技电信网络运营服务公司。 长城宽带总部设于北京,公司法定代表人王之。经过10年的发展,长城宽带已经成为全国最大的驻地网运营商。XX 年长城宽带荣获中国互联网协会授予的“企业信用AA+级”荣誉称号。长城宽带将向广大用户展示一个更加全面的“宽带专家”形象,引领用户走向更加美好的网络新生活。 伴随中国宽带产业的健康成长,长城宽带作为全国最大的驻地运营商,公司秉承“精诚服务,全网关怀”的经营理念,与 CISCO 、 IBM 、富士通、电信、联通、泰瑞比、新浪、新视野等多家国内外知名企业强强连手,不断地在网络设备、技术升级及宽带应用产品上为全国36个大中城市用户提供更新更好的服务。 重庆长城宽带网络服务有限公司为长城宽带网络服务有限公司在重庆的分公司。成立于XX年8月,主要负责长城宽带在重庆地区的网络建设维护和运营。目前公司的宽带网络主要分布渝中,南岸,九龙坡,江北,渝北,沙坪坝,


量比换手率选股奇招 本文来自:理想论坛https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a14224531.html,作者:夜羽暴浏览:5537次 成交量分析对于股价技术分析而言有很重要的意义,而分析成交量最重要的工具,便对量比和换手率的分析,这是研究成交量最有效率的重要秘密武器。 一、量比 量比指标定义:当天每分钟平均成交量与前五天内每分钟平均成交量的比,公式是:(当天即时成交量/开盘至今的累计N分钟)/(前五天总成量/1200分钟)。 这个指标所反映出来的是当前盘口的成交力度与最近五天的成交力度的差别,这个差别的值越大表明盘口成交越趋活跃,从某种意义上讲,越能体现资金即时做盘,准备随时展开攻击的盘口特征。因此量比资料可以说是盘口语言的翻译器,它是超级短线临盘实战洞察主力短时间动向的秘密武器之一。 二、换手率 换手率也是一个研究成交量的重要工具。它的计算公式为:换手率=(成交股数/当时的流通股股数)×100%。按时间参数的不同,在使用上又划分为日换手率、周换手率或特定时间区的日均换手率等。 高成交量,并不意味着很高的换手率因为每只的流通盘大小不一。大盘股和高价股很容易出现较高的成交量,但考量其交投活跃度则需要借助换手率来进行判断。 在具体应用中,换手率超过7必需引起关注。超过15应高度关注。实战中,将这二者配合运用,与股价走势进行共同研判,可以非常准确的判断主力意图以及可能的上涨力度,是及时判断阶段性买点和阶段性卖点的非常重要的工具。 量比指标:黑马侦测器 在目前大部分股票行情软件涨跌幅榜中,都可以简单地用鼠标单击获得当个股每天的量比,量比小于1的时候,说明该股当日缩量,如果是大于1,就说明有放量。 在每日盘后分析之时,只要有时间,我们应该把所有量比大于1的股票全面扫描一遍;如果时间不足,也至少要把量比大于2的股票全部看看,在这部分股票里面是潜藏很多黑马的,不管是在盘中看盘还是盘后分析,都要及时重点地对进入这个集合进行扫描,及时发现其中新生的潜在黑马。 为什么要这么重视量比呢?量比,顾名思义,就是当时成交量与前期的比较,如果量保持平稳,那么股价多数情况下也就会按照原来的趋势平稳运行下去;但如果是成交量突发性的增长,俗话说量在价先,巨大的成交量必然会带来股价的大振荡,如果股价是已经大幅度下跌或蓄势充分,成交量放大当日量增价涨,那么这个时候大幅度上涨的可能会很大;如果是先前涨幅已经很高,那么这时候量比突增很就是


如何选股 主讲:广州·无尽 2009年8月27日20时30分 股票入门法 K线形态、成交量的配合再加上均线,能发现个股启动的秘密。每一个股票的上涨方式不同,有成百上千种,但是熟悉几十种常见K线群的拉升形态,就能把握住一个拉升的周期,其利润是很可观的。 如何找到介入点,看基本面不是我的强项。抓主流资金,我的反应也不够快,我只能通过形态来找准我的买点。通过强势回调来把握买点,这是最不容易失误的。我可以无视大盘,虽然很多人不同意,但在我的操作过程中,被大盘所累,也只是影响了利润,最多被打回原形而已。当某个股票上升形态成立而变得完美的时候,大盘对他的影响是有限的。关于均线系统,20日均线,可以称为一支股票的强弱分界线,在牛市或小牛市行情里面,上升过程中,5日和10日线选离20均线,那么,这20日均线对这支股票支撑力度会非常非常的强。如果20日均线和10日、5日很近,那么,60日均线就是他最强的支撑点。对于长盘的股票,60均线都被拉近了,那么120均线就是他最终支撑,是不可能破的,决不可能。即使破了,都是假像。因为这是牛市,决不可能。即使破了,都是假像。因为这是牛市,决不可能。 在选股之前一定要了解一个原则,这个原则对于专门做股票的人是非常重要的。 我个人的原则是:当一段行情向好的时候,很多股票都在涨,甚至说是狂涨,但有可能就我手上的股票,动都不动一下,这种情况我经常遇到。首先应该做的是,心态放平,报以"不就今天是少赚了10%吗",然后再看这支股的形态,是股性不活跃的死庄,还是庄家故意在横盘,如果真是这样,先出掉。有流动的资金,你才会有主动权,这是其一。其二,当手上有了资金之后,心态又会发生变化,生怕今天没赚到钱,一定要把他换成股票,注意:可别看见某支股票,特别是以前做过的,自以为熟悉的股票,稍微来点大单有上冲的苗头,就立即杀入。有时候会有回报,有时会被套,被套住后又不愿意出货,其它股票一涨,心里更慌,而导致心态失衡。正确的做法是,有了资金,就要有新的开始,很可能这一单下去,以前的损失就回来了。所以这一单要很稳重,但也别把太大的压力放在身上,怎么办?慢慢的选股,最好是收盘后来选,静下心来,泡杯茶,烧根烟。。。。 进入正题了,怎么选?哪些可以,哪些不行?我的方法是:牛市前期、中期,只搞小盘股别选大盘指标股。换手一定要相对大,5%以上,小了人气不够,我做的是短线,哪怕他以后再牛,当前我也不会选他。一定要选K线群很清爽的,这种最容易感觉他的动向,向上、向下、诱多、诱空,股是要靠感觉的,谁都不能把说得死。凡是没绝对。你要顺从他,而不是你很固执的,很主观的去意愿他会怎样怎样。(何为清爽?不好解释,基本的意思就是不要太多上影线,下影线的票,看他的K线群全是影线,没感觉,0996这种K线对于我来说就不舒服)在上涨过程中的票,要把握好节奏,除横盘的票,选有一定斜率上涨的股票最佳,最常见的就是涨2退1,要踩准步点。放大了看,可做一个波段(一般回调到一半时,就要引起注意,刚好一半的均线就是买点),缩小了看,可做短线(长阳之后马上回抽5日均线,5日均线就是买点,别怕他跌,大胆买入)如下图


股市高手操作绝招集锦 第一,有备而来。无论什么时候,买股票之前就要盘算好买进的理由,并计算好出货的目标。千万不可盲目地进去买,然后盲目地等待上涨,再盲目地被套牢。 第二,一定设立止损点。凡是出现巨大亏损的,都是由于入市的时候没有设立止损点。而设立了止损点就必须执行。即便是刚买进就套牢,如果发现错了,也应卖出。做长线投资的必须是股价能长期走牛的股票,一旦长期下跌,就必须卖! 第三,不怕下跌怕放量。有的股票无缘无故地下跌并不可怕,可怕的是成交量的放大。尤其是庄家持股比较多的品种绝对不应该有巨大的成交量,如果出现,十有八九是主力出货。所以,对任何情况下的突然放量都要极其谨慎。 第四,拒绝中阴线。无论大盘还是个股,如果发现跌破了大众公认的强支撑,当天有收中阴线的趋势,都必须加以警惕。尤其是本来走势不错的个股,一旦出现中阴线可能引发中线持仓者的恐慌,并大量抛售。有些时候,主力即使不想出货,也无力支撑股价,最后必然会跌下去,有时候主力自己也会借机出货。所以,无论在哪种情况下,见了中阴线都应该考虑出货。 第五,只认一个技术指标,发现不妙立刻就溜。给你100个技术指标根本就没有用,有时候把一个指标研究透彻了,也完全把一只股票的走势掌握在心中,发现行情破了关键的支撑马上就走。 第六,不买问题股。买股票要看看它的基本面,有没有令人担忧的地方,尤其是几个重要的指标,防止基本面突然出现变化。在基本面确认不好的情况下,谨慎介入,随时警惕。 第七,基本面服从技术面。股票再好,形态坏了也必跌,股票再不好,形态好了也能上涨。即使特大资金做投资,形态坏了也应该至少出30%以上,等待形态修复后再买进。对任何股票都不能迷信。对家人、朋友和祖国可以忠诚,对股票,忠诚就是愚蠢。有人10年前买的深发展到今天还没卖,我认为是不足取的。因为如果真的看好它,应该在合适的价格抛出,又在合适的价格再买进。始终持股不动,是懒惰的体现。 第八,不做庄家的牺牲品。有时候有庄家的消息,或者庄家外围的消息,在买进之前可以信,但关于出货千万不能信。出货是自己的事情,任何庄家都不会告诉你自己在出货,所以出货要根据盘面来决定,不可以根据消息来判断。 为了更好的研究沪深股市的套利技术,笔者曾经研究了上百本的股票技巧书籍,也与许多民间高手交换超股绝招,发现了有一些民间的土方法在特定时期也是比较有效的,这些土方法也更适合于在综合技术方面比较欠缺的中小投资者,下面笔者就举出部分民间高手的炒股绝招,供读者参考。 一、技术面的绝招需要注意的是,技术面绝招操作的关键是有大盘强势背景配合,且是短线波段。 1追强势股的绝招:这是绝大多数散户和新股民非常追求的一个方法,最常见的方法有三,分别是强势背景追领先涨停板,强市尾市买多大单成交股,低位连续放大量的强势股。 2超跌反弹的绝招:这是一些老股民喜欢的一个操作方法,主要是选择那些连续跌停,或者下跌50%后已经构筑止跌平台,再度下跌开始走强的股票。 3技术指标的绝招:一些痴迷技术的中小资金比较喜好这个方法,最常用的技术指标有三,强势大盘多头个股的宝塔线,弱市大盘的心理线(做超跌股),大盘个股同时考虑的带量双MACD。 4经典形态的绝招:这是一些大户配合基本面、题材面的常用方法,最常用的经典型态有:二次放量的低位股,回抽30日均线受到支撑的初步多头股,突破底部箱体形态的强势股,与大盘形态同步或者落后一步的个股。这些都是建立在大盘成交量够大的基础上的。 二、基本面的绝招需要注意的是,基本面绝招操作的关键是目标股必须有连续成交量的配合。


黑帽客如何利用黑帽SEO做快速排名谋取暴利收藏到:1时间:2014-10-25 文章来源:马海祥博客访问次数:1666 在如今这个时代,SEO是一个很普通的行业,但也一直是一个神秘的行业,而作为在业内混迹过多年的SEO人士来说,对这行业的黑幕已经心知肚明,今天,我就借助马海祥博客的平台向大家普及一下当今SEO行业的灰色地带:黑帽客与黑帽SEO,让大家了解一些SEO不为人知的另一面。 一、黑帽SEO与黑帽客 自从有了白帽SEO,也就有了黑帽SEO,黑白帽的临界点没有标准,就像好人和坏人没有评判的标准。 在马海祥看来,快速排名和快速暴利可以说是黑帽SEO的帮规教义,不能达到快速排名的技术不用,不能快速暴利的项目不做。 可现在许多人对黑帽手法的认知还停留在几年之前——关键词堆积、斗蓬法、隐型文本和链接、桥页、跳转等上,殊不知黑帽客都是尖顶尖的SEO领悟者和创新者,百度在进步,黑帽客也在与百度俱进。

为了追逐快速排名快速暴利,当下的黑帽客常用的手法有蜘蛛劫持、寄生虫、泛站群、自动链轮、二级目录等。 顶尖的黑帽客,从来不帮企业做SEO,从来都是帮自己做SEO,真正的黑帽技术,很暴利很赚钱,不会把帮企业做关键字优化的几万块钱放在眼里,那些把企业站搞k的黑帽客,那点小伎俩,不能在真正意义上称为黑帽客。 在那些真正的牛人眼里,用黑帽手法给企业做SEO的人,只是会些黑帽SEO皮毛出来骗吃骗喝的小朋友(具体可查看马海祥博客《SEO优化人员常用的30个灰帽SEO或黑帽SEO技巧》的相关介绍),因为真正的黑帽客大牛,都是在一场充满刀光血影的攻城略地之后,低调低调再低调地在马尔代夫的沙滩上,拥着心爱的女人,晒着阳光品着美酒享受人生。 在马海祥看来,火箭般的速度,百分之万的暴利,是成为一名顶尖黑帽客的强劲驱动,黑帽客每次手法上的创新再创新,是只为了能够超短时间之内上搜索引擎首页,从而带来巨大的流量。 黑帽手法的特殊性决定了黑帽客的孤独与黑暗,探索出一种新的黑帽手法不能大白于天下,只能静静地把自己的网站做上去,静静地等待着潮水般流量的来临,静静地等待着白花花的人民币的蜂拥而至;黑帽手法的特殊性决定了黑帽客的贪婪与嗜血,因为排名短,必须在这有限的阳光时间内,把利益最大化,最大化到百分之万、十万,于是,博彩、私服、色情等类别网站成了黑帽客的香饽饽。 百度第一只有一个位置,第一和第二的流量、收入有着很大很大的差别,但是,当黑帽客利用黑帽技术把网站做到排名第一的时候,也即是意味着作弊网站已经在太阳底下曝光了,已经在竞争对手面前暴露了,已经在搜索引擎那里挂号了。


通达信选股公式 {MACD、KDJ、RSI底背离} DIFF:=EMA(CLOSE,12) - EMA(CLOSE,26); DEA:=EMA(DIFF,9); A1:=BARSLAST(REF(CROSS(DIFF,DEA),1)); B1:=REF(C,A1+1)>C AND REF(DIFF,A1+1)C AND REF("KDJ.K"(9,3,3),A2+1)<"KDJ.K"(9,3,3) AND CROSS("KDJ.K"(9,3,3),"KDJ.D"(9,3,3)); A3:=BARSLAST(REF(CROSS("RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24),"RSI.RSI2"(6,12,24)),1)); B3:=REF(C,A3+1)>C AND REF("RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24),A3+1)<"RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24) AND CROSS("RSI.RSI1"(6,12,24),"RSI.RSI2"(6,12,24)); 底背离:B1>0 OR B2>0 OR B3>0; {集成了MACD、KDJ、RSI三个指标的底背离}; 老鼠仓 AA1:=AMOUNT/VOL; BB1:=L< AA1*0.9; CC1:=(C-REF(C,1))/REF(C,1)*100> 1.2; DD1:=L< MA(C,5)*0.921; EE1:=VOL< MA(V,5)*1.5; 老鼠仓:BB1 AND CC1 AND DD1 AND EE1; 抄底高手 {M 15 35 30 N 12 32 27 D 18 50 42} VAR1:=(CLOSE-MA(CLOSE,48))/MA(CLOSE,48)*100+M<0; VAR2:=(CLOSE-MA(CLOSE,70))/MA(CLOSE,70)*100+N<0; VAR3:=V AR1 AND V AR2; VAR4:=V AR1 AND VAR2 AND COUNT(V AR3,2)=1 AND DATE>940101 AND (CLOSE>OPEN OR CLOSE-0.07 AND (REF(OPEN,1)>REF(CLOSE,1) OR REF(OPEN,1)REF(CLOSE,2) OR REF(OPEN,2)REF(CLOSE,3) OR REF (OPEN,3)REF(CLOSE,4) OR REF(OPEN,4)REF(CLOSE,5) OR REF(OPEN,5)


统计市场的主要盈利模式与选股 一、如何做统计做功课选股与操作模式 (一)统计范围和内容: 统计范围:1664点至今产生的特殊技术图形,有共同特点的,有操作性的,会重复发生的图形,进行区分分类。 (二)统计内容 1、统计五三十大牛股和五十大熊股 2、统计价格创历史新高的股票 3、统计价格站稳在年线上方箱体横盘三-六 个月以上的股票 4、统计价格在底部箱体振荡将突破或刚突破 的股票 5、统计市场存在的盈利模式 (三)从哪个方面来选择统计股票 从技术分析图形来找: 1、按图形特征系统直接查找 2、按区间涨跌幅排序 3、按成交量大小排序 4、按逐股图形翻查方式 5、按股票价高低排序 6、流通A股的盘子大小

从基本面数据来找: 1、按业绩大小排序 2、按市盈率大小排序 3、按每股净资产 4、按每股公积金、 5、未分配利润 6、按净资产收益率 7、按主营业务增长率 (四)目前市场存在的主要盈利模式 (1)呈30-45度角缓慢盘整上升模式(强势) (2)呈30-45度角阶梯模式上升模式(中势) (3)呈0度角箱体振荡模式(弱势) (4)呈“N”形态拉升模式(超强势) (5)呈”V”形反转拉升模式(超超强) (6)双破板强拉型的火箭模式(特超强拉型) (7)现阶段特有的“T”“L”盈利模式(放巨量、调整缩地量) 主要技术特征与操作策略 1、呈30-45度角缓慢盘整上升模式(强势) 技术特征: (1)趋势角度呈30-45度盘升 (2)斜箱体厚度窄小,一般在10-15%之间

(3)沿火车轨或5、10天均线盘升,技术回抽低点在20天线 (4)筹码集中于下方,并随价格上涨而慢慢上移 (5)上方套劳盘很小,获利比一般在80-90%左右 (6)一般这类票的基本面或成长性较好 (7)一般这类票是基金操盘或稳健庄家为主操作策略: (1)顺势持有,不做差价,紧跟趋势走 (2)当价格突破斜箱体加速上拉升或价格下破下箱体及30天均线时,减仓或止盈、止损出场 2、呈30-45度角阶梯模式上升模式(中势) 技术特征: (1)角度呈现30-45度角向下洗盘方式上升 (2)箱体的幅度约15-30%之间 (3)调整时向下打压式洗盘,洗盘时间一般在1-2周,呈阶梯式上升 (4)上升时放量,打压向下缩量,成交量的变化节奏感非常强:一种是先放量再阶梯式上升,另一种是逐步放量阶梯式上升;


公司经营状况总结报告 公司经营状况,应该是所有股东最关心的问题。那么公司经营状况总结报告怎么写呢?以下是小编整理的公司经营状况总结报告,欢迎阅读。 公司经营状况总结报告1 现在,我代表中核苏阀蝶阀有限公司向董事会做20xx年经营总结报告,请董事会审议。 (一)承接任务方面 1、承接订单再创新高。20xx年订单承接指标6000万,我公司实际承接订单万元。其中苏阀科技下达订单万元,XX 年同期万元,增加万元;自营承接订单万元,XX年同期万元,增加万元。 2、销售收入再上新台阶。20xx年,我公司实现销售收入4426万元,与XX年同期3692万元相比增加734万元。其中苏阀科技销售收入1213万元(XX年同期1011万元,增加202万元),占销售收入的27%;外销收入671万元(XX年同期488万元,增加183万元),占销售收入的15%;自营部分2542万元(XX年同期2193万元,增加349万元),占销售收入的58%。 (二)资金回笼方面 20xx年资金回笼:5229万元。其中苏阀科技1481万元;出口677万元;自营3071万元。

(三)年度利润方面 20xx年实现营业利润478万元,利润总额467万元,净利润341万元。较XX年净利润234万元同比增加107万元。 通过对上述数据的分析,我公司20xx年度在承接订单方面完成良好,销售收入方面还需要加强;在优化产品结构和控制成本与费用方面取得了极大的进步,公司盈利能力在本期获得了提高。 (一)20xx年度主要经济指标任务情况 订货:6000万元; 销售:4500万元 利润:300万元 (二)主要应对策略 1.订货目标: 20xx年蝶阀公司订货目标为6000万元人民币。其中船用阀门3100万,石油石化行业1300万,其他市场900万,出口700万。 船用阀门 我公司严格执行董事会制定的方针,积极拓展业务,与江苏很多船厂取得了联系,在技术和业务上进行良好的沟通。我公司已接到扬子江船厂、道达重工、韩通重工、南通中远船务等船厂的小批量订单。为提高公司产品在船舶市场的占有率,我公司积极开拓出口市场,与制做船舶压载系统


换手率实战分析 一.下面是指南针对换手率的定议: 主力吸筹往往在筹码分布上留下一个低位密集区。在大多数情况下,主力完成低位吸筹之后并不急于拉抬,甚至主力要把股价故意再作回到低位密集区的下方,因为这个地方市场基本没有抛压,所有投资者处在浅套状态,护盘相对容易一些。一旦时机成熟,主力从低位密集区的下方首先将股价拉抬到密集区的上方,形成对筹码密集区的向上穿越,这个穿越过程极易暴露主力的持仓状况,如果主力巨量持仓的话,盘面上就不会出现太多的解套抛压。即股价上穿密集区而呈现无量状况,这个时候我们就知道该股已由主力高度持仓了。 技术上我们必须对“无量”这个市场特征给出较明确的参考标准:即用换手率来精确估计成交量。通常我们不单纯使用成交量这个技术参数,因为股票的流通盘有大有小,同样的绝对成交量并不能说明这只股票是换手巨大还是基本没有换手。如每天900万股的交易,对于中国石化(600028)来说仅占其流通盘的千分之5.8,而对于胶带股份(600614),这900万股已经是它流通盘的全部了。用放量与缩量来监控获利抛压也不是一个好主意。而换手率则本质得多。 依照本人的经验,我们可以把换手率分成如下个级别: 绝对地量:小于1% 成交低靡:1%——2% 成交温和:2%——3% 成交活跃:3%——5% 带量:5%——8% 放量:8%——15% 巨量:15%——25% 成交怪异:大于25% 近一年以来,我们常使用3%以下这个标准,并将小于3%的成交额称为“无量”,这个标准在指南针技术指标中得到广泛认同。更为严格的标准是2%。下面我们看一个例子 (了不起的不是指南针,而是指南针的的理念,关于此段换手的论述,I服了)

选股其实很简单 主体思维选股法精要笔记

1、先确定当下大盘所处环境的风格特点,形成这种风格的主力以及其资金特点,确定该风格的盈利模式; A短线炒作期:a、股指单边趋势结束(权重股行情结束); b、明确短线主力特征(通过短期高换手推动股价,抛出概念,获利出局,相关个股重归沉寂,再度制造新的概念接替,一旦概念消失意味短线行情结束)(资金流入靠前的板块) c、以资金为主线,量价为基础(中小盘个股持续放量,且价格有所体现)(紧跟资金,概念只是必要不充分条件) B中长线炒作:a、分析行情产生的条件,以经济变化、政策变革、资金情况为契机,去挖掘板块&个股; b、板块中长线牛股特征: *资源的垄断,行业内龙头,保证公司持续增长的业绩预期; *抗风险能力,拥有自主定价和完整的产业链 *市场资金的认可; 2、选股模型 1、确定市 场特性和 方向

演示: * *

A、政策主导经济发展的方向,经济发展体现在上市公司的业绩上进而影响股价;政策敏感引导资金的流向,政策宽松会促使各界资金流入股市楼市;政策直接影响行业的景气或发展,或对行业进行调控; B、资金推动:a、短线概念炒作; b、年报送配题材:时间因素(越早越好)、送配预期 对靠前披露年报的个股,分析业绩是否有较大提升,板块是否存在送配需求(需要扩展且业绩稳定的中小盘个股) C、重组(投资于其利益相关方) a、主辅业分离; b、优势资产注入; c、兼并重组过剩产能; d、 股权争夺;e、无形资产(国资科研院所)f、壳资源;

a 、期货市场的交割日期会引发供求关系变革 b 、确定供求关系影响的行业,分析库存、产量&消费量确定趋势 F 、价格:各行业具体产品or 原料的价格,(完全竞争or 寡头市场市场发生重大事件);


手把手教你综合选股功能怎么用 1、选择点菜单里的“功能”--“选股器”--“综合选股”--“实时行情选股”--“换手率”,设置条件:换手率>3,选择周期为“日线”,再点加入条件,最后点选股入板块,然后新建板块名称:“MACD选股”,点确定,这样换手率大于3的票就选出来了,目标缩小到186个股票。 2、“指标选股”--“趋势型”--“MACD”,设置条件:MACD>0,点“改变范围”--“MACD选股”,选择周期为“日线”,再点加入条件,最后点选股入板块,然后新建板块名称:“M1”,点确定,将日周期的MACD大于0的股票选入到M1板块,目标缩小到52个股票。 3、重复第2步,只是改变范围要选“M1”,选择周期为“60分钟”,将60分钟的MACD大于0的股选入到“M2”。这样就将60分钟周期的MACD大于0的股票选入到M2板块,目标缩小到45个股票。 4、再重复第2步,只是改变范围要选“M2”,选择周期为“30分钟”,将30分钟的MACD大于0的股选入到“M3”。这样就将30分钟周期的MACD大于0的股票选入到M3板块,目标缩小到43个股票。 5、“指标选股”--“超买超卖型”--“KDJ”,设置条件:J>D,点“改变范围”--“M3”,选择周期为“日线”,再点加入条件,最后点选股入板块,然后新建板块名称:“K1”,点确定,将日周期的KDJ的J大于D的股票选入到K1板块,目标缩小到20个股票。

6、重复第5步,只是改变范围要选“K1”,选择周期为“60分钟”,将60分钟的KDJ的J大于D的股选入到“K2”。这样就将60分钟周期的KDJ的J大于D的股票选入到K2板块,目标缩小到18个股票。 7、再次重复第5步,只是改变范围要选“K2”,选择周期为“30分钟”,将30分钟的KDJ的J大于D的股选入到“K3”。这样就将30分钟周期的KDJ的J大于D的股票选入到K3板块,目标缩小到18个股票。大概看一下,去除不合符上面选股条件的,最后选出14个票,节后盘中关注。 K3板块就是我们需要的自选,别看步奏多,熟练后点来点去非常快,我一般选股不会超过3分钟,而且成功率不错的,不管用什么股票软件。这也是我每日复盘的一个内容,选出票后再仔细分别出重点关注票。要做短线,就不要买短线还在下跌的股票,这样选出来的股票,属与强强联合型,保证有你满意的股票,当然剩下的股票本不多了,再次甄别会很快,最后就看你甄别的能力和盘中买点的把握了。


呈阅件 榕物协综【2009】012号 福州市物业管理协会2009年11月20日 关于福州物业企业经营状况的紧急报告 一、我市物业管理发展的基本状况 随着城市化进程的提速和住房商品化不断推进,福州市从上世纪90年代中期,物业管理行业开始起步并不断发展壮大。 根据初步统计,截至今年上半年,全市已有1690个物业管理项目实施物业管理,总建筑面积达4000多万平方米,占房屋面积的55%左右,其中实施物业管理的住宅小区1186个、办公楼360多个、工业仓储用房80个、其他64个。新建住宅小区物业管理覆盖面达到100%。受益住户100多万家。全市共有435家企业依法取得物业管理企业资质,其中一级资质2家,二级资质13家,三级资质303家,暂定三级资质117家。全市物业管理从业人员近4万人。迄今为止,全市共有物业管理“市优”项目282个,“省优”项目55个,“国优”项目22个,行业产值接近10亿元。据统计,在物业行业基层员工中,农村进城务工人员占52%,复员转业人员占17.8%,下岗职工占6.7%,大中专毕业生占3.8%。物业行业是低端产业,但这个行业的发展,不仅有利于改善人居和工作环境,维护社会和谐稳定,提高城市管理的总体水平,同时对促进第三产业发展,吸收消化城乡剩余劳动力,解决社会就业问题,以及扩大居民住房消费,拉动经济发展等方面都产生着积极的影响和作用。 二、福州物业企业目前的经营状况似乎已经到了“最危险的时候” 十几年来,尽管我市物业管理行业发展迅猛,但行业总体发展前景却令人担忧。今年七月,市物协第三届理事会曾到厦、漳、泉三市考察,发现我市物业行业虽然发展最早,规模也最大,但这两年的状况表明,我们无论在高端企业数量,还是在政府支持方面都已经明显落后。最近俩个月市物协召开八次与三级资质企业共100多位负责人的座谈会,发现这些企业的运营状况十分不妙。 物业管理行业是劳动密集型行业,正常人工成本占了主营收入的70%以上,按一个劳动或管理人员服务2000平方米、收费标准平均为0.80元/平方米.月计(相当部分的旧小区,拆迁安置小区的收费标准只在0、43/平方米·月,有的


利用量比和换手率的选股方法 1、盘整时间:出现大阴线乖离后盘整3-5天 2、均线形态:5日均线走平或上弯或出现底部箱体 3、 K线形态:盘整期K线为小形态,成交量规则,换手率越大越好 4、介入时机:1、突破红线处,2,突破蓝线处。红线处买比划线上买安全,也就是说,买票的时候,越接近5日均线买越安全。 5、分时买点:1、分时图有抗跌大盘迹象。2、分时图有平台盘整或双底图形或小箱体形态。 6、跃过平台:跃过平台的当天一般成交量是前期K线5日均量的2倍以上,成交量越大越好,但如果是出利好消息这样涨就要回避,因为弱市借助利好消息底位出货的也有不少例子。 7、特别提示:一般下跌趋势这样的票,大盘应该也是向下趋势,如果大盘趋势向上。就应该做上升趋势中的个股,做这样的底部盘个股是实在手痒才可以玩一玩,因为突破红线处当天赚到钱,第二天也有可能马上砸下来。所以突破箱体买入后不可恋战,有赚就闪。特别是此方法只适用于大盘和个股下跌行情,该卖就要卖,切记。 8、买股策略:1、突破平台买进 2、突破箱体买入 9、持股策略:1、收盘不破5日均线持股, 3、大赚小赔策略 卖股策略:1、上轨乖离卖股策略 2、放巨量或碰EXPMA17线卖股策略


成交量分析对于股价技术分析而言有很重要的意义,而分析成交量最重要的工具,莫过于对量比和换手率数据的分析,这是研究成交量最有效率的重要秘密武器。下面我们就来详细介绍一下量比和换手率。 量比 从量比指标定义上看,它是当天每分钟平均成交量与前五天内每分钟平均成交量的比,公式是:(当天即时成交量/开盘至今的累计N分钟)/(前五天总成量/1200分钟)。 这个指标所反映出来的是当前盘口的成交力度与最近五天的成交力度的差别,这个差别的值越大表明盘口成交越趋活跃,从某种意义上讲,越能体现主力即时做盘,准备随时展开攻击前蠢蠢欲动的盘口特征。因此量比资料可以说是盘口语言的翻译器,它是超级短线临盘实战洞察主力短时间动向的秘密武器之一。 换手率 计算公式为:换手率=(成交股数/当时的流通股股数)×100%。按时间参数的不同,在使用上又划分为日换手率、周换手率或特定时间区的日均换手率等等。 很高的成交量,并不意味着很高的换手率。大盘股和高价股很容易出现较高的成交量,但考量其交投活跃度则需要借助换手率来进行判断。这就是换手率分析的重要意义。 在具体应用中,换手率过高的确需要加以关注。小盘股换手率在10%以上便处于值得警惕的状态,中盘股在15%左右,大盘股则在20%以上。 在实战中,这二者配合运用,与股价走势进行共同研判,可以非常准确的判断主力意图以及可能的上涨力度,是及时判断阶段性买点和阶段性卖点的非常重要的工具。 量比指标:黑马侦测器
