人物:•A:Alice,女,25岁,学生•B:Bob,男,27岁,工程师•C:Chris,女,24岁,设计师A:Hey, guys! It’s great to see you both here. How have you been?B:Hey, Alice! I’ve been good. How about you? You look fantastic today.A:Thanks, Bob! I’ve been busy with my studies lately, but I’m doing well. Chris, how about you?C:Hey, Alice and Bob! I’ve been working on a new project, so I’ve been a bit stressed out. But it’s nice to take a break and hang out with you guys.B:That sounds exciting, Chris. What kind of project are you working on?C:I’m designing a new website for a client. It’s been challenging, but I’m enjoying the process. How about you, Bob? How’s work?B:Work has been hectic as usual, but I’m managing. By the way, hav e you guys tried the new coffee here? It’s amazing!A:I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ll definitely give it a shot. Chris, do you want to order some for us?C:Sure, I’ll go order. What would you like to have, Bob and Alice?B:I’ll have a cappuccino, please.A:I’ll have a latte, thanks.C:Got it! I’ll be back in a minute.A:So, Bob, have you made any plans for the weekend?B:Not yet, I’m thinking of going hiking. How about you, Alice?A:I’m planning to catch up on my reading. Chris, what about you?C:I’m meeti ng some friends for dinner on Saturday. It should be fun.A:Sounds great! Let’s plan to meet up again next week.B:Definitely! I always enjoy our coffee chats.C:Me too! It’s nice to unwind and have a good time with you guys.A:Alright, here comes Chris with our drinks. Cheers to good friends and good times!(他们举起杯子,一起喝了一口)(过了一会,他们继续愉快的交谈)这是一个简单的三人日常交流口语对话,通过轻松的对话展现了三位朋友之间的友谊和互动。
聚会的英语口语关于聚会的英语口语有人常会觉得小孩子学语言学得比大人快, 为什麽呢? 因为小孩子学语言不像我们死记文法, 苦背单字. 他们就是用所谓的 "pick up", 看在什麽场合, 别人用什麽字, 就一个一个把它记下来.这样子的方法, 可以让你很容易地把所学到的句子和当时的场合联想在一起, 的效果也就特别快.我来到美国, 我也把自己当作是一个小孩子, 到处 pick up 我所能听到的字, 然後忠实地加以记录. 我想这样子的话会让你的英文很道地, 而不会常犯一些Chinese English 的错误. 这集让我们来看看和朋友聚会时可以学到哪些说法.1. Are you alone?你是一个人来吗?各位有没有这样的经验, 把一句话直接从中文翻成英文结果怎麽听也不顺, 後来听老美一说, 才恍然大悟, 原来这麽简单啊? 我自己就常有这样的感觉. 像这句话, 我自己的直觉反应会说成: Are you only one person? 或是 Do you come here by yourself? 其实老美简简单单用alone 一个字就可以代表你好几个字.!所以如果你去叁加一个舞会, 看到你想邀舞的对象, 最好先问一声Are you alone? 免得到时候怎麽被人扁了都不知道.另外你去买票, 售票员问你是不是只买一张票, 有时他也会问 Are you alone?2. No,I lost my buddies!我找不到我的朋友了!这是另一个很容易说成 Chinese English 的句子, 如果你说 I can''t find my friend, 我想老外也是听的懂, 只不过听来就没那麽顺就是了! buddy 指的就是好朋友.所以你可以说 I lost my friends.lost 这个动词可能大家不太会用, 除了丢掉以外, 还有不少用法, 例如我迷糊了, 可以说 I am lost, 或是像有时我们把汤匙滑到碗 , 这个动词也可以用 lost, 例如 I lost my spoon in the bowl.3. Are you guys OK?你们都还好吧?通常你去别人家玩, 主人有时看你太无聊就会走过来问你, Are you guys OK? 或是你去餐厅用餐时侍者也常会走过来过你, Are you guys OK? 当然这就只是一种礼貌性地询问, 看看你有没有需要些什麽东西.在美国他们常把 you guys 连用. 即使是对方是有男有女或是全部都是女的, 也可以这样说, 加上 guys 似乎只是让句子更顺畅, 并没有其它的含意. 再造一句, Do you guys want to go with us? 有没有加guys 都是一样的, 另外值得一提的是, 这种说法一般认为是北方的说法, 在南方有另一种说法, you''ll = you all. 例如他们会说, How are you''ll doing. (这个 you''ll 不是未来式, 而是 you all) 但是其实我觉得 you guys 还是比较普遍.4. I heard the nature''s call.我听到自然的呼唤.举凡各种生理上的反应我们都可以称它是 nature''s call, 如想上厕所, 肚子饿, 或是看到美女, 你都可以自嘲,I heard the nature''s call. 所以端视不同的情况而有不同的意思. 但是一般情况下比较常用的还是指上厕所比较多. 一般人不会讲很长一串 I heard the narture''s call, 他们大多就只说, nature''s calling! 那你多半就知道他想去上厕所了.5. Can you be more specific?能不能再明确一些?如果有人说 I heard the nature''s call, 可是你并不是很清楚对方指的是哪一点, 你就可以这麽说, Can you be more specific? 就是希望对方讲得再明确一点. 又或者是人家跟你约今晚吃饭, 可是没说时间地点, 你也可以这样问, Can you be a little bit more specific? 就是请对方详细说明一下时间, 地点, 或是晚饭之後要作什麽活动之类的.另外一些类似的讲法, 例如听不太懂时对方所指为何是你可以直接问 What do you mean? 若是去吃饭的`那个例子, 你也可以说 Can you tell me more details?6. Everybody picks up whatever you want.每个人拿任何你们想要的东西.在老美家吃饭, 一般都是buffet 的型式, 一人一个盘子, 要吃什麽自己拿.所以开动了, 主人就会说, Everybody picks up whatever you want.个人感觉, whatever 一般我们都不太会用, 其实 whatever 就相当於 "随便什麽都可以" 的意思.还有这他们用 pick up 这个动词我觉得也值得学一学.7. I bought a cake about this big!我买了一个蛋糕大约有这麽大.讲这句话的时候记得要跟手势一起用, 所以如果不会形容一个东西有多大, 就把这句拿来变化一下就可以了! 因为在中文要形容一个蛋糕有多大, 你可以说我买了一个几的蛋糕别人立刻就懂了, 但是美国的蛋糕都是长方形的, 再加上他们都是用英, 所以你要一边想英文还要一边作单位换算!这简直就是mission impossible 说.所以有时老美自己也用比的比较快! 像那天他们买了一个蛋糕一个黑人就说, I bought a cake about this big! 或是可以说 I bought a cake like this big.除了big 之外你也可以换成其它形容词, 例如, I have a brother about this tall. 这样不也就蒙混过关了吗? 不过这句话有一个缺点, 就是讲电话时不能用, 因为讲电话时不能比动作, 比了对方也看不到.8. He dances like an animal他跳舞跳很疯狂.老美喜欢把跳舞的人说是 dance like animals 喜欢开 party 的人称作 party animals. 大概是因为这些人精力充沛, 像是动物一样. 记得有一次老美就对我说, Come out with us, you party animal! 听来很有意思吧!我觉得老美是很喜欢跳舞的, 每到周末, Bar 面就挤满了跳舞的人潮.明明面空气很污浊, 空间又很挤, 大家还是拼命要往头挤.不过跳舞的人虽多, 要被人家说成跳舞像动物, 非要精力充沛, 跳起舞来一点儿也不累才行.记得上次 Swing Dancing Party 就有人跟我说 You dances like an animal! 可见我跳起舞来也是蛮疯狂的.9. Do you have a good time today?今天玩的高兴吗?几乎每次我和老美出去, 他们回家前几乎都一定会问这句, Do you have a good time today? 就怕你今天玩的不高兴.当然礼貌上不论好不好玩, 我都会说, Yes, I really have a great time today. 这样就可算是宾主尽欢了.10. I''ll walk you out.我带你出去.上次跟他们一起玩, 我说我要回家了, 我朋友就跟我说, I''ll walk you out. 也就是我送你出去的意思. 不过有趣的一点是, 美国溜狗也用walk 这个动词, 例如我去溜我的狗英文叫, I want to walk my dog. 所以 I walk you out 听来不是有点我溜你出去的意思呢?Happy Valentine''s Day!【关于聚会的英语口语】。
以下是一些吃饭时常用的英语口语表达:1. 点餐时,你可以说:- "Excuse me, may I see the menu, please?"(打扰一下,我可以看一下菜单吗?)- "I'd like to order, please."(我想点餐。
)- "Could you recommend something?"(你能推荐一些菜吗?)2. 如果你对食物有特殊要求,可以说:- "I'm allergic to seafood."(我对海鲜过敏。
)- "I'm a vegetarian."(我是素食者。
)- "Can I have it without garlic, please?"(可以不加大蒜吗?)3. 当服务员上菜时,你可以表示感谢:- "Thank you for bringing the food."(谢谢你上菜。
)- "This looks delicious."(看起来很好吃。
)4. 用餐时,如果你需要额外的服务,可以说:- "Could I have some more water, please?"(可以再给我一些水吗?)- "I'd like a refill, please."(我想要续杯。
)- "Could you pass the salt, please?"(可以递给我盐吗?)5. 如果你对食物满意,可以表达赞赏:- "This is really good."(这个真的很好吃。
)- "The food is excellent."(食物非常出色。
关于聚会的英语口语有人常会觉得小孩子学语言学得比大人快, 为什麽呢? 因为小孩子学语言不像我们死记文法, 苦背单字. 他们就是用 "pick up", 看在什麽场合, 别人用什麽字, 就一个一个把它记下来.这样子的方法, 可以让你很容易地把所学到的句子和当时的场合联想在一起, 的效果也就特别快.我来到美国, 我也把自己当作是一个小孩子, 到处 pick up 我所能听到的字, 然後忠实地加以记录. 我想这样子的话会让你的英文很道地, 而不会常犯一些Chinese English 的错误. 这集让我们来看看和朋友聚会时可以学到哪些说法.各位有没有这样的经历, 把一句话直接从中文翻成英文结果怎麽听也不顺, 後来听老美一说, 才恍然大悟, 原来这麽简单啊? 我自己就常有这样的感觉. 像这句话, 我自己的直觉反响会说成: Are you only one person? 或是 Do you e here by yourself? 其实老美简简单单用 alone 一个字就可以代表你好几个字.!所以如果你去叁加一个舞会, 看到你想邀舞的对象, 最好先问一声 Are you alone? 免得到时候怎麽被人扁了都不知道.另外你去买票, 售票员问你是不是只买一张票, 有时他也会问 Are you alone?这是另一个很容易说成 Chinese English 的句子, 如果你说 I can''t find my friend, 我想老外也是听的懂, 只不过听来就没那麽顺就是了! buddy 指的就是好朋友.所以你可以说 I lost my friends.lost 这个动词可能大家不太会用, 除了丢掉以外, 还有不少用法, 例如我迷糊了, 可以说 I am lost, 或是像有时我们把汤匙滑到碗 , 这个动词也可以用 lost, 例如 I lost my spoon in the bowl.通常你去别人家玩, 主人有时看你太无聊就会走过来问你, Are you guys OK? 或是你去餐厅用餐时侍者也常会走过来过你, Are you guys OK? 当然这就只是一种礼貌性地询问, 看看你有没有需要些什麽东西.在美国他们常把 you guys 连用. 即使是对方是有男有女或是全部都是女的, 也可以这样说, 加上 guys 似乎只是让句子更顺畅, 并没有其它的含意. 再造一句, Do you guys want to go with us? 有没有加 guys 都是一样的, 另外值得一提的是, 这种说法一般认为是北方的说法, 在南方有另一种说法, you''ll = you all. 例如他们会说, How are you''ll doing. (这个 you''ll 不是未来式, 而是 you all) 但是其实我觉得 you guys 还是比拟普遍.举凡各种生理上的反响我们都可以称它是 nature''s call, 如想上厕所, 肚子饿, 或是看到美女, 你都可以自嘲,I heard the nature''s call. 所以端视不同的情况而有不同的意思. 但是一般情况下比拟常用的还是指上厕所比拟多. 一般人不会讲很长一串 I heard the narture''s call, 他们大多就只说, nature''scalling! 那你多半就知道他想去上厕所了.如果有人说 I heard the nature''s call, 可是你并不是很清楚对方指的是哪一点, 你就可以这麽说, Can you be more specific? 就是希望对方讲得再明确一点. 又或者是人家跟你约今晚吃饭, 可是没说时间地点, 你也可以这样问, Can you be alittle bit more specific? 就是请对方详细说明一下时间, 地点, 或是晚饭之後要作什麽活动之类的.另外一些类似的讲法, 例如听不太懂时对方所指为何是你可以直接问 What do you mean? 假设是去吃饭的那个例子, 你也可以说Can you tell me more details?在老美家吃饭, 一般都是 buffet 的型式, 一人一个盘子, 要吃什麽自己拿.所以开动了, 主人就会说, Everybody picks up whatever you want.个人感觉, whatever 一般我们都不太会用, 其实 whatever 就相当於 "随便什麽都可以" 的意思.还有这他们用pick up 这个动词我觉得也值得学一学.讲这句话的时候记得要跟手势一起用, 所以如果不会形容一个东西有多大, 就把这句拿来变化一下就可以了! 因为在中文要形容一个蛋糕有多大, 你可以说我买了一个几的蛋糕别人立刻就懂了, 但是美国的蛋糕都是长方形的, 再加上他们都是用英 , 所以你要一边想英文还要一边作单位换算!这简直就是 mission impossible 说.所以有时老美自己也用比的比拟快! 像那天他们买了一个蛋糕一个黑人就说, I bought a cake about this big! 或是可以说 I bought a cake like this big.除了 big 之外你也可以换成其它形容词, 例如, I have a brother about this tall. 这样不也就蒙混过关了吗? 不过这句话有一个缺点, 就是讲时不能用, 因为讲时不能比动作, 比了对方也看不到.老美喜欢把跳舞的人说是 dance like animals 喜欢开 party 的人称作 party animals. 大概是因为这些人精力充分, 像是动物一样. 记得有一次老美就对我说, Come out with us, you party animal! 听来很有意思吧!我觉得老美是很喜欢跳舞的, 每到周末, Bar 面就挤满了跳舞的人潮.明明面空气很污浊, 空间又很挤, 大家还是拼命要往头挤.不过跳舞的人虽多, 要被人家说成跳舞像动物, 非要精力充分, 跳起舞来一点儿也不累才行.记得上次 Swing Dancing Party 就有人跟我说 You dances like an animal! 可见我跳起舞来也是蛮疯狂的.几乎每次我和老美出去, 他们回家前几乎都一定会问这句, Do you have a good time today? 就怕你今天玩的不快乐.当然礼貌上不管好不好玩, 我都会说, Yes, I really have a great time today. 这样就可算是宾主尽欢了.上次跟他们一起玩, 我说我要回家了, 我朋友就跟我说, I''ll walk you out. 也就是我送你出去的意思. 不过有趣的一点是, 美国溜狗也用 walk 这个动词, 例如我去溜我的狗英文叫, I want to walk my dog. 所以 I walk you out 听来不是有点我溜你出去的意思呢?Happy Valentine''s Day!。
第一个是:stag party。
由此能够推测stag party就是由清一色男士们参加的聚会,女性一律谢绝。
Stag party的内容能够是打扑克,一起看拳击赛或者足球赛。
有时候stag party在新郎举行婚礼的前夜举行,纪念他告别单身生活。
例句1: I don't feel so good this morning. I gave my brother a stag party last night because he's getting married today and we stayed out too late and had too much to drink.他说,我今天早上不太舒服。
Stag party 就是男性的聚会。
stag party 排斥女性,不免引起女性的不快,而妇女们也有针锋相对的一手。
这就是我们要学的下一个习惯用语:Hen party。
我想很多人已经猜出hen party指的是甚么样的聚会,当然是妇女聚会了,换句话说,hen party全是女性参加。
例句2: I'll be home tonight to take care of the kids because Susan has a hen party with the women she went to college with. Friday it's my turn - I'm going to a stag party to play poker.他说:我今晚得在家照顾孩子,因为Susan要去参加以前大学女同学的妇女聚会。
1. 旅行情景对话:A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the nearest train station?B: Sure, just go straight ahead and turn left at the second intersection. You'll see it on your right.A: Thank you so much!2. 饭店情景对话:A: Good evening, do you have a reservation?B: Yes, under the name of Smith.A: Perfect, your table is ready. Please follow me.3. 购物情景对话:A: Can I help you find anything?B: I'm looking for a pair of running shoes in size 9.A: We have various options. Would you like to try them on?4. 社交聚会情景对话:A: Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Emma.B: Hi Emma, I'm Mark. How do you know the host?A: We used to work together. What about you?5. 商务谈判情景对话:A: We're interested in purchasing your products for our company. Can you provide a quote?B: Of course. Could you please let me know the quantity you require?A: We're looking to place an initial order of 500 units.以上只是一些常见情景的对话示例。
相约酒吧常用商务英语口语日常中经常会接触到相约去酒吧聚餐的情况,以下是给大家整理的关于相约酒吧常用商务英语口语,希望可以帮到大家关于相约酒吧常用商务英语口语一一):Ill see you home after the party.聚会完了以后,我送你回家。
Ill see you home after the party.聚会完了以后,我送你回家。
Oh, its so nice of you.哦,你真是太好了。
Lets have one more drink, and then Ill take you back home.咱们再喝一杯,然后我就送你回家去。
Let me drive you home. Its late now.让我开车送你回家吧。
(二):Do you accept credit card?我能用信用卡结账吗?Do you accept credit card?我能用信用卡结账吗?Yes, sir.先生,可以的。
Can I pay with credit card?我能用信用卡结账吗?Waiter, bill, please.服务员,买单。
Waiter I want to pay mv bill.服务员,我想买单。
Lets toast to our friendship.让我们为我们的友谊千杯。
Lets drink a toast to Mike.为我们的迈克举杯。
To our friendship and health. 让我们为友谊和健康干杯。
(二):Im two ahead of you.我比你多喝了两杯呢。
Im drunk.我喝醉了。
Come on. Im two ahead of you. 行了。
You had drunk a lot.你喝多了。
Could I have a menu, please?May I see your menu, please?I'd like to see a menu, please.有日语的菜单吗?Do you have a menu in Japanese?May I see a menu in Japanese?Do you have a Japanese menu?请给我看一下酒单。
May I see the wine list, please?你们都有些什么葡萄酒?What kind of wine do you have?What kind of wine do you have available?点菜吗?/您来点点儿什么?May I take your order?May I take your order? (您来点儿什么?) Well, let's see... (唔,让我想想……)What would you like?What will you have?Are you ready to order yet? (可以点菜了吗?) 有什么菜可以推荐的吗? What do you recommend?What do you recommend? (有什么菜可以推荐的吗?)The seafood is good here. (我们店的海鲜很可口。
)What do you think I should order?What is your suggestion?What do you think is the best?What do you suggest I order?我想要和那个一样的。
Can I have the same as that?Can I have the same as that? (我想要和那个一样的。
)Sure, no problem. (好的,没问题。
【导语】去过国外,难免要跟外国盆友们好好联谊的啦!亲们,⼀起去聚会豪吃的时候,可不能做哑巴哎!基本的会话表达还是要会滴!下⾯是由整理的有关吃饭英语⼝语句⼦,⼀起来了解下吧!【篇⼀】有关吃饭英语⼝语句⼦ 1. 这附近有餐厅吗?Is there a restaurant near here? 2.我能看⼀下菜单吗?May I have the menu, please? 3.我可以要杯⽔吗?Can I have a glass of water, please? 4.今天的推荐菜是什么?What's your today's special? 5.我要⼀碗蔬菜汤、⽜排和沙拉。
I'd like a vegetable soup, steak and salad. 6. 对不起,这不是我点的菜。
Excuse me, this is not what I ordered. 7.我⼀⼝也吃不下了。
I couldn't eat another bite. 8.请问有吸烟区吗?Do you have a smoking area? 9.味道真不错。
The food is delicious. 10.我吃了⼀个汉堡,⼀个炸鸡腿。
I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg. 11.这⾥买⼀下单吧。
Could I have the bill, please? 12.今天我请客。
I'll pick up the check. 13.我们AA吧。
Shall we split the check?【篇⼆】吃饭常⽤的英语句⼦P> 1.What kind of food do you prefer? 你喜欢哪⼀种菜? 2.Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中国菜吗? 3.What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American? 你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的? 4.Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is ? 请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪⾥? 5.Do you know where I can get a quick snack? 你知道哪⾥有快餐可吃? 6.What would you have for dinner? 你要吃什么? 7.What would you like to order? 你要点些什么菜? 8.Have you ordered yet? 你点过菜了吗? 9.No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later. 还没有,我在等⼀位朋友,稍后再点 10.What would you recommend? 请你推荐⼀些好菜好吗? 11.Whats your today’s special? 今天的特⾊菜是什么? 12.I would like to have something simple. 我想吃些简单的东西。
下面为大家带来常用基本英语口语对话,欢迎大家阅读学习!常用基本英语口语表达:A: How are you? 你好吗?B: Fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢!A: How are you doing? 你好吗?B: Not bad. 还可以.A: What's you hoppy? 你的爱好是什么?B: I like reading. 我喜欢阅读.A: Where is your home? 你的家在哪?B: It is near our school. 在我们的学校附近.A: What is the weather? 天气怎么样?B: It is raining. 天正在下雨.A: Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!B: Nice to meet to you too! 认识你我也很高兴!A: Good morning. 早上好.B: Good morning. 早上好.A: Good afternoon. 下午好.B: Good afternoon. 下午好.A: Good evening. 晚上好.B: Good evening. 晚上好.A: How old are you? 你多大了?B: I am ten years old. 我十岁.A: Enjoy your time! 祝你玩的开心!B: Thank you. 谢谢.A: Please sit down. 请坐.B: Thanks. 谢谢A: What time is it now? 现在几点?B: It is nine o'clock. 现在九点.常用基本英语口语对话:问路A: excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?B: sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there. A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t?B: yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?A: yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?B: that’s right. Drive back to the traffic rights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t missit. Turn left at the hotel.A: so, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.B; then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.A; ok. Got it. Thanks for you help.B: no problem.常用基本英语口语对话:聚会A: are you going to helen’s birthday party on Friday evening?B: I wouldn’t miss it for the world! It’s sure to be fun. She’s invited a lot of people. Do you thind everyone will be able to get into her house?A: if everyone turned up, it would be a squeeze, but a feww people said that they couldn’t go, so I think it should be ok?B: are you taking anything?A: I’ve got her a birthday present and I’ll take a bottle fo wine too.B: that’s a good idea. She told she had bought plenty of food and snacks. I think it’s going to be a noisy party. I hope her neihbours don’t mind too much.A: helen gets on very well with her neighours. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went to the party too.B: I’m ready looking forward to it. This party is going to be a blast!A: well, don’t be late. I’ll see you on Friday at helen’s.常用基本英语口语对话。
【篇⼀】参加聚会的英语⼝语表达 I'm just browsing.我只是随便看看。
在美国逛街买⾐服,"I'm just browsing."和"I'm just looking."这两句⼀定要先学会。
因为⼀般当你⾛进⼀家店时,⼩姐们通常都会⾛过来亲切地和你打招呼,问你"May I help you?"(需要帮忙吗?)或是"Are you looking for something?"(你想找什么⾐服吗?)如果你只是想随便看⼀看,不妨客⽓地跟她说声,"I'mjustbrowsing."或是"I'mjustlooking."这样⼦她们就不会继续纠缠下去,会让你在店⾥随便逛。
May I try this on?我能试穿这⼀件吗? 在美国⼤部份卖⾐服的地⽅都是允许试穿的,所以通常要是我看上了某件⾐服,我通常就直接拿去试穿了,不会再画蛇添⾜地问说,"May I try this on?"要是不知道试⾐间在哪⾥的话,则可以问店员,"Where is the fitting room?"(试⾐间在哪⾥?) Your clothes don't match.你的⾐服看起来不搭配。
"Clothes don't match."指的是⾐服不搭配,可能是颜⾊的不搭配或是样式的不搭配。
当然我们也可以更明确地指出是哪两件⾐服不搭配,例如你朋友想买⼀件红⾊的上⾐,你可以警告她,"This red top and your pants don't match."或是"This red top doesn't match your pants."意思就是你这件红⾊的上⾐跟你的裤⼦不搭配。
以下是由⽆忧考整理的关于聚会的英语⼝语对话,赶紧来看看吧!【篇⼀】关于聚会的英语⼝语对话 Ruby : Let’s have our lunch , my friends . Help yourselves . Linda : The fish smells so delicious . Have you learned cooking ? Ruby : Thank you . I just learnt it from my mother . She does well in cooking . May : I like the fruit salad . It looks so tasty . Lucy : I prefer the vegetable soup . It tastes light and fresh . Ruby : I bought the spinach and the eggs this morning . Have more ,please . Linda : OK , today is Lucy’s birthday . We meet here for our getting-together . Ruby : Let’s cut the cake . May you happy birthday , Lucy . Linda : Please make a wish . Lucy : I wish ……Thanks for your company and wishes . I’m so happy today . Ruby : Let’s say we’ll hold our birthday parties at home from today . Home party is so interesting . 鲁⽐:开放了朋友们。
let’s的用法总结一、基本介绍"Let's"(缩写形式)是英语中常见的短语,全称为"let us"。
二、用于提出建议或邀请1. 提出建议当你想向他人提供一个你认为是一个很好的主意或行动时,可以使用“Let's”。
例如:- Let's go for a walk in the park.我们去公园散散步吧。
- Let's try the new restaurant downtown.我们去市区尝试一下那家新餐厅吧。
2. 邀请参与活动当你想要邀请他人与你一同参与某项活动时,“Let's”是个非常有用的短语。
例如:- Let's go to the movies tonight.今晚我们去看电影吧。
- Let's have a picnic this weekend.这个周末我们去野餐吧。
三、应对不同场景1. 在朋友聚会上在朋友聚会时,你可以使用“Let's”来提出活动建议,增加交流互动的乐趣。
例如:- Let's play a game of charades.我们来玩个动作字谜游戏吧。
- Let's have a karaoke session tonight.今晚我们来唱卡拉OK吧。
2. 在工作环境中在工作环境中,“Let's”可以使团队合作更加融洽,并鼓励大家一同解决问题。
例如:- Let's brainstorm ideas for the upcoming project.让我们为即将到来的项目集思广益。
- Let's work together to finish this report on time.让我们共同努力按时完成这个报告。
社交场合的英语在社交场合中,以下是一些常用的英语表达:1.Greetings and Introductions(问候与介绍)1.Hello! / Hi!2.Good morning/afternoon/evening.3.Nice to meet you.4.It's nice to see you again.5.I'm [Your Name]. Pleased to meet you.6.This is my friend, [Friend's Name].2.Conversation Starters(聊天开场白)0.What's new?1.How have you been?2.How's everything?3.How's life been treating you?4.Did you have a good weekend?3.Responding to Questions(回答问题)0.I've been good, thanks.1.Everything's been fine.2.It's been busy, but good.3.Yes, I had a great weekend. We went to...4.Expressing Interests and Hobbies(表达兴趣和爱好)0.I'm really interested in [Topic/Hobby].1.Do you enjoy [Activity]?2.I love [Activity]. Have you tried it?5.Invitations and Responses(邀请与回应)0.Would you like to join us for [Activity/Event]?1.That sounds great! I'd love to.2.I'm sorry, but I can't make it. I have anothercommitment.3.Thanks for inviting me, but I'm not sure if I can make it.pliments and Responses(赞美与回应)0.You look great!1.Thank you for [Gift/Favor]. It's really nice.2.You did a great job on [Project/Task].3.Thanks. I'm glad you like it.7.Leaving and Saying Goodbye(离开与道别)0.It was nice meeting you.1.It was a pleasure spending time with you.2.We should do this again soon.3.Goodbye! / See you later! / Have a great day!记住,在社交场合中使用英语时,保持友好、礼貌和真诚的态度非常重要。
参加酒会的常用英语口语A:It's a nice dinner.I am so thankful and excited. B:You are welcome.Are you used to the hot and spicy food?A:No problems.You know,in Sichuan Province,we have very hot food.B:Really?Is it the hot-pot?A:Yes,you are right.Have you ever tasted it?B:Once.It is really so hot that I cannot bear it. A:But you can have your own choice.B:Well.Forget it.But today,you will try my cooking. A:That is why I am here.I am eager to have a try. B:Go ahead.Hope you will enjoy it.A:I will certainly enjoy it.See,the colour of the food.And it smells delicious.B:I am glad you like it.酒会,是一种经济简便与轻松活泼的招待形式。
以下是由整理的各种聚会类型的英语⼝语表达,希望对你们有帮助!【篇⼀】各种聚会类型的英语⼝语表达 1.Family party 家庭聚会 春节很多⼈都要回家团聚,家庭聚会⾃然少不了。
Family party多⽤于与家⼈聚在⼀起。
Eg. Family party makes me feel the warmth of family. 家庭聚会让我感受到家的温暖。
2.Annual dinner 年会 年底不⽌有家庭聚会,公司也会有年会。
Annual就是“每年的、年度的”意思,⼤部分公司年会都是安排在晚餐,可能还会有lucky draw(抽奖)环节。
Eg. I make the acquaintance of many colleagues in this annual dinner. 今年年会上,我认识了很多新同事。
3.Bachelor party 单⾝派对 这也是很多⼈经常参加的⼀种聚会。
Bachelor是单⾝的意思,通常⽤的⽐较多的还有single party,也是单⾝派对的意思。
除此之外,还有a stag party(男⼦婚前单⾝派对)和a hen party(⼥⼦婚前单⾝派对)。
Eg. I hope I can find the right person at the bachelor party tomorrow. 希望明天的单⾝派对上我能找到⼼仪的对象。
4.Housewarming party 乔迁派对 通常在搬到新家之后,我们都会办⼀个乔迁派对庆祝⼀下。
参加派对的⼈还要给屋主送上⼀份Housewarming present(恭贺乔迁之喜的礼物)。
Eg. Tom decided to throw a luxurious housewarming party at this Saturday. 汤姆决定在这个星期六办⼀个豪华的乔迁派对。
- Meet up with friends:这个短语是最常用的表达方式之一,意思是与朋友见面、聚会或约会。
- Get together with friends:这个短语的意思是与朋友聚在一起,通常用于计划或描述社交活动。
- Join friends:这个短语意味着加入朋友的行列,与他们一起进行某个活动或聚会。
- Hook up with friends:这个短语比较口语化,常用于描述与朋友约定见面或聚会的情况。
- Catch up with friends:这个短语的意思是与朋友见面并交流,通常用于长时间没有见面的情况下。
例如,如果你要与朋友在一个特定的地点汇合,可以说"Meet up with friends at the park"或"Get together with friends at the coffee shop"。
此外,你还可以使用一些更具体的词汇来描述与朋友汇合的情境,例如"Meet for lunch"(一起吃午饭)、"Have a drink together"(一起喝一杯)、"Go out for dinner"(出去吃晚饭)等。
职场英语口语900句:部门聚会A: Salas,could you arrange a department party on Friday evening?B: No problem.I will order tables and meals.A: Do not forget to give me the list of our guests.B: Ok.It'll be ready soon.生日聚会 birthday partyA: Today is Tom's birthday, could we have a party in our department?B: Yes,we could. We're planning to have a birthday party for everyone in our department.欢迎会 welcome partyA: Mr.Smith will come to our department to instruct us in the experiment.B: Let's hold a party to welcome him.部门所有员工 staff in the departmentA: Congratulations for the success of your business strategy.B: Thank you very much. The Staff in our department appreciate your suggestions.感谢你们对我们工作的支持。
Thank you for supporting us.A: Welcome to our engineering department party. Thank you for supporting us.B: Thank you for inviting us. Let's raise a glass to the success of engineering department.每个人都很尽兴。
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Sam: this party rocks!
Roy: you said it. Good beer, good music, and on top pf that, there are so many hot girls here!
S: I'm with you on that. Check out that one over there. I think I;m in love!
R: well, she's alright, but not really my cup of tea. What about the blond with the red dress?
S: oh, that's Janice. She's just new in town. You have a thing for blonds, eh?
R: yeah! She could do anything she wants with me!
S: I bet. Why not go over and talk to her? She's really nice.
R: I don't think so. I get so nervous talking to girls. I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool. Besides, she is way out of my league.
S: come on! Man up! You'll never know until you try.
R: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game.
S: all right. But I think you ought to move soon.
R: why?
S: I can see five other guys eying her up.
R: okay, here I go!
S: good luck!
Party / party hard 聚会、尽情玩乐
We partied all last weekend.
They party hard every weekend.
Have a wild weekend 周末玩得很嗨
The students had a bit of a wild weekend and didn’t recover until Wednesday.
Let your hair down 放松心情尽情玩耍
I like letting my hair down at the weekend because I study hard all week.
Stay up all night 熬夜
They went out on Saturday and stayed up all night.
Right up my street 正合我意
The hiphop is right up my street.
Up for a laugh 想要玩乐
Other people at the party were up for a laugh.
Electric (气氛)活跃
The atmosphere of the ball room is very electric.
Fancy-dress 有主题的服装(用于那些主题舞会,比如万圣节舞会)
The fancy-dress for a halloween party is probably witch hat and pumpkins1. 万圣节舞会的主题服装很有可能是女巫帽和南瓜。
Family gathering2 家庭聚会
Family gathering is one of the best times in the year.
Cocktail3 party 鸡尾酒舞会
You have to dress up for the cocktail party.
Ball 正式舞会
We have to leave at 5 if we want to be on time for the ball. 如果我们不想在舞会迟到的话,我们五点就得出发。
Drink-up 在酒吧的聚会
You can dress up casually4 at a drink-up.
Dinner dance 舞会(比较老式的那种,一般都跳华尔兹)
A:Are you going to Helen's birthday party on Friday evening?
B:I wouldn't miss it for the world!It's sure to be fun. She's invited a lot of people.Do you think everyone will be able to get into her house?
A:If everyone turned up, it would be a squeeze. But a few people said that they couldn't go.So I think it should be OK?
B:Are you bringing anything?
A:I've got her a birthday present and I'll take a bottle of wine, too.
B:That's a good idea. She told me that she had bought plenty of food and snacks.I think it's going to be a noisy party.I hope her neighbors don't mind too much.
A:Helen gets on very well with her neighbors. I wouldn't be surprised if they went to the party, too.
B:I'm really looking forward to it. This party is going to be a blast!
A:Well, don't be late. I'll see you on Friday at Helen's.