A Note on Denavit-Hartenberg Notation in Robotics



第 3 页 共 12 页


勿 泄

4. 机器人机械结构由三大部分组成:机身、臂部(含手腕) 、手部。 5. 机身往往具有升降、回转及俯仰三个自由度。 6. 臂部设计的基本要求:手臂应该具有足够的承载能力和刚度;导向性要好; 重量和转动惯量要小;运动要平稳、定位精度要高。 7.工业机器人手部的特点:手部与手腕相连处可拆卸;手部是末端操作器;手部 的通用性比较差;手部是一个独立的部件。 8. 工业机器人吸附式手部结构一般有磁力吸附式和真空吸附式两种。 9.工业机器人行走机构主要有车轮式、步行式、履带式等形式。

机械系统:机器人的足、腿、手、臂、腰及关节等,它是机器人运动和完成某项 任务所必不可少的组成部分。 驱动系统:用来有效地驱动执行机构的装置,通常采用液压、电气和气压,有直 接驱动和间接驱动二种方式。 控制系统: 是机器人的核心, 它负责对机器人的运动和各种动作控制及对环境的 识别。 感知系统:是机器人获取环境信息的工具,如视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、力觉、 滑觉和接近觉传感器等,它们的功能相当于人的眼、耳、鼻、皮肤及筋骨。 现代工业机器人的控制器都是由计算机控制系统组成,控制方式主要有示教 再现、可编程控制、遥控和自主控制等多种方式。 5. 机器人系统的工作原理 机器人系统实际上是一个典型的机电一体化系统,其工作原理为:控制系统发出
工作空间: 表示机器人的工作范围,是机器人运动时手臂末端或手腕中心所能达 到的所有点的集合,也成为工作区域。 最大工作速度: 有的厂家指工业机器人主要自由度上最大的稳定速度,有的厂家 指手臂末端最大的合成速度,通常都会在技术参数中加以说明。 承载能力:指机器人在工作范围内的任何位姿上所能承受的最大质量。

机械臂 解算

机械臂 解算























1 工业机器人校准模型
工业机器人的校准过程包括系统建模、 数据测量、 参数辨识和误差补偿[6] , 即: 通过建立工业机器人的 校准模型, 应用校准方法获取机器人末端执行器的实
· 2 · 综合评述
2021 年第 41 卷第 3 期
际位姿, 然后应用参数辨识方法获得具体的参数变化
规律[7 -8] , 之后进行参数补偿以达到提高其末端定位
工业机器人的长期使用可能导致其精度因磨损而 降低, 另外连杆长度、 连杆工具坐标系的定义偏差等 因素会导致工业机器人的位姿产生偏移, 也会对工业 机器人的使用精度造成极大影响。 目前, 解决上述问 题的主要方法是通过构建工业机器人的误差模型对工 业机器人进行误差补偿, 并完成工业机器人的校准[5] 。 但是, 目前国内工业机器人标准与校准规范尚不完善,
仅制定了 GB / T 12642 - 2013 《 工业机器人性能规范及 其试验方法》, 该标准主要定义了工业机器人的性能规 范及其试验方法。 目前国内还没有针对工业机器人末 端执行器绝对定位精度的相关校准规范, 因此开展工 业机器人末端执行器的校准与补偿方法研究十分重要。
本文首先介绍了工业机器人的校准模型, 在分析 和总结工业机器人的几何参数误差及运动学模型的基 础上, 从校准方法和补偿方法两个方面对工业机器人 的校准技术进行梳理, 并总结未来工业机器人校准技 术的发展趋势, 为未来工业机器人在线校准与误差补 偿规范标准的制定提供参考。
px = fpx ( X1 ,X2 ,X3 ,X4 ,X5 ,X6 )
py = fpy ( X1 ,X2 ,X3 ,X4 ,X5 ,X6 )
pz = fpz( X1 ,X2 ,X3 ,X4 ,X5 ,X6 )
ωx = fωx ( X1 ,X2 ,X3 ,X4 ,X5 ,X6 )



dh表示法角度方向一、什么是dh表示法角度方向1.1 dh表示法概述dh表示法(Denavit-Hartenberg表示法)是机器人学中常用的一种坐标系描述方法,用于描述机器人的关节结构和运动学特性。


1.2 dh表示法角度方向的定义在dh表示法中,角度方向指的是关节的旋转方向。



二、dh表示法角度方向的应用2.1 机器人运动学分析在机器人运动学分析中,dh表示法角度方向起着重要的作用。


2.2 机器人轨迹规划在机器人轨迹规划中,dh表示法角度方向也是一个关键因素。


2.3 机器人控制在机器人控制中,dh表示法角度方向也是一个重要的考虑因素。


三、如何确定dh表示法角度方向3.1 机器人结构分析确定dh表示法角度方向的第一步是分析机器人的结构。


3.2 右手定则确定dh表示法角度方向的一种常用方法是使用右手定则。


3.3 关节限制在确定dh表示法角度方向时,还需要考虑关节的限制。


四、dh表示法角度方向的注意事项4.1 统一标准在使用dh表示法描述机器人时,需要保持统一的标准。




基于NAO机器人的自动运动学标定樊绍桐;娄小平【摘要】运动学标定对仿人足球机器人NAO有着很重要的影响,同时也是NAO机器人赛前准备工作中关键的一步.本文针对现有标定方法存在耗时长、精度低、依赖人工操作等问题,设计出一套标定方法:首先,利用机器人自带的摄像头拍摄棋盘格标定板,然后,提取棋盘格角点的坐标,融合传感器数据后,利用LM算法将标定过程转化为求解非线性最小二乘的问题;最后,在NAO机器人上进行试验.结果表明,该方法能有效提升NAO机器人在运动过程中的稳定性,符合实际比赛需求.【期刊名称】《机器人技术与应用》【年(卷),期】2018(000)005【总页数】5页(P29-33)【关键词】机器人;NAO;运动学标定;LM算法【作者】樊绍桐;娄小平【作者单位】北京信息科技大学光电测试技术北京市重点实验室,北京,100192;北京信息科技大学光电测试技术北京市重点实验室,北京,100192【正文语种】中文0 引言在仿人足球机器人比赛中,运动学标定的精确度是机器人在比赛场上表现好坏的关键因素之一。










关键词:机械手;运动学;雅可比;逆雅可比中图分类号:TP24 文献标志码:A 文章编号:100320794(2007)022*******K inem atics Analysis of Conveying ManipulatorLI G ui-li,WU H ong-en,LIU Zhi-h ai(C ollege of Mechanical and E lectronic Engineering of Shandong University of Science and T echnology,Qingdao266510,China) Abstract:Based on the mechanical structure and functional requirement,the forward kinematics of the trans2 portation manipulator is analyzed.The kinematics equation to describe the end of the manipulator in the basis coordinate is given.The inverse kinematics of the manipulator is als o analyzed,and the rev olute angle for each joint is found by the position of the manipulator end.And the Jacobian and inverse Jacobian of the manipulator is g ot by analyzing the relationship between the end speed and the joint variable speed.K ey w ords:manipulator;kinematics;Jacobian;inverse Jacobian0 引言搬运机械手是在自动线上搬运物料的一种自动化装置。


机械手的运动姿态往往由 一个绕轴x ,y 和 z 的旋转 序列来规定。这种转角的 序列,称为欧拉(Euler) 角。 欧拉角: 用一个绕 z 轴 旋转ф角,再绕新的 y 轴 y’旋转θ角,最后绕新的 z 轴z’’旋转ψ角来描述任 图3.2 欧拉角的定义 何可能的姿态。 欧拉变换Euler可由连乘三个旋转矩阵来求得,即 Euler (φ ,θ ,ψ ) = Rot ( z , φ ) Rot ( y,θ ) Rot ( z ,ψ ) (3.3)
Kinematics treats motion without regard to the forces that cause it. Within the science of kinematics one studies the position, velocity, acceleration, and all higher order derivatives of the position variables (with respect to time or any other variable). 从几何学 几何学的观点来处 几何学 理手指位置 手指位置P与关节变量 关节变量 手指位置 L1, L2, θ1 和 θ 2的关系称为 运动学(Kinematics)。 运动学
3.1 Representation of Kinematics Equation of Manipulator
3.1 Representation of Kinetic Equation of Robot Manipulator
3.1 Representation of Kinematics Equation of Manipulator
3.1.1 Kinetic Pose and Oriented Angle Roll, Pitch, Yaw to represent motion pose

Denavit – Hartenberg( D-H)建模方法

Denavit – Hartenberg( D-H)建模方法
Z1 Z0 Y1 Y0 Y2
Z 3
Z2 Y4 X3 X0 X1 X2 Y3
3-1-2 D-H坐标系的建立
为了确定各连杆之间的相对运动和位姿关系,在每个连杆上 固接一个坐标系。基坐标系{0}、坐标系{n}、坐标系{i}。 1、坐标系{0}和{n}的规定
Z(i - 1)
Z0轴沿关节轴1的方向,关节变 量1为零时,坐标系 {0}与{1}重合 关节1是旋转关节时, d0=0, 关节1是移动关节时, θ0=0
r12 r22 r32 0
r13 r23 r33 0
pabx ⎤ ⎡qbx ⎤ ⎡ r11 qbx + r12 qby + r13 qbz + pabx ⎤ ⎡qax ⎤ paby ⎥ ⎢qby ⎥ ⎢r21 qbx + r22 qby + r23 qbz + paby ⎥ ⎢qay ⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ pabz ⎥ ⎢ qbz ⎥ ⎢ r31 qbx + r32 qby + r33 qbz + pabz ⎥ ⎢qaz ⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 1 ⎦⎣ 1 ⎦ ⎣ 1 ⎦ ⎣1⎦







【期刊名称】《制造业自动化》【年(卷),期】2014(000)015【总页数】4页(P109-112)【关键词】工业机器人;运动学方程;逆运动学;几何法【作者】黄晨华【作者单位】韶关学院物理与机电工程学院,韶关512005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP242.20 引言工业机器人的运动学是工业机器人控制与轨迹规划的基础,其内容包括正运动学和逆运动学。







环状可展机构构型设计的D-H矩阵传递法韩莹莹;袁茹;王三民【摘要】环状可展机构具有收缩比大,质量轻等优点,在航天领域具有巨大的应用潜力.由于环状可展机构在结构上存在虚约束,其几何参数应满足协调条件,故其构型设计是十分复杂的问题,目前成为机构学领域一个研究热点.文章基于D-H矩阵传递法,建立了具有多个对称面的环状可展机构构型约束方程,得出了环状可展机构构型设计公式,研究了构件截面角、铰链扭角与展开角间的制限关系,给出了四杆、六杆和十二杆机构的参数关系曲线.研究工作对于进一步开展环状可展机构的尺寸优化设计奠定了基础.%This paper forms a part of a research project supported by NNSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) . Sections 1 and 2 of the full paper explain our application of the D-H transfer matrix method to the configuration designing of circular and developable mechanism. We believe that our application has obtained some results useful in further research under the NNSFC project. The core of our thinking and sections 1 and 2 consists of: ( 1) the circular and developable mechanisms of forming a closed-loop have advantages such as large ratio of shrinkage and light weight, thus having a great potential application in aerospace field; since there are redundant constraints in the structure of each mechanism, its geometric parameters should meet the compatibility conditions and the configuration designing is a very complex problem; study on the configuration designing of the mechanism has become one of the popular topics in mechanism research at present; ( 2 ) we establish constraint equations of the mechanism of some planes of symmetry; we study therelationship among section angles of links on the first side, twist angles of hinges on the second side and the angle of spread on the third side. We give the relation curves of parameters for each of three circular and developable mechanisms: four bars, six bars and twelve bars; these curves are useful for further research work on sizing optimization of the circular and developable mechanisms.【期刊名称】《西北工业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(030)005【总页数】6页(P796-801)【关键词】环状可展机构;D-H矩阵传递法;约束方程;构型设计【作者】韩莹莹;袁茹;王三民【作者单位】西北工业大学机电学院,陕西西安710072;西北工业大学机电学院,陕西西安710072;西北工业大学机电学院,陕西西安710072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH112可展机构展开后面积大、收拢时占用空间小,便于存放,故在航天、航空、建筑等领域的应用越来越广泛。



Position controlJoint space control structureCartesian space control structurePUMA robot servo control structureSingle-joint position controller and multi-joint position controller机器人三定律(Three Laws of Robotics) ”:First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.Second Law: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.齐次变换机器人的应用1.Robots for Service 服务机器人Medical robots applied to the following aspects:(1)Diagnosis Robot(2)Nursing Robot(3)Disability and Paralysis Rehabilitation Robot(4)Household Robot(5)Entertainment Robot(6)Medical and surgical robot2.Robots for Military 军事机器人Ground military robotsintelligent robot, including independent and semi-autonomous vehicles remote-controlled robot, namely, Various remote unmanned vehiclesAerial military robotsMarine military robots3.Robots for Material Handling (材料搬运Functions of CONSIGHT system :Determining positions and directions of various mechanical parts (including complex curve objects).It is easy to compile programs on the system by inserting the new parts. Structure light subsystem, prevent need of high scene contrast.Processing image data effectively, which contains video noise, in many typical environment of factory.4.Welding Robots 焊接机器人The system is composed of two-level control system:First level based on microcomputer system. The first level chooses microcomputer IBM - PC/XT, with the functions: management, fault diagnosis and machine language editing, compiler and etc.Second level based on single board computer system. Choosing TP - 86 single board computer as the second control circuit, realize servo position control for 5 joints.5.Painting Robots 喷漆机器人Control software consists of two modules:Teaching moduleReplay module.Structure of these two module are similar.Teaching program consists of three tasks:Task A completes initialization and create new task.Task B consists of reading the collected data in memory buffer and writing them into the disk.Task C contains monitoring operation on panel buttons.C hapter 11W orkspace: the existence and nonexistence of a kinematics defines the workspace of a given manipulator.T rajectory: the curve path of an object’s motion.2P osition control: is to control the position of the manipulator34N onlinear control: a system that is nonlinear, time-variant, or both.C hapter 21.C hapter 42T he algebraic solution is to use the kinematic equation to solve the problem while the geometric solution is to decompose the spatial geometry of the arm into several plane-geometry problems.4.Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters 4 D-H parameters ()3 fixed link parameters 1 joint variable αi and ai : describe the Link i di and θi : describe the Link’s connection5. Said the operation of the mechanical arm speed linear mapping relations between space and joint space6.C hapter 5123.Newton-Euler dynamic formulationNewton's equation along with its rotational analog, Euler's equation, describe how forces, inertias,and accelerations relate for rigid bodies, is a "force balance" approach to dy grangian dynamic formulationLagrangian formulation is an "energy-based" approach to dynamics.45 close form 封闭形式and iterative form 迭代形式equation方程od manipulator dynamics机械臂动力学.:67 joint spaceEasy to go through via points(Solve inverse kinematics at all path points)No problems with singularitiesLess calculationsCan not follow straight lineCartesian spaceWe can track a shape(for orientation : equivalent axes, Euler angles,…)More expensive at run time(after the path is calculated need joint angles in a lot of points) Discontinuity problems8 Some possible interpolation functions:Cubic polynomialsCubic polynomials for a path with via pointsHigher-order polynomialsLinear function with parabolic blendsLinear function with parabolic blends for a path with via points99. I n a sentence or two, define Cartesian-space schemeCartesian schemes are more computationally expensive to execute since at run time, inverse kinematics must be solved at the path update rate.10.I n a sentence or two, defi ne Position Control of robots Position control Joint space control structure Cartesian space control structure PUMA robot servo control structureSingle-joint position controller and multi-joint position controller11. I n a sentence or two, defi ne Hybrid Control of Force/Position of robotsHybrid Force / Position ControlActive stiffness controlR-C ControlSynthesis problem of Hybrid control system。




机器人特征:12342.机器人的分类:第一代机器人(可编程、示教的工业机器人)第二代机器人(具有一定的感知能力,低级智能机器人)第三代机器人(具有高度适应性的自治机器人)3.按照开发内容和目的区分,可分为以下三类机器人•工业机器人(Industrial Robot):如焊接、喷漆、装配机器人。

•操纵机器人(Teleoperator Robot):如主从手,遥控排险、水下作业机器人。

•智能机器人(Intelligent Robot):如演奏、表演、下棋、探险机器人。

4.机器人结构:1)执行机构: 机器人的足、腿、手、臂、腰及关节等,它是机器人运动和完成某项任务所必不可少的组成部分。























机械臂d-h法 正运动学

机械臂d-h法 正运动学

机械臂D-H法正运动学研究一、D-H参数定义Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) 方法是一种广泛用于描述机器人臂杆的参数化方法。
























机器人D-H (Denavit-Hartenberg )模型一、建立D-H 连杆坐标系的原则1.i Z 轴沿关节1i +的轴向。

2. 原点i O 为1i Z -与i Z 轴的交点或其公垂线与关节轴i Z 的交点。

3. i X 轴沿1i Z -与i Z 轴的公垂线方向。

4.i Y 轴按照右手定则确定。

图1 机器人D-H 连杆坐标系二、D-H 参数的含义1. 连杆长度i a 定义为从1i Z -移动到i Z 的距离,沿i X 轴指向为正。


2. 连杆扭角i α定义为从1i Z -旋转到i Z 的角度,绕i X 轴正向旋转为正。

3. 关节偏移i d 定义为从1i X -移动到i X 的距离,沿i Z 轴指向为正。


4. 关节转角i θ定义为从1i X -旋转到i X 的角度,绕i Z 轴正向旋转为正。

三、相邻坐标系之间的齐次变换矩阵1()()()()cos sin 001000100100sin cos 00010001000cos sin 0001000100100sin cos 0001001001001i iz i z i x i x i i i i ii i i i iiT Rot Trans d Trans a Rot a d θαθθθθαααα-=-⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥ =⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦cos sin cos sin sin cos sin cos cos cos sin sin 0sin cos 01i i i i i i i ii ii ii i iiia a d θθαθαθθθαθαθαα-⎛⎫⎪- ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭。






Abstract: The link bar coordinate system is established based on axis direction of joint axis. Then the coordinate system transformation matrix is derived according to Denavit-Hartenberg(D-H) notation, and the forward kinematics model is set up using the united relationship between joints. The inverse kinematics model is built by working out forward kinematics model in opposite direction. In order to solve the problem of inverse kinematics manipulation, an improved multiple population differential evolution based on the average information of current population is designed. The final numerical result indicates that the new algorithm could solve inverse kinematics model efficiently.关键词:机械臂;关节;自由度Key words: manipulator;joint;degree of freedom中图分类号:TP241 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2014)03-0035-030 引言随着工业生产线自动化程度的提高,机械臂被广泛应用于喷涂、包装、焊接、装配等生产环节,甚至在极端环境中可以代替人完成高强度的重复或危险的任务,总之机械臂控制技术的进步对提高劳动生产率,实现工业生产自动化具重要意义。















改进d-h的参数-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述:在计算机图形学中,d-h参数是用来描述物体运动和姿态变化的一种常用方法。





最后,我们将展望未来研究方向,希望能为改进d-h 参数提供更多的思路和方法。

1.2 文章结构文章结构部分将包括三个主要部分:引言、正文和结论。

- 引言部分将介绍整篇文章的背景和目的,概述d-h参数存在的问题,并提出改进的必要性。

- 正文部分将围绕现有d-h参数存在的问题展开讨论,并提出改进d-h参数的方法。


- 结论部分将对现有问题进行总结,并评估改进效果。


1.3 目的本文的主要目的在于探讨如何改进d-h参数,以提高其在实际应用中的效果和性能。




2.正文2.1 现有d-h参数问题在机器人学领域中,Denavit-Hartenberg(D-H)参数是描述机器人关节之间几何关系和运动学特性的重要参数。



基于旋量理论和Paden-Kahan 子问题

基于旋量理论和Paden-Kahan 子问题

( )
ξ1 旋转 θ1 , p 的最后位置能与点 q 重合,先求出 c
(6) 点,将子问题 2 转化为两个子问题 1 分别进行求解 得到 θ1 、 θ 2 。
ˆ θ )... exp(ξ ˆ θ ) g (0 ) g st (θ ) = exp(ξ 1 1 6 6 st
最大的优点是:各连杆是相对于机器人底座建立坐 标系的,同时各连杆的旋量具有明确的几何意义, 从而简化了机器人运动学的分析[3]。 利用旋量建立起的机器人运动学模型,其逆解 常采用 Paden-Kahan 子问题[4]方法加以求解,但该 方法的缺点是机器人各关节的轴线要有足够多的交 点,致使其只适合于低自由度机器人逆解的求解, 对于高自由度(6 自由度)机器人逆解的求解还存在 着以下两方面的缺点[5-6]。 (1) 机器人关节轴线要有足够多的交点,即除 了后三个关节交于一点(常用工业机器人都能满足) 之外,前三个关节轴线也要两两相交,其算法通用 性受到限制。 (2) 在机器人关节轴线有足够多的交点的情况 下,其求解只给出了求解的方法,没有给出显式表 达的求解结果。 为此,本文针对目前常用的后三个关节轴线交 于一点而前三个关节轴线没有交点的 6 自由度关节 机器人,利用基于经典消元理论和 Paden-Kahan 子 问题相结合的方法,实现了其运动学逆解。
子问题 1
(2) 一点依次绕两个相交有序的轴旋转(图 2)。 设 ξ1 和 ξ 2 为两个轴线相交的旋转轴, p 、q 是空间 两点。 该问题对应于将一点 p 先绕 ξ 2 旋转 θ 2 再绕轴
ˆ 、运动旋量坐标 ξ 和相应的旋转运动的运 动旋量 ξ i i ˆ θ ,则有 动旋量的指数积 exp ξ i i
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Proceedings of IDETC/CIE2005ASME2005International Design Engineering Technical Conferences&Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceSeptember,24-28,2005,Long Beach,CaliforniaDETC2005-85460 A NOTE ON DENA VIT-HARTENBERG NOTATION IN ROBOTICSHARVEY LIPKINMechanical EngineeringGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAtlanta,GA30332-0405harvey.lipkin@ABSTRACTThe Denavit-Hartenberg conventions model chains of bodies connected by joints.Originally they were applied to single-loop chains but are now almost universally applied to open-loop se-rial chains such as robotic manipulators.Unfortunately there are several popular variations of the notation:the original,the distal variant,and the proximal variant.These three cases are compared for their application to serial robots.The proximal variate is advanced as the most notationally transparent for the mechanical analysis of serial manipulators.1INTRODUCTIONIt has been somefifty years since Jacques Denavit and Richard S.Hartenberg introduced the ubiquitous and cel-ebrated kinematic notation bearing their names,[Denavit and Hartenberg(1955)].Denavit-Hartenberg notation is used to model kinematic chains of bodies connected by joints.Originally they were applied to single-loop chains but are now almost universally applied to open-loop serial chains such as robotic manipulators.Unfortunately there are several popular variations of the notation:the original,the distal variant popularized by the textbook[Paul(1981)],and the proximal variant popularized by the textbook[Craig(1986)].Often times researchers and students are not aware of this multiplicity, and those who are,may not fully perceive the details of how they are related.The goal of this paper is to provide a detailed comparison of these three cases for their applica-tion to serial robots.As such,the paper develops no new notation and is primarily pedagogical;yet the author is un-aware of any such a comparison in the literature of this fundamental subject.Other notational variations are not considered which are substantially similar to these but use double subscripted indices.Further,the three presented cases do not preclude other distinct variants.The proximal variate is advanced as the most transparent notation for the mechanical analysis of serial manipulators.2TOPOLOGYA kinematic chain is a set of bodies connected by joints. The bodies are assumed rigid and are referred to as links. By convention,a joint imposes a kinematic constraint be-tween a pair of links.Thus,though many joints may be connected to a single link,exactly two links are connected to each joint.This suggests a unique labeling scheme:links are numbered0,1,2,...and joints are double numbered by the links they connect,01,12,....Figure1a shows an undirected graph representing a general chain where the links are represented by nodes and the joints are represented by lines.Single loop chains are simpler since every link is con-nected by exactly two joints,see Figure1b.The links are numbered and connected consecutively giving a directed graph.The previous double numbering of the joints can be replaced with single numbers by dropping,for example, thefirst number.Removing a joint opens the single loop into an open-loop serial chain with similar labeling.Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference September 24-28, 2005, Long Beach, California USADETC2005-8546030a)2 0b)Figure1.a)Undirected graph of a general kinematic chain.b)Directed graph of an open-loop or single loop mechanism.3ORIGINAL DENA VIT-HARTENBERG NOTATION The Denavit-Hartenberg parameters describe the kine-matic model dimensions of a closed-loop or open-loop serial chain with one degree-of-freedom joints.The joints are as-sumed to be revolute or prismatic but can also be helical. Multiple degree-of-freedom joints are frequently modelled by combinations of single degree-of-freedom joints.To illustrate the original Denavit-Hartenberg conven-tions,Figure2reproduces a drawing from[Denavit and Hartenberg(1964)],with minor alterations,that shows a portion of a kinematic chain.That in turn is actually a line drawing of a physical model that was photographed and an-notated in[Denavit and Hartenberg(1955)].There are two links,labeled1and2,and three joints,shown as revolutes.For link2the joint axis directions are z1and z2.The common perpendicular line from z1to z2supplies the direc-tion x2to construct frame2fixed to the distal end of link 2,or its kinematic extension.(Distal and proximal refer to frame locations on the respective end and beginning of each link,in the sense of increasing link indices.)The common perpendicular distance is called the link length a1.Similarly,the common perpendicular line from z0to z1supplies the direction x1to construct frame1fixed to the distal end of link1.Joint offset d1is the distance be-tween the two common perpendicular lines measured along z1.Joint angleθ1is measured from x1to x2about z1.Twist angleα1is measured from z1to z2about x2and a negative angle is shown in thefigure.It is noted that d i has been substituted for the original joint offset notation s i since it is a frequent abbreviation for sinθi.Also the base has been designated as link0.The names link length,joint offset,and twist angle are not gen-erally used by Denavit and Hartenberg except for a i as a link length in reference to a planar linkage.The four Denavit-Hartenberg parameters (a1,α1,θ1,d1)can be expressed using vector forms whichFigure2.Original Denavit-Hartenberg convention.take into account the signs of the displacements,cosα1=z1·z2sinα1=z1×z2·x2cosθ1=x1·x2sinθ1=x1×x2·z1a1=−−−→O1O2·x2d1=−−−→O1O2·z1where−−−→O1O2is the vector from O1to O2.Frame1can be transformed into frame2by a screw-ing motion about the axis of z1by distance d1and angle θ1followed by a screwing motion about the axis of x2by distance a1and angleα1,B12=screw(θ1,d1,z1)·screw(α1,a1,x2)In terms of homogeneous transformation matrices this is B12=⎡⎢⎢⎣10000cosθ1−sinθ100sinθ1cosθ10d1001⎤⎥⎥⎦⎡⎢⎢⎣1000a110000cosα1−sinα100sinα1cosα1⎤⎥⎥⎦=⎡⎢⎢⎣1000a1cosθ1cosθ1−sinθ1cosα1sinθ1sinα1a1sinθ1sinθ1cosθ1cosα1−cosθ1sinα1d10sinα1cosα1⎤⎥⎥⎦This form assumes that for a 4×1array of position co-ordinates the first element is the homogeneous coordinate,[1x y z ]T ,and for consistency this is used throughout.An-other convention is to make the last element the homoge-neous coordinate.The four parameters,(a 1,α1,θ1,d 1)specify the loca-tion of frame 2relative to frame 1.Generally,six parame-ters are necessary to locate a frame with respect to another.However these frames are special since they have two inde-pendent conditions imposed on the axes of z 1and x 2:i )they intersect,and ii )they are perpendicular.Thus only 6−2=4independent parameters are necessary to locate an adjacent frame.It is interesting to note that [Denavit and Hartenberg (1955)]use a left-handed measurement for the twist angles αi though it is never stated explicitly.Indeed,in Figure 2if α1is measured left-handedly it is positive and if measured right-handedly it is negative.The homogeneous transfor-mation matrix is actually given asM 2=⎡⎢⎢⎣1000a 1cos θ1cos θ1−sin θ1cos α1−sin θ1sin α1a 1sin θ1sin θ1cos θ1cos α1cos θ1sin α1d 10sin α1cos α1⎤⎥⎥⎦and replacing α1by −α1yields back the right-handed B 12.(For consistency throughout the notation B 12is used rather than M 2.)In [Denavit and Hartenberg (1964)]this is changed to a purely right-handed system with the corre-sponding homogeneous transformation matrix given by B 12above.A successful notation balances clarity against concise-ness.Five subjective criteria are proposed to evaluate Denavit-Hartenberg notation and its variants for serial ro-bot analyses in displacement,velocity,statics,and dynam-ics.In order of importance the criteria are deemed as:1.Frame i is rigidly attached to link i .2.Displacements θi and d i are measured about z i .3.Displacements αi and a i are measured about x i .4.The first joint displacement is θ1or d 1.5.The ground is link 0.For the first criterion,a rigid frame is a very simple model for a rigid body.They are often used interchange-ably,such as forming the vector derivative with respect to an observer modelled as a frame or body.Since a link is modeled as a rigid body,a common frame/link index en-ables a single expression,in context,to be valid for two closely related interpretations.For the second criterion,the joint displacement and joint direction vector are often multiplied together such asin velocities,˙θi z i or ˙d i z i ,and accelerations,¨θi z i or ¨d i z i .An association of θi and d i with the axis of measurement z i establishes a uniform index structureFor the third criterion,the link length and direction are often multiplied together such as in expressions for position vectors,a i x i .An association of αi and a i with the axis of measurement x i also establishes a uniform index structure and diminishes introduction of index errors.For the fourth criterion,the joints are usually counted and labelled from base to tip as 1,2,...so it is notationally consistent that the first joint displacement has index 1.For the fifth criterion,the most the usual convention is that the robot base is designated as link 0.This is especially useful when the notation is adapted to several serial robots working together or in extending the modeling to the limbs of a parallel robot.The original Denavit-Hartenberg notation satis fies cri-teria 1and 2,violates criterion 3,and can exclusively sat-isfy either criteria 4or 5but not both simultaneously.If criterion 4is satis fied then θ1and d 1correspond to joint 1making link 1become the ground which violates criterion 5(z 0is not used).Otherwise,as shown in Figure 2,if cri-terion 5is satis fied then link 0is ground making θ1and d 1correspond to joint 2which violates criterion 4.4DISTAL VARIANTThe distal variant is currently the most popular form of the Denavit-Hartenberg notation found in the literature.The earliest references to the present form that the author is aware of occur in [Kahn (1969)],[Kahn (1970)],and [Kahn and Roth (1971)].Referring to Figure 3,the original parameters (a 1,α1,θ1,d 1)have been replaced by (a 2,α2,θ2,d 2)while the coordinate frame indices and the link indices remain the same.This makes the displacement about the second joint θ2or d 2and thus the displacements along the first joint axis are θ1and d 1so criterion 4is now satis fied.Since link 1is the first moving link then link 0can be selected as ground satisfying criterion 5.Criterion 1is maintained since frame i is still attached to link i .Criterion 3is now satis fied since αi and a i are now measured about x i .However criterion 2is now violated since θi and d i are now measured about z i −1.The four Denavit-Hartenberg parameters (a 2,α2,θ2,d 2)can be expressed using vector forms which take into account the signs of the displacements,cos α2=z 1·z 2sin α2=z 1×z 2·x 2Figure 3.Distal variant of Denavit-Hartenberg notation.cos θ2=x 1·x 2sin θ2=x 1×x 2·z 1a 2=−−−→O 1O 2·x 2d 2=−−−→O 1O 2·z 1Note that the right-hand sides of these equations are the same as for the original Denavit-Hartenberg notation but on the left-hand sides the index 2has replaced the index 1.Frame 1can be transformed into frame 2by a screw-ing motion about the axis of z 1by distance d 2and angle θ2followed by a screwing motion about the axis of x 2by distance a 2and angle α2,B 12=screw (θ2,d 2,z 1)·screw (α2,a 2,x 2)In terms of homogeneous transformation matrices this isB 12=⎡⎢⎢⎣10000cos θ2−sin θ200sin θ2cos θ20d 2001⎤⎥⎥⎦⎡⎢⎢⎣100a 20cos α2−sin α200sin α2cos α200001⎤⎥⎥⎦=⎡⎢⎢⎣1000a 2cos θ2cos θ2−sin θ2cos α2sin θ2sin α2a 2sin θ2sin θ2cos θ2cos α2−cos θ2sin α2d 20sin α2cos α2⎤⎥⎥⎦These are similar to the original forms except index 2hasreplaced index 1on the right-hand sides.5PROXIMAL VARIANTThe proximal variant is less widely found in present lit-erature than the distal variant but occurs more frequently than the original notation.The earliest references to the present form that the author is aware of occur in [Feather-stone (1982)],[Featherstone (1984)],[Featherstone (1987)].Referring to Figure 4,the link indices have been re-tained but the axes and frame notation are,by consequence,distinct from the distal cases.The i th joint in the chain is along z i .Frame i is attached to the proximal end of link i to satisfy criterion 1.Since the displacements θi and d i are measured about z i criterion 2is satis fied.Similarly dis-placements αi and a i are measured along x i so criterion 3is satis fied.Finally the first joint displacement is θ1or d 1so criterion 4is satis fied and the base is link 0so criterion 5is satis fied.Figure 4.Proximal variant of Denavit-Hartenberg notation.The four Denavit-Hartenberg parameters(a 1,α1,θ2,d 2)can be expressed using vector forms which take into account the signs of the displacements,cos α1=z 1·z 2sin α1=z 1×z 2·x 1cos θ2=x 1·x 2sin θ2=x 1×x 2·z 2a 2=−−−→O 1O 2·x 2d 2=−−−→O 1O 2·z 2Frame 1can be transformed into frame 2by a screw-ing motion about the axis of x 1by distance a 1and angle α1followed by a screwing motion about the axis of z 2by distance d 2and angle θ2,B 12=screw (α1,a 1,x 1)·screw (θ2,d 2,z 2)In terms of homogeneous transformation matrices this isB 12=⎡⎢⎢⎣1000a 110000cos α1−sin α100sin α1cos α1⎤⎥⎥⎦⎡⎢⎢⎣10000cos θ2−sin θ200sin θ2cos θ20d 2001⎤⎥⎥⎦=⎡⎢⎢⎣1000a 1cos θ2−sin θ20−d 2sin α1cos α1sin θ2cos α1cos θ2−sin α1d 2cos α1sin α1sin θ2sin α1cos θ2cos α1⎤⎥⎥⎦Unlike the original and the distal variant,each of thescrew displacements are about quantities with the same in-dex,(α1,a 1,x 1)and (θ2,d 2,z 2).Consequently,the trans-formation B 12between frames uses parameters with both 1and 2indices.6DISCUSSIONTable 1compares the properties of thethree notational conventions in general order of importance.All three have the desirable feature that frame i is attached to link i .The distal variant has the disadvantage that θi and d i are mea-sured along z i −1.It is the personal experience of the author that this is a source of frequent student errors since this part of the distal variant convention is notationally exceptional .An analogous exception arises for the original convention where αi and a i are measured along x i +1.For these reasons,the proximal conventions can be recommended as the most notationally transparent and the easiest to apply without undue attention.For the original conventions is not possible to simultane-ously have θ1,d 1measured along joint 1and designate link 0as the grounded link.It should however be noted that the original conventions were developed mainly for single loop mechanisms where it is common to number the links starting from 1.For the proximal variant,frame 0is not constrained lie on joint 1like the distal variant or the original convention when criterion 4is satis fied.However it is still necessaryTable parison of properties for the three notational conventions.⊕denotes mutually exclusive properties.that the x 0axis intersect and be perpendicular to the z 1axis.For an n link chain the distal cases (original and vari-ant)only require n +1frames to determine the all para-meters (a i ,αi ,θi ,d i )whereas the proximal variant typically uses an additional frame at the distal portion of link n to specify the parameters for this final link.These two features somewhat balance out each other.In forming the homogeneous transformation matrices both distal cases use the same index throughout,whereas the proximal case uses two indices.An interesting feature of the proximal and distal vari-ants is that a given chain will have the exact same para-meters (a i ,αi ,θi ,d i ),i =1...n if frame 0of the proximal variant is chosen to be the same as the distal variant.Finally it is noted that all of the Denavit-Hartenberg conventions have similar drawbacks for special geometries such as when consecutive joint axes are parallel.Then the parameters are no longer unique unless additional rules are added.This case can also cause robustness problems in cal-ibration situations where it is necessary to determine robot parameters from measuring a series of poses.A small devi-ation in the measurements can cause a large change in the parameters so sometimes other parameterizations are used such as the zero-reference position method,[Gupta (1997)].7REFERENCESCraig,J.J.,Introduction to Robotics-Mechanics and Control ,Addison-Wesley,Reading,MA,1986.Denavit,J.and Hartenberg,R.S.,“A kinematic notation for lower pair mechanisms based on matrices,”ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics ,vol.6,pp.215-221,1955Denavit,J.and Hartenberg,R.S.,Kinematic Synthesis of Link-ages ,McGraw-Hill,NY,1964.Featherstone,R.,“A program for simulating robot dynamics,”Working Paper 155,Dept.of AI,University of Edinburgh,1982.Featherstone,R.,Robot Dynamics Algorithms ,Ph.D.Disserta-tion,University of Edinburgh,1984.Featherstone,R.,Robot Dynamics Algorithms,Kluwer Academic Publishers,Boston,1986.Gupta,K.C.,Mechanics and Control of Robots,Spring-Verlag, NY,1997.Kahn,M.E.,“The near minimum-time control of open-loop ar-ticulated kinematic chains,”AI Memo106,Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,1969.Kahn,M.E.,The near minimum-time control of open-loop artic-ulated kinematic chains,183pp.,Ph.D.Dissertation,Stanford University,1970.Kahn,M.E.and Roth, B.,“The near minimum-time control of open-loop articulated kinematic chains,”ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,Measurement,and Control,vol.6,pp.215-221,September1971.Paul,R.P.,Robot Manipulators Mathematics,Programming and Control,MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,1981.。
