


Crystal Ball模拟基础教程
➢ 佛莱迪在某大城市里主要市区经营一家报摊。
➢ 佛莱迪贩卖各类的报纸和杂志,其中最贵的报纸为财 经日报 。
➢ 财经日报相关的成本资料:
– 每份报纸的成本为1.50美元 – 每份报纸的售价为2.50美元 – 没售出的报纸,每份报纸可以获得0.50美元的偿还金
➢ 财经日报的销售资料:
– 佛莱迪每天的销售量介于40到70份之间。 – 销售数量介于40到70份之间任何数值的频率相同。
➢ 利用CrystalBall来进行计算机仿真有四个步骤:
1. 定义随机输入栏。 2. 定义输出栏来预测。 3. 设定执行偏好。 4. 执行模拟。
➢ 描述在固定试验次数内的事件发生次数(如:丢10次铜板出现正面的 次数)
➢ 每次试验只有二种可能结果 ➢ 试验相互独立 ➢ 每次试验的机率相同
➢ 描述事件发生前的试验次数(如在转轮盘赌局中获胜前的下注 次数)
➢ 每次试验的机率皆相同 ➢ 成功前不能停止 ➢ 试验次数不限定
➢ 某数值(位置)以上的随机数值 ➢ Shape(形状参数)> 0(通常 ≤10) ➢ Shape < 3会太过正偏态较(小于平均值的机率较大),类似
指数分配(當Shape =1时与指数分配相等) ➢ 当Shape =3.25时为对称形,超过这个数值为负偏态 ➢ Scale(规模参数)定义宽度



3.7 决策表(Decis ion Table) 决策表是用来表示当决策变量取
定义第 2 年 ~ 第 5 年的累积税后利润为预测变量是类似的。
例如,模型中有 2 个决策变量:“前两年生产线数量”和“后三年 新增生产线数量”。在运用决策表之前,需要先定义这两个决策变量。
图 12 生成决策表的第 2 步:选择决策变量
图 10 定义决策变量“后三年生产线数量”对话窗口
在图 10 中,输入变量名,选择变量上下界(Variable Bounds), 下界 (Low er) 为 1,上界 (Upper) 为 3。选择变量类型(Variable Type)为“离散(Diccrite)”,输入步长(Step)为 1。
很多,如财务风险、时间风险、人身伤害风险、名誉风险等。有的风险 年生产线数量 (B2)×固定资产折旧率 (B8);后三年固定资产折旧
可以度量,有些则难以度量。在企业经营中,财务风险是最常见的,财 (D23~ F23)=(前两年生产线数量(B2)+ 后三年新增生产线数量(B3))
务风险通常可以度量。风险的来源是事件的不确定性,不确定性越 ×固定资产折旧率(B8);税前利润(B25~ F25)= 销售收入—生产成
和销售的产品为某种原料,根据预测,这种原料的需求量第 1 年为 布、泊松分布等多种随机变量的分布。为了简化例子,我们假定模型
20 吨,以后每年增加 2 吨。引进这种原料生产线的建设投资为每条 中所有的随机变量都服从正态分布。它们的均值就是相应数据单元
30 万元,每条生产线的生产能力为每年 7 吨。如果开工生产线太少, 格的值,标准差等于均值的 10% 。
Crys tal Ball 是美国 Decis ioneering 公司开发的,它提供了项目 积税后利润都是负值,第 4 年的累积税后利润首次为正值。即该企



C r y s t a l B a l l实验操作过程Crystal Ball实验操作过程实验一:一、数据录入与导入双击CB快捷方式图标或直接打开Excel打开软件。

前面提到过Crystal Ball 软件是在Excel里的一个插件,所以双击打开后是Excel的界面,如下图:图 1用户可以在该界面中直接录入数据,也可以左击右上角的符号,选择打开,将原有Excel表格中的数据直接导入到带有Crystal Ball插件的电子表格中。


(2)拟合分布选取表格区域,点击工具栏上“Run-Tools-Batch Fit”,如图3所示。



实验二:一.按照实验一的操作,先将数据在Crystal Ball软件打开.二、假设单元格概率分布的定义及相关操作输入数据后,进行随机变量假设单元格概率分布的定义。



)有一点需要注意的是,选择假设单元格时,该单元格应当是一确定的数字,而不能是公式.选定单元格(如单元格I2)后,点击工具栏上的,随即弹出图5,CB 软件中提供22种不同的分布可供选择,根据实验任务书的要求,第一和第二项分部分项工程服从三参数beta分布,因此,选择BtaPERT分布,并填入相应参数,即可完成对“基坑支护挖土方”的定义,如图6所示。




前面我们谈到过当我们确定要改进一个目标的时候,比如缺陷密度DD,我们首先要确定有哪些因子会影响到缺陷密度,分析出来后需要根据历史数据进行相关性分析,分析完成后即可以建立起PPM 的预测模型。

比如我们可以得到关于缺陷密度的预测模型为:Defect Density = 389 + 2.12RV + 5.32DC – 24.1QCRV - 需求的不稳定性。

DC - 设计的复杂度。

QC - 评审和Review等坚持工作的有效性。











分享到新浪微博已投稿到:排行榜圈子阅读(625)|评论(3)|收藏(1)|打印|举报前一篇:时间管理的核心是什么后一篇:新浪博客新版本的几个有意义的改进_ad_新浪广告共享计划评论重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息,点击查看详情免费任选1000款游戏新手卡[发评论]人月神话:2008-04-18 23:30:02评论测试!∙厚积薄发:2009-07-14 15:46:03数据假的啊根据Defect Density = 389 2.12RV 5.32DC – 24.1QC和各变量取值 DD最后结果肯定大于196∙厚积薄发:2009-07-14 15:54:09呵呵公式需要除以1000发评论你的Windows 7 你做主新浪产品部优厚待遇聘英才!。





















Crystal Ball 项目风险分析评估工具

Crystal Ball 项目风险分析评估工具
CD-ROM drive
Video graphics adapter and monitor with at least 1024x768 resolution
Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later
Note: For Real Options Analysis Toolkit, Windows and Excel must be English versions and the Windows regional settings must be English.
Personal computer with Pentium-equivalent microprocessor (800 MHz or faster)
At least 512 MB of RAM
At least 88 MB of hard disk space for .NET Framework 2.0 and another 58 MB for .NET Framework 3.0 (if not already installed) and 91 MB for Crystal Ball 7.3.1. (Note: Each of those two components requires approximately twice the given amount of disk space during installation.)
Crystal Ball 7 Standard Edition is the easiest way to perform Monte Carlo simulations in your own spreadsheets. Crystal Ball automatically calculates thousands of different "what if" cases, saving the inputs and results of each calculation as individual scenarios. Analysis of these scenarios reveals to you the range of possible outcomes, their probability of occurring, which input has the most effect on your model and where you should focus your efforts.



CrystalBall风险分析蒙特卡洛模拟分析软件转换Microsoft Excel电⼦表格,获得可信的风险分析图,创建准确的预测模型,寻找最佳解决⽅案,最⼤限度的提⾼您所⾯临的风险。

Crystal Ball软件提供从蒙特卡洛模拟到预测和优化的功能。

Crystal Ball是⽯油、天然⽓和矿业公司分析电⼦表格模型中不确定性的⾏业标准软件。

Crystal Ball是在⾃⼰的电⼦表格中进⾏快速风险分析和优化的最简单⽅法。

使⽤⼀个集成的⼯具集,您可以使⽤您⾃⼰的历史数据来建⽴精确的模型,⾃动“what if”分析来理解潜在的不确定性的影响,并寻找最佳的解决⽅案或项⽬组合。

Oracle Crystal Ball是⽤于预测建模、预测、模拟和优化的,基于电⼦表格的主要应⽤程序。


使⽤Crystal Ball,即使在最不确定的市场条件下,您也能做出正确的战术决策以达到您的⽬标并获得竞争优势。

新功能⽀持Microsoft Excel 2016⽀持Microsoft Windows 10改进了预测功能Cell偏好功能增强附加语⾔本地化OptQues优化功能增强预测Damped趋势指数平滑技术Crystal Ball EPM整合战略财务Crystal Ball决策优化器与战略财务的整合选择分类对象基本功能增加风险计算的概率达到某⼀⽬标的可能性是什么?影响风险的关键因素是什么?对这些和其他常见的“what-if”⽅案的回答可以通过将概率分配给未知变量来确定。

Excel⽆法处理概率分析的复杂性,因此需要更好的⼯具—Crystal Ball。

Crystal Ball通过对每个不确定变量应⽤⼀系列的值或概率分布,使⽤蒙特卡洛模拟的繁琐的“what-if”过程⾃动化。



crystal ball使用指导

crystal ball使用指导

crystal ball使用指导Crystal Ball使用指导Crystal Ball是一种常用的预测和决策支持工具,它基于蒙特卡洛仿真技术,可以对不确定性进行建模和分析。

下面将介绍一些使用Crystal Ball的指导,帮助您更好地利用这一工具进行预测和决策。

一、数据准备在使用Crystal Ball之前,首先要准备好相应的数据。


确保数据的准确性和完整性非常重要,因为这些数据将直接影响到Crystal Ball的分析结果。

二、建立模型在Crystal Ball中,模型是指对问题进行描述和建模的过程。





Crystal Ball使用蒙特卡洛仿真技术,通过随机抽样来模拟不同可能的情况。


四、分析结果Crystal Ball提供了多种统计分析方法,可以帮助用户对仿真结果进行分析和解释。




Crystal Ball提供了可视化工具,可以将分析结果以图表的形式展示出来,帮助用户更好地理解和应用结果。


六、风险管理Crystal Ball除了用于预测和决策支持,还可以用于风险管理。


七、案例分析以下是一个使用Crystal Ball进行预测和决策的案例分析。




Monte-Carlo Simulation with Crystal Ball®To run a simulation using Crystal Ball®:1. Setup SpreadsheetBuild a spreadsheet that will calculate the performance measure (e.g., profit) in terms of the inputs (random or not). For random inputs, just enter any number.2. Define Assumptions—i.e., random variablesDefine which cells are random, and what distribution they should follow.3. Define Forecast—i.e., output or performance measureDefine which cell(s) you are interested in forecasting (typically the performance measure, e.g., profit).4. Choose Number of TrialsSelect the number of trials. If you would later like to generate the Sensitivity Analysis chart, choose “Sensitivity Analysis” under Options in Run Preferences.5. Run SimulationRun the simulation. If you would like to change parameters and re-run the simulation, you should “reset” the simulation (click on the “Reset Simulation” button on the toolbar or in the Run menu) first.6. View ResultsThe forecast window showing the results of the simulation appears automatically after (or during) the simulation. Many different results are available (frequency chart, cumulative chart, statistics, percentiles, sensitivity analysis, and trend chart). The results can be copied into the worksheet.Crystal Ball Toolbar:Define Define Run Start Reset Forecast Trend Assumptions Forecast Preferences Simulation Simulation Window ChartWalton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball®Recall the Walton Bookstore example: It is August, and they must decide how many of next year’s nature calendars to order. Each calendar costs the bookstore $7.50 and is sold for $10. After February, all unsold calendars are returned to the publisher for a refund of $2.50 per calendar. Suppose Walton predicts demand will be somewhere between 100 and 300 (discrete uniform).Demand = d ~ Uniform[100, 300]Order Quantity = Q (decision variable)Revenue = $10 * Min(Q, d)Cost = $7.50 * QRefund = $2.50 * Max(Q–d, 0)Profit = Revenue – Cost + RefundStep #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball ®Step #2 (Define Assumptions —i.e., random variables)—color code (blue):and click on the “Define Assumptions” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu):Select type of distribution:Provide parameters of distributions:Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #3 (Define Forecast—i.e., output)click on the “Define Forecast” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu),and fill in the Define Forecast dialogue box.Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)Click on the “Run Preferences” button in toolbar (or in the Run menu):and select the number of trials to run.Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #5 (Run Simulation)Click on the “Start Simulation” button in toolbar (or Run in the Run menu):Step #6 (View Results)The results of the simulation can be viewed in a variety of different ways (frequency chart, cumulative chart, statistics, and percentiles). Choose different options under the View menuin the forecast window.The results can be copied into a worksheet or Word document (choose Copy under the Edit menu in the simulation output window.Using Trend Charts to Find the Impact of Order Quantityon Potential ProfitDefine several forecast cells (G14:G18) for several possible order quantities (Q=100, 150, 200, 250, 300). Use the same random order quantity for each to compare them more equally (i.e., one assumption cell for demand—C14—with the rest set equal to C14).After running the simulation, choose “Open Trend Chart” in the Run menu. This chart gives “certainty bands” for the forecast cells. 10% of the time, the project duration will fall within the inner band (light blue), 25% of the time within the 2nd band (red), 50% of the time within the third band (green), and 90% of the time within the outside band (dark blue).Project Management—Global OilGlobal Oil is planning to move their credit card operation to Des Moines, Iowa from their home office in Dallas. The move involves many different divisions within the company. Real estate must select one of three available office sites. Personnel has to determine which employees from Dallas will move, how many new employees to hire, and who will train them. The systems group and treasurer’s office must organize the new operating procedure and make financial arrangements. The architects will have to design the interior space, and oversee needed structural improvements. Each site is an existing building with sufficient open space, but office partitions, computer facilities, furnishings, and so on, must all be provided.A complicating factor is that there is an interdependence of activities. In other words, some parts of the project cannot be started until other parts are completed. For example, Global cannot construct the interior of an office before it has been designed. Neither can it hire new employees until it has determined its personnel requirements.The necessary activities and their necessary predecessors (due to interdependence) are listed below. Three estimates are made for the completion time of each activity—the minimum time, most likely time, and maximum time.Start EndGlobal Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)Step #2 (Define Assumptions—i.e., random variables)Each of the random activity times (B, C, D, E, G, and I) is assumed to follow the triangular distribution.Global Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #3 (Define Forecast—i.e., output)Cell J15 is the forecast cell:Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)500 trials were run. In addition, Sensitivity Analysis was enabled in the Options of the Run Preferences dialogue box. This allows for the generation of sensitivity analysis results later.Step #5 (Run Simulation)Step #6 (View Results)Additional Results Available with Crystal Ball®Slide the triangles below the histograms to determine the probability that the output (project duration) is less than a certain value (e.g., a deadline), greater than a certain value, or between any two values (by sliding both triangles).Alternatively, you can type in values for the lower bound or upper bound to determine the probability. You can also type in a probability (in “Certainty”), and it will determine the range that has that probability.There is a 79% chance the project will be completed within 150 days.There is a 2.4% chance that the project will take more than 160 days.Sensitivity ChartChoose “Open Sensitivity Chart” in the R un menu. Note that this chart is only available ifyou selected the “Sensitivity Analysis” option under Run Preferences. This chart gives an indication as to which random variables (activity times) have the greatest impact on the output cell (project completion time).Variability in activity E has the greatest impact on overall project duration, followed by activity D, C, I, and B. Variability in activity G has almost no impact.Fitting a DistributionCrystal Ball can be used to “fit” a distribution t o data.The following data has been collected for the previous 100 phone calls to a mail-order house:(80 rows have been hidden)Fitting Data to a DistributionUsing Crystal Ball® to fit data to a distribution1. Select a spreadsheet cell.2. Choose Define Assumption.3. Click the Fit button, then select the source of the fitted data.4. Click the Next button, then select the distributions to try to fit.5. Click OK.Interarrival TimeService Time。



风险管理软件C r y s t精编B精编l使用指导 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022Monte-Carlo Simulation with Crystal Ball?To run a simulation using Crystal Ball?:1. Setup SpreadsheetBuild a spreadsheet that will calculate the performance measure ., profit) in terms of the inputs (random or not). For random inputs, just enter any number.2. Define Assumptions—., random variablesDefine which cells are random, and what distribution they should follow.3. Define Forecast—., output or performance measureDefine which cell(s) you are interested in forecasting (typically the performance measure, ., profit).4. Choose Number of TrialsSelect the number of trials. If you would later like to generate the Sensitivity Analysis chart, choose “Sensitivity Analysis” under Options in Run Preferences.5. Run SimulationRun the simulation. If you would like to change parameters and re-run the simulation, you should “reset” the simulation (click on the “Reset Simulation” button on the toolbar or in the Run menu) first.6. View ResultsThe forecast window showing the results of the simulation appears automatically after (or during) the simulation. Many different results are available (frequency chart, cumulative chart, statistics, percentiles, sensitivity analysis, and trend chart). The results can be copied into the worksheet.Crystal Ball Toolbar:Define Define Run Start Reset Forecast Trend Assumptions Forecast Preferences S imulation Simulation Window ChartWalton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball?Recall the Walton Bookstore example: It is August, and they must decide how many of next year’s nature calendars to order. Each calendar costs the bookstore $ and is sold for $10. After February, all unsold calendars are returned to the publisher for a refund of $ per calendar. Suppose Walton predicts demand will be somewhere between 100 and 300 (discrete uniform).Demand = d ~ Uniform[100, 300]Order Quantity = Q (decision variable)Revenue = $10 * Min(Q, d)Cost = $ * QRefund = $ * Max(Q–d, 0)Profit = Revenue – Cost + RefundStep #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball ?Step #2 (Define Assumptions —., random variables)Select the cell that contains the random variable (B17) — color codeand click on the “Define Assumptions” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu):Select type of distribution:Provide parameters of distributions:Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball?Step #3 (Define Forecast—., output)click on the “Define Forecast” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu),and fill in the Define Forecast dialogue box.Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)Click on the “Run Preferences” button in toolbar (or in the Run menu):and select the number of trials to run.Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball?Step #5 (Run Simulation)Click on the “Start Simulation” button in toolbar (or Run in the Run menu):Step #6 (View Results)The results of the simulation can be viewed in a variety of different ways (frequency chart, cumulative chart, statistics, and percentiles). Choose different options under the View menu in the forecast window.The results can be copied into a worksheet or Word document (choose Copy under the Edit menu in the simulation output window.Using Trend Charts to Find the Impact of Order Quantity on PotentialProfitDefine several forecast cells (G14:G18) for several possible order quantities (Q=100, 150, 200, 250, 300). Use the same random order quantity for each to compare them more equally ., one assumption cell for demand—C14—with the rest set equal to C14).After running the simulation, choose “Open Trend Chart” in the Run menu. This chart gives “certainty bands” for the forecast cells. 10%of the time, the project duration will fall within the inner band (light blue), 25% of the time within the 2nd band (red), 50% of the time within the third band (green), and 90% of the time within the outside band(dark blue).Project Management—Global OilGlobal Oil is planning to move their credit card operation to Des Moines, Iowa from their home office in Dallas. The move involves many different divisions within the company. Real estate must select one of three available office sites. Personnel has to determine which employees from Dallas will move, how many new employees to hire, and who will train them. The system s group and treasurer’s office must organize the new operating procedure and make financial arrangements. The architects will have to design the interior space, and oversee needed structural improvements. Each site is an existing building with sufficient open space, but office partitions, computer facilities, furnishings, and so on, must all be provided.A complicating factor is that there is an interdependence of activities. In other words, some parts of the project cannot be started until other parts are completed. For example, Global cannot construct the interiorof an office before it has been designed. Neither can it hire new employees until it has determined its personnel requirements.The necessary activities and their necessary predecessors (due to interdependence) are listed below. Three estimates are made for the completion time of each activity—the minimum time, most likely time,and maximum time.Start EndGlobal Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball? Step #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)Step #2 (Define Assumptions—., random variables)Each of the random activity times (B, C, D, E, G, and I) is assumed to follow the triangular distribution.Global Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball?Step #3 (Define Forecast—., output)Cell J15 is the forecast cell:Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)500 trials were run. In addition, Sensitivity Analysis was enabled in the Options of the Run Preferences dialogue box. This allows for the generation of sensitivity analysis results later.Step #5 (Run Simulation)Step #6 (View Results)Additional Results Available with Crystal Ball?Slide the triangles below the histograms to determine the probability that the output (project duration) is less than a certain value ., a deadline), greater than a certain value, or between any two values (by sliding both triangles).Alternatively, you can type in values for the lower bound or upper bound to determine the probability. You can also type in a probability (in “Certainty”), and it will determine the range that has that probability.There is a 79% chance the project will be completed within 150 days. There is a % chance that the project will take more than 160 days.Sensitivity ChartChoose “Open Sensitivity Chart” in the Run menu. Note that this chartis only available if you selected the “Sensitivity Analysis” optionunder Run Preferences. This chart gives an indication as to which random variables (activity times) have the greatest impact on the output cell (project completion time).Variability in activity E has the greatest impact on overall project duration, followed by activity D, C, I, and B. Variability in activity G has almost noimpact.Fitting a DistributionCrystal Ball can be used to “fit” a distribution to data.The following data has been collected for the previous 100 phone calls to a mail-order house:(80 rows have been hidden)Fitting Data to a DistributionUsing Crystal Ball? to fit data to a distribution1. Select a spreadsheet cell.2. Choose Define Assumption.3. Click the Fit button, then select the source of the fitted data.4. Click the Next button, then select the distributions to try to fit.5. Click OK.Interarrival TimeService Time。



➢ 运输业收入管理(13.6节)
➢ 选择合适的分配(13.7节)
➢ 利用决策表做决策(13.8节)
第1页/共© T8h5e页McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
➢ 在读完本章后,你应该能够:
➢ 面对了暂时性的业绩下滑以及一些现在和未来的建造 成本,所以公司在未来几年内将面临负现金流量。
➢ 财经日报的销售资料:
– 佛莱迪每天的销售量介于40到70份之间。 – 销售数量介于40到70份之间任何数值的频率相同。
第3页/共© T8h5e页McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
第4页/共© T8h5e页McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
竞争者 2 之三角分配
第22页/©共T8he5M页cGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
第23页/©共T8he5M页cGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
第24页/©共T8he5M页cGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
第6页/共© T8h5e页McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Crystal Ball 分配图库
第7页/共© T8h5e页McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009



➢ 佛莱迪在某大城市里主要市区经营一家报摊。
➢ 佛莱迪贩售各类的报纸和杂志,其中最贵的报纸为财经日报 。 ➢ 财经日报相关的成本资料: 每份报纸的成本为1.50美元 每份报纸的售价为2.50美元 没售出的报纸,每份报纸可以获得0.50美元的偿还金 ➢ 财经日报的销售资料: 佛莱迪每天的销售量介于40到70份之间。 销售数量介于40到70份之间任何数值的频率相同。
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
1,000 次試驗得出有95%信賴區間低於1美元。
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Certainty 栏位显示佛萊迪的模拟实验中
– 竞争者 2 则设定 25% 的边际利润以及他在估算计画成本时会比 竞争者 1 来得准确;但是根据过去的竞标经验,他的边际利润也 有可能在至多正负15% 间移动。
– 竞争者 3 估算计画成本极为精准,将其边际利润设在介于 20% 与30% 之间的任一数字。

水晶球软件使用Crystal Ball

水晶球软件使用Crystal Ball
• This is in contrast to analytical methods, which obtain exact solutions to highly stylized problems
• Tradeoff between rigor and relevance
OPIM 5270 |Spring 2015
• Alternatives with the same expected value may involve very different levels of risk.
OPIM 5270 |Spring 2015
Methods of Risk Analysis
• Best-Case/Worst-Case Analysis • What-if Analysis • Simulation
OPIM 5270 |Spring 2015
Monte Carlo Simulation
• Monte Carlo simulation is a method by which approximate solutions are obtained to realistic (and therefore complicated) problems
Project Management Session 9 Crystal Ball
OPIM 5270
OPIM 5270 |Spring 2015
Session 9 Goals
Understand why risk must be analyzed Know pros / cons for three ways to analyze risk Identify random variables in models Know the four steps of a simulation process Generate random numbers with Crystal Ball Use the four steps of a simulation process Explain how Crystal Ball supports Proj. Mgmt.

crystal ball软件介绍

crystal ball软件介绍

Crystal Ball 介绍Crystal Ball(CB)是基于PC Windows平台而开发的简单且非常实用的风险分析和评估软件。


CB 在微软Excel 应用软件上运行,使用蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)模拟法对某个特定状况预测所有可能的结果,运用图表对分析进行总结,并显示每一个结果的概率。


如今 CB 已是全世界商业风险分析和决策评估软件中的佼佼者。

Crystal Ball专业版是市面上以Excel为本的风险分析及预测工具中最全面的套装软件。


85%<<财富>>评出的全球500强大企业中早已有400家使用 Crystal Ball 软件作为他们进行商务决策,项目投资风险分析的工具。

再者,美国前50名最佳MBA 商学院,已有40所也用Crystal Ball作为教研和商业性课题的工具。

用户之一世界著名的哈佛大学商学院把 Crystal Ball 列为可用于计划金融的软件 (Project Finance Software)。

因为财政计划,金融投资方面的风险分析是CB 软件功能的一部分。

Crystal Ball之前是美国Decisioneering公司的产品,Decisioneering在2007年被Hyperion公司收购,Hyperion 公司之后又被Oracle收购,所以Crystal Ball目前的发行商是Oracle。

Crystal Ball的用途:DFSS,过程研究,过程优化,现有过程的模拟改变,公差分析,设计分析,原料筛选,容量设计,资源分配与存货优化,约束后的项目筛选,预防性维护优化,成本预算,可靠性分析,排队过程分析,建筑项目资金预算的偶然性分析,商业过程模拟,工程设计与预测,供求预测,制造供应链问题的减少与存货控制,新产品商品化的资金模型。



➢ 设定执行偏好就是要决定执行试验的次数,并且决定如 何执行计算机仿真的其他选项。
➢ 一开始,我们点选「Crystal Ball」标签(Excel 2007)或 是工具栏(Excel较早版本)上的「Run Preferences」 (执行偏好)按钮。
– 对于每项工作,估计其完成时间皆以用三种时间—最可能、最 乐观、以及最悲观的估计量。
➢ 佛莱迪在某大城市里主要市区经营一家报摊。
➢ 佛莱迪贩卖各类的报纸和杂志,其中最贵的报纸为财 经日报 。
➢ 财经日报相关的成本资料:
– 每份报纸的成本为1.50美元 – 每份报纸的售价为2.50美元 – 没售出的报纸,每份报纸可以获得0.50美元的偿还金
➢ 财经日报的销售资料:
乘其他公司飞往芝加哥的班机。而这样做的总成本为450美元(包 括:重订其他班机、机票抵用券及商誉损失等)。
➢ 最可能值落在某数值(平均值) ➢ 接近平均值的数值发生机率较高 ➢ 对称(平均值上下方图形相似) ➢ 极值可能会发生,但是非常罕见

风险管理软件CrystalBall操作指南(英文版)(doc 16页)

风险管理软件CrystalBall操作指南(英文版)(doc 16页)

风险管理软件CrystalBall操作指南(英文版)(doc 16页)Monte-Carlo Simulation with Crystal Ball®To run a simulation using Crystal Ball®:1. Setup SpreadsheetBuild a spreadsheet that will calculate the performance measure (e.g., profit) in terms of the inputs (random or not). For random inputs, just enter any number.2. Define Assumptions—i.e., random variablesDefine which cells are random, and what distribution they should follow.3. Define Forecast—i.e., output or performance measureDefine which cell(s) you are interested in forecasting (typically the performance measure, e.g., profit).4. Choose Number of TrialsSelect the number of trials. If you would later like to generate the Sensitivity Analysis chart, choose “Sensitivity Analysis” under Options in Run Preferences.5. Run SimulationRun the simulation. If you would like to change parameters and re-run the simulation, you should “reset” the simulation (click on the “Reset Simulation” button on the toolbar or in the Run menu) first.Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball®Recall the Walton Bookstore example: It is August, and they must decide how many of next year’s nature calendars to order. Each calendar costs the bookstore $7.50 and is sold for $10. After February, all unsold calendars are returned to the publisher for a refund of $2.50 per calendar. Suppose Walton predicts demand will be somewhere between 100 and 300 (discrete uniform).Demand = d ~ Uniform[100, 300]Order Quantity = Q (decision variable)Revenue = $10 * Min(Q, d)Cost = $7.50 * QRefund = $2.50 * Max(Q–d, 0)Profit = Revenue – Cost + RefundStep #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17A B C D E F Simulation of Walton's BookstoreD ataU ni t C ost =$7.50U ni t P rice =$10.00U ni t R ef und =$2.50D emand D is tribution (Uniform)M inim um =100M axi mum =300D ecis ion VariableOrder Quantity =200SimulationD em and R evenue C ost R efund P rof i t200$2,000.00$1,500.00$0.00$500.0015 16 17B C D E F SimulationD em and R evenue C ost R efund P rofi t 200=C5*M IN(C13,B17)=C4*C13=C6*M A X(C13-B17,0)=C17-D17+E17Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball ®Step #2 (Define Assumptions —i.e., random variables)—color code (blue):1617B D emand 200and click on the “Define Assumptions” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu):Select type of distribution:Provide parameters of distributions:8910B CD emand Distribution (U niform)M inim um =100M axi mum =300Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball ®Step #3 (Define Forecast —i.e., output)1617F P rof i t$500.00click on the “Define Forecast” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu),and fill in the Define Forecast dialogue box.Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)Click on the “Run Preferences” button in toolbar (or in the Run menu):and select the number of trials to run.Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball ®Step #5 (Run Simulation)Click on the “Start Simulation” button in toolbar (or Run in the Run menu):Step #6 (View Results)The results of the simulation can be viewed in a variety of different ways (frequency chart, cumulative chart, statistics, and percentiles). Choose different options under the View menu in the forecast window.The results can be copied into a worksheet or Word document (choose Copy under the Edit menu in the simulation output window.Using Trend Charts to Find the Impact of Order Quantityon Potential ProfitDefine several forecast cells (G14:G18) for several possible order quantities (Q=100, 150, 200, 250, 300). Use the same random order quantity for each to compare them more equally (i.e., one assumption cell for demand—C14—with the rest set equal to C14).1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18A B C D E F G Simulation of Walton's BookstoreD ataU ni t C ost =$7.50U ni t P rice =$10.00U ni t R ef und =$2.50D emand D is tribution (Uniform)M inim um =100M axim um =300SimulationOrder Quantity D em and R evenue C ost R efund P rof it 100200$1,000.00$750.00$0.00$250.00150200$1,500.00$1,125.00$0.00$375.00200200$2,000.00$1,500.00$0.00$500.00250200$2,000.00$1,875.00$125.00$250.00300200$2,000.00$2,250.00$250.00$0.0012 13 14 15 16 17 18B C D E F G SimulationOrder Quantity D em and R evenue C ost R efund P rofi t 100200=$C$5*M IN(B14,C14)=$C$4*B14=$C$6*M AX(B14-C14,0)=D14-E14+F14 150=$C$14=$C$5*M IN(B15,C15)=$C$4*B15=$C$6*M AX(B15-C15,0)=D15-E15+F15 200=$C$14=$C$5*M IN(B16,C16)=$C$4*B16=$C$6*M AX(B16-C16,0)=D16-E16+F16 250=$C$14=$C$5*M IN(B17,C17)=$C$4*B17=$C$6*M AX(B17-C17,0)=D17-E17+F17 300=$C$14=$C$5*M IN(B18,C18)=$C$4*B18=$C$6*M AX(B18-C18,0)=D18-E18+F18After running the simulation, choose “Open Trend Chart” in the Run menu. This chart gives “certainty bands” for the forecast cells. 10% of the time, the project duration will fall within the inner band (light blue), 25% of the time within the 2nd band (red), 50% of the time within the third band (green), and 90% of the time within the outside band (dark blue).Project Management—Global OilGlobal Oil is planning to move their credit card operation to Des Moines, Iowa from their home office in Dallas. The move involves many different divisions within the company. Real estate must select one of three available office sites. Personnel has to determine which employees from Dallas will move, how many new employees to hire, and who will train them. The systems group and treasurer’s office must organize the new operating procedure and make financial arrangements. The architects will have to design the interior space, and oversee needed structural improvements. Each site is an existing building with sufficient open space, but office partitions, computer facilities, furnishings, and so on, must all be provided.A complicating factor is that there is an interdependence of activities. In other words, some parts of the project cannot be started until other parts are completed. For example, Global cannot construct the interior of an office before it has been designed. Neither can it hire new employees until it has determined its personnel requirements.The necessary activities and their necessary predecessors (due to interdependence) are listed below. Three estimates are made for the completion time of each activity—the minimum time, most likely time, and maximum time.Immediate Time Estimates (days)Minimum Most Likely Maximum Activity Description PredecessorA Select Office Site —21 21 21B Create Org. & Fin. Plan —20 25 30C Determine Personnel Req. B 15 20 30D Design Facility A, C 20 28 42E Construct Facility D 40 48 66F Select Personnel to Move C 12 12 12G Hire New Employees F 20 25 32H Move Key Employees F 28 28 28 I Train New PersonnelE, G, H1015 24ABCDFGHIEStartEndGlobal Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15A B C D E F G H I J Global Oil Relocation ProjectActivity Tim e (Triangular)Im m edi ate M ost Start Activity Finish Activity D escri ption P redecessors M inim um Likely M axi mum Tim e Tim e Tim eA Sel ect Site-21212102121B C reate Org. & Fin. P lan-20253002525C D eterm ine P ersonnel Req.B152030252045D D esign Facil ity A, C202842452873E C onstruct Facility D4048667348121F Sel ect Personnel to M ove C121212451257G H ire New Em ployees F202532572582H M ove Key E mployees F282828572885I Train N ew P ersonnel E, G, H10152412115136P roject C om pleti on Tim e =136.003456789101112131415H I JStart Activity FinishTim e Tim e Tim e021=H5+I5025=H6+I6=J620=H7+I7=M A X(J5,J7)28=H8+I8=J848=H9+I9=J712=H10+I10=J1025=H11+I11=J1028=H12+I12=M A X(J9,J11,J12)15=H13+I13P roject C ompleti on Tim e ==J13Step #2 (Define Assumptions—i.e., random variables)Each of the random activity times (B, C, D, E, G, and I) is assumed to follow the triangular distribution.Global Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #3 (Define Forecast—i.e., output)Cell J15 is the forecast cell:15G H I J Project Completion Time =136.00Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)500 trials were run. In addition, Sensitivity Analysis was enabled in the Options of the Run Preferences dialogue box. This allows for the generation of sensitivity analysis results later.Step #5 (Run Simulation)Step #6 (View Results)Additional Results Available with Crystal Ball®Slide the triangles below the histograms to determine the probability that the output (project duration) is less than a certain value (e.g., a deadline), greater than a certain value, or between any two values (by sliding both triangles).Alternatively, you can type in values for the lower bound or upper bound to determine the probability. You can also type in a probability (in “Certainty”), and it will determine the range that has that probability.There is a 79% chance the project will be completed within 150 days.There is a 2.4% chance that the project will take more than 160 days.Sensitivity ChartChoose “Open Sensitivity Chart” in the Run menu. Note that this chart is only availableif you selected the “Sensitivity Analysis” option under Run Preferences. This chartgives an indication as to which random variables (activity times) have the greatest impact on the output cell (project completion time).Variability in activity E has the greatest impact on overall project duration, followed by activity D, C, I, and B. Variability in activity G has almost no impact.Fitting a DistributionCrystal Ball can be used to “fit” a distribution to data.The following data has been collected for the previous 100 phone calls to a mail-order house:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 99 100 101 102 103 104A B C D E F G H I Phone DataArrival Interarrival Length of Call Interarrival Length of Call Cus tomer #(minutes)Time(minutes)Time(minutes)18.228.22 3.77Averages 2.004 4.51212.25 4.03 4.53312.270.02 4.04416.26 3.98 3.70Simulation24518.06 1.81 5.38618.870.81 4.36723.46 4.58 4.41823.530.08 5.14928.73 5.20 4.761030.56 1.83 4.681132.36 1.80 5.061236.90 4.54 5.751343.30 6.40 4.061443.880.57 3.251545.17 1.29 3.5795194.020.28 4.2696195.48 1.46 3.3797195.870.38 4.4598196.840.98 5.0699197.810.97 5.20100200.43 2.61 4.25345G H IInterarrival Length of CallTime(minutes)Averages=AVERAGE(D5:D104)=AVERAGE(E5:E104)(80 rows have been hidden)Fitting Data to a DistributionUsing Crystal Ball® to fit data to a distribution1. Select a spreadsheet cell.2. Choose Define Assumption.3. Click the Fit button, then select the source of the fitted data.4. Click the Next button, then select the distributions to try to fit.5. Click OK.Interarrival TimeService Time。

crystal ball使用指导

crystal ball使用指导

crystal ball使用指导Crystal Ball使用指导导言:Crystal Ball是一款用于预测和分析风险的软件工具,它可以帮助企业和组织做出明智的决策。

本文将介绍如何使用Crystal Ball进行预测和分析,以及一些注意事项和技巧。

一、Crystal Ball简介Crystal Ball是由Oracle公司开发的一款风险分析软件,它基于蒙特卡罗模拟方法,可以通过模拟大量的随机变量来预测未来的风险和收益。

Crystal Ball可以用于各种决策问题,如项目管理、投资分析、供应链优化等,帮助用户做出更准确的决策。

二、Crystal Ball的使用步骤1. 数据输入:首先,我们需要将相关的数据输入到Crystal Ball 中。

可以直接在Crystal Ball中输入数据,也可以从外部文件导入数据。


2. 模型建立:在输入数据之后,我们需要建立相应的模型。



3. 分布设定:Crystal Ball中的随机变量需要设定相应的概率分布。



4. 模拟运行:一切准备就绪后,我们可以进行模拟运行。

Crystal Ball会根据设定的分布和模型进行大量的随机模拟,得到未来可能的结果。


5. 结果分析:模拟运行完成后,Crystal Ball会生成相应的结果。



三、Crystal Ball的注意事项和技巧1. 数据准确性:Crystal Ball的结果取决于输入的数据,因此需要确保数据的准确性。

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Monte-Carlo Simulation with Crystal Ball®To run a simulation using Crystal Ball®:1. Setup SpreadsheetBuild a spreadsheet that will calculate the performance measure (e.g., profit) in terms of the inputs (random or not). For random inputs, just enter any number.2. Define Assumptions—i.e., random variablesDefine which cells are random, and what distribution they should follow.3. Define Forecast—i.e., output or performance measureDefine which cell(s) you are interested in forecasting (typically the performance measure, e.g., profit).4. Choose Number of TrialsSelect the number of trials. If you would later like to generate the Sensitivity Analysis chart, choose “Sensitivity Analysis” under Options in Run Preferences.5. Run SimulationRun the simulation. If you would like to change parameters and re-run the simulation, you should “reset” the simulation (click on the “Reset Simulation” button on the toolbar or in the Run menu) first.6. View ResultsThe forecast window showing the results of the simulation appears automatically after (or during) the simulation. Many different results are available (frequency chart, cumulative chart, statistics, percentiles, sensitivity analysis, and trend chart). The results can be copied into the worksheet.Crystal Ball Toolbar:Define Define Run Start Reset Forecast Trend Assumptions Forecast Preferences Simulation Simulation Window ChartWalton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball®Recall the Walton Bookstore example: It is August, and they must decide how many of next year’s nature calendars to order. Each calendar costs the bookstore $7.50 and is sold for $10. After February, all unsold calendars are returned to the publisher for a refund of $2.50 per calendar. Suppose Walton predicts demand will be somewhere between 100 and 300 (discrete uniform).Demand = d ~ Uniform[100, 300]Order Quantity = Q (decision variable)Revenue = $10 * Min(Q, d)Cost = $7.50 * QRefund = $2.50 * Max(Q–d, 0)Profit = Revenue – Cost + RefundStep #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball ®Step #2 (Define Assumptions —i.e., random variables)—color code (blue):and click on the “Define Assumptions” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu):Select type of distribution:Provide parameters of distributions:Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #3 (Define Forecast—i.e., output)click on the “Define Forecast” button in toolbar (or in the Cell menu),and fill in the Define Forecast dialogue box.Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)Click on the “Run Preferences” button in toolbar (or in the Run menu):and select the number of trials to run.Walton Bookstore Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #5 (Run Simulation)Click on the “Start Simulation” button in toolbar (or Run in the Run menu):Step #6 (View Results)The results of the simulation can be viewed in a variety of different ways (frequency chart, cumulative chart, statistics, and percentiles). Choose different options under the View menuin the forecast window.The results can be copied into a worksheet or Word document (choose Copy under the Edit menu in the simulation output window.Using Trend Charts to Find the Impact of Order Quantityon Potential ProfitDefine several forecast cells (G14:G18) for several possible order quantities (Q=100, 150, 200, 250, 300). Use the same random order quantity for each to compare them more equally (i.e., one assumption cell for demand—C14—with the rest set equal to C14).After running the simulation, choose “Open Trend Chart” in the Run menu. This chart gives “certainty bands” for the forecast cells. 10% of the time, the project duration will fall within the inner band (light blue), 25% of the time within the 2nd band (red), 50% of the time within the third band (green), and 90% of the time within the outside band (dark blue).Project Management—Global OilGlobal Oil is planning to move their credit card operation to Des Moines, Iowa from their home office in Dallas. The move involves many different divisions within the company. Real estate must select one of three available office sites. Personnel has to determine which employees from Dallas will move, how many new employees to hire, and who will train them. The systems group and treasurer’s office must organize the new operating procedure and make financial arrangements. The architects will have to design the interior space, and oversee needed structural improvements. Each site is an existing building with sufficient open space, but office partitions, computer facilities, furnishings, and so on, must all be provided.A complicating factor is that there is an interdependence of activities. In other words, some parts of the project cannot be started until other parts are completed. For example, Global cannot construct the interior of an office before it has been designed. Neither can it hire new employees until it has determined its personnel requirements.The necessary activities and their necessary predecessors (due to interdependence) are listed below. Three estimates are made for the completion time of each activity—the minimum time, most likely time, and maximum time.Start EndGlobal Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #1 (Setup Spreadsheet)Step #2 (Define Assumptions—i.e., random variables)Each of the random activity times (B, C, D, E, G, and I) is assumed to follow the triangular distribution.Global Oil Simulation with Crystal Ball®Step #3 (Define Forecast—i.e., output)Cell J15 is the forecast cell:Step #4 (Choose Number of Trials)500 trials were run. In addition, Sensitivity Analysis was enabled in the Options of the Run Preferences dialogue box. This allows for the generation of sensitivity analysis results later.Step #5 (Run Simulation)Step #6 (View Results)Additional Results Available with Crystal Ball®Slide the triangles below the histograms to determine the probability that the output (project duration) is less than a certain value (e.g., a deadline), greater than a certain value, or between any two values (by sliding both triangles).Alternatively, you can type in values for the lower bound or upper bound to determine the probability. You can also type in a probability (in “Certainty”), and it will determine the range that has that probability.There is a 79% chance the project will be completed within 150 days.There is a 2.4% chance that the project will take more than 160 days.Sensitivity ChartChoose “Open Sensitivity Chart” in the R un menu. Note that this chart is only available ifyou selected the “Sensitivity Analysis” option under Run Preferences. This chart gives an indication as to which random variables (activity times) have the greatest impact on the output cell (project completion time).Variability in activity E has the greatest impact on overall project duration, followed by activity D, C, I, and B. Variability in activity G has almost no impact.Fitting a DistributionCrystal Ball can be used to “fit” a distribution t o data.The following data has been collected for the previous 100 phone calls to a mail-order house:(80 rows have been hidden)Fitting Data to a DistributionUsing Crystal Ball® to fit data to a distribution1. Select a spreadsheet cell.2. Choose Define Assumption.3. Click the Fit button, then select the source of the fitted data.4. Click the Next button, then select the distributions to try to fit.5. Click OK.Interarrival TimeService Time。
