1.noise reduction[nɔiz riˈdʌkʃən]n.降噪,噪声抑制采用工程技术措施控制噪声源的声输出,控制噪声的传播和接收,以得到人们所要求的声学环境。
2.signal enhancement[ˈsiɡnəl ɪnˈhɑ:nsmənt]n.信号增强采用工程技术措施增强信号3.filter ['fɪltə]n. 滤波器是指一种用来消除干扰杂讯的器件,对特定频率的频点或该频点以外的频率进行有效滤除的电路,其功能是为了得到某些特定频率或消除某些特定频率。
4.low pass filter [ləʊ pɑːs'fɪltə]低通滤波器是指能够剔除高于截止频率的所有频率信号并且低于截止频率的信号可以不受影响地通过的滤波器。
5.signal processing ['sɪgn(ə)l 'prɑsɛs]信号处理信号处理(signal processing) 是对各种类型的电信号,按各种预期的目的及要求进行加工过程的统称。
6.desired signal [dɪ'zaɪəd 'sɪgn(ə)l]n.所需信号,有用信号,有效信号希望得到的信号7.noisy signal['nɒɪzɪ 'sɪgn(ə)l]n.加噪信号夹带噪声的信号8.measured signal ['meʒəd 'sɪgn(ə)l]n.已测信号已测量过的信号9.undesired signal[ˌʌndɪ'zaɪəd 'sɪgn(ə)l] n.干扰信号,无用信号,无效信号不想得到的信号10.application [æplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]n. 应用;应用程序某种技术、系统或者产品的应用。
Technology of Modern CommunicationText A: BluetoothBluetooth wireless technology is a short-range communications technology intended to replace the cables connecting portable(轻便的)and fixed devices while maintaining high levels of security.The key features of Bluetooth technology are robustness(稳健), low power, and low cost .The Bluetooth specification defines a uniform structure for a wide range of devices to connect and communicate with each other.蓝牙无线技术是一种小范围无线通信技术,旨在保持高安全级的基础上,在便携式设备与固定设备之间实现无线连接。
Bluetooth technology has achieved global acceptance such that any Bluetooth enable device, almost everywhere in the world, can connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices in proximity. Bluetooth enabled electronic devices connect and communicate wirelessly through short-range, ad hoc(特别)networks known as piconets Each device can simultaneously communicate with up to seven other devices within a single piconet. Each device can also belong to several piconets simultaneously. Piconets are established dynamically and automatically as Bluetooth enabled devices enter and leave radio proximity.蓝牙技术已取得全球认可,使得任何支持蓝牙的设备,几乎在世界各地,可以连接到其他支持蓝牙的邻近装置。
中国联通China Unicom中国移动China Mobile网络容量network capacity交换容量exchange capacity扩容Capacity Expansion平滑升级smooth upgrade射频Radio Frequencies接收灵敏度Receive Sensitivity:数据Data Options传输速率Data Rate电源部分Power supply数据接口Data Interface天线接口Antenna Interface传输速率Baud Rate用户交互界面User Interface认证Certifications网络数据传输数率net data transfer rate联通无限U-Max旗下subordinate]品牌trademarkU-Info互动视界U-Magic神奇宝典U-Net掌中宽带U-Mail彩eU-Map定位之星U-Sms联通在信应用服务Application Service产业价值链industrial value chain 战略目标strategic objective渠道channel转型transition/Transformation推广extension针对aim at电信telecommunication整合conformity市场渗透率market penetration factor微观的microcosmic科学技术science and technology 地理环境geographic environment 宏观的macroscopical供应链supply chain产品种类product variety价格水平price level销售方式modes of sale客户client敏感sensitivity营业场所business ground or office投诉complaintelecom operators电信运营商指标index第二手资料secondary source data第一手材料the first-hand material/first-hand data分销商distributor管理者administrative supervisor 增值value increment副总经理deputy general manager 交通枢纽traffic hub渤海Bohai Sea华北平原North China Plain人力资源human resources奖惩rewards and punishment 长江三角洲the Yangtze Delta珠江三角洲Pearl River Delta经济圈economic circle经济一体化economic integration 地形terrain地貌topographic feature海岸线coast line造纸paper making胶片film化工chemical industry]矿产minerals可支配收入disposable income良性循环virtuous circles生产总值total output value人均国内生产总值per capita GDP消费性支出nonproductive expenditure衣、食、住、行basic life necessities of clothing,food, shelter and weans of travel产业结构industrial structure结构优化optimum structure改革开放reform and opening翻两番quadruple可持续发展sustainable development城市化urbanizationActuator执行器A:Amplifier放大器A:Attendance员工考勤A:Attenuation衰减AA:Antenna amplifier开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller模拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback声反馈AFR:Amplitude/Frequency Response幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines Unit模拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module管理模块AN:Access Network接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit模拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode异步传送方式AU-PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification管理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer 管理单元指针A VCD:Auchio&Video Control Device音像控制装置AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation& Control net建筑物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB 通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise背景噪声BGS:Background Sound背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code比特间插奇偶校验N位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band-Integrated Services Digital Network宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System智能建筑管理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station基站BSC:Base Station Controller基站控制器BUL:Back up lighting备用照明C/S:Client/Server客户机/服务器C:Combines混合器C:Container容器CA:Call Accounting电话自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television有线电视CC:Call Control呼叫控制CC:Coax cable同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access码分多址CF:Core Function核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader/Encoder(Ticket reader)卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS:Convergence service会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio载波比CW:Control Word控制字D:Directional指向性D:Distortion失真度D:Distributive分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel-Intelligent智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer数据链路层DLI:DECT Line Interface DODI:Direct Outward Dialing One一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics指向性响应DS:Direct Sound直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency双音多频DTS:Dual-Technology Sensor双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect数字交叉连接E:Emergency lighting照明设备E:Equalizer均衡器E:Expander扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise等效噪声EP:Emergency Power应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter滤波器FAB:Fire Alarm Bell火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count失效次数FC:Frequency Converter频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit风机盘管FD:Fire Door防火门FD:Flame Detector火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data FL:Focal Length焦距FL:Fuzzy Logic模糊逻辑FM:Faiilt Management失效管理FPA:Fire Public Address火灾事故广播FPD:Fire Public Derice消防设施FR:Frequency Response频响Interface光纤缆分布式数据接口。
-------------------------------------- 14课-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1、configuration 配置Topologies拓扑结构2、multidrop插头式ring or loop 环状或回路型the mesh 网状3、simultaneously 同时intelligence 情报4、perpheral equipment 外围终端5、essentially /in nature 本质上6、vary considerable 在很大程度上7、hotel reservation systems 宾馆预订系统8、telecommunications network 电信网络9、plural 复数mass media 大众媒体10、ATM = automatic teller machine11、simplex 单工,duplex 双工,HDX = half duplex, FDX= full duplex, F/FDX= full/full duplex12、unidirectional 单向的,two-way alternate or either-way lines 双向交替或任一方向电路13、citizens band 民用波段14、postal system 邮政系统15、indefinitely 不确定的16、vice verse反之亦然17、error control 差错控制,error detection 检错,error correction 纠错,echoplex回送18、Trade-off 平衡,折中考虑,serial-parallel transmission串行和并行传输19、between the source and destination 在源地和目的地之间20、short-distance communications 近距离通信21、and serial transmission is used for long-distance communications 远距离通信22、To insure an ordly flow of data between the line control unit and the modem,a serial interface is placed between them .23、in data communications,there are four types of synchronization<同步>that must be achieved:bit or clock synchronization,modem or carrier synchronization,characteraynchronization,and message synchronization.1、Innovation 进步2、optical feeder links 光馈,digital compression techniques 数字压缩技术3、service integration 综合服务4、频分复用frequency-division multiplexing5、utilize 利用6、in this implementation 在这种实现方式中7、fiber-to-the-curb<FTTC>光纤到路边8、视频点播video on demand<VOD>9、telephony , industry 行业10、the CATV industry is deploying bidirectional networks —CATV 行业有必要拓展双向网络11、noted above 前面提到的12、atenuates衰减13、nonadjacent 不毗连的,turn over 移交,subscribers 订户14、packet-switched wireless network 分组交换无线网络15、with the sponsorship 在---的资助下16、hub 中心17、on the order of 大约,在---数量级18、penetration 渗透无线局域网WLAN=wireless local area networktoehold 立足点notebook 笔记本backbone 骨干,integrated services 综合服务,multimedia Web access 多媒体网页访问公共信道信令common channel signaling用户subscriber telephone远程监控remote monitoring同步传输synchronous transmissionSDLC 同步数据链路控制=synchronous data link controlHDLC 高级数据链路控制=high-level data link control信息包packet自同步码self-aynchronizing code存储转发分组交换store-and-forward packet-switchingLAN 局域网=local area networkWAN 广域网= wide area network异步传输模式<ATM>= Asynchronous Transfer modecell 信元,feeder 馈电线有线电视CATV= community antenna television障碍物obstructionunidirectional 单向的nonadjacent 不相邻的,turn over 反复考虑with the sponsorship of 在----的资助下on the order of 与----相似的toehold 立足点,notebook 笔记本掌上电脑palm-sized computerbackbone 骨干,脊椎机顶盒set-top TV boxmultiplex 多路复用ISDN = integrated services digital network分组交换packet-switch数字用户线路DSL = digital subscriber linestore and forward 存储转发计算机串口the serial port of computer devices它是短距离〔少于30米〕的低速率〔为38kbps〕传输标准This standard is for low bit rate<up to 38kbps>transmission over short diatances<less than 30m> 每次一个字符one character at a time可以添加一个奇偶校验比特用于检错they can add a parity bit for error detection连续字符successive characters时间间隔time interval当接收器检测到一个新字符的开始时When the receiver detects the beginning of a new character非双绞线untwisted wires随着速率和距离的增加as the rate and the distance increase---------------------------------------------- 17课-----------------------------------------------------1、simultaneously 同时的2、facsimile3、audio 音频4、severe terrain 恶劣的地形5、composite 合成6、preemphasis network 预加重网络7、deviator 偏差器8、precede 在-----之前9、amplitude 丰富10、artificial boost 人为的提升11、IF = intermediate frequency12、Conventional 常见的13、Mixer 混频器14、Oscillator 振荡器15、Multiply 倍频16、Heterodyning 外差作用17、Crystal oscillator 晶体振荡器18、Factor 指数19、Noncoherent非相关的20、Detector 检波器21、Amplitude-versus-frequency characteristics幅频特性22、载波比carrier-to-noise ratio23、信噪比signal-to-noise ratio24、Modulated 调制器25、Deemphasis network 去加重网络26、In digital microwave communications systems,phased shift keying is usually used tomodulate the HF carrier by baseband signal27、The receive module down-converts the Rf carrier to IF ,the IF AMP /AGC and equalizercircuits amplify and reshape the IF28、The received RF signal enters the receiver through the channel separation network andbandpass filter29、The term "digital radio"is used to refer to any microwave radio that transmits PCMcarrier signals ,regardless of how or at what point the signals are inserted into the radio equipment.30、The equalizer compensates for gain-versus-frequency nonlinearities and envelop delaydistortion introduced in the system.18课1、celestial body 天上的2、space vehicle 太空交通工具3、military 军事4、GPS = global positioning system 全球定位系统5、Navigation 航海,航行6、Incorporate 合并7、Frame 设计8、Sector 部门9、Aeronautical航空10、Geostationary orbital 同步轨道11、Highly elliptical orbital 高椭圆轨道12、Sole 基础13、Briefcase 公文包14、Significantly 值得一提的是15、Alphanumeric pagers 文字数字寻呼机16、Exploits 发射17、Dual-mode phone 双模18、蜂窝网络cellular network19、Multi-spot-beam coverage 多点波束覆盖技术20、Inversely proportional to 反比于21、Collective 集中地22、Cruise liner 巡航船23、Aircraft 飞机24、Fixed 固定的25、同步卫星geostationary satellite26、赤道equator27、近赤道卫星equatorial orbit28、The satellite link is probably the most basic in microwave communications since aline-of-sight path typically exists between the earth and space .29、The ground segment consists of three main network elements :gateways,sometimescalled fixed earth stations ,the network control center and the satellite control center . Multiplexing of signals 信号复用Multiple-access system多址系统Allocated to 分配Simultaneously 同时Transponder 转发器Inherent 内在的Self-interference 自干扰Critical 更关键的Throughput 吞吐量Multi-spot-beam 多点波束Spot beam 波束Contemporary 当代的Pedestrian 步行者Hence因此Municipal agencies 市政部门By virtue of 利用Intriguing 巧妙地。
通信工程专业英语翻译Part B1. Desktop systems allow remote users to share CAD files as well as other office documents created in spreadsheets, word processors, presentation packages, etc.桌面系统让远程用户能够共享计算机辅助设计档案与其他一些制作在电子表格、文字处理器、图像程序包中的办公室文件。
3. At the World’s Fair 1964, AT&T demonstrated its first videophone, a desktop (or countertop)configuration that provided low quality images using analog technology.在1964年的世界博览会上,美国电话电报公司展示了其首款可视电话-一种桌面(或者台式)机器。
5. Today, systems level implementers have to live within the constraints of standards-based compression algorithms, since standards are the foundation for interoperability, which in the communications field is absolutely necessary.如今,系统水平的操作者不得不受限于基于标准的压缩算法,由于标准时互用性的基础。
Part A1. The word “multimedia”is being used to describe a mixture of hardware, software and applications, with a consequent confusion in people’s mind as to what it is.“多媒体”一词被用来描述硬件、软件及应用的混合体。
Unit 1:The Evolution of Communication Theories
Specialized English on Communication Engineering
简明性: 简明性:用尽可能少的单词来清晰地表达原意 过去分词短语可以取代被动语态关系从句, 过去分词短语可以取代被动语态关系从句,现在分词可以取 代主动语态关系从句, 代主动语态关系从句,如 In Britain electricity energy generated in power station is fed to the national Grid. National Grid 全国输电网
Specialized English on Communication Engineering
转义词汇( 转义词汇(Transfered words) ) 有些单词的通用含义很接近, 有些单词的通用含义很接近,但它们的专业含义却 完全不同, 完全不同,如: differential :微分 difference :差分 probability :概率 possibility :可能性 转意词汇还有: 转意词汇还有:failure,relay,filter,spectrum, , , , , monitor,flip-flop等等 , 等等
中国联通China Unicom中国挪移China Mobile网络容量network capacity交换容量exchange capacity扩容Capacity Expansion平滑升级smooth upgrade射频Radio Frequencies接收灵敏度Receive Sensitivity: 数据Data Options传输速率Data Rate电源部份Power supply数据接口Data Interface天线接口Antenna Interface传输速率Baud Rate用户交互界面User Interface认证Certifications网络数据传输数率net data transfer rate联通无限U-Max旗下subordinate]品牌trademarkU-Info 互动视界U-Magic 奇妙宝典U-Net 掌中宽带U-Mail 彩eU-Map 定位之星U-Sms 联通在信应用服务Application Service产业价值链industrial value chain 战略目标strategic objective渠道channel转型transition/Transformation推广extension针对aim at电信telecommunication整合conformity市场渗透率market penetration factor微观的microcosmic科学技术science and technology 地理环境geographic environment 宏观的macroscopical供应链supply chain产品种类product variety价格水平price level销售方式modes of sale客户client敏感sensitivity营业场所business ground or office投诉complaintelecom operators 电信运营商指标index第二手资料secondary source data 第一手材料the first-hand material/first-hand data分销商distributor管理者administrative supervisor 增值value increment副总经理deputy general manager 交通枢纽traffic hub渤海Bohai Sea华北平原North China Plain人力资源human resources奖惩rewards and punishment长江三角洲the Yangtze Delta 珠江三角洲Pearl River Delta经济圈economic circle经济一体化economic integration 地形terrain地貌topographic feature海岸线coast line造纸paper making胶片film化工chemical industry]矿产minerals可支配收入disposable income良性循环virtuous circles生产总值total output value人均国内生产总值per capita GDP消费性支出nonproductive expenditure衣、食、住、行basic life necessities of clothing, food, shelter and weans of travel产业结构industrial structure结构优化optimum structure改革开放reform and opening翻两番quadruple可持续发展sustainable development城市化urbanizationActuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance 员工考勤A:Attenuation 衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics 建造声学AC:Analogue Controller 摹拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System 出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector 地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control 自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris 自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service 确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 摹拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module 管理模块AN:Access Network 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 摹拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU 指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification 管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer 管理单元指针AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置AWG:American Wire Gauge 美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation & Control net 建造物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module 后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio 背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB 通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建造物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector 大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise 背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N 位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System 智能建造管理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station 基站BSC:Base Station Controller 基站控制器BUL:Back up lighting 备用照明C/S: Client/Server 客户机/服务器C:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting 电话自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority 信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix 交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion 传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service 公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader )卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer 合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer collaborative work 协同工作CSES:Continuiussupported 计算机支持的SeverelyErrored Second 连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 控制字D:Directional 指向性D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator 数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus 数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts 大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel 数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent 智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System 集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller 直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line Interface DODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Emergency lighting 照明设备E:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或者控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped FiberAmplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC :Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial 疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge 静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing 电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器FAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit 风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI :Fiberdistributed Data Interface 光纤缆分布式数据接口。
通信工程 专业英语的词汇
2-port inductor 二端口电感-3 db frequency 截止频率-3 db frequency(CE) 截止频率(共射)AAcceptor atom 受主原子active component 有源元件active element 有源元件active load 有源负载active load 有源负载active power 有功功率active region 放大区adder 加法器address 地址admittance parameter equation 导纳参数方程admittance 导纳air gap 气隙all-pass filter(APF) 全通~ alternating current path 交流通路alternating current(AC/ac) 交变电流alternating load line 交流~ alternating voltage 交变电压ampere (A) 安培Ampere’s circuital law 安培环路定律amplification effect 放大作用amplification 放大倍数amplifier 放大电路amplifier 放大器amplitude frequency characteristic 幅频特性amplitude spectrum 振幅频谱amplitude 幅值amplitude 振幅/幅值amplitude-frequency characteristic 幅频特性analog circuit 模拟电路analog to digital conversion 模-数转换analog to digital converter(ADC) 模-数转换器Analysis of amplifiers 放大电路的分析Analysis of differential amplifiers 差分放大电路的分析AND gate 与门AND 与AND-OR-INVERT gate 与或非门AND-OR-INVERT 与或非angular frequency 角频率apparent power 视在功率application specific integrated circuit(ASIC) 专业集成电路argument 辐角artificial line 人工线astable multivibrator 多谐振荡器asynchronous counter 异步计数器attenuate oscillation 衰减振荡attenuation coefficient 衰减系数attenuation coefficient 衰减系数autonomous equation 自治方程autonomous network 自治网络average power 平均功率Bbacklash 回差Backward Euler method 后向欧拉公式balanced transformerless BTL~band-elimination filter(BEF) 带阻~band-gap reference 能隙基准源band-pass filter(BPF) 带通~band-pass network 带通网络band-stop network 傣族网络bandwidth 通频带barrier ~ 势垒~barrier capacitance 势垒电容base area body resistance( ) 基区体电阻base region 基区base 基极base 基极Bessel filter 贝赛尔~bilateral 双向性binary decoder 二进制译码器binary 二进制binary-coded decimal decoder 二-十进制译码器binary-coded decimal(BCD) 二-十进制Bipolar Junction Transistors 晶体管(双极型管)bipolar-CMOS(Bi-CMOS) 双极型CMOSbit 位Bode plot 波特图bonded electron 束缚电子Boolean algebra 布尔代数bootstrapping circuit 自举电路borrow 借位branch current analysis 支路电流法branch 支路breakdown voltage 击穿电压breakdown voltage 击穿电压bridge rectifier 桥式整流broken-line approximation 拆线法bus 总线Butterworth filter 巴特沃斯~by-pass ~ 旁路~Ccapacitance effect 电容效应capacitance filter 电容滤波capacitance 电容[系数] capacitor 电容capacitor 电容[元件] carrier 载流子carry 进位cascade connection 级联CC-CB amplifier 共集-共基放大电路CCCS 电流控制电流源CCVS 电流控制电压源CE-CB amplifier 共射-共基放大电路center frequency 中心频率channel 沟道channel 沟道character mode display 字符显示器characteristic curve 特性曲线characteristic equation 特性方程characteristic impedance 特性阻抗characteristic impedance 特性阻抗characteristics frequency 特征频率characteristics of amplifiers 放大电路的性能characteristics 特性charge amplifier 电荷放大器Chebyshev filter 切比雪夫~ circuit analysis 电路分析circuit element 电路元件circuit model 电路模型circuit simulation 电路仿真circuit synthesis 电路综合circuit theory 电路理论class A amplification 甲类放大class AB amplification 甲乙类放大class B amplification 乙类放大class C ~ 丙类~ Clipping 限幅clock pulse(CP) 时钟脉冲clock(CLK) 时钟closed-loop gain 闭环增益closed-loop 闭环CMOS circuit CMOS电路coefficient of coupling 耦合系数coefficient of voltage stabilization 稳压系数coercive force 矫顽力coil 线圈coil 线圈collector junction 集电结collector region 集电区collector 集电极collector 集电极Colpitts feedback 电容反馈式(电容三点式)combinational logic 组合逻辑Command Window 命令窗口common base 共基( )common emitter 共射( )Common-base(CB) 共基级Common-collector(CC) 共集电级Common-drain(CD) 共漏极common-emitter(CE) 共发射级common-mode gain 共模放大倍数common-mode rejection ratio 共模抑制比common-mode rejection ratio 共模抑制比common-mode signal 共模信号Common-sources(CS) 共源级commutation 换路comparator 比较器compensation method 校正措施complementary pair 互补电路complementary symmetry metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS) 互补对称式MOS complete response 全响应complex frequency 复频率complex power 复[数]功率complex programmable logic device(CPLD) 复杂的可编程逻辑器件complex reluctance 复磁阻抗computer aided design(CAD) 计算机辅助设计condenser 电容器[容电器] Condition of symmetry 对称条件conductance 电导[系数]configurable logic block(CLB) 可编程逻辑模块conjugate matching 共轭匹配connected graph 连通图constant current region 恒流区constant current source 恒流源constraint condition 约束条件constraint term 约束项constraint 约束construction 结构continuous spectrum 连续频谱controlled source 受控电源convergence 收敛convolution 卷积corresponding terminals 同名端coulomb (C) 库仑counter 计数器coupling ~ 耦合~coupling 耦合couplinig 耦合covalent bond 共价键criterion of oscillation 振荡条件critical state 临界状态cross over distortion 交越失真crystal oscillator 石英晶体~current amplification factor 电流放大系数current controlled nonlinear resistor [电]流控[制]非线性电阻current equation 电流方程current equation 电流方程Current Feedback Operational Amplifier 电流反馈集成运放Current mirror 镜像~current mode 电流模current overload protection 过流保护current resonance 电流谐振current source 电流源current source 电流源current 电流current-output DAC 权电流(电流输出)数-模转换器current-parallel 电流并联current-series 电流串联current-voltage converter 电流电压转换电路cut-off frequency of pass-band 通带截止频率cut-off region 截止区cut-set admittance matrix 割集导纳矩阵cut-set source-current vector 割集源电流向量cut-set 割集Ddamped oscillation 阻尼振荡Darlington connection 复合管data selector/multiplexer 数据选择器/多路调制器DC circuit 直流电路dc component 直流分量DC model 直流模型DC model 直流模型DC operating point 直流工作点DC voltage 直流电压De Morgan’s theorem摩根定理decimal 十进制decoder 译码器delayed unit step function 延迟单位阶跃函数demultiplexer 分配器dependent source 非独立电源depletion type 耗尽型Depletion 耗尽层difference amplifier 差分放大器difference-mode signal 差模信号differential amplifier 差分放大电路differential circuit 微分~ differential gain 差模放大倍数differential input 差分输入differential input 差分输入电压diffusion ~ 扩散~diffusion capacitance 扩散电容Diffusion 扩散digital circuit 数字电路digital comparator 数值比较器digital to analog conversion 数-模转换digital to analog converter(DAC) 数-模转换器diode 二极管diode-transistor logic(DTL) 二极管-三极管逻辑direct coupled ~ 直接耦合~direct coupled 直接耦合direct current path 直流通路direct current 直流direct load line 直流~direct wave 正向行波directed graph 有向图discrete spectrum 离散频谱display 显示器disspative element 耗能元件distortion factor 失真系数distortion 畸变distortion 畸变distributed circuit 分布参数电路divide circuit 除法~don’t care term无关项donor atom 施主原子doping 掺杂drain 漏极drift 漂移dualin-line package 双列直插式封装dual-in-line package(DIP) 双列直插式封装duality principle 对偶原理dual-slope ADC 双积分型模-数转换器duty ratio 占空比dynamic circuits 动态电路dynamic element 动态元件dynamic random access memory(DRAM) 动态随即存储器dynamic resistance 动态电阻dynamic route 动态路径EEbers-Moll model EM(模型)Ebers-Moll model EM模型eddy current 涡流edge-triggered flip-flop 边沿触发器Editor/Debugger 编辑器/调试器effective value 有效值efficiency 效率efficiency 效率electric circuit 电路electric device 电器件electric network 电网络electrical erasable programmable read-only memory(E2PROM) 电可擦除的可编程只读存储器electricity 电electro motive force, EMF 电动势electromagnetism 电磁学Electronic Design Automation 电子设计自动化electronics 电子学emitter couple logic(ECL) 发射极耦合逻辑emitter follower 射级输出器emitter junction 发射结emitter region 发射区emitter 发射极emitter 发射极encode 编码encoder 编码器energy storage element 储能元件enhancement 增强型equation of PN junction PN结方程equilibrium 平衡点equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent circuit(model) 等效电路(模型)equivalent resistance 等效电阻equivalent sinusoid 等效正弦波erasable programmable logic device(EPLD) 可擦除的可编程逻辑器件erasable programmable read-only memory(EPROM) 可擦除的可编程只读存储器excitation 激励Exclusive-OR gate 异或门Exclusive-OR 异或exponential circuit 指数~Ffall time 下降时间fan-out 扇出features of integrated circuits 集成电路特点feedback amplifiers 反馈放大电路feedback configuration 反馈组态feedback path 反馈通路feedback polarity examination 反馈极性判断feedback signal 反馈信号ferromagnetic material 铁磁材料field effect transistor ~ 场效应管~field effect transistor(FET) 场效应管field programmable gate array(FPGA) 现场可编程门阵列field programmable logic array(FPLA) 现场可编程逻辑阵列filtering ~ 滤波~filters 滤波电路first-order circuit 一阶电路flash memory 快闪存储器flip-flop 触发器floating-gate avalanche-injection MOSFET(FAMOS) 浮栅雪崩注入MOS管flux leakage 漏磁通flux 磁通forced component 强制分量Forward Euler method 前向欧拉公式Fourier integral 傅里叶积分Fourier series 傅里叶级数Fourier transform 傅里叶变换four-quadrant multiplier 四象限乘法器free electron 自由电子free electron 自由电子free oscillation 自由振荡frequency characteristic 频率特性frequency characteristic(frequency response) 频率特性(频率响应)frequency domain 频域frequency response 频率响应frequency response 频率响应frequency selective ~ 选频~frequency spectrum function 频谱函数frequency 频率frequency-selective network 选频网络full adder 全加器full wave 全波function generator 函数发生器function generator 函数发生器fundamental cut-set matrix 基本割集矩阵fundamental cut-set 基本割集fundamental loop matrix 基本回路矩阵fundamental loop 基本回路fundamental wave 基波Ggain margin 幅值裕度gate circuit 门电路gate 栅极gate 栅极generalized function 广义函数generic array logic(GAL) 通用阵列逻辑generic digital switch(GDS) 通用数字开关generic logic block(GLB) 通用逻辑模块gradually change 渐变graphical method 图解法Gustav Robert Kirchhoff 基尔霍夫HH magnetic field intensity 磁场强度矢量half adder 半加器half wave rectifier 半波整流half wave 半波harmonic analysis 谐波分析harmonic 谐波Hartley feedback 电感反馈式(电感三点式)heat dissipation 散热heat dissipation 散热Henry(H) 亨[利]Hertz 赫[兹]hexadecimal 十六进制high threshold logic(HTL) 高阈值逻辑high-pass filter 高通滤波器high-pass filter(HPF) 高通~high-pass network 高通网络hold time 保持时间hole 空穴hole 空穴hybrid- model 混合“”模型hybrid- model 混合“”模型hybrid parameter equation 混合参数方程hybrid parameter matrix 混合参数矩阵hysteresis loop 磁滞回线Iideal model 理想模型ideal op amp 理想运放ideal operational amplifier 理想运放ideal transformer 理想变压器image function 象函数imaginary part 虚部impedance parameter equation 阻抗参数方程impedance 阻抗impulse response 冲激响应Impurity 杂质Impurity 杂质in phase 同相in system programmable(ISP) 在系统可编程incidence matrix 关联矩阵incidence wave 入射波independent source 独立电源induced EMF 感应电动势inductance 电感[系数]inductive reactance 感抗inductor 电感[元件]infinite gain multiple Feedback filter(LPF) 无限增益多路反馈~ (LPF) infinite gain multiple Feedback 无限增益多路反馈initial current 初始电流initial magnetization curve 起始磁化曲线initial value 初始值initial voltage 初始电压input characteristics(CE) 输入特性(共射)input impedance 输入阻抗input resistance 输入电阻input resistance 输入电阻input/output block(IOB) 输入/输出模块instantaneous power 瞬时功率instantaneous value 瞬时值instrumentation amplifier 仪用放大器insulated gate type ~ 绝缘栅型~ integrated analog multiplier 集成模拟乘法器integrated circuit power amplifier 集成功放integrated circuit 集成电路integrated circuit(IC) 集成电路integrated injection logic(I2L) 集成注入逻辑integrated operational amplifier circuit 集成运算放大电路Integrated voltage comparator 集成电压比较器integrated voltage comparator 集成电压比较器integration circuit 积分~ interconnect resource(IR) 互连资源inter-electrode ~ 极间~ interference 干扰internal resistance 内阻intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体intrinsic 本征inverse Fourier transform 傅里叶反变换inverse hybrid parameter equation 逆混合参数方程inverse hybrid parameter matrix 逆混合参数矩阵inverse Laplace transform 拉普拉斯逆变换inverse transmission parameter matrix 逆传输参数矩阵inverted T type DAC 倒T形电阻网络数-模转换器inverter 反相器inverting amplifier 反相放大器inverting input terminal 反向输入端inverting input 反相输入iron core 铁心iron core 铁心iron loss 磁滞损耗iron loss 铁损iron-core transformer 铁心变压器isolated amplifier 隔离放大器isolation 隔离JJoule's law 焦耳定律jump phenomena 跳变现象junction capacitance 结电容junction type ~ 结型~junction type ~ 面接触型~KKarnaugh map 卡诺图Kirchhoff's Current Law(KCL) 基尔霍夫电流定律kirchhoff's laws 霍夫定律Kirchhoff's Voltage Law(KVL) 基尔霍夫电压定律knee point 膝点Llag 滞后Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换large scale integration(LSI) 大规模集成latch 锁存器latch-up 锁定效应law of continuity magnetic flux 磁通的连续性定理law of electromagnetic induction 电磁感应定律LC network LC并联网络lead 越前light emitting diode(LED) 发光二极管light-emitting ~ 发光~line current 线电流linear algebraic equations 线性代数方程linear circuit 线性电路linear DC circuit 线性直流电路linear element 线性元件link branch 连支liquid crystal display(LCD) 液晶显示器load line 负载线load 负载logarithmic circuit 对数~logic algebra 逻辑代数logic diagram 逻辑图logic function 逻辑函数logic level 逻辑电平logic operation 逻辑运算logic 逻辑long tailed pair 长尾电路look-ahead carry adder 超前进位加法器loop analysis 回路分析法loop current analysis 回路电流法loop current 回路电流loop gain 环路增益loop impedance matrix 回路阻抗矩阵loop source-voltage vector 回路电压向量loop 波腹loop 回路loop 回路lossless element 无损元件low frequency power amplifier 低频功率放大电路lower cut-off frequency 下限截止频率low-pass filter 低通滤波器low-pass filter(LPF) 低通~low-pass network 低通网络lumped circuit 集(中)总参数电路lumped 集(中)总Mmagnetic circuit 磁路magnetic coupling 磁耦合magnetic field 磁场magnetic flux density 磁通密度magnetic flux 磁通magnetic hysteresis 磁滞magnetic induction intensity 磁感应强度magnetic permeance 磁导magnetic reluctance 磁阻magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetically hard materials 硬磁材料magnetically soft materials 软磁材料magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetomotive force (MMF) 磁通势main flux 主磁通majority carrier 多数载流子Majority carrier 多数载流子masked read-only memory 掩膜只读存储器master-slave flip-flop 主从触发器mathematical power circuit 乘方~maximum output amplitude 最大输出幅值maximum output power 最大输出功率maxterm 最大项medium scale integration(MSI) 中规模集成memory element 记忆元件memory 存储器mesh current 网孔电流mesh 网孔Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor field effect transistor 金属-氧化物-半导体场效应管metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor(MOSFET) 金属-氧化物-半导体场效应管(MOS管)Miller effect 密勒效应minority carrier 少数载流子Minority carrier 少数载流子minterm 最小项modified node voltage analysis 改进节点电压法modulus 模monolithic integrated regulator 单片集成稳压器Moore type sequential logic circuit 穆尔型时序电路MOS type ~ MOS型~multi-phase system 多相制multiple collector transistor 多集电极晶体管Multiple current source 多路~multiple emitter transistor 多发射级晶体管multiplication circuit 乘法~multiplier 倍增电路multistage amplifier 多级放大电路mutual conductance 互导mutual inductance 互感[系数]mutual induction 互感应mutual inductor 互感[元件]mutual resistance 互阻NN type ~ N型~N type Semiconductors N型半导体NAND gate 与非门NAND 与非natural frequency 固有频率/自然频率natural frequency 自然频率n-channel depletion MOSFET N沟道耗尽型MOS管n-channel enhancement MOSFET N沟道增强型MOS管negative feedback 负反馈negative feedback 负反馈negative resistance 负电阻negative sequence 负序negative total reflection 负全反射Neper (Np) 奈培network function 网络函数neutral point 中性点neutral wire 中线Newton-Raphson’s method 牛顿-拉夫逊法nixie light 数码管node admittance matrix 节点导纳矩阵node analysis 节点分析法node conductance matrix 电导矩阵node source-current vector 节点电流向量node voltage analysis 节点电压法node voltage 节点电压node 波节node 节点node-to-branch incidence matrix 节点-支路关联矩阵noise factor 噪声系数noise margin噪声容限noise 噪声noise(fizker noise) 噪声no-load current 空载电流nonautonomous equation 非自治方程nonautonomous network 非自治网络noninverting amplifier 同相放大器non-inverting input terminal 同相输入端non-inverting input 同相输入nonlinear capacitor 非线性电容nonlinear circuit 非线性电路nonlinear element 非线性元件nonlinear resistor 非线性电阻nonplanar circuit 非平面电路NOR gate 或非门NOR 或非normal magnetization curve 基本磁化曲线Norton 诺顿Norton’s theorem 诺顿定理NOT gate 非门NOT 非numerical analysis 数值分析法Oodd-even check/generator 奇偶校验/发生器offset current 失调电流offset voltage 失调电压Ohm 欧姆one-port network 一个端口网络open circuit 开路/断路open collector gate(OC门) 集电极开路门电路open drain gate(OD门) 漏极开路门电路open loop gain 开环增益open-circuit impedance parameters 开路阻抗参数open-circuit input impedance 开路输入阻抗open-circuit output impedance 开路输出阻抗open-circuit transfer impedance 开路转移阻抗open-loop gain 开环增益open-loop gain 开环增益open-loop 开环operating point stabilization 工作点稳定operational admittance 运算导纳operational amplifier or op amp 运算放大器(运放) operational amplifier 运算放大器operational capacitive reactance 运算容抗operational circuit 运算电路operational circuits 运算电路operational impedance 运算阻抗operational inductive reactance 运算感康OR gate 或门OR 或original function 原函数original value 原始值out-off frequency 截止频率output capacitorless OCL~output characteristics 输出特性(共源)output characteristics(CE) 输出特性(共射)output equation 输出方程output impedance 输出阻抗output logic macro cell(OLMC) 输出逻辑宏单元output power 输出功率output resistance 输出电阻output resistance 输出电阻output transformerless OTL~over damped 过阻尼PP type ~ P型~P type Semiconductors P型半导体parallel connection 并联parallel type 并联式parallel type 并联型parallel-comparator ADC 关联比较型模-数转换器-parameter model 参数模型-parameter model 参数模型parameter 参数parameter 参数parameter 参数parameters 参数pass-band voltage gain 通带电压放大倍数pass-band 通带pass-band 通带passive element 无源元件path 路径p-channel depletion MOSFET P沟道耗尽型MOS管p-channel enhancement MOSFET P沟道增强型MOS管perfectly coupled 全耦合period 周期permeability 磁导率phase angle 相角phase coefficient 相位系数phase current 相电流phase difference 相位差phase frequency characteristic 相频特性phase inversion 反相phase lag compensation 滞后校正phase lead compensation 超前校正phase margin 相位裕度phase quadrature 正交phase sequence 相序phase spectrum 相位频谱phase velocity 相速phase voltage 相电压phase 相phase 相位phase 相位phase-frequency characteristic 相频特性phasor 向量photocell 光电池photocoupler 光电耦合器photocoupler 光电耦合器photodiode 光电二极管photodiode 光电二极管phototransistor 光电三极管piecewise linear approximation 分段性近似法piecewise model 折线化模型pinch off voltage 夹断电压planar circuit 平面电路P-N junction diode P-N 结二极管PN junction PN结point contact type ~ 点接触型~ pole 极点popular type 通用型positive feedback 正反馈positive sequence 正序potential 电位power amplifiers 功率放大电路power factor 功率因数power frequency 工频power system 电力系统power 电功率(功率) precision rectifier 精密整流电路precision rectifier 精密整流电路prediction correction method 预报-校正法primary coil 原线圈principles of getting amplification 组成原则priority encoder 优先编码器programmable array logic(PAL) 可编程阵列逻辑programmable interconnect point(PIP) 可编程连接点programmable logic device(PLD) 可编程逻辑器件programmable logic sequencer(PLS) 可编程逻辑时序器programmable read-only memory(PROM) 可编程只读存储器propagation coefficient 传播系数proper tree 专用树protecting circuit 保护电路protecting circuit 保护电路pulse duration ratio 占空比pulse 脉冲pulse-width modulation(PWM) 脉宽调制push-pull ~ 推挽~push-pull output 推拉式输出Qquality factor Q值quality factor 品质因数quality factor 品质因数quantization error 量化误差quantization 量化quartz crystal 石英晶体quasi complementary(emitter follower) 准互补电路Quiescent point 静态工作点Quiescent point 静态工作点Rrace-hazard 竞争-冒险random access memory(RAM) 随机存储器rated power 额定功率RC coupling ~ 阻容耦合~ reactance 电抗reactance 电抗reactive power compensation 无功补偿read-only memory(ROM) 只读存储器real part 实部reciprocity theorem 互易定理recovery time 恢复时间rectangular wave generator 矩形波发生器rectifier 整流电路reference direction 参考方向reference 基准源reflected impedance 引入阻抗reflected reactance 引入电抗reflected resistance 引入电阻reflection coefficient 反射系数reflective wave 反射波reflectless 无反射Regenerative comparator 滞回比较器register 寄存器relative error 相对误差remain magnetic induction intensity 剩余磁感应强度reset 复位resistance 电阻[系数] resistive circuits 电阻电路resistor 电阻元件resistor-capacitor coupled 阻容耦合resolution 分辨率resonance angular frequency 谐振角频率resonance 谐振response 响应return difference(desensitivity) 反馈深度returning wave 反向行波reverse recovery time 反向恢复时间reverse saturation current 反向饱和电流reverse saturation current 反向饱和电流( ) reverse transmission factor(feedback Factor) 反馈系数ring counter 环形计数器ring multivibrator 环形振荡器ripple factor 脉动系数ripple factor 脉动系数ripple 纹波rise time 上升时间root-mean-square value(RMS) 方均根值rotating factor 旋转因子rotating phasor 旋转向量Ssafety operating area protection 安全区保护sample-hold 取样-保持saturation point 饱和点saturation region 饱和区saturation 饱和sawtooth wave generator 锯齿波发生器scaling circuit 比例~scaling current source 比例~Schmitt trigger 施密特触发器Schottky barrier diode(SDB) 肖特基势垒二极管screen 屏蔽second harmonic 二次谐波secondary coil 副线圈second-order circuit 二阶电路self conductance 自导self excited oscillation of feedback amplifiers 负反馈放大电路的自激振荡self excited oscillation 自激振荡self inductance 自感[系数]self induction 自感应self resistance 自阻self-exited oscillation 自激振荡semiconductor 半导体semiconductors diodes 半导体二极管Semiconductors 半导体sequential logic circuit 时序逻辑电路serial carry adder 串行进位加法器serial type 串联型series connection 串联series resonance 串联谐振series type 串联型series voltage regulator 串联型稳压电路set 置位set-up time 建立时间seven-segment character mode display 七段字符显示器shift register 移位寄存器shifting of the neutral point 中性点的位移short circuit 短路short-circuit admittance parameters 短路导纳参数short-circuit current 短路电流short-circuit input admittance 短路输入导纳short-circuit transfer admittance 短路转移导纳shot noise 散粒噪声signal transfer circuit 信号转换电路signal-noise ratio 信噪比signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比Simens(S) 西[门子] Simple comparator 简单比较器single-phase load 单相负载single-stage amplifier 单级放大电路singular function 奇异函数sinusoidal circuits 正弦电路sinusoidal current 正弦电流sinusoidal oscillator 正弦波振荡电路sinusoidal oscillator 正弦波振荡电路sinusoidal voltage 正弦电压sinusoidal 正弦量slew rate(SR) 转换速率small scale integration(SSI) 小规模集成small signal analysis 小信号分析法small signal model 小信号模型Small value current source 微~source current 源电流source voltage 源电压source 电源source 源极source 源极sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵special type 专用型square wave generator 方波发生器stability criterion 稳定判据stability margin 稳定裕度stability 稳定性stable 稳定stacked-gate injection MOSFET(SIMOS) 叠栅注入MOS管standing wave 驻波state diagram 状态(转换)图state equation 状态方程state plane 状态平面state table 状态(转换)表state trajectory 状态轨迹state variable filter 状态变量~state variable 状态变量state vector 状态向量static random access memory(SRAM) 静态随机存储器static resistance 静态电阻steady state component 稳态分量steady state 稳态step response 阶跃响应stop-band 阻带stop-band 阻带strength of impulse 冲击强度subgraph 子图substitution theorem 置换定理substrate 衬底successive approximation ADC 逐次渐进型模-数转换器sudden change 跃变summer 加法器summing circuit 求和~ superposition theorem 叠加定理susceptance 电纳switch tree type DAC 开关树型数-模转换器switching capacity filter 开关电容~ switching characteristic 开关特性switching matrices 开关矩阵switching mode direct power supply 开关型直流电源symbol 符号symmetric three-phase voltage 对称三相电压symmetrical 对称synchronous counter 同步计数器system 系统TTellegen’s Theorem 特勒根定理temperature effect 温度影响terminal wire 端线terminal 端子Tesla (T) 特斯拉the feedback concept 反馈概念thermal noise 热噪声thermal overload protection 过热保护thermal resistance 热阻thermistor 热敏电阻Thevenin 戴维南Thevenin’s theorem 戴维南定理three state comparator 三态比较器three state output gate 三态输出门three-phase circuit 三相电路three-phase load 三相负载three-phase system 三相制three-phase voltage 三相电压threshold voltage 开启电压threshold voltage 开启电压(值)threshold voltage 阈值电压Threshold voltage 阈值电压thyristor 晶闸管time constant 时间常数time delay line 延迟线time domain analysis 时域分析法time-invariant 非时变timer 定时器time-varying 时变tolerance 容许误差total reflection 全反射totem-pole 图腾柱transfer characteristics 转移特性transfer coefficient 传输参数transfer function 转移函数/传递函数transformation ratio 变比transformer coupled ~ 变压器耦合~ transformer coupled 变压器耦合transformer coupling ~ 变压器耦合~ transformer feedback 变压器反馈式transient response 瞬态响应transient state 暂态transistor 三极管transistor-transistor logic(TTL) 三极管-三极管逻辑transition band 过渡带transition frequency 特征频率transmission parameter equation 传输参数方程transmission parameter matrix 传输参数矩阵transmission parameters 传输参数trapezoidal method 梯形法tree branch 树枝tree 树triangular wave generator 三角波发生器truth table 真值表turns ratio 杂书比two-port network 二端口网络types of filter ~的种类Uultraviolet erasable programmableROM(UVPROM) 紫外线擦除的可编程ROM unconnected graph 非连通图under damped 欠阻尼uniform transmission line 均匀传输线unijunction transistor 单结晶体管unit impulse function 单位冲激函数unit impulse response 单位冲激响应unit step characteristic 单位阶跃特性unit step function 单位阶跃函数unoscillaion 费震荡unstable 不稳定up-down counter 加/减计数器upper cut-off frequency 上限截止频率VVan de Pol 范得坡variable resistance region 可变电阻区variable transconductance multiplier 变跨导VCCS 电压控制电流源VCVS 电压控制电压源vector of loop current 回路电流向量vector of node voltage 节点电压向量very large scale integration(VLSI) 超大规模集成V-gate MOS field effect transistor VMOS管virtual ground 虚地virtual open circuit 虚断virtual open circuit 虚断virtual short circuit 虚短virtual short circuit 虚短Volt Ampere characteristics 伏安特性Volt Ampere characteristics 伏安特性Volt Ampere characteristics 伏安特性volt(V) 伏特Voltage comparators 电压比较电路voltage controlled nonlinear resistor [电]压控[制]非线性电阻voltage controlled oscillator 压控振荡器voltage controlled oscillator(VCO) 压控振荡器voltage divider 分压器voltage division 分压voltage doubler 倍压整流voltage drop 电压降Voltage Feedback Operational Amplifier 电压反馈集成运放voltage follower 电压跟随器voltage follower 电压跟随器voltage resonance 电压谐振voltage rise 电压升voltage source 电压源voltage(tension) 电压voltage-controlled voltage-source filter 压控电压源~voltage-current converter 电压电流转换电路Voltage-equivalent of temperature 温度电压当量voltage-frequency converter 电压频率转换电路voltage-parallel 电压并联voltage-series 电压串联Wwafer 晶片watt(W) 瓦特wave front 波前wave impedance 波阻抗wave length 波长wave velocity 波速wave 波waveform converter 波形转换电路waveform generator 波形发生电路waveform 时序(波形)图Weber (Wb) 韦伯Weber(Wb) 韦[伯]weighted capacitive DAC 权电容数-模转换器weighted resistance DAC 权电阻数-模转换器Wien bridge network RC串并联网络Wien bridge oscillator RC桥式(文氏桥)振荡器Wilson current source 威尔逊电流源Window comparator 窗口比较器with strong negative feedback 深度负反馈电路with T type feedback network T型反馈网络word 字YY-parameter matrix Y参数矩阵ZZener breakdown 齐纳击穿Zener diode 稳压管Zener reference 齐纳基准源Zener voltage regulator 稳压管稳压电路zero drift 零点漂移zero sequence 零序Zero-crossing comparator 过零比较器zero-input response 零输入响应zero-state response 零状态响应Z-parameter matrix Z参数矩阵。
一、汉译英1、时分多址:TDMA (Time Division Multiple Address/ Time Division Multiple Access)2、通用无线分组业务:GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service3、国际电报电话咨询委员会:CCITT4、同步数字体系:SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (同步数字序列)5、跳频扩频:FHSS frequency hopping spread spectrum6、同步转移模块:STM synchronous transfer module7、综合业务数字网:ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network8、城域网:MAN Metropolitan Area Network9、传输控制协议/互联网协议:TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol10、服务质量:QOS Quality of Service11、中继线:trunk line12、传输速率:transmission rate13、网络管理:network management14、帧结构:frame structure15、移动手机:Mobile Phone 手机 Handset16、蜂窝交换机:(Cellular switches)(电池开关cell switch)(cell 蜂房)17、天线:Antenna18、微处理器:microprocessor19、国际漫游:International roaming20、短消息:short message21、信噪比:SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio)22、数字通信:Digital communication23、系统容量:system capacity24、蜂窝网:cell network(cellular network)(Honeycomb nets)25、越区切换:Handover26、互联网:internet27、调制解调器:modem28、频谱:spectrum29、鼠标:Mouse30、电子邮件:electronic mail E-mail31、子网:subnet32、软件无线电:software defined radios33、网络资源:network resources 八、英译汉1、mobile communication:移动通信2、Computer user:计算机用户3、Frame format:帧格式4、WLAN:wireless local area network 无线局域网络5、Communication protocol:通信协议6、Transmission quality:传输质量7、Remote terminal:远程终端8、International standard:国际标准9、GSM:全球移动通信系统Global System for Mobile Communications10、CDMA:码分多址Code Division Multiple Access11、ITU:国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union12、PCM:pulse code modulation 脉冲编码调制13、WDM:波分复用Wavelength Division Multiplex14、FCC:联邦通信委员会Federal communications commission15、PSTN:公用电话交换网Public Switched Telephone Network16、NNI:网络节点借口Network Node Interface17、WWW:万维网World Wide Web18、VOD:视频点播Video-On-Demand19、VLR:访问位置寄存器Visitor Location Register20、MSC:移动交换中心Mobile Switching Centre21、HLR:原籍位置寄存器Home Location Register22、VLSI:超大规模集成电路Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits23、Bluetooth technology:蓝牙技术24、Matched filter:匹配滤波器25、ADSL:非对称数字用户环路Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)26、GPS:全球定位系统Global Position System27、ATM:异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer Mode1、脉冲编码调制(PCM)依赖于三个独立的操作:抽样、量化和编码。
语篇的衔接(cohesion) 通过衔接手段(cohesion device)将句子关联
Supposing that…(假设) Provided that…(倘若)
Seeing that…(由于) 20说20/)2/18
In simple terms…(简单地
2.4 注意逻辑性、科学性、专业性
避免将原文进行字面意义的串联拼凑或主观臆 断,要透彻地分析句子的深层结构,积极了解相关 的专业知识,使译文既有逻辑性与科学性,又要符 合专业要求,力求做到文理通顺准确有效地表达出 原文的内容。
1.1 译成汉语主动句 The curve appropriate for any date is used in
determining discharge for that day. 强调曲线的作用,而不是谁用了这条曲线。 翻译:适用于所有时间的那条曲线是用来确定该
It can be defined that…(其定义为)
It was not until 1897 that…(直到1897年)
There has been so much emphasis on…(人们一 直强调)
Attempts are being made to do…(人们一直在努
因为强调的是“circuit”,所以翻译为被动句 电流不再继续流动,因为电路被绝缘材料隔断了。
1.3 译成汉语无主句
Heat losses can be reduced by fire bricks. 可以用耐火砖来减少热量的耗损。
翻译英语被动语态语句时,决不能固守原句的语 态,根据句子所强调的内容,灵活选择主动句或 者被动句,灵活采用多种翻译技巧,运用各种修 辞手段,才能使译文既在内容上忠实于原文,又 符合汉语的表达方式,从而实现翻译的目标。
通信工程专业英语词汇来源:李涛的日志动态范围: Dynamic range频率偏值: Frequency offset符号率:Symbol rate码域功率:code domain power频分多址: Frequency Division Multiple Access码分多址: Code Division Multiple Access时分多址: Time Division Multiple Access沃什码:Walsh code误码率:Bit Error Rate,BER帧误码率:Frame Error Rate,FER循环冗余码:Cyclic Redundancy Code,CRC时序分析:timing analyze门限:threshold非同步模式:Asynchronous Mode同步模式:Synchronous Mode邻道功率:ACP D―― Adjacent Channel Power先进移动电话业务:AMPS---Advanced Mobile Phone Service组织协会:ANSI --- American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准局BPT --- British Post and Telecommunication Standard 英国邮政与电信标准CCIR --- International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT --- International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee国际/电报咨询委员会CEPT --- Conference of European Post and Telecommunication Administrations欧洲邮电行政会议EIA --- Electronic Engineers Association 电子工业协会美ETSI --- European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准委员会FCC --- Federal Communications Commission联邦通信委员会美IEC --- International Electrotechnics Committee国际电工委员会IEE --- Institution of Electrical Engineers电气工程师协会英IEEE--- Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, INC电气与电子工程师协会美ITU --- International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟联合国MPT --- Ministry of Post and telecommunications邮政与电信部英TIA --- Telecommunications Industries Association电信工业协会美WARC --- World Administrative Radio Conference世界无线电行政大会ZVEI --- Zentralverband der Electechnischen Industrie电气工业中央协会德ACP --- Adjacent Channel Power邻道功率AMPS --- Advanced Mobile Phone Institute先进移动电话业务APOC --- Advanced Paging Operator Code先进寻呼操作码AVL --- Average Voice Level平均话音电平BSC --- Base Site Controller基站控制器CDMA --- Code Division Mulitiple Code码分多址CDPD --- Cellular Digital Packet Data蜂窝分组数据系统CSC --- Cell Site Controllor小区控制器DCCH --- Digital Control Channel数字控制信道DECT --- Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications数字增强无绳电话EDACS --- Enhanced Digital Access Communications System加强的数字接入通信系统ERMES --- European Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲无线电信息系统ESN --- Electronics Serial Number电子串号FDR --- Frequency Domain Reflectometry频域反射计FLEX --- Flexible Paging System可变速寻呼系统FOCC --- Forward Control Channel前向控制信道FVC --- Forward Voice Channel前向话音信道GSC --- Golay Sequential Coding格雷码GSM --- Global System for Mobile Communications全球移动通信系统IBASIC --- Instrument BASIC仪器BASIC语言IDC --- Instantaneous Deviation Control瞬时频偏控制IMSI --- International Mobile Station Identify国际移动台识别号码LNA --- Low Noise Amplifier低噪声放大器LPF/HPF --- Low/High Pass Filter低通/高通滤波器LSB/USB --- Lower/Upper Side Band下/上边带MCC --- Mobile Country Code移动业务国家号码MCS --- Mobile Control Station移动控制站MIN --- Mobile Identification Number移动识别码MNC --- Mobile Network Code移动电话网号码MSC ---Mobile Switching Center移动交换中心MSIN --- Mobile Station Identification Number移动台识别码MTSO --- Mobile Telephone Switching Office移动电话交换局NMSI --- National Mobile Station Identify国内移动台识别号码NMT --- Nordic Mobile Telephone北欧移动电话系统OTP --- One Time Programmable一次性编程PDC --- Personal Digital Cellular个人数字蜂窝系统PHS --- Personal Handy-Phone System个人手持电话系统PSTN --- Public Switching Telephone Network公用交换电话网RECC --- Reverse Control Channel反向控制信道RVC --- Reverse Voice Channel反向话音信道RSSI --- Receiced Signal Strength Indicator接收信号场强指示SCC --- Signalling Channel Controller信令信道控制器SCM --- Station Class Mark移动台级别标志SID --- Syste Indentification Number系统识别号TACS --- Total Access Communications System全选址通信系统TDMA --- Time Division Multiple Access时分多址UUT --- Under Unit Test被测单元VCC --- Voice Channel Controller话音信道控制器VSWR --- Voltages Standing Wave Ratio电压驻波比1997年,爱立信公司向ETSI(欧洲电信标准委员会)提出了EDGE的可行性研究方案,并在同年得到认可。
(4) The transmission of the encoded symbols to the desired destination.
Unit 1 The Communication Process
Today, communication enters our daily lives in so many different ways that it is very easy to overlook the multitude of its facets. The telephones at our hands, the radios and televisions in our living rooms, the computer terminals with access to the Internet in our offices and homes, and our newspapers are all capable of providing rapid communications from every corner of the globe. Communication provides the sense for ships on the high seas, aircraft in flight, and rockets and satellite in space.
1 (1)a (2)d (3)c (4)b (5)a2 1e 2a 3h 4b 5g 6c 7d 8f3(1)微积分在解析几何的帮助下,被证明能够有效的解决许多早先无法解决的问题。
(2)在17 世纪的许多重大数学发明中,毫无疑问最杰出的就是微积分。
4) 数学分析是高等数学中的最重要分支中的一个,它的主要目的是研究变量和他们之间的关系。
Unit 21 (1)c (2)c (3)b (4)d (5)c2 1f 2i 3g 4e 5c 6a 7j 8h 9d 10b31)描述精确的随机变量的分析需要许多信息,而且描述两个或以上变量的联合发布需要更多的信息2)二项分布和泊松分布在所有离散分布中应用最广泛的,由于他们的概率分布在统计性质控制中的重要(作用),这种概率分布对工程人员来说是非常重要。
3)对于任何随机变量,在两个点分布函数的差异是随机变量取这两点间(或端点)的值的概率4)一般来说,随机事件的概率P在进行大量的重复实验时能以均值来确定,该事件发生的次数是p乘以实验次数5)在统计学中,将任何观察过程叫做实验是一个习惯6)如果在特定的现实情况下,某时间确定不能发生,那么称之为不可能事件4(1) c electrons d(2) a b(3) amplifiers be amplified(4) (a) variates(b) variables(c) e d(d) fUnit 31 (1)a (2)b (3)a (4)a (5)c21e 2g 3a 4i 5c 6b 7h 8d 9f 10k 11 l 12j3 (1)运放可以有一个闭环或开环运算。
11、中继线:trunk line汉译英一、12、传输速率:transmission rateTime Division (时分多址:TDMA 1、13、网络管理:network management Division Time Multiple Address/ 14、帧结构:frame structure Multiple Access)15、移动手机:Mobile Phone 手GPRS 2、通用无线分组业务:机 HandsetGeneral Packet Radio Service16、蜂窝交换机:(CellularCCITT 国际电报电话咨询委员会:、3switches)(电池开关cell switch)Synchronous 系体:SDH 步4、同数字(cell 蜂房)Digital Hierarchy (同步数字序列)17、天线:Antennahopping 跳频扩频:FHSS frequency 、518、微处理器:microprocessor spread spectrum19、国际漫游:Internationalsynchronous 转步移模块STM :同、6roamingtransfer module20、短消息:short messageISDN7、综合业务数字网:21、信噪比:SNR(Signal to NoiseIntegrated Services Digital NetworkRatio)Area Metropolitan MAN 网城、8域:22、数字通信:Digital Network communicationTCP/IP 、9互联网协议:传输控制协议/23、系统容量:system capacity ControlTransmission24、蜂窝网:cell network(cellularProtocol/Internet Protocol network)(Honeycomb nets)of 务服、10质Quality QOS :量25、越区切换:HandoverService internet互联网:、26.27、调制解调器:modem Multiple Access11、ITU:国际电信联盟 28、频谱:spectrumInternationalMouseTelecommunication29、鼠标:30、电子邮件:electronic mail UnionE-mail12、PCM:pulse code modulation 脉冲编码调制子网:subnet31、13软件无线电:、software defined 、WDM:波分复用Wavelength32Division Multiplex radios1433、网络资源:network resources 、FCC:联邦通信委员会Federal communications commission 二、英译汉15、:移动通信1、mobile communication PSTN:公用电话交换网Public Switched Telephone Network2、Computer user:计算机用户16、:帧格式3、Frame format NNI:网络节点借口Network Node Interface local :4、WLANwireless area network17、WWW 无线局域网络:万维网World Wide Web18、5、VOD:视频点播Video-On-Demand Communication protocol:通信协议19、VLR:访问位置寄存器 Transmission quality、6:传输质量Visitor Location Register Remote terminal、7:远程终端20、MSC:移:standardInternational 、8国际标准动交换中心Mobile Switching Centre9 :全球移动通信系统GSM、21forSystemGlobal、HLR:原籍Mobile位置寄存器HomeLocation RegisterCommunications:超大规模集成电路VLSI、22Code Division:码分多址CDMA、10.Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits23、Bluetooth technology:蓝牙技术24、Matched filter:匹配滤波器25、ADSL:非对称数字用户环路Asymmetrical Digital SubscriberLoop非对称数字用户线路(AsymmetricDigital Subscriber Line)26、GPS:全球定位系统GlobalPosition System27、ATM:异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer Mode三、汉译英1、脉冲编码调制(PCM)依赖于三个独立的操作:抽样、量化和编码。
The key advantage of digital representation lies in the universality of representation. Since any medium, be it a text, an image, or a sound, is coded in a unique form which ultimately results in a sequence of bits, all kinds of information can be handled in the same way and by the same type of equipment.Furthermore, transformations of digital information are error free, while analog transformations introduce distortions and noise.1 StorageThe same digital data storage device can be used for all media. The only difference may lie in size requirement.Still images and motion video require larger volumes than text or graphics. Sound also is demanding though less so than imaging. Thus, appropriate digital devices may be required, such as compact disk-read-only memories (CD-ROMS). But the key point is that a single type of digital device may store all kinds of information.2. TransmissionAny data communication system capable of carrying bits has the potential to transmit any multimedia digital information. Thus, a single communication network supporting digital transmission can, in theory, be envisaged.This concept is referred to as an integrated services digital network (ISDN), which is a facility aimed at integrating the transport of all information media.The difficulties may arise from the requirements of certain applications, in particular those which need to respect with fidelity(忠实、保真度)the time-dependency of digital signals.Even when the potential for integrating different types of information on a single communication system is not exploited, the benefits of digital versus analog transmission are numerous. First, digital signals are less sensitive to transmission noise than analog signals.Second, the regeneration of the signal--which is the process by which an attenuated signal is strengthened -- is easier. Third, error detection and correction can be implemented. Fourth, the encrypting of the information is also easier.3. ProcessingAs all information is stored on computers, it can be processes, analyzed, modified, altered, or complemented by computer programs like any other data. This is probably where the potential is the highest.•An attempt may be made to recognize semantic contents (speech, handwriting, form, and pattern recognition). An example of advanced contents recognition is the detection of cuts in motion video to automatically identify and index video sequences.•Data structures, chaining using pointers between information elements, may be created for faster and flexible retrieval(检索).•Powerful editing by cut-and-paste functions to create monomedia (e.g. sound only) or multimedia documents is possible.•The quality of information may be improved by the removal(移除)of noise or errors as shown by the digitization of old vinyl records to create higher-quality audio compact disks.•Information of a similar type but created through different processes---such as motion imaging synthesized by computers and camera-captured video--- may be mixed.•To summarize:•Digital representation permits the storage of different information types on the same device. Information may also be transmitted over a single digital network.Likewise, when digitized, all forms of information may be treated by computer programs, for editing, quality improvement, or recognition of the meaning of the information.4. Drawback (缺点,不足)of Digital Representation of Continuous InformationThe major drawback of the digital representation of information lies in coding distortion. The process of first sampling and then quantizing and coding the sampled values introduces distortions. As a result, the signal generated after digital-to-analog conversion and presented to the end-user has little chance of being completely identical to the original signal.Increasing the sampling rate and multiplying the number of bits used to code samples reduces the distortion. The result is an increased number of bits per time or space unit, called bit rate, necessary to represent the information. There are clearly technological limits to the explosion of bit rates: storage capacity is not infinite, and transmission systems also have limited bandwidths.One of the key issues then is to choose an appropriate balance between the accuracy of the digitization, which determines the bit rate, and the perceived(感知,觉察)distortions by users. Do not forget that it is how distortions are perceived by humans which matters, not whatthey are physically.Another consequence, as mentioned before, is the need for a large digital storage capacity for moving or still images and, to a lesser extent, for sound. Eight minutes of stereophonic CD sound are enough to completely fill(装满)the 80 megabyte hard disk of a standard personal computer.Fortunately, compression algorithms have been developed to alleviate(缓和,减轻)these requirements. But only spectacular recent progress in digital storage capacity and cost has enabled the development of massive digital storage of media such as images, sound, and motion video.Let us summarize:The digitization process introduces a distortion of the information. Reducing this distortion may be achieved by increasing the sampling rate and the number of bits to code each sample. Images, sound, and motion video require a large amount of digital storage capacity.给大家推荐一个英语微信群Empty Your Cup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。
《电子与通信技术专业英语》Unit I-1
Chinese Translation of Texts
电容存储电荷。因为电容使交流信号容易通过而阻隔直流信号,所以他们经常被 用在滤波电路中。图1-2为电容实物图和电路符号。
Chinese Translation of Texts
An inductor is a passive electronic component that store senergy in the form of a magnetic field. An inductor is a coil of wire with many windings, often wound around a core made of a magnetic material, like iron. Fig.1-3 Inductor examples and circuit symbol.
Chinese Translation of Texts
电感是一个无源电子元件,它以磁场的形式存储能量。电感是一个由电线缠绕 了许多圈的线圈,经常缠绕在像铁这样的磁材料的磁芯上。图1-3为电感实物图和 电路符号。
Chinese Translation of Texts
Diodes allow electricity to flow in only one direction. The arrow of the circuit symbol shows the direction in which the current can flow. Diodes are the electrical version of a valve and early diodes were actually called valves. Fig.1-4 shows Diode examples and circuit symbol.
1.In circuit switching电路交换, once the path is established, there is alwaysa signal telling the source to begin transmission. 在电路切换中,一旦建立路径,总是有一个信号通知源开始传输。
2.The transmission rate at STM-1 is 155.522 Mb/s.STM-1的传输速率为155.522Mb /s。
ually, telephone communication between two subscribers用户 who are in theirfixed locations belongs to circuit switching.通常,位于固定位置的两个用户之间的电话通信属于电路交换。
pared with a gateway, a “bridge”网桥 is used to link two technologicallysimilar networks to one another. 与网关相比,“桥”用于将两个技术上相似的网络相互连接起来。
5.Sometimes we access to Baidu Web to search some information in our lives. Wemay think “Baidu” is service provider.有时我们可以访问百度网页,搜索我们生活中的一些信息。
6.The term 30-channel multiplexer复用器, 2Mb/s multiplexer,32 time-slot 时隙and primary are all in common use, but they all refer to the same equipment.术语30通道多路复用器,2Mb / s多路复用器,32时隙和初级都是常用的,但都是指相同的设备。
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electromagnetic carrier电磁载波
radio frequencies无线电频率 analog modulation模拟调制 packet switching分组交换 fixed telephone servic固定电话业务 spectrum allocation频谱分配
(5) 文体上,大多是论述性、指南性的,多用陈述句、祈
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
(6) 句子结构上,力求简练严谨,因此常采用省略手法
和图表表示法。为了使结构严谨,常常用短语。 (7) 词语上,力求短小精悍,常用复合词。 (8) 文章结构上,力求层次分明,多用连接词。 (9) 用词较正规,多为技术性用词。
so on,until the horizontal lines into which it is
desired to break or split the picture have been scanned in the desired sequence.
CAI Computer-Aided Instruction CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器(单元)
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
Electron电子 radio无线电
diode二极管 anode阳极
transistor三极管oscillator振荡器field-effect transistor场效应管 Ohm’s law欧姆定律 microprocessor微处理器 electromagnetic wave电磁波 phase- shift keying相位键控 codec编解码器 rayleigh fading瑞利衰落
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
Unit 1 科技英语基础知识(一)
1.1 科技英语的特点 1.2 词汇
1.3 虚拟语气
1.4 翻译的技巧
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
1.1 科技英语的特点
(1) 复杂长句(Long Sentences)多。 (2) 被动语态多。 (3) 非谓语动词多。 (4) 词性转换多。
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
1.2 词 汇
词汇Vocabularies or Words是语言的基础。科技英语中的
词汇可分为五类: 普通词汇、专业词汇、专业缩写词汇、转 义词汇和虚义词。 1) 普通词汇 2) 专业词汇 在科学技术的各个领域都有大量各自特有的专业词汇。 下面列举一些在通信技术中常用的专业词汇。
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
例2: The technical possibilities could well exist,therefore,of nation-wide integrated
transmission network of high capacity,
controlled by computers,interconnected
globally by satellite and submarine cable,
providing speedy and reliable communications
throughout the world.
因此,在技术上完全可能实现全国性的集成发送网络。这种网络容量大,由 计算机控制,并能通过卫星和海底电缆实现全球互联,提供世界范围的高速、可 靠的通信。
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
3) 缩写词汇 在专业英语文献中, 还常出现一些专业缩写词汇。尤其 是通信技术和电子信息技术中的专业缩写词汇很多, 且新的 缩写词汇仍不断涌现。更有一些缩写词汇是从不同的原文缩
写而成的, 故有多义。掌握一定数量的专业缩写词汇(例如
200~500个)是顺利阅读专业文献所必需的。以下列举一些在 通信技术中常见的专业缩写词汇。
root mean square均方根 asynchronous transmission异步传输 optical carrier光学载波 frequency spectrum频率谱 electrical-optical conversion电光转换
radio-relay transmission无线中继传输
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识
举例说明(1) 复杂长句(Long Sentences)多这个特点。
例1: This electron beam sweeps across each
line at a uniform rate,then flies back to scan
another line directly below the previous one and
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识 frequency hopped跳频
multi-path fading多径衰落
ring network环形网络 bus network总线网络
只要注意积累, 掌握一定数量的专业词汇(例如 1000个以上)并不是太困难的事。
amplifier放大器 impedance阻抗 resonant frequency共振频率 modem调制解调器 Nyquist rate奈奎斯特速率 transceiver无线电收发器
Unit 1 & 2 科技英语基础知识 serial data串行数据 transmission传送、传输
AC, ac Alternating Current, Adaptive Control
A/D, ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter 模数转换器 CATV Cable Television 有线电视(电缆电视)
CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计