

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.

Written test part (共80分)

Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. ______ look outside, Bruce. Look at the blackboard.

A. Not

B. Don’t

C. Can’t

D. Doesn’t

( )17. I have ______ rules at home.

A. too many

B. too much

C. much too

D. many too

( )18. There are some rules in our school. We must ______ them. A. read B. follow

C. get

D. take

( )19. —Let’s go out to play.

—Sorry, I must ______ the piano now.

A. make

B. practice

C. listen

D. exercise

( )20. The room is ______. Let’s clean it now.

A. dirty

B. small

C. big

D. clean

( )21. Nancy can’t come here, because she ______ do her homework.

A. has to

B. can’t

C. doesn’t have to

D. can

( )22. —Are they in the ______?

—Yes. They are eating lunch there.

A. library

B. music room

C. club

D. dining hall

( )23. —______?

—I have to learn to play the guitar.

A. What do you have

B. What do you have to do

C. What do you do

D. What you have to do

( )24. —Can we talk about the book in the library?

—______. We have to be quiet.

A. Yes, we can

B. Yes, we do

C. No, we can’t

D. No, we don’t

( )25. —Does she have to wear the school uniform today?

—______. It’s Sunday today. She just has to wear it on school days.

A. No, s he doesn’t

B. Yes, she does

C. Yes, she has

D. No, she hasn’t

Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)



Dear Sally,

How are you? I’m happy that you can do the things you 26 at home. I never have fun, because there are too many 27 in my family. My parents are strict. I have to 28 at six o’clock every morning. And I have to make my bed 29 before breakfast and then go to school. I can’t play with my friends after sc hool. I have to do 30 homework. After dinner I have to take the dog for 31 walk in the park. I can’t watch TV on school nights. I have to 32 the violin for an hour. I can’t go to bed late. I have to be in bed 33 nine o’clock. On weekends I have to clean my room and 34 the dishes. I also have to go to learn the violin on Sundays. I’m 35 tired. Can you help me?


Lisa ( )26. A. leave B. like C. learn D. have

( )27. A. rules B. boxes C. clothes D. numbers

( )28. A. have breakfast B. leave home C. get up D. go to school ( )29. A. small B. big C. tidy D. dirty

( )30. A. me B. my C. us D. our

( )31. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( )32. A. play B. watch C. draw D. sing

( )33. A. on B. at C. with D. to

( )34. A. eat B. buy C. make D. do

( )35. A. only B. really C. also D. never

Ⅵ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)



It’s time for class, but Ben is not in the classroom.

Mr. Gore: Where is Ben, Jack?

Jack: Sorry, I don’t know, Mr. Gore. Kelly is Ben’s good friend. I think she knows where he is.

Kelly: Mr. Gore, Ben is late.

Mr. Gore: Well, he broke (违反) the school rule. What time does he leave home in the morning?

Kelly: He usually leaves home at twenty past seven.

Mr. Gore: Where does he live?

Kelly: He lives near (在……附近) our school.

Mr. Gore: How long does it take him to come to school?

Kelly: Just ten minutes on foot (步行).

Mr. Gore: But why is he late?

Kelly: Sorry, I don’t know.

Sam: Look, here he comes.

Mr. Gore: Ben, why are you late for school? Your home is not far from our school. Ben: I’m sorry, Mr. Gore. There is a big sign (指示牌) near our school. It reads, “School —Go Slow”.


( )36. Jack and Ben are _______.

A. brothers

B. teacher and student

C. classmates

D. father and son

( )37. Ben broke the school rule. What’s it?

A. Don’t arrive late for class.

B. Don’t listen to music in class.

C. Wear the uniform at school.

D. Be quiet in the library.

( )38. What time does Ben usually go to school in the morning?

A. At 6:40 a.m.

B. At 7:20 a.m.

C. At 7:40 a.m.

D. At 8:20 a.m.

( )39. Ben has _______ to school in the morning.

A. a 10?minute bus ride

B. a 10?minute walk

C. a 20?minute bus ride

D. a 20?minute walk

( )40. 下面的陈述哪项是正确的?

A. Mr. Gore is Ben’s grandfather.

B. Kelly is Ben’s sister.

C. A big sign is near the school.

D. Jack lives near the school.



Dear Selina,

I have some rules at my house. I have to stay at home on school nights. I have to do my homework and practice the violin. I can’t watch T V. Well, I can go out with my friends on Saturday nights, but I have to be home before 9:30 p.m.

What rules do you have at your house? Write and tell me about them.


Dear Molly,

I also have rules at my house. On school nights I usually can’t go out. But sometimes I can do my homework at a friend’s house. Well, I can watch TV for half an hour before I go to bed. On Saturday afternoons, I can go shopping (购物) with my friends. I can buy my own clothes. That’s nice, right?



41. Can Molly go out on school nights?


42. What does Molly have to practice at home?


43. What time does Molly have to be home on Saturday nights?


44. How long can Selina watch TV at night?


45. Who does Selina go shopping with on Saturday afternoons?


Ⅶ. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)


A: Hey, Ben! How’s your new school?

B: It’s terrible. (46)______________________

A: Yeah? What rules? Do you have to wear the school uniform?

B: (47)______________________

A: Oh. Can you go home for lunch?

B: (48)______________________

A: What subjects do you have to learn?

B: Math, science, history, geography and Chinese. (49)______________________ It’s OK, but I want to learn Japanese, too.

A: You can’t?

B: (50)______________________

A. No, we can’t. And we can’t eat outside.

B. No, I can’t.

C. No, we don’t. But we can’t wear T?shirts.

D. And we have to learn English.

E. I don’t like the rules!

Ⅷ. 词汇运用(每小题0.5分,共5分)


51. We must a at school on time.

52. Bob has to do the d after dinner.

53. You can l to music in the hallways.

54. My father is tired and he needs to r .

55. There are many people in the store. It’s very n .


56. You can’t (fight) with your classmates.

57. Jenny (bring) her CD player to school today.

58. There are some (rule) in their school.

59. How does Jane (feel) now?

60. These (uniform) are for the students in No. 5 Middle School. Ⅸ. 完成句子(每小题2分,共20分)


61. They have to wear sports shoes at school. (改为一般疑问句)

________ they ________ to wear sports shoes at school?

62. Can Mary finish her homework after nine o’clock?(作否定回答) ________, she ________.

63. You can’t play soccer in the classroom. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ soccer in the classroom.

64. Tony has to clean his room every day. (对划线部分提问)

________ does Tony have to ________ every day?

65. We can watch TV before dinner. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you watch TV?


66. nights, can’t, we, on, go, school, out


67. students, with, strict, teacher, is, the, his


68. up, make, have, I, bed, my, after, getting, to


69. kitchen, the, leave, don’t, dirty, the, dishes, in


70. school, must, Scott, mom, make, his, after, dinner, help


Ⅹ. 书面表达(10分)

假如你是Jenny,你有很多家规。请根据所给提示内容给你的好朋友Susan 发一封电子邮件,告诉她你的家规并谈谈你对这些家规的看法。


1. 每天六点起床;

2. 每天下午6点之前必须到家;

3. 上学期间的晚上不准看电视和玩电脑游戏;

4. 周末打扫房间,有时去看望爷爷奶奶;

5. 虽然忙,但很快乐。


1. 邮件须包括所有提示内容;

2. 可适当发挥,60词左右,邮件的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Susan,

I have lots of rules at home.





When we play a game with our classmates or friends, we usually need to make some rules first. I think it’s very important to have rules.

There are lots of rules in my school. We have to get to school on time. We have to wear the school uniform on Mondays and Thursdays. We can’t run in the hallways. We can’t fight. I think it’s very good to have rules at school.

We have to follow traffic (交通) rules. We can go at green lights (灯) and have to stop at red lights. The traffic rules make us safe (安全的).

When we take a car and sit next to the driver, we have to wear the safety belt (安全带). Also, little children need to take the back seats. The car rules make us safe, too.


Rules School rules

?(1)__________ on time.

?Wear the school uniform on (2)_________.

?Don’t (3)_________.

?No fighting.

Traffic rules

?Go at green lights and (4)_________ at red lights. Car rules

?Wear the safety belt.

?(5)_________ take the back seats.


Ⅳ. 16-20 BABBA 21-25 ADBCA

Ⅴ. 26-30 BACCB 31-35 AABDB

Ⅵ. 36-40 CABBC 41. No, she can’t.42. The violin. 43. Before 9:30 p.m.

44. For half an hour. 45. Her friends.

Ⅶ. 46-50 ECADB

Ⅷ. 51. arrive 52. dishes 53. listen 54. relax 55. noisy 56. fight 57. brings 58. rules

59. feel 60. uniforms

Ⅸ. 61. Do; have 62. No; can’t63. Don’t play64. What; do 65. When can

66. We can’t go o ut on school nights

67. The teacher is strict with his students

68. I have to make my bed after getting up

69. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen

70. Scott must help his mom make dinner after school

Ⅹ. One possible version:

Dear Susan,

I have lots of rules at home. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. After school, I have to get home before six o’clock. I have too much homework to do after school. I can’t watch TV or play computer games on school nights. On weekends, I have to clean my ro om. Sometimes I go to visit my grandparents. I’m always very busy, but I’m very happy.




1. Get to school

2. Mondays and Thursdays

3. run in the hallways

4. stop

5. Little children
