
请使用指定的电源转换器(DC 12V 或者美得理建议的等效转换器),使用错误的转换器会导致琴的损坏或过热。
设置场所电 源操作说明维修·保养避免本琴遭受雨淋,不要在水边或潮湿环境下使用。

396438 Spring (72 req’d) 382716 Guide (72 req’d)
Snap Ring (2 req’d) (See table)
423410 Pin
Y 154108 O-Ring (4 req’d)
Pack with grease at assembly
Y 271822 Back-up Ring (4 req’d)
382709 Rotor
Y 1623 Seal (2 req’d) Y 154011 O-Ring (2 req’d)
Y 154130 O-Ring
181792 Plug
Ring (See Table)
CAUTION Assemble Ring with Case Drain Hole as shown (not rotated with hole at top)
Service Data
Vane Motors
Multi-Torque Vane Motors
MHT-190 and 220 Series
Model MHT-190/N1-30-S20 MHT-190/R1-30-S20 MHT-220/N1-30-S20 MHT-220/R1-30-S20
resistant fluids
2 Model Series MHT - Vane motor, high torque,
low speed
4 Shaft
N1 - No shaft R1 - Standard solid shaft
3 Theoretical Torque
Combinations of theoretical output torque in lbs. ft. per 100 p.s.i. differential pressure

(完整版)产品使⽤说明书(标准模板)XX-XX XXXXX设备使⽤说明书项⽬名称:⽂件编号:密级:编制:最新版本:V1.00编辑软件:Microsoft Office 2003中⽂版版本说明:⽬录1 概述 (1)1.1 产品特点 (1)1.2 主要⽤途及使⽤范围 (2)1.3 型号的组成及代表意义 (2)1.4 使⽤环境条件 (2)1.5 ⼯作条件 (3)1.6 对环境及能源的影响 (3)1.7 安全 (3)2 结构特征及⼯作原理 (3)2.1 总体结构及其⼯作原理、⼯作特性 (4)2.2 主要部件或功能单元的结构、作⽤及其⼯作原理 (4)2.3 各单元结构之间的机电联系、系统⼯作原理、故障报警系统 (4)2.4 辅助装置的功能结构及其⼯作原理、⼯作特性 (4)3 技术特性 (5)3.1 主要功能 (5)3.2 主要参数 (5)4 尺⼨、重量 (5)4.1 外形及安装尺⼨(可分开) (5)4.2 重量 (5)5 安装、调试 (5)5.1 设备基础、安装条件及其安装技术要求 (5)5.2 安装程序、⽅法及注意事项 (5)5.3 调试程序、⽅法及注意事项 (5)5.4 安装、调试后的验收试验项⽬、⽅法和依据 (5)5.5 试运⾏前的准备、试运⾏启动、试运⾏ (5)6 使⽤、操作 (6)6.1 使⽤前的准备和检查 (6)6.2 使⽤前和使⽤中的安全及安全防护、安全标准及说明 (6)6.3 启动及运⾏过程中操作程序、⽅法、注意事项及容易出现的错误操作及防范措施 (6)6.4 运⾏中的检测和记录 (6)6.5 停机的操作程序、⽅法及注意事项 (6)7 故障分析及排除 (6)7.1 故障现象 (6)7.2 原因分析 (6)7.3 排除办法 (7)8 安全保护装置及事故处理(包括消防) (7)8.1 安全保护装置及注意事项 (7)8.2 出现故障时的处理程序和⽅法 (7)9 保养、维修 (7)9.1 ⽇常维护、保养、校准 (7)9.2 运⾏时的维护、保养 (7)9.3 检修周期 (7)9.4 正常维修程序 (7)9.5 长时间停放时的维护、保养 (8)10 运输、储存 (8)10.1 吊装、运输注意事项 (8)10.2 储存条件、储存期限及注意事项 (8)11 其它 (8)11.1 ⽣产⼚保证、售后服务注意事项、联系⽅法等 (8)11.2 需要向⽤户说明的其它注意事项 (8)12 图、表、照⽚(也可分别列在上述各章中) (8)12.1 外形(外观)图、安装图、布置图 (9)12.2 结构图 (9)12.3 原理图、系统图、电路图、逻辑图、⽰意图、接线图、施⼯图等 (9)12.4 各种附表:附件明细表、专⽤⼯具(仪表)明细表 (9)12.5 照⽚ (9)1概述GPRS-FSU是适⽤于基站/机房使⽤的多功能综合监控系统,集节能、动⼒环境、智能门禁、GRPS传输四⼤功能于⼀体,可以灵活实现节能、门禁、环境动⼒监控等多项功能的全部或者任意⼀项或者多项功能组合,并可以通过SMS、GPRS、RS232、RS485、MODEM任⼀种⽅式将数据传输到监控中⼼。

产品使用手册/说明文档模板目录第1章第2章2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7文档历史 ............................................................................. ......................... 3 引言............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
文档约定 ............................................................................. ............ 错误!未定义书签。
术语 ............................................................................. .................... 错误!未定义书签。
背景 ............................................................................. .................... 错误!未定义书签。
预期读者 ............................................................................. .............................................. 5 主要功能 ............................................................................. .............................................. 5 参考文档 ............................................................................. ............ 错误!未定义书签。

商品说明书产品配件和附件使用说明商品说明书一、产品配件本商品配件齐全,包括以下几样:1. 主机:本商品主机经过精湛的工艺制造而成,具备出色的性能和可靠的稳定性。
2. 电源线:本商品配备一根高质量的电源线,以供主机正常工作所需。
3. 数据线:本商品附带一根数据线,用于与其他设备进行连接和数据传输。
4. 说明书和保修卡:本商品附带详细的说明书和保修卡,以帮助用户正确使用和维护商品,并享受售后服务。
二、附件使用说明1. 使用前准备在使用附件之前,请确保已经仔细阅读了商品的说明书,并按照说明书上的指引正确连接和安装主机及配件。
2. 使用方法根据具体的附件类型,使用方法略有不同。
下面将分别对附件进行使用说明:a. 扬声器:将扬声器与主机通过数据线连接,确保连接牢固无松动,然后将扬声器电源线插入电源插座,并按照说明书上的指引进行开机操作。
b. 相机镜头:在安装相机镜头之前,请确保已经关闭相机电源,并小心操作以避免损坏镜头和相机。
c. 充电器:在使用充电器之前,请检查充电器电源线是否接触良好,并确保插座与电源连接稳定。
3. 使用注意事项为了保证附件的正常使用,并确保用户的安全,以下是一些使用附件的注意事项:a. 请根据商品和附件的要求,使用相应的电源线和数据线,避免随意替换使用其他类型的线缆,以免损坏商品和附件,甚至导致安全问题。

三元催化转化器使用说明书(第一版)适用型号:多种不同规格产品C O 2整车排放 N 机排放N O X+ 1/2 O 2 > C O 2+ O 2 > H 2O + C O 2 氧化反应 N O + C O > 1/2 N 2 + C O 2H C + N O > N 2+ H 2O + C O 2还原反应内部隔热冲压壳体封装式整体结构催化转换器内部隔热材料填充管式封装整体结构催化转换器载体支撑填充材料锥形端盖总成催化剂及其载体元件异型为使发动机的燃烧废气流经陶瓷载体时产生化学转化的催化作用,般工艺过程为先在载体表面涂以一层包括氧化铝和二氧化涂层。
经过强化附着力处理之后,再进行以为主要成分的催化剂涂层( Pt、Pd、 Rh等元素)的涂敷及固体应用的排放法规的不同要求,在金属基础涂层上浸镀不同成分和含即称为催化剂涂层配方技术。
催化剂载体空燃比对排放的影响燃烧废气中的化学有害成分HC、CO NO x气流流经预热后的催化剂表面O2,方可进行高效催化转化反应。
在催化剂反应床上,HC,CO,和NO x的转化需要在载体的温度达到300ºC左右时方可达到较高的转化效率。
三元催化转化器对于HC、CO和NO 气流流经催化剂表面的转化效率各异。
而当发动机工作在理想空燃比附近时,三元催化转化器对于HC、CO和NO x转化效率最高达到最高。

1.85Protective DevicesCombined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-pole• E conomy series mainly for house installations • R esidual current device / miniature circuit breaker combination, line voltage-independ-ent• Contact position indicator red - green • C omprehensive range of accessories can be mounted subsequently • Rated currents up to 25 A • Tripping characteristics B, C • Rated breaking capacity 6 kA• Frost resistanceDescriptionSG044141.86Protective DevicesCombined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-poleType AC6 kA, 1+N-poleConditionally surge current-proof 250 A, type ACSG044146/0.03PFL6-6/1N/B/0032864281/6010/0.03PFL6-10/1N/B/0032864291/6013/0.03PFL6-13/1N/B/0032864301/6016/0.03PFL6-16/1N/B/0032864311/6020/0.03PFL6-20/1N/B/0032864321/6025/0.03PFL6-25/1N/B/0032864331/60Characteristic BI n/In(A)TypeDesignationArticle No.Units perpackageSG044146/0.03PFL6-6/1N/C/0032864641/6010/0.03PFL6-10/1N/C/0032864651/6013/0.03PFL6-13/1N/C/0032864661/6016/0.03PFL6-16/1N/C/0032864671/6020/0.03PFL6-20/1N/C/0032864681/6025/0.03PFL6-25/1N/C/0032864691/60Characteristic CType A6 kA, 1+N-poleConditionally surge current-proof 250 A, sensitive to residual pulsating DC, type ASG044146/0.03PFL6-6/1N/B/003-A1128721/6010/0.03PFL6-10/1N/B/003-A1128731/6013/0.03PFL6-13/1N/B/003-A1128741/6016/0.03PFL6-16/1N/B/003-A1128751/6020/0.03PFL6-20/1N/B/003-A1131011/6025/0.03PFL6-25/1N/B/003-A1131031/6032/0.03PFL6-32/1N/B/003-A-A1131051/6040/0.03PFL6-40/1N/B/003-A-A1131071/60Characteristic BSG044146/0.03PFL6-6/1N/C/003-A1128761/6010/0.03PFL6-10/1N/C/003-A1128771/6013/0.03PFL6-13/1N/C/003-A1128781/6016/0.03PFL6-16/1N/C/003-A1128791/6020/0.03PFL6-20/1N/C/003-A1131001/6025/0.03PFL6-25/1N/C/003-A1131021/6032/0.03PFL6-32/1N/C/003-A-A1131041/6040/0.03PFL6-40/1N/C/003-A-A1131061/60Characteristic C1.87Protective DevicesCombined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-pole - Technical DataSpecifi cations | Combined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-poleDescription• Combined RCD/MCB Devices• Line voltage-independent tripping• T win-purpose terminal (lift/open-mouthed) above and below• B usbar positioning optionally above or below• F ree terminal space despite installed busbar• Guide for secure terminal connection• Contact position indicator red - green• Comprehensive range of accessories can be mounted subsequently• T he test key “T” must be pressed every 6 month. The system operator mustbe informed of this obligation and his responsibility in a way that can beproven (self-adhesive RCD-label enclosed). The test intervall of 6 month isvalid for residential and similar applications. Under all other conditions (e.g.damply or dusty environments), it’s recommended to test in shorter intervalls(e.g. monthly).• P ressing the test key “T” serves the only purpose of function testing theresidual current device (RCD). This test does not make earthing resistancemeasurement (R E), or proper checking of the earth conductor conditionredundant, which must be performed separately.Accessories:Auxiliary switch for subsequent installation ZP-IHK286052ZP-WHK286053Tripping signal switch for subsequent installation ZP-NHK248437Shunt trip release ZP-ASA/..248438, 248439Terminal cover cap KLV-TC-2276240Additional terminal 35 mm2Z-HA-EK/352639601.88Protective DevicesCombined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-pole - Technical DataTechnical DataPFL6, 1+N-poleElectricalDesign according toCurrent test marks as printed onto the deviceIEC/EN 61009Line voltage-independent tripping instantaneous 250 A (8/20 μs), surge current proof Rated voltage U e230 V AC; 50 HzOperational voltage range196-253 VRated tripping current I∆n 30 mARated non-tripping current I∆no 0.5 I∆nRated insulation voltage U i440 VACSensitivity ACSelectivity class3Rated breaking capacity I cn 6 kARated current 6 - 25 ARated impulse withstand voltage U imp 4 kV (1.2/50 μs)Characteristic B, CMaximum back-up fuse (short circuit)100 A gL (>6 kA)Enduranceelectrical components≥ 4,000 switching operationsmechanical components≥ 20,000 switching operationsMechanicalFrame size45 mmDevice height80 mmDevice width35 mm (2MU)Mounting 3-position DIN rail clip, permits removal from existing busbar system Degree of protection, switch IP20Degree of protection, built-in IP40Upper and lower terminals open mouthed/lift terminalsTerminal protection fi nger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274Terminal capacity 1 - 25 mm2Terminal torque 2 - 2.4 NmBusbar thickness 0.8 - 2 mmTripping temperature -25°C to +40°CStorage- and transport temperature-35°C to +60°CResistance to climatic conditions according to IEC/EN 61009Connection diagram1+N-poleDimensions (mm)1.89Protective DevicesCombined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-pole - Technical DataShort Circuit Selectivity PFL6-../1N/ towards DII-DIV fuse linkIn case of short circuit, there is selectivity between the combined RCD/MCB devices PFL6../1N/ and the upstream fuses up to the specifi ed values of the selectiv-ity limit current I s [kA] (i. e. in case of short-circuit currents Iks under I s , only the MCB will trip, in case of short circuit currents above this value both protectivedevices will respond).*) basically in accordance with EN 60898-1 D.5.2.b1) Selectivity limit current I sunder 0.5 kA.2) Selectivity limit current I s = rated breaking capacity I cnof the RCD/MCB device Darker areas: no selectivityTripping Characteristic PFL6-../1N/, Characteristics B and CShort circuit selectivity Characteristic B towards fuse link DII-DIV *)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic C towards fuse link DII-DIV *)PFL6DII-DIV gL/gG PFL6DII-DIV gL/gG1.90Protective DevicesCombined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-pole - Technical DataShort Circuit Selectivity PFL6-../1N/ towards D01-D03 fuse linkIn case of short circuit, there is selectivity between the combined RCD/MCB devices PFL6../1N/ and the upstream fuses up to the specifi ed values of the selectiv-ity limit current I s [kA] (i. e. in case of short-circuit currents I ks under I s , only the MCB will trip, in case of short circuit currents above this value both protective devices will respond).*) basically in accordance with EN 60898-1 D.5.2.b1) Selectivity limit current I sunder 0.5 kA.2) Selectivity limit current I s = rated breaking capacity I cnof the RCD/MCB deviceDarker areas: no selectivityShort Circuit Selectivity PFL6-../1N/ towards NH-00 fuse linkIn case of short circuit, there is selectivity between the combined RCD/MCB devices PFL6../1N/ and the upstream fuses up to the specifi ed values of the selectiv-ity limit current I s [kA] (i. e. in case of short-circuit currents I ks under I s , only the MCB will trip, in case of short circuit currents above this value both protective devices will respond).*) basically in accordance with EN 60898-1 D.5.2.bShort circuit selectivity Characteristic B towards fuse link D01-D03*)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic C towards fuse link D01-D03*)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic B towards fuse link NH-00*)Short circuit selectivity Characteristic C towards fuse link NH-00*)PFL6D01-D03 gL/gGPFL6D01-D03 gL/gGPFL6NH-00 gL/gG I n [A]1620253235405063801001251601)2)2)2)2)2)2)PFL6NH-00 gL/gG I n [A]1620253235405063801001251601)1)2)2)2)2)2)1.91Protective DevicesCombined RCD/MCB Devices PFL6, 1+N-pole - Technical DataLet-through Energy PFL6-../1N/Prospective short-circuit current [A]L e t t h r o u g h e n e r g y I 2t [A 2 s e c ]Prospective short-circuit current [A]L e t t h r o u g h e n e r g y I 2t [A 2 s e c ]。

威胜DTSD341DSSD331-9D表使用说明书产品型号:DSSD331/DTSD341-9DV1.1 产品名称:使用说明书1 概述 1.1 标准DL/T 614-1997 《多功能电能表》GB/T 17883-1999《0.2S级和0.5S级静止式交流有功电能表》 GB/T 17882-1999《2级和3级静止式交流无功电能表》 DL/T 645-1997 《多功能电能表通信规约》(威胜公司对此协议有扩展) GB/T 15543-1995《电能质量三相电压允许不平衡度》 1.2 工作原理DSSD331/DTSD341 -9D型0.2S级电能表采用当今世界流行的高档电能表设计方案:DSP+管理MCU,将DSP高速数字信号处理功能和高档MCU完善的管理功能结合。
图 1 DSSD331/DTSD341 �C9D原理框图1.3 DSSD331/ DTSD341 �C9D型表面板说明电表面板说明详见图2所示。
下移键液晶显示屏确认键事件指示灯取消键运行指示灯脉冲输出指示调制型红外接口数据备份卡(上表盖内侧)吸附式红外接口条码张贴处上表盖铅封处接线端盖铅封处图2 DSSD331/ DTSD341 �C9D型表面板布置拟制:吕斌2021-07-20图号:OKRW2.702.277DSS 审核:工艺:标准化::第 1 页共 25页批准:产品型号:DSSD331/DTSD341-9DV1.1产品名称:使用说明书1.4 技术参数1.4.1 基本技术参数项目参比电压参比电流频率范围电压测量范围及误差电流测量范围及误差准确度等级工作温度极限工作温度相对湿度启动电流功耗MTBF 1.4.2 日历时钟参数技术参数3×57.7V/100V (三相四线)3×100V (三相三线) 1.5(6)A,1(6)A 50(1±5%)Hz (默认); PT供电时:Un±30% Un,偏差≤0.5% 辅助电源供电时:15V~130V,偏差≤0.5% 0.1A~6A,优于0.5%总有功:0.2S,无功:1级基波有功:0.5S级 -20℃~55℃(点阵液晶显示模块低温限制) -20℃~65℃ ≤95%(无凝露) 有功:1‰Ib;无功:2‰Ib;<2W,10VA(每一电压线路)4 ≥6×10h 0.5 s/d(参比温度:23℃) ≥10年时钟误差内部电池寿命(注)注:内部电池仅用于内部时钟1.4.3 脉冲输出参数脉冲输出常数脉冲输出宽度最大容许通过电流工作电压1.4.4 其他参数有功: 20000 imp/kWh (默认值)无功: 20000 imp/kvar・h(默认值)(其它值可设)(80±10)ms(默认),其它可设 15mA(DC) 5V~24V(DC)数据存贮供电方式外形尺寸净重 1.关键数据存储:各费率电能量、需量数据、设置参数、复费率数据、事件记录、校表参数等等,容量:32k字节; 2.负荷曲线存储:记录负荷曲线要求的八类数据,容量:4M字节;方式:①PT供电电压范围:0.8Un~1.2 Un ②辅助电源电压范围:220(1±10%)V AC ③辅助电源、PT电压供电自动切换长×宽×厚=285mm×172mm×80mm 大约1.9kg 拟制:吕斌2021-07-20 图号:OKRW2.702.277DSS 审核:工艺:标准化::第 2 页共 25页批准:产品型号:DSSD331/DTSD341-9DV1.1 产品名称:使用说明书2术语2.1 需量周期(Demand interval)测量平均功率的连续相等的时间间隔。
士兰微电子 SVF7N65CF D MJ K T 说明书

7A、650V N沟道增强型场效应管SVF7N65CF/D/MJ/K/T N沟道增强型高压功率MOS场效应晶体管采用士兰微电子F-Cell TM平面高压VDMOS 工艺技术制造。
特点♦7A,650V,R DS(on)(典型值)=1.1 @V GS=10V♦低栅极电荷量♦低反向传输电容♦开关速度快♦提升了dv/dt 能力产品规格分类极限参数(除非特殊说明,T C=25︒C)热阻特性电性参数(除非特殊说明,T C=25︒C)源-漏二极管特性参数注:1. L=30mH,I AS=5.0A,V DD=100V,R G=25Ω,开始温度T J=25︒C;2. 脉冲测试:脉冲宽度≤300μs,占空比≤2%;3. 基本上不受工作温度的影响。
典型特性曲线图 1. 输出特性图2. 传输特性漏极电流 – I D (A )漏源电压 – V DS (V)漏极电流– I D (A )0.1110栅源电压– V GS (V)0.8410漏源导通电阻 – R D S (O N )(Ω)漏极电流– I D (A)图3. 导通电阻 vs. 漏极电流、栅极电压0.110100反向漏极电流 – I D R (A )漏源电压– V SD (V)图 4. 体二极管压降 vs. 源极电流、温度1.61000.111000.1101001101280.图5. 电容特性图6. 电荷量特性电容(p F )0.1110100漏源电压 – V DS (V)栅源电压– V G S (V )总栅极电荷 – Q g (nC)020040080010006001200140016000051015246810122025典型特性曲线(续)图9-1. 最大安全工作区域(SVF7N65CF)漏极电流 - I D (A )10-210-1100101010103漏源电压 - V DS (V)1011020.漏源击穿电压 – B V D S S (标准化)结温 – T J (°C)图7. 击穿电压vs.温度特性漏源导通电阻– R D S (O N )(标准化)图8. 导通电阻vs.温度特性结温 – TJ (°C)1.21500.图9-2. 最大安全工作区域(SVF7N65CD)漏极电流 - ID (A )10-210-110010101102103漏源电压 - V DS (V)101102图9-4. 最大安全工作区域(SVF7N65CK)漏极电流 - ID (A )10-210-110010101102103漏源电压 - V DS (V)101102图9-3. 最大安全工作区域(SVF7N65CMJ)漏极电流 - ID (A )10-210-1100101010103漏源电压 - V DS (V)101102典型特性曲线(续)漏极电流 - I D (A )壳温 – T C (°C)图 10. 最大漏极电流vs. 壳温25507510012515002468713510-210-1100101010103101102图9-5. 最大安全工作区域(SVF7N65CT)漏极电流 - I D (A )漏源电压 - V DS (V)典型测试电路12VV DSV GS10V电荷量栅极电荷量测试电路及波形图开关时间测试电路及波形图V DSV GS10%90%E AS 测试电路及波形图V DDLBV DSS I ASV DD封装外形图封装外形图(续)封装外形图(续)声明:♦士兰保留说明书的更改权,恕不另行通知!客户在下单前应获取最新版本资料,并验证相关信息是否完整和最新。

(1)其中—流体比重(和密度相关)V—流速K —平衡系数Q—加热量(和比热及结构相关)ΔT—温度差由于传感器温度比介质(环境)温度总是自动恒定高出30℃左右,所以热式气体流量计从原理上不需要温度补偿。
(1)式中流体比重和密度相关—工况体积下的介质密度(kg/m3)—标准条件下介质密度(101.325 Kpa、20℃)(kg/m3)ρnP —工况压力(kPa)T —工况温度(℃)从(1)(2)式可以看出,流速和工况压力,气体密度,工况温度函数关系已确定。

【药品名称】Байду номын сангаас通用名称:注射用米卡芬净钠 英文名称:Micafungin Sodium for Injection 汉语拼音:Zhusheyong Mikafenjingna
【成份】 本品主要成份为米卡芬净钠。 化学名称:5-[(1S, 2S)-2-[(3S, 6S, 9S, 11R, 15S, 18S, 20R, 21R, 24S, 25S, 26S)-3-[(R)-2-氨
甲酰基-1-羟乙基]-11, 20, 21, 25-羟丁基-15-[(R)-1-羟乙基]-26-甲基-2,5,8,14,17,23-六氧代 -18-[4-[5-(4-戊氧基苯基)异恶唑-3-基]苯甲酰氨基]-1,4,7,13,16,22-六氮杂三环[,13]二 十七-6-基]-1,2-二羟乙基]-2-羟苯基硫酸钠
(3.9%)、恶心 29 例(3.6%)、白细胞减少 26 例(3.3%)、低镁血症 26 例(3.3%)等。
念珠菌病研究。这些研究中发生率在 1%或以上的不良反应如下表所示。
≥ 5%
≥1%, < 5%
第 4 页/共 11 页
第 2 页/共 11 页
6 小时后 2.61 96.6 0.70
98.7 1.14 98.0
24 小时后 6.58 88.8 2.52
96.7 4.46 93.6
贮存条件:不避光,室温,光照度低于 3000 lux
配伍禁忌:当本品与其他药物一起溶解时可能产生沉淀。而且,本品在碱性溶液中不稳 定,效价会降低。

The Group’s 2,016 employees are involved in the quality process on a daily basis for consumer safety and are instrumental in the continuous
improvement of the quality of products and related services. Our Group is pursuing the process to acquire IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (Retail Consumer) certification. To date, all our sites are certified to IFS and BRC (except Carod, to IFS only), i.e. a capacity of over 3 million bottles a day. This represents over 50 days of audit p.a. for the group (30 days of internal audit and 21 days of certification audit).
Serge Melchior, Site manager
Storage and retrieval facilities: 6 000 barrels
str engths of
GCF G r o up
士兰微电子 SVF4N65RD M MJ F T 说明书

4A 、650V N 沟道增强型场效应管描述SVF4N65RD/M/MJ/F/T N 沟道增强型高压功率MOS 场效应晶体管采用士兰微电子的F-Cell TM 平面高压VDMOS 工艺技术制造。
先进的工艺及元胞结构使得该产品具有较低的导通电阻、优越的开关性能及很高的雪崩击穿耐量.该产品可广泛应用于AC-DC 开关电源,DC-DC 电源转换器,高压H 桥PWM 马达驱动.特点♦ 4A ,650V ,R DS(on)(典型值)=2.3 @V GS =10V ♦ 低栅极电荷量 ♦ 低反向传输电容 ♦ 开关速度快 ♦提升了dv/dt 能力命名规则士兰F-Cell 工艺VDMOS 产品标识额定电流标识,采用1-2位数字;例如:4代表 4A 额定耐压值,采用2位数字例如:60表示600V封装外形标识例如:FJH:TO-220FJH;F:TO-220F S V F X N X X R X沟道极性标识,N 代表N 沟道版本产品规格分类极限参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25︒C)热阻特性关键特性参数(除非特殊说明,T=25︒C)C源-漏二极管特性参数注:1. L=30mH,I AS=3.6A,V DD=100V,R G=25Ω,开始温度T J=25︒C;2. 脉冲测试:脉冲宽度≤300μs,占空比≤2%;3. 基本上不受工作温度的影响。
典型特性曲线图1. 输出特性图2. 传输特性漏极电流 – I D (A )0.01100.1110100漏源电压 – V DS (V)漏极电流 – I D (A )2413栅源电压 – V GS (V)漏极电流 – I D (A) 1.61.4反向漏极电流 – I D R (A )源漏电压 – V SD (V)图4. 体二极管正向压降vs. 源极电流、温度0.111000.11001.0 1.21106810579100.111.503.504.50018漏源导通电阻 – R D S (O N )(Ω)图3. 导通电阻vs.漏极电流5.00353.004.002.5024672.00图6. 电荷量特性栅源电压 – V G S (V )0315总栅极电荷 – Q g (nC)246810121269图5. 电容特性电容(p F )漏源电压 – V DS (V)典型特性曲线(续)漏源击穿电压(标准化)– B V D S S结温 – T J (°C)图7. 击穿电压vs.温度特性漏源导通电阻(标准化) – R D S (O N )图8. 导通电阻vs.温度特性结温 – T J (°C)1.21500.漏极电流 - I D (A )壳温 – T C (°C)图 10. 最大漏极电流vs. 壳温4.漏极电流 - I D (A )图9-2. 最大安全工作区域(SVF4N65RF)漏源电压 - V DS(V)10-210-110010110101102103102漏极电流 - I D (A )图9-1. 最大安全工作区域(SVF4N65RD/M/MJ)漏源电压 - V DS(V)10-210-110010110101102103102漏极电流 - I D (A )图9-3. 最大安全工作区域(SVF4N65RT)漏源电压 - V DS(V)10-210-1100101100101102103102典型测试电路V DSV GS 10V栅极电荷量测试电路及波形图开关时间测试电路及波形图DDV V E AS 测试电路及波形图V DDV BV DSSI ASV DDtpTimeV DS(t)I D(t)E AS =12LI AS 2BV DSS BV DSS V DD封装外形图封装外形图(续)封装外形图(续)重要注意事项:♦士兰保留说明书的更改权,恕不另行通知。
卡萨帝冰箱 BCD-650WLCTD79G3U1说明书

家用电冰箱使用说明书使用前请仔细阅读本说明书本公司保留说明书解释权产品外观请以实物为准阅后请与发票一并妥善保存如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用BCD-621WDCAU1BCD-621WDVZU1BCD-629WDSTU1BCD-647WLCTD79DYU1BCD-631WBCSU1BCD-651WDCHU1BCD-635WVPAU1(冰箱外观、颜色、图案以实物为准)此图为BCD-621WDCAU1本器具用于家用和类似用途,如:——商店、办公室或其他工作场合的厨房区域;——农场以及宾馆、汽车旅店和居住型环境的顾客;——家庭旅馆型环境;——餐饮业和类似的非零售业应用;智能家电操控智慧场景定制智家商城购物家电报装报修(此图为BCD-621WDCAU1)关于本产品的安全注意事项 (3)本产品使用前的准备步骤 (5)第一次使用本产品的步骤 (6)本产品的各部分构件名称 (7)本产品的主要功能介绍 (9)显示屏 (9)1. 初次上电 (11)2. 显示屏锁定/ 解锁 (11)3. 调节冷藏室温度 (11)4. 调节变温室温度 (12)5. 调节冷冻室温度 (12)6. 速冷功能 (13)7. 速冻功能 (13)8. 智能功能 (14)9. 假日功能 (14)10. 人感/母婴功能 (15)11. 开门报警 (15)12. 节能显示控制功能 (15)13. 断电记忆功能 (15)可拆卸部件 (16)冷藏室的使用方法和注意事项 (18)各种食品建议存贮的区间 (18)冷藏食品注意事项 (19)冷冻室的使用方法和注意事项 (21)冷冻食品注意事项 (21)制冰机使用 (21)变温室的使用方法 (23)复式门的使用(限BCD-631W*) (23)节能使用的注意事项 (24)本产品的日常保养与维护 (25)冰箱的清洁 (25)各部件的拆卸与清洁 (26)冰箱的搬运 (28)冰箱的停用 (28)有疑问?先看这儿! (29)(若对冰箱有疑问,请先按本章内容检查处理。

Important Safety Instructions WARNINGS and CAUTIONS for the battery• The battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire, or the like.• Do not dismantle, open or shred the battery.• Do not expose the battery to heat or fire. Avoid storage in direct sunlight.• D o not short-circuit the battery. Do not store the battery haphazardly in a box or drawer where they may short-circuit each other or be short-circuited by other metal objects.• Do not remove the battery from its original packaging until required for use.• Do not subject the battery to mechanical shock.• I n the event of a battery leaking, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If con-tact has been made, wash the affected area with copious amounts of water and seek medical advice.• Do not use any charger other than that specifically provided for use with the equipment.• Do not use any battery which is not designed for use with the equipment.• Always purchase the correct battery for the equipment.• Keep the battery clean and dry.• Wipe the battery terminals with a clean dry cloth if they become dirty.• T he battery needs to be charged before use. Always use the correct charger and refer to the manufac-turer’s instructions or equipment manual for proper charging instructions.• Do not leave a battery on prolonged charge when not in use.• A fter extended periods of storage, it may be necessary to charge and discharge the battery several times to obtain maximum performance.• B atteries give their best performance when they are operated at normal room temperature68°F (20°C) ± 9°F (5°C).• Use only the battery in the application for which it was intended.• T o return the battery for recycling, contact Bose or your Bose dealer. In the United States only, call 1-800-905-2180 or visit the Bose website at. . For other regions, see the contact information. Important Safety Instructions1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use this apparatus near water or moisture.6. Clean only with a dry cloth.7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in a ccordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8. D o not install near any heat sources, such as r adiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus(including amplifiers) that produce heat.9. P rotect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs, conveniencer eceptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.10. Use only attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.11. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.12. R efer all servicing to qualified service personnel. S ervicing is required when the apparatus has beendamaged in any way: such as power supply cord or plug is damaged; liquid has been spilled orobjects have fallen into the apparatus; the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.English - 3ContentsIntroducing SoundTouch™ from Bose®Key Benefits (8)IntroductionAbout your SoundTouch™ Portable system (9)System features (9)Setting up the SystemUnpacking the system (10)Connecting the system to power (11)Adding the system to your Wi-Fi® network (12)Add the system to an existing SoundTouch™ account (12)Download and install the SoundTouch™ app (12)Connect the system to your home Wi-Fi® network (13)Using the SystemPowering on the system (14)Getting system information (14)Messages on the display (15)Wi-Fi® Indicator (16)System control buttons (16)Operating on battery power (17)Checking the battery (17)Charging the battery (17)Battery production mode (18)Replacing the battery (18)To replace the battery (18)Controlling the System using the AppUsing the SoundTouch™ app (20)Getting help (20)Controlling the system from another smartphone,tablet, or computer (21)6 - EnglishEnglish - 7Personalizing PresetsHow Presets work (22)What you need to know .......................................................................................... 22Playing a Preset ............................................................................................................... 22Setting a Preset (23)Listening to other SourcesPlaying music from other sources (24)Connecting an audio device to the system ........................................................ 24Playing an AirPlay stream from an AirPlay compatible device .. (25)Advanced FeaturesUpdating system software ............................................................................................ 26Disabling Wi-Fi ®capability ............................................................................................. 27Re-enabling Wi-Fi ® capability ........................................................................................ 27Resetting the system .. (27)Care and MaintenanceTroubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 28Rebooting your system .................................................................................................. 29Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 29Replacing the remote control battery ......................................................................... 30Customer service ............................................................................................................. 31Limited warranty information (31)Technical InformationSoundTouch™ Portable system (32)Appendix: Using a Computer for SetupImportant setup information (33)Using a desktop computer for setup ................................................................... 33Setting up the system using a computer . (33)Con t en t sPresenting SoundTouch™ from Bose®With SoundTouch™, you can stream Internet radio, music services, and your music library. If you have Wi-Fi® at home, you’re ready to enjoy your favorite music in any room you want.Key Benefits• Enjoy wireless access to Internet radio, music services and your music library.• Wireless setup using a smartphone or tablet.• Stream your favorite music easily with personalized Presets.• Works with your existing home Wi-Fi network.• Free SoundTouch™ app for your computer, smartphone or tablet provides more powerful control.• Simply add additional systems at any time for a multi-room listening experience.• Wide selection of Bose® audio systems lets you choose the right solution for any room.8 - EnglishIntroduction About your SoundTouch™ Portable systemYour SoundTouch™ Wi-Fi® music system provides full range sound streamed wirelessly over your home Wi-Fi network. Use the free SoundTouch™ app toset up and control your system. See "Adding the system to your Wi-Fi® network" on page 12.System features• Six Presets on the system and its remote deliver your music with just one touch.• 1.6-in. display communicates system status and information.• Portable design lets you take the system from room to room.• Stream your music via AirPlay from select iPod, iPhone, or iPad devices.• Rechargeable lithium-ion battery keeps your music going for hours.• Remote control for point-and-click control from up to 20 feet away.• Thumbs up/Thumbs down buttons on remote control for customized listening.• AUX connector enables playback from an external media player.• Ethernet connector enables wired access to your home network.English - 9Controlling the System Using the AppUsing the SoundTouch™ appThe SoundTouch™ app is a software application that enables you to set up and control SoundTouch™ from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Using the app, your smart device acts as a rich remote for your SoundTouch™ system.The app enables you to manage your SoundTouch™ settings, add music services, explore local and global Internet radio stations, set and change Presets, stream music to the system, view what is playing, plus much more.After you set up the system on your network using the SoundTouch™ app, you are ready to explore streaming music and personalize your Presets.Getting helpIf you need more information on using the system, use Help Tips or in-app help. Help TipsAfter setup is complete helpful tips appear on the screen, based on the task you are trying to complete. These tips instruct you how to use the system, including how to personalize your Presets.To activate the tipsIf you have deactivated tips, follow these instructions to r e-activate tips.1. Launch the SoundTouch™ app and click EXPLORE > SETTINGS > Help Tips.2. Slide the SHOW TIPS slider to ON.In-app helpFor information about using SoundTouch™ :1. Click EXPLORE > HELP in the app.2. Browse through the help topics.Controlling the System Using the App Controlling the system from another smartphone,tablet, or computerOnce you set up the SoundTouch™ system on your home Wi-Fi® network, you can control the system from any smartphone, tablet, or computer on the same network.1. Connect the device to the same network as your system.2. On the device, download and install the SoundTouch™ app:• If you are using a smartphone or tablet, see page 12.• If you are using a computer, open a browser and go to:/appCare and Maintenance Customer serviceFor additional help using the system, contact Bose® Customer Service. Refer to the quick start guide in the carton for contact information.Limited warranty informationYour SoundTouch™ system is covered by a limited warranty. Details of the limited warranty are provided on the quick start guide in the carton. Please refer to the quick start guide for instructions on how to register. Failure to do so will not affect your limited warranty rights.The warranty information provided with this product does not apply in Australia and New Zealand. See our website at .au/warranty or / warranty for details of the Australia and New Zealand warranty.English - 31Technical InformationSoundTouch™ Portable systemSize: 6.0"H x 9.84"W x 2.59"D (15.2 cm x 25.0 cm x 6.6 cm) Weight: 3.2 lb (1.4485 kg)Power supply rating:USA/Canada/International:Input: 100-240V 50-60 Hz, 600mAOutput: 20 VDC, 1.25A MaxInput power rating:USA/Canada/International:Input: 20 VDC, 1.25A Max32 - EnglishAppendix: Using a Computer for Setup Important setup information• You can set up your system using a computer rather than a smartphoneor tablet.• Use a computer that is on your Wi-Fi® network.• Use a computer where your music library is stored.• You need the provided USB cable.*• Do not connect the USB cable until the app instructs you to connect the cable. * T he SETUP A USB connector on the back of the system is for computer setup only. The USB connectors are not designed to charge smartphones, tablets, or similar devices.Using a desktop computer for setupIf you are using a desktop computer, move the system near the computer to set up your system. During setup, the app prompts you to connect the USB cable from the computer to the system (temporarily).After setup, disconnect the USB cable from your computer and from your system and move the system to its permanent location.Setting up the system using a computer1. Plug the power cord into an AC (mains) power outlet.2. On your computer, open a browser and go to/appTip: Use the computer where your music library is stored.3. Download and run the SoundTouch™ app.The app guides you through setup.English - 33。
士兰微电子 SVF4N65RD M MJ F T 说明书

4A 、650V N 沟道增强型场效应管描述SVF4N65RD/M/MJ/F/T N 沟道增强型高压功率MOS 场效应晶体管采用士兰微电子的F-Cell TM 平面高压VDMOS 工艺技术制造。
先进的工艺及元胞结构使得该产品具有较低的导通电阻、优越的开关性能及很高的雪崩击穿耐量.该产品可广泛应用于AC-DC 开关电源,DC-DC 电源转换器,高压H 桥PWM 马达驱动.特点♦ 4A ,650V ,R DS(on)(典型值)=2.3 @V GS =10V ♦ 低栅极电荷量 ♦ 低反向传输电容 ♦ 开关速度快 ♦提升了dv/dt 能力命名规则士兰F-Cell 工艺VDMOS 产品标识额定电流标识,采用1-2位数字;例如:4代表 4A 额定耐压值,采用2位数字例如:60表示600V封装外形标识例如:FJH:TO-220FJH;F:TO-220F S V F X N X X R X沟道极性标识,N 代表N 沟道版本产品规格分类极限参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25︒C)热阻特性关键特性参数(除非特殊说明,T=25︒C)C源-漏二极管特性参数注:1. L=30mH,I AS=3.6A,V DD=100V,R G=25Ω,开始温度T J=25︒C;2. 脉冲测试:脉冲宽度≤300μs,占空比≤2%;3. 基本上不受工作温度的影响。
典型特性曲线图1. 输出特性图2. 传输特性漏极电流 – I D (A )0.01100.1110100漏源电压 – V DS (V)漏极电流 – I D (A )2413栅源电压 – V GS (V)漏极电流 – I D (A) 1.61.4反向漏极电流 – I D R (A )源漏电压 – V SD (V)图4. 体二极管正向压降vs. 源极电流、温度0.111000.11001.0 1.21106810579100.111.503.504.50018漏源导通电阻 – R D S (O N )(Ω)图3. 导通电阻vs.漏极电流5.00353.004.002.5024672.00图6. 电荷量特性栅源电压 – V G S (V )0315总栅极电荷 – Q g (nC)246810121269图5. 电容特性电容(p F )漏源电压 – V DS (V)典型特性曲线(续)漏源击穿电压(标准化)– B V D S S结温 – T J (°C)图7. 击穿电压vs.温度特性漏源导通电阻(标准化) – R D S (O N )图8. 导通电阻vs.温度特性结温 – T J (°C)1.21500.漏极电流 - I D (A )壳温 – T C (°C)图 10. 最大漏极电流vs. 壳温4.漏极电流 - I D (A )图9-2. 最大安全工作区域(SVF4N65RF)漏源电压 - V DS(V)10-210-110010110101102103102漏极电流 - I D (A )图9-1. 最大安全工作区域(SVF4N65RD/M/MJ)漏源电压 - V DS(V)10-210-110010110101102103102漏极电流 - I D (A )图9-3. 最大安全工作区域(SVF4N65RT)漏源电压 - V DS(V)10-210-1100101100101102103102典型测试电路V DSV GS 10V栅极电荷量测试电路及波形图开关时间测试电路及波形图DDV V E AS 测试电路及波形图V DDV BV DSSI ASV DDtpTimeV DS(t)I D(t)E AS =12LI AS 2BV DSS BV DSS V DD封装外形图封装外形图(续)封装外形图(续)重要注意事项:♦士兰保留说明书的更改权,恕不另行通知。

1Pushbutton Control StationsContentsDescriptionPage Pushbutton Control Stations—AssembledFeatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-15Product SelectionM22 Assembled Control Stations . . . . . . . .V7-T1-16Commercial Control Stations . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-17General Purpose Control Stations . . . . . . . .V7-T1-18Special Purpose Control Stations . . . . . . . .V7-T1-1910250H Series Heavy-DutyControl Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-2010250T Series Heavy-Duty 30.5 mmControl Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-21Class I Division 2 10250T Series Heavy-Duty 30.5mm Control Stations . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-22Class I Division 2 E34 Series Corrosion Resistant 30.5mm Control Stations . . . .V7-T1-23Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-23Custom Assembled StationsSpecification Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-24Renewal Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-26Technical Data and Specifications . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-28Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V7-T1-28Product DescriptionM22 Assembled Control Stations●M22 series operators●Available in horizontal and vertical configurations ●Impact resistantpolycarbonate enclosures ●Optional yellow covers ●Base mounting contact blocks and light units for quick wiring and vibration resistanceCommercial Control Stations●10250T series operators ●Full front label●Specific function labels on front of enclosureGeneral Purpose Control Stations●Construction grade ●General purpose wall mount●Popular with contractors ●UL (NEMA) Type 1Special Purpose Control Stations●Standard grade ●Polyester enclosure●UL (NEMA) Type 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 1310250H Series Heavy-Duty Control Stations●10250H Series operators ●Dark brown polyester enclosure●Protective rubber gaskets provide NEMA 3S rating on pushbuttons●T op and bottom 3/4 in NPT conduit entrances●Includes alternate legend plates and spare mounting screws10250T Series Heavy-Duty 30.5 mm Control Stations●10250T Series operators ●ASA 61 gray die-cast zinc enclosures●Surface or flush mounting ●Single 3/4 in NPT conduit entrance on one and two element stations●Single 1 in NPT conduit entrance on three element stationsClass I Division 2 10250T Series Heavy-Duty 30.5 mm Control Stations●10250T Series operators ●Factory sealed contact blocks●Die-cast, polyester or stainless steel enclosures ●Approved for NEC Class I Division 2, Groups B, C and D or Class I Zone 2 Group IIB plus Hydrogen type hazardous locationsClass I Division 2 E34 Series Corrosion Resistant 30.5 mm Control Stations●E34 Series operators ●Factory sealed contact blocks●Die-cast, polyester or stainless steel enclosures ●Approved for NEC Class I Division 2 Groups B, C and D or Class I Zone 2 Group IIB plus Hydrogen type hazardous locations1Pushbutton Control Stations—AssembledFeaturesM22 Assembled Control Stations●IP66, UL (NEMA) Type 4X, 13●Impact resistantpolycarbonate enclosures ●Optional yellow cover ●25% smaller depth than most competitor enclosures●Base mounting contact blocks and light units for faster wiring and vibration resistanceCommercial Control Stations●ASA 61 gray die-cast zinc enclosures●Pre-assembled and labeled for functions such as “Fuel Shut-Off”●Great for commercial applicationsGeneral Purpose Control Stations●Construction grade ●General purpose wall mount●Popular with contractors ●UL (NEMA) Type 1Special Purpose Control Stations●Standard grade ●Polyester enclosure●UL (NEMA) Type 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 1310250H Series Heavy-Duty Control Stations●Industrial grade ●Extra heavy-duty ●Polyester enclosure ●Booted buttons ●Outdoor installation●UL (NEMA) Type 3, 3R, 3S, 4, 4X, 12,1310250T Series Heavy-Duty 30.5 mm Control Stations●30.5 mm operators ●Industrial grade●Zinc die cast enclosure ●Popular with industrial end users●UL (NEMA) Type 4, 4X, 12, 13Class I Division 2 Control Stations●Available with 10250T or E34 30.5 mm operators ●Zinc die cast, polyester or stainless steel enclosures ●Factory-sealed contact blocks●Popular with industrial end users●UL (NEMA) Type 4, 4X, 12, 13●NEC Class I Division 2 Groups B, C and D1Product SelectionM22 Assembled Control StationsOne Element Control StationsT wo Element Control StationsThree Element Control StationsNotesFor assembled control stations not found in this selection, please contact the Eaton Technical Resource Center at1-877-ETNCARE(386-2273)***************.1Contact block configuration.Orientation DescriptionColor 1Inscription Enclosure Cover Color Catalog Number Horizontal 40 mm mushroom head push-pull emergency stop operator Red NC —Yellow M22-C1-M1H Horizontal 40 mm illuminated mushroom head push-pull emergency stop operator, 85–264 VacRed NO-NC —Yellow M22-C1-M2H Horizontal 40 mm mushroom head twist-to-release emergency stop operator Red NC —Yellow M22-C1-M3H Horizontal 40 mm mushroom head key-release emergency stop operator Red NC—Yellow M22-C1-M4HHorizontal Key-operated selector switch, two-position maintained —NO OFF-ON Gray M22-C1-M9H Horizontal Knob type selector switch, three-position maintained —2NO HAND 0 AUTO Gray M22-C1-M10H HorizontalDouble pushbuttonGreen NO START GrayM22-C1-M11HRedNCSTOPOrientation Element 1Description Color 1InscriptionElement 2Description Color 1InscriptionEnclosure Cover Color Catalog Number VerticalFlush pushbuttonBlackNOFORWARDFlush pushbuttonBlackNOREVERSEGrayM22-C2-M3VOrientation Element 1Description Color 1Inscription Element 2Description Color1Inscription Element 3Description Color1Inscription EnclosureCover Color Catalog NumberVertical Indicating light White 85–264 Vac —Flush pushbutton Green NO STARTExtended pushbutton Red NC STOPGray M22-C3-M2V Vertical Flush pushbutton Black NO OPEN Extended pushbutton Red NC STOP Flush pushbutton Black NO CLOSE Gray M22-C3-M4V Vertical Flush pushbutton Black NO FORWARD Flush pushbutton Red NC STOP Flush pushbutton Black NO REVERSE Gray M22-C3-M5V VerticalFlush pushbuttonBlackNOUPFlush pushbuttonRedNCSTOPFlush pushbuttonBlackNODOWNGrayM22-C3-M6V1Pushbutton Control Stations—AssembledCommercial Control StationsKey Specifications●30.5 mm (10250T series) operators●ASA 61 gray die-cast zinc enclosures●Industrial grade●UL ® Type 4, 4X, 12, 13●Single 3/4 in NPT conduit entrance●Dimensions—in (mm)●Enclosure:3.88 W x4.00 H x 3.00 D (98.6 x 101.6 x 76.3)●Operator:1.63 D (to enclosure) x 1.50 diameter (41.4 x 38.1)What is included?Eaton’s pre-assembled, enclosed emergency stop pushbutton stations include an operator, an enclosure, contact blocks and a variety of unique labels. Each label has white lettering on a red background indicating the function and red lettering on a white background indicatingthe operator type.Available Catalog NumbersAdditional Contact Blocks (Sold Separately)Note1Includes 1NO-1NC contact block.Catalog Number 1Operator Enclosure Color Label10250T5B62-S101Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY STOP 10250T5B62-S102Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF 10250T5B62-S103Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY GENERATOR STOP 10250T5B62-S104Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY HVAC SHUT-DOWN 10250T5B62-S105Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT 10250T5B62-S106Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY BOILER SHUT-DOWN 10250T5B62-S107Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY CHILLER STOP 10250T5B62-S108Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT-OFF 10250T5B62-S109Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY REFRIGERATION STOP 10250T5B62-S110Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY POWER OFF 10250T5B62-S111Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY GAS SHUT-OFF10250T5B62-S112Push-Pull Gray EMERGENCY VENTILATION SHUT-DOWN 10250T5B62-S113Push-PullGrayGENERATORCatalog Number CircuitConfiguration 10250T511NC 10250T531NO 10250T1NO-NC 10250T32NC 10250T22NO1General Purpose Control StationsT ype N Control Stations—UL (NEMA) T ype 1Note1 Round button.Contact SymbolButton Type/ColorLegendsCatalog NumberOne Element Enclosure T ypeFlush/greenSTART10250H5100Flush/red STOP 10250H5101Extended/red STOP 10250H5104Palm operated/blackNone10250H89 1Three-position selector switch/black knobRUN/OFF/AUTO 10250H289 1T wo Element Enclosure T ypeFlush/redSTART/STOP10250H5200Flush/green extended/red START/STOP 10250H5207Flush/black (all)RAISE/LOWER 10250H5201FOR/REV10250H5202OPEN/CLOSE10250H5203UP/DOWN 10250H5204HIGH/LOW10250H5205FAST/SLOW10250H5208Three Element Enclosure T ypeFlush/black (all)FOR/REV/STOP 10250H5300UP/DOWN/STOP 10250H5301RAISE/LOWER/STOP 10250H5302OPEN/CLOSE/STOP 10250H5303FAST/SLOW/STOP10250H5304110/220V neon indicating light START/STOPClear—flush/green; flush/red 10250H5310Red—flush/green; flush/red 10250ED853Amber—flush/green; flush/red10250ED853-2Selector Switch Two Button Station Three Button StationThree Button Station with Indicating Light Single Button Station with PadlockAttachment Accessory1Pushbutton Control Stations—AssembledT ype N Control Stations—Open T ype Construction (No Cover)Special Purpose Control StationsSpecial Purpose Control Stations—UL (NEMA) T ype 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 13Note1 No legend on buttons. Specify any standard legend.Contact SymbolButton Type/ColorLegendsCatalog NumberOne Element Enclosure T ypeThree-position selector switch/black knobRUN/OFF/AUTO10250H2538T wo Element Enclosure T ypeFlush/greenSTART/STOP10250H2747Flush/black (all)mech. interlockedNone 110250H2544Contact SymbolFeatureLegendsCatalog NumberSTOP 10250H658With lock hasp STOP 10250H665OPEN/CLOSE10250H2742Mechanically Interlocked PushbuttonsTwo Button StationSelector Switch10250H_10250H_110250H Series Heavy-Duty Control StationsT ype H Control Stations—UL (NEMA) T ype 3, 3S, 4, 4X, 12, 13Element Type FeatureCircuitAssembled Legend PlateUnassembled Alternate Legend PlateCatalog NumberOne Element PushbuttonsWithout padlock hasp1NO-1NCJOGSTART 10250H1881STOP RUNWith padlock hasp1NC STOP —10250H4239Knob selector switch Two-position 1NO-1NC OFF/ON —10250H4526Three-position1NO-1NCMAN/OFF/AUTO—10250H4527Two Element PushbuttonsStandard1NO-2NC START/STOP —10250H18842NO-2NCRAISE/LOWERFORWARD 10250H1885REVERSE OPEN CLOSEStandard and standard with padlock hasp1NO-2NCSTART/STOP—10250H4240Three Element PushbuttonsStandard 2NO-3NCFOR/REV/STOPSTART OPEN 10250H1890Two standard and standard with padlock haspJOG CLOSE 10250H4241RAISE FAST LOWER SLOWIndicating light and pushbuttons120VLight-red lens and two plain1NO-2NCMOTOR RUNNING START/STOP—10250H191310250H_10250H_ 10250H_1Pushbutton Control Stations—Assembled10250T Series Heavy-Duty 30.5 mm Control StationsComplete Assembled Stations—UL (NEMA) T ype 4, 4X, 12, 13Break Glass KitNotes1 Stop buttons are red—all others are black.2 NEMA 4–13, if properly mounted on a flat surface. Consists of front plate, legend, operator and contact blocks.3 Break glass stations will not function with Normally Open contact blocks.4 Lock is 10250TA2.5 Uses deep cover instead of shallow cover. Switch component is 10250TA67—mechanically interlocked operators.6 Shown assembled to contact block (contact block supplied separately).Element Type 1FeaturesContact Block(s)LegendSurface Mounting Catalog NumberFlush Mounting 2Catalog Number Break Glass Station Break glass station 3Gray enclosure NC (logic level)EMERG. OFF10250TGS —Red enclosure10250TGR—One Element PushbuttonStandardNO-NC START 10250T351610250T3573NC STOP 10250T351810250T3575NO-NCNone 10250T354010250T3597Mushroom head NO-NC START 10250T351710250T3574NC STOP 10250T351910250T3576With lock hasp 4NC STOP 10250T352010250T3577Selector switchTwo-position black knobNO-NC OFF/ON 10250T352310250T3580Three-position black knob2NO MAN/OFF/AUTO 10250T352410250T3581Push-pull three-positionMomentary red button 2NCSTART/STOP10250T354510250T3602T wo Element PushbuttonsStandard1NO-2NC START/STOP 10250T352510250T35822NO-2NC RAISE/LOWER 10250T367210250T36732NO-2NCNone 10250T354110250T3598With lock hasp 41NO-2NC START/STOP 10250T354210250T3599Standard and mushroom head 1NO-2NC START/STOP 10250T352610250T3583Standard withmaintained contact 5NO-NC START/STOP10250T352810250T3585Plus NC Three Element PushbuttonsStandard2NO-3NC FOR, REV, STOP 10250T353210250T35892NO-3NC UP , DOWN, STOP 10250T3615—2NO-3NC OPEN, CLOSE, STOP 10250T3614—2NO-3NCNone, None, STOP 10250T354310250T3600Two standard and with lock hasp2NO-3NC None, None, STOP 10250T354410250T3601Indicating light (transformer type) and pushbuttonsRed lens — 120V 1NO-2NCMOTOR RUN,START/STOP10250T353610250T3593Red lens — 240V 10250T353710250T3594Red lens — 480V 10250T353810250T3595Red lens — 600V10250T353910250T3596DescriptionCatalog Number Operator with hammer and five glass discs 10250TBG Glass discs only (5)10250TGLBreak Glass StationOne Element Two Element Three Element Break Glass Operator 61Class I Division 2 10250T Series Heavy-Duty 30.5mm Control StationsComplete Assembled Stations—UL (NEMA) T ype 4, 4X, 12, 13; NEC Class I Division 2, Groups B, C and DContact SymbolButton Type/ColorLegend MarkingDie Cast EnclosureCatalog NumberPolyester Molded EnclosureCatalog NumberStainless Steel EnclosureCatalog NumberSingle PushbuttonFlush/green START 10250T700310250T7003P 10250T7003S Extended/red STOP10250T700510250T7005P 10250T7005S Alum. jumbo mushroom/red EMER. STOP (engraved button)10250T700710250T7007P 10250T7007S Flush/blackNo legend10250T700910250T7009P10250T7009STwo PushbuttonsFlush/green START10250T702310250T7023P 10250T7023SExtended/redSTOP Flush/black No legend 10250T702510250T7025P 10250T7025SFlush/blackNo legendSingle Pilot Light—T wo Pushbuttons120 Vac redNo legend 10250T703310250T7033P10250T7033SFlush/green START Extended/red STOP120 Vac red No legend10250T703510250T7035P10250T7035SFlush/black Flush/blackThree-Position Selector SwitchMaintained knob/black HAND/OFF/AUTO 10250T701110250T7011P10250T7011S Maintained knob/blackNo legend10250T701310250T7013P10250T7013SSingle Pushbutton MaintainedPush-pull with jumbo mushroom/redEMER. STOP (engraved button)10250T701910250T7019P10250T7019S10250T700710250T7023P 10250T7033S1Pushbutton Control Stations—AssembledClass I Division 2 E34 Series Corrosion Resistant 30.5mm Control StationsComplete Assembled Stations—UL (NEMA) T ype 4, 4X, 12, 13; NEC Class I Division 2, Groups B, C and DAccessoriesT ype N Control StationsNoteUse NEMA 4X 10250T operators where exposed to ultraviolet light, see Page V7-T1-22.Contact SymbolButton Type/ColorLegend MarkingDie Cast EnclosureCatalog NumberPolyester Molded EnclosureCatalog NumberStainless Steel EnclosureCatalog NumberSingle PushbuttonFlush/green START E34EX7003E34EX7003P E34EX7003S Extended/red STOPE34EX7005E34EX7005P E34EX7005S Alum. jumbo mushroom/red EMER. STOP (engraved button)E34EX7007E34EX7007P E34EX7007S Flush/blackNo legendE34EX7009E34EX7009PE34EX7009ST wo PushbuttonsFlush/green START E34EX7023E34EX7023P E34EX7023SExtended/red STOP Flush/blackNo legend E34EX7025E34EX7025P E34EX7025SFlush/blackNo legendThree-Position Selector SwitchMaintained knob/black HAND/OFF/AUTO E34EX7011E34EX7011PE34EX7011S Maintained knob/blackNo legendE34EX7013E34EX7013PE34EX7013SSingle Pushbutton MaintainedPush-pull with jumbo mushroom/redEMER. STOP (engraved button)E34EX7019E34EX7019PE34EX7019SDescriptionCatalog Number Padlock attachment—For field assembly on square button type (except extended button types)10250H5110E34EX_Padlock Attachment1Custom Assembled Stations Specification Form Ordering InstructionsStep 1Copy this ordering guide fromcatalog.Step 2Specify 10250T or E34pushbutton lines in thecorresponding box on thefollowing page.Step 3Check back of panel dimensions—specify single or double depth enclosure in the corresponding box on the following page.Step 4Specify enclosure catalog number and price in the corresponding box on the following page. Enclosures can be found on PagesV7-T1-116, V7-T1-233and V7-T1-283. For pricing, reference the most recent PAD or VISTA-line.Step 5Specify catalog numbers for desired operator, legend plate, light unit, accessory and contact block(s) for each location in the enclosure in the corresponding box on the following page. (See position locations on this page.)Position LocationsStep 6For non-standard legends,specify legend desired, lettersize and location on thelayout sketches on thefollowing page. Forlimitations see PageV7-T1-232. For pricing,use the blank legend catalognumber and “STAMP” Suffix(Ex.: 10250TS36STAMP) andreference the most recentPAD or VISTA-line.Example: 10250TS36SpecialLegendfor Position #_______Step 7Fax Sheet 2 of this form toEaton’s TRC, TechnicalResource Center, at 828-651-0549 to the attention of—Custom Stations Order or********************.Within a few days you willreceive a confirmation faxwith the custom station partnumber and price.Step 8Place your order over theVISTA System.For Selector and Roto-PushOperators10250T or E34For single contact blocks or1NO-1NC contact blocks, themounting position of contactsmust be specified. Forexample: If a 1NO-1NCcontact block is required,specify if NO is to bemounted in Top A position orBottom B position.10250T PagesV7-T1-182 to V7-T1-253 E34PagesV7-T1-254 to V7-T1-29510250T and E34Class I Div. 2PagesV7-T1-321 to V7-T1-361LETTERSIZE3/32 in1/8 in✔3/16 in1Pushbutton Control Stations—Assembledfor Assembled StationsFACTORY USE ONLYPart Number Product Code Suffix Date EngineerStep 3)✔Single Depth Enclosure Double Depth EnclosureStep 4)Enclosure Catalog NumberPriceStep 2)10250T ❏ STD ❏ Class I Division 2E34❏ STD ❏ Class I Division 2Step 5)Position OperatorPrice U.S. $Light UnitPrice U.S. $Contact BlockPrice U.S. $A/LB/RContact BlockPrice U.S. $A/LB/RTotal Price1234Total:Step 6)Non-standard LegendsSpecial Legend for Position #_______Special Legend for Position #_______Special Legend for Position #_______LETTER SIZE 3/32 inch (2.4 mm)1/8 inch (3.2 mm)3/16 inch (4.8 mm)Position Legend Plate PriceU.S. $Lens or Caps Price U.S. $AccessoryPrice U.S. $Total Price1234T o —Eaton’s TRC, Custom Station Order(828)651-0549FAX,**********************From —Customer Name ___________________________________________Customer Contact __________________________________________Phone Number_____________________________________________Fax Number _______________________________________________Email Address _____________________________________________10% AdderLETTER SIZE 3/32 inch (2.4 mm)1/8 inch (3.2 mm)3/16 inch (4.8 mm)LETTER SIZE 3/32 inch (2.4 mm)1/8 inch (3.2 mm)3/16 inch (4.8 mm)1Renewal PartsT ype N Renewal PartsAssembled Stations—Type NItem No.DescriptionNo.Req.Part NumberT ype N—Square Buttons 1Cover 1Two element49-3524One element—top button 49-3524-2One element—bottom button 49-3524-32Cover screw211-21683Pushbutton support bracket 179-66494Pushbutton support bracket screw 111-20905Pushbutton spring269-25716Disc (when used—two element assembly)216-19607Pushbutton—top position 1START/green 53-1169-3RAISE/black 53-1169-66FORWARD/black 53-1169-7OPEN/black 53-1169-9UP/blank 53-1169-11Blank/green53-11698Pushbutton—bottom position 1STOP/red 53-1202-2Extended STOP/red 53-1202-5REVERSE/black 53-1169-8CLOSE/black 53-1169-10DOWN/black 53-1169-12LOWER/black 53-1169-6Blank/red53-1202Item No.DescriptionNo.Req.Part NumberT ype N—Square Buttons, continued 9Pushbutton element 11NO-1NC 86-25882NO 86-2588-21NO 86-2588-31NC86-2588-410Cover149-346411Pushbutton support bracket 179-665012Pushbutton—top position 1FORWARD/black 53-1170-7UP/black 53-1170-4RAISE/black 53-1170-5OPEN/black 53-1170-9FAST/black53-1170-613Pushbutton middle position 1REVERSE/black 53-1169-15DOWN/black 53-1169-18LOWER/black 53-1169-16CLOSE/black 53-1169-17SLOW/black53-1169-1314Pushbutton—bottom position 1STOP/red53-1201-215Pushbutton element 12NO-3NC86-259316Cover149-3524-41Pushbutton Control Stations—AssembledAssembled Stations—T ype N, continuedT ype H Renewal PartsAssembled Stations—T ype HItem No.DescriptionNo.Req.Part NumberT ype N—Square Buttons, continued 17Lens 1Clear 28-494Red 28-887-2Amber28-887-318Shield 173-133719Shield screws 411-201220Lamp (neon NE48)128-49421Lamp receptacle 128-90222Lamp receptacle screw 1911-330F123Pilot light terminal base 186-258624Lens 1Clear 28-887Red 28-887-2Amber28-887-325Pushbutton support bracket 179-6650-226Pushbutton element 11NO-1NC86-2594Item No.DescriptionNo.Req.Part NumberT ype N—Round ButtonsSimilar to 27Pushbutton assembly and element for:10250H289110250H253810250H364186-35310250H685186-353-810250H665186-353-810250H671186-35310250H2738186-353-310250H2740186-35610250H2741186-35610250H2742186-356Item No.DescriptionNo.Req.Part NumberT ype H—Assembled Stations 1Screw 211-46542Screw 211-57193Base 117-165604Contact blocks See Page V7-T1-235510250T operator See Pages V7-T1-188 to V7-T1-2256Mounting plate117-19524Item No.DescriptionNo.Req.Part NumberT ype H—Assembled Stations 7Screw 411-9538Diaphragm 132-253-29Mounting plate 117-1952210Gasket 132-25411Base 117-1656112Mounting plate117-195231Technical Data and SpecificationsRatingsMaximum Ampere Ratings for T ype N Control StationsMaximum Ampere Ratings for T ype H Control StationsDimensionsApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)Type N Control StationsSpecial Purpose Control StationsNote1 2.38 (60.5) for neon indicating light.Volts ACVolts DC Description110220440550120240600Make and emergency interrupt capacity 30157.56 load break 3 1.50.750.6 current10101010101010DescriptionVolts AC 50/60 HzVolts DC 120240480600125250Make and emergency interrupt capacity60301512 1.10.55Normal load break 63 1.5 1.2 1.10.55Continuous amperes 101010101010Voltamperes —Make and emergency interrupt capacity 7200720072007200138138Normal load break720720720720138138Single Button StationTwo Button Station Three Button Station1Pushbutton Control Stations—AssembledApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)Type H Control StationsNEMA T ype 3, 3R, 3S, 4, 4X, 1310250T and E34Approximate Enclosure DimensionsNote1No conduit entrance holes provided. Drill as required.No. of Elements Dimensions Wide High Deep 1 and 2 4.50 (114.3)8.25 (209.6) 4.50 (114.3)34.50 (114.3)10.75 (273.1)4.25 (108.0)Number ofElements Surface MountingConduit EntranceDimensions in In (mm)Wide AHigh BDeep CMounting DECast 1 3.88(98.6) 4.0(101.6) 3.0(76.3) 2.69(68.3) 3.25(82.6)3/42 3.88(98.6) 5.88(149.4) 3.0(76.3) 2.69(68.3) 5.13(130.3)3/43 3.88(98.6)7.75(196.9) 3.0(76.3) 2.69(68.3)7.0(177.8)1433.88(98.6)9.63(244.6)3.0(76.3)2.69(68.3)8.88(225.6)1Polyester 1 3.81(96.8) 6.63(168.4) 3.38(85.9) 2.94(74.7)4.88(124.0)12 3.81(96.8) 6.63(168.4) 3.38(85.9) 2.94(74.7) 4.88(124.0)13 3.81(96.8)8.88(225.6) 3.38(85.9) 2.94(74.7)7.13(181.1)143.81(96.8)6.63(168.4)3.38(85.9)2.94(74.7)4.88(124.0)1Stainless Steel 1 3.00(76.2) 3.50(88.9) 3.00(76.2) 1.50(38.1) 4.25 (108.0)12 3.50(88.9) 6.75(171.5) 3.00(76.2) 1.50(38.1)7.50(190.5)13 3.50(88.9)9.00(228.6) 3.00(76.2) 1.50(38.1)9.00(228.6)143.50(88.9)11.25(285.8)3.00(76.2)1.50(38.1)12.00(304.8)1。