四、教学内容选取本课程所用教材为《英国文学史及选读》(第一、二册)和《美国文学史及选读》(第一、二册)(吴伟仁编, 外语教学与研究出版社,1990年8月)。
参考《新编英美文学概论》(庞好农、陈许等编, 汕头大学出版社,2001年7月)、《英美文学选读》(桂扬清、吴翔林编注,中国对外翻译公司出版,1985年6月)、《英国文学简史》(刘炳善,上海外语教育出版社,1993年4月)、《美国文学简史》(常耀信,南开大学出版社,1990年6月)和在教学过程中注意以史为纲、文史结合;所选作品力求题材广泛、难易适度、形式多样。
大学英美文学导论教案1. 引言1.1 概述本教案旨在介绍和讲解大学英美文学导论课程的重要内容和主题,为学生提供深入了解英美文学发展历程和经典作品的机会。
1.2 文章结构本教案共分为引言、正文、第二章节、第三章节以及结论五个部分。
1.3 目的本教案的编写旨在引导学生深入研究英美文学,培养他们对于文学作品的理解能力和批判思维能力。
以上是“1. 引言”部分内容,请根据需要进一步添加补充相关内容。
2. 正文在这一部分中,我们将介绍大学英美文学导论的具体内容和教学方法。
2.1 课程背景大学英美文学导论是一门重要的人文科学课程,旨在提供对英美文学经典作品及其背后的历史、社会背景、流派等方面进行深入了解和分析的机会。
2.2 教学目标在这门课上,我们将追求以下教育目标:a) 了解英美文学的发展历程及其主要特点;b) 分析并理解不同时期、不同流派及其代表性作品;c) 培养阅读和批判性思考能力;d) 培养写作和表达能力;e) 培养跨文化交流与合作意识。
英美文学导论教学大纲一. 课程简介本课程旨在引导学生了解和掌握英美文学的基本概念、主要流派和核心作品,以及文学与社会、文化之间的关系。
二. 教学目标1. 培养学生的英美文学欣赏能力,使其对英美文学有基本的了解和鉴赏能力;2. 培养学生的批判性思维能力,使其能够分析和评价英美文学作品;3. 培养学生的写作能力,使其能够撰写英美文学相关的论文或评论。
三. 教学内容1. 英美文学的起源与发展- 英美文学的定义和研究方法- 古代英美文学的代表作品欣赏与分析- 文艺复兴时期英美文学的代表作品欣赏与分析- 浪漫主义时期英美文学的代表作品欣赏与分析- 现代主义和后现代主义时期英美文学的代表作品欣赏与分析2. 不同流派的英美文学- 小说- 英美小说的发展历程- 不同时期和流派的英美小说代表作品欣赏与分析- 诗歌- 英美诗歌的发展历程- 不同时期和流派的英美诗歌代表作品欣赏与分析- 戏剧- 英美戏剧的发展历程- 不同时期和流派的英美戏剧代表作品欣赏与分析3. 文学与社会、文化的关系- 英美文学作品中的社会与文化因素的表达和反映- 英美文学作品对社会和文化变迁的影响和作用四. 教学方法1. 授课- 通过讲解和解读文学作品,向学生传达英美文学的基本概念、流派特点以及作者的创作背景和意图。
- 通过讲授文学批评和分析方法,指导学生对英美文学作品进行批判性思考和分析。
2. 阅读与讨论- 学生阅读指定的英美文学作品,在课堂上进行小组讨论,对作品进行深入的解读和分析,培养学生的独立思考和表达能力。
3. 写作训练- 学生通过写作论文、书评等方式,将对英美文学作品的阅读和分析成果呈现出来,提高学生的写作和表达能力。
五. 评估方法1. 平时成绩- 出勤情况- 课堂参与与表现- 作业完成情况2. 学术论文- 学生撰写一篇关于指定英美文学作品的学术论文,考察学生对文学作品的理解和分析能力。
American Literature:the body of written works produced in the English language in the United States.●For more than a millennium, each stage in the development of the English language has produced itsmasterworks.●Following the NormanConquest of 1066, French influence shaped the vocabulary as well as the literarypreoccupations of Middle English.●The publication of the King James V ersion of the Bible in 1611 infused the literature of the period withboth religious imagery and a remarkably vigorous language, and it served as an important instrument for the spread of literacy throughout England.●Gradually seven kingdoms arose in Britain. By the 7th century, these small kingdoms were combinedinto a united kingdom called England.●Angles, Saxons and Jutes usually known as Anglo-Saxons are the first Englishmen. Language spokenby them is called Old English, which is the foundation of English language and literature. With the Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britain, the history of English literature began.Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language.●Thus three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke French, the lower classspoke English, and the scholars and clergymen used Latin.●The romance was the prevailing form of literature in the Middle Ages.●The central character of the romance is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons. GEOFFREY CHAUCER乔叟Chaucer was the representative writer of the 14th century, and therefore the 14th century is usually called the Age of Chaucer.the outstanding English poet before Shakespeare and ―the first finder of our language.‖ His The Canterbury Tales ranks as one of the greatest poetic works in English.The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集The great majority of the words Chaucer uses are the same in meaning and function as their Modern English counterparts. They usually differ greatly in spelling. But this initial difficulty soon disappears as one reads through the text -- especially if one reads the text aloud.Chaucer‘s contribution to English poetry is that he introduced from France the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter, which was later called the heroic couplet, to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse.文艺复兴时期The English Renaissance●The Renaissance was a European phenomenon. It revived the study of Roman and Greek classics andmarked the beginning of bourgeois revolution.English literature in the Renaissance period is usually regarded as the high light in the history of English literature. In the Elizabethan period, English literature developed with a great speed and made a magnificent achievement. William Shakespeare 莎士比亚●Shakespeare occupies a position unique in world literature. Hamlet is made a hero of the Renaissanceperiod and the representative of humanism. Through him Shakespeare expressed his own humanist ideas, Hamlet is made a hero of the Renaissance period and the representative of humanism. Through him Shakespeare expressed his own humanist ideas,●Shall I compare thee to a summer‘s day?●Thou art more lovely and more temperate:●Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,●And summer‘s lease hath all too short a date:●So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,●So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.iambic pentameter 抑扬格五音步●in poetry, a line of verse containing five metrical feet. Bacon‘s essays have a literary style peculiar totheir own. They are noted for their clearness, brevity and force of expression.●The Faerie Queene is a long poem with sweet melody and its lines are very musical. Spenserinvented a new verse form for this poem. The verse form has been called Spenserian Stanza. Each stanza has nine lines, each of the first eight lines is in iambic pentametre form, and the ninth line is an iambic hexametre line, rhyming a b a b b c b c c.Metaphysical poet 玄学诗人John Milton(1608-1674) 弥尔顿Milton ranks second only to Shakespeare among English poets; his writings and his influence are an important part of the history of English literature, culture, and libertarian thought. He is best known for Paradise Lost, which is generally regarded as the greatest epic poem in the English language.Paradise Lost 失乐园Paradise Lost is an epic poem written in blank verse—i.e., unrhymed iambic pentameter verse. It tells the story of Satan's rebellion against God and his expulsion from heaven and the subsequent temptation and expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.●It is a long epic in 12 books, done in blank verse. All is not lost; the unconquerable will●And study of revenge, immortal hate,●And courage never to submit or yield:The best-known section in this book is the V anity Fair episode. On the V anity Fair, honors, titles, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures and lives can be sold or bought, and cheating, roguery, murder and adultery are normal phenomena. Enlightenment 启蒙运动The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout W estern Europe in the 18th century. It was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism.●The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. What the writers described in theirworks were social realities. The main characters were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention to daily life.Samuel Johnson 约翰逊博士●His letter to Chesterfield is often taken as sounding ―the death-knell of patronage,‖ which it did not. Butit did assert the dignity of the author.Sentimentalism感伤主义Daniel Defoe(1660-1731) 笛福Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊飘流记Robinson Crusoe (1719), an immediate success at home and on the Continent, is a unique fictional blending of the traditions of Puritan spiritual autobiography with an insistent scrutiny of the nature of man as social creature and an extraordinary ability to invent a sustaining modern myth.Jonathan Swift(1667-1745) 斯威夫特Gulliver‗s Travels 格列佛游记Numerous obstacles have to be overcome before he achieves this, however, and in the course of the action the various sets of characters pursue each other from one part of the country to another, giving Fielding an opportunity to paint an incomparably vivid picture of England in the mid-18th century.Romanticism浪漫主义Romanticism was marked by intense human sympathy, and by a consequent understanding of the human heart.The sympathy for the poor, and the cry against oppression grew stronger and stronger.Spenser, Shakespeare and Milton were inspiration of the romantic movement. W e can hardly read a poem of the early romanticists without finding a suggestion of the influence of one of these great leaders.Robert Burns 彭斯●national poet of Scotland, who wrote lyrics and songs in the Scottish dialect of English.The Romantic Age began in 1798 and came to an end in 1832. The publication of the L yrical Ballads marked the break with classicism and the beginning of the Romantic Age.In 1832, the last romantic writer Walter Scott died, so in that year, the Romantic Age came to an end.●This age is emphatically an age of poetry. Many young enthusiastic writers turned to poetry as ahappy man to singing. The glory of the age lies in the poetry of W ordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats.●W omen as novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed, for thefirst time, an important place in English literature. Jane Austen offered us her charming descriptions of everyday life in her enduring works, which raised woman to the high place in literature she has ever since maintained.William Wordsworth华兹华斯●major English Romantic poet and poet laureate of England (1843–50). His Lyrical Ballads (1798),written with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the English Romantic movement.●I wandered lonely as a cloud●That floats on high o‘er vales and hills,●When all at once I saw a crowd,●A host of golden daffodils:●Beside the lake, beneath the trees,●Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Lake Poet 湖畔派诗人Jane Austen 奥斯丁English writer who first gave the novel its distinctly modern character through her treatment of ordinary people in everyday life. Austen created the comedy of manners of middle-class life in the England of her time in such novels●Although the birth of the English novel is to be seen in the first half of the 18th century in the workof Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, and Henry Fielding, it is with Jane Austen that the novel takes on its distinctively modern character in the realistic treatment of unremarkable people in the unremarkable situations of everyday life.In her six novels—Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion—Austen created the comedy of manners of middle-class life in the England of her time, revealing the possibilities of ―domestic‖ literature.George Gordon Byron 拜伦Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱Ode to the W est Wind 西风颂●Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth●Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!●Be through my lips to unawakened earth●The trumpet of a prophecy!O Wind,●If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?John Keats 济慈●English Romantic lyric poet who devoted his short life to the perfection of a poetry marked byvivid imagery, great sensuous appeal, and an attempt to express a philosophy through classical legend.维多利亚时代English Literature in the Victorian AgeCritical Realism 批判现实主义English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and the early fifties. It foun d its expression in the form of novel. The critical realists, most whom were novelists, described with much vividness and artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. The greatest English realist of the time was Charles Dickens.Charles Dickens 狄更斯Dickens enjoyed a wider popularity than had any previous author during his lifetime. Much in his work could appeal to simple and sophisticated, to the poor and to the Queen, and technological developments as well as the qualities of his work enabled his fame to spread worldwide very quickly.The range, compassion, and intelligence of his apprehension of his society and its shortcomings enriched his novels and made him both one of the great forces in 19th-century literature and an influential spokesman of the conscience of his age.In his own time Thackeray was regarded as the only possible rival to Dickens. His pictures of contemporary life were obviously real and were accepted as such by the middle classes.V anity Fair 名利场The main plot centers on the story of two women Amelia Sedley and Rebecca Sharp.The Bronte sisters 勃朗特三姐妹●Jane Eyre, the heroine of the novel, maintains that women should have equal rights with men. In thisnove l, Gaskell shows great sympathy for the workers. She highly praises the workers‘ struggle against capitalists●He clasps the crag with crooked hands;●Close to the sun in lonely lands,●Ringed with the azure world, he stands.Robert Browning 布朗宁Browning's dramatic monologues must, as he himself insisted, be recognized as the utterances of fictitious persons drawing their strength from their appropriateness in characterizing the speaker, and not as expressions of Browning's own sentiments.The play is about the training Higgins gives to a Cockney flower girl to enable her to pass as a lady and is also about the repercussions of the experiment's success.●The W aste Land(1922), traced the sickness of modern civilization—a civilization that, on theevidence of the war, preferred death or death-in-life to life—to the spiritual emptiness and rootlessness of modern existence.William Butler Y eats 叶芝T.S.Eliot 艾略特●If one figure had to be named as the pivotal leader among writers in English during the first halfof the twentieth century, it would be Thomas Sterns Eliot. Not only was he a great poet, a greatcritic, a fine playwright, and a far-reaching influence on others, but he became the conscience of his generation, deliberately fitting himself for this role, which he summed up in a celebrated phrase when he defined his belief as ―classicist in literature, royalist in politics, and Anglo-Catholic in religion‘.●What Eliot achieved was an exact expression for the spiritual disease of the twentieth century.After the unquenchable optimist of the Victorian Age had burned itself out in W orld W ar I, a period of intense questioning began. One by one, what had seemed established certainties were questioned; a society that had appeared both stable and progressive for ove r a century broke into fragments. Eliot‘s classic expression of the temper of his age is ‗The W aste Land‖, a poem which, despite its extreme difficulty, brought him immediate fame.The Waste Land 荒原●April is the cruelest month, breeding●Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing●Memory and desire, stirring●Dull roots with spring rain.Seamus Heaney 希尼Bogland 沼泽地●W e have no prairies●To slice a big sun at evening—●Everywhere the eye concedes to●Encroaching horizon.Modernist novelists 现代主义小说家V irginia Woolf 伍尔夫●In her long essay, A Room of One's Own (1929), she described the difficulties encountered bywomen writers in a man's world.William Golding 戈尔丁●Golding's first published novel was Lord of the Flies (1954; film 1963 and 1990), the story of a groupof schoolboys isolated on a coral island who revert to savagery.Its imaginative and brutal depiction of the rapid and inevitable dissolution of social mores aroused widespread interest. Doris Lessing 莱辛●The Golden Notebook (1962), in which a woman writer attempts to come to terms with the life ofher times through her art, is one of the most complex and the most widely read of her novels.美国文学American LiteratureAmerican literature is the youngest of all national literatures. English literature in the United States is therefore only about more than 200 years old. In spite of this fact, the people of the United States have produced some of the world‘s best literature.BradstreetShe wrote her poems while rearing eight children, functioning as a hostess, and performing other domestic duties.▪The English colonies in North America rose in arms against their parent country and the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The W ar of the Independence lasted till 1783, and the United States of America was founded.The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. Rationalism was the dominant spirit. The enlighteners were opposed to the colonial order fighting against the Puritan tradition, brought to life secular literatureBenjamin Franklin 富兰克林Franklin, next to George Washington possibly the most famous 18th-century American,Autobiography 自传Thomas Jefferson 杰弗逊draftsman of the Declaration of Independence of the United StatesThe Declaration of Independence 独立宣言▪W e hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.超验主义和浪漫主义Transcendentalism and the Romantic AgeIn this period a new literature was forged by such authors as Irving, Cooper, Hawthorne, Poe, Emerson, Thoreau, Longfellow, Melville and Whitman. It was rich in native character and tradition. Like the European literature of the time, it was romantic in character.Transcendentalism wrote an important chapter for the history of ideas in this period. It was the expression of an intuitional idealism which had taken various forms in American thought as a counter-current to rationalistic and authoritarian orthodoxies from early times.▪The American transcendentalists formed a club called the Transcendental Club. The club members often met at Emerson‘s Concord home. Thoreau is the most noteworthy of these in respect to literary values. Emerson was the leading spirit of the Transcendental club.The first great essay writer in the United States was W ashington Irving. He was the first great American author born after the Revolutionary W ar.W ashington Irving 欧文▪The Sketch-Book includes the short stories The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip V an Winkle. Ralph W al do Emerson (1803-1882) 爱默生Ralph W aldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts. He is widely regarded as one of America's most influential authors, philosophers and thinkersThese roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they are; they exist with God to-day. There is no time to them. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence. Before a leaf-bud has burst, its whole life acts; in the full-blown flower there is no more; in the leafless root there is no less. Its nature is satisfied, and it satisfies nature, in all moments alike. Henry David Thoreau 梭罗▪at the age of 28 in 1845, wanting to write his first book, he went to W alden pond and built his cabin on land owned by EmersonOver the years, Thoreau's reputation has been strong, although he is often cast into roles -- the hermit in the wilderness, the prophet of passive resistance (so dear to Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King) -- that he would have surely seen as somewhat alienBut Thoreau's style differs markedly from that of Emerson, whose natural expression is through abstraction. Thoreau presents experience through concrete images;Romantic Poets▪Often the romantic writers were transcendentalists and mystics. Sometimes they were lovers of nature. All the great poets of the middle of the nineteenth century in American literature were romanticists.Henry W adsworth Longfellow 朗费罗Americans owe a great debt to Longfellow because he was among the first of American writers to use native themes.W alt Whitman 惠特曼Leaves Of Grass 草叶集a collection of some of the finest American free-verse poetry ever written.Emily Dickinson 狄金森▪She is widely considered one of the greatest poets in American literature. Her unique, gemlike lyrics are distillations of profound feeling and original intellect, and they stand outside the mainstream of American literary tradition.American literature produced only one female poet during the nineteenth century. This was Emily Dickinson.▪To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,▪One clover and a bee,▪And revery.▪Revery alone will do,▪If bees are few.James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) 库柏▪They are vivid and fascinating stories about Indian life. They also tell of the poineers in early America. The characters are vigorous, and the description of primitive forest life is captivating.Unfortunately Cooper‘s Indians are ideal Indians. They are very unlike the real American Indian, and have given people a false concept of the aboriginal American.Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) 霍桑▪As America's first true psychological novel, The Scarlet Letter would convey these ideals;contrasting puritan morality with passion and individualism.The Scarlet Letter 红字The Scarlet Letter attained an immediate and lasting success because it addressed spiritual and moral issues from a uniquely American standpoint.▪Hawthorne was masterful in the use of symbolism, and the scarlet letter "A" stands as his most potent symbol, around which interpretations of the novel revolve. At one interpretive pole the "A"stands for adultery and sin, and the novel is the story of individual punishment and reconciliation.At another pole it stands for America and allegory, and the story suggests national sin and its human cost. Y et possibly the most convincing reading, taking account of all others, sees the "A" asa symbol of ambiguity, the very fact of multiple interpretations and the difficulty of achievingconsensus.Moby Dick莫比·迪克▪The novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville is an epic tale of the voyage of the whaling ship the Pequod and its captain, Ahab, who relentlessly pursues the great Sperm Whale (the title character) during a journey around the world.Harriet Beecher Stowe: 1811-1896 斯托夫人Stowe learned about slave life by talking to these people and by reading various materials, including slave narratives and antislavery tracts. She also saw Northern racial prejudice. Uncle Tom‘s Cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋▪The novel ends with a chapter summarizing the lesson learned from these "sketches" of experiences with slavery: that slavery is indeed a very cruel and evil institution that should be abolished.Abraham Lincoln 林肯The Gettysburg Address Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Nov. 19, 1863 ▪Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation,conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.▪The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.现实主义小说Realistic Novelists▪writers who were interested in problems of daily life; authors who could picture the pioneers of the Far W est, the new immigrants, and the struggles of the working classes now began to gain the favor of the reading public. This literary interest in the so-called ‗reality‘ of life started a new period in American writing known as the rise of Realism.Mark Twain 1835 – 1910 马克·吐温The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆·索耶历险记Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利·芬历险记▪The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure. The shores of the Mississippi River provide the backdrop for the entire book.Kate Chopin 1851-1904 肖班The A wakening 觉醒Henry James (1843-1916) 詹姆斯▪Among James' masterpieces are Daisy Miller(1879), where the young and innocent American, Daisy finds her values in conflict with European sophistication and The Portrait Of A Lady (1881) where again a young American woman becomes a victim of her provincialism during her travels i n Europe.Theodore Dreiser 1871-1945 德莱塞In his fiction, Dreiser deals with social problems and with characters who struggle to survive. His sympathetic treatment of a "morally loose" woman in Sister Carrie was called immoralSister Carrie 嘉莉妹妹Cather's work made her one of the most important American novelists of the first half of the 20th century. Cather's fiction is characterized by a strong sense of place, the subtle presentation of human relationships, an often unconventional narrative structure, and a style of clarity and beauty. Beginning with Alexander's Bridge (1912), Cather devoted herself to writing. Many of her books drew on her memories and knowledge of Nebraska. O Pioneers! (1913), My Antonia (1918), and A Lost Lady (1923) offer fascinating explorations of the experience of pioneers of the PlainsMy Antonia 我的安东尼娅The twentieth century witnessed a renaissance in American literature. The volume of American literary activity, the large number of new authors, the high level of their powers, the originality, daring, and general success of many new forms of expression, and the absorbed response of a reading public larger and more critical than ever before, produced a new and brilliant national literature.Robert Frost(1874-1963)弗罗斯特one of the finest of rural New England's 20th century pastoral poets.▪The woods are lovely, dark and deep.But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.Ezra Pound (1885-1972) 庞德▪Ezra Pound founded the Imagist movement in poetry, which encouraged experimenting with different verse forms, and opposed representational art in favor of abstract forms.The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.Langston Hughes(1902-1967) 休斯The Lost Generation 迷惘的一代▪Name applied to the disillusioned intellectuals and aesthetes of the years following the First W orld W ar, who rebelled against former ideals and values, but could repalce them only by despair or a cynical hedonism.Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) 海明威William Faulkner 1897-1962 福克纳In an attempt to create a saga of his own, Faulkner has invented a host of characters typical of the historical growth and subsequent decadence of the South. The human drama in Faulkner's novels is then built on the model of the actual, historical drama extending over almost a century and a half Each story and each novel contributes to the construction of a whole, which is the imaginary Y oknapatawpha County and its inhabitants.John Steinbeck(1902-1968) 斯坦贝克He is best remembered for THE GRAPES OF WRA TH (1939), a novel widely considered to be a 20th-century classic.The Grapes of Wrath 愤怒的葡萄Eugene O‘Neill(1888-1953) 奥尼尔one of the greatest playwrights in American history. Through his experimental and emotionally probing dramas, he addressed the difficulties of human society with a deep psychological complexity.Arthur Miller 1915-2005 阿瑟·米勒Miller's plays are, above all, concerned with morality as they reflect the individual's response to the manifold pressures exerted by the forces of family and society.Joseph Heller (1923-1999) 海勒was a popular and respected writer whose first and best-known novel, Catch-22(1961), is considered a classic of the post-W orld W ar II era.▪Catch-22 is most often interpreted as an antiwar protest novel that foreshadowed the widespread resistance to the Vietnam W ar that erupted in the late 1960s.Toni Morrison 莫里森The Bluest Eye最蓝的眼睛first novel, a book heralded for its richness of language and boldness of vision. Set in the author's girlhood hometown of Lorain Ohio, it tells the story of black, eleven-year-old Pecola BreedloveAlice W alker 沃克The Color Purple紫色published in 1982, tells the story of Celie, a Black woman in the South. Celie writes letters to God in which she tells about her life--her roles as daughter, wife, sister, and mother.Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell 1900-1949 米切尔GONE WITH THE WIND 飘▪The novel had similar success throughout the United States and around the world. It won for Margaret Mitchell a Pulitzer Prize in 1937. It has sold more copies worldwide than any other book except the Bible.。
英美文学导论考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪部作品是威廉·莎士比亚的悲剧?A.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》B.《威尼斯商人》C.《皆大欢喜》D.《第十二夜》2. 19世纪英国浪漫主义诗人拜伦的全名是什么?A. 乔治·戈登·拜伦B. 威廉·华兹华斯C. 珀西·比希·雪莱D. 约翰·济慈3. 以下哪位作家是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 查尔斯·狄更斯B. 简·奥斯汀C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 托马斯·哈代4. 美国文学中被称为“黑暗浪漫主义”的时期是?A. 浪漫主义时期B. 现实主义时期C. 现代主义时期D. 后现代主义时期5. 以下哪部作品是马克·吐温的代表作?A.《了不起的盖茨比》B.《汤姆·索亚历险记》C.《白鲸》D.《老人与海》二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 英国文学史上的文艺复兴时期,以_______的戏剧创作最为著名。
7. 19世纪美国文学的“现实主义”运动,以_______的《红字》为代表作。
8. 现代主义文学中,_______的《荒原》被认为是现代主义诗歌的里程碑。
9. 20世纪美国文学中,_______的《了不起的盖茨比》描绘了20年代的“爵士时代”。
10. 英国浪漫主义诗人_______的《夜莺颂》是其代表作之一。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述英国文学中的“哥特式小说”的特点。
12. 描述美国文学中的“自然主义”运动,并举例说明。
13. 简述现代主义文学与后现代主义文学的主要区别。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)14. 论述威廉·华兹华斯的“自然主义”观点及其在《抒情歌谣集》中的体现。
15. 分析弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》中的女性主义视角。
答案一、选择题1. A2. A3. C4. B5. B二、填空题6. 威廉·莎士比亚7. 纳撒尼尔·霍桑8. T.S.艾略特9. F.斯科特·菲茨杰拉德10. 威廉·华兹华斯三、简答题11. 哥特式小说的特点包括恐怖、神秘、超自然元素,以及对古老建筑或废墟的描写。
英美文学导论-Chapter 3 Henry Fielding
![英美文学导论-Chapter 3 Henry Fielding](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72336585bceb19e8b8f6baec.png)
Literary Term
F. Most of his characters are compounded of both observation and imagination, of both experience and invention. Fielding insisted on the crucial importance of mixing with people and of personal experience.
C. Fielding believed in the educational function of the novel. The object of his novels is to present a faithful picture of life, while sound teaching is woven into their very texture.
4. Amelia 《爱米莉娅》,1751.
III. Fielding's Important Position in English Literature
Fielding is the founder of English realistic novels. He set up the theory of realism in literary creation. The exact observation and study of the real life was the basis of his work. He gave us genuine pictures of men and women of his own age.
The History of Tom Jones, Foundling 《汤姆· 琼斯》,1749.
英美文学导论 作家作品列表
![英美文学导论 作家作品列表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e2d25fc204a1b0717fd5dd7f.png)
The Adventures of Huckleberryrog of Calaveras County
7 F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
8 Robert Frost
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening The Road Not Taken
英美文学导论 作家作品列表
1 Geoffrey Chaucer
2 William Shakespeare
3 John Donne 4 John Milton 5 Daniel Defoe 6 William Blake 7 Robert Burns 8 William Wordsworth 9 Jane Austen 10 George Gordon Byron 11 Percy Bysshe Shelley 12 Charlotte Brontë
American Literature
1 Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven and Other Poems The Cask of Amontillado
2 Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter
3 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I Shot an Arrow… A Psalm of Life
4 Walt Whitman
One's Self I Sing, Leaves of Grass O Captain! My Captain!
5 Emily Dickinson
Success Is Counted Sweetest
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
二.学习重点(一)新古典主义时期概述1.新古典主义时期的界定2.启蒙运动:主张及文学特点;意义及影响3.新古典主义对散文、诗歌、戏剧创作的标准4.新古典主义时期文学的艺术特色:早期的诗歌;中叶的英国现实主义小说的诞生;后叶的哥特式小说与伤感主义文学的兴起(二)新古典主义时期的主要作家1. 约翰`班扬a. 主要作品及风格b. 选读《天路历程》:名利场(作品内容简介)2.亚历山大`蒲伯 a. 蒲伯的文学观及主要作品3.丹尼尔`笛福a 笛福的生平(个人事业和社会活动)b. 其主要作品c. 笛福的创作特点语言风格d.选读《鲁滨孙飘流记》第四章鲁滨孙的人物特征;内容简介4.乔纳森`斯威夫特a. 主要作品b. 作品的语言风格c. 《格列佛游记》第一部第三章(故事梗概)。
5.亨利`菲尔丁a.菲尔丁的主要作品b.对英国小说的贡献c.菲尔丁的语言特色d. 选读《汤姆`琼斯》第四部第八章(故事梗概、人物刻画)6.塞谬尔`约翰逊a. 约翰逊的文学评价b. 主要作品c. 约翰逊对语言的贡献d. 约翰逊的主张7.查理德`比`谢立丹a.谢立丹的戏剧主题b谢立丹的写作技巧c. 谢立丹的主要作品8.托马斯`格雷a. 格雷诗歌的特点b. 选读《写在教堂墓地的挽歌》(诗歌的主题:死亡-------哀叹人生;诗歌的语言特色)浪漫主义时期一.学习目标通过本章的学习,了解浪漫主义文学产生的政治、经济和文化背景,人是这一时期的文学创作的基本特征、基本主张、和对当时及后世英国文学和文化的影响;了解该时期的主要作家的创作生涯、创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作的主题结构、人物刻画和语言风格等;同时要求能读懂所作品,了解其思想内容和写作特色培养理解文学作品的能力。
英美文学导论教学大纲一、课程简介1.1 课程名称:英美文学导论1.2 学时安排:36学时1.3 课程性质:必修课1.4 课程目标:通过学习英美文学的经典著作和思想,使学生对英美文学的历史、文化和艺术价值有深入理解,并培养学生的文学鉴赏能力和批评思维,提高学生的综合素质。
二、教学内容2.1 英美文学的发展历程2.1.1 古代英美文学2.1.2 文艺复兴时期英美文学2.1.3 十七至十九世纪英美文学2.1.4 当代英美文学2.2 英美文学的主要流派和代表作品2.2.1 爱情悲剧:莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》2.2.2 历史剧:莎士比亚的《理查三世》2.2.3 喜剧:莎士比亚的《仲夏夜之梦》2.2.4 长篇小说:狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》2.2.5 短篇小说:泰勒的《雾都孤儿》2.3 英美文学的文化背景和艺术特点2.3.1 中世纪宗教与骑士精神的影响2.3.2 文艺复兴与人文主义的崛起2.3.3 工业革命与现代主义的冲击2.3.4 大战与后现代主义的崛起三、教学方法3.1 课堂讲授3.2 学生讨论与演讲3.3 课外阅读与写作3.4 课程设计与加强互动四、考核方式4.1 平时表现:包括课堂表现、参与讨论和小组合作等(占总成绩的30%)4.2 作业与论文:包括阅读报告、写论文和小组项目等(占总成绩的40%)4.3 期末考试:笔试形式,重点检测学生对教材内容的掌握和理解(占总成绩的30%)五、教材选择5.1 主教材:英美文学选读5.2 辅助材料:《英国文学发展史》、《美国文学发展史》六、参考资源6.1 学术期刊:《英美文学研究》、《英美文学评论》6.2 网络资源:JSTOR、Google学术搜索引擎七、教学进度安排7.1 第一周:课程介绍与教学大纲讲解7.2 第二周:古代英美文学概述及作品介绍7.3 第三周:文艺复兴时期英美文学7.4 第四周:十七至十九世纪英美文学观摩与讨论7.5 第五周:当代英美文学介绍与讲授7.6 第六周至第十周:重点作品阅读与学习7.7 第十一周至第十四周:文学流派与时代特点探讨7.8 第十五周:课程总结与复习八、教学团队8.1 主讲教师:XXXX(教授)8.2 助教教师:XXXX(副教授)九、教学评价与反馈9.1 学生评价:通过学生评价问卷调查,了解学生对课程的认知和满意度,并及时进行教学调整。
What is Literature:14th century: It means polite learning through reading. A man of literature or a man of letters = a man of wide reading, ―literacy‖18th century: practice and profession of writing19th century: the high skills of writing in the special context of high imagination。
My definition:In the widest sense it is just about anything written. In the more specialized sense, it is the art that use language as a medium and characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.What is poetry?A literary form Written in linesCompressed contentRich imageryBeautiful harmonyGreat artistic appeal Sonnet十四行诗:an exact form of poetry in 14 lines of iambic pentameter intricately rhymed.玄学派诗歌:The term ―metaphysical poetry‖ is commonly used to name the work of the 17th –century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. Metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry.Ode颂:an elaborately formal lyric poem, often in the form of a lengthy ceremonious address to a person or abstract entity, always serious and elevated in tone. Imagism and Ezra PoundAn image is ―that whichpresents an intellectual andemotional complex in aninstan t of time‖.(1) Direct treatment of the‗thing‘ whether subjectiveor objective.(2) To use absolutely noword that does notcontribute to thepresentation.(3) As regarding rhythm:to compose in the sequenceof the musical phrase, notin the sequence of ametronome.什么是小说:A work of fiction is anarrative that originates inthe imagination of theauthor.Sometimes the stories are―true‖, but more often theyare not.Some fiction—historical orautobiographical fiction, forexample—may focus onreal people and the plotmay be grounded in actualevents, but the waycharacters interact and howthe plot unfolds are theauthor‘s own invention.The purpose of fiction aremainly for entertainment,instruction, and aestheticpleasure of the reader小说要素:Plot SettingPoint of view ThemeTone Irony StyleLost Generation垮掉的一代:applied to the disillusionedintellectuals and aesthetesof the years following theFirst World War, whorebelled against formerideals and values;代表人物:Francis Scott FitzgeraldEzra PoundSherwood AndersonWilliam FaulknerErnest Hemingway什么是戏剧:A drama is a work ofliterature or a compositionwhich delineates life andhuman activity by means ofpresenting various actionsof, and dialogues between agroup of characters. And itis designed for theatricalpresentation戏剧要素:Plot Character ThoughtDiction Music Spectacle戏剧分类:TragedyComedyTragicomedyMelodramaProblem playFarceFatancy。
《英美文学导论》课程教学大纲(2005年制订,2006年修订)课程编号:100192英文名:An Introduction to English Literature and American Literature课程类别:专业主干课前置课:英语国家概况后置课:英美文学选读学分:2学分课时:32课时主讲教师:冯建文选定教材:1、刘炳善,《英国文学简史》,河南人民出版社,1997年修订。
英美文学导论阅读参考书目PoetryElizabethan Poetry1. Determine whether the following poems are an English sonnet or an Italian sonnet.How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the level of everyday‘sMost quiet need, by sun and by candlelight.I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.I love thee with the passion put to useIn my old griefs, and with my childhood‘s faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to loseWith my lost saints – I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!– and, if god choose, I shall but love thee better after death. One day I wrote her name upon the strand,But came the waves and washed it away: Again I wrote it with a second hand,But came the tide, and made my pains his prey. Vain man, said she, that doest in vain assayA mortal thing so to immortalize,For I myself shall like to this decay,And eek my name be wiped out likewise.Not so (quoth I), let baser things deviseTo die in dust, but you shall live by fame:My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,And in the heavens write your glorious name. Where whenas Death shall all the world subdue, Out love shall live, and later life renew.2. Appreciate the following poems. What are the main ideas expressed in the following poems? How does the poet express these ideas?Sonnet 18by ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fadeNor lose possession of that fair thou owest;Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest:So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.Sonnet 116—by ShakespeareLet me not to the marriage of true mindsAdmit impediments. Love is not loveWhich alters when it alteration finds,Or bends with the remover to remove:O no! it is an ever-fixed markThat looks on tempests and is never shaken;It is the star to every wandering bark (三桅帆船), Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come:Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved.The Bargain-- Sir Philip SidneyMy true love hath my heart, and I have his, By just exchange one for another given:I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, There never was a better bargain driven: My true love hath my heart, and I have his. His heart in me keeps him and me in one,My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides: He loves my heart, for once it was his own,I cherish his because in me it bides:My true love hath my heart, and I have his.Song: to Celia--by Ben JonsonDrink to me, only with thine eyes,And I will pledge with mine ;Or leave a kiss but in the cup,And I'll not look for wine.The thirst, that from the soul doth rise, Doth ask a drink divine :But might I of Jove's nectar sup (god‘s wine),I would not change for thine. I sent thee late a rosy wreath,Not so much honoring thee, As giving it a hope, that thereIt could not wither'd be.But thou thereon didst only breathe, And sent'st it back to me :Since when it grows, and smells, I swear, Not of itself, but thee.Go and Catch a Falling Star -- by John DonneGo and catch a falling star,Get with child a mandrake root,Tell me where all past years are,Or who cleft the Devil’s foot, Teach me to hear mermaids singing, Or to keep off envy’s stinging,And findWhat windServes to advance an honest mind.If thou be‘st born to strange sights, Things invisible to see,Ride ten thousand days and nights, Till age snow white hairs on thee; Thou, when thou return‘st, wilt tell me All strange wonders that befell thee, And swearNo whereLives a woman true, and fair.If thou find‘st one, let me know, Such a pilgrimage were sweet; Yet do not, I would not go,Though at next door we might meet: Though she were true, when you met her, And last, till you write your letter,Yet sheWill beFalse, ere I come, to two or three.Compare Sidney and Shakespeare‘s poems with that of Donne, what is the difference in central idea?Romantic Poetry AppreciationI Wandered Lonely as a Cloud-- by WordsworthI wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed---and gazed---but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.Questions:1.What scenery has been described in this poem?2.What feeling does that scenery bring to the poet?3.What images reflect the poet‘s feeling and which words help to build up the images?4.What is the main idea of the last stanza?5.What features of writing of Wordsworth does this poem reveal?Kubla KhanIn Xanadu did Kubla KhanA stately pleasure-dome decree:Where Alph, the sacred river, ranThrough caverns measureless to manDown to a sunless sea.So twice five miles of fertile groundWith walls and towers were girdled round:And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;And here were forests ancient as the hills,Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slantedDown the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!A savage place! as holy and enchantedAs e'er beneath a waning moon was hauntedBy woman wailing for her demon-lover!And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,A mighty fountain momently was forced:Amid whose swift half-intermitted burstHuge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and everIt flung up momently the sacred river.Five miles meandering with a mazy motionThrough wood and dale the sacred river ran,Then reached the caverns measureless to man,And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from farAncestral voices prophesying war!The shadow of the dome of pleasureFloated midway on the waves;Where was heard the mingled measureFrom the fountain and the caves.It was a miracle of rare device,A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!A damsel with a dulcimerIn a vision once I saw:It was an Abyssinian maid,And on her dulcimer she played,Singing of Mount Abora.Could I revive within meHer symphony and song,To such a deep delight 'twould win meThat with music loud and longI would build that dome in air,That sunny dome! those caves of ice!And all who heard should see them there,And all should cry, Beware! Beware!His flashing eyes, his floating hair!Weave a circle round him thrice,And close your eyes with holy dread,For he on honey-dew hath fedAnd drunk the milk of Paradise.When We Two Parted(《昔日依依别》)When we two parted昔日依依惜别,In silence and tears,泪流默默无言;Half broken-hearted 离恨肝肠断,To sever for years,此别又几年。
美国文学历史发展阶段说明作家及代表作品Literature of Colonial American During this period,some printed materialwas produces, since itis a forerunner of thegreat literarymovement thatfollowed theRevolutionary War, ithas historical value.1.Franklin2.JeffersonThe declarationof IndependenceEarly RomanticsRomantics(浪漫主义)Transcendentalismwrote an importantchapter for the historyof ideas in this period,it was the expressionof an intuitionalidealism.(见背的部分)1.Thoreau2.EmersonNature3.Lincoln4.HarrietBeecher StoweUncle Tom’sCabinTranscendentalismHigh RomanticsRealism(现实主义)Writers who wereinterested in problemsof daily life; authorswho could picture thepioneers of the FarWest, the newimmigrants, and thestruggles of theworking classes.(见背的部分)1.Mark TwainThe Adventuresof Tom Sawyer2.TheodoreDreiser SisterCarrie3.Willa CatherMy AntoniaRealism Local Color Fiction Naturalism Modern PoetryModernism (现代主义) (见背的部分)1.Robert Frost2.Ezra Pound3.HemingwayFor Whom TheBell Tolls4.F. ScottFitzgerald TheGreat GatsbyModern Fiction Before 1945英国文学的历史发展阶段说明作家及代表作品Early and Medieval English Literature 1.Beowulf2.ChaucerElizabethan Drama: Renaissance Period (背的部分)1.Shakespeare2.Dante3.Charles Dickens4.Leo Tolstoy5.BaconThe 17th Century: Classicismton Paradise Lost2.John Bunyan The Pilgrim’s ProgressThe 18th Century: Neo-Classicism This period includes the enlightenment,Neo-Classicism; Sentimentalism andRealismThe First Half of The 19thCentury:The Romantic Period (背的部分)1. Austin Pride andPrejudice1.Byron2.Shelley3.William WordsworthRealism:The 19th Century Novels1.Thackeray Vanity Fair2.Hardy Tess of the D’Urbervilles3.Emily BronteWuthering HeightsThe 20th Century: Modernism1.Irish2.Eilot The Waste Land3.Golding Lord of theFlies。
英美文学导论期末总结Introduction:Throughout the semester, we have delved into the vast world of English and American literature, exploring various literary periods, genres, and renowned writers. This summary provides an overview of the key topics covered in this course and reflects upon the importance and impact of English and American literature on society.I. Ancient and Medieval Literature:We began our journey by examining literature from ancient and medieval times. We explored the epic poems of Homer, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, and the plays of ancient Greek playwrights like Sophocles and Aeschylus. We then shifted our focus to medieval literature, delving into the works of renowned authors like Geoffrey Chaucer and the anonymous poet of Beowulf. These works provide insights into the cultural, social, and religious values of ancient and medieval civilizations.II. Renaissance and Elizabethan Literature:Next, we transitioned into the Renaissance period, focusing on the works of William Shakespeare. We analyzed his famous plays, such as Hamlet and Macbeth, and explored his sonnets. We discussed the themes of love, power, and the human condition prevalent in his works. Additionally, we examined other prominent writers of this era, including Christopher Marlowe and Sir Philip Sidney. The Renaissance literature introduced new ideas, creativity, and humanism that paved the way for modern literature.III. Neoclassical and Victorian Literature:We then moved on to the neoclassical and Victorian periods. We explored the works of writers such as John Milton, Alexander Pope, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. We discussed the importance of reason and logic in neoclassical literature and how it transitioned into the Romantic movement. Romanticism, characterized by emotion, imagination, and individuality, featured poets like William Wordsworth and John Keats. In the Victorian era, novelists like Charles Dickens and the Bronte sisters wrote about societal issues, emphasizing social reforms and gender equality.IV. Modernism and Post-Modernism:The twentieth century marked a significant shift in literature with the emergence of modernism and post-modernism. We studied writers like T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, and Ernest Hemingway. Modernist literature embraced experimentation, fragmentation, and innovation, reflecting the uncertainties and disillusionment of the post-World War I era. Post-modernism, on the other hand, challenged traditional narratives, rejected absolute truth, and embraced irony and intertextuality. We explored the works of authors such asSamuel Beckett and Kurt Vonnegut. These movements revolutionized literature by questioning established norms and pushing boundaries.V. African-American Literature:Finally, we dedicated some time to the study of African-American literature, which played a crucial role in advocating for civil rights and combating racism. We explored the works of writers like Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and Maya Angelou. Their writings shed light on the African-American experience, addressing themes of identity, racial discrimination, and social injustice. African-American literature has contributed to the cultural and literary landscape, providing a platform for marginalized voices.Conclusion:Through the study of English and American literature, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of the historical, cultural, social, and political contexts in which these works were created. Literature serves as a mirror to society, reflecting the thoughts, experiences, and emotions of individuals and communities. It challenges conventional wisdom, promotes empathy, and encourages critical thinking. English and American literature have influenced and shaped the world, showcasing the power of words and storytelling. By studying literature, we not only appreciate the beauty of language but also gain insights into the human condition, fostering empathy and enriching our own lives.。
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英美文学导论》课程教学大纲1. 课程性质和学习目的《英美文学导论》是电大开放教育英语专业本科学生的选修课程,是为培养和检验学生英美文学的基本理论知识和理解、鉴赏英美文学原著的能力而设置的一门专业理论课程。
2. 课程内容《英美文学导论》课程的教学内容是根据本课程的性质、学习目的以及开放教育学习的特点确定的。
二.课程内容(一)文艺复兴运动概述1. 意大利文艺复兴运动的兴起2.人文主义思潮3.文艺复兴时期的文学渊源4.英国的文艺复兴5.宗教改革运动及影响(二)英国文艺复兴时期的文学1.伊丽莎白时代的历史文化背景2.意大利文学对英国文学的影响3.伊丽莎白时代的戏剧4.伊丽莎白时代的诗歌(三)文艺复兴时期的主要作家A 埃德蒙。
斯宾塞1.斯宾塞的生平2.斯宾塞的创作生涯(1)抒情诗(2)传奇史诗《仙后》的构思、情节、内容、主题3.选读(1)《仙后》选段的内容、语言特点(2)斯宾塞诗节的构成及特点B.克里斯托夫.马洛1.马洛的生平与创作生涯2.马洛的著名悲剧(1)《帖木耳大帝》(2)《浮士德博士的悲剧》(3)《马耳他的犹太人》3.马洛的思想艺术成就(1)无韵诗体---戏剧语言的基本形式(2)人物塑造---具有强烈个性和叛逆精神的主人公(3)主题思想---人文主义的颂歌4.选读(1)马洛田园诗的主题、意象(2)马洛的代表作《浮士德博士的悲剧》选段的主要内容C. 威廉.莎士比亚1.莎士比亚的生平2.莎士比亚的戏剧创作生涯(1)早期的浪漫喜剧、历史剧(2)中期的悲剧(3)晚期的悲喜剧、传奇剧3.莎士比亚戏剧的代表作品及其故事梗概、情节结构、人物塑造、语言风格、思想意义(1)喜剧《威尼斯商人》(2)悲剧《哈姆雷特》(3) 传奇剧《暴风雨》4、莎士比亚的诗歌(1)叙事诗(2)十四行诗5.莎士比亚戏剧的思想意义(1)对社会现实的批判(2)对人文主义的歌颂6.莎士比亚的艺术成就(1)人物塑造(2)情节结构(3)语言风格7.选读(1)十四行诗(18)的主题、意象(2)喜剧《威尼斯商人》选段的主题、人物性格、语言特色(3)悲剧《哈姆雷特》选段的主要内容D.弗兰西斯。
培根1.培根的生平2. 培根的作品3.培根《论说文》的特点4.培根的杰出贡献(1) 培根对现代科学作出的贡献(2) 培根《论说文》的重大意义5.选读:《论学习》的结构、内容、语言特点E.约翰.邓恩1.邓恩与玄学诗派(1)玄学诗派简介(2)玄学诗的特点:主题、语言、意象2.邓恩的生平3.邓恩的文学创作(1)邓恩的诗歌:早期爱情诗与晚期宗教诗(2)邓恩的散文4.选读:所选作品的主题、语言、意象等特色F. 约翰.弥尔顿1.弥尔顿的生平2.弥尔顿的文学创作(1)早期诗歌(2)中期散文(3)晚期史诗3.《利西达斯》:挽歌及其特点4.史诗《失乐园》(1)故事梗概(2)主题结构(3)人物塑造(4)语言风格(5)作品的意义5.史诗《复乐园》的主要内容6.诗剧《力士参孙》的主要内容7.弥尔顿的散文8.选读史诗《失乐园》选段的主要内容、人物性格、语言特点等第二章新古典主义时期一学习的目的和要求通过本章的学习,了解当时席卷欧洲的启蒙运动和新古典主义文学流派产生的历史背景、主要特征和基本主张,及其对同时代及后世英国文学的影响;了解该时期一些重要作家的创作生涯、创作思想和艺术特色及其代表作品的结构、主题、人物刻画、语言风格、社会意义等;同时结合注释,读懂所选作品,了解其思想内容和写作特点,提高理解和欣赏文学作品的能力。
二课程内容(一)启蒙运动1.启蒙运动产生的时代背景2.启蒙运动的人文观3.启蒙运动的理性准则(二)新古典主义1.新古典主义的创作旨意2.新古典主义的文学渊源3.新古典主义对散文、诗歌、戏剧创作的标准(三)新古典主义时期的启蒙文学1.早期新古典主义诗歌2.英国现实主义小说的诞生(中叶)3.哥特式小说与伤感主义文学的兴起(后叶)(四)新古典主义时期的主要作家A.约翰.班扬1.班扬的生平2.班扬作品的风格3. 班扬的主要作品4 选读《天路历程》:名利场(1)作品内容简介(2)作品的寓意B. 亚历山大.蒲伯1.蒲伯的生平及创作生涯2.蒲伯的时代观与文学观3.蒲伯的主要作品介绍4.蒲伯的语言风格5.选读《论批评》第二部分(1)作品简介(2)作品体裁、结构、语言风格C. 丹尼尔.笛福1.笛福的生平:个人事业和社会活动2.笛福的社会观3.笛福的主要作品介绍4.笛福的创作特点5.选读《鲁滨逊漂流记》第四章(1)故事简介(2)作者的创作意义:时代精神的写照D. 乔纳森.斯威夫特1.斯威夫特的政治及创作生涯2.斯威夫特的人文观3.斯威夫特讽刺散文的语言风格4.选读《格列佛游记》第一部分第三章(1)作品故事梗概(2)作品的结构(3)作品的主题:对英国、欧洲现实社会的批判E. 亨利.菲尔丁1.菲尔丁的生平和戏剧、小说创作活动2.《约瑟夫.安德鲁》3.《伟大的乔纳德.怀尔德》4.菲尔丁对英国小说的贡献:“散文体史诗”5.菲尔丁的语言特色6.选读《汤姆.琼斯》第四部第八章(1)作品故事梗概(2)作品人物的刻画(3)作品的史诗特征F. 塞缪尔.约翰逊1.约翰逊的文学创作生涯2.约翰逊的主要作品3.约翰逊的新古典主义的文学观及语言风格4.约翰逊对英国语言的贡献:《英语大词典》5.选读“致切斯特菲尔德勋爵的信”G. 理查德.比.谢立丹1.谢立丹的戏剧创作生涯2.谢立丹的戏剧的主题3.谢立丹的写作技巧4.谢立丹的主要作品5.选读《造谣学校》第三幕第四场(1)内容简介(2)作品的主题:对社会的讽刺H 托马斯.格雷1.格雷的生平2.格雷的作品及其感伤主义倾向3. 格雷的诗歌风格4.选读“写在教堂墓地的挽歌”(1)诗歌的主题:死亡---哀叹人生(2)诗歌的语言特色第三章浪漫主义时期一学习目的和要求通过本章的学习,了解浪漫主义文学产生的历史、文化背景,认识该时期文学创作的基本特征、基本主张、及其对同时代及后世英国文学乃至文化的影响;了解该时期重要作家的文学生涯、创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构、人物刻画、语言风格、思想意义等;同时结合注释,读懂所选作品,了解其思想内容和写作特色,培养理解和欣赏文学作品的能力二课程内容(一)浪漫主义时期概述1.浪漫主义时期英国社会的政治、经济、文化背景2.法国大革命对英国的影响3.浪漫主义文学的渊源4.浪漫主义文学创作的基本主张5.英国浪漫主义文学(1)诗歌(2)小说(3)戏剧6.英国浪漫主义文学的特点7.浪漫主义文学对同时代及后世英国文学的影响(二浪漫主义时期的主要作家A. 威廉.布莱克1.布莱克的生平2.布莱克的政治宗教观点、诗歌创作主张3.布莱克的诗歌(1)早期作品:《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》、《天堂与地狱联姻》(2)晚期作品:《先知书》4.布莱克诗歌的主要特点及思想意义5.布莱克的诗歌对20世纪英国文学的影响6.选读:所选作品的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等B. 威廉.华兹华斯1.华兹华斯的生平及创作生涯2.华兹华斯的诗歌创作主张3.华兹华斯的诗歌(1)抒情诗:《抒情歌谣集》、《丁登寺旁》(2)长诗:《序曲》4.华兹华斯诗歌的主要特点及思想意义5.华兹华斯诗歌的艺术成就6.华兹华斯的诗歌对同时代及后世英国文学的影响7.选读:所选作品的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等C. 塞.特.科勒律治1.科勒律治的生平及创作生涯2.科勒律治的文学创作主张3.科勒律治的哲学思想和文学批评观4.科勒律治的主要作品(1)《老水手之行》(2)《忽必烈汗》(3)《克里斯塔贝尔》(4)《文学传记》5.科勒律治诗歌的主要特点及思想意义6.科勒律治的文学创作及文艺批评思想对同时代及后世英国文学的影响7.选读:所选作品的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等D. 乔治.戈登.拜伦1. 拜伦的生平及革命生涯2. 拜伦的诗歌创作3. 拜伦的主要诗作(1)《恰尔德.哈罗德游记》(2)《唐璜》(3)《该隐》4.拜伦诗歌的主要特点及社会意义5.“拜伦式英雄”6.拜伦的革命生涯及诗歌创作对同时代及后世欧洲文学的影响7.选读:所选作品的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等E.珀.比.雪莱1.雪莱的生平2.雪莱的诗歌创作主张3.雪莱的主要作品(1)抒情诗:《西风颂》、《云雀颂》(2)诗剧:《解放了的普罗米修斯》(3)散文:《诗辩》4.雪莱诗歌的主要特点及思想意义5.雪莱的诗歌对同时代及后世英国文学的影响6.选读:所选作品的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等F. 约翰.济慈1.济慈的生平及创作生涯2.济慈的美学思想3.济慈的主要诗作(1)《夜莺颂》(2)《希腊古瓮颂》(3) 《安底弥翁》(4)《伊莎贝拉》4.济慈诗歌的主要特点及思想意义5.济慈的诗歌对同时代及后世英国文学的影响6.选读: 所选作品的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等G.简.奥斯汀1.奥斯汀的生平及创作生涯2.奥斯汀的小说创作思想3. 奥斯汀的小说(1)《理智与感情》(2)《诺桑觉寺》(3)《曼斯菲尔德公园》(4)《傲慢与偏见》(5)《爱玛》4.《傲慢与偏见》的故事梗概、主题结构、人物塑造、语言风格及作品的意义5.奥斯汀的小说的主要特点及社会意义6.奥斯汀的小说对后世英国文学的影响7.选读:所选作品的主要内容、人物性格、语言特点、表现手法等第四章维多利亚时期一学习目的和要求通过本章的学习,对19世纪维多利亚时代的英国的政治、经济、历史、文化背景,对维多利亚时代的诗歌、散文、小说在创作思想上的进步和创作技巧上的改革,以及对该时代主要作家的生平、观点、创作旨意、艺术特点及其代表作的主题、结构、语言、人物刻画等都有一个全面的了解。