英文满分作文:科学研究应由政府而不是私人公司控制作文题目:Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies.To what extent do you agree or disagree?【话题分类】政府类话题【题目解析】题目大意:科学研究应该由政府而不是私人公司来进行和控制。
【参考范文】Scientific research across the world plays a significant role in national development. Some people think that governments should conduct crucial scientific research rather than private companies. I believe that scientific projects should be carried out and supervised by the state.There are many benefits of governments taking care of scientific research. Firstly, successful scientific experiments which require years of commitment and sufficient capital can only be guaranteed by the government. If the project fails to achieve its objective, the government has executive power and resources to deal with the losses incurred. Moreover, the government should implement research such as nuclear technology or military intelligence because those activities are in the national interest and involve high levels of secrecy. By contrast, private businesses may compromise principles and leak research findings, posing a severe threat to national security.On the other hand, private companies can participate in scientific research since they can attract talented scientists and make advances in various fields. Over the past few decades, many private organizations have presided over valuable research on multiple areas such as space exploration or renewable energy sources. However, corporations undertaking scientific research may manipulate results to maximize profits. For example, legislation in medical companies usually requires rigorous trials and decades for new drugs to complete. This process might be too long for profit-driven agencies to go through. Thus, new products tend to be introducedhurriedly just after preliminary trials.To conclude, I would argue that governments should primarily monitor and control scientific research. With well-regulated and credible methods, the government can minimize the risk of these studies being abused. Private companies should not be deprived of scientific exploitation provided that they are kept within precise limits.。
共享发展成果的作文英文回答:Sharing the fruits of development is a crucial aspect of achieving social progress and ensuring a fair and equitable society. It is essential for the well-being and harmony of a community. When the benefits of development are shared among all members of society, it leads to a more inclusive and sustainable growth.Firstly, sharing the fruits of development helps to reduce inequality. In many societies, there is asignificant gap between the rich and the poor. This disparity can lead to social unrest and instability. By ensuring that everyone has access to basic necessities such as education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, we can bridge this gap and create a more just society. For instance, in my country, the government has implemented various social welfare programs to provide financial aid and support to low-income families. This helps to upliftthe disadvantaged and create a more equal society.Secondly, sharing the fruits of development promotes social cohesion. When everyone feels valued and included, it fosters a sense of belonging and unity within the community. This, in turn, leads to a more peaceful and harmonious society. For example, in my neighborhood, we have a community garden where residents come together to grow vegetables and share the produce. This not only promotes sustainable living but also strengthens the bonds between neighbors. We often exchange recipes and gardening tips, creating a sense of camaraderie.Furthermore, sharing the fruits of development can enhance economic growth. When more people have access to resources and opportunities, it leads to increased productivity and innovation. For instance, in the business world, companies that embrace diversity and inclusion tend to outperform their competitors. By harnessing the unique perspectives and talents of individuals from different backgrounds, organizations can develop more creative solutions and gain a competitive edge.中文回答:共享发展成果是实现社会进步、确保公平公正社会的关键方面。
2021年8月21日雅思写作解析小作文考得是什么鬼!今日写作考题Task 1: Maps日本和美国典型办公室的布局比较。
Task 2: Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(重复2012年6月12日大陆考题)典型的比较结构的文章,题目包含两个对象:governments 和private companies,比较结构文章的核心是要判断比较的双方是否存在比较关系。
参考提纲Introduction: I disagree with this claim.Body-1:有一些研究务必要由政府来控制和展开。
1. 一些关系到国家或者人类安全的研究需要政府控制,因为这些研究符合国家利益,或涉及高度保密。
比如对核技术、国防或军事情报(nuclear technology, national defense and military intelligence)。
2. 一些为了提高知识水平而进行的基础科学研究,也需要由政府主导进行,因为在成果无法得到保证的情况下,私营部门在这些领域的投资几乎没有动力。
1. 私营公司的研究效率可能会更高,因为它们是利润驱动的;他们的产品也与市场需求紧密相关,其研究成果也更能吸引消费者,如化妆品,电子产品等。
2. 帮助政府减轻负担。
雅思 科学研究信息是否需要分享 大作文范文
![雅思 科学研究信息是否需要分享 大作文范文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/84be2169f46527d3240ce06a.png)
题目及要求:Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.正文:We are living in an information epoch in which people who possess crucial or confidential information will certainly have a competitive edge in scientific, business and the academic fields. Consequently, it is reasonable to believe that sharing a wealth of information for free in such areas will be probably harmful even devastating. However, I can hardly endorse this kind of practice.A considerable percentage of people stand with the idea that sharing a great deal of information in the above-mentioned areas will be conducive to our society. On one hand, with more information shared, the education fairness will be further improved, especially in the backward areas with traffic inconvenience where the best way to gain the up-to-date knowledge is to get access to the online courses shared by some top-notch teachers. Accordingly, the more information those first-rate teachers share, the more knowledge those students will learn. On the other hand, information shared in the scientific realm also contributes to the scientific progress since the state-of-the-art scientific breakthroughs will be published on some world-renowned magazines like Nature, which will not only disseminate the cutting-edge knowledge, but also invigorate all the scientific circle.However, some people are of the view that certain information is so vital or costly that it should not be shared free of charge. For one thing, the intellectual property is usually regarded as the confidential information which plays an essential role in the company’s long-term development and therefore the disclosure of intellectual property would severely damage the itscompetitiveness. For another, nearly all the crucial information comes at a price. Hence, it would be unfair for those companies if we keep asking them to share much information without any compensation or reward.There is no denying that not all information is appropriate for sharing. However, I am firmly convinced that sharing as much information as possible will be beneficial to the whole society in that not only the educational equality will be remarkably facilitated but also the scientific progress will be largely promoted.。
英语考试作文-托福写作语料库 关于政府是否应该分享科研成果
![英语考试作文-托福写作语料库 关于政府是否应该分享科研成果](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/addf1096b14e852458fb574a.png)
考题如下:Governments and corporations should share all of their scientific discoveries with the rest of the world. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 政府和企业是否应该和世人分享他们的科学发现,是否认同?托福写作立场政府和企业都不应该无私地分享他们的科研成果。
托福写作思路拓展1. 政府不能分享科技发明。
2. 企业不能分享科学发明。
推荐:托福雅思哪个更容易一些?看你适合考哪个托福写作语料库1. The innovations and high-tech contrivances havea key role to play in a corporation or nation’s development 创新和高科技发明在企业和国家的发展中发挥了重要的作用。
拓展:contrivance= inventions n 发明2. People have debating, for many years, whether or not ……人们很多年以来一直在争议是否……3. As I see it,the fruits of the research should not be shared with other nations or companies. 我认为,研究的成果不应该和其他的国家和公司分享。
托福独立写作之政府投资类真题1、During times of economic crisis, which area of spending do you think thegovernment should reduce: education, healthcare or support for theunemployed?这道题是一道3选1的题目,该类题型必须在文章主体部分对所给的3个选项进行有效对比,明确说明问什么所选选项比剩余两个选项更加合理。
独立写作(有关政府政策)(小马重一1)It i s m ore i mportant f or g overnment t o s pend m oney t o b uild a rt museums a nd m usic p erformance c enter t han t o b uild r ecreational f acilities(such as s wimming p ool, p laygrounds).Every y ear t here i s a t ime f or g overnment t o s ubmit i ts b udget t o p arliament t o d iscuss. That i s n ot a s mooth p rocess, d uring w hich h eat d ebate a re a lways a roused o n h ow t axes raised s hould b e s pent t o b est i mprove c itizens’ w ell b eing. S ome p eople i nsist o n b uilding more a rt m useums a nd m usic p erformance c enters t han r ecreational f acilities. H owever, i n my o pinion, t hat i s a c omplex i ssue, w hich r equires f urther a nd d eeper a nalysis.First, f or t he a rt m useums a nd m usic p erformance h alls, i t i s u ndeniable t hat t hey a re essential t o t he c itizens’ e ntertainment l ife, a nd t hey i ndisputably s hould b e t aken i nto t he government a nnual b udget. H owever, t hinking a bout t he s mall v illages a nd t iny t owns t hat cannot a fford t he h uge c ost o f t hese a rt h alls, t hey s hould b e o nly c onsidered b y t he megacities. E very c ity h as i ts o wn f inancial p ower d ues t o i ts p opulation s ize a nd e conomic level, a nd e ach i s d ifferent f rom t he o thers. F or t hese s mall c ities a nd t owns, l ocal government s hould m easure i ts p ower a nd f oresee t he p robable r esults o f t he p lan o f building a rt m useums a nd m usic h alls, f or i t i s a s evere, p ractical a nd t ough q uestion t o t he city f or l ong r un. I t hink, t hat i f o ne s mall c ity c ould a fford t he a nnual c osts o f t he m useums and h alls, i t s hould i nvest t o b uild t hese t hings, b ecause t hese a rt m useums a nd m usic h alls can n ot o nly c ultivate c itizens’ m inds b ut a lso s timulate t he d evelopment o f t ourism industry.As f or t he r ecreational f acilities, t hey a re n ot o nly t he c ommon r esponsibility f or t he s mall cities a nd m egacities, b ut a lso a d uty t o e very c itizen. N ow, i n e verywhere o f o ur c ountry, the r ecreational f acilities a re f ree o f c harge f or p eople t o u se, g iving e veryone t he opportunity t o r elax a s w ell a s e xercise. S o, p eople h ave t he d uty t o p ay f or b uilding t he recreational f acilities s uch a s t he s wimming p ools a nd f ootball g rounds. I n a ddition, t he charities, s port s tars, c elebrities, f ootball p arties a nd f amous s port t eams w ould l ike t o afford t he c ost o f c onstructions o f t hese f acilities, u sing i t a s t he d onations o r r eciprocations to i mprove t heir p ersonal r eputations. I n a w ord, b ecause t he c onstructions o f r ecreational facilities w ould b e f inished b y t he w hole p ower f rom a ll c lasses o f t he s ociety, e ven t he small t owns s hould d o s omething t o b uild t he r ecreational f acilities t o o ffer t he c itizensmore c hances t o r est, e xercise a nd e njoy.In c onclusion, t he f inal d ecision o n w hich s hould b e f ocused m ore a ctually d epend o n t he primarily l ocal g overnments’ p owers a nd p eople’s d emands.20120203 T he g overnment a nd c orporation s hould s hare a ll t heir s cientific discoveries w ith o ther c ountries i n t he w orld?不同意:1.国家间无偿分享大量发现会挫败科学家的积极性;企业间分享会破坏良性竞争关系 2.高端技术(高科技武器)被恐怖人士得到会危及世界的和平3.世界的和平其实是处于一种动态平衡与牵制的,因为各个国家不知道对方有什么能力,所以谨慎提防,从而维护了世界的和平。
雅思写作大作文范文雅思写作讨论双方观点分享信息share information今天我们雅思写作大作文范文的文章来研究下分享信息share information。
雅思写作大作文题目Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible inscientific research, business, and the academic world. Others believe that someinformation is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.一些人认为在科研、商业、以及学术等领域尽可能的分享相关信息是有利的,其他人则认为一些信息太过重要或者太过珍贵而不能免费分享。
雅思写作大作文范文In this era of freedom of speech and democracy, restricting information for the sake of vague public security and national importance seems quite irrational to many when others opine that information should be available only when the authority deem them suitable for access. Both parties have their reasons for arguments and I personally believe that scientific study, academic arena, and business can be greatly benefitted if all information is made open to them.在言论自由和民主的时代,因为模糊不清的公共安全或者国家利益等理由而限制信息对于许多人来说毫无道理可言。
国家之间应不应该分享技术的英语作文In modern society, science has been developing into an immeasurable height, integrating into every part of all humanities’life. Nevertheless, the attitude to whether scientific discoveries should be shared globally and the government should bring them into the public varies from people in differentiated country or position. From my perspective, I consider that every government should not keep science discoveries as secrets in order to maintain the world peace and stability and help the whole humanity progress together.First, governments bringing their scientific discoveries into the public is beneficial to maintain the world peace. Scientific discoveries are crucial for each country to strengthen their national power and consolidate international status. Therefore, if a country conducts its scientific experiments furtively especially some sensitive research like nuclear test, other governments will pay more attention to it or even suspect it preparing for a war. For example, last year, Europe government released a statement that they had found that an Asian country took advantage of the earthquake to conduct a nuclear test. Soon some evidence proved that it was North Korea. Then some large countries including China constantly added the pressure on North Korea to prevent it from continuing the experiments in order to kill off the seed of war. Thus government should open all the scientific research’s processand results so that it can maintain the world peace.Secondly, governments sharing scientific discoveries globally is helpful to speed up the whole humanity’s development. We all hold the same opinion that any country’s scientific research serves not only people in this country, but also all people around the world. Take a famous man in our country as an example. Yuan Longping, who is called the father of hybrid rice, has created hybrid rice, a new farming technique. Thanks to this scientific discovery sharing with the world, some African countries like Buriat and Kenya, have solved huge amounts of people’s food problems, saving a lot of poor lives, which makes African countries establish a good relationship with China. Therefore, sharing scientific discoveries must benefit the world and accelerate the development over the globe.Admittedly, there is a fierce direct competition between some big and powerful countries. If one country shares its scientific discoveries, other countries may use them to further their own techniques and consequently surpass this country. It will influence a government’s international status to a great extent or even lose some exact benefits. However, it is the competition that leads to stunning discoveries. If all of the countries cooperate and share their findings, we must step on a new era.To conclude, it might be true that keeping some discoveries assecrets can bring huge benefits to the government. However, there is sufficient evidence to prove that considering the human’s common prosperity and development, scientific discoveries should be shared globally.。
雅思写作去模版范文政府是否加大科技投入的讨论雅思写作题目:Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?雅思写作去模版范文解析:初看题目,有点不知如何下手,毕竟“科学研究”这个词离日常关注内容远了点。
雅思写作去模版范文:As can be argued, government rules can easily become obstacles to scientific achievements. Usually, most of the world's headline-making scientific discoveries do not come through governmental establishments, admitting that fiscal funding is often essential to helping such success to happen in the private sector. It is false to suggest that the government should carry out and control scientific research because the issue is not only about money but also brains.可以说,政府规章很容易成为科学成就的障碍。
科技创新共享作文Technology innovation is essential for the advancement of society. It drives progress, improves quality of life, and fuels economic growth.科技创新对于社会的发展至关重要。
In today's fast-paced world, the pace of technological innovation is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. New advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology are changing the way we live and work.在当今快节奏的世界中,科技创新的速度正以前所未有之速度加快。
One of the key benefits of technology innovation is the ability to share knowledge and resources across borders. Collaboration between different countries and organizations allows for greater advancements in research and development.科技创新的一个关键好处是能够在跨国界共享知识和资源。
However, the issue of technology transfer and intellectual property rights can present challenges to sharing innovation. Companies and countries often seek to protect their intellectual property, which can hinder the spread of knowledge and advancements.然而,技术转移和知识产权问题可能会给创新分享带来挑战。
【政府类】 Governments and corporations should share all of their scientific discoveries with the rest of the world. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 政府和企业是否应该和世⼈分享他们的科学发现,是否认同? 【作家⽴场】政府和企业都不应该⽆私地分享他们的科研成果。
【新东⽅薛鹏思路拓展】 1. 政府不能分享科技发明。
2. 企业不能分享科学发明。
【新东⽅薛鹏原创语料库】 1. The innovations and high-tech contrivances have a key role to play in a corporation or nation’s development 创新和⾼科技发明在企业和国家的发展中发挥了重要的作⽤。
拓展:contrivance= inventions n 发明 2. People have debating, for many years, whether or not …… ⼈们很多年以来⼀直在争议是否…… 3. As I see it,the fruits of the research should not be shared with other nations or companies. 我认为,研究的成果不应该和其他的国家和公司分享。
4. The success of scientific research requires initial financial investment such as staff and facilities 科学研究的成功需要前期的经济投⼊例如⼈⼒和设施。
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All scientific discoveries should be shared among all scientists all around the world;the government and businesses sould not keep any discoveries in secret.
Science is a sacred mysterious land worshiped by those outsiders. Here people devote their lives to probing questions they may never find answers to. Here people are driven not by money, but by noble goals such as changing the world, improving the human specie’s life quality, breaking through imaginary or realistic barriers, and, last but not least, the sheer joy of echoing intelligence and novel discoveries among people just like them. It was never meant to be a heavily guarded world. Openness and the spirit of sharing are top listed natures of all scientist s, second only to integrity. Even if the entities running scientific research are governments and businesses, they cannot go against the open nature of science to keep discoveries in secret.
Why is this open nature so critical to scientific research? Let's go through the structure of any decent scientific publication to better understand this. First there is the literature review. In this part the author summarizes all relevant findings in the topic area, explaining why the current work is needed. Then there is methodology, usually the authors employ methods created and proven by other scientists, adding modifications only if necessary. Then there are findings and discussions, in which they cast their results in the background of collective research opinions, state their own position, and invite further discussions. This simple description proves that no research work, not even a small part of it, can stand alone without the intellectual and research results from other scientists. Without openness and sharing, science wouldn't have progressed from Aristotle's age to the world-transforming power it is today. And even in Aristotle's age scientists wrote essays to share their work! Locking up one's results in a safe is like death sentence to one's research career, as a highly valued motto goes among scientists--publish or perish. No real scientists will choose to work for these governments or businesses if they were to keep their findings highly classified.
And we haven't touched upon the monetary part of science. Science is expensive, often prohibitively. To find out how differently old people use their brain to recall long term memories from the young, the researcher needs to test hundreds of subjects in a functional MRI machine, for which the price tag comes at 400 dollars an hour. Across the hall in the electrical engineering lab, researchers experiment using materials more expensive than gold in order to create ever smaller and faster chips. It is often governments with tax dollars or companies with R&D funds that can afford such endeavors. For government-tax-dollar-funded research, the algorism is simple that what's funded by the people should go back to the people. For businesses, the logic is a little different but the result remains the same. Businesses support research because they want to turn findings into products and products into profit. Often than not they also turn findings into patents and share them for profits. Charging a little premium, they let the research findings out and back into the scientific pool, so their scientists can happily mingle with their peers from other institutions to push the research work forward together. It makes no monetary sense for either governments or businesses to keep their discoveries in secret.
Overall, openness and sharing makes science what it is--a powerful ever evolving collection of
intelligence continuously working on transforming the world for better.。