
1 计算机帮助教学的功能在中学数学中,部分内容用传统的教学方法讲解和沟通效果欠佳,如函数从静态到动态的过渡,三角函数点的轨迹,柱体、锥体的旋转等。
1.1 有效提高同学的学习爱好,激发学习动机爱因斯坦曾经说过:爱好是最好的老师。

例如,学生可以通过访问 BBC Learning English 等网站,接触到原汁原味的英语新闻、影视片段等,提高听力和阅读能力。

计算机辅助教学论文 Computer-assisted English Teaching

Computer-assisted English Teaching Based onBehaviorismAbstract: the traditional English teaching focuses on the dominance of teachers. With the development and application of computers, CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) has been widely used in the modern English teaching as a new teaching method. This paper proceeds with the theoretical research and analyzes the theory of Behaviorism and its influences on and limitations to CALL.Key Words: Behaviorism, CALL, Teaching method1.IntroductionThe 20th century is not only an age of information but also an age of knowledge economy. With the prevalence and the rapid development of information technology, computer-assisted English teaching has been influencing all the aspects of English teaching and has become a new trend of English-teaching development. It pays more attention to guiding the students tostudy language with the help of computers. The combination of teaching content, teaching process and the assistance of computers can contribute to the best learning effect. Behaviorism has laid the foundation for computer-assisted English teaching.2.CALL---Computer-Assisted Language LearningCALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning) refers to the use of a computer in a language teaching and learning program. The research CALL began in the 1960’s in America. According to New Oxford English Dictionary, the word “assist” refers to help someone typically by doing a share of the work. When used in foreign language teaching, “assist” refers that the teachers use computers to improve teaching methods and the teaching effect. CALL is the combination of computers and modern educational theory. As a brand-new teaching method, CALL has been widely applied and achieved a lot in the English teaching at every level of schools. CALL is more often practiced in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. According to Richards, et al. (1998), it may take the form of:a. activities which parallel learning through other mediabut which use the facilities of the computer (e.g. usingthe computer to present a reading text);b. activities which are extensions or adaptations ofprint-based or classroom-based activities (e.g.computer programs that teach writing skills by helpingthe student develop a topic and thesis statement and bychecking a composition for vocabulary, grammar, andtopic development);c. activities which are unique to CALL.3. Phrases of CALL DevelopmentThere are mainly 4 phrases in the course of CALL development.3.1 Phrase Ⅰ (Behavioristic CALL)The Behavioristic CALL was conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and 1970s. Programs during this period can be referred to as “drill and practice”. The principles behind this computer as tutor model could be briefly put as follows:a. Repeated exposure to the same material is beneficialor even essential learning.b. A computer is ideal for carrying out repeated drills.c. A computer can present material on an individualized basis, allowing learners to proceed at their own pace and freeing up class time for other activities.In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Behavioristic CALL was undermined by two important factors. First, behavioristic approaches to language learning had been rejected. Secondly, the introduction of the microcomputer allowed a whole new range of possibilities.3.2 Phrase Ⅱ (Communicative CALL)The Communicative CALL is marked by the fact that small computers appeared and the programs could be stored on tapes or floppy disks and the whole system was portable.Pedagogically, this phrase was based on the communicative approach to teaching which became prominent in the 1970s and 80s. Several types of CALL programs were developed.First, a variety of programs represent an extension of the computer as tutor model. The second CALL model is the computer as stimulus model. The third model of computers involves the computer as tool or the computer as workhorse approach. But by the end of the 1980s, the CALL was failing to exist.3.3 Phrase Ⅲ (Integrative CALL)The learning featured by the Integrative CALL was not so much supplied by the language of the text itself as by the cognitive problem solving techniques and interaction between students in the group.This was made possible by the important technological development of multimedia computer and internet. What makes multimedia more powerful is that it also entails hypermedia.Computer-mediated communication allows users to share not only brief messages, but also lengthy (formatted or unformatted) documents --- thus facilitating collaborative writing --- and also graphics, sounds and video.3.4 Phrase IV (Intelligent CALL)As new technology becomes a household necessity, language teaching using such means will doubtless become more widespread. Some work has taken place on integrating CALL with the more orthodox ideas of learning, leading to ICALL (Internet CALL).4. Behaviorism TheoryBehaviorism Theory is also called Stimulus-Response Theory which is one of the main learning theories. The founder of Stimulus-Response Theory is John B. Watson (1878-1958). Behaviorism holds that human’s mind results from the interaction of the outer environment, which is “stimulus-response”. The joint between stimulus and response is “reinforcement”. Behaviorism Learning Theory regards “reinforcement” as the core of teaching procedure. It holdsthat only “reinforcement”can lead to the best learning environment and enhance students’ learning motivation.According to Behaviorism Learning Theory, teaching content should be decomposed into a series of small teaching units and should be learned with the help of teaching units. Only in this way can the frequency of reinforcement be increased to the largest extent and can the negative response caused by mistakes be decreased to the smallest extent. The courseware which is designed on the basis of Skinner’s condition-response experiment and the principle of stimulus (question) --- response (answer) --- enforcement (confirmation) makes a difference in optimizing class teaching.Behaviorism is the school of psychology that defines psychology as the study of observable behavior and studies relationships between stimuli (S) and responses (R). The first phase of CALL, conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and 1970s, was based on the dominant behaviorist theories of learning and teaching of the time, which emphasizes the spoken rather than the written form and presents the learner a carefully graded series of habit -forming modes of learning. Programs of this phase entail repetitive language drills and can be referred to as “drill and practice”.Drill and practicecourseware is based on the model of computer as tutor. In other words, the computer serves as a tutoring device that issues instructional material to students. Behavioristic CALL essentially provides practice for grammar and vocabulary acquisition. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, behavioristic CALL lost its popularity for two main reasons, namely, changes in approaches to language teaching and the invention of the microcomputer.There are also some principles in teaching procedure and they are important in CALL courseware design:a.Shot-step principle. It refers to divide thelearning content into small units and sequencethem according to their logic and form proceduraltexts and courseware. Students study from the easyto the difficult gradually.b.Active-response principle. According to Skinner,traditional teaching focuses on teachers’role inimparting knowledge and students’ passive role.Students have few chances to respond teachers’questions. In order to change the passive learning,the courseware should be designed according to thestudy content of every unit to stimulate studentsto respond active.c.Immediate-enforcement principle. When studentsrespond to teachers, teachers should immediatelymake students know whether they are right. Thecourseware should give immediate enforce tostudents so as to enhance their performance..d.Self-paced principle. In the traditional teaching,the pace of learning is identical, which greatlylimits the free development of students.Computer-assist teaching is centered on studentsso that they can set their own learning paceaccording to their own situation. Proper paces andenforcement give students further learning power.e.Low-error-rate principle. The texts should bearranged from the easy to the difficult and fromthe unknown to the known so that students can havemore right response and enhance learningefficiency.5. The Application of Behavioristic CALLAccording to Warschauer (1996), in the phase of Behavioristic CALL from the 1960’s to the 1970’s, computersare regarded are an inexhaustible machine instructor who repeatedly provides language exercise and response for students so that students can study again and again according to their own pace of study. According to the principle of “stimulus---response---enforcement”, CALL is used in English teaching in the following aspects:a. CALL can provide diversified external stimulus andenlighten students’ English thinking ability, whichis beneficial for them to acquire and keep theirknowledge. Multimedia technology provides combinedenvironment. It shows visible and audible informationwith lively and various forms. This multi-levelexpressions and diversified sensory stimuli areeffective to English study. In this environment,language learners can have active psychologicalexperience and they can immediately transform it intothe desire of knowledge. In this way, they can acquiremuch more information than what is acquired in class,which is more beneficial to keep and transform theirknowledge.b. The courseware through multimedia technology is vivid,lively and more suitable to arouse students’ interestin English learning. In traditional teaching, teachers use pictures, stick figures and other methods to create situations for language study. However, all these methods have their limitation and they can not change freely and lack vividness and reality. However, computers have many information function including audio, picture, text and animation which perfectly combine sound, pictures and texts. This kind of combination provides vivid environment for language study. For example, a teacher is going to teaching English words. In English, there are different words for different cars: van (a small or medium-sized road vehicle with one row of seats at the front and a space for carrying goods behind), Sedan (a car with seats for four or more people, a fixed roof, and a boot that is separate from the part of the car that you sit in), sports car, station wagon (a car with a long body, a door at the rear, and space behind the back seats), coupe (a car with a fixed roof, a sloping back, two doors, and seats for four people), police car and so on. Only t eachers’ explanation and description can not help students to distinguish those words. But more pictures,videos and audios can make it much easier to distinguishand remember. In the courseware, the element ofaesthetics should be inserted in, such as colorful andvivid animation. The exquisite pictures and beautifulmusic and other elements can present students thecolorful world and help them to be fully interested inEnglish study.c. CALL can help students to set their own pace of learning.CALL is centered on the language learners so thatlearners can set their pace of study according to theirown situation. Proper pace of study can lower the rateof error and improve the efficiency of learning.d. CALL can provide a network evaluation. (2007)The first is self-evaluation. Self-evaluation refers that studentsevaluate their works and study process after finishing their learning. Intheir self-evaluation, in one way, they can modify their learningoutcomes: in another, they can learn from other on the Internet.Studentswill actively look insight into their own study outcomes andprocess suchas English expressions and language learning methods so that they cangreatly improve their English.The second is the mutual evaluation among students.Students canevaluate the outcomes of other students and give the evaluation to otherson the Internet. Different students have different understanding andmaster of knowledge, therefore in the process of evaluation they canimprove their study ability and creative ability.The third is the evaluation of teachers. If the teachers canimmediately give responses to the students in class, it will be morebeneficial for students’English learning. Though the Internet, teacherscan look through students’ assignment rapidly and find their advantagesand disadvantages and then give immediate evaluation to thestudentsthrough screen or the Internet.6. The Limitation of Behavioristic CALLBehavioristic CALL has a great influence in the history of education.It plays an important role in remedy the lack of enforcement and responsein teaching and the ignorance of the personal characteristics of students.At the same time, it has some shortcomings: this kind of teaching is kindof inflexible and is not good for improving students’ability ofindependent thinking and of solving problems independently.What’smore, it divides study content into small units, which makes students easyto feel bored and is not good for them to understand things asa whole.Therefore, when teachers use the behavioristic CALL, they shouldconsider both its advantages and disadvantages and use it properly toimprove teaching efficiency.ReferenceAyersman, D.J. &Minden, A. Individual Differences, Computers,and Instruction.Computers in Human Behavior. 1995.Fox J.D. Computer-assisted Vocabulary Learning. ELT. 1984.Warschauer M&D. Healey Computer and Language Learning: An Interview. Language Teaching. 1998Warschauer,M. Computer-assisted Language Learning: An Introduction. In: Fotos,S.(ed.). Multimedia Language Teaching. Tokyo: Logos International. 1996.何高大. 现代教育信息技术与现代外语教学[J]. 中国电化教育. 2003.罗耀光. 多媒体技术与外语教学新模式[J]. 外语电化教学. 2002.。

【关键词】计算机辅助教学,英语口语教学,影响与启示【abstract】with the development of technology, it is surprisingly noted that great innovation has taken place in the field of teaching. and computers are more and more inclined to be uesd in teaching. in addition, even the classrooms of middle and primary schools in some developted areas are also equipped with computers. the trend of computer aided instruction(cai)is the product of techniques in accordance with the new times. this paper is aimed to discuss the effects of cai on oral english teaching and find its enlightenment.【key words】cai oral english teaching effects and enlightenment【中图分类号】 g633.41 【文献标识码】a 【文章编号】 1001-4128(2011) 09-0008-021 引言所谓的计算机辅助教学(computer aided instruction,简称cai)是指各类教学活动在计算机的辅导协助下而展开。


计算机辅助教学应用论文一、计算机辅助教学(CAI)的积极作用计算机辅助教学(Computer Assisted Instruction)简称CAI,是将计算机作为教学媒体,为学生提供一个良好的学习环境,使学生通过与计算机的对话来进行学习的一种新型教学形式。

计算机辅助英语教学Computer-assisted EnglishT eachingContentsAbstract (1)Key words (1)I. Introduction (2)II. The Necessity of Using Computer-assisted English Teaching (2)III. The Present Situation of Using Computer-assisted English T eaching (3)IV. Brief Notes on Computer-assisted English Teaching (3)4.1 What is the Computer-assisted English Teaching? (4)4.2 The Special Features of Computer-assisted English Teaching (4)4.2.1 Show Large Capacity of Non-sequential Messages (4)4.2.2 Students Can Control the Learning Context and Learning SpeedThemselves (4)4.2.3 Teaching According to Each S tudent’s Reality (4)4.2.4 Teaching According to Each S tudent’s Reality (5)4.2.5 Computers are Convenient to Be Used (5)4.3 Computer can help students to reading and writing (5)4.3.1Computer can help students to reading (5)4.3.2 Computer can help students to writing (6)4.4 The Results and Influences of CAI in English Classroom (7)4.4.1 Use CAI to Expand the Capacity of the Classroom, Improve TeachingEfficiency (7)4.4.2 Use CAI to Enliven the Atmosphere of the Classroom, Strengthen andConsolidate the Content of Courses, Strengthen the Interest ofStudying....... .... .... .... . .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... (8)4.4.3 Use CAI to Make Students Understand the Content of Studying Wholly (9)4.4.4 Use CAI to Excite Student's Emotion, Cultivate One's Taste (9)V. Several General Questions in the Computer-assisted English T eaching (10)5.1 What Should the CAI System Provide to Students in the English Class? (10)5.2 How Does the CAI System Help Those Students Feeling Too Slow to Keep upwith Others Feeling Too Fast? (12)5.3 How Does the CAI System Help Students’ Listening and Speaking? (12)5.4 How Does the CAI System Encourage Students? (13)5.5 In Which Aspects Can Computer Help Teachers? (13)VI. Conclusion (14)References (14)摘要:随着计算机技术的发展和计算机的日益普及,计算机不断运用于教学工作中,这就是本文所讲的计算机辅助英语教学。

计算机辅助教学(Computer Assisted Instruction――CAI)就是利用计算机辅助教师进行教学活动,通过学生与计算机间的交互从而达到教学目的。

论计算机辅助大学英语教学[摘要] 计算机辅助大学英语是大学英语教学改革的趋势,它为大学英语教学提供了崭新的教学方式。
[关键词] 计算机辅助教学大学英语教学建构主义一、引言在传统的大学英语教学环境中,由于教学条件、教学观念和教学方式等方面的限制,很多学生的语言综合能力比较落后,学习自主性比较差。
二、计算机辅助教学的含义计算机辅助教学(computer assisted instruction,简称cai)是计算机在教育领域的重要应用,指的是利用多媒体计算机,将教学中涉及到的文本、图片、声音、视频、动画等媒体按照一定的教学目标及要求组织起来,并按照一定的表现形式,完成一定的教学任务的行为。
计算机辅助语言学习(computer assisted languagelearning,简称call)是把计算机运用在外语教学中。
call 起源于19世纪60年代的美国。
随着计算机和网络技术的发展,call 已成为现代外语教学中的重要方法,为大学英语教学提供了巨大机遇。

摘要随着信息技术的飞速发展,计算机辅助教育(Computer-Assisted Instruction,简称CAI)作为一种新型的教育手段,已经在全球范围内得到了广泛应用。
二、计算机辅助教育应用现状1. 课程资源丰富目前,我国计算机辅助教育课程资源丰富,涵盖了各个学科领域。
2. 教学模式创新计算机辅助教育在教学模式上实现了创新。
3. 评价方式多样化计算机辅助教育实现了评价方式的多样化。
4. 教育资源共享计算机辅助教育推动了教育资源的共享。
三、计算机辅助教育的优势1. 提高教学效率计算机辅助教育可以充分利用计算机技术,实现教学资源的优化配置,提高教学效率。
2. 丰富教学手段计算机辅助教育为教师提供了丰富的教学手段,如多媒体课件、虚拟实验、在线讨论等,使教学更加生动、有趣。
3. 个性化教学计算机辅助教育可以根据学生的学习特点和需求,提供个性化的教学方案,提高学生的学习效果。


My view on Computer-assisted language learningAbstractComputer-assisted language learning, which makes the most use of modern multimedia technology to create a more lively language teaching environment than the average computer-assisted language teaching, is to further improve the quality of teaching and broaden modern teaching methods and ideas. This system is the combination between computer and multimedia, a strong sense of realism and expressiveness in term of the transmission of information which can arouse students' interest and attention, to promote students to participate actively in the media activities emotionally, impart knowledge, develop intelligence, and cultivate capacity. With the development of multimedia technology, which is based on computer-mediated communication, it will eventually synthesize with communication and playback system, plays a significant role in the future in the information market, and has an enormous impact on humanity learning environment.Multimedia technology plays an important role in all walks of life, also in the field of teaching, the use of multimedia technology, which is conducive to improve the level of teaching. This paper discusses the application of multimedia teaching, the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia technology, and how to use multimedia. Multimedia teaching is based on information dissemination theory and the ways of the teaching process design, implementation, and educational evaluation process. In the traditional teaching methods, the communication between student and teacher is simple, and blunt blackboard and chalk tend to make teaching activities boring. Computer-assisted language learning breaks the traditional teaching model, which makes full use of diverse multimedia audio and video files, to make teaching activities very fascinatingly.It will not only enhance their interest and motivation in learning, but also greatly improve the quality of teaching.Key words:advantages; disadvantages; multimedia; problems;I. Advantages of multimedia teaching are mainly reflected in the following two aspects:1. Computer-assisted language learning is in favor of language interaction. First, CALL makes learners have more time to think, so that they can understand information better and control their own language output. Secondly, CALL provides a stress-free language environment for learners, where learners can decide when to participate, answer questions in no pressure.Finally, CALL establishes an easy and convenient learning community, where learners can share resource, exchange and participate actively in discussion under the guidance of teacher, to make great progress.2. CALL let students interact with the Internet. The Internet is a virtual library which can provide a variety of resources for students; on the other hand, the Internet provides text, image, sound, video and other multimedia information, which stimulates learners' interest in learning, and encourages learners to explore and use the Internet with higher enthusiasm. Therefore, the effective use of Internet resources can create positive interaction between students and Internet.II. How to use Computer-assisted language learning: The key to carry out CALL is teacher; Firstly, Teachers should recognize the importance of CALL. Secondly, teachers should continue to improve their abilities to use CALL. Of course, the most important thing is the teacher's professionalism. We have to love really the students, the real student-centered, never forget to inspire and educate students.To sum up, the teachers are perpetrators of CALL, and the key of educational success.1. Making use of Computer-assisted language learning very appropriately. Computer-assisted language learning is teaching method in the teaching process. The subject of classroom teaching is still student. Therefore, the design and use of CALL are always according to students in the first place. Some teachers use a long, large-capacity courseware, because courseware is too long, in essence, a "teacher-centered" teaching idea evolves into a "computer and teacher-centered" teaching idea. This courseware has several obvious disadvantages: the leading role of teachers in the teaching process is not to reflect, and the initiative and creativity of teachers in the teaching process has been detained. Large-capacity long courseware will consume a lot of time and effort of teachers, which increases the difficulty of CALL, and impacts teachers’enthusiasm to use CALL. It has proved that the effect of large capacity courseware all the time is not ideal. Because it will let students give rise to visual fatigue, and distract students’ attention. Therefore, courseware should be small, fine, and short.2. The CALL design should pay closely attention to teaching materials. Fully grasping the textbook significances, difficulties, finding an entry point for multimedia and teaching content, and reflecting teaching strategies, will provide students with plenty of opportunities to practice. At the same time, it should follow students' thinking patterns and cognitive rules. Some courseware design, which only follows the order of original teaching materials, is with little regard for the teaching content presentation whether it can adapt to the cognitive ways. Therefore, this concept of design courseware can not show prominent feature and advantages of CALL.III. The effects and problems of Computer-assisted languagelearning:Lacking of hardware devices and technologies, our previous network teaching mode is single, only provides teaching video and multimedia courseware for students, and hardly any interaction between teachers and students, which lead to the bad teaching effect. Since we implement a new teaching model, the students' interest and motivation improve significantly, and meet our expectations of teaching.However, in the process of teaching, we also find that, although the effect of teaching model is obvious, the opportunity to encourage students to practice in the learning process is not too much, which is very unfavorable for learning. To solve this problem, we plan to optimize the technical content of online teaching platform, increase the voice and video chat rooms, arrange fixed and non-fixed time to chat, and supply the opportunity to exchange among students.BibliographyAltenburg, B. (1984). Causal Linking in Spoken and Written English.Studia Linguistica, 38 (pp. 20-69).Halliday, M. A. K., & Hassan, R. (1988). An Introduction to Functional Grammar: Edward Arnorld.Halliday, M. A. K., & Husan, R. (1970). Language Structure and Language Function. In Lyons (Ed.), Peguin Books (pp. 221-224).Hatch, E. (1992). Discourse and Language Education. London: Cambridge University Press.Quirk, R. et al (1972). A Grammar of Contemporary English. London: Longman.。

初中英语教学论文 利用计算机辅助教学提高小学生英语单词记忆效果

关键词:计算机辅助教学;单词;记忆;小学英语Abstract: First, it is pointed out that the appropriate vocabulary is a necessary condition to learn English well. in vocabulary learning. We need utilize the Ebbinghaus Law of forgetting, and create a language learning environment. Secondly, the advantages of computer-aided English teaching in primary schools are described, and the current development status is reviewed. Then the Mintel memory engine and its principles are introduced. Finally, our vocabulary teaching practice is introduced, and the results and experiences are summarized.按照国家教育部的要求,小学从三年级开始开设英语课,而大中城市里许多学校从一年级就开始开设了英语课。


教师与计算机教学相辅相成的关系英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The relationship between teachers and computer-aided teaching is becoming increasingly important in today's technological age. While some may argue that computers are replacing teachers, the reality is that teachers and computers can complement each other to provide a more effective and engaging learning experience for students.First of all, teachers bring a personal touch to education that computers simply cannot replicate. Teachers are able to build relationships with their students, understand their individual learning styles and needs, and provide personalized support and guidance. This human element is crucial in helping students succeed academically and emotionally.On the other hand, computers offer a wealth of resources and tools that can enhance the teaching and learning process. With the internet, students have access to a vast amount of information at their fingertips, allowing them to research and explore topics in depth. Educational software and apps can alsoprovide interactive and engaging ways for students to practice and apply concepts they have learned in the classroom.Furthermore, computers can help teachers streamline administrative tasks, such as grading assignments and tracking student progress, allowing them to focus more on teaching and interacting with students. This can ultimately lead to more effective and efficient classroom management.In addition, computers can also provide additional support for students with special needs or learning disabilities. There are programs and tools available that can cater to different learning styles and provide accommodations for individual students, helping them to reach their full potential.Overall, the key to a successful educational experience is finding the right balance between traditional teaching methods and technology. Teachers should embrace the use of computers as a tool to enhance their teaching, rather than fearing that they will be replaced by technology. By working together, teachers and computers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that benefits both students and educators.篇2Teachers and Computer-Assisted Teaching: A Perfect PartnershipIn the modern era of technology, the traditional role of teachers in the classroom is being revolutionized by the integration of computers and digital tools in the learning process. As we witness the emergence of a more digitally-driven educational landscape, the relationship between teachers and computer-assisted teaching has become increasingly important. Rather than viewing computers as a threat to their profession, teachers are recognizing the immense benefits of incorporating technology into their teaching practices. In fact, teachers and computers are now seen as partners, complementing each other to enhance the learning experience for students.One of the key advantages of using computers in the classroom is the ability to provide personalized learning experiences for students. With the help of computer programs and online resources, teachers can tailor lessons to meet the individual needs and learning styles of each student. For example, adaptive learning software can assess a student's strengths and weaknesses in real-time, allowing teachers to provide targeted support and interventions. This personalized approach toteaching not only improves student engagement and motivation but also leads to better academic outcomes.Moreover, computers provide teachers with access to a wealth of educational resources and tools that can enhance their teaching practices. From interactive multimedia presentations to online simulations and virtual labs, technology offers endless possibilities for creating dynamic and engaging lessons. Teachers can also use computer-assisted teaching to facilitate collaborative learning experiences, allowing students to work together on projects and assignments in a digital environment. This not only fosters teamwork and communication skills but also prepares students for the demands of the modern workforce, where digital literacy is increasingly important.Furthermore, computers can help teachers streamline administrative tasks and save time on grading and assessment. With the use of learning management systems and online grading platforms, teachers can easily track student progress, manage assignments, and provide feedback in a more efficient manner. This allows teachers to focus on the more important aspects of teaching, such as lesson planning, instructional design, and individualized support for students.However, it is important to note that while computers can enhance teaching practices, they can never replace the role of a teacher in the classroom. Teachers bring a human touch to education that computers simply cannot replicate. Teachers are mentors, role models, and facilitators of learning who provide students with guidance, support, and inspiration. They have the ability to foster critical thinking skills, creativity, andsocial-emotional development in ways that computers cannot.In conclusion, the relationship between teachers and computer-assisted teaching is one of mutual benefit and collaboration. By integrating technology into their teaching practices, teachers can enhance the learning experience for students, personalize instruction, and access a wide range of educational resources. While computers offer many advantages in the classroom, it is essential to remember that teachers are the heart of education and play a crucial role in inspiring and guiding students on their learning journey. Through a partnership between teachers and computers, we can create a more dynamic, engaging, and effective educational experience for students.篇3Teachers and Computer Teaching Complement Each OtherWith the rapid development of information technology, the integration of computers into education has become increasingly common. It is widely believed that teachers and computers complement each other in teaching, offering students a more comprehensive and effective learning experience.On one hand, teachers play a crucial role in education. They possess knowledge, experience, and interpersonal skills that are irreplaceable by computers. Teachers are able to provide guidance, motivation, and support to students, helping them to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. In addition, teachers can adapt their teaching methods to meet the individual needs of students, fostering a more personalized and engaging learning environment.On the other hand, computers bring a wealth of resources and tools to the classroom. With the internet, students can access a vast amount of information and educational materials at their fingertips. Computers also offer interactive learning platforms, simulations, and multimedia presentations that can enhance the learning experience and cater to different learning styles. Furthermore, educational software and applications canprovide personalized feedback, track student progress, and facilitate self-paced learning.When teachers and computers work together, they can create a synergistic teaching environment that combines the best of both worlds. Teachers can leverage technology to enhance their teaching methods, create engaging lessons, and provide students with opportunities for collaborative learning and critical thinking. Computers, on the other hand, can support teachers by automating routine tasks, providing instant feedback, and offering innovative ways to present information.It is important for teachers to embrace the potential of computers in education and to continually adapt their teaching practices to incorporate technology. By leveraging the strengths of both teachers and computers, students can benefit from a more dynamic, interactive, and personalized learning experience that prepares them for success in the digital age. Ultimately, the collaboration between teachers and computers can empower students to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers who are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.。

计算机辅助下的中学英语课堂教学系别外语系专业英语姓名xxx指导教师xx职称xx日期2013年5月国内图书分类号:xx学院本科毕业论文(设计)计算机辅助下的中学英语课堂教学姓名xxx系别外语系专业英语申请学位学士学位指导教师xx职称xx日期2013年5月A Brief Study on Computer-assisted Instructions for English Classroom Teaching in Middle SchoolA Graduation Thesis Submitted byxxxIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsForThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn the Subject of English LinguisticsToDepartment of Foreign LanguagesOfLüliang UniversitySupervisor: xxxMay, 25, 2013Outline1.Introduction2.Actual situation of English classroom teaching2.1 Traditional English classroom teaching2.2 Computer-assisted English classroom teaching3.The advantages of computer-assisted English classroom teaching3.1 Making the English classroom atmosphere vivid and lively3.1.1 PPT and audio-visual used in the class3.1.2 Using computer assisted instructions to simulate live situations3.2 Increasing the capacity of classroom teaching, improving teaching efficiency3.3 Highlighting the teaching points, dispersing the difficult points3.4 Immediate feedback, reflecting the breadth of feedback4. The drawbacks of computer-assisted English teaching4.1 Ambiguous focus of teaching4.2 Insufficient interaction between teachers and students4.3 Depriving of the initiative of the students in the classroom4.4 Improper computer-assisted instructions usage5. Matters needing attention in computer-assisted English teaching5.1 Building a scientific classroom teaching mode5.2 Designing practical computer-assisted courseware5.3 Choosing the proper media form according to the teaching points5.4 Defining application of computer-assisted instructions according to students’ requirements6. ConclusionA Brief Study on Computer-assisted Instructionsfor English Classroom Teaching in Middle Schoolxxx(Department of Foreign Languages, Lüliang University, Lüliang City, Shanxi, 033000)Abstract:The ultimate and permanent goal of English teaching is to gradually develop students’English communication ability. However it is hard to achieve the desired goals in the traditional classroom teaching. With the advent of the information age, the traditional English teaching model is being challenged. The application of computer provides teachers and students with creative and practical sources and aids in Middle school. Computer makes traditional English classroom interesting. However, from a prudential point of view, any kind of things can not be perfect. There are some drawbacks about the excessive use of the computer for classroom teaching.This thesis mainly explores how to build a better learning environment through computer-assisted instructions.Key words: traditional English teaching computer-assisted instructions teacher计算机辅助下的中学英语课堂教学xxx(山西吕梁吕梁学院外语系 033000)摘要:英语教学的远期目标是逐渐培养学生的英语交际能力,但是传统课堂教学远不能达到预期目标。
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Computer-assisted English Teaching Basedon BehaviorismAbstract: the traditional English teaching focuses on the dominance of teachers. With the development and application of computers, CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) has been widely used in the modern English teaching as a new teaching method. This paper proceeds with the theoretical research and analyzes the theory of Behaviorism and its influences on and limitations to CALL.Key Words: Behaviorism, CALL, Teaching method1.IntroductionThe 20th century is not only an age of information but also an age of knowledge economy. With the prevalence and the rapid development of information technology, computer-assisted English teaching has been influencing all the aspects of English teaching and has become a newtrend of English-teaching development. It pays more attention to guiding the students to study language with the help of computers. The combination of teaching content, teaching process and the assistance of computers can contribute to the best learning effect. Behaviorism has laid the foundation for computer-assisted English teaching.2.CALL---Computer-Assisted Language LearningCALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning) refers to the use of a computer in a language teaching and learning program. The research CALL began in the 1960’s in America. According to New Oxford English Dictionary, the word “assist” refers to help someone typically by doing a share of the work. When used in foreign language teaching, “assist”refers that the teachers use computers to improve teaching methods and the teaching effect. CALL is the combination of computers and modern educational theory. As a brand-new teaching method, CALL has been widely applied and achieved a lot in the English teaching at every level of schools. CALL is more often practiced in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. According to Richards, et al. (1998), it may take the form of:a. activities which parallel learning through other mediabut which use the facilities of the computer (e.g. usingthe computer to present a reading text);b. activities which are extensions or adaptations ofprint-based or classroom-based activities (e.g.computer programs that teach writing skills by helpingthe student develop a topic and thesis statement andby checking a composition for vocabulary, grammar,and topic development);c. activities which are unique to CALL.3. Phrases of CALL DevelopmentThere are mainly 4 phrases in the course of CALL development.3.1 Phrase Ⅰ(Behavioristic CALL)The Behavioristic CALL was conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and 1970s. Programs during this period can be referred to as “drill and practice”. The principles behind this computer as tutor model could be briefly put as follows:a. Repeated exposure to the same material is beneficialor even essential learning.b. A computer is ideal for carrying out repeated drills.c. A computer can present material on an individualized basis, allowing learners to proceed at their own pace and freeing up class time for other activities.In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Behavioristic CALL was undermined by two important factors. First, behavioristic approaches to language learning had been rejected. Secondly, the introduction of the microcomputer allowed a whole new range of possibilities.3.2 Phrase Ⅱ(Communicative CALL)The Communicative CALL is marked by the fact that small computers appeared and the programs could be stored on tapes or floppy disks and the whole system was portable.Pedagogically, this phrase was based on the communicative approach to teaching which became prominent in the 1970s and 80s. Several types of CALL programs were developed.First, a variety of programs represent an extension of the computer as tutor model. The second CALL model is the computer as stimulus model. The third model of computers involves the computer as tool or the computer as workhorse approach. But by the end of the 1980s, the CALL was failingto exist.3.3 Phrase Ⅲ(Integrative CALL)The learning featured by the Integrative CALL was not so much supplied by the language of the text itself as by the cognitive problem solving techniques and interaction between students in the group.This was made possible by the important technological development of multimedia computer and internet. What makes multimedia more powerful is that it also entails hypermedia.Computer-mediated communication allows users to share not only brief messages, but also lengthy (formatted or unformatted) documents --- thus facilitating collaborative writing --- and also graphics, sounds and video.3.4 Phrase IV (Intelligent CALL)As new technology becomes a household necessity, language teaching using such means will doubtless become more widespread. Some work has taken place on integrating CALL with the more orthodox ideas of learning, leading to ICALL (Internet CALL).4. Behaviorism TheoryBehaviorism Theory is also called Stimulus-Response Theory which is one of the main learning theories. The founder of Stimulus-Response Theory is John B. Watson (1878-1958). Behaviorism holds that human’s mind results from the interaction of the outer environment, which is “stimulus-response”. The joint between stimulus and response is “reinforcement”. Behaviorism Learning Theory regards “reinforcement”as the core of teaching procedure. It holds that only “reinforcement”can lead to the best learning environment and enhance students’learning motivation.According to Behaviorism Learning Theory, teaching content should be decomposed into a series of small teaching units and should be learned with the help of teaching units. Only in this way can the frequency of reinforcement be increased to the largest extent and can the negative response caused by mistakes be decreased to the smallest extent. The courseware which is designed on the basis of Skinner’s condition-response experiment and the principle of stimulus (question) --- response (answer) --- enforcement (confirmation) makes a difference in optimizing class teaching.Behaviorism is the school of psychology that defines psychology as the study of observable behavior and studies relationships between stimuli (S) and responses (R). The first phase of CALL, conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and 1970s, was based on the dominant behaviorist theories of learning and teaching of the time, which emphasizes the spoken rather than the written form and presents the learner a carefully graded series of habit -forming modes of learning. Programs of this phase entail repetitive language drills and can be referred to as “drill and practice”.Drill and practice courseware is based on the model of computer as tutor. In other words, the computer serves as a tutoring device that issues instructional material to students. Behavioristic CALL essentially provides practice for grammar and vocabulary acquisition. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, behavioristic CALL lost its popularity for two main reasons, namely, changes in approaches to language teaching and the invention of the microcomputer.There are also some principles in teaching procedure and they are important in CALL courseware design:a.Shot-step principle. It refers to divide the learningcontent into small units and sequence themaccording to their logic and form proceduraltexts and courseware. Students study from theeasy to the difficult gradually.b.Active-response principle. According to Skinner,traditional teaching focuses on teachers’rolein imparting knowledge and students’passiverole. Students have few chances to respondteachers’questions. In order to change thepassive learning, the courseware should bedesigned according to the study content ofevery unit to stimulate students to respondactive.c.Immediate-enforcement principle. Whenstudents respond to teachers, teachers shouldimmediately make students know whether theyare right. The courseware should give immediateenforce to students so as to enhance theirperformance..d.Self-paced principle. In the traditional teaching,the pace of learning is identical, which greatlylimits the free development of students.Computer-assist teaching is centered onstudents so that they can set their own learningpace according to their own situation. Properpaces and enforcement give students furtherlearning power.e.Low-error-rate principle. The texts should bearranged from the easy to the difficult and fromthe unknown to the known so that students canhave more right response and enhance learningefficiency.5. The Application of Behavioristic CALLAccording to Warschauer (1996), in the phase of Behavioristic CALL from the 1960’s to the 1970’s, computers are regarded are an inexhaustible machine instructor who repeatedly provides language exercise and response for students so that students can study again and again according to their own pace of study. According to the principle of “stimulus---response---enforcement”, CALL is used in English teaching in the following aspects:a. CALL can provide diversified external stimulus andenlighten students’English thinking ability, which isbeneficial for them to acquire and keep theirknowledge. Multimedia technology provides combined environment. It shows visible and audible information with lively and various forms. This multi-level expressions and diversified sensory stimuli are effective to English study. In this environment, language learners can have active psychological experience and they can immediately transform it into the desire of knowledge. In this way, they can acquire much more information than what is acquired in class, which is more beneficial to keep and transform their knowledge.b. The courseware through multimedia technology is vivid, lively and more suitable to arouse students’interest in English learning. In traditional teaching, teachers use pictures, stick figures and other methods to create situations for language study. However, all these methods have their limitation and they can not change freely and lack vividness and reality. However, computers have many information function including audio, picture, text and animation which perfectly combine sound, pictures and texts. This kind of combination provides vivid environment for languagestudy. For example, a teacher is going to teaching English words. In English, there are different words for different cars: van (a small or medium-sized road vehicle with one row of seats at the front and a space for carrying goods behind), Sedan (a car with seats for four or more people, a fixed roof, and a boot that is separate from the part of the car that you sit in), sports car, station wagon (a car with a long body, a door at the rear, and space behind the back seats), coupe (a car with a fixed roof, a sloping back, two doors, and seats for four people), police car and so on. Only t eachers’ explanation and description can not help students to distinguish those words. But more pictures, videos and audios can make it much easier to distinguish and remember. In the courseware, the element of aesthetics should be inserted in, such as colorful and vivid animation. The exquisite pictures and beautiful music and other elements can present students the colorful world and help them to be fully interested in English study.c. CALL can help students to set their own pace of learning. CALL is centered on the language learnersso that learners can set their pace of study accordingto their own situation. Proper pace of study can lowerthe rate of error and improve the efficiency oflearning.d. CALL can provide a network evaluation. (2007)The first is self-evaluation. Self-evaluation refers thatstudentsevaluate their works and study process after finishing their learning. Intheir self-evaluation, in one way, they can modify their learningoutcomes: in another, they can learn from other on the Internet. Studentswill actively look insight into their own study outcomes and process suchas English expressions and language learning methods so that they cangreatly improve their English.The second is the mutual evaluation among students.Students canevaluate the outcomes of other students and give the evaluation to otherson the Internet. Different students have different understanding andmaster of knowledge, therefore in the process of evaluation they canimprove their study ability and creative ability.The third is the evaluation of teachers. If the teacherscanimmediately give responses to the students in class, it will be morebeneficial for students’ English learning. Though the Internet, teacherscan look through students’ assignment rapidly and find their advantagesand disadvantages and then give immediate evaluation to the studentsthrough screen or the Internet.6. The Limitation of Behavioristic CALLBehavioristic CALL has a great influence in the history of education.It plays an important role in remedy the lack of enforcement and responsein teaching and the ignorance of the personal characteristics of students.At the same time, it has some shortcomings: this kind of teaching is kindof inflexible and is not good for improving students’ ability of independent thinking and of solving problems independently.What’smore, it divides study content into small units, which makes students easyto feel bored and is not good for them to understand things as a whole.Therefore, when teachers use the behavioristic CALL,they shouldconsider both its advantages and disadvantages and use it properly toimprove teaching efficiency.ReferenceAyersman, D.J. &Minden, A. Individual Differences, Computers,and Instruction.Computers in Human Behavior. 1995.Fox J.D. Computer-assisted Vocabulary Learning. ELT. 1984.Warschauer M&D. 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