雅思小作文写作技巧及范文一.图表类型饼状图,直方图或柱形图趋势曲线图表格图流程图或过程图程序图二.解题技巧A. 表格图1 横向比较: 介绍横向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势2 纵向比较:介绍横向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势3 无需将每一个数据分别说明,突出强调数据最大值和最小值,对比时要总结出数据对比最悬殊的和最小的说明:考察例举数字的能力和方法。
B. 曲线图1 极点说明: 对图表当中最高的,最低的点要单独进行说明2 趋势说明: 对图表当中曲线的连续变化进行说明,如上升,下降,波动,持平3 交点说明: 对图表当中多根曲线的交点进行对比说明说明:关键是把握好曲线的走向和趋势,学会 general classification, 即在第二段的开头部分对整个曲线进行一个阶段式的总分类,使写作层次清晰。
接下来在分类描述每个阶段的 specific trend, 同时导入数据作为你分类的依据。
注意不要不做任何说明就机械性的导入数据!可以使用一些比较 native 的单词和短语来描述 trend。
C. 饼状图1 介绍各扇面及总体的关系2 各个扇面之间的比较,同类扇面在不同时间,不同地点的比较3 重点突出特点最明显的扇面:最大的,最小的,互相成倍的D. 柱状图1. 比较 : similarity2.对比 : difference)3.横向总结所有柱状图表的共性特征 & 分别描写各个柱子的个性特征E.流程图1.首先说明:做什么工作的过程,目的是什么 2.准备工作 3.按时间/过程先后描述4.结果 5.简单总结说明:注意流程图里的“因果关系” 或每一流程的“承前启后” 关系;表达每一流程的主体内容,阐明这种关系;揭示其内在联系或规律;最后,给予简要归纳和总结。
F. 实物/器具工作过程 1.实物的名称,功能 2.基本结构 3.工作过程 4.简单总结G. 综合图1 不求甚解,不拘泥于细节2 分门别类,分段落详细介绍各个图表3 不画蛇添足,主观臆断或猜测图表之间的关系三.写作结构框架结构1.开头:该图阐述的是______ 的______.共有以下几个部分组成。
看到题目是由线图和饼图组成的多图组合,我们可以按以下3个思路构思:1. 饼图和曲线图各自展示了什么数据在哪个时间点或段的变化特征?2. 在饼图中,数据总值为多少?它由几部分组成?每一部分各代表什么?各自所占百分比又是多少?百分比从大到小如何排列的?谁最大?谁最小?3. 曲线图有何特征?根据特征,曲线可以分成几段来描述?起点值、终点值、峰值、谷值多少?各自对应的时间点又是什么?现在,我们再来看一道例题:WRITING TASK 1:You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.* The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola.* Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.范文:The pie chart shows the worldwide distribution of sales of Coca-Cola in the year 2000 and the graph shows the change in share prices between 1996 and 2001.In the year 2000, Coca-Cola sold a total of 17.1 billion cases of their fizzy drink product worldwide. The largest consumer was North America, where 30.4 per cent of the total volume was purchased. The second largest consumer was Latin America. Europe and Asia purchased 20.5 and 16.4 per cent of the total volume respectively, while Africa and the Middle East remained fairly small consumers at 7 per cent of the total volume of sales.ince 1996, share prices for Coca-Cola have fluctuated. In that year, shares were valued at approximately $35. Between 1996 and 1997, however, prices rose significantly to $70 per share. They dipped a little in mid-1997 and then peaked at $80 per share in mid-98. From then until 2000 their value fell consistently but there was a slight rise in mid-2000.。
提供两张不同的饼图,要求学生对两张饼 图的数据进行分析和比较。学生需要识别 出两张图中各部分的比例差异,分析这些 差异产生的原因,并得出结论。此练习有 助于提高学生的数据分析能力和逻辑思维 能力。
数据的准确性和客观性是图表写作的基础。要保证数据的准确性,需要从可靠的来源获取数据,并核 实数据的准确性。在引用数据时,需要注明数据的来源,以增加数据的可信度。同时,需要注意数据 的时效性,使用最新的数据能够更好地反映当前的情况。
主题应具有实际意义 ,有助于读者了解该 领域源应具有权威性和可信 度,以确保数据的准确性和可 靠性。
数据来源应具有广泛性和多样 性,以涵盖不同方面的数据, 使饼图更加全面和客观。
数据来源应具有时效性,以确 保数据的最新性和有效性。
对数据进行清洗和整理,去除异 常值和重复值,确保数据的准确
饼图是一种常见的图表形式,用于展示数 据的比例关系。要让饼图更加直观易懂,需 要合理使用图表元素。首先,需要选择合适 的颜色和标签,以便于区分不同的数据项。 其次,需要按照数据的大小合理安排扇区的 顺序,以便于读者比较大小关系。最后,需 要在图表中添加必要的说明和标注,帮助读
雅思图表写作饼图(复习)通用 课件
• 饼图的基本概念 • 饼图的写作技巧 • 饼图写作实例分析 • 常见问题与解答 • 练习与巩固
很多同学写主体段时容易忽略时态,甚至写In1977,the percentage is.。
对于饼图我们会用到很多表示“比例”、“占据”的词汇,可以选择percentage、proportion、rate以及make up、accountfor、constitute等词汇。
1) 展示清晰的概貌
3) 相关数据作比较
我们主要也从以下几个角度来分析:1. 解题思路1). 表格题的静态题解题思路大致可以分为三步:①先分类(横向,纵向或者横竖交替);②挑出极值(最大值与最小值);③挑选剩余数值(倍数关系,两个数值,变化明显的数值);2). 静态柱图解题思路:第一种:①按颜色来分类;②总体做比较。
第二种:①按特征分(把有相同特征的分在一起);3). 静态饼图解题思路:①若单个饼图不相关时,单个饼图分开写最后整体总结;②若是同一相关事物的比较也是按颜色特征先分类,后作比较。
2. 基础替换词汇1). 占据:take up / make up / occupy/ account forConstitute / be the instrument of 致成物2). 剩余事物:the restthe remaindersth is in the charge ofdue to/owing to/attributed/ascribed to/ for sth60%= three-fifths/three out of five5/6=five-sixthsa/the majority of = a large portion/ part/ share / proportion/percentage>80% (93%)= a lion’s share/maximal proportion of5%= a minority of, a tiny portion37.8%= comparatively a majority of (<50%的最大值)87%/76% = comparatively a minority of3. 静态图表示数值方式句式表达1). 多个事物的排列法一(饼图,柱形图,表格)①A is the largest/smallest/longest...②B is a close/far secon d with just+数字less.或者:which is followed by B.③Third comes C with only +数字或者:C is close/far behind with +数字或者:C takes third spot/place with +数字④Following C comes D with +数字⑤Finally/the rest is ,……2). 多个事物的排列法二(饼图,柱形图,表格)A occupied the maximal portion of the 研究对象, with 数字, whileB accounted for comparatively less rate, with only _(占据), ranking second. Furthermore, the third, forth and fifth places(或者用数字)altogether of the 研究对象 was shared by C,D and E(共享). The remaining part of it was due to F, G, H, I and J which follow the same trend and taking sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth respectively.(剩余)动态图写作技巧有时间推移变化的图我们通常叫做动态图。
一:题型特点:1.饼图是所有图表题中最好写的一种,唯一值得注意的地方在于如何丰富百分比的表达和“占”的表达,要采取多样性的表达,如25%=a quarter of, 50%=half of, >50%=a/the majority of.2.描写饼状图中的比例构成就是饼状图图表作文的重点,但也应注意,这种描述并不是对图形的简单重复,对各项数据比例的描述应建立在归纳整理的基础上有条理地进行。
二:常用经典例句展示:1 常用词:percentage, proportion, make up, constitute, account for,take up, ..is divided in to…parts, consume the largest/smallest portion.2.例句:1 The graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…..2 The percentage of A in … is more than twice than that of B.3 The biggest loss was to A area.4 There is not a great deal of difference between A and B.5 In general positions, females outnumber males.6 A much greater percentage of men than women are found in managerial positions.7 The profit of company A doubled from May to September.三:常用模板:1.The two pie charts describe ………………………2.The first point to note is …………………………paring the graphs, …………………………….4.The graphs also suggest that ………………………5.In conclusion, it can be seen from the data that …………………..饼状图作文模型一The two pie charts illustrate the significant changes in peopl e’s ways of communication from 1970 to 1995.The first graph shows that in 1975, the most popular way to communicate was letter writing, with the percentage of 50%. Others ___________________________, the figures are 32% and 18% respectively.It can be seen from the second graph that ways of communication changed a lot in two decades. By 1995, ______________________________. By contrast, ________________________________.Comparing the two pie charts, we can see that the use of the phones and computers during the same period had both risen considerably. However, letter writing became less popular among the people.In general, people inclined to use more modernized mediums to communicate with others, while the traditional way became less employed.二The pie chart depicts the proportion of ___________________________.It consists of six segments, the largest one representing _________, which account for 26% of the total. _____________ takes up 21%, becoming the second largest.__________________________________. The rest proportions, 15% of all, constituting 5% and 10% respectively.From the chart it can be seen clearly that ________________________.。
雅思小作文 T A S K 1 图表题规律注意事项:1 . Task1 是客观写作,要求客观真实。
2 . 客观性:不应该有任何图里没有而靠自己主观想象加入的成分。
3 . 类型Table 表格题Line Graph 线图Bar Chart 柱状图Pie Chart 饼状图Process Chart 流程图4 . 看图要注意单位,标题和图例。
5 . 对于多数小作文题,题中给出了几个图就对应的写出几个主体段。
6 . 时态和发生时间意义对应。
7 . 结构开头段(1~2句)改写原题主体段1 总体概括具体介绍数字主体段N 总体概括具体介绍数字结尾段(1~2句)介绍总数(若图里并没有明确的给出总数,则省略)结论(根据图里的数据得出有一定合理性的结论)8 . 开头段的改写题目中ShowProportion InformationThe number/amount of FamilyMalesFemaleInfluence改写成illustrate /compare percentagedatathe figure for householdmenwomenaffect/effectCategories kinds/typesSubway system Storeunderground railway/train system shop9 . 介绍数据或描述变化趋势的常用词。
1.步骤①审题,看图②几张饼,几种类(馅)③找最值④特殊数据和比例如25%= quarter2.关键信息①最值:最大,第二,最小②相同值③特殊值如1/2, 1/3, 1/43.动词(占有)Account for; comprise; represent; make up/take up; constitute; contribute4.句型①占据型XX + account for/ make up + the largest/highest/most proportion/percentage of total, which isN%.②拥有型XX + have + the fewest/least proportion/percentage of the chart, at N%.③排序型XX + ranks the first/second, contributing N% of the chart.④被动型the majority/main part of + XXX + made up of XXX5.特殊描述①相同/相似:share equal percentage/trendIt can be seen that / it is noted that A and B share equal percentage, both at N%.比例相近的同时描写respectively/differentlyOnly 30% and 28% Chinese students choose music and art respectively/differently.②倍数5月利润是3月的三倍The profit tripled from March to May.The profit increased by twofold from March to May.There was a twofold increase in the profit from March to MayThe profit in March is tripled as much as in May.Example: 同级比较,占据型,排序型(背下)Asia is the largest continent in the world, over four times as big as Europe. Representing one fifth of the world’s surface area, Africa ranks the second.③百分比A quarter; a third; two third; half双饼图:静态(无关联);动态(有趋势的改变,例如不同年份)1.静态对比和比较(对内和对外),使用1-2次,使用倍数关系,包括相同、不同、极值写法:按图形种类分段对内比较:在段内比,自己比,用关键数据对外比较:在结尾段,彼此比,笼统结合比2.动态结尾段:N年来,XXX的变化(类似线图结尾的变化对比)中间段写法1:两个饼图分别写中间段写法2:将数据转换成线图数据,按增加项、减少向、平稳项分组三饼图:写法1 分别写写法2 按趋势写(同线图)The table compares the difference in the ratio of both males and females who received a diploma in 1993. Obviously, males and females varied considerably in level of education.In 1993, 60% of males graduated with a master’s degree in comparison with 40% of females. When it comes to the ratio of postgraduate diploma, the gap between the males and females become even more significant, the figure of males was more than twice that of females (70% and 30% respectively). In contrast, females outnumbered males in the next two categories. A slightly higher percentage of females at 53% than males at 47% was recorded in the completion of bachelor’s degree. The rise in female rate was also witnessed in the proportion of undergraduate study where females with 65% nearly doubled males with 35%.In conclusion, more males than females received higher degree.段落的描述:美国人民的消费情况In 1996, Americans spent most money on the cars consumption, which was 45%. Restaurant and food shared the same percentages (14%), following the cars. Books accounted for the least proportion of the total, only at 1%.。
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 wordsSample AnswerThe pie charts illustrate the primary reasons that people came to and left the UK in 2007.At first glance it is clear that the main factor influencing this decision was employment. Having a definite job accounted for 30 per cent of immigration to the UK, and this figure was very similar for emigration, at 29%. A large number of people, 22%, also emigrated because they were looking for a job, though the proportion of people leaving the UK for this purpose was noticeably lower at less than a fifth. Another major factor influencing a move to the UK was for formal study, with over a quarter of people immigrating for this reason. However, interestingly, only a small minority, 4%, left for this.The proportions of those moving to join a family member were quite similar for immigration andemigration, at 15% and 13% respectively. Although asignificant number of people (32%) gave ‘other’ reasons or did not give a reason why they emigrated, this accounted for only 17% with regards to immigration.通过上面的这道题以及给出的,可以看出饼状图的文章是很好模仿的,或者说是有一个模板的下面是一些如何组织语句的要点:1、选择最重要的一个点放在第一个写从范文中可以看出,换工作,找工作和读书是作者首先提到的,因为这是选择搬家的主要原因。
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用范文,如学习资料、英语资料、学生作文、教学资源、求职资料、创业资料、工作范文、条据文书、合同协议、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides various types of practical sample essays, such as learning materials, English materials, student essays, teaching resources, job search materials, entrepreneurial materials, work examples, documents, contracts, agreements, other essays, etc. Please pay attention to the different formats and writing methods of the model essay!雅思小作文饼图写作结构解析雅思小作文饼图写作结构一文总结了出现在雅思学术类考试的小作文中,4种不同的饼图的处理方式和写作思路。
The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.思路:1. 采用折线模式描述2. 注意重点数据的选取(max, min)3. 注意分段原则:一段写上升,一段写下降,一段写保持不变。
答案:The two graphs show that oil was the major energy source in the USA in both 1980 and 1990 and that coal, natural gas and hydroelectric power remained in much the same proportions. On the other hand, there was a dramatic rise in nuclear power, which doubled its percentage over the ten years.Oil supplied the largest percentage of energy, although the percentage decreased from 42% in 1980 to 33% in 1990. Coal in 1990 was the second largest source of energy, increasing its proportion to 27% from 22% in the previous decade. Natural gas, the second largest source in 1980 at 26%, decreased its share very slightly to provide 25% of America’s energy ten years later. There was no change in the percentage supplied by hydroelectric power which remained at 5% of the total energy used. Nuclear power the greatest change: in 1990 it was 10%, twice that of the 1980s.In conclusion, during the decade, the structure of energy resources remained, and the proportion of 3 aspects varied a lot, except natural gas and hydroelectric power.(180)Information on UAE government spending in 2000. The total budget was AED 315 billion.思路:1. 分段原则较为灵活,可以分,也可以不分;2. 注意数据的描述顺序为:从大到小;3. 描述的过程中注意数据的对比:大小关系,倍数关系等;答案:The graph tells us about the budget of the UAE government in 2000. In general, the most important targets were social security, health, and education.The biggest slice of the pie chart is taken up by social security including pensions, employment assistance and other benefits which made up slightly under one-third of total expenditure. Health and personal social services was the second highest budget cost. Hospital and medical services accounted for AED 53 billion, or about 15% of the budget. Education cost UAE AED 38 billion which comprises almost 12% of the whole budget. The government spent about seven percent of revenue on debt, and roughly similar amounts went towards defence (AED 22 billion) and law and order (AED 17 billion). Spending on housing, transport and industry totalled AED 37 billion. Finally, other expenditure accounted for AED 23 billion.All in all, the bulk of UAE government spending goes on social welfare and health. However, education, defence, and law and order are also major areas of spending.(167)3.消费模式The pie charts show changes in U.S. spending patterns between 1966 and 1996.思路:1. 主要采用折线模式,重点描述数据的改变和趋势2. 留意极值(MAX, MIN)的描述3. 分段的原则可为:上升的一段,下降的一段,保持不变的一段。
雅思小作文饼图解题思路饼形图与柱形图或者是线形图所截然不同的是它没有了横轴与纵轴,而以饼形的分割来表示百分比,但我们仍可以依照三步的审题分析法来进行观察:Step 1: 观察共有几张饼图,以及它们之间的关系是什么(一般说来,雅思图表题中极少见到单饼图);Step 2: 观察每张饼图中有哪几个区域,以及各个区域分别代表什么;Step 3: 观察单个饼图中各区域间的百分比差异,以及相同区域在各个饼图间的百分比的比较或发展。
现在我们就来分析一下下面的饼形图:Many women want or need to continue working even after they havechildren. The charts below show the working patterns of mothers withyoung children to care for.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information on thecharts below.Step 1: 一共有四张饼图,它们分别按照由母亲照料的最年幼孩子的年龄大小来进行排列,从0 ~ 2岁到10岁以上;Step 2: 每张饼图中都有三种区域:白色区、深色区和浅色区。
它们分别表示母亲的工作状态:白色区为“没有工作”,深色区为“兼职工作”,浅色区为“全职工作”;Step 3: 白色区在0 ~ 2岁时处于绝对优势,占70%,而随着孩子年龄的增长,白色区渐渐地变小,在10岁以上时只有26%;深色区在孩子年幼时比例很小:0 ~ 2岁时只有19%。
随着孩子的长大,深色区急剧扩张,在5 ~ 9岁时达到顶峰,占48%,但在10岁以后却轻微下降到45%;而浅色区的变化则是在同一时期内分别占到了11%,11%,14%和29%。
雅思小作文饼图写法全解析The IELTS writing task 1 often requires test-takers to describe and analyze visual data, such as graphs, charts, and diagrams. One common type of visual data is the pie chart, which presents data in a circular form, divided into segments to represent proportions of a whole. In this essay, I will provide a comprehensive guide to writing a successful IELTS task 1 essay using a pie chart as the visual data.First and foremost, it is crucial to understand the basic structure of a pie chart. A pie chart typically consists of several segments, each representing a different category or component of the whole. The size of each segment corresponds to the proportion of the whole that it represents. When describing a pie chart, it is important to provide an overview of the data by identifying the main categories and their respective proportions. This can be done by stating the total number of categories and highlighting the largest and smallest segments.Following the initial overview, the next step is to provide specific details about each category represented in the pie chart. This includes describing the data in each segment, comparing the proportions of different categories, and identifying any significant trends or patterns. For example, if the pie chart represents the distribution of household expenses, the writer should describe the percentage of income spent on categories such as housing, transportation, food, and leisure activities. Additionally, the writer should compare the proportions of these categories to highlight any notable differences or similarities.In addition to describing the data, it is important to analyze the information presented in the pie chart. This involves interpreting the significance of the proportions and identifying any implications or conclusions that can be drawn from the data. For instance, if the pie chart illustrates the market share of different smartphone brands, the writer should analyze which brand has the largest share and what this indicates about consumer preferences. Furthermore, the writer shouldconsider any potential reasons for the observed patterns and offer explanationsfor the data presented in the pie chart.When writing an IELTS task 1 essay based on a pie chart, it is essential to use a variety of language and grammatical structures to effectively convey the information. This includes using appropriate vocabulary to describe the data, such as 'the majority,' 'a significant proportion,' 'a small fraction,' and 'a negligible amount.' Additionally, the writer should utilize comparative and superlative forms to compare the proportions of different categories, as well as adverbs and adjectives to emphasize the significance of certain data points.Furthermore, it is important to organize the information in a clear andlogical manner, using cohesive devices to connect ideas and guide the reader through the essay. This can be achieved by using transition words and phrases, such as 'furthermore,' 'in addition,' 'moreover,' and 'on the other hand,' to indicate relationships between different aspects of the data. Additionally, the writer should use appropriate grammatical structures, such as passive voice and conditional sentences, to convey the information in a formal and academic tone.In conclusion, writing a successful IELTS task 1 essay based on a pie chart requires a thorough understanding of the structure and content of the visual data. By providing an overview, describing the details, analyzing the information, and using a variety of language and grammatical structures, test-takers caneffectively convey the information presented in the pie chart. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for approaching and mastering the task of writing a pie chart-based IELTS task 1 essay.。
Pie Chart B
Leisure Activities
Sporting Activities of Male Students at Hamilton University
Soccer Basketball 12.50% 12.50% 5% 30% Tennis Volleyball Swimming Athletics 15% 25%
以调查主题开头的时候,可以变化数据表示 的方式
变化数词 With a 80% participation rate With 30% of students (involved in)/choosing this activity At X%/percent: latin is the second least pop activity, at 7%
19% 19%
6% 3%
Iron Ore Copper Uranium 12% 31% Gold Silver
The pie charts show 2006 production for two countries over the same range of five metal commodities. In general, Austani had a significant percentage of its production in iron ore, copper and uranium, whereas Kizani had a more balanced output overall, although its biggest percentage of metal production was gold. Austani had over two thirds of its production in iron ore and copper, at 41percent and 30 percent respectively. Uranium contributed a further 20 percent. Gold and silver, however, were relatively insignificant, equalling less than a tenth of the total. In contrast, Kizani had a much more balanced output of metal commodities. Iron ore, silver and uranium each made up 19 percent. Gold, on the other hand, comprised almost one-third of the overall production, which was a much higher percentage than in Austani. In contrast, copper output was much lower than Austani, at 12% as against 30%.
饼图写作一.饼图Pie Chart的审题过程1. 看文字信息(找出描述对象的谓语的同义词)2. 标题审图标出:中间类/第二大相等/相类似剩余类小的标出:中间类/第二大相等/相类似剩余类小的无变化的/第二大/中间类相等/相类似3. 改写开头段饼图特有本质:The pie chart/graph compares the…….The pie chart/graph shows the comparison ofE.g.:The pie charts shows units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.= The charts compare the source of electricity production by five different sources in Australia and Francein the year 1980 and 2000.二.写作顺序:一个图:(静态描写)先找极端数据的,最大的,再找中间类或第二大的、同类或相类似的,最后看剩余类,即,小的或微不足道的一类的。
两个图:(静态对比描写+ 动态变化描写)1.先写第一个图(静态描述:最大,中间同类,剩余类),再写另一个图,进行对比(动态变化:上升/增长为最大的,下降的为最小,保持不变的或中间类或相等相似类)。
三.饼图写作模板(Body段)一个图:①极端类(最大/多)②中间类(同类/相类似). ③剩余类(小的/微不足道)。
范文E.g.:1.Social skills and education constitute comparatively a majority of their main fields of study, with6.5% and 5.6% respectively, while 2.24%, 1.84% and 2.10% are shared by ad., science and computer.The remaining percentages are in moderation, with 5.53% for science and 7.4% for ads.2.Coal makes up the maximal portion/ the majority of the source/was the biggest instrument of thesources of energy, with 47%, while Nuclear accounted for a tiny share, with only 1%. Furthermore, 28% altogether of the energy was shared by Oil and Hydro. The remaining 24% was due to Natural Gas.结尾1.Through the charts, we can easily draw the conclusion that the new source of energy, particularlyNuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant, reached their bottleneck/ceiling to some extent.2.Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel source: Australiarelied on coal and Franc on nuclear power.两个图:一段(静态):①最大的②中间类(同类/相类似). ③剩余类(小的/微不足道)二段(动态):However,①上升/增长为最大的②下降为最小的③保持不变的或中间类或相等相似类)。
雅思小作文:饼状图一例Many women want or need to continue working after they have children. The chart below shows the working after they have children. The chart below shows the working pattern of mothers with young children.作文写作要点:介绍各扇面及总体的关系。
The basic trends of the four charts:Just after bearing children, back to work.The older child…the more…Most part-time during child 5~9Child 10+, full time double, part-time lessthe introduction can be written like this:Even just after having a child, a large number women return to work. As the child grows older, the percentage of mothers who choose or need to continue working rises. At least until the child is ten, the larger number of working mothers take part-time occupations. When the child is ten years or older, the number of the full-timers more than doubles while that of the part-timers decrease.Each chart entails / contains instruction, which illustrates what the chart involves rather than the over trends.Writing Paragraphs:Information analyzed according to the pie charts.Child 0~2, 30% back to work (19p.t., 11f.t.)3~4, p.t. up dramatically to 35%, f.t. same5~9, p.t. up consistently to 48%, f.t. slight increase to 14%10+, p.t. slightly 3% down, f.t. double to 29%Paragraph 1:When the youngest child is at most 2 years old, 30% of the women return to work. 19% full-time, and 11% as part-timers.Paragraph 2:The percentage of full timers remains the same until the child turns five and increased slightly to 14% when the child is at most 9 years old, but the percentage of part-time working mothers grows dramatically to 35 and continues growing to 48% by the time the child is 9.Paragraph 3:A change occurs after the child grows to ten. The number of full-time working mothers doubles in percentage to 29, while that of the part-timers is reduced slightly to by 3% to 45%.Conclusion:It appears that, when the child turns to ten, women have much fewer maternal responsibilities than the years before.Sentence Patterns:Introduction:The (two) pie charts show (reveal, suggest, illustrate, demonstrate, indicate, describe, relate) the proportion (percentage) of A and B…in (7) (categories), divided into…and…(one is…, another is…)Comparison:1、The biggest difference between (2) groups is in …, where A makes up % while (whereas) B constitutes % (makes up=constitutes=accounts for)the highest percentage / amount of A, which was approximately %, was for…. (=in) /was found in2、The percentage of A in …is more than twice the percentage of B, the ration is % to % (% compared to %)3、In…, while there is (not) a great deal of difference between the percentage of A andB (the former is % and the latter is %).in …, while a greater percentage of A than B are found in…(the former is % and the latter is %).4、There are more A (in …), reaching %, compared with % of B5、By contrast, A has increased (declined), from % in …to % in ….Compared with B, A …Conclusion:To sum upIn conclusionIt appears that…The two charts clearly show…。
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a. The full time working mothers with 0 to 2 year old child to care for make up 11%.
b. The percentage of the full time working mothers with 0 to 2 year old child to care for makes up 11%.
那么,如果所有的句子都这样写的话,是不是会造成很多的重复呢?这点考生不用担心,因为就象我们可以用“go up”来代替“increase”一样,表示占多少百分比也有一些动词词组来替换“make up”。
比如说,“account for”和“constitute”,甚至可以用“be”动词。
刚才的11%的那群妇女我用的是分词作定语(full-time working),那么做定语的还有定语从句,那么我也可以用mothers who choose to work full time来代替,甚至是full-timers,或者是full-time employees 等等,都是可以用的。
Those full-timers, whose child is 0 to 2 years old, account for 11%.这样一来,句型就多变了。
As can be seen from the chart, those full-timers, whose child is 0 to 2 years old, account for 11%. The percentage remains unchanged when their baby grows two years older. However, mothers of 5 to 9 -year -old child witness a slight increase by 3% and the rate nearly doubles when their child reaches 10 -year -old. (58 words)
针对这样的图,我们只需要用上次介绍过的在柱形图中的“more than”或者“twice as much as”等的表示数据差异的短语加上百分比就可以了。