CONSULTING SERVICE AGREEMENT咨询服务协议THIS CONSULTING SERVICE AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) dated this day of , .BETWEEN:CLIENT CONSULTANT(the “Client”) (the “Consultant”)BACKGROUNDA.The Client is of the opinion that the Consultant has the necessary qualifications, experience and abilities to provide consulting services to the Client.B.Th.Consultan.i.agreeabl.t.providin.suc.consultin.service.t.th.Clien. o.th.term.an.condition.se.ou.i.thi.Agreement.IN CONSIDERATION OF the matters described above and of the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Client and the Consultant (individually the “Party” and collectively the “Parties” to this Agreement) agree as follows:SERVICES PROVIDED1.The Client hereby agrees to engage the Consultant to provide the Client with the following consulting services (the “Services”):2.Th.Service.wil.als.includ.an.othe.consultin.task.whic.th.Partie.ma. agre.on.hereb.agree.t.provid.suc.Service.t.th.Client.TERM OFAGREEMENT3.Th.ter.o.thi.Agreemen.(th.“Term”.wil.begi.o.th.dat.o.thi.Agreemen.an.wil.remai.i.ful.forc.an.effe pletio.o.th.Services.subjec.t.earlie.terminatio.a.provide.i.thi. Agreement.Th.ter.ma.b.extende.wit.th.writte.consen.o.th.Parties.PERFORMANCE4.Th.Partie.agre.t.d.everythin.necessar.t.ensur.tha.th.term.o.thi.Agree men.tak.effect.CURRENCY5.Excep.a.otherwis.provide.i.thi.Agreement.al.monetar.amount.refer re.t.i.thi.Agreemen.ar.i.RM.(RenMinB.Yuan).COMPENSATION6.The Consultant will charge the Client a flat fee of ¥ for the Services (the “Compensation”).7.The Client will be invoiced when the Services are complete.8.Invoice.submitte.b.th.Consultan.t.th.Clien.ar.du.withi.3.day.o.recei pletio.o.th .Service.bu.wher.th.Service.hav.bee.partiall.performed.th.Consultan.wil.b pensatio.t.th.dat.o.terminatio.provide.tha. ther.ha.bee.n.breac.o.contrac.o.th.par.o.th.Consultant.pensatio.a.state.i.thi.Agreemen.doe.no.includ.sale.tax.o.o .wi pensation.REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES11.Th.Consultan.wil.b.reimburse.fro.tim.t.tim.fo.reasonabl.an.necess ar.expense.incurre.b.th.Consultan.i.connectio.wit.providin.th.Services.12. Al.expense.mus.b.pre-approve.b.th.Client.CONFIDENTIALITYrmatio.(th.“rmation”rmatio.relatin.t.th.Client. whethe.busines.o.personal.whic.woul.reasonabl.considere.t.b.privat.o.pro prietar.t.th.Clien.an.tha.i.no.generall.know.an.wher.th.releas.o.tha.Confid rmatio.coul.reasonabl.b.expecte.t.caus.har.t.th.Client.14.Th.Consultan.agree.tha.the.wil.no.disclose.divulge.reveal.repor.o. rmatio.whic.th.Consultan.ha.obtaine w.Th.obligation.o.confidenti alit.wil.appl.durin.th.Ter.an.wil.surviv.indefinitel.upo.terminatio.o.thi.Agr eement.rmatio.an.materia.disclose.o.provide.b.th.Cli rmatio.regardles.o .whethe.i.wa.provide.befor.o.afte.th.dat.o.thi.Agreemen.o.ho.i.wa.provide .t.th.Consultant.OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY16.Al.intellectua.propert.an.relate.material.includin.an.trad.secrets.m ora.rights.goodwill.relevan.registration.o.application.fo.registration.an.rig ht.i.an.patent.copyright.trademark.trad.dress.industria.desig.an.trad.nam.(t h.“Intellectua.Property”.tha.i.develope.o.produce.unde.thi.Agreement.i..“.o.th.Intellectu a.Propert.b.th.Clien.wil.no.b.restricte.i.an.manner..th.Intellectua.Propert.fo.an.purpos.othe.tha.tha.contracte.fo.i.thi.Agreemen.excep.wit.th.writte.consen.o.th.Client.Th.Consultan.wil.b.responsibl.fo.an.an.al.damage.resultin.fro.th.unauthoriz .o.th.Intellectua.Property.RETURN OF PROPERTY18.Upo.th.expiratio.o.terminatio.o.thi.Agreement.th.Consultan.wil.re rmatio .whic.i.th.propert.o.th.Client.CAPACITY/INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR19.I.providin.th.Service.unde.thi.Agreemen.i.i.expressl.agree.tha.th. Consultan.i.actin.a.a.independen.contracto.an.no.a.a.employee.Th.Consul tan.an.th.Clien.acknowledg.tha.thi.Agreemen.doe.no.creat..partnershi.o.jo in.ventur.betwee.them.an.i.exclusivel..contrac.fo.service.Th.Clien.i.no.req uire.t.pay.o.mak.an.contribution.to.an.socia.security.local.stat.tax.unempl pensation.insuranc.premium.profit-sharing.pensio.o.an.othe.employe.benefi.fo.th.Consultan.durin.th.Term.T plyin.wit.reportin.requirement.f or.al.local.stat.taxe.relate.t.payment.mad.t.th.Consultan.unde.thi.Agreeme nt.NOTICE20.All notices, requests, demands or other communications required or permitted by the terms of this Agreement will be given in written and delivered to the Parties at thefollowing addresses:a................................b................................o.t.suc.othe.addres.a.eithe.Part.ma.fro.tim.t.tim.notif.th.other.an.wil.b.deeme.t.b.properl.delivere.(a.immediatel.upo.bein.serve.personally.(b.t w.day.afte.bein.deposite.wit.th.posta.servic.i.serve.b.registere.mail.o.(c.th .followin.da.afte.bein.deposite.wit.a.overnigh.courier.INDEMNIFICATION21.Excep.t.th.exten.pai.i.settlemen.fro.an.applicabl.insuranc.policies. w.eac.Part.agree.t.indemnif.an.hol.har mles.th.othe.Party.an.it.respectiv.affiliates.officers.agents.employees.an.p ermitte.successor.an.assign.agains.an.an.al.claims.losses.damages.liabiliti es.penalties.punitiv.damages,expenses.reasonabl.lega.fee.an.cost.o.an.kin. o.amoun.whatsoever.whic.resul.fro.o.aris.ou.o.an.ac.o.omissio.o.th.indem nifyin.party.it.respectiv.affiliates.officers.agents.employees.an.permitte.s uccessor.an.assign.tha.occur.i.connectio.wit.thi.Agreement.Thi.indemnifi catio.wil.surviv.th.terminatio.o.thi.Agreement.MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT22.An.amendmen.o.modificatio.o.thi.Agreemen.o.additiona.obligati o.assume.b.eithe.Part.i.connectio.wit.thi.Agreemen.wil.onl.b.bindin.i.evid enc.i.writin.signe.b.eac.Part.o.a.authorize.representativ.o.eac.Party.TIME OF THE ESSENCE23.Tim.i.o.th.essenc.i.thi.Agreement.N.extensio.o.variatio.o.thi.Agre emen.wil.operat.a..waive.o.thi.provision.ASSIGNMENTw.assig.o.otherw is.transfe.it.obligation.unde.thi.Agreemen.withou.th.prio.writte.consen.o.t h.Client.ENTIRE AGREEMENT25.I.i.agree.tha.ther.i.n.representation.warranty.collatera.agreemen.o. conditio.affectin.thi.Agreemen.excep.a.expressl.provide.i.thi.Agreement.ENUREMENT26.Thi.Agreemen.wil.enur.t.th.benefi.o.an.b.bindin.o.th.Partie.an.thei.respectiv.heirs.executors.administrator.an.permitte.successor.an.assigns.FORCE MAJEURE27.Th.Consultan.shal.b.excuse.fo.failur.t.provid.th.Service.hereunde. monl. know.a.“forc.majeure”.includin.withou.limitation.delay.arisin.ou.o.act.o.God.a ernment.agenc.o.instrumentalit.thereo.( w).act.o.publi.enemy.riots.embargoes.strike.o.othe.concerte.act.o.worker. (wit.o.th.Consultan.o.othe.persons).casualtie.o.accidents.deliver.o.materia bo.o.material.o. an.othe.causes.circumstance.o.contingencie.tha.ar.beyon.th.contro.o.th.Co .it.bes.effort.t.resum.pr ovisio.o.th.Service.a.soo.a.possible.Notwithstandin.an.event.operatin.t.ex cus.performanc.b.th.Consultant.thi.Agreemen.shal.continu.i.ful.forc.fo.th. remainde.o.th.ter.an.an.renewal.thereof.TITLES/HEADINGS28.Heading.ar.inserte.fo.th.convenienc.o.th.Partie.onl.an.ar.no.t.b.co nsidere.whe.interpretin.thi.Agreement.GOVERNING LAWw .o.th.People'.Republi.o.China.HANDLING OF DISPUTES30.An.disput.arisin.fro.o.i.connectio.wit.thi.Agreemen.shal.b.submitte.t.Shenzhe.Cour.o.Internationa.Arbitratio.Mediatio.Cente.fo.mediation.I. th.mediatio.i.successful.th.Partie.agre.t.submi.th.settlemen.agreemen.t.SC I.t.reques.tha.a.arbitra.awar.b.rendere.i.accordanc.wit.th.Arbitratio.Rule.a n.base.o.th.term.o.th.settlemen.agreement.I.an.Part.i.unwillin.t.mediat.o.t h.mediatio.fails.th.disput.shal.b.referre.t.SCI.fo.arbitration..SEVERABLITY31.I.th.even.tha.an.o.th.provision.o.thi.Agreemen.ar.hel.t.b.invali.o.u nenforceabl.i.whol.o.i.part.al.othe.provision.wil.nevertheles.continu.t.b.va li.an.enforceabl.wit.th.invali.o.unenforceabl.part.severe.fro.th.remainde.o. thi.Agreement.WAIVER32.Th.waive.b.eithe.Part.o..breach.default.dela.o.omissio.o.an.o.th.pr ovision.o.thi.Agreemen.b.th.othe.Part.wil.no.b.construe.a..waive.o.an.sub sequen.breac.o.th.sam.o.othe.provisions.IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have duly affixed their signatures under hand and seal on this day of, .(Client) (Consultant)。
二、教学目标1. 了解注意力的概念及其重要性2. 学习并实践提升注意力的方法和技巧3. 培养学生专注学习的习惯和能力三、教学内容1. 注意力概念介绍2. 提升注意力的方法和技巧a. 环境整理b. 番茄工作法c. 专注呼吸法d. 视觉辅助法四、教学过程1. 导入:通过一个小故事引入注意力主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 讲解:讲解注意力的概念及其重要性,介绍提升注意力的方法和技巧。
3. 实践:学生分组进行实践活动,运用所学的注意力和技巧。
4. 分享:学生分享自己的实践心得,讨论注意力提升的方法。
五、教学评价1. 学生参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与情况。
2. 学生实践效果:评估学生在实践活动中的表现和注意力提升效果。
3. 学生反馈:收集学生的反馈意见,了解他们对注意力训练的看法和建议。
六、教学资源1. 注意力训练教材或指导手册2. 计时器或手机计时功能3. 安静的学习环境4. 小组讨论所需的家具和设备5. 注意力游戏和活动材料七、教学方法1. 讲授法:用于讲解注意力的理论基础和提升方法。
2. 实践法:通过小组活动和游戏,让学生亲身体验和练习注意力提升技巧。
3. 互动式教学:鼓励学生参与讨论,提问和分享,增强课堂的参与度。
4. 反馈与评价:定期给予学生反馈,帮助他们了解自己的进步和需要改进的地方。
八、教学计划第一周:注意力基础知识和环境整理技巧第二周:番茄工作法和专注呼吸法第三周:视觉辅助法和注意力游戏第四周:复习和巩固所学技巧第五周:制定个人注意力提升计划九、家庭作业1. 每天练习注意力提升技巧至少10分钟。
2. 记录一周内注意力训练的进展和挑战,与同学或家长分享。
3. 每周选择一个注意力游戏或活动,与家人或朋友一起进行。
国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文版) 本合同由以下双方签署,即:甲方(服务提供方):_______________________地址:________________________________________电话:___________________传真:___________________电子邮件:___________________注册号码:___________________乙方(服务接受方):_______________________地址:________________________________________电话:___________________传真:___________________电子邮件:___________________注册号码:___________________鉴于:1. 甲方具备技术咨询服务的能力和经验,愿意为乙方提供技术咨询服务;2. 乙方认为甲方提供的技术咨询服务符合其需要;3. 双方通过友好商议达成一致,签订本合同。
现本着独立、平等和自愿原则,双方在遵守相应法律法规的基础上,达成以下协议:一、服务内容1.1 甲方将为乙方提供如下技术咨询服务:(1)对乙方的技术问题进行诊断和分析;(2)提供技术咨询和解决方案;(3)提供技术支持和培训。
1.2 乙方有权要求对服务内容进行适当调整,但应提前通知甲方并取得甲方允许。
二、服务期限2.1 本合同的服务期从___________________年月日起至___________________年月日止。
2.2 如乙方需要延长服务期限,应在服务期限届满前30个工作日书面通知甲方,并经双方商议确定新的服务期限和服务报酬。
三、服务报酬及支付方式3.1 甲方向乙方提供技术咨询服务的报酬为人民币___________________元/天。
3.2 技术咨询服务费用由乙方负责支付,在服务开始前一次性支付本合同约定的总费用。
CONSULTING AGREEMENTThis Agreement is made on January 16. XXXX. by and between Siberian Energy Group Inc., a State of Nevada incorporated company, with the address of 275 Madison Avenue, 6th floor. New York・ NY 10016. and a Consulting Firm ^Business-Standard^, a Moscow. Russia incorporated company, with the address of 107120, Russia, Moscow. Nastavnichesky pereulok#17, unit 1.In this Agreement, the party who is contracting to receive services shall be referred to as the”Com pany”, and the party who will be providing the services shall be referred to as the ”Consultant".WHEREAS the Consultant has expertise in management, marketing, financial, and legal consulting.WHEREAS the Consultant and the Company have previously signed the Consulting Agreement effective March 15, 2006 and the Company is desirous of having extended consulting services by the Consultant for year XXXX.Therefore, the parties agree as follows:1. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES・The Consultant shall provide the following services (collectively, the'Services'*): General management, public market, financial and legal consulting services, which will include, but not be limited to, specific tasks and projects as will be determined from time to time by the board of directors of the Company.These consulting services will include:-investigating financing opportunities in private and public markets, including the territory of Russian Federation;-assisting in the establishment of the Company's day to day business management;-interfa&ng with the Company's shareholders and strategic partners;-assisting in negotiations with potential investment partners and strategic partners in merger opportunities according to SEG instructions;-publicizing latest Company activities and undertakings to the Company's shareholders as the Company deems material and appropriate;-assisting in the preparation of the company's Business Plan. Private Placement Memorandum and other documentation necessary for the solicitation of loans and investment funds for the Company;-assisting in acquisition by the Company's investee of new geological exploration or production licenses on the territory of Russia, Western Siberia region, legal guidance and consultations throughout the entire process, up until the Client receives title to the license・2.PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES. The manner in which theServices are to be performed and the specific hours to be worked by the Consultant shall be determined by the Consultant. The Company will rely on the Consultant to work as many hours as may be reasonably necessary tofulfill the Consultanfs obligations under this Agreement.3・FEES・In consideration of the Services to be provided by the Consultanthereunder, the Company agrees to reimburse the Consultant with a consulting fee of USS 15,000 per month starting January of XXXX.4. GRANT OF SHARES In addition to cash considerationdescribed in item 3 above the Company agrees to issue 200,000 restricted common shares of Siberian Energy Group Inc. as a signing bonus for XXXX services.Additionally・ in connection with successful acquisition by the Company of the Russiabased k Kondaneftegaz LLC", operating in the Khanty■卜lansiysk region of Russian Federation, the Consultant will be awarded with Company's restricted shares of common stock in amount of 200.000 shares.5・EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. The Company shall pay all reasonable M out-of-pocket" expenses, including but not limited to travel and accommodations, with the prior approval of the Company's Chief Executive Officer required.7.SUPPORT SERVICES・The Company will provide to the Consultant all the necessary documentation. as the Company deems relevant and appropriate, required in the efforts to distribute information about and solicit investments in the Company, including but not limited to a Business Plan and a Private Placement Memorandum and will cooperate with the Consultant in keeping all the existing and potential stakeholders informed of the Company^ up-to-date operational and legal standing・PANY APPROVAL. The Consultant and the Company recognize that the Consultanfs Services will include approaching individuals and institutions that the Company already has had contact with or declines to entertain. The Consultant shall provide information to the Company prior to approaching any individuals and institutions and obtain the approval of the Company's Chief Executive Officer・9.TERM/TERMINATION. This Agreement shall be for a period of twelve months, ending on December 31, XXXX. It shall automatically be renewed for a further twelve months unless terminated by either party fifteen days prior to the end of the term of the contract.10.RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES・It is understood by the parties that the Consultant is an independent contractor with respect to the Company, and not an employee of Siberian Energy Group Inc. The Company will not provide fringe benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacation. or any other employee benefit.11・DISCLOSURE. The Consultant is required to disclose any outsideactivities or interests, including ownership or participation in the development of prior inventions, that conflict or may conflict with the best interests of the Company's management and shareholders.12・EMPLOYEES・The Consultant's associates, if any, who perform servicesfor the Company under this Agreement shall also be bound by the provisions of this Agreement・13.INDEMNIFICATION. The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Consultant from all claims, losses, expenses, fees including attorney fees, costs, and judgments that may be asserted against the Consultant that result from the acts or omissions of the Compan y.14.ASSIGNMENT. The Consultanfs responsibility under this Agreement may not be assigned or transferred to any other person, firm, or corporation without the prior written consent of the Company's board of directors.15・CONFIDENTIALITY. The Company recognizes that the Consultant hasand will have proprietaiy information (collectively, ^Information**) which are valuable, special and unique assets of the Company and need to be protected from improper disclosure to unrelated parties. In considerationfor the disclosure of the Information, the Consultant agrees that it will not at any lime or in any manner,either directly or indirectly, use any Information for its own benefit, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any Information to any external party without the prior written consent of the Company. The Consultant will protect the Information and treat it as strictly confidential.16・CONFIDENTIALITY AFTER TERMINATION. The confidentialityprovisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the termination of this Agreement.17・NOTICES・All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall bein writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid・ addressed as follows:IF for the Company: Siberian Energy Group Inc.275 Madison Ave., 6th floor.New York. NY 10016Attn: Chief Executive OfficerIF for the Consultant: LLC ^Business-Standard5*107120. Dnneyl nea^,Ianoaaie^aneee iad., .17, nod.lSuch address may be changed from time to time by either party by providing written notice to the other in the manner set forth above・18.ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties.19.AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be modified or amended if the amendment is made in writing and is signed by both parties.20.SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason. the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable・ If a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed. and enforced as so limited.21.WAIVER OF CONTRACTUAL RIGHT. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.22・APPLICABLE LAW・This Agreement shall be governed by the laws ofthe State of New York.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the date first written above・(签宇页略)。
Consulting Agreement (中英文简化版)
Consulting Agreement (中英文简化版)Consulting Agreement (咨询协议)This Consulting Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between [Consultant Name] ("Consultant") and [Client Name] ("Client") on [Effective Date]. is entered into between [Consultant Name] ("Consultant") and [Client Name] ("Client") on [Effective Date].本咨询协议("协议")是由[咨询师姓名]("咨询师")与[客户姓名]("客户")于[生效日期]签订。
1. Scope of the Agreement (协议范围)1.1 Services Provided (提供服务)Consultant agrees to provide consulting services to the Client in the area of [consulting services area]. The specific services to be providedwill be detailed in the Statement of Work (SOW) attached hereto as Exhibit A.咨询师同意为客户在[咨询服务领域]提供咨询服务。
THIS Consulting Service Agreement is made this day of 2020本咨询服务协议于2020年__________月____________日签订BETWEEN与xxxxxxxxxx. (Company Registration No. xxxxxx), a Company incorporated under the laws of xxxx and having its business address at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx公司(公司登记号.xxxxxx),根据xxx国家法律成立的公司,营业地址为xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) of the one part;(以下简称甲方);AND和xxxxxxxxxx. (Company Registration No. xxxxxx), a Company incorporated under the laws of xxxx and having its business address at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx公司(公司登记号.xxxxxx),根据xxx国家法律成立的公司,营业地址为xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) of the other part;(以下简称乙方);IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:鉴于此约定如下:SECTION 1: AGREEMENT第一节:协议A. Party A entrusts Party B as a consultant.甲方委托乙方作为顾问。
B. Party B serves as a consultant to provide consulting services to Party A.乙方作为顾问为甲方提供咨询服务。
咨询服务合同范本英中Consulting Service Contract Template (English-Chinese)。
Consulting Service Contract。
This Consulting Service Contract (the "Contract") is entered into on [Date], by and between [Consultant's Name], with a principal place of business at [Address] (the "Consultant"), and [Client's Name], with a principal placeof business at [Address] (the "Client").1. Services。
The Consultant agrees to provide consulting services to the Client in [Description of Services]. The Consultantwill perform the services with reasonable care and skilland in accordance with the highest professional standardsin the industry.2. Term。
The term of this Contract shall be [Start Date] to [End Date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3. Compensation。
The Client agrees to pay the Consultant a fee of [Amount] for the services rendered. The payment shall be made in [Payment Terms].4. Confidentiality。
咨询合同模板英文文库This Consultation Contract is made and entered into on [Date] by and between [Consultant Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant," and [Client Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Client."1. Scope of ServicesThe Consultant agrees to provide consultation services to the Client in [describe the scope of services here, e.g. marketing strategy, business planning, financial analysis, etc.]. The Consultant will use its best efforts and skills to provide the services in a professional and timely manner.2. TermThe term of this Consultation Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless earlier terminated by either party in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. CompensationIn consideration for the services provided under this Contract, the Client agrees to pay the Consultant a fee of [Amount] per [Hour/Day/Month], to be paid [Frequency of Payment, e.g. weekly, monthly, etc.]. The payment shall be made by [Payment Method, e.g. cash, check, bank transfer, etc.].4. ExpensesIn addition to the fee specified in Clause 3, the Client agrees to reimburse the Consultant for any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the provision of the services under this Contract. The Consultant shall provide the Client with copies of receipts and documentation of such expenses upon request.5. ConfidentialityThe Client acknowledges that the Consultant may have access to confidential and proprietary information of the Client in connection with the provision of the services under this Contract. The Consultant agrees to maintain the confidentiality of such information and not to disclose any confidential information to third parties without the Client's prior written consent.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract upon written notice to the other party if the other party materially breaches any provision of this Contract and fails to cure such breach within [Number of Days] days of receiving written notice of the breach.7. Independent ContractorThe Consultant is an independent contractor and nothing in this Contract shall be construed to create an employer-employee relationship between the Consultant and the Client. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for all taxes, insurance, and other obligations related to its business.8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of[State/Country]. Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Service], and the judgment of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding on the parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Consultation Contract as of the date first above written.[Consultant Name]By: ___________________________[Client Name]By: ___________________________。
商务咨询英文合同范本Business Consultancy AgreementThis Agreement is made and entered into as of [date] and between [Client's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") and [Consultant's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant").1. Scope of Services: The Consultant agrees to provide the Client with professional business consulting services, including but not limited to [list specific services].2. Term: This Agreement shall mence on [start date] and continue until [end date], unless earlier terminated as provided herein.3. Compensation: The Client shall pay the Consultant [amount or rate of pensation] as pensation for the services provided.4. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to mntn the confidentiality of all information and data disclosed during the course of this Agreement.5. Intellectual Property: All intellectual property rights arising from the services shall belong to the Client.6. Representations and Warranties: The Consultant represents and warrants that it has the necessary expertise and resources to perform the services.7. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [specified conditions for termination].8. Liability: The Consultant's liability shall be limited to [limit of liability].9. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction].10. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Client: [Client's Signature]Consultant: [Consultant's Signature]Please note that this is just a basic template and can be customized and adapted according to the specific needs and circumstances of the particular business consulting engagement.。
全版商务咨询协议英文版Full Version of Business Consulting AgreementThis document serves as a comprehensive guide and agreement between parties engaged in business consulting services. It outlines the terms, responsibilities, and expectations of both parties involved in the consulting relationship.1. Scope of ServicesThe parties agree that the consultant will provide business consulting services to the client as outlined in the agreement. The services may include but are not limited to market research, strategic planning, financial analysis, and business development.2. Fees and PaymentThe client agrees to pay the consultant a fee for the services rendered. The fee structure, payment schedule, and any additional costs incurred during the consulting engagement will be outlined in this section.3. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any proprietary or sensitive information shared during the consulting engagement. This includes business strategies, financial data, and any other confidential information.4. Termination of AgreementEither party may terminate the agreement with written notice to the other party. The terms and conditions for termination, including any penalties or obligations, will be outlined in this section.5. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute arising from this agreement, both parties agree to engage in good faith negotiations to resolve the issue. If a resolution cannot be reached, the parties may seek arbitration or mediation to settle the dispute.6. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the consulting services are provided. Any legal disputes arising from this agreement will be subject to the jurisdiction of the appropriate court.7. AmendmentsAny amendments or modifications to this agreement must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties. This section outlines the process for making changes to the agreement.8. SignaturesBoth parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this agreement and agree to be bound by its provisions. The agreement is effective as of the date of signing by both parties.This full version of the business consulting agreement is intended to provide a comprehensive framework for the consulting relationship and ensure clarity and understanding between the parties involved.。
原名:战略合作框架协议书商务咨询合作协议AGREEMENT OF COMMERCIAL CONSULTATION日期Date:甲方:国际投资(北京)有限公司Party A : International Investment (Beijing) Company Ltd3></a>.乙方:某顾问公司Party B : Consultation Company Ltd.鉴于Whereas,甲方是中国境内为中小企业提供投资咨询、投资中介、投资管理、上市顾问等金融投资领域服务的专业公司。
Party A is a financial investment service company established in Mainland China, professional in providing investment advisory services for medium or small size corporation investors, acting as an investment agent, assisting in investment management and providing IPO consultation services.(译注:IPO的全称是initial public offer, 即“首次公开发行”, 指股份公司首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式。
)乙方在英国及香港、中国(大陆)主要经营范围为:Party B’s major operation in Great Britain, Hong Kong and China are as follows;企业战略咨询:包括以中英为核心的世界投融资业务、并购业务、资本市场与证券、财务和法律顾问、战略发展顾问、招商引资。
Corporation Strategy Advisory Services : core base are in UK and China to provide advisory services for worldwide financial investment, business merger and acquisition, capital market and stock market, financial and legal matters, strategic business development and investment.英国公司注册及伦敦代表处注册、年检及会计服务、委托管理等Company or Representation Office registration in UK. annual checking & renewal, finance and accounting serves, trusty management, etc.英国公司配套服务资源:专业秘书、提供商务资源整合空间、专案指派服务、免费虚拟办公室、商业配套升级服务(专线来电接听、英国电话转接、办公室使用、公司行政管理)、法律顾问。
咨询英文合同模板This Consulting Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date] ("Effective Date") by and between [Company Name], a [State of Incorporation] corporation ("Company") and [Consultant Name], an individual ("Consultant").1. Services. Consultant agrees to provide consulting services to Company as described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Services"). Consultant will perform the Services diligently and in a professional manner, consistent with industry standards.2. Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of [Term of Agreement], unless earlier terminated as provided for in this Agreement.3. Compensation. In consideration for the Services provided by Consultant, Company shall pay Consultant a fee of [Compensation Amount] for the duration of this Agreement. Payments shall be made [Monthly/Quarterly/Other], in arrears, within [Number] days of receipt of an invoice from Consultant.4. Expenses. Company shall reimburse Consultant for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the performance of the Services. Such expenses shall be subject to Company's prior approval and shall be documented and submitted to Company in accordance with Company's expense reimbursement policies.5. Confidentiality. Consultant shall not disclose any confidential or proprietary information of Company, including but not limited to trade secrets, business plans, financial information, or customer lists, to any third party without Company's prior written consent. Consultant shall use such information only for the purpose of performing the Services.6. Ownership of Work Product. Any work product or deliverables created by Consultant in connection with the Services shall be the exclusive property of Company. Consultant hereby assigns all rights, title, and interest in and to such work product to Company, including any intellectual property rights.7. Independent Contractor. Consultant is an independent contractor and not an employee of Company. Consultant shall be solely responsible for payment of all taxes, including self-employment taxes, as well as any licenses, permits, or insurance required to perform the Services.8. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Number] days' written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, Consultant shall be entitled to payment for Services rendered up to the date of termination.9. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State] without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.[Company Name]By: _______________________Name: _____________________Title: ______________________[Consultant Name]By: _______________________Name: _____________________。
英文的合同范本格式英文合同范本格式Consultancy Services Agreement甲方(Client):_________乙方(Consultant):_________一、定义1. Consultancy Services(咨询服务):指甲方要求乙方提供的专业建议、指导及其他相关服务。
2. Client(甲方):指甲方,即需要乙方提供咨询服务的实体或个人。
3. Consultant(乙方):指乙方,即提供咨询服务的专业实体或个人。
4. Term(服务期限):指甲方与乙方合作的时间段,自本合同生效之日起至双方约定的终止日期。
5. Compensation(报酬):指甲方支付给乙方的服务费用。
6. Deliverables(交付物):指甲方要求乙方在服务期间提交的成果,如报告、建议书等。
2. 服务标准:乙方保证其提供的服务将符合行业标准,并尽最大努力满足甲方的要求。
三、服务期限1. 起始日期:本合同自双方签署之日起生效。
2. 终止日期:本合同的服务期限为____个月/年,自起始日期起计算。
3. 续约:除非任何一方在合同终止前至少____个月以书面形式通知对方不同意续约,否则本合同将自动续约____个月/年。
四、报酬1. 费用:甲方同意支付给乙方的咨询费用为____(金额)。
五、保密1. 保密义务:乙方同意对在提供咨询服务过程中获取的甲方机密信息保密,并不得向任何第三方透露。
2. 保密期限:保密义务在本合同终止后____年内继续有效。
六、责任与赔偿1. 乙方责任:乙方应对其提供的服务质量负责,如因乙方的原因导致甲方损失,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
2. 甲方责任:甲方应保证其提供的所有信息真实、准确,如因甲方原因导致乙方损失,甲方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
合同的种类及英文名称规范翻译一、我国合同法第9章到第23章就合同种类做了概况:买卖合同 sale contract电、水、气、热力供应合同 contracts for supply of power, water, gas or heat 赠与合同 gify conrract借款合同 contract for loan of money租赁合同 leasiing contract融资租赁合同 financial leasing contract承揽合同 work-for-hire contract建设工程合同 contract for construction projects运输合同 carriage contract技术合同 technology contract保管合同 safe-keeping contract仓储合同 warehousing contract委托代理合同 agency appointment contract委托合同 trading trust contract行纪合同和居间合同 brokerage contract二、但是在实际合同工作中,我们见到的合同、协议远不止这些,还有:劳动合同 labour contract保密协议 confidentiality agreement竟业禁止协议 non-compete agreement人事代理协议 human agency agreement遗赠抚养协议 legacy-support agreement离婚协议 divorce agreement收养协议 adoption agreement商品房买卖合同 contract of sale for commodity house土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同 contract for assignment, lease and transferof the right to the use of land抵押合同 mortgage contract贷款合同 loan contract物业管理合同 property management contract建筑工程建设安装承包合同 constrction engineering and installation contract 采购合同 purchase contract运输合同 carriage/transportation/forwarding contract进出口合同 import and export contract补偿贸易合同 contract for compensation trade供应合同 supply agreement技术服务合同 technical service contract技术咨询协议 technical consulting agreement技术开发协议 technical development agreement技术转让协议 technical transfer agreement许可协议 licensing agreement保险合同 insurance contract提存协议 secrow/deposit agreement服务合同 service agreement风险投资管理协议 venture capital mangement agreement 合伙协议partnership agreement股权转让协议 share transfer agreementAgreement on assignment of equity interests和解协议 composition agreement法律顾问协议 employment contract for legal consultant合资企业合同 joint venture contract公司设立备忘录 memorandum of incorporation备忘录(合作备忘录) memorandum公司设立协议 aricles fo incorporation公司设立章程 articles of association意向书 letter of intent意向性协议,框架性协议 heads of agreement初步协议 preliminary agreement三、按照行业性质分,还有:劳动人事方面包括:劳动合同(labor contract)、保密协议(confidentiality agreement)、竞业禁止协议(non-compete agreement)、人事代理协议(human agency agreement);不动产方面包括:商品房买卖合同(contact of sale of commodity houses)、租赁协议(tenancy agreement)、土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同(contract for assignment,lease and transfer of the right to the use of land)、抵押合同(mort gage contract)、贷款合同(loan contract)、物业管理合同(property manageme nt contract)、建设工程承包、安装合同(contract for construction engineering and installation of project);服务类包括:技术服务(technical service agreement)、咨询(technical cons ultant agreement)、开发(technical development agreement)、转让(technical transfer agreemen t)、许可协议(licensing agreement)、代理协议(agency agreement)、保险合同(insurance contract)、融资协议(financing agreement)、风险投资管理协议(ventrure capital man agement agreement)、法律顾问协议(employment contract for legal consultant);公司方面包括:合资企业(joint venture contract)、章程(articles of associ ation, corporate bylaw)、合伙协议(partnership agreement)、股权转让协议(agreement on assignme nt of equity interests)、和解协议(composition agreement);物流方面包括:买卖合同(sales contact)、采购合同(purchase contact)、运输合同(carri age contact)、进出口合同(import and export contact)、仓储保管合同(warehousing and safe-keeping contact)、补偿贸易合同(co ntact for compensation)人身方面包括:遗赠抚养协议(legacy-support agreement)、离婚协议(di vorce agreement)。
英文版财务咨询合同6篇篇1Financial Consulting Contract本合同(“合同”)由以下双方签订:Client: [客户全称](以下简称“客户”)Consultant: [咨询机构全称](以下简称“咨询机构”)鉴于客户对财务咨询的需求,并希望获得咨询机构的财务咨询服务,双方经过友好协商,达成如下协议:一、定义和范围本合同定义咨询机构为客户提供财务咨询服务的内容和范围。
中英文咨询服务合同(2024版)Consultancy Service Agreement (2024 Edition)甲方(客户)/ Client: _______________________地址 / Address: _______________________法定代表人 / Legal Representative: _______________________联系电话 / Contact Number: _______________________乙方(咨询方)/ Consultant: _______________________地址 / Address: _______________________法定代表人 / Legal Representative: _______________________联系电话 / Contact Number: _______________________鉴于甲方需要专业的咨询服务,乙方具有提供相应咨询服务的资质和能力,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,签订本咨询服务合同,以明确双方的权利义务。
WHEREAS, Client requires professional consulting services and Consultant possesses the qualifications and capabilities to provide the said services, both parties, in accordance with the principles of equality, voluntariness, and good faith, have agreed to negotiate and sign this consultancy service agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.第一条服务内容 / Article 1 Scope of Services1.1 乙方同意按照本合同的条款和条件,向甲方提供以下咨询服务:_______________________(具体服务内容)。
咨询服务协议中英文版Consulting Service Agreement咨询服务协议(中英文版)This Consulting Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into by and between [Consulting Company Name], with its principal place of business at [Company Address], and [Client Name], with its principal place of business at [Client Address], collectively referred to as the "Parties".本《咨询服务协议》(以下简称“本协议”)由[咨询公司名称](主要营业地点:[公司地址])以及[客户名称](主要营业地点:[客户地址])(统称为“双方”),共同签署。
1. Services1. 服务内容1.1 The Consulting Company agrees to provide consulting services as mutually agreed upon by the Parties. The specific scope of services, deliverables, and timelines shall be detailed in a separate statement of work (SOW) to be attached to this Agreement.1.1 咨询公司同意根据双方的协商一致提供咨询服务。
1.2 The consulting services may include, but are not limited to, providing expert advice, conducting market research, developing strategies,and delivering training programs. The Parties shall cooperate in good faith to achieve the desired outcomes of the consulting services.1.2 咨询服务可能包括但不限于提供专业建议、进行市场调研、制定战略以及提供培训项目。
国外咨询合同协议书 英文This is a meticulously crafted contract document by our editor, which clearly articulates the essential content and terms of the agreement. Please feel free to modify it based on your specific needs to arrive at the final contract version. Thank you!Title: Overseas Consultation Contract Agreement[Your Company Name][Your Company Address][City, Province, Postal Code][Country][Date][Consultant's Company Name][Consultant's Company Address][City, Province, Postal Code][Country]Subject: Consultation Contract AgreementDear [Consultant's Name],We, [Your Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Client," and [Consultant's Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant," enter into this Consultation Contract Agreement (the "Agreement") on the following terms and conditions:1. Scope of Consultation Services:The Consultant agrees to provide the Client with professional consultation services in [specific area of consultation] (the "Services") for a period of [duration of the contract] starting from [start date] to [end date], unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing.2. Duties and Responsibilities:The Consultant shall:a) Provide the Services with due skill, care, and expertise.b) Devote sufficient time and resources to meet the Client's requirements.c) Keep the Client informed about the progress and any issues arising during the course of the Services.d) Adhere to the Client's policies and procedures as communicated from time to time.3. Compensation:The Client agrees to pay the Consultant a fee of [currency and amount] for the Services rendered. Payment terms and schedules shall be mutually agreed upon and stated in Exhibit A attached hereto.4. Confidentiality:Both parties agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any confidential information exchanged during the term of this Agreement. Confidential information shall not be disclosed to any third partywithout the prior written consent of the other party.5. Intellectual Property:The Consultant warrants that all work products, reports, and deliverables prepared by the Consultant in the course of performing the Services will be original and will not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights. The Client shall have the right to use such work products for its internal purposes.6. Termination:Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other party at least [number] days prior to the desired termination date. In case of termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to payment for Services rendered up to the date of termination.7. Dispute Resolution:Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved amicably through negotiation. If the dispute cannot be resolved within [number] days, it shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [name of arbitration institution].8. Governing Law:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [country], and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [country].Please indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth inthis Agreement by signing below.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name]Accepted and Agreed:[Consultant's Name][Consultant's Title][Consultant's Company Name]Please note that this is a general template, and you should modify the content to suit your specific requirements. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional before finalizing any contract.。
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CONSULTANCYAGREEMENTBETWEENPARTY AANDPARTY BThis agreement is made by and between:PARTY A, a company existing under the laws of People’s Republic of China, having its registered office in xxxxxxx(Hereafter referred to as “PARTY A”)ANDPARTY B, XXXXXXXXXX(H ereafter referred to as “PARTY B”)PROJECT: Projects signed with ********. (Hereinafter refered to as “the Project”)Whereas:1.Party A is desirous of cooperating with Party B to carry out thesaid Project ;2.Party B is agreeable to such cooperation;NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS:ARITCLE 1 – APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT AND SCOPE OF COOPERATION1.1Party A hereby appoints Party B as its consultants for the Projectsin XXXX (COUNTRY) for CLIENT, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The consultants accept such appointment and agree to keep, observe and perform the terms and conditions of the Agreement.1.2Party B shall not provide third parties of a competitive nature thesame service as provided to Party A, for the same project throughout the effective term of this Agreement.1.3The service contemplated under this Agreement shall be restricted inXXXX(COUNTRY).ARTICLE 2 – SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENTThe parties shall cooperate with each other in accordance with obligations and conditions contained herein the Agreement.ARTICLE 3 – OBLIGATION OF PARTY BPARTY B is obligated to show its capacity by providing all the essential information, advice, consultation and other services requested by PARTY A, in view of obtaining the project contracts signed between PARTY A and the CLIENT and so as to secure the good execution of the contracts by coordination and solving the problems occurred between PARTY A and the CLIENT.PARTY B will act as a consultant of PARTY A in XXXX (COUNTRY) to promote PARTY A's participation in the said Projects in XXXX (COUNTRY), along with XXXX (COUNTRY) authorities and private entities. That consultant service is not limited in scope but the parties will agree on a list of targets which will constitute the initial basis of PARTY B’s work.Upon the request of PARTY A whenever necessary, PARTY B should also: Provide assistance to Party A’s work in the client’s country.Supply to Party A with data concerning the market and other information including information on laws, payments, taxation and other standards in force in the client’s country which could be necessary.Take part in the preparation and submission of any written document which must be presented to client in relation to the Project.Assist Party A to fulfill contractual obligations during the course of implementation of the Project Contract.ARTICLE 4 – CONFIDENTIALITYThe Parties shall keep all information obtained in relation to this Agreement confidential and shall not therefore divulge it to any third parties.Any exception to the above must be agreed to in writing by the Parties.ARTICLE 5 – REMUNERATIONParty A shall pay to Party B such remuneration as Party B shall be entitled to in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.The Parties agree that remuneration shall be paid to PARTY B according to the percentage and the contract amount shown in the table below when the contract amount is equal to the bidding price:When the contract amount is lower than the bidding price, the percentage shown in the table above shall be reduced accordingly upon the Parties’friendly discussion.Payments shall be made into Party B’s bank account specified by Party B in writing, and shall be in the same currency (USD) as that of the Project contract.In consideration of the fact that Party A shall be paid in accordance with the payment schedule of the Project contract, payments in favor of Party B shall be made correspondenetly, and shall be made after Party A’s effective receipt of each payment from the Client.ARTICLE 6 – VALIDITY AND TERMThis Agreement shall come into force on the date of signature and shall remain valid for 1 year. This Agreement shall remain valid until the end of the Project if the Project is under implemention when this Agreement expires.In the event that the Client unilateraly rescinds the Project contract for any reason before the expriation of the Project, this agreement shall automatically become ineffectiveness. However, the consultants shall still make necessary steps to assist PARTY A with the Client to confirm the validity of the part that has been performed and ensure in obtaining the payment equivalent to the value of the part that has been confirmed.ARTICLE 7-FORCE MAJEUREIf the Agreement is prevented from execution by force majeure, the prevented party shall promptly inform the other party of the event and the detailed information about the event and the certificate that proves how the execution of the agreement has been influenced by the events.In this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event cannot be forseen by the parties, beyond the control of the parties, which makes it impossiblefor a party to perform its obligation under the Contract, including but not limited to: natural calamities; and/or, any change of foreign exchange control policy; and /or, any publication of new laws or regulations as well as the introduction of governmental measures or the practicing of administrative acts which may be likely to affect the performance of this agreement.In case of the Force Majeure, the executing period of the Agreement shall be extended to a period equal to that of the accident.Both parties shall not demand compensation of each other for losses caused by such a Force Majeure.ARTICLE 8 – LANGUAGEAll documents, communications or notifications referred to the present Agreement, or which may be required under the terms of this Agreement, shall be in EnglishARTICLE 9 – GOVERNING LAW AND ARBITRATIONThe agreement, including without limitation its conclusion, validity, construction, performance and settlement of disputes, shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China without giving effect to the principles of conflict of law.Any disputes arising from, or in connection with the Agreement shall be first settled through friendly negotiation by both Parties. In case both Parties reach no settlement to disputes through amicable negotiation, thedisputes shall then be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration in accordance with its Arbitration Rules in force at the time of application for arbitration. The arbitration shall proceed in BEIJING. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both Parties. The arbitration fees shall be borne equally by both partiesTo the fullest extent permitted by the law, this arbitration proceeding and the arbitrator's award shall be maintained in confidence by the parties so as to protect relevant valuable information or intellectual property rights.Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration, both Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Agreement except for those matters under arbitration.ARTICLE 10 – ENTIRE AGREEMENTThe Agreement and its Annexures constitute the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and there are no additional or other promises, representations, warranties, agreements, or understandings, whether written or oral, except those as contained herein.ARTICLE 11 – NO WAIVERThe failure of either party to insist upon strict adherence to any term or condition of this Agreement on any occasion shall not be considered a waiver or any right to insist upon strict adherence to that term or condition or any other term or condition of this Agreement.ARTICLE 12 – WRITTEN CHANGESThis Agreement may not be altered, modified, amended, changed, rescinded or discharged in whole or in part, except by a written Agreement executed by both parties.ARTICLE 13 – HEADINGSHeadings used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.In witness whereof, the Parties have duly signed the present Agreement in Beijing, RP China, by two originals in English with 7 pages each.For and behalf of:PARTY ABy______________________________ NameTitle For and behalf of:PARTY BBy_____________________________ NameTitle。