
Germany is divided into four topographic regions, with southern areas higher than the north. Many rivers flow over Germany and there are a lot of big lakes as well.
The geography of Germany
初二四班 安天琦
German flag is made up of three colors, black, red and yellow.
The song of Germany is full of justice and freedom.
The territory of Germany covers 357,020 km2,
ranking the seventh in Europe.
地势北低南高,分为四个地形区: 北德平原,平均海拔不到100米;中德山地, 由东西走向的高地块构成;西南部莱茵断裂谷 地区,两旁是山地,谷壁陡峭;南部的巴伐利 亚高原和阿尔卑斯山区,其间拜恩阿尔卑斯山 脉的主峰楚格峰海拔2963米,为全国最高峰. 主要河流有莱茵河(流经境内865公里)、易 北河、威悉河、奥得河、多瑙河。 较大湖泊有 博登湖、基姆湖、阿莫尔湖、里次湖。
There is a dark eagle on the national emblem , which stands for strength and courage.
geography 德国位于欧洲西部,东邻波兰、捷克,南 接奥地利、瑞士,西接荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、 法国,北与丹麦相连并邻北海和波罗的海与北 欧国家隔海相,是欧洲中部邻国最多的国家 。

德国概况1.Reiseland Deutschland, 16 Bundesländer, Geographie und Landkarte, Bevölkerung, Stadt,Bundesland(Bevölkerungsdichte)9 Nachbarländer: Dänemark, Polen, Tschechien, Österreich, die Schweiz, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Belgien, Niederlande( von Nord im Uhrzeigersinn)Bundesland Landeshauptstadt Schleswig-Holstein Kiel Mecklenburg-V orpommern Schwerin (Freie und Hansestadt) Hamburg(Freie Hansestadt) BremenBerlinBrandenburg Potsdam Niedersachsen Hannover Sachsen-Anhalt Magdeburg (Freistaat Thüringen) Erfurt Hessen Wiesbaden Nordrhein-Westfalen Düsseldorf Rheinland-Pflaz Mainz Saarland Saarbrücken Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart (Freistaat)Bayern München各州地理位置!目测是选择题Nordrhein-Westfalen是所有州中人口密度最高的州Vier Landschaften(总体南高北低)1) Das Norddeutsche Tiefland2) Die Deutsche Mittelgebirgsschwelle (Harz, Erzgebirge)3) Das Süddeutsche Alpenvorland4) Die Bayerischen Alpen德国五大城市:Berlin Hamburg München Köln FrankfurtNationalflagge: Farben------schwarz rot gold(muceshipanduantiBundeswappen: Adler2.Die Geschichte Deutschlands seit 1949, wichtige Daten und Namen, Vereinigung, Krieg,Zweiter Weltkrieg, Wirtschaftswunder, Wiedervereinigung, Mauerbau, MauerfallOtto von Bismarck: der …Eiserne Kanzler“铁血宰相1871德国统一VereinigungZweite Weltkrieg: 1939-19451990.10.3 德国再次统一WiedervereinigungWirtschaftswunder:经济奇迹20C50年代~60年代Mauerbau 1961 Mauerfall 19893.Der Staataufbau der BRD, Politik und Demokratie, Verfassungsorgane, Bundesstaat,Rechtsstaat, Sozialstaat, Parteien, WahlenDas Grundgesetz曾是西德的ZwischenlösungGewaltenteilung in Legislative, Exekutive und Judikative (典型三权分立,出选择题)德国是Rechtsstaat,Bundesstaat,Sozialstaat 法治国家,联邦制国家以及福利国家Bundestag联邦议会Beratung und Beschließung der GesetzeWahl des BundeskanzlersMitwirkung bei der Wahl des BundespräsidentenKontrollfunktion der Regierung und Verwaltung gegenüberGrundprinzipien der BundestagswahlAllgemein unmittelbar frei gleich geheimWichtige ParteienCDU/CSU SPD FDP Die Linke Die GrünenBundesrat联邦参议院(各州派代表)Mitwirkung an der Gesetzgebung des BundesMitwirkung in europäischen AngelegenheitenMitwirkung an der Verwaltung des BundesBundesregierung besteht aus dem Bundeskanzler(der Bundeskanzlerin) und den Ministern.Bundesverfassungsgericht(liegt in Karlsruhe)4.Universität了解几个就可以了:比如TUM, LMU,科隆大学,亚琛blabla老师重点提了1368年建立的Heidelberg Uni 是德国最古老的大学5.Deutsche SpracheDeutsch ist die Muttersprache von rund 100 Millionen Menschen in der Bundesrepublik, in Österreich und im deutschsprachigen Teil der Schweiz. Auch in Südtirol (Norditalien)und in kleineren Gebieten in Belgien, im Elsaß (Frankreich) und i n Luxemburg wird Deutsch gesprochen. Auch die deutschen Minderheiten in Polen, Rumänien, Ungarn und in den Ländern der ehemaligen Sowjetunion haben die deutsche Sprache zum Teil bewahrt.(Liechtenstein, glaube ich...)德语普通话:Hochdeutsch作文:务必了解两三个联邦州,一篇中或德,另一篇德语,估计就是描述自己了解州的东西。

Germany in Brief
Germany, located in the heart of Europe, is a federation of 16 states. Rich in history and culture, it's famous for its landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate and Neuschwanstein Castle. The country is renowned for its industrial strength, especially in the automotive and machinery sectors. Its cities like Berlin, Frankfurt, and Munich offer a vibrant blend of old and new, attracting tourists and businesses alike.

-Ich bin Gill -Ich bin Alice
Germany’s Location
Germany is located in central Europe, an area of 357,042 square kilometers. And the bordering countries of Germany: the east of Poland and the Czech Republic; the south of Austria and Switzerland; the southwest of France; west as Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands; north as the North Sea, Denmark and the Baltic. In the North Sea, Germany has the East Frisian Islands, He Lan Island fruit ear and most of the North Frisian Islands. In the Baltic Sea, Germany has fehmarn, Rügen and Usedom Island most. A coastline of more than 1.3 thousand km. Uplands to the south, central medium for the hills and mountains and plains of the north glacier. River to the Rhine, the Danube River and the Sydney-based.

介绍德国的英文作文英文:Germany is a country located in central Europe and has a population of over 83 million people. It is known for its rich history, culture, and technological advancements. The official language spoken in Germany is German, but many people also speak English fluently.Germany has a strong economy and is home to many famous companies such as Volkswagen, BMW, and Siemens. The country is also known for its high-quality education system, with many universities offering free tuition to both domestic and international students.One of the things I love about Germany is the food. German cuisine is hearty and delicious, with dishes such as schnitzel, sausages, and sauerkraut. They also have a wide range of beers, with Oktoberfest being a popular event to celebrate beer and German culture.Another aspect of German culture that I admire is their love for the environment. They have a strong commitment to renewable energy and have made significant strides in reducing their carbon footprint. They also have a great public transportation system, making it easy to get around without a car.Overall, Germany is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history. The people are friendly and welcoming, and there is always something new to discover.中文:德国是位于中欧的国家,拥有超过8300万人口。

一年一度的啤酒节(Oktoberfest)让整个城 市都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中,活泼的巴伐利亚人脸上 总是洋溢着笑容,并且这种欢乐和自由的氛围已经 成为吸引世界各地旅游者的一个重要因素。
目的地指南 景点介绍 发现新堡 文化地理
新天鹅堡(New Swan Stone Castle )如果世界上只允许有一座童话城堡存在,那它的名字一定是新天鹅堡
German Film Museum
在法兰克福,你能找到全德国最杰出 的电影艺术博物馆;位于波兹坦广场 的这座博物馆是德国有史以来第一座 以电影为主题的展览馆。
一楼,着重以物品编年史的手法 向游客展出电影的发展历程,
包括:雷诺1882年发明的“实用镜” ,爱迪生1889年发明的活动电影放映 机,卢米埃兄弟1895年发明的“电影 机” 的复制品等;
这座城堡是巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世的行宫,位于慕尼黑以南的阿尔卑 斯山麓,建于1869年。
从奥格斯堡到富森,光是坐火车一路的风景都会让遐思神往。这犹如人间仙 境的地方藏着有关魔法、国王,骑士的古老的民间传说,还有那无边原始的森 林、柔嫩的山坡、无边的绿野上漫步着成群的牛羊,积雪终年的阿尔卑斯山和 无尽宽阔的大湖
慕尼黑啤酒节(The Munich Oktoberfest) 【时间】:每年的九月末到十月初,在慕尼黑举行,持续两周; 【介绍】:慕尼黑啤酒节原名“十月节”,起源1810年10月12日,因为在这个节日期间主要
的饮料是啤酒,所以人们习惯性地称其为啤酒节。每年九月末到十月初举行,持续 两周,是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活动,也是世界三大啤酒节之一。 【活动】:开幕式,盛装巡游(最热闹),啤酒帐篷,特色餐饮2国概况OVERVIEW

and polymath. 黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1770 –1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism.
Germany is traversed by some of
Europe‘s major rivers such as the Rhine,(莱茵河) and Danube (多瑙 河). Thanks to its central situation
Germany has more neighbors than
The national flower of Germany
国花:The cornflower is the national flower of Germany. It is also called the knapweed.The iking because of their blue color. At present, the flowers are also available in white, pink, and red.矢车菊,又名蓝芙蓉、 荔枝菊、翠蓝,属于菊科。头状花序生在纤 细茎秆的顶端,仿佛一位隽秀的少女,向着 “生命之光”——太阳,祈祷幸福和欢乐。 矢车菊是德国的名花,德国人用她象征日耳 曼民族爱国、乐观、顽强、俭朴的特征,并 认为她有吉祥之兆,因而被誉为“国花”。
any other European country; these are Denmark(丹麦)in the north, Poland (波兰)and the Czech Republic(捷克共和国)in the east, Austria奥地利and Switzer(瑞士)land

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No sense of humor
Work carefully and Responsible
See the Germans from Example
Rigorous and Earnest
If lost some money in the street, the British never panic, at most, he’ll shrug his shoulders and still very gentlemanly walked up, as if nothing had happened; Americans likely calls the police, after reporting a case to the security authorities and leave a phone, then chew chewing gum and flicking; Japanese must be hate his own carelessness very much and makes re-examination when back home,and never let it happens secondly. But the German is different. He will be on the lost sites and picture coordinates and grid within 100 square meters. Then look for the money grid by grid with a magnifying glass.
【Major City】 Berlin、Bonn 、Frankfurt 、Hamburg and so on……

德国简介作文英文Germany is a country located in central Europe. It is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and strong economy. The capital city is Berlin, which is also the largest city in the country. Germany is famous for its beer, sausages, and the Autobahn, which is a highway system with no speed limit in some areas.The country has a population of over 83 million people, making it the most populous country in the European Union. Germany is a federal parliamentary republic, with Angela Merkel serving as the Chancellor since 2005. The country is also a founding member of the European Union and the Eurozone.Germany is home to many famous historical figures, such as Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Albert Einstein. It has also made significant contributions to the fields of science, technology, and philosophy. The country is known for its efficient public transportationsystem and its commitment to renewable energy.The German language is the official language of the country, but English is widely spoken and understood, especially in major cities and tourist areas. The country has a strong tradition of literature, music, and art, andis known for its classical music composers such as Bach, Mozart, and Brahms.Germany is a popular tourist destination, with millions of visitors coming to see its historic landmarks, beautiful countryside, and vibrant cities. Some of the most famous attractions include the Brandenburg Gate, Neuschwanstein Castle, and the Black Forest. The country also hosts numerous cultural events and festivals throughout the year.In conclusion, Germany is a fascinating country with a rich cultural heritage and a strong influence on the world stage. It is a place where tradition meets modernity, and where visitors can experience the best of both worlds. Whether it's exploring historic sites, enjoying the localcuisine, or simply taking in the beautiful scenery, Germany has something to offer for everyone.。

面积为357020. 22平方公里(1999年12月)。
首都:柏林(Berlin) ,人口:338.7万(2001年9月),年平均气温约8.6℃。
Germany is located in central Europe, Poland, the Czech republic, Austria and Switzerland, south west Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and the north sea and connected in Denmark and the Baltic sea, it is the most European neighbours. 357020 area, 22 square kilometers (December 1999). Terrain can be divided into north meteorological DeXingOu: four, northern Germany, average altitude of less than 100 plains, Sino-german mountains, for the land by high, Southwest Rhine valley area, a fault, the wall; steep hill South of the Bavarian Alps, plateau and the Alps mountain and ZuGeFeng altitude, the highest 2963. The Rhine river is flowing (mainly domestic 865 kilometres), the river, the river, a siddhartha, the Danube river. Large lakes have lake compensates, chiemsee, amare lake, the lake times. Obviously, the climate in northwest toward the east, south of transition to a continental climate. Average temperatures on July 14 ~ 19 degrees Celsius, January - 5 ~ 1 ° c. Annual precipitation 500-1000 mm, hill is more. As of January 1, 1995, according to the international law in 1982, Germany in beihai park and agreement by 3 miles east of the territorial sea to 12 nautical 22 kilometers),the area of each increase 4100 and 1,700 square kilometers.Population: 8237 million (2001), mainly is the German people, and a few danes, carefree gypsy and cable cloth. Foreigners have 7.5 million, total population of 9%. German. People who believe in 33.7% protestant and Roman Catholic 33.2% people believe.Capital: Berlin (Berlin), population: 338.7 million (September 2001), average temperature, about 6 degrees Celsius.German reunification, the symbol of the Brandenburg gate in Berlin: downtown lindens street and June 17th street, is the famous tourist attractions in Berlin, Germany and the symbol of unity.In Germany, it is impolite to cross your arm over people who are shaking hands, as well as chew gum in public. Talking while your hands are in your pockets is also impolite. In general, Germans greet people with handshakes. German men wait for women to extend their hands before shaking hands with them, as well as shaking hands with women first when other men are present. Normally, Germans do not greet strangers on the streets. Titles along with the last names are used when being introduced to a stranger.Germans do not cross the street ignoring the lightDo not cross the street when the light is red, NO MATTER WHAT! Germans always wait for the light to turn green whether there is a car in sight or not. If you attempt to cross, you will probably be chided by at least one of the people in the queue and you will hear a general tsssk.Germans are very direct and they are always rightMost Germans have no problem telling you how they feel about something, even if you are a complete stranger. Don’t try to argue with a German, it is a complete waste of time. Just remember they are always right, nod your head and don’t waste your breath.。

介绍德国英语作文Introduction to Germany。
Germany, located in central Europe, is a country with a rich history and culture. It is the most populous countryin the European Union and the fourth-largest economy in the world. Germany is known for its contributions to science, technology, and the arts, as well as its famous beer and sausages.Geography and Climate。
Germany is bordered by Denmark to the north, Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, Austria and Switzerland to the south, and France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands to the west. The country has a diverse landscape, ranging from the sandy beaches of the north to the Bavarian Alps in the south. Germany has a temperate climate, with mild winters and warm summers.Culture and Society。
Germany has a long and rich cultural history, with famous composers such as Bach, Beethoven, and Wagner, as well as influential philosophers like Kant and Nietzsche. The country is also known for its literature, with famous authors such as Goethe, Schiller, and Kafka. Germany has a strong tradition of beer brewing, with over 1,300 breweries producing a wide variety of beers. The country is also famous for its sausages, with over 1,500 different types available.Germany has a highly developed economy and is home to many multinational corporations, including Volkswagen, BMW, and Siemens. The country is also known for its high-quality education system, with many top universities and research institutes.Tourism。
英语 介绍德国的概况

Well-known Brands about Car in Germany
Bentley car company name sign is the first letter "B" as the main, give birth to a pair of wings, like volley soaring eagle, the logo has been adopted so far in the past have used the wings to fly a "B" logo.
Traditional Costumes
Beautiful places of interest
Berlin wall
BMW logo middle of blue and white logo, on behalf of blue sky, white clouds and keep the propeller rotation, said Yu BMW origins a long history, a symbol of the company's past in aviation engine technology leader
Foreign Culture
White Stork
a (白鹳)
(National b车菊,又 名蓝芙蓉、荔 枝菊、翠蓝)
(national emblem)
(National flower)
National stone 琥珀 (amber)

Standard of livingGermany is one of the countries with the highest standard of liv-ing in the world. According to the UN’s HDI Index, Germany is one of the most developed countries in the world in terms of life expectancy, degree of literacy and per-capita income. Thehealthcare system enables com-prehensive medical care, where-by the social security systems of the statutory health insur-ances, care and accidentinsurance and unemployment support protect people against existential risks.By Rainer GeißlerGerman society is a modern,open-minded society: Most people – both young and old – are well-educated and enjoy a high standard of living , as well as sufficient freedom to be able to plan their lives as they themselves see fit. The nucle-us of their lives is the family, which is constantly adopting new forms. Yet society is faced with the challenge of solving important problems such as population trends – the ageing of society as well as immigration, which is increasingly var-ied in terms of ethnic culture. And there is one thing the Ger-mans still have to overcome: the effects of the 45 years dur-ing which the country was divided. In the 15 years since political reunification in 1990 much has happened, and yet restoring the social unity of Germany will remain an impor-tant issue for the foreseeable future.PopulationWith reunification Germany became the country with by far the largest population in the European Union. Almost 83 million people live on German territory, almost one fifth of them in what was formerly East Germany. Three trends are characteristic of demographic developments in Ger-many: a low birth rate, increasing life expectancy and an ageing society.For 30 years now Germany has been witnessing fewbirths: With slight fluctuations, since 1975 the number of newborn infants has been approximately 1.4 children perGerman society – modern, pluralist and open-mindedCross-generational contractThis is the name of the system used to finance statutory pension insurance: employees today pay proportional contributions toward the pensions of the gen-eration of retirees in the expecta-tion that the coming generation will then pay for their pensions. The first mandatory regulations on old-age security were made as long ago as 1889. Today about80 percent of employed persons pay into the statutory pension system. Alongside contributions by the employers and employees, today the system is also funded by government subsidies. Since 2002, statutory pensions have been supplemented by state-sup-ported, private capital-backed old-age provisions.Ways of lifeThere are many different ways of life in Germany, but most peo-ple, or almost 68 million, live in multi-person households. Morethan 43 million of them live as parent/child group combina-tions, and these include just under 21 million children. Justshort of 23 million people live as couple, and yet close to14 million live alone.Single parentsIn more than 90 percent of the 1.5-million plus families in which a single parent brings up the chil-dren, that person is the mother .The family continues to be the key social institutionTrend to more part-time work part-time employment are women –mostly mothers – who do 85 percent of all such jobs. This results in average weekly working hours for men of over 40hours, and for women of only just 31 hoursHome ownershipSportUpbringing Social causesL i v i n gM o b i l i t yF o o d263L e i s u r e t i m e261The most popularleisure time activities Home owners and tenants (in percent)The three largest areas of voluntary service TNS InfratestStatistisches BundesamtStatistisches BundesamtStatistisches BundesamtStatistisches BundesamtT e n a n t s57.8H o m e o w n e r s42.2Tennis 1.8Gymnastics Soccer Shooting1.5The most popular types of sport (in million members)Athletics 0.9Sport Going out DIY/gardening Relaxing at home Cinema Culture High proportion of women in GFKS a l a r i e d s t a f fW o r k e r s31.3C i v i l s e r v a n t s 6.3S e l f -e m p l o y e d 10.8Top jobsWomen account for some 21 per-cent of leading executives in Ger-many, and every third manager is a woman. In Eastern Germany,the ratio of female to male man-agers is far more even. There a good 42 percent of managers are women and as many as 29 per-cent of the key executives are women. In Western Germany, the figures are only 32 and 20 per-cent respectively. The opportuni-ties for women to assume man-agement responsibilities depends strongly on the sector . It is high-est in the service industry, where53percent of managers are women. In the construction industry, by contrast, the figureis only 14percent.Women in the worldof work: Womennow account for 45 per-cent of all employedpersonsLife style of the elder generations Senior citizens are not only grow-ing older , but are healthier , fitter and more active than in the past.They are also economically bet-ter off: the over 60s hold almost a third of total purchasing power .The life style of the 50+ genera-tion has changed considerably,and the silver-agers increasingly prioritize active leisure time.According to an SWR study, here they emphasize nurturing social contacts. The elderly tend to meet friends almost once a week and go to a restaurant on aver-age twice a month. Alongside almost daily viewing TV (news),listening to radio (classic) and reading the paper , they like to do sports – on average five times a month.increasing life expectancy, after Japan and Italy German society has the third-largest proportion of elderly people worldwide. Their ways of life and lifestyles have changed a lot over the last decades. Nowadays the vast majority of eld-erly people lead independent lives. For the most part they live close to their children, with whom they are in close con-tact. Health-wise the “young elderly”, who are younger than 75 or 80, are mostly in a position to carry on living inde-pendent lives with new goals and actively decide how to make use of their leisure time.Financially speaking the elder generation is for themost part taken care of: The 1957 pensions reform gradual-ly gave pensioners a full share in the nation’s wealth. Today it is even possible for them to give their children financial support to start their own family. Poverty in old age has not been done away with entirely, but the risk of being poor in old age is lower than that of other age groups.Pensioners in Eastern Germany are also well off. Theyare among those who have benefited most from reunifica-tion, and are now no longer condemned to live on the periphery of society many of them were forced to inhabit in the former East Germany. Today their income is almost on a par with the Eastern German average, and satisfaction with it is considerably higher than among East Germans younger than 60.Immigration and integrationEver since the 1950s post-war boom the German economy has been dependent on immigrant workers. The majority of those who were at the time referred to as “guest workers”have now returned to their home countries in South and Southeast Europe, but many have stayed on in Germany to earn their keep. Many of the Turkish immigrants that came to Germany at a later date have also remained in the coun-try. This has resulted in Germany gradually developing from a country that accommodated guest workers to a country with regulated immigration.but also with democracy: The pessimistic protest and “can’t be bothered” attitude of the 1980s has for the most part given way to a non-ideological, optimistic pragmatism.Today’s young generation is success-oriented and prepared to work hard. Their maxim of life can be reduced to the for-mula “getting on instead of getting out”.With regard to the traditional left-wing/right-wingdivide, today’s youth is typically positioned somewhat to the left of the population as a whole; only very occasionally are there instances of political extremism. On the other hand there is a high degree of willingness to get involved with social commitment . Some three-quarters of all youngsters are actively committed to social and ecological interests: elder-ly people in need of help, environment and animal protec-tion, the poor, immigrants and the disabled. Interest in pol-itics, political parties and trade unions, on the other hand,is on the decline. Only about 30 percent of 12 to 25-year old youngsters claim to be at all interested in politics, whereas among young adults and students the figure is considerable higher, namely 44 and 64 percent respectively.The elderlyIn Germany, approximately every fourth person is over 60years old. Because of the long-standing low birth rates andSocial commitmentSocial commitment amongyoung people in Germany is grat-ifyingly high. Indeed, 37 percent of the young people in the 14-24year age bracket do voluntary work. They are active on behalf of sports, leisure time, school,cultural and church affairs or in the emergency services. The proportion of young people in some areas is so high that with-out their commitment the ser-vices would collapse – for exam-ple in the field of sports. Half of all young people are members ofclubs, a quarter dedicated to large social organizations, espe-cially to the churches.Young people: Helping others is a self-evidentpart of their lives4.1 1974 4.419847.1 19947.3Foreign populationin millionsStatistisches Bundesamt0.71961Immigration lawIn early 2005 the first Immigra-tion Act in German historycame into force. It distinguishes between limited residence per-mits and unlimited right of residence. At the same time, it also lays down measures to inte-grate immigrants, such as mandatory language courses.Among the foreigners, some 1.8 million persons with Turk-ish citizenship form the largest group. There are also signif-icant numbers of Italians (550,000), immigrants from Serbia-Montenegro (a good 500,000), Greeks (320,000) and Poles (almost 300,000), followed by Croats, Russians, Bosnians,Ukrainians, Portuguese and Spaniards. More than one mil-lion people are refugees.Because Germany specifically recruited a labor forcefor simple activities, many of the immigrant workers are employed as unskilled laborers. Some work as skilled labor-ers but only very few in professions that require high quali-fications. Studies have revealed that immigrant families in Germany find it particularly difficult to improve their social standing and economic position.Nonetheless, over the past decades progress has beenmade with regard to the integration of immigrants: Acquir-ing German citizenship has also been facilitated, contacts between immigrants and Germans are closer, and there is more widespread acceptance of ethnic cultural variety. And the new im m igration law provides for the first time an all-embracing legal framework that considers all aspects of immigration policy – from labor market-oriented and humanitarian immigration through to questions of integra-tion. And yet integration remains a challenge for politicians and society alike. Efforts now focus on improving German language skills, providing enhanced educational opportuni-ties for immigrant children, and measures to prevent dualsocieties and ethnic ghettoes.•Repatriates of German descent, who for generations have been living in the states of the former Soviet Union, Roma-nia and Poland, are a second major group of immigrants.Since the collapse of the communist systems they have been returning to Germany in increasing numbers.These two groups of immigrants resulted in the percapita rate of immigration to Germany in the 1980s being con-siderably higher than that of classic immigration countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia. There are more than seven million foreigners, in other words almost nine percent of the population, living in Germany. In addition there are also 1.5 million foreigners who have taken German citizen-ship, and some 4.5 million repatriates. This means that almost every sixth citizen has either immigrated or stems from an immigrant family. Some 95 percent of foreigners live in Western Germany and primarily in big cities, where in some cases they make up more than 30 percent of the population.ImmigrationAs early as the 19th century Ger-many attracted a large number of immigrants and since the 1950s has emerged as the Euro-pean country with the largest immigrant population. In 1950,there were about 500,000 foreigners in Germany, account-ing for a mere one percent or so of the population. This has changed emphatically: Today,some 7.3 million foreigners live in Germany, or 8.8 percent of the population, including 2.3 million EU citizens. About every fifth foreigner living in Germany wasborn here and is a second or third-generation immigrant.Rainer GeißlerProfessor of Sociology at Siegen University, Geißler is the author of the standard sociology textbook ”Die Sozialstruktur Deutschlands“.the other half Protestants. The new German Ethno-cultural diversity:About every sixth inhabitant is an immigrant or a member of a family of immigrantsLong-term care insuranceLong-term care insurance was introduced in 1995 as the “fifth column” of the social insurance system. The compulsory insur-ance is financed by equal contri-butions by employers and employees. There are plans to extend this financing through provisions covered by capital.financed in the long term: The increasing proportion of eld-erly people in the population in conjunction with a rela-tively low birth rate and trends in the labor market have pushed the social security system to its very limits. By means of extensive reforms politicians are now busy attempting to meet this challenge and ensure a welfare system based on solidarity for coming generations as well.Reform of the health systemGermany is one of the countries with the best medical care.A wide range of hospitals, medical practices and institutions guarantees medical care for everybody. With over four mil-lion jobs, health care is the largest employment sector in Ger-many. All in all, 11.1 percent of the country’s gross domestic product is spent on health – 2.5 percent more than the aver-age in the OECD member countries. As a result of the so-called cost-cutting law introduced in the wake of the reformSocial securityAffluence for everybody and social justice: In the late 1950s that was the goal the then Federal Minister of Eco-nomics Ludwig Erhard had in mind when he introduced the social market economy in Germany. The “German model”proved to be a success story and became an archetype for several other countries. One of the pillars of this success was the extensive German welfare system. Today, Germany boasts one of the most comprehensive welfare systems: 27.4percent of the country’s gross domestic product is chan-neled into public welfare spending. In comparison, the USA invests 14.7 percent, while the OECD average is 20.4 percent.An all-embracing system of health, pension, accident, long-term care, and unem ploym ent insurance provides protection against the financial consequences of the risks we face in everyday life. In addition, the welfare lifeline offers tax-financed services such as the family services equalization scheme (child benefit, tax concessions) or basic provisions for pensioners and those unable to work. Germany sees itself as a welfare state that considers the social protection of all its citizens to be a priority.The welfare-state social systems in Germany have along tradition dating back to the industrial revolution. In the late 19th century, Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck devised the principles of the state social insurance scheme;It was under his aegis that the laws relating to accident and health insurance as well as provisions for invalidity and old age were passed. Whereas in those days a mere ten percent of the population benefited from the welfare legislation,nowadays almost 90 percent of people in Germany enjoy its protection.In subsequent decades the welfare lifeline wasexpanded and refined; in 1927, for example, insurance cov-ering the financial consequences of unemployment and, in 1995, long-term care insurance were introduced. The 21st cen-tury calls for a fundamental structural realignment to the systems, in particular with regard to whether they can beUnemployment insuranceIn Germany those with no work can claim support. Anyone who is unemployed and over the past three years has paid contribu-tions to the state unemploymentinsurance system for at leasttwelve months is entitledto unemployment benefit (60 to67 percent of their last net income). This unemployment benefit is financed through the contributions of which employersand employees each pay half.The longest period for which unemployment benefit can be drawn is twelve months and 18 months for those aged 55 or over . After that period those looking for work can apply for basic support (known as “unem-ployment benefit II ”), which is assessed according to the appli-cant’s needs.The welfare stateThe principle of the welfare state is enshrined in Article 20 of the Basic Law and cannot be rescind-ed, even if the Basic Law is changed. In this way the Basic Law commits the state to pro-tect, in addition to their freedom,the natural bases of life of its citi-zens. Each individual, however ,also has to assume responsibilityfor his own social welfare.are plans to replace the current child-raisingPension insuranceThe statutory pension insurance is the most important pillar of old-age provisions. Its financing is split: The monthly contribu-tions paid by employees and employers pay the pensions of those currently in retirement.Through their contributions,those insured acquire some rights when they themselves become pensioners. In turn, com-ing generations provide for these future rents with their contribu-tions (cross-generational con-tract). In addition, company and private pensions are thesecond and third pillars of provi-sions for old age. Under certain conditions these also enjoy gov-ernment support.ple’s insurance” (SPD). The government plans to present a feasible solution to this complex question in 2006.Pension reformFundamental changes are also planned for provisions in old age. Although compulsory pension insurance will remain the single most important pillar of income in old age, in-com-pany and private pension schemes are becoming more and more important. The so-called “Riester pension”, named after former Minister of Social Affairs Walter Riester, is one such model already in existence that by means of tax con-cessions makes possible private pension schemes covered by capital contributions. For reasons of justice between gener-ations, the pensions to which the current generation of pen-sioners is entitled are not being increased.The government has also resolved to raise the age ofretirement from 65 to 67: Between 2012 and 2035 it will be raised one month every year. At the same time an incentive scheme known as “Initiative 50 Plus” is geared to improving opportunities for older employees.Further reformsThe reform of support for the long-term unemployed and those receiving social assistance has already been imple-mented. With the introduction of basic support for the unemployed those who had formerly been receiving social security, as long as they were capable of working, were put on a par with the long-term unemployed. The reform of the accident insurance scheme, aimed primarily at reforming theorganizational framework, is still outstanding.•already undertaken to the health system, Germany now makes the lowest per capita increase to health spending of all OECD countries: Between 1998 and 2003 spending rose in real terms by 3.8 percent per annum, while the OECD mean was 4.5 percent.Yet in order to ensure that spending is adapted to thealtered conditions there is still a need for further reform. As such the grand coalition is striving for a fundamental struc-tural reform of the health system and also to make the health insurance systems fit for the future. To this end the coalition parties in government have devised different concepts,which, however, are not necessarily compatible: the “soli-darity system health premium” (CDU and CSU) and the “peo-Health insuranceAlmost all citizens in Germany have health insurance, whetheras a compulsory member of the statutory health insurance scheme (88 percent) or a private health insurance scheme (almost 12 percent). The health insurancecompanies cover the cost of medical treatment, medication,hospitalization and preventive health care. Contributions to thehealth insurance scheme are made by employees and employ-ers. Non-employed family mem-bers of those in a compulsory health insurance scheme do notpay any contributions.Accident insuranceStatutory accident insurance is aliability insurance on the part of employers in favor of employ-ees who are thereby protectedfrom the consequences of an accident at work or an occu-pational disease.Social assistanceAnother feature of the social lifeline is social assistance, which is financed through taxes. It comes into effect when people are unable to escape their plight on their own and by their own means or by those of relatives.As such, there is basic protection in old age or in the case of long-term unemployment as well as state help towards living or to assist persons in certain predica-ments.High standards: Germany is one of the countries withthe best medical care。

parliament and the most important legal body
The government is led by a chamcellor who is appointed
by the presence
Economy and Infrastructure
Germany is the largest economy in Europe, with a strong focus on manufacturing and export led growth
Religion and Beliefs
The major of Germany is Christian, with a strong Catholic and Protective condition
Religion in public life
Germans have a strong belief in the separation of church and state, ensuring that relevant practices do not affect government decisions
Germany is a very popular destination for international students because of its
high quality education system, world class research facilities, and excel job
Language and Education
英语 介绍德国的概况

2. University of Karlsruhe 5. Fry Po University
3. University of Heidelberg
Famous persons
Famous persons
Famous Universities in Germany
Ⅰ.University of Munich
Ⅱ.Technical University of Munich
Ⅲ.University of Konstanz Ⅳ.Aachen University of Technology
1. Free University of Berlin
Beer is an important part of Germany’s culture. Beer includes water, carbohydrates, proteins, alcohol, carbon dioxide, vitamins and valuable minerals. There is a set of rules to guarantee the quality of beer produced in Germany; it is called “The Reinheitsgebot” or “German Beer Purity Law”.
No. 1 sports car Lamborghini 350GT, was born in 1963.

德国概况英文版10Enjoyment and celebrations, travel and living – everydayculture and way of lifeBy Constanze Kleis“Favorable” – this was the opinion of Germany revealed in the summer of 2019 by the 17,000 people in 16 countrieswho were polled in an inernational study by the US PewResearch Center. It revealed that along with France, Ger-many is one of the countries with the best image abroad.And there is no lackof reasons for this positive appeal: thecountry’s modern approach, its openness, the quality of life,the multi-national diversity and the creativity with whichGermany both renews and preserves its cultural identity.Nowadays a relaxed laissez-faire attitude and a liberal senseof curiosity are evident in almost all aspects of life.For example in nutrition. Of course you can still enjoyheavy regional cuisine, the hearty characteristics of the dif-ferent landscapes: Roast pork with dumplings from Bavariaor ribs and sauerkraut from Hesse. Yet several new influ-ences have also made their mark on German cuisine. It hasbecome far more varied and health conscious, light andimaginative. Inthe 2019 edition of Gault Millau, ChristianScharrer from the restaurantImperial in Schlosshotel “Büh-lerhöhe” near Baden-Baden was voted “Cook of the Year”.His fortes include “Lobster on piquant Mango Chutney”.Nowadays, that too is typically German cuisine – because thecountry is developing more and more into a “World TasteCenter”.In fact, the Germans are among those with the mostinternational range of food in Europe. According to a surveyconducted bythe Allensbach Institute more than fifty per-German cuisineThere is no such thing as stan-dard “German cuisine“, ratherseveral regional specialtiesranging from smoked sprats fromKiel to white sausage with sweetmustardfrom Munich. Regionalcuisine is also very important forGermany’s top chefs.In 2019Michelin Guide awarded almost200 German restaurants one or more of itscoveted stars. Thehighest concentration of Michelinstars is in the Blackforest com-munity of Baiersbronn. The com-petitor guide Gault Millau award-ed “chef’s hats” to 904 restau-rants. Amon g Germany’s topchefs are Heinz Winkler (Aschau),Harald Wohlfahrt (Baiersbronn)and Dieter Müller (Bergisch Glad-bach).Organic foodOrganic agriculture is becomingever more popular among Ger-man farmers. Between 1996 and2019, the number of farms work-ing according to organiccriteriasoared from 7,353 to 16,603.Almost 30,000 products on salein German supermarkets andhealth food shops bear the stateorganic seal for goods producedorganically. There are strict criteria governing the classifica-tion “organic”: Foodstuffs maynot be treated with chemical pes-ticides or be genetically modi-fied and may only be producedfrom animals that have beenkept in an appropriate manner.A healthy trend drink: Mineral water gushes from239 German sourcescent of all Germans chose foreign cuisine when eating out,primarily Italian, Chinese or Greek.Another trend is towards healthy eating: In 2019,sales of organic foodtotaled some 3.5 billion Euro. Organicsupermarkets are opening up in large cities all over thecountry, offering a blend of whatis becoming increasinglyimportant to Germans: Enjoyment andresponsibility,lifestyle and a clear conscience. As such, in 2019 organicsupermarkets were able to post a clear rise in earnings byabout 11 percent.Less beer, more waterThe European Parliament recognizes beer from Germany asbeing a“traditional foodstuff”, a label only awarded to a veryfew forms of nourishment. This is thanks to the famous “Puri-ty Law” that only allows the use of certain natural ingredi-ents in beer. This means that even today thebasics of all Ger-man beers are hops, malt, water and yeast. In addition tolarge breweries, smaller traditional regional breweries havea place in the hearts of beer drinkers. These make up 80 per-cent of the adult population in Germany. They can chosebetween 5,000 different brands produced by 1,270 brew-eries: a world record.Nonetheless, beer consumption in Germany is dwindling allWines from Germanythe time, from 133 liters a year in 1994 to just 114 liters perGerman wines are produced in person today.13 wine-growing areas in whicharound 65,000 vineyards pro-On the other hand, the wellness boom has triggeredduce a wide variety of typicala bubble in, among other things, mineral water. Over theregional wines. Apart from Sax-last 30 years the Germans have increased the amount ofony and Saale-Unstrut in the East, the German wine-growingmineral water they drink by a factor of ten to 130 liters each,areas are concentrated in theputting them in the top group worldwide. More than500southwest and south of the coun-types of mineral water gush from 239 sources.try. Although almost 140 types of vine are planted, only twodozen, primarily the white winesRiesling and Müller-Thurgau, haveThe Riesling miracleany real market significance. Of the wine produced in GermanySince the beginning of the new millennium German Ries-65 percent is white and 35 per-ling wine has been enjoying a Renaissance – on the inter-cent red. About a quarter of thenational stage as well. The world over, it is now a standardnine million hectoliters pro-duced annually is exported, initem in many top restaurants. In just four years the USA hasparticular to the USA, Greatdoubled the amount it imports. Riesling has earned theBritain, Japan and Scandinavia.enthusiasm of wine experts for the “German wine miracle”thanks to its lightness and sparkling character, characteris-tics that are the result of the particular climatic conditionsGerman wine-growing regionsand soil: because the German wine-growing regions are• Ahr among the most northerly in the world.• Baden The long period o f vegetation and moderate tem-• Franconia• Hessische Bergstrasse peratures in summer make wines from Germanyfiligree and• Mittelrheinkeep their alcohol content low. Different soil types and• Mosel-Saar-Ruwer vines such as Müller-Thurgau and Silva ner also play their• Nahe • Pfalzpart in giving German wines a reputation for being• Rheingau remarkably varied.• Rheinhessen However, the new generation of vintners in the• Saale-Unstrut • Saxony13 German wine-growing regionshas also p layed its part in• Württembergthe success story, concentrating as it has done on qual-ity rather than quantity. Germany, traditionally a whitewine country – of the wine producedin Germany 65 per-cent is white and 35 percent red –, is increasingly dis-covering red wine. The acreage used for cultivation, pri-marily forSpätburgunder, has already more thantripled. Could this be the next wine miracle?National parksTo a large extent the 15 nationalparks in Germany are located in the north of the country. Theyare all noteworthy for theirunique nature and landscape andserve to preserve the naturaldiversity of rare plants and ani-mals. The largest is theSchleswig-Holstein Mud FlatsNational Park Wattenmeer, with a surface area of 441,000hectares. The smallest, JasmundNational Park on the Isle ofRügen, with its famous whitecliffs, is only 3,003 hectareslarge.New creations by thestar designer: Wolfgang Joop is causing a stir with his“Wunderkind“ label1972Richard Sapper was born in 1932 in Munich.centers such as London and Paris. The “bread and butter”fashion show has found a worthy location in Berlin, the epi-center of creativity.Insiders have long been familiar with the newGerman fashion avant-garde, which include Thatchers,Coration, Sabotage, Kostas Murkudis and Eisdieler fromBerlin, as well as Blutsgeschwister from Stuttgart, Anja Gock-el from Mainz, and Susanne Bommer from Munich. YoungGerman fashion designers such Markus Lupfer, BernhardBauhausWillhelm and Dirk Schönberger have conquered even Lon-Bauhaus (1919–1933) is consid-ered to be the most famous art,don, Paris and the fashion-conscious city of Antwerp. Thatdesign and architecture collegesaid, the most famous German couturier abroad is undoubt-of Classic Modernism. Foundededly Karl Lagerfeld, who was born in Hamburg and is by Walter Gropius it was locatedin Weimar and later in Dessau.Creative Director of Chanel, the legendary French haute cou-Bauhaus artists and architectsture company.created a new, clear, contempo-German product design has a reputation for creat-rary formal language, much of which still exerts an influenceing carefully devised, straightforward functional products.today. The most famous repre-Design made in Germany – from Bulthaup kitchens to Braunsentatives of Bauhaus includerazors – is held in high regard in the internationalarena.Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,Lyonel Feininger, Oskar Schlem-Companies such as furniture manufacturers Wilkhahn andmer and Sophie Taeuber-Arp.Vitra still lead the way in terms of style, as do Lamy for writ-ing implements and Erco for luminaires. The traditions ofBauhaus in the 1920s and the Ulm College in the 1950s arestill highly regarded, but in the meantime a new generationhas made a name for itself. It includes Konstantin Grcic, whowas born in 1965 and is one of the most innovative youngdesigners. Born in Munich, he accords totally banal everydayobjects an unfamiliar touch of poetry. The newcomers from“Studio Vertijet” in Halle, Steffen Kroll and Kirsten Hoppert,also blend playful and analytical design elements in theirwork.ArchitectureThe architectural scene in Germany has several regionalcenters, but since reunification it has also certainly focusedon Berlin. In the capital, world-class architecture can beexperienced at close quarters: Whether Lord NormanFoster,who converted the former Reichstag building into the newGerman parliament, Renzo Piano, Daniel Libeskind, I. M. Peior Rem Koolhaas – thelist of international architects whohave made their mark on the new face of Berlin is long. How-ever, the elite among German master builders such as Hel-mut Jahn, von Gerkan Marg und Partner, Hans Kollhoff andJosef Paul Kleihues have likewise made a firm contributionto the new capital. In the old harbors of Hamburg and Düs-seldorf experiments are being conducted with new formalideas. And in many cities striking museum buildings havebeen created by German architects – such as Stephan Braun-fels’ Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, Frank Gehry’sMuseum MARTa in Herford, Tadao Ando’s Langen Founda-tion near Neuss and the Leipzig Museum of Fine Arts byBerlin architects Hufnagel Pütz Rafaelian.•Living pink: An ensemble by Austrian FriedensreichHundertwasser in MagdeburgConstanze KleisThe authoress of several lifestylebooks works as a freelance journalist for various Germanmagazines and newspapers.。
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Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Staat Demokratischer parlamentarischer Bundesstaat seit 1949 Hauptstadt Berlin, 3,4 Millionen Einwohner
Staatsflagge Drei horizontale Streifen in Schwarz, Rot, Gold
Staatswappen Stilisierter Adler
Hymne Dritte Strophe von August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallerslebens
…Das Lied der Deutschen“ zur Melodie von Joseph Haydns
Nationalfeiertag 3. Oktober, Tag der Deutschen Einheit
Parlament Deutscher Bundestag
Zeitzone MEZ/MESZ
Währung Deutschland gehört zur Eurozone, 1 Euro = 100 Cent
Telefonvorwahl +49
Internet-TLD .de
Amtssprache Deutsch. Für 100 Millionen Menschen ist Deutsch Muttersprache.
Deutsch ist die meistgesprochene Muttersprache in der Europäischen
国歌歌词为August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallerslebens“德意志之歌”的
第三段,曲为Joseph Haydns的“皇帝赞美诗”
国庆 10月3日德国统一日
电话预拨 +49
网络顶级域 .de
Lage Mitteleuropa
Größe 357021 qkm
Grenzen 3757 km
Küste 2389 km
Nachbarstaaten Deutschland liegt im Herzen Europas und ist von neun
Nachbarstaaten umgeben: Frankreich, Schweiz,
Österreich, Tschechien, Polen, Dänemark, Niederlande,
Belgien, Luxemburg
Höchster Berg Zugspitze 2963 m
Längste Flüsse Rhein 865km, Elbe 700km, Donau 647km
(innerhalb Deutschlands)
Größte Städte Berlin 3,4 Millionen Einwohner, Hamburg (1,8 Mio.),
München (1,3 Mio.),Köln (1,0 Mio.),
Frankfurt am Main (662000)
Landschaften Von der Nord- und Ostsee bis zu den Alpen im
Süden gliedert sich Deutschland geografisch in
das Norddeutsche Tiefland, die Mittelgebirgsschwelle,
das Südwestdeutsche Mittelgebirgsstufenland,
das Süddeutsche Alpenvorland und die Bayerischen Alpen Klima Gemäßigte ozeanisch/kontinentale Klimazone mit häufigem
Wetterwechsel und vorwiegend westlicher Windrichtung
Einwohner Deutschland ist mit 82,3 Millionen Einwohnern (davon
42,0 Mio. Frauen) das bevölkerungsreichste Land
der EU. Etwa 7,3 Millionen Ausländer leben in Deutschland
(8,8 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung), darunter 1,7 Millionen
Bevölkerungsdichte Mit 231 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer gehört Deutschland
zu den am dichtesten besiedelten Ländern Europas
Geburten Durchschnittlich 1,3 Kinder pro Frau
Bevölkerungswachstum -0,1 %
Altersstruktur 14% unter 15 Jahre, 20% über 65 Jahre
Lebenserwartung Mit einer durchschnittlichen Lebenserwartung von 77 Jahren
für Männer und 82 Jahren für Frauen (2006 Geborene) liegt
Deutschland über dem OECD-Durchschnitt
Verstädterungsgrad 88% der Bevölkerung lebt in Städten und Ballungszentren. In
Deutschland gibt es 82 Großstädte mit über 100 000 Einwohnern Religionen Knapp 53 Millionen Menschen bekennen sich zum christlichen
Glauben (26 Mio. Katholiken, 26 Mio. Protestanten, 900000
Orthodoxe Christen), 3,3 Mio. sind Muslime, 230000 Buddhisten,
100000 Juden, 90000 Hindus. Das Grundgesetz garantiert
Gedanken-,Gewissens- und Bekenntnisfreiheit. Es gibt keine
Zuwanderung Seit 2005 regelt ein Zuwanderungsgesetz den Zuzug