国际贸易实务(第五版)课件第1章 TRADE TRADES(中英对照)解析
B. All customs formalities for the export of goods
C. Deliver the goods to the carrier at the named place on the date or within the agreed period
The trade terms refer to using a brief English concept or abbreviation (缩写)of English letters to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne(承担) by two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in the goods.
2、使用DDP术语应注意的问题 (1)进口清关 (2)运输方式 (3)妥善办理投保事项
The second group:
Suitable for water transport modes 《INCOTERMS 2010》
一、FAS(Free alongside ship,船边交货)
This rule is to be used only for sea or inland wate rway transport. “Free Alongside Ship” means tha t the seller delivers when the goods are placed al ongside the vessel nominated by the buyer at the named port of shipment. The risk of loss of or da mage to the goods passes when the goods are al ongside the ship, and the buyer bears all costs fr om that moment onwards.
国际贸易实务(英文版)(第二版)ppt周瑞琪9.Inspection, claim, force majeure and arbitration资料讲解
within the contract
understand the conditions for breach of contract and
settlement of claims
describe ways of stipulating claim clauses in a sales contract
9.1.1 Time and place of inspection
Inspection at the factory or at the port of shipment (also shipping quality and weight)
The goods are inspected at the factory or at the port of shipment
mandatory inspection eg. The Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in USA, The State
Administration for Commodity Inspection (SACI) in China
be aware of the issues to be considered in the negotiation of arbitration
describe the ways of stipulating an arbitration clause in a sales
Chapter Nine
Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration
Learning objectives
Mostly consuming goods: cars, wines, shoes etc. Needs customs declaration
Invisible trade / intangible goods trade
services and technology Needs no customs declaration
and restrictions
Sources of information
Domestic organizations: Ministry of Commerce and its provincial committees
Overseas organizations: Chinese Embassy, the Local banks, the agent and the local newspaper / journal articles
trade realize the importance of contract
Concept of international trade
International trade / world trade / foreign trade / overseas trade
If unable to apply or get the import and export licenses
The exporter needs to consider to do business under EXW term
The importer needs to consider to do business under DDP term
国际贸易实务(英文版)专门讲 International trade Terms
开篇案例: 吴先生在商场购买彩电,29吋彩电的标价是“1888元,送 货上门”
解读“送货上门”: 商场负责安排市内运输,搬运到家——责任(responsibility) 商场承担彩电上门以前的风险——风险(risk) 商场支付市内运费——费用(expense) 交货地点-上门----物权转移(transferring of ownership )
The seller’s obligations provision of goods in compliance with the contract cost of basic packing notice to the buyer assistance on customs formalities(手续) risks before delivery
适用于海运及内河运输 同上 适用于各种运输方式, 包括多式联运 同上
D组 到达
DES Delivered Ex Ship DEQ Delivered Ex Quay
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货 DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货
贸易 术语 EXW
• •
Aimed at providing uniform interpretation of trade terms
《2000年通则》 四组术语(共13种)
E 组 启运 EXW EX Works 工厂交货 货交承运人 船边交货 适用于各种运输方式, 包括多式联运 同上 适用于海运及内河运输 FCA Free Carrier F 组 主运费 FAS Free Alongside Ship 未付 FOB Free On Board CFR Cost and Freight CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight
国际贸易实务(英文)International Trade PracticeIntroduction:International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services across the international borders between two or more countries. Nowadays, international trade has become the backbone of the global economy as it contributes significantly to the GDP of countries. Thousands of products are traded every day between countries, supporting local industries and helping economies grow. In this essay, we will discuss various aspects related to international trade practice.1. The importance of international tradeInternational trade is essential to the economic growth of countries. Through international trade, countries can access a broader market, allowing them to trade in products that they are not able to produce. International trade also ensures that prices of goods remain competitive in the global market, which benefits consumers. This competition encourages innovation and efficiency, resulting in better and cheaper products.2. Benefits of international tradeThe benefits of international trade include:a) Increased job opportunitiesInternational trade creates new job opportunities in exporting industries. This, in turn, helps reduce unemployment rates and improves the standard of living of people.b) Better quality goods and servicesInternational trade allows countries to access products that they may not be able to produce themselves, resulting in better-quality goods and services for consumers.c) Enhanced economic growthInternational trade contributes significantly to economic growth, creating more stable employment conditions whilst also increasing consumer spending.d) Reduced pricesInternational trade allows countries to access products at more competitive prices, resulting in cost savings for consumers.3. Challenges of international tradeWhile international trade has many benefits, several challenges can arise, including:a) Political instabilityPolitical instability can cause uncertainty and unpredictability and drastically affect a country's international trade.b) Regulations and tariffsDifferent countries have varying regulations and tariffs, which can create barriers to international trade.c) Language and culture barriersIndividual countries have different languages and cultures, which can create communication and understanding problems, making it challenging to conduct international trade.4. Types of International TradeInternational trade can be done in several ways:a) ExportExporting involves selling goods and services produced domestically to foreign countries.b) ImportImporting involves buying goods and services from foreign countries to be sold domestically.c) CountertradeCountertrade involves exchanging goods and services for other goods and services instead of using currency as payment.5. Payment Methods in International TradeVarious methods are commonly used in international trade transactions. These include:a) Letter of creditThe letter of credit is an agreement between the buyer and the seller that ensures payment will be made once certain conditions are met, such as delivery of goods and documents.b) Cash in advanceCash in advance involves the buyer making payment before goods are shipped. This method benefits the seller by eliminating the risk of non-payment.c) Open accountOpen account involves the buyer paying the seller after a specified period has elapsed. This method benefits the buyer by allowing them to get goods before paying for them.6. Legal issues related to international tradeInternational trade is often governed by complex legal frameworks. Legal issues that can arise while conducting international business include:a) Breach of contractBreach of contract refers to the violation of the terms agreed between the buyer and the seller, which can result in costly legal proceedings.b) International agreementsInternational agreements such as trade and investment treaties can have a significant impact on international trade.c) Intellectual propertyIntellectual property issues are common in international trade, such as trademark infringement and copyright violations. Conclusion:International trade is essential for countries seeking to expand their markets and improve their economic growth. Although there are challenges, the benefits of international trade outweigh the risks. Understanding the different types of international trade, payment methods and legal issues that can arise when conducting international business is important to ensure success in international trade practice.7. Globalization and its impact on international tradeGlobalization has had a substantial impact on international trade. It has increased the interdependence of countries on one another and encouraged the growth and expansion of international trade. Therise of globalization has created significant opportunities for international trade, including increased access to diverse products, services, and markets. However, it has also created challenges for many businesses, such as increased competition and ongoing regulatory changes. Additionally, globalization has created opportunities for many developing countries to participate and benefit from the global economy, but it has also increased the risk of exploitation through unfavorable trade agreements.8. Case study: China's role in international tradeAs the second-largest economy in the world, China plays a significant role in international trade. The country's export-driven economy has helped it become a major player in global trade, accounting for approximately 13.2% of the world's exports in 2019. China's growth in international trade has been fueled by its low labor costs, supportive government policies, and a vast network of manufacturing facilities. However, the country has also faced various challenges in the international trade arena, such as the imposition of tariffs and export restrictions by other countries. Despite these challenges, China's strong economic growth and engagement with the global community continue to make it an essential player in international trade.9. Future of international tradeThe future of international trade is a topic of much debate and interest in today's global economy. The development of new technologies, such as e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, has created new opportunities for international trade.The growth of e-commerce, for example, has allowed small businesses to participate in international trade more easily. However, there are also concerns about the impact that technology has on job creation and trade relations between countries.Additionally, political changes and shifts in trade policies can pose significant challenges for international trade. For example, the United States' withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership has resulted in significant trade policy uncertainty in the Asia-Pacific region. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on global trade, resulting in supply chain disruptions and reduced demand for goods and services.Despite these challenges, many experts believe that international trade will continue to play a vital role in the global economy. New technologies and globalization will continue to create opportunities for businesses to engage in international trade, however, it is important to address the challenges that may arise while conducting international business.10. ConclusionInternational trade is a vital component of the global economy, offering significant benefits to participating countries. It fosters economic growth, creates job opportunities, and provides access to a wider range of goods and services. However, international trade comes with its own set of challenges, such as regulatory barriers and cultural differences. It is crucial for businesses and countries to understand these challenges in order to engage in international trade successfully. The future of international trade will be shapedby ongoing developments in technology, globalization, and political policies, however, it remains an essential component of economic growth and prosperity in the global community.。
▪ 双方义务: ➢ 卖方:
在合同规定的时间、地点,将合同要求的货物置于买方 的处置之下。
▪ 两个关键点(critical points) ✓ 风险划分点(point for division of risk) ✓ 费用划分点(point for division of costs)
▪ 卖方义务和买方义务
卖方义务逐渐增加,费用承担增加,风险增加 买方义务逐渐减少,费用承担减少,风险减少
▪ 本规则主要在北美大陆使用,因其FOB的定义与 INCOTERMS不同,所以在同该区域客户贸易时应注意贸易 术语的定义。
▪ Incoterms《国际贸易术语解释通 则》
▪ 该通则由国际商会于1936年制订,曾于
1953年、1967年、1976年、1980年进行过 修订和补充,是使用最广、影响最大的有 关贸易术语的国际惯例。最近一次修订的 版本定名为《2000年国际贸易术语解释通 则》(INCOTERMS2000),作为国际商会出 版物颁布,已于2000年1月1日开始实施。
➢ 风险于货物越过船舷或交付承运人监管时转移。
D组(到达delivered)DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU, DDP-卖方负责将货 物运至约定的目的港或目的地并承担货物交到目的港或目的地 为止的一切费用和风险。
▪ 共13个贸易术语 ▪ 分为四组
国际贸易实务(英文版) 国贸实务14(托收)
Remitting Bank
Collecting Bank
Workflow of D/A
Remitting Bank
Remitting Bank
( 9)
Collecting Bank
Workflow of D/P after sight
(9)Documents (7)Present
汇款(Remittance) 托收(Collection) 信用证( Letter of Credit ) 银行保函(Letter of Guarantee, L/G)
托收是指债权人(出口商)开具汇票,委托当地银 行通过它在进口地的分行或代理行向债务人(进口 商)收取货款的一种支付方式。托收是逆汇。
(1) (2) (3) (4) 委托人 托收行 代收行 付款人 (Principal) :卖方 (Remitting Bank) :出口地银行 (Collecting Bank) :进口地银行 (Payer) :买方
Types of Collection
① Clean Collection ② Documentary Collection
Explain the following terms1. shipment contractShipment contract is a contract using an Incoterm which indicates thatthe delivery happens at the time or before the timeof shipment。
symbolic deliverySymbolic delivery is a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does notphysically rece ive the goods。
This kind of delivery is proved by t he submission oftransport document by the seller to the buyer。
arrival contractArrivalcontract means a contract using an Incotermwhich indicates thatthe delivery happens when thegoods arrive at the destination.4. actual deliveryActual delivery refers to a delivery situation inwhich whenthe seller delivers the buyer does physi cally receive thegoods。
一、名词解释:5×4’=20分1. International trade is the exchange of goods and services across national borders or territories.2. General trade system is on the base of national boundary. The general trade system is in use when the statistical territory of a country coincides with its economic territory.3. The Leontief Paradox refers to the conflict between the conclusion of H-O theory and actual certification. It was introduced by Wassily Leontief who was the pioneer of input-output economics in his Input-output Economics published in 1966. Leontief researched the labor and capital content of the USA imports and exports in 1947 and 1951.4. GSP is a system currency in place where a large number of developed countries permit duty-free entry of a selected list of products if those products are imported from particular developing countries. This duty-free entry exists even though a positive tariff is levied if those products come in from developed countries, or other, richer developing countries.5. Import Quota refers to the restriction imposed on import goods in terms of quantity and total value in a certain period.6. “Voluntary” export restraints In a certain period (usually 3 to 5 years) the exporters take export quotas of some products voluntarily under the pressure or demand of importers.7. Bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing signed by the person (drawer), and addressed to another person (drawee), requiring the drawee to pay a stated sum of money to other person (payee) on demand,or at a fixed or determinable future time.8. General Average is a legal principle of maritime law according to which allparties in a sea venture proportionally share any losses resulting from a voluntary sacrifice of part of the ship or cargo to save the whole in an emergency.9. Collection means that the exporter asks his bank to collect payment from the importer.二、问答题:9’×4=36分1. What are the basic contents of Mercantilism?1)BackgroundEconomic: currency became the only goalGeographical: geographical discoveryPolitical: the bourgeoisie are in alliance with feudal royal2)Mercantilist thoughtView of wealth: gold and silver were the only wealthResource of wealth: foreign tradePrecondition: trade surplusMeans to achievement: state intervention2.What are the basic thoughts of infant industry argument?The infant industry argument is an economic rationale for trade protectionism. The core of the argument is that nascent industries often do not have the economies of scale that their older competitors from other countries may have, and thus need to be protected until they can attain similar economies of scale.3. What are the differences between the commodity dumping and exchange dumping?Difference : Ways to Reduce Export Price ExecutorScope of goods influenced Impact on import Commodity Dumping Artificially Lowthe Price ManufacturesIndividual Commodity No Impact Exchange DumpingCurrency devaluationStatesAll the exportsRestrain Import4. What are the forms of regional economic integration? Give three typical examples.P112-1141) Preferential trade arrangement 2) Free trade area 3) Customs Union 4) Common market 5) Economic unionExamples :EU ,NAFTA ,APEC5. Give examples to illustrate the terms creation and trade diversion.Trade creation : positive● the high-cost home production will be took place by low- cost production of other members.● get consumption benefits & production benefitsExample :Trade diversion : negative● the low-cost imports from non-members turn to high-cost imports from other members . ● The local consumers’ profits are reduced.● The benefit level of the whole world are reduce.20元Example:20元pare the commonalities and differences between FOB, CFR and CIF. The commonalities:They are all used in water transportation onlyThe seller delivers on board in port of shipmentThe risk is divided by ship’s railThey belong to symbolic deliveryThe difference: FOB + F + I = CFR + I = CIF7. Please draw up the flow diagram of L/C.8. What are the difference between bill of exchange, promissory note and check?Bills of exchange : An unconditional order in writing signed by the person (drawer), and addressed to another person (drawee), requiring the drawee to pay a stated sum of money to other person (payee) on demand ,or at a fixed or determinable future time.Promissory notes : An unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to, or to an order of, a specified person or to a bearer. Check : It is a sight draft and the bank as the drawee.三、计算题:1×8’=8分含佣金的价格换算(见课件)计算步骤:CFR 价——CIF 价——含佣价CIF 价 = CFR 价÷【1-保险费率×(1 + 保险加成率)】 含佣价 = 净价(即由CFR 价转换得到的CIF 价) ÷(1 - 佣金率)四、 案例分析(3×7’=21分) 1. More or less clause (溢短装条款)① China Rice ,100000 metric tons with 2% more or less at Sellers’option ② China Rice ,about 100000 metric tonsAccording to UCP 600, the quantity of delivery can’t extend 10% more or less at Sellers’option. ③ China Rice ,100000 metric tons⑩Documents①Application⑨Payment受益人 (出口商)开证申请人11.take delivery开证行 /付款行Accord ing to UCP 600, the quantity of delivery can’t extend 5% more or less at Sellers’option. But it can’t apply to the quantity calculated by number.④ The payment of the excess or deficiencyShould be paid at contract value or market price of loading or unloading.是指允许交货时可多交或少交一定比例的数量,只要卖方交货数量在约定的增减幅度范围内,就算是按合同规定数量交货,买方就不得以交货数量不符为由而拒收货物或提出索赔。
4.2 Quality stipulation –Sale by sample
Sale by sample
Definition: a sale when the seller and buyer agree that sample is used as the basis of quality and condition of the goods to be delivered.
used sometimes as the bottom-line of quality
requirement. 国际贸易实务(英文版)(第二
4.2 Quality stipulation –Sale by description
Sale by brand name or trade mark
Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark
Sale by Place of Origin
Sale by Descriptions and Illustrations
Sale by Seller’s Sample
Sale by Sample
Sale by Buyer’s Sample
Sale by Counter Sample
Sale by Actual Commodity/Sale by Actual Quality
4.2 Quality stipulation –Sale by description
国际贸易实务英文版参考答案标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]C h a p t e r1 I.YES,Pleaserefertothe1stparagraphofthetext.II.流动性过剩自给自足经济资源直接投资国际收支易货交易出口退税倾销出口型经济增长东道国贸易差额贸易顺差/贸易逆差欧盟国际收支顺差/国际收支逆差有形贸易无形贸易货物贸易服务贸易excessliquidityself-sufficient economicresourcesdirectinvestmentbalanceofpaymentsbarter exporttaxrebatedumpingexport-driveneconomicgrowthhostcountrybalanceoftradefavorable/unfavorablebalanceoftradeEuropeanUnionfavorable/unfavorablebalanceofpaymentsvisibletradeinvisibletradetradeingoodstr adeinservicesIIIThechartaboveshowstheU.S.importsfromChina,U.S.exportstoChinaandthetradebalance .TheU.S.hasanegativetradebalancewithChina,andithasbeengrowing.Duringtheperiodfrom1997to2003,importsfromChinahavegrown244%whileexportstoChinahavegrown221%,in dicatingthatthetradedeficitisincreasing.Therehadalreadybeenasizeabletradebalan cedeficitwithChinain1996,totaling$billionattheendoftheyear.IV1.Exportgoodsaretangiblegoodssentoutofcountries.2.Tradeinservicesareinternationalearningsotherthanthosederivedfromtheexporting andimportingoftangiblegoods.3.Importgoodsaretangiblegoodsbroughtin.4.Internationaltradeisallbusinesstransactionsthatinvolvetwoormorecountries.5.F DIisonethatgivestheinvestoracontrollinginterestinaforeigncompany.6.Investmentisusedprimarilyasfinancialmeansforacompanytoearnmoremoneyonitsmone ywithrelativesafety.V1.Internationaltradeisthefairanddeliberateexchangeofgoodsand/orservicesacrossn ationalboundaries.Itconcernstradeoperationsofbothimportandexportandincludesthe purchaseandsaleofbothvisibleandinvisiblegoods.2.Intoday'scomplexeconomicworld,neitherindividualsnornationsareself-sufficient.Nationsparticipateintheinternationaltradeformanyreasons.Astotheecon omicreasons,nonationhasalloftheeconomicresources(land,laborandcapital)thatitne edstodevelopitseconomyandculture,andnocountryenjoysaparticularitemsufficienten oughtomeetitsneeds.Asforthepreferencereasons,internationaltradetakesplacebecauseofinnovationofstyle.Besides,everynationcanspecializeinacertainfieldandenjoya comparativeadvantageinsomeparticularareaintermsoftradesothattheyneedtodobusine sswitheachothertomakeuseofresourcesmoreefficientlyandeffectively.3.Inmeasuringtheeffectivenessofglobaltrade,nationscarefullyfollowtwokeyindicat ors,namely,balanceoftradeandbalanceofpayments.4.FDI,theabbreviationformForeignDirectInvestment,meansbuyingofpermanentpropert yandbusinessinforeignnations.Itoccurswhenacquisitionofequityinterestinaforeign companyistrade.ThegreatsignificanceofFDIforChinamightbethat:FDIsolvetheproblem ofcapitalshortageforChinasothatChinamayspendthemoneyonimportingadvancedequipme ntandtechnologiesforitsinfrastructure,nationalsupportingindustry,keyprojects,e tc.Chapter2I关税壁垒非关税壁垒从量税配额保护性关税市场失灵幼稚产业许可证制度财政关税政府采购贸易保护主义从价税最低限价本地采购规则增加内需DomesticcontentRed-tapebarriersExportsubsidiesBindingquotaAbsolutequotasVER Tariff-ratequotasZeroquota"Buylocal"rulesTariffbarriersnon-tariffbarriersspecificdutiesquotaprotectivetariffmarketfailureinfantindustrylicensingsystemRevenuetariff governmentprocurementtradeprotectionismAdValoremDutiesfloorprice "buylocal"rulesraisedomesticdemand国内含量进口环节壁垒出口补贴绑定配额绝对配额自愿出口限制关税配额零配额本地采购原则II1.Protectionismmeansthedeliberateuseorencouragementofrestrictionsonimportstoen ablerelativelyinefficientdomesticproducerstocompetesuccessfullywithforeignprod ucers.保护主义是指蓄意使用或鼓励进口限制,以此使本国相对效率低的产品能成功地和外国产品竞争。
浅析国际贸易实务英文版IntroductionInternational trade plays a crucial role in today’s global economy. It involves the exchange of goods and services between countries, enabling nations to specialize in the production of certain goods and benefit from comparative advantages. Understanding the practical aspects of international trade is essential for businesses and professionals engaged in this field. In this document, we will provide a brief analysis of international trade practices, focusing on key concepts and considerations.International Trade BasicsDefinitionInternational trade refers to the exchange of goods and services across national borders. It encompasses both imports (products purchased from foreign countries) and exports (products sold to foreign countries). The main objective of international trade is to enhance economic growth and prosperity by taking advantage of global market opportunities.Comparative AdvantageThe concept of comparative advantage is fundamental to understanding international trade. It suggests that countries should specialize in producing goods and services in which they have a lower opportunity cost compared to other countries. By doing so, countries can produce goods at a lower cost and trade them for goods that they cannot produce as efficiently.Tariffs and Trade BarriersTariffs and trade barriers are often used by countries to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, making them more expensive for consumers. Other trade barriers include quotas, which limit the quantity of imported goods, and subsidies, which provide financial support to domestic industries, making them more competitive.Trading Blocs and AgreementsRegional Trading BlocsRegional trading blocs are groups of countries that have entered into a regional trade agreement with the objective of reducing trade barriers and increasing economic cooperation. Examples of regional trading blocs include the EuropeanUnion (EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). These blocs promote the free movement of goods, services, and capital across member countries.Bilateral and Multilateral AgreementsBilateral agreements are trade agreements between two countries, focusing on reducing trade barriers and increasing market access between the involved nations. Multilateral agreements involve multiple countries and promote trade liberalization on a broader scale. The World Trade Organization (WTO) plays a crucial role in facilitating and overseeing multilateral trade negotiations.International Trade DocumentsCommercial InvoiceA commercial invoice is a document provided by the exporter to the importer, detailing the goods being exported, their prices, and other relevant information. It serves as proof of the transaction and is used for customs clearance purposes.Bill of LadingA bill of lading is a document issued by the carrier that acknowledges receipt of goods for shipment. It serves as a contract between the shipper and the transportation company and provides detailed information about the goods being transported.Certificate of OriginA certificate of origin is a document that validates the origin of goods being exported. It is issued by the relevant authorities and may be required for customs clearance and tariff purposes.IncotermsIncoterms (International Commercial Terms) are a set of standardized trade terms created by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). They define the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade, including the allocation of costs and risks associated with the transportation of goods.ConclusionUnderstanding the practical aspects of international trade is essential for businesses and professionals engaged in global commerce. This document has provided a brief analysis of international trade practices, including key concepts and considerations. By grasping these fundamental concepts and having knowledge of important trade documents, individuals and organizations can navigate thecomplexities of international trade more effectively and maximize the opportunities it presents.。
浅析国际贸易实务英文版Chapter 2 Market segmentation1 定义; Market Segmentation is defined as: 〝The process ofdividing a market into distinct subsets of consumers withcommon needs and selecting one or more segments to target with a distinct marketing strategy〞.2 Progression of market segmentation: mass market,targeting key market segments, micro marketing.〔填空〕3 Possible geographic segmentation bases, 5 aspects:region, housing density, location, state, climate〔选择〕4 Possible demographic segmentation bases, 5 aspects: Age, Marital Status, Occupation, Income, Education〔选择〕Definition 2: Age cohorts are born during the same period and travel through life togetherChapter 3 Consumer needs and motivation1定义: Motivation is defined as: 〝The driving force within individuals that impels them to action. This driving force is produced by a state of tension that exists as the result of anunfulfilled need〞2定义Cognitive Process:A part of an attitude model that represents the knowledge,perception and beliefs that a consume r has with respect to an idea or object3 Two broad types of needs are:(哪种形式)- Innate or biogenic needs are the primary needs in order to sustain life, such as food or water and shelter- Acquired or psychogenic needs are secondary needs we learn in response to our culture, such as prestige, affection and learningChapter 11 the influence of culture on consumerbehavior1 定义Culture i s defined as: 〝The sum total of learned beliefs, values and customs that serve to direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society.〞2 定义Enculturation(文化兼并) the learning of one’s own culture is known as enculturation.3 定义acculturation(文化渗入) the learning of a new or foreign culture is known as acculturation.4 定义Ritual(宗教仪式) A ritual is a type of symbolic activity consisting of a series of steps occurring in a fixed sequence and repeated over timeChapter 1 Introduction• 1 Broad aspects of finance 3个:(选择)– Corporate finance, financial institutions and markets, Investments.2Business Structures:Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Company• 3 Nominal and real rates:– The cost of an asset expressed as the number of dollars paid to acquire the asset is the nominalprice.– However, the purchasing power of money changes because of inflation and deflation.– Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the nominal or face value of money and the real orinflation-adjusted value of money.Chapter 3 the Time Value of Money: An Introduction to Financial Mathematics1 Fundamental ConceptCash flows— fundamental to finance, the funds that flow between parties either now or in the future as a consequence of a financial contract. Cash inflow andcash outflow2 The effective interest rate can be calculated as:年利率向别的利率转换公式(季利率,月利率,日利率)•(b) Quarterly = 0.125509 (12.55%)(c) Monthly = 0.126825 (12.68%)(d) Daily = 0.127475 (12.7475%)3 The real interest rate (i*) can be found as follows:假利率向真利率转换 此公式可用于任何形式的真假转换4 定义 Annuities (还贷)An annuity is a stream of equal cash flows(要紧是cash outflow ), equally spaced in time. Example 3.7: – Calculate the effective annual interest rates corresponding to 12% p.a.,compounding:(a) Semi -annually()22110.1211 1.0610.1236 (12.36%)2m j i m ⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫=+-=-= ⎪⎝⎭11m j i m ⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭where: nominal rate per period number of compounding periods which occur during a single nominal period j m ==1*11i i p ⎛⎫+=- ⎪+⎝⎭where:* real interest rate nominal interest rateexpected inflation ratei i p ===We consider four types of annuities: Ordinary annuity. Annuity due. Deferred annuity. Ordinary perpetuity.Present value (PV) of an ordinary annuity(还贷公式) • 借钱公式 Chapter 5 Project Evaluation: Principles and Methods1 The standard NPV formula is given by (评估一个项目是否挣钱,与0相比,假如结果大于0就可投资,相反就不可投资.) 公式为Example 5.1:– Investment of $9000.– Net cash flows of $5090, $4500 and $4000 at the end of years 1, 2 and 3 respectively.– Assume required rate of return is 10% p.a.– What is the NPV of the project?– ()()11,1n C P C A n i i i ⎡⎤=-=⨯⎢⎥+⎢⎥⎣⎦where:annuity cash flow interest rate per compound period number of annuity cash flows C i n ===()[]11-+=n i i C S ()∑=-+=n t t t C k C NPV 10 1 0where:= initial cash outlay on project = net cash flow generated by project at time t = life of the project= required rate of return tC C n k ()()()()0123 1 509045004000 90001.10 1.10 1.10nt t t C NPV C k ==-+=++-∑Thus, using a discount rate of 10%, the project’s NPV = +$2351 > 0, and is therefore acceptable.〔考试得有相关字样〕2 Net Cash Flow 〔明白相关〕Cash inflows: Receipts from sale of goods and services.Receipts from sale of physical assets.Cash outflows: Expenditure on materials, labour and indirect expenses for manufacturing. Selling and administrative. Inventory and taxes.Chapter 6 the Application of Project Evaluation Methods Example 6.1:Assume that an investment of $1000 is expected to generate cash flows of $500, at constant prices, at the end of each of 3 years. Assume that the expected rate of inflation is 10% p.a., and that the nominal required rate of return is 一五% p.a.Solution:(1 + p) (1 + i*) = (1 + i)i * = (1 + i )/(1 + p ) – 1i * = (1 + 0.一五)/(1 + 0.10) – 1 = 0.0455•或 NPV = –$1000 + $500/(1.0455)+ $500/(1.0455)2+$500/(1.0455)3= $373 NPV is > 0Chapter 8 The Capital Market1 Business Funding or capital market :(包括) Financial agency institutions. (Merchant bank) Financial intermediaries. (中行或建行) Investing institutions.2 Definition of ‘Capital Market ’ The market in which long-term financial securities are traded.This transfer can be done in either the debt or equity market.3 定义Primary market refers to transactions between companies seeking finance and investors directly.4 定义Secondary market transactions involve transactions in existing financial instruments.5 (特点)Exchange-traded market : Where a broker is organized and carries out clients ’ instruction to buy or sell securities in an exchange-traded market.is NPV $373, /(1.15)$500(1.10) /(1.15)$500(1.10) /(1.15)$500(1.10)$1000? NPV 3322>=+++=Over-the-counter market: No organized exchange; market consists of financial dealers who trade with clients and with each other.– 6 Unit trusts(包括) 1Real estate investment trusts (REITs): a llow investors to acquire an interest in a professionally managed portfolio of real estate. Some REITs only invest in real estate such as hotels and shopping centers. 2 Infrastructure funds: invest in assets involved in the supply of essential goods and services such as railways and oil/gas pipelines. Most infrastructure funds involve a company/trust group that issues stapled securities.(不同特点)Chapter 10 Sources of Finance: Debt1 定义Debt—contract where borrower promises to pay future cash flows to lender. Contract specifies the size and timing of interest payments and how they are calculated.•2 两种形式及其界限1Long-term debt—maturity greater than 12 months.•Two broad types of long-term debt:– Loans from banks and other financial intermediaries.– Funds raised by issuing marketable debt securitiessuch as corporate bonds.2 Short-term debt—due for repayment within 122023年5月26日星期五23:39:465.26.202323:3923:39:4623.5.2611时39分11时39分46秒May. 26, 2326 May 202311:39:46 PM23:39:46 months•。
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Chapter 2 Market segmentation1定义; Market Segmentation is defined as: “The process of dividing a market into distinct subsets of consumerswith common needs and selecting one or more segments to target with a distinct marketing strategy”.2Progression of market segmentation: mass market, targeting key market segments, micromarketing.(填空)3Possible geographic segmentation bases, 5 aspects: region, housing density, location, state,climate(选择)4 Possible demographic segmentation bases,5 aspects: Age, Marital Status, Occupation, Income, Education(选择)Definition 2: Age cohorts are born during the same period and travel through life togetherChapter 3 Consumer needs and motivation1定义: Motivation is defined as: “The driving forcewithin individuals that impels them to action. This driving force is produced by a state of tension that exists as the result of an unfulfilled need”2定义Cognitive Process:A part of an attitude model that represents the knowledge,perception and beliefs that a consume r has with respect to an idea or object3 Two broad types of needs are:(哪种形式)- Innate or biogenic needs are the primary needs in order to sustain life, such as food or water and shelter- Acquired or psychogenic needs are secondary needs we learn in response to our culture, such as prestige, affection and learningChapter 11 the influence of culture on consumerbehavior1 定义Culture i s defined as: “The sum total of learned beliefs, values and customs that serve to direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society.”2 定义Enculturation(文化兼并) the learning of one’s own culture is known as enculturation.3 定义acculturation(文化渗入) the learning of a new or foreign culture is known as acculturation.4 定义Ritual(仪式) A ritual is a type of symbolic activityconsisting of a series of steps occurring in a fixed sequence and repeated over timeChapter 1 Introduction • 1 Broad aspects of finance 3个:(选择)–Corporate finance, financial institutions andmarkets, Investments.2Business Structures:Sole proprietorship, Partnership,Company• 3 Nominal and real rates:–The cost of an asset expressed as the numberof dollars paid to acquire the asset is thenominal price.–However, the purchasing power of moneychanges because of inflation and deflation.–Therefore, it is necessary to distinguishbetween the nominal or face value of moneyand the real orinflation-adjusted value of money.Chapter 3 the Time Value of Money: An Introduction to Financial Mathematics1 Fundamental ConceptCash flows — fundamental to finance, the funds that flow between parties either now or in the future as a consequence of a financial contract. Cash inflow and cash outflow2 The effective interest rate can be calculated as:年利率向别的利率转换公式(季利率,月利率,日利率)•(b) Quarterly = 0.125509 (12.55%)(c) Monthly = 0.126825 (12.68%)(d) Daily = 0.127475 (12.7475%)3 The real interest rate (i*) can be found as follows:假利率向真利率转换 此公式可用于任何形式的真假转换Example 3.7: – Calculate the effective annual interest rates corresponding to 12% p.a.,compounding:(a) Semi-annually()22110.1211 1.0610.1236 (12.36%)2m j i m ⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫=+-=-= ⎪⎝⎭11m j i m ⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭where: nominal rate per period number of compounding periods which occur during a single nominal period j m ==1*11i i p ⎛⎫+=- ⎪+⎝⎭where:* real interest rate nominal interest rateexpected inflation ratei i p ===4 定义 Annuities (还贷)An annuity is a stream of equal cash flows(主要是cash outflow ), equally spaced in time. We consider four types of annuities: Ordinary annuity. Annuity due. Deferred annuity. Ordinary perpetuity.Present value (PV) of an ordinary annuity(还贷公式) • 借钱公式Chapter 5 Project Evaluation: Principles and Methods1 The standard NPV formula is given by (评估一个项目是否挣钱,与0相比,如果结果大于0就可投资,相反就不可投资.) 公式为()()11,1n C P C A n i i i ⎡⎤=-=⨯⎢⎥+⎢⎥⎣⎦where:annuity cash flow interest rate per compound period number of annuity cash flows C i n ===()[]11-+=n i i C S ()∑=-+=nt t t C k C NPV 10 10where:= initial cash outlay on project = net cash flow generated by project at time t = life of the project = required rate of returnt C C n kExample 5.1:– Investment of $9000.– Net cash flows of $5090, $4500 and $4000 at the end of years 1, 2 and 3 respectively.– Assume required rate of return is 10% p.a. – What is the NPV of the project?–Thus, using a discount rate of 10%, the project ’s NPV = +$2351 > 0, and is therefore acceptable.(考试得有相关字样)2 Net Cash Flow (知道相关)Cash inflows : Receipts from sale of goods and services. Receipts from sale of physical assets.Cash outflows : Expenditure on materials, labour and indirect expenses for manufacturing. Selling and administrative. Inventory and taxes.Chapter 6 the Application of Project Evaluation ()()()()0123 1 509045004000 90001.10 1.10 1.1046273719300590002351n t t t C NPV C k ==-+=++-=++-=∑MethodsExample 6.1:Assume that an investment of $1000 is expected to generate cash flows of $500, at constant prices, at the end of each of 3 years. Assume that the expected rate of inflation is 10% p.a., and that the nominal required rate of return is 15% p.a.Solution:(1 + p ) (1 + i *) = (1 + i )i * = (1 + i )/(1 + p ) – 1i * = (1 + 0.15)/(1 + 0.10) – 1 = 0.0455•或 NPV = –$1000 + $500/(1.0455)+ $500/(1.0455)2+$500/(1.0455)3= $373 NPV is > 0Chapter 8 The Capital Market1 Business Funding or capital market :(包括) Financial agency institutions. (Merchant bank) Financial intermediaries. (中行或建行) Investing institutions.2 Definition of ‘Capital Market ’The market in which long-term financial securities are traded. 0 is NPV $373, /(1.15)$500(1.10) /(1.15)$500(1.10) /(1.15)$500(1.10)$1000? NPV 3322>=+++=This transfer can be done in either the debt or equity market.3 定义Primary market refers to transactions between companies seeking finance and investors directly.4 定义Secondary market transactions involve transactions in existing financial instruments.5 (特点)Exchange-traded market: Where a broker is organized and carries out clients’instruction to buy or sell securities in an exchange-traded market.Over-the-counter market: No organized exchange; market consists of financial dealers who trade with clients and with each other.– 6 Unit trusts(包括) 1Real estate investment trusts (REITs): a llow investors to acquire an interest in a professionally managed portfolio of real estate. Some REITs only invest in real estate such as hotels and shopping centers. 2Infrastructure funds: invest in assets involved in the supply of essential goods and services such as railways and oil/gas pipelines. Most infrastructure funds involve a company/trust group that issues stapled securities.(不同特点)Chapter 10 Sources of Finance: Debt1 定义Debt—contract where borrower promises to pay future cash flows to lender. Contract specifies the size and timing of interest payments and how they are calculated.• 2 两种形式及其界限1Long-term debt—maturity greater than 12 months.•Two broad types of long-term debt:–Loans from banks and other financialintermediaries.–Funds raised by issuing marketable debtsecuritiessuch as corporate bonds.• 2 Short-term debt—due for repayment within 12 months。