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Deposits, Loans Rising In Shanghai. (Deposits And Loans Are Rising In Shanghai)
标题中动词的将来时: 1)will+动词原形 Next Century will Challenge Law of Land

2)更多采用“be+动词不定式”,其中be通 常省略,以节省标题字数。即动词不定式 在英语新闻标题中可直接表示未来动作。 例如:

英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被 动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式中的助动 词“be”,通常被省略,也经常不用“by”来 引出动作的执行者,剩下的过去分词在标题 里就可直接表示被动意义,读者切忌将之误 解为该动词的过去式。如:
Tested by Financial Crisis (Europe is Tested by Financial Crisis)
I: Grammatical Features Part II: Wording Features Part III: Rhetorical Features
Omission 2. Tense 3. Voice 4. Punctuation
Russian Leader Meets Fidel Castro In Cuba (Russian Leader Meets (Met) Fidel Castro In Gunfire, Explosions Rock Mumbai Hotel (Gunfire and Explosions Rocked a Mumbai Hotel) 注意:当标题中出现时间状语时,动词用过去时。 例如: Unemployment in U.K. Increased in October 十月份英国失业率上升

不但可节省、美化版面,还可增强新闻的简洁性和 可读性 这些小词均为带有新闻体特色的词汇,并且词义范 畴很宽,新闻英语称这类词为“万能同义词”。


dip=decline or decrease ease=lessen end=terminate flay=criticize
Daughter Share Fulbright Year => (A) Mother (and) Her Daughter Share (a) Fulbright Year 母女同享富布莱特访学年
Three Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas. =>Three Are Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas. Political Efforts Vital to Reform- Party Leader => Political Efforts Are Vital to ReformParty Leader
Killed in Northeast India Fighting (33 are Killed in Northeast India Fighting)

英语新闻标题一贯注重结构精练,并 不使用所有的标点符号。即便使用某 个标点符号,其主要目的不外乎两种: 1. 区分表示各句子成分意群之间的关 系; 2. 进一步节省标题字数。

rap=criticize rebuke=criticize slay=murder(谋杀) soar=skyrocket(急剧上升) swap=exchange(交流,交换) sway=influence(影响) trim=reduce(削减) vow=determine(决心,发誓) weigh=consider(考虑)
语或词组的完整性 e.g: 1) Combat on the Web 网络之战 2)TB on the Rise Again in London 伦敦地区结核病卷土重来

新闻标题中一般不用过去时态,而 采用现在时态,使读者阅报时一如 置身于这条新闻事件中,这叫做 “新闻现在时”(Journalistic Present Tense),与文学写作中的 “历史现在时”(Historical Present Tense)实际上完全一样。

head=direct hold=arrest

claim=cause the death of ...

clash=disagree strongly

curb=control or restrict

map=work out(制订) mark=celebrate(庆祝) name=appoint or nominate opt=choose peril=endanger pledge=determine(发誓)

Omission of function words, such as articles, possessive pronouns, „be‟ verbs, auxiliary verbs, etc.

37 Killed in Italian Plane Crash

alter=change or modify
ask=inquire ban=prohibit or forbid blast=explode begin=commence boost=increase

foil=prevent from grill=investigate
Global Poll: Fashion Models “Too Thin” 2. What Declining Registration Rate for PostGrad Exam Mean? 3. Bush‟s Approval Rating Plunges to New Low 4. Great Wall at Top of “World‟s New Seven Wonders” 5. Both Ends of Films to Be Shortened 6. Lots of Fruit in Childhood Cuts Adult Cancer Risk 7. US, Russia Warned of Repeat of Cold War
1. A Global Poll Shows Fashion Models are “Too Thin”(全球调查:时装模特“太瘦”) 2. What Does the Declining Registration Rate for the Post-Grad Exam Mean?(考研热为何降温?) 3. Bush‟s Approval Rating Plunges to a New Low(布什 支持率跌至历史新低) 4. The Great Wall is at the Top of the “World‟s New Seven Wonders”(长城跻身“世界新七大奇迹”之首) 5. Both Ends of Films are to Be Shortened(片头片尾 将“减肥”) 6. Lots of Fruit in one‟s Childhood Cuts an Adult Cancer Risk(孩提时水果摄入多 成年后癌症风险低) 7. The US and Russia are Warned of a Repeat of the Cold War (俄美受到警告,谨防冷战重现)
Romania to Buy Iran Oil at $35 a Barrel =>Romania is to Buy Iran Oil at $35 a Barrel
Largest Chinese Trade Delegation to Visit US in Nov. => Largest Chinese Trade Delegation is to Visit US in Nov.
=> 37 Killed in an Italian Plane Crash
Laurel, Aquino Cut Ties Laurel and Aquino Cut Ties (劳雷尔和阿基诺夫人 分道扬镳) Gunfire, Explosions Rock Mumbai Hotel => Gunfire and Explosions Rock (a) Mumbai Hotel

对于正在发生的事态或动作,英语新闻标题采 用“Be+现在分词”这一形式,但其中“Be” 又通常省略。因此,剩下的ing分词便在新闻 标题中直接表示正在进行的动作或正在发展 的事态。例如:
BBC Considering Starting Global Television Service (BBC is Considering Starting (the) Global Television Service)
Financier Killed By Burglars => (A) Financier Is Killed By Burglars
Moscow‟s Food Prices Soaring => Moscow‟s Food Prices Are Soaring

Shanghai: Resplendent Pearl Of New China. (Shanghai Is A Resplendent Pearl Of New China) 上海:新中国的璀璨明珠

(3)、破折号(dash) 表示强调;或常被放置在不用引号的引言 前后,以引出说话者。例如:

Yeltsin in Hospital- Again 叶利钦再次住院
Economy Grows Slowly As Unemployment, Inflation RiseEconomists (Economists Say That The Economy Grows Slowly As The Unemployment And Inflation Rise) 经济学家认为:失业率及通货膨胀加剧使得经济增长缓慢
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(书) The Gay-Marriage Flap; The Government is out of Step (also Rhyme)
quotation marks) e.g.: Iran‟s nuclear threat „hyped‟, says UN watchdog
例如: Guangzhou Fair Closes, Trade Booms (The Guangzhou Fair Closes And The Trade Booms) 广交会闭幕交易兴旺

(2)、冒号(colon)除了用在引语之前表示“说”外,还经常被 用来代替联系动词“Be”。例如: Health Survey: New Yorker Fitter, Slimmer (Health Survey says (that) New Yorker is Fitter and Slimmer 健康调查称纽约人更加健康和苗条)
一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时。现 分述如下:
新闻用了过去时态,容易给人一种陈旧感,被认为新闻 不“新”。 e.g: Heavy Rain Lashed City vs Heavy Rain Lashes City 一般现在时从形式上来增强报道的 新鲜感(Freshness) 现实感(Reality) 直接感(Immediacy) 此外,标题采用动词的一般现在时还可省去动词过去式 构成中常见的“ed”两个字母,节省标题字数。