品牌供应商行为准则Supplier Code of Conduct (律师修订版合同)




什么是COC?COC (Code of Conduct)公司行为准则评审咨询什么是COC?COC全称为CODE OF CONDUCT,即是“行为守则”或“工作守则”的简称。



部分公司COC评审部门的名称?1.Wal-Mart: Ethical Standard,简称ES;2. Ikea: I WAY Standard,IWAY标准;3. Walt Disney: CAPAR4. Mattel: Global Manufacturing Principles,简称GMP5. Marks & Spencer : GSP 全球采购原则6. Sears:薪资调查与改善计划(WRIP)COC申请及审核费用是多少?1.COC评审申请通常由供应商(SUPPLIER)向跨国公司的买手(BUYER)提出申请,由买手将申请资料转交到本司的验厂部门。





ETI工厂检查所需文件/证件清单ETI工厂检查所需文件/证件清单以下是SGS公司COC审核清单1.1 公司简介---人员\产量\产值\品牌\市场分布1.2公司组织结构1.3公司平面图1.4供应商评审记录1.5营业执照2.1员工手册2.2厂纪\厂规\奖惩记录2.3宿舍规章制度3.1招工程序3.2人事记录\员工登记表(所有员工)3.3劳动合同3.4体检记录3.5未成年工登记证及工作安排3.6综合计时(加班)批准3.7社保(工伤\养老\医疗保险)等缴费记录凭证3.8请假单3.9离职记录3.10警告单4.1工卡/考勤表4.2计件工生产(台班)记录4.3当地最低工资文件4.4工资表(一年)4.5有工人签名的工资条4.6工资扣除/罚款记录5.1厂房建筑结构安全合格5.2厂房消防合格证6.1公司的健康安全政策6.2(消防卫生)安全主任资格证(任命书\培训结业证书)6.3消防上岗证/急救人员资格证书6.4消防演习/消防逃生程序/急救计划及记录7.1电梯起重设备登记准用/验收/年检合格证7.2特种作业人员(电梯\行车\电工\韩工)资格证书7.3设备维修工\技工资格证书7.4锅炉\压力容器使用登记证/年检合格证7.5司炉上岗证8.1化学危险品许可/储存物空记录/安全应急措施/安全数据表8.2化学危险品仓库管理人员上岗培训证书8.3车间有毒有害作业环境检测报告8.4发电机房噪音测试报告8.5排污许可/环境检测报告9.1食堂卫生许可及食堂员工健康证9.2医疗人员资格资格证书9.3工伤医疗事故处理记录/纠正预防措施9.4定期除虫记录10保安守则\条例\上岗证11工会组织会议记录/工会代表程序及职责什么是ETI认证ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative)即英国道德贸易行动联盟基本守则.英国的道德贸易运动是一个由公司、非政府组织以及工会组成的联合体,旨在鼓励公司采用外部监督资源,遵守基本的劳工标准。



Swagelok–TM 世伟洛克公司 © 2013 世伟洛克公司, ,美国印刷,2013 年 1 月,CORP-0072, R0SuPPlIer exPectatIonS We expect our Suppliers to be passionately focused on assisting Swagelok in achieving our brand promise of exceptional quality and service.SWaGeloK SuPPlIer coDe oF etHIcSIntroDuctIonSwagelok Company conducts its business at all times in accordance with our corevalues: Quality, Integrity, Respect, Continuous Improvement, Customer Focus, andInnovation. As a result, we expect that our S uppliers operate in a manner that isconsistent with these values.Even though S uppliers are businesses not under the direct control of S wagelokCompany, the business practices and actions of a Supplier may significantly impactand/or reflect upon our company. The Supplier Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) outlinesthe minimum standards that we expect our Suppliers to uphold.local laW aDHerenceSuppliers must operate in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regu-lations of the countries, states, and municipalities in which they operate. [This Codeencourages Suppliers to go beyond legal compliance in order to advance social andenvironmental responsibility]BIaS For QualItyAll products and services delivered by Suppliers must meet the quality and safetystandards required by applicable law. When conducting business with or on behalf ofSwagelok, Suppliers must comply with all Swagelok quality requirements.etHIcSBuSIneSS InteGrItyCorruption, extortion, and embezzlement, in any form, are strictly prohibited. In all itsactivities, a Supplier must never, directly or through intermediaries, offer or promiseany personal or improper advantage in order to obtain or retain a business or otheradvantage from a third party, whether public or private. Nor must the Supplier acceptany such advantage in return for any preferential treatment of a third party. Recordsprepared for S wagelok shall be accurate, truthful and complete, and shall meetapplicable standards and requirements.conFlIct oF IntereStSuppliers acting on Swagelok’s behalf should be free from conflictsof interest that could adversely influence their judgment, objectivity orloyalty in conducting Swagelok business activities and assignments.Any potential conflict of interest should be proactively disclosed.conFlIct MIneralSS wagelok expects our S uppliers to only source materials fromenvironmentally and socially responsible sources.unFaIr BuSIneSS PractIceSStandards of fair business, advertising and competition are to be upheld. Suppliers to Swagelok shall not engage in collusive bidding, price fixing, price discrimination, or other unfair trade practices in violation of any applicable antitrust laws.MarKetInG anD aDvertISInGS uppliers may not engage in advertising, marketing, or promotional activities that reference or implicate S wagelok, its name, logo or services without prior written consent.IP ProtectIonuppliers must respect intellectual property rights and safeguard customer information.laBor anD HuMan rIGHtSantI-DIScrIMInatIonSuppliers shall not discriminate against any worker based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership, national origin, or marital status in hiring and employment practices.Workers with disabilities will be provided reasonable job accommodations as needed to perform their job function.FaIr treatMentSuppliers shall commit to a workplace free of harassment. Suppliers shall prohibit harassment and unlawful discrimination in the workplace.PreventIon oF unDeraGe laBorThe use of child labor by Suppliers is strictly prohibited. Child labor refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially, morally dangerous or harmful for children, or improperly interferes with their schooling needs. The use of legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs, which comply with all applicable laws and regulations, is supported.WorKInG HourSSuppliers must ensure that their employees work in compliance with all applicable laws and mandatory industry standards pertaining to the number of hours and days worked. In the event of conflict between a statute and a mandatory industry standard, Suppliers must comply with the one taking precedence under national law.WaGeS anD BeneFItSS uppliers shall provide all workers with wages and benefits that comply with all applicable laws and binding agreements, including those pertaining to overtime work and other premium pay arrangements.Heal tH anD SaFetyWorKPlace envIronMentS uppliers shall provide employees with safe and healthy working and, where provided, housing conditions. As a minimum, potable drinking water, adequate sanitation, fire exits and essential safety equipment, access to emergency medical care, appropriately lit and equipped work stations must be provided.In addition, facilities must be constructed and maintained in accordance with the standards set by applicable codes and ordinances. In all cases, S uppliers shall provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment. Workers shall not be disciplined for raising safety concerns and shall have the right to refuse unsafe working conditions without fear of reprisal.eMerGency PreventIon, PrePareDneSS, anD reSPonSe S uppliers shall implement emergency plans and response procedures, including emergency reporting, worker notification and evacuation procedures, worker training and drills, appropriate first-aid supplies, appropriate fire detection and suppression equipment, adequate exit facilities, and recovery plans.occuPatIonal SaFety ProceDureS anD SySteMS Suppliers shall ensure that required health and safety training of personnel has been completed prior to initiating any work activity. S uppliers should have or subscribe to a written safety and health program. S uppliers are responsible for addressing and controlling worker exposure to potential safety hazards in conformance with all applicable standards and/or regulations and by utilizing suitable means, e.g., design, engineering and administrative controls, preventative maintenance, training, work procedures, and appropriate personal protective equipment.Worker exposure to workplace safety hazards (e.g., electrical and other energy sources, fire, vehicles, slips, trips and fall hazards) are to be controlled through proper design, engineering and administrative controls, preventative maintenance and safe work procedures (including lockout/tag-out). Where hazards cannot be adequately controlled by these means, workers are to be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment.envIronMental IMPactenvIronMentS wagelok Company is committed to protecting and preserving the environment.We continually strive to minimize our environmental impact and improve theenvironmental quality of our operations. We seek to do business with Suppliers whoshare these same values. We expect our Suppliers to make efforts to reduce energyusage, natural resources, waste materials, and greenhouse gasses. At a minimum,Suppliers must comply with all current, applicable environmental rules, regulationsand laws in their countries. By way of example and not limitation, S wagelok’sSuppliers must:1) obtain and comply with all required environmental permits and regulations;2) r educe, control and/or eliminate wastewater, waste and pollution atthe source;3) r educe, control and/or eliminate air emissions of volatile chemicals,corrosives, particulates, aerosols and combustion products;4) conform to applicable labeling and warning requirements; and5) identify, manage, and handle regulated substances in accordance with law.coMPlIance WItH tHe coDeIf a S upplier becomes aware of any violation of these guidelines by any of itsemployees, officers or representatives or any employee, officer or representativeof Swagelok, Supplier should report such violation to Swagelok’s ethics hotline at:https:///gcs/welcome.Alternatively, address letters to:Swagelok CompanyAttn: Corporate Counsel29500 Solon RoadSolon, Ohio 44139, USAS wagelok reserves the right to verify by audit or other means each S upplier’scompliance with the Code. In cases where Swagelok becomes aware of any actionsor conditions not in compliance with the Code, S wagelok reserves the right todemand corrective measures or terminate an agreement with any Supplier who doesnot comply with the Code.This Code also applies to any sub-contractor(s) to the Supplier providing goods orservices to the Supplier. The Supplier is fully responsible for ensuring compliance byany such sub-contractor(s) as if it were the Supplier itself. Swagelok reserves theright to audit the Supplier’s sub-contractors for compliance to the Code.We trust that our mutual compliance with these standards create a better workenvironment for our customers, associates, community and the world in whichwe live.Swagelok–TM Swagelok Company © 2013 Swagelok Company, , Printed in U.S.A., January 2013, CORP-0072, R0。



Ford Supplier Code of Conductor that others make for us – upholds the highest standards of sustainability to protect the environment, enhance the health and well-being of the communities that surround usand respect human rights.01Our SuppliersDo Not Use Child Labor in Any Form.We Require Our Suppliers To:• M eet the minimum working age in any region where they operate while prohibiting employment of anyone below the ageof 15, even if permitted under local law. Government-authorized job training or apprenticeship programs that clearly benefit the participants are the only exceptions to this requirement.• R esponsibly manage student workersby performing rigorous due diligence on educational partners, keeping appropriate student work records, and protecting student workers’ rights.• P rohibit workers under the age of 18 from performing work that could jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts, overtime, or hazardous work in compliance with ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (No. 182).• I mplement an appropriate mechanism to verify that the age of workers complies with the ILO Minimum Age Convention (No. 138) and provide substantiation of this verification mechanism upon request.• E nsure that all recruitment efforts for workers, including recruitment performed by third party contractors, includes mechanisms or verify that the age of potential applicants complies with the ILO Minimum Age Convention (No. 138).• C ease employment of the child/children and take reasonable measures to enroll the child/children in a remediation/education program if child labor is discovered in its own facilities or in their supply chain.Ford is committed to respecting human rights in everything we do. It’s a core part of our purpose to help build a better world where all are free to move and pursue their dreams.We treat our workforce fairly, humanely, and with respect and dignity — and we expect our suppliers to do the same.Our SuppliersDo Not Use Nor Condone Forced Labor, Compulsory Labor, or Slavery in Any Form and Do Not EmployAny Form of Abusive Disciplinary Practices.In Addition, We Strictly Prohibit Our Suppliers From Both Using and Supporting Human Trafficking.We Require Our Suppliers To:• C onfirm that work is conducted on a voluntary basis. Employees should be free to terminate employment without penalty by giving reasonable notice per their contract, if any, and in accordance with applicable laws.• P rohibit the use of bonded, indentured or exploitive prison labor.• N ot engage in activities intended to restrict worker freedom of movement.• N ot allow physically or psychologically cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Follow Ethical Recruiting Practices.We Prohibit Our Suppliers From:• M isleading or defrauding potential workers about the nature ofthe work.• A sking employees to pay recruitment fees or pay off a loan byworking for an agreed-upon or unclear period of time for little orno salary, with the work performed greatly exceeding the worthof the initial loan.• C onfiscating, destroying, concealing, and/or denying accessto employee passports and other government-issued identitydocuments.Recognize and Respect Employees’Rights to Freedom of Association andCollective Bargaining.We Require Our Suppliers To:• W ork with recognized employee representatives to promote theinterests of employees.• N ot discriminate or retaliate against any employees, includingthose participating in a trade union.• P rovide opportunities for employees and external stakeholdersconcerns to be heard, even where there is no representationby unions.Do not to use animals for testing norrequire sub-contractors to do so, asaligned with Drive Sustainability and AIAGAutomotive Industry Guiding Principlesto Enhance Sustainability Performance inthe Supply Chain.We Expect Our Suppliers To:• R espect the five animal freedoms formalized by the WorldOrganization for Animal Health (OIE) concerning animal welfare.• N ot raise or kill any animals for the single purpose of being usedin an automotive product.Do Not T olerate Harassment or Discrimination of Any Kind.We Require Our Suppliers To:• Not allow harassment or discrimination in any form.• P romote diversity and women’s rights, and base employment relationships on the principles of equal opportunity.• N ot engage in any acts constituting or aiding unlawful eviction or unlawful taking of land, forests, or waters securing the livelihood of human beings.• N ot hire or use private or public security forces for protection of the company´s projects without proper supervision and due diligence in adherence with this policy.Our SuppliersComply With Applicable Laws Regulating Hours of Work Including Overtime, and Support a Living Wage by ProvidingCompetitive Compensation and Benefits That Meet or Exceed Legal Requirements.We Require Our Suppliers To:• E nsure that work schedules and overtime are provided in amanner consistent with all applicable laws, including maximum hour and rest period laws.• A gree upon overtime in advance and, where applicable,compensate overtime at a rate greater than regular hourly rates — or, where permitted by law, agree in advance to time off in lieu of a higher hourly rate.Provide a Healthy andSafe Working Environment.We Require Our Suppliers To:• P rovide a working environment that meets or exceeds prevailing industry standards and local, regional, and national safety, occupational health and fire safety regulations.• P erform regular risk assessments and put in place corrective and preventative measures to minimize workplace hazards including, but not limited to mechanical, electrical, chemical, fire, and physical hazards.• P rovide regular health and safety training to workers.• P rovide required rest breaks to prevent excessive physical and mental fatigue.• P rovide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at no cost to workers.• I mplement an effective fire safety management system and emergency plan at every supplier worksite that safeguards employees and others by providing an appropriate number ofclearly marked and unobstructed emergency exits and evacuation routes and providing first aid material and medical assistance/procedures to workers.• P rovide workers with clean toilet facilities, potable water, and sanitary eating facilities.• K eep worker dormitories clean and safe, with appropriate emergency exits and reasonable entry and exit privileges.• E ncourage workers to openly raise health and safety concerns and provide safeguards against retaliation.In addition, Ford expects its suppliers to maintain a health and safety management system to limit worker exposure to hazards and promote continuous improvement of working conditions and occupational health and safety.7 Ford Supplier Code of Conduct02Our SuppliersComply With or Exceed Ford’s Environmental Requirements and Policies, Including All Relevant National, Regional, Environmental, and Chemical Legislation (In Particular Those Noted in References). We Require Our Suppliers To:• M aintain an environmental management system certified to ISO 14001 through an accredited third-party registrar.Minimize Their Impact on Climate Change Aligned With The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Paris Climate Agreement), Striving T owards Carbon Neutrality.We Require Our Suppliers To:• R eport their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and water usage data to Ford if requested.• E stablish science based GHG reduction targets, action plans, and transparent reporting mechanisms to support Carbon Neutrality by 2050 Globally (all scopes) and for sites shipping to Europe, Carbon Neutrality by 2035 (Scope 1 & 2).Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Materials in Manufacturing. We Require Our Suppliers To:• U se recycled and renewable materials where possible in packaging.• I ncrease use of recycled content and improve recyclability of Ford products through material selection and product design as approved by Ford.• E liminate waste.• D ivert waste from landfill to products.• W ork to eliminate single use plastics throughout the manufacturing process.Achieve Continual Environmental Improvement in Manufacturing Operations. We Require Our Suppliers To:• E liminate or reduce substances of concern (including hazardous waste).• U tilize materials with reduced toxicity in their manufacturing processes.• R educe emissions.• I ncrease energy efficiency and use of carbon-free electricity.• I n alignment with the United Nations CEO Water Mandate, reduce freshwater usage in their operations and support access to clean and safe drinking water in local communities.• M imic ecosystem performance.• R efrain from causing any harmful soil change.• R efrain from excessive noise emissions.Ford is committed to protecting the environment and respecting human rights, including the right to clean air and water. We support the protectionof local communities from environmental and health hazards and providing meaningful involvement in our decision-making processes.Suppliers play a critical role in helping reduce greenhouse gas and other emissions that contribute to climate change, air and water pollution.We require our suppliers to identify and minimize potential environmental risks and remediate violations when they occur. Suppliers strive for positive impacts by improving environmental performance by setting targets and monitoring environmental performance indicators.8Protect The Environment Ford Supplier Code of Conduct9 Ford Supplier Code of Conduct03Ford aspires to source only raw materials that are responsibly produced. Fordconsiders responsibly produced materials to come from material processors and mines that have been audited to a responsible sourcing, independent, third-party audited supplier. Suppliers should refrain from including sub-tier suppliers who have not undergone or are not actively seeking to undergo an acceptable responsible sourcing audit. Suppliers are required to fully support and cooperate with Ford’s efforts to secure full transparency and traceability of their raw materials supply chain and must engage sub-tier suppliers. Information provided must not misrepresent material supply chains and include all known information as requested.Responsibly Source Materials Ford Supplier Code of Conduct11 Ford Supplier Code of Conduct04We require suppliers to conduct business lawfully, honestly, and responsibly, in line with Ford’s own internal and external commitments.Maintain Responsible Business PracticesFord Supplier Code of Conduct13 Ford Supplier Code of Conduct05All Ford suppliers must comply with this Code, work to prevent issues that are deemed high risk, mitigate and remediate issues when identified, and demonstrate compliance when asked.Our SuppliersOperationalize and Document Compliance. We Require Our Suppliers To:• D esignate a senior executive who is responsible for oversight, governance, implementation, and compliance with this Code.• E stablish an appropriate compliance risk management system to manage human rights and environment-related risks, responsible material sourcing, and responsible and lawful business practices based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.• C onduct regular employee trainings to educate employees on practices as laid out in this Code. Suppliers must update and improve training at least annually. If the supplier does not have the capacity to develop and maintain this training, Ford can provide access to industry aligned trainings on these topics upon request at: *************• P rovide documentation on the implementation of such trainings.• E nable Ford to assess compliance with this Code and that requirements are met by completing questionnaires and/or participating in on-site assessments or audits conducted by an independent third party.• D ocument efforts to comply with this Code and keep theHow to Implement This Code Ford Supplier Code of Conduct06Aligned With These International Frameworks and Charters and Industry Guidance.• I nternational Bill of Human Rights (The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its two Covenants) 1948• I nternational Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principlesand Rights at Work (1998), including ILO Convention No. 138 on Minimum Age and Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour• U nited Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)• O rganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (2011 Edition)• O ECD Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas (2016 Edition)• U N Global Compact• U N Sustainable Development Goals• U N CEO Water Mandate• U N Women’s Empowerment Principles• A utomotive Industry Guiding Principles (2022)• R elevant Supply Chain Due Diligence Laws:– A ct on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations for the Prevention of Human RightsViolations in Supply Chains(2021)• R elevant Environmental Regulationsand Laws:– M inamata Convention on Mercury of 10October 2013, noting in particular:0A rticle 4 (1) – prohibition of themanufacture of mercury-added productslisted in Annex A Part I from the phase-out date specified in the Convention forthe respective products and processes0A rticle 5 (2) – prohibition of the use ofmercury and mercury compounds inspecific manufacturing processes listedin Annex B Part I from the phase-outdate specified in the Convention for therespective products and processes0A rticle 11 (3) – appropriate measuresfor management and treatment ofmercury waste– S tockholm Convention on PersistentOrganic Pollutants of 23 May 2001 in theversion of Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 and as last amended (2020), noting in particular:0A rticle 3 (1) (a) – prohibition of theproduction and use of chemicals listedin Annex A0A rticle 6 (1) (d) (i, ii) – prohibition ofthe handling, collection, storage anddisposal of waste in a manner that is notenvironmentally sound– B asel Convention on the Control ofTransboundary Movements of HazardousWastes and their Disposal in the version ofas last amended (2013)– R egulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste as last amended (2020)。

供应商行为准则(Code of Conduct for Suppliers) V01

供应商行为准则(Code of Conduct for Suppliers) V01

供应商行为准则Code of Conduct for Suppliers本行为准则规定了为江苏常牵庞巴迪牵引系统有限公司(以下简称BCP)提供产品及服务的供应商应承担的基本责任。



This Code of Conduct defines the basic requirements placed on Bombardier CPC Propulsion System Co., Ltd. (herein after called BCP) suppliers of goods and services concerning their responsibilities towards their stakeholders and the environment. BCP reserves the right to reasonably change the requirements of this Code of Conduct due to changes of the BCP Compliance Program. In such event, BCP expects the supplier to accept such reasonable changes.供应商在此承诺:The supplier declares herewith:一、遵守法律及供应商行为准则1. Compliance with Legal and Code of Conduct For Suppliers⏹了解并遵守所有适用法律和供应商行为准则的规定To comply with the laws of the applicable legal system(s) and code of conduct for suppliers.二、禁止贪污贿赂2. Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery⏹不容忍任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,也不从事任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,包括但不限于违反法律为影响决策而向任何政府官员支付任何款项或给予其它任何形式的利益;To tolerate no form of and not to engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including but not limited to any payment or any other form of benefit conferred on any government official for the purpose of influencing decision making in violation of law;⏹禁止为了维持、获得业务或不正当权益直接或间接地向BCP员工和/或其亲属提供、约定提供贿赂或不当的便利,包括但不限于:To prohibit to provide, agree to, suggest bribery or improper convenience, directly or indirectly, to BCP’s staff or their relatives, in order to maintain, attain business or improper titles, including but not limited to:i. 礼品,包括但不限于现金、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证及贵重物品;Gifts, including but not limited to cash, cash gift, securities, payment vouchers and valuables;ii. 购置、提供通信工具、交通工具和高档办公用品等;Purchase or provide communication tools, vehicles or expensive office supplies;iii. 高消费的招待,包括但不限于度假、出国(出境)旅游,以及高尔夫球等活动或是可能妨碍公正的宴请;Any high-consumption entertainment, including but not limited to holiday, abroad (outbound) tourism, and golf, etc. or any dinner which may prevent justice ;iv. 安排工作,或支付应由自己或其亲属自付的各种费用,包括但不限于住宅装修、婚丧嫁娶、购物、学费;Arrange work or pay any fee for himself or his relatives which shall be paid by his own, including but not limited to decoration fee, wedding and funerals fee, shopping expense, tuition fee;v. 成比例的,或者正相关的利益联系,例如股份、回扣等Proportional relationship or any other positive benefit-based relationship, e.g. share, discount, etc.三、禁止隐形代理3. Prohibition of Invisible Agency⏹任何第三方(因BCP与供应商之间的业务而成为关联分供应商的除外)不得因供应商与BCP的业务而从供应商处获得任何经济利益。

供应商行为准则-Supplier code of conduct CN中文版

供应商行为准则-Supplier code of conduct CN中文版


















2.2 隐私AH工业集团供应商必须尊重他们员工和客户的隐私权。





供应商行为准则康明斯 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020《供应商行为准则》每时每刻都为道德着想29年1月目录2 1.供应商必须遵守法律 (4)2.供应商必须体面而尊敬地对待所有人 (5)3.供应商必须公平诚实地经商并避免利益冲突 (7)4.供应商必须保护环境 (8)5.供应商必须提供安全的工作环境 (9)6.供应商必须保护康明斯的技术、信息和知识产权 (10)7.供应商必须协助康明斯实施本《准则》 (11)在康明斯,我们致力于总是第一个给市场带去最好的产品,以超越客3户的期望。


自 2005 年起,公司实施了《供应商行为准则》(Supplier Code ofConduct),适用于为康明斯及其子公司、合资企业、分公司或附属公司提供产品或服务的各企业。




本《准则》是康明斯不断评估或审核供应商的基础,并构成《采购协议》(Sourcing Agreement) 的附加条款。







供应商行为准则 Supplier Code of Counduct

供应商行为准则  Supplier Code of Counduct

XXXXXX有限公司供应商行为准则ABC Supplier Code of ConductABC and it’s branch XXXXXX Co. Ltd. (“ABC China”) is committed to high standards of business ethics and integrity as reflected in ABC Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”). The Code of Conduct expects all of ABC suppliers (“Suppliers”) to adhere to similar good working standards and business ethics. The Suppliers are expected to comply with the requirements set out in this Code of Conduct. Violations of this code of conduct may result in immediate termination as a ABC Supplier and in legal action if necessary.ABC realizes that Suppliers may need time to address areas in which they may not be in compliance. We believe that compliance is best achieved through a process of continuous improvement over a period of time. With this in mind, ABC invites its suppliers to keep us regularly informed about their actions and their improvement plans concerning the Code of Conduct.XXXXXX有限公司及其中国分公司XXXXXX有限公司(以下简称“XX中国”)一向秉持高标准商业道德和诚信经营的理念,并将此反映在《XXXXXX有限公司供应商行为准则》(以下简称“行为准则”)当中。



CODE OF CONDUCT 爱立信行为准则Introduction 引言Supply chain issues in the area of corporate responsibility are of global importance, and also play an increasingly important role in a company’s competitiveness, profitability and ultimately shareholder value.有关供应链的社会责任在全球范围内变得越来越重要,它同时也对公司的竞争力、利润、及最终的股东利益方面起着越来越重要的作用。

In order to ensure responsible corporate governance in the areas of basic human rights, labor standards, environmental management and anti-corruption in the workplace, Ericsson’s CODE OF CONDUCT was established in May 2002.为了保障在工作场所的基本人权、劳动条件、环境保护以及反腐败等方面的良好公司治理政策,爱立信公司于2002年5月发布了爱立信《行为准则》。

Ericsson has based its CODE OF CONDUCT on the United Nations Global Compact, an international initiative which is supported by corporations around the world to ensure accountability in the areas noted above.爱立信《行为准则》是以《联合国全球公约》为基础的。



《供应商行为准则》每时每刻都为道德着想2009年 1月目录2 1.供应商必须遵守法律 (4)2.供应商必须体面而尊敬地对待所有人 (5)3.供应商必须公平诚实地经商并避免利益冲突 (7)4.供应商必须保护环境 (8)5.供应商必须提供安全的工作环境 (9)6.供应商必须保护康明斯的技术、信息和知识产权 (10)7.供应商必须协助康明斯实施本《准则》 (11)在康明斯,我们致力于总是第一个给市场带去最好的产品,以超越客3户的期望。


自2005 年起,公司实施了《供应商行为准则》(Supplier Code ofConduct),适用于为康明斯及其子公司、合资企业、分公司或附属公司提供产品或服务的各企业。




本《准则》是康明斯不断评估或审核供应商的基础,并构成《采购协议》(Sourcing Agreement) 的附加条款。











Code of Business Conduct and Ethics1、政策本身:职业道德规范是公司工作的重要组成部分道德规范包括对公司的全体董事、管理人员、雇员、律师和顾问行为的指引,旨在遏止不法行为并促进:●诚实和道德的行为,包括道德地处理个人和职业关系之间实际或明显的利益冲突;●在公司向美国证券交易委员会(“证交会”)备案或递交的所有报告和文件及公司的其他公开通信中进行充分、公正、准确、及时和易懂的披露;●遵守适用法律、规则和法规;●及时内部报告违反守则的行为;●负责遵守该守则。









●公司有何种途径收集举报违反职业道德规范(Ethics Programme)和商业行为准则(Code of Conduct)的信息(如举报热线、邮箱等);公司的董事会(“董事会”)已经任命邹香光作为公司的合规负责人。

供应商行为准则(Code of Conduct for Suppliers) V01

供应商行为准则(Code of Conduct for Suppliers) V01

供应商行为准则Code of Conduct for Suppliers本行为准则规定了为江苏常牵庞巴迪牵引系统有限公司(以下简称BCP)提供产品及服务的供应商应承担的基本责任。



This Code of Conduct defines the basic requirements placed on Bombardier CPC Propulsion System Co., Ltd. (herein after called BCP) suppliers of goods and services concerning their responsibilities towards their stakeholders and the environment. BCP reserves the right to reasonably change the requirements of this Code of Conduct due to changes of the BCP Compliance Program. In such event, BCP expects the supplier to accept such reasonable changes.供应商在此承诺:The supplier declares herewith:一、遵守法律及供应商行为准则1. Compliance with Legal and Code of Conduct For Suppliers⏹了解并遵守所有适用法律和供应商行为准则的规定To comply with the laws of the applicable legal system(s) and code of conduct for suppliers.二、禁止贪污贿赂2. Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery⏹不容忍任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,也不从事任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,包括但不限于违反法律为影响决策而向任何政府官员支付任何款项或给予其它任何形式的利益;To tolerate no form of and not to engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including but not limited to any payment or any other form of benefit conferred on any government official for the purpose of influencing decision making in violation of law;⏹禁止为了维持、获得业务或不正当权益直接或间接地向BCP员工和/或其亲属提供、约定提供贿赂或不当的便利,包括但不限于:To prohibit to provide, agree to, suggest bribery or improper convenience, directly or indirectly, to BCP’s staff or their relatives, in order to maintain, attain business or improper titles, including but not limited to:i. 礼品,包括但不限于现金、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证及贵重物品;Gifts, including but not limited to cash, cash gift, securities, payment vouchers and valuables;ii. 购置、提供通信工具、交通工具和高档办公用品等;Purchase or provide communication tools, vehicles or expensive office supplies;iii. 高消费的招待,包括但不限于度假、出国(出境)旅游,以及高尔夫球等活动或是可能妨碍公正的宴请;Any high-consumption entertainment, including but not limited to holiday, abroad(outbound) tourism, and golf, etc. or any dinner which may prevent justice ;iv. 安排工作,或支付应由自己或其亲属自付的各种费用,包括但不限于住宅装修、婚丧嫁娶、购物、学费;Arrange work or pay any fee for himself or his relatives which shall be paid by his own, including but not limited to decoration fee, wedding and funerals fee, shopping expense, tuition fee;v. 成比例的,或者正相关的利益联系,例如股份、回扣等Proportional relationship or any other positive benefit-based relationship, e.g. share, discount, etc.三、禁止隐形代理3. Prohibition of Invisible Agency⏹任何第三方(因BCP与供应商之间的业务而成为关联分供应商的除外)不得因供应商与BCP的业务而从供应商处获得任何经济利益。

scc条款 简写

scc条款 简写

scc条款简写SCC(Supplier Code of Conduct)条款是供应商行为准则的简写,它是为了确保供应商遵守合法、道德和社会责任的一系列规定和要求。






这些要求可能包括但不限于以下内容:1. 合法遵从:供应商必须遵守适用的法律法规和规定,包括但不限于劳动法、环境法和安全法。

2. 道德行为:供应商应遵守商业道德准则,包括诚信、诚实和公正的原则。

3. 社会责任:供应商应对其影响力承担社会责任,包括对员工、社区和环境的关怀。

4. 人权保护:供应商应确保不侵犯劳动者的基本权益,如言论自由、组织自由和不受虐待的权利。


这可能包括以下步骤:1. 建立一个符合SCC条款的审核程序,以确保供应商的合规性。

2. 对供应商进行培训,使其了解SCC条款的要求和期望。


4. 针对违反SCC条款的供应商,制定相应的纠正措施和制裁措施。


这些影响和益处可能包括以下方面:1. 提升供应链透明度:SCC条款要求供应商公开自己的行为和做法,从而增加了供应链的透明度。

2. 降低供应链风险:通过要求供应商遵守法律、道德和社会责任,SCC 条款有助于降低供应链风险,减少不合规行为的发生。



PCH SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCTPCH 供应商行为准则At PCH International, our core values are passion, integrity and teamwork. Our purpose is Developing Partnerships Delivering Peace of Mind and these values stand at the core of every decision we make for the company. We expect all of our business partners and suppliers to operate on the same principles.在PCH国际,我们的核心价值是激情、诚信和团队合作。



PCH designs, creates and delivers products for the world’s leading brands. At every step in the supply chain and associated processes, we not only comply with legal requirements, we ensure that our values and purpose are strictly adhered to and we expect our partners to behave likewise. Wherever we operate around the world we are guided by this Code of Conduct and we bind our contractors to these principles.PCH为世界顶尖品牌的产品提供设计、制造及运输服务。



Code of ConductMain Principles for Suppliers供应商行为准则要旨Deutsche Post DHL is a global and multicultural group, offering worldwide Mail, Express and Logistic services. We are fully aware of the responsibility we bear toward our customers, shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work. Thus, we have given ourselves a strict set of ethical values to guide us in our business dealings.德国邮政DHL系一全球性、跨文化的集团, 提供全球邮递、快件和物流服务。



We expect all our suppliers, i.e., all companies who do business with any Deutsche Post DHL company, to adhere to the same ethical principles. For this purpose, Deutsche Post DHL has drawn up this Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets the standards for doing business with a Deutsche Post DHL company.我们期待所有供应商,即与德国邮政DHL公司有业务往来的公司,能够遵守同样的道德准则。

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1. 工作标准与社会责任

禁止使用童工:严禁雇佣年龄未满 16 岁的童工。

相关国家的地方法律对童工设定更高年龄,或对完成义务教育年龄的设定超过 16 岁的,应以该更高年龄为准。

任何可能危及儿童健康、安全或道德的工作都不应由18 岁以下的任何人完成。






















2. 环境管制和保护



3. 职业操守





















_ 信息透明:我们的供应商必须提供关于所使用的方法和资源、生产场所、提供的产品或服 务的特点的清晰准确的信息,并且不得有任何有误导性的声明。

供应商名称和地址: 供应商代表的姓名和职位:
