TH 系列智能数字测温仪说明书-海创高科


ADC Adtemp 413 数字体温计说明书

ADC Adtemp 413 数字体温计说明书

Adtemp TM 413 Thermomètre NumériqueMODE D'EMPLOIMerci d’avoir choisi un thermomètre à manche digital ADC® AdtempTM. Votre nouveau thermomètre est conçu pour fournir des mesures précises. Les thermomètres Adtemp respectent ou dépassent toutes les normes de performance internationales pertinentes.Description de L'appareil et Utilisation PrévueCet appareil est destiné à mesurer la température du corps humain chez les enfants et les adultes. Il a une taille compacte et un affichage numérique et peut être utilisé dans un environnement professionnel ou domestique.Pièces et AssemblageDéfinitions de SymbolesLes symboles suivants sont associés à votre thermomè la Sonde Fenêtre D'affichage Couvercle de la BatterieBouton MultifonctionAVERTISSEMENT: Cet instrument est conçu pour un usage oral, rectal ou axillaire uniquement. AVERTISSEMENT: Une fièvre élevée et prolongée nécessite des soins médicaux, en particulier chez les jeunes enfants. S'il vous plaît contactez votre médecin.AVERTISSEMENT: Gardez hors de la portée des enfants sans surveillance. Les composants peuvent être nocifs s'ils sont avalés.AVERTISSEMENT: Cessez d'utiliser le thermomètre s'il fonctionne de manière irrégulière ou si l'écran ne fonctionne pas correctement.AVERTISSEMENT: Les lectures de température orale sont souvent de 0 ° C. à 2,0 ° F plus bas que la température corporelle réelle; les mesures rectales sont généralement de 1,0 ° F . à 2.0 ° F plus haut.AVERTISSEMENT: Évitez de prendre la température pendant 30 minutes après un exercice physique, un bain, des repas ou une boisson chaude ou froide.AVERTISSEMENT: Laissez le thermomètre se réchauffer naturellement à la température ambiante avant de l’utiliser. Les performances peuvent être affectées si elles sont utilisées ou stockées en dehors des plages de température et d'humidité indiquées ou si la température du patient est inférieure à la température ambiante.AVERTISSEMENT: Après utilisation, nettoyez le thermomètre et placez-le dans le boîtier. Nettoyez l'appareil en l'essuyant avec un chiffon sec et désinfectez la sonde avec de l'alcool isopropylique. Voir les instructions de nettoyage pour plus de détails.ATTENTION: Gardez le thermomètre à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil, de températures extrêmes ou de la poussière.ATTENTION: Ne pas faire bouillir, mordre, plier, laisser tomber ou démonter le thermomètre. ATTENTION: N'ouvrez pas l'appareil.ATTENTION: N'utilisez pas cet appareil à proximité de champs électromagnétiques puissants, tels que des téléphones portables.ATTENTION: Ne pas autoclaver. Veuillez noter les procédures de nettoyage décrites dans ce manuel.ATTENTION: Éliminez les piles conformément à la réglementation locale en vigueur et non avec les ordures ménagères.ATTENTION: IP22: Protégé contre les corps étrangers solides de 12,5 mm de diamètre et plus. Protégé contre les chutes verticales de gouttes d'eau lorsque l'appareil est incliné jusqu'à 15 °.Avertissements GénérauxUn avertissement dans ce manuel identifie une condition ou une pratique qui, si elle n'est pas corrigée ou arrêtée immédiatement, pourrait entraîner des blessures, une maladie oula mort du patient.2. Appuyez et relâchez le bouton multifonction. L'afficheur indiquera confirmant que l'appareil fonctionne correctement. La dernière température mesurée sera affichée pendantUtilisation Rectale: Lubrifiez le couvre-sonde avec une gelée soluble dans l'eau pour une insertion plus facile. ne pas utiliser de vaseline, car cela pourrait fausser la lecture. Insérez doucement la pointe de la sonde pas plus de 1/2 pouce dans le rectum.STOP si vous rencontrez une résistance. L'unité de détection se trouve à l'extrémité de la sonde et il n'est pas nécessaire d'insérer la sonde profondément dans le rectum. Jetez le couvre-sonde usagé et lavez le thermomètre selon les recommandations. La température maximale doit être atteinte enenviron 25-35 secondes.Utilisation Axillaire: Essuyez les aisselles avec un chiffon sec.Placez la sonde dans les aisselles du patient (Figure 3) etmaintenez le bras du patient fermement appuyé contre le corps.Afin d'obtenir une meilleure lecture axillaire, une durée de mesureminimale de 90 secondes ou plus est recommandée, en fonction dupositionnement de la sonde et de la fermeture du bras contre le corps. Remplacement de la Batterie1. Lorsque le symbole “ ” apparaît, vous devez remplacer la pile.2. Retirez le couvercle du compartiment à piles (Figure 4).3. Utilisez un objet pointu tel qu'un cure-dent pour extrairel'ancienne pile. Évitez d'utiliser des objets métalliquescoupants.4. Placez une nouvelle pile 1.55V (LR41 ou équivalente) dansle chambre avec le côté positif (+) vers le haut ou versl’affichage de l’appareil.5. Replacez le couvercle du compartiment de la batterie.Nettoyage et désinfectionN'utilisez pas de détergent corrosif pour nettoyer l'appareil.Nettoyez et désinfectez le thermomètre avant et après chaque utilisation. Processus de nettoyage1. Essuyez la sonde avec un chiffon imbibé d'une solution désinfectante telle que de l'alcool isopropylique à 70% (frottement) ou du savon et de l'eau.2. Rincez les résidus de désinfectant.Soins et stockage• NE PAS laisser tomber ou écraser; cet appareil n'est pas résistant aux chocs.• NE PAS démonter ou modifier l'appareil.• N'entreposez PAS l'appareil dans un environnement extrême exposé à la lumière directe du soleil ou à des températures élevées.• Rangez l'appareil dans son étui de protection lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé.Figure 3Figure 4CaractéristiquesTaille: 5 "L x 3/4" L x 3/8 "H (12,7 cm L x 1,9 cm L x .95 cm H)Poids: 0.388 oz (11 grammes)Affichage: LCD, affichage à cristaux liquidesBatterie: 1.55V (LR41)Durée de vie de la batterie: environ 4 500 utilisationsTemps de mesure: Oral 30 * secondes / Rectal 25-35 secondes / Axillaire 90 secondes Plage de mesure: 32,0 ° C à 42,9 ° C (90.0 ° F à 109.9 ° F)Précision: 96,0 ° F à 107,0 ° F ± 0,2 ° F / 1 ° C (34,0 ° C à 42,0 ° C)à une température ambiante de 18,0 ° C à 28,0 ° C (64,4 ° F à 82,4 ° F) 90.0 ° F à 96.0 ° F ± 0.4 ° F / 0.2.C (32.0 ° C à 34.0 ° C)42,0 ° C à 42,9 ° C (107,0 ° F à 109,9.F)Mode de mesure: Mesure réelle avec la méthode de maintien de crête Alarme sonore: 1 bip au démarrage. Bip continu à la fin de la mesure.Arrêt automatique: dans environ 8 minutesFonction de mémoire: dernière lectureEnvironnement d'exploitation: 10 ° C à 40 ° C (50 ° F à 104 ° F),Humidité: 15-95% (sans condensation)Environnement de stockage Température: -25 ° C à 55 ° C (-13 ° F à 131 ° F), Humidité: 15-95% (sans condensation)Norme: conforme à la norme EN 12470-3, ASTM E 1112-00, CEI 60601-1,CEI 60601-1-2, CEI 60601-1-11Compatibilité électromagnétique: l'appareil répond aux exigences de la norme IEC 60601-1-2Le fabricant recommande une vérification de l'étalonnage tous les 2 ans.* Temps de réponse de 30 secondes obtenu lors du test au bain-marie. Garantie limitée:ADC garantit ses produits contre les défauts de matériaux et de fabrication dans les conditions normales d'utilisation et de service domestiques, comme suit:1. Le service de garantie s’applique uniquement à l’acheteur initial et commence à compter de la date de livraison.2. Votre thermomètre digital Adtemp est garanti pendant deux ans à compter de la date d’achat.IB p/n 93-413-00 rev 6 Lisez attentivement le manuel d'instructions avant d'utiliser cet appareil, en particulier les consignes de sécurité, et conservez-le pour une utilisation ultérieure.Pièce appliquée de type BFDist. par: ADC®55 Commerce Drive,Hauppauge, NY 11788Inspecté aux USAFabriqué en Chinetel: 631-273-9600sans frais: 1-800-232-2670fax: 631-273-9659email:*****************Onbo Electronic (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. No. 497, Ta Laneg Nan Road, Ta Laneg Street Baoan District, Shenzhen, China Microlife AG, Espenstrasse139, 9443 Widnau, Switzerland0044Les piles et les appareils électron-iques doivent être éliminés confor-mément à la réglementation locale en vigueur et non avec les ordures ménagères.Ce qui est couvert: Remplacement des pièces et de la main-d'œuvre.Ce qui n'est pas couvert: Frais de transport vers ADC. Les dommages causés par un abus, une mauvaise utilisation, un accident ou une négligence. Dommages accidentels, spéciaux ou consécutifs. Certains états n'autorisent pas l'exclusion ou la limitation des dommages acces-soires, spéciaux ou consécutifs, ou cette limitation peut ne pas s'appliquer à vous.Pour bénéficier du service de garantie: envoyez les articles portés à ADC, à l'attention du service de réparation, 55 Commerce Dr., Hauppauge, NY 11788. Veuillez indiquer votre nom et votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone, une preuve d'achat et une note expliquer le problème.Garantie implicite: Toute garantie implicite sera limitée dans le temps aux termes de cette garantie et en aucun cas au-delà du prix de vente d'origine (sauf là où la loi l'interdit). Cette garantie vous donne des droits légaux spécifiques et vous pouvez avoir d’autres droits qui varient d’une province à l’autre.Pour les consommateurs australiens: Nos produits sont assortis de garanties qui ne peuvent être exclues en vertu de la loi australienne sur la consommation. Vous avez droit à un remplacement ou à un remboursement pour une défaillance majeure et à une indemnisation pour toute autre perte ou dommage raisonnable et prévisible. Vous avez également le droit de faire réparer ou remplacer les biens si ceux-ci ne sont pas de qualité acceptable et que la défaillance ne constitue pas une défaillance majeure.Rendez-vous sur pour consulter cette brochure d’instructions dans d’autres langues.Imprimé en chine。



1Warning!EN61326-1EN60825-11. Safety notices Before using the thermodetector, please read the manual carefully. Do not use any solvent to clean the thermodetector. Safety symbols:Important information prompt for dangerComplies with European CE safety specificationThe instrument complies with the following standards:Do not align the laser to human eyes or reflective surface2. Notes When the ambient temperature changes in a sudden, it is required to place the thermodetector in the environment for 30 minutes , and measure when internal and external temperatures of the thermodetector coincide.Try to avoid any electromagnetic field caused by electric welding and induction heating.Do not place the thermodetector close to or on a high temperature object.Keep the thermodetector clean, and avoid dust from entering the tube.23. Appearance description1. Alarm indicator2. Liquid crystal display3. Laser control key/digital turn down key ▼4. Mode key5. Back-light/digital turn up key ▲6. Infrared sensor induction zone7. Laser indicator8. Measurement trigger 9. Battery cover4. Liquid crystal display description1: Primary display: Displays measured temperature.2: Function indication: MAX (Maximum value)3: Displays the maximum value4: Fahrenheit degree5: Centigrade degree6: Low voltage indication7: Laser indication8: Measurement indication9: Low alarming10: High alarming11: Data hold12: Radiance indication35. Measurement methods1. Set the upper limit of the instrument alarm:Press and hold the Mode key for 2 seconds, to enter instrument setting, and press MODE key to shift to alarm upper limit setting, in this case, Hi is displayed in the instrument function indication zone, and the alarm upper limit is displayed in the zone. Press ▲/▼ key to increase or decrease the alarm value, and long press ▲/▼ key to accelerate the increase or decrease of the set value.2: Set the low alarm value of the instrumentPress and hold the Mode key for 2 seconds, to enter instrument setting, and press MODE key to shift to alarm lower limit setting, in this case, Low is displayed in the instrument function indication zone, and the alarm lower limit is displayed in the zone. Press ▲/▼ key to increase or decrease the alarm value, and long press ▲/▼ key to accelerate the increase or decrease of the set value.3: Set the instrument radiancePress and hold the Mode key for 2 seconds, to enter the instrument setting, and press the MODE key to shift to the instrument radiance setting, in this case, the instrument radiance indication zone flashes. Press the ▲/▼ key to increase or decrease the radiation value, and long press the ▲/▼ key to accelerate the increase or decrease of the set value.44: Set the instrument temperature unitPress and hold the MODE key for 2 seconds, to enter the instrument setting, and press the MODE key to shift to the instrument temperature measurement unit, the unit symbol on the display flashes, and press the ▲/▼ key to change the unit symbol.5: Exit the settingPress the trigger or long press the MODE key, to exit the instrument setting.6: Turn on/off laserPress the key to turn on or off laser, and the instrument will display the laser symbol7:Turn on or off back-lightPress the key to turn on or off back-light.8: Non-contact temperature measurementAim the thermodetector at the object, and hold the trigger, to conduct continuous measurement of temperature. After displaying stably, release the trigger, and the5When holding the trigger, the secondary display of the instrument will display the maximum value of the measured temperature.When the measured value is greater than the upper limit of high alarm or the measured value is less than the lower limit of low alarm, the red alarm indicator will turn on to alarm.6. Target distance ratio (D:S ratio)The thermodetector has a certain visual angle and visual field, as shown in the following figure.The measured target Tube Light-sensitive componentIn order to guarantee the measured object fills in the visual field of the thermodetector, which means the thermodetector only "sees" the measured object rather than other objects. Larger objects may cause larger temperature measurement distances; for smaller objects, the measurement distances must be close. The ratio of measurement distance to the measured target (D:S) is 12:1, as shown in the following figure:677. RadianceThe radiance characterizes the ability of an object to radiate infrared ray. Larger radiance will lead to stronger radiation ability on the object surface.Radiance of the majority of organic matters or metal oxidized surfaces ranges between 0.85 and 0.98. The radiance of the thermodetector is 0.95 by default. During measurement, set the radiance of the instrument the same with the radiance of the measured object. During measurement, please pay attention to the impact of emissivity on measurement results.The following table is the radiance reference table.Measured surfaceRadiance Aluminum Oxidized0.2~0.4A3003alloy (oxidized)0.3A3003alloy (coarse)0.1~0.3Brass Polishing0.3Oxidized0.5 Copper Oxidized0.4~0.80.6Electrical terminalboardHastelloy0.3~0.8 Ferro-nickel Oxidized0.7~0.95Abrasive blasting0.3~0.6Electropolishing0.15Iron Oxidized0.5~0.9Rust0.5~0.7 Iron(casting)Oxidized0.6~0.95Unoxidized0.2Fusion cast0.2~0.3 Iron(casting)passivation0.9Lead Coarse0.4Oxidized0.2~0.6 Molybdenum oxidation0.2~0.68Nickel oxidation0.2~0.5 Platinum black0.9 Steel Cold rolling0.7~0.9Grinding steel plate0.4~0.6Polished steel plate0.1 ZincOxidized0.1 Asbestos0.95 Asphalt0.95 Basalt0.7 Carbon(unoxidized)0.8~0.9 Graphite0.7~0.8 Silicon carbide0.9 Ceramics0.95 Clay0.95 Concrete0.95 Cloth0.95 Glass plate0.85 Gravel0.9519LCD displayColor LCD display D:S12:18. Replacement of battery When battery is low, the battery symbol will light up, in this case, it is required to replace the battery. Open the battery cover with your hands, a nd replace with a new1.5Vx2AAA battery. Refer to the following figure:9.Technical indexes。

JDC-2 建筑电子测温仪说明书-海创高科

JDC-2 建筑电子测温仪说明书-海创高科

2 使用方法 3 注意事项
3.1 注意事项.......................................................................... 7 3.2 更换电池.......................................................................... 7 3.3 附件................................................................................. 7 3.4 选构件. ............................................................................. 7
第一章 概述
JDC-2 型便捷式建筑电子测温仪是根据我国建筑行业施工特点和有关 技术规范研制的专业化测温仪器,可直观、准确、快捷的数字显示被测 温度,可靠性好、适用范围广、宽温操作环境、体积小重量轻、操作简 单、携带方便、适合工地及野外作业;主要用于建筑、建材、电力、冶 金、石化、港口、道桥、市政等基本建筑工程。
第三章 注意事项
3.1 注意事项
1、主机未接测温探头或测温线时显示屏上显示“-1”为准备工作状态。 2、 在操作中不可用力过猛, 将插头插入或拔出主机插座时, 应持稳插头。 3、插头和主机插座应避免潮湿,保持清洁。如不慎进水受潮,请擦净 晾干后再使用,以免测温结果失准。 4、仪器使用完毕应及时关机,长期不用应将电池取出以免损坏仪器。 5、 不要自行打开主机后盖, 需要检修或校准时, 请送回生产厂或代理处。



∧ ∨ 翻页
a、 此时按“▲、▼”按钮,显示其余通道的数值,如下图所示:
TH-20 温湿度校准系统
⒀ 500.2 ⒁ 501.3ຫໍສະໝຸດ ⒂ 502.6⒃ 500.6
A) 83.21 B) 82.19 C) 84.53
D) 84.23
∧ ∨ 翻页
3.1 参数设置
在首次使用时必须对采集时间间隔、标准器、通信口等参数进行设置。选择菜单“工 具—>设置”或者点击工具栏面板上的 按钮,打开设置窗口。
1、 时间间隔设置:
需要设置的参数如下: 采样时间间隔: 系统从主机采集数据的时间间隔 数据保存时间间隔:系统能够按照规程的要求自动记录 15 组数据,而每次记录数据
第 13 页 共 21 页
TH-20 温湿度自动校准系统用户手册
在右侧的三维图形中会自动显示所选布局方案的布点位置图。也可以通过在右侧的三 维图形的方框内手动输入通道号,完成布点。在确认测点布局后,若要保存布局,则在下 拉框中输入方案名,点击【保存】按钮保存当前布局方案。点击【确定】按钮后,工具栏 上的数据采集按钮 将有效,表示可以开始进行数据采集。如下图:
测量项目 温度 湿度
传感器类型 热电阻(4W) 热电偶(K) 湿度传感器
测量范围 (-90~310)℃ (50~1280) ℃ (0~100)%RH
分辨率 0.01℃ 0.1℃ 0.01%RH
准确度 ±0.10℃ ±1.0℃ ±0.1%RH
二、 硬件系统介绍
1. 仪器面板介绍
采用箱子仪器一体化设计,结构紧凑,体积小巧,携带方便。 提供快捷的传感器连接方式,方便现场检测的布线和收线,提高工作 效率。 内置大容量可充电锂电池,方便在无交流电的环境下使用,在使用外 接电源时同时对锂电池充电。 主机具有蓝牙接口,可使用蓝牙方式与电脑通讯,彻底摆脱连接线的 束缚,通讯距离满足实际需要。 测 量 的 温 湿 度 范 围 宽 , 覆 盖 了 温 度 (-90 ℃ ~ 1280 ℃ ), 湿 度 ( 0 % ~ 100%)的温度湿度范围。 可同时对多达 20 个通道温湿度进行测量,其中包含 16 个温度通道和 4 个湿度通道;温度通道可灵活设置成四线制热电阻或热电偶,热电偶 冷端自动补偿。 选用进口的高准确度的湿度传感器测量湿度,克服传统的干湿球法测 量湿度操作麻烦的弊病。 自动采集温度、湿度,以曲线,表格的形式显示测得值,不同通道曲 线采用不同的颜色显示,可随时对曲线颜色进行修改;曲线图可记录 也可无极缩放,平移,方便观察被测对象的温度、湿度的变化情况。 传感器布局方案可保存,以方便下次调用。 具有较强的数据库管理功能,保存历年的检测数据。周期检测无须重 新输入样品信息,即可进行自动检测。 具备数据导入和导出功能,导出的文件格式为 CSV 可被 Excel 打开, 方便与其他软件交换数据。 数据回溯功能:用户随时可查询到历史记录的任意时刻测量数据。 能自动计算温度、湿度的偏差、均匀度和波动度;以及最大值,最小 值,平均值;并自动生成符合国家实验室认可要求的校准原始记录。


本手册主要介绍TH1智能温湿度测控器的工 作原理、技术指标、主要功能、安装调试及使 用与维护等内容,由资深的专业技术人员编写 ,是设备使用维护的必备资料。
在任何情况下,都不应该由不具备专业资 历或未经培训的人员来操作。使用者必须是具 有电气设备安装和操作经验的专业技术人员。 由不具备资历的人员对设备进行设置和操作, 或不按照本书中有关规定进行包装、储运、安 装和连接电源,都将可能导致设备损坏。
置内部有故障,故障指示灯点亮,可以 通过通讯口读出装置状态字,分析装置 原因。 设置键:设置键用于进入设定温度,湿度 的限值,以及温度告警回环,湿度告警回 环,存储间隔,还有年份,月份,日份,小 时,分钟,和秒六种时间参数.共有四个告 警设置,两个告警回环设置,和六个时间 参数。 向上键:用于设定温度,湿度的告警限值 ,温度告警回环,湿度告警回环,存储间隔 ,还有年份,月份,日份,小时,分钟,和秒 ;并调节各告警参数和时间参数的值的 增加。在显示温度和湿度的时候,按下 该键会在℃和℉之间切换温度的单位。 向下键:用于设定温度,湿度的告警限值 ,温度告警回环,湿度告警回环,存储间 隔,还有年份,月份,日份,小时,分钟,和 秒;并调节各告警参数和时间参数的值 的减小;在显示温度和湿度的时候,按
下该键会在℃和℉之间切换温度的单位 。
P01: TEMP+,温度电流环+;
P03: HUMI+,湿度电流环+;



Dimensions: [mm]detail AScale - 1,5:1157136V12701Schematic:157136V12701157136V12701157136V12701157136V12701157136V12701157136V12701T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 157136V12701Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of Optoelectronic Components of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This optoelectronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Optoelectronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The optoelectronic component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the optoelectronic component body, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product.•Using a brush during the cleaning process may break the optoelectronic component body. Therefore, we do not recommend using a brush during the PCB cleaning process.Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the optoelectronic component body, pins or termination. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the optoelectronic component to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•For a moisture sensitive component, the storage condition in the original packaging is defined according to IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-033. It is also recommended to return the optoelectronic component to the original moisture proof bag and reseal the moisture proof bag again. •The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current, will void the warranty.•The product design may influence the automatic optical inspection.•Certain optoelectronic component surfaces consist of soft material. Pressure on the top surface has to be handled carefully to prevent negative influence to the function and reliability of the optoelectronic components.•ESD prevention methods need to be applied for manual handling and processing by machinery.•Resistors for protection are obligatory.•Luminaires in operation may harm human vision or skin on a photo-biological level. Therefore direct light impact shall be avoided. All products are additionally certified as risk groups 0 to 2 according to DIN EN 62471:2008.•In addition to optoelectronic components testing, products incorporating these devices have to comply with the safety precautions given in IEC 60825-1, IEC 62471 and IEC 62778•Please be aware that Products provided in bulk packaging may get bent and might lead to derivations from the mechanical manufacturing tolerances mentioned in our datasheet, which is not considered to be a material defect.Technical specification:•The typical and/or calculated values and graphics of technical parameters can only reflect statistical figures. The actual parameters of each single product, may differ from the typical and/or calculated values or the typical characteristic line.•On each reel, only one bin is sorted and taped. The bin is defined on intensity, chromaticity coordinate or wavelength and forwardWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODPLD001.0022023-05-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWL-T7DS 7 Segments Display THTSingle Digit ORDER CODE157136V12701SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEvoltage.•In order to ensure highest availability, the reel binning of standard deliveries can vary. A single bin cannot be ordered. Please contact us in advance, if you need a particular bin sorting before placing your order.•Test conditions are measured at the typical current with pulse duration < 30ms. •Wavelength tolerance under measurement conditions ± 2nm. •Optical intensity tolerance under measurement conditions ±15%. •Forward voltage tolerance under measurement conditions ± 0.2V.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG EMC & Inductive Solutions Max-Eyth-Str. 174638 Waldenburg GermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCEPROJECTION METHODPLD001.0022023-05-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWL-T7DS 7 Segments Display THT Single DigitORDER CODE157136V12701SIZE/TYPEBUSINESS UNITSTATUSPAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0*******************CHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODPLD001.0022023-05-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWL-T7DS 7 Segments Display THTSingle Digit ORDER CODE157136V12701SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE0.52"eiPal PCN11/11This electronic component has been designed and developed for usage in general electronic equipment only. This product is not authorized for use in equipment where a higher safety standard and reliability standard is especially required or where a failure of the product is reasonably expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Moreover Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co KG products are neither designed nor intended for use in areas such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation, transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc.. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co KG must be informed about the intent of such usage before the design-in stage. In addition, sufficient reliability evaluation checks for safety must be performed on every electronic component which is used in electrical circuits that require high safety and reliability functions or performance.。



C1~C10 :表示各折线点的测量值 B1~B10 :表示各折线点的标准值
测量值 :是指未经折线运算前的显示值 标准值 :是指经折线运算后的期望显示值 ②使用方法 将折线(C-B)参数选择为“OFF” ,关闭折线运算功能。仪表 接入输入信号后,从小到大增加输入信号,在此过程中记录下 各折线点的测量值和标准值,即得到 C1~C10,B1~B10。将 C-B 参数选择为“ON” ,打开折线功能,并设置 C1~C10,B1~ B10 参数。 ③示意图

~C10 :表示各折线点的测量值 ◆ C1 C1~ ~B10 :表示各折线点的标准值 ◆ B1 B1~ 当输入信号与显示数据呈单调上升的非线性, 并且在订货时不 确定其数据,需要在标定时进行修正,可利用仪表的折线运算 功能。 单调上升是指在输入信号范围内,输入信号增加,显示数据也 增加。不会出现输入信号增加,显示数据反而下降的情况。 ①折线运算的相关参数 C-B :折线功能选择

概述 …………………………………………… 1 1. 1.概述 粘结强度检测仪 ……………………………… 3 2. 2.粘结强度检测仪 2.1 仪器结构 ……………………………………3 2.2 显示及按键说明…………………………….4 2.3 使用方法 …………………………………..5 功能与参数设置 ………………………………. 7 3. 3.功能与参数设置 3.1 数据查询、删除 ……………………………7 3.2 密码输入…………………………………….8 3.3 参数设置…………………………………… 8 仪器标定 ………………………………………..11 4. 4.仪器标定 基本规定 ………………………………………. 12 5. 5.基本规定 4.1 取样规定…………………………………. 12 4.2 期领要求…………………………………. 12 检验方法 ………………………………………. 15 6. 6.检验方法 粘结强度计算 …………………………………. 15 7. 7.粘结强度计算 . 15 粘结强度的检验评定 ………………………… …………………………. 8. 8.粘结强度的检验评定 B 驱动安装步骤……………………………….16 附录 A 附录 B 饰面砖粘结力检测记录表 ……………… 20 试件破坏状态 …………………………… 21

HT-225TC 一体式数显回弹仪 使用说明书

HT-225TC  一体式数显回弹仪  使用说明书

1概 述
第一章 概述
HT-225T 系列一体式数显回弹仪,用于建筑结构中硬化混凝土抗压强 度的非破损检测评定。目前包括 HT225T 和 HT225TC 两种类型。 能够依据现场检测条件,设置委托编号、设计强度、碳化深度值、弹击 角度、弹击测试面、检测曲线以及是否泵送等参数。检测完成后能够立 即给出该构件的强度推定结果,计算过程完全依据《回弹法检测混凝土 抗压强度技术规程》JGJ/T23-2011 中的规定进行。 采用嵌入式设计,方便机械回弹体更换。本产品数显仪表采用独立设计, 感应信号与回弹头通过无接触连接。仅通过拆卸仪表外壳与回弹体连接 的几颗螺丝钉就可对机械回弹体进行保养或更换。由于两者没有任何连 线,所以拆卸不会造成电子部分损坏。机械回弹体更换或保养后,装上 电子仪表可继续使用。 较之国内外常用回弹仪,HT-225T 系列回弹仪有如下特点:
2 操作说明
2.1 系统构成及面板说明......................................................... 5 2.1.1 仪器构成................................................................. 5 2.1.2 按键板说明.............................................................. 5 2.1.3 外接插孔................................................................. 6
图 2-2
图 2-3
键切换各功能。HT225T 功能界面为图 2-4 所示。HT225TC 功能界面出现“全
OK”代表所以构件都已经上传到云端服务器(图 2-5),如果为箭头说明 仪器存在未上传构件,将要连接服务器并上传数据(图 2- 6),这种状态 不影响用户继续进行其他操作。










采用35mm DIN导轨安装。



PrefaceDear customers:In order to make you operate the product correctly and safely, please read the instruction carefully before using it, and keep it properly so as to consult it at any time.The operator of the forklift need be skilled, and the operator has responsibility to know about functions and safety guide of the forklift in detail. If you have doubt in the course of use, please contact our company.Chapter 1 Safety Regulation1.People who haven’t been trained or approved mustn’t operatethe electric forklift2.Check all the parts include support wheel, idler wheel, mast, chain, battery, tighten parts, axle and pin.3.Operate it at smooth ground, forbid at incline.4.When protected fence lift, forbid to touch mast, prevent from injure.5. The goods weigh and operator weight can’t exceed rating weight.6.Forbid to move the truck when operate, prevent it overturn and makesure worker and goods intact.7.Please turnoff power when operator leave.Chapter 2 Truck introductionElectric Stock Picker is through the control switch of protect fence to control lift and fall, it adapt the integration hydraulic pumping station to drive. It must install low temperature oil at colder and wetter circumstance. 1.Suitable occasionOccasion for the high and light goods and operator can not reach. 2.Forbidden occasionFire and blast place, such as oil place,Transportation and use,Grassplot or sandlot.Chapter 3 Main parts1.Control boxcontrol box switch control lift and fall when take material, red is falling, green is lifting.2.Product brandthe model, rating capacity, lift height, truck weight and leave factory number are on brand.3.Case coverit can disassembly and look in, convenient to maintence.4.Hydraulic equipmentit makes up of pump motor, pump and oil tank.5.Electrical power socketdraw out socket to connect with charger socket when battery charge. 6.Bolt for fall to ground and brake equipment.Make bolt to ground When it normally work and apply the brake to make sure worker and goods safety.Chapter 4 Usage1.Before use it, to be sure ground smooth wheels brake and bolt . 2.Press operate button to lift and fall After open switch, red is falling and green is lifting, the protect fence will stop at apropos height when loosen operate button.3.To be sure whole body is in protect fence, avoiding impact to other object, when take material that make whole body on 400mm from protect fence. 4.Be sure release brake equipment and loosen ground bolt when move truck.5.Working finished, please turnoff power and apply the brake.Chapter 5 Charger1、Charger immediately at leak power and forbidden use when charge.2、Check battery liquid before charger\, accede distilled water when leakliquid and keep the air hole free.3、Be sure a good condition around and far from fire when charge.4、The charge voltage is AC 220V and earth protection.5、Make battery plug cut with truck before charge and put movement plugto connect with charger, and then charger work.6、When light is red, that is at begin, when light is green, the battery is fullthat can be used.7、Please consult our instruction for the detail usage.Chapter 7 Battery usage and maintains1、our liquid and usageA、Electrolyte must be adopting the standard battery GB4554-84 whichmatched with vitriol and pure water, the temperature must be 21℃~35℃,density is 280g/cm³±0.005g/cm³.B、E lectrolyte must be higher 10mm clapboard.2、Maintenance battery.A、Tighten liquid orifice, and keep all around dryness and cleanness.B、I mbrue V aseline on newel post and wire pile tip to prevent them fromrust.C、M aintenance according to the battery maintenance instructions.3、SafetyA、Electrolyte spatter into eyes, please wash and cure immediately.B、E lectrolyte spatter on skin and clothings, please wash with soapimmediately.C、F orbid children to approach electrolyte and touch battery.D、Forbid smoke and use fire when charge.E、P lease be sure turn off power when Install and disassembly battery.F、K eep the air current free.Chapter 8 Truck maintenanceThe daily repair and maintenance must be operated by authorized workers, exceed the range of below, please contact with our local agent or our appointed repairers.1、Don’t make truck librated to the best of your abilities.2、Clean out the sundries and oil crust that on the wheel and axle.3、Check fork, mast and lifting chain are good condition or not, if have some problem, please repair and use.4、Check prevent fence have cracks.5、Prevent anode and cathode loosen and short circuit, and keep leanness.6、All movement parts must be tighten and lubricate.Chapter 9 Warranty Term & After-SaleServiceObey what the instruction states, product warranty term is :1、hydraulic cylinder guarantee for 6months2、Truck frame and protection fence guarantee for 6months3、Wheels and other easy damaged parts are not in the range of warranty.4. Please contact with our local agent, distributor about after-sale service, or contact with our after-sale service department in time.。

HC-TW60 混凝土无线测温仪说明书-海创高科

HC-TW60 混凝土无线测温仪说明书-海创高科

433 中继工作模式特点:
1. 温度采集器工作现场没有手机信号,附近的监控室也没有可上网的计 算机,则采用此工作模式。 2. 使用“无线中继模块”,将中继模块放置到尽量靠近温度采集器的地 方,尽量避开障碍物,通过有线连接到计算机串口。 3. 一个无线中继模块最多支持 4 个温度采集器。 4. 每台采集器都有唯一的注册码,只有注册成功才能通过上述方式查看 温度数据。
433 中继工作模式 (M3):与主从模式相似,不同处在于用中继器做主机。
433 中继
433M 433M
图 2-4
区域内移动信号差或者没 有并且监控室无宽带,此 时采集器做从机;用中继 器做主机,中继将从机数 据通过 232 串口直接传输 到电脑
第二章 仪器工作模式说明
主从工作模式 (M2):移动信号优良的采集器做主机,信号差的做从机, 从机通过 433M 无线传输将数据传给主机,主机将数据通过 GPRS 传 输到云端。如图 2-3 所示。
移动信号差或 没有,此时采 集器做从机
移动信号强的 采集器做主机
从机 7
从机 图 2-3
5.2 分析软件的使用............................................................. 32
1概 述
第一章 概述
1.1 简介
HC-TW60 无线测温仪是是北京海创高科科技有限公司面向国内外市场 自行研究设计生产的专用测温产品 , 该产品融入了本公司的最新研究成 果和专有技术 , 使其兼备优良的性能和低廉的价格。

TH2819X 系列仪器 说明书

TH2819X 系列仪器 说明书

2.6 开机..........................................................................................................................................24 第 3 章 [LCRZ]菜单键说明 .............................................................................................................26
3.2.3 其它工具 ..........................................................................................................................34
3.3 <档计数显示>页面(TH2819XB无)....................................................................................35
1.1 开箱检查..................................................................................................................................16
1.2 电源连接..................................................................................................................................16

钢水智能快速测温仪 说明书-海创高科

钢水智能快速测温仪 说明书-海创高科

温度低于门槛值 环境温度
正在进行 平台判断时 实时温度
测温成功 平台温度
预备指示灯亮 测量指示灯亮 结束指示灯亮
三秒 结束指示灯亮
通讯 0000 环境温度
平台温度 连续响三秒
工作模式指示灯(自动或连续)用以指示当前的测温方式,自动用于现 场测温,自动判定钢水温度;连续用于仪器校准,显示校验仪输出信号 对应的温度值。
第二章 技术规格
2.4 参数一览表
内容 密码 门槛值 平台温度波动值 快速测量时间 平台测温次数 冷端补偿修正值 满度修正 零点修正 变送输出上限 变送输出下限 仪表通信选择 通信速率选择
地址 04H 05H 06H 07H
其它设备使用 ● 配有通信、打印接口,当该接口用于打印时,可直接配接打印机,
仪表内部有时钟,时钟可调,由内部电池提供时钟供电,仪表可随 时手动打印测温时间(年、月、日、时、分)和温度值;在快速测 量时,还可自动打印测温时间及温度值,当该接口用于通信时,可 连接到计算机,实现计算机与仪表间完全的数据传送。读取一次测 量数据的时间小于 10ms,提供测试软件,组态软件和应用软件技 术支持 ● 选配有带隔离的 4 位 BCD 码 OC 门输出 ● 显示采用 5″ LED 高亮度数码管显示,当快速测温时,具有声光报 警功能
采用高亮度 LED 显示,字高 127mm

Roctest 温度传感器-TH-T 说明书

Roctest 温度传感器-TH-T 说明书

I NSTRUCTION M ANUALTEMPERATURE SENSORModel TH-TRoctest Limited, 2005. All rights reserved.This product should be installed and operated only by qualified personnel. Its misuse is potentially dangerous. The Company makes no warranty as to the information furnished in this manual and assumes no liability for damages resulting from the installation or use of this product. The information herein is subject to change without notification. Tel.: 1.450.465.1113 • 1.877.ROCTEST (Canada, USA) • 33 (1) (Europe) • • www.telemac.frTABLE OF CONTENTS1APPLICATIONS (1)2PRODUCT (1)2.1General description (1)2.2Operation principle (1)3READING PROCEDURE (2)3.1MB-6T Readout Unit (2)3.2Ohmmeter (3)3.3SENSLOG Data Acquisition System (3)3.4Quick verification of measurements (4)4CONVERSION OF RESISTANCE READINGS (4)4.1Polynomial approximation (4)4.2Another relation (5)5TROUBLESHOOTING (5)5.1Unstable reading (5)5.2No reading (6)6MISCELLANEOUS (6)1 APPLICATIONSThe model TH-T temperature sensor unit is a rugged sealed thermistor device for long-term temperature monitoring of any location primarily in conjunction with other geotechnical equipment.2 PRODUCT2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe external housing is made of an extruded stainless steel shellbuilt to withstand long-term use without corrosion. It encapsulates a highly sensitive and reliable thermistor.The two leads of the thermistor are soldered to the sensor cable lead wires. In order to prevent moisture, the whole assembly is potted with a high-density epoxy, specially selected for improved thermal conductivity and increased resistance to impact and thermal shocks.The unit is read directly in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit with the MB-6T(L) portable readout unit. An ohmmeter in conjunction with the conversion table at the end of this manual can also be used to determine sensor temperature.Figure 1: TH-T temperature sensor2.2 OPERATION PRINCIPLEThe heart of the TH-T is a miniature thermistor. Temperature changes affect the resistance of the device, following a law described later in the manual.3 READING PROCEDUREDifferent readout procedures can be used to get the temperature from the sensor resistance.3.1 MB-6T READOUT UNITThe MB-6T(L) readout unit reads the thermistor integrated in the gage, then converts the resistance value into temperature and displays the temperature in °C and °F.Connect the jumper cable into the sockets on the front panel of the MB-6T(L). Connect the alligator clips on the jumper cable to the TH-T cable as follows:Table 1: Wiring code for TH-T gageConnect the shield socket on the MB-6T(L) front to the cable shield using the single lead jumper cable.Depending of the type of thermistor used in the gage, switch the thermistor selector on the MB-6T(L) to the correct position, using the following table. Otherwise, position the selector on D and record the resistance value. The latter is to be converted subsequently, using conversion tables or polynomial equation appropriate to the thermistor type.For complete details about the MB-6T(L) readout, please refer to its instruction manual.3.2 OHMMETERAn ohmmeter may also be used to monitor the TH-T gage. Zero the ohmmeter by connecting together its two connecting wires.Measure the resistance between the green and white wires of the gage. Convert the reading in ohms to temperature using conversion tables or polynomial equation appropriate to the thermistor type.3.3 SENSLOG DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMThe TH-T can also be read using a SENSLOG data acquisition system. The latter reads a V out output, then converts it in ohms according to the following relation:⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⋅=B V A R R out T 25where R T = resistance in ohmsR 25 = resistance in ohms at 25°C depending of the type of thermistor used(2 000, 3 000 or 10 000 Ω)A ,B = conversion factors depending on the type of thermistorV out = voltage output in voltsTable 3: Conversion factors vs. Thermistor typesExample: With V out = 1.00 VR 25 = 3 000 Ω (3 k Ω thermistor)We get =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⋅= R 6 510 Ω3.4 QUICK VERIFICATION OF MEASUREMENTSOn site, even before converting raw readings into engineering values, several checks can be done to prevent a bad measurement.-Compare readings to previous ones. Are they in the same range? Are they changing slowly or abruptly? Consider external factors that can affect the meas urements like construction activities, excavations or fills…-In any case, it is advised to take several readings to confirm the measurement. Then, repeatability can be appreciated and dummy readings erased.4 CONVERSION OF RESISTANCE READINGSA temperature reading is obtained from a resistance reading using one of the following relations.4.1 POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATIONThe following polynomial approximation can be use:44332210X C X C X C X C C T ++++= with 25TR R X ln= where T = temperature in degrees CelsiusR T = resistance in ohmsR 25 = resistance in ohms at 25°C depending of the type of thermistor used(2 000, 3 000 or 10 000 Ω)C 0 = 25.032 C 1 = -22.756 C 2 = 1.4997 C 3 = -0.1196C 4 = 0.0114Example: With R T = 5 500 ΩR 25 = 3 000 Ω (3 k Ω thermistor)We get X = 0.6061 and T = 11.8°C4.2 ANOTHER RELATIONPlease note that many formulae can be used to transform ohm readings in temperature readings. One of the most accurate one is:15.273ln ln 13-⋅+⋅+=TT R C R B A Twhere T = temperature in degrees Celsius ln R T = natural logarithm of the resistance in ohmsA ,B ,C = constant factorsA ,B ,C have been determined following empirical measurements. These factors will varyaccording to the type of thermistor (refer to table below).The accuracy of this formula is ± 0.15 ︒C with a range of -50︒C to +150︒C.Table 4: Conversion factors5 TROUBLESHOOTINGPeriodically check cable connections and terminals. The transducers themselves are sealed and cannot be opened for inspection.5.1 UNSTABLE READING- Check if the same troubles occur with other gages. If so, compare cable routes or check the readout unit.- Is the shield drain wire correctly connected to the readout unit? - Check the battery of the readout unit.- The sensor body may be shorted to the shield. Check the resistance between the shield drain and the sensor housing. - Check the integrity of the cable.5.2 NO READING- Check the battery of the readout unit.- Check if the same troubles occur with other instruments. If so, the readout unit may be suspected and the factory should be consulted.- The sensor body may be shorted to the shield. Check the resistance between the shield drain and the sensor housing.- Check the cable resistance. An estimation of its resistance can be calculated: the resistance of a 22 gage copper cable is approximately 0.07Ω/m. Having an idea of the temperature, convert it into ohms (using chart below for example) and add the cable resistance twice.-If the resistance is high or infinite, a cut cable must be suspected.-If the resistance is close to zero, a short must be suspected.- Cuts or shorts are located, the cable may be spliced in accordance with recommended procedures.6 MISCELLANEOUS*at 4 ︒C Table 5: Conversion factors E6TabConv-990505APPENDIX 1CONVERSION TABLE: THERMISTOR RESISTANCE vs. TEMPERATURETable 6: Conversion table (continued)Table 6: Conversion table。


红外测温仪由光学系统,光电探测器,信号放大器及信号处理.显示输出等部分组成。 光学系统汇聚其视场内的目标红外辐射能量,红外能量聚焦在光电探测器上并转变为 相应的电信号,该信号再经换算转变为被测目标的温度值。
红外测温仪优点为携带便捷、易于操作及维护、测量精度高等等。在此选择一款现 场作业中常使用的FLUKE红外测温仪进行介绍。

Hale Waihona Puke 外测温度显示方




数字值保持 红外瞄准测温


温 仪


1.整体检查: 检查红外测温仪整体外观、按钮、 显示屏等部件无损坏,并且定检标 签上的日期不过限。
红外测温仪的维护:使用干净的压缩空气清洁测试镜头,并用湿的无纺布 小心擦拭表面。
红外测温仪的放置:避免放置在过分潮湿高温或阳光直接暴晒的地方,以 免损坏仪器。
电池管理:若长时间不使用,一定要将电池取出,在电池电量不足时及时 更换新电池以免硬性测量值的误差。
2.开机: 右手握住测温仪手柄,食指扣动一 下开关,检查显示屏是否有读数, 有读数表明电源接通。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

第三章 使用方法
3.1 密码使用方法
当仪表处于测量状态时,可进行密码输入。 ); ① 按 ( ) 键不松开直到显示 ( ); ② 在 ( ) 键和 ( ) 键的配合下 , 将其修改为 ( ③ 按 ( ) 键,密码设置完成。进入第二组参数设置 ④ 按 ( ) 键选择想要修改的相关参数 ⑤ 按 ( ) 键确定进入参数修改状态 , 按 ( ) 键和 ( ) 键对参数进 行修改后按 ( ) 键确定,参数设置完毕,按 ( ) 键退出至测量状态。
TH 系列 智能数字测温仪
1 概述
1.1 主要特点�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 1.2 规格型号�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
第二章 主要技术指标
参数 名称 CH1-1 C-1 b-1 C-2 b-2 C-3 b-3 C-4 b-4 C-5 b-5 C-6 b-6 C-7 b-7 C-8 b-8 CH1-A CH1-b 9 参数含义 折线功能开关 第 1 折线点测量值 第 1 折线点标准值 第 2 折线点测量值 第 2 折线点标准值 第 3 折线点测量值 第 3 折线点标准值 第 4 折线点测量值 第 4 折线点标准值 第 5 折线点测量值 第 5 折线点标准值 第 6 折线点测量值 第 6 折线点标准值 第 7 折线点测量值 第 7 折线点标准值 第 8 折线点测量值 第 8 折线点标准值 满度修正 零点修正 设置范围 ON 或 OFF -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 -199.99-999.99 说明 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.1 8.1
存储 删除 存储 删除
3.2 其他功能使用方法
数据存储:在测量状态下,按住 ( ) 键不松开保持一秒以上 , 直到显 示屏左上角出现闪烁的 ( ) 符号 , 存储成功。
数据查询:在测量状态下,按住 ( ) 键不松开保持两秒以上,显示屏 ),按 ( ) 键进行逐条查询,也可按 ( ) 键或 ( ) 键选 显示 ( 择要查询的记录号,再按 ( ) 键进行定点查询。按 ( ) 键退出至测 量状态。
1.1 主要特点
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
内置液晶照明功能,以便在光线较暗处查看数据 全数字调校 , 可对零点误差、满度误差进行修正 8-15 段折线修正功能,可对传感器非线性误差进行修正 高精度 A/D 转换器,分辨率最高可达 0.01℃,精度最高可达 ±0.05% 低功耗设计,整机工作电流仅为 1mA 无操作自动休眠功能 传感器可互换,性能稳定,误差小 低电量提醒功能 背带式仪器保护套(选配) 时间显示,内置硬件时钟,关机状态下也可正常走时(限记录型及 高精记录型)
4 调校
4.1 零点、满度修正������������������������������������������������������������� 14 4.2 8 段折线运算功能���������������������������������������������������������� 15 4.3 使用注意事项����������������������������������������������������������������� 15
注:① 标准传感器规格: 半导体:Φ3×120mm,导线长 1.5 米 铂电阻:Φ3×160mm,导线长 1.5 米 热电偶:Φ4×300mm,导线长 1.5 米 ② 非标传感器可根据用户要求定做
分辨 率℃ 0.1 1 1 1 1 1
传感器 类别 半导体 铂电阻
第二章 主要技术指标
第一章 概述

数据存储功能,手动、自动存储,可随时查询数据(限记录型及高 精记录型) 专用上位机软件,通过高速 USB 接口,可将数据提取至计算机上编 辑、打印(限记录型及高精记录型,选配)。
1.2 规格型号
型号 温度范围及精度 -30~50℃ ±0.2℃ TH-212 -50~100℃ ±0.3℃ -50~199.9℃ ±0.4% 满度 ±0.1℃ -80~199.9℃ ±0.2% 满度 ±0.1℃ -50~199.9℃ ±0.2% 满度 ±0.1℃ TH-310 -199.9~50℃ ±0.2% 满度 ±0.1℃ -199.9~199.9℃ ±0.2% 满度 ±0.1℃ TH-311 -50~350℃ ±0.2% 满度 ±1℃ -50~450℃ ±0.2% 满度 ±1℃ -30~300℃ ±0.5% 满度 ±1℃ TH-411 -30~600℃ ±0.5% 满度 ±1℃ -30~900℃ ±0.5% 满度 ±1℃ TH-412 -30~600℃ ±0.5% 满度 ±1℃ ( 表面式 ) 3 分辨 率℃ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 0.1 1 1 1 1 热电偶 铂电阻 半导体 传感器 类别

2.2 参数功能说明
仪表的参数被分为二组,第一组参数不受密码控制,;第二组参数受密 码控制,未设置密码时不能进入。 进入设置状态后,若 1 分钟以上不进行按键操作,仪表将自动退出设 置状态。 第一组参数:
参数 名称 A P d st tn 参数含义 密码 数据查询 数据删除 记录间隔 日期调整 000-999 设置范围 说明 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 8
数据删除:在测量状态下,按住 ( ) 键不松开保持两秒以上,显示屏 ),再次按 ( ) 键,显示屏显示 ( ),按住 ( ) 键不 显示 ( 松开保持两秒以上,直至记录号为零,删除成功。按 ( ) 键退出至测 量状态。
查询 删除
时间调整:在测量状态下,按住 ( ) 键不松开保持两秒以上,显示屏显 ),再按 ( ) 键,直至显示 ( ),按 ( ) 键进入修改状态, 示( 按 ( ) 键和 ( ) 键修改参数数值(依次为年、月、日、时、分、秒), 调整完毕后按 ( ) 键确认。注:初次装入电池或每次更换电池后,无需 任何操作,仪表自动进入到时间设置页面。按 ( ) 键退出至测量状态。



④ 名 称 ①测量值显示窗 ②背景灯键 ③ OFF/ON ④插孔 说
● ● ● ●

显示窗 按键 插孔
显示测量值 开启或关闭背景灯 开启或关闭仪表 传感器插孔 6
第二章 主要Biblioteka 术指标TH 系列记录型及高精记录型

第二章 主要技术指标

在测量状态下,切换日期和时间显示 在测量状态下,按住 2 秒钟不松开,开启或
操 作 健 操 作 健 插孔

⑥左 / 背景灯键
关闭背景灯 ● 在参数设置状态下,存入修改好的参数值
● ● ●
在日期调整状态下,移动修改位 开启或关闭仪表 在参数设置状态下,返回测量状态 传感器插孔
⑦ OFF/ON ⑧插孔

TH 系列

④ ⑥
③ ⑦

● ●
说 显示测量值

显示窗 ①测量值显示窗 提示符 ②提示符 ③设置键 操 作 健 操 作 健
在参数设置状态下 , 显示参数符号、参数数值 存储提示符 测量状态下,按住 2 秒钟以上不松开,则进
● ● ● ● ● ●
外形尺寸:132×72×32mm 重 量:200g 功 耗:≤10mW 电 源:DC9V 6F22 分 辨 率:0.1℃ ,0.01℃ 精 度:0.1% F·S, 0.2% F·S, 0.05% F·S
2.1 面板及功能区说明
TH 系列普通型及高精型
TH 系列
5 服务项目
第一章 概述
TH 系列智能数字测温仪是北京海创高科科技有限公司面向国内外市场 自行研究设计生产的产品 , 该产品融入了本公司的最新研究成果和专有 技术 , 使其兼备优良的性能和低廉的价格 . TH 系列智能数字测温仪有多种型号以适应不同的测温需求 , 并配有多 种类型及不同规格的传感器 , 被广泛应用于家用电器制造、汽车制造、 化工、石油、采矿、冶炼、铸造、纺织、印染、塑料、橡胶、筑路、土 木工程、酿酒、卷烟、造纸、食品加工、制药、冷库、冷风库、粮库、 塑料大棚、养殖、气象、医疗卫生、科学研究、大中小学教学、供暖等 行业和部门。严格的检测和实际使用证明:TH 系列智能数字测温仪技 术指标可靠,性能稳定,准确度高,测温范围宽,显示清晰,测量迅速, 使用简单方便。
3 使用方法
3.1 密码使用方法����������������������������������������������������������������� 11 3.2 其他功能使用方法 ���������������������������������������������������������� 11 3.3 使用说明������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12