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• (5) 附加式重叠:格式丰富,主要用来使表达形象、 生动 AAX:毛毛雨,月月光,步步高,呱呱叫 XAA: 水汪汪,羞答答,笑眯眯,圆滚滚,白茫茫 AAXY: 花花世界,心心相印,娓娓动听,列列在目 XYAA: 衣冠楚楚,烈火熊熊,忧心忡忡,更雨潇潇 A里AB: 妖里妖气,古里古怪,慌里慌张,糊里糊涂 • (6)偏正并列式、动宾并列式、主谓并列式及其他 ABAC: 假情假意,难兄难弟,有声有色,没大没小 ABCB: 以毒攻毒,爱理不理,好说歹说,一拖再拖 ABA:面对面,心连心,手拉手,肩并肩,背靠背 • (7)象声词也经常重叠(纯摹拟或表示连续、重复、 杂乱等)
• 翻译启示:1)英译汉时,可适当运用汉语的重叠形 式,加强译文的表现力,使译文更加符合汉语的表达 习惯。 • The road was packed with a noisy crowd of men and women, who were selling and buying all kinds of things. 路上挤满了男男女女,他们熙熙攘攘,买卖着各种 各样的东西。 • Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look. 房间空空荡荡,他走老走去,这儿停停,那儿停停, 东摸摸,西瞧瞧。 • She hoped she had mixed enough fact and fiction in her story to mislead him. 她希望所说的情况真真假假,足以使他糊里糊涂。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
• ( 3 )有些词语经常连续使用 , 形成了固定的 惯用词组, 最常见的有 again and again, over and over again, time and time again, 一次又一次地,一而再,再而三 by and by 不久, (dishes) hot and hot 热腾腾地, leg and leg 平分秋色, neck and neck 并驾齐驱, 不分上下, (turn) round and round团团(转), share and share alike 平均分享
• III. 对比及翻译启示
• 功能:英汉语重叠词在定语和谓语两种位置 表示轻微程度,在状语和补语两种位置带着 加重或强调的意味。
• 语体:重叠词在汉语中是重要的构词法和修 辞手法。英语中通常为口语、俚语或非正式 文体。
• 英语中的叠词通常为AA式,另有元音变式和 辅音变式。 • AA(baby-talk-like): bye-bye拜拜, din-din 饭 饭, pee-pee 尿尿, poo-poo 粑粑 • 元音变式:chit-chat 闲聊, knick-knack 小玩 意儿, jibber-jabber 胡说八道, splish-splash 水 花飞溅, zigzag 之字形 • 辅音变式:teeny-weeny 一点儿小, hotchpotch 大杂烩,piggy-wiggy 小猪猪, pell-mell 乱七八糟
• 《论语》中的部分叠词翻译(Arthur Waley) (1)述而第七(四):子之燕居,申申如也,夭夭如也。 In his leisure hours the Master’s manner was very free-andeasy, and his expression alert and cheerful. (2) 述而第七(三十六):子曰:“君子坦荡荡,小人长 戚戚。” The Master said, A true gentleman is calm and at ease; the Small Man is fretful and ill at ease. (3) 乡党第十(二):朝,与下大夫言,侃侃如也。与 上大夫言,訚訚如也。 At court when conversing with the Under Ministers his attitude is friendly and affable; when conversing with the Upper Ministers, it is restrained and formal.
观看 使用 古老 树木 衣裳 道路 孤独 善良 略微 31)陈词滥调 32) 痴心妄想 33) 长篇大论 34) 粗心大意 36) 灵丹妙药
watch use ancient trees clothing road lonely Kind-hearted slightly cliche Fond dream A lengthy speech negligent Heal-all
Act according to actual circumstances. Fit the appetite to the dishes and dress to the figure. One strand of silk doesn’t make a thread; a single tree doesn’t make a forest; a single stone does not make a mountain. Birds of a feather flock together. Like attracts like. 谚语
3.6 合词译法
• I. 英语中的成对词
英语中的重复有多种类型 同一个词重复出现, 中间 用 and 连接起来是比较常见的一种, 这种形式用符号 来表示就是 A and A , 通常表示 • (1) 一个持续不断的过程(往往为成对动词,往往 长得使人不耐烦) “Everyone talks and talks,” he began, “ I’m sick of it. I’ll do something, get in to some kind of work where talk don’t count. ”(Sherwood Anderson: “The Thinker ” ) 喋 喋不休 They went to a hotel, where they stayed three months, and then they went to another hotel, explaining that they had left the first because they had waited and waited, and couldn’t get the rooms they wanted (Henry James: “The Pupil”) 等了又等
• PP65 表示强调的译法 21) 言和意顺,似漆如胶 23)心动神怡,魂消魄丧 24) 孤孤凄凄,举目无亲 in complete accord Utterly enchanting Entirely on one’s own
29) 专心致志,聚精会神
Devote one’s full attention to
satisfactory Earth-shaking Moan and groan Outlandish clothes Ever changing Deep hatred By hook or crook Issue orders nefarious Talk nonsense A mixed accent Crudely made Strange tale Street gossip
• 翻译启示:2)汉译英 英语中一般是修辞性的,而汉语的重复除了修辞需 要之外,还往往出自语法的要求。 汉语中的重复分两类:词语重复和意义重复。意复 现象常见于成语和谚语。
称心如意 惊天动地 唉声叹气 奇装异服 日新月异 深仇大恨 千方百计 发号施令 穷凶极恶 胡言乱语 南腔北调 粗制滥造 奇谈怪论 街谈巷议
• 惯用词之间的关系通常为
• 表示“一再”或“重复”over and over again • 表示“强调”for ever and ever • 表示“程度加深”drink more and more, run worse and worse • 表示“并列” half and half 对半地 two and two 两个 两个地 • 表示“泛指”such and such 诸如此类,如此这般
• (2) 表示强调(为了加强语势,有时甚至可能 重复多次) Long and long ago that doubtfulness of himself which was closer to him than his skin had fretted Jü rgen into believing the Dorothy he had loved was but a piece of his imagination. ( James Branch Cabell: “Jürgen”) 很久很久以前 I kept on telling and telling and telling her. I told her I had to leave this town for good because it is inevitable. (Carson McCuller: “The Members of the Wedding”) 我反反复复跟她讲过。
• II -1 汉语中的叠词(汉语单音节文字便于字和词的重
• (1)名词重叠:表示“每个”,“所有”,“许多”, “小”,“杂”或某种感情色彩 AA:天天 事事 声声 字字 家家 AABB:男男女女 世世代代 风风雨雨 日日夜夜 【另有重叠式亲属称谓名词,如爷爷,奶奶(音调变化:第一 个上声,第二个轻声)】 • (2)数量词重叠:表示“每个”,“逐个”,“许多”或某 种感情色彩 BB: 个个 条条 本本 重重 ABB: 一块块 一桩桩 一朵朵 一道道 ABAB:一步一步 一次一次 一颗一颗 AABB: 千千万万 三三两两 三三五五
• (3)动词重叠:表示动作轻微、反复、完成、连续、 轻松、随便等 AA: 说说,听听,谈谈,想想,吃吃,瞧瞧,试试 A一(了)A: 走一走,看一看,笑了笑,摇了摇 ABAB: 考虑考虑,休息休息,整理整理,收拾收拾 AABB:进进出出,摇摇晃晃,吵吵闹闹,勾勾搭搭 A着A着、A了A了:看着看着,完了完了 • (4)形容词重叠:表示程度的加重、加深、加强、 减轻或爱恨、厌恶等情绪 AA:深深,常常,紧紧,高高 AABB: 干干净净,奇奇怪怪,零零落落 ABAB: 笔直笔直,冰凉冰凉,雪白雪白,通红通红
• He coughed and coughed … 他干咳了一大阵….. • Scrooge went to bed again, and thought and thought and thought it over and over. (Charles Dickens) 斯克鲁吉又上床去了,他想来想去,想呀想,想个没 完。
(PP63) Fair and square Hard and fast rule Forgive and forget Ways and means Really and truly Hustle and bustle
公平公正; 光明正大; 光明磊落 硬性规定; 严格规定 既往不咎;不念旧恶;非常宽容 方式方法 千真万确 熙熙攘攘;忙忙碌碌;拥挤不堪